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Mla Format For Essays 2013
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Mla Format For Essays 2013Mla Format For Essays 2013


The Economic Impacts Of Gmo s And Large Agribusiness
Sam Palmisano
Mrs. Kristine Frailing
AP Capstone Seminar
24 January 2015
The Economic Impacts of GMO s and Large Agribusiness
When focusing on a major topic like genetically modified organisms from an economic standpoint,
it is crucial to cover the varying effects of large agribusiness companies that run the
biotechnological field, primarily Monsanto. Monsanto, originally founded as a chemical
company, has risen to hold a biotechnical science monopoly. While a monopoly is never a good
thing, the issues with Monsanto are much larger than that. How exactly do Monsanto and its
fellow biotechnology companies cause damage to everything they interfere with? From the
death, destruction, and deformation of Vietnam to financial damage to local farmers, from the
dangerous chemicals placed in their crops to the false advertising of their company, Monsanto
and its cohorts may be the root of all problems and negative aspects related to genetically
modified organisms. Monsanto and many other large agribusiness companies claim to be
solving world hunger. This is a false advertisement. Only about 20% of global food production
comes from large factory farms, while the other 80% comes from from small, local farms (Scott
Cooney, The Inspired Economist). Many important crops are not even fully dedicated to feeding
anyone, they go to making other products. For example only 2% of GMO soy is actually eaten by
people and only 10% of GMO corn goes towards foods, with half of that being in high
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My First Year Of High School
It was the year 2014 and summer had come to a close. My mind had suddenly switched from
lounging on the warm, sandy beach and being gently kissed by sunshine to traumatizing, stressful
high school. My first year of high school what was it going to be like? Who was I going to be
friends with? Am I going to get terrible grades? These thoughts flooded my mindand I was nervous.
Thinking about being a highschooler made my throat close up and my heart beat faster. I was
overcome with fear and excitement, going into the unknown and stepping into a freaky future.
Soon the time had come to experience my classes that I had carefully selected earlier in the
summer. I was especially excited, however, about my elective that I had chosen: classical drawing.
Little did I realize that this decision would teach me perseverance and work ethic, while opening up
a world of possibilities. I had decided to enroll in a class called Classical Drawing by Andrea
Mosley. Miss Mosley is an incredible artist, who was taught by John Angel, a former student of
the great Pietro Annigon. She was taught for four years in Florence, Italy and mastered her
incredible ability to draw. This knowledge only made me more intrigued but exceptionally
anxious. I didn t know what to expect from such a well taught artist. I began to doubt myself even
before the class started, assuming I couldn t draw nearly as well as she. The time had come. It was
a Wednesday afternoon and I walked into class, hoping
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The Importance Of Transformative Discovery In William...
It is through challenging circumstances and experiences of loss that transformative discoveries are
made, often provoking a change in mindset and significantly impacting upon a person or a whole.
Whilst these challenges can be negative, confronting circumstances can also lead to a positive
transformation. William Shakespeare s play The Tempest(1610) and Nando Parado s
autobiographical recount Miracle in the Andes(2006) explore the notion of transformative discovery
particularly as a result of difficult and confronting circumstances, which prompt us to asses both
our identity and the power of love and forgiveness to reshape our mindset. Loss can be one of the
most provoking of challenges, acting as a catalyst for a significant shift in perspective, often
negatively. In the Tempest, Alonso in particularly experiences a negative change in attitude after
realising the nature of his new situation. His naivety and hopeful attitude at the beginning of the
play is emphasised, Good boatswain, have care. Where s the master? Play the men, but as the
survivors situation becomes more dire, this attitude begins to pessimistically evolve. His constant
ordering and questioning poses a dramatic irony to the audience when finally he is confronted
with the discovery of his son s disappearance, no, no he s gone, with the repetitive clichГ© of
denial after loss serving as a significant discovery, completely transforming Alonso s attitude from
naive and pompous to deflated and desperate,
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The Trans-Saharan Trade Network Changed Northern And...
The trans Saharan trade network changed Northern and Western Africa from an isolated hunting
gathering society to a major trade center that boasted economic and political power headed by
Islamic empires and city states.
Hunting or gathering societies were the oldest form of social organization in the world began in
Africa. Their societies were organized into lineages. These lineage groups took the place of rulers
and were known as stateless societies. Africa grew from these nomadic societies to a major trade
center known as the trans Saharan Trade Center. Islamplayed a vital role as many rulers converted
to Isalm. Empires rose with the spread of Islam. These empires emerged in North and West Africa
The Almohads and Almoravids built empires
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Reactive Attachment Theory Essay
Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD, is a behavioral disorder occurring in childhood. This
disorder is characterized by a child defying authority (parents, teachers, etc.) and an overall angry
/irritable mood. Oppositional Defiant Disorder can impact the child s social relationships both at
home with their families and at school with their teachers and fellow classmates. Attachment
theory, which looks at how well parents provide emotional security for their children, is a useful
framework for understanding the underlying causes of ODD. Through the lens of this theory, ODD
is not the result of a child s behavior or their biology, but instead the child s faulty attachments to
their parents or other guardians. This article will give an in depth... Show more content on
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As a whole, attachment theory investigates the process in which children form ties to caregivers
that vary in terms of the security of the bond (Kerns, Tomich, Aspelmeier, Contreras 2000, p. 614).
Better bonds between parents and children lead to better attachment of the child to the parent. If a
child is attached well, they will ...use the primary caregiver as a secure base from which to explore
[their environment] and, when necessary, as a haven of safety and a source of comfort (5) (Benoit
2004, p. 542). Parents need to be available to children as a source of security, but at the same time
let their children develop independence to explore their surroundings and make choices for
themselves. If children do not receive the freedom from parents to make choices independently,
they will struggle with decision making later in life because they had not had the chance to learn
this skill in childhood. There are four attachment styles to be discussed in this section: secure
attachment, insecure avoidant attachment, insecure resistant attachment, and disorganized
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What Is Australian Identity
It can be agreed that culture and identity have inseparable and intense connections. Culture means
the way of life or the characteristics of a group of people, it can be defined from various aspects,
such as religion, language, food, music, arts and and so on. Also culture is all the mental
phenomena which condenses in the human production and life activities, including a variety of
intangible values and physical creation. Moreover, Identity can be understood that who you are,
what makes you different with others. The conception of national identity refers to the way that a
country or a nationality define themselves with culture, language and traditions as a whole.
Furthermore, culture and identity is a sense of belonging. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The meat packing industry and animal husbandry have been a essential part of Australia s
economy. It can also be understand that the barbecue culture is highly likely to be considered as
a core part and is probably the most favourite in Australia food culture . The traditional British
food culture made a significant contribution in the development of Australia food culture. For
example, fish and chips and meat pie are very popular and already become a part of daily diet in
Australia. Moreover, the local food culture involves new features and original elements in these
foods. Vegetarianism and vegansim have been generally accepted by more and more people in
Australia food culture. It is agreed that vegetables carry the the important role in Asian and India,
thereby promoting multi food culture in Australia. For another, in recent years, the fast food culture
is more and more popular and abundant. However, there are various local and international
restaurants in the centre of Australia. People s daily diet also tend to diversification, whatever they
choose cooking at home or having a dinner in a
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Saturation Vapor Pressure
Saturation vapor pressure is a unique function of temperature as given in Table 5.6. Each
temperature in the table may be interpreted as a dew point temperature, because as the ground
cools, dew will begin to form at the temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure.
Table 5.6: Saturated Vapor Pressureof Air at Various Temperature
(C)Temp(F)|Sat Vapor Pressure (mb)|(C)Temp(F)|Sat Vapor Pressure (mb)




Chart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(5.37). Figure 5.5 show the relationships between relative humidity, wet and dry
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What s Eating Gilbert Grape Themes
The Films The Castle, Secrets and Lies, Good will hunting and What s eating gilbert grape all
have the same aspect of The Class in society doesn t define or restrict the capabilities of someone
or their success . These films all have a different way of portraying this aspect by the different ways
the directors use themes throughout these films such as setting, language features, costume etc.
Throughout these 4 different films the director s message they want the audience to receive is that
class in society shouldn t define who you are or anyone, these themes that the different directors
have used allows them to direct this message to different audience members and allow the audience
to feel connected and can relate to this message and these... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
What s eating gilbert Grape is an american drama in the perspective of Gilbert Grape who is the
older brother of his 3 other siblings Arnie, Amy and Ellen. Gilbert looks after his 3 other siblings
while also looking after his mother Bonnie Grape who is obese and never leaves home. Gilbert
Grape goes off and works at the local supermarket and delivers groceries to people s homes to
provide for his family not only does he does this he looks after his brother Arnie who is
developmentally disabled. The Grape family is seen as lower class citizens in the small town
that they live in since they are only receiving one income and live in a home that is falling apart
and tack looking . Throughout this film class in society displayed through setting and language
features. The Grape family holds the secret about her mother who is obese and who hasn t left
the house in years. Not only does that secret occur within the film but Gilbert Grapes affair with
Betty Craver and stay at home married mum who he delivers groceries too is seen as upper
/middle class in society . The aspect of secrets and lies can lie within any class of society is
highly portrayed within this film due to the affair and the hiding of Bonnie Grape. Not only is
this aspect is portrayed but throughout the Film Gilbert and Arnie Grape meet a young woman
Becky who is with her Grandma who were on a trip through their town but got stuck. Throughout
the time that Becky was stuck in there town Gilbert and Arnie hung out with Becky, the aspect of
class in society doesn t define someone of their capabilities or success is portrayed through Becky
s character due to the fact that she didn t judge Gilbert or Arnie due to their class in society and
the way they live and there occupations. These aspects are portrayed in a dramatic way towards the
audience to show that class in society shouldn t define someone and that no matter what class in
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Celluloid Closet Stereotypes
The Celluloid Closet explores representation in film and its enormous effect on American culture.
Although the film was originally released in 1995, many of the same issues around queer
representation in media still remain over twenty years later. Gay characters are often the sidekick
in stories revolving around heterosexual heroes, and queer stereotypes like The Sissy still
persistent nearly 80 years after the character first appeared; and although queer erasure is not a
prevalent as it was in the 1950s and 1960s, with entire plots being changed to hide queer elements,
queer stories are still hijacked in subtler ways. Notably, queer characters are still regularly played by
straight actors. Furthermore, these straight actors often win prestigious
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When Can Babies Eat Honeyпјџ
Honey is a natural substance produced by bees and popularly consumed by humans for health
reasons. Aside from being useful as a remedy for asthma, cough, hay fever, stomach problems and
diarrhea, honey is also delightful to the taste. Parents may want to allow their babies to experience
new tastes, such as that of honey, but health experts warn that the proper time to introduce honey to
young babies must be considered because serious side effects may occur when it is given too early.
When Can Babies Eat Honeyпјџ
Many cultures believe in the health benefits of honey and allow their babies to eat it early in
their lives. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents not to give
their babies raw or unpasteurized honey if they are younger than 12 months old. It should not be
added to water, formula or food, including processed or baked goods. This also includes
beverages, bread or cereals that may be sweetened with honey. This may be a conservative
guideline but it is worth considering and discussing with your baby s doctor (pediatrician).
Why Is Honey Unsafe for Your Babies?
1. Why is honey unsafe for your babies?
The main reason for delaying the introduction of honey to a baby s diet is that it can cause infant
botulism. This condition is caused by the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum spores.This type of
bacteria produces toxins inside the digestive tract and can lead to serious side effects. These
include paralysis of the baby s muscles, which can also
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Telemachus Treatment Of Women In The Odyssey
In Homer s The Odyssey Penelope is shown to uphold the patriarchal Greek societal values.
Penelope, Odysseus wife and the queen of Ithaca, is often overshadowed and ruled by people
that have less authority. In the beginning, there is a gathering at the palace. A bard begins to
sing and Penelope starts to sob after being reminded of Troy. Telemachus immediately steps in
and orders his mother to go up to her room and tells her that he is the man of the house now,
saying, So mother, go back to your quarters, tend to your own tasks...I hold the reigns of power in
this house (Homer 89). When Telemachus says I hold the reins of power in this house Homer is
revealing that Telemachus has the power in the house, over his mother, and over all of... Show more
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Telemachus exclaims that he has the power, he further illustrates how he has power over his
mother because he is a male in a male dominated society. Additionally, he has direct control over his
mother despite the fact that she is older. Penelope is cast aside and dominated by her son and
conforms to the patriarchal values, despite plotting schemes against some of the men. She upholds
the Greek values, as her role as a woman is clearly defined, as shown through how she does what
Telemachus tells her to do and does not come between the males problems and affairs. Another
instance in which Penelope upholds the patriarchal Greek values is in The Penelopiad, an account
of The Odyssey, which shows the events of The Odyssey in the eyes of Penelope. In the beginning,
Odysseus and Telemachus kill the maids, Penelope was mentioned to had slept through the
mayhem because she had been given a drug by Eurycleia to keep her out of the action and stop her
from interfering. To further ensure that Penelope does not get in the way of the killing of the
maids, Odysseus made sure that all the women were locked securely into the women s quarter ,
including Penelope.
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The Loopholes of the Montreal Protocol on the Substances...
Climate Change is one of the chief problems that the world is struggling right now. It is estimated
that every decade, the world s temperature is increasing by 1ВєC and this phenomenon is called
global warming. An evident example of global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps.
Compare to the past hundred years, the size of the polar ice caps has reduced which resulted to
the rise of the sea levels and eventually destroying the homes of those people living near the
seaside. Another consequence is the increasing number of dangerous typhoons. A typhoon starts
from a low pressure area in the oceans and because the temperature of the water is increasing due
to global warming, more low pressure areas are formed. Next, another effect of global warming
is the widespread extinction of some animals. Many animals in the Arctic and Antarctic region
have migrated to other places but some of them cannot stand the heat and they died. While
under the sea, many fishes have also been extinct because the coral reefs have been destroyed in
the process called coral bleaching. Lastly, a common evidence of global warming is the failure
of cultivated crops. Many lands have dried up and have fissures because there is no water left
especially on the season of El NiГ±o which lead to hunger and increase in demand of food. The
OzoneLayer is a region in the Earth s stratosphere which serves as a protective layer against the sun
s ultraviolet rays and prevents the escape of oxygen(O2) from the
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V.R.I.O. Analysis
В•Resource based analysis of the firm determines which resources and capabilities result in which
strengths or weaknesses
В•Strategies are to be implemented which exploit (or build) strengths and avoid (or eliminate)
В•What constitutes a strength or weakness is partially a function of the external environment
В•Framework for analysis: VRIO resources and capabilities should be o Valuable o Rare o
Inimitable o Organization can effectively exploit them
VALUE of resources and capabilities
В•A VALUABLE resource or capability (or a combination thereof) must o Contribute to fulfillment
of customer s needs o At a price the consumer is willing to pay, which is determined by
#61607; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rare? Costly to Imitate ?Exploitable by the Organization?Competitive implicationsEconomic
performanceStrengths or Weaknesses
NoNoCompetitive DisadvantageBelow normalWeakness
YesNotoCompetitive ParityNormalStrength
YesYesNoTemporary competitive advantageAbove normalStrength and distinctive competence
YesYesYesYesSustained competitive advantageAbove normalStrength and sustainable distinctive
Source : Barney, 1997, Tables 5.2 and 5.3, p.163.
Threats to sustainability
В•Imitation or substitution
В•Market entry
В•Powerful buyers and suppliers
В•Unpredictable changes in external environment
В•Factors beyond a firm s control (bad luck)
Limitations of the RBV
В•Presented as static concept however, many firms need to be able to cope with turbulent
В•Suggests that managers may have limited ability to create sustained competitive advantages
(empirical support by perpetually failing firms firms that consistently earn normal or below normal
В•Difficult to test empirically data problem (at the level of the unit of analysis, Le., resources and
В•What is the appropriate level of analysis? How deeply does one have to look?
Principles of capabilities based competition
Goal : Build difficult to imitate organizational capabilities that distinguish a company from its


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Tapp Me Research Paper
Fridge Cleaning Tips for Christmas| Tapp Me Tapp Me guide to plan your preparations for
Christmas Year End Celebrations December is here! It s been 2 months for Diwali, and time to
give your Home Cleaning, a touch up for Year End celebrations. Tapp Me has got simple ways to
clean your Home, and without taking much time they will make your House look all the Happy
Beautiful. Let s start with the Kitchen. One of the essential appliances present in the kitchen is
Refrigerator . Fridge at Home looks complex when it comes to cleaning it, but not any more with
Tapp Me. Check it out Tips Tricks to clean Fridge at Home How to clean a Fridge at Home: Your
Fridge helps you to preserve nutrition in the food items stored in it and ensures
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The Battle Of The Cruise Missile
Since man first began traversing the world s waterways, we have been battling for control and
supremacy over them. Whoever owns the sea has the upper hand in war. The outcome of war is
determined by a complex combination of factors including: strategy, tactics, training, morale,
leadership, organization, technology, weapons, and some luck. Having a slight advantage in most
of these categories, or a great superiority in one, can lead to victory. Although there isn t always a
set order of which factor is most important, it is evident that the side possessing superior weapons
has an increased chance of victory. The cruise missileis the latest in a line of technologies which
decidedly changed the conduct of maritime warfare. This technology dramatically shifted the role
of naval forces in both the land and maritime engagements, and expanded the naval battlefield to
unforeseen distances and locales. Thus, impacting the way the United States Navyhas approached
strategy, tactics, and inter service relations. Strategy
The cruise missile has allowed the United States Navy to carry out its strategies of obtaining sea
control and supremacy, and acting as a strategic deterrence; discouraging other countries from
starting conflict. One of the greatest aspects of the cruise missile is the ability it has to carry
nuclear warheads and launch them from a submarine or surface ship. Cruise missiles launched from
submarines have a tactical advantage over
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The Slippery Slope Of Euthanasia
The slippery slope argument has been ongoing in the euthanasia debate. The slippery slope refers to
the belief that legalizing voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide will lead to
undesirable outcomes. Many speculate that the legalization of involuntary euthanasia will lead to
the legalization of murder. Since euthanasiais legalized in the Netherlands, some argue that it has
caused a slippery slope. Now, people believe legalizing euthanasia in the United States will also
cause a slippery slope. Although this may be true, there is not sufficient evidence to support this
argument as the rates of euthanasia have dropped in the Netherlands since it has been legalized.
