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                        GENERATOR DINNER
                             February 21, 2013

Oct 16, 2012
Fall Generator Dinner
                        GENERATOR DINNER
                             February 21, 2013

Oct 16, 2012
Fall Generator Dinner
Innovative and feasible
ideas that make a positive
change in the world
anywhere in the world
What’s possible
up to $10k per team
3 x $1500
community choice awards
Arlene Ducao OpenIR
Vitor Pamplona Netra
Morgan O’Neill Recovers.org
Mario Bollini Leveraged Freedom Chair

winners’ panel
Mario Bollini
Freedom Chair
2008 winner
Arlene Ducao   OpenIR, 2012 winner
2010 winner
Arlene Ducao OpenIR
Vitor Pamplona Netra
Morgan O’Neill Recovers.org
Mario Bollini Leveraged Freedom Chair

winners’ panel
What the judges
will look for

    Team composition
    led by full-time MIT student(s)
What the judges
will look for

     demonstrate alternative options +
     how your idea is different
What the judges
will look for

     where did your idea begin
     who are you working with
     what’s value will you add
What the judges
will look for

     what’s possible in next 15 months
     right team + partners
     future plan
1 – Submit a Scope Statement
Enter      Final chance: Wed Feb 27
           Submit at least one Scope Statement
           2 – Submit a Proposal
              Friday, April 5

           3 – Community Choice Vote
              Friday, April 19 - Monday, April 29

           4 – Poster & Judging Session
              Monday, April 29

           5 – Awards Celebration
              Thursday, May 2

           Winners Retreat on May 28 and 29
stand up
60 second
recruit teammates
or share your skills
special award
2013 Yunus Challenge

          resources at
The Phase I Fellowship                     Eligibility Criteria
•   Six Phase I Fellows will receive $5k for   •   Graduating from MIT June 2013.
    travel and materials.                      •   Have a new or improved hardware
•   Fellowship: June-Sept 2013.                    device to meet a defined Base of the
•   Improve on the design of your                  Pyramid need.
    technology through needs and market        •   Be available to work full-time on the
    analysis, value chain analysis, and user       project and spend 6-8 weeks in the
    testing.                                       target market.
•   Join a dynamic learning community of       •   Have project-based experience in a
    young social entrepreneurs.                    developing country.
•   Access D-Lab workspaces, receive           •   Have a community partner and a
    mentorship, develop new skills, and            technology mentor committed to
    cultivate partnerships.                        your project.

    d-lab.mit.edu/scale-ups/apply                    smithra@mit.edu
60 second
recruit teammates
or share your skills
MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Generator Dinner
AquaFiltro: Water for
                                            Credit: PATH
Need: safe & affordable drinking water
Solution: ceramic water filtration
    – Cheap & aesthetic
    – Faster & more convenient
Impact: better life quality
    – Health improvement
    – Job creation & economic improvement
Changing the Attitude of Autism Abroad by Educating Families
The Problem:                                                                   The Solution:
The attitude and stigma                                                        A dynamic online resource for families to
associated with autism is in dire                                              consult if their child is formally or
need of reform particularly in                                                 informally diagnosed with autism
third world countries of Africa
and Asia.                                                                      •Help with informal self-diagnosis via basic
•40% registered Nigerian nurses
attribute autism to supernatural                                               •Educational resources for the disorder to
causes such as spirits or the devil                                            curb the mentality that autism is a fatal
                                                                               and hopeless disease, which needs
•Social stigma and lack of                                                     “curing”
government acceptance in
countries such as India and                                                    •Forum for families in similar situations to
China prevent families from                                                    interact with one another
taking much needed early
intervention procedures
                                                                               •Success stories of autistic individuals, who
                                                                               have conquered social stigma
 Aparna Sud
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2013
 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Sloan School of Management
 asud@mit.edu | 781-367-4010                                               Sources: Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, Psychology Today
MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Generator Dinner
MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Generator Dinner

