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Step-by-step Guide for Mobile App Development for 2023
Step-by-Step Guide for Mobile App Development for 2023 The market for developing mobile apps is
undergoing a transformation. You will be able to execute mobile applications on several platforms
thanks to advancements in micro processing technology. For instance, mobile apps developed today will
function flawlessly on PCs in the future. Additionally, mobile apps created with Flutter or React Native
will run on PCs, Macs, Android phones, and iPhones. Before we get into more detail, let's examine the
data on mobile app usage to see how people use their phones and what prospects there are for creating
your own mobile application.
Mobile App Development Lifecycle 2023
There are over 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, so there is no doubt that the industry is healthy
and thriving. Stats are growing steadily, without any indications of slowing down. And studies show that
an average American checks their phone at least once every twelve minutes, and over 10% of these
people check their phone about every four minutes. There are some more statistics to keep in mind.
People spend over half of the time they spend with digital media on mobile.
Smartphone users spend 90% of their screen time using mobile apps.
Over 85% of consumers prefer native apps over mobile cross-websites.
Revenue from mobile apps is set to cross $613 billion by 2023.
The average consumer has over 30 apps installed on their device.
An average user spends about 35 hours per month using mobile apps.
The statistics are motivating for anyone who wishes to build or develop a mobile app. But before we
jump to any conclusions, let’s understand the exact process of mobile app development. Although it
sounds very lucrative to build a mobile app to get a piece of the billion-dollar pie, the decision needs
thought strategy and planning. The fact also states that your app will be competing with over 1.5 million
applications on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.
What is Mobile App Development?
What is the creation of mobile apps? The process of creating mobile applications that operate on mobile
devices is known as mobile app development. These programs can either come pre-installed or the user
can download them and install them themselves. They work with remote computing resources by
utilizing the device's network capabilities. In order to access backend services for data access through
APIs, create software that can be installed on the device, enable backend services, and test the
application on target devices are all necessary steps in the development of mobile apps.
You must take into account screen sizes, hardware specifications, and numerous other elements of the
app development process in order to create scalable mobile apps. Given the rise in employment
opportunities in the mobile app development sector, it is crucial that entrepreneurs, startups, and
developers in particular have a clear understanding of the process.
Platforms for Developing Mobile Apps
The two most significant mobile app platforms are Android from Google and iOS from Apple Inc. The iOS
mobile operating system was created exclusively for iPhones by Apple. However, Android is supported
by mobile devices made by numerous OEMs, including Google.
Despite the fact that they are very similar, the two use separate software development kits (SDKs).
Apple only utilizes iOS for its own devices, whereas Google has made Android open to other businesses
that can meet certain criteria. For both platforms, developers have created more than 1.5 million
applications to far.
Platforms for Developing Mobile Apps
The two most significant mobile app platforms are Android from Google and iOS from Apple Inc. The iOS
mobile operating system was created exclusively for iPhones by Apple. However, Android is supported
by mobile devices made by numerous OEMs, including Google.
Despite the fact that they are very similar, the two use separate software development kits (SDKs).
Apple only utilizes iOS for its own devices, whereas Google has made Android open to other businesses
that can meet certain criteria. For both platforms, developers have created more than 1.5 million
applications to far.
Why Develop Native Applications?
When using native platform features, choosing native app development is beneficial. Native apps have
access to the device's hardware functions, such as the GPS, camera, and microphone, which speeds up
the execution of features and makes it simpler to provide a rich user experience.
Native development makes it much simpler to implement push alerts. For instance, push notifications to
pass between the Cloud Messaging Platform of Google and the iOS Server (APNS). Due to the fact that
the code is written in the original language, native apps have fewer defects.
The Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development
Both iOS and Android have nearly a 50/50 market share. Any of the platforms, and occasionally both,
may be where you find your potential customer. It takes a sufficient budget to create distinct apps for
both platforms, and not all businesses have one. Additionally, developing native platforms can make it
more difficult to provide the same level of speed and functionality that your program requires.
