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PPR Maths nbk

                                       MODUL 11
                              TOPIC : TRANSFORMATIONS
                                    TIME : 2 HOUR

1. (a) Diagram 1 shows two points, M and N, on a Cartesian plane.


                                         2                         N

                         -4     -2       0                 2           4


                                             DIAGRAM 1

                                                 ⎛ − 3⎞
          Transformation Y is a translation ⎜
                                            ⎜         ⎟.
                                                 ⎝ − 3⎠
          Transformation P is a reflection in the x-axis.

          (i) State the coordinates of the image of point N under transformation Y.

          (ii) State the coordinates of image of point M under the following transformation:

                (a) Y2
                (b) YP                                                            [3 marks]


(a) (i)

    (ii) (a)



PPR Maths nbk

    (b) Diagram 2 shows three trapezium ABCD, EFGH and PQRS on a Cartesian

                             S           F                 G

                             P   Q
                         4               E                     H
                                     D       C

                         2           A             B

                         O       2           4         6       8   10

                                         DIAGRAM 2

           Trapezium ABCD is the image of trapezium PQRS under transformation M.
           Trapezium EFGH is the image of trapezium ABCD under transformation N.

           (i) Describe in full transformation :

                 (a) M
                 (b) N                                                          [6 marks]

           (ii) Calculate the area of trapezium EFGH, if the area of trapezium ABCD
                is 25 unit2.                                                     [3 marks]


(b) (i) (a)




PPR Maths nbk

2. (a) Diagram 3 shows the point K on a Cartesian plane.



                  -4   -2          0           2        4          6 x



                                       DIAGRAM 3

       The transformation R represents a 90 0 anticlockwise rotation about the center
                                                            ⎛ 2⎞
       (3, 2). The transformation T represents a translation ⎜ ⎟ . State the coordinates
                                                             ⎜ ⎟
                                                            ⎝ 3⎠
       of the image of the point K under the following transformations.

        (i) R

        (ii) RT                                                                  [3 marks]


   (a) (i)



PPR Maths nbk

  (b) Diagram 4 shows three quadrilateral EFGH, ABCD and OFJK on a Cartesian
      plane. EFGH is the image of ABCD under the transformation U and OFJK is
      the image of EFGH under the transformation V .


                                               2         A           D

                                                         E            F
                           -4        -2        O             2        4        6 x

                                              -2         H       G

                                              -4 K           J

                                               DIAGRAM 4

                   (i) Describe completely the transformation,

                      (a) U,
                      (b) V.                                                         [6 marks]

                   (ii) Given that the shaded area is 120 unit 2 , find the area of ABCD.
                                                                                      [3 marks]

  (b) (i) (a)




PPR Maths nbk

3. (a) Diagram 5 shows the point K on a Cartesian plane.






                 0       2       4       6           8   10    12     14     16

                                         DIAGRAM 5

                                             ⎛ 5 ⎞
        Transformation S is a translation ⎜
                                          ⎜       ⎟.
                                             ⎝ − 2⎠
        Transformation T is a reflection in the x = 9.

        (i) State the coordinates of the image of point F under transformation S.

        (ii) State the coordinates of image of point F under transformation TS. [3 marks]


   (a) (i)



PPR Maths nbk

    (b) Diagram 6 shows three triangle PQR, ACG and EFG on a Cartesian


                                             G          C                      E

                         Q          R                                             x
                 O       2      4       6        8      10    12      14     16
                                            DIAGRAM 2

           Triangle ACG is the image of triangle PQR under transformation V.
           Trapezium EFG is the image of triangle ACG under transformation W.

           (i) Describe in full transformation :

                 (a) V
                 (b) W                                                                [3 marks]

           (ii) Given that the area of triangle EFG represents a region of area 72 unit2.
                Calculate the area, in unit2, of the region represented by triangle PQR.
                                                                                       [6 marks]

(b) (i) (a)




PPR Maths nbk

4. (a) Diagram 7 shows the point M on a Cartesian plane.






              -12   -10   -8      -6      -4     -2     O         2         4

                                          DIAGRAM 7

        Transformation P is a reflection in the line x= -3.
        Transformation R is a rotation of 90o clockwise about the origin.

        State the coordinates of the image of point M under the following transformation:

        (i) P

        (ii) RP                                                                     [3 marks]


   (a) (i)



PPR Maths nbk

   (b) Diagram 8 shows three trapezium ABCD, RSTU and WSYX on a Cartesian


                              W        R        S        8

                                  U                                   A       B

             X                                  Y        2    D               C

       -12         -10   -8       -6       -4       -2   O        2       4       6

                                       DIAGRAM 8

       WSYX is the image of ABCD under combined transformation UV.

       (i) Describe in full transformation :

             (a) U
             (b) V                                                             [5 marks]

     (ii) Given that the area of shaded region WXYTUR represents a region of area
          150 cm2. Calculate the area, in cm2, of the region represented by RSTU.
                                                                           [4 marks]

   (b) (i) (a)




PPR Maths nbk

5. (a) Transformation R is a 90° clockwise rotation at centre (2, 2).
                                             ⎛ 4 ⎞
       Transformation T is a translation ⎜
                                         ⎜        ⎟.
                                             ⎝ − 3⎠
       State the coordinate of the image for coordinate (6 , 4) under the following

       (i) R2.

