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Mobile Marketing – Tips & Tricks
16th of June 2015 Sam Stals
Online Marketing Consultant
@The Reference
Online presence
Inbound marketing
User onboarding
Customer Experience
Converion Rate Optimization
Hi there!
Over 25% of internet traffic is mobile.
Source: StatCounter, BI Intelligence Estimates (Business Insider)
Print TV Web Radio Mobile
Ad Spending VS Consumer Time Spent
Source: Mary Meeker, IAB, eMarketer, Business Insider - 2013 U.S. Ad Spending VS Consumer Time Spent By Media
US Adults: Average time spent per day
Brand Ambassadors
Customer Experience
User Onboarding
Inbound Marketing
Customer Life Value
Mobile ad spending to hit
$100B in 2016 and become
the biggest digital ad market
Source: eMarketer – Worldwide ad spending
Mobile doesn’t work.
Weeeh weeh weeh.
Mobile marketing   tips & tricks - faces of content
It's not 'a moment', it's 'moments'
It’s on-the-go & continuous along the consumer
decision journey
Think about your users’ triggers
Be where you need to be (and test)
Keep on your mobile goggles
Be relevant & provide a mobile experience fitting
the users needs
Understand the difference between desktop &
mobile KPI’s
React & analyze accordingly
Mobile advertising, a contextual
(advertising) experience
Mobile advertising, a contextual
(advertising) experience
increase in
ad recall for
branded pins
increase in ad
recall for takeover
lift increase
Source: Adweek, March 24th 2015, With Turn-by-Turn Directions, Google’s Waze App Wants to Win Mobile Advertising
Clicks to Bricks
Source: http://www.marcresearch.com/pdf/Mobile_InStore_Research_Study.pdf
8 in 10 smartphone shoppers use mobile in-store
to help with shopping.
Mobile search is thé starting point.
Frequent mobile shoppers spend 25% more
in-store than people who occasionally use a
mobile phone to help with shopping.
Focus on context-ready landing pages
Source: http://mobiforge.com/research-analysis/mobile-user-behaviour-statistics-2014
Focus on positive mobile experience
33%of tablet users are less likely
to purchase online if they
experience poor site
85%of users expect pages to
load on mobile devices as
fast, or faster than they load
on desktops.
This update:
• Affects only search
rankings on mobile
• Affects search results
in all languages
• Applies to individual
pages, not entire
What about Mobile Video?
Smartphones are the #1 device to reach millenials
Source: Google/Ipsos, Brand Building on Mobile Survey (U.S.), February 2015
Millennials are 2x more
likely to be focused
while watching video on
their smartphones VS on
Source: Google/Ipsos, Brand Building on Mobile Survey (U.S.), February 2015
People who view video’s
on their phones are 1,4
times as likely to watch
ads as those who view
videos on desktops or
Source: Google/Ipsos, Brand Building on Mobile Survey (U.S.), February 2015
They’re also more
inclined to share (1,8
times as likely) or turn
to their peers in person
(1,6 times as likely) to
talk about the video
Mobile marketing   tips & tricks - faces of content
Brand Ambassadors
Customer Experience
User Onboarding
Inbound Marketing
Customer Life Value
What about mobile applications?
People spend about 30 hours per month
inside apps.
Relevant in generating awareness &
Even more important to create an uplift in
retention by building deeper relationships
with customers.
Source: Nielsen, "Smartphones: So Many Apps, So Much Time," July 2014.
Placement Impressions Clicks CTR
CPC Actions CPA
News Feed on
185.065 2.543 1,37% € 1.260,69 € 0,50 2807 € 0,45
News Feed on
Mobile Devices
184.650 5.007 2,71% € 1.003,06 € 0,20 3842 € 0,26
Don’t forget to be where your users are
Source: Facebook Ads Reporting, Automotive, March – May ‘15
46% of mobile teenage
internet users in Belgium who
are active snapchat users
Don’t forget to be where your users are
App discovery doesn’t just happen in the app
People are finding out about apps in all kinds of
instances while using their smartphones.