Doctors try to encourage patients to undergo hospice or other types of care before resorting to
euthanasia. Under strict guidelines, euthanasia can be controlled so it can benefit patients without
being abused and causing a slippery slope.
For euthanasia to be effective when legalized, restrictions need to be applied. All of the states
that have legalized physician assisted suicide have strict controls over who is eligible for it. A
patient must be at least 18 years of age, have six or less months to live, have requested for
euthanasia two times at least 15 days apart with the addition of a witness and written request, be a
resident of the state, and be capable of making own decisions (ProCon.org 1). These strict
requirements allow euthanasia to be abused less, while still benefiting those who are
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The Relation Between Warfare And Mankind
Introduction Not every Truth is good but can the truth be denied or be hidden from the society
is a question that arises. The relation between warfare and mankind is undeniably interwoven
which is asserted by our knowledge. Humans have utilized their ability to question, improvise
and create remarkable technologies but at the cost of their own destruction. Disease, battles,
injuries have accounted for a large number of deaths and loss of conflict capability than the
actual war itself. With the developing technologies being generated man has left no stone
unturned in utilizing biological agents for the destruction of the enemies, however to some
extent it has also benefited the society which stands true in history. These weapons created
make use of biological agents or pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, plant toxins, venoms,
and other poisonous substances. For this very reason, they are dangerous and can slay
everything from living beings to agriculture. Back in the 18th century the very first incident of
using such bioweapons was recorded which resulted in the extermination of humans by driving
the victims of plaque into the enemy lands. There were incidences of using parasitic fungus and
herbs by certain Assyrians in order to poison the enemy s water supplies so as to obtain victory.
In addition small pox was also used as a weapon by the Japanese during II world war [1].This was
a general approach that was persistently employed through many European wars and even in
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Erik Peterson at Biometra
This is a case about Eric Peterson, who was recently hired as a product manager in charge of
sales and marketing of Biometra s catheter. This product from Biometra, a subsidiary of Scientific
Materials (SciMat), was the first product ever launched by Biometra and so its success was critical
for both Biometra and SciMat. From the case we see that even though Eric Peterson tries hard to
meet the product target launch date, there are several issues that he and the organization are
experiencing. Critical Problem:
Disengaged Management and Ineffective Communication: a) After Peterson joined Biometra, he
discovered that instead of reporting directly to Jenkins he was assigned to Jeff Hardy, vice president
of planning and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additional Task: To prepare for top management s visit, that is due in two weeks.
Proposed Solution: A. Disengaged Management:
Peterson should: 1. Call the headquarters and get confirmation on his reporting manager. 2. Take
Chip into confidence and request him to participate with Hardy in decision making going forward
to ensure faster and effective problem resolutions, if the supervisor is still Hardy. 3. Prepare daily
progress report, document reasoning behind his decisions and set up calls with his supervisor to
identify issues and engage him on a daily basis. 4. Get approval on the following structural change:
Todd Jones to report directly to Peterson as Manager of Quality Control.
Andrews to hold his current position as Director of Operations.
B. Ineffective Communication:
Peterson should: 1. Ensure effective communication among the various teams and motivate the
teams towards the common objective of meeting the target launch deadline. Initiate a rewards
program. 2. Send in the communication and make himself easily accessible at all levels. 3. Set up
milestones to track progress of various departments. a. Get involved with the launch team of Cantor
and Green to see through positive KOL negotiations. b. Bring Miczek and Andrews together to
resolve conflicts and sensitize them on the urgency of the situation and motivate them to work
together to get all
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Machiavellian Tactics In Shakespeare s Richard III
In his famed Richard III, William Shakespeare chronicles, albeit with considerable artistic
license, the meteoric rise and similarly swift fall of the work s eponymous tyrant Richard, Duke
of Gloucester. Throughout the tragedy, the playwright portrays Richard, a self proclaimed
Machiavellian and the discontented brother of the newly crowned king, as exactly the sort of
cunning and ambitious man capable of succeeding in his plot, proclaimed earlier in Shakespeare s
Henry IV, Part 3, to set the murderous Machiavel to school (Shakespeare 3.2.193). Yet in actuality,
despite such professed adherence to the infamous work The Prince, Richard tragically and
repeatedly deviates from the spirit of Machiavelli s teaching and, in so doing, all but... Show more
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In strictly a Machiavellian sense, Richard s downfall is the direct result of his errant
implementation of The Prince s guiding ideals; whereas for Shakespeare, the tragic failure of the
Duke of Gloucester, though in part due to his missteps as a Machiavellian, most notably evidences
the effects of conscience on the actions of men. Throughout the play, Shakespeare demonstrates the
manner in which the Machiavellian desire to acquire (Machiavelli 14) drives characters such as
Clarence, his murderers and, above all, Richard to commit inhuman acts of evil to further their own
self interests. This behavior, Machiavelli would assert, is perfectly natural and inherently good so
long as carried out with prudence. Shakespeare, however, underscores the fundamental falsehood of
such thinking with his repeated illustration of the way in which one s sense of morality, to quote
Queen Margaret s curse, begnaw[s] [the] soul (Shakespeare 1.3.221) of those who do wrong. In the
case of the unnamed Second Murderer, for instance, the conscience that construct so foreign to
Machiavellian thought very nearly prevents the hardened criminal from carrying out the murder of
the innocent Clarence by fill[ing] [him] full of obstacles (Shakespeare 1.4.141). Though
temporarily overcome by the promise of reward, the
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The Role Of Race In Major League Baseball
As the pennant races in Major League Baseball draw ever nearer, fans of all 30 franchises will
have something to be excited about. For those struggling clubs, September brings opportunity to
see the future of their teams get a shot in the big leagues as rosters are expanded from 25 to 40.
For teams in the American League, the 2nd Wild Card looks completely wide open (ten teams
are within 10 games of that spot, currently held by the Texas Rangers). For the Kansas City
Royals, they are just getting ready for October, as they have a 12.5 game lead over Minnesota in
the very poor AL Central.
The National League has a great revitalization story, the New York Mets, and a great race in the
NL West between those old rivals (the Dodgers and the Giants), but the real story in 2015 has
been the dominance of the National League Central. The St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates,
and Chicago Cubs (yes, Back to the Future fans, this is really happening in 2015) have created a
race that is fortunately saved by the 2nd Wild Card, otherwise an outstanding team wouldn t even
make the playoffs. Let s take a look at these teams and try and figure out who may win the
division, thus avoiding the one game, winner take all, Wild Card game. ... Show more content on
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Louis Cardinals (78 45): Perhaps the most well run organization in the league. This is a team
playing without their 3 and 4 hole hitters, yet they continuously call up their prospects, and
amazingly, they just keep on winning. Much of this credit must go to the pitching staff, led by 15
game winner Michael Wacha and closer Trevor Rosenthal, who has saved 38 games so far this
season. No MVP candidate, just a solid group of 25 guys that know how to
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Summary Of John Locke s Second Treatise Of Civil Government
John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government 1.John Locke s Second Treatise of Civil
Government was first published in 1690. In 1688, the Glorious Revolution came over England.
King James II was overthrown, and King William and Queen Mary were brought to England with
the help of the Whigs, with whom Locke had very strong connections. Locke chose to attack the
idea of absolute monarchy, and supported the idea of overthrowing an unappreciated ruler, e.g. the
events of the Glorious Revolution. 2.Locke refers to the laws of nature as the first government of
the human race, in its basest and original form: [W]e must consider what estate all men are
naturally in, and that is...within the hounds of the laws of Nature (paragraph 1). He refers... Show
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The social contract is the idea that man gives up his rights and himself to the community, where
all men will be equal. This is beneficial to society in that no one will want to make the group state
worse for every member, Rousseau says. Additionally, every member of the societal body will
wish to aid the others, as they are able to move as one. An offense to one member of the body is
now an offense to all members. 4.Rousseau seems to not really believe in the sustainability of
individualism. His social contract demands that all follow along with the general will, no matter
what they personally believe. In fact, he says any man who separates from the general will shall
be forced to go along with what is best for the society. 5.Rousseau explains that direct democracy
is the only true form of appropriate government. He argues that the will of the people cannot be
represented, or it will be corrupted, and only by direct vote and ratification by the people can
laws be valid and acceptable, as they are truly the will of the people. Representative democracy is
unacceptable, because those appointed to work for the people cannot adequately represent them, as
they are different people. 6.Both Rousseau and Locke seem to agree that the basic purpose of any
government is to protect the people within it and enforce their will. They agree that a government
has no foundation if it is not supported by the people it
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Greed In The Hobbit
Hobbits are small people, that are littler than dwarfs. They like peace, quiet and despise loud
noises. They don t like adventures and only like where it is safe in their homes. They are usually
fat because they love to eat and drink(six meals a day). They are jolly people who wear bright
colors and rarely wear shoes because of their leathery type feet. Hobbits eyes and ears are sharp
and also can move quietly. Their inhabited a place between the River Brandywine and the far
downs. They call this area the Shire. Bilbo Bagginsa wealthy hobbit, lives in his hobbit hole in the
Shire. Before his adventure, he is a cautious person who likes being comfortable in his home. He is
unheroic, not courageous, chubby, and likes to follow the normal.... Show more content on
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Everyone is nervous that Gandalf has to leave them to do an important matter. As they walk
deeper into the forest the dwarfs run into the giant spider s webs. Bilbo uses his magic ring and
sword to save them except Thorin who is missing . Bilbo is very courageous and heroic for
saving them from the spiders. The group is anxious because neither Thorin or Gandalf are there.
They are captured and imprisoned by the wood elves that live along the river. Bilbo finds that
Thorin is also imprisoned with them. So, Bilbo creates a crazy plan to escape by jumping in
barrels that are thrown in the water. Fortunately they all make it out alive. Bilbo also shows some
of his strength by not giving up when they were imprisoned. When the float down the river they end
up in Lake Town, which is a human settlement. From there, they finally make it to the Lonely
Mountain where Smaug lays. The hobbit and dwarfs circle the mountain searching for the entrance.
Bilbo uses his intelligence and creativity to find the way the mountain opens up on Durin s Day
with the key given to
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Yield Management
Yield Management
Serguei Netessine 1 The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Robert Shumsky2 W. E.
Simon Graduate School of Business Administration University of Rochester February 1999, revised
February 2002.
1 2
netessin@wharton.upenn.edu shumsky@simon.rochester.edu
1. Introduction
A variety of concepts and analytical tools fall under the label yield management. The term is used
in many service industries to describe techniques to allocate limited resources, such as airplane seats
or hotel rooms, among a variety of customers, such as business or leisure travelers. Since these
techniques are used by firms with extremely perishable goods, or by firms with services that cannot
be stored at all, these concepts and tools ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The hotel could sell out all 210 rooms to leisure travelers at the discount price, but it also knows
that an increasing number of business customers will request rooms as March 29 approaches
and that these business customers are willing to pay full price. To simplify our problem, let us
assume that leisure demand occurs first and then business demand occurs. Hence we must
decide how many rooms we are willing to sell at the leisure fare or in other words, how many
rooms shall we protect (i.e., reserve) for the full price payers. If too many rooms are protected,
then there may be empty rooms when March 29 arrives. If too few are protected, then the hotel
forgoes the extra revenue it may have received from business customers. Notice we assume that the
hotel can charge two different prices for the same product (a room). To separate the two customer
segments with two different demand curves, the hotel introduces price discrimination. In the hotel
example, we assume that the firm can charge different prices to business and leisure customers 4 .
In order to differentiate between these two groups, a firm often introduces booking rules. For
example, a
Saturday night stay may be required to receive a discounted room on Monday, since business
travelers are less likely to stay over the weekend. Again, leisure customers are more price sensitive
so the hotel wishes to sell as many rooms to business custome rs at a higher price as possible while
keeping room utilization
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Advantages And Disadvantages And Uses Of Uber Services
Most of the users are adopting Uber services just because of the high degree of safety provided
by them. Women users prefer Uber more because they should feel the sense of safety. They
should be informed about the application easiness, price advantages and also usefulness about
the Uber services. More videos should be released expressing the app easiness, price discounts,
offers etc. so that more customers will start using Uber services as their means of transportation.
Especially women who are divorced or widow will be having a feeling of insecurity should feel the
sense of high safetyto adopt this service. The advantages should be made aware of the women who
don t know driving or who doesn t own a driving license, etc.
This Bar chart says that users strongly agreeing with the suggestion of installing a panic button
in Uber so that in case of emergency traveler can press the button which will directly alarm at the
nearest police station. Very few who feel they are strong enough to deal with all these types of
issues alone are strongly disagreeing with this suggestion of panic button in Uber. Majority of the
women users are strongly agreeing with the installation of a panic button may be because they had
already faced a bad experience in their travel or scared to leave their girl children alone in ... Show
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These variables were adopted from the literature reviews and made face to face interviews with
around 10 women Uber users in Kochi still, among those four variables, two of them are showing
insignificant. Maybe a question regarding the perceived usefulness and perceived price advantage
interpreted negatively by the responders or adequate questions are lacking in numbers. A number of
responses are also low that is only 186 was the sample size from overall Kochi district for the
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American Independence Dbq Essay
American Independence takes place right after the Seven Years War, which was between French
and Indians. During the same year, Pontiac rebellion also took place led by chief pontiac towards
the colonist stating that colonies could no longer settle west towards the Appalachian Mountains.
There was also signing of Treaty of paris, in which britain recognized American independence
and put a stop on all revolutionary wars between them. This also puts the an end an salutary
neglect and Britain was left with a huge war debt that was impossible for them to pay it off by
themselves. Which led them passing Sugar act, Currency act and other acts to raise revenue by
using colonists as their main source of income. This led colonies backfire on Britain... Show more
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One of the event known as The boston tea party where the sons of liberty dressed up as indians
and dumped all the tea came from india in the ocean. This caused a lot of tension between the
british and the american colonists and people started to have a little sense of freedom and
independence. The (Doc 3), the author s purpose behind this document is to provide colonists with
an idea of being independent and free from britain. It talks about how an individual have rights to
stand up for themselves and they are free to go join what society he/she wants without any
consultations. One example that contributes in this idea is the movement called the Swadeshi
movement by Mahatma Gandhi. This movement was organized to boycott the foreign British good
by not buying it from them and using their own resources to comfort themselves. As the matter of
fact, the (Doc 7) by thomas paine delivers a strong message to the colonists against the britain
government. Through this document purpose was to convinces the colonist to go to war against
britain through using the reference of god like references which made colonists to stand up for
their rights. This could be called as the spark of fire because this action taken by thomas paine gave
a spark to American Revolution, where all 13 colonies got
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Summary Of A Red Girl s Reasoning
In the short story, A Red Girl s Reasoning by Pauline Johnson, Charlie and Christie s cultural
differences and personality flaws act as a catalyst towards the sudden downfall of their
relationship. This is demonstrated through Christie s excessive pride, Charlie s self absorption, and
his lack of open mindedness regarding his wife s Indigenous culture and perspective. To begin,
Christie s stubborn and prideful nature is exhibited throughout the story. This is evident when she
defends her parents marriage to Charlie s colleagues, Mrs. Stuart and Captain Logan, exclaiming,
What do you [Captain Logan] dare to mean? [...] Do you for one instant dare to question that my
parents were not as legally (Johnson 6) but is interrupted by Mrs. Stuart.... Show more content on
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Charlie s constant concern over his reputation and public image further enforces his self centered
behaviour. Finally, Charlie s narrow mindedness regarding Christie s Indigenous culture is one of
the main causes of their tragic dispute. Although Charlie claims to have extensive knowledge of
Christie s Indigenous roots by [consummating] his predilections for Indianology by loving,
winning, and marrying the quiet little daughter of the English trader, who [...] had married a
native woman (1), he fails to recognize that her ancestral traditions are just as valid as his own.
This close minded perspective is shown when Charlie fails to defend his wife when she was
explaining her parents Indian marriage rites to Charlie s Christian colleagues. Furthermore, Charlie
criticizes her father s decision to not re marry in the Christian church, arguing that Christie s father
was a fool not to insist upon the law
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Immigration Position Essay
Ever since 2011, the war in Syria has made people want to escape their war torn homelands. Thus,
giving these refugees no place to go. These migrants need a safe place to call home and a place
where they can get a job. Countries such as Germany, Great Britain, and the United States should
accept refugees from war torn homelands because they want to help the refugees and they are
actually going to help the economy, also the migrants are trying to escape the violence, not bring it
with them.
Places such as Great Britain, Germany, and the United States are trying to assist the refugees from
war torn homelands. Germany, for example, is trying to teach the migrants German so they feel
more welcome. They are also helping in refugee homes and shelters. ... Show more content on
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The immigrants are trying to escape from the violence and extremism from their homelands.
