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The strange, beautiful andThe strange, beautiful and
powerful world of microbespowerful world of microbes
Dr. MohammedAzim Bagban
Ph.D. (Life Science)
Anton van Leeuwenhoek - A classical example of serendipity. By
wanting better magnifying lens with which to judge the quality of
the cloth he was buying Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria
What is a microorganism?What is a microorganism?
• AnAn organismorganism that is too small to bethat is too small to be
seenseen clearlyclearly with the naked eye.with the naked eye.
• Generally single cells, but someGenerally single cells, but some
exist as cell clusters; often work asexist as cell clusters; often work as
a communitya community
Where do microbes fit in theWhere do microbes fit in the
biological world?biological world?
Never underestimate the
power of a Microorganism.
• Microorganisms, just like God cannot be seen through
naked eye but we can feel their impact on us in various
• Though only 3% of the total microbial population are
harmful to the humans.
• Without knowing, we are getting their help from the
historic days eg. souring of milk (dahi), pickels, jams,
dosa and idly making, wine production etc.
“Microbes are always at Work”
Mind it…
•The pressure inside a bacterial cell is about 2 atmospheres,
which is roughly the same as the pressure in a car's tyre.
•A human can be killed by exposure to less than 500 rad
radiation. However, Deinococcus radiodurans is a bacterium,
which can survive exposure to upto 3000000 rad of ionizing
•'Botulin‘, a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, is
highly toxic and if everyone has to be killed on this earth, less
than 1kg of this toxin will do.
• Habitat means an area or location in which
various organisms reside.
• All living organisms derived their
requirements for growth from a habitat.
• The conditions of habitat effect the
characteristics of organisms.
• The microbial variety occurring in a habitat
is described as ‘Microbial biodiversity’
Microbial habitat
Microbes in Nature
• Microbes are present in all types of natural
environments, that provide necessary nutrients,
moisture and temerature.
• Microbes normally found in atmosphere and air
within 300-10000 feet above from the land.
Fungal spores which are found in air consist of
Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penecillium and
Aspergillus found above 4000 feet from the land,
found in both polar and non polar air masses.
• Fertile soil contains rich microbial
• Human body and animal body.
• Marine microorganisms found in the
oceans and deep sea.
• Some types of microorganisms have
adapted to extreme environments and
sustained colonies; these organisms are
known as extremophiles.
• The food and milk products are being
the good source of microorganisms
as they provide nutrients for the
• Microorganisms affect the quality and
quantity of food and food products.
• Microbes are the responsible for the
spoilage of food.
• Microbes are present in household
products and kitchens.
Hostile Habitats
• Microbes living in extreme
conditions where other
organisms or living life can
not survive are called as
• Extremophiles have been
isolated from rocks as
much as 7 kilometres
below the Earth's surface
• Some Microbes can
survive at very high
temperatures (122°C)
are called as
• Some microorganisms
that grow at very low
temperature (-20°C) are
called as ‘Psychrophiles’
or ‘cryptophiles’.
• Some microbes can
survive at pH less than 1.0
are called as
• Some microbes can
survive as pH high up to
11.0 are called as
• Some microbes can
survive at high radiaiton.
• Some microbes are
adapted to survive in high
vacuum for a long a time.
• Some microbes are
adopted to survive in high
osmotic pressure or high
salt condition are called as
• Some microorganisms
require high sugar
concentration are called
as ‘saccharophiles’.
• Some microbes can
bear high pressure of
water in deep sea are
called as ‘barophiles’.
• These microorganisms
have been found from
the ocean at a depth of
6000-7000 feet and
Bacterium: as big as the head of
a fruitfly and can even "hold its
• A giant bacterium, Thiomargarita "sulfur pearl of
• The bacteria (3/4 mm wide) about 100 times larger than
the largest known, Epulopiscum fishelsoni. 
• Thiomargarita namibiensis  lives on the nitrogen and
sulfide on the ocean floor produced by rotting plankton
and algae.
• Nitrate however is not steadily available, so they "hold
their breath" while they wait for something to stir up off
the ocean floor.
• They do this by storing sulfur just under their cell wall,
A Humongous
• Did you ever wonder what the world's largest organism is?
• Maybe you'd pick an elephant or a giant whale.
• Well, those choices would be wrong; this organism is actually
a soil Fungus, Armillaria bulbosa, found in a northern
Michigan hardwood forest.
• It is most likely one of the world's oldest organisms as well,
exceeding 1,500 years and weighing over 100 tons.
• It is actually a plant pathogen, whose hyphae pierce the roots
of aspen trees and absorb nutrients from them. Therefore,
the majority of the fungus is underground and only tiny
edible ‘honey mushrooms’.
