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(Oligotrophs, Thermophiles, Psychrophiles, Barophiles, Organic solvent tolerant )
(oligotrophs, thermophiles, psychrophiles, barophiles,
organic solvent tolerant )
• Introduction to Extreme environments
• Types of extreme environments
• Occurrence,Diversity,Adaptations and potential
applications of
• Oligotrophs, Thermophiles, Psychrophiles,
Barophiles, Organic solvent tolerant.
• Reference
Extreme environments
• An extreme environment
contains conditions that are
hard to survive for most known
life forms.
Types of extreme environments
• Alkaline: broadly conceived as natural habitats above pH 9 whether persistently, or with
regular frequency or for protracted periods of time.
• Acidic: broadly conceived as natural habitats below pH 3 whether persistently, or with
regular frequency or for protracted periods of time.
• Extremely cold: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently below -17 °C
either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes
mountan sites, polar sites, and deep ocean habitats.
• Extremely hot: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently in excess of 55 °C
either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes
sites with geological thermal influences such as Yellowstone and comparable locations
worldwide or deep-sea vents.
• Hypersaline: (high salt) environments with salt concentrations greater than that of
seawater, that is, >3.5%. Includes salt lakes.
Types of extreme environments
• Under pressure: broadly conceived as habitats under extreme hydrostatic pressure
— i.e. aquatic habitats deeper than 2000 meters and enclosed habitats under
pressure. Includes habitats in oceans and deep lakes.
• Radiation: broadly conceived as habitats exposed to abnormally high radiation or of
radiation outside the normal range of light. Includes habitats exposed to high UV and
IR radiation.
• Without water: broadly conceived as habitats without free water whether
persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes hot
and cold desert environments, and some endolithic habitats.
• Without oxygen: broadly conceived as habitats without free oxygen - whether
persistently, or with regular frequency, or for protracted periods of time. Includes
habitats in deeper sediments.
• Altered by humans, i.e. anthropogenically impacted habitats. Includes mine tailings,
oil impacted habitats, and pollution by heavy metals or organic compounds.
• Etymology:-the word "Oligotroph" Is a combination of the greek
adjective oligos meaning "Few" And the adjective trophikos meaning
• An oligotroph is an organism that can live in an environment that
offers very low levels of nutrients. Oligotrophs are characterized
by slow growth, low rates of metabolism, and generally low
population density.sometime the adjective oligotrophic may be used
to refer to environments that offer little to sustain life, organisms that
survive in such environments, or the adaptations that support survival.
But according to lab definition, oligotroph is an organism
that is capable of growth in a medium containing 0.2–16.8 mg
dissolved organic carbon per liter.
Generalized comparison between oligotrophs &
• Deep oceanic sediments,
• Caves,
• Glacial and polar ice,
• Deep subsurface soil,
• Aquifers,
• Ocean waters, and
• Leached soils.
In natural ecosystems, oligotrophs and eutrophs (copiotrophs) coexist, and their
proportion is dependent on the ability of an individual to dominate in a
particular environment.
• Oligotrophic bacterium sphingomonas sp. :-isolated from the
resurrection bay, alaska retained its ultramicrosize irrespective of the
growth phase, carbon source, or carbon concentration.
• Cycloclasticus oligotrophicus :-isolated from the resurrection bay,
shared properties similar to sphingomonas (e.g. Single copy of the
rRNA operon, relatively small size and genome size).
• A substrate uptake system that is able to acquire nutrients from its
• Oligotrophs would ideally have large surface area to volume ratio,
• High-affinity uptake systems with broad substrate specificities and
• An inherent resistance to environmental stresses (e.g. Heat,
hydrogen peroxide and ethanol).
Isolations of different microorganism
Study in evolutionary perspective
( Greek: θερμότητα (thermotita), meaning heat, and Greek: φίλια (philia), love.)
• A thermophile is an organism
that thrives at relatively high
• Brock suggested definition:-‘a
thermophile is an organism
capable of living at temperatures
at or near the maximum for the
taxonomic group of which it is a
• Composts,
• Sun-heated soils,
• Terrestrial hot springs,
• Submarine hydrothermal vents and
• Geothermally heated oil reserves
and oil wells.
• Various geothermally heated
regions of the earth, such as hot
springs like those in yellowstone
national park .the diversity of
bacteria of a hot spring in
bukreshwar (west bengal, india) is
also a home of thermophile.