                CONSUME                                BUY

Content Needs A Mobile                                        Learners Need A
       Platform                     SELL
                          Creators Need Distribution
                                   Channel                   yscaira@mit.edu
Allison Rosenberg
Lab-X Foundation
                                  Make. Break. Innovate.
 Incentive based unique educational programs to promote socio-economic growth in
 developing countries. Focused on undergraduate colleges with limited resources.
 Problem: Less than 0.1% of over 1 million
 engineering students gets world class
 education or hands on learning in India. A
 huge pool of talents is wasted due to lack of
 proper resources, guidance and global
                     Innova (summer 2013) allows
Our Programs:        students from small city
•Intern Me           colleges to solve problems of
•Innova                                                    Ketan Dande, Associate Director, Lab-X
                     rural areas, and ensures faculty     with SJ Kuruvilla, during first collaboration
•Techie              involvement in research.                  event with Start Up Village, India
•Inspire             Students work in villages,
First operation      thereby promoting social            Founders:
conducted in Jan     intermixing, technology             Sampriti Bhattacharyya(MIT)
2013 in Cochin for acceptance and in the process         Ketan Dande (Robert Bosch )
“Intern ME”. Two     come up with low cost               Chris Garry (UMass)
US internships are technologies for indigenous           Indian Partner: Startup Village
being given out.     startups.
                                                        www.labxfoundation.org sampriti@mit.edu
Common Scholarship Application
       Filtering Criteria

                       "Common App" for Scholarships
                       •Increase Applicant Pool of students
                       applying to scholarships.
                       •Seeking coders for preliminary
                       version of website!

Contact us!
Kezi Chengkezi@mit.edu
Margaret Shaw mmshaw@mit.edu
Ultimate Goal: Create Website that
   Fosters Non-Profit Collaboration
• Utilizes Geospatial Overlap and Volunteer
  Network to Evaluate Collaboration for Funders

         Geospatial Overlap                          Volunteer Network
    Mapping of Geospatial Effective              Analyzing Number of Mutual
               Radius                              Volunteer Connections
    If Interested please contact Chris Goldstein at cgoldstein13@gmail.com
YouVest – Crowdfunding for Social Enterprises
       Company overview                               Founding team                            Distinctiveness
– YouVest will become the world’s                                                     – Track and evaluate project
                                          – Rodolfo Gonzalez
  leading crowdfunding platform                                                         impact using IRIS metrics
  for social enterprises
                                                                                      – Users generate Social Impact
– Rockefeller Foundation
                                          – Robert Hale                                 Portfolios per dollar invested
  estimates individuals could
  invest US$4.4B in social                                                            – Projects will create videos to
  enterprises but lack platform to                                                      share their story and vision of
  track and evaluate social and                                                         social change
                                          – Pranav Ramkishnan
  financial impact                                                                    – Investors build social capital by
– Social Enterprises struggle to                                                        sharing their portfolios with the
  articulate and track their impact                                                     YouVest community to get peer
– YouVest will promote Crowd              – Chiharu Shiraai                             recognition for their impact
  Impact Investing as new asset
  class by using IRIS impact metrics
– Projects raise funds in USA, but                    Target market                                 Goals
  will be deployed whenever                                                                  Net income           Projects
  projects are running                                 Capital Amount
                                                                                                    4.8              9,100
        Company history                                   5M
– YouVest was founded in Fall 2012 by a   Expansion
  group of MIT students who are
  passionate about having great social                    1M            Institution           2.2
– Semifinalist of the MIT 100K Elevator                100k
                                               Dissemination        Crowd
  Pitch contest 2012                                                                   0.2                  600
– Raised seed funding in December 2012         Social Enterprises     Investors
                                                                                      2013 ‘14 ‘15          2013 ‘14 ‘15
Project                         Togo-bulance:
 Building a bicycle-ambulance for transportation
 between AED, a community-run HIV clinic, and
 the two public hospitals in Kara, Togo, West
 (adapted from the Zambulance)

Please contact Elizabeth Shanahan: shanahae@mit.edu
60 second
recruit teammates
or share your skills
Find a
themed table
    Health, Accessibility          Agriculture, Processing

    Education, Training            Mobiles, ICTs

    Energy, Environment            Housing, Transportation

    Water, Sanitation               Emergency, Disaster Relief

    Employment, Entrepreneurship   Wild Card
Sign up or reach out at
Sign up or reach out at
MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Generator Dinner