       (ii) TR.                                                                      [4 marks]


   (a) (i)


   (b) Diagram 9 shows quadrilateral , ABCD, PQRS and EFGH, drawn on a Cartesian
                                                           H                            G

                                  S                  R             C             D


                                      P          Q                     B        A
    -12       -10   -8       -6        -4     -2       O       2           4   6 F 8         x



                                            DIAGRAM 9

        PQRS is the image of ABCD under transformation S and EFGH is the image of
        PQRS under transformation Q.
         (i) Describe in full transformation :


PPR Maths nbk

             (a)Transformation S
             (b)Transformation Q                                                [5 marks]
       (ii) Given the area of ABCD is 64 unit , calculate the area of shaded region.
                                                                               [3 marks]

   (b) (i) (a)




PPR Maths nbk

                                     JAWPAN MODUL11
                                 TOPIC : TRANSFORMATIONS

1 (a) (i)          (0, -1)                                                               1
      (ii)(a)      (-3, -4)                                                              1
          (b)      (-1, -2)                                                              1

   (b)(i)(a)       M is a rotation of 90o clockwise about point (1,3)                    3
           (b)     N is an enlargement with centre at (2,0) and a scale factor of 2      3
      (ii)         Area EFGH = k2(Area ABCD)
                                 = 22(25)                                                3
                                 = 100 unit2

2 (a)(i)           (4, -2)                                                               1
     (ii)          (1, 0)                                                                2

   (b)(i)(a)       U is a rotation of 90o clockwise about the point (1, 1)               3
          (b)      V is an enlargement with centre at (4, 0) and scale factor of 2       3
       (ii)        Area OFJK = k2(Area ABCD)
                   120 + Area ABCD = 22(Area ABCD)                                       3
                   Area ABCD = 40 unit2

3 (a)(i)           (12, 7)                                                               1
     (ii)          (6, 7)                                                                2

   (b)(i)(a)       V is a rotation of 90o clockwise about point (7, 0)                   3
           (b)     W is an enlargement with centre at (7, 3) and scale factor of 3       3
      (ii)         Area EFG = k2(Area PQR)
                   72 = 32(Area PQR)                                                     3
                   Area PQR = 8 unit2

4 (a)(i)           (-3, 6)                                                               1
     (ii)          (6, 11)                                                               2

   (b)(i)(a)                         ⎛ − 8⎞                                              1
                   U is a translation ⎜
                                      ⎜   ⎟
                                     ⎝ 3 ⎠
             (b)   V is an enlargement with centre at (-3, 8) and scale factor of 2.     3
      (ii)         Area WXYS = k2(Area RSTU)
                   150 + RSTU = 22(Area RSTU)                                            4
                   Area RSTU = 50 cm2

5 (a)(i)           (-3, 0)                                                               2
     (ii)          (4, 4)                                                                2

   (b)(i)(a)       S is a reflection in the line x =1                                    2
                   Q is an enlargement with centre at (-11, 2) and scale factor of 2.    3
       (ii)        Area ABCD + Area of shaded region= k2(Area ABCD)
                   64 + Area of shaded region = 22(64)                                   3
                   Area of shaded region = (256 – 64) cm2
                   Area of the shaded region = 192 cm2


PPR Maths nbk

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  • 11. PPR Maths nbk JAWPAN MODUL11 TOPIC : TRANSFORMATIONS 1 (a) (i) (0, -1) 1 (ii)(a) (-3, -4) 1 (b) (-1, -2) 1 (b)(i)(a) M is a rotation of 90o clockwise about point (1,3) 3 (b) N is an enlargement with centre at (2,0) and a scale factor of 2 3 (ii) Area EFGH = k2(Area ABCD) = 22(25) 3 = 100 unit2 2 (a)(i) (4, -2) 1 (ii) (1, 0) 2 (b)(i)(a) U is a rotation of 90o clockwise about the point (1, 1) 3 (b) V is an enlargement with centre at (4, 0) and scale factor of 2 3 (ii) Area OFJK = k2(Area ABCD) 120 + Area ABCD = 22(Area ABCD) 3 Area ABCD = 40 unit2 3 (a)(i) (12, 7) 1 (ii) (6, 7) 2 (b)(i)(a) V is a rotation of 90o clockwise about point (7, 0) 3 (b) W is an enlargement with centre at (7, 3) and scale factor of 3 3 (ii) Area EFG = k2(Area PQR) 72 = 32(Area PQR) 3 Area PQR = 8 unit2 4 (a)(i) (-3, 6) 1 (ii) (6, 11) 2 (b)(i)(a) ⎛ − 8⎞ 1 U is a translation ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ 3 ⎠ (b) V is an enlargement with centre at (-3, 8) and scale factor of 2. 3 (ii) Area WXYS = k2(Area RSTU) 150 + RSTU = 22(Area RSTU) 4 Area RSTU = 50 cm2 5 (a)(i) (-3, 0) 2 (ii) (4, 4) 2 (b)(i)(a) S is a reflection in the line x =1 2 Q is an enlargement with centre at (-11, 2) and scale factor of 2. 3 (ii) Area ABCD + Area of shaded region= k2(Area ABCD) 64 + Area of shaded region = 22(64) 3 Area of shaded region = (256 – 64) cm2 Area of the shaded region = 192 cm2