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
Few thermophilic fungi belonging to
Zygomycetes (Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus),
Ascomycetes (Chaetomium thermophile, Thermoascus aurantiacus,
Dactylomyces thermophilus,Melanocarpus albomyces, Talaromyces
thermophilus, T. emersonii, Thielavia terrestris),
Basidiomycetes (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and
Hyphomycetes (Acremonium alabamensis, A. thermophilum,
Myceliophthora thermophila, Thermomyces lanuginosus, Scytalidium
thermophilum, Malbranchea cinnamomea).
• (Achanthes exigua, Mougeotia sp. and Cyanidium caldarium) and
• (Cothuria sp. Oxytricha falla, Cercosulcifer hamathensis, Tetrahymena
pyriformis, Cyclidium citrullus, Naegleria fowleri).
They have been classified based on their optimum temperature requirements
MODERATE:-(Bacillus caldolyticus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Clostridium
thermohydrosulfuricum, Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, Thermoplasma
EXTREME:-(Thermus aquaticus, T. thermophilus, Thermodesulfobacterium
commune, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Thermomicrobium roseum,Dictyoglomus
thermophilum, Methanococcus vulcanicus, Sulfurococcus mirabilis, Thermotoga
mritima) and
HYPERTHERMOPHILES:-(Methanoccus jannaschii, Acidianus infernos,
Archaeoglobus profundus, Methanopyrus kandleri, Pyrobaculum islandicum,
Pyrococcus furiosus, Pyrodictium occultum, Pyrolobus fumarii, Thermococcus
littoralis, Ignicoccus islandicum, Nannoarchaeum equitans).
• The hyperthermophilic extreme acidophiles, with pH
optima for growth at or below 3.0, sulfolobus,
sufurococcus, desulfurolobus and acidianus produce
sulphuric acid from the oxidation of elemental sulphur or
sulphidic ores, in solfataras of yellowstone national park.
• Other microbes that occur in hot environments include
metallosphaera that oxidizes sulphidic ores and
stygiolobus sp., which reduces elemental sulphur.
• Thermoplasma volcanicum that grows at pH 2 and 55°C,
has also been isolated from solfataric fields.
• Thermoplasma acidophilum was isolated from self-
heating coal refuse piles.
• Thiobacillus caldus was isolated from hot acidic soils.
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
• Adaptation of ENZYME Activity
• Adaptation of Protein Synthesis
• Adaptation of Membrane Lipid Composition
• Most hyperthermophiles are anaerobic and chemolithotrophs.
• There are no particular carbon-use or energy generation pathways
that are exclusively linked to growth at high temperatures.
• For any microbe, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins are generally
susceptible to heat and therefore, there is no single factor that enables
all thermophiles to grow at elevated temperatures.
• The membrane lipids of thermophiles contain more saturated and
straight chain fatty acids than mesophiles. This allows
thermophiles to grow at higher temperatures by providing the
right degree of fluidity needed for membrane function.
• Many archaeal species contain a paracrystalline surface layer (s-layer)
with protein or glycoprotein and this is likely to function as an external
protective barrier
• Histone-like proteins that bind DNA have been identified in
hyperthermophiles, and these may protect DNA.
• Hyperthermophiles have a reverse gyrase, a type1 DNA topoisomerase
that causes positive supercoiling and therefore, may stabilize the
• Heat shock proteins, chaperones, are likely to play a role in stabilizing
and refolding proteins as they begin to denature.
• Certain properties of proteins such as a higher
degree of structure in hydrophobic cores, an
increased number of hydrogen bonds and salt
bridges and a higher proportion of thermophilic
amino acids (e.g. Proline residues with fewer
degrees of freedom), is also known.
• A higher content of arginine and lower content of
lysine have been reported for thermostable
proteins. Protein stability may also be assisted by
polyamines, accumulation of intracellular
potassium and solutes such as 2,3-
Pyroccus abyssi
Thermus equaticus
• What are psychrophiles?
• Psychrophilic are microorganisms
that grow in cold environments: -
• - proliferate at 0-10°c
• - metabolize in snow and ice at -20°c,
• - are predicted to metabolize at -40°c
• - can survive -45°c.
• Cold deserts (antarctica) dryness and drastic variation in temperature (-55 to
15°c) water availability is a problem, high uv irradiation.
• Endolithic communities: Algae, pigmented bacteria micrococcus, deinococcus,
yeast cryptococcus and cyanobacteria desiccation resistant, wind dispersion.
