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Module 2
Geometric Relations
What this module is about
This module will explain to you different characteristics of lines on a plane. In this
module, you will discover that in a plane, lines may be parallel, perpendicular or just
intersecting. This module will introduce you on the relationship among sides and angles of
a triangle. You will also discover some theorems associated with perpendicularity and
inequalities among sides and angles of a triangle. In addition, this module will define
characteristics of lines in a plane.
What you are expected to learn
This module is designed for you to
1. define and illustrate perpendicular and parallel lines
2. define and give examples of the perpendicular bisector of a segment.
3. define and illustrate exterior angles of a triangle and its relationships with other
angles of a triangle.
4. define inequalities among angles and sides of a triangle.
5. illustrate lines that serve as transversal.
How much do you know
Answer the following questions.
1. If l1 ⊥ l2 , then ∠ 1 is _________ angle. L2
2. Given: AB ⊥ BC . If ∠ ABE = 2x + 15, and A
∠ EBC = x, what is m∠ ABE? E
3. An angle which is adjacent and supplementary to one of the angles of a triangle is a
________ angle.
4. In the figure, m∠ EFD + m∠ EFG = ________.
5. What property of inequality supports the statement,
If m > 5 and 5 > n, then m > n.
6. If WY = 5 and YX = 8, what is the range of
values of WX?
7. If B is the midpoint of AX , then AB _____ BX .
8. What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose length of the legs are
3 cm and 4 cm respectively.?
9. Coplanar lines that do not intersect are called ___________. t
10. In the figure, line t intersects lines m
m and n at two points. t is called ______.
What you will do
Lesson 1
Perpendicular Lines and Perpendicular Bisector of Segment
In the figure, two lines a and b intersect at
point X, forming four angles. Two of these angles
are ∠ 1 and ∠ 2. If all these angle are right angles, 1 2
then a is perpendicular to b. The symbol to be x
used for perpendicular is “ ⊥ “. The figure above
can be represented in symbols as a ⊥ b.
We will define perpendicular lines as follows:
Two lines are perpendicular if and only if they intersect to form right angles. Since a ⊥ b
then ∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are right angles. The two other angles in the figure are also right angles. In
the definition stated, there is the phrase if and only if (iff) which means that the definition is
two way. 1) If the lines are perpendicular, then the angles formed are right angles and 2) if
the angles are right angles, then the lines or sides of the angle are perpendicular. This
goes to show that one way of proving perpendicularity is to prove that the angles formed are
right angles.
For you to recognize perpendicular lines, a small square is indicated at the foot of the
perpendiculars which is the intersection.
Consider the given figure. OD ⊥ XM at O. Hence there is
a symbol of small square at the intersection. D
Notice that XM is divided into two segments
XO and OM which has similar markings. Those X M
Markings indicate that XO ≅ OM making O O
The midpoint of the segment. Therefore OD
is the perpendicular bisector of XM .
The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, ray, segment or plane that is
perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint. There are four cases by which a segment has
its perpendicular bisector.
Case 1. line t is the perpendicular bisector
of MN .
M x N
Case 2. Ray OD is the perpendicular
bisector of MN M N B
Case 3. Segment AB is the perpendicular bisector of MN .
Case 4 Plane P is the perpendicular bisector of XY
“Any two right angles are congruent”. All right angles measure 90˚.
Example: ∠ MOP is a right angle M R
∠ RST is a right angle
Conclusion: ∠ MOP ≅ ∠ RST
Try this out
In the figure, MO ⊥ OP , CO ⊥ OD
1. ∠ MOP is __________ angle M C
2. m∠ MOP = ________. P
3. ∠ COD is __________ angle.
4. m∠ COD = _________.
Give the reason for the following statements.
5. m∠ MOP = m∠ COD
6. m∠ MOP = m∠ MOC + m∠ COP
7. m∠ COD = m∠ COP + m∠ POD
8. m∠ MOC + m∠ COP = m∠ COP + m∠ POD
9. - m∠ COP = - m∠ COP
10. m∠ MOC = m∠ POD
11. ∠ MOC ≅ ∠ POD
In the figure, OR ⊥ bisector of SP .
12. SO ≅ ________. R
If SO = 3x + 7 , OP = 5x – 19,
13. The value of X is _________.
14. The length of SO is _______. S O P
15. The length of OP is _______.
16. The length of SP is _______.
AD ⊥ AG . Using the given in the figure, find D
17. x E
18. m∠ DAE 3x x+3
19. m∠ EAF F
20. m∠ FAG x - 5
21. m∠ DAF A G
21. m∠ EAG
In the figure, ∠ STM is a right angle. S
The ratio of m∠ STL to m∠ LTM is 2:1.
Find: L
23. m∠ STL
24. m∠ MTL T M
2 Y
AX ⊥ AY , AW ⊥ AZ X 1
25. What conclusion can you draw on A R W
∠ 1 and ∠ 3?
