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Money Can T Buy Happiness - Fre Money Can T Buy Happiness - Fre
The Beginning
In the beginning God create the heavens and the earth. At the time the earth was like a void, darkness
everywhere consuming the planet, and God said four words, and let there be light. Then there on that
planet earth God separated light from dark. He blessed the light and called the light day, and he cursed
the dark and called it night. The second day has arrived. God then said the waters from waters, and
called to the expansion of heaven. The third day came. God wanted to fill the gap in the water, so God
created dry land, and made the gathered water seas. Now he said there should be vegetation on the
earth. The third day has passed. God said let there is the expansion of time telling from the seasons,
and let there be light at night ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To make sure that this was true he then sent a dove to find more land. The dove did not come back
either. So Noah stepped out of the ark and let the animals roam. Outside the ark was a bright light
from above and was called a rainbow. It was symbol given to us meaning that he will never flood the
earth again.
In the beginning there was only one langue and we had the same words and meanings. The people of
Noah s descendants have migrated to the east land and called the place Shinar. One of the leaders,
Nimrod, heard the stories of God and wanted to be in heaven. So he told the people of Shinar come
build this tower to got to heaven with out God s help. He used every brick for stone, and bitumen for
mortar/cement. Lord new what they were going to do without God, but God did not want this to
happen so he made everyone have different language to confuse them in building a tower. This casted
the different languages throughout nations, and the spreading of the different languages.
The lord has created a great nation of humans, for what that is what God has thought, for from chapter
1 11 in Genesis it has shown that in the human race there is good people and there is bad people, God
wanted to mix his mistake God made for creating the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. God saw only
evil in the hearts of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. God told Abraham that he was going to
destroy the town of Sodom and
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The Anzacs And The Development Of Nationalism In Australia...
The ANZACs were a significant influence in the development of nationalism in Australia during
World War One (WWI). Throughout WWI, Australian formed the fundamentals of the now universally
recognised Australian identity. The ANZACs played a crucial role in the establishment of a mixture of
both cultural and triumphal nationalism as Australia s exposure to other cultures during WWI saw
them no longer recognised as an extension of Britain but an independent group of competent men and
women that could equal their Commonwealth forefathers in the war effort. Thus, forming a distinct
identity and sense of nationalism that s significance, decades after WWI, remained strongly associated
with the WWI ANZACs.
Nationalism is seen to have two origins. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The poem On the landing of Our Troops at Gallipoli by Joan Torrace, composed after the end WWI,
demonstrated a sense of nationalism when reflecting upon Australia equalling its forefather in the war
effort: Australia! ... all nations hail thee now . The poem depicts the British and Australia flags both of
equal size and focus. The poem states: hoist the ... union Jack ... and let the Southern Flag wave gaily
side by side. This poem show the authors connection between the events of WWI and seeing Australia
as an equivalent individual to Britain supporting the impact on WWI on Australia s nationalism. A
photograph depicts the Queen among her family commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Gallipoli
landing in the ANZAC parade demonstrating the British leaders respect for Australia fuelled by the
devotion of ANZACs in WWI. Finally, nationalism is still minutely evident in modern society on
cultural outlets. The popular song, We Didn t Start The Fire by Billy Joel devotes a sizeable proportion
of lyrics to American achievements, successful sportsmen, political leaders and references to mores
negative events of other countries. For example the song mentions America s first women in space:
sally ride, the American discovery of the polio vaccine and the violent and devastating separation of
north and South Korea.
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Organic Vs Organic Food
The Right Choice It happens all too often a consumer goes to the supermarket on a run for the
necessities: milk, eggs, bread, meat, fruit, vegetables and possibly more. Seems quite simple, however
there are choices to make when it comes to the food you purchase. Some obvious decisions to be made
could be the brand, size of package, or even the amount of each item to buy. There is one slightly
more obscure choice to be made, though. Consumers have the power to choose the origin from which
their food comes, prior to hitting the grocery shelves. Conventional or organic? An origin of pesticides
and chemicals, or an origin of naturally nutrient rich soil. This appears to be an easy verdict when it is
put into those brief terms; however, when price, clever marketing, and overall confusion of the subject
are factored in, it becomes quite the predicament. Many consumers experience a dilemma when
deciding what type of foods to feed themselves and their families. Consumers should purchase organic
foods because of the additional health benefits they provide without the toxins that are evident in
conventionally produced foods. What is organic? Organic is a government dealt certification that
products, mostly foods, can obtain by neglecting to use pesticides, genetic modifications, chemical
fertilizers, or hormones in their production (Morin 3). Organic food and conventional food only differ
in the way they are produced, yet the more natural production of organic foods tend to yield
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Financial Statements And Balance Sheet
Manager within the farm, as well as the firm owners and those in leadership roles, help keep track of
the firm s performance by reviewing its financial statements like income statements and balance sheet.
The income statement is one of the major financial statements used by accountants and business
owners. The income statement is sometimes called profit and loss statement, statement of operations
or statement of income. It is important because it shows the profitability of a company during the time
interval specified on the heading. The income statement shows revenues, expenses, gains, and losses;
it does not show cash receipts nor cash disbursements. People pay attention to the profitability of a
company for many reasons, and the income statement helps in doing this in that it helps current
lenders and investors, company management, competitors, government agencies, labor union, and
others. The expense items located on the income statement appear under five major categories
1. Expense for cost of goods sold or cost of services or sales
2. Operating expenses selling
3. Operating expenses general and administration
4. Financial expenses
5. Extraordinary expenses
BALANCE SHEET It is one of the major financial statements used by accountants and business
owners. The balance sheet presents a company financial position at the end of the specified date.
Because the balance sheet informs the reader of a company s financial position as
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Essay about The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain uses the story to reveal his own childhood; as a result, many details in the book, such as
the characters and the setting are very dear to his heart. The story is about life in a boy s world, it tells
about the feelings Mark Twain had regarding his childhood, his town, and the people that lived there.
The time period is about twenty years before the Civil War, and the setting is in St. Petersburg,
Missouri, a small community on the Mississippi River. The main character in the book is Tom Sawyer.
Throughout the book, the author compares himself to Tom and his adventures. Tom is all boy he hates
anything that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because Muff has been drinking heavily and is not very sure what has happened, Injun Joe convinces
Muff that he killed the doctor (www.tpac.org/education/hot/guidebooks/GBTomSawyer). He frames
old Muff Potter, and he is smart enough to make the townspeople believe that his story is true. His
reputation is such than none of the townspeople will confront him with his evil. All the people of St.
Petersburg know that he is evil; each is too frightened to confront him because they, like Tom and
Huck, know that he will get revenge in a violent manner. Injun Joe is the same at the end as he is in
the beginning; he does not vary through the course of the events in which he is involved. He plans to
harm the Widow Douglas in retaliation for something her late husband did years earlier. Twains states
in the story He had me horsewhipped! – horsewhipped in front of the jail, like a nigger! – with all the
town looking on! Horse whipped! – do you understand? He took advantage of me and died. But I ll
take it out on her (Twain, 236). Injun Joe is vital to the novel s main adventure. Huckleberry Finn is
Tom s partner in crime. Together, they go on adventures that ultimately guide them into dangerous
situations. They first find themselves in danger when they go to the cemetery one night. They are
witnesses to a grave robbery being done by
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My Hero s Life-Personal Narrative
underneath the sun. There was even a lifeguard in her red bathing suit sitting in a watching tower. I
was not alone. I was not even far enough away for concern, yet I was dying. My cousins were near the
buoys, and there had been a moment when we were all together simply laughing and having fun. After
a while of swimming and being silly, the sea separated us. The waves grew bigger and violent. The
riptide dragged me farther away from my cousins. For what seemed like forever I twirled around in
the sea, having a few seconds where I was able to catch my breath and being pulled down under the
salty water again. I felt like a sock inside a washing machine going full circle. At one time, the tide
was so high and violent that when it plunged
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Agent Jones Narrative
Hitachi Labs Arera 51 6:00 am Sergeant there s been a breach in our code. Fix it the Sergeant yells
while sweating like an olympic sized pool. Then the pixels swooped in and carried the men off to an
unknown land. Narrator: The English school for Afrikaans in the United Kingdom 2:00 PM John and
Pid were walking into school next to some of their worst enemies Eraser and Mars. They were the top
dog in the 6th grade and always made fun of John for being a nerd and Pid for being a zoologist. But
they would have to depend on each other. Agent John (The only one with an decent name.) Weight: 79
pounds Age:12 Power: smartest human on Earth Agent Pid: Age:11 Weight: 60 pounds Power
Zoologia Agent Eraser: Age 13 Weight: 90 pounds Power: Defiance ... Show more content on
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Then we hear other screams, and to our surprise we saw our worst enemies Eraser and Mars yes the
very same ones that hand taunted and teased us for ever John and I were so in shock that when John
had shouted out to jump out of the way I had microseconds until they were on me but I was able to
jump out of the way of falling Eraser and Mars. Mars was about to crack a joke but John suggested to
share our stories about how we got here but then Mars pointed to the ground and said, It s pixelated!
He was right it looked weird but just then a robot looking thing walked up to us and hit us right across
the neck surprisingly it didn t hurt but then before we could react he heard something it was the robot
talking to us and he said, Hello non natives I have put in a translator device in your necks. We have
been told by the upper head to take you four to his palace. Then before we knew it we were
surrounded by more robots that started making weird beeps and boops sounds and before we could
even act we were bound by moving pixel rope then in a 10 minutes according to John s count we were
at the palace in front of the king on our knees. Then we heard him speak in his booming voice Guard s
leave us. Then he directs his attention to us and says, Welcome back my children it has been so long
an you have missed so many crăciun. Yes you may not known but I m you re father and I gave each
and everyone of them your gifts, like John you being the
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The Pros And Cons Of Machine Learning
Machine learning and Deep Learning Some machines are capable to acquire their own knowledge by
extracting patterns from raw data, a phenomenon known as machine learning (ML) (Bengio, Ian and
Aaron 2016). Without question, many aspects of modern society have been deeply impacted by these
machine learning systems. Furthermore, ML claims to accomplish simple results that can be
effortlessly understood by humans (Michie, et al. 1994). Outputs from these systems that are used in
service systems include, but are not limited to offering customers new items and narrowing down their
search based on their interests; language understanding, object recognition, speech perception, and
identifying and favoring significant results of online searches (Yann , Yoshua and Geoffrey 2015). It is
important to emphasize that even though human intervention is necessary for background knowledge,
the operational phase is expected to be without human interaction (Michie, et al. 1994). Consequently,
these systems must be able to learn through time. According to Alpaydin (2004), they must be able to
evolve and optimize a performance criterion in order to adapt to the environmental changes to which
they are exposed over time. These systems do that through the use of past experience or example data.
Russell et al. (2004), classified machine learning tasks into three different groups based on the
feedback available to the learning system and the nature of the learning signal: supervised learning,
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Industrial Emissions And Its Effects On Human Health And...
1. Introduction Industrial emissions are a major sources of air pollution, and thus responsible for
numerous deleterious effects on a human health and environment caused by photochemical smog, acid
rain, and resultant degradation of ecosystems and bio diversity. Ontario s SO2 emissions are
predominantly around 65 percent from industrial sources including non ferrous smelting. The major
environmental concerns associated with smelting are energy consumption, releases of sulphur dioxide
and particulate matter to air, and the generation of residues, such as slag and captured dust
(Environment Canada, 2006). In this paper, the policies and regulation that were implemented by the
United Nations Convention to reduce the amount of SO2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. SO2 Pollution Effects around Sudbury Today the Sudbury region is known for mining and
production of nickel, as it is located just off the Canadian Shield region that holds a vast nickel
reserves. Throughout the early 20th century, many mining and smelting venture such as Inco and
Falconbridge were created to take advantage of the growing nickel industry. Both are these companies
used a smelting process called heap roasting method to extract the nickel from the ore. However,
Smelting process is the one main source of the sulphur fumes which caused acid rain (Buhr, 1998).
This results from nickel production itself, where there is 8 more times of sulphur oxides particulate in
the ore than actual nickel (Crawford, 1994). At the beginning of this century, the amount of SO2
released into the atmosphere weren t much of a concern since the nickel output was considerably
small. It later became a problem as the demand for nickel production was gradually increasing
(Crawford, 1994). Up till the 1970 s, the Smelting industry in the Sudbury region was one of the
largest metal producing complexes in the world, which meant that it also release a massive amount of
Sulphur and metal particulates into the environment. By the 1960 s, the smelting site in Sudbury was
one of the largest point source of SO2 emission releasing thousands of tons of metal particulates from
the smelters as graph 1 displays. (Keller, Heneberry Gunn, 1999). As more ground level of sulphur
dioxide emission
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Disadvantages Of Globalization
Is everything that is sold in America are made in other countries? Not everything, but most of it. Don t
we have enough resources? Yes, we do. Don t we have enough labor? Yes, we do. So why are we
using foreign labor for manufacturing products that will be sold in USA. Globalization is the way
recourses, businesses are expanding globally. Globalization started to become real popular after World
War 2, when small and large businesses started to grow and expand. Globalization, the word in the
modern economy that can explain why companies expand globally and using foreign manufactures
resources to make goods and services that will be sold domestically and what are the advantages and
disadvantages of it. According to the Amartya Sen, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not only expanding internationally benefits the corporation, it also benefits the country that business
is opened in. Cultural development is also a benefit from globalization. While expanding
internationally corporations gain new experience in dealing and doing business with people from other
culture and other backgrounds. It s a great way for people to know each other and to develop
successful business relationship. While company expand globally, it has to get used to new culture,
new ways of running the business, and the most successful companies are that ones who doing
business not their way but the way it will be successful in the foreign country. On the other hand,
globalization has impact on job insecurity. Job insecurity means that people losing their jobs, and it s
all because all the jobs are going to the lower cost manufactures and lower labor cost. Specialists in
the IT, financial, scientific industries are losing their jobs due to outsourcing to other countries where
doing business is a lot more cost efficient. Many research was made to understand why does
globalization matter so much in our modern world. The answer in easy, it matters a lot. According to
Jacinta Enerio, economist for the BPS politics, Globalization make the rich richer and poor poorer .
Most of the workers that are used as a cheap labor a living in poverty line. According to the Bureau of
Statistic, in the Asia countries and Pacific region
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The Treatment of Wastewater with Microalgae Essay
2.1 Wastewater Treatment with Microalgae
Microalgae have a great potential to solve energy and environmental challenges around the world.