• Sea ice :-major habitat for microorganisms in artic and antarctic marine
ecosystems (-35°c to -2°c).
• Brine inclusions, interstices and ice-water interface form microhabitats where
an extensive microbial community can develop .
• Sea ice microbial community (simco) :-ice algae (diatoms) proteobacteria,
flavobacteria/cytophaga/bacteroides gram positive: Planococcus,
arthrobacter archaea psychromonas ingrahamii can grow at –12°c with a
generation time of 240h.
• Permafrost sediments (permanently frozen sediments)
• Siberia 400-900m deep, frozen for 3-5 mya ice sheets and glaciers
(antarctica,high mountains)
• Cold cave sediments
• Sediments of glaciers
• Deep sea (1.5 to 11 km mariana trench)
• Man-made environments :-Industrialized production of food,
• Stenopsychrophiles (true psychrophiles): restricted growth
temperature range; cannot tolerate higher temperature for growth
• Eurypsychrophiles (psychrotolerants): “like” permanently cold
environments but can tolerate a wide range of temperatures extending
into the mesophilic range
• Various species within the genera
Alcaligenes, Alteromonas, Aquaspirillum, Arthobacter, Bacillus,
Bacteroides, Brevibacterium, Gelidibacter, Methanococcoides,
Methanogenium, Methanosarcina, Microbacterium, Micrococcus,
Moritella, Octandecabacter, Phormidium, Photobacterium, Polaribacter,
Polaromonas, Psychroserpens, Shewanella and Vibrio have been
reported to be psychrophilic.
• The genus Moritella appears to be composed of psychrophiles only.
• The psychrophilic which have been cultivated, belong to g-
Proteobacteria, Shewanella, Photobacterium, Colwellia, Moritella and
Alteromonas haloplanktis.
• A psychrophilic and slightly halophilic methanogen, Methanococcoides
burtonii was isolated from perennially cold, anoxic hypolimnion of Ace Lake,
Antarctica.This suggests that members in the domain Archaea are also capable
of psychrophilic life style and require further investigations.
• Psychrotrophs isolated from food and dairy products include mesophilic
bacteria such as Bacillus megaterium, B. subtilis and some species of
Arthrobacter and Corynebacterium.
• Psychrotrophic bacteria have been reported in permanently cold caves in the
Arctic, Lapland, the Pyrenees, the Alps and Romania.Most of the organisms
belonged to the genera Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium, with
the Arthrobacter predominating. Many of the psychrophiles isolated from soils
of these caves resembled Arthrobacter glacialis.
• Algae are found where snow melts and snow surface is red, green or
yellow. Most of these snow algae are psychrotrophs. Snow algal
flagellates include, Chloromonas brevispina, C. pichinchae, C.
rubroleosa, C. polyptera and Chlamydomonas nivalis .
• Numerous bacteria can be isolated from troposphere and
stratosphere, where the temperatures are between –20 and –40°C.
• Bacterial growth could occur in clouds, and this may be responsible
for the occurrence of relatively high levels of cobalamin, biotin and
Chlamydomonas nivalis
ADAPTATION (Challenges for life )
• Any decrease in temperature exponentially affects the rate of biochemical
• The viscosity of aqueous environments decreased > 2-folds between 37 and
• Reduced enzyme activity;
• loss of flexibility; protein cold-denaturation;
• Inappropriate protein folding
• Decreased membrane fluidity: altered membrane permeability, transport of
nutrients and waste products.
• Decreased rates of transcription, translation and DNA replication; formation of
secondary or supercoiled structures.
• Intracellular ice formation.
Adaptations to cold temperatures
• Stress resistant spores or cysts (nutrients limitation).
• Accumulation of cryoprotectants by yeast, algae, cyanobacteria and
heterotrophic bacteria (polyols, sugars; prevents protein denaturation and
aggregation); cryoprotectants also act as energy source when released.
• Exopolysaccharides capsules or sheats (cell adhesion to surfaces; retention of
water, sequestration and concentration of nutrients, protect extracellular
enzymes against cold denaturation, cryoprotectants).
• Antifreeze proteins (Marinomonas primoryensis, Antarctic lake bacteria;
Pseudomonas putida GR12-2, Arctic plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium).
• Maintenance of functional lipid membranes.
• Enzymes with increased structural flexibility at low temperature.
• Cold induced and cold acclimation proteins.
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
• Barophile is a bacterium which prefers to
grow or exclusively grows at moderately high
hydrostatic pressures such as the challenger
deep in the marianas trench which has a
depth of 10,994 m.
