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Montana Essay Topics
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Montana Essay TopicsMontana Essay Topics
What Impact Does The Arts Have On Education Essay
*1.What impact do the arts have on education? What is the relationship between the two?
Art education is connected to everything we say we want for our children and our schools. Arts
pave the way for academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and
equitable opportunity. Arts educationcontributes to a positive education environment, fueling
motivation to learn by enhancing skills in thinking and sociability. Exposure to the arts and learning
in the arts impart proficiencies in language and mathematics.
The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) and the AEP commissioned Critical
Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement cites several studies which present evidence
that the arts have a wide spectrum of social and academic benefits. ... Show more content on
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It builds faithful and dependable volunteer and intern pools, while creating brand loyalty. Also,
community outreach creates more opportunities for organizations to flex their creative muscles. It
creates communities that come together to celebrate culture, and invest in the economic
development of the arts.
*3.What is the importance of diversity in performing arts programming?
The Americans for the Arts Diversity Statement opens with the arts uniquely empower the creative
vitality of every identity . The arts allow us a glimpse of worlds we other may otherwise never
know. We get to explore culture, diversity and identity while being immersed into a story. As a
melting pot, we need to understand the vast number of ingredients that make us whole. The
differences and similarities.
Diversity in performing art also exposes us others who look like us. I deeply understand how
important that is. As a mixed race person, I was well into adulthood before I saw people who
looked like me, families that looked like mine on
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The Pros And Cons Of Progress In Latin America
The root of liberalism ideas in America, as in the rest of the world, came from the age of
Enlightenment in France. After the revolution, French intellectuals began new ideas of liberty,
fraternity and equality. These ideas will spread later on in Europe and the Americas during the
Napoleon era. Just after that time, the Latin Americans began their journey to independence in
1808. The Liberals in Latin Americabelieved in democracy and were against the power of church,
social classes and slavery while the conservative wanted to keep the same systems existing before
the independence. Although the conservatives and the church ruled for decades in Latin America,
the liberals will come back in 1825 due to the social and economic transformation... Show more
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Thanks to Progress, Latin America witnessed a rapid urbanization due to the expansion of railroad
tracks and new buildings. Besides, the enhancement of the economy and the expansion of
education for everyone especially for women. Also, Progress ended the influence of the church and
the rule of conservatives which lasted for decades. The negatives impacts of Progress would have a
bad consequences on the future of Latin America countries. Due to the rapid urbanization and the
enhancement of the economy, Latin America had to borrow a lot of money which leaded to the
debt crisis. Also, many cities, like Buenos Aires, lost their cultural heritage because of Progress. But
the most negative impact of Progress was that only the elites who owned lands already benefited
from the export boom and their property values rose. The majority of the Latin America society
unfortunately remained
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Pursuing Graduate Study with the Rotary Ambassadorial...
My primary goal in pursuing graduate study is to build upon the foundation that was laid during
my undergraduate studies in order to prepare for a career in policy analysis. I have decided to
pursue an advanced degree in Economics due to my past coursework, internships, and research
experiences. In particular, I want to conduct research in health economics and policy because I feel
that it combines many of my interests, such as policy impact, health care, and the global
experience. If provided the opportunity to participate in the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship
Program, I would gain perspective and skills that would prove invaluable when working to improve
the well being of the global community.
Ultimately, I plan to use my knowledge ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before my time abroad, I found that it was very easy to become caught up in the trivial aspects of
life and forget to be grateful for the opportunities readily available to me. Suffering, poverty, and
oppression are common in parts of the world and while I may never fully understand what people
who face these challenges go through on a daily basis, I feel that it is important to utilize my
education and experience to help alleviate these stresses on the global community. I wholeheartedly
believe that continuing my education and working with the professionals at an institution abroad
will provide me with the knowledge and experience to obtain a meaningful position in the Health
Economics and Policy arena.
I believe that in order to better serve the global community, I need to expand my knowledge of
Economics, specifically as it pertains to global development and policy. While developing
countries are the ones that will need my expertise, it is impossible that they will truly benefit
unless I am able to receive the caliber of training that the London School of Economics or Cardiff
University offer. Having the opportunity to study under the best in my field will allow me to
receive the training that will prepare me to enter a developing country; evaluate the current
conditions, make an assessment, and propose a course of action. Universities in Spain and Chile
would also be a good fit for
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Essay On Reggio Emilia
Introduction Reggio Emilia was born at a small and rich cities. That city s name called Emilia
Romagna where was located in northern Italy. After World War II, the Reggio Emilia approach
was created. For parents who was working was built a new school for their children and let them
learn. Parents do not want to let their children go for the normal schools. Other than that, all the
parents hope to let their children know well in critical and co operation thinking. From parents
view, it was important to all the children to learn it. Co operation of Loris Malaguzzi give a
strong sense of stimulate. Ai Go Kinderworld Our pre school was running with Reggio Emilia s
approach. This approach is focus more in child s creativity. We do provide... Show more content on
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Environment Reggio schools most popular in physical environment but also a side that easy to
misunderstanding. Besides that, different of race, religion, sex, language and culture also can
easily learn by children. When the screen divide into two spaces, it was allowed children to
make their own shadow pictures and stories in it. Children is a wonderful builder and willing to
build and live at a new place. As the beginning, there had no Reggio school look alike. Teachers as
Learners Italy was jejune until 1998 in teacher education. Qualification was needed for pre school
and elementary teacher with latest national legislation. For a new rules and regulations, pre school
and elementary teachers need at least degree level even that still have not confirm yet the educators
in infant toddler centres. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is the development were
included the formulate of the Faculty of Education in latest
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The Legalization Of Drug Legalization
Drug decriminalization is opposed by the majority of Americans. Leaders in drug prevention,
education, treatment, and law enforcement are against it, as are many political leaders. However,
pro drug advocacy groups, who support the use of drugs, are making headlines. They are
influencing legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate in the United
States. Although, pro advocacy groups claim decriminalizationof drugs will lower incarceration
rates and boost the economy, drugs must stay illegal in America, if not, more people will use,
causing negative effects on health, families and communities. Proponents on the legalization of
drugs believe if drugs were to become legal; the black market worth billions of dollars would
become extinct, druggangsters would disappear, addicts would stop committing crimes to support
their habit and the prison system would not be overwhelmed with a problem they cannot defeat.
The decriminalization of drugs will only make illegal drugs cheaper, easier to get and more
acceptable to use. The U.S. has 20 million alcoholics and alcohol misusers, but only around 6
million illegal drug addicts. If illegal drugs were easier to obtain, this figure would rise (Should
Drugs be decriminalized? No.November 09, 2007 Califano Joseph A, Jr). A large number of
prisoners and people in rehab homes have stated that they were brought up in homes where illegal
drugs were being used by their parents. These
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Criticism In Mariette Lippo s Confirmation Names
In Confirmation Names, Mariette Lippo describes a group of girls choosing their patron saints.
Through the use of irony and syntax, the author scorns the Catholic Church s treatment towards
adolescent girls and the standards they are held under. However, when using a feminist criticism,
Lippo s disdain turns into anger towards society, not just the Catholic faith alone. When under an
archetypal criticism, the piece focuses more on the religious stereotypes of the harsh, reserved nun
and the classic rebellious Catholic schoolgirls, and thus provokes a sense of pity for the girls and
an automatic cringe worthy distaste for the nuns. Both the close reading and literary criticisms
produce new tones and shed different lights on the conflicting aspects of Confirmation Names.
Initially, Confirmation Names explains the process behind confirmation names for young
Catholic girls. However, through the use of language and literary devices, Lippo clearly presents
a defiant tone towards the way young girls are restricted in the Catholic faith. Lippo strategically
addresses each young girl in a new paragraph, reflecting Catholic nuns tones toward each young
girl s vice. However, though Lippo introduces the nuns sentiments in her piece, she also provides a
sense of defiant solidarity for the young girls by using the inclusive words we and us when
interjecting herself into the narration We studied the saints... (Lippo 1), and None of us, of course,
chose Magdalen... (Lippo
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Athens Farmer Market Essay
The Athens Farmers Market is a local market in Athens, Ohio that producing flowers, produce,
meat, bedding plants and baked goods. Farmers sell their product that 17 miles from farm to the
market with an average distance and this selling format helps to grow the local economy a lot.
Local people prefer to come to the market every week for fresh food and getting involved in this
special community. This report will mainly focus on the marketingof Farmers Market; also, it will
relate to market s product, price and promotion in general. All the resources in this report are
respectively selected from the official website of Athens Farmers Market, the manager of Athens
Farmers market and by visiting this market during the weekend; resources will be presented below
in order.
Fresh and safe products that produced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is so different from other supermarkets. Producers can directly control the selling of their
products, which is more fair for both producers and customers.
Unique promotion and create trust: Athens Farmers Market has its own special way to selling
products and build connection between sellers and customers. They use not only same marketing
ways as other markets, such as advertising on newspaper, radio station, Facebook and brochure;
also, they focus more on build strong trust among customers.
We have been talked with people who buying products in the market. One of customers said he
feels more comfortable to buying foods here because he knows some farmers after he came this
market a couple of times. So, he feels like it s not only buying and selling; it s more like you
support your friends business, but you can get advantages from it.
The manager Kip Parker talked about 90% customers are regular customers. Customers will prefer
to buy products from people who they are familiar with instead of in a big
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Glass Frog Research Paper
Real Life Kermit: New Discovery of Glass Frog
A glass frog that closely resembles Kermit the Frog has been found! Hyalinobatrachium dianae
was recently found in the tropical wet forests and premontane rainforests in Costa Rica by
researchers from the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center in April 2015. H. dianae is a type of
glass frog that belongs to the genus Hyalinobatrachium and the family Centrolenidae, which
consists of about 150 different glass frog species. Senior researcher Dr. Brian Kubicki named the
glass frog in honor of his mother, Janet Diane Kubicki, who passionately supported natural history,
fishes and amphibians. Today, a very small population of H. dianae can be found at elevations
between 400 800 meters in Central and South America. H. dianae has the unique ability to show its
internal organs through translucent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
dianae. This educational display will make the knowledge of rainforests and frogs easily accessible.
In addition, the inclusion of R. temporaria will provide the visitors with extra educational
information about the most common and familiar frog species in the biodiversity.
The display will be strategically placed near the entrance of a tropical rainforest exhibit concerning
rainforest preservation and animal conservation. The display of the new discovery of H. dianae is
used to trigger visitors to think seriously and be concerned about the tropical rainforest ecology,
diversity, and conservation. The most important lesson is that it is crucial to save the remarkable
tropical rainforest, and the present existing and future new discovered beautiful species before they
become extinct.
Further Reading:
Ghazoul, J. and Sheil, D. (2010). Tropical Rain Forest Ecology, Diversity, and Conservation.
Oxford University Press.
Guayasamin, J., Bustamante, M., Almeida Reinoso, D., and Funk, C. (2006). Glass
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Advantage And Disadvantage Of Bluetooth
Abstract This paper illustrates Bluetooth enabling device for physically challenged using actuators
and sensor for providing robust security and reliability. In it we have written how Bluetooth is
useful for we people in present era with high security as well as performance. We have used
different types of protocol which is more suitable for Bluetoothdevice[1] like IP Secure (IPsec)
and Secure Shell (SSH).Bluetooth abbreviations out as the most averring for use in low power
sensor networks. This paper also addresses the difficulty of scatter net for singe hope Bluetooth
based personal area and ad hoc networks with minimal communication overhead.Bluetooth
iscriticized for various vulnerabilities and security as its designers are trying to balance wisely
between performance and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
пЃ¶Bluetooth PC (master device) dialer is for both a stand alone system application and a
Bluetooth external look plug in. It means master device can easily connect or access data of
outlook device via a single click.
At present era the most common features of the Bluetooth devices are low complexity, low power,
robustness, low cost, easy configuration, lack chance of data hacking.
3.1 Advantages
пЃ¶One of the biggest attractions of the implementation of this technology is the creation of
networks, with the Bluetooth technology for high performance using actuators and sensor.
пЃ¶Using fast recovery mechanism protect from the loss of data. For it we need to increase
suddenly transmission rate.
пЃ¶It can be used anywhere where is need for transfer of small amount of data on shorter ranges
(synchronization, for example) and it can be also used as a cable replacement technology.
пЃ¶Bluetooth can make personal area network at any place without any extra device. This is very
much useful where there is no network there we can also establish own
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Essay on The Success of the McDonald’s Franchise
Not having to answer to a corporate boss is the dream of many and the flexibility that owning a
business franchise creates provides this option. Success is not reached by simply creating a
business, however. The level of success is measured by the size and efficiency of the business.
