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Exploration With Ms. Johnson
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MLA Format - English Exploration With Ms. Johnson MLA Format - English Exploration With Ms. Johnson


Social Media Issues In America
The United States of America is widely known as the greatest country in the world. But is it really just
that? Different researchers and their studies have proved this statement wrong. The obsession over
social media, lack of individuality, and the dating culture within America is simply morbid. While
many of these issues particularly pertain to millennials, they all can be applied to every age of life.
Society needs to fix and change these issues before they turn astronomical and irreversible.
Social media has corrupted the lives of the newer generation. It is no secret that technology has taken
over the world by storm. While some technological advances have helped America, most have done
the exact opposite. In discussions of social media ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Societal standards that are held within social media possesses the idea that you have to be like a
celebrity or someone who is widely known. Lip injections, liposuctions, and expensive brands are on
the rise now more than ever. It seems as if no one wants to be themselves any more, and it is
seemingly appalling. The lack of individuality begins at a very young age in this generation.
Otherwise known as peer pressure , children are expected to choose to either be like everyone else, or
make their own decisions and be a loner. In a scholarly article, Blöte, Miers, and Westenburg came to
the conclusion that The link between social anxiety and substance us in adolescence may be partly
explained by susceptibility to peer pressure (Blöte, Miers, Westenburg 2016, p.6). Peer pressure and
lack of individuality starts at a young age, yet does not stop for what seems like forever. Pop culture
today has a fixation with being just like everyone else. But why does everyone want to be like
everyone else? Why is it so fascinating and enticing to be just like person next door? A researcher,
Alex Pentland, came up with a conclusion as to why people think this way. He
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Eric Foner Voices Of Freedom Analysis
After reading through some documents from Eric Foner s Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History,
Volume 1, Fifth Edition, I found two documentaries that really grabbed my attention. Ones that I can
actually say I learned something from them. The first document would be from Giovanni da Verrazano
when he encountered Native Americans in 1524 on page 4 8. The second document can be found on
page 8 11 which is from Bartolome de las Casas on Spanish treatment of the Indians, from History of
the Indies back in 1528. Both these documents brought some attention to me that I did not know. Like
how Giovanni da Verrazano gave us the intake of seeing other people on shore. Those people didn t
know who Giovanni and his people were, but yet some of them ... Show more content on
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They gave me bits of information, might have answered some questions but left me with more
question then I had in the beginning. For example how were the Spaniards able to make Indians into
slaves? I honestly didn t even know that Indians were worked as slaves, putting them to work to mine
for gold. When I think of Indians I can t remember being told how Indians were put into slavery by the
Spaniard. Also the fact that the Indians were able to go home after their slave work was done, that was
something new to me that I didn t know at all before, not only for the Indians but for the slavery part.
They are being held as slaves but every once in a while they were able to go home. So were they
really slaves? I also learned that they got paid. What slaves would be able to go home and also get
paid? Even though their pay was not good at all, they were still getting paid. So the way I would look
at it is they worked, yes over worked, and then they got paid, yes under paid. Not really slavery more
just crappy work situation. So yes I did learn from this documentary but overall it lead me to have
more question and want to go into depth to know when this slavery all
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Essay Designing Babies
Designing Babies
Should we be designing babies? Designer babies are people who are genetically modified before birth,
(as an embryo) to change their sex, looks or possibly even personality!
Since the DNA code was cracked a couple of years ago, it has been made possible to change a human
embryo by injecting genes into it. These injected genes can change the sex, looks and personality of
that particular child when he / she is born. For example, you can currently choose the sex of your child
in the USA although it costs a hefty $ 2500.
Are these designer babies improving on nature? Improving on nature is a step forward for the human
race; in a word, evolution. Are we, by designing and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The concept of designer babies has been around for a long time. You only have to look at works of
fiction such as Brave New World and Frankenstein to see the interest such a topic creates in people s
imagination. Now that this science has become a reality, it is increasingly possible to see the
advantages such a process will have for future generations.
Probably one of the most compelling arguments for the genetic engineering of humans would be the
recent high profile case of the Hashmi family. Nobody following the case could fail to be moved by
the genuine love and concern the Hashmi s have for their dying son Zain.
Without the birth of their designer baby, which by necessity would have a bone marrow match, Zain s
life would be short lived due to his rare genetic blood disorder, Thalassaemia. The Hashmi s used a
relatively new treatment called Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), to insure that Zain s
brother would have a compatible blood type before he was replaced back into the mothers uterus using
IVF treatment.
Some people think that the Hashmis are putting an unnecessary burden on this child for the rest of his
life, but I am left thinking that the Hashmis will love and care for their new child, as much if not more
than many of their critics love their own children.
This new technology also allows
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H M Entering Australia
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Hennes and Mauritz (H M) was first established in 1947 and have since expanded internationally and
currently operate in 34 countries (H M, 2009). As H M continues to expand every year, the following
report has chosen Australia as the new market, where analysis has been conducted to provide H M
with recommendations of which market entry method they should adopt and the threats and issues
they must overcome to be able to succeed.
1.0 Country Analysis Australia
For the purpose of this report H M (Hennes Mauritz) has chosen Australia as the foreign country in
which they wish to enter and introduce their products. Australia is the largest island, however, is also
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, for the purpose of this report, two specific market segments have been selected and profiled
to provide an overview of which segments H M should specially target when launching in Melbourne.
3.1 Profile One Women s outwear segment
The foremost market segment that H M should target would be the women s outerwear segment which
includes all garments from tops to blouses to jackets (REFERENCE). Main reason being, this market
segment is reasonably profitable with a Retail Value of over $3000 million (Refer to figure XX),
where women have traditionally been the dominate consumer in the clothing and footwear industry
(REFERENCE). However, there appears to be a new social trend where men are becoming more
fashion minded and are also looking for cheaper options (REFERENCE). In recent times, there has
been a change in preference for young women, where they do not only demand for high quality yet
fashionable products, it must also be low priced (REFERENCE). H M should then be able to target
this segment, as the company s core concept coincides with this new trend. Where H M s women s
clothing are designed for women of all ages who are fashion minded, where its product line includes
everything from modern basics to tailored classics, sportswear, maternity clothes and cutting edge
fashion. (H M, 2008, pg. 17). However, for the purpose of this report and to make it easier to target,
the primary segment will be young women aged 18 to 24, while the
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The Dangers Of Mass Shootings In The Lottery By Shirley...
Her controversial story tells of an unnamed village who conducts an annual lottery in which every
resident participates. With visual imagery, Jackson tricks the audience into believing this is an
innocent village; however, as the story unfolds, the dark nature of these residents becomes apparent.
On the day of the lottery, individuals are called to select a slip from a tattered box. Ultimately, the
resident possessing a slip marked with a black dot gets stoned to death. No one questions the lottery,
and the original purpose remains a mystery. Some say it is beneficial for the village s harvest. Only
when Tessie Hutchinson discovers she is the winner, does she object to the lottery and argue how the
system is unfair. Her protest fails, as the villagers persist in the brutal stoning. Jackson s story reveals
the dangers of blindly following tradition and the darker aspects of human nature, such as the absolute
cruelty in people s actions. Focusing on recent mass shootings and the parallelisms in attitudes
between Jackson s villagers and Americans reveal how daily life in the United States is becoming a
There is a link between the villager s lottery and American s daily lives. For the small village, the
lottery is a deadly game of chance, in which the unlucky winner is incapable of escaping his or her
fate. Reflecting on recent attacks, the chances of death due to mass shootings are becoming
statistically inevitable. They are occurring in churches,
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What Is Bradford s Use Of The Barbarians In Of Plymouth...
When people of two different cultures meet, they often have unjustified negative perceptions each
other. Such was the case of the Europeans and the Native Americans during the Age of Exploration.
Native Americans would sometimes attack the settlers and look down upon them in disdain. In turn,
the Europeans would fight back while also calling the natives savages. These hostile exchanges
frequently occur because their leaders think too much about the differences between the groups that
they forget the similarities in that they are all humans. Perceptions often change when those of
different cultures put aside those differences and begin to cooperate with each other in a common
goal. In fact, that is exactly what happened when William Bradford and his group of pilgrims came to
Cape Cod. Initially, there was an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In that book, he wrote his truthful thoughts of the world around him. When he first spotted the Native
Americans after he had arrived, he noted that these savage barbarians, when they met with them (as
after will appear) were readier to fill their sides full of arrows than otherwise (Bradford 8). In effect,
his usage of the derogatory terms savage and barbarians demonstrates his disrespect for their culture.
Not only does he describe the natives as savage once, but he also continues to use that term nearly five
times. Bradford also uses many other words to characterize the natives negatively. For instance, he
writes that ...the Indians came skulking about them, and would sometimes show themselves aloof off,
but when any approached near them, they would run away... (16). In describing the actions of the
Native Americans, Bradford uses the word skulking, which has a negative connotation due to its close
association to cowardliness. In fact, by writing that they ran away, Bradford implies that they are
cowardly and afraid of the
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Patriarchy In Lysistrata
Similarly, traditional patriarchal views force women into the role of wives, which is extremely
restrictive and plays a large part in the subjugation of women.As shown above, women in the
patriarchy are limited to domestic work, in which a woman s only opportunity for economic
advancement would lie. However, no wage is paid for housework. Women cannot gain money and
other such necessary items by themselves, instead, what they receive depends not on their labor, but
on the power and will of another , leading them to be economically dependent (Gilman 7). They must
rely on their fathers and husbands to provide for them. As a result of this economic dependence,
women are forced to change themselves to suit the qualities men desire, in effect giving authority to
men. Another result of women s economic dependence on men is the requirement that women become
wives or risk losing their livelihood. In becoming wives, women are restricted further. In Lysistrata,
Lysistrata advises the women to give in but be bad ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The women of the play have value through their sons, not as individuals. One woman remarks, I hold
stock in Athens stock I paid for in sons (Aristophanes 78). Aristophanes links her to her sons, giving
her authority not because she lives in Athens, but because her sons do. In classical Athens, a woman s
main duty was the production of legitimate heirs , to ensure families had men to carry on the family
line (Pomeroy 60). When given importance as mothers, women are solely valued for their ability to
create more men. Additionally, this leads to the devaluation of older women, since, biologically, a
woman s season is brief (Aristophanes 73). After a certain age, women are unable to bear children.
When society determines a woman s value based on her ability to produce children, several
generations of women are left behind with nothing to contribute, according to patriarchal
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Using The Strategy Of Having Putting Customer Service Essay
There are many strategies in which a company can use in order to compete in today environment and
succeed. In order to implement the strategy you must first understand this dynamic business
environment today. With the stock market at an all time high, unemployment at 5.8 percent, last
quarter economic growth at 5 percent, relative mild consumer price inflation, and the bonanza of
cheap gas we see that there is increased optimism about the U.S. economy. Yet challenges abound,
both coming from the inside and from abroad. Participation in the labor force remains at the lowest
levels since the late 1970 s, with over 6 million less people in the workforce since President Obama
assumed office. We see that the US is going through a presidential election which has impacted the
way in which American view America as well the whole world. Throughout this paper we take a look
at by using the strategy of having putting customer service as a company number one object can help
the company maintain brand loyalty and always have high in profit margins.
Often the simplest changes can have huge improvements on your business. If you want your business
to succeed, forget about searching for secrets and focus on the following simple strategies. Understand
where your customers are coming from. Understanding where your customers are coming from gives
you clarity. Companies with a clear understanding of customer acquisition are in control. Successful
businesses always seek to understand how
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Brave New World Literary Devices
In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930 s
to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence,
segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his
society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal
to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those
devices are simile, details, metaphor...
One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary
devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina
and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the drums. Shutting
her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness
more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of
sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford s Day
celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself.
These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what
she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it
reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s
Sawyer 2
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The Age Of Anxiety By Auden
On the Ages and Stages
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an Ocean; if a few drops of the Ocean are dirty, the
Ocean does not become dirty . Mahatma Gandhi
Humanity has always petitioned the idea of impending doom upon Earth and its inhabitants, that our
sins will soon spill upon the dried cracking crust and salvation awaits the worthy above with open
gates and waterfalls. Despite religious conceptions, humans still walk the material world; searching
every crevice of knowledge hoping that one day meaning will be found in our sinful journey through
time. Anxiety of what awaits the ending days plunges humans deeper into fear and doubt, giving W. H.
Auden a needles amount of material for his sardonic masterpiece on the human function, The Age of
Anxiety. Auden truly encapsulates diversity in his writing, always transitioning from prose to verse
and from thought to speech. Auden begins part three of The Age of Anxiety in prose with At first all is
dark and each walks alone. What they share is only the feelings of remoteness and desertion, of having
marched for miles and miles, of having lost their bearings, of a restless urge to find water , then
beginning the dialogue in verse with
Groping through fog, I begin to hear
A salt lake lapping:
Dotterels and dunlins on its dark shore .
The variations in The Age of Anxiety allow for infinite intrigue just like with music, hearing the same
thing is boring and dry. Looking past rhetorical analysis and
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How Does Technology Influenced Popular Culture
In this essay the topic popular culture in line with technology will be discussed between the time
periods of 1945 until present day. Technology can be described as machinery and devices developed
from scientific knowledge, and is the branch of knowledge that deals with engineering or the applied
sciences. The essay will cover what was popular during these eras, what had influenced technology
throughout the time zones and what the positives and negatives of technology were at those times.
In 1945 to the 1950s the main influence of this era was World War 2. This influence led to advances in
technology through weaponry during the war. An example of this weaponry includes the creation of
the atomic bomb, and the hydrogen bomb in 1945 and 1952 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
2015. What Happened in the 1950s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology.
[ONLINE] Available at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1950s.html. [Accessed 10 June 2015].
What Happened in the 1960s inc. News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. 2015. What
Happened in the 1960s inc. News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. [ONLINE] Available
at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1960s.html. [Accessed 10 June 2015].
Pros and Cons of Space Exploration | APECSEC.org. 2015. Pros and Cons of Space Exploration |
APECSEC.org. [ONLINE] Available at:http://apecsec.org/pros and cons of space exploration/.
[Accessed 10 June 2015].
Game Boy Throwback Thursday: 90s Tech Gadgets That Defined Your Childhood | Complex UK.
2015. Game Boy Throwback Thursday: 90s Tech Gadgets That Defined Your Childhood | Complex
UK. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.complex.com/pop culture/2013/09/90s tech gadgets that
defined your childhood/game boy. [Accessed 10 June 2015].