Barophilic bacteria are best adapted
with growth pressure greater than 40mpa
whereas moderately barophilic bacteria grow
ideally above 1 atm but less than 40mpa.
enzyme-producing baro-
(piezo)philic bacteria
• Barophilic bacteria have been isolated from several locations.Most of
the barophilic and barotolerant bacteria belong to g-proteobacteria.
The coexistence of archaea was shown along with pseudomonas in
mariana trench.
• Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes:-isolated at 1 bar (0.1 mpa).
• Several alkaliphilic, thermophilic and non-extremophilic microbes.
• Several filamentous fungi were isolated from deep-sea calcareous
sediments at 10 mpa pressure that corresponds to 1000–3000 m
• Non-sporulating filamentous fungi and yeasts have been isolated
from deep-sea sediments at 0.1 mpa45.
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
• Microbial communities are either
• 1) free-living populations associated with discharged vent fluids or
2) those occurring as microbial mats on surfaces that are in direct
contact with the discharged vent fluids.
The bacteria often form dense mats and are ‘grazing grounds’ for
some of the vent animals. Chemosynthetic exo- and endo-symbiotic
bacteria provide the main source of food for several specialized vent
animals. There is a plethora of microbes that inhabit hydrothermal
vents, which contribute to its rich biodiversity
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
• Pseudomonas in Mariana Trench.
• Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes.
• Photobacterium,
• Shewanella,
• Colwellia and Motiella.
• barotolerant Alteromonas sp.
• In response to high pressure, the relative amount of monounsaturation
and polyunsaturation increases in the membrane.
• A barotolerant alteromonas sp. Exhibited increased proportion of
unsaturated fatty acid in the cell membrane.The increase in unsaturation
produces more fluid membrane and counteracts the effects of the
increase in viscosity caused by high pressure.
• Barophiles are extremely sensitive to uv light and therefore, require dark
or light-reduced environment, as prevails in the deep sea, for growth.
• Pressure may stabilize proteins and retard thermal denaturation, as
seen in dna polymerases of hyperthermophiles pyrococcus strain es4,
and thermus aquaticus, the thermal inactivation of which is reduced
by hydrostatic pressure.
• A moderately barophilic shewanella sp. Was possess a pressure
regulated operon, which was cloned and sequenced. This strain
appeared to produce different dna-binding proteins at different
• These cytoplasmic membrane proteins are thought to be pressure
sensors controlled by membrane fluidity.
• A pressure-regulated operon was identified in a barophilic bacterium.
• Used for biotechnological applications
• Enzymes produced by barophilic bacteria can function at high
pressure; may be useful in high pressure bioreactors, toxic clean-up in
deep sea and high-pressure food processors
• Barophiles microbially enhanced oil recovery process
• Organic-solvent-tolerant bacteria are a
relatively novel group of extremophilic
microorganisms. They overcome the
toxic and destructive effects of organic
solvents due to the presence of various
adaptive mechanisms
Oil degrading bacteria
Microbial diversity in extreme environments
• Bioconversion of water insoluble compounds (e.g. Sterols )
• Bioremediation
• Biosurfactants
• Extremophilic microbes: Diversity and perspectives ,T. Satyanarayana , Chandralata
Raghukumar and S. Shivaji
• Psychrophilic Bacteria-Molecular Adaptations of Membrane Lipids (Nicholas J. Russell
• Extremophiles and their adaptation to hot environments(Karl O. Stetter*Lehrstuhl fu «r
Mikrobiologie, Universita «t Regensburg, Universita «tsstra M e 31, D-93053 Regensburg,
• The international sociaty of extremophiles.
• Growth Patterns and Substrate Requirements of Naturally Occurring Obligate Oligotrophs
(Yuzaburo Ishida and Hajime Kadota Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan )
• Oligotrophs versus copiotrophs(Arthur L. Koch)
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Microbial diversity in extreme environments

  • 1. (Oligotrophs, Thermophiles, Psychrophiles, Barophiles, Organic solvent tolerant ) NAME:-KNAN SHAHRUKH TOPIC;-MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENT (oligotrophs, thermophiles, psychrophiles, barophiles, organic solvent tolerant ) UDSC MICROBIOLOGY DEPARTMENT
  • 2. Index • Introduction to Extreme environments • Types of extreme environments • Occurrence,Diversity,Adaptations and potential applications of • Oligotrophs, Thermophiles, Psychrophiles, Barophiles, Organic solvent tolerant. • Reference
  • 3. Extreme environments • An extreme environment contains conditions that are hard to survive for most known life forms.
