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Mobile Apps that Win
Achieving High Performance with Real-time Analytics
Steve Fox Foglight Mobile APM Product Manager
Response Times: 3 Important Limits
• 100 ms – Limit user will feel as instantaneously
• 1.0 sec – Limit to not interrupt user flow of thought
• 10 sec – Limit of keeping the user’s attention on the task
• “Usability Engineering”, Jakob Nielsen, 1993
• http://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/
Application Performance Monitoring
Web Response Times Studies
• Google: +500 ms page load time = 25% fewer searches
• Amazon: +100 ms of page load time = 1% lost sales
• Facebook: +500 ms of page load time = 3% less traffic
Application Performance Monitoring
Walmart Conversion Rate Analysis
Application Performance Monitoring
• Multiple Retailer Experiment:
• 1 second delay = 7% drop in conversion
Source: http://minus.com/msM8y8nyh#2e
Mobile Expectations Compared to Web
• Best Smartphones compared to average desktop/laptop
• Less CPU, Memory
• Smaller Screen Size
• Often used on slower network
• 85% of mobile users surveyed expect experience on mobile device to
be “as good or better than online via a computer”
• Frame Rates: 30 fps?
• Less than 50-60 fps and users report as “jerky”
• Early Android scrolling was 30 fps, now 60 fps
Application Performance Monitoring
Measuring Mobile Frustration
• EEG Study of tasks using iPhone with variable delays introduced
• 500 ms delay resulted in
• 26% increase in frustration
• 8% decrease in engagement
• http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2013/12/11/slower-web-pages-user-frustration/
Application Performance Monitoring
Responses to Mobile Frustration
• http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2011/10/21/phone-rage-how-people-react-to-slow-mobile-sites/
Application Performance Monitoring
Speed Matters on Mobile
Application Performance Monitoring
Mobile App Launch!
• Code complete!
• QA Passed!
• App Store Approval!
• User Reviews!!
App is Unusable!
by rsl345
Cool idea, but way too slow to use. Save yourself the frustration and use … instead.
• Followed by 30 more
• Phone rings
• What do you do?
Application Performance Monitoring
Launch Post-Mortem
• Review the QA tests
• Every performance test passed
• What tests were done?
• 25 comprehensive tests on 5 devices
• Using what network?
• Wifi in lab
• What about our beta testing?
• 10 employees using their iPhone 5/6 on LTE in the Bay
• What’s different about the real user usage?
• More often than not, it’s the network
Application Performance Monitoring
But 4G networks are supposed to fix this, right?
Application Performance Monitoring
-Max Firtman, Velocity, Extreme Mobile Performance
But 4G networks are supposed to fix this, right?
Application Performance Monitoring
-Max Firtman, Velocity, Extreme Mobile Performance
Even on 4G, Latency is still a big issue
Application Performance Monitoring
Is the Answer More QA Performance Testing?
• Yes, and No
• Effective Mobile Performance
Testing is Hard & Expensive
• Permutations grow exponentially
• Device Types
• Network Type
• Signal Strength
• Carrier
• Etc
• Reality is your app users are
going to be exercising many
untested permutations
• So you need to monitor real end
user performance
Application Performance Monitoring
How Get Real End User Performance
• Have the app measure performance
• Add some timing code around network requests
• Time-intensive, so try to wrap NSURLConnection class
• Still time-intensive, and realize library uses AFNetworking
• Once data is collected, where do I send it, when?
• I have millions of users, how do I store it all?
• How do I make sense of the data?
Application Performance Monitoring
Mobile Application Performance Management
• Use a solution designed to solve this problem: Mobile APM
• Link MobileAPM library into your app
• Only code change required is couple lines of initialization
• Less than 5 minutes to add instrumentation
• What it does:
• Automatically times all network requests
• Records which ViewControllers were active during
which network requests
• Caches and sends results to cloud collection point in
the background
Application Performance Monitoring
Dimensions Automatically Tracked for Each Network
• Network Type
• Signal Strength
• Location
• Carrier
• Start time
• Completion Time
• Response Time
• + Other metrics
Application Performance Monitoring
Login to Your Account for Detailed Analytics
Application Performance Monitoring
19 Application Performance Monitoring
App Screen Grouping Paradigm
• One app often makes many http requests
• Often one user action or one screen load requires multiple http
• Closer to user experience
• Auto-Detect App Screen changes and group http requests by App
Application Performance Monitoring
21 Application Performance Monitoring
Advanced Options
• Crash detection and reporting
• Exclude URL’s from tracking
• Customize your App Screen start/stop measurement points
• Add app specific timings
• Record errors / messages delivered to user
• Record handled exceptions
Application Performance Monitoring
Is Back-End the Problem?