If you want to have one development team publish for both platforms, if you want to align the user
experience across both platforms, or if you don't have the resources to create and manage two distinct
apps, choose cross-platform development.
Process for Developing Mobile Apps
You need a step-by-step procedure to design an application so that you may create mobile apps quickly.
There are three critical actions:
Create a strategy for app development
The first stage in developing a mobile app is to formulate a strategy by specifying why? What is the goal
of your application? What industry issue will your mobile application address? What business model do
you employ? How much money are you willing to put into developing this app? How do you make
money? How and to whom will you market your app? You'll have a good notion of how to continue with
the development of your mobile app after answering these questions.
The user persona definition is a good place to start. Consider the scenario where you want to create an
app for online shopping. In that instance, you'll define your user persona by comprehending the age and
mobile usage of your user.
Market Research
Before you start, here are some questions you can ask yourself:
Who is your target audience?
How will your customers use the application?
Are there any better alternatives already available?
What will your application do that other applications won’t?
What business model are your customers following?
What language, frameworks, and technologies will you use?
How many uses are paying for your type of mobile application?
What is your budget?
How long will it take to build your application?
Establish a Minimum Viable Product
You specify what your minimum viable product will look like once you are certain of all the
functionalities you can include and the functionalities your users will want to utilize right away. A
minimal viable product is a version of your app with just enough features to show it to your first users
and get their input on the features and future development of the app.
Plan and analyze the development of your app.
All project development begins with the strategy. Once you have a plan in place, you can start turning
your aspirations into attainable objectives. Start the analysis and planning process by outlining exactly
how the functions can be used to develop use cases while simultaneously compiling a list of functional
You can use this to create a product roadmap. This plan can be transformed into a step-by-step
procedure that you can then put into priorities and organize into delivery milestones. In order to reduce
expenses and get ready for the initial launch, you must also establish your minimum viable product.
Different technology stacks are needed for various operating systems. Depending on your needs, choose
your tech stack. Make a list of the technologies you'll need whether you're creating a native mobile app,
a cross-platform mobile app, or a hybrid application. Then, start looking for developers that have
experience with your preferred method of mobile app development.
Additionally, you must choose a name for your mobile application. Consider your application's features,
use wordplay to differentiate the name, keep it brief and easily recognizable, searchable, and possibly
an action word when coming up with the ideal name. Many app developers also use names that are
immediately recognizable, however occasionally they deviate by attempting to appeal to user opinions.
Additionally, bear in mind the method of.
User Experience Design: What is it?
What customers experience when using your items is called the user experience. When using the app,
the customer should experience a particular emotional response as a result of the design. Design,
accessibility, marketing, usability, system performance, ergonomics, human computer interaction (HCI),
and usefulness are all aspects of the user experience. Making an intuitive user experience for your
mobile application is a no-brainer with so many businesses concentrating on user-centered design.
Design of mobile applications
Learning to use design software is just one aspect of design. You can hire someone to build your mobile
application for you or learn how to do it yourself. Above all else, the design must take into account the
capabilities, features, and functionalities of the product. The end-user should always be considered
during design. At Open Xcell, we use the following design methodology.
Developing a user flow or screen diagram for each screen
Wireframe creation
Choosing patterns, colors, and components of design
designing mockups
Make an animated prototype and tested hypotheses
What is Mobile App Backend Development?
What your users will see is the front end. The development that is required from the side of the server is
the backend. Mobile app backends are used to store, secure, and process data. It refers to the activities
that will happen behind the scenes when a user is interacting with your mobile application. Developing a
backend for your mobile is used for sending information for processing on the server. Signups, logins,
messaging, storing data on the cloud, answering user queries, and such other things happen in the
Backend development focuses on storing information in a remote database, scripting to add logic to the
interactivity, and creating architecture that makes it quick and easy to sort through the information.