26. If m∠ ROM = 2x + 22 and O
m∠ NOW = 3x – 12 , show that
27. In the given figure, solve for y.
7y – 71
28. Given: AE bisects ∠ DAS
AT bisects ∠ SAM
E 2 3
1 4
Prove: AE ⊥ AT
Statement Reason
1. AE bisects ∠ DAS 1. Given
AT bisects ∠ SAM
2. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 2, ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 4 2. Definition of ___________
3. m∠ 1 = m∠ 2, m∠ 3 = m∠ 4 3. Definition of congruent angles
4. m∠ DAS + m∠ SAM = 180 4. Definition of _____________
5. m∠ DAS = m∠ 1 + m∠ 2 5. Angle ______ Postulate
m∠ SAM = m∠ 3 + m∠ 4
6. m∠ 1 + m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 + m∠ 4 = 180 6. ________ Property of Equality
7. m∠ 2 + m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 + m∠ 3 = 180 7. ________ Property of Equality
8. 2 m∠ 2 + 2 m∠ 3 = 180 8. Combining like terms
9. m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 = 90 9. Multiplication Property of
10. m∠ EAT = m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 10. Angle Addition Postulate
11. m∠ EAT = 90 11. Substitution
12. ∠ EAT is a right angle 12. Definition of a __________.
13. AE ⊥ AT 13. Definition of ___________
Lesson 2
Exterior Angle of Triangle and Triangle Inequality
Given ∆ABC. If you extend side AC B
through point D, then there is a new angle
formed , ∠ BCD. ∠ BCD is both adjacent
and supplementary to one of the angles of
∆ABC. ∠ BCD is called an exterior angle
of ∆ABC . Two angles, ∠ A and ∠ B are A C D
interior angles of ∆ABC which are not adjacent to ∠ BCD. Therefore, ∠ A and ∠ B are
called remote interior angles of the exterior angle. ∠ BCD is adjacent to ∠ BCA. So ∠ BCA
is called the adjacent interior angle.
An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle which is adjacent and supplementary to
one of the angles of a triangle. The remote interior angles are angles of a triangle which are
not adjacent to the given exterior angle of the triangle. Adjacent interior angle is an interior
angle which forms a linear pair with the given exterior angle.
Illustration: Given ∆RST. S
∠ STP is an exterior angle.
∠ STP and ∠ STR are adjacent and supplementary.
∠ S and ∠ R are the two remote interior angles. R T P
∠ STR is the adjacent interior angle to ∠ STP.
Exterior Angle Equality Theorem
The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of its two remote
interior angles. In ∆CEF, ∠ FED is an exterior angle F
Since ∠ C and ∠ F are the two remote interior angles.
Therefore, m∠ FED = m∠ C + m∠ F C E D
Example: R
If in the given triangle ∆MRE,
m∠ M = 31, m∠ R = 34
then, m∠ RED = m∠ M + m∠ R
m∠ RED = 31 + 34
m∠ RED = 65 M E D
and m∠ REM = 180 – 65
m∠ REM = 115
Since in the latter part of the lesson, you will be dealing with inequalities, it is
necessary that you recall some properties of inequality which are of great help to you in
proving statements in Geometry.
Let a, b, x and y be real numbers.
Trichotomy Property. Exactly one of the following is true:
a < b; a = b; or a > b
Addition Property of Inequality
If a > b, then a + x > b + x
Subtraction Property of Inequality
If a > b, then a – x > b – x and x – b > x – a
Multiplication Property of Inequality
If a > b and y > 0, then ay > by
If a > b and y < 0, then ay < by
Transitive Property of Inequality
If a > b and b > c, then a > c.
This properties of inequality can be applied to geometric figures since the measures
of angles and segments are real numbers.
For segments:
AB > CD if and only if AB > CD
AB < CD if and only if AB < CD
For angles:
∠ A > ∠ B if and only if m∠ A > m∠ B
∠ A < ∠ B if and only if m∠ A < m∠ B
In Geometry, whenever possible, every statement is supported by reasons. In this
lesson, you will find theorems are given but are not proven formally. Instead, illustrations are
provided for easier understanding. You may opt to prove them though but you are allowed
to use these theorems once you have gone through the illustrations and examples.
Theorem: The whole is greater than any of its parts.
The meaning of this theorem is very clear to see.
1. 10 = 7 + 3
Therefore: 10 > 7 or 10 > 3
2. Given PR with point Q in between P and R.
By definition of betweenness, PR = PQ + QR P Q R
Therefore: PR > PQ
3. Given ∠ X and C is in the interior of ∠ X
By the Angle Addition Postulate, B
m∠ X = m∠ AXC + m∠ CXB
Therefore by using the theorem,
m∠ X > m∠ AXC
m∠ x > m∠ CXB
Theorem: Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem. The measure of an exterior angle of a
triangle is greater than the measure of either of the two remote interior angles.
Illustration: In the figure, ∠ BAG is an B
exterior angle of ∆ABC.
