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Mobile Contents

  June 5, 2009

                 Produced by movylo.com




•   Digital content is any content that may be distributed on digital media
    and transported by communications networks

•   In the future digital contents will be 90% of total contents

•   Digital contents are videos, applications, wallpapers, ringtones, photos,
    games, widgets, texts, MMS, mobile tv, communities, voip, p2p…..



Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Videos Viewed
         April 2009
         Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
         Source: comScore Video Metrix

         Property                           Videos (000)             Share (%) of
         Total Internet                     16,785,432               100.0

         Google Sites                       6,831,957                40.7

         Fox Interactive Media              512,872                  3.1

         Hulu                               396,953                  2.4
         Yahoo! Sites                       355,231                  2.1

         Viacom Digital                     315,177                  1.9

         Microsoft Sites                    288,301                  1.7

         Turner Network                     272,709                  1.6

         CBS Interactive                    202,810                  1.2

         Disney Online                      132,212                  0.8

         AOL LLC                            121,431                  0.7

*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and
progressive download video.



Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Unique Viewers
        April 2009
        Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
        Source: comScore Video Metrix
        Property                   Unique Viewers      Average Videos per
                                   (000)               Viewer

        Total Internet                       151,652                   110.7
        Google Sites                         107,877                   63.3
        Fox Interactive Media                58,849                    8.7

        Yahoo! Sites                         45,447                    7.8
        Hulu                                 40,110                    9.9
        CBS Interactive                      37,063                    5.5
        Viacom Digital                       34,587                    9.1
        Turner Network                       34,215                    8.0
        Microsoft Sites                      31,970                    9.0
        AOL LLC                              23,744                    5.1
        FACEBOOK.COM                         13,325                    3.3

*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and
progressive download video.



Other notable findings from April 2009 include:
• 78.6 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video.
• The average online video viewer watched 385 minutes of video, or 6.4
• 107.1 million viewers watched 6.8 billion videos on YouTube.com (63.5
   videos per viewer).
• 49 million viewers watched 387 million videos on MySpace.com (7.9
   videos per viewer).
• Hulu accounted for 2.4 percent of videos viewed, but 4.2 percent of all
   minutes spent watching online video.
• The duration of the average online video was 3.5 minutes.



Source: David Kelly PhD research in Information System 2008

The iPhone has increased mobile internet consumption by a factor of 13 times



Internet Usage Habits among Smartphone Subscribers in

                                                          Percent of Subscribers

Internet Service Accessed via Phone                       iPhone              Smartphone   Market
Any news of information via browser
                                                           84.8%              58.2%        13.1%

Accessed web search
                                                           58.6%              37.0%        6.1%

Watched any mobile TV and/or video
                                                           30.9%              14.2%        4.6%

Accessed a social networking site or blog
                                                           49.7%              19.4%        4.2%

Listened to music on mobile phone
                                                           74.1%              27.9%        6.7%

                                            Source: comScore M:Metrics, MobiLens



Most Popular UK Mobile Internet Sites and corresponding PC-based
                   Internet figures (% Reach)
E.g. on average 24% of Britons active on Mobile Internet visited BBC News through their mobile phone each month in Q3, 2008.

                                      Source: Nielsen Online, UK, Q3 2008.



•   While carrier portals (also referred to
    as “decks”) provide users with links to
    specific websites, most mobile Internet
    users actively seek out websites to

•   40 percent of mobile Internet users
    say they find the sites through search
    engines, 22 percent say they type in
    the URL directly (underscoring the
    importance of mobile optimized or
    redirected sites) and 18 percent say
    they find the sites

                                              Source: Nielsen Online, September 08



•   On the mobile Internet, categories such as search, news, weather and sports
    perform well, as expected, but emerging mobile categories such as social
    networking and banking are attracting sizeable and growing audiences.

•   Portals, with brands such as Yahoo! and Google, were the most popular category of
    mobile websites as of May 2008.



•   36 million unique mobile Internet users (89 percent of the mobile Internet
    audience) accessed portals over the mobile Internet.

•   Email is the next most visited category with 26 million unique users in May 2008
    (65 percent of the mobile Internet audience).



Cos’è ?

                   Just go to www.movylo.com

Movylo empowers users to create a personal multimedia
collection fully browsable through a mobile phone. You can
upload your media content like ringtones, videos, wallpapers,

Check the video:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owMGIPgKAfE



Cos’è ?

                   Just go to www.movylo.com

MOVYLO is a mobile CMS that allows you to create and to publish
   quickly your mobile site suitable with all mobile phones.