Therefore, they don t want to create more violence since that is the reason why they left their
country. (DOC 6) People say that the immigrants are committing tons of crimes, however, the
migrant crime rates are decreasing. At the beginning of 2015 the crime rate was higher however,
the second half of the year it leveled off. (DOC 10) DOCUMENT 9 states that terrorists can be
hiding in the group of migrants. However, anyone, literally anyone, can have a terrorist thought,
such as a shooting, a homicide, or planning an attack in a public place with a bomb. There were
some events that have happened here in the US where people that seemed normal and didn t
really have any criminal records planned the attack and killed people, such at the 2012 Aurora
Shooting, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting. Those are just some smaller, well
known attacks; however, there were other events in history such as The Holocaust, and The Al
Anfal Genocide that weren t terrorist related. Whether we let the refugees in the United States or
not, we re still in danger. Let s take the Austin s Bar and Grill shooting that just happened on
February 22 in Olathe as an example.
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Junior Year Changes
A lot has changed this past year and the difficulty seems to be increasing at school. Junior year in
high school has arrived and so has the homework. Constantly having hours of homework every
night, while studying for major tests, such as the SAT/ACT; which are a huge factor on what
school I attend for college. The process can be a very stressful time for many students as they
may have to account for extracurricular activities, such as sports and maybe a job. Many
students need to seek additional help in order to succeed. My plan of attack is to capitalize on
succeeding in all of my classes and being devoted to my future by using a tutor to assist me in
preparation for these major tests. Personally, my first step in achieving my goal was sitting
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The Use Of Heavy Metal Contaminants From Effluent...
1Dineshkumar M, 2Sivalingam A
1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore 641 014. kdineshd@gmail.com Abstract
Treatments of heavy metal contaminants from effluent discharged by industries are more complex
than designing the treatment process. Bacopa Monnieri is one of the wetland plant used for the
removal of heavy metal, lead (Pb) from the aquatic medium. Effluent was collected from the Lead
acid battery waste treatment plant. It is standardized to 5, 10 and 15ppm to observe the uptake by
plant. Effluent was categorized as Direct Effluent (DE), DE+Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) and DE+Cow Dung Manure (CDM), where EDTA and CDM were used as a chelating
agent to influence in accumulation rate and degradation rate. Concentration of Pb in soil, plant
(root and shoots), and effluent had been done to calculate the degradation of Pb, Translocation
factor (TF) and Bioconcentration factor (BCF). This experiment shows tremendous differences in
wetland plant unlike the researches done in past. Results of the experiment were discussed below.
Increasing modernization in urban and rural areas led to tremendous growth in industrial activities.
Untreated and partially treated effluents from industries and hospitals were discharged into the
aquatic environment. Due to these activities
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Pandora s Box, Deucalion And Pyrrha, And The Trojan War
Greek myths either explain a creation, or tell a moral. The most interesting myths are the ones that
have the most interesting story or moral. These myths can explain creations such as the woman, or
great wars such as the Trojan War. These myths generally have interesting stories that lead up to
what the myth means. Examples of the best myths are Pandora s Box, Deucalion and Pyrrha, and
the Trojan War. They are the ones that have the most interesting stories because they explain the
myth in a way to make it worth reading for the reader.
To begin with, the Pandora s Box is an excellent myth that explains the creation of women and all
the gifts, but as well as evil gifts in the mortal world. This myth is also a reason why men saw
their opposite gender as evil, because of what Pandora has done. This myth was the creation of ...
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Many reasons can lead up to this myth being the best; it has one of the most interesting stories that
led to the war. The conflict began with a competition for a golden apple, with the winner having to
be the most beautiful. Three goddess, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite entered the contest. Zeusdid not
want to choose the winner so he picked a boy in the mortal world to choose the winner. This
mortal boy was named Paris, and was born with a prophecy that will destroy his own city. The
goddesses tried bribe him with many offers in order to win. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful
woman to Paris in which he chose Aphrodite as the winner. The woman was named Helen, a
Greek woman who was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris took Helen to the city of Troy,
and when the city of Troy refused to return her back the Achaeans (Greeks) declared a war against
the city of Troy. And so the Trojan War began, and went on for ten years. It is crazy what one
god(dess) would do for such a prize such as a Golden apple and how an unalterable prophecy such
as Paris s can destroy his own entire
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Analysis Of The Satirical Street Art That Sends Messages...
Introduction Known for his satirical street art that sends messages of awareness of the corrupt
society, Banksy, has remarked that a recent survey or North American males found 42% were
overweight, 34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey. With the rising awareness and
prevalence, obesity has become an epidemic. In the United States alone, one of every five
Americans are overweight, and one of every five are obese. Among the younger ages of
childhood and adolescence, the National Health and Nutrition Examination reported that 17% of
kids age six through nineteen are obese. This problem, of course, is not limited only to America.
Studies performed by the United Nations have reported that in the year 2000, the number of
people suffering from overnutrition a billion had officially surpassed the number suffering from
malnutrition 800 million. An estimated 2.5 people are added to the global population each
second, and one of them will be deemed obese or overweight. Currently, estimates have shown
that 33% of the world population of 7.08 billion (2.26 billion) are overweight. In the United
States alone, 17% of children and adolescents are obese, and a majority will remain overweight as
adults.Furthermore a rising problem faced, revolves around comorbid conditions historically
linked among obese adult patients only, but are now seen in childhood. One disease in particular,
previously known as adult onset diabetes has been renamed Type II diabetes due to its
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Piety And Wisdom In Plato s Five Dialogues By Socrates
Wisdom is a loosely constructed and defined term distinct from person to person; however in the
Athenian period, citizens believed the wise should have a sense of utmost piety and maintain a
higher connection with the gods. In Plato s Five Dialogues, Socrates, an elderly man living in the
city of Athens, questions these religious ideas to further his understanding of religionand how
thousands of people are able to connect with unidentified and personified spirits. Socrates prolongs
his skepticism as he explores the idea of piety and encounters a number of religious experts who
end up displaying more hypocrisy and falsehood than wisdom and maturity. Since questioning or
denying the belief of the gods was a crime during the time of Athens, Socrates was put on trial for
the accumulative accusations that his teachings and questionings corrupted the young and hindered
society. In trial, Socrates explicitly separates himself from devious rhetoricand instead utilizes his
observations of the immoral and narcissistic flaws of the Athenian people to defend his goodwill
and appreciation for identifying the unknown.
As Socrates approaches the court during his trial, it becomes evident that he is fighting more than
just one accusation; Socrates is defending himself against the countless, unresearched accusations
that have been made years before, developing the audience s bias and premature decision of
Socrates fate. Therefore, Socrates believes he has a right to state these
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Erik Larson s The Devil In The White City
Krisitn Joy s The Devil in the White City
Imagine living in a city where hundreds of people go missing in just 6 months. Then, we find out
that on person is suspected of killing over 200 people. This serial killer, is Herman Webster
Mudgett, common alias H. H. Holmes. It happened at the Chicago World s Fair when the head
architect, Daniel Hudson Burnham, attracted so many people to Chicago, missing people went
unnoticed. Although through historical records, letters, and documents, we know Burnham and his
intentions, were good. In Erik Larson s, The Devil in the White City, Holmes and Burnham are
polar opposite brought together by the Chicago World s Fair. Holmes represents evil while
Burnham represents good. However, they do have two things in common, their negative perspective
about women and their want for riches.
Both Holmes and Burnham exhibit a great determination to become rich. If Burnham could obtain
enough money to out Eiffel Eiffel he could become the greatest architect (156). Holmes would kill
anyone to get money, his only problem was that he couldn t kill under the radar. However, the
Chicago World s Fair gave both men the perfect opportunity to become rich. Burnham was not poor
when he started this fair, in fact, Burnham and his firm had just started to get ... Show more content
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Burnham and especially Holmes serve show this as they work. They both sexualized women:
Millet had some extraordinary ideas for events in August... including Burnham, [who] would dance
with...Algerian belly dancers. Holmes a little more than Burnham: His guest rooms began to fill
with women, most quite young and...Holmes found them intoxicating. (304, 243). However,
Burnham did look at women as low pay employees and did not pay them the same as men for an
equal amount of work: Sophia Hayden[ s] fee was the prize money: a thousand dollars. The male
architects each got ten thousand
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The Phantom Of The Opera Mood
Have you ever heard of The Phantom of the Opera ? The story is about a ghost that lives in a
opera house, he falls in love with this girl Kristine but she isn t interested. In a dramatic musical
Kristine has to make a choice that will change her life forever. The play takes place in the mid
1800s in France and is a dramatic musical that is realistic friction. The main character is Kristine
and some other important characters are Raoul and the Phantom. In this essay certain set designs
will be explained, like how they were used, why they are useful, and where in the play that they
are visibly seen. Firstly, color was used to help certain people and elements stick out in the play.
Color if used correctly can help a character or set piece
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Unethical Experimentation Controversy
From the dawn of man, to modern times, the human race has accomplished so many scientific
achievements that it are spectacular. But one thing in particular that has puzzled humans over the
centuries is the brain, and how it affects human behavior. It wasn t until the late 1800s when
Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological research laboratory at Leipzig, that
experimentation and research began in order to fully understand the human mind. Afterwards, many
other psychologist such as Sigmund Freud also began research as well, performing experiments and
creating their own theories on certain behaviors. The controversy started when psychologist then
began to perform unethical experiments in order to advance in the field of psychology. The... Show
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In 1961, psychology professor Stanley Milgram conducted quite the controversial experiment
called the Milgram Shock Experiment. Milgram paid people four dollars an hour to attend a
learning and memory in his lab that quickly transformed into something else entirely. Under the
watch of Milgram, the person assigned to be the teacher, would read out words to the other person
who was assigned as the student, and was hooked up to an electric shock machine in another room.
Every time the student incorrectly repeated the words that was read out to him/her, the teacher then
delivers a shock to the student. Starting at fifteen volts (labeled as slight shock ), the teacher can
increase the volts to all the way to four hundred and fifty volts (labeled as XXX). As the teachers
reached the higher voltages, some of them refused to go on any further in fear that they might harm
the students, defying Milgram s authority. Some on the other hand, continued to increase the shock,
even as the student yelled and pleaded for the shocks to stop till they fell silent. Once the
experiment was finished, the person assigned as the teacher was soon to find out that the students
were in fact not being shocked, and the cries of pains were prerecorded. The experiment was
deemed unethical because of deception that the participants actually believed that they were
harming an actual person, unaware that the student is an actor. Also that the participants were
exposed to very stressful situations that could have harmed them psychologically and were not
given the chance to withdraw from the
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How Does Vonnegut Use Humor In Slaughterhouse Five
Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five is a telling work of fiction that blends the author s
experiences with the horror of war with a touch of science fiction and a healthy dose of humor.
The novel guides us through the experiences of a man on a journey in both directions of time,
through war, and the delusions brought on by the horrors therein. The pilgrimage Billy is on is
broken up by milestones that read so it goes . The journey is a vessel for Vonnegut to show the
reader how war can desensitize a man to death and cause him to recede into coping mechanisms,
but that a man cannot be desensitized to suffering. The use of so it goes accompanies all mentions
of a death in the book, between the death of his own father, soldiers he served with, and even
eventual loss of the universe. It shows the variety of death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
If this sort of selectivity had been possible for Billy, he might have chosen as his happiest
moment his sun drenched snooze in the back of the wagon (Vonnegut 141), this is the same
wagon that is described as a green coffin . These two things coupled together show that Billy
would be content in death. However, what makes this more interesting is the contrast with the
moment when the pressures of all he has lived through become too great and causes his emotional
dam to break. After being bombarded with death to the point of acceptance, the thing that finally
causes Billy to break down is the suffering of an animal. The horses drawing his coffin on wheels
along are near death with thirst and exhaustion. When it is pointed out to Billy, it is a breaking
point after a backlog of an entire wars worth of horrors. Later on, as a middle aged Optometrist, he
would weep quietly and privately sometimes (Vonnegut 197). The softness of the reaction speaks
magnitudes about the depth of the emotional
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The Importance Of Lust In Philomeda , Tales From Ovid
Lust is a strong feeling of desire for someone or something which can turn into a dangerous
feeling if it is not handled in the right manner. Lust can cause one to do things that they wouldn t
normally do, especially if it overwhelms one s mind set. It is a hard feeling to ignore, but ignoring
it is for the best because then dangerous situations will be avoided. In the myth Tereus , Tereus is
overwhelmed by lust for Philomela, which leads him to rapeand abuse. In the myth Castillo and
Arcas , Jupiter has a deep desire for Castillo, so he rapes her and leaves Castillo pregnant and
alone. In the myth Phaethon , his lust for power causes him to put the entire earth in danger. In
Tales From Ovid, by Ted Hughes, Ovid conveys that when one is consumed by a deep feelingof lust,
their morals shift. In the myth Tereus , Tereus, the protagonist, is overcome by lust for his wife
s sister, Philomela, which makes him do gruesome things. His wife s only desire was to see her
sister. Tereus was able to fulfill her desires, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he couldn t help
his feelings of lust. This deep and demented feeling of lust drove him to kidnap her, abuse her,
and rape her. Ovid shows his change in morals by saying, The lust that took hold of him now
combined the elemental forces of his national character and his own (Hughes page 215). Ovid
then goes on to conveys how strongly he desires Philomela by using the simile, His lust was like
an iron furnace first black,
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Hunting has been around since before man was even thought of and has evolved ever since. Now
only a sport, ounce was a skill used to survive. Hunting is a natural, ethical, and healthy
undertaking ( History , par1). Hunting is a way of life without hunting nothing would live that s
why we have a food chain. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores and bigger carnivores
eat other carnivores. Perhaps one of the eldest activities on the face of the planet is hunting ( History
of hunting , par 1). Hunting has been one of the oldest activities known to mankind. During the first
era of hunting men were to learn how to hunt so they could hunt daily and bring food home every
night to eat. The women had the roll of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A caliber is the size if the bullet that the gun will shoot. Bows have been around a lot longer than
guns, created by the Indians to make hunting easier. A bow works like a type of sling shot to
shoot a spear. Making the speed a lot greater than throwing it by hand. There are over a thousand
different types of bows and over a million different arrows for bows. When hunting seasons where
created so where different types of weapon seasons. This allowed bow hunters to hunt before gun
hunters because bows are more difficult to use. So allowing them to hunt first gave
them a better chance at getting an animal. These hunting seasons also allow the animals to breed
without becoming extinct. Some of the animals hunted have been taken out of the hunting seasons
because of their near extinction.
One of the oldest animals hunted is still hunted today and that is the deer. Some history experts
believe that the whitetail deer went through several population stages in the past 500 years due to
the hunting of them ( Deer Hunting History , par 2). Whitetail deer offered early era hunters more
than just a food value. The deer hides were used for many different items like moccasins, skirts,
dresses, leggings, robes, mittens, head wear, blankets, pouches, bags, archery quivers, straps, and
many other things. Like today early hunters were also trophy hunters,
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ACC 491 Syllabus
ACC/491 Contemporary Auditing I
Copyright 2014 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Course Description
This course is the first in a two part series that deals with auditing a company s financial reports,
internal controls, and
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) systems. Topics include auditingstandards, evidence, audit
planning and documentation, materiality and risk, internal control, statistical tools, and the overall
audit plan and program.
Course Dates
Nov 11, 2014 Dec 15, 2014
Faculty Information
Name :
Email Address :
Alternate Email Address
Dwayne Thompson (PRIMARY) dwaynett@email.phoenix.edu Phone Number :
(678) 538 7276
Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding ... Show more content on
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Week Two Participation
Individual Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM


Individual Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM
Learning team 5
Participate in the class discussion.
Textbook Assignment
Resource: Modern Auditing
Prepare written answers to Ch. 1: Comprehensive Questions:
Organizations associated with the public accounting profession.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper
Write a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper in which you compare and contrast auditing, attestation, and
assurance services. In your paper, be sure to include the following:
An example of each type of service
Who might request such a service
What standards apply to each service and who establishes those standards Click the Assignment
Files tab to submit your assignment.
Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM
Nov, 25 Dec, 01
Audit Planning and Internal Controls
Review the Week Three Read Me First.
3.1 Use the auditing analytical procedures.
3.2 Identify the components of internal control.
3.3 Assess control risk.
3.4 Analyze tests of controls.
Required Learning Activities
Modern Auditing, Ch. 8
Modern Auditing, Ch. 10
Modern Auditing, Ch. 11
Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings
Week 3 Discussion Question (#1)
Week 3 Discussion Question (#2)
Week 3 Discussion Question (#3)
See the student website for additional


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Comparing Plato And Bacon s The Idols Of The Tribe,...
In discussions of our susceptibility of delusions and false beliefs, Plato argues that humans can
choose whether they want to follow the false beliefs in the darkness, or go into the light by facing
all aspects of reality with honesty. Bacon s argument is similar to Plato s, and Bacon combines the
four mistakes of human nature into four different idols. Idol of the tribe, cave, marketplace, and
theater. Bacon s idols help explain how we are vulnerable to delusions Although Plato and Bacon
claim that we are susceptible to delusions and false beliefs, I claim that the human understanding is
vulnerable to distortionbecause people bring their own background into their thoughts which distort
the truths. truthis distorted by human understanding and people are teaching the distorted truth to
other people, so people become blinded when they go from the darkness, the bad, to the light, or
the good. Bacon explains what Idols of the Cave are, and how they lead to a distortion of the
truth. The Idols of the Cave are the idols of the individual man. For everyone (besides the errors
common to human nature in general) has a cave or den of his own, which refracts and discolors
the light of nature (Bacon 131). Here, Bacon describes that every person has their own ВЁcave
which represents the fault of people. The cave distorts the truth and reality, and this is how false
facts come to be. Because everyone has their own cave, one truth is distorted differently by every
single person until
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Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice Essays
Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice
Killing, kidnapping and battles, all parts of Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice. The main character,
Lestat, is a well known and flamboyant vampire. In Memnoch the Devil, Lestat is faced with a
grim reality, causing his world to collapse around him. He learns throughout this book, about the
world, and the divine forces that encircle the world s existence. This book illustrates how Lestat s
morals, ignorance and understanding are greatly affected by outside forces.