Business growth is the driving force of the economy. The additional jobs and revenues created
when a business expands allow the economy to grow at exponential rates. One of the fastest and
most popular ways to increase the size of a business is to turn it into a franchise, which can then be
purchased by individuals. Franchisingprovides opportunities that are beneficial to both the parent
company and the purchaser. The company that owns the business can expand... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
McDonald s has extremely strict rules when it comes to awarding franchises. First, it is very
costly to open a new location or purchase an existing location, with the median startup cost being
$300,000 (Kalnins Lafontaine, 2004, p. 750). As well, the company does an extensive
background check on a variety of issues including credit history, business management
experience, and the acceptance of the contractual agreement that the company provides. Because
of these strict rules and the large amount of capital needed to purchase a location, rates for
franchise applicants are 1% for McDonald s (Norton, 1988, p. 204). This is an extremely low
acceptance rate and is even lower than McDonald s chief competitor, Burger King, who accepts
1.5% percent of applicants (Norton, 1988, p. 199). These low numbers are understandable in the
context of the business and risk that is involved. Though the franchise purchaser must pay a large
amount of money to gain the rights to the restaurant, they truly have nothing to lose besides
money because they are simply running another company s business model as well as using their
trademarks and logos. McDonald s on the other hand, has a great amount at stake because they
place the well being of an entire restaurant into the caretaking of an individual who simply
purchased the rights for the store. If the store does poorly or if there are issues with customer
service, it reflects
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Should Teenagers Use The Internet Essay
Why there should not be a time limit on the use of the internet
Anti social, drop in grades, eye damage these are some of the topics that are brought up in
conversation when talking about the use of the internet and how long teenagers are using it. But do
they mention the pros of using the internet? In my opinion, I think teenagers should the internet
more often. Teenagers use the internet for help in school, they gain computer skills and learn what
is happening out in the world through the use of social media.
A key aspect of how the internet use of the internet should not be limited is the knowledge.The
internet is growing and becoming more advanced every day that we as humans cannot keep up.
By teens using the internet, we would gain knowledge about the internet, for example, finding out
what source is credible and also, becoming more aware of websites that could possibly be harmful
to our computers. All these factors could be helpful in the future. For example, in an online article
10 great things teen learn playing online by Christy Matte, it states that Viruses, limited computer
space browser crashes are all realities of time spent online. Learning to prevent and/or cope with
this issue is fundamental in becoming a savvy computer user. As kids explore on the computer, they
are picking up valuable information about this practice. ( source 2). Teens could learn a lot from
just simply using the internet. Websites that could teach teens about harmful websites and
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Family Law Attorney
If you have come to a point in your life when you could use the services of a family law attorney
you may be struggling with how to select the right divorce attorney. There are several differences in
law firms that you can use to narrow your selections down.
Some of the factors that will affect your selection of a family law attorney are:
A divorce attorney has to be aggressive enough to go after what you want from the dissolution of
the marriage. When you go to the free consultation visit you need to ask the divorce attorney
exactly what they will do to represent you. You want them to answer with confidence, to have
knowledge, experience, and determination. When you hire a divorce attorney you need a pit bull
that will grab ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When you call for a consultation at some firms you will have to wait several days, or even weeks.
If the office manager has to call you and postpone your consultation visit you may be dealing with
a law firm that does not have time to accept your case.
When you are comparing law firms that handle family matters like child custody, divorce, and trust
funds, you want someone that has experience dealing with the issues you might be facing. You
want a law firm that has dealt with many different types of family law matters so that they will be
prepared to handle anything that might come up during your case.
Unfortunately you will have to consider the amount of money that the law firm charges to handle
cases like yours. Legal representation can be quite expensive unless you carefully select a law
firm that has prices you can afford. Some law firms have payment plans that they offer their
clients, and some of them postpone payment until the divorce is finalized because the other party
may be responsible for some of your legal expenses. You must bring up the matter of fees at your
first meeting and establish how much you can afford before you decide on the law
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Granby House Research Paper
Coming Soon! Sensational 3BR Granby House w/Wifi, Patio Extraordinary Rocky Mountain
Views Amazing Skiing Hiking Right Outside the Backdoor! Escape to the glorious Rocky
Mountains at this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Granby home with enough room to comfortably
accommodate 10 guests. Step outside the backdoor to access ski lifts for fantastic skiing at
beautiful Ski Granby Ranch! Upon arrival, you ll be amazed by the home s unbelievable
exterior, which boasts a modern cabin look. Your favorite spot to spend downtime will quickly
become the private patio, where you can read a good book and enjoy the refreshing mountain air.
Surrounded by magnificent Rocky Mountain views, this home offers the optimal atmosphere for
relaxation! Inside, 2,200 square feet of beautifully appointed living space awaits to provide you
with everything you ll need for a memorable vacation! You ll find the interior to be extremely eye
pleasing with its delightful art, marvelous furnishings, and stunning hardwood floors.Featuring an
open, airy floor plan with an abundance of natural light, this home is an ideal match for a large
family or group who is looking for an adventurous mountain retreat. All of the amenities of home
are provided here, including air conditioning, central heating, laundry machines, wireless internet
access, and 4 flat screen TVs. On cold winter nights, cuddle up with your significant other by the
warm gas fireplace and sip on tasty cup of hot chocolate.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once the meal has been prepared, sit down at the adjacent dining room table and enjoy everyone s
company. Later, step outside to witness breathtaking stargazing, and if you re lucky, perhaps a
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Mr. Aux Go Better Than Everyone Else Meaning
A Dark Laugh: Roger Brown s Mr. Gotta Go Faster Than Anyone Else
Mr. Gotta Go Faster Than Anyone Else represents the simple yet dark humor of the late Roger
Brown. Brown painted this piece in 1986 during his first years of living in California after
moving away from Chicago. Brown was believed to be a social commentator by many in the late
1980 s because of the way his art correlated with the events of the time, but he argues these claims
by saying that his artwork is simply a visual agenda (Calamities Conform to the Canvas). The
artistic style of Brown utilizes both bright and dull colors as well as simple figures to convey his
messages and the reason he refutes the claims of being a social commentator is to add fire to the
conversation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gotta go Faster Than Anyone Else is also a very important detail that requires attention. In 1986
when the painting was made, Ronald Reagan was the president of the United States. Reagan was
known to not be a supporter of the Woman s Rights movement and it was the first time since the
1960 s that many governing agencies that had to do with woman s rights were closed. Brown put
Mr in the title of the piece because it was mostly men who were chasing their dreams and being
supported during the era. The woman in the bright red car is screaming at the man because he was
the one who was in charge at the wheel and the one who made decisions between the two. Brown
made the title of his piece a striking one by making it carry an important meaning with the state of
woman in America at that
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What Are The Five Errors In Anaconda-A Flawed Joint Planning
What is the worst thing that a force can do before going into battle? The worst thing that a force
cannot do is have improper planning. In the article Anaconda A Flawed Joint Planning there was
some key steps that were missed in the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). The article
describes five errors that the unit could have avoided by using MDMP. However I am only going
to discuss four out of the five errors and there are as follows: Poor Intelligence Preparation of the
Battlefield, Underestimating Airpower Deployment Time, Lack of Tactical Coordination for Close
Air Supportand the Lack of Operational and Strategic level Coordination. The first error that
occurred was poor intelligence preparation of the battlefield. The... Show more content on
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Under step 2 it discusses available assets and identify resources shortfalls. According to the
Battle Staff book reviewing available assets and identify resources shortfalls is staffs determine
if they have the assets needed to accomplish all task . (Page 2 13 Battle Staff)The CJTF would
have noticed that the air assets were needed as well as the air planners. Once the air planners
would have been involved in the planning process, they could have rescheduled the date of the
air tankers switching. The result would have been less wounded causalities and certain terrorist
leaders possibly killed. The third error that happened was lack of tactical coordination for close
air support. This error occurred because the lack of air integration capability between ground
and air forces. The CJTF did not even have some of the proper equipment to call in close air
support. According to the article an actual kill box was not generated until four days into the
battle. This error could have been avoided if the CJTF would have complete step 3 of the MDMP
process. Under step 3 it discusses generating options. Generating options is a good Course of
Action (COAs) can defeat all feasible enemy COAs while accounting for essential stability tasks.
Goal is to develop several possible COAs. (Battle Staff Page 2 13) The CTJF should have pushed
for more air coordination with the corps level Air Support Operations Center. By asking for more air
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Martin Puryar Research Paper Outline
William Caldwell Sondra E. Martin Contemporary Art 363 01 19 November 2015 Martin Puryear
: Artist Martin Puryear is an American Artist from Washington DC, who is known for his
sculptures, architecture, and craft. His idea was to have functions between fine art and craft that
reflected ones creativity. Martin Puryear graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1963 from
Catholic University which, he later joined the Peace Corps teaching for two years, and by 1966
Puryear entered a printmaking program in Stockholm, Sweden, called the Swedish Royal Academy
of Art, where he came across his true passion in art, with the inspiration and influences of James
Krenov. Puryear later returned to the states in 1969 to study sculpture at Yale University... Show
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2004. Puryear, Martin 1941 . Encyclopedia.com. High Beam Research, 2004. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.
Guggenheim. Collection Online. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Cotter, Holland. Martin Puryear. The New
York Times. The New York Times, 11 Dec. 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Puryear, Martin, and
Amada Cruz. Martin Puryear. Washington, D.C.: [Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden],
1992. Print. (Jonathan Goodman) wrote an art critic in 1995 (Quote) It is Puryear s combination
of enigma and skill that makes him so strong an artist. Martin puryear. Http:/
/biography.yourdictionary.com/martin puryear. The Gale Group, Inc, 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2015 (
Martin Puryear) quote I want to make objects that somehow have their own history and their own
reason for being and their own sense of themselves, I m not concerned just with the object s
formal meaning , although it should be an intelligible artifact , a thing of one s own culture and
time. It s equally crucial that there exist in the work a recognition of the make of who I am.
Manheim, James. Puryear, Martin 1941 . Contemporary Black Biography. 2004.
Encyclopedia.com.19 Nov. 2015
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The Chinese People s Liberation Army Essay
The Chinese People s Liberation Army: Ground Forces (PLAGF) began a massive military
modernization in the 1980 s and they have been continually reforming their training and education
of their ground forces ever since. Senior officials within the People s Liberation Army recognized
that improving the militaryskills and raising the education levels of both officers and troops alike
were necessary prerequisites if they wanted to be able to utilize more advanced weaponry and fight
in this day and age.
During the modernization of the People s Liberation Army funding was increased for military
education, the study of foreign militaries was incorporated into their training curriculum and
contacts with foreign military academies was increased. The leadership of the PLA focused their
education reforms on the military academy system. They also changed the scope of their training
from being highly politicized and emphasized in single unit infantry troop training, to concentrating
on training officers capable of directing combined arms warfare.
The Revival of the military academies system began in 1978, which the Cultural Revolution had
devastated. (Mao Zedong china s communist leader launched his plan to reassert his authority over
the Chinese government which is known as the cultural revolution.) By 1984 the military academy
system had over a hundred institutions that consisted of two kinds of schools: command schools
and specialized technical training centers. The rejuvenation of
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Police Dogs
Police Dogs
Breah Ratlif
Animal Science AY105 02
12 12:50
Cute, fun, loving, cuddly, outgoing; these are only a few words to describe the animals that we
have come to know and love as a part of our families. Dogs have been man s best friend for
hundreds of years and were the first animal to be domesticated because they are great as
companions, highly intelligent, and were found to be very useful in human s everyday lives.
Even though they made excellent house pets they were highly successful at working side by side
humans as well. They are not limited to being just best friends, but they have been found to be
protectors and saviors as well, to their owners, others people and even other dogs too. One type of
working dogs in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This grab is strong and hard. There is always a large possibility that the suspect/criminal can/will be
bitten if they attempt to fight off the dog but when thinking about it even the dog gripping onto
the suspect will inflict a bite. They would not be able to hold the suspect as well if they did not
apply pressure into their grip. Before any dog has to be turned loose, they try to intimidate the
person first by giving them a warning that if they start to run, the dog will be released and will
chase after them. A barking tactic is also used to scare the person into not running away. Even in
a case where the officer and dog seem to have the upper hand, there are many situations where
the tables can be completely turned. Both the officer and the dog are trained to work together as
a team. They must be able to fully trust and understand one another especially when they are
placed in extremely dangerous and stressful situations. It is the responsibility of the officer the
dog is being handled by to only use the dog when the situation absolutely calls for it. Any other
way would be very inappropriate and would be a terrible miss use of the animal. Not being
responsible could also put the dog in more of harm s way which can take a definite turn for the
Going into depth of the most popular and common of the police dogs the the German shepherd only
came into being a little over 100 years ago. A German shepherd enthusiast,
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Jane Eyre And Wide Sargasso Sea Essay
In both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea a story is told about a women who ended up married to
Mr.Rochester. The books also tell about the two women s childhood and the things that lead up to
meeting Mr.Rochester. But, the main reason for this essay is to explain the relationship he had with
Jane and Antoinette.
In Jane Eyre the story takes place in England both of her parents die from Typhus. Jane s uncle also
dies but before he dies he makes his wife promise to take care of Jane. She is raised by her aunt
who treats her horrible. Her aunt then sends her off to Lowood an all girls school which is just
as bad. At the school Jane meets Helen her only friend but then Halen becomes sick and dies. So as
you can see Jane has had a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Antoinette father dies and her mother marries a new man. Their ends up getting house gets burnt
down, which is also very traumatic. Antoinette and her family didn t really fit in Jamaica.
Antoinette also ends up staying with her aunt and goes to school. Her mother s husband tells her
that she will be getting married to Mr.Rochester. When Antoinette marries Mr.Rochester they go
to Dominica for their honeymoon. As time goes on they begin to trust each other. But, then
Antoinette drugs Mr.Rochester to seduce him. This is when the relationship started heading
down hill. Antoinette felt like she needed to do these type of things to get him to stay and to
love her. He will not come after me. And you must understand i am not rich now i have no
money of my own at all everything i had belongs to him that s the England law . This quote is
saying even if she left him he wouldnt come after her and she just can t leave because he has all
of her money. Mr.Rochester wasn t use to Jamaica everything was so much different than England.