What Happened in the 1980s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology . 2015. What
Happened in the 1980s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology . [ONLINE]
Available at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1980s.html. [Accessed 10 June
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Outline for Dissociative Disorder Essays
Dissociative Disorders
1.What are Dissociative Disorders?
a.Conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or
b.People with dissociative disorders chronically escape their reality in involuntary, unhealthy ways
ranging from suppressing memories to assuming alternate identities. 2.The three types of Dissociative
a.Dissociative Amnesia
b.Dissociative Identity Disorder
c.Dissociative Fugue 3.Signs and Symptoms
a.Symptoms of all three disorders:
i.Memory loss (amnesia) of certain time periods, events and people ii.Mental health problems,
including depression and anxiety iii.A perception of the people and things around you as distorted and
unreal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Children who dissociate themselves for an extended period of time, may use this coping mechanism in
response to stressful situations throughout their lives.
b.Risk factors people who experience any form of abuse, traumatic events such as war, natural
disasters, kidnapping, torture, and invasive medical procedures. 5.Diagnosis
a.Dissociative disorders are diagnosed based on a review of your personal symptoms and your
personal history. Tests are performed to rule out physical conditions such as head and certain brain
diseases, sleep deprivation, and intoxication.
b.Some doctors use medication or hypnosis. This helps doctors identify alternate personalities and
describe repressed memories 6.Complications
a.People with dissociative disorders are at risk of complications that include:
i.Self mutilation
ii.Suicide attempts iii.Alcoholism or substance abuse iv.Depression v.Sleep disorders vi.Anxiety
disorders vii.Eating disorders
b.People with these disorders also have difficulty forming relationships because they aren t able to
cope with emotional or professional stress which causes them to tune out, or disappear, which may
make them seem unreliable. 7.Treatment
a.Psychotherapy is the most common treatment for dissociative disorders. Talking with a therapist can
help a person understand the causes of the condition, and
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What Are The Crucial Steps Undertaken By Emerging Firms To...
Research question:What are the crucial steps undertaken by emerging firms to enter into the global
Over the last two decades there has been a drastic shift in the way companies perform around the
world. Few companies rise to more than the level which was expected but majority of others can t
even reach to equilibrium state. We can find that more and more companies from developing and
underdeveloped countries are rising into the global presence. Some of them are Mexico s Cemex,
China s Baosteel, India s Dr. Reddy s Laboratories, Philippine s Jollibee Foods and South Africa s
SABMiller (Khanna and Palepu, 2006).What are the crucial steps undertaken by these firms to enter
into the global environment.
Emerging economies like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The companies mainly focuses of their innovation, strategic management and organizational structure
to expand their business in international level.According to the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD, 2013), the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by firms from
these economies accounted for 30.6% of the global (OFDI) flows, which was $1.39 trillion in
2012.The above statement is a crystal clear proof that emerging economies like China, Brazil, Russia
and India are working towards the restructuring of their international business. MNC s from emerging
economies, although diverse, have displayed some common characteristics that differ from their
counterparts from developed countries (Xueli Huang, 2015).Emerging economies lack so many
aspects like the know how of that particular industry, the technology required by these business
enterprise, but in spite of all the lack of primary resources they have cherished because the home
government of emerging economies plays a vital role in helping to get the resources for them to
expand the business.
Technological advancement and knowledge transfer is a byproduct for developing countries which can
be received by the effect of foreign direct investment. The developing country should
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The Importance Of Student Needs On School-Wide Transition
Student Needs Title 1 School wide Transition Our efforts as teachers to boost learning are most
effective when we share the same philosophy: The focus is all about the kids, not what works best for
us, as teachers. A student centered mindset is proving what s best for each child. Our current MTSS
(Multi Tiered System of Support) pathway provides a backbone to students academic needs. To assure
that all students have every opportunity to reach their full potential, various programs and
interventions are in place to meet the unique needs of all students who attend Oakes Elementary.
Therefore, it was only pertinent that I take our Title 1 program to that same level and lead our school
through the process of transitioning from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the opportunity arose, it was a no brainer that we had to take the leap. The many hours of
completing a comprehensive needs assessment, brainstorming and documenting school wide reform
strategies, along with compiling four goals that were considered big and scary, we were doing what s
best for kids! I thank Anna Sell, my building principal, for believing in me and providing necessary
information so that this could become a reality for our school. The final outcome of this endeavor was
to be named Title 1 Exceptional Teacher of the Year. I am honored to accept this award on behalf of
the fantastic team of teachers, administration, and most importantly the lives we touch everyday...the
kids! This award comes with a $12,000 grant to be spent on allowable expenditure to upgrade what we
do here at OES for kids. I am excited to look into a few new ideas for my classroom with flexible
seating, attend the National Title 1 convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in February 2018 with a
colleague, and purchase materials for our strategic and intensive interventions. By all means, we are
not finished here! Our teaching staff meets weekly to discuss student needs, performance, and
assessments. Then in the spring of the year, I will hold a meeting and school wide review for all
teaching staff and parents where we will look into the data and determine academic achievement
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Venus Bust Analysis
For my project, I have recreated a bust of Venus. A bust is a sculpture of a person s head, shoulders,
and chest. This allows you to include very intricate details and helps you achieve a goal in realism.
There were many sculptures of Venus in ancient Rome, including the Venus Genetrix, meaning
Mother Venus in Latin. I chose to create a bust so I could, too, focus on the intricate details, though
my version is very small, it might have been less accurate had I done the Venus Genetrix. Venus busts
like this one have been used for many garden decorations and household decorations in general.
The sculpture I chose to recreate is a bust of Venus. Venus is the goddess of love, prosperity, fertility,
victory, and beauty. Her greek form is Aphrodite. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was actually hard in this way not to find Greek artwork, but since Venus is a Roman goddess, this
was a good choice for me. The Romans didn t believe that a recreation of a work of art was any less
valuable than the first piece of art. We disagree with this today, but they added slight modifications to
their recreations. Roman art liked to recreate Greek art with those slight modifications, like recreating
bronzes (some of which are now lost) in marble. Some variations could be something other than
medium, though. Sometimes the purpose was to add a bit of humor! This added a lot of Roman to
Greek art, which was originally somber and serious. The Romans used a variety of media in their
artwork. Some include marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, terracottas, and more!
The original bust that I chose to recreate is made of reconstituted resin, but I chose air dry clay to
finish faster and to have a close model to the original bust.
The Roman Republic was also a great year for Roman Art. Lots of art was produced then because of
the many things happening in the republic and in the military. While this idea is not portrayed in the
bust, the equestrian statue honoring a military hero or civic leader was an idea created by the Romans.
Lots of things happened in this period of time, the start and fall of the Roman republic, and the
beginning of the peaceful period of time we know as the Pax
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Jack The Ripper Myths
This is not a book about Jack the Ripper.
That would be an understandable misconception his name is, after all, in the title, and multiple books
claiming to be about the victims or other surrounding topics do indeed end up focusing on the Ripper
himself. The Ripper s identity is, after all, one of the great historical mysteries and the focus of over
one hundred books. This is not one of them.
Although many pages have been devoted to concluding exactly how many women were killed by Jack
the Ripper, the most commonly agreed upon victims make up the so called canonical five: Mary Ann
Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Liz Stride, Catherine Kate Eddowes, and Mary Jane (or
Marie Jeanette) Kelly. These women were found murdered in the
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Thirteen Epistles Of Ephesians
The Apostle Paul wrote thirteen epistles, also called letters, that can be found in the New Testament
(Demarest, 2018, no pg.). There has been some debate that the epistles of Ephesians, First Timothy,
Second Timothy, Titus, Colossians and Second Thessalonians were pseudonymously written in Paul s
name, but that he was not the actual author. There seems to be discrepancies about the attitude that
Paul conveyed towards women in the church between the letters known to be written by him, and the
ones that were not. The letters known to be written by Paul convey Jesus s message that everyone is to
be welcome in worship, including women. In Romans 16:1 2 Paul wrote, I commend to you our sister
Phoebe of the Church at Cenchreae, that you may welcome
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Benefits Of Going To College While On Active Duty
Researchers from Student Veterans of America Service Organization say that from 2002 through 2013
only 51.7% of veterans who attended college after the military finished with a degree. This percentage
is lower than non veterans. Why is this statistic important? If a service member waits until they get out
of the military to start college they lose the safety net of the military college office and a steady
paycheck. This could be a major factor why the graduation rate is so low. According to the Pat Tillman
Foundation, Got Your Six, and Operation College Promise the average veteran who attempts to go
back to school after getting out of the military carries with them 28 transfer credits, which
automatically makes them sophomores. This makes it very surprising that the graduation rate is still so
low. What makes going to college while on active duty easier? While on active duty the military
member has many resources to help them complete a degree. With that being said there are difficulties
associated with active duty service members going to college can also be overwhelming, unlike the
civilian sector usually factors such as tuition or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It looks like it is more rational to at the very least start college while on active duty. Getting started in
the civilian sector seems like it would be difficult and continuing until completion looks like it would
be a coin flip for veterans. If a service member can continue college while dealing with deployments,
temporary assigned duties, and permanent change of station orders he/she will have a much easier
time finishing college out in the civilian sector. It is my opinion however that it would be easier to
start and finish a degree while continuing to be on active duty than to do it in the civilian world. The
safety net associated with being on active duty and a student is the main reason why I believe
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Essay on Clinical Reflection Journal
Clinical Experience Reflection Journal
Name: Date: Week
1. Choose one patient (new mother, newborn, or pregnant/laboring woman) and identify the priority
problem. What did you contribute toward resolving or easing the problem? N/A for this week
2. Provide an example of an incident during clinical that reinforced the theory you have learned in OB
An incident that reinforced what I have learned in lecture was the postpartum hemorrhage simulation.
I learned how chaotic and overwhelming everything can be during an emergency, but also realized
how important it is to have teamwork and a general game plan. It s amazing how good teamwork
allows things to go so smoothly. The entire process, with everything that ... Show more content on
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We not only assisted one another, but we also challenged each other with questions that allowed us to
use our critical thinking.
5. What would you do differently if you had the chance?
During our return demonstration, we all felt like we needed to look to our instructor for guidance in
what we should do. The reason for this was because we all lacked the confidence to feel like we knew
what we were doing. If I could do it again, I would have liked to have been more knowledgeable about
the scenario so that I could be more confident.
6. What can I do to help you meet your goals for this experience?
It is obvious that all of our instructors have a common goal, which is for all of us to learn as much as
we possibly can. I honestly think that by allowing as many opportunities as possible to see and
experience as much as possible will help us all learn from our clinical experiences.
I found all of our simulations very interesting today. I gained an enormous amount of information
which I am sure will enhance my skill performance. Our instructor was very helpful in explaining fetal
monitoring and how to interpret the strips. I thought that she did an amazing job explaining how to
read the strips and answering the questions we all had. I feel more confident about this material than I
did prior to coming to clinical. I would have to say that learning more about this is one of


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The Importance Of Human Physical Strength In The Ancient...
Humans in the ancient world definitely took advantage of their physical strength. Five great examples
of this are: building roads, quarrying, operating cranes, digging wells, and constructing tunnels. All of
these tasks could only be completed with an immense amount of endurance and strength. Anything
from laying rocks to digging out an entire tunnel was a difficult and grueling task. In many cases, a
great deal of human physical strength was required to fully exploit the technologies and technical
practices developed in the ancient world. Building roadways in ancient Italy required an extensive
amount of physical strength. Creating roadways required quarrying, lumbering, and drainage (Oleson).
The workers initially began by placing curb stones to create the defined border of the road (Oleson).
Ditches were dug on the outside of both rows of curb stones for storm drainage (Oleson). The land
between the curb stones was then completely removed by a large amount of digging and cutting
(Oleson). The excavated ditch was then filled with stones, sand, and other materials that were dug up
from the ditches or the land around the road, forming a solid foundation (Oleson). Laying down
gravel, carrying the stones, transporting them, and carefully placing them down required a great deal
of upper and lower body strength. On top of the layer of stones and sand was a layer of finer gravel
(Oleson). The top layer of the road was made of polygonal basalt blocks that formed a
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Essay On Luis De Onis
Adams Onis international treaty signed in Washington on February 22, 1819 between the United
States and Spain on territorial demarcation in North America. Treaty gave the transfer of Florida from
Spain, the United States and defined the border between the United States and Spanish Mexico.
Signatories to the agreement were US Secretary of State John Adams and Spanish Foreign Minister
Luis de Onis and Gonzalez Vara.
The United States has long tried to purchase from Spain the Florida but only in 1818 in the Spanish
colonies there is a situation that the Spanish government has decided to consider the possibility.
Spanish metropolis was exhausted by the war in the Peninsula and in the American colonies of Spain
the revolution began. The Spanish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Spaniards asked the British to intervene but Britain has refused to participate in the negotiations
between Spain and the US. Some cabinet members demanded the immediate resignation of Monroe
Jackson but Adams realized that the actions of of Jackson gave the United States an advantage in
negotiations clearly demonstrated the weakness of Spain. Operating from a position of strength Adams
was able to negotiate acceptable terms for the United States.
The agreement was signed in Washington on February 22, 1819 US Secretary of State John Adams
and Spanish Foreign Minister Luis de Onis and Gonzalez Vara. It took two years to exchange
ratification and February 22, 1821 treaty entered into force.
In accordance with the agreement Spain gave the United States a free Spanish Florida and the US
government has committed itself to pay the claims of American citizens to the Spanish government.
To resolve this issue, Washington created a commission that from 1821 to 1824 years, collected in
1859 claims relating to 720 incidents. Of these claims were paid by the government 5.454.545,13
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How The Other Side Lives By Jacob Riis
First of all, Jacob Riis is the author of How the Other Side lives . He was famous for using
photography to document the extremely poor conditions of many poor populations in the early 20th
century. Riis was a Danish immigrant, he worked as a police reporter for The New York Tribune, a job
that gave him a close and personal relationship with Mulberry Bend, a vestige of Five Points, the most
infamous slum in the city. This book reveals the dirt, disease and misery associated with the living in
the New York slums. Throughout the book Riis expresses his cruel feeling toward the Italians, Jews
and the Chinese, while he remains astonishingly less critical of blacks and women. This book relates
to the horrible living conditions and people in
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Why The Prices On Your Local Gas Station Has Drop...
Have you wonder why the prices on your local gas station has drop significantly? It came to a point
where a barrel of WTI crude is 3 times cheaper than a barrel it s put in. This all plays into the hands of
government officials and smart investors seeking for greater influence and profits. It mostly comes
from the same roots of the past relationships some country could seek as an economical threat. Which
all the problems come back into the present day doing a lot more damage for future generations to
handle. In another sense, this economical problem actually does benefit the average consumer,
however it s a step backward towards an environmental friendly sociality and hard oil workers in the
fields. Nonetheless, the oil crisis has been a very sophisticated strategic plan in order to take out other
competitors and looking forward to stability in the monopoly. This global phenomenal threat has
repeated itself many times throughout the centuries when it was first discovered. William Tammeus,
writer of the (The Globe and mail) has stated that Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news
for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn t learn of it for six months. This ironic
statement reflects on the oil company s desire to capture more value from the market by simply
delaying its price communications. By all means, there was a saying of maturity in what the
anonymous author proclaimed, if you don t solve the problems from the your past they will follow
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Welfare Causes Poverty in America Essay
There seems to be an increase in poverty in the United States and there are so many theories behind
why this might be a problem. It seems as if Society as a whole wants to blame this social condition on
Society itself. I believe that the problem of poverty lies within the actual individuals that are
experiencing poverty. There are a few reasons why people experience poverty. They are as follows:
One, the liberal welfare programs that were started in the 1960 s, two, individuals lack the
characteristic of power and individuality, three, anti social behavior and the idea that poverty passes
from one generation to the next. The liberal welfare programs were started in the 1960s to help
individuals obtain better job skills by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It seems as if they were unable to say no to the provided or shall I say free support and unable to say
yes to the ability to gain and be able to support their selves. It was so much easier to have someone to
do it for them. Not only did they lack integrity but they lacked the power and confidence needed to
make it on their own. These individuals knew that the government has been and will continue to
support them so they became even lazier. These individuals became lazy and began to involve
themselves with only individuals of the sort, which developed into anti social behavior. Once the anti
social behavior sets in we can t train these individuals to assimilate into society, we can t train these
people to be like you and me. We can t train these people to be normal. I classify normal as someone
who is willing to support or at least try to support themselves on a regular basis. If I can work to
support me, my family and you why can t you work to support you , this includes your family also.