Wastewater treatment with microalgae is a more environmental sound approach to reduce nitrogen and
phosphorus and to remove heavy metals from wastewater. Microalgae can absorb significant amount
of nutrients because they need large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus for proteins (45 60%
microalgae dry weight) and metals as micronutrients for their growth. William Oswald first developed
the idea of treating wastewater using microalgae and performed photosynthesis in sewage treatment
[29]. Figure 2.1 briefly depicts the process involved in high rate algal pond in which algae plays a dual
role by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2.2.1 Nitrogen
Organic nitrogen is the key element in biological substances like enzymes, peptides, proteins,
chlorophylls and energy transfer molecules such as ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and ATP
(Adenosine 5 triphosphate) [33]. Organic nitrogen is derived from inorganic sources including nitrite
(NO2 ), nitrate (NO3 ), nitric acid (HNO3), ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrogen gas
(N2). Microalgae has an ability to convert inorganic nitrogen be only in the forms of nitrite, nitrate
and ammonium to organic nitrogen through a process called assimilation. Only eukaryotic algae can
perform assimilation [32]. Figure 2.2 describes the assimilation process of inorganic nitrogen. As
shown in the figure 2.2, translocation of inorganic nitrogen takes place across the plasma membrane
where reduction of nitrate takes place followed by the incorporation of ammonium into amino acids
and glutamine. Initially nitrate is reduced to nitrite by a NADH dependent nitrate reductase and the
nitrite reduced to ammonium by NADPH linked nitrite reductase present within the algae. The
resulting ammonium is assimilated to form amino acids by glutamine and glutamate synthase within
the intracellular fluid using adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glutamate (Glu) and glutamine synthase.
Thus, all inorganic forms of nitrogen are finally reduced to organic form (amino acids) [32]. Figure
2.2 Conversion of inorganic
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I Want to Become a Forensic Psychologist
Forensic Psychologist
Shows like Criminal Minds have made the forensics psychologist field progress. What do forensic
psychologist do? Forensic psychologist is the application of the science and profession of psychology
to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology,
2014)The career I want to engage in is forensic psychologist but first you have to learn the work
environment, the education, the earnings, the outlook, the pros, and the cons. With numerous
portrayals in books, movies and television programs, interest in forensic psychology has grown
significantly in recent years. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014)
The work environment of forensic psychologist varies widely. Working hours are typically nine to
five, with some flexibility required. Evening and weekend work may occasionally be necessary.
(Forensic Psychologist, 2012) Most of the time you will always be on the call. Being on call means at
any time you could get a call and have to drop what you are doing and go tend to what the call was
about. As a trainee you are supervised then as time progresses and you progress the supervision
becomes less. Forensic psychologist work not only with prisoners and offenders but also with other
professionals involved in the judicial penal systems, and with victims of crime. (Forensic
Psychologist: Job Description, Ed. AGCAS, Aug 2012)
To become a forensics psychologist I will at least need to have a
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Sin In The God Of Vengeance
The word sin invokes a fairly Christian methodology, The Original Sin referring to Eve s eating the
apple in the Garden of Eden, setting up a world where humanity is forever inclined to sin. Sin remains,
to this day, a word of heavy connotations as the definition of sin itself shifts in the eyes of a Biblical
God and in the eyes of an evolving humanity. In Sholom Ash s play, The God of Vengeance, sin is the
main subject in varying forms: defilement of a Torah scroll by an impure girl and the sin of a man who
owns a brothel, potentially leading his daughter to a life of sin. All aspects of which get caught up in
one story that questions the morality of money as a means to repent for your sin, a lesbian
relationship, and the definition of purity as defined by Jewish law. All of this encapsulated by the
question of who is a sinner and what defines sin in both a Biblical context and in a modern context.
Sin, therefore, is a multifaceted entity dependent upon the world one lives in and not subscribing to
any one definition, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sin subscribes to no one definition and in fact, the definition changes from time period to time period
based on the needs of society to develop law and not on a solely religious landscape. Sholom Ash s
play, The God of Vengeance, raises many questions, and did at the time of its conception when it
appeared on Broadway. Paying off a religious organization, respecting the holy scripture, and same
sex relationships are all subjects which are still very much still up for debate. But, as our world has
evolved and become more aware of humanity, so too have our conceptions and rulings dealing with
those subjects in the context of sin, legality, and the basic messiness of being human. The God of
Vengeance makes the reader question the fundamentalism of reality, both in the present, past, and
future, as defined by the universe we live in
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The Essence of Education
1. Write an essay on The Essence of Education . (1000 2000 words)
I cannot write this essay without reference to study of my own experienced and my daughter s placed
in the harsh environment of the government schooling system and its observations of the stark belief
systems of the child to fit the system and not the system to fit the child with reference to the what
education should be about. This means different things to different people. To some this means a
teacher teaching and passive learning taking place, the outcome is expected at the end of each year
that each child has to achieve the same outcome and is graded accordingly.
The only problem with this is the removal of freedom and time constraints and a passive role for ...
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With this in mind, not only the environment plays the most important function in the restoration of
natural learning, but so does the recognition of the individual. This not includes the didactic materials
available for learning but also includes the nature and predisposition of the teacher. A teacher who is
unkind is forever remembered and imprinted on the experience of the child, and so it is that no teacher
should enter the profession without being thoroughly researched by the place of employment.
I remember a few of these unkind souls and forever remember their manner and the effect it had on
me. I simply did not wish to be there in the presence of these teachers, so went out of my way to stay
away. The harsh reality was that I failed to prosper in these classes. One has to ask if this is right and if
the essence of education is being missed. Reality and national results speak for themselves. What are
we producing in society today? We are in effect only producing human beings who are workers and
not free thinkers. Human beings who do not question, reason and think for themselves. This is where
education has lead humanity. Is this an aid to life or a long term obstacle that is too far gone to fix in
the later stages.
Many parents see this but are also trapped by fear and economics. Rather than question, too many
offload the children in these harsh environments so that they can see
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Ecclesiastes One Night Analysis
I stumbled upon this chapter in Ecclesiastes one night and as I read it, it was explaining to me exactly
how I felt that moment when I had opened my bible. I had been in a busy season of life, and at the end
of every day, I was consistently finding myself overwhelmed and stressed, and every night I would
think about how life is always going to be stressful, maybe expressed differently and hidden in
different aspects of life, but nevertheless, stressful. Many times when I find myself stressed, my
perspective is taken off of God and placed on my circumstance, which causes me to not tolerate stress
So these days and nights when I found myself stuck in a routine of stress, honestly viewing it as a
stormy ocean with no still, dry land in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is overwhelming me? Why is this situation causing me to be overwhelmed? How can I fix it?
These questions cause me to realize that the root of my problem is often me striving too hard after the
wrong things. The wrong things are not necessarily bad things, but when things equate to a busy life,
often I find that I ve lost myself in a crazy routine of trying to stay on top of things, failing always. It
is only ever necessary to strive hard after God. He will fit in everything else that He finds fitting for
our lives, he will place the hobbies, community, work, He will place it all, and He is the only One
who, when we give Him all our energy, will give it back in
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Role Of Nationalism In Italian Unification
Nationalism is sovereignty of people and emotional attachment to the nation. Nationalism stands for
loyalty to a nation through collective consciousness of shared history, language, race, values, culture
and traditions. Nationalism has five stages and the second stage is unification i.e. people united in a
Most significant unifications are Italian and German unification, in this essay I will focus on the
Italian unification. The research question that I will be answering throughout the essay is: How did
nationalism play a role in Italian unification?
The 1848 revolution that went through Europe for political representation and national unification also
went through the Italians causing many political ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
List the objects or people you see in the cartoon.
There are two people, Victor Emanuel 2nd and Giuseppe Garibaldi, map of united Italy, Garibaldi
inside and Victor 2nd outside, Victor s bag, Garibaldi s hat and sword.
1. Identify the cartoon caption and/or title
The title of this cartoon is The man in possession which means that Garibaldi has Italy in his hands
and Victor is waiting for Garibaldi to give it to him.
2. Locate three words or phrases used by the cartoonist to identify objects or people within the
There is only one phrase and one word in this cartoon. On the map it says Italy and the phrase is:
Victor Emanuel 2. I wonder when he will open the door
3. Record any important dates or numbers that appear in the cartoon.
There aren t any dates in this cartoon.
Level 2
2. Which of the objects on your list are symbols?
The map of Italy and Victor s bag
3. What do you think each symbol means.
The map of Italy presents the unification of Italy and Victor s bag means that he is waiting for
Garibaldi to open the doors to give him his possession/ home (Italy).
4. Which words or phrases in the cartoon appear to be the most significant? Why do you think
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Ancient Calendars Essay
Time Keepers
Celestial bodies the sun, moon, planets, and stars have provided us a reference for measuring the
passage of time throughout human existence. Ancient civilizations like: China, India, Babylon, and
Greece relied upon the apparent motion of these bodies through the sky to record and determine
seasons, months, and years. We know little about the details of timekeeping in prehistoric eras.
However, records and artifacts usually uncover that in every culture, people were preoccupied with
measuring and recording the passage of time. Stonehenge, built over 4000 years ago in England has
no written records, but its alignments show its purposes apparently included the determination of
seasonal or celestial events, such as lunar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Luckily, our neighbors to the East, the Arabs, found the documents to be of great interest and kept old
Greek astrological records. In the Renisannce period of Christianity the church officials decided to re
examine the ancient records, and actually found some validity in some of the scientific data.
Amazingly enough the Christian church decided to implement data from ancient pagan cultures to
help create the most widely used calendar to date, the Gregorian calendar.
Ancient Greek astronomers made some amazing mathematical and philosophical discovers about our
universe. From the Hellenistic Greek observations in approximately 300 B.C.E., to the invention of
the first telescope in the seventeenth century, to the launching of today s space probes, one thing is
evident: astrological observations are imperative to creating a calendar.
Currently, the concept of a year is based on the earth s motion around the sun. The time from one fixed
point, such as a solstice or equinox, to the next is called a tropical year; its length is currently 365.242.
Our concept of a month is based on the moon s motion around the earth, although this connection has
been broken in the calendar commonly used now, the Gregorian calendar. The time for the moon to
complete a full cycle of phases is called a synodic month, and its length is currently 29.53 days. Note
that these numbers are averages. The actual length of a
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The Golden Age By Aphra Behn
In her poem The Golden Age , Aphra Behn divides nature from civilization, almost in a biblical sense
of Eden and after Eden. Nature and civilization are separated as a positive and negative experience
where love is dishonoured, and sin takes over Earth. Through this before and after division, Behn
shows how the fall of mankind led to the oppression of the female sex as woman, associated with
love, kept the world pure until man, associated with honour, took over. Thus creating Pleasure, Nature
s worst Disease (148). When Nature is overpowered by civilization, gender issues arose. This division
of gender issues sets women up to be a tease or object of pleasure rather than an equal lover who is
free to her own sexuality. The Golden Age presents the fall of natural order with the rise of man.
The beginning of the poem is a very peaceful, Blest Age! (1), with Purling Stream[s] (1), an Eternal
Spring (5), and wanton Gods of Love (15). This takes place in the world before the rise of mankind,
much like the biblical Garden of Eden. In this flowery place, nature triumphs with love. Nature is
referred to as a feminine idea, Virgin Earth;/ Who yielded of her own accord her plenteous Birth (32
33). This can relate to the idea or allusion of Mother Nature, as Earth is commonly referred to as
female. Behn tells the reader how roses, as a symbol for virtuousness, live in prosperous morning dew.
In this peaceful and young world, two lovers are free to all their Joyes and
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Pros And Cons Of California
SSI recipients get a check every month from Social Security Administration. That check amount
currently is 889.40, consisting of $733 from the federal government and $156 that is supplemented
from the state of California. Over the last fifteen years, the state of California has made some
decisions that have affected the amount it supplements drastically in order to save the state some
money. In 2009, the SSP was cut from 233 to 171 for single adults. in 2011 the state made cut the
portion they provide from $171 to $156. In a two year span the state of California eliminate $77 from
people budgets. The state also decided to mess with the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) that are
given yearly. Starting in the year 2001, the state passed the
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Godfather And Ragtime
The American dream is the idea that every US citizen can have equal opportunity to achieve success.
This idea usually comes alongside hard work, determination, and originality, but when have we
successful reached this milestone? When can we say we have lived the American dream? It may be
classified by the amount of money we make or the degree of happiness one has reached in their life
time, but personal experiences may tell a different tale of this ideology. Two works, The Godfather
and Ragtime, portray two different versions the American Dream. The Godfather, directed by Francis
Coppola, deals with the internal struggle of individuals within organized crime. We see representations
of wealth, weakness, unity, and death throughout the film, showing that individual experiences aren t
always so dreamlike. Ragtime, written by E.L. Doctorow, is a novel, in which individuals become
subject to the evolution of the American culture. Throughout the turn of the century, we are able to see
the battles for prosperity and happiness through the lives of many characters. We see success turn into
turmoil, struggle into triumph, and the never ending battle to pursue prosperity before one reaches
their death. In this paper, I plan to discuss the idealism of the American dream by identifying
limitations of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a nation that s population contains fifty five percent foreign born citizens, this can limit the
success of these individuals or families. The constant clashes of different cultures within our own
country can only cause tension, which leads a targeting of people from foreign nations by employers,
politicians, and citizens. Employers can limit job opportunities, politicians can cause chaos over
reform, and citizens can speak out against these individuals. We see this struggle for opportunity in the
novel, Ragtime, as Tateh struggles to find his way in his new life in the
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Research Paper On Duck Amuck
Animated Short Movie Essay 2000 words Discussing how technical and artistic achievements are
interconnected in Duck Amuck By Connor Cooper Duck Amuck was released in the United States on
28th of February 1953 directed by Chuck Jones for Warner Bros. Definitive voice actor Mel Blanc
voices both Daffy Duck and in the final excerpt, Bugs Bunny. After watching the short film a few
times I thought that it was an obvious choice of short film for me due to the diversity of the clip. I say
this in complexion to a number of dynamics that are brought to the attention of the audience such as;
When Daffy duck first enters the screen he is already in a full costume and in a scene where a story is
about to be told. However, almost immediately the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the entire animation film, there is no direct expectation of what is happening. Daffy and
the anonymous animator have this very lucrative but interesting interaction between one another that
is hard to distinguish. Even though Daffy is the only character on screen and that his reactions are
what make the comedy possible, the animator persistently changes creative perspective. At one stage,
the animator draws Daffy with a guitar, we then expect to hear the guitar playing. But at first, no
sound is heard when he strikes a chord. Daffy then holds up a sign asking Sound please , shortly after,
we hear a variation of distant sounds that start again, whenever he plays a chord. At first, with a
machine gun, then a horn and finally the sound of a donkey when Daffy strikes the guitar into the
ground in frustration. To make matters worse, the animator goes on to take away Daffy s voice when
he comes back on screen after clearing away the guitar. His voice, now replaced with animal sounds
that Daffy gets embarrassed and distraught over. It is fantastic to see artistic variation between form,
prop and even an anonymous force, but all of this could not compliment each other without the sound
to intensify the moment. (Understanding Animation page 40
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OSHA Essay example
Essay Question 1910.178 OSHA 1910.178 is a standard that provides information on powered
industrial trucks and materials handling and storage. This section contains safety requirements relating
to fire protection, design, maintenance, and use of fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, motorized
hand trucks, and other specialized industrial trucks. All new powered industrial trucks bought and
used by an employer shall meet the design and construction requirements for powered industrial
trucks established in the American National Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, Part II, ANSI
B56.1 1969 except for vehicles intended primarily for earth moving or over the road hauling. This
standard is fairly long and even provides a table of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
produce ignitable mixtures.