In the beginning of the book, Lestat, the quick and cunning vampire referred to as the Brat Prince
by his followers stalks a wealthy artifact smuggler. Lestat soon becomes obsessed with his mortal
victim, Roger, following him and trying to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lestat was so occupied with his stalking; he neglected to take much note of this demon. Lestat was
confronted again by the demon the night he slaughtered his beloved Roger. This caused Lestat to
realize the devil was observing Lestat s own sick acts of evil and ignorance. As Roger s ghost
justified his evil doings Lestat obtained that Roger was not evil, as he was thought to be. This
shocked Lestat, causing him to become more aware and observant, resulting with Lestat s
ignorance dissipating. Though these changes in awareness came too slowly, Lestat was soon
kidnapped by the Devil, and brought on a mortifying and appalling trip. This furthermore extended
Lestat s awareness, when it was realized the Devil s kidnapping was fueled by his cruel acts and
Finally, through Lestat s trek through Heaven and Hell with the Devil, Lestat grasps an
understanding that he had never before conceived. Lestat sees images that take him to the
extremes of his vampire mind. During his journey Lestat seizes Veronica s Veil, a famous artifact,
and brings it back to earth. Veronica s Veil was said to have Jesus face imprinted into it with
blood. This Veil impacts the way society views God, and furthers Lestat s vast knowledge of the
world and its workings. This journey alters his understanding to such an extent, Lestat states; This
is what I saw, This is what I heard, This is what I know! This is all I
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The Korean Music Industry Has Drastic Changes Over The...
The Korean music industry had drastic changes over the last ten years. Whereas before only about a
handful of artists debuted, recently a minimum of twenty groups join the challenge each year. The
recurring presence of countless different artists creates great competition within the industry. Due to
the oversaturation of promoting artists, many groups feel pressured to quit after failed attempts to
retain the attention of the public. However, Korean artists like SHINee and Big Bang, veterans of
the musicbusiness, have thrived through difficult times and succeeded beyond expectations. Both
had to endure harsh training in their early years before they stepped on stage, a date that was
undetermined to all of them. These experts of musical and staging experimentation have been able
to supply the high demanding audiences release after release. Both five member groups as Korean
male citizens will soon have to fulfill their service requirements in the army. Though they are
nearing their mandatory enlistment dates, these musicians only keep endorsing their works in all
types of media and through live shows. Although both international groups have similar ethnic
backgrounds, SHINee and Big Bang differ greatly in their concerts, performances, and discography.
SHINee and Big Bang organize their concerts into unique genre driven sections that create notable
ambiences; however, each music group takes a different approach. For example, Big Bang started
their tenth anniversary concert
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Australian Laws
AUSTRALIAN LAWS Intellectual Property
What is intellectual property?
Intellectual property is any creation, owned by one or multiple owners, that is used commercially.
The designs, inventions or any work that is original can be protected by IP rights. Rights are
established through application and prevent any use without permission. The only way to use this
work, when not owned, would be to buy the rights. While rights are owned there is an opportunity
to make advancements with limited opposition. This is due to the competition not being able to act
since the idea is not theirs.
What are your rights and how can you protect your intellectual property? Explore the various forms
of protection for intellectual property including: patents, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The 4th to 9th cycle costs $300 $350. The 15th to 19th cycle costs between $2300 $2350
depending on the payment method (electronic or other). The protection period is then up after 20
years and would need to be renewed.
A standard application for a trademark costs $120 per type (tv show etv). A trademarked series costs
$270 per type. Registering fees are $300 which is the same cost of a renewal.
Applying for rights over a design can cost $250 $350 and renewed for $320 $370. Examination fees
cost $420 if done by the design owner and $210 if examined by a third party.
If fees are late the price can increase by $100 per month for an average of up to six months.
What are the constraints or issues surrounding protecting a design?
Different forms of intellectual property protection have certain limitations on the time period
they are in effect. The duration a patented design lasts is for 10 years. Fees are paid to make sure
this protection remains. A registered design prevents third parties from utilizing the product for
up to 25 years if it is renewed each five year period. Proof must be given that a person has created
a design. These could be copies or photographic evidence of the design. The aspects of a design
that are forbidden for use by others are the appearance, shape, arrangement and decoration. There
are some criteria the design must meet in order for it to be protected. It must be new, not offensive,
not contain already protected designs and is not
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Pros And Cons Of The North American Free Trade Agreement
The North American Free Trade Agreement, or N.A.F.T.A, was established to improve the
economy of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. It has been close to twenty three years since
the treaty was officially signed; time has given us insight into the effects that this agreement has
produced. In 1984, lowering tariff was a major discussion between Mulroney, Prime Minister of
Canada, and President Ronald Reagan. They came to an agreement in 1988 making it official for
these countries to trade more efficiently with one another. Soon enough Mexico was interested in
bringing a similar treaty with the United Statesas the tariffs were quite high between the two. After a
while of negotiating, Canada saw the opportunity for the three countries... Show more content on
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Real wages in Mexico have fallen significantly below pre NAFTA levels as price increases for
basic consumer goods have exceeded wage increases. A minimum wage earner in Mexico today
can buy 38 percent fewer consumer goods than on the day that NAFTA took effect. Despite
promises that NAFTA would benefit Mexican consumers by granting access to cheaper imported
products, the cost of basic consumer goods in Mexico has risen to seven times the pre NAFTA
level, while the minimum wage stands at only four times the pre NAFTA level.
Those negative effects end up hurting us in return as people are settling for less due to all the
cheap methods being used. The changes it has had on Mexico reflect the awful exploitation that is
being caused by the treaty. United States could benefit from a change to the treaty making it better
as a whole to achieve greater economic power. There needs to be a change as NAFTA s intentions
seem beneficial only that the way it is being executed is not reaching the potential it
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Benefits Of An Initial Cost Benefit Analysis
Costs Benefits
An initial cost benefit analysis was conducted in order to calculate if this change was justifiable
and feasible in terms of cost. It began by introducing the idea to staff and evaluating their feedback.
This initial assessment indicated the staff s overall commitment to this change process. Staff
participation is crucial to the cost because they are responsible for implementing the practice, which
will ultimately save the hospital money. The benefits of this practice change such as the financial
savings and decrease in workload were presented to the staff during the EBP launch meeting in
order to encourage participation and adherence to the change. The biggest cost associated with this
project would be the training and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this stage, the educational team will meet with charge nurses and to commence the change.
There will be flyers, posters, and educational opportunities during change of shift announcements
for charge nurses to instruct the staff nurses about the change in protocol. The presumed budget for
the education team and policy implementation have already been formulated and can be accessed
in Appendix F. An application to the Internal Review Board will be submitted and reviewed for
approval. This change will require system wide recognition as a quality improvement process.
A new policy will be enacted to reflect the most recent evidence regarding PIV replacement in a
28 bed cardiac progressive care unit at a local San Diego hospital. This policy supports the need
for the replacement of PIV catheters when clinically indicated as opposed to the previous practice
of routine replacement every 72 96 hours on this unit. Ideally, the implementation will take four to
five weeks to implement onto the unit. The main implementation obstacle will be educating the
nurses on the new policy, which will be done through posters, signs or flyers, powerpoints, and
charge nurse meetings with staff (refer to Appendix E). The utilization of a unit educator will also
be beneficial in educating the unit staff on the new policy change. It is assumed that there will not
be resistance within the staff nurses since the implementation of this new policy will
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Analyzing Steven Pinker s The Stuff Of Thought
Module 3 Assignment
1.Write at least a one paragraph summary of the entire lecture in your own words (no quotes). It
must be obvious after reading your summary that you watched the entire lecture.
In the lecture The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker, a renowned anthropologist talked about
different aspects of language. He started out by describing space in language which states how
people uses words such as, on, over, under, and so forth instead of right, left, and so forth.
Moreover, he states that people uses dimensions and width to describe objects. For example, a line
is described as one dimensional object versus a surface that is described as two dimensional space.
There are various substances in language such as, countable things, masses, ... Show more content
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Pinker explains that swearing is used as a weapon in order to create negative emotions for the
listeners. Swear words are different across cultures. A taboo word in one country may not be taboo
in a different country. Pinker provided explanations for people wanting to create negative emotions
with each other using swear words (e.g. making a strong point to force the listeners to understand
certain things, letting off steam, etc.). He distinguished between various types of swearing styles in
the video.
Moreover, Pinker described indirect speech acts and explained how people try to give hints to
each other by saying something else instead of directly saying what they want to say. According to
Pinker, language is a good way to gain mutual understanding between people whether it is direct or
indirect. Relationships are built better when indirect languages are used because indirect language
prevents legal issues.
2.Describe how this lecture relates to the information we are studying in Module 3. Please support
your arguments with information and citations (APA style) from the readings as well as your own
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General Motors Manufacturing Case Summary
Executive summary
In spring 2010, New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a successful joint venture between Toyota
Motor Co. and General Motors Co, shut down its plant in Fremont, California. Over two decades
NUMMI was a model manufacturing plant with high quality and productivity, exceptional worker s
satisfaction and attendance. What did NUMMI do to change the former GM s dysfunctional
disaster into best plant?
This report is going to examine a dramatic change conducted by NUMMI s leadership. It will
address three main reasons which made this change possible: Creating a new production system
Developing a new management system Reformation of corporate culture.
And finally, the recommendations will be identified ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
NUMMI was created as a team based organization with sense of interdependence and unity. There
were just three level management levels; in contrast, old GM s plant had a six levels hierarchy. A
team leader, who was responsible not only for coordinating teamwork and trainings of team
members, but also was able to replace a team member on line if needed, represented the first level
of management. The second level management in addition was responsible for budgeting and
planning. Moreover, these managers were expected to resolve the problems at the lowest possible
In order to foster fair and efficient environment NUMMI designed a new job structure;
specifically, job classifications were reduced from 81 to 3 with the same wage rate. Developed
reward system also tended to equalize rewards among employees. For instance, a team leader
received only a 50 cent hourly premium and each team was awarded with a small social budget.
Continual training system and information sharing among all team members let the company to
support its goals. Implementing the stop the line system allowed management to empower its
employees by pushing down responsibility for the production and quality at the lowest possible
level, to a worker. Meanwhile, the policy of mutual trust or no layoff policy established a real trust
between the company and employees by ensuring its workers to
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Religious Tolerance In New England
Political tension and a religious crisis presented a need for a re establishing of a society in New
England where religious tolerance could sustain order and harmony in the colonies. This wasn t
exactly a foolproof plan as they thought it out to be, because of the recurring oppression they had
seen in Europe. Puritans were a sect of christianity, one that James I was seeking to purge out of
Europe during the reformation, that followed the almost brutal ideals of John Calvin. There was
two branches: Presbyterian and Congregationalist. They believed in predestination, deplored the
hierarchy of the Church, and allowed pleasures some would find odd for a religious group. The
pilgrims (also called separatists) later became a different, and even
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Delaying Gratification
The willingness to delay gratification has been studied widely as it predicts social outcomes such
as substance abuse or obesity. Many researchers have focused on cognitive control, which is
considered to have a major influence on the individuals abilities to delay gratification. However, in
addition to cognitive control, social trust also affects the delay of gratification since delaying
gratification will make sense only if a person is sure that the reward will actually be given. In the
present study, Michaelson and Munakata (2016) therefore, tested the influence of social trust on
delaying gratification of children by manipulating trust that is unrelated to reward expectation. The
researchers tested 34 typically developing children
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Allergic Conjunctivitis
Effects of air pollution on allergic conjunctivitis
Rapid industrialization and urbanization have increased air quality problems and other
environmental health troubles that are becoming major sources of morbidity and mortality in
human. Allergic conjunctivitis is one of the most common ocular surface diseases; it damages the
ocular surface and causes debilitating symptoms of redness and itching, resulting in impaired
quality of life for patients and limited physical activity. Pollen, animal dander, and other
environmental antigens are the main causes of allergic conjunctivitis, yet a recent (2014) hospital
based study reported that exposure to ambient air pollution especially particulate air pollution
possibly increases the risk of allergic conjunctivitis. In addition, human health is being adversely
affected by climate change and has been proven to affect the timing, distribution, quantity and
quality of aeroallergens; however, its role in the development of ... Show more content on
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For this study population wide data from outpatient department cases (3,211,820 outpatient visits by
15,938,870 subjects) of allergic conjunctivitis were recorded systemically from 2008 to 2012. Also,
information on ambient air pollutants and weather conditions was recorded.
The study reported that the outpatient visits for allergic conjunctivitis were significantly correlated
with the levels of NO2, O3, and temperature.
The study reported a marginal association between outpatient visits and humidity.
Further, the study observed significant interactive effects between NO2 and humidity, which
suggests that changes in the weather may also affect outpatient visits.
Also, it was noted that the number of outpatient visits for allergic conjunctivitis was more in the
spring and summer than in the winter. (Fig
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Little Boy Transition
I had a child in my classroom that was having some issues with transitioning between activities.
When it was time for him to stop playing to clean up he would cry and say NO . I ve attempted
to rationalize with him, I explained to him that if he played with the toys he was responsible for
cleaning up. Then I would point out that his other classmates have cleaned up, but that didn t
work. I also demonstrated to him what needed to be done by showing him how to clean up, but
he just said I DON T WANT TO CLEAN UP . After no avail I decided to do some research and
found some ways to aid me in helping the little boy transition by rewarding him for completing
tasks. First I created a checklist chart for the little boy that showed him( pictures)
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Essay The Closing Down Of Summer
Simple recipes by Madeleine Thien, and The Closing Down of Summer by Allister MacLeod both
focus on the struggles the characters undergo due to cultural gaps, or being away from home from
work, creating the sense of isolation or alienation within their families. The impression of isolation
found in the text is generated from the situational behaviours found in the actions, thoughts, or
exchange of language in the characters. For Macleod focuses on how his protagonist uses ancestral
rituals to find individual fulfillment on the account of his work occupation deteriorating his
connection with family. Whereas Thiens story demonstrates how the uses of ritualistic behaviour
has created a tension between the different social identities of oriental... Show more content on
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This effect is demonstrated through the protagonist s dislocation of being a father, and husband.
The narrator s perspective of being a parent has deteriorated, resulting in his perception that he s
merely become a financial lifeline for his children and spouse. Yet this allows them to live life
in comfort, and not undergo what he must. The protagonist s desire to fulfill the role of a father
has become an unattainable concept due to the incapability to express his emotional or mental
struggles. Macleods protagonist at face first is resilient too the challenges of his isolated work
life. Yet the deep desire to express himself to another has become forgotten. This is understood
due being surrounded by other workers who have also forgotten to express themselves, making
self expression a forgotten skill. If the need for communication in the workplace arises, it is done
with a nod, grunt or reading of familiar lips . In which Macleod narrator literally forgets how to
express himself to his family, yet finds the means of self expression through his ancestral culture,
which is contrary to Thiens, where culture pushes
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Know the Structure of Education from Early Years to Post...
Schools As Organisations Know the structure of education from early years to post compulsory
education Task 1 An education provides people not only with the academic skills required, but
also the social skills such as having the self confidence and belief in ones self to achieve a
fulfilling and happy life. It is every child s human right to receive such an education from early
years to higher, and therefore several stages in which they must travel for this to happen. Early
Years Education The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a structure in place for the learning
and development of children from birth to five years old, for which all schools and early years
providers must follow. The purpose of the EYFS is to allow... Show more content on
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The funding mainly comes from school fees and income from investments, gifts and charities. The
building and land is owned by the governing body, and as many of these schools have charitable
status they would be tax exempt. They will set their own admission policy and curriculum through
the governing body and head teacher. (L/O 1.2) Academies Initially a school had to source funding
of ВЈ2 million from businesses, charities or faith bodies to become an academy, however this
requirement changed in 2010. The Government decided to allow any school within England the
chance to achieve academy status with the involvement of the local community. An academy is
obliged to follow the National Curriculum, but has certain freedom around its delivery. Its funding
comes from central government rather than the LEA, which would be at the same level per pupil
as a maintained school. This allows the academy to choose how their budget is spent in a way that
s most beneficial to its students. (L/O 1.2) Key Stages and Areas of Study As previously
mentioned, children from the age of 5 to 16 who are educated in a maintained school must be taught
the National Curriculum. This sets out the key stages and core subjects they will follow throughout
their time at school. Within this framework, schools can plan and organise the way they teach to
best meet the needs of their
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Analysis Of The Holy Bible According To Pepper Wonders
To Pepper, what the scriptures described throughout the Holy Bible, from the devil trying to
claim Moses body, to Jesus driving out legions , and even tempting the Son of the Most High
with worldly offers, Pepper believes that this is the continuing battle for the souls of every child of
God. He wonders if there are some of Gods children among us who have totally given in to the
weaknesses of the flesh, and chosen the offers of the world over the promises of God. It seems
to Pepper that every child he has encountered in life started out free of the burdens of hate, and
prejudice. He wonders if we as the caregivers of the children of God begin the children s journey
into temptation, and reinforce it with our own hate and prejudices. We all have them, so we all sin...