Children are indeed a product of their environment.
Being a product of your environment can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing depending on your
environment. In the eyes of poverty I do believe that it is a bad thing because poverty seems to be
passed on from generation to generation. You can t expect the next generation to be any better than the
last when they aren t able
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Merging Agnew s General Strain Theory and Hirschi s Social...
The two theories I have decided to merge are Agnew s General Strain Theory and Hirschi s Social
Bond Theory. I picked General Strain Theory because it does a good job at discussing some of the
things that can trigger the release of a person s negative emotions which in turn may lead to deviant
behavior. I also decided to write about Social Bond Theory because it describes some of the factors
that keep people from committing crime. Both of the theories have strengths and weaknesses
individually, but when merged they help fill in each other s gaps. (Agnew, 2011; Hirschi, 2011) +1
(888) 295 7904 The proposal of Robert Agnew s General Strain Theory in explaining criminal
deviance is based on three concepts. The first concept is that people ... Show more content on
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(Agnew, 2011) There are a lot of people who have lost their cell phones due to their own carelessness
or it was stolen. Anyone who has lost their cell phone has experienced the first type of strain. Agnew
plainly describes the strain as a result when individual s lose something good (Agnew, 2011. p. 190).
The description Agnew gives comes off as being ambiguous and incomplete. Arguably, the strain of
losing something good can be interpreted a certain way by someone and a completely different way by
another person. A perfect example would be a drug dealer losing his cocaine. According to this theory
he is more apt to commit a deviant act to get his cocaine back. Obviously the problem here is the fact
that he was already committing a crime before the strain ever took place. On the other, a victim of
identity theft has their entire savings wiped out. Consequently, due to their desperate need for money
they become a prostitute. In this case the theory seems to hold true. The scenarios above appear to be
completely different in all but two ways. The two ways in which they are similar are they both lost
something important to them. The word good is not defined by what society approves or disapproves
of. What s considered to be good is based on the individual s own definition. The second similarity is
that their loss triggered negative emotions such as anger, depression, and frustration. In these two
similarities the core concept of General
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The Theoretical Frameworks Within Social Psychology Essay
Behaviorism is one of the main theoretical frameworks within social psychology, its main objective is
to predict and control human behavior. The approach of this paper aims to provide a broad overview
regarding to the historical background that contributed to the emergence of this theory, its founders,
and their philosophical and methodological foundations of behaviorism. Behaviorism is primarily
focused on observable behavior rather than on the thought process or emotion. This school of thought
can be split into two main fields: Classical conditioning (Pavlov, Watson) and Operant conditioning
(Thorndike, Skinner) Classical conditioning can be defined as reflexive or automatic type of learning
in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another
stimulus. (McLeod, 2013) This means taking a neutral stimulus and pairing it with an unconditional
stimulus that provides the unconditioned response. Operant conditioning is not concerned with
automatic responses or reflexes. The science behind operant conditioning is learned behavior and
autonomous responses. It bases the responses on reward and punishment system to observe if it
strengthens or weakens a certain conscious behavior. Dr. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian scientist who
lived from 1849 1936. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology. Trying to study the digestive
system of dogs, he came a cross a legendary discovery. Pavlov birthed the first theory of behaviorism,
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Essay on Media Portray of Environmental Issues
The way that media has portrayed environmental issues has changed radically in the past few years.
Environmental issues often aren`t considered newsworthy unless something large scale occurs with a
notable impact on everyday life. The BP oil spill in 2010 made front pages world wide, there was a
sudden push for the rescue of marine life and a general disgust for the condition of the Gulf Coast. An
outpouring of awareness came of this tragedy and mass media diligently informed audiences of every
detail as the following cleanup events unfolded. Most environmental news is not front page material.
The media gets the ultimate say in what is deemed as important.
The typical newspaper reader does no read every single article, but rather skims ... Show more content
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Media draws from various sources to gather facts and assemble stories for their readership. When a
story comes out about a new scientific discovery or an impending extinction of a species, the source
must be considered. In a paper by Jeremy Corbett entitled Testing Public Uncertainty of Science he
discusses how newspapers especially just don t have the manpower to go straight to the scientific
source. Media often rely on information sourced from governmental and private entities rather than
cutting edge scientific information. This allows them to provide information that is easily understood
and likely widely accepted. Corbett gives the example of a magazine that cites scientific reports but
changes their story constantly: cell phones cause cancer, no they don`t, then months later they are back
to the initial assumption.
Awareness does not necessarily lead to change. Just because an environmental issue is brought to light
doesn t mean its going to pull at everyone s` heart strings and convince them to act. News affects
everyone a little differently and some indicating factors include education level and interest in local,
national, and international news. (Schafer, 2010, pp. 11 65) A survey cited in an article by Fredrick
Saunders showed that in 2011, 70 percent of people who follow international news say that global
warming is a serious threat, compared to 35 percent of those surveyed who do not
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The Importance Of The Youth Justice System
This essay will introduce the youth justice system within England and Wales. The essay will highlight
key pieces of youth justice legislation and it will comment on how they affect practice. The principles
of the system will be presented and discussed before it is argued that one principle has precedence
over the others. There will be use of a case study in which to express the ideology that one principle
should be the precedence of the youth justice system.
The youth justice system deals with young people under 18 years of age who break the law. The Youth
Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) is a public body developed under Section 41 of the Crime
and Disorder Act 1998 to oversee the youth justice system for England and Wales (Youth Justice
Board for England and Wales, 2016). The Youth Justice System carry out the processes for
prosecution, conviction and punishment. Within the youth justice system, there are extensive
considerations made when young people offend. These considerations can be thought to be principles,
which are the fundamental base of something (Oxford Dictionary, 2016), in this case, the criminal
justice system. The principles include (although are not limited to) risk assessment, public protection,
punishment, rehabilitation, justice and welfare. The prime focus of this essay will be to determine
whether justice or welfare should take precedence when responding to young people who break the
A punishment is the infliction of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon an individual or group
because they have done wrong. Punishments are administered with the notion that a wrongdoing can
be corrected (Frase, 2011). Throughout the 17 and 18th century the legal system in Britain was
incredibly harsh, disposing death penalties for often minor offences, the intention of this was general
deterrence to discourage individuals from committing crime. There were great structural
insufficiencies in the justice system and due to it being so punitive, juries were hesitant in finding
people guilty of offences (Bentley, 1998). This era became known as The Bloody Code . During The
Bloody Code , prison ships were introduced to separate young people from adults. They were
criticised for their
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Pedro Lorenzo Lopez Research Paper
Pedro Alonzo Lopez who is also known as the Monster of the Andes , is a serial killer that is known to
kill many people. At first he started off as a petty thief and then he went on to stealing cars in his
teenage years. Then later on in his life he started killing and raping people. Pedro Lopez s main
victims were all young girls. He would look for young girls on a busy street or a market. After he
would find his victim that he thought was good enough he would then go onto kidnaping them and
then rape them. After he was done raping them he would strangle them to death as he would stare into
their eye. He has been caught many times but was released and his main focus was to make the young
girls lose their innocence. He is known to kidnap, rape and kill over 300 young girls. After he was
done killing them he would bury them and sometimes he would even bury 3 4 girls in one grave. In a
confession he once stated that he would have tea parties or would play morbid games with the dead
children, not only that but he would also prop them up in their grave and talk to them and would
convince himself that his little friends likes the company (websleuths). ... Show more content on
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Pedro Lopez stated many things in an interview once, for example he stated that when he used to look
for his victims he would look for innocence and beauty on their faces. Also, he stated that he used to
follow some girls 2 to 3 days waiting for the girl to be left alone and then he would take them to a
secret hideaway where prepared graves waited. According to thoughtco, they stated that Pedro Lopez
became a monster in prison when he was raped by some fellow prisoners. Upon Pedro Lopez s release
he had become a monster, he became a monster that no one could ve imagined, he became the monster
of the Andes
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Little Clay Cart
Women have always been treated lesser than men and by looking at other cultures we see that woman
have little or no power compared to men. Men have always been seen as the dominant gender.
Countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nepal, and many other countries, women
are treated less than men. Some of these countries won t let women get an education, and those who
do choose to find education will likely get kidnaped or raped. In other countries, women who don t get
married young get sold to human traffickers. And in most of these countries, pregnant women don t
have the proper healthcare to deliver a baby which spikes the death rate for women and infants. As for
men, they don t need to worry about this since men are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some men feel very insecure and tend to have a very low self esteem when having a larger than
average body size, although most men won t go to the extreme to try to make themselves thinner,
more attractive, or more muscular. Men usually don t do things women normally do to slim down, the
reason for that is men don t over think things, they keep focus on one thing, while women pick up
every detail and have an open visual on
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The Negative Impacts Of Globalization In Business
The mankind is leaving in the era of changing. Whether we want or not, it is obviously that the present
world is different compare with even 20 years ago. This world has become significantly connected and
integrated. Globalization processes have affected all aspects of human s life and a business has not
been an exception. While these changes concern every person of the society it is still very important to
obtain the knowledge which will remain him competitive and help him to be in trend. Even though the
Globalization has some negative aspects for businesses, but it also gives such significant benefits as an
opportunity to develop a business all over the world, changing and challenging the way of doing
business through a new concept of management in a free world.
Sceptics believe that the free market and globalization will lead to bankruptcy of local businesses.
Certainly, as any other things in this world, globalization has both negative and positive effects on
economy in general and business specifically. Moreover, local society claims that domestic markets
might be captured by the foreign companies. In addition, homeland firms could be not developed
enough to defeat their market from invasions because of competitive disabilities. On the other hand,
using international statistics and experience, we could say that business is a competition let the best
win. It is the truth that only the best will get a victory, but it is also true that business is for the strong.
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Alternator Case Study
Title: Is your car battery having issues due to failing alternator? When you encounter flashing
headlights, slowing down or weird noises while driving, your vehicle isn t spooky; odds are a
damaging alternator. The alternator is a key segment in your automobile s electrical framework,
transforming the energy from the crankshaft into the electricity to control it s electrical network and to
enable the battery to recharge. How would you know when your cars alternator is failing? 1. Battery
Dies Clearly, batteries some of the time bombs of its own yet a terrible alternator can really make the
battery deplete when it s unable to recharge it. In case that, your battery goes dead, get the alternator
checked when changing the battery so it doesn t
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The Culture And Culture Of Puerto Rican Culture
Puerto Rican culture is very unique and diverse and is mainly influenced by its past. It is a melting pot
of Taino Indian, Spanish, African, and American cultures, which is what makes Puerto Rico unique.
Puerto Rican music, clothing, food, traditions, holidays, languages, and religions are all influenced
from the diversity of the population. The official languages are Spanish and English because of the
long period of time when Spain ruled and then later, when it became U.S. territory. The majority of the
population of Puerto Rico is also Roman Catholic or Protestant again, because it was ruled by the
Spanish Crown for over an extended period of time. Puerto Rican food has many different ingredients
derived from the different ethnic groups. They use many fresh ingredients for bold flavors, but their
food generally isn t spicy compared to other cultures. Puerto Ricans typically eat a light breakfast, but
their lunch and dinner is heavy. For them, dinner is the most important meal of the day. Puerto Ricans
typically drink coffee and eat mallorca which is a type of sweet bread. They normally start off dinner
with an appetizer like soup or stew first. Some of the main Puerto Rican dishes include: carne frita con
cebolla which is, fried beefsteak with onions, roast leg of pork, ham, lamb, or any roasted meats
cooked in Creole style with blends of herbs and spices. Puerto Ricans also love chicken and many of
their popular dishes include chicken like, arroz con pollo, chicken and
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Poseidon Research Paper
He is the God of the sea, tidal waves, earthquakes and he also rules horses, this means that he has
control of water like lakes and dams, he is the protector of all water. He is an Olympian god, he has
two palaces one is in the depths of the ocean and the other one is on MT Olympus, but Poseidon
preferred to stay with his wife in the palace in the ocean. He is armed with a trident and is also
sometimes represented to have the tail of a fish. His trident caused earthquakes as well as storms.
Poseidon was able to cause tempests and earthquakes, drown lands, shatter rocks and was able to
bring back peace. Like other gods he had a roman name, his roman name is Neptune. Poseidon s
symbol is the trident and his sacred animals are the dolphin, the horse and the bull. Poseidon was
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Poseidon was married to a sea nymph Amphitrite and they had 7 children their names were Theseus,
Triton (Amphitrite produced a triton which is half human and half fish), Polyphemus, Belus, Ahenor,
Neleus and Atlas. He was also farther of Charybdis who was a sea monster who attacked ships.
Poseidon sometimes rode over the waves on a chariot pulled by horses, he was accompanied may
mermen who blew high pitched blasts on con shells to warn people to keep away/keep out of the way.
Poseidon also lost a battle with his brother Zeus for control over the sky, after the battle Poseidon
moved to a golden palace somewhere under the Aegean Sea. Some sailors even sacrificed themselves
to Poseidon. Sometimes Poseidon also provided springs of water to people.
DID YOU KNOW that according to tradition, Poseidon was the god that breathed life into the first
horse on earth.
In some of the stores that have been sad Poseidon and his brother Zeus did not share the same fate as
their sisters and
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Ophelia And Hamlet
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the stage was used as a way to break the barriers of gender
norms. In his creation of Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the voice of Ophelia as a means to battle the
gender norms that had been placed on Elizabethan society. A good women was seen as someone that
was quiet and submissive. If a man could not control a woman s tongue, there would be no chance that
the man would be able to control her body. Though Ophelia s character was more than capable of
exhibiting reason, the control that her father, Polonius, held over her let Ophelia to the the madness
that would claim her life by the end of the play. On the other side of the gender spectrum, Hamlet, a
prince that should be have been more than capable of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Merchant s representations claim that both nature and women are subordinate and essentially passive
furthering the proof that women are held at a lower standard than men (Merchant 9).
The sexuality of women is also compared to animals, furthering the idea that women appeared closer
to animals than men on the Great Chain of Being. Hamlet emphasises his mother s sexuality as being
animalistic when confronting the King and Queen about their incestual marriage, stating that she
would hang on him/As if increase of appetite had grown/by what it fed on (1.2.143). Hamlet
supplements Gertrude s animalistic sexuality by claiming that a beast who lacks reasoning capabilities
would have mourned [the death of her husband] longer rather than marrying her brother in law, which
was an incestuous act (1.2.150). In Elizabethan England, it was considered indecent and illegal to
carry out an act of incest and, by copulating the marriage, Gertrude is acting in a way that does not
show any reasoning. Hamlet ends his soliloquy by stating that he must hold [his] tongue rather than
demanding his mother acknowledge her lacking position on the Great Chain of Being. Merchant states
that women are imbued with a far greater sexual passion rather than by logic which solidifies their
position on the Great Chain of Being according to Elizabethan standards.
