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Digital City Mechanics
A system for creating jobs...
Presentation outline
 •   My entrepreneurial journey [who]
 •   A system to create Jobs [what]
 •   Digital City Mechanics [how]
 •   Q & A [why]
 •   [time permitting] details [more]
My Entrepreneurial Journey
 •   30+ years – leading to today
 •   Timing is everything
 •   I’m a change agent
 •   Past, Present and Future coming together
Lessons of the ‘80’s
 •   First to market – wins
 •   Bootstrap whenever possible
 •   Work at home – get more done
 •   Look at features from the user’s perspective
 •   Hub of the wheel – friends to all – leadership
 •   Create a developer-based culture
 •   Strategically utilized “chutzpah”
Lessons of the 90’s
 •   Use my own money
 •   Zig while others Zag
 •   Content + Technology
 •   50%+ of everything is NOT in the U.S.
 •   Design for broadband now, be ahead of the curve
 •   The Human face in software
Lessons from the 00’s
 •   Global, on-line, real-time culture
 •   Widget economy – open platforms
 •   Connect across multiple domains/silos
 •   Bring social to software – people power
 •   Connect the on-line world to the real world
 •   We are all Immigrants
 •   Open is the new Black
Lessons from the ’10s
 • Individuals, not companies
 • Jobs are the #1 issue
 • Closed vs Open
 • Digital Divide is about feeling comfortable using
   computers, NOT free laptops and net access
 • Its what you do WITH the bandwidth that counts
 • Slow down, let the rest of the world catch up
Digitale Citta projecto in Trieste
 • Utilizzato a banda larga di Telecom Italia
 • Ha lavorato con il Sindaco Illy
 • Integrated, rich media UI design
Built on AJAX - 6 years before

  Focused on family
Profile pages, Multiple personae
QTVR Shopping, Seniors

Real-time Video cams - in Clubs
MIT Sloan school preso
We Cannot Create Jobs Fast
 • Job training is geared toward “old Job” Models
 • Workforce training and Economic Development
   dollars are wasted
 • Not clear how many freelancers exist
 • Hi-tech industry doesn’t care about jobs for
   “normal” people
What is a Job? Its Changing...
 •   No longer 40 hours a week, into an office
 •   Virtual work habits & workgroups
 •   Online tools, apps & web services
 •   Computers & handheld devices based
 •   Freelance nation
 •   Project-based economy
Hi-Tech Jobs for "normal people?"
 •   As high as 60% do not have hi-tech skills
 •   As high as 25% unemployed in some regions
 •   25% of workforce are freelancers
 •   Creating Jobs is the #1 issue in society today
The real Digital Divide
 • Feeling comfortable using computers as a tool
   to make a living, to get work done
 • Not free laptops, net access and MS Office
Digital Economy Ecosystem architectu
Hybrid of Technology and
 • Don’t just offer the tools to the people
 • Make sure they USE them!
 • Show normal people the BENEFIT and VALUE
   from on-line technology – they can make a living,
   not just waste time!
 • Break down boundaries between silos
A New Model for Creating Jobs
 •   Jobs require comfort online & with PCs
 •   On-demand skills & tasks
 •   Virtual workgroups - online tools
 •   Project based, peer network, social-based
 •   Involves producing LOTS of online multimedia
     • Games, simulations, visualizations, videos, mashups, remixes
     • Interactive multimedia + data = app economy
Sustainable model
 •   Altruistic and For-profit hybrid
 •   1/3 Gov/Foundation funding
 •   1/3 Sponsored Projects (work-for-hire)
 •   1/3 Platform revenues
 •   New kinds of Jobs generated and supported
 •   Software Infrastructure
 •   Built-in training curriculum
 •   Real-time Video Help
 •   Community Activity streams
 •   Online marketplace, Job board
 •   Community Timeline
 •   Community Media Channels
Culture merchants
New Workforce Training
 • Haves help the have nots
 • Retrain workforce for
   tomorrow’s jobs
 • $20k per job instead of $60k
 • Experts -> semi-skilled -> interns in one project
A system that enables ecosystems
Works on multiple levels simultaneously
  •   Meta
  •   Entrepreneurial
  •   Community – Groups – Projects
  •   Individuals
Lots of Multimedia production
•   Interactive Encyclopedias
•   Knowledge bases
•   Business Directory
•   Apps, games, simulations, videos
Picking up where
Broadband Infrastructure leaves off
  • Existing broadband infrastructure - stops there
  • Gigabit networking
    • Stable connection
    • Entrepreneurial culture
    • “ Sense of expectation"
  • Citizen dashboards - Software infrastructure
  • Emphasize interactive multimedia and video
  • Community engagement programs
Community Engagement is our
Value-Added Differentiation
 •   Free training and Paid Internship programs
 •   Local business directories and on-line marketplace
 •   Community workshops
 •   Local community "bureaus"
 •   Free tech support for community organizations
 •   Multimedia content projects and newsletters
 •   People’s video help bureaus
 •   On-line viral marketing campaigns by locals for brands
 •   Encourage startups, independent workers, entrepreneurs
Digital economy ecosystems must
include and intermingle three
 • Silicon Valley Tech Industry
 • College educated - Under-employed
 • Students/Interns/Un-employed
The Elitist technology industry
 •   Comfortable in their success
 •   Don’t care about jobs for normal people
 •   Only focused on VC funded, home runs
 •   Intellectually stimulating
Under-employed, college
 •   Never had a chance to put their skills – to use
 •   Need motivation – to care to look for better job
 •   No time for intellectualizing – just stay alive
 •   Short term focused
Students / Interns / Un-employed
 •   Need a job
 •   Need motivation to care – at all – about anything
 •   What’s Intellectualizing?
 •   “ Shouldn’ t there be digital jobs – for us –
An integrated system
        New methodology – uses on-line tools and points