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It seems to Pepper that some fight the urge to resist temptation more vigorously than others.
Pepper wonders just how many we meet each day that have actually chosen the ways of the
fallen ones that were cast out of Heaven, and found their domain to be this world. It seems to
Pepper that even though they were cast out, they still have great knowledge and great vanity,
that could make them seem as gods to those scripturally untaught of God s children, or those
willing to follow their desires for worldly gifts. Pepper wonders if they desire to be so much like
the fallen ones that they choose to be called by the Heavenly name, Lord, in many instances. It
seems to Pepper that they want to be godlike. Pepper wonders if this could be the beginning of all
the ills in his world, and all the ills of the world since our very beginning. These thoughts took
Pepper in many directions, and seems to clarify some things to him, that he had for a long time
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Ancient Olympic Games
1.Say whether the following statements are true or false. Find the lines in the text that support your
1. In fact, such sports as lacrosse, field hockey, bowling and horse racing were invented by the
American Indians.
2. Many different sports were developed in Britain in the 19th century.
3. The headquarters of golf is located in Great Britain.
4. Two types of rugby football differ from each other only in the number of players.
5. Before 1865, brutality was a characteristic feature of prize fighting.
6. Cricket is widely spread in the English speaking countries.
7. Schools and colleges in England followed similar institutions in the US in the revival of sports.
2.Choose the correct variant.
1. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With growth of interest in sport in the 19th century, and the organization В°f annual and traditional
sport competitions, especially between schools and universities, the idea arose of reviving the
Olympic Games in the modern world. A Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was the enthusiast
whose personal drive and initiative brought about the inauguration of the modern Olympic Games
in 1896 with the participation of 311 athletes from thirteen countries, competing in nine sports. At
first, the modern Games were limited to men. Women first competed in the Games in 1910,
playing golf, but real women s participation only began in Paris in 1924 with the inclusion of
women s athletics in the program. Winter sports were brought into the Olympic program through
the organization of special winter Games, first held in France at Chamonix in 1924, with
competitions in ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating, and skiing. These are still the basic
events of the winter program, with the addition of bobsled and toboggan races. The most
impressive event of the opening ceremony of the Games is the taking of the Olympic oaths. First a
representative athlete from the host country, holding a corner of the Olympic flag, takes the
following oath on behalf of all the participants: In the name of all competitors, I promise that we
will take part in these Olympic Games,
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  • 4. The Importance Of Transformative Discovery In William... It is through challenging circumstances and experiences of loss that transformative discoveries are made, often provoking a change in mindset and significantly impacting upon a person or a whole. Whilst these challenges can be negative, confronting circumstances can also lead to a positive transformation. William Shakespeare s play The Tempest(1610) and Nando Parado s autobiographical recount Miracle in the Andes(2006) explore the notion of transformative discovery particularly as a result of difficult and confronting circumstances, which prompt us to asses both our identity and the power of love and forgiveness to reshape our mindset. Loss can be one of the most provoking of challenges, acting as a catalyst for a significant shift in perspective, often negatively. In the Tempest, Alonso in particularly experiences a negative change in attitude after realising the nature of his new situation. His naivety and hopeful attitude at the beginning of the play is emphasised, Good boatswain, have care. Where s the master? Play the men, but as the survivors situation becomes more dire, this attitude begins to pessimistically evolve. His constant ordering and questioning poses a dramatic irony to the audience when finally he is confronted with the discovery of his son s disappearance, no, no he s gone, with the repetitive clichГ© of denial after loss serving as a significant discovery, completely transforming Alonso s attitude from naive and pompous to deflated and desperate, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Trans-Saharan Trade Network Changed Northern And... The trans Saharan trade network changed Northern and Western Africa from an isolated hunting gathering society to a major trade center that boasted economic and political power headed by Islamic empires and city states. Hunting or gathering societies were the oldest form of social organization in the world began in Africa. Their societies were organized into lineages. These lineage groups took the place of rulers and were known as stateless societies. Africa grew from these nomadic societies to a major trade center known as the trans Saharan Trade Center. Islamplayed a vital role as many rulers converted to Isalm. Empires rose with the spread of Islam. These empires emerged in North and West Africa . The Almohads and Almoravids built empires ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Reactive Attachment Theory Essay Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD, is a behavioral disorder occurring in childhood. This disorder is characterized by a child defying authority (parents, teachers, etc.) and an overall angry /irritable mood. Oppositional Defiant Disorder can impact the child s social relationships both at home with their families and at school with their teachers and fellow classmates. Attachment theory, which looks at how well parents provide emotional security for their children, is a useful framework for understanding the underlying causes of ODD. Through the lens of this theory, ODD is not the result of a child s behavior or their biology, but instead the child s faulty attachments to their parents or other guardians. This article will give an in depth... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a whole, attachment theory investigates the process in which children form ties to caregivers that vary in terms of the security of the bond (Kerns, Tomich, Aspelmeier, Contreras 2000, p. 614). Better bonds between parents and children lead to better attachment of the child to the parent. If a child is attached well, they will ...use the primary caregiver as a secure base from which to explore [their environment] and, when necessary, as a haven of safety and a source of comfort (5) (Benoit 2004, p. 542). Parents need to be available to children as a source of security, but at the same time let their children develop independence to explore their surroundings and make choices for themselves. If children do not receive the freedom from parents to make choices independently, they will struggle with decision making later in life because they had not had the chance to learn this skill in childhood. There are four attachment styles to be discussed in this section: secure attachment, insecure avoidant attachment, insecure resistant attachment, and disorganized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. What Is Australian Identity Introductionпјљ It can be agreed that culture and identity have inseparable and intense connections. Culture means the way of life or the characteristics of a group of people, it can be defined from various aspects, such as religion, language, food, music, arts and and so on. Also culture is all the mental phenomena which condenses in the human production and life activities, including a variety of intangible values and physical creation. Moreover, Identity can be understood that who you are, what makes you different with others. The conception of national identity refers to the way that a country or a nationality define themselves with culture, language and traditions as a whole. Furthermore, culture and identity is a sense of belonging. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The meat packing industry and animal husbandry have been a essential part of Australia s economy. It can also be understand that the barbecue culture is highly likely to be considered as a core part and is probably the most favourite in Australia food culture . The traditional British food culture made a significant contribution in the development of Australia food culture. For example, fish and chips and meat pie are very popular and already become a part of daily diet in Australia. Moreover, the local food culture involves new features and original elements in these foods. Vegetarianism and vegansim have been generally accepted by more and more people in Australia food culture. It is agreed that vegetables carry the the important role in Asian and India, thereby promoting multi food culture in Australia. For another, in recent years, the fast food culture is more and more popular and abundant. However, there are various local and international restaurants in the centre of Australia. People s daily diet also tend to diversification, whatever they choose cooking at home or having a dinner in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Saturation Vapor Pressure Saturation vapor pressure is a unique function of temperature as given in Table 5.6. Each temperature in the table may be interpreted as a dew point temperature, because as the ground cools, dew will begin to form at the temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure. Table 5.6: Saturated Vapor Pressureof Air at Various Temperature (C)Temp(F)|Sat Vapor Pressure (mb)|(C)Temp(F)|Sat Vapor Pressure (mb) 18 15 12 09 07 04 01 02 04 07 10 13 1600 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 601.5 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.7 4.6 5.6 6.9 8.4 10.2 12.3
  • 10. Chart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (5.37). Figure 5.5 show the relationships between relative humidity, wet and dry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. What s Eating Gilbert Grape Themes The Films The Castle, Secrets and Lies, Good will hunting and What s eating gilbert grape all have the same aspect of The Class in society doesn t define or restrict the capabilities of someone or their success . These films all have a different way of portraying this aspect by the different ways the directors use themes throughout these films such as setting, language features, costume etc. Throughout these 4 different films the director s message they want the audience to receive is that class in society shouldn t define who you are or anyone, these themes that the different directors have used allows them to direct this message to different audience members and allow the audience to feel connected and can relate to this message and these... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What s eating gilbert Grape is an american drama in the perspective of Gilbert Grape who is the older brother of his 3 other siblings Arnie, Amy and Ellen. Gilbert looks after his 3 other siblings while also looking after his mother Bonnie Grape who is obese and never leaves home. Gilbert Grape goes off and works at the local supermarket and delivers groceries to people s homes to provide for his family not only does he does this he looks after his brother Arnie who is developmentally disabled. The Grape family is seen as lower class citizens in the small town that they live in since they are only receiving one income and live in a home that is falling apart and tack looking . Throughout this film class in society displayed through setting and language features. The Grape family holds the secret about her mother who is obese and who hasn t left the house in years. Not only does that secret occur within the film but Gilbert Grapes affair with Betty Craver and stay at home married mum who he delivers groceries too is seen as upper /middle class in society . The aspect of secrets and lies can lie within any class of society is highly portrayed within this film due to the affair and the hiding of Bonnie Grape. Not only is this aspect is portrayed but throughout the Film Gilbert and Arnie Grape meet a young woman Becky who is with her Grandma who were on a trip through their town but got stuck. Throughout the time that Becky was stuck in there town Gilbert and Arnie hung out with Becky, the aspect of class in society doesn t define someone of their capabilities or success is portrayed through Becky s character due to the fact that she didn t judge Gilbert or Arnie due to their class in society and the way they live and there occupations. These aspects are portrayed in a dramatic way towards the audience to show that class in society shouldn t define someone and that no matter what class in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Celluloid Closet Stereotypes The Celluloid Closet explores representation in film and its enormous effect on American culture. Although the film was originally released in 1995, many of the same issues around queer representation in media still remain over twenty years later. Gay characters are often the sidekick in stories revolving around heterosexual heroes, and queer stereotypes like The Sissy still persistent nearly 80 years after the character first appeared; and although queer erasure is not a prevalent as it was in the 1950s and 1960s, with entire plots being changed to hide queer elements, queer stories are still hijacked in subtler ways. Notably, queer characters are still regularly played by straight actors. Furthermore, these straight actors often win prestigious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. When Can Babies Eat Honeyпјџ Honey is a natural substance produced by bees and popularly consumed by humans for health reasons. Aside from being useful as a remedy for asthma, cough, hay fever, stomach problems and diarrhea, honey is also delightful to the taste. Parents may want to allow their babies to experience new tastes, such as that of honey, but health experts warn that the proper time to introduce honey to young babies must be considered because serious side effects may occur when it is given too early. When Can Babies Eat Honeyпјџ Many cultures believe in the health benefits of honey and allow their babies to eat it early in their lives. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents not to give their babies raw or unpasteurized honey if they are younger than 12 months old. It should not be added to water, formula or food, including processed or baked goods. This also includes beverages, bread or cereals that may be sweetened with honey. This may be a conservative guideline but it is worth considering and discussing with your baby s doctor (pediatrician). Why Is Honey Unsafe for Your Babies? 1. Why is honey unsafe for your babies? The main reason for delaying the introduction of honey to a baby s diet is that it can cause infant botulism. This condition is caused by the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum spores.This type of bacteria produces toxins inside the digestive tract and can lead to serious side effects. These include paralysis of the baby s muscles, which can also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Telemachus Treatment Of Women In The Odyssey In Homer s The Odyssey Penelope is shown to uphold the patriarchal Greek societal values. Penelope, Odysseus wife and the queen of Ithaca, is often overshadowed and ruled by people that have less authority. In the beginning, there is a gathering at the palace. A bard begins to sing and Penelope starts to sob after being reminded of Troy. Telemachus immediately steps in and orders his mother to go up to her room and tells her that he is the man of the house now, saying, So mother, go back to your quarters, tend to your own tasks...I hold the reigns of power in this house (Homer 89). When Telemachus says I hold the reins of power in this house Homer is revealing that Telemachus has the power in the house, over his mother, and over all of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Telemachus exclaims that he has the power, he further illustrates how he has power over his mother because he is a male in a male dominated society. Additionally, he has direct control over his mother despite the fact that she is older. Penelope is cast aside and dominated by her son and conforms to the patriarchal values, despite plotting schemes against some of the men. She upholds the Greek values, as her role as a woman is clearly defined, as shown through how she does what Telemachus tells her to do and does not come between the males problems and affairs. Another instance in which Penelope upholds the patriarchal Greek values is in The Penelopiad, an account of The Odyssey, which shows the events of The Odyssey in the eyes of Penelope. In the beginning, Odysseus and Telemachus kill the maids, Penelope was mentioned to had slept through the mayhem because she had been given a drug by Eurycleia to keep her out of the action and stop her from interfering. To further ensure that Penelope does not get in the way of the killing of the maids, Odysseus made sure that all the women were locked securely into the women s quarter , including Penelope. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Loopholes of the Montreal Protocol on the Substances... Climate Change is one of the chief problems that the world is struggling right now. It is estimated that every decade, the world s temperature is increasing by 1ВєC and this phenomenon is called global warming. An evident example of global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps. Compare to the past hundred years, the size of the polar ice caps has reduced which resulted to the rise of the sea levels and eventually destroying the homes of those people living near the seaside. Another consequence is the increasing number of dangerous typhoons. A typhoon starts from a low pressure area in the oceans and because the temperature of the water is increasing due to global warming, more low pressure areas are formed. Next, another effect of global warming is the widespread extinction of some animals. Many animals in the Arctic and Antarctic region have migrated to other places but some of them cannot stand the heat and they died. While under the sea, many fishes have also been extinct because the coral reefs have been destroyed in the process called coral bleaching. Lastly, a common evidence of global warming is the failure of cultivated crops. Many lands have dried up and have fissures because there is no water left especially on the season of El NiГ±o which lead to hunger and increase in demand of food. The OzoneLayer is a region in the Earth s stratosphere which serves as a protective layer against the sun s ultraviolet rays and prevents the escape of oxygen(O2) from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. V.R.I.O. Analysis A FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS : VRIO В•Resource based analysis of the firm determines which resources and capabilities result in which strengths or weaknesses В•Strategies are to be implemented which exploit (or build) strengths and avoid (or eliminate) weaknesses В•What constitutes a strength or weakness is partially a function of the external environment В•Framework for analysis: VRIO resources and capabilities should be o Valuable o Rare o Inimitable o Organization can effectively exploit them VALUE of resources and capabilities В•A VALUABLE resource or capability (or a combination thereof) must o Contribute to fulfillment of customer s needs o At a price the consumer is willing to pay, which is determined by #61607; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rare? Costly to Imitate ?Exploitable by the Organization?Competitive implicationsEconomic performanceStrengths or Weaknesses NoNoCompetitive DisadvantageBelow normalWeakness YesNotoCompetitive ParityNormalStrength YesYesNoTemporary competitive advantageAbove normalStrength and distinctive competence YesYesYesYesSustained competitive advantageAbove normalStrength and sustainable distinctive competence Source : Barney, 1997, Tables 5.2 and 5.3, p.163. Threats to sustainability В•Imitation or substitution В•Market entry В•Powerful buyers and suppliers В•Unpredictable changes in external environment В•Factors beyond a firm s control (bad luck) Limitations of the RBV В•Presented as static concept however, many firms need to be able to cope with turbulent environments В•Suggests that managers may have limited ability to create sustained competitive advantages (empirical support by perpetually failing firms firms that consistently earn normal or below normal returns В•Difficult to test empirically data problem (at the level of the unit of analysis, Le., resources and capabilities) В•What is the appropriate level of analysis? How deeply does one have to look? Principles of capabilities based competition Goal : Build difficult to imitate organizational capabilities that distinguish a company from its competitors Principles
