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What’s in it for me?
Benefits realisation management
and staff motivation
Hugo Minney PhD
The Social Return Company


What gets you up in the morning?
• Nobody comes in to work to do a bad job
(well, almost nobody)
• We all want to make a
difference – make the
world a better place
• Very few people work
just for the money*
• So… what am I going to tell you?
• Osterloh & Frey 2007 Does pay for performance really motivate employees?
• PwC NextGen 2013: Millennial workers want …


A future where all projects
John Thorp – The Information Paradox


Benefits Management
Benefits management is the identification,
definition, planning, tracking and realisation of
business benefits.
• Recognise what we’re trying to achieve – in context.
Do we still want this? What’s changed?
• Who does it affect? The employees are often the
forgotten stakeholder
• Do we know what success looks like? (soft measures)
• Does everyone agree what success looks like?
• People look after Number 1. Are you giving them
what they want?


A Health Economy in Northern
• 160 initiatives for change – “projects”
• £60 million per year spent on change
• Professional carers resist change – all change
represents risk – “what we’re doing now is
• Management targets divorced from both the
knowledge, and the need (sometimes)


Benefits Frameworks
• Part time for 4 months
• 7 workstreams,
• Three workshops
– Context: what you are doing, what the need is, where
are the gaps? What does success look like?
– Measurement: what means improvement, where can
we get that information?
– Delivery: how are you doing? What are you changing
because of measurement?
• coaching between workshops


Benefits Mapping


… means People getting involved


… means common sense


Staff Motivation
• “I can tell my grandchildren ‘I did a good
job this week’ “
• Lower Sickness/ Absence
• Easier Recruitment/ Retention
• Getting much more done
• Engaged with corporate objectives –
even to MAKE MONEY


Why projects don’t succeed
• Failure – budget, time, quality
• Benefits delivery, contribute to corporate
objectives are “nice to have”?
• Internal problems 60% of the reasons for
– Failure to plan
– Failure to apply governance
– Failure to be motivated?
– Failure to engage BAU at handover?
PricewaterhouseCoopers 2012
Budget Time


Driving improvement
• We (the people who talk to the client/ do the
work) see the need/problem first!
• We know what to do about it (have the most
• We can inspire*
• We won’t resist our own
design for change
• (a new problem –
managing configuration)
Malcolm Gladwell – Tipping Point


Outside of healthcare
• Adults with learning disabilities in receipt of ISL
• Drug rehabilitation for mothers who want their
children back
• Virgin Media residential cable installers
• Who else could benefit (pun intended)?
– Call centre workers?
– The building trade? What are you creating?


How do you use it?
• Involve stakeholders
• Map outcomes to context and drivers for change
• Evidence – what is important (NOT JUST “what
can we measure?”)
• Establish impact – does our change result in this,
or was it something else?
• Calculating the outcome so people can use it to
make decisions
• Reporting – and using the results
Tailored from:
Jeremy Nicholls – A guide to Social Return on Investment


Turning SOFT into HARD
• Important things like
– Customer Satisfaction
– Net Promoter Score
• What impact on the bottom line?
• How much?
• Decisions on investment and on further
• Decisions on direction


Where do you go from here?
• 4 stages of Benefits Management:
– WHY – business case, sponsor, stakeholders
• Project planning, measurement schema
• Project delivery, decisions to maximise benefits
– HANDOVER – handover capability, plus motivation
• Measuring and reporting
• Tweaking and adjusting for even better outcomes


Define Benefits
Case for Investment
Quantify and
Decisions to
What benefits
deferred and how
to monitor them
Project monitoring
Project delivery
Taking Benefits Management
as Usual
& tweaks


• Like Project Management – follow a tried and
tested process*:
– don’t just make it up as you go along
• The right tools for the job
– iBE.net includes Project Management, Time and
Billing, EVA; Benefits Management to follow
shortly (one time entry, used many times)
– Try it out at www.ibe.net
* PwC 2012 Project Maturity


The foundations of Morale
• The military understand this
– Spiritual – because only spiritual foundations can
stand real strain
– Intellectual – because men are swayed by reason
as well as feeling
• It must be attainable, by the organisation. Confidence
in planning and capability
– Material – last, because the very highest kinds of
morale are often met when material conditions
are lowest
William Slim “Defeat into Victory”


Measuring & reporting to motivate
• What’s important?*
– We are not just numbers
– We are excellent at what we do
– Our company and our customers recognise our
effort and care
– We are doing something useful and valuable
• How do we measure these?
– Team and individual recognition – measure what
– Put it into context: “I help people” (identity!)
James Robbins – Nine Minutes on Monday


When the best leader’s work is
done, the people will say:
“We did it ourselves”
Lao Tzu