Everything is too much, too blue, too much purple, too much green,the flowers to red and the
mountains too high, the hills too near, and the women is a stranger . Jamaica was nothing like
England it is a tropical place so of course things would be
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Maori Research Paper
One of the primary figures within Maori population Ngapuhi chief Hone Heke, like Rawiri
Taiwhanga, was in favour of the signing of the treaty. Hone Heke told Hobson at a meeting
[discussing the treaty]: Governor, you should stay with us and be like a father. If you go away,
then the French or the rum sellers will take us Maori over. How can we know what the future
will bring? If you stay, we can be all as one with you and the missionaries. The quote all as one
was also used by Hobson when shaking acknowledging Maori after they signed the treaty.
Missionaries and British officials commonly encouraged Maori to think of the treaty not as British
ruling them and their land, country, but as a personal relationship better them and the Queen
herself. Even years following the treaty, British used this as a way to control Maori in a way. For
example during the northern war Henry Williams printed 400 copies of the treaty in Maori and
spent many days clarifying to Maori tribes and communities that, since the treaty was a sacred
compact, described that neither the Governor and more importantly the Queen would allow any
tinihanga (tricky business).
During this time period, in the 1830s there was rumours that the French were also making attempts
to colonise New Zealand. Afraid of the French settling in their [Maori] country, taking over their
land, Maori saw the treaty as a way to ensure they would have the protection of the Queen and her
governors if anything was to happen.
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Breaking The Barriers In Robert Frost s Mending Wall
Mending Wall by Robert Frost defines the walls that people have a tendency to build into their
lives to keep other people out. People the majority of the time attempt to respect their neighbors
barriers, and will assist in conserving their boundaries by respecting their personal space.
Nevertheless, some outgoing neighbors will attempt to tear down these walls while still
continuing to respect their neighbor. Additionally, if a friendly neighbor is able to establish
unwanted holes in one s wall, they will in all likelihood help mend these holes so as to keep the
integrity of the relationship. Altogether, individuals in today s society are afraid to allow strangers
into their personal lives. People build these walls in fear that if they allow someone close to them,
they give them the ability to hurt them.
Individuals frequently build walls around them, inhibiting others from becoming too close to them.
Additionally, out of respect, true friends often help maintain these wall in order to circumvent
conflict. Furthermore, still being able to maintain a healthy relationship, strangers will avoid
infringement of other s wall. These types of relationships can often be seen in a work environments
or amongst neighbors. In summary, some people regularly attempt to preserve a welcoming
affiliation with those around them, but become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People who are friendly and outgoing may attempt to become close to others. Furthermore, as
associates receive resistance from the person with the wall, they will attempt to impart trust in their
friend. Additionally, individuals who have these walls are not likely to break, further they will
give reasons and excuses of why it is important for them to maintain their walls. Individuals who
have major trust issues are not likely to trust people easily, if at all, and will maintain their wall at all
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Pokemon Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art: The 20 years of Pokemon
Video games created an innovative new electronic art form since the early years of the 1950 s.
Video gaming has even made an impressive mark in world history in the early 1970 s to the 1980
s with arcades and a generation of home consoles. With almost 40 years of gaming, within half of
those years, a Japanese gaming series known as Pokemon has made an global impact rather than
just Japanese culture. Everyone, even those who aren t so much into the game, can call out a
Pikachu; the cute as well as interesting creatures we can capture in the game has stolen the hearts
of many. Today, a decade or so since 1990, generations have experienced the Pokemon fever; fans
can even recall the 1990 s anime lyrics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Composed by Junichi Masuda, the music and the Pokemon cries are made from a program
called Sound Driver which he developed late in 1990 s. This program gives Pokemon it s
original nostalgic 8 bit to now 16 bit sound that imitates various genre of music. Pokemon music
really captures the setting and mood of the journey you take as tones vary from fast and tense in
battles to relaxed and gentle when traveling. Each new location, whether it s a city or just a
normal route, a different song is played to fit the given tone of your newly discovered settings.
The most compelling evidence of this is in Pokemon Red/Blue where as you enter Lavender
Town (a town where the graves of dead Pokemon lies) the music becomes eerie and disturbing.
This actually caused a lot of controversy in the media in Japan with rumors of children committing
suicide after hearing the song; this gave a more sinister feel everyone relates to. Pokemon has
created it s own world as the music and the composition of the visuals cooperate together, pulling in
fans from all over the world; from different
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on the Waterfront Shows That Most People Prefer Security...
In Elia Kazan s On the Waterfront, we see that to some extent that people do prefer security to
justice. This film focuses on the balance between our moral conscience, and our need for survival.
It explores how much we are influenced by our own need for survival compared to our sense of
justice. Kazan, utilizes characters like Terry, to explore the limits of human tolerance and the
conscience. He depicts a world shrouded in a blanket of fog and mist, which masks the criminality,
corruption and immorality. Kazan uses this money driven world, to accentuate the economic and
moral plight of the longshoremen. Through the influences of people like Edie Doyle and Father
Barry, we see how hope can help us in our quest to disregard our fears of... Show more content on
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At the start when after Joey Doyle s death, we see Terry wracked by guilt, as he has been split in
two by his unknowing collusion in the death of Joey. He starts to question Johnny Friendly s ways,
especially from the perverse humor of Johnny Friendly s lackeys in response to Joey s death, and
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Residual Online Income and HubPages Essay
Residual Online Income and HubPages HubPages is a residual online income site that lets you
earn money from your writing. You do so by creating hubs (articles), which are just pages full of
written content, photos, videos, polls, quizzes and last but certainly not least advertising. When
you sign up and become a Hubber, as the members of HubPages are affectionately called, you are
allowed to start publishing hubs. The way you earn residual online income is by sharing a portion
of the ad revenue generated by these hubs. HubPages does not pay its members directly, however;
you receive payments by means of third party advertisers. And here s where its residual online
income program gets a little confusing. You must monetize... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
For example, if someone clicks an AdSense ad during your 60% of the time, you get 100% of the
revenue. If someone clicks an ad during HubPages 40%, the site keeps 100% of the revenue and
you get zip. Perplexing. I don t know about you, but I would prefer a share of every ad click
rather than be subjected to this convoluted 60/40 system. It seems like Hubbers would need to
monitor their affiliate accounts very closely and perform due diligence. It s not that I don t trust
HubPages for residual online income, but I m no babe in the woods, either. It wouldn t surprise
me if HubPages were tilting the 40% in its favor during peak traffic times, etc. Rest assured that
I will scrutinize HubPages and its impression splits on my own accounts. When it comes to
residual online income, I confess to having a bit of a negative attitude toward HubPages. Yet I
knew from the beginning that I didn t understand why. Perhaps it was hearing the sob story about
my friend making zero money on her hubs, of which there are only four. Maybe it was reading
somewhere that HubPages recently got a Google smackdown and then noticing that the site
registered a lower PR (Google PageRank) than before. Or possibly it was the daunting, unfamiliar
territory of impression splitting and affiliate links: the comparatively byzantine approach to
generating money that the site doesn t directly pay. Whatever the reason, I must admit I never gave
HubPages a fighting chance. Recently, I ve done a bit
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White Fang Quotes
In Jack London s novel White Fang there is a concealed message throughout the book that makes
this publication particularly special. The story tells about a young cub growing up to become a
very brave and courageous figure. This cub shows how he can survive through anything or any
environment he is put into. There are three main examples of White Fangs toughness, bravery,
and courage in the novel. He is the only cub in his whole litter of puppies to survive. He gets
tossed around and has to learn how to fight other dogs for his life under the ownership of Beauty
Scott. In his final environment, he lives with a nice and loving owner, Weedon Scott. He becomes a
tamed and loving pet in this setting. White Fangis cooperative and tough through any... Show more
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White fang was born in a cave along with other cubs that his mother gave birth to. His mother s
name was Kiche. She was a very brave dog who roamed the cold Alaskan wild with her mate One
Eye. The cubs had to grow up in a famine. Four of the cubs die, but the gray cub survived and
waited on One Eye to bring food. (Overview: White Fang). This one brave cub was White Fang.
One day, while roaming the cave, White Fang s fear of leaving the cave was overcome by
curiosity. White Fang saw the daylight of the cave as some kind of magic wall of light. He
stepped up to it and his eyes finally saw and focused upon the beautiful nature that the world had
to offer. He stepped out of the cave and tumbled down the hill before the entrance (Novels for
Students). He went out into the open and wandered about the forest and rocks of the Alaskan
wilderness. While being curious and wandering about the forest, White Fang came upon some
chicks in a nest and ate them. When the mother hen returned to the nest and fought him back by
pecking his nose. His next encounter was a river. He tried to cross into it and quickly
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Advantages Of Communism In Animal Farm
Animal Farm: Communism as an Economic System
Orwell presents the basic concepts of communism in an interesting and entertaining manner. In fact,
the fictional Animalism reduplicates communism. Communism makes people free, but restrains
them at the same time; its main idea makes everyone equal, but provides huge privileges for its
leaders; and its command economy provides enough food, but deprives people of choice.
Animalism and communism are two identical concepts with different names. Orwell s
representation of communism as a system is rather specific, and it is similar to the communism in
the USSR. First of all, Animalism fights with the existence of slavery. Thus, animals were like
slaves on the farm because they had to work hard, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, it is forbidden for one of the animals to wear beautiful ribbons though this animal likes
them. By describing this situation, Orwell means the limitations of the planned economy, which is
peculiar to communism. When the government controls all spheres of the economy, the
competition does not exist (Gowans, 2012). Therefore, governmentally controlled factories create
similar clothes for everyone. Another disadvantage of this system is that its leaders claim that
everyone is equal, but they have more benefits than others. Pigs are leaders on the farm, and they
start to take the most delicious food from others and lie that it is necessary. The situation was the
same in the communist system of the USSR: people thought that everyone was equal, and the
members of the party ate more delicious food, had an opportunity to buy exquisite clothes, drank
any alcohol beverages they wished, and had many other privileges (Hignett, 2012). Orwell (1945)
mentions another huge disadvantage of the system: Let us make it a point of honor to get in the
harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do (p. 10). The author means five year plans in
the USSR, which seemed like a competition for all member states, but turned out to be the
inconsiderate usage of the environmental resources (The five year plans, p.
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Essay on A Shropshire Lad
Shropshire: A Place of Imagined Sexual Contentment
Published in 1869, A.E. Housman s A Shropshire Lad stands as one of the most socially acclaimed
collections of English poetry from the Victorian age. This period in British history, however,
proves, by judiciary focus (the Criminal Law Amendment of 1885), to be conflictive with Housman
s own internal conflicts concerning the homoerotic tendencies which he discovered in his
admiration of fellow Oxford student Moses Jackson. Housman, much unlike other English literary
figures such as Oscar Wilde and Thomas hardy, was not an artist who found it necessary to directly
confront Britain with any political dissention imposed by is works. Instead, amp;quot;for Housman
the discovery of self was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
. . Stands up amp;quot; in describing the football game while the man is of course lying down.
Then in the sixth stanza the quatrain is consistent with this tone as the speaker informs the dead ma
that his girl is no longer mourning his death (l. 22) and that amp;quot;the act of love he had
enjoyed with his sweetheart amp;quot; much like everything else amp;quot;is also repeated without
him amp;quot; (Hoagwood 63). The speaker meanwhile becomes somewhat evasive by imploring
his old friend to amp;quot;Be still. . . and sleep amp;quot; (l.24). Finally the dead man inquires (ll.
25 28):
Is my friend hearty,
Now I am thin and pine,
And has he found to sleep in
A better bed than mine?
To which the speaker s response in the last stanza presumably indicates that he is involved with the
amp;quot;dead man s sweetheart amp;quot; (l. 32).
The question posed in the poem s penultimate stanza is one of various interpretation concerning the
last line. The initial response tends to be that the dead man is asking if his old friend is sleeping in
a amp;quot;better bed amp;quot; than the coffin in which he is buried; thus, stands as an example
of the colloquial speech Housman employs throughout A Shropshire Lad. Other interpretations
suggest that the dead man is asking his friend of his financial status, happiness, or even that the
dead man is intimating knowledge that his friend was sleeping with his sweetheart prior to his
death. What seems more plausible is
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How to Effectively Interpret Evidence in the Movie A Few...