______________________________________________________________________ Groups in
None A B C D classes
______________________________________________________________________ Examples
Piers and Acetylene Hydrogen Ethyl Gasoline of wharves ether Naphtha locations inside Alcohols or
and Acetone atmospheres outside Lacquer in classes general solvent and groups. storage, Benzene
general industrial or commercial properties. This standard also provides information on storage of
hazardous liquids, flammable liquids, gases or vapors and the quantity of hazardous material that
might escape in case of an accident. This standard has 17 subheadings that go into detail about a lot of
information besides powered industrial trucks. OSHA 1910.132 is a standard that provides
information on the general requirements of personal protective equipment. Personal protective
equipment is defined by OSHA as protective equipment for eyes, face,
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Aratus Shift In The Mangrove Tree Crabs
As the world around us warms, places that originally were too cold for certain species become their
new ideal habitat. Sometimes however, animals and plants that once inhabited the same area move at
different speeds, creating new interspecies interactions. Mangrove tree crabs, Aratus pisonii, originally
inhabited only the natural range of the mangrove tree. The current range of the mangrove tree along
the East coast starts at Jacksonville, Florida and continues south. Aratus depends on the mangrove not
only for shelter, but for their main food source as well. The crabs remain in the trees, traveling
vertically during high tide to avoid aquatic predation. Mangroves act as protection for the shoreline,
catching and holding sediment with their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both treatments were set up in the mangrove and salt marsh environments and left alone for an hour.
Upon returning, researchers recorded the number of Aratus eaten and those with missing legs.
Predation rates in both mangroves and salt marshes were higher when crabs were submerged than
when unsubmerged, revealing higher aquatic predation in both environments. Leg detachment rates
were higher in both salt marsh treatments. Smith theorizes that the difference is due to the crab body
width to substrate width ratio. Mangroves are thicker than spartina grass, providing Aratus with more
shelter and areas to retreat to when pursued. Aratus in salt marshes, however, have a higher body to
substrate width ratio, allowing for both easier spotting by prey and fewer places to retreat to.
Additionally, there is a greater area for escape on the mangrove trees than on spartina grass. Instead of
being restricted to downward movement into the predator filled waters, Aratus exhibit the ability to
move upward into the mangrove
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What Dreams May Come Essay
What Dreams May Come
The movie What Dreams May Come gives a rather positive view on the afterlife. I think most of the
ideas and views shown in the film are related to many of society s main beliefs pertaining to death and
the afterlife, but the views are left broad enough so they can relate to any specific religion. Personally,
I have no concrete belief concerning the afterlife, or whether or not if there even is life after death, but
I can see why many people would agree with many of the films perspectives. The movie is shown
through Robin Williams s character, Chris Nielson who s first personal encounter with death is when
his two children, Marie and Ian both die in a car accident. Four years later he dies himself after being
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He also learns that after death, you can choose to be reborn. Chris later meets his daughter, who has
taken the physical form of an Asian girl Chris had found attractive when they were alive, and the
daughter is living in a place that is supposed to be her version of heaven. The turning point in the
movie is when Chris learns that his wife Annie, who he learns is his soulmate, has committed suicide.
He is told that in this world, all those that kill themselves do not go where he is, but instead to more or
less a hell. Albert(Ian) and Chris get a tracker, who is the real Albert, to go and find Annie. It turns out
that Annie is living in her own self denial, she believes she is at fault for her two children?s deaths,
and she is cursed for eternity to believe this and to never know or understand that she herself is dead.
Chris manages to save her by being willing to spend an eternity with her in hell. In the end the whole
family is reunited and then Chris and Annie decide to be reincarnated. I do not know what happens
when we die. In this, I mean I have had no experience such as a near death experience, or have any
physical proof that there is or not an afterlife. It is possible for me to comprehend the possibility of an
afterlife, and understand in some aspects why many people both believe there is and is not an afterlife.
Most of the movie is probably accepted by many viewers because the majority of America?s
population believes there is a God. I?m
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The American Dream In Nickel And Dimed By Barbara Ehrenreich
One new experience can bring a whole other dimension. Viewpoints on life change, knowledge is
gained through mistakes, and one may find themselves trapped in a maze like situation that they need
to find a way out of. However, making the best out of one s position through determination,
perseverance, and courage can slowly reverse the difficulty of handling it. Eventually, as strength is
regained from tough obstacles, the desire to obtain their dreams escalates even further, which aids in
working harder and striving to reach their goals. Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of Nickel and Dimed,
depicts the financial struggles of single mothers who raise their families through minimum wage jobs
after the welfare reform affected their lifestyles. In the novel, Ehrenreich tests the limits of living in
poverty by accepting any scarce job that was offered, and provides insight that although it was
exhausting to balance her needs and her hectic work schedule, by diligently laboring, constantly
persisting in seeking the better, and voicing out the wrongs, it can eventually lead to the attainment of
the American Dream. Through the struggles of stabilizing two jobs at once while searching for a
temporary home, Ehrenreich displayed the frustration of sticking to her three guidelines in her
experiment: she cannot go hungry, be homeless, or ignore the skills she learned through her education
and past work experiences. She struggled to find jobs that provided more than minimum wage
incomes in
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Casablanc An Analysis Of The Movie Casablanca
Casablanca, a city home to over 3 million people located in the country of Morocco in Africa, but it
would seem that most people in America when they hear Casablanca they think of the 1942 classic
movie; Casablanca. Rather remarkable when you think about it. Anyways, onward to the film;
The renowned classic romance/drama Casablanca (1942), is nearly always seen on top ten lists of
films. It is a expertly told tale of two men jockeying for the same woman s love in what some may call
a love triangle . Casablanca is a story of both political and romantic espionage and is set in the time of
war between democracy and totalitarianism. Speaking of the time period, Casablanca premiered in
1942, but was not released nationally until 1943. The black and white film is comprised of a cast of
very memorable characters, supposedly actors and actresses from 34 different nationalities were
included in it s cast. Throughout the film, there are some very memorable lines of dialogue, in fact
Casablanca is the most quoted movie according to the American Film Institute s list of it s top 100
movie quotations, it had six quotations out of the list of 100. Likewise, Humphrey Bogart was the
most quoted actor of all time with five quotations in the top 100, four of which were from Casablanca.
Some examples of quotes include; Here s lookin at you, kid. , and the inaccurately quoted Play it
again, Sam . Casablanca is one of the most popular, flawless, and revered films of
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How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato s Definition of...
This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato s definition of the ideal
person as Kalo k agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon,
the Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing
is the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE,
having this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features
of the Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more
than double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos.
The two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along
the front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the
roof tiles and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes
of the 12 labours of Herakles, athla 1 6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7 12 over the cella
(East). One of the main features that this temple is good to look at is because of the pediments. The
west pediment depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse
race of Pelops and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the
East Pediment, whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The
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The Theory Of Economics And Finance
As the DIMEFIL paradigm defines economics and finance as two different fronts on which to battle
terrorism, I will begin by defining the terms. The Economy of terrorism is to be considered on a local
or interpersonal level; what are the ground level activities which finance terrorism, and who are the
individuals who take part? The question must also be asked, what can be done to reintegrate these
individuals into the country s larger economic infrastructure?
Economic integration is a must, and is a sector in which the Pakistani government has been lacking. A
chapter from Praeger s Essentials of Counterterrorism entitled The Shadow Economy outlines how
those who function within the shadow economy can find and launder funds ... Show more content on
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Growth in the shadow economy can also reflect a reduction in the loyalty to the central government
among the population. A lack of social safety nets can also drive individuals to illegal means to make
ends meet.
Pakistan has done very little to address these issues. As was mentioned earlier in relation to the
Afghan refugees, the police have regularly harassed, extorted, and expelled Afghans. There are also
widespread allegations of corruption along the boarder with Afghanistan made by a plethora of
reputable papers, and it is important to note that there are no statements made expressly about the
border in the 20 point National Action Plan. In a 2014 interview with the BBC, Pakistan s then
national security adviser, Sartaj Aziz, stated said the entire border has been criminalized. By allowing
large parts of the country to remain essentially lawless, Pakistan provides both funding and shelter to
the terrorists who hide in this mountainous region.
In the short term, military operations may be helpful in securing this border, but must be more closely
monitored and substantial than they are now so as to reduce corruption. Long term, however,
economic integration is really the only option. So long as people in this region feel that they can best
provide for themselves and their families by acting in an economic sphere which is by definition
outside of the government s purview, they will continue to operate that
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The Implementation Of The Jit
The company is under the leadership of Ms. Cook has taken the initiative to implement the JIT
approach to claim processing, in addition, MICI is changing the layout of the claim s department to
enhance the integration and the implementation of the JIT. Ms. Cook enlists the help of supervisors,
employees, and an outside consultant to work on creating a feasible layout, their first order of duty
was to visit a real life facility; the Kawasaki Motorcycle plant in Lincoln Nebraska for inspiration and
the team concluded that a change in the layout is definitely needed by the MICI claims department to
enhance productivity (Heizer Render, 2011).
Furthermore, Employee development is been prioritized by the company; as all managers and ... Show
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The use of JIT will help the company increase their efficiency by cut down on wait time and
processing, all of which will translate to increased productivity and hence profitability. According to
Heizer Render (2011) employee training is vital to the success of a company, this is so true of MICI,
because of the extensive standard training and cross training of the MICI employees will translate to
increased efficiency, productivity flexibility, decreased wait time for customers and as history has
depicted, costumers satisfaction is integral to the success of a company because customers are the
major drivers in the market.
The layout strategy is another concept the book touched on, the new layout of the claims department
will allow for better workflow. It will also improve claims time, employee empowerment due to the
proximity of workers to each order and flow of work in the cell, flexibility of the various equipment
used by the company (Heizer Render, 2011).
Overall Ms.is using the fundamental principle of the JIT, work cell concept, the concept of employees
development, concept revamping and old system that is nonfunctional with the help of the of experts
and the people who actually work in the field. All of which, will hopefully increase throughput,
increase flexibility, reduce variability and give MICI a competitive advantage in the market.
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The Schematics of a Film Disk
The characteristics of the disc surface affect the flow patterns generated on the film as well as the
residence time of the reactants film. The effect of disc texture on particle characteristics is depicted in
Figure 7 and Figure 8. It can be seen that using the grooved disc surface results in smaller particle size
and narrower particle size distribution as compared to smooth disc surface. A narrow particle size
distribution for the production of silver nanoparticles was achieved by Iyer et al.[43] using the
grooved disc. The authors postulated that that the corrugated nature of the grooved disc promoted
shear induced micromixing of the thin film on the disc at higher rotational speed. The efficient
micromixing ensured that all the particles were exposed to the similar conditions to maintain a narrow
size distribution [43]. Similar enhancement effects of grooved surfaces have been reported for styrene
polymerisation in the SDR [9]. It has also been suggested in the literature that surface textures have
the potential to suppress liquid channelling or rivulet flow compared to a smooth surface under
identical conditions of liquid flowrate and liquid properties so that a higher wetted area is achieved
[44]. Rivulet flow as opposed to film flow would result in larger average film thicknesses which may
lead to detrimental performance, especially under strictly laminar flow conditions (i.e. where any
surface wave induced turbulence is absent). Thus, the intensifying effects of the
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The Human Rights Of The United States
From the beginning of time the excessive desire for money and power of the few has led to stepping
on and taking away the basic human rights of the masses. From the slaves of the ancient days to the
under paid of today. The working man has hungered not just to live pay check to pay check, but to live
comfortably after putting in a good days work. To be able to go to the hospital over work related and
non work related injuries without spending the rest of their lives in debt. To work in decent conditions
where the demand for speed and mass production is set at a reasonable pace. In the meat industry it
has been a century long war to win basic human rights. In the 1950 s butchers and slaughterhouse
workers made decent wages that could support their families. Things shifted when companies started
getting too big wanting larger and larger profits with lower and lower production costs. The worker is
then treated the same as the animal to be slaughtered. In order to affect change the working masses
organized. Uniting under one cause against the evil of corporate greed.
When cattle first came to America with the Europeans it was a simpler time. The cattle were set lose to
graze in the forests and slaughtered as needed. In the 1800 s livestock started becoming more and
more domesticated. They were breed, raised to work the fields, and sold or traded as needed with the
local community. As town populations grew larger so did the need for commercial butchers. Cows
were slaughtered as
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Metaphors In Poetry
M S Essay
Hope is the thing with Feather , by Emily Dickinson, and The Path not taken , by Robert Frost,
are poems that skillfully use metaphors and symbolisms to emphasize the theme of how hope and
decisions have a considerable impact on our lives. While hope allows us to conquer difficult moments
that life throws at us, decision also plays an important role in our lives, for it determines what path we
will go and determines our future.
Robert Frost created a poem about the journey of life. The diverging road in the yellow wood is used
to symbolize a person s life. It symbolizes the different paths that people will encounter in their lives
and suggest the different life people are going to have when choosing different paths. In the poem, ...
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With the use of metaphor and symbolism, the theme is easily developed. Hope is a word that delivers
an abstract meaning of what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best . The image
of a bird perches in the soul and sings the sweetest gale both suggests how hope is the necessary
inspiration human s need in life to motivate them. Hope stays alive in human s mind, with inspiration
and motivation never stop[ping] . Although the song it sings is without the word , the message it
delivers can always be felt. Hope is also strong and undefeatable; it sings its songs in the chilliest land
and strangest sea and can only be destroyed by the sorest storm . It experiences all circumstances and
is always there to overcome problems. Aside from all the help hope provided, its help is also
unrequited, for it has never asked a crumb of me (15). While hope helps human to overcome suffering
in their lives, The Road not taken implies the theme of the importance of making choices since the
choice one makes will change one s whole life. It is true that many regret not taking the other choice,
which is the road not taken in the poem, but humans will realize that the choice they choose
determines their identity. The narrator knows that his choice will make all the difference since the
destination each road leads to will be totally different. When facing two equally attractive choices, it is
even harder to make a decision. The narrator struggles with letting go and he even thinks about saving
the road not taken for another day. However, once a choice is made, there is no turning back. Ages and
ages hence , the narrator looks back and tells his decision with a sign and regrets his decision of taking
the road less traveled by , it is the road he took that has
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Elizabeth Warren The Vanishing Middle Class Analysis
Debt in America now has grown to be at the highest it has been compared to the decades before.