Facts About Microbes
• Microbes outnumber all other species and make up most
living matter (~60% of the earths biomass).
• Less than 0.5% of the estimated 2 to 3 billion microbial
species have been identified.
• Microbial cycling of critical chemical elements such as
carbon and nitrogen helps keep the world inhabitable for
all life forms.
• Microbes generate at least half the oxygen we breathe.
• Microbes are roots of life's family tree. An understanding
of their genomes will help us understand how more
complex genomes developed.
• Microbial genomes are modest in size and relatively easy to
study (usually no more than 10 million DNA bases,
compared with some 3 billion in the human and mouse
• Microbial communities are excellent models for
understanding biological interactions and evolution.
Everything is everywhere, the environment selects - Beijerinck M.W.
Microbes thrive in an amazing diversity of habitats in extremes of
heat, cold, radiation, pressure, salinity, acidity, and darkness,
and often where no other life forms could exist.
Strange Facts and Bacterial Records!!!
• Underground: Chemolithotrophs found in Basalt deposits 1500m
(4700 ft) underground in solid rock.
• The Sky: Some bacteria spend their whole lives in the
atmosphere, growing and reproducing in the clouds above our
• On Ice: Some bacterial species live in the ice of glaciers and others
have often found in the snows of the North and South poles at -17
and -85°
• Not So Cool: Some bacteria have learned to live in hot springs.
Some species are happy at 75°C while others think even this is
cool. Species of Aquifex can live in water as hot as 95°C. Archaea
are happy to grow deep sea hydrothermal vents at 106°C
• The Deep Sea: Bacteria ‘known as Extreme Barophiles’ live at
depths of >10000 m and are able to survive pressures in excess of
1000 times the air pressure at sea level; and they cannot function
properly at pressures less than 400 atmospheres and may die in a
couple of hours if brought to the surface.
Sahara desert
Life in the extremes
Yellowstone National park
ife in the extremes
Lake Magadi, Tansania
Life in the extremes
Yellowstone National Park
Life in the
Life in the
Life in the extremes
• Fast Movers: Some bacteria can move by flagella that enable them to
obtain speeds as high as 0.00017 km/ hr. This may not seem very
fast, but remember that we are talking about very small organisms.
They are travelling at about 50-60 body lengths/ sec which is
equivalent to a 6 ft tall man running at 100 m/ sec, 9 times faster
than the world record. Cheetahs, are the fastest animals on land but
even they only move at about 25 body lengths/ sec.
“What is soil, becomes grass, becomes a cow, becomes you
and me and then becomes soil again. Without microbes,
the whole ecosystem would collapse”
Facts About Beneficial Bacteria
• The opposite of antibiotics are probiotics - a term coined
in 1965 to describe substances that favor the growth of
beneficial microorganisms in the body.
• Two species of probiotics, Bifidobacterium and
Lactobacillus, have been studied the most.
• Bacteria that produce the enzyme lactase help reduce
lactose intolerance.
Tell me what you eat,
and I will tell you what you are - Brillat-Savarin
Learn a lot from a microbe
• Halobacterium, may hold the key to protect astronauts from one
of the greatest threats they would face during a mission to
Mars: space radiation.
• The harsh radiation of interplanetary space can penetrate
astronauts' bodies, damaging the DNA in their cells, which can
cause cancer and other illnesses.
• Halobacterium appears to be a master of the complex art of
DNA repair. This mastery is what scientists want to learn from.
Serratia has a religious history and
can cause severe infections in humans?
• Serratia marcescens, when grown in colonies, produces
a bright red pigment similar to the appearance of
• In mediaeval churches priests would discover that
bread left in moist places would "miraculously"
produce this "blood", thus leading to the belief that the
bread's red appearance was because it had been
stabbed by unbelieving Jews. 
• In 1819 Bartolemeo Bizio, a pharmacist, discovered that
the red pigment occurred because of bacteria.
Martian microbes may
exist ?
• Life On Mars??? No one knows for sure yet!
• But in August 1996, scientists announced that
they had extracted what they believed to be fossils
of an unknown bacillus shaped microorganism
from inside a meteorite from Mars found in
• The meteorite left Mars 16 million years ago and
landed in Antarctica 13 thousand years ago. 
• This may support the theory that life did or does
still exist on Mars!
Wow! Life on the Red Planet!
Shergotty, Bihar, India (1865)
Mars - Climate and
Postulated Mars-Biosphere
Mars from Pathfinder
Mars-Climate and
Liquid water only in deep subsurface regions
Life either extinct or in subsurface niches:
Life on Europa? Moon of Jupiter
Bacteriophages – “bacteria-eaters”,
viruses that use bacteria to multiply
In the 1990s, bacteriophage research became an alternative
for scientists worried about antibiotic resistance.