         Points          Video
              Workshop Help
              sEducation Desk
         s          On-line skills
     Focus on intangible skills needed for freelance workers
An integrated system
All projects sponsored       Interns placed into       Learn by doing
by local brands              on-going projects

      Biz      Video
               Projects                       Education
       Games     Sites
                          Trainers training Trainers
An integrated system                                    Tech
                                                Build trust in the
      Citizens cluster around                         Support
      Projects and Events
                                           Marketplac   Orgs
     Projects                   Education                    Engagement
- “Content” channels flow       - Citizens support new       events
                                                         - Provide free tech support to
                                ways of learning       community orgs
                                - Trickle down effect  - Support individual freelancers
An integrated system Channels
All activity leverages   - Content                    Social
free open on-line        - People     Help desk
platform                 - Services   Marketplace     Media
                                      Biz Directory

     Projects             Education      Engagement

An integrated system

       Entrepreneurial - Jobs

 Projects   Education    Engagement

New kinds        ONLINE                      Customize
 of online     DIRECTORY &
 marketing     MARKETPLAC                      a city or

          use of
          training           PROGRAMS   PROJECTS   SERVICES
Corporate Sponsorships
  • Socially conscious spend their marketing
    budgets = creating local jobs
  • Help build local cyber savvy workforce
  • Train workers in online job skills
Hyper-Local Relationships
  • Authentic connection to vendors and customers
  • Convince global brands to spend
    money locally
  • Timely, local, viral campaigns
Online Marketplace & Biz
 • Local businesses of all types – in our own online
      local biz directory
  •   Goods and Services sold
  •   Provide delivery and fulfillment
  •   Webmercials for all listings and items
  •   Transaction and reputation services
  •   Craig’s list + Angie’s list + Etsy
Digital Economy Ecosystems
      •   Entrepreneurial culture
      •   Online job market
      •   Not just for companies, but individuals
      •   Support Independent workers, freelancers
      •   Collaboration, Communication, Commerce
MIT Sloan school preso
Tech Development
      Tec h                          Design
                                     Des ign
  Platform, Plug-Ins
   Development                    Games, V e s
                                  G m sVideos
                                    a e, id o
   Pa om P gin
    lf , l - s
      tr     u
 Interactive Content          Interfaces, T m le
                               I ef e, Templates
                                n r cs e p t
                                 ta           as
  I eate o tn
  n rc C ne t
   t iv
TAM P         Jam aica   C LE VE LA    K ans as
  A                         ND           C ity
DCM puts the deals together
• Build syndicate of local investors and stakeholders
• Create local subsidiary, own 51% of entity
   – 49% = local investors, execs and staff
• Create accompanying 501c3
• Identify local industry to sponsor MM projects
• Global brands sponsor viral campaigns - gain access
  to authentic hyper-local vendors and customers
   –   via our Biz Directory
• Setup and operate Bureaus and on-line Mktplace
   – offer community free services
• Customize Citizen Dashboard to the City or Region
Digital City Mechanics
 • Working towards this for 20 years
    –   (Odaiba, MediaBar, Trieste, SuperBowl XXXII, NOW.com, Blogging, Open Social Networking)

 • Helped build an industry before
    –   (MacroMind    Macromedia)

 • Social networking platform
    –   (PeopleAggregator)

 • Open standards
    –   (RSS, OpenID, OAuth)

 • Let’s do it in KC!
Looking for….
 • Angel investors
 • Pilot projects around the world:
   – introductions
   – connections
   – alliance formation

 • Bootstrapping consulting gigs (let me help YOU!)