More Related Content

MIT IDEAS Global Challenge Generator Dinner

  • 1. WELCOME TO THE GENERATOR DINNER February 21, 2013 Oct 16, 2012 Fall Generator Dinner
  • 3. WELCOME TO THE GENERATOR DINNER February 21, 2013 Oct 16, 2012 Fall Generator Dinner
  • 4. Innovative and feasible ideas that make a positive change in the world anywhere in the world
  • 5. What’s possible up to $10k per team + 3 x $1500 community choice awards
  • 6. Arlene Ducao OpenIR Vitor Pamplona Netra Morgan O’Neill Recovers.org Mario Bollini Leveraged Freedom Chair winners’ panel
  • 8. Arlene Ducao OpenIR, 2012 winner
  • 11. Arlene Ducao OpenIR Vitor Pamplona Netra Morgan O’Neill Recovers.org Mario Bollini Leveraged Freedom Chair winners’ panel
  • 12. What the judges will look for Team composition led by full-time MIT student(s)
  • 13. What the judges will look for Innovation demonstrate alternative options + how your idea is different
  • 14. What the judges will look for Impact where did your idea begin who are you working with what’s value will you add
  • 15. What the judges will look for Feasibility what’s possible in next 15 months scope right team + partners future plan
  • 16. 1 – Submit a Scope Statement Enter Final chance: Wed Feb 27 Submit at least one Scope Statement Now 2 – Submit a Proposal Friday, April 5 3 – Community Choice Vote Friday, April 19 - Monday, April 29 4 – Poster & Judging Session Monday, April 29 5 – Awards Celebration Thursday, May 2 Winners Retreat on May 28 and 29
  • 19. special award 2013 Yunus Challenge education resources at http://web.mit.edu/idi
  • 20. The Phase I Fellowship Eligibility Criteria • Six Phase I Fellows will receive $5k for • Graduating from MIT June 2013. travel and materials. • Have a new or improved hardware • Fellowship: June-Sept 2013. device to meet a defined Base of the • Improve on the design of your Pyramid need. technology through needs and market • Be available to work full-time on the analysis, value chain analysis, and user project and spend 6-8 weeks in the testing. target market. • Join a dynamic learning community of • Have project-based experience in a young social entrepreneurs. developing country. • Access D-Lab workspaces, receive • Have a community partner and a mentorship, develop new skills, and technology mentor committed to cultivate partnerships. your project. d-lab.mit.edu/scale-ups/apply smithra@mit.edu
  • 23. AquaFiltro: Water for Life Credit: PATH Need: safe & affordable drinking water Solution: ceramic water filtration – Cheap & aesthetic – Faster & more convenient Impact: better life quality – Health improvement – Job creation & economic improvement
  • 24. Changing the Attitude of Autism Abroad by Educating Families The Problem: The Solution: The attitude and stigma A dynamic online resource for families to associated with autism is in dire consult if their child is formally or need of reform particularly in informally diagnosed with autism third world countries of Africa and Asia. •Help with informal self-diagnosis via basic checklist •40% registered Nigerian nurses attribute autism to supernatural •Educational resources for the disorder to causes such as spirits or the devil curb the mentality that autism is a fatal and hopeless disease, which needs •Social stigma and lack of “curing” government acceptance in countries such as India and •Forum for families in similar situations to China prevent families from interact with one another taking much needed early intervention procedures •Success stories of autistic individuals, who have conquered social stigma ---------------- Aparna Sud Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2013 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences | Sloan School of Management asud@mit.edu | 781-367-4010 Sources: Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, Psychology Today
  • 27. LEARN X MOBILE LEARNING MARKETPLACE CONSUME BUY Content Needs A Mobile Learners Need A Platform SELL Marketplace Creators Need Distribution Channel yscaira@mit.edu
  • 29. Lab-X Foundation Make. Break. Innovate. Incentive based unique educational programs to promote socio-economic growth in developing countries. Focused on undergraduate colleges with limited resources. Problem: Less than 0.1% of over 1 million engineering students gets world class education or hands on learning in India. A huge pool of talents is wasted due to lack of proper resources, guidance and global exposure. Innova (summer 2013) allows Our Programs: students from small city •Intern Me colleges to solve problems of •Innova Ketan Dande, Associate Director, Lab-X rural areas, and ensures faculty with SJ Kuruvilla, during first collaboration •Techie involvement in research. event with Start Up Village, India •Inspire Students work in villages, First operation thereby promoting social Founders: conducted in Jan intermixing, technology Sampriti Bhattacharyya(MIT) 2013 in Cochin for acceptance and in the process Ketan Dande (Robert Bosch ) “Intern ME”. Two come up with low cost Chris Garry (UMass) US internships are technologies for indigenous Indian Partner: Startup Village being given out. startups. www.labxfoundation.org sampriti@mit.edu
  • 30. Common Scholarship Application Filtering Criteria Initiative "Common App" for Scholarships •Increase Applicant Pool of students applying to scholarships. •Seeking coders for preliminary version of website! Contact us! Kezi Chengkezi@mit.edu Margaret Shaw mmshaw@mit.edu
  • 31. Ultimate Goal: Create Website that Fosters Non-Profit Collaboration • Utilizes Geospatial Overlap and Volunteer Network to Evaluate Collaboration for Funders Geospatial Overlap Volunteer Network Mapping of Geospatial Effective Analyzing Number of Mutual Radius Volunteer Connections If Interested please contact Chris Goldstein at cgoldstein13@gmail.com
  • 32. YouVest – Crowdfunding for Social Enterprises Company overview Founding team Distinctiveness – YouVest will become the world’s – Track and evaluate project – Rodolfo Gonzalez leading crowdfunding platform impact using IRIS metrics for social enterprises – Users generate Social Impact – Rockefeller Foundation – Robert Hale Portfolios per dollar invested estimates individuals could invest US$4.4B in social – Projects will create videos to enterprises but lack platform to share their story and vision of track and evaluate social and social change – Pranav Ramkishnan financial impact – Investors build social capital by – Social Enterprises struggle to sharing their portfolios with the articulate and track their impact YouVest community to get peer – YouVest will promote Crowd – Chiharu Shiraai recognition for their impact Impact Investing as new asset class by using IRIS impact metrics – Projects raise funds in USA, but Target market Goals will be deployed whenever Net income Projects projects are running Capital Amount 4.8 9,100 Company history 5M – YouVest was founded in Fall 2012 by a Expansion group of MIT students who are 4,600 passionate about having great social 1M Institution 2.2 impact – Semifinalist of the MIT 100K Elevator 100k Dissemination Crowd Pitch contest 2012 0.2 600 – Raised seed funding in December 2012 Social Enterprises Investors 2013 ‘14 ‘15 2013 ‘14 ‘15
  • 33. Project Togo-bulance: Building a bicycle-ambulance for transportation between AED, a community-run HIV clinic, and the two public hospitals in Kara, Togo, West Africa (adapted from the Zambulance) Please contact Elizabeth Shanahan: shanahae@mit.edu
  • 35. Find a themed table Health, Accessibility Agriculture, Processing Education, Training Mobiles, ICTs Energy, Environment Housing, Transportation Water, Sanitation Emergency, Disaster Relief Employment, Entrepreneurship Wild Card
  • 36. Sign up or reach out at Sign up or reach out at globalchallenge@mit.edu globalchallenge@mit.edu globalchallenge.mit.edu globalchallenge.mit.edu

