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                                      Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
 • Introduction
 • Philosophy  and Approach
 • Service Offerings
 • A Process View
 • Manage and Deliver to Success

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM      Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   2
From concept to market and back, Marketing
Mechanics helps your company better understand
and respond to market opportunities.
 • Research and Analysis
 • Whole Product Management
 • Product Marketing
 • Knowledge Transfer and Team Enablement

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM          Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   3
 Known for our expertise in digital media, our clients include:

 • Move Networks
 • VeriSign
 • Adobe
 • Sling Media
 • Technicolor
 • Anystream (now Grab Networks)
 • Canesta
 • Pie Home

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                        Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   4
Philosophy and Approach
Whole Product
Better Practices
Knowledge Transfer and Team Enablement


                                         Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
Whole Product = Value to the Customer
 •   Technology is one factor that delivers value to
     the customer.

 •   Beginning with advanced information or first
     awareness of the product, through purchasing it,
                                                                     Finance          Partners
     unwrapping it, deploying it, using it, maintaining
     it, fixing it, talking about it, sharing it, and retiring
     it – all are factors of the value delivered to the
                                                                 Sales               Service &
                                                                           CUSTOMERS Support

 •   Customer value is delivered through a process that
     focuses on customer experience and requirements;            Marketing               Operations
     relating both to company strategic and financial
 •   The informed collaboration of the whole
     organization is required to deliver the whole product.
                                                                 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                                            Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   6
Better Practices
  Derived from product management and marketing
  experience with a wide range of clients and challenges
  as well as extensive education and professional
  organization participation.

    • Product     Development and Management Association

    • Silicon   Valley Product Management Association

    • Business      Marketing Association

    • American       Marketing Association

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                           Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   7
Knowledge Transfer; Team Enablement
  We work with and augment your team

  Focusing on
    • Collaboration and knowledge transfer.
    • Pragmatic and actionable results.

  Helping to assure that your team develops better
  practices and skilled approaches to understanding
  and responding to opportunities.

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                 Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   8
Service Offerings
Research and Analysis
Whole Product Management
Product Marketing


                                        Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
Research and Analysis
  Develop a 360°market view        Players
  Identify unique value and
  market opportunity

  Integrate customer perspective
  throughout the product process

  Capture competitive dynamics

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                    Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   10
Whole Product Management
  Integrate customer perspective
  throughout the product process

  Develop market and product requirements
  against all points of customer value

  Strengthen differentiated value

  Refine product concepts

  Deliver through cross-functional collaboration

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                      Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   11
Product Marketing
 Articulate value               Internally
                                To the Market
                                To Customers

 High-Impact, Relevant
    • Messaging
    • Collateral
    • Programs

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                   Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   12
A Process View
  Build Better Practices: Manage and Deliver to Success

         Refine                  Define      Manage        Reach
         Fuzzy                   Whole         The          The
        Concepts                Product      Message      Customer

                   TRACK           MEASURE       REFINE

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                               Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   13
Manage & Deliver To Success
  Concepts that are:              Concept refinement
    •   Unfocused                  •   Base on best practices
    •   Incomplete                     in product definition.
    •   Poorly articulated
                                   •   Focus on what is meaningful to
  Can result in:                       the customer.
    •   Inefficient development
                                   •   Align team activities with
    •   Costly marketing cycles
                                       compelling strategic value
    •   Failed products
                                   •   Primary and secondary research
                                       supports clearly articulated

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                            Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   14
Manage & Deliver To Success
  Technology ≠ Product               Whole Product
    •   Are your product efforts      •   Best practices
        focused primarily on              •   Focus on delivering a full
        technology?                           range of value to customers
                                          •   Leverage company-wide efforts

    •   Without a whole product       •   Articulate customer value
        view, teams within the            requirements across the team—
        company may                       management, engineering, design,
                                          marketing, customer service, finance,
        inadvertently work against
                                          and partners.
        each other – wasting
        valuable time and             •   Align team activities

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                                 Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   15
Manage & Deliver To Success
  Messaging can get short       Manage the Message
  shrift and fail to deliver     •   Understand how your customers:
  the impact needed.                 •   acquire information
                                     •   make decisions
    •   How can your company
                                     •   use products like yours as part
        focus and develop                of their overall workflow or life.
        messaging that will
        make a difference?       •   Integrate corporate and product

                                 •   Develop strategic content
                                     that works.

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                               Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   16
Manage & Deliver To Success
  Build it and they will come?       Reach the Customer
    •   Competing doesn’t just        •   Understand what your
        involve having the best           customer values.
        technology, service model,
        or pricing.                   •   Communicate authentically
                                          to what is meaningful in
    •   Market noise, multiple            their lives.
        channels of communications
        – If your customer doesn’t    •   Leverage dynamic
                                          possibilities in the
        hear or relate to product
        messages, how can you win
        their business?