∠ B and ∠ C are the two
Remote interior angles
Therefore: ∠ BAG > ∠ C C A G
∠ BAG > ∠ B
1. If m∠ BAG = 113, then m∠ C < 113 and m∠ B < 113
But m∠ C + m∠ B = 113.
2. If m∠ C = 28, then m∠ BAG > 28.
Theorem: Triangle Inequality Theorem. In any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any
two of its sides is greater than the length of its third side.
In ∆ABC, the following side inequalities hold
a. AB + BC > AC
b. AC + BC > AB
c. AC + AB > BC A B
Determine if the following segments whose given measures are sides of a triangle.
1. 5 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm
2. 10 cm, 11 cm, 6 cm
3. 3 cm, 2 cm, 1 cm
1. 5 + 3 > 4
3 + 4 > 5
5 + 4 > 3
Conclusion: Since the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side, then
5cm, 3cm and 4cm are measures of the sides of a triangle.
2. 10 + 11 > 6
11 + 6 > 10
10 + 6 > 11
Conclusion: Since the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side, then
10 cm, 11 cm and 6cm are measures of the sides of a triangle.
3. 3 + 2 > 1
3 + 1 > 2
2 + 1 = 3
Conclusion: Since one of the sum is not greater than the third side then,
3cm, 2cm and 1 cm are not measures of sides of a triangle.
4. If in the given triangle, the lengths of the two sides are given, what is the range of the
length of the third side, PQ ?
a. 5 + 8 > PQ
13 > PQ
b. 5 + PQ > 8
PQ > 8 – 5
PQ > 3
c. 8 + PQ > 5
PQ > 5 – 8
PQ > - 3 (This cannot be since the side of triangle is always positive)
d. Combining statements a and b into a single statement will give you 13 > PQ and
PQ > 3 which is written as 13 > PQ > 3.
Reversing the order, the statement can be written as 3 < PQ < 13.
So the range of the third side is 3 < PQ < 13. If you have noticed, that 3 is the
difference between the lengths of the two given sides, while 13 is the sum of the lengths of
the two given sides.
The Pythagorean Theorem states that “In any right triangle, the square of the length
of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs.”
Illustration: E
Given: DEF∆ s a right triangle.
FE is the length of the hypotenuse
DE and FD are the lengths of the legs
Conclusion: DE2
+ FD2
= FE2
1. Given a right triangle, find x
= a2
+ b2
= 32
+ 42
= 9 + 16
= 25
x = 25 4
x = 5
2. If c = 13, a = 12, find b.
= a2
+ b2
= 122
+ b2
169 = 144 + b2
= 169 – 144 a
= 25
b = 25
b = 5
3. If c = 10, b = 6, find a.
= a2
+ b2
= a2
+ 62
100 = a2
+ 36
= 100 - 36
= 64
a = 64
a = 8
4. The side of a square is 3 cm. Find the length of its diagonal.
= 32
+ 32
= 9 + 9
= 18 3
x = 18
x = 3 2 3
In an isosceles right triangle like example no. 4, the legs are of equal lengths. Thus in
order to find the length of the hypotenuse, you simply apply the Pythagorean formula.
In an isosceles right triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the length of the leg
multiplied by 2 .
Try this out
A. Justify each statement by stating the property, theorem, postulate, or definition that
supports the statement.
1. If a < b, then 3a < 3b.
2. If m∠ A = 65 and m∠ D > m∠ A, then m∠ D > 65.
3. A is the midpoint of XY . Therefore, AX = AY.
4. If x and y are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and z is the length of the
hypotenuse, then x2
+ y2
= z2
5. ∠ 1 is an exterior angle of PQR∆ . R
m∠ 1 > m∠ P
B. Supply the missing statement
6. If m∠ x = m∠ 1 + m∠ 2, then m∠ 1 _______ m∠ x
7. If AM bisects ∠ DAY, then ∠ DAM _____ ∠ MAY
Using the figure at the right, N
8. If m∠ A = 31, then m∠ LEN ____ 31.
9. If m∠ N = 43 and m∠ A = 39, m∠ LEN = _______. A
10. ∠ LEN and ∠ NEA are ___________ and ___________. L E
C. Determine if the following are lengths of the sides of a triangle.
11. 5, 5, 6
12. 3, 4, 5
13. 3, 3, 2
14. 1, 1, 2
15. 6, 8, 10
16. 7.5, 6.5, 14
D. Given the lengths of the two sides of a triangle, determine the range of the length of the
third side.
17. 13, 10
18. 7, 11
19. 5, 5
20. 3.25, 6.1
21. 4.73, 8.92
A 11
22. Given the lengths of the four sides
of quadrilateral KANE, determine the 6
range of possible lengths of diagonals 9
AE and KN . E
K 14
F. Given rt. XYZ∆ , compute for the missing
side using the table below. X
23. 7 5
24 12 13
25. 6 12
G. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle given the measure of a side or sides.