  • 4. Types of extreme environments • Alkaline: broadly conceived as natural habitats above pH 9 whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. • Acidic: broadly conceived as natural habitats below pH 3 whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. • Extremely cold: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently below -17 °C either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes mountan sites, polar sites, and deep ocean habitats. • Extremely hot: broadly conceived habitats periodically or consistently in excess of 55 °C either persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes sites with geological thermal influences such as Yellowstone and comparable locations worldwide or deep-sea vents. • Hypersaline: (high salt) environments with salt concentrations greater than that of seawater, that is, >3.5%. Includes salt lakes.
  • 5. Types of extreme environments • Under pressure: broadly conceived as habitats under extreme hydrostatic pressure — i.e. aquatic habitats deeper than 2000 meters and enclosed habitats under pressure. Includes habitats in oceans and deep lakes. • Radiation: broadly conceived as habitats exposed to abnormally high radiation or of radiation outside the normal range of light. Includes habitats exposed to high UV and IR radiation. • Without water: broadly conceived as habitats without free water whether persistently, or with regular frequency or for protracted periods of time. Includes hot and cold desert environments, and some endolithic habitats. • Without oxygen: broadly conceived as habitats without free oxygen - whether persistently, or with regular frequency, or for protracted periods of time. Includes habitats in deeper sediments. • Altered by humans, i.e. anthropogenically impacted habitats. Includes mine tailings, oil impacted habitats, and pollution by heavy metals or organic compounds.
  • 6. OLIGOTROPHS • Etymology:-the word "Oligotroph" Is a combination of the greek adjective oligos meaning "Few" And the adjective trophikos meaning "Feeding". • An oligotroph is an organism that can live in an environment that offers very low levels of nutrients. Oligotrophs are characterized by slow growth, low rates of metabolism, and generally low population density.sometime the adjective oligotrophic may be used to refer to environments that offer little to sustain life, organisms that survive in such environments, or the adaptations that support survival. But according to lab definition, oligotroph is an organism that is capable of growth in a medium containing 0.2–16.8 mg dissolved organic carbon per liter.
  • 7. Generalized comparison between oligotrophs & copiotrophs
  • 8. OCCURENECE • Deep oceanic sediments, • Caves, • Glacial and polar ice, • Deep subsurface soil, • Aquifers, • Ocean waters, and • Leached soils. In natural ecosystems, oligotrophs and eutrophs (copiotrophs) coexist, and their proportion is dependent on the ability of an individual to dominate in a particular environment.
  • 9. EXAMPLES • Oligotrophic bacterium sphingomonas sp. :-isolated from the resurrection bay, alaska retained its ultramicrosize irrespective of the growth phase, carbon source, or carbon concentration. • Cycloclasticus oligotrophicus :-isolated from the resurrection bay, shared properties similar to sphingomonas (e.g. Single copy of the rRNA operon, relatively small size and genome size).
  • 10. CHARACTERISTIC ADAPTATION • A substrate uptake system that is able to acquire nutrients from its surroundings. • Oligotrophs would ideally have large surface area to volume ratio, • High-affinity uptake systems with broad substrate specificities and • An inherent resistance to environmental stresses (e.g. Heat, hydrogen peroxide and ethanol).
  • 11. OLIGOTROPHS BIOTECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATION Isolations of different microorganism Study in evolutionary perspective
  • 12. THERMOPHILES ( Greek: θερμότητα (thermotita), meaning heat, and Greek: φίλια (philia), love.) • A thermophile is an organism that thrives at relatively high temperatures. • Brock suggested definition:-‘a thermophile is an organism capable of living at temperatures at or near the maximum for the taxonomic group of which it is a part’.
  • 13. OCCURRENCE • Composts, • Sun-heated soils, • Terrestrial hot springs, • Submarine hydrothermal vents and • Geothermally heated oil reserves and oil wells. • Various geothermally heated regions of the earth, such as hot springs like those in yellowstone national park .the diversity of bacteria of a hot spring in bukreshwar (west bengal, india) is also a home of thermophile.