People now spend tremendous about of money now then they have many years prior. Many people
today have borrowed money that they can not seem to pay back, which debt begins to accumulate and
may cause distress in many lives. Basically now there is no one preserving their own money, they re
are just spending their hard earned money. Elizabeth Warren, formerly a U.S. senator and also a
teacher, addresses the middle class in her essay called the vanishing middle class . There are abundant
of good ideas that she states in her essay. Elizabeth Warren is very effective in her argument because
of three concepts that stand out the most were having high incomes but at a price, savings and debt,
how different we use our money now compared with how we have in the past. Incomes now and back
then have changed tremendously. In her essay the vanishing middle class Elizabeth Warren states The
answer is that the typical man working full time, after adjusting for inflation, earns about $800 less
than his father earned in the early 1970s. After decades of rising incomes earlier in the twentieth
century, about thirty years ago wages for men have flatlined . This shows that even though incomes
have increased and changed over time people are still making less money than their parents have done
due to wages not being increased for 30 years and due to the facts the people spend more on things
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The Current Idea Of Intelligence
Paper 1
Intelligence has been identified in many different ways throughout history and varies between
different cultures. The current idea of intelligence consists of intangible properties that include, but are
not limited to, knowledge based thinking, apprehending, adaptive purposeful striving, fluid analytic
reasoning, mental playfulness, and idiosyncratic learning (Krishnamurthy, 2015).
Progression of Intelligence Testing Through the Ages
The notion that Caucasians were superior to other races (e.g., African Americans, Native Americans,
etc.) was a well accepted notion that preceded, and even influenced, early intelligence testing (Gould,
1996). Research conducted by Samuel Morton on human skulls began in the 1820 s attempted to set
up a scientifically based racial ranking system of intelligence through the use of Craniometry.
However, Morton s research was heavily biased, although it appeared his biases were unintentional
and lacked conscious manipulation (p. 101). Even though data from Morton s research acknowledged
that brain size was relative to body size, he failed to correct for differences in sex or body size (p. 94).
Morton also made errors that favored his prejudices which included inaccurate measurements (e.g.,
unequal rounding cranial circumference measurements, over packing skulls) and sampling biases (e.g.,
including unequal female to male ratios in particular samples, over representing certain groups
samples) (p. 86 101).
Furthermore, scientists such
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The Apache and the Maya are Prominent Native Tribes from...
Two prominent native tribes of the Americas are the Maya and the Apache. These great tribes lived in
different places. The Maya lived in what is now modern day Central America, while the Apache
largely lived in the southwest deserts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. They both have a rich
history and cultural heritage. However, the Mayan and the Apache tribes have many differences, in
their environment, social structures, their adaptations to the environment, and the effect of European
contact on the tribes.
The Maya and the Apache lived in different environments yet both have adapted to their respective
environments. While the Maya lived in the rainforests and lowlands of Central America, the Apache
lived in the desert of Arizona, New ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the Maya began settling in the lowlands of what is now northern Guatemala around 1000 BCE,
they cleared thick tropical forests in order to farm. They grew crops like beans, squash, avocados and
corn. The forest provided food sources like deer, rabbits and monkeys, and building materials like
wood, vines and mud for their houses. Through increased trade, small isolated Mayan villages grew
into large cities. While the Apache used to live in wickiups, made of wooden frames covered by a
buffalo hide tarp, nowadays they live in modern houses and apartment buildings. Traditionally, the
Apache were hunters. The men hunted antelope, buffalo, and deer, while the women collected fruits
and nuts from their surroundings. These days, however their main staple food consists of corn. The
Europeans have different impact on the Maya and the Apache. The Europeans did not have such a big
effect on the Mayan civilization as they did on the Apache. The Mayan civilization had already
collapsed when Spanish conquerors arrived at the Americas in the 1500s. In the late 1800s, the Apache
engaged in warfare against the United States government. Despite putting a strong resistance against
the aggression to take over the Apache s land, the Apache had to surrender in the end and were
subjected to confined life in reservations.
The Maya and the Apache are amongst the best known tribes in the Americas. They both have very
gripping history but they are very different in
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Markus Zusak s The Messenger
Markus Zusak s The Messenger is a Bildungsroman, as it incorporates the idea of moral and
psychological growth of the main character. When this idea is incorporated into it demonstrates the
main character personal growth throughout the novel. Markus Zusak s The Messenger can be best
understood as a Bildungsroman because the novel focuses on the moral and psychological growth of
Ed Kennedy. In order to access the accuracy of this thesis it is necessary to discuss who Ed was at the
beginning of the novel and how Ed changed morally and psychologically when he delivered more
At the beginning of the novel Ed s mentality about himself is that he s someone who s directionless
and unambitious. Ed starts of at the beginning of the novel
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Overcoming Communication Barriers between Genders Essay
Roles of men and women
Of the many changes which have taken place in American society since World War II, one of the
greatest has been in the roles of men and women. Members of both genders have lived multiple roles
in the past, but these were generally established ones, such as men being the wage earners and women
the caregivers.
Communication followed largely defined cultural and societal norms. Usually, nuances in speech and
in body language could readily be interpreted. As Archie Bunker nostalgically sang in television s
quot;All in the Family, quot; quot;... and you knew who you were then; girls were girls and men were
men. quot;
Many of the roles have remained the same, but now they frequently are carried out by members ...
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From childhood, many women are taught to smile and be pleasant to others. Smiles of good will,
interest, and encouragement by either men or women, however, can be interpreted as agreement with
what is being said. In conversation, it is necessary to be direct and honest as well, especially when a
smile does not signify agreement or approval.
Men often talk at women, not with them. One chaplain assistant NCOIC made a habit of periodically
bringing all members of the staff who were interested into a general conversation at a convenient
location in the office. Early in the morning, at random intervals, he introduced a question or comment
on a current event or another objective topic on which anyone would be able to contribute information
or an opinion. As the men and women of the staff shared the conversation, they grew to know and
respect each other and their backgrounds. They were more ready to offer their information and
insights on work related topics, and close teamwork throughout the staff developed.
A senior chaplain encouraged teamwork in his staff through frequent roundtable discussions of
assigned projects. This practice also ensured capturing the information and expertise possessed by
staff members other than the one who had the responsibility for the action.
Different ways of relating to others
The sarcastic wit and ironic language often used by a man to show regard or comradeship to
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How is Seamus Heaney s Irish Rural Heritage Reflected In...
How is Seamus Heaney s Irish Rural Heritage Reflected In his Poetry.
Seamus Heaney was born and grew up in the Irish countryside on his fathers farm. His father was still
using the traditional farming methods, which had been handed down for generations, even though
technology had developed greatly in the early twentieth century.
Heaney learns a lot from his father about farming and how generations of his family have done it.
Heaney takes a great interest in it and he admires his father s skill in working the horses. These
memories give
Heaney a great deal to write about. The poems that I am going to study are Digging , Follower , At a
Potato Digging and Death of a
Naturalist . Heaney s memories and thoughts from childhood ... Show more content on
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By God, the old man could handle a spade.
This shows how Heaney looked up to his father. Heaney also mentions how his grandfather was a
great digger too.
My grandfather cut more turf in a day.
This poem is showing how digging has been done for generations in
Heaney s family. But Heaney couldn t dig like them.
But I ve no spade to follow men like them.
He feels like he is a disappointment to his father and family, and he feels disappointment in himself
too. Heaney still does dig though, but in a different way. He digs with words.
Follower is similar to Digging in a lot of ways because Heaney is again using childhood memories to
show the admiration for his father.
Heaney describes, with some admiration, his father s skill in working the horse drawn plough.
The sod rolled over without breaking.
This shows how he remembers his father s expertise in ploughing. This poem is written in the same
way as Digging because both show how
Heaney s heritage plays a key focus in his poetry. Follower also shows the strength of Heaney s father.
With a single pluck.
This shows how his father doesn t struggle, which is the mark of an expert. He also describes his
father s power and strength.
Broad shadow.
The broadness of his shoulders is showing his power and strength.
Follower unlike Digging tells the reader how Heaney followed his father around the
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The Epic Hero Of Bo Jackson
Bo Jackson is known for his ability to be successful in both football and baseball, a feat no other
professional athlete was able to attempt. As a young adult, Bo Jackson thrived at whatever he did;
from baseball to football to track, and he was able to give it his best effort and naturally excel at these
sports. As a college athlete, Bo Jackson retained his ability to achieve greatness in both football and
baseball, a feat that would set the precedent for his adult life and careers. As an adult, Bo Jackson
became famous for his ability to alternate between football and baseball at the same time, and excel at
both sports, without any time to rest. Bo s ability to jump from one sport to the next was seen as an
impressive show of his skill and natural talent for the sports. Though Bo Jackson s life is a real life
story, many see him as an epic hero like Odysseus or Hercules. According to the Characteristics of
Epic Heroes, Bo Jackson displayed great strength and courage through performance of incredible
deeds, accepted his capabilities with great humility, and was seen as a national hero. Throughout his
career, Bo Jackson used his natural talent for sports and took the risk of playing two sports at the same
time. According to the Characteristics of Epic Heroes, the hero must show that they are capable of
using great strength and courage to complete amazing deeds. In Bo Jackson s lifetime, he showed
immense courage in multiple ways, including the courage to play both football
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Pros And Cons Of Anorexia
Are laws banning underweight models a good way of protecting models and people from anorexia?
Milan, Italy 2007. In one of the leading and most influencing fashion cities of the world, the seasonal
Milan s Fashion Week is taking place. Glossy magazines, classic and extravagant designs by the most
famous designers internationally, thousand of little light made by the shots of the photographers trying
to have the best capture of what will be tomorrow s dressing trend, angelic looking models all over the
runway, etc. are just some of the expectances that the public has for what is considered to be as the
most important event for the fashion industry. At least these were the normal activities that used to
happen in such an event, but what was offered to the public in Milan s Fashion Week was definitely a
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. . has been drawing shocked gasps from passing Milanese (Jess Cartner Morley). The intention of the
campaign and the French model Isabelle Caro was to raise awareness among the broad audience about
the serious consequences that anorexia, the illness mostly related to the stereotypes created by fashion
industry, could have in one s life. In that time the event caused a lot of discussion in media, however
not resulting in the supposed reaction either by the fashion agencies or the government. In 2010 the
death of Isabelle Caro from anorexia caused a great deal of discussion in the fashion industry itself
and also in the social media. The reaction of the French government was just a long silence, totally
ignoring the importance of what had happened, and the signals that were indirectly showing the other
consequences that models could face in order to practice their profession. Only in 2015, after some
other models shared the same fatal end as Caro because of anorexia, the French government adapted a
new law banning underweight models. The adoption of the law took some time due
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Essentials Of Advertising Strategy ( Eas )
In Essentials of Advertising Strategy (EAS), chapter two and three emphasizes the most useful tool for
a successful advertising strategy is to simply understand the consumers perspective, demographics,
and behaviors. Pret uses their signage to communicate their brand message to their target audience
which is a natural, organic cafe with elegance. Pret managed to diversify themselves using
sophisticated texture, even though they understood that the color red was highly polarized amongst
many fast food companies. Their logos incorporates a classy, clean, and cut edge font. The symbol of
the star is used to demonstrate their excellence in the fast food industry and the circle around it is used
to promote the community of being a Pret A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A tomato actually looks like a tomato and an avocado looks like an avocado. The names of the
ingredients are not written in a fine print that makes it hard for consumers to read, but rather the
ingredients are labeled boldly on the packaging and visually identifiable in the packaging. The
ingredients are all natural, fresh, and organic. There s a variety of sandwich options and at certain
locations consumers can purchase vegan food.
Pret is not only about the natural and freshness of their products however, they emphasize the positive
aspects of service to consumers. Workers at Pret are preppy and cheerful. This loving energetic
atmosphere sets the tone that their brand projects. Consumers feel more welcomed and are encouraged
to return based on previous customer service experiences. The greetings from the employees are not
robotic, such as hi, how can I help you, rather more personal and home like hi, welcome to Pret A
Manger, how are you doing today? Pret is not just about getting natural, healthy, quick, ready to go
food, but promoting a comfortable environment.
Allison, Anne. Schultz, Don. Tannenbaum, Stanley. Essentials of Advertising Strategy. NTC
Buisnesss Books. 11 38. Print.
Chapters two and three of this book reviews the concept of advertising to consumers and strategies of
a marketing plan. In addition, the chapter reviews the steps necessary to a successful marketing
planning and the
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Denman D79 Thermo Hair Straightening Brush
The Denman D79 Thermo hair straightening brush is a very fast and simple way of straightening
various types of hair while blow drying. The multiple rows of bristles interlock and grip sections of
your hair gently. They smoothen hair cuticles and thus leave your hair straight, manageable and
The bristles on this brush are natural and pure and help to add shine and condition to your hair to give
it a lustrous and shiny finish. There is a thermo heat retaining plate that includes venting which lets
warm air circulate freely so that you get a fast blowing performance. You can even use this brush
along with various hair relaxants. This brush is resistant to heat and chemicals so you do not need to
worry about it getting spoilt. There are
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The Trouble With Rewards Essay
The Trouble with Rewards
Organizational Development Culture
Alfie Kohn is a lecturer and author whose primary focus is behavior management in schools, in the
workplace, and in our parenting techniques. In 1993, Kohn published Punished by Rewards . In this
work, Kohn listed five main arguments against the use of performance based reward systems. The
arguments against such reward systems are:
Rewards Punish
Rewards Rupture Relationships
Rewards Ignore Reasons
Rewards Discourage Risk Taking
Rewards Undermine Intrinsic Motivation
On its face, it seems contradictory that a reward would be an unhealthy means to assist the process of
learning or behaving. How else would the unpleasantries of learning, of working, or ... Show more
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However, as the order was not mine, I instructed my co worker who was working on this account to
call the customer to make sure that all was well. As a result, the customer wrote a letter to the CEO
praising my co worker s effort and efficiency in resolving her problem. This resulted is his receiving a
corporate service award and a monetary reward. Needless to say, I was not pleased. I had done the
work, but yet was not recognized. This made me feel that it is not necessary to put forth such effort
since it was a thankless function. I felt punished for doing a good job because it was not noted in the
Rewards Rupture Relationships
The idea of there can be only one is the bedrock of American values. There has to be an ultimate
winner and then there s everyone else. Logically following this thought process would lead us to the
understanding that rewarding the one causes a breakdown in relationships. The following are the
reasons that I would agree that rewards rupture relationships:
They emphasize the difference in power between the person handing out the reward and the person
receiving it.