Check the video:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DupEq6cdVks


More Related Content

Mobile Contents

  • 1. Mobile Contents June 5, 2009 Produced by movylo.com www.movylo.com
  • 2. DIGITAL CONTENTS • Digital content is any content that may be distributed on digital media and transported by communications networks • In the future digital contents will be 90% of total contents • Digital contents are videos, applications, wallpapers, ringtones, photos, games, widgets, texts, MMS, mobile tv, communities, voip, p2p….. www.movylo.com
  • 3. Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Videos Viewed April 2009 Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations Source: comScore Video Metrix Property Videos (000) Share (%) of Videos Total Internet 16,785,432 100.0 Google Sites 6,831,957 40.7 Fox Interactive Media 512,872 3.1 Hulu 396,953 2.4 Yahoo! Sites 355,231 2.1 Viacom Digital 315,177 1.9 Microsoft Sites 288,301 1.7 Turner Network 272,709 1.6 CBS Interactive 202,810 1.2 Disney Online 132,212 0.8 AOL LLC 121,431 0.7 *Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video. www.movylo.com
  • 4. Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Unique Viewers April 2009 Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations Source: comScore Video Metrix Property Unique Viewers Average Videos per (000) Viewer Total Internet 151,652 110.7 Google Sites 107,877 63.3 Fox Interactive Media 58,849 8.7 Yahoo! Sites 45,447 7.8 Hulu 40,110 9.9 CBS Interactive 37,063 5.5 Viacom Digital 34,587 9.1 Turner Network 34,215 8.0 Microsoft Sites 31,970 9.0 AOL LLC 23,744 5.1 FACEBOOK.COM 13,325 3.3 *Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video. www.movylo.com
  • 5. Other notable findings from April 2009 include: • 78.6 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video. • The average online video viewer watched 385 minutes of video, or 6.4 hours. • 107.1 million viewers watched 6.8 billion videos on YouTube.com (63.5 videos per viewer). • 49 million viewers watched 387 million videos on MySpace.com (7.9 videos per viewer). • Hulu accounted for 2.4 percent of videos viewed, but 4.2 percent of all minutes spent watching online video. • The duration of the average online video was 3.5 minutes. www.movylo.com
  • 6. Source: David Kelly PhD research in Information System 2008 The iPhone has increased mobile internet consumption by a factor of 13 times www.movylo.com
  • 7. Internet Usage Habits among Smartphone Subscribers in Europe Percent of Subscribers Internet Service Accessed via Phone iPhone Smartphone Market Any news of information via browser 84.8% 58.2% 13.1% Accessed web search 58.6% 37.0% 6.1% Watched any mobile TV and/or video 30.9% 14.2% 4.6% Accessed a social networking site or blog 49.7% 19.4% 4.2% Listened to music on mobile phone 74.1% 27.9% 6.7% Source: comScore M:Metrics, MobiLens www.movylo.com
  • 8. Most Popular UK Mobile Internet Sites and corresponding PC-based Internet figures (% Reach) E.g. on average 24% of Britons active on Mobile Internet visited BBC News through their mobile phone each month in Q3, 2008. Source: Nielsen Online, UK, Q3 2008. www.movylo.com
  • 9. While carrier portals (also referred to as “decks”) provide users with links to specific websites, most mobile Internet users actively seek out websites to visit. • 40 percent of mobile Internet users say they find the sites through search engines, 22 percent say they type in the URL directly (underscoring the importance of mobile optimized or redirected sites) and 18 percent say they find the sites Source: Nielsen Online, September 08 www.movylo.com
  • 10. On the mobile Internet, categories such as search, news, weather and sports perform well, as expected, but emerging mobile categories such as social networking and banking are attracting sizeable and growing audiences. • Portals, with brands such as Yahoo! and Google, were the most popular category of mobile websites as of May 2008. www.movylo.com
  • 11. 36 million unique mobile Internet users (89 percent of the mobile Internet audience) accessed portals over the mobile Internet. • Email is the next most visited category with 26 million unique users in May 2008 (65 percent of the mobile Internet audience). www.movylo.com
  • 12. Cos’è ? Just go to www.movylo.com Movylo empowers users to create a personal multimedia collection fully browsable through a mobile phone. You can upload your media content like ringtones, videos, wallpapers, games Check the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owMGIPgKAfE www.movylo.com
  • 13. Cos’è ? TO BUILD AND MANAGE YOUR FREE & PROFESSIONAL M-SITE Just go to www.movylo.com MOVYLO is a mobile CMS that allows you to create and to publish quickly your mobile site suitable with all mobile phones. Check the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DupEq6cdVks www.movylo.com