Hugo Minney
07786 961837

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  • 1. What’s in it for me? Benefits realisation management and staff motivation Hugo Minney PhD The Social Return Company
  • 2. What gets you up in the morning? • Nobody comes in to work to do a bad job (well, almost nobody) • We all want to make a difference – make the world a better place • Very few people work just for the money* • So… what am I going to tell you? • Osterloh & Frey 2007 Does pay for performance really motivate employees? • PwC NextGen 2013: Millennial workers want …
  • 3. A future where all projects succeed John Thorp – The Information Paradox capability
  • 4. Benefits Management Benefits management is the identification, definition, planning, tracking and realisation of business benefits. • Recognise what we’re trying to achieve – in context. Do we still want this? What’s changed? • Who does it affect? The employees are often the forgotten stakeholder • Do we know what success looks like? (soft measures) • Does everyone agree what success looks like? • People look after Number 1. Are you giving them what they want?
  • 5. A Health Economy in Northern Britain • 160 initiatives for change – “projects” • £60 million per year spent on change • Professional carers resist change – all change represents risk – “what we’re doing now is safe” • Management targets divorced from both the knowledge, and the need (sometimes)
  • 6. Benefits Frameworks • Part time for 4 months • 7 workstreams, • Three workshops – Context: what you are doing, what the need is, where are the gaps? What does success look like? – Measurement: what means improvement, where can we get that information? – Delivery: how are you doing? What are you changing because of measurement? • coaching between workshops
  • 8. … means People getting involved
  • 10. Staff Motivation • “I can tell my grandchildren ‘I did a good job this week’ “ • Lower Sickness/ Absence • Easier Recruitment/ Retention • Getting much more done • Engaged with corporate objectives – even to MAKE MONEY
  • 11. Why projects don’t succeed • Failure – budget, time, quality • Benefits delivery, contribute to corporate objectives are “nice to have”? • Internal problems 60% of the reasons for failure – Failure to plan – Failure to apply governance – Failure to be motivated? – Failure to engage BAU at handover? PricewaterhouseCoopers 2012 Budget Time Quality Business Objectives
  • 12. Driving improvement • We (the people who talk to the client/ do the work) see the need/problem first! • We know what to do about it (have the most experience) • We can inspire* • We won’t resist our own design for change • (a new problem – managing configuration) Malcolm Gladwell – Tipping Point
  • 13. Outside of healthcare • Adults with learning disabilities in receipt of ISL • Drug rehabilitation for mothers who want their children back • Virgin Media residential cable installers • Who else could benefit (pun intended)? – Call centre workers? – The building trade? What are you creating?
  • 14. How do you use it? • Involve stakeholders • Map outcomes to context and drivers for change • Evidence – what is important (NOT JUST “what can we measure?”) • Establish impact – does our change result in this, or was it something else? • Calculating the outcome so people can use it to make decisions • Reporting – and using the results Tailored from: Jeremy Nicholls – A guide to Social Return on Investment
  • 15. Turning SOFT into HARD • Important things like – Customer Satisfaction – Net Promoter Score • What impact on the bottom line? • How much? • Decisions on investment and on further investment • Decisions on direction
  • 16. Where do you go from here? • 4 stages of Benefits Management: – WHY – business case, sponsor, stakeholders – WHAT & HOW • Project planning, measurement schema • Project delivery, decisions to maximise benefits – HANDOVER – handover capability, plus motivation – ONGOING • Measuring and reporting • Tweaking and adjusting for even better outcomes
  • 17. Define Benefits Case for Investment Quantify and milestones Decisions to maximise benefits What benefits deferred and how to monitor them Benefits Framework Idea Initiation Define Deliverables Milestones Resources Project monitoring Project delivery Governance Closedown Project Management Handover Taking Benefits Management Onwards Business as Usual Reporting & tweaks WHY WHAT & HOW HAND-OVER ONGOING
  • 18. Professionalism • Like Project Management – follow a tried and tested process*: – don’t just make it up as you go along • The right tools for the job – iBE.net includes Project Management, Time and Billing, EVA; Benefits Management to follow shortly (one time entry, used many times) – Try it out at www.ibe.net * PwC 2012 Project Maturity
  • 19. The foundations of Morale • The military understand this – Spiritual – because only spiritual foundations can stand real strain – Intellectual – because men are swayed by reason as well as feeling • It must be attainable, by the organisation. Confidence in planning and capability – Material – last, because the very highest kinds of morale are often met when material conditions are lowest William Slim “Defeat into Victory”
  • 20. Measuring & reporting to motivate • What’s important?* – We are not just numbers – We are excellent at what we do – Our company and our customers recognise our effort and care – We are doing something useful and valuable • How do we measure these? – Team and individual recognition – measure what matters – Put it into context: “I help people” (identity!) James Robbins – Nine Minutes on Monday
  • 21. When the best leader’s work is done, the people will say: “We did it ourselves” Lao Tzu
  • 22. Hugo Minney PhD, Acc Prac SROI, M APM, PRINCE2 07786 961837 Hugo.Minney@TheSocialReturnCo.org