Researchers in America followed the example of scientists in
Western Europe who were treating patients with
bacteriophages and obtaining great results.
When antibiotics don't work for a bacterial infection, doctors
can use bacteriophages to kill the bacteria. Although ironic, a
virus can make us feel better!
Bacteria sometimes catch A
o Microbes living in the rumen of the cow
are responsible for the breakdown of the
carbohydrate cellulose of plants. 
o The cow lacks the enzymes to break down
o Without microbes and their enzymes,
ruminants would not be able to derive
any energy or nutrients
from a diet of
Microbes enables cows to eat grass?
Microbes have a built-in
• Aquatic, anaerobic bacteria called magnetotactic
bacteria find their way around by using the attraction
from the earth's magnetic field.
• When placed near a magnet, they are attracted to the
magnet's northern pole because the bacteria make
magnetic particles which contain iron.
• When lined-up, the particles make a long magnet that is
used by the bacteria as a compass.
• It is this built-in compass that enables the bacteria to
find its way down to the deep, oxygen-free parts of its
aquatic habitat.
Diamonds are made from dead
• Carbon, the main component of most diamonds, usually
contains an isotope of light carbon (12
C), which is utilized by
some living organisms.
• Therefore, eclogitic diamonds with large amounts of the
isotope 12
C, are believed to have an organic origin.
• These were formed from carbon near hydrothermal vents
which was also utilized by the bacterial communities near
the vents.
• Thus through time, heat and pressure were able to turn the
carbon along with the bacterial colonies into diamonds.
"So, those sparklers of yours may just be clumps
of billion-year-old bacterial corpses"
Microbial Jugnu:
Bacteria that emit visible light?
• Lightning bugs make light, but interestingly enough, bacteria
produce light in basically the same process called
• ‘Luciferase’ - uses molecular oxygen and a protein that has a
particular vitamin FMNH2 attached to it.
• ‘Luciferase’ - causes oxidation reaction to occur between
oxygen and vitamin leading to the conversion from FMNH2 to
• As this occurs, luciferin emits visible light!
• The color of light (orange, yellow, yellow-green, or blue-green )
depends on the kind of luciferase and amount of oxidation of
the vitamin attached to the luciferin.
Enzymes that bacteria use to break down
dead, chilled whales may be used in cold-
water detergents?
• The cold temperature slows the rate of biological decay and
in a whale, the oil-laden bones are the last things to be
decomposed by bacteria at depth of 3300 feet.
• The detergent industry's current fat-digesting enzymes are
only effective in warm water, 105ºF.
• Therefore, in cold water the enzymes do not gulp up oil or
grease. Hence, a tremendous amount of energy savings
could be obtained when using a cold-water enzyme that
worked on stains.
Microbes can degrade
• Trinitrotoluene, TNT, is a problematic explosive that
contaminates the soil in areas where ammunition is
• Bacteria named Clostridium bifermentans is able to
break down this contaminant.
• When provided with starch as energy source, the
bacteria can break down the TNT through co-
metabolism by broken-down TNT as a source of carbon.
Bacteria can help clean up oil
• After the Exxon Valdez crashed off the shore of Alaska,
spilling its contents all over the area, one of the biggest
contributors to cleaning up the environment was
• Scientists found that by feeding the contaminated area with
oxygen and waste water, the bacteria present there were
provided with the nutrients needed to flourish, thereby
encouraging the break down of hydrocarbons within crude
oil by Pseudomonas.
• The hydrocarbon that the bacterium feasts on are converted
to carbon dioxide and water.
Microbes might be used to
breakdown dirty laundry on long
space flights?
• One of the problems that would be encountered,
which is now one of the problems with the
Russian space station Mir, is the disposal of dirty
• Presently, there are only two supply trips a year
to Mir, so six months of stockpiling doesn't work
too well.
• Russian scientists are working on developing a
mixture of bacteria that could be used to
biodegrade dirty underwear.
Bacteria keep vegetables
• Even vegetables that are kept in airtight containers are
prone to spoilage by E.coli and Listeria.
• Lactic acid bacteria, are an alternative solution to this
problem by producing natural acids that prevent
Listeria from growing in foods.
Bacteria are used to make
• Chocolate comes from the seeds of the Cacao
• The seeds come in pods and the only way to
retrieve the seeds are to ferment them with yeasts
and lactobacilli and Acetobacter.
• The Lactobacillus secretes an acid to help break
apart the pod.
Microbes can make
plastics ?
• Alcaligenes eutrophus, is a useful bacterium having
the capability of making plastics. 
• The bacterium is able to accomplish this feat
because it has granules that are made of a fat-like
polymer and not starch, like the granules of other
• These plastics can be readily degraded and
hopefully will pose less environmental threat. 