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MIT Sloan school preso

  • 1. Digital City Mechanics A system for creating jobs...
  • 2. Presentation outline • My entrepreneurial journey [who] • A system to create Jobs [what] • Digital City Mechanics [how] • Q & A [why] • [time permitting] details [more]
  • 3. My Entrepreneurial Journey • 30+ years – leading to today • Timing is everything • I’m a change agent • Past, Present and Future coming together
  • 4. Lessons of the ‘80’s • First to market – wins • Bootstrap whenever possible • Work at home – get more done • Look at features from the user’s perspective • Hub of the wheel – friends to all – leadership • Create a developer-based culture • Strategically utilized “chutzpah”
  • 5. Lessons of the 90’s • Use my own money • Zig while others Zag • Content + Technology • 50%+ of everything is NOT in the U.S. • Design for broadband now, be ahead of the curve • The Human face in software
  • 6. Lessons from the 00’s • Global, on-line, real-time culture • Widget economy – open platforms • Connect across multiple domains/silos • Bring social to software – people power • Connect the on-line world to the real world • We are all Immigrants • Open is the new Black
  • 7. Lessons from the ’10s • Individuals, not companies • Jobs are the #1 issue • Closed vs Open • Digital Divide is about feeling comfortable using computers, NOT free laptops and net access • Its what you do WITH the bandwidth that counts • Slow down, let the rest of the world catch up
  • 8. Digitale Citta projecto in Trieste • Utilizzato a banda larga di Telecom Italia • Ha lavorato con il Sindaco Illy • Integrated, rich media UI design
  • 9. Built on AJAX - 6 years before AJAX Focused on family computing
  • 11. QTVR Shopping, Seniors interfaces Embedded Apps
  • 12. Real-time Video cams - in Clubs
  • 14. We Cannot Create Jobs Fast Enough... • Job training is geared toward “old Job” Models • Workforce training and Economic Development dollars are wasted • Not clear how many freelancers exist • Hi-tech industry doesn’t care about jobs for “normal” people
  • 15. What is a Job? Its Changing... • No longer 40 hours a week, into an office • Virtual work habits & workgroups • Online tools, apps & web services • Computers & handheld devices based • Freelance nation • Project-based economy
  • 16. Hi-Tech Jobs for "normal people?" • As high as 60% do not have hi-tech skills • As high as 25% unemployed in some regions • 25% of workforce are freelancers • Creating Jobs is the #1 issue in society today
  • 17. The real Digital Divide • Feeling comfortable using computers as a tool to make a living, to get work done • Not free laptops, net access and MS Office
  • 19. Hybrid of Technology and Sociology • Don’t just offer the tools to the people • Make sure they USE them! • Show normal people the BENEFIT and VALUE from on-line technology – they can make a living, not just waste time! • Break down boundaries between silos
  • 20. A New Model for Creating Jobs • Jobs require comfort online & with PCs • On-demand skills & tasks • Virtual workgroups - online tools • Project based, peer network, social-based • Involves producing LOTS of online multimedia • Games, simulations, visualizations, videos, mashups, remixes • Interactive multimedia + data = app economy
  • 21. Sustainable model • Altruistic and For-profit hybrid • 1/3 Gov/Foundation funding • 1/3 Sponsored Projects (work-for-hire) • 1/3 Platform revenues • New kinds of Jobs generated and supported
  • 22. Open Platform • Software Infrastructure • Built-in training curriculum • Real-time Video Help • Community Activity streams • Online marketplace, Job board • Community Timeline • Community Media Channels
  • 24. New Workforce Training • Haves help the have nots • Retrain workforce for tomorrow’s jobs • $20k per job instead of $60k • Experts -> semi-skilled -> interns in one project
  • 25. A system that enables ecosystems Works on multiple levels simultaneously • Meta • Entrepreneurial • Community – Groups – Projects • Individuals
  • 26. Lots of Multimedia production work • Interactive Encyclopedias • Knowledge bases • Business Directory • Apps, games, simulations, videos
  • 27. Picking up where Broadband Infrastructure leaves off • Existing broadband infrastructure - stops there • Gigabit networking • Stable connection • Entrepreneurial culture • “ Sense of expectation" • Citizen dashboards - Software infrastructure • Emphasize interactive multimedia and video • Community engagement programs
