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Marketing Mix
• The term ‘marketing mix’ first appeared in the article entitled ‘The Concept of Marketing Mix’ (1948)
written by theorist Neil Borden, a professor of marketing and advertising at Harvard Business School.
• In 1960, Professor Jerome McCarthy developed Borden’s theory and kept four main points, namely
the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) in his book Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach.
• According to Philip Kotler “Marketing Mix is the set of controllable variables that the firm can use to
influence the buyer’s response”.
• The constituents of marketing mix are said as marketing mix elements. Elements are also referred
as decision variables.
• Marketing mix consists of mainly four elements, referred to as “4 Ps”
• Each element is also referred as mix, for example, product mix, price mix, promotion mix, and
place mix.
• Each mix contains a set of decisions.
Marketing Mix- Product
• anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need.
• a bundle of benefits which a marketer offers to the consumer for a price.
• includes product –
• planning,
• development,
• design,
• mix,
• innovation, standardization and branding.
• According to William J. Stanton “Product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes (packaging,
colour, price, manufacturer’s prestige, retailer’s prestige and manufacturer’s and retailer’s
services) which buyer may accept as offering satisfaction of wants and services”.
• According to Alderson, W., “Product is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and
accompanying services”
Steps in New Product Development Process
Levels ofProduct
Levels ofProduct
1.Core Benefits: ex.the core benefit in a hotel is to provide place to rest or sleep when away from home.
2.Basic/ Generic Product: ex- in a hotel, this could mean a bed, towels, a bathroom, a mirror, and a wardrobe.
3.Expected Product: Ex-clean sheets, some clean towels, Wi-fi, and a clean bathroom.
4. Augmented Product: any product variations, extra features, or services that help differentiate the product
from its competitors. Ex-free map of the town in every room, room for the driver, some sort of entertainment
facilities ( Live orchestra, exclusive arrangements for loyal customers, refrigeration for certain items, locker facility,
personal attn)
5.Potential Product: all augmentations and transformations the product might undergo in the future. In simple
language, this means that to continue to surprise and delight customers the product must be augmented.
In this example of a hotel, this could mean a different gift placed in the room each time a customer stays. It could be
some chocolates on one occasion.
 Thelife cycle of a product is associated with marketing and management decisions within
businesses, and all products go through five primary stages:
1. Development
2. Introduction
3. Growth
4. Maturity
5. Decline
 Each stage has its costs, opportunities and risks, and individual products differ in how long
they remain at any of the life cycle stages.
MKTG MIX-uNIT 2.pptx
MKTG MIX-uNIT 2.pptx
• Price is the amount charged for a product or service.
• It can be defined as the economic value of product normally expressed in form of money.
• It is one of the most important elements in the marketing mix. Fixing the price of the product is a
tricky job.
• Many factors like-
• demand for a product,
• cost involved,
• consumer’s ability to pay,
• prices charged by competitors for similar products,
• government restrictions etc. have to be kept in mind while fixing the price.
• In fact, pricing is a very crucial decision area as it has its effect on demand and profitability of
the firm.
• The price of product should be set in such a way that buyers can pay and company can earn
adequate profits.
Marketing Mix- Price
• Balance between price-sensitive and prestige-sensitive customers.
• Price mix includes the decisions regarding:
• Manufacturing (variable and fixed) costs of the product
• Pricing policies and strategies of the close competitors
• Pricing policies and strategies at different stages of product life cycle
• Terms of credit to be allowed to customers.
• Margin of profits
• Identifying and analyzing various relevant factors influencing
Marketing Mix- Price
• Factors determining a company’s price decisions can be categorized as internal
factors and external factors:
• Internal factors include-
• company’s marketing objectives,
• marketing mix strategy, and costs
• External factors consist of –
• market environment,
• demand,
• competition
Procedure (Steps) for Setting Prices
1. Set pricing objectives
2. Estimate demand
3. Determine costs
4. Examine the pricing environment
5. Choose a pricing strategy
6. Develop pricing tactics
MKTG MIX-uNIT 2.pptx
Factors affecting-
 Nature of service
 (standardized, Customized)
 Nature of interaction
 (high & Low contact)
 Customer’s needs and wants
 Natural geographical location
 Competitive positioning
 Technological advancement
 Dependency on other services
 Infrastructure facilities
 Target market decisions
 Nature of objective of the service firm-
 (Profit, Mkt share, Image, Customer satisfaction, Sales)
 Flexibility to accommodate future needs-
 (Resources- Space, Personnel, technology, tangible evidence
 Aesthetic factors-
 ( Look, shape, Design, Layout etc.)