• There are strong hopes of using these bacteria and
their plastics for medical purposes.
Microbes are all over your
• While bacteria are found on your fingers, toes, arms and legs
they are far more numerous on your face.
• They are found above and below the surface of your skin
and are in no way harmful.
• However, all teenagers have had at least one zit in their
lifetime, are called: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads,
blemishes, acne, etc.
• And while bacteria are not the cause for zits they do inhabit
those little imperfections. So, the next time you pop your
pimple you must know that you are unleashing an army of
Microbes cause body
• The sweat that comes out of your underarms actually
does not smell bad. 
• The reason that people give off odors when they
sweat in their underarms is that bacteria living there
like to eat sweat, and as a result produce waste
products that cause it to smell. 
• Body odor can be eliminated by using deoderant. 
• Deoderant kills the bacteria under your arms so that
it cannot make your sweat stink. 
“So don't forget your deoderant; it does
more than just mask body odor, it stops it
Sick Building
• Fumes from certain construction materials in buildings
e.g. malls, are responsible for giving people severe
• Microbes living in potted plants eliminate Sick Building
Syndrome by degrading the fumes.
• However, suffering people may be glad to know that
helpful bacteria can solve their problem.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the
literary microbe? 
• Famous writers like Keats, Browning, Austen
and Orwell have all suffered from tuberculosis
and because of this the microbe has been called
the literary microbe.
• Tuberculosis is also considered to be the greatest
killer of all times. About one hundred thousand
million people have been affected. This
bacterium is transmitted through air or infected
Microbes form fossils?
• In 1950's-1960's, micropaleontologists discovered layers
of sedimentary rocks, wavelike stromatolites in Great
Lakes, are believed to contain microbial fossils.
• Some fossils are 3.5 billion years old, meaning that they
were formed only one billion years after the creation of
the Earth indicating that microbes are the earliest forms
of life on Earth.
There's a "Sleeping Beauty" story
for bacteria?
• In May 1995, scientists were the prince as they
revived 25-40 million year-old bacteria from the
stomach of a bee that was preserved in tree sap. 
• It was this event that led to the notion of Spielberg's
Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs were created after
their DNA was extracted from mosquitoes trapped in
tree sap the same way. 
“The dinosaurs, however, were the ones who took the
limelight away from the bacteria on the movie screens”
How Does Salmonella Get
Inside Chicken Eggs?
• The bacterium actually lives in the feces of chicken.
• Because chickens sit on their eggs, even before they are collected
for consumer purchases, the eggs may be subjected to the
• It was found that S. enteritidis could actually penetrate the hard
outer shell of the egg and live inside the yolk, where it can
• The bacterium could infect hens' ovaries, and contaminate the
egg before it even developed a shell.
• Toxoplasma gondii, a parasitic infection in rats, alters their
natural behaviour and makes them easy prey for cats.
• Toxoplasma gondii is found in about 35% of rats but prefers to
live in cats.
• It ensures its return to its favourite host by affecting the brains of
the normally cautious rats, making them outgoing and active and
an easy meal for a hungry cat.
• Rats can usually detect subtle changes in their environment. It
makes them very hard to trap or poison but this parasite
overrides the innate response - they almost taunt the cats in a
sense (remember Tom n Jerry ???).
Infected rats make easy cat snacks
Caught Dirty-Handed!!!
• When was the last time you washed your hands?
• Did you use soap?
• What have you done since you washed?
• Have you eaten, put your fingers in your mouth or touched
someone else?
• There are millions of microbes on your hands. Most are
naturally occurring and harmless. But some may be disease-
causing germs. Hand washing with soap lifts off those
microbes and rinses them away.
• Observations in public restrooms reveals what?????
Bacteria can help give your jeans
the right ‘fade’
• Alkalothermophilic Thermomonospora
produces enzyme cellulase, which when
mixed with a coarse denim cloth reduces its
hairiness and makes it softer and lighter.
• It gives same appearance as a stone wash,
causes no damage to drums of washing
machines by preventing wear and tear of the
• Finish can be controlled to desired level by
controlling the amount of enzyme.
Bacteria can act as
• The first major products of agricultural
biotechnology was Bacillus thuringiensis,
producing proteins that are toxic to many
• Now, scientists have spliced genes of it into
crops, that produces toxins fatal to crop
damaging pests, but harmless to "good" bugs.
for your kindfor your kind

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Microbiology world & Microbial habitat

  • 1. The strange, beautiful andThe strange, beautiful and powerful world of microbespowerful world of microbes Dr. MohammedAzim Bagban Ph.D. (Life Science)
  • 2. The first MICROBIOLOGIST and his MICROSCOPE Anton van Leeuwenhoek - A classical example of serendipity. By wanting better magnifying lens with which to judge the quality of the cloth he was buying Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria
  • 3. What is a microorganism?What is a microorganism? • AnAn organismorganism that is too small to bethat is too small to be seenseen clearlyclearly with the naked eye.with the naked eye. • Generally single cells, but someGenerally single cells, but some exist as cell clusters; often work asexist as cell clusters; often work as a communitya community Where do microbes fit in theWhere do microbes fit in the biological world?biological world?