Application Performance Monitoring
Follow Http(s) Requests through back-end
• If it is a back-end issue causing performance problem, you want to be able to easily go
from user perspective to back end execution details for that user’s request
Application Performance Monitoring
25 Application Performance Monitoring
But What about Android?
• Android Supported Too
• For Android 2.3+, automatically detects any requests made through
• java.net.HttpURLConnection
• javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
• android.net.AndroidHttpClient
• org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient
• For iOS 7+, automatically detects any requests made through
• Foundation Framework
• AFNetworking 2.0
Application Performance Monitoring
Mobile App Performance Monitoring
• Deep visibility into performance of app for real users
Application Performance Monitoring
Mobile Performance Monitoring Options / Trade-Offs
Method Pros Cons
User Reviews No additional work Business Impact
More QA Perf Testing Catch more issues Expensive, incomplete
Build Own Mobile APM Customize collection and
Expensive, large effort,
compete with feature
Use 3rd Party Mobile
Small quick effort
High Visibility
Pre-built analytics
Some additional
operational costs / SaaS
Application Performance Monitoring
App Performance Design Tips
• Design with the network in mind, especially latency
• Asynchronous requests
• Cache
• Pre-fetch content likely needed soon
• Make fewer larger requests vs many smaller ones
• Be cognizant of 3rd party requests / dependencies
• Be network aware, degrade gracefully on slower networks and/or
poor signal strength
• Revert to lower resolution images
• Limit non-essential content
Application Performance Monitoring
App Performance Design Tips
• Perception is Reality
• Prioritize content to paint screen first, even if partial
• Give some feedback in 100 ms time limit
• Spinners?
• Can actually increase perceived time!
• Use judiciously, and do not display immediately
• Use animations to buy you more time and provide feedback
Application Performance Monitoring
Use Optimistic Actions When Possible
• Assume interaction with server will be successful
• Update UI for instantaneous feedback
• Examples
• Like in Facebook or Instagram
• Polar
Application Performance Monitoring
Steve Fox
Sign up for Free Trial! www.foglight.com

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Mobile apps that win

  • 1. 1 Mobile Apps that Win Achieving High Performance with Real-time Analytics Steve Fox Foglight Mobile APM Product Manager
  • 2. 2 Response Times: 3 Important Limits • 100 ms – Limit user will feel as instantaneously • 1.0 sec – Limit to not interrupt user flow of thought • 10 sec – Limit of keeping the user’s attention on the task • “Usability Engineering”, Jakob Nielsen, 1993 • http://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/ Application Performance Monitoring
  • 3. 3 Web Response Times Studies • Google: +500 ms page load time = 25% fewer searches • Amazon: +100 ms of page load time = 1% lost sales • Facebook: +500 ms of page load time = 3% less traffic Application Performance Monitoring
  • 4. 4 Walmart Conversion Rate Analysis Application Performance Monitoring • Multiple Retailer Experiment: • 1 second delay = 7% drop in conversion Source: http://minus.com/msM8y8nyh#2e
  • 5. 5 Mobile Expectations Compared to Web • Best Smartphones compared to average desktop/laptop • Less CPU, Memory • Smaller Screen Size • Often used on slower network • 85% of mobile users surveyed expect experience on mobile device to be “as good or better than online via a computer” http://portal.sliderocket.com/AHJJM/Tealeaf-Mobile-Transactions-Survey • Frame Rates: 30 fps? • Less than 50-60 fps and users report as “jerky” • Early Android scrolling was 30 fps, now 60 fps Application Performance Monitoring
  • 6. 6 Measuring Mobile Frustration • EEG Study of tasks using iPhone with variable delays introduced • 500 ms delay resulted in • 26% increase in frustration • 8% decrease in engagement • http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2013/12/11/slower-web-pages-user-frustration/ Application Performance Monitoring
  • 7. 7 Responses to Mobile Frustration • http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2011/10/21/phone-rage-how-people-react-to-slow-mobile-sites/ Application Performance Monitoring
  • 8. 8 Speed Matters on Mobile Application Performance Monitoring
  • 9. 9 Mobile App Launch! • Code complete! • QA Passed! • App Store Approval! • User Reviews!! App is Unusable! by rsl345 Cool idea, but way too slow to use. Save yourself the frustration and use … instead. • Followed by 30 more • Phone rings • What do you do? Application Performance Monitoring
  • 10. 10 Launch Post-Mortem • Review the QA tests • Every performance test passed • What tests were done? • 25 comprehensive tests on 5 devices • Using what network? • Wifi in lab • What about our beta testing? • 10 employees using their iPhone 5/6 on LTE in the Bay Area • What’s different about the real user usage? • More often than not, it’s the network Application Performance Monitoring