Excellence depends on teamwork.
Employees will not ask for help when needed.
Problems will be concealed so that reputations remain intact.
Rewards create competitiveness among employees and this undermines collaboration and teamwork.
An example where rewards rupture relationships can be viewed by
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Media Opinion On Public Opinion
Question 2 Public opinion is combination of elite opinion, media opinion, and mass opinion. Elite
opinion is the informed opinions of knowledgeable experts that may be presented in blogs, university
studies, or academic think tanks. Media opinion is often associated with public opinion; however, a
large information gap is present as media opinion is often biased as it is funded by corporate
sponsorship. This trend is common during elections, where corporately backed candidates are often
portrayed favorably in debate or campaign analysis. The third aspect of public opinion is mass
opinion. Mass opinion is generally measured by polls or consumer trend analysis to make educated
assumptions about the opinions and preferences of the masses. Publications are quick to state that
public opinion supports one side of a policy issue or a social topic. There are a number of complexities
that arise when gauging public opinion. Can public opinion actually be effectively measured? Is public
opinion constant? Does the public effectively understand the question at hand? These issues
commonly arise when discussing what the public opinion actually is. The main difficulties of
analyzing public opinion is that it is fairly elastic, often changing depending on reactions to current
events, it is difficult to collect credible information to make effective assumptions, and the public is
often not informed well enough or does not understand the true complexities of various policy issues.
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Negative Dangers Of Social Media
The media is an umbrella term describing a whole world of technological advancement, and holds a
range of services that aid the spread of information. There s no doubt that the media has done a lot to
improve the lives of those who have access to it, one way or another, but what if media and its usage
in today s context is more damaging than beneficial? Just how damaging can it really be? How can we
be aware of these dangers? Once aware of these dangers, what can be done to guarantee future
adolescents don t fall deep into its pressures?
Social media, or media in general, is worried to be one of the main culprits that might contribute to the
rapid development of body dissatisfaction, and dietary restraint, especially among adolescent girls
(Masters, McLean, Paxton, Wertheim). In particular, higher use of appearance based Internet can be
associated with lower weight satisfaction and higher drive for thinness in fifteen year old girls, as well
as contribute to the internalization of appearance ideals and body surveillance (Masters, McLean,
Paxton, Wertheim). However, these are not the only dangers present.
In an article by Nazir S. Hawi, and Maya Samaha titled, The Relations Among Social Media
Addiction, Self Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students, explains what self esteem is, and
some of the addictive behaviors that can occur to those who use media. The article shares some
numbers to show a perspective on how many people actually use social media
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What Are The Suburbanization Of Living Areas
During the 20th century technology had become more advanced, World War II had taken place, and
suburbanization had quickly fallowed. When World War II ended families began to have more
children and the economy boomed. Houses were built just outside the cities to accommodate the
population shift allowing people to escape the dirty city life. Once the automobile had become
accessible, allowing people to commute to work, people had began to move out of the cities they
worked in and into these surrounding areas. This created the suburbs. Those who moved out of the
city and into these suburbs tended to be white middle class families that could afford the larger houses
in the more secluded areas. Different areas with different types and sizes of
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The Pros And Cons Of Gay Adoption
An estimated 65,000 adopted children are living with homosexual parents (Tavernise). That s about
fifteen percent of the total number of kids in the foster care system. For ages people have been against
homosexual adoption because they think only heterosexuals should be able to adopt children.
Fortunately, as of June 2015, homosexual adoption is legal in all fifty states. Just imagine if the
thousands of kids did not have a home just because homosexuals were not allowed to adopt. That
would be 65,000 more kids who do not have a home or live in foster care. Some adolescents might
even live out on the streets or in unsafe places. Although many may think that same sex couples are
unfit to raise and adopt kids, children of same sex couples are actually happier and healthier than
when raised by heterosexual couples.
For many, the thought of there being a child with two mothers or two fathers is simply atrocious.
Some people do not think that homosexuals are fit for the role of a parent. According to Gary Glenn,
Direct consequences of homosexual behavior experience dramatically higher risks of domestic
violence, mental illness, and substance abuse, thus putting children in danger. However, many studies
have shown that this is not the case. An individual s sexual orientation does not affect the risk of
getting the behaviors listed above. Any person is susceptible to having a disorder. Glenn also vocalizes
that Children of homosexuals are more at risk for anxiety, depression, OCD, and bipolar disorder. This
is a very dramatic statement, again considering anyone could have one of those disorders, regardless
of their parents sexual orientation. Alternatively, studies have shown that homosexual people make for
quality parents. For example, Sabrina Tavernise suggests that homosexual parents are actually more
affluent and educated than heterosexual parents. Those attributes are very helpful, especially when
raising children. The benefits of homosexual adoption far outweigh the negatives in this circumstance.
Children of homosexual parents are prone to be more happy than those of heterosexual parents. There
are numerous positive impacts for the children. Various studies have been done to show the impacts.
Of 77
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  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Machine Learning Machine learning and Deep Learning Some machines are capable to acquire their own knowledge by extracting patterns from raw data, a phenomenon known as machine learning (ML) (Bengio, Ian and Aaron 2016). Without question, many aspects of modern society have been deeply impacted by these machine learning systems. Furthermore, ML claims to accomplish simple results that can be effortlessly understood by humans (Michie, et al. 1994). Outputs from these systems that are used in service systems include, but are not limited to offering customers new items and narrowing down their search based on their interests; language understanding, object recognition, speech perception, and identifying and favoring significant results of online searches (Yann , Yoshua and Geoffrey 2015). It is important to emphasize that even though human intervention is necessary for background knowledge, the operational phase is expected to be without human interaction (Michie, et al. 1994). Consequently, these systems must be able to learn through time. According to Alpaydin (2004), they must be able to evolve and optimize a performance criterion in order to adapt to the environmental changes to which they are exposed over time. These systems do that through the use of past experience or example data. Russell et al. (2004), classified machine learning tasks into three different groups based on the feedback available to the learning system and the nature of the learning signal: supervised learning, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Industrial Emissions And Its Effects On Human Health And... 1. Introduction Industrial emissions are a major sources of air pollution, and thus responsible for numerous deleterious effects on a human health and environment caused by photochemical smog, acid rain, and resultant degradation of ecosystems and bio diversity. Ontario s SO2 emissions are predominantly around 65 percent from industrial sources including non ferrous smelting. The major environmental concerns associated with smelting are energy consumption, releases of sulphur dioxide and particulate matter to air, and the generation of residues, such as slag and captured dust (Environment Canada, 2006). In this paper, the policies and regulation that were implemented by the United Nations Convention to reduce the amount of SO2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. SO2 Pollution Effects around Sudbury Today the Sudbury region is known for mining and production of nickel, as it is located just off the Canadian Shield region that holds a vast nickel reserves. Throughout the early 20th century, many mining and smelting venture such as Inco and Falconbridge were created to take advantage of the growing nickel industry. Both are these companies used a smelting process called heap roasting method to extract the nickel from the ore. However, Smelting process is the one main source of the sulphur fumes which caused acid rain (Buhr, 1998). This results from nickel production itself, where there is 8 more times of sulphur oxides particulate in the ore than actual nickel (Crawford, 1994). At the beginning of this century, the amount of SO2 released into the atmosphere weren t much of a concern since the nickel output was considerably small. It later became a problem as the demand for nickel production was gradually increasing (Crawford, 1994). Up till the 1970 s, the Smelting industry in the Sudbury region was one of the largest metal producing complexes in the world, which meant that it also release a massive amount of Sulphur and metal particulates into the environment. By the 1960 s, the smelting site in Sudbury was one of the largest point source of SO2 emission releasing thousands of tons of metal particulates from the smelters as graph 1 displays. (Keller, Heneberry Gunn, 1999). As more ground level of sulphur dioxide emission ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Disadvantages Of Globalization Is everything that is sold in America are made in other countries? Not everything, but most of it. Don t we have enough resources? Yes, we do. Don t we have enough labor? Yes, we do. So why are we using foreign labor for manufacturing products that will be sold in USA. Globalization is the way recourses, businesses are expanding globally. Globalization started to become real popular after World War 2, when small and large businesses started to grow and expand. Globalization, the word in the modern economy that can explain why companies expand globally and using foreign manufactures resources to make goods and services that will be sold domestically and what are the advantages and disadvantages of it. According to the Amartya Sen, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only expanding internationally benefits the corporation, it also benefits the country that business is opened in. Cultural development is also a benefit from globalization. While expanding internationally corporations gain new experience in dealing and doing business with people from other culture and other backgrounds. It s a great way for people to know each other and to develop successful business relationship. While company expand globally, it has to get used to new culture, new ways of running the business, and the most successful companies are that ones who doing business not their way but the way it will be successful in the foreign country. On the other hand, globalization has impact on job insecurity. Job insecurity means that people losing their jobs, and it s all because all the jobs are going to the lower cost manufactures and lower labor cost. Specialists in the IT, financial, scientific industries are losing their jobs due to outsourcing to other countries where doing business is a lot more cost efficient. Many research was made to understand why does globalization matter so much in our modern world. The answer in easy, it matters a lot. According to Jacinta Enerio, economist for the BPS politics, Globalization make the rich richer and poor poorer . Most of the workers that are used as a cheap labor a living in poverty line. According to the Bureau of Statistic, in the Asia countries and Pacific region ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Treatment of Wastewater with Microalgae Essay 2.1 Wastewater Treatment with Microalgae Microalgae have a great potential to solve energy and environmental challenges around the world. Wastewater treatment with microalgae is a more environmental sound approach to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus and to remove heavy metals from wastewater. Microalgae can absorb significant amount of nutrients because they need large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus for proteins (45 60% microalgae dry weight) and metals as micronutrients for their growth. William Oswald first developed the idea of treating wastewater using microalgae and performed photosynthesis in sewage treatment [29]. Figure 2.1 briefly depicts the process involved in high rate algal pond in which algae plays a dual role by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2.2.1 Nitrogen Organic nitrogen is the key element in biological substances like enzymes, peptides, proteins, chlorophylls and energy transfer molecules such as ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and ATP (Adenosine 5 triphosphate) [33]. Organic nitrogen is derived from inorganic sources including nitrite (NO2 ), nitrate (NO3 ), nitric acid (HNO3), ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrogen gas (N2). Microalgae has an ability to convert inorganic nitrogen be only in the forms of nitrite, nitrate and ammonium to organic nitrogen through a process called assimilation. Only eukaryotic algae can perform assimilation [32]. Figure 2.2 describes the assimilation process of inorganic nitrogen. As shown in the figure 2.2, translocation of inorganic nitrogen takes place across the plasma membrane where reduction of nitrate takes place followed by the incorporation of ammonium into amino acids and glutamine. Initially nitrate is reduced to nitrite by a NADH dependent nitrate reductase and the nitrite reduced to ammonium by NADPH linked nitrite reductase present within the algae. The resulting ammonium is assimilated to form amino acids by glutamine and glutamate synthase within the intracellular fluid using adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glutamate (Glu) and glutamine synthase. Thus, all inorganic forms of nitrogen are finally reduced to organic form (amino acids) [32]. Figure 2.2 Conversion of inorganic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. I Want to Become a Forensic Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Shows like Criminal Minds have made the forensics psychologist field progress. What do forensic psychologist do? Forensic psychologist is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014)The career I want to engage in is forensic psychologist but first you have to learn the work environment, the education, the earnings, the outlook, the pros, and the cons. With numerous portrayals in books, movies and television programs, interest in forensic psychology has grown significantly in recent years. (An Overview of Forensic Psychology, 2014) The work environment of forensic psychologist varies widely. Working hours are typically nine to five, with some flexibility required. Evening and weekend work may occasionally be necessary. (Forensic Psychologist, 2012) Most of the time you will always be on the call. Being on call means at any time you could get a call and have to drop what you are doing and go tend to what the call was about. As a trainee you are supervised then as time progresses and you progress the supervision becomes less. Forensic psychologist work not only with prisoners and offenders but also with other professionals involved in the judicial penal systems, and with victims of crime. (Forensic Psychologist: Job Description, Ed. AGCAS, Aug 2012) To become a forensics psychologist I will at least need to have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Sin In The God Of Vengeance The word sin invokes a fairly Christian methodology, The Original Sin referring to Eve s eating the apple in the Garden of Eden, setting up a world where humanity is forever inclined to sin. Sin remains, to this day, a word of heavy connotations as the definition of sin itself shifts in the eyes of a Biblical God and in the eyes of an evolving humanity. In Sholom Ash s play, The God of Vengeance, sin is the main subject in varying forms: defilement of a Torah scroll by an impure girl and the sin of a man who owns a brothel, potentially leading his daughter to a life of sin. All aspects of which get caught up in one story that questions the morality of money as a means to repent for your sin, a lesbian relationship, and the definition of purity as defined by Jewish law. All of this encapsulated by the question of who is a sinner and what defines sin in both a Biblical context and in a modern context. Sin, therefore, is a multifaceted entity dependent upon the world one lives in and not subscribing to any one definition, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sin subscribes to no one definition and in fact, the definition changes from time period to time period based on the needs of society to develop law and not on a solely religious landscape. Sholom Ash s play, The God of Vengeance, raises many questions, and did at the time of its conception when it appeared on Broadway. Paying off a religious organization, respecting the holy scripture, and same sex relationships are all subjects which are still very much still up for debate. But, as our world has evolved and become more aware of humanity, so too have our conceptions and rulings dealing with those subjects in the context of sin, legality, and the basic messiness of being human. The God of Vengeance makes the reader question the fundamentalism of reality, both in the present, past, and future, as defined by the universe we live in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Essence of Education 1. Write an essay on The Essence of Education . (1000 2000 words) I cannot write this essay without reference to study of my own experienced and my daughter s placed in the harsh environment of the government schooling system and its observations of the stark belief systems of the child to fit the system and not the system to fit the child with reference to the what education should be about. This means different things to different people. To some this means a teacher teaching and passive learning taking place, the outcome is expected at the end of each year that each child has to achieve the same outcome and is graded accordingly. The only problem with this is the removal of freedom and time constraints and a passive role for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this in mind, not only the environment plays the most important function in the restoration of natural learning, but so does the recognition of the individual. This not includes the didactic materials available for learning but also includes the nature and predisposition of the teacher. A teacher who is unkind is forever remembered and imprinted on the experience of the child, and so it is that no teacher should enter the profession without being thoroughly researched by the place of employment. I remember a few of these unkind souls and forever remember their manner and the effect it had on me. I simply did not wish to be there in the presence of these teachers, so went out of my way to stay away. The harsh reality was that I failed to prosper in these classes. One has to ask if this is right and if the essence of education is being missed. Reality and national results speak for themselves. What are we producing in society today? We are in effect only producing human beings who are workers and not free thinkers. Human beings who do not question, reason and think for themselves. This is where education has lead humanity. Is this an aid to life or a long term obstacle that is too far gone to fix in the later stages. Many parents see this but are also trapped by fear and economics. Rather than question, too many offload the children in these harsh environments so that they can see ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Ecclesiastes One Night Analysis I stumbled upon this chapter in Ecclesiastes one night and as I read it, it was explaining to me exactly how I felt that moment when I had opened my bible. I had been in a busy season of life, and at the end of every day, I was consistently finding myself overwhelmed and stressed, and every night I would think about how life is always going to be stressful, maybe expressed differently and hidden in different aspects of life, but nevertheless, stressful. Many times when I find myself stressed, my perspective is taken off of God and placed on my circumstance, which causes me to not tolerate stress well. So these days and nights when I found myself stuck