 Social environment-
 ( Ambience, accessibility, target customers, Customer compatibility etc.
They are as follows – Agents & Brokers, Electronic Media, Franchising
Agents & Broker
Electronic channels Franchising
•The task of Promotion is to target customers and Communicate with them
•An integrated mix of promotional techniques should
reach customers by all available channels
(Personal contact, relationship enhancement, Cross
Promotional Mix
 Vital role in communicating positioning of service to customers
 Adds significance to services, adds tangibility , helps customer in better evaluation of service offer
 Customer in services relies more on subjective impression more than concrete evidence
 customer is likely to judge quality of service on the basis of performer rather than actual service.
 buying service is riskier proposition as customer cant sample the service and evaluate quality of service.
Six guidelines for service advtg applicable to most elements of communication mix .
 Provide tangible cues
 service understanding
 Communication continuity
 Promising what is possible
 Capitalising on word of mouth
 Direct communications to employees
 added as 5th element by Judd in 1987
 stressed upon internal marketing
 Gronroos-(objective of int mktg is to develop motivated & consumer conscious employees)
 recognizes the importance of attracting, motivating, training, retaining quality employees
 efforts put overall will enhance the service company’s competitive performance
 provide training programs for highest form of customer care
 Development of quality circle, empowerment and a service culture organisation all prove the above.
 In services, marketing is everyone's job.
 it is important to have employees with skills, commitment, attitude and ability to use discretion in dealing with
 especially true, in those services where there is a high level of contact with customers
 By adding value in the way the employees perform and by maximising the impact of their activities, the firm has a
competitive edge over the other service companies
1. Customer pull and maintenance
2. Building the corporate image
3. Sustained organizational performance
A. Level of interaction
i. High contact personnel (hospitals, schools , colleges)
ii. Low contact personnel(retailing, post office)
B. based on skill and expertise
i. Skilled professional (doctors, lawyers, CAs
ii. Non- professionals(waiters, delivery boys)
C. Frequency & length of customer interaction
i. contact personnel
ii. moderate contact
iii. Back office staff
iv. Support staff
v. Management
 Complex combination of strategies is required for the service employees to deliver quality
 These include-
i. Hire the right people- internal & external sources- right & best people
i. Competencies- skills & knowledge to perform the job
ii. inclination- interest and right attitude
ii. Develop people to deliver service quality- initiated into work culture(orientation), socialising,
training, empowerment
iii. Provide needed support system- co-workers, supervisors, management- emotional , communication,
technological, rewards & appreciation
iv. Retain best people – treat them as customers, include employees in vision, visibalize their
contribution, rewards, evaluation & feedback
 Designing the process:
a) The service itself
b) Customer participation
c) Degree of customer contact
d) Degree of divergence
e) Location of service delivery
f) Complexity of service
 Service process planning- design elements
 Basic technological decisions
 Conversion/ Materials decision
 Specific equipment decision
 Process flow decision
a. Line/ flow
b. job shop
 People decision
 Its a technique used to portray an existing service situation and provides a useful
tool to assess and identify service opportunities
 process of service delivery, role of customers and employees, visible elements of
service are displayed
 provides greater attn to customer interaction
 provides visual representation of service
 must be read horizontally from left to right to understand the steps to be
performed by customers/ service employees
 must be read vertically to understand the structural relationships existing to
support actions of customers and employees
 Customer role
 Support processes
 Technology
 Conversion process
 Equipment
 Flow of process
 Service personnel
 Service location
 all the efforts taken by service provider to tangibilise their services
 It includes-
 physical facilities
 Essential evidence ( technical facilities)
 peripheral evidence (brochure, stationary)
 physical environment (Servicescape)
 Ambience
 Space
 decor & artifacts
 Social settings
 appearance of service personnel
Benefits of offering physical evidence
 Increased productivity
 creating good impressions
 increased credibility
 Differentiation from competitors
 Service quality mgt
 Re-positioning service
 is difficult in services as it needs maintenance of consistent service quality
 co. should create good brand image & a strategy to achieve it is to develop a theme in totality by –
 including a tangible good as a part of brand image ( LIC- lamp between two hands, Times group-Two
elephants )
 tie in a slogan with the brand ( Fedex- The world on time, LIC- In the service of the people)
 Use distinctive colour ( Jet airways- blue and yellow)
 Significance of branding is on rise in services as-
 proliferation of brands
 retention is easier than to attracting new customers
 it tangibilises the service
 cos resort to brand building to- 1) Maximize market capitalization 2) Wealth maximization
 Ex. Professional firms are known based on corporate name & reputation (rather than service)
 reinforced by employees
 Success of service image is determined by quality
 Intangibility, Commoditization, complexity, inconsistency, real time consumer interactions are common challenges
 Cant be stored
 Cant be patented
 Can’t be mass produced
 Cant be displayed due to intangibility
 Difficulty in pricing service brands
 Employees may affect brand outcomes
 Customer’s participation may lead to variations in outcome
 Satisfaction is influenced by expected and perceived behavior of service provider and customer.