Applications like a calculator, camera, notes, compass, voice recorder, and such don’t require a backend
development. They run on the mobile app without any network connectivity, or the requirement to
store or retrieve data from a remote server. However, apps like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber can’t run
without a connected backend.
Development of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Apps for smartphones have developed to the point where they are always in communication with
servers. The backend, web service, or APIs are used by the vast majority of programs in order for them
to function without connectivity. These APIs might be offered by organizations like Amazon, Google,
Facebook, or others, or they might be created in-house by the teams working on mobile app
Rest API is one of the simplest options for anyone developing mobile apps and is used for the majority of
mobile API development. It facilitates users' rapid communication and connection with a distant cloud
data server. But if done incorrectly, sending requests via the network might have serious consequences.
When creating mobile APIs, some considerations to make include.
Documenting the Mobile API Development Process
Developing an API is easy. However, teams evolve, and there is always going to be someone new looking
at your code. Having clear API process documentation can help you see the history, as well as the
current state of API. This makes future updates easier. Another benefit of documenting your API
development process is that it allows others to use your API. If you want other developers to use your
API, you will need solid documentation to help you with the code.
Mobile App Frontend Development
Mobile App Frontend is what your users will see. Mobile frontend development includes a mixed bag of
technologies. Some applications require APIs and backends, while others only need to work only with
local databases offered by the platform. Almost all web programming languages can be used to build the
backend of your mobile application. If you are building native applications, you can use technology-
specific offerings. For example, iOS applications can be developed using Objective-C, Swift Programming
Language, Flutter, or React Native. Android Applications can be developed using Java, Kotlin, Flutter, or
React Native.
Every programming language offers its own unique capabilities with your desired platform. You should
be able to choose a team that understands which necessary technologies can be leveraged the most by
choosing the perfect programming language.
Testing the Developed App
After successfully developing an application, it is necessary that the quality of the application is ensured
to be on-point. Quality assurance is a crucial phase in the mobile application development process as it
determines the reliability, stability, and usability of the developed application. In order to ensure an all-
inclusive testing process, there are a number of aspects that need to be addressed by following a
complete testing cycle subjective to each application.
Testing can be broadly classified into two categories, manual testing, and automated testing. It depends
on the type of application whether it needs manual testing or automated testing can give accurate
Any application must pass through a myriad of testing methods to come up with a perfect application.
Some of the major testing methods that are a must-do for all the mobile applications are.
Deployment and Maintenance
Once you have built and tested the mobile application, it is time to deploy it, and maintain it for further
development.Mobile app deployment is also known as mobile app launch. Deploying mobile
applications can be a tiring task, especially if the application is multifaceted, and required lots of testing.
Here’s a short guide to help you launch.
Make sure it passes all the deployment tests. If you write an end-to-end unit and integration tests, make
sure to check their output. Make them work anyhow.
Rebuild your application – Sometimes when obfuscating code on Android, developers use ProGuard,
which can sometimes remove code, leading to app crash. Make sure you don’t shrink the code at the
cost of usability.
If you already own a server, set up your CI flow using Jerkins, Bitwise, Circles, Travis, or Bitbucket
It is also essential that you perform static code analysis using Lint, ktlint, pmd, checkstyle, findbugs,
detekt, gradle-static-analysis-plugin, OCLint, tailor, Swift lint, Clang Static Analyzer, Infer, Swift Format,
Swimat, or FauxPas.
Prepare a product version of your mobile app and release it for internal testing. Try to use crash
reporting tools like Instabug or Fabric.
Preparing builds can be automated as well. For example, tools like Fastlane can help you automate
screenshots, beta deployment, App Store / Google Play deployment, and code signing.
Monitoring engagement will help you discover user insights. You can integrate tools like Google
Analytics, Fabric, Amazon Pinpoint, Mixpanel to discover active users, session intervals, time spent using
the app, Screen Flow, retention, conversion, and lifetime value.