One of the strongest written female characters in
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Discover Your Strengths
Key Challenge
The Discover Your Strengths (DYS) Program has had difficulties trying to increase attendance and
awareness among university students and staff, affecting less than 2% of the student population on the
best years that your program has experienced. Individuals who take the assessment find value on it,
and they recommend their employees or students to take it. However, the key challenge of this
campaign is to come up with recommendations that attract new students or professionals, who have to
decide to participate on their own.
Opportunity: With the program currently only affecting 2% of the student population, there is big
room for improvement and many areas where the awareness can be created, starting by a more
programmed marketing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To grow knowledge of the DYS Program by 10% among student body.
2. To achieve 15% engagement growth (600 individuals) who take the assessment in the academic
year 2018 2019.
3. To achieve permission from the Department of Athletics to pilot test a partnership between them
and the Department of Leadership Initiatives.
Research and Situation Analysis
The research method selected for this campaign was an evaluation form (see attachment 1), reaching
out to students and staff who have taken the assessment in the past. Five people provided their
feedback about their personal experience of attending the workshop. The results showed an overall
positive opinion about the workshop. However, there was some agreement among participants in the
way that they think the program could be improved.
Key Findings
1. More material covering how to apply strengths would be helpful.
2. Any material that can be practically applied would be helpful to learn to internalize the strengths at
a more personal level.
3. Opportunity for themed workshops focusing on professional development areas like interviews,
conflict mediation, and project management, as well as personal relationships.
4. The explanation detailing how these strengths
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The Raven Alliteration
BIO: Edgar Allan Poe is an American poet, he was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. He
went to Alma Mater University of Virginia. He attended the United States Military Academy. In 1810,
his father left his family. One year later his mother died. He joined the Army in 1827. In 1836, Poe
married Virginia Clemm, who just so happened to be his 13 year old cousin. In 1847, Virginia Clemm
died of tuberculosis, just 2 years after publishing his poem The Raven. February of 1831 Poe
published Second Edition dedicated to the U.S. Corps of Cadets On October 7, 1849 Poe died. The
exact cause of death is unknown. Not much is known as to why he was in the Streets of Baltimore, In
great distress, and just as well why he was in someone else s cloths. History: ... Show more content on
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He did this knowing he was going to be found guilty. When he was in the Military he was only payed
5 dollars a month. Poem ( The Raven ): The Raven uses several Poetic Terms. First It uses Alliteration,
for example While I pondered weak and weary. Next would be Simile, as in Suddenly there came a
tapping, as of someone gently rapping. Now for the twin Metaphor, And each separate dying ember
wrought its ghost upon the floor. Last but not least Ze famous one Personification The Raven, sitting
lonely... spoke only, That one word, as if his soul... he did outpour. Meaning?: The Raven, in Greek
mythology ravens said to be associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. As well a bad luck. Life
without his Queen, is one hell of a Torture, even though she Tortures the Absolute Living Fuck out of
me. The Raven(Depression) comes as a relief, maybe to show his Pain as a Physical Representation.
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Roanoke Colony Dbq
For hundreds of years the story of The Lost Colony has been told to children for
generations.Contrastly, as time trickles by we find out more information about the Lost Colony . Most
people believe that Roanoke were killed by the Spanish. However, because of recent discoveries.
Roanoke must have been forced to relocate because of a drought in route to Chowan River and
intermarried with Native Americans because of these new revelations.
During, Roanoke and Jamestown there seemed to have been a drought that became problematic to the
colony (Document H). Without, water it becomes difficult to produce crops and have maintain
drinking water. This left Roanoke in a bad predicament so, they had no choice but to relocate. The tree
rings discovered in 1998 provides valid proof that the drought happened from 1587 1589.
John White returned back to Roanoke in 1590 after leaving his daughter, Eleanor Dare, and
granddaughter, Virginia Dare in North Carolina. Accordingly, to White s journal the colony was no
longer present and it seemed that the house has been taken down, no sailing boats, and the words
CROATOAN was engraved in the ground (Document C). Additionally, there were no signs of ... Show
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Four to five generations after Roanoke John Lawson made an excerpt from a New Voyage to Carolina
in 1709. This excerpt stated that some Hatters Indians who lived on Roanoke Island had Ancestors
who were European. Furthermore, the Indians who made these claims had gray eyes and could
comprehend English (Document D). This justifies that Croatan Native Americans and the Roanoke
colony intermarried due to the generic features of their offspring. Moreover, a Kendall Family Signet
Ring was in Croatoan Indian Village in Buxton, NC which most likely belonged to one of the colonist
gives evidence that Roanoke did, in fact, go to
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Iran And The Iranian Hostage Crisis
In 1979, the Iranian hostage crisis would occur; this event would damage and sever ties between Iran
and the United States for years to come. Over the years, Iran would have hard line leaders that would
only further isolate themselves from western powers and more specifically the US. It would be
another 30 plus years before Iran would seek out the US and have a conversation between the two
countries; leading to what might be a possible change in policy for a country that has been isolated
from the international stage.
Iran s presidential election in June 2013 was won by Hassan Rouhani and led to him taking over for
the hard liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. President Rouhani has been known to cooperate with the West,
specifically when he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Former President Ahmadinejad set Iran back years by putting Iran into extreme isolation from the
international community. His continued badgering with the international community, eventually lead
to a nuclear stand off with world powers. With what seems to be the Ayatollah s blessing, President
Rouhani has so far shown promise to ease the country s relations and assume a solution on the nuclear
issue. For Washington, meanwhile, the election offered stark confirmation that its strategy is working,
at least to a point. The outcome confirmed that political will for a nuclear deal exists within the
Islamic Republic. In other words, the path out of isolation and economic crisis is perilous, but Iran s
new president, who has sometimes been dubbed the sheikh of diplomacy, may just be the right man at
the right moment to walk it. (Maloney, 2013)
If President Rouhani can bring his country out of sanctions, resume oil exports and trade, they can
become a functioning country again. Although, there is a slim chance that Iran doesn t continue to
support terrorist organizations and continue nuclear enrichment in some capacity. As long as President
Rouhani remains president, it is expected that he will do as much as possible to continue to further his
country and bring them out of isolation with the world and specifically the west.
The following event
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Non Inferential Passage Examples
Q: Explain non inferential passage and highlight its kinds.
Sentences are the things people say and that occur in normal languages moreover they express ones
feeling rather than exempting a statement.
I love my chair.
I am sad today.
I miss my grandmother.
Propositions are things that are either true or false which can be verified. For example, Snow is white,
today is 35 degree, 14th august is Independence day.
An argument is stated in a passage to prove something and two conditions must be fulfilled for a
passage to have an argument (to prove something)
1 Any one of the statement must have the evidence
2 There must be a claim that the above evidence implies something.
An argument is consisted of propositions only.
There must be at least 2 premises which are propositions and can be either true or false and a
conclusion in an argument. Moreover ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Premise 2 :Asma is a tall girl
Conclusion : Asma is attractive
Premise and conclusion can be identified with some indicators. Moreover premise is underlined and
argument have three dots.
Indicators of conclusions:
Therefore, wherefore, thus, consequently, we may infer, accordingly, we may conclude, it must be
that, for this reason, so, entails that, hence, it follows that, implies that, as a resuly
Indicators of premises:
Since, as indicated by, because, or, in that, may be inferred from, as, given that, seeing that, for the
reason that, in as much as, owing to
An Argument can only be valid or invalid.
Inference passages:
Cluster of proposition is inference, an argument is also an inference because we deduce and conclude.
Inferential passages example : Umer arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that his wife does not get off
of work until 5. Umer also sees that the lights are off in their house. Umer can infer that his wife is not
yet home.
P1 All men are mortal


P2 Socrates is a man
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal
Non inferential passages
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Morocco, An Agriculture And Industry Country
Morocco, an agriculture and industry country, lying in the Maghreb region of North Africa and along
with Sahara desert, has a total area of 172,410 square kilometres which is 2/3 as large as New
Zealand. It has the gross population of 33,220,000 by the end of 2013. The largest city of Morocco is
Casablanca which is located along the coast. Casablanca is actually a popular Moroccan food chain in
Auckland. The most successful one is located in Orewa.
Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours. It was crowded with merchants
and businessmen. Nowadays, Morocco is still one of the economic centres and it has the largest
transport junction. As Morocco links the central and western area together with the opening coastal
area, its regional advantage is giving a big push to the development of economy in Morocco.
The main climate of Morocco is Mediterranean climate. However, thanks to the Sahara Desert, it can
experience very dry and long summer period. It can be extremely hot and low moist. After the long
summer, winter is actually a time for people to enjoy the comfortable weather. By the same time,
thanks to the sufficient moisture weather which is allowed to grown different kind of species , for
instance, oaks, moss carpets, junipers, and Atlantic fir which is a royal conifer tree endemic to
According to a survey 2014, the largest religions group is taken by Islam with 99%, which has been
enjoying popular support. Also because of the large
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Nudism as a Deviant Subculture Essay
Nudism as a Deviant Subculture
Katie Heindel
SOC 429
October 19, 2010
Nudism as a Deviant Subculture
Nudism is a social and sexual phenomenon in America that has been gaining a significant following
since the early 1930 s. This phenomenon was first introduced to American culture by a German
immigrant named Kurt Barthel. (Hartman, Fithian and Johnson 1991) Since then, nudism has
expanded to all parts of the country. From nude beaches and resorts to nudist camps, many are starting
to partake in this liberating way of life.
Despite the many followers of the nudist movement, many would classify nudists as a deviant
subculture. Fischer (1995) defines a subculture as, ...a large set of people who share a defining trait, ...
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In the early 1900 s several papers were published that advocated the idea that the human body was not
sinful or obscene. The first nudist colonies were opened in Germany around 1903, and grew into
popularity during the 1920 s.
The Germans seemed to be the pioneers of the Naturism movement. In the 1960 s German s
vacationing along the Mediterranean coast in France began nudist colonies, and nudist beaches and
nudist resorts grew in popularity there. The movement came to North America in 1929 when a
German immigrant named Kurt Barthel opened a colony in the United States. In the early days of the
movement in America, nudism became associated with family values and alcohol was prohibited from
all activities. (Hartman et al. 1991)
Despite the attempt to associate high moral standards with the nudism movement it was subjected to
harassment and misunderstanding due to the fact that America saw nudism as a sexual and even
pornographic activity. Over the past three decades this largely changed. Nudist vacations became more
common, and nudism lost some of its social stigma. Nudism became less restrictive as well and
clothing optional gatherings became more common. Topless beaches also became popular, and the
organized nudist movement made strides in erasing the negative perception of nudism. (Bell and
Holliday 2000)
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Fishing Culture Essay
Fishing has been in human history since time started. Fishing has been a part of our culture for all
these years because it helped us survive because it provided food therefore helping us develop and
expand has an organism. The fishing culture has been on every single continent and is vital knowledge
for survival as time progresses new technologies appear to help evaluate the fishing and its methods.
Math and science are continuing to advance and further develop how humans obtain fish. As time goes
by developed countries pay great amounts of attentions to fish stocks and the consumption of fish
species. These numbers are very important to environmentalist because it helps the government set
percentage quotas to keep the fish species in good ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A bag limit is the number of fish a person could take of an individual species of fish. Some of the
major variables that scientist look for is the anatomy of the fish, human intervention and pressure of
the individual fish species, and climate. Every single species of fish is different. Baitfish are meant to
be consumed by predator fish therefore they are plentiful and usually in abundance so there are no bag
limits. Even the color of the fish is important. Red Snapper is in abundance because they are Red. In
the fish eye spectrum red is invisible so these fish are plentiful so the government does not have to put
strict regulations. Offspring is also very important some fish lay thousands of eggs because in reality
not many will survive, but bigger fish will lay less numbered fish because the chance of survival is
much higher for these fish species. Math is all around these subjects because scientist collects data and
numbers from oceans to predict and examine a bag limit. There is also statistics in bag limits because
scientist have to go out collect data on the fish and as well as the people. For example the popularity
of the fish correlates directly to the number of offspring a fish produce. If a fish produces a lot of off
spring and there s no demand for the fish then no bag limits should be placed, vice versa. In the
fishing word everything is a numbers game because numbers don t
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Social Dominance Theory
A major point of social dominance theory is that all humans belong to various groups. There are
powerful groups that provide status and authority and there are powerless groups as children that are
easy targets of violence. Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don t
feel in their relationships with other adults. Sometimes, adults who have intimate sexual relationships
with other adults may sexually abuse children in moments of unusual stress. Other adults are primarily
sexually attracted to children and act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to
sexually abuse a child. Each person who sexually abuses a child is motivated by issues unique to that
individual. Some adults who sexually abuse children recognize that it is wrong and are deeply
repentant. Other adults believe their behavior is okay and that what they do shows their love for
children. b. Psychological Explanation: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is no single profile that accurately describes or accounts for all child molesters. There are many
variables among individuals in terms of their personal characteristics, life experiences, criminal
histories, and reasons for committing such offenses. One common misconception is that molested
children grow up to become child molesters themselves. Most adults who sexually use or abuse
children were, during their own childhoods, abandoned, abused sexually, physically, and/or
emotionally. In reaction to those experiences of abuse, neglect, betrayal and powerlessness, they may
have attempted to find feelings of power and control over others including sexual power over children.
Some people who sexually use or abuse children have high social status in a group and become so
confused by constant admiration or praise that they begin to think the rules are different for
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Lawrence V. Hodges Case Study
The Fourteenth Amendment, which was approved amid the Reconstruction period to ensure the
privileges of minorities, is the law within the Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges case. In a
Houston, Texas apartment five years back, nearby police were dispatched to answer reports of gunfire.
They legally entered the apartment of petitioner John Lawrence, who was engaging in sex with
another man. The two were arrested, convicted and fined $200. Texas statue making it illegal for two
individuals of the same sex to partake in sexual relationships with one another violated their
Fourteenth Amendment rights. The court justified that Lawrence and Garner were allowed to exercise
their liberty by engaging in private relations under the Due Process Clause.
The advancement of the Fourteenth Amendment, as indicated by Eric Foner in Our Living
Constitution , speaks on how to concede a protected right to security and to keep the administration
from forcing on that privilege is the foundation to this decision. Granting without acknowledging that
society has considered same sex relations as immoral it does not follow that this is a sufficient ...