Chapter two of Critical Thinking analyzed and expounded on what evidence is and how to
effectively interpret it. To determine the reliability of evidence, one must utilize the five tests of
evidence which include: sufficient, relevant, accurately reported, omitting, and conflicting
evidence. In the movie, A Few Good Men, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a U.S. Navy lawyer is faced
with a tough case and must prove that two U.S. marines (Dawson and Downey) are being
innocently accused of poisoning and killing PFC Santiago. Throughout the movie, A Few Good
Men, the aspects of accurately reported, omitting and conflicting evidenceare violated and or
The test of accurately reported evidence is present amidst evidence from Dr. Stone, Lieutenant
Kendrick, and PFC Santiago. When Dr. Stone testified on behalf of PFC Santiago s death, he
bases it off of his experience as a medical doctor. He reports that in his professional opinion,
poison was the leading contributor to PFC Santiago s death. Consequently, it was not a statement
of fact, thus it was violated. In addition, the evidence provided by Kendrick is not accurately
reported. Before the court case, Lieutenant Kendrick had ordered Dawson and Downey a code
red, resulting in PFC Santiago s death. On the day he testified, he stated a lie, saying that he did
not order a code red. However, he did order a code red, falsely reporting evidence. Robert McGuire
truthfully admitted that he had received the letters from PFC Santiago
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The Brown Case
The decision of the Brown case once again caused the white of North Carolina to have a mixed
reaction. The Governor William Umstead said that he was terribly disappointed in the Supreme
Court s ruling. A few days after the Brown decision Irving Carlyle, a Winston Salem lawyer and
Democratic leader, declared that North Carolinas had no other course except to obey the law laid
down by the United StatesSupreme Court. In response to the Brown Gov. Umstead created an
Advisory Committee on Education that consisted of sixteen whites and three blacks. The Pearsall
Plan was issued in 1956. This plan did not end segregated schools, but it provided parents and
local school boards the necessary tools to avoid desegregation. The committee gave local... Show
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By the mid 1960s, racial segregation in public transportation, schools, and accommodations had
disappeared as a result of unprecedented intervention by federal authorities through the Civil Rights
Act of 1964. Enacted in July 1964, the Civil Rights Act ended discrimination in employment, public
places based or race or sex, empowered the federal government to oversee desegregation, voter
registration, usage of federal funds, etc. Even though the Civil Rights Act ended discrimination
there were states and towns where African Americans had to take literacy tests. This allowed
federal examiners to register qualified voters. In August of 1965, the Voting Rights Act was issued,
which allowed African Americans their right to vote under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution
of the United States. By the end of 1965 more than 250,000 African Americans became registered
voters. This act also significantly widened the franchise and is considered one of the most key
components of civil rights legislation in American
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Essay on Health Musuem
Health Care Museum Latosha Harris HCS/235 04/08/2013 Ronald Barredo
Health Care Museum Health care is growing and as the curator of The Health care Hall of Fame
Museum, we would like to pay tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of
healthcare in the United States. In 1973 the Health Maintenance Organization Act supported the
development of health maintenance organizations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From 1998 to 2007, colorectal cancer death rates decreased from 25.6 per 100,000 population to
20.0 (2.8% per year) for men and from 18.0 per 100,000 to 14.2 (2.7% per year) for women (cdc,
2011). After the international and domestic terrorist actions of 2001 highlighted gaps in the nation s
public health preparedness, great improvements have been made. During the 2009 H1N1 influenza
pandemic, these improvements in the ability to develop and implement a coordinated public health
response in an emergency facilitated the rapid detection and characterization of the outbreak,
deployment of laboratory tests, distribution of personal protective equipment from the Strategic
National Stockpile, development of a candidate vaccine virus, and widespread administration of the
resulting vaccine. These public health interventions prevented an estimated 5 10 million cases,
30,000 hospitalizations, and 1,500 deaths (CDC, unpublished data, 2011).
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare, is a
United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. It
represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage
of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. PPACA focuses on decreasing the number of uninsured
Americans and reducing
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From Living on the Prairie to Designing Prairie Style...
From Living on the Prairie, to designing Prairie Style Houses When people think prairie style,
they associate it with Frank Lloyd Wright. But why? Frank Lloyd Wright was a famous 19th and
20th century architect that shaped the style of houses, as we know them today. Although he grew
up in a small town, it didn t hold him back as a successful man. Frank Lloyd Wrightis, and will
continue to be, the world s best architect because from the time he was little, to the times he
traveled across the world, he found inspiration in nature all around him. Growing up, Frank Lloyd
Wright was inspired very easily. He was born on June 8th, 1867 in Richland Center, Wisconsin, to
the proud parents of Anna Lloyd Jones and William Carey Wright. His... Show more content on
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He worked with two companies, before he was hired by Adler and Sullivan. Adler and Sullivan
had started off as two separate architects, but in 1880 they joined forces and created their own
firm. Frank Lloyd Wright signed a six year contract with Adler and Sullivan, as one of their
apprentices. Frank was finally getting back on his feet again.
Frank Lloyd Wright started putting pieces of his life together at this point. He was a man that
knew exactly what he wanted, and how to get to that goal. In 1889, Frank Lloyd Wright married
Catherine Lee Tobin (Rubin, 1994). Tobin and Wright met while he was working for Adler and
Sullivan, causing Anna to object. Frank Lloyd Wright signed a five year contract in return for
all of the supplies he needed. Shortly after negotiating the contract, he bought a lot in Oak Park,
Illinois, where he built his first house. His house reflected the subtleness of prairie style. His
house consisted of east coast shingles, roof gable, and geometric shapes. In this house he raised
six children; John Lloyd Wright, Lloyd Wright, Catherine Baxter, Svetlana Milanoff, Iovanna
Wright, David Wright, Catherine Wright, and Frances Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright saw prices
rising, so he decided to accept private residential commission in Oak Park. When Sullivan found
out in 1893, he charged him for breaking the contract. Wright s first commission was William H.
Winslow. Frank added very few aspects of the prairie into Williams
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Othello s Influence On The World Of Opera
Verdi s Othello has had a profound influence on the world of opera, and considered by many
critics to be his best work. Othello has been performed throughout the world, debuting in over 25
countries within the first fifty years of its creation (Stanford). It has been performed all over the
globe by world renowned operettists, in theatres such as the Lincoln Center in New York, the
Sydney OperaHouse in Sydney, and the Bolshoi in Russia. Othellois about a general who is led to
believe his wife is cheating on him, when in reality she is not, and deceived by Iago, a man he
trusted. Othello has two love duets between the same characters, but with very different moods and
relationships, which are portrayed through the dialogue, the stage actions, and most importantly the
musical strategies employed.
The opera Othello was written by Verdi, one of the most prominent opera writers in the late 1800 s.
He was born in 1813 in northern Italy, however, most of his work took place in Milan, Italy. This is
where, on February 5th of 1887, Othello was first performed, at the Teatro alla Scala (Stanford).
Verdi s opera Othello is based off of Shakespeare s play Othello, which was written in 1622. Verdi
based many of his operas off of Shakespeare s plays, such as his opera ВВMacbeth that was based
on the play Macbeth, first performed in 1847, and his opera Falstaff, based on the play The Merry
Wives of Windsor, first performed in 1893. In Othello, a black Moor general has just returned from a
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Obama Second Speech Summary
Threats of terrorist activities within the borders of the United States were recently actualized by the
mass shooting in San Bernardino, which killed fourteen innocent civilians. The President of the
United States has been attempting to minimize the damage dealt in public opinion. In the aftermath
of the shooting, President Obama has spoken twice regarding the incident, however, he did not
label the shooting a terrorist attack until this past Sunday, during his second speech. There have
been many articles written dealing with the content of the Presidents speeches, with each coming
from a different perspective. The article by Gardiner Harris and Michael Shear attempts to analyze
the situation as a whole while providing criticisms of the President s... Show more content on
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However, President Obama has his hands tied by his promise to remove United States ground troops
from the Middle East. The President needs to find a way to eliminate the Islamic State, but in
bringing ground troops into the Middle East it plays to the strengths of the Islamic State. The
Islamic State would only use the occupying of United States soldiers to further increase their hold
on the region. President Obama claims that strides are being made against the Islamic State, but the
shooting in Southern California was a clear contradiction to that statement. Juan Zarate, a former
counterterrorism official in the Bush administration, said, If you re making progress, terrorist
threats shouldn t be appearing on your shore. Among many former counterterrorism officials, there
is very little confidence in President Obama. Instead of focusing on foreign policy dealing with
terrorist attacks, President Obama has used the San Bernardino attacks as a launching pad to
further his agenda on stricter gun control laws. Pushing for increased background checks would be
a proper response if this mass shooting had not had links to international terrorism with a jihadist
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Follow-Through Radiography
A study was done by five attending and four resident radiologists, to compare radiological quality
and radiation dose using digital radiography (DR) and conventional screen film (SF) radiography in
an abdominal radiography. The study used eleven patients between the ages 18 27 to undergo a
Small Bowel Follow Through (SBFT) examination. The examination included two radiography
images. For each examination, one of the radiographs was done using DR equipment and the
other was done using SF radiography. In order to create similar viewing conditions the DRs were
printed on film. The SF and DR images were acquired under certain scanning conditions, which
included a Bucky grid used for both, identical focus size and source to image distance (SID)... Show
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The researches used only adult chest radiography s to compare the radiographies. The
radiographs were taken while sitting, supine, in an erect posterior anterior (PA) position, and in
an erect anterior posterior (AP). Each radiograph was taken in one of three of those positions.
The study period was four months long, the first two months conventional radiography was
being used, and in the last two months CR was being used. The choice to take a retake was
made by the radiographer; every number and reason for the retake was recorded. Exposure,
technique, patient movement, or other factors determined the reason for a retake. Each film was
evaluated by a panel of 13 radiologists and was search for adequacy under certain guidelines. There
was total of 6372 conventional and 4127 of DR films that were
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Light And Darkness In Macbeth Essay
Throughout the play of Macbeth, the aura of darkness and horror is often presented to the audience
in order to give the atmosphere within the play a dark and tragic tone. In the play, the nature of evil
was the theme used by the Shakespeare in Macbeth. He used certain action filled images to
introduce deception and horror throughout the play. The characters in Macbethoften brought about
the images of blood, darkness, and evil. Many scenes in the play gave the audience hints of
occurring supernaturalevents, which in the end would lead to the fall of many, like Macbeth, who
was nothing more than a man full of ambitions that showed no respect for the lives of others.
Shakespeare s uses the images of darkness, blood, and the supernatural to convey the nature of evil.
When the play began,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A scene where blood is seen for the first time is when Macbeth returns with daggers covered with
Duncan s blood. Another scene where blood is seen in the play is where Macbeth hallucinates
seeing a bloody dagger that reminded him of Duncan s murder. Lady Macbeth also has a
frightening encounter with blood during the movie. She has an encounter with a sink pouring out
blood while she is sleepwalking. Lady Macbeth s horrific experience proves that the image of
blood is a great example of making the theme nature of evil true throughout the entire play. Another
dominant image in Macbeth is supernatural elements used to give the play a haunting and dark
atmosphere affect to go along with the theme of Shakespeare. The witches in the play are
considered a supernatural element. In the play, one of the witches shows her supernatural power
when she speaks of about controlling the weather to kill for revenge. The witches also show
supernatural powers when they reveal a prophecy to Macbeth and Banquo. A third supernatural
example, in the movie is when Banquo s ghost is seen at the dinner table by
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workplace moving and handling
Manual Handling in the Workplace for Healthcare Personnel A Summary of Relevant Legislation
and Guidance This article summarises key aspects of legislation and guidance relevant to manual
handling in the workplace for healthcare personnel. Introduction As with all other work based
activities, manual handling should be considered in respect of its health and safety implications for
employees and other users of the work environment. In the United Kingdom, manual handling in
the workplace is subject to legislation, the implementation of which is addressed through a number
of Government bodies. In addition, guidance for healthcare practitioners is available from various
professional bodies. Legislation There are five key areas of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Such equipment must be maintained in good repair, initially and regularly inspected and
records of inspections kept. Employers shall: ! ! ensure that work equipment is used for
operations for which, and under conditions for which it is suitable ensure that work equipment is
maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair Lifting Operation
and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998 These apply to the use of lifting equipment
in all sectors of industry and in all work activities. Lifting equipment for lifting clients must: !
prevent a person using it being crushed, trapped or stuck or falling from the carrier.... and has
suitable devices to prevent the risk of the carrier falling ! be such that a person in any carrier is
not thereby exposed to danger and can be freed ! fit for purpose ! be clearly marked with its safe
working load and all accessories marked in such a way as to identify the characteristics for their
safe use Employers shall: ! ensure that lifting equipment is positioned or installed in such a way
as to reduce to as low as is reasonably practicable the risk of the equipment or the load striking a
person or from the load, drifting, falling freely or being released unintentionally and is otherwise
safe ! ensure that every lifting operation involving equipment is properly planned by a competent
person and
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Nuremberg Research Paper
PROBLEM DEFINTION IN THE URBAN CONTEXT Nuremberg, Germany is a city that is
well known throughout the records of history. Post World War II, Nuremberg was the center for
justice to trial various Nazi and German officials from their heinous war crimes. After the
Nuremberg trials, Nuremberg began to urbanize like the rest of Germany recovering from World
War II by redeveloping neighborhoods and streets. Most of the streets were designed to be small
and inaccessible by more than a few cars at a time. As the German population increased and more
Germans moved to the cityof Nuremberg, the amount of cars populating the city also began to rise.
With the increasing amount of cars came the abundance of emissions and air pollution from the
vehicles.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Within the first two months after the removal of cars, there air quality in the surrounding areas
actually deteriorated because of the changing of weather (Pluske) However, after one year of
the car removal, air pollution within the road closure significantly decreased and Nuremberg
had a decrease of Nitrous Oxide by over 30% because of the elimination of cars. This can be
directly seen in the figure below. The figure describes the change of spatial air structure of NO2
from the 1980s to the late 1990 s where the upwind pushes the air out of the city and then
circulates back to the city. From the years of 1981 1985 which was before the removal of cars,
the nitrous oxide was in the form of a bell shape curve where the pollution reached a peak
percentage in the middle of the city, however, after the removal of cars it can be seen that there is
a downward trend of nitrious oxide within the area and in the
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Battle Of Stalingrad Research Paper
World War II was notably a violent war that many large powers of the world were involved with
from 1939 1945. It started when Germany invaded Poland, and led to France and Britain
declaring war on Hitler s nazi state. One of the largest and bloodiest battles in warfare history(1),
The Battle of Stalingrad, is said to take place during this war. America initially did not want to
become involved with the war but was faced with no decision when they were attacked in Hawaii
by Japanese forces on December 7th, 1941.