Editor's Notes

  1. Lots of people in the room tonight…. If you’re interested in/already doing and thinking about starting work in Social impact; Development; International Development; Humanitarian Work, we’re one of the pieces of that ecosystem here at MIT. Our specific focus is – innovation as public service. We support new projects through an annual competition.
  2. Lots of people in the room tonight…. If you’re interested in/already doing and thinking about starting work in Social impact; Development; International Development; Humanitarian Work, we’re one of the pieces of that ecosystem here at MIT. Our specific focus is – innovation as public service. We support new projects through an annual competition.
  3. Systems, technologies. Models. Undergrads grads.
  4. It’s competitive.
  5. Resources – where you started. Pivot points. Lessons learned. Questions to audience.
  6. It’s competitive.
  7. Becca slide – Scale-Ups?
  8. Keep them at 60 seconds – Jenn Higgins- Spiers with note cards
  9. Keep them at 60 seconds – Jenn Higgins- Spiers with note cards
  10. 5 million mobile phones worldwide + 1 Million smart phones Source: Morgan Stanley Research estimates In a world with 7 billion people Mobile usage, poor people, two different ways, put in organizations, ideo framework, big down, team Poverty -> success All have phones
  11. Common Scholarship Application Initiative, The "Common App" for Scholarships; We hope to increase the applicant pool of students who apply for scholarships by enabling students to fill out one common application (under 2 hours with parental involvement); the system filters students by the information provided on the application (GPA, family income, extracurricular activities, ethnicity, etc). Then scholarship foundations and private donors that accept the CSA will be provided with a list of qualified students for their particular scholarship, for whom they can read the personal essay and teacher rec and select an awardee. We are seeking coders for a preliminary version of the website, or others who would be interested in helping us contact scholarship foundations.
  12. Keep them at 60 seconds – Jenn Higgins- Spiers with note cards
  13. 1/3 MIT