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Hodges, because the US Supreme Court case brought equal marriage rights to same sex couples in
every state. Fourteen same sex couples, with two individuals whose same sex partners were deceased,
filed suits in federal districts courts of their home state s, arguing that respondents state officials
violated the 14th Amendment denying the individuals the right to marry or lawfully marry in another
state given full recognition. One of the petitioners, Obergefell, had established a lasting commitment
together with John Arthur but unfortunately Arthur was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS). Due to that Obergefell and Arthur wanted to marry before Arthur died. The two married in
Maryland but when Obergefell and Arthur came back to the state of Ohio where they encountered
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Research Paper On Kate Kimball
Kate Kimball is an award winning fiction author who has worked hard to be in the position she is in
now. Despite currently struggling with her health, she has continued to peruse her English PhD in
Creative Writing here at Florida State University. Born in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah Kimball is
surprised to find herself over 2,000 miles away now studying in the sunshine state. FSU offers one of
the top creative writing programs that currently is ranked top 5 in the nation according to The Atlantic
Monthly. Kimball was excited to be accepted into the accredited program after earning her bachelor s
from the University of Utah and masters at Virginia Tech. Kimball has always loved writing and says,
Creative writing allows you to write about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This cancer of the lymph nodes starts by destroying the cells apart of the body s immune system and
can be deadly. The 10 year survival rate for this cancer is 59% and requires years of therapy for
recovery. When Kate first discovered she was sick, she had to undergo severe chemotherapy that has
severely damaged her Kidney. She is currently doing dialysis to try and restore her damaged kidney,
but only time will tell if she will need partial removal of her kidney or a complete transplant. When
she is not in the hospital herself, she s checking other patients in. Due to health care needs, Kimball
currently works weekends as a receptionist at the Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center.
Her health has affected her everyday life tremendously but has not stropped her from perusing her
goals. Coworker Sakinah Hofler had nothing but kind things to say about Kimball and admitted that, I
had sometimes complained about my lack of writing time, but then I really started to think about what
Kate had been going through: she was sick, receiving treatment that required her to drive to
Jacksonville and Orlando, working three jobs, hosting the Warehouse Series every Tuesday all without
complaint. She didn t even ask for help. What was my excuse? My mantra became: If Kate can do it
then I have no
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The Holy Virgin Mary Essay
What a sensation was made about the Sensation exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. The focus
of Mayor Giuliani s outcry was the piece The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili. Funny, he didn t give
attention to some of the other outrageous works including the pubescent female mannequins studded
with erect penises, vaginas, and anuses, fused together in various postures of sexual coupling, or the
portrait of a child molester and murder made from what appears like child hand prints or bisected
animals in plexiglass tanks full of formaldehyde. Would it ever have made headlines with a different
title, like Afro lady ? I don t think so. I guess targeting religion gets a little too personal. Giuliani said,
You don t have the right to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If you think about it, many African cultures had no use for gold until the Europeans came along. But
in America, dung is a bad, nasty thing. We even have pooper scoopers for our house pets excretions on
public property. No one should have to deal with that! No, no one wants to see poop! We use gold to
gild halos on our saints. Poop? How atrocious! You can t use feces in art! But, how many people know
that artists used human urine as a fixative in pigments of religious works such as the Last Supper and
the ceilings of the Vatican? How many know that Old Master painters used mummy brown, yep you
guessed it, a pigment consisting of pulverized Egyptian mummies? No one complains about shadows
in 18th century paintings of the Virgin being made out of dead people. As for the porn pictures, they
suggest putti just as the Virgin Mary s symbology reflects fertility.
So what s the big deal? Do you think people get too focused on the medium instead of the message?
Does it matter what material the artist is using to get the message across? What is acceptable? The
norm would be oil, different types of earth, egg, rock and wood.
Let s take a look at a little history in medieval art. There was a movement towards the end of the first
millennium called Iconoclasm. This factor hated images and icons which were believed to be endowed
with mysterious powers that could work miracles by intervention from the saints. This Iconoclastic
Controversy defined and declined the creation of
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Harriet Martineau Essay
Harriet Martineau
Although we think of sexism as a situation that has been dealt with, we still have much to learn. A key
turning point in discrimination against women was the courageous actions of Harriet Martineau.
Harriet was born in 1802, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Martineau. She grew up in a home
without any encouragement for her education. Instead she was trained, as all other women in her life,
to be a homemaker.
However this did not stop her efforts to pursue her dream. Even though she risked exile from her
family, friends, and society at whole, Harriet continued her studies of women s lesser role in the social
aspects of life.
Harriet described her childhood as a burdensome experience (Household ... Show more content on
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Soon after she joined a circle of writers and theologians in London. Working with such famous people
as: Charles Babbage, Thomas Carlyle, George Eliot, Florence
Nightingale, Charles Dickens, Thomas Malthaus, William Wodsworth, Charlotte Bronte, and Charles
Darwin. As she kept writing she became more respected and her popularity grew quickly.
Harriet first got a large reading public when she popularized classical economics with a series of
anecdotes and short stories. She especially focused on the ideas of Thomas Robert Malthus and David
Ricardo: Illustrations of Political Economy, 25 vol. (1832 34), Poor Laws and Paupers Illustraed, 10
vol. (1833 34), and Illustrations of Taxation, 5 vol. (1834). After she visited the United States she
wrote Society in America (1837), which is her most popular writing used amongst sociologists today,
Retrospect of Western Travel (1838). She also wrote How to Observe Morals and
Manners (1838), which was another admired writing of hers. Her writings in How to
Observe Morals and Manners offered a positivist solution to the correspondence problem between
intersubjectivity, verifiable observables, and unobservable theoretical issues
(Hill, http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/martineau.html).
After this she felt she needed to approach the subject of the Abolition Movement and repudiated
laissez faire economics favoring a more
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  • 7. What Is Bradford s Use Of The Barbarians In Of Plymouth... When people of two different cultures meet, they often have unjustified negative perceptions each other. Such was the case of the Europeans and the Native Americans during the Age of Exploration. Native Americans would sometimes attack the settlers and look down upon them in disdain. In turn, the Europeans would fight back while also calling the natives savages. These hostile exchanges frequently occur because their leaders think too much about the differences between the groups that they forget the similarities in that they are all humans. Perceptions often change when those of different cultures put aside those differences and begin to cooperate with each other in a common goal. In fact, that is exactly what happened when William Bradford and his group of pilgrims came to Cape Cod. Initially, there was an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In that book, he wrote his truthful thoughts of the world around him. When he first spotted the Native Americans after he had arrived, he noted that these savage barbarians, when they met with them (as after will appear) were readier to fill their sides full of arrows than otherwise (Bradford 8). In effect, his usage of the derogatory terms savage and barbarians demonstrates his disrespect for their culture. Not only does he describe the natives as savage once, but he also continues to use that term nearly five times. Bradford also uses many other words to characterize the natives negatively. For instance, he writes that ...the Indians came skulking about them, and would sometimes show themselves aloof off, but when any approached near them, they would run away... (16). In describing the actions of the Native Americans, Bradford uses the word skulking, which has a negative connotation due to its close association to cowardliness. In fact, by writing that they ran away, Bradford implies that they are cowardly and afraid of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Patriarchy In Lysistrata Similarly, traditional patriarchal views force women into the role of wives, which is extremely restrictive and plays a large part in the subjugation of women.As shown above, women in the patriarchy are limited to domestic work, in which a woman s only opportunity for economic advancement would lie. However, no wage is paid for housework. Women cannot gain money and other such necessary items by themselves, instead, what they receive depends not on their labor, but on the power and will of another , leading them to be economically dependent (Gilman 7). They must rely on their fathers and husbands to provide for them. As a result of this economic dependence, women are forced to change themselves to suit the qualities men desire, in effect giving authority to men. Another result of women s economic dependence on men is the requirement that women become wives or risk losing their livelihood. In becoming wives, women are restricted further. In Lysistrata, Lysistrata advises the women to give in but be bad ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The women of the play have value through their sons, not as individuals. One woman remarks, I hold stock in Athens stock I paid for in sons (Aristophanes 78). Aristophanes links her to her sons, giving her authority not because she lives in Athens, but because her sons do. In classical Athens, a woman s main duty was the production of legitimate heirs , to ensure families had men to carry on the family line (Pomeroy 60). When given importance as mothers, women are solely valued for their ability to create more men. Additionally, this leads to the devaluation of older women, since, biologically, a woman s season is brief (Aristophanes 73). After a certain age, women are unable to bear children. When society determines a woman s value based on her ability to produce children, several generations of women are left behind with nothing to contribute, according to patriarchal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Using The Strategy Of Having Putting Customer Service Essay There are many strategies in which a company can use in order to compete in today environment and succeed. In order to implement the strategy you must first understand this dynamic business environment today. With the stock market at an all time high, unemployment at 5.8 percent, last quarter economic growth at 5 percent, relative mild consumer price inflation, and the bonanza of cheap gas we see that there is increased optimism about the U.S. economy. Yet challenges abound, both coming from the inside and from abroad. Participation in the labor force remains at the lowest levels since the late 1970 s, with over 6 million less people in the workforce since President Obama assumed office. We see that the US is going through a presidential election which has impacted the way in which American view America as well the whole world. Throughout this paper we take a look at by using the strategy of having putting customer service as a company number one object can help the company maintain brand loyalty and always have high in profit margins. Often the simplest changes can have huge improvements on your business. If you want your business to succeed, forget about searching for secrets and focus on the following simple strategies. Understand where your customers are coming from. Understanding where your customers are coming from gives you clarity. Companies with a clear understanding of customer acquisition are in control. Successful businesses always seek to understand how ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Brave New World Literary Devices In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930 s to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those devices are simile, details, metaphor... One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the drums. Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford s Day celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself. These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s Sawyer 2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Age Of Anxiety By Auden On the Ages and Stages You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an Ocean; if a few drops of the Ocean are dirty, the Ocean does not become dirty . Mahatma Gandhi Humanity has always petitioned the idea of impending doom upon Earth and its inhabitants, that our sins will soon spill upon the dried cracking crust and salvation awaits the worthy above with open gates and waterfalls. Despite religious conceptions, humans still walk the material world; searching every crevice of knowledge hoping that one day meaning will be found in our sinful journey through time. Anxiety of what awaits the ending days plunges humans deeper into fear and doubt, giving W. H. Auden a needles amount of material for his sardonic masterpiece on the human function, The Age of Anxiety. Auden truly encapsulates diversity in his writing, always transitioning from prose to verse and from thought to speech. Auden begins part three of The Age of Anxiety in prose with At first all is dark and each walks alone. What they share is only the feelings of remoteness and desertion, of having marched for miles and miles, of having lost their bearings, of a restless urge to find water , then beginning the dialogue in verse with Groping through fog, I begin to hear A salt lake lapping: Dotterels and dunlins on its dark shore . The variations in The Age of Anxiety allow for infinite intrigue just like with music, hearing the same thing is boring and dry. Looking past rhetorical analysis and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. How Does Technology Influenced Popular Culture In this essay the topic popular culture in line with technology will be discussed between the time periods of 1945 until present day. Technology can be described as machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge, and is the branch of knowledge that deals with engineering or the applied sciences. The essay will cover what was popular during these eras, what had influenced technology throughout the time zones and what the positives and negatives of technology were at those times. In 1945 to the 1950s the main influence of this era was World War 2. This influence led to advances in technology through weaponry during the war. An example of this weaponry includes the creation of the atomic bomb, and the hydrogen bomb in 1945 and 1952 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2015. What Happened in the 1950s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1950s.html. [Accessed 10 June 2015]. What Happened in the 1960s inc. News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. 2015. What Happened in the 1960s inc. News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1960s.html. [Accessed 10 June 2015]. Pros and Cons of Space Exploration | APECSEC.org. 2015. Pros and Cons of Space Exploration | APECSEC.org. [ONLINE] Available at:http://apecsec.org/pros and cons of space exploration/. [Accessed 10 June 2015]. Game Boy Throwback Thursday: 90s Tech Gadgets That Defined Your Childhood | Complex UK. 2015. Game Boy Throwback Thursday: 90s Tech Gadgets That Defined Your Childhood | Complex UK. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.complex.com/pop culture/2013/09/90s tech gadgets that defined your childhood/game boy. [Accessed 10 June 2015]. What Happened in the 1980s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology . 2015. What Happened in the 1980s featuring News, Popular Culture, Prices and Technology . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1980s.html. [Accessed 10 June ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Outline for Dissociative Disorder Essays Dissociative Disorders 1.What are Dissociative Disorders? a.Conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception. b.People with dissociative disorders chronically escape their reality in involuntary, unhealthy ways ranging from suppressing memories to assuming alternate identities. 2.The three types of Dissociative Disorders a.Dissociative Amnesia b.Dissociative Identity Disorder c.Dissociative Fugue 3.Signs and Symptoms a.Symptoms of all three disorders: i.Memory loss (amnesia) of certain time periods, events and people ii.Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety iii.A perception of the people and things around you as distorted and unreal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Children who dissociate themselves for an extended period of time, may use this coping mechanism in response to stressful situations throughout their lives. b.Risk factors people who experience any form of abuse, traumatic events such as war, natural disasters, kidnapping, torture, and invasive medical procedures. 5.Diagnosis a.Dissociative disorders are diagnosed based on a review of your personal symptoms and your personal history. Tests are performed to rule out physical conditions such as head and certain brain diseases, sleep deprivation, and intoxication. b.Some doctors use medication or hypnosis. This helps doctors identify alternate personalities and describe repressed memories 6.Complications a.People with dissociative disorders are at risk of complications that include: i.Self mutilation ii.Suicide attempts iii.Alcoholism or substance abuse iv.Depression v.Sleep disorders vi.Anxiety disorders vii.Eating disorders b.People with these disorders also have difficulty forming relationships because they aren t able to cope with emotional or professional stress which causes them to tune out, or disappear, which may make them seem unreliable. 