Beginning on the 23rd of August, 1942, on the eastern boundary of south Russia, began the
bloodiest battle known to our wartime history. The fighting occurred between Nazi Germany,
Romania, Italy, Hungary and Croatia against Soviet
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The Causes Of Forest Fires
There are more than 100,000 forest fires a year and 4 to 5 million of acres burn in the US every
year. Forest Management can help make our forests healthier and more clean if we took more
consideration into forest management then we can save homes, people, and animals habitat.
The biggest fuel for forest fire is dead vegetation that hasn t been cleared out. Between 1920 and
1950 10 to 50 million acres burned each year. If we keep letting forest fires burn more and more
acres every year the world is gonna go up in flames. Let s stop the forest fires and make forest
management a bigger deal in our lives. Forest fires are destroying people s homes all the time.
Last year in the US 4,312 structures were destroyed by forest fires, including more than 3,000
homes and more than 70 commercial buildings. Forests fires can be minimized if forest
management is put into place. For an example the biggest fuel for wildfires is dead vegetation
and trees. If we took time in the forests to clean up the dead vegetation and take the dead trees
out then when forest fires do occur they wouldn t have a lot to burn off of. Fire burns faster and
spreads quicker on dead trees and plants then alive plants. Forest can also be healthier and more
aesthetically pleasing. If we kept the forest more healthy and cleared out all the dead plants then
it would leave more room for small flowers and smaller plants and trees to grow. The forest could
be growing with vegetation that was never able to grow
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Hum 186 Social Media Paper
Social Media Paper
Jennifer Schaedler
University of Phoenix
August 28, 2017
Social Media Paper
Easily Obtainable Information
In the age of cutting edge technology such as the world in which we live, easily obtainable
information has turned out to be a mainstay in society. The days of instant gratification are upon us
and waiting for any length of time since the advent of the Internet has become unacceptable in the
technological arena. Because information is so easily available, this gives pause to security and
privacy of personal identifiable information. With headlines screaming Identity Theft the
disadvantages are clear. No longer can users post whatever they are thinking, doing, wearing, etc.
without the profound knowledge that each post is forever solidified forever on the World Wide Web
for anyone with an Internet connection to access. Those with less technological knowledge have
yet to grasp this concept and this unfortunately has caused harm to their personal lives and
professional careers, in some cases.
Advantages of Easily Obtainable Information
One point of preference of adequately realistic data is practicality. It is advantageous for individuals
to be in one place and catch the most blazing news, listen to the crisp top melodies on the
announcement diagrams, watch and share the music recordings to those tunes, while in the
meantime holding discussions through talk with various companions in a flash. It is simpler than
perusing an entire
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March Break-Personal Narrative
Only one of my friends is in to hiking. The other, well they do not mind it, but they do not get
out a lot. Same with me, I would love to, but it is very rare that I have a full day off, and have
people who want to go with. That why I chose to do my practice journey during my March
Break, and told my friends they had to do it with me. So during the Tuesday (one of the three days I
had off work) I packed a hiking bag, picked them up, grabbed Pita Pit for lunch, and drove up the
The hike itself was beautiful. The trails were well kept and easy to follow. The weather was cold
enough to keep cool, but not cold enough to freeze you. I wore a hat, hoodie and jacket, and put on
mittens from time to time, for my hands always get
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The Imbalances Agriculture in China
Imagine that you are studying at a pleasant university in the countryside. Every day a professor
on tour comes and gives fascinating speech on agriculture. Sounds nice, right? Before long, this
kind of new rural university might be popular in China, for the development of education and
agriculture as well as a solution of too fast urbanization. With 1.4 billion people to feed, China is
now the largest and maybe the most imbalanced agricultural country. Per capita incomes in rural
regions vary a lot. Some farm to make their fortunes, while others farm to live. Moreover, tractors
and chemical fertilizer produces fine crop as well as great disaster. In fact, the negative effect is
even profounder. For example, hardly can you turn soil polluted by fertilizer into what it used
to be. Its micro structure has been damaged irreversibly. In some areas, people are finding their
yield absolutely depends on chemicals. Something must be done to save the COUNTRY. As a
result of tech development, students are liberated to go to cities for further education, which is
commonly believed to be an access to white collar. Bad news is, however, no job is available
when they graduate. Obviously, that is a joke to them. Worse still, cities are expanding and
farmland is decreasing as fast as it can. And the result of arable land loss is that more people are
pushed into urban slums. The urban area in BTH (Beijing Tianjin Hebei region) increased by 71%
between 1990 and
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The Flawless Icons Of Audrey Hepburn And Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe are the two most fashion, flawless icons and probably the
most shining stars in the Hollywood. They have made people proud of them that they could have
improved the world s fashion. Lots of girls would have known and love Audrey Hepburn and
Marilyn Monroe. Hepburn and Marilyn have got a lot of critics and fans to find them that they
were so fascinating because of their fashionstyle, and have gone through a lot of experience in their
life (Melissa, 2016). Although Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroelived during the same time and
were both actresses, they actually were two very different people (Shaffer, n.d.). Everyone are
amazed at their two different personality types.
First, Audrey Hepburn was born on May ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Audrey Hepburn has been married with Mel Ferrer for twelve years, Ferrer always manage and
control his wife by telling Hepburn what films do Hepburn had to perform in and making
decisions for her however they divorce because of Ferrer was tired of arranging his wife. After
that, Audrey Hepburn married with Andrea Dotti who was an Italian psychiatrist, they both
married for 13 years and they divorce because of her husband has a relationship with other
women and Hepburn think that their son could survive enough. Then, Audrey met Robert
Wolders who was an actor in 1980, they never married but they were together until Audrey
Hepburn s life end in 1993, many people said that they were the world s greatest love stories
(Boehm, n.d.). On the other hand, when Marilyn Monroe was 16 years old, she married with
James Dougherty and in their marriage arrange to bring Monroe out of the orphanage when her
foster family moved out from the state, in that case they divorce when her husband wanted
Monroe to give up of her dreams. After that, Monroe married with Joe DiMaggio, but their
relationship was only lasted nine months. Then, Monroe married Arthur Miller, but their marriage
was not that good that it made Monroe hard to have children and she became depressed because of
that, their marriage only lasted for four years (Jackson,
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  • 10. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Bluetooth Abstract This paper illustrates Bluetooth enabling device for physically challenged using actuators and sensor for providing robust security and reliability. In it we have written how Bluetooth is useful for we people in present era with high security as well as performance. We have used different types of protocol which is more suitable for Bluetoothdevice[1] like IP Secure (IPsec) and Secure Shell (SSH).Bluetooth abbreviations out as the most averring for use in low power sensor networks. This paper also addresses the difficulty of scatter net for singe hope Bluetooth based personal area and ad hoc networks with minimal communication overhead.Bluetooth iscriticized for various vulnerabilities and security as its designers are trying to balance wisely between performance and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... пЃ¶Bluetooth PC (master device) dialer is for both a stand alone system application and a Bluetooth external look plug in. It means master device can easily connect or access data of outlook device via a single click. 3.Motivation At present era the most common features of the Bluetooth devices are low complexity, low power, robustness, low cost, easy configuration, lack chance of data hacking. 3.1 Advantages пЃ¶One of the biggest attractions of the implementation of this technology is the creation of networks, with the Bluetooth technology for high performance using actuators and sensor. пЃ¶Using fast recovery mechanism protect from the loss of data. For it we need to increase suddenly transmission rate. пЃ¶It can be used anywhere where is need for transfer of small amount of data on shorter ranges (synchronization, for example) and it can be also used as a cable replacement technology. пЃ¶Bluetooth can make personal area network at any place without any extra device. This is very much useful where there is no network there we can also establish own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay on The Success of the McDonald’s Franchise Not having to answer to a corporate boss is the dream of many and the flexibility that owning a business franchise creates provides this option. Success is not reached by simply creating a business, however. The level of success is measured by the size and efficiency of the business. Business growth is the driving force of the economy. The additional jobs and revenues created when a business expands allow the economy to grow at exponential rates. One of the fastest and most popular ways to increase the size of a business is to turn it into a franchise, which can then be purchased by individuals. Franchisingprovides opportunities that are beneficial to both the parent company and the purchaser. The company that owns the business can expand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McDonald s has extremely strict rules when it comes to awarding franchises. First, it is very costly to open a new location or purchase an existing location, with the median startup cost being $300,000 (Kalnins Lafontaine, 2004, p. 750). As well, the company does an extensive background check on a variety of issues including credit history, business management experience, and the acceptance of the contractual agreement that the company provides. Because of these strict rules and the large amount of capital needed to purchase a location, rates for franchise applicants are 1% for McDonald s (Norton, 1988, p. 204). This is an extremely low acceptance rate and is even lower than McDonald s chief competitor, Burger King, who accepts 1.5% percent of applicants (Norton, 1988, p. 199). These low numbers are understandable in the context of the business and risk that is involved. Though the franchise purchaser must pay a large amount of money to gain the rights to the restaurant, they truly have nothing to lose besides money because they are simply running another company s business model as well as using their trademarks and logos. McDonald s on the other hand, has a great amount at stake because they place the well being of an entire restaurant into the caretaking of an individual who simply purchased the rights for the store. If the store does poorly or if there are issues with customer service, it reflects ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Should Teenagers Use The Internet Essay Why there should not be a time limit on the use of the internet Anti social, drop in grades, eye damage these are some of the topics that are brought up in conversation when talking about the use of the internet and how long teenagers are using it. But do they mention the pros of using the internet? In my opinion, I think teenagers should the internet more often. Teenagers use the internet for help in school, they gain computer skills and learn what is happening out in the world through the use of social media. A key aspect of how the internet use of the internet should not be limited is the knowledge.The internet is growing and becoming more advanced every day that we as humans cannot keep up. By teens using the internet, we would gain knowledge about the internet, for example, finding out what source is credible and also, becoming more aware of websites that could possibly be harmful to our computers. All these factors could be helpful in the future. For example, in an online article 10 great things teen learn playing online by Christy Matte, it states that Viruses, limited computer space browser crashes are all realities of time spent online. Learning to prevent and/or cope with this issue is fundamental in becoming a savvy computer user. As kids explore on the computer, they are picking up valuable information about this practice. ( source 2). Teens could learn a lot from just simply using the internet. Websites that could teach teens about harmful websites and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Family Law Attorney If you have come to a point in your life when you could use the services of a family law attorney you may be struggling with how to select the right divorce attorney. There are several differences in law firms that you can use to narrow your selections down. Some of the factors that will affect your selection of a family law attorney are: Confidence A divorce attorney has to be aggressive enough to go after what you want from the dissolution of the marriage. When you go to the free consultation visit you need to ask the divorce attorney exactly what they will do to represent you. You want them to answer with confidence, to have knowledge, experience, and determination. When you hire a divorce attorney you need a pit bull that will grab ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When you call for a consultation at some firms you will have to wait several days, or even weeks. If the office manager has to call you and postpone your consultation visit you may be dealing with a law firm that does not have time to accept your case. Experience When you are comparing law firms that handle family matters like child custody, divorce, and trust funds, you want someone that has experience dealing with the issues you might be facing. You want a law firm that has dealt with many different types of family law matters so that they will be prepared to handle anything that might come up during your case. Affordability Unfortunately you will have to consider the amount of money that the law firm charges to handle cases like yours. Legal representation can be quite expensive unless you carefully select a law firm that has prices you can afford. Some law firms have payment plans that they offer their clients, and some of them postpone payment until the divorce is finalized because the other party may be responsible for some of your legal expenses. You must bring up the matter of fees at your first meeting and establish how much you can afford before you decide on the law ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Granby House Research Paper Coming Soon! Sensational 3BR Granby House w/Wifi, Patio Extraordinary Rocky Mountain Views Amazing Skiing Hiking Right Outside the Backdoor! Escape to the glorious Rocky Mountains at this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Granby home with enough room to comfortably accommodate 10 guests. Step outside the backdoor to access ski lifts for fantastic skiing at beautiful Ski Granby Ranch! Upon arrival, you ll be amazed by the home s unbelievable exterior, which boasts a modern cabin look. Your favorite spot to spend downtime will quickly become the private patio, where you can read a good book and enjoy the refreshing mountain air. Surrounded by magnificent Rocky Mountain views, this home offers the optimal atmosphere for relaxation! Inside, 2,200 square feet of beautifully appointed living space awaits to provide you with everything you ll need for a memorable vacation! You ll find the interior to be extremely eye pleasing with its delightful art, marvelous furnishings, and stunning hardwood floors.Featuring an open, airy floor plan with an abundance of natural light, this home is an ideal match for a large family or group who is looking for an adventurous mountain retreat. All of the amenities of home are provided here, including air conditioning, central heating, laundry machines, wireless internet access, and 4 flat screen TVs. On cold winter nights, cuddle up with your significant other by the warm gas fireplace and sip on tasty cup of hot chocolate.