When they're engaged in an app, searching
for another specific app, watching a YouTube
video, or even surfing a mobile website
Source: Thinkwithgoogle.com
Source: Google/Ipsos, Mobile App Marketing Insights: How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps (U.S.), May 2015.
Search ads are effective in driving app downloads
Types of ads that prompted app downloads among app users
whose download was influenced by ads on a smartphone:
Source: Google/Ipsos, Mobile App Marketing Insights: How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps (U.S.), May 2015.
How many times are people using your app?
What about (mobile) analytics?
That’s why we correlate data-sets
Unfortunately, technology doesn’t
allow us to match data sets to
discover true mobile effectiveness
The Customer Journey
Source: Google, The Mobile Connection: Making mobile work for brands
The Customer Journey
Cross device analytics
Mobile is getting pretty friggin’ huge.
It’s all about context & experience.
Small changes in channels & KPI’s.
Be present where your users are.
Don’t forget your mobile app usage.
.. or mobile video for that matter.
Correlate datasets to understand performance.
Key Takeaways
Don’t forget. It’s not a new channel,
just a different device.
Sam Stals
+32 497 67 12 48

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Mobile marketing tips & tricks - faces of content

Editor's Notes

  1. Online Marketing Consultant @The Reference Focus op eCommerce, CRO, inbound marketing & strategische ondersteuning. Google Analytics Qualified individual Google AdWords Certifid professional
  2. Fun – 1 op 5 mobiel/ 1 op 5 tablet BRP – 1 op 2 mobiel
  3. Media-consumption is through the roof.
  4. Desktop is shrinking slightly. Other is going up (wearables FTW!). A big chunk of the time on mobile is spent on mobile applications
  5. Customer Lifecycle model Acquisition, focus op aantrekken van nieuwe users dmv. uitgebreide data-driven inbound marketingmix Activation, bedoelt op het overtuigen van deze nieuwe bezoekers dmv. aangepaste content & offerings Retention, focus op user experience tactics om terugkerende bezoekers aan te moedigen Referral, verwijst naar idee dat onze eigen klanten onze marketing voor hun rekening zullen nemen. Revenue, focus op monitization & rented branding van de eigen brand ambassadors If you want to actually grow your business, actually acquire new customers, engage with audiences who are not already deeply loyal, you are going to have to use Search, YouTube, Email, Affiliates, Display on desktop sites & mobile sites.
  6. In 2015: Mobile ad spending will be $ 68 bilion In 2016: Mobile ad spending will exceed spending on desktop In 2019: Mobile ad spending is expected to reach $ 195 bilion
  7. Mobile is different. It’s about Context Finding the right channels for the right message Delivering an experience whilst keeping the mobile user in mind Measuring KPI’s to test assumptions
  8. In plaats van 3 keer naar een autodealer te gaan, wordt je 100 x geconfronteerd met de boodschap, al te vaak via mobile (omdat dit continu is)
  9. Fundamenteel verschil in kanaal gebruik tussen desktop & mobile
  10. Mobile specific LP’s based on user needs
  11. In plaats van 3 keer naar een autodealer te gaan, wordt je 100 x geconfronteerd met de boodschap, al te vaak via mobile (omdat dit continu is)
  12. Example #1 Import traffic satus real-time into UA using API. Optimize mobile bids, based on traffic jams. Import weather data using AdWords scripts. Optimize mobile bids, based on weather Context - Stuck in traffic Channels – What I got on me, i.e. my smartphone and its search engine Experience – Solution, relevant to my problem KPI’s – Micro KPI, time on site/ get directions/ ...
  13. Example #2 Location-based mobile advertising Ong. 2 jaar geleden dat Goolg Waze heeft overkocht. Waze: ‘s werelds grootste op community gebaseerde verkeers- en navigatie app. 2 Format Branded pins (hoe ver weg van een winkel) Takeover ads (interstitials) Context - Stuck in traffic Experience – Solution, relevant to my problem Channels – What I got on me, i.e. my smartphone KPI’s – Micro KPI, time on site/ get directions/ ...