  • 4. Never underestimate the power of a Microorganism. • Microorganisms, just like God cannot be seen through naked eye but we can feel their impact on us in various ways. • Though only 3% of the total microbial population are harmful to the humans. • Without knowing, we are getting their help from the historic days eg. souring of milk (dahi), pickels, jams, dosa and idly making, wine production etc. “Microbes are always at Work” Mind it…
  • 5. •The pressure inside a bacterial cell is about 2 atmospheres, which is roughly the same as the pressure in a car's tyre. •A human can be killed by exposure to less than 500 rad radiation. However, Deinococcus radiodurans is a bacterium, which can survive exposure to upto 3000000 rad of ionizing radiation. •'Botulin‘, a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, is highly toxic and if everyone has to be killed on this earth, less than 1kg of this toxin will do. contd…
  • 6. • Habitat means an area or location in which various organisms reside. • All living organisms derived their requirements for growth from a habitat. • The conditions of habitat effect the characteristics of organisms. • The microbial variety occurring in a habitat is described as ‘Microbial biodiversity’ Microbial habitat
  • 7. Microbes in Nature • Microbes are present in all types of natural environments, that provide necessary nutrients, moisture and temerature. • Microbes normally found in atmosphere and air within 300-10000 feet above from the land. Fungal spores which are found in air consist of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Penecillium and Aspergillus found above 4000 feet from the land, found in both polar and non polar air masses.
  • 8. • Fertile soil contains rich microbial population. • Human body and animal body. • Marine microorganisms found in the oceans and deep sea. • Some types of microorganisms have adapted to extreme environments and sustained colonies; these organisms are known as extremophiles.
  • 9. • The food and milk products are being the good source of microorganisms as they provide nutrients for the growth. • Microorganisms affect the quality and quantity of food and food products. • Microbes are the responsible for the spoilage of food. • Microbes are present in household products and kitchens.
  • 10. Hostile Habitats • Microbes living in extreme conditions where other organisms or living life can not survive are called as ‘Extremophiles’. • Extremophiles have been isolated from rocks as much as 7 kilometres below the Earth's surface
  • 11. • Some Microbes can survive at very high temperatures (122°C) are called as ‘Thermophiles’. • Some microorganisms that grow at very low temperature (-20°C) are called as ‘Psychrophiles’ or ‘cryptophiles’.
  • 12. • Some microbes can survive at pH less than 1.0 are called as ‘acidophiles’. • Some microbes can survive as pH high up to 11.0 are called as ‘Alkaliphiles’. • Some microbes can survive at high radiaiton.
  • 13. • Some microbes are adapted to survive in high vacuum for a long a time. • Some microbes are adopted to survive in high osmotic pressure or high salt condition are called as ‘halophiles’. • Some microorganisms require high sugar concentration are called as ‘saccharophiles’.
  • 14. • Some microbes can bear high pressure of water in deep sea are called as ‘barophiles’. • These microorganisms have been found from the ocean at a depth of 6000-7000 feet and more.
  • 15. Bacterium: as big as the head of a fruitfly and can even "hold its breath"? • A giant bacterium, Thiomargarita "sulfur pearl of Namibia,“. • The bacteria (3/4 mm wide) about 100 times larger than the largest known, Epulopiscum fishelsoni.  • Thiomargarita namibiensis  lives on the nitrogen and sulfide on the ocean floor produced by rotting plankton and algae. • Nitrate however is not steadily available, so they "hold their breath" while they wait for something to stir up off the ocean floor. • They do this by storing sulfur just under their cell wall,
  • 16. A Humongous Fungus • Did you ever wonder what the world's largest organism is? • Maybe you'd pick an elephant or a giant whale. • Well, those choices would be wrong; this organism is actually a soil Fungus, Armillaria bulbosa, found in a northern Michigan hardwood forest. • It is most likely one of the world's oldest organisms as well, exceeding 1,500 years and weighing over 100 tons. • It is actually a plant pathogen, whose hyphae pierce the roots of aspen trees and absorb nutrients from them. Therefore, the majority of the fungus is underground and only tiny edible ‘honey mushrooms’.