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM                              Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   17
Ellen Grace Henson
 Managing Director
 408.292.7476 office
 408.835.2577 mobile

WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM   Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623   18

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Service Offerings

  • 1. Service Offerings WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINES SM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Philosophy and Approach • Service Offerings • A Process View • Manage and Deliver to Success WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 2
  • 3. From concept to market and back, Marketing Mechanics helps your company better understand and respond to market opportunities. • Research and Analysis • Whole Product Management • Product Marketing • Knowledge Transfer and Team Enablement WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 3
  • 4. Clients Known for our expertise in digital media, our clients include: • Move Networks • VeriSign • Adobe • Sling Media • Technicolor • Anystream (now Grab Networks) • Canesta • Pie Home WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 4
  • 5. Philosophy and Approach Whole Product Better Practices Knowledge Transfer and Team Enablement WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINES SM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
  • 6. Whole Product = Value to the Customer • Technology is one factor that delivers value to the customer. • Beginning with advanced information or first awareness of the product, through purchasing it, Finance Partners unwrapping it, deploying it, using it, maintaining it, fixing it, talking about it, sharing it, and retiring it – all are factors of the value delivered to the Sales Service & customer. CUSTOMERS Support • Customer value is delivered through a process that focuses on customer experience and requirements; Marketing Operations relating both to company strategic and financial goals. Engineering • The informed collaboration of the whole organization is required to deliver the whole product. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 6
  • 7. Better Practices Derived from product management and marketing experience with a wide range of clients and challenges as well as extensive education and professional organization participation. • Product Development and Management Association • Silicon Valley Product Management Association • Business Marketing Association • American Marketing Association WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 7
  • 8. Knowledge Transfer; Team Enablement We work with and augment your team Focusing on • Collaboration and knowledge transfer. • Pragmatic and actionable results. Helping to assure that your team develops better practices and skilled approaches to understanding and responding to opportunities. WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 8
  • 9. Service Offerings Research and Analysis Whole Product Management Product Marketing WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINES SM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623
  • 10. Research and Analysis Develop a 360°market view Players Influencers Trends Identify unique value and market opportunity Integrate customer perspective throughout the product process Capture competitive dynamics WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 10
  • 11. Whole Product Management Integrate customer perspective throughout the product process Develop market and product requirements against all points of customer value Strengthen differentiated value Refine product concepts Deliver through cross-functional collaboration WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 11
  • 12. Product Marketing Articulate value Internally To the Market To Customers High-Impact, Relevant • Messaging • Collateral • Programs WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 12
  • 13. A Process View Build Better Practices: Manage and Deliver to Success Refine Define Manage Reach Fuzzy Whole The The Concepts Product Message Customer TRACK MEASURE REFINE WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 13
  • 14. Manage & Deliver To Success Concepts that are: Concept refinement • Unfocused • Base on best practices • Incomplete in product definition. • Poorly articulated • Focus on what is meaningful to Can result in: the customer. • Inefficient development • Align team activities with • Costly marketing cycles compelling strategic value • Failed products • Primary and secondary research supports clearly articulated concepts. WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 14
  • 15. Manage & Deliver To Success Technology ≠ Product Whole Product • Are your product efforts • Best practices focused primarily on • Focus on delivering a full technology? range of value to customers • Leverage company-wide efforts • Without a whole product • Articulate customer value view, teams within the requirements across the team— company may management, engineering, design, marketing, customer service, finance, inadvertently work against and partners. each other – wasting valuable time and • Align team activities resources. WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 15
  • 16. Manage & Deliver To Success Messaging can get short Manage the Message shrift and fail to deliver • Understand how your customers: the impact needed. • acquire information • make decisions • How can your company • use products like yours as part focus and develop of their overall workflow or life. messaging that will make a difference? • Integrate corporate and product positioning. • Develop strategic content that works. WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 16
  • 17. Manage & Deliver To Success Build it and they will come? Reach the Customer • Competing doesn’t just • Understand what your involve having the best customer values. technology, service model, or pricing. • Communicate authentically to what is meaningful in • Market noise, multiple their lives. channels of communications – If your customer doesn’t • Leverage dynamic possibilities in the hear or relate to product marketplace. messages, how can you win their business? WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 17
  • 18. Ellen Grace Henson Managing Director egh@mktgmech.com 408.292.7476 office 408.835.2577 mobile WE BUILD MARKETING MACHINESSM Marketing Mechanics © 2009 v0623 18