  14. Relevante context koppelen à commercieel aanbod.
  15. What about the clicks to bricks story? What about showrooming? Ook hier speelt mobile een rol in: 82% of smartphone users turn to their phone to influence a purchase decision while in a store. Vriend ging naar Mediamarkt een tv kopen. Verkoper zei dat de tv in kwestie hier 300€ goedkoper was dan online. O really? Nop, it wasn’t. Be prepared for this.
  16. Use mobile for in-store meaning: Find location Find hours Make price comparisons Find promo’s Browse If you do have brick stores, make sure you are aware of this and take action: Focus advertising budget with specific marcom messages in & around your brick stores. Counter this showrooming aspect with online kiosks
  17. Mobile retail visits => openingsuren/ adres/ ...
  18. Mobile friendly. Which takes us to #Mobilegeddon
  19. On April 21, 2015, Google will release a significant new mobile-friendly ranking algorithm that’s designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results. Is it important to have a mobile friendly site? Yes. Maybe not so much for search engines, but definetely for your users.
  20. Mobile Video Take YouTube as an example. 50% of global viewership on Youtube comes from mobile devices.
  21. % of smartphone owning 18-34 year olds reported to use each device to watch video content. Source: Google & IPSOS
  22. mobile isn't the second or third screen. It's the first.
  23. Smartphone users are more likely to watch and share ads and content from brands
  24. Smartphone users are more likely to watch and share ads and content from brands So use Youtube as a tactic for your mobile ads. Still not convinced? Well then there’s this one thing.
  25. Brand Lift measures the actual impact of your campaign on brand awareness, ad recall and brand interest. Brand Lift deploys surveys using best-in-class methodology to request feedback directly from thousands of respondents in real-world settings. We automatically isolate a randomized control group that was not shown your ad and an exposed group that did see your ad. After asking the same question to both groups, we can accurately determine the lift attributed to your campaign.
  26. YouTube is good, but don’t forget Facebook!
  27. Customer Lifecycle model Acquisition, focus op aantrekken van nieuwe users dmv. uitgebreide data-driven inbound marketingmix Activation, bedoelt op het overtuigen van deze nieuwe bezoekers dmv. aangepaste content & offerings Retention, focus op user experience tactics om terugkerende bezoekers aan te moedigen Referral, verwijst naar idee dat onze eigen klanten onze marketing voor hun rekening zullen nemen. Revenue, focus op monitization & rented branding van de eigen brand ambassadors People are also spending time on individual apps of companies they frequently do business with. You can do amazing things with me, deepen brand loyalty for example.
  28. Up till now, it was all about mobile websites/ responsive sites/ If you want to actually grow your business, actually acquire new customers, engage with audiences who are not already deeply loyal, you are going to have to use Search, YouTube, Email, Affiliates, Display on desktop sites & mobile sites. Apps are huge.
  29. Hoeveelheid users gigantisch op Facebook. Creatieve ruimte voor commerciële boodschap pak groter dan pakweg in-app advertising of mobile display advertising.
  30. Share of mobile teen internet users in selected countries who are active Snapchat users as of 1st quarter 2015 This statistic gives information on the percentage of mobile teenage internet users in selected countries who are active Snapchat users. As of the first quarter of 2015, the Snapchat penetration rate among U.S. teen internet users was 38 percent. In contrast, 52 percent of teen internet users in Ireland accessed the mobile chatting app. Snapchat for contests Or maybe a form of webcare
  31. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/articles/mobile-app-marketing-insights.html
  32. Source: Google/Ipsos, Mobile App Marketing Insights: How Consumers Really Find and Use Your Apps (U.S.), May 2015.
  33. In-app deeplinking to reengage today’ s users. App engagement & re-engagement is key.
  34. Measure site visits. Measure mobile traffic & micro-conversions (f.e. ‘Get Directions or Click to Call). Find correlations between offline & online data.
  35. Don’t forget: mobile happens on a continuous basis