26. 3, 5
27. 7
28. 10 , 15
29. 3 2
30. What is the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle if one of the leg
measures 13 cm?
Lesson 3
Introduction to Parallel Lines and Transversals
Lines may be classified as:
a. coplanar and intersecting like
lines a and b
b. coplanar but not intersecting m
like lines m and n
c. Non-coplanar and non-intersecting
like lines k and l
Illustration a represents intersecting lines. The second illustration represents parallel
lines and the third illustration showed skew lines.
Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect. Skew lines are non-coplanar
Given coplanar lines a and b. A third a X
line t intersects lines a and b at two distinct
points X and Y. We call line t a transversal.
A transversal is a line that intersect s two or b
more lines at two or more distinct points. Y
Try this out
Determine if the following statements define intersecting, parallel or skew lines.
1. The two frames of jalousie windows
2. Electric wires near the post
3. The iron base on the railroad tracks
4. The two flyovers at Nagtahan
Write true if the statement is always true, sometimes if the statement is sometimes true
and false if it is never true.
5. Intersecting lines are coplanar.
6. Skew lines are non-coplanar.
7. Two parallel lines determine .a plane
8. Two non-intersecting lines are parallel.
9. Transversal intersect only two lines at a time.
10.Parallel lines are non coplanar.
Let’s summarize
Two lines are perpendicular if and only if they intersect to form right angles.
The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, ray, segment or plane that is
perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint.
Any two right angles are congruent.
An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle, which is adjacent and supplementary to
one of the angles of a triangle. The remote interior angles are angles of the triangle which
are not adjacent to the given exterior angle.
The measure of an exterior angle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two
remote interior angles.
Properties of Inequality
a. Trichotomy property of Inequality
b. Addition property of Inequality
c. Subtraction property of Inequality
d. Multiplication property of Inequality
e. Transitive property of Inequality
The whole is greater than any of its parts.
Exterior angle Inequality Theorem. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is
greater than the measure of either of the two remote interior angles.
Triangle Inequality Theorem. In any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two of its
sides is greater than the length of its third side.
Pythagorean theorem. In any right triangle, the square of the length of the
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs.
Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect. Skew lines are non-coplanar
lines. Transversal is a line that intersects two or more lines at two or more distinct points.
What have you learned
Answer the following as indicated:
1. ∠ A is a right angle, ∠ X is a right angle. ∠ A _____∠ X
2. Using the figure at the right, ∠ RYP_____ ∠ R. Y P
3. AB ⊥ BC . BD bisects ∠ B. What is m∠ 1? A D
1 2
4. What property of inequality supports the B C
Following statement.
If x < 7, then 5x < 35. T
5. ∆BET is a right triangle. m∠ B < _________.
6. In ∆BET, if BE = 5, ET = 3, what is BT?
7. Using the measures given in ∆MAN, give 4 9
the range of values or length of MN .
8. Prison bars are examples of ________ lines
9. If m∠ D = 23, and m∠ y = 19 , then
m∠ DAP = ___________. Y
10. Find the perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 7 2 cm long.
Answer Key
How much do you know
1. right
2. 65
3. an exterior
4. 180
5. transitive property of Inequality
6. 3 < WX < 13
7. ≅
8. 5 cm
9. parallel lines
Try this out
Lesson 1
1. right
2. 90
3. right
4. 90
5. Any two right angles are congruent
6. Angle Addition Postulate
7. Angle Addition Postulate
8. Transitive Property of Equality
9. Reflexive Property of Equality
10. Subtraction Property of Equality
11. Definition of Congruent Angles
12. OP
13. 13
14. 46
15. 46
16. 92
17. 23
18. 46
19. 26
20. 18
21. 72
22. 44
23. 60
24. 30
25. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 3
26. m∠ ROM = m ∠ NOW
2x + 22 = 3x – 12
- x = - 34
x = 34
m ∠ ROM = 2(34) + 22
m ∠ ROM = 68 + 22
m ∠ ROM = 90
m ∠ NOW = 3(34) – 12
m ∠ NOW = 102 – 12
m ∠ NOW = 90
Both m∠ ROM and m∠ NOW are 90 each
So ∠ ROM and ∠ NOW are right angles
Therefore MW ⊥ RN
27. 7y – 71 = 90
7y = 90 + 71
7y = 161
y = 23
28. 2. angle bisector
4. supplementary angles or linear pair postulate
5. Addition
6. Addition
7. Transitive
11. Right angle
12. Perpendicular lines
Lesson 2
1. Multiplication Property of Inequality
2. Transitive Property of Inequality
3. Definition of Midpoint
4. Pythagorean Theorem
5. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
6. <
7. ≅
8. >
9. 82
10. Adjacent and supplementary
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. No
15. Yes
16. No
17. 3 < third side < 23
18. 4 < third side < 18
19. 0 < third side < 10
20. 2.85 < third side < 9.35
21. 4.19 < third side < 13.65
22. a. 5 < AE < 17
b. 8 < KN < 20
23. 74
24. 5
25. 6 3
26. 34
27. 7 2
28. 5
29. 6
30. 13 2 cm
Lesson 3
1. Parallel
2. Intersecting
3. Parallel
4. Skew
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. Sometimes
9. Sometimes
10. False
What have you learned
1. ≅
2. >
3. 45
4. Multiplication Property of Inequality
5. 90
6. BT = 34
7. 5 < MN < 13
8. parallel
9. 42
10.7(4) = 28 cm.