 Quality of service depends on uncontrollable factors`
 Heterogeneity of services leads to difficulty in delivering promises
 Fluctuations in demand causes problem in branding.
Solutions to branding problems-
 Create a consistent online identity- across multiple platforms consistent social network profiles, domain
name extensions
 create a digital destination- personal website
 Create and share valuable and compelling content in subject area and share it through blogging
 Engage with social channels- advertise what is being used and manage tools & social engagement
 Engage through emails- create, manage email lists, share recent blogs with subscribers, promote biz
 Create images- for designs
 Use online tools- wider reach through larger database of resources, specialist agencies etc.
 Actively remind people- keep shouting- invest in areas giving you good returns, blogging to gain public
access to thoughts, passions and values
 Create brand identity- creating recognition by evaluating platforms, identifying right avenues
 Create gateway content- state of impartial advice reader potential customer  brand advocacy

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MKTG MIX-uNIT 2.pptx

  • 2. MarketingMix • The term ‘marketing mix’ first appeared in the article entitled ‘The Concept of Marketing Mix’ (1948) written by theorist Neil Borden, a professor of marketing and advertising at Harvard Business School. • In 1960, Professor Jerome McCarthy developed Borden’s theory and kept four main points, namely the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) in his book Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach. • According to Philip Kotler “Marketing Mix is the set of controllable variables that the firm can use to influence the buyer’s response”. • The constituents of marketing mix are said as marketing mix elements. Elements are also referred as decision variables. • Marketing mix consists of mainly four elements, referred to as “4 Ps” • Each element is also referred as mix, for example, product mix, price mix, promotion mix, and place mix. • Each mix contains a set of decisions.
  • 4. Marketing Mix- Product • anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. • a bundle of benefits which a marketer offers to the consumer for a price. • includes product – • planning, • development, • design, • mix, • innovation, standardization and branding. • According to William J. Stanton “Product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes (packaging, colour, price, manufacturer’s prestige, retailer’s prestige and manufacturer’s and retailer’s services) which buyer may accept as offering satisfaction of wants and services”. • According to Alderson, W., “Product is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services”
  • 5. Steps in New Product Development Process
  • 7. Levels ofProduct 1.Core Benefits: ex.the core benefit in a hotel is to provide place to rest or sleep when away from home. 2.Basic/ Generic Product: ex- in a hotel, this could mean a bed, towels, a bathroom, a mirror, and a wardrobe. 3.Expected Product: Ex-clean sheets, some clean towels, Wi-fi, and a clean bathroom. 4. Augmented Product: any product variations, extra features, or services that help differentiate the product from its competitors. Ex-free map of the town in every room, room for the driver, some sort of entertainment facilities ( Live orchestra, exclusive arrangements for loyal customers, refrigeration for certain items, locker facility, personal attn) 5.Potential Product: all augmentations and transformations the product might undergo in the future. In simple language, this means that to continue to surprise and delight customers the product must be augmented. In this example of a hotel, this could mean a different gift placed in the room each time a customer stays. It could be some chocolates on one occasion.