Contact US
Website: https://www.seoexpartebd.com/
Email: info@seoexpartebd.com
WhatsApp: +8801758300772
Address: Head Office Shajapur Kagji para, Majhira, Shajahanpur 5801,
Bogura, Banlgladesh
Mobile Application .pdf

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Mobile Application .pdf

  • 1. Welcome to Step-by-step Guide for Mobile App Development for 2023 Step-by-Step Guide for Mobile App Development for 2023 The market for developing mobile apps is undergoing a transformation. You will be able to execute mobile applications on several platforms thanks to advancements in micro processing technology. For instance, mobile apps developed today will function flawlessly on PCs in the future. Additionally, mobile apps created with Flutter or React Native will run on PCs, Macs, Android phones, and iPhones. Before we get into more detail, let's examine the data on mobile app usage to see how people use their phones and what prospects there are for creating your own mobile application. Mobile App Development Lifecycle 2023 There are over 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, so there is no doubt that the industry is healthy and thriving. Stats are growing steadily, without any indications of slowing down. And studies show that an average American checks their phone at least once every twelve minutes, and over 10% of these people check their phone about every four minutes. There are some more statistics to keep in mind. People spend over half of the time they spend with digital media on mobile. Smartphone users spend 90% of their screen time using mobile apps. Over 85% of consumers prefer native apps over mobile cross-websites.
  • 2. Revenue from mobile apps is set to cross $613 billion by 2023. The average consumer has over 30 apps installed on their device. An average user spends about 35 hours per month using mobile apps. The statistics are motivating for anyone who wishes to build or develop a mobile app. But before we jump to any conclusions, let’s understand the exact process of mobile app development. Although it sounds very lucrative to build a mobile app to get a piece of the billion-dollar pie, the decision needs thought strategy and planning. The fact also states that your app will be competing with over 1.5 million applications on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. What is Mobile App Development? What is the creation of mobile apps? The process of creating mobile applications that operate on mobile devices is known as mobile app development. These programs can either come pre-installed or the user can download them and install them themselves. They work with remote computing resources by utilizing the device's network capabilities. In order to access backend services for data access through APIs, create software that can be installed on the device, enable backend services, and test the application on target devices are all necessary steps in the development of mobile apps. You must take into account screen sizes, hardware specifications, and numerous other elements of the app development process in order to create scalable mobile apps. Given the rise in employment opportunities in the mobile app development sector, it is crucial that entrepreneurs, startups, and developers in particular have a clear understanding of the process.
  • 3. Platforms for Developing Mobile Apps The two most significant mobile app platforms are Android from Google and iOS from Apple Inc. The iOS mobile operating system was created exclusively for iPhones by Apple. However, Android is supported by mobile devices made by numerous OEMs, including Google. Despite the fact that they are very similar, the two use separate software development kits (SDKs). Apple only utilizes iOS for its own devices, whereas Google has made Android open to other businesses that can meet certain criteria. For both platforms, developers have created more than 1.5 million applications to far. Platforms for Developing Mobile Apps The two most significant mobile app platforms are Android from Google and iOS from Apple Inc. The iOS mobile operating system was created exclusively for iPhones by Apple. However, Android is supported by mobile devices made by numerous OEMs, including Google. Despite the fact that they are very similar, the two use separate software development kits (SDKs). Apple only utilizes iOS for its own devices, whereas Google has made Android open to other businesses that can meet certain criteria. For both platforms, developers have created more than 1.5 million applications to far. Why Develop Native Applications?