7.Treatment a.Psychotherapy is the most common treatment for dissociative disorders. Talking with a therapist can help a person understand the causes of the condition, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. What Are The Crucial Steps Undertaken By Emerging Firms To... Research question:What are the crucial steps undertaken by emerging firms to enter into the global environment? Over the last two decades there has been a drastic shift in the way companies perform around the world. Few companies rise to more than the level which was expected but majority of others can t even reach to equilibrium state. We can find that more and more companies from developing and underdeveloped countries are rising into the global presence. Some of them are Mexico s Cemex, China s Baosteel, India s Dr. Reddy s Laboratories, Philippine s Jollibee Foods and South Africa s SABMiller (Khanna and Palepu, 2006).What are the crucial steps undertaken by these firms to enter into the global environment. Emerging economies like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The companies mainly focuses of their innovation, strategic management and organizational structure to expand their business in international level.According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD, 2013), the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by firms from these economies accounted for 30.6% of the global (OFDI) flows, which was $1.39 trillion in 2012.The above statement is a crystal clear proof that emerging economies like China, Brazil, Russia and India are working towards the restructuring of their international business. MNC s from emerging economies, although diverse, have displayed some common characteristics that differ from their counterparts from developed countries (Xueli Huang, 2015).Emerging economies lack so many aspects like the know how of that particular industry, the technology required by these business enterprise, but in spite of all the lack of primary resources they have cherished because the home government of emerging economies plays a vital role in helping to get the resources for them to expand the business. Technological advancement and knowledge transfer is a byproduct for developing countries which can be received by the effect of foreign direct investment. The developing country should ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Importance Of Student Needs On School-Wide Transition Student Needs Title 1 School wide Transition Our efforts as teachers to boost learning are most effective when we share the same philosophy: The focus is all about the kids, not what works best for us, as teachers. A student centered mindset is proving what s best for each child. Our current MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Support) pathway provides a backbone to students academic needs. To assure that all students have every opportunity to reach their full potential, various programs and interventions are in place to meet the unique needs of all students who attend Oakes Elementary. Therefore, it was only pertinent that I take our Title 1 program to that same level and lead our school through the process of transitioning from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the opportunity arose, it was a no brainer that we had to take the leap. The many hours of completing a comprehensive needs assessment, brainstorming and documenting school wide reform strategies, along with compiling four goals that were considered big and scary, we were doing what s best for kids! I thank Anna Sell, my building principal, for believing in me and providing necessary information so that this could become a reality for our school. The final outcome of this endeavor was to be named Title 1 Exceptional Teacher of the Year. I am honored to accept this award on behalf of the fantastic team of teachers, administration, and most importantly the lives we touch everyday...the kids! This award comes with a $12,000 grant to be spent on allowable expenditure to upgrade what we do here at OES for kids. I am excited to look into a few new ideas for my classroom with flexible seating, attend the National Title 1 convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in February 2018 with a colleague, and purchase materials for our strategic and intensive interventions. By all means, we are not finished here! Our teaching staff meets weekly to discuss student needs, performance, and assessments. Then in the spring of the year, I will hold a meeting and school wide review for all teaching staff and parents where we will look into the data and determine academic achievement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Venus Bust Analysis For my project, I have recreated a bust of Venus. A bust is a sculpture of a person s head, shoulders, and chest. This allows you to include very intricate details and helps you achieve a goal in realism. There were many sculptures of Venus in ancient Rome, including the Venus Genetrix, meaning Mother Venus in Latin. I chose to create a bust so I could, too, focus on the intricate details, though my version is very small, it might have been less accurate had I done the Venus Genetrix. Venus busts like this one have been used for many garden decorations and household decorations in general. The sculpture I chose to recreate is a bust of Venus. Venus is the goddess of love, prosperity, fertility, victory, and beauty. Her greek form is Aphrodite. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was actually hard in this way not to find Greek artwork, but since Venus is a Roman goddess, this was a good choice for me. The Romans didn t believe that a recreation of a work of art was any less valuable than the first piece of art. We disagree with this today, but they added slight modifications to their recreations. Roman art liked to recreate Greek art with those slight modifications, like recreating bronzes (some of which are now lost) in marble. Some variations could be something other than medium, though. Sometimes the purpose was to add a bit of humor! This added a lot of Roman to Greek art, which was originally somber and serious. The Romans used a variety of media in their artwork. Some include marble, painting, mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, terracottas, and more! The original bust that I chose to recreate is made of reconstituted resin, but I chose air dry clay to finish faster and to have a close model to the original bust. The Roman Republic was also a great year for Roman Art. Lots of art was produced then because of the many things happening in the republic and in the military. While this idea is not portrayed in the bust, the equestrian statue honoring a military hero or civic leader was an idea created by the Romans. Lots of things happened in this period of time, the start and fall of the Roman republic, and the beginning of the peaceful period of time we know as the Pax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Jack The Ripper Myths This is not a book about Jack the Ripper. That would be an understandable misconception his name is, after all, in the title, and multiple books claiming to be about the victims or other surrounding topics do indeed end up focusing on the Ripper himself. The Ripper s identity is, after all, one of the great historical mysteries and the focus of over one hundred books. This is not one of them. Although many pages have been devoted to concluding exactly how many women were killed by Jack the Ripper, the most commonly agreed upon victims make up the so called canonical five: Mary Ann Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Liz Stride, Catherine Kate Eddowes, and Mary Jane (or Marie Jeanette) Kelly. These women were found murdered in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Thirteen Epistles Of Ephesians The Apostle Paul wrote thirteen epistles, also called letters, that can be found in the New Testament (Demarest, 2018, no pg.). There has been some debate that the epistles of Ephesians, First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Colossians and Second Thessalonians were pseudonymously written in Paul s name, but that he was not the actual author. There seems to be discrepancies about the attitude that Paul conveyed towards women in the church between the letters known to be written by him, and the ones that were not. The letters known to be written by Paul convey Jesus s message that everyone is to be welcome in worship, including women. In Romans 16:1 2 Paul wrote, I commend to you our sister Phoebe of the Church at Cenchreae, that you may welcome ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Benefits Of Going To College While On Active Duty Researchers from Student Veterans of America Service Organization say that from 2002 through 2013 only 51.7% of veterans who attended college after the military finished with a degree. This percentage is lower than non veterans. Why is this statistic important? If a service member waits until they get out of the military to start college they lose the safety net of the military college office and a steady paycheck. This could be a major factor why the graduation rate is so low. According to the Pat Tillman Foundation, Got Your Six, and Operation College Promise the average veteran who attempts to go back to school after getting out of the military carries with them 28 transfer credits, which automatically makes them sophomores. This makes it very surprising that the graduation rate is still so low. What makes going to college while on active duty easier? While on active duty the military member has many resources to help them complete a degree. With that being said there are difficulties associated with active duty service members going to college can also be overwhelming, unlike the civilian sector usually factors such as tuition or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It looks like it is more rational to at the very least start college while on active duty. Getting started in the civilian sector seems like it would be difficult and continuing until completion looks like it would be a coin flip for veterans. If a service member can continue college while dealing with deployments, temporary assigned duties, and permanent change of station orders he/she will have a much easier time finishing college out in the civilian sector. It is my opinion however that it would be easier to start and finish a degree while continuing to be on active duty than to do it in the civilian world. The safety net associated with being on active duty and a student is the main reason why I believe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on Clinical Reflection Journal Clinical Experience Reflection Journal Name: Date: Week 1. Choose one patient (new mother, newborn, or pregnant/laboring woman) and identify the priority problem. What did you contribute toward resolving or easing the problem? N/A for this week 2. Provide an example of an incident during clinical that reinforced the theory you have learned in OB lectures. An incident that reinforced what I have learned in lecture was the postpartum hemorrhage simulation. I learned how chaotic and overwhelming everything can be during an emergency, but also realized how important it is to have teamwork and a general game plan. It s amazing how good teamwork allows things to go so smoothly. The entire process, with everything that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We not only assisted one another, but we also challenged each other with questions that allowed us to use our critical thinking. 5. What would you do differently if you had the chance? During our return demonstration, we all felt like we needed to look to our instructor for guidance in what we should do. The reason for this was because we all lacked the confidence to feel like we knew what we were doing. If I could do it again, I would have liked to have been more knowledgeable about the scenario so that I could be more confident. 6. What can I do to help you meet your goals for this experience? It is obvious that all of our instructors have a common goal, which is for all of us to learn as much as we possibly can. I honestly think that by allowing as many opportunities as possible to see and experience as much as possible will help us all learn from our clinical experiences. Goals: I found all of our simulations very interesting today. I gained an enormous amount of information which I am sure will enhance my skill performance. Our instructor was very helpful in explaining fetal monitoring and how to interpret the strips. I thought that she did an amazing job explaining how to read the strips and answering the questions we all had. I feel more confident about this material than I did prior to coming to clinical. I would have to say that learning more about this is one of
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  • 22. The Importance Of Human Physical Strength In The Ancient... Humans in the ancient world definitely took advantage of their physical strength. Five great examples of this are: building roads, quarrying, operating cranes, digging wells, and constructing tunnels. All of these tasks could only be completed with an immense amount of endurance and strength. Anything from laying rocks to digging out an entire tunnel was a difficult and grueling task. In many cases, a great deal of human physical strength was required to fully exploit the technologies and technical practices developed in the ancient world. Building roadways in ancient Italy required an extensive amount of physical strength. Creating roadways required quarrying, lumbering, and drainage (Oleson). The workers initially began by placing curb stones to create the defined border of the road (Oleson). Ditches were dug on the outside of both rows of curb stones for storm drainage (Oleson). The land between the curb stones was then completely removed by a large amount of digging and cutting (Oleson). The excavated ditch was then filled with stones, sand, and other materials that were dug up from the ditches or the land around the road, forming a solid foundation (Oleson). Laying down gravel, carrying the stones, transporting them, and carefully placing them down required a great deal of upper and lower body strength. On top of the layer of stones and sand was a layer of finer gravel (Oleson). The top layer of the road was made of polygonal basalt blocks that formed a Chambers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay On Luis De Onis Adams Onis international treaty signed in Washington on February 22, 1819 between the United States and Spain on territorial demarcation in North America. Treaty gave the transfer of Florida from Spain, the United States and defined the border between the United States and Spanish Mexico. Signatories to the agreement were US Secretary of State John Adams and Spanish Foreign Minister Luis de Onis and Gonzalez Vara. The United States has long tried to purchase from Spain the Florida but only in 1818 in the Spanish colonies there is a situation that the Spanish government has decided to consider the possibility. Spanish metropolis was exhausted by the war in the Peninsula and in the American colonies of Spain the revolution began. The Spanish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Spaniards asked the British to intervene but Britain has refused to participate in the negotiations between Spain and the US. Some cabinet members demanded the immediate resignation of Monroe Jackson but Adams realized that the actions of of Jackson gave the United States an advantage in negotiations clearly demonstrated the weakness of Spain. Operating from a position of strength Adams was able to negotiate acceptable terms for the United States. The agreement was signed in Washington on February 22, 1819 US Secretary of State John Adams and Spanish Foreign Minister Luis de Onis and Gonzalez Vara. It took two years to exchange ratification and February 22, 1821 treaty entered into force. In accordance with the agreement Spain gave the United States a free Spanish Florida and the US government has committed itself to pay the claims of American citizens to the Spanish government. To resolve this issue, Washington created a commission that from 1821 to 1824 years, collected in 1859 claims relating to 720 incidents. Of these claims were paid by the government 5.454.545,13 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. How The Other Side Lives By Jacob Riis First of all, Jacob Riis is the author of How the Other Side lives . He was famous for using photography to document the extremely poor conditions of many poor populations in the early 20th century. Riis was a Danish immigrant, he worked as a police reporter for The New York Tribune, a job that gave him a close and personal relationship with Mulberry Bend, a vestige of Five Points, the most infamous slum in the city. This book reveals the dirt, disease and misery associated with the living in the New York slums. Throughout the book Riis expresses his cruel feeling toward the Italians, Jews and the Chinese, while he remains astonishingly less critical of blacks and women. This book relates to the horrible living conditions and people in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Why The Prices On Your Local Gas Station Has Drop... Have you wonder why the prices on your local gas station has drop significantly? It came to a point where a barrel of WTI crude is 3 times cheaper than a barrel it s put in. This all plays into the hands of government officials and smart investors seeking for greater influence and profits. It mostly comes from the same roots of the past relationships some country could seek as an economical threat. Which all the problems come back into the present day doing a lot more damage for future generations to handle. In another sense, this economical problem actually does benefit the average consumer, however it s a step backward towards an environmental friendly sociality and hard oil workers in the fields. Nonetheless, the oil crisis has been a very sophisticated strategic plan in order to take out other competitors and looking forward to stability in the monopoly. This global phenomenal threat has repeated itself many times throughout the centuries when it was first discovered. William Tammeus, writer of the (The Globe and mail) has stated that Oil prices have fallen lately. We include this news for the benefit of gas stations, which otherwise wouldn t learn of it for six months. This ironic statement reflects on the oil company s desire to capture more value from the market by simply delaying its price communications. By all means, there was a saying of maturity in what the anonymous author proclaimed, if you don t solve the problems from the your past they will follow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Welfare Causes Poverty in America Essay There seems to be an increase in poverty in the United States and there are so many theories behind why this might be a problem. It seems as if Society as a whole wants to blame this social condition on Society itself. I believe that the problem of poverty lies within the actual individuals that are experiencing poverty. There are a few reasons why people experience poverty. They are as follows: One, the liberal welfare programs that were started in the 1960 s, two, individuals lack the characteristic of power and individuality, three, anti social behavior and the idea that poverty passes from one generation to the next. The liberal welfare programs were started in the 1960s to help individuals obtain better job skills by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It seems as if they were unable to say no to the provided or shall I say free support and unable to say yes to the ability to gain and be able to support their selves. It was so much easier to have someone to do it for them. Not only did they lack integrity but they lacked the power and confidence needed to make it on their own. These individuals knew that the government has been and will continue to support them so they became even lazier. These individuals became lazy and began to involve themselves with only individuals of the sort, which developed into anti social behavior. Once the anti social behavior sets in we can t train these individuals to assimilate into society, we can t train these people to be like you and me. We can t train these people to be normal. I classify normal as someone who is willing to support or at least try to support themselves on a regular basis. If I can work to support me, my family and you why can t you work to support you , this includes your family also. Children are indeed a product of their environment. Being a product of your environment can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing depending on your environment. In the eyes of poverty I do believe that it is a bad thing because poverty seems to be passed on from generation to generation. You can t expect the next generation to be any better than the last when they aren t able ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Merging Agnew s General Strain Theory and Hirschi s Social... The two theories I have decided to merge are Agnew s General Strain Theory and Hirschi s Social Bond Theory. I picked General Strain Theory because it does a good job at discussing some of the things that can trigger the release of a person s negative emotions which in turn may lead to deviant behavior. I also decided to write about Social Bond Theory because it describes some of the factors that keep people from committing crime. Both of the theories have strengths and weaknesses individually, but when merged they help fill in each other s gaps. (Agnew, 2011; Hirschi, 2011) +1 (888) 295 7904 The proposal of Robert Agnew s General Strain Theory in explaining criminal deviance is based on three concepts. The first concept is that people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Agnew, 2011) There are a lot of people who have lost their cell phones due to their own carelessness or it was stolen. Anyone who has lost their cell phone has experienced the first type of strain. Agnew plainly describes the strain as a result when individual s lose something good (Agnew, 2011. p. 190). The description Agnew gives comes off as being ambiguous and incomplete. Arguably, the strain of losing something good can be interpreted a certain way by someone and a completely different way by another person. A perfect example would be a drug dealer losing his cocaine. According to this theory he is more apt to commit a deviant act to get his cocaine back. Obviously the problem here is the fact that he was already committing a crime before the strain ever took place. On the other, a victim of identity theft has their entire savings wiped out. Consequently, due to their desperate need for money they become a prostitute. In this case the theory seems to hold true. The scenarios above appear to be completely different in all but two ways. The two ways in which they are similar are they both lost something important to them. The word good is not defined by what society approves or disapproves of. What s considered to be good is based on the individual s own definition. The second similarity is that their loss triggered negative emotions such as anger, depression, and frustration. In these two similarities the core concept of General ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Theoretical Frameworks Within Social Psychology Essay Behaviorism is one of the main theoretical frameworks within social psychology, its main objective is to predict and control human behavior. The approach of this paper aims to provide a broad overview regarding to the historical background that contributed to the emergence of this theory, its founders, and their philosophical and methodological foundations of behaviorism. Behaviorism is primarily focused on observable behavior rather than on the thought process or emotion. This school of thought can be split into two main fields: Classical conditioning (Pavlov, Watson) and Operant conditioning (Thorndike, Skinner) Classical conditioning can be defined as reflexive or automatic type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus. (McLeod, 2013) This means taking a neutral stimulus and pairing it with an unconditional stimulus that provides the unconditioned response. Operant conditioning is not concerned with automatic responses or reflexes. The science behind operant conditioning is learned behavior and autonomous responses. It bases the responses on reward and punishment system to observe if it strengthens or weakens a certain conscious behavior. Dr. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian scientist who lived from 1849 1936. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology. Trying to study the digestive system of dogs, he came a cross a legendary discovery. Pavlov birthed the first theory of behaviorism, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay on Media Portray of Environmental Issues The way that media has portrayed environmental issues has changed radically in the past few years. Environmental issues often aren`t considered newsworthy unless something large scale occurs with a notable impact on everyday life. The BP oil spill in 2010 made front pages world wide, there was a sudden push for the rescue of marine life and a general disgust for the condition of the Gulf Coast. An outpouring of awareness came of this tragedy and mass media diligently informed audiences of every detail as the following cleanup events unfolded. Most environmental news is not front page material. The media gets the ultimate say in what is deemed as important. The typical newspaper reader does no read every single article, but rather skims ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Media draws from various sources to gather facts and assemble stories for their readership. When a story comes out about a new scientific discovery or an impending extinction of a species, the source must be considered. In a paper by Jeremy Corbett entitled Testing Public Uncertainty of Science he discusses how newspapers especially just don t have the manpower to go straight to the scientific source. Media often rely on information sourced from governmental and private entities rather than cutting edge scientific information. This allows them to provide information that is easily understood and likely widely accepted. Corbett gives the example of a magazine that cites scientific reports but changes their story constantly: cell phones cause cancer, no they don`t, then months later they are back to the initial assumption. Awareness does not necessarily lead to change. Just because an environmental issue is brought to light doesn t mean its going to pull at everyone s` heart strings and convince them to act. News affects everyone a little differently and some indicating factors include education level and interest in local, national, and international news. (Schafer, 2010, pp. 11 65) A survey cited in an article by Fredrick Saunders showed that in 2011, 70 percent of people who follow international news say that global warming is a serious threat, compared to 35 percent of those surveyed who do not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Importance Of The Youth Justice System This essay will introduce the youth justice system within England and Wales. The essay will highlight key pieces of youth justice legislation and it will comment on how they affect practice. The principles of the system will be presented and discussed before it is argued that one principle has precedence over the others. There will be use of a case study in which to express the ideology that one principle should be the precedence of the youth justice system. The youth justice system deals with young people under 18 years of age who break the law. The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) is a public body developed under Section 41 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to oversee the youth justice system for England and Wales (Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, 2016). The Youth Justice System carry out the processes for prosecution, conviction and punishment. Within the youth justice system, there are extensive considerations made when young people offend. These considerations can be thought to be principles, which are the fundamental base of something (Oxford Dictionary, 2016), in this case, the criminal justice system. The principles include (although are not limited to) risk assessment, public protection, punishment, rehabilitation, justice and welfare. The prime focus of this essay will be to determine whether justice or welfare should take precedence when responding to young people who break the law. A punishment is the infliction of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon an individual or group because they have done wrong. Punishments are administered with the notion that a wrongdoing can be corrected (Frase, 2011). Throughout the 17 and 18th century the legal system in Britain was incredibly harsh, disposing death penalties for often minor offences, the intention of this was general deterrence to discourage individuals from committing crime. There were great structural insufficiencies in the justice system and due to it being so punitive, juries were hesitant in finding people guilty of offences (Bentley, 1998). This era became known as The Bloody Code . During The Bloody Code , prison ships were introduced to separate young people from adults. They were criticised for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Pedro Lorenzo Lopez Research Paper Pedro Alonzo Lopez who is also known as the Monster of the Andes , is a serial killer that is known to kill many people. At first he started off as a petty thief and then he went on to stealing cars in his teenage years. Then later on in his life he started killing and raping people. Pedro Lopez s main victims were all young girls. He would look for young girls on a busy street or a market. After he would find his victim that he thought was good enough he would then go onto kidnaping them and then rape them. After he was done raping them he would strangle them to death as he would stare into their eye. He has been caught many times but was released and his main focus was to make the young girls lose their innocence. He is known to kidnap, rape and kill over 300 young girls. After he was done killing them he would bury them and sometimes he would even bury 3 4 girls in one grave. In a confession he once stated that he would have tea parties or would play morbid games with the dead children, not only that but he would also prop them up in their grave and talk to them and would convince himself that his little friends likes the company (websleuths). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pedro Lopez stated many things in an interview once, for example he stated that when he used to look for his victims he would look for innocence and beauty on their faces. Also, he stated that he used to follow some girls 2 to 3 days waiting for the girl to be left alone and then he would take them to a secret hideaway where prepared graves waited. According to thoughtco, they stated that Pedro Lopez became a monster in prison when he was raped by some fellow prisoners. Upon Pedro Lopez s release he had become a monster, he became a monster that no one could ve imagined, he became the monster of the Andes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Little Clay Cart Women have always been treated lesser than men and by looking at other cultures we see that woman have little or no power compared to men. Men have always been seen as the dominant gender. Countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nepal, and many other countries, women are treated less than men. Some of these countries won t let women get an education, and those who do choose to find education will likely get kidnaped or raped. In other countries, women who don t get married young get sold to human traffickers. And in most of these countries, pregnant women don t have the proper healthcare to deliver a baby which spikes the death rate for women and infants. As for men, they don t need to worry about this since men are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some men feel very insecure and tend to have a very low self esteem when having a larger than average body size, although most men won t go to the extreme to try to make themselves thinner, more attractive, or more muscular. Men usually don t do things women normally do to slim down, the reason for that is men don t over think things, they keep focus on one thing, while women pick up every detail and have an open visual on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Negative Impacts Of Globalization In Business The mankind is leaving in the era of changing. Whether we want or not, it is obviously that the present world is different compare with even 20 years ago. This world has become significantly connected and integrated. Globalization processes have affected all aspects of human s life and a business has not been an exception. While these changes concern every person of the society it is still very important to obtain the knowledge which will remain him competitive and help him to be in trend. Even though the Globalization has some negative aspects for businesses, but it also gives such significant benefits as an opportunity to develop a business all over the world, changing and challenging the way of doing business through a new concept of management in a free world. Sceptics believe that the free market and globalization will lead to bankruptcy of local businesses. Certainly, as any other things in this world, globalization has both negative and positive effects on economy in general and business specifically. Moreover, local society claims that domestic markets might be captured by the foreign companies. In addition, homeland firms could be not developed enough to defeat their market from invasions because of competitive disabilities. On the other hand, using international statistics and experience, we could say that business is a competition let the best win. It is the truth that only the best will get a victory, but it is also true that business is for the strong. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Alternator Case Study Title: Is your car battery having issues due to failing alternator? When you encounter flashing headlights, slowing down or weird noises while driving, your vehicle isn t spooky; odds are a damaging alternator. The alternator is a key segment in your automobile s electrical framework, transforming the energy from the crankshaft into the electricity to control it s electrical network and to enable the battery to recharge. How would you know when your cars alternator is failing? 1. Battery Dies Clearly, batteries some of the time bombs of its own yet a terrible alternator can really make the battery deplete when it s unable to recharge it. In case that, your battery goes dead, get the alternator checked when changing the battery so it doesn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Culture And Culture Of Puerto Rican Culture Puerto Rican culture is very unique and diverse and is mainly influenced by its past. It is a melting pot of Taino Indian, Spanish, African, and American cultures, which is what makes Puerto Rico unique. Puerto Rican music, clothing, food, traditions, holidays, languages, and religions are all influenced from the diversity of the population. The official languages are Spanish and English because of the long period of time when Spain ruled and then later, when it became U.S. territory. The majority of the population of Puerto Rico is also Roman Catholic or Protestant again, because it was ruled by the Spanish Crown for over an extended period of time. Puerto Rican food has many different ingredients derived from the different ethnic groups. They use many fresh ingredients for bold flavors, but their food generally isn t spicy compared to other cultures. Puerto Ricans typically eat a light breakfast, but their lunch and dinner is heavy. For them, dinner is the most important meal of the day. Puerto Ricans typically drink coffee and eat mallorca which is a type of sweet bread. They normally start off dinner with an appetizer like soup or stew first. Some of the main Puerto Rican dishes include: carne frita con cebolla which is, fried beefsteak with onions, roast leg of pork, ham, lamb, or any roasted meats cooked in Creole style with blends of herbs and spices. Puerto Ricans also love chicken and many of their popular dishes include chicken like, arroz con pollo, chicken and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Poseidon Research Paper He is the God of the sea, tidal waves, earthquakes and he also rules horses, this means that he has control of water like lakes and dams, he is the protector of all water. He is an Olympian god, he has two palaces one is in the depths of the ocean and the other one is on MT Olympus, but Poseidon preferred to stay with his wife in the palace in the ocean. He is armed with a trident and is also sometimes represented to have the tail of a fish. His trident caused earthquakes as well as storms. Poseidon was able to cause tempests and earthquakes, drown lands, shatter rocks and was able to bring back peace. Like other gods he had a roman name, his roman name is Neptune. Poseidon s symbol is the trident and his sacred animals are the dolphin, the horse and the bull. Poseidon was grand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Poseidon was married to a sea nymph Amphitrite and they had 7 children their names were Theseus, Triton (Amphitrite produced a triton which is half human and half fish), Polyphemus, Belus, Ahenor, Neleus and Atlas. He was also farther of Charybdis who was a sea monster who attacked ships. Poseidon sometimes rode over the waves on a chariot pulled by horses, he was accompanied may mermen who blew high pitched blasts on con shells to warn people to keep away/keep out of the way. Poseidon also lost a battle with his brother Zeus for control over the sky, after the battle Poseidon moved to a golden palace somewhere under the Aegean Sea. Some sailors even sacrificed themselves to Poseidon. Sometimes Poseidon also provided springs of water to people. DID YOU KNOW that according to tradition, Poseidon was the god that breathed life into the first horse on earth. In some of the stores that have been sad Poseidon and his brother Zeus did not share the same fate as their sisters and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Ophelia And Hamlet During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the stage was used as a way to break the barriers of gender norms. In his creation of Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the voice of Ophelia as a means to battle the gender norms that had been placed on Elizabethan society. A good women was seen as someone that was quiet and submissive. If a man could not control a woman s tongue, there would be no chance that the man would be able to control her body. Though Ophelia s character was more than capable of exhibiting reason, the control that her father, Polonius, held over her let Ophelia to the the madness that would claim her life by the end of the play. On the other side of the gender spectrum, Hamlet, a prince that should be have been more than capable of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Merchant s representations claim that both nature and women are subordinate and essentially passive furthering the proof that women are held at a lower standard than men (Merchant 9). The sexuality of women is also compared to animals, furthering the idea that women appeared closer to animals than men on the Great Chain of Being. Hamlet emphasises his mother s sexuality as being animalistic when confronting the King and Queen about their incestual marriage, stating that she would hang on him/As if increase of appetite had grown/by what it fed on (1.2.143). Hamlet supplements Gertrude s animalistic sexuality by claiming that a beast who lacks reasoning capabilities would have mourned [the death of her husband] longer rather than marrying her brother in law, which was an incestuous act (1.2.150). In Elizabethan England, it was considered indecent and illegal to carry out an act of incest and, by copulating the marriage, Gertrude is acting in a way that does not show any reasoning. Hamlet ends his soliloquy by stating that he must hold [his] tongue rather than demanding his mother acknowledge her lacking position on the Great Chain of Being. Merchant states that women are imbued with a far greater sexual passion rather than by logic which solidifies their position on the Great Chain of Being according to Elizabethan standards. One of the strongest written female characters in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Discover Your Strengths Key Challenge The Discover Your Strengths (DYS) Program has had difficulties trying to increase attendance and awareness among university students and staff, affecting less than 2% of the student population on the best years that your program has experienced. Individuals who take the assessment find value on it, and they recommend their employees or students to take it. However, the key challenge of this campaign is to come up with recommendations that attract new students or professionals, who have to decide to participate on their own. Opportunity: With the program currently only affecting 2% of the student population, there is big room for improvement and many areas where the awareness can be created, starting by a more programmed marketing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To grow knowledge of the DYS Program by 10% among student body. 2. To achieve 15% engagement growth (600 individuals) who take the assessment in the academic year 2018 2019. 3. To achieve permission from the Department of Athletics to pilot test a partnership between them and the Department of Leadership Initiatives. Research and Situation Analysis The research method selected for this campaign was an evaluation form (see attachment 1), reaching out to students and staff who have taken the assessment in the past. Five people provided their feedback about their personal experience of attending the workshop. The results showed an overall positive opinion about the workshop. However, there was some agreement among participants in the way that they think the program could be improved. Key Findings 1. More material covering how to apply strengths would be helpful. 2. Any material that can be practically applied would be helpful to learn to internalize the strengths at a more personal level. 3. Opportunity for themed workshops focusing on professional development areas like interviews, conflict mediation, and project management, as well as personal relationships. 