  • 9.  Thelife cycle of a product is associated with marketing and management decisions within businesses, and all products go through five primary stages: 1. Development 2. Introduction 3. Growth 4. Maturity 5. Decline  Each stage has its costs, opportunities and risks, and individual products differ in how long they remain at any of the life cycle stages.
  • 12. MARKETING MIX – PRICE • Price is the amount charged for a product or service. • It can be defined as the economic value of product normally expressed in form of money. • It is one of the most important elements in the marketing mix. Fixing the price of the product is a tricky job. • Many factors like- • demand for a product, • cost involved, • consumer’s ability to pay, • prices charged by competitors for similar products, • government restrictions etc. have to be kept in mind while fixing the price. • In fact, pricing is a very crucial decision area as it has its effect on demand and profitability of the firm. • The price of product should be set in such a way that buyers can pay and company can earn adequate profits.
  • 13. Marketing Mix- Price • Balance between price-sensitive and prestige-sensitive customers. • Price mix includes the decisions regarding: • Manufacturing (variable and fixed) costs of the product • Pricing policies and strategies of the close competitors • Pricing policies and strategies at different stages of product life cycle • Terms of credit to be allowed to customers. • Margin of profits • Identifying and analyzing various relevant factors influencing decisions
  • 14. Marketing Mix- Price • Factors determining a company’s price decisions can be categorized as internal factors and external factors: • Internal factors include- • company’s marketing objectives, • marketing mix strategy, and costs • External factors consist of – • market environment, • demand, • competition
  • 15. Procedure (Steps) for Setting Prices 1. Set pricing objectives 2. Estimate demand 3. Determine costs 4. Examine the pricing environment 5. Choose a pricing strategy 6. Develop pricing tactics
  • 17. PLACE : Factors affecting-  CHOICE OF LOCATION  Nature of service  (standardized, Customized)  Nature of interaction  (high & Low contact)  Customer’s needs and wants  Natural geographical location  Competitive positioning  Technological advancement  Dependency on other services  Infrastructure facilities  Target market decisions  LOOK OF THE PREMISES  Nature of objective of the service firm-  (Profit, Mkt share, Image, Customer satisfaction, Sales)  Flexibility to accommodate future needs-  (Resources- Space, Personnel, technology, tangible evidence  Aesthetic factors-  ( Look, shape, Design, Layout etc.)  Social environment-  ( Ambience, accessibility, target customers, Customer compatibility etc.
  • 19. CHANNELS IN SERVICE DELIVERY They are as follows – Agents & Brokers, Electronic Media, Franchising Agents & Broker s Electronic channels Franchising
  • 20. •The task of Promotion is to target customers and Communicate with them •An integrated mix of promotional techniques should reach customers by all available channels (Personal contact, relationship enhancement, Cross selling) Promotion Promotional Mix Advertising Public Relations Sales Promotion- Personal Selling- PC,RE,CS Direct Marketing Internet/ E-commerce
  • 21.  Vital role in communicating positioning of service to customers  Adds significance to services, adds tangibility , helps customer in better evaluation of service offer  Customer in services relies more on subjective impression more than concrete evidence  customer is likely to judge quality of service on the basis of performer rather than actual service.  buying service is riskier proposition as customer cant sample the service and evaluate quality of service. Six guidelines for service advtg applicable to most elements of communication mix .  Provide tangible cues  service understanding  Communication continuity  Promising what is possible  Capitalising on word of mouth  Direct communications to employees
  • 23. PEOPLE  added as 5th element by Judd in 1987  stressed upon internal marketing  Gronroos-(objective of int mktg is to develop motivated & consumer conscious employees)  recognizes the importance of attracting, motivating, training, retaining quality employees  efforts put overall will enhance the service company’s competitive performance  provide training programs for highest form of customer care  Development of quality circle, empowerment and a service culture organisation all prove the above.  In services, marketing is everyone's job.  it is important to have employees with skills, commitment, attitude and ability to use discretion in dealing with customers  especially true, in those services where there is a high level of contact with customers  By adding value in the way the employees perform and by maximising the impact of their activities, the firm has a competitive edge over the other service companies 
  • 24. IMPORTANCE OF HRM IN SERVICES 1. Customer pull and maintenance 2. Building the corporate image 3. Sustained organizational performance DIFFERING ROLES OF PEOPLE :