  • 17. Facts About Microbes • Microbes outnumber all other species and make up most living matter (~60% of the earths biomass). • Less than 0.5% of the estimated 2 to 3 billion microbial species have been identified. • Microbial cycling of critical chemical elements such as carbon and nitrogen helps keep the world inhabitable for all life forms.
  • 18. • Microbes generate at least half the oxygen we breathe. • Microbes are roots of life's family tree. An understanding of their genomes will help us understand how more complex genomes developed. • Microbial genomes are modest in size and relatively easy to study (usually no more than 10 million DNA bases, compared with some 3 billion in the human and mouse genomes). • Microbial communities are excellent models for understanding biological interactions and evolution. Contd…
  • 19. (Omnipresent). Everything is everywhere, the environment selects - Beijerinck M.W. Microbes thrive in an amazing diversity of habitats in extremes of heat, cold, radiation, pressure, salinity, acidity, and darkness, and often where no other life forms could exist. Strange Facts and Bacterial Records!!!
  • 20. • Underground: Chemolithotrophs found in Basalt deposits 1500m (4700 ft) underground in solid rock. • The Sky: Some bacteria spend their whole lives in the atmosphere, growing and reproducing in the clouds above our heads. • On Ice: Some bacterial species live in the ice of glaciers and others have often found in the snows of the North and South poles at -17 and -85° C. Contd…
  • 21. • Not So Cool: Some bacteria have learned to live in hot springs. Some species are happy at 75°C while others think even this is cool. Species of Aquifex can live in water as hot as 95°C. Archaea are happy to grow deep sea hydrothermal vents at 106°C • The Deep Sea: Bacteria ‘known as Extreme Barophiles’ live at depths of >10000 m and are able to survive pressures in excess of 1000 times the air pressure at sea level; and they cannot function properly at pressures less than 400 atmospheres and may die in a couple of hours if brought to the surface. Contd…
  • 22. Sahara desert Life in the extremes
  • 23. Yellowstone National park ife in the extremes
  • 24. Lake Magadi, Tansania Life in the extremes
  • 27. Life in the extremes
  • 28. • Fast Movers: Some bacteria can move by flagella that enable them to obtain speeds as high as 0.00017 km/ hr. This may not seem very fast, but remember that we are talking about very small organisms. They are travelling at about 50-60 body lengths/ sec which is equivalent to a 6 ft tall man running at 100 m/ sec, 9 times faster than the world record. Cheetahs, are the fastest animals on land but even they only move at about 25 body lengths/ sec. “What is soil, becomes grass, becomes a cow, becomes you and me and then becomes soil again. Without microbes, the whole ecosystem would collapse” Contd…
  • 29. Facts About Beneficial Bacteria • The opposite of antibiotics are probiotics - a term coined in 1965 to describe substances that favor the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the body. • Two species of probiotics, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, have been studied the most. • Bacteria that produce the enzyme lactase help reduce lactose intolerance. Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are - Brillat-Savarin
  • 30. Learn a lot from a microbe • Halobacterium, may hold the key to protect astronauts from one of the greatest threats they would face during a mission to Mars: space radiation. • The harsh radiation of interplanetary space can penetrate astronauts' bodies, damaging the DNA in their cells, which can cause cancer and other illnesses. • Halobacterium appears to be a master of the complex art of DNA repair. This mastery is what scientists want to learn from.
  • 31. Serratia has a religious history and can cause severe infections in humans? • Serratia marcescens, when grown in colonies, produces a bright red pigment similar to the appearance of blood.  • In mediaeval churches priests would discover that bread left in moist places would "miraculously" produce this "blood", thus leading to the belief that the bread's red appearance was because it had been stabbed by unbelieving Jews.  • In 1819 Bartolemeo Bizio, a pharmacist, discovered that the red pigment occurred because of bacteria.
  • 32. Martian microbes may exist ? • Life On Mars??? No one knows for sure yet! • But in August 1996, scientists announced that they had extracted what they believed to be fossils of an unknown bacillus shaped microorganism from inside a meteorite from Mars found in Antarctica.. • The meteorite left Mars 16 million years ago and landed in Antarctica 13 thousand years ago.  • This may support the theory that life did or does still exist on Mars! Wow! Life on the Red Planet!
  • 34. Mars - Climate and Life Postulated Mars-Biosphere
  • 35. Mars from Pathfinder Mars-Climate and Life Liquid water only in deep subsurface regions Life either extinct or in subsurface niches:
  • 36. Life on Europa? Moon of Jupiter
  • 38. Bacteriophages – “bacteria-eaters”, viruses that use bacteria to multiply In the 1990s, bacteriophage research became an alternative for scientists worried about antibiotic resistance. Researchers in America followed the example of scientists in Western Europe who were treating patients with bacteriophages and obtaining great results. When antibiotics don't work for a bacterial infection, doctors can use bacteriophages to kill the bacteria. Although ironic, a virus can make us feel better! Bacteria sometimes catch A Virus
  • 39. o Microbes living in the rumen of the cow are responsible for the breakdown of the carbohydrate cellulose of plants.  o The cow lacks the enzymes to break down carbohydrates.  o Without microbes and their enzymes, ruminants would not be able to derive any energy or nutrients from a diet of grass.  Microbes enables cows to eat grass?