  • 28. Community Engagement is our Value-Added Differentiation • Free training and Paid Internship programs • Local business directories and on-line marketplace • Community workshops • Local community "bureaus" • Free tech support for community organizations • Multimedia content projects and newsletters • People’s video help bureaus • On-line viral marketing campaigns by locals for brands • Encourage startups, independent workers, entrepreneurs
  • 29. Digital economy ecosystems must include and intermingle three worlds • Silicon Valley Tech Industry • College educated - Under-employed • Students/Interns/Un-employed
  • 30. The Elitist technology industry • Comfortable in their success • Don’t care about jobs for normal people • Only focused on VC funded, home runs • Intellectually stimulating
  • 31. Under-employed, college educated • Never had a chance to put their skills – to use • Need motivation – to care to look for better job • No time for intellectualizing – just stay alive • Short term focused
  • 32. Students / Interns / Un-employed • Need a job • Need motivation to care – at all – about anything • What’s Intellectualizing? • “ Shouldn’ t there be digital jobs – for us – too?”
  • 33. An integrated system New methodology – uses on-line tools and points Points Video Workshop Help sEducation Desk Internship s On-line skills Focus on intangible skills needed for freelance workers
  • 34. An integrated system All projects sponsored Interns placed into Learn by doing by local brands on-going projects Biz Video Directorys Projects Education Games Sites Visualizations Trainers training Trainers
  • 35. An integrated system Tech Build trust in the Citizens cluster around Support neighborhoods Projects and Events Marketplac Orgs e Community Projects Education Engagement Live - “Content” channels flow - Citizens support new events - Provide free tech support to ways of learning community orgs - Trickle down effect - Support individual freelancers
  • 36. An integrated system Channels Aggregate: All activity leverages - Content Social free open on-line - People Help desk platform - Services Marketplace Media Biz Directory Community Projects Education Engagement Platform
  • 37. An integrated system Entrepreneurial - Jobs Community Projects Education Engagement Platform
  • 38. New kinds ONLINE Customize of online DIRECTORY & marketing MARKETPLAC a city or E CORPORATE SPONSORSHI region HYPER-LOCAL PS RELATIONSHIP S More efficient use of workforce training PROGRAMS PROJECTS SERVICES dollars
  • 39. BU S IN E S S Corporate Sponsorships • Socially conscious spend their marketing budgets = creating local jobs • Help build local cyber savvy workforce • Train workers in online job skills
  • 40. BU S IN E S S Hyper-Local Relationships • Authentic connection to vendors and customers • Convince global brands to spend money locally • Timely, local, viral campaigns
  • 41. BU S IN E S S Online Marketplace & Biz Directory • Local businesses of all types – in our own online local biz directory • Goods and Services sold • Provide delivery and fulfillment • Webmercials for all listings and items • Transaction and reputation services • Craig’s list + Angie’s list + Etsy
  • 42. Digital Economy Ecosystems • Entrepreneurial culture • Online job market • Not just for companies, but individuals • Support Independent workers, freelancers • Collaboration, Communication, Commerce
  • 44. Tech Development Tec h Design Des ign Platform, Plug-Ins Development Games, V e s G m sVideos a e, id o Pa om P gin lf , l - s tr u Interactive Content Interfaces, T m le I ef e, Templates n r cs e p t ta as I eate o tn n rc C ne t t iv I.P. TAM P Jam aica C LE VE LA K ans as A ND C ity
  • 45. DCM puts the deals together • Build syndicate of local investors and stakeholders • Create local subsidiary, own 51% of entity – 49% = local investors, execs and staff • Create accompanying 501c3 • Identify local industry to sponsor MM projects • Global brands sponsor viral campaigns - gain access to authentic hyper-local vendors and customers – via our Biz Directory • Setup and operate Bureaus and on-line Mktplace – offer community free services • Customize Citizen Dashboard to the City or Region
  • 46. Digital City Mechanics • Working towards this for 20 years – (Odaiba, MediaBar, Trieste, SuperBowl XXXII, NOW.com, Blogging, Open Social Networking) • Helped build an industry before – (MacroMind Macromedia) • Social networking platform – (PeopleAggregator) • Open standards – (RSS, OpenID, OAuth) • Let’s do it in KC!
  • 47. Looking for…. • Angel investors • Pilot projects around the world: – introductions – connections – alliance formation • Bootstrapping consulting gigs (let me help YOU!)