  • 11. 11 But 4G networks are supposed to fix this, right? Application Performance Monitoring -Max Firtman, Velocity, Extreme Mobile Performance
  • 12. 12 But 4G networks are supposed to fix this, right? Application Performance Monitoring -Max Firtman, Velocity, Extreme Mobile Performance
  • 13. 13 Even on 4G, Latency is still a big issue Application Performance Monitoring
  • 14. 14 Is the Answer More QA Performance Testing? • Yes, and No • Effective Mobile Performance Testing is Hard & Expensive • Permutations grow exponentially • Device Types • Network Type • Signal Strength • Carrier • Etc • Reality is your app users are going to be exercising many untested permutations • So you need to monitor real end user performance Application Performance Monitoring
  • 15. 15 How Get Real End User Performance • Have the app measure performance • Add some timing code around network requests • Time-intensive, so try to wrap NSURLConnection class • Still time-intensive, and realize library uses AFNetworking • Once data is collected, where do I send it, when? • I have millions of users, how do I store it all? • How do I make sense of the data? Application Performance Monitoring
  • 16. 16 Mobile Application Performance Management • Use a solution designed to solve this problem: Mobile APM • Link MobileAPM library into your app • Only code change required is couple lines of initialization • Less than 5 minutes to add instrumentation • What it does: • Automatically times all network requests • Records which ViewControllers were active during which network requests • Caches and sends results to cloud collection point in the background Application Performance Monitoring
  • 17. 17 Dimensions Automatically Tracked for Each Network Request • Network Type • Signal Strength • Location • Carrier • URL • Start time • Completion Time • Response Time • + Other metrics Application Performance Monitoring
  • 18. 18 Login to Your Account for Detailed Analytics Application Performance Monitoring
  • 20. 20 App Screen Grouping Paradigm • One app often makes many http requests • Often one user action or one screen load requires multiple http requests • Closer to user experience • Auto-Detect App Screen changes and group http requests by App Screen Application Performance Monitoring
  • 22. 22 Advanced Options • Crash detection and reporting • Exclude URL’s from tracking • Customize your App Screen start/stop measurement points • Add app specific timings • Record errors / messages delivered to user • Record handled exceptions Application Performance Monitoring
  • 23. 23 Is Back-End the Problem? Application Performance Monitoring
  • 24. 24 Follow Http(s) Requests through back-end • If it is a back-end issue causing performance problem, you want to be able to easily go from user perspective to back end execution details for that user’s request Application Performance Monitoring
  • 26. 26 But What about Android? • Android Supported Too • For Android 2.3+, automatically detects any requests made through • java.net.HttpURLConnection • javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection • android.net.AndroidHttpClient • org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient • For iOS 7+, automatically detects any requests made through • Foundation Framework • AFNetworking 2.0 Application Performance Monitoring
  • 27. 27 Mobile App Performance Monitoring • Deep visibility into performance of app for real users Application Performance Monitoring
  • 28. 28 Mobile Performance Monitoring Options / Trade-Offs Method Pros Cons User Reviews No additional work Business Impact More QA Perf Testing Catch more issues Expensive, incomplete Build Own Mobile APM Customize collection and analysis Expensive, large effort, compete with feature development Use 3rd Party Mobile APM Small quick effort High Visibility Pre-built analytics Some additional operational costs / SaaS fees Application Performance Monitoring
  • 29. 29 App Performance Design Tips • Design with the network in mind, especially latency • Asynchronous requests • Cache • Pre-fetch content likely needed soon • Make fewer larger requests vs many smaller ones • Be cognizant of 3rd party requests / dependencies • Be network aware, degrade gracefully on slower networks and/or poor signal strength • Revert to lower resolution images • Limit non-essential content Application Performance Monitoring
  • 30. 30 App Performance Design Tips • Perception is Reality • Prioritize content to paint screen first, even if partial • Give some feedback in 100 ms time limit • Spinners? • Can actually increase perceived time! • Use judiciously, and do not display immediately • Use animations to buy you more time and provide feedback Application Performance Monitoring http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/perceived-performance
  • 31. 31 Use Optimistic Actions When Possible • Assume interaction with server will be successful • Update UI for instantaneous feedback • Examples • Like in Facebook or Instagram • Polar Application Performance Monitoring http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1759 http://www.mobify.com/blog/beginners-guide-to-perceived-performance/