  • 15. DIVERSITY Few thermophilic fungi belonging to Zygomycetes (Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus), Ascomycetes (Chaetomium thermophile, Thermoascus aurantiacus, Dactylomyces thermophilus,Melanocarpus albomyces, Talaromyces thermophilus, T. emersonii, Thielavia terrestris), Basidiomycetes (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and Hyphomycetes (Acremonium alabamensis, A. thermophilum, Myceliophthora thermophila, Thermomyces lanuginosus, Scytalidium thermophilum, Malbranchea cinnamomea). FUNGI:-
  • 16. DIVERSITY • ALGAE • (Achanthes exigua, Mougeotia sp. and Cyanidium caldarium) and • PROTOZOA • (Cothuria sp. Oxytricha falla, Cercosulcifer hamathensis, Tetrahymena pyriformis, Cyclidium citrullus, Naegleria fowleri).
  • 17. DIVERSITY They have been classified based on their optimum temperature requirements MODERATE:-(Bacillus caldolyticus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, Thermoplasma acidophilum), EXTREME:-(Thermus aquaticus, T. thermophilus, Thermodesulfobacterium commune, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Thermomicrobium roseum,Dictyoglomus thermophilum, Methanococcus vulcanicus, Sulfurococcus mirabilis, Thermotoga mritima) and HYPERTHERMOPHILES:-(Methanoccus jannaschii, Acidianus infernos, Archaeoglobus profundus, Methanopyrus kandleri, Pyrobaculum islandicum, Pyrococcus furiosus, Pyrodictium occultum, Pyrolobus fumarii, Thermococcus littoralis, Ignicoccus islandicum, Nannoarchaeum equitans). BACTERIA AND ARCHAEBACTERIA
  • 18. DIVERSITY IN THERMOPHILES • The hyperthermophilic extreme acidophiles, with pH optima for growth at or below 3.0, sulfolobus, sufurococcus, desulfurolobus and acidianus produce sulphuric acid from the oxidation of elemental sulphur or sulphidic ores, in solfataras of yellowstone national park. • Other microbes that occur in hot environments include metallosphaera that oxidizes sulphidic ores and stygiolobus sp., which reduces elemental sulphur. • Thermoplasma volcanicum that grows at pH 2 and 55°C, has also been isolated from solfataric fields. • Thermoplasma acidophilum was isolated from self- heating coal refuse piles. • Thiobacillus caldus was isolated from hot acidic soils.
  • 22. ADAPTATION • Adaptation of ENZYME Activity • Adaptation of Protein Synthesis • Adaptation of Membrane Lipid Composition
  • 23. ADAPTATION • Most hyperthermophiles are anaerobic and chemolithotrophs. • There are no particular carbon-use or energy generation pathways that are exclusively linked to growth at high temperatures. • For any microbe, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins are generally susceptible to heat and therefore, there is no single factor that enables all thermophiles to grow at elevated temperatures. • The membrane lipids of thermophiles contain more saturated and straight chain fatty acids than mesophiles. This allows thermophiles to grow at higher temperatures by providing the right degree of fluidity needed for membrane function.
  • 25. ADAPTATION • Many archaeal species contain a paracrystalline surface layer (s-layer) with protein or glycoprotein and this is likely to function as an external protective barrier • Histone-like proteins that bind DNA have been identified in hyperthermophiles, and these may protect DNA. • Hyperthermophiles have a reverse gyrase, a type1 DNA topoisomerase that causes positive supercoiling and therefore, may stabilize the DNA. • Heat shock proteins, chaperones, are likely to play a role in stabilizing and refolding proteins as they begin to denature.
  • 26. ADAPTATION • Certain properties of proteins such as a higher degree of structure in hydrophobic cores, an increased number of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges and a higher proportion of thermophilic amino acids (e.g. Proline residues with fewer degrees of freedom), is also known. • A higher content of arginine and lower content of lysine have been reported for thermostable proteins. Protein stability may also be assisted by polyamines, accumulation of intracellular potassium and solutes such as 2,3- diphosphoglycerate Pyroccus abyssi Thermus equaticus
  • 28. PSYCHROPHILES • What are psychrophiles? • Psychrophilic are microorganisms that grow in cold environments: - • - proliferate at 0-10°c • - metabolize in snow and ice at -20°c, • - are predicted to metabolize at -40°c • - can survive -45°c.