  • 25. TYPES OF SERVICE PERSONNEL A. Level of interaction i. High contact personnel (hospitals, schools , colleges) ii. Low contact personnel(retailing, post office) B. based on skill and expertise i. Skilled professional (doctors, lawyers, CAs ii. Non- professionals(waiters, delivery boys) C. Frequency & length of customer interaction i. contact personnel ii. moderate contact iii. Back office staff iv. Support staff v. Management
  • 26.  Complex combination of strategies is required for the service employees to deliver quality service.  These include- i. Hire the right people- internal & external sources- right & best people i. Competencies- skills & knowledge to perform the job ii. inclination- interest and right attitude ii. Develop people to deliver service quality- initiated into work culture(orientation), socialising, training, empowerment iii. Provide needed support system- co-workers, supervisors, management- emotional , communication, technological, rewards & appreciation iv. Retain best people – treat them as customers, include employees in vision, visibalize their contribution, rewards, evaluation & feedback
  • 27. PROCESS  Designing the process: a) The service itself b) Customer participation c) Degree of customer contact d) Degree of divergence e) Location of service delivery f) Complexity of service  Service process planning- design elements  Basic technological decisions  Conversion/ Materials decision  Specific equipment decision  Process flow decision a. Line/ flow b. job shop  People decision
  • 29. SERVICE MAPPING  Its a technique used to portray an existing service situation and provides a useful tool to assess and identify service opportunities  process of service delivery, role of customers and employees, visible elements of service are displayed  provides greater attn to customer interaction  provides visual representation of service  must be read horizontally from left to right to understand the steps to be performed by customers/ service employees  must be read vertically to understand the structural relationships existing to support actions of customers and employees
  • 31. ELEMENTS OF BLUEPRINTING  Customer role  Support processes  Technology  Conversion process  Equipment  Flow of process  Service personnel  Service location
  • 32. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE  all the efforts taken by service provider to tangibilise their services  It includes-  physical facilities  Essential evidence ( technical facilities)  peripheral evidence (brochure, stationary)  physical environment (Servicescape)  Ambience  Space  decor & artifacts  Social settings  appearance of service personnel
  • 33. Benefits of offering physical evidence  Increased productivity  creating good impressions  increased credibility  Differentiation from competitors  Service quality mgt  Re-positioning service
  • 34. BRANDING  is difficult in services as it needs maintenance of consistent service quality  co. should create good brand image & a strategy to achieve it is to develop a theme in totality by –  including a tangible good as a part of brand image ( LIC- lamp between two hands, Times group-Two elephants )  tie in a slogan with the brand ( Fedex- The world on time, LIC- In the service of the people)  Use distinctive colour ( Jet airways- blue and yellow)  Significance of branding is on rise in services as-  proliferation of brands  retention is easier than to attracting new customers  it tangibilises the service  cos resort to brand building to- 1) Maximize market capitalization 2) Wealth maximization  Ex. Professional firms are known based on corporate name & reputation (rather than service)  reinforced by employees  Success of service image is determined by quality
  • 35. CHALLENGES FACED BY SERVICE MARKETER WHILE BRANDING SERVICES  Intangibility, Commoditization, complexity, inconsistency, real time consumer interactions are common challenges  Cant be stored  Cant be patented  Can’t be mass produced  Cant be displayed due to intangibility  Difficulty in pricing service brands  Employees may affect brand outcomes  Customer’s participation may lead to variations in outcome  Satisfaction is influenced by expected and perceived behavior of service provider and customer.  Quality of service depends on uncontrollable factors`  Heterogeneity of services leads to difficulty in delivering promises  Fluctuations in demand causes problem in branding.
  • 36. Solutions to branding problems-  Create a consistent online identity- across multiple platforms consistent social network profiles, domain name extensions  create a digital destination- personal website  Create and share valuable and compelling content in subject area and share it through blogging  Engage with social channels- advertise what is being used and manage tools & social engagement  Engage through emails- create, manage email lists, share recent blogs with subscribers, promote biz  Create images- for designs  Use online tools- wider reach through larger database of resources, specialist agencies etc.  Actively remind people- keep shouting- invest in areas giving you good returns, blogging to gain public access to thoughts, passions and values  Create brand identity- creating recognition by evaluating platforms, identifying right avenues  Create gateway content- state of impartial advice reader potential customer  brand advocacy