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once the meal has been prepared, sit down at the adjacent dining room table and enjoy everyone s company. Later, step outside to witness breathtaking stargazing, and if you re lucky, perhaps a shooting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mr. Aux Go Better Than Everyone Else Meaning A Dark Laugh: Roger Brown s Mr. Gotta Go Faster Than Anyone Else Mr. Gotta Go Faster Than Anyone Else represents the simple yet dark humor of the late Roger Brown. Brown painted this piece in 1986 during his first years of living in California after moving away from Chicago. Brown was believed to be a social commentator by many in the late 1980 s because of the way his art correlated with the events of the time, but he argues these claims by saying that his artwork is simply a visual agenda (Calamities Conform to the Canvas). The artistic style of Brown utilizes both bright and dull colors as well as simple figures to convey his messages and the reason he refutes the claims of being a social commentator is to add fire to the conversation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gotta go Faster Than Anyone Else is also a very important detail that requires attention. In 1986 when the painting was made, Ronald Reagan was the president of the United States. Reagan was known to not be a supporter of the Woman s Rights movement and it was the first time since the 1960 s that many governing agencies that had to do with woman s rights were closed. Brown put Mr in the title of the piece because it was mostly men who were chasing their dreams and being supported during the era. The woman in the bright red car is screaming at the man because he was the one who was in charge at the wheel and the one who made decisions between the two. Brown made the title of his piece a striking one by making it carry an important meaning with the state of woman in America at that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. What Are The Five Errors In Anaconda-A Flawed Joint Planning What is the worst thing that a force can do before going into battle? The worst thing that a force cannot do is have improper planning. In the article Anaconda A Flawed Joint Planning there was some key steps that were missed in the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). The article describes five errors that the unit could have avoided by using MDMP. However I am only going to discuss four out of the five errors and there are as follows: Poor Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, Underestimating Airpower Deployment Time, Lack of Tactical Coordination for Close Air Supportand the Lack of Operational and Strategic level Coordination. The first error that occurred was poor intelligence preparation of the battlefield. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under step 2 it discusses available assets and identify resources shortfalls. According to the Battle Staff book reviewing available assets and identify resources shortfalls is staffs determine if they have the assets needed to accomplish all task . (Page 2 13 Battle Staff)The CJTF would have noticed that the air assets were needed as well as the air planners. Once the air planners would have been involved in the planning process, they could have rescheduled the date of the air tankers switching. The result would have been less wounded causalities and certain terrorist leaders possibly killed. The third error that happened was lack of tactical coordination for close air support. This error occurred because the lack of air integration capability between ground and air forces. The CJTF did not even have some of the proper equipment to call in close air support. According to the article an actual kill box was not generated until four days into the battle. This error could have been avoided if the CJTF would have complete step 3 of the MDMP process. Under step 3 it discusses generating options. Generating options is a good Course of Action (COAs) can defeat all feasible enemy COAs while accounting for essential stability tasks. Goal is to develop several possible COAs. (Battle Staff Page 2 13) The CTJF should have pushed for more air coordination with the corps level Air Support Operations Center. By asking for more air ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Martin Puryar Research Paper Outline William Caldwell Sondra E. Martin Contemporary Art 363 01 19 November 2015 Martin Puryear : Artist Martin Puryear is an American Artist from Washington DC, who is known for his sculptures, architecture, and craft. His idea was to have functions between fine art and craft that reflected ones creativity. Martin Puryear graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1963 from Catholic University which, he later joined the Peace Corps teaching for two years, and by 1966 Puryear entered a printmaking program in Stockholm, Sweden, called the Swedish Royal Academy of Art, where he came across his true passion in art, with the inspiration and influences of James Krenov. Puryear later returned to the states in 1969 to study sculpture at Yale University... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2004. Puryear, Martin 1941 . Encyclopedia.com. High Beam Research, 2004. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Guggenheim. Collection Online. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Cotter, Holland. Martin Puryear. The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Dec. 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Puryear, Martin, and Amada Cruz. Martin Puryear. Washington, D.C.: [Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden], 1992. Print. (Jonathan Goodman) wrote an art critic in 1995 (Quote) It is Puryear s combination of enigma and skill that makes him so strong an artist. Martin puryear. Http:/ /biography.yourdictionary.com/martin puryear. The Gale Group, Inc, 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2015 ( Martin Puryear) quote I want to make objects that somehow have their own history and their own reason for being and their own sense of themselves, I m not concerned just with the object s formal meaning , although it should be an intelligible artifact , a thing of one s own culture and time. It s equally crucial that there exist in the work a recognition of the make of who I am. Manheim, James. Puryear, Martin 1941 . Contemporary Black Biography. 2004. Encyclopedia.com.19 Nov. 2015 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Chinese People s Liberation Army Essay The Chinese People s Liberation Army: Ground Forces (PLAGF) began a massive military modernization in the 1980 s and they have been continually reforming their training and education of their ground forces ever since. Senior officials within the People s Liberation Army recognized that improving the militaryskills and raising the education levels of both officers and troops alike were necessary prerequisites if they wanted to be able to utilize more advanced weaponry and fight in this day and age. During the modernization of the People s Liberation Army funding was increased for military education, the study of foreign militaries was incorporated into their training curriculum and contacts with foreign military academies was increased. The leadership of the PLA focused their education reforms on the military academy system. They also changed the scope of their training from being highly politicized and emphasized in single unit infantry troop training, to concentrating on training officers capable of directing combined arms warfare. The Revival of the military academies system began in 1978, which the Cultural Revolution had devastated. (Mao Zedong china s communist leader launched his plan to reassert his authority over the Chinese government which is known as the cultural revolution.) By 1984 the military academy system had over a hundred institutions that consisted of two kinds of schools: command schools and specialized technical training centers. The rejuvenation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Police Dogs Police Dogs Breah Ratlif Animal Science AY105 02 12 12:50 Cute, fun, loving, cuddly, outgoing; these are only a few words to describe the animals that we have come to know and love as a part of our families. Dogs have been man s best friend for hundreds of years and were the first animal to be domesticated because they are great as companions, highly intelligent, and were found to be very useful in human s everyday lives. Even though they made excellent house pets they were highly successful at working side by side humans as well. They are not limited to being just best friends, but they have been found to be protectors and saviors as well, to their owners, others people and even other dogs too. One type of working dogs in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This grab is strong and hard. There is always a large possibility that the suspect/criminal can/will be bitten if they attempt to fight off the dog but when thinking about it even the dog gripping onto the suspect will inflict a bite. They would not be able to hold the suspect as well if they did not apply pressure into their grip. Before any dog has to be turned loose, they try to intimidate the person first by giving them a warning that if they start to run, the dog will be released and will chase after them. A barking tactic is also used to scare the person into not running away. Even in a case where the officer and dog seem to have the upper hand, there are many situations where the tables can be completely turned. Both the officer and the dog are trained to work together as a team. They must be able to fully trust and understand one another especially when they are placed in extremely dangerous and stressful situations. It is the responsibility of the officer the dog is being handled by to only use the dog when the situation absolutely calls for it. Any other way would be very inappropriate and would be a terrible miss use of the animal. Not being responsible could also put the dog in more of harm s way which can take a definite turn for the worst. Going into depth of the most popular and common of the police dogs the the German shepherd only came into being a little over 100 years ago. A German shepherd enthusiast, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Jane Eyre And Wide Sargasso Sea Essay In both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea a story is told about a women who ended up married to Mr.Rochester. The books also tell about the two women s childhood and the things that lead up to meeting Mr.Rochester. But, the main reason for this essay is to explain the relationship he had with Jane and Antoinette. In Jane Eyre the story takes place in England both of her parents die from Typhus. Jane s uncle also dies but before he dies he makes his wife promise to take care of Jane. She is raised by her aunt who treats her horrible. Her aunt then sends her off to Lowood an all girls school which is just as bad. At the school Jane meets Helen her only friend but then Halen becomes sick and dies. So as you can see Jane has had a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Antoinette father dies and her mother marries a new man. Their ends up getting house gets burnt down, which is also very traumatic. Antoinette and her family didn t really fit in Jamaica. Antoinette also ends up staying with her aunt and goes to school. Her mother s husband tells her that she will be getting married to Mr.Rochester. When Antoinette marries Mr.Rochester they go to Dominica for their honeymoon. As time goes on they begin to trust each other. But, then Antoinette drugs Mr.Rochester to seduce him. This is when the relationship started heading down hill. Antoinette felt like she needed to do these type of things to get him to stay and to love her. He will not come after me. And you must understand i am not rich now i have no money of my own at all everything i had belongs to him that s the England law . This quote is saying even if she left him he wouldnt come after her and she just can t leave because he has all of her money. Mr.Rochester wasn t use to Jamaica everything was so much different than England. Everything is too much, too blue, too much purple, too much green,the flowers to red and the mountains too high, the hills too near, and the women is a stranger . Jamaica was nothing like England it is a tropical place so of course things would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Maori Research Paper One of the primary figures within Maori population Ngapuhi chief Hone Heke, like Rawiri Taiwhanga, was in favour of the signing of the treaty. Hone Heke told Hobson at a meeting [discussing the treaty]: Governor, you should stay with us and be like a father. If you go away, then the French or the rum sellers will take us Maori over. How can we know what the future will bring? If you stay, we can be all as one with you and the missionaries. The quote all as one was also used by Hobson when shaking acknowledging Maori after they signed the treaty. Missionaries and British officials commonly encouraged Maori to think of the treaty not as British ruling them and their land, country, but as a personal relationship better them and the Queen herself. Even years following the treaty, British used this as a way to control Maori in a way. For example during the northern war Henry Williams printed 400 copies of the treaty in Maori and spent many days clarifying to Maori tribes and communities that, since the treaty was a sacred compact, described that neither the Governor and more importantly the Queen would allow any tinihanga (tricky business). During this time period, in the 1830s there was rumours that the French were also making attempts to colonise New Zealand. Afraid of the French settling in their [Maori] country, taking over their land, Maori saw the treaty as a way to ensure they would have the protection of the Queen and her governors if anything was to happen. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Breaking The Barriers In Robert Frost s Mending Wall Mending Wall by Robert Frost defines the walls that people have a tendency to build into their lives to keep other people out. People the majority of the time attempt to respect their neighbors barriers, and will assist in conserving their boundaries by respecting their personal space. Nevertheless, some outgoing neighbors will attempt to tear down these walls while still continuing to respect their neighbor. Additionally, if a friendly neighbor is able to establish unwanted holes in one s wall, they will in all likelihood help mend these holes so as to keep the integrity of the relationship. Altogether, individuals in today s society are afraid to allow strangers into their personal lives. People build these walls in fear that if they allow someone close to them, they give them the ability to hurt them. Individuals frequently build walls around them, inhibiting others from becoming too close to them. Additionally, out of respect, true friends often help maintain these wall in order to circumvent conflict. Furthermore, still being able to maintain a healthy relationship, strangers will avoid infringement of other s wall. These types of relationships can often be seen in a work environments or amongst neighbors. In summary, some people regularly attempt to preserve a welcoming affiliation with those around them, but become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People who are friendly and outgoing may attempt to become close to others. Furthermore, as associates receive resistance from the person with the wall, they will attempt to impart trust in their friend. Additionally, individuals who have these walls are not likely to break, further they will give reasons and excuses of why it is important for them to maintain their walls. Individuals who have major trust issues are not likely to trust people easily, if at all, and will maintain their wall at all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Pokemon Contemporary Art Contemporary Art: The 20 years of Pokemon Video games created an innovative new electronic art form since the early years of the 1950 s. Video gaming has even made an impressive mark in world history in the early 1970 s to the 1980 s with arcades and a generation of home consoles. With almost 40 years of gaming, within half of those years, a Japanese gaming series known as Pokemon has made an global impact rather than just Japanese culture. Everyone, even those who aren t so much into the game, can call out a Pikachu; the cute as well as interesting creatures we can capture in the game has stolen the hearts of many. Today, a decade or so since 1990, generations have experienced the Pokemon fever; fans can even recall the 1990 s anime lyrics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Composed by Junichi Masuda, the music and the Pokemon cries are made from a program called Sound Driver which he developed late in 1990 s. This program gives Pokemon it s original nostalgic 8 bit to now 16 bit sound that imitates various genre of music. Pokemon music really captures the setting and mood of the journey you take as tones vary from fast and tense in battles to relaxed and gentle when traveling. Each new location, whether it s a city or just a normal route, a different song is played to fit the given tone of your newly discovered settings. The most compelling evidence of this is in Pokemon Red/Blue where as you enter Lavender Town (a town where the graves of dead Pokemon lies) the music becomes eerie and disturbing. This actually caused a lot of controversy in the media in Japan with rumors of children committing suicide after hearing the song; this gave a more sinister feel everyone relates to. Pokemon has created it s own world as the music and the composition of the visuals cooperate together, pulling in fans from all over the world; from different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. on the Waterfront Shows That Most People Prefer Security... In Elia Kazan s On the Waterfront, we see that to some extent that people do prefer security to justice. This film focuses on the balance between our moral conscience, and our need for survival. It explores how much we are influenced by our own need for survival compared to our sense of justice. Kazan, utilizes characters like Terry, to explore the limits of human tolerance and the conscience. He depicts a world shrouded in a blanket of fog and mist, which masks the criminality, corruption and immorality. Kazan uses this money driven world, to accentuate the economic and moral plight of the longshoremen. Through the influences of people like Edie Doyle and Father Barry, we see how hope can help us in our quest to disregard our fears of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the start when after Joey Doyle s death, we see Terry wracked by guilt, as he has been split in two by his unknowing collusion in the death of Joey. He starts to question Johnny Friendly s ways, especially from the perverse humor of Johnny Friendly s lackeys in response to Joey s death, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Residual Online Income and HubPages Essay Residual Online Income and HubPages HubPages is a residual online income site that lets you earn money from your writing. You do so by creating hubs (articles), which are just pages full of written content, photos, videos, polls, quizzes and last but certainly not least advertising. When you sign up and become a Hubber, as the members of HubPages are affectionately called, you are allowed to start publishing hubs. The way you earn residual online income is by sharing a portion of the ad revenue generated by these hubs. HubPages does not pay its members directly, however; you receive payments by means of third party advertisers. And here s where its residual online income program gets a little confusing. You must monetize... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, if someone clicks an AdSense ad during your 60% of the time, you get 100% of the revenue. If someone clicks an ad during HubPages 40%, the site keeps 100% of the revenue and you get zip. Perplexing. I don t know about you, but I would prefer a share of every ad click rather than be subjected to this convoluted 60/40 system. It seems like Hubbers would need to monitor their affiliate accounts very closely and perform due diligence. It s not that I don t trust HubPages for residual online income, but I m no babe in the woods, either. It wouldn t surprise me if HubPages were tilting the 40% in its favor during peak traffic times, etc. Rest assured that I will scrutinize HubPages and its impression splits on my own accounts. When it comes to residual online income, I confess to having a bit of a negative attitude toward HubPages. Yet I knew from the beginning that I didn t understand why. Perhaps it was hearing the sob story about my friend making zero money on her hubs, of which there are only four. Maybe it was reading somewhere that HubPages recently got a Google smackdown and then noticing that the site registered a lower PR (Google PageRank) than before. Or possibly it was the daunting, unfamiliar territory of impression splitting and affiliate links: the comparatively byzantine approach to generating money that the site doesn t directly pay. Whatever the reason, I must admit I never gave HubPages a fighting chance. Recently, I ve done a bit ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. White Fang Quotes In Jack London s novel White Fang there is a concealed message throughout the book that makes this publication particularly special. The story tells about a young cub growing up to become a very brave and courageous figure. This cub shows how he can survive through anything or any environment he is put into. There are three main examples of White Fangs toughness, bravery, and courage in the novel. He is the only cub in his whole litter of puppies to survive. He gets tossed around and has to learn how to fight other dogs for his life under the ownership of Beauty Scott. In his final environment, he lives with a nice and loving owner, Weedon Scott. He becomes a tamed and loving pet in this setting. White Fangis cooperative and tough through any... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... White fang was born in a cave along with other cubs that his mother gave birth to. His mother s name was Kiche. She was a very brave dog who roamed the cold Alaskan wild with her mate One Eye. The cubs had to grow up in a famine. Four of the cubs die, but the gray cub survived and waited on One Eye to bring food. (Overview: White Fang). This one brave cub was White Fang. One day, while roaming the cave, White Fang s fear of leaving the cave was overcome by curiosity. White Fang saw the daylight of the cave as some kind of magic wall of light. He stepped up to it and his eyes finally saw and focused upon the beautiful nature that the world had to offer. He stepped out of the cave and tumbled down the hill before the entrance (Novels for Students). He went out into the open and wandered about the forest and rocks of the Alaskan wilderness. While being curious and wandering about the forest, White Fang came upon some chicks in a nest and ate them. When the mother hen returned to the nest and fought him back by pecking his nose. His next encounter was a river. He tried to cross into it and quickly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Advantages Of Communism In Animal Farm Animal Farm: Communism as an Economic System Orwell presents the basic concepts of communism in an interesting and entertaining manner. In fact, the fictional Animalism reduplicates communism. Communism makes people free, but restrains them at the same time; its main idea makes everyone equal, but provides huge privileges for its leaders; and its command economy provides enough food, but deprives people of choice. Animalism and communism are two identical concepts with different names. Orwell s representation of communism as a system is rather specific, and it is similar to the communism in the USSR. First of all, Animalism fights with the existence of slavery. Thus, animals were like slaves on the farm because they had to work hard, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, it is forbidden for one of the animals to wear beautiful ribbons though this animal likes them. By describing this situation, Orwell means the limitations of the planned economy, which is peculiar to communism. When the government controls all spheres of the economy, the competition does not exist (Gowans, 2012). Therefore, governmentally controlled factories create similar clothes for everyone. Another disadvantage of this system is that its leaders claim that everyone is equal, but they have more benefits than others. Pigs are leaders on the farm, and they start to take the most delicious food from others and lie that it is necessary. The situation was the same in the communist system of the USSR: people thought that everyone was equal, and the members of the party ate more delicious food, had an opportunity to buy exquisite clothes, drank any alcohol beverages they wished, and had many other privileges (Hignett, 2012). Orwell (1945) mentions another huge disadvantage of the system: Let us make it a point of honor to get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do (p. 10). The author means five year plans in the USSR, which seemed like a competition for all member states, but turned out to be the inconsiderate usage of the environmental resources (The five year plans, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay on A Shropshire Lad Shropshire: A Place of Imagined Sexual Contentment Published in 1869, A.E. Housman s A Shropshire Lad stands as one of the most socially acclaimed collections of English poetry from the Victorian age. This period in British history, however, proves, by judiciary focus (the Criminal Law Amendment of 1885), to be conflictive with Housman s own internal conflicts concerning the homoerotic tendencies which he discovered in his admiration of fellow Oxford student Moses Jackson. Housman, much unlike other English literary figures such as Oscar Wilde and Thomas hardy, was not an artist who found it necessary to directly confront Britain with any political dissention imposed by is works. Instead, amp;quot;for Housman the discovery of self was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . Stands up amp;quot; in describing the football game while the man is of course lying down. Then in the sixth stanza the quatrain is consistent with this tone as the speaker informs the dead ma that his girl is no longer mourning his death (l. 22) and that amp;quot;the act of love he had enjoyed with his sweetheart amp;quot; much like everything else amp;quot;is also repeated without him amp;quot; (Hoagwood 63). The speaker meanwhile becomes somewhat evasive by imploring his old friend to amp;quot;Be still. . . and sleep amp;quot; (l.24). Finally the dead man inquires (ll. 25 28): Is my friend hearty, Now I am thin and pine, And has he found to sleep in A better bed than mine? To which the speaker s response in the last stanza presumably indicates that he is involved with the amp;quot;dead man s sweetheart amp;quot; (l. 32). The question posed in the poem s penultimate stanza is one of various interpretation concerning the last line. The initial response tends to be that the dead man is asking if his old friend is sleeping in a amp;quot;better bed amp;quot; than the coffin in which he is buried; thus, stands as an example of the colloquial speech Housman employs throughout A Shropshire Lad. Other interpretations suggest that the dead man is asking his friend of his financial status, happiness, or even that the dead man is intimating knowledge that his friend was sleeping with his sweetheart prior to his death. What seems more plausible is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How to Effectively Interpret Evidence in the Movie A Few... Chapter two of Critical Thinking analyzed and expounded on what evidence is and how to effectively interpret it. To determine the reliability of evidence, one must utilize the five tests of evidence which include: sufficient, relevant, accurately reported, omitting, and conflicting evidence. In the movie, A Few Good Men, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a U.S. Navy lawyer is faced with a tough case and must prove that two U.S. marines (Dawson and Downey) are being innocently accused of poisoning and killing PFC Santiago. Throughout the movie, A Few Good Men, the aspects of accurately reported, omitting and conflicting evidenceare violated and or affirmed. The test of accurately reported evidence is present amidst evidence from Dr. Stone, Lieutenant Kendrick, and PFC Santiago. When Dr. Stone testified on behalf of PFC Santiago s death, he bases it off of his experience as a medical doctor. He reports that in his professional opinion, poison was the leading contributor to PFC Santiago s death. Consequently, it was not a statement of fact, thus it was violated. In addition, the evidence provided by Kendrick is not accurately reported. Before the court case, Lieutenant Kendrick had ordered Dawson and Downey a code red, resulting in PFC Santiago s death. On the day he testified, he stated a lie, saying that he did not order a code red. However, he did order a code red, falsely reporting evidence. Robert McGuire truthfully admitted that he had received the letters from PFC Santiago ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Brown Case The decision of the Brown case once again caused the white of North Carolina to have a mixed reaction. The Governor William Umstead said that he was terribly disappointed in the Supreme Court s ruling. A few days after the Brown decision Irving Carlyle, a Winston Salem lawyer and Democratic leader, declared that North Carolinas had no other course except to obey the law laid down by the United StatesSupreme Court. In response to the Brown Gov. Umstead created an Advisory Committee on Education that consisted of sixteen whites and three blacks. The Pearsall Plan was issued in 1956. This plan did not end segregated schools, but it provided parents and local school boards the necessary tools to avoid desegregation. The committee gave local... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the mid 1960s, racial segregation in public transportation, schools, and accommodations had disappeared as a result of unprecedented intervention by federal authorities through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Enacted in July 1964, the Civil Rights Act ended discrimination in employment, public places based or race or sex, empowered the federal government to oversee desegregation, voter registration, usage of federal funds, etc. Even though the Civil Rights Act ended discrimination there were states and towns where African Americans had to take literacy tests. This allowed federal examiners to register qualified voters. In August of 1965, the Voting Rights Act was issued, which allowed African Americans their right to vote under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the end of 1965 more than 250,000 African Americans became registered voters. This act also significantly widened the franchise and is considered one of the most key components of civil rights legislation in American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay on Health Musuem Health Care Museum Latosha Harris HCS/235 04/08/2013 Ronald Barredo Health Care Museum Health care is growing and as the curator of The Health care Hall of Fame Museum, we would like to pay tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of healthcare in the United States. In 1973 the Health Maintenance Organization Act supported the development of health maintenance organizations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From 1998 to 2007, colorectal cancer death rates decreased from 25.6 per 100,000 population to 20.0 (2.8% per year) for men and from 18.0 per 100,000 to 14.2 (2.7% per year) for women (cdc, 2011). After the international and domestic terrorist actions of 2001 highlighted gaps in the nation s public health preparedness, great improvements have been made. During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, these improvements in the ability to develop and implement a coordinated public health response in an emergency facilitated the rapid detection and characterization of the outbreak, deployment of laboratory tests, distribution of personal protective equipment from the Strategic National Stockpile, development of a candidate vaccine virus, and widespread administration of the resulting vaccine. These public health interventions prevented an estimated 5 10 million cases, 30,000 hospitalizations, and 1,500 deaths (CDC, unpublished data, 2011). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. It represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. PPACA focuses on decreasing the number of uninsured Americans and reducing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. From Living on the Prairie to Designing Prairie Style... From Living on the Prairie, to designing Prairie Style Houses When people think prairie style, they associate it with Frank Lloyd Wright. But why? Frank Lloyd Wright was a famous 19th and 20th century architect that shaped the style of houses, as we know them today. Although he grew up in a small town, it didn t hold him back as a successful man. Frank Lloyd Wrightis, and will continue to be, the world s best architect because from the time he was little, to the times he traveled across the world, he found inspiration in nature all around him. Growing up, Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired very easily. He was born on June 8th, 1867 in Richland Center, Wisconsin, to the proud parents of Anna Lloyd Jones and William Carey Wright. His... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He worked with two companies, before he was hired by Adler and Sullivan. Adler and Sullivan had started off as two separate architects, but in 1880 they joined forces and created their own firm. Frank Lloyd Wright signed a six year contract with Adler and Sullivan, as one of their apprentices. Frank was finally getting back on his feet again. Frank Lloyd Wright started putting pieces of his life together at this point. He was a man that knew exactly what he wanted, and how to get to that goal. In 1889, Frank Lloyd Wright married Catherine Lee Tobin (Rubin, 1994). Tobin and Wright met while he was working for Adler and Sullivan, causing Anna to object. Frank Lloyd Wright signed a five year contract in return for all of the supplies he needed. Shortly after negotiating the contract, he bought a lot in Oak Park, Illinois, where he built his first house. His house reflected the subtleness of prairie style. His house consisted of east coast shingles, roof gable, and geometric shapes. In this house he raised six children; John Lloyd Wright, Lloyd Wright, Catherine Baxter, Svetlana Milanoff, Iovanna Wright, David Wright, Catherine Wright, and Frances Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright saw prices rising, so he decided to accept private residential commission in Oak Park. When Sullivan found out in 1893, he charged him for breaking the contract. Wright s first commission was William H. Winslow. Frank added very few aspects of the prairie into Williams ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Othello s Influence On The World Of Opera Verdi s Othello has had a profound influence on the world of opera, and considered by many critics to be his best work. Othello has been performed throughout the world, debuting in over 25 countries within the first fifty years of its creation (Stanford). It has been performed all over the globe by world renowned operettists, in theatres such as the Lincoln Center in New York, the Sydney OperaHouse in Sydney, and the Bolshoi in Russia. Othellois about a general who is led to believe his wife is cheating on him, when in reality she is not, and deceived by Iago, a man he trusted. Othello has two love duets between the same characters, but with very different moods and relationships, which are portrayed through the dialogue, the stage actions, and most importantly the musical strategies employed. The opera Othello was written by Verdi, one of the most prominent opera writers in the late 1800 s. He was born in 1813 in northern Italy, however, most of his work took place in Milan, Italy. This is where, on February 5th of 1887, Othello was first performed, at the Teatro alla Scala (Stanford). Verdi s opera Othello is based off of Shakespeare s play Othello, which was written in 1622. Verdi based many of his operas off of Shakespeare s plays, such as his opera ВВMacbeth that was based on the play Macbeth, first performed in 1847, and his opera Falstaff, based on the play The Merry Wives of Windsor, first performed in 1893. In Othello, a black Moor general has just returned from a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Obama Second Speech