  • 29. OCCURRENCE AND DIVERSITY • Cold deserts (antarctica) dryness and drastic variation in temperature (-55 to 15°c) water availability is a problem, high uv irradiation. • Endolithic communities: Algae, pigmented bacteria micrococcus, deinococcus, yeast cryptococcus and cyanobacteria desiccation resistant, wind dispersion. • Sea ice :-major habitat for microorganisms in artic and antarctic marine ecosystems (-35°c to -2°c). • Brine inclusions, interstices and ice-water interface form microhabitats where an extensive microbial community can develop . • Sea ice microbial community (simco) :-ice algae (diatoms) proteobacteria, flavobacteria/cytophaga/bacteroides gram positive: Planococcus, arthrobacter archaea psychromonas ingrahamii can grow at –12°c with a generation time of 240h.
  • 30. MORE ENVIRONMENT:- • Permafrost sediments (permanently frozen sediments) • Siberia 400-900m deep, frozen for 3-5 mya ice sheets and glaciers (antarctica,high mountains) • Cold cave sediments • Sediments of glaciers • Deep sea (1.5 to 11 km mariana trench) • Man-made environments :-Industrialized production of food, refrigeration
  • 31. Classification • Stenopsychrophiles (true psychrophiles): restricted growth temperature range; cannot tolerate higher temperature for growth • Eurypsychrophiles (psychrotolerants): “like” permanently cold environments but can tolerate a wide range of temperatures extending into the mesophilic range
  • 32. MORE DIVERSITY • Various species within the genera Alcaligenes, Alteromonas, Aquaspirillum, Arthobacter, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Brevibacterium, Gelidibacter, Methanococcoides, Methanogenium, Methanosarcina, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Moritella, Octandecabacter, Phormidium, Photobacterium, Polaribacter, Polaromonas, Psychroserpens, Shewanella and Vibrio have been reported to be psychrophilic. • The genus Moritella appears to be composed of psychrophiles only. • The psychrophilic which have been cultivated, belong to g- Proteobacteria, Shewanella, Photobacterium, Colwellia, Moritella and Alteromonas haloplanktis.
  • 33. MORE DIVERSITY • A psychrophilic and slightly halophilic methanogen, Methanococcoides burtonii was isolated from perennially cold, anoxic hypolimnion of Ace Lake, Antarctica.This suggests that members in the domain Archaea are also capable of psychrophilic life style and require further investigations. • Psychrotrophs isolated from food and dairy products include mesophilic bacteria such as Bacillus megaterium, B. subtilis and some species of Arthrobacter and Corynebacterium. • Psychrotrophic bacteria have been reported in permanently cold caves in the Arctic, Lapland, the Pyrenees, the Alps and Romania.Most of the organisms belonged to the genera Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas and Flavobacterium, with the Arthrobacter predominating. Many of the psychrophiles isolated from soils of these caves resembled Arthrobacter glacialis.
  • 34. MORE DIVERSITY • Algae are found where snow melts and snow surface is red, green or yellow. Most of these snow algae are psychrotrophs. Snow algal flagellates include, Chloromonas brevispina, C. pichinchae, C. rubroleosa, C. polyptera and Chlamydomonas nivalis . • Numerous bacteria can be isolated from troposphere and stratosphere, where the temperatures are between –20 and –40°C. • Bacterial growth could occur in clouds, and this may be responsible for the occurrence of relatively high levels of cobalamin, biotin and niacin. Chlamydomonas nivalis
  • 35. ADAPTATION (Challenges for life ) • Any decrease in temperature exponentially affects the rate of biochemical reactions • The viscosity of aqueous environments decreased > 2-folds between 37 and 0°C • Reduced enzyme activity; • loss of flexibility; protein cold-denaturation; • Inappropriate protein folding • Decreased membrane fluidity: altered membrane permeability, transport of nutrients and waste products. • Decreased rates of transcription, translation and DNA replication; formation of secondary or supercoiled structures. • Intracellular ice formation.
  • 36. Adaptations to cold temperatures • Stress resistant spores or cysts (nutrients limitation). • Accumulation of cryoprotectants by yeast, algae, cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria (polyols, sugars; prevents protein denaturation and aggregation); cryoprotectants also act as energy source when released. • Exopolysaccharides capsules or sheats (cell adhesion to surfaces; retention of water, sequestration and concentration of nutrients, protect extracellular enzymes against cold denaturation, cryoprotectants). • Antifreeze proteins (Marinomonas primoryensis, Antarctic lake bacteria; Pseudomonas putida GR12-2, Arctic plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium). • Maintenance of functional lipid membranes. • Enzymes with increased structural flexibility at low temperature. • Cold induced and cold acclimation proteins.