  • 4. When using native platform features, choosing native app development is beneficial. Native apps have access to the device's hardware functions, such as the GPS, camera, and microphone, which speeds up the execution of features and makes it simpler to provide a rich user experience. Native development makes it much simpler to implement push alerts. For instance, push notifications to pass between the Cloud Messaging Platform of Google and the iOS Server (APNS). Due to the fact that the code is written in the original language, native apps have fewer defects. The Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development Both iOS and Android have nearly a 50/50 market share. Any of the platforms, and occasionally both, may be where you find your potential customer. It takes a sufficient budget to create distinct apps for both platforms, and not all businesses have one. Additionally, developing native platforms can make it more difficult to provide the same level of speed and functionality that your program requires. If you want to have one development team publish for both platforms, if you want to align the user experience across both platforms, or if you don't have the resources to create and manage two distinct apps, choose cross-platform development. Process for Developing Mobile Apps You need a step-by-step procedure to design an application so that you may create mobile apps quickly. There are three critical actions:
  • 5. Create a strategy for app development The first stage in developing a mobile app is to formulate a strategy by specifying why? What is the goal of your application? What industry issue will your mobile application address? What business model do you employ? How much money are you willing to put into developing this app? How do you make money? How and to whom will you market your app? You'll have a good notion of how to continue with the development of your mobile app after answering these questions. The user persona definition is a good place to start. Consider the scenario where you want to create an app for online shopping. In that instance, you'll define your user persona by comprehending the age and mobile usage of your user. Market Research Before you start, here are some questions you can ask yourself: Who is your target audience? How will your customers use the application? Are there any better alternatives already available? What will your application do that other applications won’t? What business model are your customers following? What language, frameworks, and technologies will you use?
  • 6. How many uses are paying for your type of mobile application? What is your budget? How long will it take to build your application? Establish a Minimum Viable Product You specify what your minimum viable product will look like once you are certain of all the functionalities you can include and the functionalities your users will want to utilize right away. A minimal viable product is a version of your app with just enough features to show it to your first users and get their input on the features and future development of the app. Plan and analyze the development of your app. All project development begins with the strategy. Once you have a plan in place, you can start turning your aspirations into attainable objectives. Start the analysis and planning process by outlining exactly how the functions can be used to develop use cases while simultaneously compiling a list of functional requirements. You can use this to create a product roadmap. This plan can be transformed into a step-by-step procedure that you can then put into priorities and organize into delivery milestones. In order to reduce expenses and get ready for the initial launch, you must also establish your minimum viable product. Different technology stacks are needed for various operating systems. Depending on your needs, choose your tech stack. Make a list of the technologies you'll need whether you're creating a native mobile app, a cross-platform mobile app, or a hybrid application. Then, start looking for developers that have experience with your preferred method of mobile app development. Additionally, you must choose a name for your mobile application. Consider your application's features, use wordplay to differentiate the name, keep it brief and easily recognizable, searchable, and possibly an action word when coming up with the ideal name. Many app developers also use names that are immediately recognizable, however occasionally they deviate by attempting to appeal to user opinions. Additionally, bear in mind the method of. User Experience Design: What is it? What customers experience when using your items is called the user experience. When using the app, the customer should experience a particular emotional response as a result of the design. Design, accessibility, marketing, usability, system performance, ergonomics, human computer interaction (HCI),
  • 7. and usefulness are all aspects of the user experience. Making an intuitive user experience for your mobile application is a no-brainer with so many businesses concentrating on user-centered design. Design of mobile applications Learning to use design software is just one aspect of design. You can hire someone to build your mobile application for you or learn how to do it yourself. Above all else, the design must take into account the capabilities, features, and functionalities of the product. The end-user should always be considered during design. At Open Xcell, we use the following design methodology. Developing a user flow or screen diagram for each screen Wireframe creation Choosing patterns, colors, and components of design designing mockups Make an animated prototype and tested hypotheses What is Mobile App Backend Development? What your users will see is the front end. The development that is required from the side of the server is the backend. Mobile app backends are used to store, secure, and process data. It refers to the activities that will happen behind the scenes when a user is interacting with your mobile application. Developing a backend for your mobile is used for sending information for processing on the server. Signups, logins, messaging, storing data on the cloud, answering user queries, and such other things happen in the backend.