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  • 18. Tapp Me Research Paper Fridge Cleaning Tips for Christmas| Tapp Me Tapp Me guide to plan your preparations for Christmas Year End Celebrations December is here! It s been 2 months for Diwali, and time to give your Home Cleaning, a touch up for Year End celebrations. Tapp Me has got simple ways to clean your Home, and without taking much time they will make your House look all the Happy Beautiful. Let s start with the Kitchen. One of the essential appliances present in the kitchen is Refrigerator . Fridge at Home looks complex when it comes to cleaning it, but not any more with Tapp Me. Check it out Tips Tricks to clean Fridge at Home How to clean a Fridge at Home: Your Fridge helps you to preserve nutrition in the food items stored in it and ensures ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Battle Of The Cruise Missile Since man first began traversing the world s waterways, we have been battling for control and supremacy over them. Whoever owns the sea has the upper hand in war. The outcome of war is determined by a complex combination of factors including: strategy, tactics, training, morale, leadership, organization, technology, weapons, and some luck. Having a slight advantage in most of these categories, or a great superiority in one, can lead to victory. Although there isn t always a set order of which factor is most important, it is evident that the side possessing superior weapons has an increased chance of victory. The cruise missileis the latest in a line of technologies which decidedly changed the conduct of maritime warfare. This technology dramatically shifted the role of naval forces in both the land and maritime engagements, and expanded the naval battlefield to unforeseen distances and locales. Thus, impacting the way the United States Navyhas approached strategy, tactics, and inter service relations. Strategy The cruise missile has allowed the United States Navy to carry out its strategies of obtaining sea control and supremacy, and acting as a strategic deterrence; discouraging other countries from starting conflict. One of the greatest aspects of the cruise missile is the ability it has to carry nuclear warheads and launch them from a submarine or surface ship. Cruise missiles launched from submarines have a tactical advantage over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Slippery Slope Of Euthanasia The slippery slope argument has been ongoing in the euthanasia debate. The slippery slope refers to the belief that legalizing voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide will lead to undesirable outcomes. Many speculate that the legalization of involuntary euthanasia will lead to the legalization of murder. Since euthanasiais legalized in the Netherlands, some argue that it has caused a slippery slope. Now, people believe legalizing euthanasia in the United States will also cause a slippery slope. Although this may be true, there is not sufficient evidence to support this argument as the rates of euthanasia have dropped in the Netherlands since it has been legalized. Doctors try to encourage patients to undergo hospice or other types of care before resorting to euthanasia. Under strict guidelines, euthanasia can be controlled so it can benefit patients without being abused and causing a slippery slope. For euthanasia to be effective when legalized, restrictions need to be applied. All of the states that have legalized physician assisted suicide have strict controls over who is eligible for it. A patient must be at least 18 years of age, have six or less months to live, have requested for euthanasia two times at least 15 days apart with the addition of a witness and written request, be a resident of the state, and be capable of making own decisions (ProCon.org 1). These strict requirements allow euthanasia to be abused less, while still benefiting those who are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Relation Between Warfare And Mankind Introduction Not every Truth is good but can the truth be denied or be hidden from the society is a question that arises. The relation between warfare and mankind is undeniably interwoven which is asserted by our knowledge. Humans have utilized their ability to question, improvise and create remarkable technologies but at the cost of their own destruction. Disease, battles, injuries have accounted for a large number of deaths and loss of conflict capability than the actual war itself. With the developing technologies being generated man has left no stone unturned in utilizing biological agents for the destruction of the enemies, however to some extent it has also benefited the society which stands true in history. These weapons created make use of biological agents or pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, plant toxins, venoms, and other poisonous substances. For this very reason, they are dangerous and can slay everything from living beings to agriculture. Back in the 18th century the very first incident of using such bioweapons was recorded which resulted in the extermination of humans by driving the victims of plaque into the enemy lands. There were incidences of using parasitic fungus and herbs by certain Assyrians in order to poison the enemy s water supplies so as to obtain victory. In addition small pox was also used as a weapon by the Japanese during II world war [1].This was a general approach that was persistently employed through many European wars and even in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Erik Peterson at Biometra Overview This is a case about Eric Peterson, who was recently hired as a product manager in charge of sales and marketing of Biometra s catheter. This product from Biometra, a subsidiary of Scientific Materials (SciMat), was the first product ever launched by Biometra and so its success was critical for both Biometra and SciMat. From the case we see that even though Eric Peterson tries hard to meet the product target launch date, there are several issues that he and the organization are experiencing. Critical Problem: Disengaged Management and Ineffective Communication: a) After Peterson joined Biometra, he discovered that instead of reporting directly to Jenkins he was assigned to Jeff Hardy, vice president of planning and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additional Task: To prepare for top management s visit, that is due in two weeks. Proposed Solution: A. Disengaged Management: Peterson should: 1. Call the headquarters and get confirmation on his reporting manager. 2. Take Chip into confidence and request him to participate with Hardy in decision making going forward to ensure faster and effective problem resolutions, if the supervisor is still Hardy. 3. Prepare daily progress report, document reasoning behind his decisions and set up calls with his supervisor to identify issues and engage him on a daily basis. 4. Get approval on the following structural change: Todd Jones to report directly to Peterson as Manager of Quality Control. Andrews to hold his current position as Director of Operations. B. Ineffective Communication: Peterson should: 1. Ensure effective communication among the various teams and motivate the teams towards the common objective of meeting the target launch deadline. Initiate a rewards program. 2. Send in the communication and make himself easily accessible at all levels. 3. Set up milestones to track progress of various departments. a. Get involved with the launch team of Cantor and Green to see through positive KOL negotiations. b. Bring Miczek and Andrews together to resolve conflicts and sensitize them on the urgency of the situation and motivate them to work together to get all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Machiavellian Tactics In Shakespeare s Richard III In his famed Richard III, William Shakespeare chronicles, albeit with considerable artistic license, the meteoric rise and similarly swift fall of the work s eponymous tyrant Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Throughout the tragedy, the playwright portrays Richard, a self proclaimed Machiavellian and the discontented brother of the newly crowned king, as exactly the sort of cunning and ambitious man capable of succeeding in his plot, proclaimed earlier in Shakespeare s Henry IV, Part 3, to set the murderous Machiavel to school (Shakespeare 3.2.193). Yet in actuality, despite such professed adherence to the infamous work The Prince, Richard tragically and repeatedly deviates from the spirit of Machiavelli s teaching and, in so doing, all but... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In strictly a Machiavellian sense, Richard s downfall is the direct result of his errant implementation of The Prince s guiding ideals; whereas for Shakespeare, the tragic failure of the Duke of Gloucester, though in part due to his missteps as a Machiavellian, most notably evidences the effects of conscience on the actions of men. Throughout the play, Shakespeare demonstrates the manner in which the Machiavellian desire to acquire (Machiavelli 14) drives characters such as Clarence, his murderers and, above all, Richard to commit inhuman acts of evil to further their own self interests. This behavior, Machiavelli would assert, is perfectly natural and inherently good so long as carried out with prudence. Shakespeare, however, underscores the fundamental falsehood of such thinking with his repeated illustration of the way in which one s sense of morality, to quote Queen Margaret s curse, begnaw[s] [the] soul (Shakespeare 1.3.221) of those who do wrong. In the case of the unnamed Second Murderer, for instance, the conscience that construct so foreign to Machiavellian thought very nearly prevents the hardened criminal from carrying out the murder of the innocent Clarence by fill[ing] [him] full of obstacles (Shakespeare 1.4.141). Though temporarily overcome by the promise of reward, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Role Of Race In Major League Baseball As the pennant races in Major League Baseball draw ever nearer, fans of all 30 franchises will have something to be excited about. For those struggling clubs, September brings opportunity to see the future of their teams get a shot in the big leagues as rosters are expanded from 25 to 40. For teams in the American League, the 2nd Wild Card looks completely wide open (ten teams are within 10 games of that spot, currently held by the Texas Rangers). For the Kansas City Royals, they are just getting ready for October, as they have a 12.5 game lead over Minnesota in the very poor AL Central. The National League has a great revitalization story, the New York Mets, and a great race in the NL West between those old rivals (the Dodgers and the Giants), but the real story in 2015 has been the dominance of the National League Central. The St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Chicago Cubs (yes, Back to the Future fans, this is really happening in 2015) have created a race that is fortunately saved by the 2nd Wild Card, otherwise an outstanding team wouldn t even make the playoffs. Let s take a look at these teams and try and figure out who may win the division, thus avoiding the one game, winner take all, Wild Card game. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Louis Cardinals (78 45): Perhaps the most well run organization in the league. This is a team playing without their 3 and 4 hole hitters, yet they continuously call up their prospects, and amazingly, they just keep on winning. Much of this credit must go to the pitching staff, led by 15 game winner Michael Wacha and closer Trevor Rosenthal, who has saved 38 games so far this season. No MVP candidate, just a solid group of 25 guys that know how to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Summary Of John Locke s Second Treatise Of Civil Government John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government 1.John Locke s Second Treatise of Civil Government was first published in 1690. In 1688, the Glorious Revolution came over England. King James II was overthrown, and King William and Queen Mary were brought to England with the help of the Whigs, with whom Locke had very strong connections. Locke chose to attack the idea of absolute monarchy, and supported the idea of overthrowing an unappreciated ruler, e.g. the events of the Glorious Revolution. 2.Locke refers to the laws of nature as the first government of the human race, in its basest and original form: [W]e must consider what estate all men are naturally in, and that is...within the hounds of the laws of Nature (paragraph 1). He refers... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The social contract is the idea that man gives up his rights and himself to the community, where all men will be equal. This is beneficial to society in that no one will want to make the group state worse for every member, Rousseau says. Additionally, every member of the societal body will wish to aid the others, as they are able to move as one. An offense to one member of the body is now an offense to all members. 4.Rousseau seems to not really believe in the sustainability of individualism. His social contract demands that all follow along with the general will, no matter what they personally believe. In fact, he says any man who separates from the general will shall be forced to go along with what is best for the society. 5.Rousseau explains that direct democracy is the only true form of appropriate government. He argues that the will of the people cannot be represented, or it will be corrupted, and only by direct vote and ratification by the people can laws be valid and acceptable, as they are truly the will of the people. Representative democracy is unacceptable, because those appointed to work for the people cannot adequately represent them, as they are different people. 6.Both Rousseau and Locke seem to agree that the basic purpose of any government is to protect the people within it and enforce their will. They agree that a government has no foundation if it is not supported by the people it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Greed In The Hobbit Hobbits are small people, that are littler than dwarfs. They like peace, quiet and despise loud noises. They don t like adventures and only like where it is safe in their homes. They are usually fat because they love to eat and drink(six meals a day). They are jolly people who wear bright colors and rarely wear shoes because of their leathery type feet. Hobbits eyes and ears are sharp and also can move quietly. Their inhabited a place between the River Brandywine and the far downs. They call this area the Shire. Bilbo Bagginsa wealthy hobbit, lives in his hobbit hole in the Shire. Before his adventure, he is a cautious person who likes being comfortable in his home. He is unheroic, not courageous, chubby, and likes to follow the normal.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyone is nervous that Gandalf has to leave them to do an important matter. As they walk deeper into the forest the dwarfs run into the giant spider s webs. Bilbo uses his magic ring and sword to save them except Thorin who is missing . Bilbo is very courageous and heroic for saving them from the spiders. The group is anxious because neither Thorin or Gandalf are there. They are captured and imprisoned by the wood elves that live along the river. Bilbo finds that Thorin is also imprisoned with them. So, Bilbo creates a crazy plan to escape by jumping in barrels that are thrown in the water. Fortunately they all make it out alive. Bilbo also shows some of his strength by not giving up when they were imprisoned. When the float down the river they end up in Lake Town, which is a human settlement. From there, they finally make it to the Lonely Mountain where Smaug lays. The hobbit and dwarfs circle the mountain searching for the entrance. Bilbo uses his intelligence and creativity to find the way the mountain opens up on Durin s Day with the key given to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Yield Management Yield Management Serguei Netessine 1 The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Robert Shumsky2 W. E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration University of Rochester February 1999, revised February 2002. 1 2 netessin@wharton.upenn.edu shumsky@simon.rochester.edu 1. Introduction A variety of concepts and analytical tools fall under the label yield management. The term is used in many service industries to describe techniques to allocate limited resources, such as airplane seats or hotel rooms, among a variety of customers, such as business or leisure travelers. Since these techniques are used by firms with extremely perishable goods, or by firms with services that cannot be stored at all, these concepts and tools ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hotel could sell out all 210 rooms to leisure travelers at the discount price, but it also knows that an increasing number of business customers will request rooms as March 29 approaches and that these business customers are willing to pay full price. To simplify our problem, let us assume that leisure demand occurs first and then business demand occurs. Hence we must decide how many rooms we are willing to sell at the leisure fare or in other words, how many rooms shall we protect (i.e., reserve) for the full price payers. If too many rooms are protected, then there may be empty rooms when March 29 arrives. If too few are protected, then the hotel forgoes the extra revenue it may have received from business customers. Notice we assume that the hotel can charge two different prices for the same product (a room). To separate the two customer segments with two different demand curves, the hotel introduces price discrimination. In the hotel example, we assume that the firm can charge different prices to business and leisure customers 4 . In order to differentiate between these two groups, a firm often introduces booking rules. For example, a 3 Saturday night stay may be required to receive a discounted room on Monday, since business travelers are less likely to stay over the weekend. Again, leisure customers are more price sensitive so the hotel wishes to sell as many rooms to business custome rs at a higher price as possible while keeping room utilization ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Advantages And Disadvantages And Uses Of Uber Services Most of the users are adopting Uber services just because of the high degree of safety provided by them. Women users prefer Uber more because they should feel the sense of safety. They should be informed about the application easiness, price advantages and also usefulness about the Uber services. More videos should be released expressing the app easiness, price discounts, offers etc. so that more customers will start using Uber services as their means of transportation. Especially women who are divorced or widow will be having a feeling of insecurity should feel the sense of high safetyto adopt this service. The advantages should be made aware of the women who don t know driving or who doesn t own a driving license, etc. This Bar chart says that users strongly agreeing with the suggestion of installing a panic button in Uber so that in case of emergency traveler can press the button which will directly alarm at the nearest police station. Very few who feel they are strong enough to deal with all these types of issues alone are strongly disagreeing with this suggestion of panic button in Uber. Majority of the women users are strongly agreeing with the installation of a panic button may be because they had already faced a bad experience in their travel or scared to leave their girl children alone in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These variables were adopted from the literature reviews and made face to face interviews with around 10 women Uber users in Kochi still, among those four variables, two of them are showing insignificant. Maybe a question regarding the perceived usefulness and perceived price advantage interpreted negatively by the responders or adequate questions are lacking in numbers. A number of responses are also low that is only 186 was the sample size from overall Kochi district for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. American Independence Dbq Essay American Independence takes place right after the Seven Years War, which was between French and Indians. During the same year, Pontiac rebellion also took place led by chief pontiac towards the colonist stating that colonies could no longer settle west towards the Appalachian Mountains. There was also signing of Treaty of paris, in which britain recognized American independence and put a stop on all revolutionary wars between them. This also puts the an end an salutary neglect and Britain was left with a huge war debt that was impossible for them to pay it off by themselves. Which led them passing Sugar act, Currency act and other acts to raise revenue by using colonists as their main source of income. This led colonies backfire on Britain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the event known as The boston tea party where the sons of liberty dressed up as indians and dumped all the tea came from india in the ocean. This caused a lot of tension between the british and the american colonists and people started to have a little sense of freedom and independence. The (Doc 3), the author s purpose behind this document is to provide colonists with an idea of being independent and free from britain. It talks about how an individual have rights to stand up for themselves and they are free to go join what society he/she wants without any consultations. One example that contributes in this idea is the movement called the Swadeshi movement by Mahatma Gandhi. This movement was organized to boycott the foreign British good by not buying it from them and using their own resources to comfort themselves. As the matter of fact, the (Doc 7) by thomas paine delivers a strong message to the colonists against the britain government. Through this document purpose was to convinces the colonist to go to war against britain through using the reference of god like references which made colonists to stand up for their rights. This could be called as the spark of fire because this action taken by thomas paine gave a spark to American Revolution, where all 13 colonies got ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Summary Of A Red Girl s Reasoning In the short story, A Red Girl s Reasoning by Pauline Johnson, Charlie and Christie s cultural differences and personality flaws act as a catalyst towards the sudden downfall of their relationship. This is demonstrated through Christie s excessive pride, Charlie s self absorption, and his lack of open mindedness regarding his wife s Indigenous culture and perspective. To begin, Christie s stubborn and prideful nature is exhibited throughout the story. This is evident when she defends her parents marriage to Charlie s colleagues, Mrs. Stuart and Captain Logan, exclaiming, What do you [Captain Logan] dare to mean? [...] Do you for one instant dare to question that my parents were not as legally (Johnson 6) but is interrupted by Mrs. Stuart.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Charlie s constant concern over his reputation and public image further enforces his self centered behaviour. Finally, Charlie s narrow mindedness regarding Christie s Indigenous culture is one of the main causes of their tragic dispute. Although Charlie claims to have extensive knowledge of Christie s Indigenous roots by [consummating] his predilections for Indianology by loving, winning, and marrying the quiet little daughter of the English trader, who [...] had married a native woman (1), he fails to recognize that her ancestral traditions are just as valid as his own. This close minded perspective is shown when Charlie fails to defend his wife when she was explaining her parents Indian marriage rites to Charlie s Christian colleagues. Furthermore, Charlie criticizes her father s decision to not re marry in the Christian church, arguing that Christie s father was a fool not to insist upon the law ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Immigration Position Essay Ever since 2011, the war in Syria has made people want to escape their war torn homelands. Thus, giving these refugees no place to go. These migrants need a safe place to call home and a place where they can get a job. Countries such as Germany, Great Britain, and the United States should accept refugees from war torn homelands because they want to help the refugees and they are actually going to help the economy, also the migrants are trying to escape the violence, not bring it with them. Places such as Great Britain, Germany, and the United States are trying to assist the refugees from war torn homelands. Germany, for example, is trying to teach the migrants German so they feel more welcome. They are also helping in refugee homes and shelters. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The immigrants are trying to escape from the violence and extremism from their homelands. Therefore, they don t want to create more violence since that is the reason why they left their country. (DOC 6) People say that the immigrants are committing tons of crimes, however, the migrant crime rates are decreasing. At the beginning of 2015 the crime rate was higher however, the second half of the year it leveled off. (DOC 10) DOCUMENT 9 states that terrorists can be hiding in the group of migrants. However, anyone, literally anyone, can have a terrorist thought, such as a shooting, a homicide, or planning an attack in a public place with a bomb. There were some events that have happened here in the US where people that seemed normal and didn t really have any criminal records planned the attack and killed people, such at the 2012 Aurora Shooting, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting. Those are just some smaller, well known attacks; however, there were other events in history such as The Holocaust, and The Al Anfal Genocide that weren t terrorist related. Whether we let the refugees in the United States or not, we re still in danger. Let s take the Austin s Bar and Grill shooting that just happened on February 22 in Olathe as an example. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Junior Year Changes A lot has changed this past year and the difficulty seems to be increasing at school. Junior year in high school has arrived and so has the homework. Constantly having hours of homework every night, while studying for major tests, such as the SAT/ACT; which are a huge factor on what school I attend for college. The process can be a very stressful time for many students as they may have to account for extracurricular activities, such as sports and maybe a job. Many students need to seek additional help in order to succeed. My plan of attack is to capitalize on succeeding in all of my classes and being devoted to my future by using a tutor to assist me in preparation for these major tests. Personally, my first step in achieving my goal was sitting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Use Of Heavy Metal Contaminants From Effluent... BEHAVIOUR OF WETLAND SPECIES, BACOPA MONNIERI IN HEAVY METAL, LEAD (Pb) CONTAMINATED EFFLUENT 1Dineshkumar M, 2Sivalingam A 1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 641 014. kdineshd@gmail.com Abstract Treatments of heavy metal contaminants from effluent discharged by industries are more complex than designing the treatment process. Bacopa Monnieri is one of the wetland plant used for the removal of heavy metal, lead (Pb) from the aquatic medium. Effluent was collected from the Lead acid battery waste treatment plant. It is standardized to 5, 10 and 15ppm to observe the uptake by plant. Effluent was categorized as Direct Effluent (DE), DE+Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and DE+Cow Dung Manure (CDM), where EDTA and CDM were used as a chelating agent to influence in accumulation rate and degradation rate. Concentration of Pb in soil, plant (root and shoots), and effluent had been done to calculate the degradation of Pb, Translocation factor (TF) and Bioconcentration factor (BCF). This experiment shows tremendous differences in wetland plant unlike the researches done in past. Results of the experiment were discussed below. Introduction Increasing modernization in urban and rural areas led to tremendous growth in industrial activities. Untreated and partially treated effluents from industries and hospitals were discharged into the aquatic environment. Due to these activities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Pandora s Box, Deucalion And Pyrrha, And The Trojan War Greek myths either explain a creation, or tell a moral. The most interesting myths are the ones that have the most interesting story or moral. These myths can explain creations such as the woman, or great wars such as the Trojan War. These myths generally have interesting stories that lead up to what the myth means. Examples of the best myths are Pandora s Box, Deucalion and Pyrrha, and the Trojan War. They are the ones that have the most interesting stories because they explain the myth in a way to make it worth reading for the reader. To begin with, the Pandora s Box is an excellent myth that explains the creation of women and all the gifts, but as well as evil gifts in the mortal world. This myth is also a reason why men saw their opposite gender as evil, because of what Pandora has done. This myth was the creation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many reasons can lead up to this myth being the best; it has one of the most interesting stories that led to the war. The conflict began with a competition for a golden apple, with the winner having to be the most beautiful. Three goddess, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite entered the contest. Zeusdid not want to choose the winner so he picked a boy in the mortal world to choose the winner. This mortal boy was named Paris, and was born with a prophecy that will destroy his own city. The goddesses tried bribe him with many offers in order to win. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman to Paris in which he chose Aphrodite as the winner. The woman was named Helen, a Greek woman who was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris took Helen to the city of Troy, and when the city of Troy refused to return her back the Achaeans (Greeks) declared a war against the city of Troy. And so the Trojan War began, and went on for ten years. It is crazy what one god(dess) would do for such a prize such as a Golden apple and how an unalterable prophecy such as Paris s can destroy his own entire ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Satirical Street Art That Sends Messages... Introduction Known for his satirical street art that sends messages of awareness of the corrupt society, Banksy, has remarked that a recent survey or North American males found 42% were overweight, 34% were critically obese and 8% ate the survey. With the rising awareness and prevalence, obesity has become an epidemic. In the United States alone, one of every five Americans are overweight, and one of every five are obese. Among the younger ages of childhood and adolescence, the National Health and Nutrition Examination reported that 17% of kids age six through nineteen are obese. This problem, of course, is not limited only to America. Studies performed by the United Nations have reported that in the year 2000, the number of people suffering from overnutrition a billion had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition 800 million. An estimated 2.5 people are added to the global population each second, and one of them will be deemed obese or overweight. Currently, estimates have shown that 33% of the world population of 7.08 billion (2.26 billion) are overweight. In the United States alone, 17% of children and adolescents are obese, and a majority will remain overweight as adults.Furthermore a rising problem faced, revolves around comorbid conditions historically linked among obese adult patients only, but are now seen in childhood. One disease in particular, previously known as adult onset diabetes has been renamed Type II diabetes due to its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Piety And Wisdom In Plato s Five Dialogues By Socrates Wisdom is a loosely constructed and defined term distinct from person to person; however in the Athenian period, citizens believed the wise should have a sense of utmost piety and maintain a higher connection with the gods. In Plato s Five Dialogues, Socrates, an elderly man living in the city of Athens, questions these religious ideas to further his understanding of religionand how thousands of people are able to connect with unidentified and personified spirits. Socrates prolongs his skepticism as he explores the idea of piety and encounters a number of religious experts who end up displaying more hypocrisy and falsehood than wisdom and maturity. Since questioning or denying the belief of the gods was a crime during the time of Athens, Socrates was put on trial for the accumulative accusations that his teachings and questionings corrupted the young and hindered society. In trial, Socrates explicitly separates himself from devious rhetoricand instead utilizes his observations of the immoral and narcissistic flaws of the Athenian people to defend his goodwill and appreciation for identifying the unknown. As Socrates approaches the court during his trial, it becomes evident that he is fighting more than just one accusation; Socrates is defending himself against the countless, unresearched accusations that have been made years before, developing the audience s bias and premature decision of Socrates fate. Therefore, Socrates believes he has a right to state these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Erik Larson s The Devil In The White City Krisitn Joy s The Devil in the White City Imagine living in a city where hundreds of people go missing in just 6 months. Then, we find out that on person is suspected of killing over 200 people. This serial killer, is Herman Webster Mudgett, common alias H. H. Holmes. It happened at the Chicago World s Fair when the head architect, Daniel Hudson Burnham, attracted so many people to Chicago, missing people went unnoticed. Although through historical records, letters, and documents, we know Burnham and his intentions, were good. In Erik Larson s, The Devil in the White City, Holmes and Burnham are polar opposite brought together by the Chicago World s Fair. Holmes represents evil while Burnham represents good. However, they do have two things in common, their negative perspective about women and their want for riches. Both Holmes and Burnham exhibit a great determination to become rich. If Burnham could obtain enough money to out Eiffel Eiffel he could become the greatest architect (156). Holmes would kill anyone to get money, his only problem was that he couldn t kill under the radar. However, the Chicago World s Fair gave both men the perfect opportunity to become rich. Burnham was not poor when he started this fair, in fact, Burnham and his firm had just started to get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Burnham and especially Holmes serve show this as they work. They both sexualized women: Millet had some extraordinary ideas for events in August... including Burnham, [who] would dance with...Algerian belly dancers. Holmes a little more than Burnham: His guest rooms began to fill with women, most quite young and...Holmes found them intoxicating. (304, 243). However, Burnham did look at women as low pay employees and did not pay them the same as men for an equal amount of work: Sophia Hayden[ s] fee was the prize money: a thousand dollars. The male architects each got ten thousand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Phantom Of The Opera Mood Have you ever heard of The Phantom of the Opera ? The story is about a ghost that lives in a opera house, he falls in love with this girl Kristine but she isn t interested. In a dramatic musical Kristine has to make a choice that will change her life forever. The play takes place in the mid 1800s in France and is a dramatic musical that is realistic friction. The main character is Kristine and some other important characters are Raoul and the Phantom. In this essay certain set designs will be explained, like how they were used, why they are useful, and where in the play that they are visibly seen. Firstly, color was used to help certain people and elements stick out in the play. Color if used correctly can help a character or set piece ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Unethical Experimentation Controversy From the dawn of man, to modern times, the human race has accomplished so many scientific achievements that it are spectacular. But one thing in particular that has puzzled humans over the centuries is the brain, and how it affects human behavior. It wasn t until the late 1800s when Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological research laboratory at Leipzig, that experimentation and research began in order to fully understand the human mind. Afterwards, many other psychologist such as Sigmund Freud also began research as well, performing experiments and creating their own theories on certain behaviors. The controversy started when psychologist then began to perform unethical experiments in order to advance in the field of psychology. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1961, psychology professor Stanley Milgram conducted quite the controversial experiment called the Milgram Shock Experiment. Milgram paid people four dollars an hour to attend a learning and memory in his lab that quickly transformed into something else entirely. Under the watch of Milgram, the person assigned to be the teacher, would read out words to the other person who was assigned as the student, and was hooked up to an electric shock machine in another room. Every time the student incorrectly repeated the words that was read out to him/her, the teacher then delivers a shock to the student. Starting at fifteen volts (labeled as slight shock ), the teacher can increase the volts to all the way to four hundred and fifty volts (labeled as XXX). As the teachers reached the higher voltages, some of them refused to go on any further in fear that they might harm the students, defying Milgram s authority. Some on the other hand, continued to increase the shock, even as the student yelled and pleaded for the shocks to stop till they fell silent. Once the experiment was finished, the person assigned as the teacher was soon to find out that the students were in fact not being shocked, and the cries of pains were prerecorded. The experiment was deemed unethical because of deception that the participants actually believed that they were harming an actual person, unaware that the student is an actor. Also that the participants were exposed to very stressful situations that could have harmed them psychologically and were not given the chance to withdraw from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How Does Vonnegut Use Humor In Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five is a telling work of fiction that blends the author s experiences with the horror of war with a touch of science fiction and a healthy dose of humor. The novel guides us through the experiences of a man on a journey in both directions of time, through war, and the delusions brought on by the horrors therein. The pilgrimage Billy is on is broken up by milestones that read so it goes . The journey is a vessel for Vonnegut to show the reader how war can desensitize a man to death and cause him to recede into coping mechanisms, but that a man cannot be desensitized to suffering. The use of so it goes accompanies all mentions of a death in the book, between the death of his own father, soldiers he served with, and even eventual loss of the universe. It shows the variety of death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If this sort of selectivity had been possible for Billy, he might have chosen as his happiest moment his sun drenched snooze in the back of the wagon (Vonnegut 141), this is the same wagon that is described as a green coffin . These two things coupled together show that Billy would be content in death. However, what makes this more interesting is the contrast with the moment when the pressures of all he has lived through become too great and causes his emotional dam to break. After being bombarded with death to the point of acceptance, the thing that finally causes Billy to break down is the suffering of an animal. The horses drawing his coffin on wheels along are near death with thirst and exhaustion. When it is pointed out to Billy, it is a breaking point after a backlog of an entire wars worth of horrors. Later on, as a middle aged Optometrist, he would weep quietly and privately sometimes (Vonnegut 197). The softness of the reaction speaks magnitudes about the depth of the emotional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Importance Of Lust In Philomeda , Tales From Ovid Lust is a strong feeling of desire for someone or something which can turn into a dangerous feeling if it is not handled in the right manner. Lust can cause one to do things that they wouldn t normally do, especially if it overwhelms one s mind set. It is a hard feeling to ignore, but ignoring it is for the best because then dangerous situations will be avoided. In the myth Tereus , Tereus is overwhelmed by lust for Philomela, which leads him to rapeand abuse. In the myth Castillo and Arcas , Jupiter has a deep desire for Castillo, so he rapes her and leaves Castillo pregnant and alone. In the myth Phaethon , his lust for power causes him to put the entire earth in danger. In Tales From Ovid, by Ted Hughes, Ovid conveys that when one is consumed by a deep feelingof lust, their morals shift. In the myth Tereus , Tereus, the protagonist, is overcome by lust for his wife s sister, Philomela, which makes him do gruesome things. His wife s only desire was to see her sister. Tereus was able to fulfill her desires, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he couldn t help his feelings of lust. This deep and demented feeling of lust drove him to kidnap her, abuse her, and rape her. Ovid shows his change in morals by saying, The lust that took hold of him now combined the elemental forces of his national character and his own (Hughes page 215). Ovid then goes on to conveys how strongly he desires Philomela by using the simile, His lust was like an iron furnace first black, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Hunting Hunting Hunting has been around since before man was even thought of and has evolved ever since. Now only a sport, ounce was a skill used to survive. Hunting is a natural, ethical, and healthy undertaking ( History , par1). Hunting is a way of life without hunting nothing would live that s why we have a food chain. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores and bigger carnivores eat other carnivores. Perhaps one of the eldest activities on the face of the planet is hunting ( History of hunting , par 1). Hunting has been one of the oldest activities known to mankind. During the first era of hunting men were to learn how to hunt so they could hunt daily and bring food home every night to eat. The women had the roll of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A caliber is the size if the bullet that the gun will shoot. Bows have been around a lot longer than guns, created by the Indians to make hunting easier. A bow works like a type of sling shot to shoot a spear. Making the speed a lot greater than throwing it by hand. There are over a thousand different types of bows and over a million different arrows for bows. When hunting seasons where created so where different types of weapon seasons. This allowed bow hunters to hunt before gun hunters because bows are more difficult to use. So allowing them to hunt first gave them a better chance at getting an animal. These hunting seasons also allow the animals to breed without becoming extinct. Some of the animals hunted have been taken out of the hunting seasons because of their near extinction. One of the oldest animals hunted is still hunted today and that is the deer. Some history experts believe that the whitetail deer went through several population stages in the past 500 years due to the hunting of them ( Deer Hunting History , par 2). Whitetail deer offered early era hunters more than just a food value. The deer hides were used for many different items like moccasins, skirts, dresses, leggings, robes, mittens, head wear, blankets, pouches, bags, archery quivers, straps, and many other things. Like today early hunters were also trophy hunters, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. ACC 491 Syllabus SYLLABUS ACC/491 Contemporary Auditing I Copyright 2014 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is the first in a two part series that deals with auditing a company s financial reports, internal controls, and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) systems. Topics include auditingstandards, evidence, audit planning and documentation, materiality and risk, internal control, statistical tools, and the overall audit plan and program. Course Dates Nov 11, 2014 Dec 15, 2014 Faculty Information Name : Email Address : Alternate Email Address Dwayne Thompson (PRIMARY) dwaynett@email.phoenix.edu Phone Number : (678) 538 7276 Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Assignments Title Type Due Points Week Two Participation Individual Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM 2
  • 44. Individual Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM 10 Learning team 5 Participate in the class discussion. Textbook Assignment Resource: Modern Auditing Prepare written answers to Ch. 1: Comprehensive Questions: Organizations associated with the public accounting profession. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper Write a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper in which you compare and contrast auditing, attestation, and assurance services. In your paper, be sure to include the following: An example of each type of service Who might request such a service What standards apply to each service and who establishes those standards Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM Nov, 25 Dec, 01 Week3 Audit Planning and Internal Controls Tasks Review the Week Three Read Me First. Objectives/Competencies 3.1 Use the auditing analytical procedures. 3.2 Identify the components of internal control. 3.3 Assess control risk. 3.4 Analyze tests of controls. Required Learning Activities Modern Auditing, Ch. 8 Modern Auditing, Ch. 10 Modern Auditing, Ch. 11 Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings Week 3 Discussion Question (#1) Week 3 Discussion Question (#2) Week 3 Discussion Question (#3) See the student website for additional
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  • 46. Comparing Plato And Bacon s The Idols Of The Tribe,... In discussions of our susceptibility of delusions and false beliefs, Plato argues that humans can choose whether they want to follow the false beliefs in the darkness, or go into the light by facing all aspects of reality with honesty. Bacon s argument is similar to Plato s, and Bacon combines the four mistakes of human nature into four different idols. Idol of the tribe, cave, marketplace, and theater. Bacon s idols help explain how we are vulnerable to delusions Although Plato and Bacon claim that we are susceptible to delusions and false beliefs, I claim that the human understanding is vulnerable to distortionbecause people bring their own background into their thoughts which distort the truths. truthis distorted by human understanding and people are teaching the distorted truth to other people, so people become blinded when they go from the darkness, the bad, to the light, or the good. Bacon explains what Idols of the Cave are, and how they lead to a distortion of the truth. The Idols of the Cave are the idols of the individual man. For everyone (besides the errors common to human nature in general) has a cave or den of his own, which refracts and discolors the light of nature (Bacon 131). Here, Bacon describes that every person has their own ВЁcave which represents the fault of people. The cave distorts the truth and reality, and this is how false facts come to be. Because everyone has their own cave, one truth is distorted differently by every single person until ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice Essays Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice Killing, kidnapping and battles, all parts of Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice. The main character, Lestat, is a well known and flamboyant vampire. In Memnoch the Devil, Lestat is faced with a grim reality, causing his world to collapse around him. He learns throughout this book, about the world, and the divine forces that encircle the world s existence. This book illustrates how Lestat s morals, ignorance and understanding are greatly affected by outside forces. In the beginning of the book, Lestat, the quick and cunning vampire referred to as the Brat Prince by his followers stalks a wealthy artifact smuggler. Lestat soon becomes obsessed with his mortal victim, Roger, following him and trying to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lestat was so occupied with his stalking; he neglected to take much note of this demon. Lestat was confronted again by the demon the night he slaughtered his beloved Roger. This caused Lestat to realize the devil was observing Lestat s own sick acts of evil and ignorance. As Roger s ghost justified his evil doings Lestat obtained that Roger was not evil, as he was thought to be. This shocked Lestat, causing him to become more aware and observant, resulting with Lestat s ignorance dissipating. Though these changes in awareness came too slowly, Lestat was soon kidnapped by the Devil, and brought on a mortifying and appalling trip. This furthermore extended Lestat s awareness, when it was realized the Devil s kidnapping was fueled by his cruel acts and ignorance. Finally, through Lestat s trek through Heaven and Hell with the Devil, Lestat grasps an understanding that he had never before conceived. Lestat sees images that take him to the extremes of his vampire mind. During his journey Lestat seizes Veronica s Veil, a famous artifact, and brings it back to earth. Veronica s Veil was said to have Jesus face imprinted into it with blood. This Veil impacts the way society views God, and furthers Lestat s vast knowledge of the world and its workings. This journey alters his understanding to such an extent, Lestat states; This is what I saw, This is what I heard, This is what I know! This is all I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Korean Music Industry Has Drastic Changes Over The... The Korean music industry had drastic changes over the last ten years. Whereas before only about a handful of artists debuted, recently a minimum of twenty groups join the challenge each year. The recurring presence of countless different artists creates great competition within the industry. Due to the oversaturation of promoting artists, many groups feel pressured to quit after failed attempts to retain the attention of the public. However, Korean artists like SHINee and Big Bang, veterans of the musicbusiness, have thrived through difficult times and succeeded beyond expectations. Both had to endure harsh training in their early years before they stepped on stage, a date that was undetermined to all