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  • 1. Module 2 Geometric Relations What this module is about This module will explain to you different characteristics of lines on a plane. In this module, you will discover that in a plane, lines may be parallel, perpendicular or just intersecting. This module will introduce you on the relationship among sides and angles of a triangle. You will also discover some theorems associated with perpendicularity and inequalities among sides and angles of a triangle. In addition, this module will define characteristics of lines in a plane. What you are expected to learn This module is designed for you to 1. define and illustrate perpendicular and parallel lines 2. define and give examples of the perpendicular bisector of a segment. 3. define and illustrate exterior angles of a triangle and its relationships with other angles of a triangle. 4. define inequalities among angles and sides of a triangle. 5. illustrate lines that serve as transversal. How much do you know L1 Answer the following questions. 1 1. If l1 ⊥ l2 , then ∠ 1 is _________ angle. L2 2. Given: AB ⊥ BC . If ∠ ABE = 2x + 15, and A ∠ EBC = x, what is m∠ ABE? E B C
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  • 3. 3 the angles are right angles, then the lines or sides of the angle are perpendicular. This goes to show that one way of proving perpendicularity is to prove that the angles formed are right angles. For you to recognize perpendicular lines, a small square is indicated at the foot of the perpendiculars which is the intersection. Consider the given figure. OD ⊥ XM at O. Hence there is a symbol of small square at the intersection. D Notice that XM is divided into two segments XO and OM which has similar markings. Those X M Markings indicate that XO ≅ OM making O O The midpoint of the segment. Therefore OD is the perpendicular bisector of XM . The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, ray, segment or plane that is perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint. There are four cases by which a segment has its perpendicular bisector. t Case 1. line t is the perpendicular bisector of MN . M x N D Case 2. Ray OD is the perpendicular bisector of MN M N B O Case 3. Segment AB is the perpendicular bisector of MN . M N A Case 4 Plane P is the perpendicular bisector of XY P X Y “Any two right angles are congruent”. All right angles measure 90˚.
  • 4. 4 Example: ∠ MOP is a right angle M R ∠ RST is a right angle Conclusion: ∠ MOP ≅ ∠ RST O P S T Try this out In the figure, MO ⊥ OP , CO ⊥ OD 1. ∠ MOP is __________ angle M C 2. m∠ MOP = ________. P 3. ∠ COD is __________ angle. 4. m∠ COD = _________. O D Give the reason for the following statements. 5. m∠ MOP = m∠ COD 6. m∠ MOP = m∠ MOC + m∠ COP 7. m∠ COD = m∠ COP + m∠ POD 8. m∠ MOC + m∠ COP = m∠ COP + m∠ POD 9. - m∠ COP = - m∠ COP 10. m∠ MOC = m∠ POD 11. ∠ MOC ≅ ∠ POD In the figure, OR ⊥ bisector of SP . 12. SO ≅ ________. R If SO = 3x + 7 , OP = 5x – 19, 13. The value of X is _________. 14. The length of SO is _______. S O P 15. The length of OP is _______. 16. The length of SP is _______. AD ⊥ AG . Using the given in the figure, find D 17. x E 18. m∠ DAE 3x x+3 19. m∠ EAF F 20. m∠ FAG x - 5 21. m∠ DAF A G 21. m∠ EAG In the figure, ∠ STM is a right angle. S The ratio of m∠ STL to m∠ LTM is 2:1. Find: L 23. m∠ STL 24. m∠ MTL T M
  • 5. 5 W 2 Y AX ⊥ AY , AW ⊥ AZ X 1 3 Z 25. What conclusion can you draw on A R W ∠ 1 and ∠ 3? 26. If m∠ ROM = 2x + 22 and O m∠ NOW = 3x – 12 , show that MW ⊥ RN M N 27. In the given figure, solve for y. 7y – 71 28. Given: AE bisects ∠ DAS AT bisects ∠ SAM T S E 2 3 1 4 D A M Prove: AE ⊥ AT Proof: Statement Reason 1. AE bisects ∠ DAS 1. Given AT bisects ∠ SAM 2. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 2, ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 4 2. Definition of ___________ 3. m∠ 1 = m∠ 2, m∠ 3 = m∠ 4 3. Definition of congruent angles 4. m∠ DAS + m∠ SAM = 180 4. Definition of _____________ 5. m∠ DAS = m∠ 1 + m∠ 2 5. Angle ______ Postulate m∠ SAM = m∠ 3 + m∠ 4 6. m∠ 1 + m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 + m∠ 4 = 180 6. ________ Property of Equality 7. m∠ 2 + m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 + m∠ 3 = 180 7. ________ Property of Equality 8. 2 m∠ 2 + 2 m∠ 3 = 180 8. Combining like terms 9. m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 = 90 9. Multiplication Property of Equality 10. m∠ EAT = m∠ 2 + m∠ 3 10. Angle Addition Postulate 11. m∠ EAT = 90 11. Substitution 12. ∠ EAT is a right angle 12. Definition of a __________. 13. AE ⊥ AT 13. Definition of ___________