in a routine of stress, honestly viewing it as a stormy ocean with no still, dry land in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is overwhelming me? Why is this situation causing me to be overwhelmed? How can I fix it? These questions cause me to realize that the root of my problem is often me striving too hard after the wrong things. The wrong things are not necessarily bad things, but when things equate to a busy life, often I find that I ve lost myself in a crazy routine of trying to stay on top of things, failing always. It is only ever necessary to strive hard after God. He will fit in everything else that He finds fitting for our lives, he will place the hobbies, community, work, He will place it all, and He is the only One who, when we give Him all our energy, will give it back in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Role Of Nationalism In Italian Unification ITALIAN UNIFICATION (1848 1870) Nationalism is sovereignty of people and emotional attachment to the nation. Nationalism stands for loyalty to a nation through collective consciousness of shared history, language, race, values, culture and traditions. Nationalism has five stages and the second stage is unification i.e. people united in a nation. Most significant unifications are Italian and German unification, in this essay I will focus on the Italian unification. The research question that I will be answering throughout the essay is: How did nationalism play a role in Italian unification? The 1848 revolution that went through Europe for political representation and national unification also went through the Italians causing many political ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... List the objects or people you see in the cartoon. There are two people, Victor Emanuel 2nd and Giuseppe Garibaldi, map of united Italy, Garibaldi inside and Victor 2nd outside, Victor s bag, Garibaldi s hat and sword. Words 1. Identify the cartoon caption and/or title The title of this cartoon is The man in possession which means that Garibaldi has Italy in his hands and Victor is waiting for Garibaldi to give it to him. 2. Locate three words or phrases used by the cartoonist to identify objects or people within the cartoon. There is only one phrase and one word in this cartoon. On the map it says Italy and the phrase is: Victor Emanuel 2. I wonder when he will open the door 3. Record any important dates or numbers that appear in the cartoon. There aren t any dates in this cartoon. Level 2 Visuals 2. Which of the objects on your list are symbols? The map of Italy and Victor s bag 3. What do you think each symbol means. The map of Italy presents the unification of Italy and Victor s bag means that he is waiting for Garibaldi to open the doors to give him his possession/ home (Italy). Words 4. Which words or phrases in the cartoon appear to be the most significant? Why do you think ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Ancient Calendars Essay Time Keepers Celestial bodies the sun, moon, planets, and stars have provided us a reference for measuring the passage of time throughout human existence. Ancient civilizations like: China, India, Babylon, and Greece relied upon the apparent motion of these bodies through the sky to record and determine seasons, months, and years. We know little about the details of timekeeping in prehistoric eras. However, records and artifacts usually uncover that in every culture, people were preoccupied with measuring and recording the passage of time. Stonehenge, built over 4000 years ago in England has no written records, but its alignments show its purposes apparently included the determination of seasonal or celestial events, such as lunar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luckily, our neighbors to the East, the Arabs, found the documents to be of great interest and kept old Greek astrological records. In the Renisannce period of Christianity the church officials decided to re examine the ancient records, and actually found some validity in some of the scientific data. Amazingly enough the Christian church decided to implement data from ancient pagan cultures to help create the most widely used calendar to date, the Gregorian calendar. Ancient Greek astronomers made some amazing mathematical and philosophical discovers about our universe. From the Hellenistic Greek observations in approximately 300 B.C.E., to the invention of the first telescope in the seventeenth century, to the launching of today s space probes, one thing is evident: astrological observations are imperative to creating a calendar. Currently, the concept of a year is based on the earth s motion around the sun. The time from one fixed point, such as a solstice or equinox, to the next is called a tropical year; its length is currently 365.242. Our concept of a month is based on the moon s motion around the earth, although this connection has been broken in the calendar commonly used now, the Gregorian calendar. The time for the moon to complete a full cycle of phases is called a synodic month, and its length is currently 29.53 days. Note that these numbers are averages. The actual length of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Golden Age By Aphra Behn In her poem The Golden Age , Aphra Behn divides nature from civilization, almost in a biblical sense of Eden and after Eden. Nature and civilization are separated as a positive and negative experience where love is dishonoured, and sin takes over Earth. Through this before and after division, Behn shows how the fall of mankind led to the oppression of the female sex as woman, associated with love, kept the world pure until man, associated with honour, took over. Thus creating Pleasure, Nature s worst Disease (148). When Nature is overpowered by civilization, gender issues arose. This division of gender issues sets women up to be a tease or object of pleasure rather than an equal lover who is free to her own sexuality. The Golden Age presents the fall of natural order with the rise of man. The beginning of the poem is a very peaceful, Blest Age! (1), with Purling Stream[s] (1), an Eternal Spring (5), and wanton Gods of Love (15). This takes place in the world before the rise of mankind, much like the biblical Garden of Eden. In this flowery place, nature triumphs with love. Nature is referred to as a feminine idea, Virgin Earth;/ Who yielded of her own accord her plenteous Birth (32 33). This can relate to the idea or allusion of Mother Nature, as Earth is commonly referred to as female. Behn tells the reader how roses, as a symbol for virtuousness, live in prosperous morning dew. In this peaceful and young world, two lovers are free to all their Joyes and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Pros And Cons Of California SSI recipients get a check every month from Social Security Administration. That check amount currently is 889.40, consisting of $733 from the federal government and $156 that is supplemented from the state of California. Over the last fifteen years, the state of California has made some decisions that have affected the amount it supplements drastically in order to save the state some money. In 2009, the SSP was cut from 233 to 171 for single adults. in 2011 the state made cut the portion they provide from $171 to $156. In a two year span the state of California eliminate $77 from people budgets. The state also decided to mess with the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) that are given yearly. Starting in the year 2001, the state passed the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Godfather And Ragtime The American dream is the idea that every US citizen can have equal opportunity to achieve success. This idea usually comes alongside hard work, determination, and originality, but when have we successful reached this milestone? When can we say we have lived the American dream? It may be classified by the amount of money we make or the degree of happiness one has reached in their life time, but personal experiences may tell a different tale of this ideology. Two works, The Godfather and Ragtime, portray two different versions the American Dream. The Godfather, directed by Francis Coppola, deals with the internal struggle of individuals within organized crime. We see representations of wealth, weakness, unity, and death throughout the film, showing that individual experiences aren t always so dreamlike. Ragtime, written by E.L. Doctorow, is a novel, in which individuals become subject to the evolution of the American culture. Throughout the turn of the century, we are able to see the battles for prosperity and happiness through the lives of many characters. We see success turn into turmoil, struggle into triumph, and the never ending battle to pursue prosperity before one reaches their death. In this paper, I plan to discuss the idealism of the American dream by identifying limitations of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a nation that s population contains fifty five percent foreign born citizens, this can limit the success of these individuals or families. The constant clashes of different cultures within our own country can only cause tension, which leads a targeting of people from foreign nations by employers, politicians, and citizens. Employers can limit job opportunities, politicians can cause chaos over reform, and citizens can speak out against these individuals. We see this struggle for opportunity in the novel, Ragtime, as Tateh struggles to find his way in his new life in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Research Paper On Duck Amuck Animated Short Movie Essay 2000 words Discussing how technical and artistic achievements are interconnected in Duck Amuck By Connor Cooper Duck Amuck was released in the United States on 28th of February 1953 directed by Chuck Jones for Warner Bros. Definitive voice actor Mel Blanc voices both Daffy Duck and in the final excerpt, Bugs Bunny. After watching the short film a few times I thought that it was an obvious choice of short film for me due to the diversity of the clip. I say this in complexion to a number of dynamics that are brought to the attention of the audience such as; When Daffy duck first enters the screen he is already in a full costume and in a scene where a story is about to be told. However, almost immediately the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the entire animation film, there is no direct expectation of what is happening. Daffy and the anonymous animator have this very lucrative but interesting interaction between one another that is hard to distinguish. Even though Daffy is the only character on screen and that his reactions are what make the comedy possible, the animator persistently changes creative perspective. At one stage, the animator draws Daffy with a guitar, we then expect to hear the guitar playing. But at first, no sound is heard when he strikes a chord. Daffy then holds up a sign asking Sound please , shortly after, we hear a variation of distant sounds that start again, whenever he plays a chord. At first, with a machine gun, then a horn and finally the sound of a donkey when Daffy strikes the guitar into the ground in frustration. To make matters worse, the animator goes on to take away Daffy s voice when he comes back on screen after clearing away the guitar. His voice, now replaced with animal sounds that Daffy gets embarrassed and distraught over. It is fantastic to see artistic variation between form, prop and even an anonymous force, but all of this could not compliment each other without the sound to intensify the moment. (Understanding Animation page 40 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. OSHA Essay example Essay Question 1910.178 OSHA 1910.178 is a standard that provides information on powered industrial trucks and materials handling and storage. This section contains safety requirements relating to fire protection, design, maintenance, and use of fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, motorized hand trucks, and other specialized industrial trucks. All new powered industrial trucks bought and used by an employer shall meet the design and construction requirements for powered industrial trucks established in the American National Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, Part II, ANSI B56.1 1969 except for vehicles intended primarily for earth moving or over the road hauling. This standard is fairly long and even provides a table of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... produce ignitable mixtures. ______________________________________________________________________ Groups in None A B C D classes ______________________________________________________________________ Examples Piers and Acetylene Hydrogen Ethyl Gasoline of wharves ether Naphtha locations inside Alcohols or and Acetone atmospheres outside Lacquer in classes general solvent and groups. storage, Benzene general industrial or commercial properties. This standard also provides information on storage of hazardous liquids, flammable liquids, gases or vapors and the quantity of hazardous material that might escape in case of an accident. This standard has 17 subheadings that go into detail about a lot of information besides powered industrial trucks. OSHA 1910.132 is a standard that provides information on the general requirements of personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment is defined by OSHA as protective equipment for eyes, face, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Aratus Shift In The Mangrove Tree Crabs As the world around us warms, places that originally were too cold for certain species become their new ideal habitat. Sometimes however, animals and plants that once inhabited the same area move at different speeds, creating new interspecies interactions. Mangrove tree crabs, Aratus pisonii, originally inhabited only the natural range of the mangrove tree. The current range of the mangrove tree along the East coast starts at Jacksonville, Florida and continues south. Aratus depends on the mangrove not only for shelter, but for their main food source as well. The crabs remain in the trees, traveling vertically during high tide to avoid aquatic predation. Mangroves act as protection for the shoreline, catching and holding sediment with their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both treatments were set up in the mangrove and salt marsh environments and left alone for an hour. Upon returning, researchers recorded the number of Aratus eaten and those with missing legs. Predation rates in both mangroves and salt marshes were higher when crabs were submerged than when unsubmerged, revealing higher aquatic predation in both environments. Leg detachment rates were higher in both salt marsh treatments. Smith theorizes that the difference is due to the crab body width to substrate width ratio. Mangroves are thicker than spartina grass, providing Aratus with more shelter and areas to retreat to when pursued. Aratus in salt marshes, however, have a higher body to substrate width ratio, allowing for both easier spotting by prey and fewer places to retreat to. Additionally, there is a greater area for escape on the mangrove trees than on spartina grass. Instead of being restricted to downward movement into the predator filled waters, Aratus exhibit the ability to move upward into the mangrove ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Dreams May Come Essay What Dreams May Come The movie What Dreams May Come gives a rather positive view on the afterlife. I think most of the ideas and views shown in the film are related to many of society s main beliefs pertaining to death and the afterlife, but the views are left broad enough so they can relate to any specific religion. Personally, I have no concrete belief concerning the afterlife, or whether or not if there even is life after death, but I can see why many people would agree with many of the films perspectives. The movie is shown through Robin Williams s character, Chris Nielson who s first personal encounter with death is when his two children, Marie and Ian both die in a car accident. Four years later he dies himself after being hit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also learns that after death, you can choose to be reborn. Chris later meets his daughter, who has taken the physical form of an Asian girl Chris had found attractive when they were alive, and the daughter is living in a place that is supposed to be her version of heaven. The turning point in the movie is when Chris learns that his wife Annie, who he learns is his soulmate, has committed suicide. He is told that in this world, all those that kill themselves do not go where he is, but instead to more or less a hell. Albert(Ian) and Chris get a tracker, who is the real Albert, to go and find Annie. It turns out that Annie is living in her own self denial, she believes she is at fault for her two children?s deaths, and she is cursed for eternity to believe this and to never know or understand that she herself is dead. Chris manages to save her by being willing to spend an eternity with her in hell. In the end the whole family is reunited and then Chris and Annie decide to be reincarnated. I do not know what happens when we die. In this, I mean I have had no experience such as a near death experience, or have any physical proof that there is or not an afterlife. It is possible for me to comprehend the possibility of an afterlife, and understand in some aspects why many people both believe there is and is not an afterlife. Most of the movie is probably accepted by many viewers because the majority of America?s population believes there is a God. I?m ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The American Dream In Nickel And Dimed By Barbara Ehrenreich One new experience can bring a whole other dimension. Viewpoints on life change, knowledge is gained through mistakes, and one may find themselves trapped in a maze like situation that they need to find a way out of. However, making the best out of one s position through determination, perseverance, and courage can slowly reverse the difficulty of handling it. Eventually, as strength is regained from tough obstacles, the desire to obtain their dreams escalates even further, which aids in working harder and striving to reach their goals. Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of Nickel and Dimed, depicts the financial struggles of single mothers who raise their families through minimum wage jobs after the welfare reform affected their lifestyles. In the novel, Ehrenreich tests the limits of living in poverty by accepting any scarce job that was offered, and provides insight that although it was exhausting to balance her needs and her hectic work schedule, by diligently laboring, constantly persisting in seeking the better, and voicing out the wrongs, it can eventually lead to the attainment of the American Dream. Through the struggles of stabilizing two jobs at once while searching for a temporary home, Ehrenreich displayed the frustration of sticking to her three guidelines in her experiment: she cannot go hungry, be homeless, or ignore the skills she learned through her education and past work experiences. She struggled to find jobs that provided more than minimum wage incomes in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Casablanc An Analysis Of The Movie Casablanca Casablanca, a city home to over 3 million people located in the country of Morocco in Africa, but it would seem that most people in America when they hear Casablanca they think of the 1942 classic movie; Casablanca. Rather remarkable when you think about it. Anyways, onward to the film; Casablanca. The renowned classic romance/drama Casablanca (1942), is nearly always seen on top ten lists of films. It is a expertly told tale of two men jockeying for the same woman s love in what some may call a love triangle . Casablanca is a story of both political and romantic espionage and is set in the time of war between democracy and totalitarianism. Speaking of the time period, Casablanca premiered in 1942, but was not released nationally until 1943. The black and white film is comprised of a cast of very memorable characters, supposedly actors and actresses from 34 different nationalities were included in it s cast. Throughout the film, there are some very memorable lines of dialogue, in fact Casablanca is the most quoted movie according to the American Film Institute s list of it s top 100 movie quotations, it had six quotations out of the list of 100. Likewise, Humphrey Bogart was the most quoted actor of all time with five quotations in the top 100, four of which were from Casablanca. Some examples of quotes include; Here s lookin at you, kid. , and the inaccurately quoted Play it again, Sam . Casablanca is one of the most popular, flawless, and revered films of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. How Architecture Can Be Applied to Plato s Definition of... This essay will be demonstrating how architecture can be applied to Plato s definition of the ideal person as Kalo k agatho. This essay will be examining the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple to Apollo at Bassae. The first monument this essay will be discussing is the Temple to Zeus at Olympia. The Temple to Zeus was constructed between C. 470 to 450 BCE, having this temple belong to the Early Classical Period. The Temple of Zeus had the typical features of the Doric Order, a perisytle, with a rule that the number of columns on the sides should be one more than double on the front and back (thus the perisytle is 6 X 13), a pronaos, a cella and an opithodomos. The two columns between the anta in the pronaos and the opithodomos align with the columns along the front and back of the temple. The temple was constructed in limestone as well as marble for the roof tiles and the sculptures. Over the entrances of the pronaos and opisthodomos, there were metopes of the 12 labours of Herakles, athla 1 6 over the opithodomos (west) and athla 7 12 over the cella (East). One of the main features that this temple is good to look at is because of the pediments. The west pediment depicts the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs, while the east pediment depictions the horse race of Pelops and Oinomaos. As this is the Temple to Zeus, the figure of Zeus as in the center of the East Pediment, whiles Apollo was the center figure for the west pediment. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Theory Of Economics And Finance Economics As the DIMEFIL paradigm defines economics and finance as two different fronts on which to battle terrorism, I will begin by defining the terms. The Economy of terrorism is to be considered on a local or interpersonal level; what are the ground level activities which finance terrorism, and who are the individuals who take part? The question must also be asked, what can be done to reintegrate these individuals into the country s larger economic infrastructure? Economic integration is a must, and is a sector in which the Pakistani government has been lacking. A chapter from Praeger s Essentials of Counterterrorism entitled The Shadow Economy outlines how those who function within the shadow economy can find and launder funds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Growth in the shadow economy can also reflect a reduction in the loyalty to the central government among the population. A lack of social safety nets can also drive individuals to illegal means to make ends meet. Pakistan has done very little to address these issues. As was mentioned earlier in relation to the Afghan refugees, the police have regularly harassed, extorted, and expelled Afghans. There are also widespread allegations of corruption along the boarder with Afghanistan made by a plethora of reputable papers, and it is important to note that there are no statements made expressly about the border in the 20 point National Action Plan. In a 2014 interview with the BBC, Pakistan s then national security adviser, Sartaj Aziz, stated said the entire border has been criminalized. By allowing large parts of the country to remain essentially lawless, Pakistan provides both funding and shelter to the terrorists who hide in this mountainous region. In the short term, military operations may be helpful in securing this border, but must be more closely monitored and substantial than they are now so as to reduce corruption. Long term, however, economic integration is really the only option. So long as people in this region feel that they can best provide for themselves and their families by acting in an economic sphere which is by definition outside of the government s purview, they will continue to operate that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Implementation Of The Jit The company is under the leadership of Ms. Cook has taken the initiative to implement the JIT approach to claim processing, in addition, MICI is changing the layout of the claim s department to enhance the integration and the implementation of the JIT. Ms. Cook enlists the help of supervisors, employees, and an outside consultant to work on creating a feasible layout, their first order of duty was to visit a real life facility; the Kawasaki Motorcycle plant in Lincoln Nebraska for inspiration and the team concluded that a change in the layout is definitely needed by the MICI claims department to enhance productivity (Heizer Render, 2011). Furthermore, Employee development is been prioritized by the company; as all managers and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of JIT will help the company increase their efficiency by cut down on wait time and processing, all of which will translate to increased productivity and hence profitability. According to Heizer Render (2011) employee training is vital to the success of a company, this is so true of MICI, because of the extensive standard training and cross training of the MICI employees will translate to increased efficiency, productivity flexibility, decreased wait time for customers and as history has depicted, costumers satisfaction is integral to the success of a company because customers are the major drivers in the market. The layout strategy is another concept the book touched on, the new layout of the claims department will allow for better workflow. It will also improve claims time, employee empowerment due to the proximity of workers to each order and flow of work in the cell, flexibility of the various equipment used by the company (Heizer Render, 2011). Overall Ms.is using the fundamental principle of the JIT, work cell concept, the concept of employees development, concept revamping and old system that is nonfunctional with the help of the of experts and the people who actually work in the field. All of which, will hopefully increase throughput, increase flexibility, reduce variability and give MICI a competitive advantage in the market. Recommendations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Schematics of a Film Disk The characteristics of the disc surface affect the flow patterns generated on the film as well as the residence time of the reactants film. The effect of disc texture on particle characteristics is depicted in Figure 7 and Figure 8. It can be seen that using the grooved disc surface results in smaller particle size and narrower particle size distribution as compared to smooth disc surface. A narrow particle size distribution for the production of silver nanoparticles was achieved by Iyer et al.[43] using the grooved disc. The authors postulated that that the corrugated nature of the grooved disc promoted shear induced micromixing of the thin film on the disc at higher rotational speed. The efficient micromixing ensured that all the particles were exposed to the similar conditions to maintain a narrow size distribution [43]. Similar enhancement effects of grooved surfaces have been reported for styrene polymerisation in the SDR [9]. It has also been suggested in the literature that surface textures have the potential to suppress liquid channelling or rivulet flow compared to a smooth surface under identical conditions of liquid flowrate and liquid properties so that a higher wetted area is achieved [44]. Rivulet flow as opposed to film flow would result in larger average film thicknesses which may lead to detrimental performance, especially under strictly laminar flow conditions (i.e. where any surface wave induced turbulence is absent). Thus, the intensifying effects of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Human Rights Of The United States From the beginning of time the excessive desire for money and power of the few has led to stepping on and taking away the basic human rights of the masses. From the slaves of the ancient days to the under paid of today. The working man has hungered not just to live pay check to pay check, but to live comfortably after putting in a good days work. To be able to go to the hospital over work related and non work related injuries without spending the rest of their lives in debt. To work in decent conditions where the demand for speed and mass production is set at a reasonable pace. In the meat industry it has been a century long war to win basic human rights. In the 1950 s butchers and slaughterhouse workers made decent wages that could support their families. Things shifted when companies started getting too big wanting larger and larger profits with lower and lower production costs. The worker is then treated the same as the animal to be slaughtered. In order to affect change the working masses organized. Uniting under one cause against the evil of corporate greed. When cattle first came to America with the Europeans it was a simpler time. The cattle were set lose to graze in the forests and slaughtered as needed. In the 1800 s livestock started becoming more and more domesticated. They were breed, raised to work the fields, and sold or traded as needed with the local community. As town populations grew larger so did the need for commercial butchers. Cows were slaughtered as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Metaphors In Poetry M S Essay Hope is the thing with Feather , by Emily Dickinson, and The Path not taken , by Robert Frost, are poems that skillfully use metaphors and symbolisms to emphasize the theme of how hope and decisions have a considerable impact on our lives. While hope allows us to conquer difficult moments that life throws at us, decision also plays an important role in our lives, for it determines what path we will go and determines our future. Robert Frost created a poem about the journey of life. The diverging road in the yellow wood is used to symbolize a person s life. It symbolizes the different paths that people will encounter in their lives and suggest the different life people are going to have when choosing different paths. In the poem, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the use of metaphor and symbolism, the theme is easily developed. Hope is a word that delivers an abstract meaning of what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best . The image of a bird perches in the soul and sings the sweetest gale both suggests how hope is the necessary inspiration human s need in life to motivate them. Hope stays alive in human s mind, with inspiration and motivation never stop[ping] . Although the song it sings is without the word , the message it delivers can always be felt. Hope is also strong and undefeatable; it sings its songs in the chilliest land and strangest sea and can only be destroyed by the sorest storm . It experiences all circumstances and is always there to overcome problems. Aside from all the help hope provided, its help is also unrequited, for it has never asked a crumb of me (15). While hope helps human to overcome suffering in their lives, The Road not taken implies the theme of the importance of making choices since the choice one makes will change one s whole life. It is true that many regret not taking the other choice, which is the road not taken in the poem, but humans will realize that the choice they choose determines their identity. The narrator knows that his choice will make all the difference since the destination each road leads to will be totally different. When facing two equally attractive choices, it is even harder to make a decision. The narrator struggles with letting go and he even thinks about saving the road not taken for another day. However, once a choice is made, there is no turning back. Ages and ages hence , the narrator looks back and tells his decision with a sign and regrets his decision of taking the road less traveled by , it is the road he took that has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Elizabeth Warren The Vanishing Middle Class Analysis Debt in America now has grown to be at the highest it has been compared to the decades before. People now spend tremendous about of money now then they have many years prior. Many people today have borrowed money that they can not seem to pay back, which debt begins to accumulate and may cause distress in many lives. Basically now there is no one preserving their own money, they re are just spending their hard earned money. Elizabeth Warren, formerly a U.S. senator and also a teacher, addresses the middle class in her essay called the vanishing middle class . There are abundant of good ideas that she states in her essay. Elizabeth Warren is very effective in her argument because of three concepts that stand out the most were having high incomes but at a price, savings and debt, how different we use our money now compared with how we have in the past. Incomes now and back then have changed tremendously. In her essay the vanishing middle class Elizabeth Warren states The answer is that the typical man working full time, after adjusting for inflation, earns about $800 less than his father earned in the early 1970s. After decades of rising incomes earlier in the twentieth century, about thirty years ago wages for men have flatlined . This shows that even though incomes have increased and changed over time people are still making less money than their parents have done due to wages not being increased for 30 years and due to the facts the people spend more on things ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Current Idea Of Intelligence Paper 1 Intelligence has been identified in many different ways throughout history and varies between different cultures. The current idea of intelligence consists of intangible properties that include, but are not limited to, knowledge based thinking, apprehending, adaptive purposeful striving, fluid analytic reasoning, mental playfulness, and idiosyncratic learning (Krishnamurthy, 2015). Progression of Intelligence Testing Through the Ages The notion that Caucasians were superior to other races (e.g., African Americans, Native Americans, etc.) was a well accepted notion that preceded, and even influenced, early intelligence testing (Gould, 1996). Research conducted by Samuel Morton on human skulls began in the 1820 s attempted to set up a scientifically based racial ranking system of intelligence through the use of Craniometry. However, Morton s research was heavily biased, although it appeared his biases were unintentional and lacked conscious manipulation (p. 101). Even though data from Morton s research acknowledged that brain size was relative to body size, he failed to correct for differences in sex or body size (p. 94). Morton also made errors that favored his prejudices which included inaccurate measurements (e.g., unequal rounding cranial circumference measurements, over packing skulls) and sampling biases (e.g., including unequal female to male ratios in particular samples, over representing certain groups samples) (p. 86 101). Furthermore, scientists such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Apache and the Maya are Prominent Native Tribes from... Two prominent native tribes of the Americas are the Maya and the Apache. These great tribes lived in different places. The Maya lived in what is now modern day Central America, while the Apache largely lived in the southwest deserts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. They both have a rich history and cultural heritage. However, the Mayan and the Apache tribes have many differences, in their environment, social structures, their adaptations to the environment, and the effect of European contact on the tribes. The Maya and the Apache lived in different environments yet both have adapted to their respective environments. While the Maya lived in the rainforests and lowlands of Central America, the Apache lived in the desert of Arizona, New ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the Maya began settling in the lowlands of what is now northern Guatemala around 1000 BCE, they cleared thick tropical forests in order to farm. They grew crops like beans, squash, avocados and corn. The forest provided food sources like deer, rabbits and monkeys, and building materials like wood, vines and mud for their houses. Through increased trade, small isolated Mayan villages grew into large cities. While the Apache used to live in wickiups, made of wooden frames covered by a buffalo hide tarp, nowadays they live in modern houses and apartment buildings. Traditionally, the Apache were hunters. The men hunted antelope, buffalo, and deer, while the women collected fruits and nuts from their surroundings. These days, however their main staple food consists of corn. The Europeans have different impact on the Maya and the Apache. The Europeans did not have such a big effect on the Mayan civilization as they did on the Apache. The Mayan civilization had already collapsed when Spanish conquerors arrived at the Americas in the 1500s. In the late 1800s, the Apache engaged in warfare against the United States government. Despite putting a strong resistance against the aggression to take over the Apache s land, the Apache had to surrender in the end and were subjected to confined life in reservations. The Maya and the Apache are amongst the best known tribes in the Americas. They both have very gripping history but they are very different in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Markus Zusak s The Messenger Markus Zusak s The Messenger is a Bildungsroman, as it incorporates the idea of moral and psychological growth of the main character. When this idea is incorporated into it demonstrates the main character personal growth throughout the novel. Markus Zusak s The Messenger can be best understood as a Bildungsroman because the novel focuses on the moral and psychological growth of Ed Kennedy. In order to access the accuracy of this thesis it is necessary to discuss who Ed was at the beginning of the novel and how Ed changed morally and psychologically when he delivered more messages. At the beginning of the novel Ed s mentality about himself is that he s someone who s directionless and unambitious. Ed starts of at the beginning of the novel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Overcoming Communication Barriers between Genders Essay Roles of men and women Of the many changes which have taken place in American society since World War II, one of the greatest has been in the roles of men and women. Members of both genders have lived multiple roles in the past, but these were generally established ones, such as men being the wage earners and women the caregivers. Communication followed largely defined cultural and societal norms. Usually, nuances in speech and in body language could readily be interpreted. As Archie Bunker nostalgically sang in television s quot;All in the Family, quot; quot;... and you knew who you were then; girls were girls and men were men. quot; Many of the roles have remained the same, but now they frequently are carried out by members ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From childhood, many women are taught to smile and be pleasant to others. Smiles of good will, interest, and encouragement by either men or women, however, can be interpreted as agreement with what is being said. In conversation, it is necessary to be direct and honest as well, especially when a smile does not signify agreement or approval. Men often talk at women, not with them. One chaplain assistant NCOIC made a habit of periodically bringing all members of the staff who were interested into a general conversation at a convenient location in the office. Early in the morning, at random intervals, he introduced a question or comment on a current event or another objective topic on which anyone would be able to contribute information or an opinion. As the men and women of the staff shared the conversation, they grew to know and respect each other and their backgrounds. They were more ready to offer their information and insights on work related topics, and close teamwork throughout the staff developed. A senior chaplain encouraged teamwork in his staff through frequent roundtable discussions of assigned projects. This practice also ensured capturing the information and expertise possessed by staff members other than the one who had the responsibility for the action. Different ways of relating to others The sarcastic wit and ironic language often used by a man to show regard or comradeship to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. How is Seamus Heaney s Irish Rural Heritage Reflected In... How is Seamus Heaney s Irish Rural Heritage Reflected In his Poetry. Seamus Heaney was born and grew up in the Irish countryside on his fathers farm. His father was still using the traditional farming methods, which had been handed down for generations, even though technology had developed greatly in the early twentieth century. Heaney learns a lot from his father about farming and how generations of his family have done it. Heaney takes a great interest in it and he admires his father s skill in working the horses. These memories give Heaney a great deal to write about. The poems that I am going to study are Digging , Follower , At a Potato Digging and Death of a Naturalist . Heaney s memories and thoughts from childhood ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By God, the old man could handle a spade. This shows how Heaney looked up to his father. Heaney also mentions how his grandfather was a great digger too. My grandfather cut more turf in a day. This poem is showing how digging has been done for generations in Heaney s family. But Heaney couldn t dig like them. But I ve no spade to follow men like them. He feels like he is a disappointment to his father and family, and he feels disappointment in himself too. Heaney still does dig though, but in a different way. He digs with words. Follower is similar to Digging in a lot of ways because Heaney is again using childhood memories to show the admiration for his father. Heaney describes, with some admiration, his father s skill in working the horse drawn plough. The sod rolled over without breaking. This shows how he remembers his father s expertise in ploughing. This poem is written in the same way as Digging because both show how Heaney s heritage plays a key focus in his poetry. Follower also shows the strength of Heaney s father. With a single pluck.