of them. These experts of musical and staging experimentation have been able to supply the high demanding audiences release after release. Both five member groups as Korean male citizens will soon have to fulfill their service requirements in the army. Though they are nearing their mandatory enlistment dates, these musicians only keep endorsing their works in all types of media and through live shows. Although both international groups have similar ethnic backgrounds, SHINee and Big Bang differ greatly in their concerts, performances, and discography. SHINee and Big Bang organize their concerts into unique genre driven sections that create notable ambiences; however, each music group takes a different approach. For example, Big Bang started their tenth anniversary concert ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Australian Laws AUSTRALIAN LAWS Intellectual Property What is intellectual property? Intellectual property is any creation, owned by one or multiple owners, that is used commercially. The designs, inventions or any work that is original can be protected by IP rights. Rights are established through application and prevent any use without permission. The only way to use this work, when not owned, would be to buy the rights. While rights are owned there is an opportunity to make advancements with limited opposition. This is due to the competition not being able to act since the idea is not theirs. What are your rights and how can you protect your intellectual property? Explore the various forms of protection for intellectual property including: patents, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 4th to 9th cycle costs $300 $350. The 15th to 19th cycle costs between $2300 $2350 depending on the payment method (electronic or other). The protection period is then up after 20 years and would need to be renewed. A standard application for a trademark costs $120 per type (tv show etv). A trademarked series costs $270 per type. Registering fees are $300 which is the same cost of a renewal. Applying for rights over a design can cost $250 $350 and renewed for $320 $370. Examination fees cost $420 if done by the design owner and $210 if examined by a third party. If fees are late the price can increase by $100 per month for an average of up to six months. What are the constraints or issues surrounding protecting a design? Different forms of intellectual property protection have certain limitations on the time period they are in effect. The duration a patented design lasts is for 10 years. Fees are paid to make sure this protection remains. A registered design prevents third parties from utilizing the product for up to 25 years if it is renewed each five year period. Proof must be given that a person has created a design. These could be copies or photographic evidence of the design. The aspects of a design that are forbidden for use by others are the appearance, shape, arrangement and decoration. There are some criteria the design must meet in order for it to be protected. It must be new, not offensive, not contain already protected designs and is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Pros And Cons Of The North American Free Trade Agreement The North American Free Trade Agreement, or N.A.F.T.A, was established to improve the economy of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. It has been close to twenty three years since the treaty was officially signed; time has given us insight into the effects that this agreement has produced. In 1984, lowering tariff was a major discussion between Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada, and President Ronald Reagan. They came to an agreement in 1988 making it official for these countries to trade more efficiently with one another. Soon enough Mexico was interested in bringing a similar treaty with the United Statesas the tariffs were quite high between the two. After a while of negotiating, Canada saw the opportunity for the three countries... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Real wages in Mexico have fallen significantly below pre NAFTA levels as price increases for basic consumer goods have exceeded wage increases. A minimum wage earner in Mexico today can buy 38 percent fewer consumer goods than on the day that NAFTA took effect. Despite promises that NAFTA would benefit Mexican consumers by granting access to cheaper imported products, the cost of basic consumer goods in Mexico has risen to seven times the pre NAFTA level, while the minimum wage stands at only four times the pre NAFTA level. Those negative effects end up hurting us in return as people are settling for less due to all the cheap methods being used. The changes it has had on Mexico reflect the awful exploitation that is being caused by the treaty. United States could benefit from a change to the treaty making it better as a whole to achieve greater economic power. There needs to be a change as NAFTA s intentions seem beneficial only that the way it is being executed is not reaching the potential it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Benefits Of An Initial Cost Benefit Analysis Costs Benefits An initial cost benefit analysis was conducted in order to calculate if this change was justifiable and feasible in terms of cost. It began by introducing the idea to staff and evaluating their feedback. This initial assessment indicated the staff s overall commitment to this change process. Staff participation is crucial to the cost because they are responsible for implementing the practice, which will ultimately save the hospital money. The benefits of this practice change such as the financial savings and decrease in workload were presented to the staff during the EBP launch meeting in order to encourage participation and adherence to the change. The biggest cost associated with this project would be the training and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this stage, the educational team will meet with charge nurses and to commence the change. There will be flyers, posters, and educational opportunities during change of shift announcements for charge nurses to instruct the staff nurses about the change in protocol. The presumed budget for the education team and policy implementation have already been formulated and can be accessed in Appendix F. An application to the Internal Review Board will be submitted and reviewed for approval. This change will require system wide recognition as a quality improvement process. Intervention A new policy will be enacted to reflect the most recent evidence regarding PIV replacement in a 28 bed cardiac progressive care unit at a local San Diego hospital. This policy supports the need for the replacement of PIV catheters when clinically indicated as opposed to the previous practice of routine replacement every 72 96 hours on this unit. Ideally, the implementation will take four to five weeks to implement onto the unit. The main implementation obstacle will be educating the nurses on the new policy, which will be done through posters, signs or flyers, powerpoints, and charge nurse meetings with staff (refer to Appendix E). The utilization of a unit educator will also be beneficial in educating the unit staff on the new policy change. It is assumed that there will not be resistance within the staff nurses since the implementation of this new policy will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Analyzing Steven Pinker s The Stuff Of Thought Module 3 Assignment 1.Write at least a one paragraph summary of the entire lecture in your own words (no quotes). It must be obvious after reading your summary that you watched the entire lecture. In the lecture The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker, a renowned anthropologist talked about different aspects of language. He started out by describing space in language which states how people uses words such as, on, over, under, and so forth instead of right, left, and so forth. Moreover, he states that people uses dimensions and width to describe objects. For example, a line is described as one dimensional object versus a surface that is described as two dimensional space. There are various substances in language such as, countable things, masses, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pinker explains that swearing is used as a weapon in order to create negative emotions for the listeners. Swear words are different across cultures. A taboo word in one country may not be taboo in a different country. Pinker provided explanations for people wanting to create negative emotions with each other using swear words (e.g. making a strong point to force the listeners to understand certain things, letting off steam, etc.). He distinguished between various types of swearing styles in the video. Moreover, Pinker described indirect speech acts and explained how people try to give hints to each other by saying something else instead of directly saying what they want to say. According to Pinker, language is a good way to gain mutual understanding between people whether it is direct or indirect. Relationships are built better when indirect languages are used because indirect language prevents legal issues. 2.Describe how this lecture relates to the information we are studying in Module 3. Please support your arguments with information and citations (APA style) from the readings as well as your own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. General Motors Manufacturing Case Summary Executive summary In spring 2010, New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a successful joint venture between Toyota Motor Co. and General Motors Co, shut down its plant in Fremont, California. Over two decades NUMMI was a model manufacturing plant with high quality and productivity, exceptional worker s satisfaction and attendance. What did NUMMI do to change the former GM s dysfunctional disaster into best plant? This report is going to examine a dramatic change conducted by NUMMI s leadership. It will address three main reasons which made this change possible: Creating a new production system Developing a new management system Reformation of corporate culture. And finally, the recommendations will be identified ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... NUMMI was created as a team based organization with sense of interdependence and unity. There were just three level management levels; in contrast, old GM s plant had a six levels hierarchy. A team leader, who was responsible not only for coordinating teamwork and trainings of team members, but also was able to replace a team member on line if needed, represented the first level of management. The second level management in addition was responsible for budgeting and planning. Moreover, these managers were expected to resolve the problems at the lowest possible level. In order to foster fair and efficient environment NUMMI designed a new job structure; specifically, job classifications were reduced from 81 to 3 with the same wage rate. Developed reward system also tended to equalize rewards among employees. For instance, a team leader received only a 50 cent hourly premium and each team was awarded with a small social budget. Continual training system and information sharing among all team members let the company to support its goals. Implementing the stop the line system allowed management to empower its employees by pushing down responsibility for the production and quality at the lowest possible level, to a worker. Meanwhile, the policy of mutual trust or no layoff policy established a real trust between the company and employees by ensuring its workers to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Religious Tolerance In New England Political tension and a religious crisis presented a need for a re establishing of a society in New England where religious tolerance could sustain order and harmony in the colonies. This wasn t exactly a foolproof plan as they thought it out to be, because of the recurring oppression they had seen in Europe. Puritans were a sect of christianity, one that James I was seeking to purge out of Europe during the reformation, that followed the almost brutal ideals of John Calvin. There was two branches: Presbyterian and Congregationalist. They believed in predestination, deplored the hierarchy of the Church, and allowed pleasures some would find odd for a religious group. The pilgrims (also called separatists) later became a different, and even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Delaying Gratification The willingness to delay gratification has been studied widely as it predicts social outcomes such as substance abuse or obesity. Many researchers have focused on cognitive control, which is considered to have a major influence on the individuals abilities to delay gratification. However, in addition to cognitive control, social trust also affects the delay of gratification since delaying gratification will make sense only if a person is sure that the reward will actually be given. In the present study, Michaelson and Munakata (2016) therefore, tested the influence of social trust on delaying gratification of children by manipulating trust that is unrelated to reward expectation. The researchers tested 34 typically developing children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Allergic Conjunctivitis Effects of air pollution on allergic conjunctivitis Introduction: Rapid industrialization and urbanization have increased air quality problems and other environmental health troubles that are becoming major sources of morbidity and mortality in human. Allergic conjunctivitis is one of the most common ocular surface diseases; it damages the ocular surface and causes debilitating symptoms of redness and itching, resulting in impaired quality of life for patients and limited physical activity. Pollen, animal dander, and other environmental antigens are the main causes of allergic conjunctivitis, yet a recent (2014) hospital based study reported that exposure to ambient air pollution especially particulate air pollution possibly increases the risk of allergic conjunctivitis. In addition, human health is being adversely affected by climate change and has been proven to affect the timing, distribution, quantity and quality of aeroallergens; however, its role in the development of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Method: For this study population wide data from outpatient department cases (3,211,820 outpatient visits by 15,938,870 subjects) of allergic conjunctivitis were recorded systemically from 2008 to 2012. Also, information on ambient air pollutants and weather conditions was recorded. Results: The study reported that the outpatient visits for allergic conjunctivitis were significantly correlated with the levels of NO2, O3, and temperature. The study reported a marginal association between outpatient visits and humidity. Further, the study observed significant interactive effects between NO2 and humidity, which suggests that changes in the weather may also affect outpatient visits. Also, it was noted that the number of outpatient visits for allergic conjunctivitis was more in the spring and summer than in the winter. (Fig ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Little Boy Transition I had a child in my classroom that was having some issues with transitioning between activities. When it was time for him to stop playing to clean up he would cry and say NO . I ve attempted to rationalize with him, I explained to him that if he played with the toys he was responsible for cleaning up. Then I would point out that his other classmates have cleaned up, but that didn t work. I also demonstrated to him what needed to be done by showing him how to clean up, but he just said I DON T WANT TO CLEAN UP . After no avail I decided to do some research and found some ways to aid me in helping the little boy transition by rewarding him for completing tasks. First I created a checklist chart for the little boy that showed him( pictures) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Essay The Closing Down Of Summer Simple recipes by Madeleine Thien, and The Closing Down of Summer by Allister MacLeod both focus on the struggles the characters undergo due to cultural gaps, or being away from home from work, creating the sense of isolation or alienation within their families. The impression of isolation found in the text is generated from the situational behaviours found in the actions, thoughts, or exchange of language in the characters. For Macleod focuses on how his protagonist uses ancestral rituals to find individual fulfillment on the account of his work occupation deteriorating his connection with family. Whereas Thiens story demonstrates how the uses of ritualistic behaviour has created a tension between the different social identities of oriental... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This effect is demonstrated through the protagonist s dislocation of being a father, and husband. The narrator s perspective of being a parent has deteriorated, resulting in his perception that he s merely become a financial lifeline for his children and spouse. Yet this allows them to live life in comfort, and not undergo what he must. The protagonist s desire to fulfill the role of a father has become an unattainable concept due to the incapability to express his emotional or mental struggles. Macleods protagonist at face first is resilient too the challenges of his isolated work life. Yet the deep desire to express himself to another has become forgotten. This is understood due being surrounded by other workers who have also forgotten to express themselves, making self expression a forgotten skill. If the need for communication in the workplace arises, it is done with a nod, grunt or reading of familiar lips . In which Macleod narrator literally forgets how to express himself to his family, yet finds the means of self expression through his ancestral culture, which is contrary to Thiens, where culture pushes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Know the Structure of Education from Early Years to Post... Schools As Organisations Know the structure of education from early years to post compulsory education Task 1 An education provides people not only with the academic skills required, but also the social skills such as having the self confidence and belief in ones self to achieve a fulfilling and happy life. It is every child s human right to receive such an education from early years to higher, and therefore several stages in which they must travel for this to happen. Early Years Education The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a structure in place for the learning and development of children from birth to five years old, for which all schools and early years providers must follow. The purpose of the EYFS is to allow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The funding mainly comes from school fees and income from investments, gifts and charities. The building and land is owned by the governing body, and as many of these schools have charitable status they would be tax exempt. They will set their own admission policy and curriculum through the governing body and head teacher. (L/O 1.2) Academies Initially a school had to source funding of ВЈ2 million from businesses, charities or faith bodies to become an academy, however this requirement changed in 2010. The Government decided to allow any school within England the chance to achieve academy status with the involvement of the local community. An academy is obliged to follow the National Curriculum, but has certain freedom around its delivery. Its funding comes from central government rather than the LEA, which would be at the same level per pupil as a maintained school. This allows the academy to choose how their budget is spent in a way that s most beneficial to its students. (L/O 1.2) Key Stages and Areas of Study As previously mentioned, children from the age of 5 to 16 who are educated in a maintained school must be taught the National Curriculum. This sets out the key stages and core subjects they will follow throughout their time at school. Within this framework, schools can plan and organise the way they teach to best meet the needs of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. Analysis Of The Holy Bible According To Pepper Wonders To Pepper, what the scriptures described throughout the Holy Bible, from the devil trying to claim Moses body, to Jesus driving out legions , and even tempting the Son of the Most High with worldly offers, Pepper believes that this is the continuing battle for the souls of every child of God. He wonders if there are some of Gods children among us who have totally given in to the weaknesses of the flesh, and chosen the offers of the world over the promises of God. It seems to Pepper that every child he has encountered in life started out free of the burdens of hate, and prejudice. He wonders if we as the caregivers of the children of God begin the children s journey into temptation, and reinforce it with our own hate and prejudices. We all have them, so we all sin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It seems to Pepper that some fight the urge to resist temptation more vigorously than others. Pepper wonders just how many we meet each day that have actually chosen the ways of the fallen ones that were cast out of Heaven, and found their domain to be this world. It seems to Pepper that even though they were cast out, they still have great knowledge and great vanity, that could make them seem as gods to those scripturally untaught of God s children, or those willing to follow their desires for worldly gifts. Pepper wonders if they desire to be so much like the fallen ones that they choose to be called by the Heavenly name, Lord, in many instances. It seems to Pepper that they want to be godlike. Pepper wonders if this could be the beginning of all the ills in his world, and all the ills of the world since our very beginning. These thoughts took Pepper in many directions, and seems to clarify some things to him, that he had for a long time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Ancient Olympic Games Comprehension 1.Say whether the following statements are true or false. Find the lines in the text that support your answer. 1. In fact, such sports as lacrosse, field hockey, bowling and horse racing were invented by the American Indians. 2. Many different sports were developed in Britain in the 19th century. 3. The headquarters of golf is located in Great Britain. 4. Two types of rugby football differ from each other only in the number of players. 5. Before 1865, brutality was a characteristic feature of prize fighting. 6. Cricket is widely spread in the English speaking countries. 7. Schools and colleges in England followed similar institutions in the US in the revival of sports. 2.Choose the correct variant. 1. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With growth of interest in sport in the 19th century, and the organization В°f annual and traditional sport competitions, especially between schools and universities, the idea arose of reviving the Olympic Games in the modern world. A Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was the enthusiast whose personal drive and initiative brought about the inauguration of the modern Olympic Games in 1896 with the participation of 311 athletes from thirteen countries, competing in nine sports. At first, the modern Games were limited to men. Women first competed in the Games in 1910, playing golf, but real women s participation only began in Paris in 1924 with the inclusion of women s athletics in the program. Winter sports were brought into the Olympic program through the organization of special winter Games, first held in France at Chamonix in 1924, with competitions in ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating, and skiing. These are still the basic events of the winter program, with the addition of bobsled and toboggan races. The most impressive event of the opening ceremony of the Games is the taking of the Olympic oaths. First a representative athlete from the host country, holding a corner of the Olympic flag, takes the following oath on behalf of all the participants: In the name of all competitors, I promise that we will take part in these Olympic Games, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...