  • 6. 6 Lesson 2 Exterior Angle of Triangle and Triangle Inequality Given ∆ABC. If you extend side AC B through point D, then there is a new angle formed , ∠ BCD. ∠ BCD is both adjacent and supplementary to one of the angles of ∆ABC. ∠ BCD is called an exterior angle of ∆ABC . Two angles, ∠ A and ∠ B are A C D interior angles of ∆ABC which are not adjacent to ∠ BCD. Therefore, ∠ A and ∠ B are called remote interior angles of the exterior angle. ∠ BCD is adjacent to ∠ BCA. So ∠ BCA is called the adjacent interior angle. An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle which is adjacent and supplementary to one of the angles of a triangle. The remote interior angles are angles of a triangle which are not adjacent to the given exterior angle of the triangle. Adjacent interior angle is an interior angle which forms a linear pair with the given exterior angle. Illustration: Given ∆RST. S ∠ STP is an exterior angle. ∠ STP and ∠ STR are adjacent and supplementary. ∠ S and ∠ R are the two remote interior angles. R T P ∠ STR is the adjacent interior angle to ∠ STP. Exterior Angle Equality Theorem The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of its two remote interior angles. In ∆CEF, ∠ FED is an exterior angle F Conclusions: Since ∠ C and ∠ F are the two remote interior angles. Therefore, m∠ FED = m∠ C + m∠ F C E D Example: R If in the given triangle ∆MRE, m∠ M = 31, m∠ R = 34 then, m∠ RED = m∠ M + m∠ R m∠ RED = 31 + 34 m∠ RED = 65 M E D and m∠ REM = 180 – 65 m∠ REM = 115
  • 7. 7 Since in the latter part of the lesson, you will be dealing with inequalities, it is necessary that you recall some properties of inequality which are of great help to you in proving statements in Geometry. Let a, b, x and y be real numbers. Trichotomy Property. Exactly one of the following is true: a < b; a = b; or a > b Addition Property of Inequality If a > b, then a + x > b + x Subtraction Property of Inequality If a > b, then a – x > b – x and x – b > x – a Multiplication Property of Inequality If a > b and y > 0, then ay > by If a > b and y < 0, then ay < by Transitive Property of Inequality If a > b and b > c, then a > c. This properties of inequality can be applied to geometric figures since the measures of angles and segments are real numbers. Illustrations: For segments: AB > CD if and only if AB > CD AB < CD if and only if AB < CD For angles: ∠ A > ∠ B if and only if m∠ A > m∠ B ∠ A < ∠ B if and only if m∠ A < m∠ B In Geometry, whenever possible, every statement is supported by reasons. In this lesson, you will find theorems are given but are not proven formally. Instead, illustrations are provided for easier understanding. You may opt to prove them though but you are allowed to use these theorems once you have gone through the illustrations and examples. Theorem: The whole is greater than any of its parts. The meaning of this theorem is very clear to see. Examples: 1. 10 = 7 + 3 Therefore: 10 > 7 or 10 > 3
  • 8. 8 2. Given PR with point Q in between P and R. By definition of betweenness, PR = PQ + QR P Q R Therefore: PR > PQ PR > QR A C 3. Given ∠ X and C is in the interior of ∠ X By the Angle Addition Postulate, B m∠ X = m∠ AXC + m∠ CXB X Therefore by using the theorem, m∠ X > m∠ AXC m∠ x > m∠ CXB Theorem: Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the measure of either of the two remote interior angles. Illustration: In the figure, ∠ BAG is an B exterior angle of ∆ABC. ∠ B and ∠ C are the two Remote interior angles Therefore: ∠ BAG > ∠ C C A G ∠ BAG > ∠ B Examples: 1. If m∠ BAG = 113, then m∠ C < 113 and m∠ B < 113 But m∠ C + m∠ B = 113. 2. If m∠ C = 28, then m∠ BAG > 28. Theorem: Triangle Inequality Theorem. In any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two of its sides is greater than the length of its third side. C Illustration: In ∆ABC, the following side inequalities hold a. AB + BC > AC b. AC + BC > AB c. AC + AB > BC A B Examples: Determine if the following segments whose given measures are sides of a triangle. 1. 5 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm 2. 10 cm, 11 cm, 6 cm 3. 3 cm, 2 cm, 1 cm
  • 9. 9 Solution: 1. 5 + 3 > 4 3 + 4 > 5 5 + 4 > 3 Conclusion: Since the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side, then 5cm, 3cm and 4cm are measures of the sides of a triangle. 2. 10 + 11 > 6 11 + 6 > 10 10 + 6 > 11 Conclusion: Since the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side, then 10 cm, 11 cm and 6cm are measures of the sides of a triangle. 3. 3 + 2 > 1 3 + 1 > 2 2 + 1 = 3 Conclusion: Since one of the sum is not greater than the third side then, 3cm, 2cm and 1 cm are not measures of sides of a triangle. 4. If in the given triangle, the lengths of the two sides are given, what is the range of the length of the third side, PQ ? a. 5 + 8 > PQ 13 > PQ b. 5 + PQ > 8 PQ > 8 – 5 PQ > 3 c. 8 + PQ > 5 PQ > 5 – 8 PQ > - 3 (This cannot be since the side of triangle is always positive) d. Combining statements a and b into a single statement will give you 13 > PQ and PQ > 3 which is written as 13 > PQ > 3. Reversing the order, the statement can be written as 3 < PQ < 13. So the range of the third side is 3 < PQ < 13. If you have noticed, that 3 is the difference between the lengths of the two given sides, while 13 is the sum of the lengths of the two given sides. The Pythagorean Theorem states that “In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs.”
