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Former NAS Moffett Field

Site 25 Remedial Action Update

        Bryce Bartelma, PG
       Navy BRAC PMO West

         August 9, 2012
          RAB Meeting


IR Site 25

IR Site 25 encompasses approximately 230 acres and was constructed for use
   as part of the Moffett Field storm water management system since 1953


     The Navy is coordinating remedial action activities with NASA as they
  prepare to conduct their cleanup activities at Area of Investigation (AOI)-14


Remedial Design and
                 Remedial Action Work Plan

• Final Remedial Design
  and Remedial Action
  Work Plan (RD/RAWP)
  distributed on March 30

• Removal of over 32,500
  cubic yards of sediment
  from nearly 32 acres

• Planned excavation
  depths of 0.5 – 1.5 feet
  below ground surface

• Restore vegetated
  areas with pickleweed
  and other native grass


April 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25



Step 1: Temporarily Re-route
Storm Water & WATS effluent

                  Storm Water
                  Settling Vault

                      Catch Basin



August 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25



August 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25



Step 2: Additional Water Management?

• No immediate plans to coffer dam the site if weather stays dry
• Water table just beneath ground surface
• Working with USFWS to potentially lower water table locally in
  ponds adjacent to site



Balancing the Water Table



Biological Observations at Site 25

•   Alameda Song Sparrow
•   Western Harrier
•   Mockingbird, marsh wren, bushtit and
•   Harvest Mice (unidentified subspecies)
•   Deer Mice & Voles
•   California Least Tern (in flight)
•   Black Rail (vocalizing)
•   Fox, jackrabbit, and gopher snake

             NOT OBSERVED
•   Western Pond Turtle (WPT)
•   Western Snowy Plover
•   California Clapper Rail                10


Biological Protection Measures

                      PROTECTION MEASURES

                    1. Visually inspect/clear vegetation
                       prior to removal
                    2. Hand remove pickleweed
                    3. Silt fencing along access points
                       and suitable habitat areas
                    4. Continuous biological
                    5. Coordination with CDFG and



Sediment Excavations

        •        Planned excavation depths of 0.5 – 1.5
                 feet below ground surface
        •        Field verification for dig depth
        •        Grid confirmation sampling



Vegetation Restoration

•   All vegetation areas removed
    during Remedial Action will be             Pickleweed
    restored (excludes EDM and                 Salicornia
    inundated mud flats)                       virginica

•   Two main types of vegetation

•   Minimum of two years monitoring
    and maintenance
•   Options for irrigation services and        Distichlis
    additional plantings                       spicata




• Vegetation Removal Prep
  Nearing Completion
• Biological Surveys and
  Sediment Excavations
• Vegetation Restoration
  Fall 2012
• Submit Remedial Action
  Completion Report
  Spring 2013




          Point of Contact:

           Scott Anderson
   BRAC Environmental Coordinator
           (619) 532-0938


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Moffett RAB Site 25 Update

  • 1. Former NAS Moffett Field Site 25 Remedial Action Update Bryce Bartelma, PG Navy BRAC PMO West August 9, 2012 RAB Meeting
  • 2. IR Site 25 IR Site 25 encompasses approximately 230 acres and was constructed for use as part of the Moffett Field storm water management system since 1953 AOI-14 The Navy is coordinating remedial action activities with NASA as they prepare to conduct their cleanup activities at Area of Investigation (AOI)-14 2
  • 3. Remedial Design and Remedial Action Work Plan • Final Remedial Design and Remedial Action Work Plan (RD/RAWP) distributed on March 30 • Removal of over 32,500 cubic yards of sediment from nearly 32 acres • Planned excavation depths of 0.5 – 1.5 feet below ground surface • Restore vegetated areas with pickleweed and other native grass 3
  • 4. April 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25 4
  • 5. Step 1: Temporarily Re-route Storm Water & WATS effluent Storm Water Settling Vault Catch Basin 5
  • 6. August 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25 6
  • 7. August 2012 Conditions at IR Site 25 7
  • 8. Step 2: Additional Water Management? • No immediate plans to coffer dam the site if weather stays dry • Water table just beneath ground surface • Working with USFWS to potentially lower water table locally in ponds adjacent to site 8
  • 10. Biological Observations at Site 25 NESTING • Alameda Song Sparrow • Western Harrier • Mockingbird, marsh wren, bushtit and killdeer OBSERVED • Harvest Mice (unidentified subspecies) • Deer Mice & Voles • California Least Tern (in flight) • Black Rail (vocalizing) • Fox, jackrabbit, and gopher snake NOT OBSERVED • Western Pond Turtle (WPT) • Western Snowy Plover • California Clapper Rail 10
  • 11. Biological Protection Measures PROTECTION MEASURES 1. Visually inspect/clear vegetation prior to removal 2. Hand remove pickleweed 3. Silt fencing along access points and suitable habitat areas 4. Continuous biological monitoring 5. Coordination with CDFG and USFWS 11
  • 12. Sediment Excavations • Planned excavation depths of 0.5 – 1.5 feet below ground surface • Field verification for dig depth • Grid confirmation sampling 12
  • 13. Vegetation Restoration • All vegetation areas removed during Remedial Action will be Pickleweed restored (excludes EDM and Salicornia inundated mud flats) virginica • Two main types of vegetation • Minimum of two years monitoring and maintenance Saltgrass • Options for irrigation services and Distichlis additional plantings spicata 13
  • 14. Schedule • Vegetation Removal Prep Nearing Completion • Biological Surveys and Sediment Excavations Ongoing • Vegetation Restoration Fall 2012 • Submit Remedial Action Completion Report Spring 2013 14
  • 15. Questions? Point of Contact: Scott Anderson BRAC Environmental Coordinator (619) 532-0938 scott.d.anderson@navy.mil 15