  • 40. Microbes have a built-in compass? • Aquatic, anaerobic bacteria called magnetotactic bacteria find their way around by using the attraction from the earth's magnetic field. • When placed near a magnet, they are attracted to the magnet's northern pole because the bacteria make magnetic particles which contain iron. • When lined-up, the particles make a long magnet that is used by the bacteria as a compass. • It is this built-in compass that enables the bacteria to find its way down to the deep, oxygen-free parts of its aquatic habitat.
  • 41. Diamonds are made from dead bacteria??? • Carbon, the main component of most diamonds, usually contains an isotope of light carbon (12 C), which is utilized by some living organisms. • Therefore, eclogitic diamonds with large amounts of the isotope 12 C, are believed to have an organic origin. • These were formed from carbon near hydrothermal vents which was also utilized by the bacterial communities near the vents. • Thus through time, heat and pressure were able to turn the carbon along with the bacterial colonies into diamonds. "So, those sparklers of yours may just be clumps of billion-year-old bacterial corpses"
  • 42. Microbial Jugnu: Bacteria that emit visible light? • Lightning bugs make light, but interestingly enough, bacteria produce light in basically the same process called bioluminescence. • ‘Luciferase’ - uses molecular oxygen and a protein that has a particular vitamin FMNH2 attached to it. • ‘Luciferase’ - causes oxidation reaction to occur between oxygen and vitamin leading to the conversion from FMNH2 to FMN. • As this occurs, luciferin emits visible light! • The color of light (orange, yellow, yellow-green, or blue-green ) depends on the kind of luciferase and amount of oxidation of the vitamin attached to the luciferin.
  • 43. Enzymes that bacteria use to break down dead, chilled whales may be used in cold- water detergents? • The cold temperature slows the rate of biological decay and in a whale, the oil-laden bones are the last things to be decomposed by bacteria at depth of 3300 feet. • The detergent industry's current fat-digesting enzymes are only effective in warm water, 105ºF. • Therefore, in cold water the enzymes do not gulp up oil or grease. Hence, a tremendous amount of energy savings could be obtained when using a cold-water enzyme that worked on stains.
  • 44. Microbes can degrade explosives? • Trinitrotoluene, TNT, is a problematic explosive that contaminates the soil in areas where ammunition is kept. • Bacteria named Clostridium bifermentans is able to break down this contaminant. • When provided with starch as energy source, the bacteria can break down the TNT through co- metabolism by broken-down TNT as a source of carbon.
  • 45. Bacteria can help clean up oil spills? • After the Exxon Valdez crashed off the shore of Alaska, spilling its contents all over the area, one of the biggest contributors to cleaning up the environment was Pseudomonas. • Scientists found that by feeding the contaminated area with oxygen and waste water, the bacteria present there were provided with the nutrients needed to flourish, thereby encouraging the break down of hydrocarbons within crude oil by Pseudomonas. • The hydrocarbon that the bacterium feasts on are converted to carbon dioxide and water.
  • 46. Microbes might be used to breakdown dirty laundry on long space flights? • One of the problems that would be encountered, which is now one of the problems with the Russian space station Mir, is the disposal of dirty laundry. • Presently, there are only two supply trips a year to Mir, so six months of stockpiling doesn't work too well. • Russian scientists are working on developing a mixture of bacteria that could be used to biodegrade dirty underwear.
  • 47. Bacteria keep vegetables fresher? • Even vegetables that are kept in airtight containers are prone to spoilage by E.coli and Listeria. • Lactic acid bacteria, are an alternative solution to this problem by producing natural acids that prevent Listeria from growing in foods.
  • 48. Bacteria are used to make chocolate? • Chocolate comes from the seeds of the Cacao tree. • The seeds come in pods and the only way to retrieve the seeds are to ferment them with yeasts and lactobacilli and Acetobacter. • The Lactobacillus secretes an acid to help break apart the pod.
  • 49. Microbes can make plastics ? • Alcaligenes eutrophus, is a useful bacterium having the capability of making plastics.  • The bacterium is able to accomplish this feat because it has granules that are made of a fat-like polymer and not starch, like the granules of other bacteria.  • These plastics can be readily degraded and hopefully will pose less environmental threat.  • There are strong hopes of using these bacteria and their plastics for medical purposes.