  • 10. 10 Illustration: E Given: DEF∆ s a right triangle. FE is the length of the hypotenuse DE and FD are the lengths of the legs Conclusion: DE2 + FD2 = FE2 D F Examples: 1. Given a right triangle, find x Solution: c2 = a2 + b2 x x2 = 32 + 42 3 x2 = 9 + 16 x2 = 25 x = 25 4 x = 5 2. If c = 13, a = 12, find b. Solution: c2 = a2 + b2 c 132 = 122 + b2 b 169 = 144 + b2 b2 = 169 – 144 a b2 = 25 b = 25 b = 5 3. If c = 10, b = 6, find a. c2 = a2 + b2 102 = a2 + 62 100 = a2 + 36 a2 = 100 - 36 a2 = 64 a = 64 a = 8 4. The side of a square is 3 cm. Find the length of its diagonal. Solution: x2 = 32 + 32 x2 = 9 + 9 x2 = 18 3 x = 18 x = 3 2 3 x
  • 11. 11 In an isosceles right triangle like example no. 4, the legs are of equal lengths. Thus in order to find the length of the hypotenuse, you simply apply the Pythagorean formula. In an isosceles right triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the length of the leg multiplied by 2 . Try this out A. Justify each statement by stating the property, theorem, postulate, or definition that supports the statement. 1. If a < b, then 3a < 3b. 2. If m∠ A = 65 and m∠ D > m∠ A, then m∠ D > 65. 3. A is the midpoint of XY . Therefore, AX = AY. 4. If x and y are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and z is the length of the hypotenuse, then x2 + y2 = z2 . 5. ∠ 1 is an exterior angle of PQR∆ . R m∠ 1 > m∠ P 1 P Q B. Supply the missing statement 6. If m∠ x = m∠ 1 + m∠ 2, then m∠ 1 _______ m∠ x 7. If AM bisects ∠ DAY, then ∠ DAM _____ ∠ MAY Using the figure at the right, N 8. If m∠ A = 31, then m∠ LEN ____ 31. 9. If m∠ N = 43 and m∠ A = 39, m∠ LEN = _______. A 10. ∠ LEN and ∠ NEA are ___________ and ___________. L E C. Determine if the following are lengths of the sides of a triangle. 11. 5, 5, 6 12. 3, 4, 5 13. 3, 3, 2 14. 1, 1, 2 15. 6, 8, 10 16. 7.5, 6.5, 14 D. Given the lengths of the two sides of a triangle, determine the range of the length of the third side. 17. 13, 10 18. 7, 11 19. 5, 5 20. 3.25, 6.1 21. 4.73, 8.92
  • 12. 12 A 11 N 22. Given the lengths of the four sides of quadrilateral KANE, determine the 6 range of possible lengths of diagonals 9 AE and KN . E K 14 Y F. Given rt. XYZ∆ , compute for the missing side using the table below. X Z XZ YZ XY 23. 7 5 24 12 13 25. 6 12 G. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle given the measure of a side or sides. 26. 3, 5 27. 7 28. 10 , 15 29. 3 2 30. What is the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle if one of the leg measures 13 cm? Lesson 3 Introduction to Parallel Lines and Transversals a Lines may be classified as: a. coplanar and intersecting like lines a and b b b. coplanar but not intersecting m like lines m and n n k c. Non-coplanar and non-intersecting like lines k and l I
  • 13. 13 Illustration a represents intersecting lines. The second illustration represents parallel lines and the third illustration showed skew lines. Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect. Skew lines are non-coplanar lines. t Given coplanar lines a and b. A third a X line t intersects lines a and b at two distinct points X and Y. We call line t a transversal. A transversal is a line that intersect s two or b more lines at two or more distinct points. Y Try this out Determine if the following statements define intersecting, parallel or skew lines. 1. The two frames of jalousie windows 2. Electric wires near the post 3. The iron base on the railroad tracks 4. The two flyovers at Nagtahan Write true if the statement is always true, sometimes if the statement is sometimes true and false if it is never true. 5. Intersecting lines are coplanar. 6. Skew lines are non-coplanar. 7. Two parallel lines determine .a plane 8. Two non-intersecting lines are parallel. 9. Transversal intersect only two lines at a time. 10.Parallel lines are non coplanar. Let’s summarize Two lines are perpendicular if and only if they intersect to form right angles. The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, ray, segment or plane that is perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint. Any two right angles are congruent. An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle, which is adjacent and supplementary to one of the angles of a triangle. The remote interior angles are angles of the triangle which are not adjacent to the given exterior angle.