  • 8. Backend development focuses on storing information in a remote database, scripting to add logic to the interactivity, and creating architecture that makes it quick and easy to sort through the information. Applications like a calculator, camera, notes, compass, voice recorder, and such don’t require a backend development. They run on the mobile app without any network connectivity, or the requirement to store or retrieve data from a remote server. However, apps like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber can’t run without a connected backend. Development of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Apps for smartphones have developed to the point where they are always in communication with servers. The backend, web service, or APIs are used by the vast majority of programs in order for them to function without connectivity. These APIs might be offered by organizations like Amazon, Google, Facebook, or others, or they might be created in-house by the teams working on mobile app development. Rest API is one of the simplest options for anyone developing mobile apps and is used for the majority of mobile API development. It facilitates users' rapid communication and connection with a distant cloud data server. But if done incorrectly, sending requests via the network might have serious consequences. When creating mobile APIs, some considerations to make include. Documenting the Mobile API Development Process Developing an API is easy. However, teams evolve, and there is always going to be someone new looking at your code. Having clear API process documentation can help you see the history, as well as the current state of API. This makes future updates easier. Another benefit of documenting your API development process is that it allows others to use your API. If you want other developers to use your API, you will need solid documentation to help you with the code.
  • 9. Mobile App Frontend Development Mobile App Frontend is what your users will see. Mobile frontend development includes a mixed bag of technologies. Some applications require APIs and backends, while others only need to work only with local databases offered by the platform. Almost all web programming languages can be used to build the backend of your mobile application. If you are building native applications, you can use technology- specific offerings. For example, iOS applications can be developed using Objective-C, Swift Programming Language, Flutter, or React Native. Android Applications can be developed using Java, Kotlin, Flutter, or React Native. Every programming language offers its own unique capabilities with your desired platform. You should be able to choose a team that understands which necessary technologies can be leveraged the most by choosing the perfect programming language. Testing the Developed App After successfully developing an application, it is necessary that the quality of the application is ensured to be on-point. Quality assurance is a crucial phase in the mobile application development process as it determines the reliability, stability, and usability of the developed application. In order to ensure an all- inclusive testing process, there are a number of aspects that need to be addressed by following a complete testing cycle subjective to each application. Testing can be broadly classified into two categories, manual testing, and automated testing. It depends on the type of application whether it needs manual testing or automated testing can give accurate results. Any application must pass through a myriad of testing methods to come up with a perfect application. Some of the major testing methods that are a must-do for all the mobile applications are. Deployment and Maintenance Once you have built and tested the mobile application, it is time to deploy it, and maintain it for further development.Mobile app deployment is also known as mobile app launch. Deploying mobile applications can be a tiring task, especially if the application is multifaceted, and required lots of testing. Here’s a short guide to help you launch.
  • 10. Make sure it passes all the deployment tests. If you write an end-to-end unit and integration tests, make sure to check their output. Make them work anyhow. Rebuild your application – Sometimes when obfuscating code on Android, developers use ProGuard, which can sometimes remove code, leading to app crash. Make sure you don’t shrink the code at the cost of usability. If you already own a server, set up your CI flow using Jerkins, Bitwise, Circles, Travis, or Bitbucket Pipelines. It is also essential that you perform static code analysis using Lint, ktlint, pmd, checkstyle, findbugs, detekt, gradle-static-analysis-plugin, OCLint, tailor, Swift lint, Clang Static Analyzer, Infer, Swift Format, Swimat, or FauxPas. Prepare a product version of your mobile app and release it for internal testing. Try to use crash reporting tools like Instabug or Fabric. Preparing builds can be automated as well. For example, tools like Fastlane can help you automate screenshots, beta deployment, App Store / Google Play deployment, and code signing. Monitoring engagement will help you discover user insights. You can integrate tools like Google Analytics, Fabric, Amazon Pinpoint, Mixpanel to discover active users, session intervals, time spent using the app, Screen Flow, retention, conversion, and lifetime value. Contact US Website: https://www.seoexpartebd.com/ Email: info@seoexpartebd.com WhatsApp: +8801758300772 Address: Head Office Shajapur Kagji para, Majhira, Shajahanpur 5801, Bogura, Banlgladesh