  • 40. This shows how his father doesn t struggle, which is the mark of an expert. He also describes his father s power and strength. Broad shadow. The broadness of his shoulders is showing his power and strength. Follower unlike Digging tells the reader how Heaney followed his father around the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Epic Hero Of Bo Jackson Bo Jackson is known for his ability to be successful in both football and baseball, a feat no other professional athlete was able to attempt. As a young adult, Bo Jackson thrived at whatever he did; from baseball to football to track, and he was able to give it his best effort and naturally excel at these sports. As a college athlete, Bo Jackson retained his ability to achieve greatness in both football and baseball, a feat that would set the precedent for his adult life and careers. As an adult, Bo Jackson became famous for his ability to alternate between football and baseball at the same time, and excel at both sports, without any time to rest. Bo s ability to jump from one sport to the next was seen as an impressive show of his skill and natural talent for the sports. Though Bo Jackson s life is a real life story, many see him as an epic hero like Odysseus or Hercules. According to the Characteristics of Epic Heroes, Bo Jackson displayed great strength and courage through performance of incredible deeds, accepted his capabilities with great humility, and was seen as a national hero. Throughout his career, Bo Jackson used his natural talent for sports and took the risk of playing two sports at the same time. According to the Characteristics of Epic Heroes, the hero must show that they are capable of using great strength and courage to complete amazing deeds. In Bo Jackson s lifetime, he showed immense courage in multiple ways, including the courage to play both football ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Pros And Cons Of Anorexia Are laws banning underweight models a good way of protecting models and people from anorexia? Milan, Italy 2007. In one of the leading and most influencing fashion cities of the world, the seasonal Milan s Fashion Week is taking place. Glossy magazines, classic and extravagant designs by the most famous designers internationally, thousand of little light made by the shots of the photographers trying to have the best capture of what will be tomorrow s dressing trend, angelic looking models all over the runway, etc. are just some of the expectances that the public has for what is considered to be as the most important event for the fashion industry. At least these were the normal activities that used to happen in such an event, but what was offered to the public in Milan s Fashion Week was definitely a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . has been drawing shocked gasps from passing Milanese (Jess Cartner Morley). The intention of the campaign and the French model Isabelle Caro was to raise awareness among the broad audience about the serious consequences that anorexia, the illness mostly related to the stereotypes created by fashion industry, could have in one s life. In that time the event caused a lot of discussion in media, however not resulting in the supposed reaction either by the fashion agencies or the government. In 2010 the death of Isabelle Caro from anorexia caused a great deal of discussion in the fashion industry itself and also in the social media. The reaction of the French government was just a long silence, totally ignoring the importance of what had happened, and the signals that were indirectly showing the other consequences that models could face in order to practice their profession. Only in 2015, after some other models shared the same fatal end as Caro because of anorexia, the French government adapted a new law banning underweight models. The adoption of the law took some time due ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Essentials Of Advertising Strategy ( Eas ) In Essentials of Advertising Strategy (EAS), chapter two and three emphasizes the most useful tool for a successful advertising strategy is to simply understand the consumers perspective, demographics, and behaviors. Pret uses their signage to communicate their brand message to their target audience which is a natural, organic cafe with elegance. Pret managed to diversify themselves using sophisticated texture, even though they understood that the color red was highly polarized amongst many fast food companies. Their logos incorporates a classy, clean, and cut edge font. The symbol of the star is used to demonstrate their excellence in the fast food industry and the circle around it is used to promote the community of being a Pret A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A tomato actually looks like a tomato and an avocado looks like an avocado. The names of the ingredients are not written in a fine print that makes it hard for consumers to read, but rather the ingredients are labeled boldly on the packaging and visually identifiable in the packaging. The ingredients are all natural, fresh, and organic. There s a variety of sandwich options and at certain locations consumers can purchase vegan food. Pret is not only about the natural and freshness of their products however, they emphasize the positive aspects of service to consumers. Workers at Pret are preppy and cheerful. This loving energetic atmosphere sets the tone that their brand projects. Consumers feel more welcomed and are encouraged to return based on previous customer service experiences. The greetings from the employees are not robotic, such as hi, how can I help you, rather more personal and home like hi, welcome to Pret A Manger, how are you doing today? Pret is not just about getting natural, healthy, quick, ready to go food, but promoting a comfortable environment. Bibliography Allison, Anne. Schultz, Don. Tannenbaum, Stanley. Essentials of Advertising Strategy. NTC Buisnesss Books. 11 38. Print. Chapters two and three of this book reviews the concept of advertising to consumers and strategies of a marketing plan. In addition, the chapter reviews the steps necessary to a successful marketing planning and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Denman D79 Thermo Hair Straightening Brush The Denman D79 Thermo hair straightening brush is a very fast and simple way of straightening various types of hair while blow drying. The multiple rows of bristles interlock and grip sections of your hair gently. They smoothen hair cuticles and thus leave your hair straight, manageable and glossy. The bristles on this brush are natural and pure and help to add shine and condition to your hair to give it a lustrous and shiny finish. There is a thermo heat retaining plate that includes venting which lets warm air circulate freely so that you get a fast blowing performance. You can even use this brush along with various hair relaxants. This brush is resistant to heat and chemicals so you do not need to worry about it getting spoilt. There are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Trouble With Rewards Essay The Trouble with Rewards Organizational Development Culture Alfie Kohn is a lecturer and author whose primary focus is behavior management in schools, in the workplace, and in our parenting techniques. In 1993, Kohn published Punished by Rewards . In this work, Kohn listed five main arguments against the use of performance based reward systems. The arguments against such reward systems are: Rewards Punish Rewards Rupture Relationships Rewards Ignore Reasons Rewards Discourage Risk Taking Rewards Undermine Intrinsic Motivation On its face, it seems contradictory that a reward would be an unhealthy means to assist the process of learning or behaving. How else would the unpleasantries of learning, of working, or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, as the order was not mine, I instructed my co worker who was working on this account to call the customer to make sure that all was well. As a result, the customer wrote a letter to the CEO praising my co worker s effort and efficiency in resolving her problem. This resulted is his receiving a corporate service award and a monetary reward. Needless to say, I was not pleased. I had done the work, but yet was not recognized. This made me feel that it is not necessary to put forth such effort since it was a thankless function. I felt punished for doing a good job because it was not noted in the least. Rewards Rupture Relationships The idea of there can be only one is the bedrock of American values. There has to be an ultimate winner and then there s everyone else. Logically following this thought process would lead us to the understanding that rewarding the one causes a breakdown in relationships. The following are the reasons that I would agree that rewards rupture relationships: They emphasize the difference in power between the person handing out the reward and the person receiving it. Excellence depends on teamwork. Employees will not ask for help when needed. Problems will be concealed so that reputations remain intact. Rewards create competitiveness among employees and this undermines collaboration and teamwork. An example where rewards rupture relationships can be viewed by
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  • 47. Media Opinion On Public Opinion Question 2 Public opinion is combination of elite opinion, media opinion, and mass opinion. Elite opinion is the informed opinions of knowledgeable experts that may be presented in blogs, university studies, or academic think tanks. Media opinion is often associated with public opinion; however, a large information gap is present as media opinion is often biased as it is funded by corporate sponsorship. This trend is common during elections, where corporately backed candidates are often portrayed favorably in debate or campaign analysis. The third aspect of public opinion is mass opinion. Mass opinion is generally measured by polls or consumer trend analysis to make educated assumptions about the opinions and preferences of the masses. Publications are quick to state that public opinion supports one side of a policy issue or a social topic. There are a number of complexities that arise when gauging public opinion. Can public opinion actually be effectively measured? Is public opinion constant? Does the public effectively understand the question at hand? These issues commonly arise when discussing what the public opinion actually is. The main difficulties of analyzing public opinion is that it is fairly elastic, often changing depending on reactions to current events, it is difficult to collect credible information to make effective assumptions, and the public is often not informed well enough or does not understand the true complexities of various policy issues. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Negative Dangers Of Social Media The media is an umbrella term describing a whole world of technological advancement, and holds a range of services that aid the spread of information. There s no doubt that the media has done a lot to improve the lives of those who have access to it, one way or another, but what if media and its usage in today s context is more damaging than beneficial? Just how damaging can it really be? How can we be aware of these dangers? Once aware of these dangers, what can be done to guarantee future adolescents don t fall deep into its pressures? Social media, or media in general, is worried to be one of the main culprits that might contribute to the rapid development of body dissatisfaction, and dietary restraint, especially among adolescent girls (Masters, McLean, Paxton, Wertheim). In particular, higher use of appearance based Internet can be associated with lower weight satisfaction and higher drive for thinness in fifteen year old girls, as well as contribute to the internalization of appearance ideals and body surveillance (Masters, McLean, Paxton, Wertheim). However, these are not the only dangers present. In an article by Nazir S. Hawi, and Maya Samaha titled, The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students, explains what self esteem is, and some of the addictive behaviors that can occur to those who use media. The article shares some numbers to show a perspective on how many people actually use social media ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. What Are The Suburbanization Of Living Areas During the 20th century technology had become more advanced, World War II had taken place, and suburbanization had quickly fallowed. When World War II ended families began to have more children and the economy boomed. Houses were built just outside the cities to accommodate the population shift allowing people to escape the dirty city life. Once the automobile had become accessible, allowing people to commute to work, people had began to move out of the cities they worked in and into these surrounding areas. This created the suburbs. Those who moved out of the city and into these suburbs tended to be white middle class families that could afford the larger houses in the more secluded areas. Different areas with different types and sizes of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Pros And Cons Of Gay Adoption An estimated 65,000 adopted children are living with homosexual parents (Tavernise). That s about fifteen percent of the total number of kids in the foster care system. For ages people have been against homosexual adoption because they think only heterosexuals should be able to adopt children. Fortunately, as of June 2015, homosexual adoption is legal in all fifty states. Just imagine if the thousands of kids did not have a home just because homosexuals were not allowed to adopt. That would be 65,000 more kids who do not have a home or live in foster care. Some adolescents might even live out on the streets or in unsafe places. Although many may think that same sex couples are unfit to raise and adopt kids, children of same sex couples are actually happier and healthier than when raised by heterosexual couples. For many, the thought of there being a child with two mothers or two fathers is simply atrocious. Some people do not think that homosexuals are fit for the role of a parent. According to Gary Glenn, Direct consequences of homosexual behavior experience dramatically higher risks of domestic violence, mental illness, and substance abuse, thus putting children in danger. However, many studies have shown that this is not the case. An individual s sexual orientation does not affect the risk of getting the behaviors listed above. Any person is susceptible to having a disorder. Glenn also vocalizes that Children of homosexuals are more at risk for anxiety, depression, OCD, and bipolar disorder. This is a very dramatic statement, again considering anyone could have one of those disorders, regardless of their parents sexual orientation. Alternatively, studies have shown that homosexual people make for quality parents. For example, Sabrina Tavernise suggests that homosexual parents are actually more affluent and educated than heterosexual parents. Those attributes are very helpful, especially when raising children. The benefits of homosexual adoption far outweigh the negatives in this circumstance. Children of homosexual parents are prone to be more happy than those of heterosexual parents. There are numerous positive impacts for the children. Various studies have been done to show the impacts. Of 77 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...