  • 42. BAROPHILES:- • Barophile is a bacterium which prefers to grow or exclusively grows at moderately high hydrostatic pressures such as the challenger deep in the marianas trench which has a depth of 10,994 m. Barophilic bacteria are best adapted with growth pressure greater than 40mpa whereas moderately barophilic bacteria grow ideally above 1 atm but less than 40mpa. Baro-(piezo-)philic enzyme-producing baro- (piezo)philic bacteria
  • 43. OCCURRENCE:- • Barophilic bacteria have been isolated from several locations.Most of the barophilic and barotolerant bacteria belong to g-proteobacteria. The coexistence of archaea was shown along with pseudomonas in mariana trench. • Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes:-isolated at 1 bar (0.1 mpa). • Several alkaliphilic, thermophilic and non-extremophilic microbes. • Several filamentous fungi were isolated from deep-sea calcareous sediments at 10 mpa pressure that corresponds to 1000–3000 m depth. • Non-sporulating filamentous fungi and yeasts have been isolated from deep-sea sediments at 0.1 mpa45.
  • 45. DIVERSITY OF MICROBES • Microbial communities are either • 1) free-living populations associated with discharged vent fluids or 2) those occurring as microbial mats on surfaces that are in direct contact with the discharged vent fluids. The bacteria often form dense mats and are ‘grazing grounds’ for some of the vent animals. Chemosynthetic exo- and endo-symbiotic bacteria provide the main source of food for several specialized vent animals. There is a plethora of microbes that inhabit hydrothermal vents, which contribute to its rich biodiversity
  • 47. DIVERSITY OF MICROBES • Pseudomonas in Mariana Trench. • Filamentous fungi and actinomycetes. • Photobacterium, • Shewanella, • Colwellia and Motiella. • barotolerant Alteromonas sp.
  • 48. ADAPTATION • In response to high pressure, the relative amount of monounsaturation and polyunsaturation increases in the membrane. • A barotolerant alteromonas sp. Exhibited increased proportion of unsaturated fatty acid in the cell membrane.The increase in unsaturation produces more fluid membrane and counteracts the effects of the increase in viscosity caused by high pressure. • Barophiles are extremely sensitive to uv light and therefore, require dark or light-reduced environment, as prevails in the deep sea, for growth.
  • 49. ADAPTATION • Pressure may stabilize proteins and retard thermal denaturation, as seen in dna polymerases of hyperthermophiles pyrococcus strain es4, and thermus aquaticus, the thermal inactivation of which is reduced by hydrostatic pressure. • A moderately barophilic shewanella sp. Was possess a pressure regulated operon, which was cloned and sequenced. This strain appeared to produce different dna-binding proteins at different pressures. • These cytoplasmic membrane proteins are thought to be pressure sensors controlled by membrane fluidity. • A pressure-regulated operon was identified in a barophilic bacterium.
  • 50. APPLICATION:- • Used for biotechnological applications • Enzymes produced by barophilic bacteria can function at high pressure; may be useful in high pressure bioreactors, toxic clean-up in deep sea and high-pressure food processors • Barophiles microbially enhanced oil recovery process
  • 51. ORGANIC SOLVENT TOLERANT • Organic-solvent-tolerant bacteria are a relatively novel group of extremophilic microorganisms. They overcome the toxic and destructive effects of organic solvents due to the presence of various adaptive mechanisms Oil degrading bacteria
  • 55. APPLICATIONS • Bioconversion of water insoluble compounds (e.g. Sterols ) • Bioremediation • Biosurfactants
  • 56. Reference • Extremophilic microbes: Diversity and perspectives ,T. Satyanarayana , Chandralata Raghukumar and S. Shivaji • Psychrophilic Bacteria-Molecular Adaptations of Membrane Lipids (Nicholas J. Russell MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORIES, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, WYE COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON), WYE, ASHFORD, KENT TN25 5AH, UNITED KINGDOM ) • Extremophiles and their adaptation to hot environments(Karl O. Stetter*Lehrstuhl fu «r Mikrobiologie, Universita «t Regensburg, Universita «tsstra M e 31, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany.) • The international sociaty of extremophiles. • Growth Patterns and Substrate Requirements of Naturally Occurring Obligate Oligotrophs (Yuzaburo Ishida and Hajime Kadota Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan ) • Oligotrophs versus copiotrophs(Arthur L. Koch) ANIMATION :-YOUTUBE videos which are search by main heading.