  • 14. 14 The measure of an exterior angle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles. Properties of Inequality a. Trichotomy property of Inequality b. Addition property of Inequality c. Subtraction property of Inequality d. Multiplication property of Inequality e. Transitive property of Inequality The whole is greater than any of its parts. Exterior angle Inequality Theorem. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the measure of either of the two remote interior angles. Triangle Inequality Theorem. In any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two of its sides is greater than the length of its third side. Pythagorean theorem. In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs. Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect. Skew lines are non-coplanar lines. Transversal is a line that intersects two or more lines at two or more distinct points. What have you learned Answer the following as indicated: R 1. ∠ A is a right angle, ∠ X is a right angle. ∠ A _____∠ X 2. Using the figure at the right, ∠ RYP_____ ∠ R. Y P T 3. AB ⊥ BC . BD bisects ∠ B. What is m∠ 1? A D 1 2 4. What property of inequality supports the B C Following statement. If x < 7, then 5x < 35. T 5. ∆BET is a right triangle. m∠ B < _________. 6. In ∆BET, if BE = 5, ET = 3, what is BT? B E
  • 15. 15 A 7. Using the measures given in ∆MAN, give 4 9 the range of values or length of MN . M N 8. Prison bars are examples of ________ lines D 9. If m∠ D = 23, and m∠ y = 19 , then m∠ DAP = ___________. Y P A 10. Find the perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 7 2 cm long.
  • 16. 16 Answer Key How much do you know 1. right 2. 65 3. an exterior 4. 180 5. transitive property of Inequality 6. 3 < WX < 13 7. ≅ 8. 5 cm 9. parallel lines 10.transversal Try this out Lesson 1 1. right 2. 90 3. right 4. 90 5. Any two right angles are congruent 6. Angle Addition Postulate 7. Angle Addition Postulate 8. Transitive Property of Equality 9. Reflexive Property of Equality 10. Subtraction Property of Equality 11. Definition of Congruent Angles 12. OP 13. 13 14. 46 15. 46 16. 92 17. 23 18. 46 19. 26 20. 18 21. 72 22. 44 23. 60 24. 30 25. ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 3 26. m∠ ROM = m ∠ NOW 2x + 22 = 3x – 12 - x = - 34 x = 34
  • 17. 17 m ∠ ROM = 2(34) + 22 m ∠ ROM = 68 + 22 m ∠ ROM = 90 m ∠ NOW = 3(34) – 12 m ∠ NOW = 102 – 12 m ∠ NOW = 90 Both m∠ ROM and m∠ NOW are 90 each So ∠ ROM and ∠ NOW are right angles Therefore MW ⊥ RN 27. 7y – 71 = 90 7y = 90 + 71 7y = 161 y = 23 28. 2. angle bisector 4. supplementary angles or linear pair postulate 5. Addition 6. Addition 7. Transitive 11. Right angle 12. Perpendicular lines Lesson 2 A. 1. Multiplication Property of Inequality 2. Transitive Property of Inequality 3. Definition of Midpoint 4. Pythagorean Theorem 5. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem 6. < 7. ≅ 8. > 9. 82 10. Adjacent and supplementary 11. Yes 12. Yes 13. Yes 14. No 15. Yes 16. No 17. 3 < third side < 23 18. 4 < third side < 18 19. 0 < third side < 10 20. 2.85 < third side < 9.35 21. 4.19 < third side < 13.65 22. a. 5 < AE < 17 b. 8 < KN < 20
  • 18. 18 23. 74 24. 5 25. 6 3 26. 34 27. 7 2 28. 5 29. 6 30. 13 2 cm Lesson 3 1. Parallel 2. Intersecting 3. Parallel 4. Skew 5. True 6. True 7. True 8. Sometimes 9. Sometimes 10. False What have you learned 1. ≅ 2. > 3. 45 4. Multiplication Property of Inequality 5. 90 6. BT = 34 7. 5 < MN < 13 8. parallel 9. 42 10.7(4) = 28 cm.