4. The explanation detailing how these strengths ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Raven Alliteration BIO: Edgar Allan Poe is an American poet, he was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. He went to Alma Mater University of Virginia. He attended the United States Military Academy. In 1810, his father left his family. One year later his mother died. He joined the Army in 1827. In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm, who just so happened to be his 13 year old cousin. In 1847, Virginia Clemm died of tuberculosis, just 2 years after publishing his poem The Raven. February of 1831 Poe published Second Edition dedicated to the U.S. Corps of Cadets On October 7, 1849 Poe died. The exact cause of death is unknown. Not much is known as to why he was in the Streets of Baltimore, In great distress, and just as well why he was in someone else s cloths. History: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He did this knowing he was going to be found guilty. When he was in the Military he was only payed 5 dollars a month. Poem ( The Raven ): The Raven uses several Poetic Terms. First It uses Alliteration, for example While I pondered weak and weary. Next would be Simile, as in Suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping. Now for the twin Metaphor, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Last but not least Ze famous one Personification The Raven, sitting lonely... spoke only, That one word, as if his soul... he did outpour. Meaning?: The Raven, in Greek mythology ravens said to be associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. As well a bad luck. Life without his Queen, is one hell of a Torture, even though she Tortures the Absolute Living Fuck out of me. The Raven(Depression) comes as a relief, maybe to show his Pain as a Physical Representation. Figurative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Roanoke Colony Dbq For hundreds of years the story of The Lost Colony has been told to children for generations.Contrastly, as time trickles by we find out more information about the Lost Colony . Most people believe that Roanoke were killed by the Spanish. However, because of recent discoveries. Roanoke must have been forced to relocate because of a drought in route to Chowan River and intermarried with Native Americans because of these new revelations. During, Roanoke and Jamestown there seemed to have been a drought that became problematic to the colony (Document H). Without, water it becomes difficult to produce crops and have maintain drinking water. This left Roanoke in a bad predicament so, they had no choice but to relocate. The tree rings discovered in 1998 provides valid proof that the drought happened from 1587 1589. John White returned back to Roanoke in 1590 after leaving his daughter, Eleanor Dare, and granddaughter, Virginia Dare in North Carolina. Accordingly, to White s journal the colony was no longer present and it seemed that the house has been taken down, no sailing boats, and the words CROATOAN was engraved in the ground (Document C). Additionally, there were no signs of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Four to five generations after Roanoke John Lawson made an excerpt from a New Voyage to Carolina in 1709. This excerpt stated that some Hatters Indians who lived on Roanoke Island had Ancestors who were European. Furthermore, the Indians who made these claims had gray eyes and could comprehend English (Document D). This justifies that Croatan Native Americans and the Roanoke colony intermarried due to the generic features of their offspring. Moreover, a Kendall Family Signet Ring was in Croatoan Indian Village in Buxton, NC which most likely belonged to one of the colonist gives evidence that Roanoke did, in fact, go to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Iran And The Iranian Hostage Crisis In 1979, the Iranian hostage crisis would occur; this event would damage and sever ties between Iran and the United States for years to come. Over the years, Iran would have hard line leaders that would only further isolate themselves from western powers and more specifically the US. It would be another 30 plus years before Iran would seek out the US and have a conversation between the two countries; leading to what might be a possible change in policy for a country that has been isolated from the international stage. Iran s presidential election in June 2013 was won by Hassan Rouhani and led to him taking over for the hard liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. President Rouhani has been known to cooperate with the West, specifically when he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Former President Ahmadinejad set Iran back years by putting Iran into extreme isolation from the international community. His continued badgering with the international community, eventually lead to a nuclear stand off with world powers. With what seems to be the Ayatollah s blessing, President Rouhani has so far shown promise to ease the country s relations and assume a solution on the nuclear issue. For Washington, meanwhile, the election offered stark confirmation that its strategy is working, at least to a point. The outcome confirmed that political will for a nuclear deal exists within the Islamic Republic. In other words, the path out of isolation and economic crisis is perilous, but Iran s new president, who has sometimes been dubbed the sheikh of diplomacy, may just be the right man at the right moment to walk it. (Maloney, 2013) If President Rouhani can bring his country out of sanctions, resume oil exports and trade, they can become a functioning country again. Although, there is a slim chance that Iran doesn t continue to support terrorist organizations and continue nuclear enrichment in some capacity. As long as President Rouhani remains president, it is expected that he will do as much as possible to continue to further his country and bring them out of isolation with the world and specifically the west. The following event ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Non Inferential Passage Examples Q: Explain non inferential passage and highlight its kinds. Sentences are the things people say and that occur in normal languages moreover they express ones feeling rather than exempting a statement. Example: I love my chair. I am sad today. I miss my grandmother. Propositions are things that are either true or false which can be verified. For example, Snow is white, today is 35 degree, 14th august is Independence day. Argument: An argument is stated in a passage to prove something and two conditions must be fulfilled for a passage to have an argument (to prove something) 1 Any one of the statement must have the evidence 2 There must be a claim that the above evidence implies something. An argument is consisted of propositions only. There must be at least 2 premises which are propositions and can be either true or false and a conclusion in an argument. Moreover ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Premise 2 :Asma is a tall girl Conclusion : Asma is attractive Premise and conclusion can be identified with some indicators. Moreover premise is underlined and argument have three dots. Indicators of conclusions: Therefore, wherefore, thus, consequently, we may infer, accordingly, we may conclude, it must be that, for this reason, so, entails that, hence, it follows that, implies that, as a resuly Indicators of premises: Since, as indicated by, because, or, in that, may be inferred from, as, given that, seeing that, for the reason that, in as much as, owing to An Argument can only be valid or invalid. Inference passages: Cluster of proposition is inference, an argument is also an inference because we deduce and conclude. Inferential passages example : Umer arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that his wife does not get off of work until 5. Umer also sees that the lights are off in their house. Umer can infer that his wife is not yet home. P1 All men are mortal
  • 43. P2 Socrates is a man Conclusion: Socrates is mortal Non inferential passages ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Morocco, An Agriculture And Industry Country Morocco, an agriculture and industry country, lying in the Maghreb region of North Africa and along with Sahara desert, has a total area of 172,410 square kilometres which is 2/3 as large as New Zealand. It has the gross population of 33,220,000 by the end of 2013. The largest city of Morocco is Casablanca which is located along the coast. Casablanca is actually a popular Moroccan food chain in Auckland. The most successful one is located in Orewa. Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours. It was crowded with merchants and businessmen. Nowadays, Morocco is still one of the economic centres and it has the largest transport junction. As Morocco links the central and western area together with the opening coastal area, its regional advantage is giving a big push to the development of economy in Morocco. The main climate of Morocco is Mediterranean climate. However, thanks to the Sahara Desert, it can experience very dry and long summer period. It can be extremely hot and low moist. After the long summer, winter is actually a time for people to enjoy the comfortable weather. By the same time, thanks to the sufficient moisture weather which is allowed to grown different kind of species , for instance, oaks, moss carpets, junipers, and Atlantic fir which is a royal conifer tree endemic to Morocco. According to a survey 2014, the largest religions group is taken by Islam with 99%, which has been enjoying popular support. Also because of the large ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Nudism as a Deviant Subculture Essay Nudism as a Deviant Subculture Katie Heindel SOC 429 October 19, 2010 Nudism as a Deviant Subculture Introduction Nudism is a social and sexual phenomenon in America that has been gaining a significant following since the early 1930 s. This phenomenon was first introduced to American culture by a German immigrant named Kurt Barthel. (Hartman, Fithian and Johnson 1991) Since then, nudism has expanded to all parts of the country. From nude beaches and resorts to nudist camps, many are starting to partake in this liberating way of life. Despite the many followers of the nudist movement, many would classify nudists as a deviant subculture. Fischer (1995) defines a subculture as, ...a large set of people who share a defining trait, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the early 1900 s several papers were published that advocated the idea that the human body was not sinful or obscene. The first nudist colonies were opened in Germany around 1903, and grew into popularity during the 1920 s. The Germans seemed to be the pioneers of the Naturism movement. In the 1960 s German s vacationing along the Mediterranean coast in France began nudist colonies, and nudist beaches and nudist resorts grew in popularity there. The movement came to North America in 1929 when a German immigrant named Kurt Barthel opened a colony in the United States. In the early days of the movement in America, nudism became associated with family values and alcohol was prohibited from all activities. (Hartman et al. 1991) Despite the attempt to associate high moral standards with the nudism movement it was subjected to harassment and misunderstanding due to the fact that America saw nudism as a sexual and even pornographic activity. Over the past three decades this largely changed. Nudist vacations became more common, and nudism lost some of its social stigma. Nudism became less restrictive as well and clothing optional gatherings became more common. Topless beaches also became popular, and the organized nudist movement made strides in erasing the negative perception of nudism. (Bell and Holliday 2000) References ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Fishing Culture Essay Fishing has been in human history since time started. Fishing has been a part of our culture for all these years because it helped us survive because it provided food therefore helping us develop and expand has an organism. The fishing culture has been on every single continent and is vital knowledge for survival as time progresses new technologies appear to help evaluate the fishing and its methods. Math and science are continuing to advance and further develop how humans obtain fish. As time goes by developed countries pay great amounts of attentions to fish stocks and the consumption of fish species. These numbers are very important to environmentalist because it helps the government set percentage quotas to keep the fish species in good ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A bag limit is the number of fish a person could take of an individual species of fish. Some of the major variables that scientist look for is the anatomy of the fish, human intervention and pressure of the individual fish species, and climate. Every single species of fish is different. Baitfish are meant to be consumed by predator fish therefore they are plentiful and usually in abundance so there are no bag limits. Even the color of the fish is important. Red Snapper is in abundance because they are Red. In the fish eye spectrum red is invisible so these fish are plentiful so the government does not have to put strict regulations. Offspring is also very important some fish lay thousands of eggs because in reality not many will survive, but bigger fish will lay less numbered fish because the chance of survival is much higher for these fish species. Math is all around these subjects because scientist collects data and numbers from oceans to predict and examine a bag limit. There is also statistics in bag limits because scientist have to go out collect data on the fish and as well as the people. For example the popularity of the fish correlates directly to the number of offspring a fish produce. If a fish produces a lot of off spring and there s no demand for the fish then no bag limits should be placed, vice versa. In the fishing word everything is a numbers game because numbers don t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Social Dominance Theory A major point of social dominance theory is that all humans belong to various groups. There are powerful groups that provide status and authority and there are powerless groups as children that are easy targets of violence. Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don t feel in their relationships with other adults. Sometimes, adults who have intimate sexual relationships with other adults may sexually abuse children in moments of unusual stress. Other adults are primarily sexually attracted to children and act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child. Each person who sexually abuses a child is motivated by issues unique to that individual. Some adults who sexually abuse children recognize that it is wrong and are deeply repentant. Other adults believe their behavior is okay and that what they do shows their love for children. b. Psychological Explanation: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is no single profile that accurately describes or accounts for all child molesters. There are many variables among individuals in terms of their personal characteristics, life experiences, criminal histories, and reasons for committing such offenses. One common misconception is that molested children grow up to become child molesters themselves. Most adults who sexually use or abuse children were, during their own childhoods, abandoned, abused sexually, physically, and/or emotionally. In reaction to those experiences of abuse, neglect, betrayal and powerlessness, they may have attempted to find feelings of power and control over others including sexual power over children. Some people who sexually use or abuse children have high social status in a group and become so confused by constant admiration or praise that they begin to think the rules are different for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Lawrence V. Hodges Case Study The Fourteenth Amendment, which was approved amid the Reconstruction period to ensure the privileges of minorities, is the law within the Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges case. In a Houston, Texas apartment five years back, nearby police were dispatched to answer reports of gunfire. They legally entered the apartment of petitioner John Lawrence, who was engaging in sex with another man. The two were arrested, convicted and fined $200. Texas statue making it illegal for two individuals of the same sex to partake in sexual relationships with one another violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights. The court justified that Lawrence and Garner were allowed to exercise their liberty by engaging in private relations under the Due Process Clause. The advancement of the Fourteenth Amendment, as indicated by Eric Foner in Our Living Constitution , speaks on how to concede a protected right to security and to keep the administration from forcing on that privilege is the foundation to this decision. Granting without acknowledging that society has considered same sex relations as immoral it does not follow that this is a sufficient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hodges, because the US Supreme Court case brought equal marriage rights to same sex couples in every state. Fourteen same sex couples, with two individuals whose same sex partners were deceased, filed suits in federal districts courts of their home state s, arguing that respondents state officials violated the 14th Amendment denying the individuals the right to marry or lawfully marry in another state given full recognition. One of the petitioners, Obergefell, had established a lasting commitment together with John Arthur but unfortunately Arthur was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Due to that Obergefell and Arthur wanted to marry before Arthur died. The two married in Maryland but when Obergefell and Arthur came back to the state of Ohio where they encountered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Research Paper On Kate Kimball Kate Kimball is an award winning fiction author who has worked hard to be in the position she is in now. Despite currently struggling with her health, she has continued to peruse her English PhD in Creative Writing here at Florida State University. Born in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah Kimball is surprised to find herself over 2,000 miles away now studying in the sunshine state. FSU offers one of the top creative writing programs that currently is ranked top 5 in the nation according to The Atlantic Monthly. Kimball was excited to be accepted into the accredited program after earning her bachelor s from the University of Utah and masters at Virginia Tech. Kimball has always loved writing and says, Creative writing allows you to write about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This cancer of the lymph nodes starts by destroying the cells apart of the body s immune system and can be deadly. The 10 year survival rate for this cancer is 59% and requires years of therapy for recovery. When Kate first discovered she was sick, she had to undergo severe chemotherapy that has severely damaged her Kidney. She is currently doing dialysis to try and restore her damaged kidney, but only time will tell if she will need partial removal of her kidney or a complete transplant. When she is not in the hospital herself, she s checking other patients in. Due to health care needs, Kimball currently works weekends as a receptionist at the Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center. Her health has affected her everyday life tremendously but has not stropped her from perusing her goals. Coworker Sakinah Hofler had nothing but kind things to say about Kimball and admitted that, I had sometimes complained about my lack of writing time, but then I really started to think about what Kate had been going through: she was sick, receiving treatment that required her to drive to Jacksonville and Orlando, working three jobs, hosting the Warehouse Series every Tuesday all without complaint. She didn t even ask for help. What was my excuse? My mantra became: If Kate can do it then I have no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Holy Virgin Mary Essay What a sensation was made about the Sensation exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum of Art. The focus of Mayor Giuliani s outcry was the piece The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili. Funny, he didn t give attention to some of the other outrageous works including the pubescent female mannequins studded with erect penises, vaginas, and anuses, fused together in various postures of sexual coupling, or the portrait of a child molester and murder made from what appears like child hand prints or bisected animals in plexiglass tanks full of formaldehyde. Would it ever have made headlines with a different title, like Afro lady ? I don t think so. I guess targeting religion gets a little too personal. Giuliani said, You don t have the right to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If you think about it, many African cultures had no use for gold until the Europeans came along. But in America, dung is a bad, nasty thing. We even have pooper scoopers for our house pets excretions on public property. No one should have to deal with that! No, no one wants to see poop! We use gold to gild halos on our saints. Poop? How atrocious! You can t use feces in art! But, how many people know that artists used human urine as a fixative in pigments of religious works such as the Last Supper and the ceilings of the Vatican? How many know that Old Master painters used mummy brown, yep you guessed it, a pigment consisting of pulverized Egyptian mummies? No one complains about shadows in 18th century paintings of the Virgin being made out of dead people. As for the porn pictures, they suggest putti just as the Virgin Mary s symbology reflects fertility. So what s the big deal? Do you think people get too focused on the medium instead of the message? Does it matter what material the artist is using to get the message across? What is acceptable? The norm would be oil, different types of earth, egg, rock and wood. Let s take a look at a little history in medieval art. There was a movement towards the end of the first millennium called Iconoclasm. This factor hated images and icons which were believed to be endowed with mysterious powers that could work miracles by intervention from the saints. This Iconoclastic Controversy defined and declined the creation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Harriet Martineau Essay Harriet Martineau Although we think of sexism as a situation that has been dealt with, we still have much to learn. A key turning point in discrimination against women was the courageous actions of Harriet Martineau. Harriet was born in 1802, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Martineau. She grew up in a home without any encouragement for her education. Instead she was trained, as all other women in her life, to be a homemaker. However this did not stop her efforts to pursue her dream. Even though she risked exile from her family, friends, and society at whole, Harriet continued her studies of women s lesser role in the social aspects of life. Harriet described her childhood as a burdensome experience (Household ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Soon after she joined a circle of writers and theologians in London. Working with such famous people as: Charles Babbage, Thomas Carlyle, George Eliot, Florence Nightingale, Charles Dickens, Thomas Malthaus, William Wodsworth, Charlotte Bronte, and Charles Darwin. As she kept writing she became more respected and her popularity grew quickly. Harriet first got a large reading public when she popularized classical economics with a series of anecdotes and short stories. She especially focused on the ideas of Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo: Illustrations of Political Economy, 25 vol. (1832 34), Poor Laws and Paupers Illustraed, 10 vol. (1833 34), and Illustrations of Taxation, 5 vol. (1834). After she visited the United States she wrote Society in America (1837), which is her most popular writing used amongst sociologists today, and Retrospect of Western Travel (1838). She also wrote How to Observe Morals and Manners (1838), which was another admired writing of hers. Her writings in How to Observe Morals and Manners offered a positivist solution to the correspondence problem between intersubjectivity, verifiable observables, and unobservable theoretical issues (Hill, http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/martineau.html). After this she felt she needed to approach the subject of the Abolition Movement and repudiated laissez faire economics favoring a more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...