Summary Threats of terrorist activities within the borders of the United States were recently actualized by the mass shooting in San Bernardino, which killed fourteen innocent civilians. The President of the United States has been attempting to minimize the damage dealt in public opinion. In the aftermath of the shooting, President Obama has spoken twice regarding the incident, however, he did not label the shooting a terrorist attack until this past Sunday, during his second speech. There have been many articles written dealing with the content of the Presidents speeches, with each coming from a different perspective. The article by Gardiner Harris and Michael Shear attempts to analyze the situation as a whole while providing criticisms of the President s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, President Obama has his hands tied by his promise to remove United States ground troops from the Middle East. The President needs to find a way to eliminate the Islamic State, but in bringing ground troops into the Middle East it plays to the strengths of the Islamic State. The Islamic State would only use the occupying of United States soldiers to further increase their hold on the region. President Obama claims that strides are being made against the Islamic State, but the shooting in Southern California was a clear contradiction to that statement. Juan Zarate, a former counterterrorism official in the Bush administration, said, If you re making progress, terrorist threats shouldn t be appearing on your shore. Among many former counterterrorism officials, there is very little confidence in President Obama. Instead of focusing on foreign policy dealing with terrorist attacks, President Obama has used the San Bernardino attacks as a launching pad to further his agenda on stricter gun control laws. Pushing for increased background checks would be a proper response if this mass shooting had not had links to international terrorism with a jihadist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Follow-Through Radiography A study was done by five attending and four resident radiologists, to compare radiological quality and radiation dose using digital radiography (DR) and conventional screen film (SF) radiography in an abdominal radiography. The study used eleven patients between the ages 18 27 to undergo a Small Bowel Follow Through (SBFT) examination. The examination included two radiography images. For each examination, one of the radiographs was done using DR equipment and the other was done using SF radiography. In order to create similar viewing conditions the DRs were printed on film. The SF and DR images were acquired under certain scanning conditions, which included a Bucky grid used for both, identical focus size and source to image distance (SID)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The researches used only adult chest radiography s to compare the radiographies. The radiographs were taken while sitting, supine, in an erect posterior anterior (PA) position, and in an erect anterior posterior (AP). Each radiograph was taken in one of three of those positions. The study period was four months long, the first two months conventional radiography was being used, and in the last two months CR was being used. The choice to take a retake was made by the radiographer; every number and reason for the retake was recorded. Exposure, technique, patient movement, or other factors determined the reason for a retake. Each film was evaluated by a panel of 13 radiologists and was search for adequacy under certain guidelines. There was total of 6372 conventional and 4127 of DR films that were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Light And Darkness In Macbeth Essay Throughout the play of Macbeth, the aura of darkness and horror is often presented to the audience in order to give the atmosphere within the play a dark and tragic tone. In the play, the nature of evil was the theme used by the Shakespeare in Macbeth. He used certain action filled images to introduce deception and horror throughout the play. The characters in Macbethoften brought about the images of blood, darkness, and evil. Many scenes in the play gave the audience hints of occurring supernaturalevents, which in the end would lead to the fall of many, like Macbeth, who was nothing more than a man full of ambitions that showed no respect for the lives of others. Shakespeare s uses the images of darkness, blood, and the supernatural to convey the nature of evil. When the play began,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A scene where blood is seen for the first time is when Macbeth returns with daggers covered with Duncan s blood. Another scene where blood is seen in the play is where Macbeth hallucinates seeing a bloody dagger that reminded him of Duncan s murder. Lady Macbeth also has a frightening encounter with blood during the movie. She has an encounter with a sink pouring out blood while she is sleepwalking. Lady Macbeth s horrific experience proves that the image of blood is a great example of making the theme nature of evil true throughout the entire play. Another dominant image in Macbeth is supernatural elements used to give the play a haunting and dark atmosphere affect to go along with the theme of Shakespeare. The witches in the play are considered a supernatural element. In the play, one of the witches shows her supernatural power when she speaks of about controlling the weather to kill for revenge. The witches also show supernatural powers when they reveal a prophecy to Macbeth and Banquo. A third supernatural example, in the movie is when Banquo s ghost is seen at the dinner table by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. workplace moving and handling Manual Handling in the Workplace for Healthcare Personnel A Summary of Relevant Legislation and Guidance This article summarises key aspects of legislation and guidance relevant to manual handling in the workplace for healthcare personnel. Introduction As with all other work based activities, manual handling should be considered in respect of its health and safety implications for employees and other users of the work environment. In the United Kingdom, manual handling in the workplace is subject to legislation, the implementation of which is addressed through a number of Government bodies. In addition, guidance for healthcare practitioners is available from various professional bodies. Legislation There are five key areas of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Such equipment must be maintained in good repair, initially and regularly inspected and records of inspections kept. Employers shall: ! ! ensure that work equipment is used for operations for which, and under conditions for which it is suitable ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998 These apply to the use of lifting equipment in all sectors of industry and in all work activities. Lifting equipment for lifting clients must: ! prevent a person using it being crushed, trapped or stuck or falling from the carrier.... and has suitable devices to prevent the risk of the carrier falling ! be such that a person in any carrier is not thereby exposed to danger and can be freed ! fit for purpose ! be clearly marked with its safe working load and all accessories marked in such a way as to identify the characteristics for their safe use Employers shall: ! ensure that lifting equipment is positioned or installed in such a way as to reduce to as low as is reasonably practicable the risk of the equipment or the load striking a person or from the load, drifting, falling freely or being released unintentionally and is otherwise safe ! ensure that every lifting operation involving equipment is properly planned by a competent person and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Nuremberg Research Paper PROBLEM DEFINTION IN THE URBAN CONTEXT Nuremberg, Germany is a city that is well known throughout the records of history. Post World War II, Nuremberg was the center for justice to trial various Nazi and German officials from their heinous war crimes. After the Nuremberg trials, Nuremberg began to urbanize like the rest of Germany recovering from World War II by redeveloping neighborhoods and streets. Most of the streets were designed to be small and inaccessible by more than a few cars at a time. As the German population increased and more Germans moved to the cityof Nuremberg, the amount of cars populating the city also began to rise. With the increasing amount of cars came the abundance of emissions and air pollution from the vehicles.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Within the first two months after the removal of cars, there air quality in the surrounding areas actually deteriorated because of the changing of weather (Pluske) However, after one year of the car removal, air pollution within the road closure significantly decreased and Nuremberg had a decrease of Nitrous Oxide by over 30% because of the elimination of cars. This can be directly seen in the figure below. The figure describes the change of spatial air structure of NO2 from the 1980s to the late 1990 s where the upwind pushes the air out of the city and then circulates back to the city. From the years of 1981 1985 which was before the removal of cars, the nitrous oxide was in the form of a bell shape curve where the pollution reached a peak percentage in the middle of the city, however, after the removal of cars it can be seen that there is a downward trend of nitrious oxide within the area and in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Battle Of Stalingrad Research Paper World War II was notably a violent war that many large powers of the world were involved with from 1939 1945. It started when Germany invaded Poland, and led to France and Britain declaring war on Hitler s nazi state. One of the largest and bloodiest battles in warfare history(1), The Battle of Stalingrad, is said to take place during this war. America initially did not want to become involved with the war but was faced with no decision when they were attacked in Hawaii by Japanese forces on December 7th, 1941. Beginning on the 23rd of August, 1942, on the eastern boundary of south Russia, began the bloodiest battle known to our wartime history. The fighting occurred between Nazi Germany, Romania, Italy, Hungary and Croatia against Soviet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Causes Of Forest Fires There are more than 100,000 forest fires a year and 4 to 5 million of acres burn in the US every year. Forest Management can help make our forests healthier and more clean if we took more consideration into forest management then we can save homes, people, and animals habitat. The biggest fuel for forest fire is dead vegetation that hasn t been cleared out. Between 1920 and 1950 10 to 50 million acres burned each year. If we keep letting forest fires burn more and more acres every year the world is gonna go up in flames. Let s stop the forest fires and make forest management a bigger deal in our lives. Forest fires are destroying people s homes all the time. Last year in the US 4,312 structures were destroyed by forest fires, including more than 3,000 homes and more than 70 commercial buildings. Forests fires can be minimized if forest management is put into place. For an example the biggest fuel for wildfires is dead vegetation and trees. If we took time in the forests to clean up the dead vegetation and take the dead trees out then when forest fires do occur they wouldn t have a lot to burn off of. Fire burns faster and spreads quicker on dead trees and plants then alive plants. Forest can also be healthier and more aesthetically pleasing. If we kept the forest more healthy and cleared out all the dead plants then it would leave more room for small flowers and smaller plants and trees to grow. The forest could be growing with vegetation that was never able to grow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Hum 186 Social Media Paper Social Media Paper Jennifer Schaedler HUM/186 University of Phoenix August 28, 2017 Social Media Paper Easily Obtainable Information In the age of cutting edge technology such as the world in which we live, easily obtainable information has turned out to be a mainstay in society. The days of instant gratification are upon us and waiting for any length of time since the advent of the Internet has become unacceptable in the technological arena. Because information is so easily available, this gives pause to security and privacy of personal identifiable information. With headlines screaming Identity Theft the disadvantages are clear. No longer can users post whatever they are thinking, doing, wearing, etc. without the profound knowledge that each post is forever solidified forever on the World Wide Web for anyone with an Internet connection to access. Those with less technological knowledge have yet to grasp this concept and this unfortunately has caused harm to their personal lives and professional careers, in some cases. Advantages of Easily Obtainable Information One point of preference of adequately realistic data is practicality. It is advantageous for individuals to be in one place and catch the most blazing news, listen to the crisp top melodies on the announcement diagrams, watch and share the music recordings to those tunes, while in the meantime holding discussions through talk with various companions in a flash. It is simpler than perusing an entire ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. March Break-Personal Narrative Summary: Only one of my friends is in to hiking. The other, well they do not mind it, but they do not get out a lot. Same with me, I would love to, but it is very rare that I have a full day off, and have people who want to go with. That why I chose to do my practice journey during my March Break, and told my friends they had to do it with me. So during the Tuesday (one of the three days I had off work) I packed a hiking bag, picked them up, grabbed Pita Pit for lunch, and drove up the mountain. The hike itself was beautiful. The trails were well kept and easy to follow. The weather was cold enough to keep cool, but not cold enough to freeze you. I wore a hat, hoodie and jacket, and put on mittens from time to time, for my hands always get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Imbalances Agriculture in China Imagine that you are studying at a pleasant university in the countryside. Every day a professor on tour comes and gives fascinating speech on agriculture. Sounds nice, right? Before long, this kind of new rural university might be popular in China, for the development of education and agriculture as well as a solution of too fast urbanization. With 1.4 billion people to feed, China is now the largest and maybe the most imbalanced agricultural country. Per capita incomes in rural regions vary a lot. Some farm to make their fortunes, while others farm to live. Moreover, tractors and chemical fertilizer produces fine crop as well as great disaster. In fact, the negative effect is even profounder. For example, hardly can you turn soil polluted by fertilizer into what it used to be. Its micro structure has been damaged irreversibly. In some areas, people are finding their yield absolutely depends on chemicals. Something must be done to save the COUNTRY. As a result of tech development, students are liberated to go to cities for further education, which is commonly believed to be an access to white collar. Bad news is, however, no job is available when they graduate. Obviously, that is a joke to them. Worse still, cities are expanding and farmland is decreasing as fast as it can. And the result of arable land loss is that more people are pushed into urban slums. The urban area in BTH (Beijing Tianjin Hebei region) increased by 71% between 1990 and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Flawless Icons Of Audrey Hepburn And Marilyn Monroe Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe are the two most fashion, flawless icons and probably the most shining stars in the Hollywood. They have made people proud of them that they could have improved the world s fashion. Lots of girls would have known and love Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Hepburn and Marilyn have got a lot of critics and fans to find them that they were so fascinating because of their fashionstyle, and have gone through a lot of experience in their life (Melissa, 2016). Although Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroelived during the same time and were both actresses, they actually were two very different people (Shaffer, n.d.). Everyone are amazed at their two different personality types. First, Audrey Hepburn was born on May ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Audrey Hepburn has been married with Mel Ferrer for twelve years, Ferrer always manage and control his wife by telling Hepburn what films do Hepburn had to perform in and making decisions for her however they divorce because of Ferrer was tired of arranging his wife. After that, Audrey Hepburn married with Andrea Dotti who was an Italian psychiatrist, they both married for 13 years and they divorce because of her husband has a relationship with other women and Hepburn think that their son could survive enough. Then, Audrey met Robert Wolders who was an actor in 1980, they never married but they were together until Audrey Hepburn s life end in 1993, many people said that they were the world s greatest love stories (Boehm, n.d.). On the other hand, when Marilyn Monroe was 16 years old, she married with James Dougherty and in their marriage arrange to bring Monroe out of the orphanage when her foster family moved out from the state, in that case they divorce when her husband wanted Monroe to give up of her dreams. After that, Monroe married with Joe DiMaggio, but their relationship was only lasted nine months. Then, Monroe married Arthur Miller, but their marriage was not that good that it made Monroe hard to have children and she became depressed because of that, their marriage only lasted for four years (Jackson, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...