  • 50. Microbes are all over your skin? • While bacteria are found on your fingers, toes, arms and legs they are far more numerous on your face. • They are found above and below the surface of your skin and are in no way harmful. • However, all teenagers have had at least one zit in their lifetime, are called: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, acne, etc. • And while bacteria are not the cause for zits they do inhabit those little imperfections. So, the next time you pop your pimple you must know that you are unleashing an army of microbes.
  • 51. Microbes cause body odor?  • The sweat that comes out of your underarms actually does not smell bad.  • The reason that people give off odors when they sweat in their underarms is that bacteria living there like to eat sweat, and as a result produce waste products that cause it to smell.  • Body odor can be eliminated by using deoderant.  • Deoderant kills the bacteria under your arms so that it cannot make your sweat stink.  “So don't forget your deoderant; it does more than just mask body odor, it stops it
  • 52. Sick Building Syndrome? • Fumes from certain construction materials in buildings e.g. malls, are responsible for giving people severe headaches. • Microbes living in potted plants eliminate Sick Building Syndrome by degrading the fumes. • However, suffering people may be glad to know that helpful bacteria can solve their problem.
  • 53. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the literary microbe?  • Famous writers like Keats, Browning, Austen and Orwell have all suffered from tuberculosis and because of this the microbe has been called the literary microbe. • Tuberculosis is also considered to be the greatest killer of all times. About one hundred thousand million people have been affected. This bacterium is transmitted through air or infected
  • 54. Microbes form fossils? • In 1950's-1960's, micropaleontologists discovered layers of sedimentary rocks, wavelike stromatolites in Great Lakes, are believed to contain microbial fossils. • Some fossils are 3.5 billion years old, meaning that they were formed only one billion years after the creation of the Earth indicating that microbes are the earliest forms of life on Earth.
  • 55. There's a "Sleeping Beauty" story for bacteria? • In May 1995, scientists were the prince as they revived 25-40 million year-old bacteria from the stomach of a bee that was preserved in tree sap.  • It was this event that led to the notion of Spielberg's Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs were created after their DNA was extracted from mosquitoes trapped in tree sap the same way.  “The dinosaurs, however, were the ones who took the limelight away from the bacteria on the movie screens”
  • 56. How Does Salmonella Get Inside Chicken Eggs? • The bacterium actually lives in the feces of chicken. • Because chickens sit on their eggs, even before they are collected for consumer purchases, the eggs may be subjected to the bacterium. • It was found that S. enteritidis could actually penetrate the hard outer shell of the egg and live inside the yolk, where it can reproduce. • The bacterium could infect hens' ovaries, and contaminate the egg before it even developed a shell.
  • 57. • Toxoplasma gondii, a parasitic infection in rats, alters their natural behaviour and makes them easy prey for cats. • Toxoplasma gondii is found in about 35% of rats but prefers to live in cats. • It ensures its return to its favourite host by affecting the brains of the normally cautious rats, making them outgoing and active and an easy meal for a hungry cat. • Rats can usually detect subtle changes in their environment. It makes them very hard to trap or poison but this parasite overrides the innate response - they almost taunt the cats in a sense (remember Tom n Jerry ???). Infected rats make easy cat snacks
  • 58. Caught Dirty-Handed!!! • When was the last time you washed your hands? • Did you use soap? • What have you done since you washed? • Have you eaten, put your fingers in your mouth or touched someone else? • There are millions of microbes on your hands. Most are naturally occurring and harmless. But some may be disease- causing germs. Hand washing with soap lifts off those microbes and rinses them away. • Observations in public restrooms reveals what?????
  • 59. Bacteria can help give your jeans the right ‘fade’ • Alkalothermophilic Thermomonospora produces enzyme cellulase, which when mixed with a coarse denim cloth reduces its hairiness and makes it softer and lighter. • It gives same appearance as a stone wash, causes no damage to drums of washing machines by preventing wear and tear of the material. • Finish can be controlled to desired level by controlling the amount of enzyme.
  • 60. Bacteria can act as insecticides?  • The first major products of agricultural biotechnology was Bacillus thuringiensis, producing proteins that are toxic to many insects. • Now, scientists have spliced genes of it into crops, that produces toxins fatal to crop damaging pests, but harmless to "good" bugs.
  • 61. ThanksThanks for your kindfor your kind attentionattention

Editor's Notes

  1. d.h. die Fähigkeit, sich zu vermehren - die Fähigkeit , sich verändernden Umweltbedingungen anzupassen
  2. d.h. die Fähigkeit, sich zu vermehren - die Fähigkeit , sich verändernden Umweltbedingungen anzupassen