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Life Guide
                                                                                     Moving Day

In a list of life's hassles, moving has to rank near the top of that list!   This guide is designed to provide
you with a comprehensive checklist of decisions to make and tasks to perform in anticipation of a move,
hopefully making life on the move easier for you.

                                                        Table of Contents                            Page
Provided by:                                            Six to Eight Weeks Before Moving               2
Bill Hurlbut                                            Four to Six Weeks Before Moving                3
Hurlbut Insurance Services                              Two to Four Weeks Before Moving                4
1933 Schumac Ln.                                        Within One Week of Moving                      5
Bedford, TX 76022                                       One Day Before Moving                          5
Office: (817) 803-4498
                                                        Moving Day                                     6
                                                        Delivery Day                                   6
                                                        Address Change/Service Change Checklist       7-8
                                                        Document Checklist                             9
                                                        Disclosure Information                        10

LG-07                                                                                  Moving Day
Six to Eight Weeks Before Moving

Create a moving file where you will keep all records, receipts and information
    regarding your move.

I y u r mo i gb c u eo ac a g i y u j b lc to o b c u ey u
   f o ’e   vn e a s f h n e n o r o o a in r e a s o
    started a new job, you may be able to deduct your moving expenses if your
    move is closely related to the start of work. Make sure you understand what, if
    any, of your moving expenses will be deductible on your next income tax return and
    keep the appropriate records. Visit the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for more

Begin creating an inventory of your household goods.
Begin disposing of items you don't plan to move to your new location,
    designating them for donation, a yard sale or as junk to be thrown away.

Create a floor plan of your new home to be used for furniture and appliance
    placement. This may also help you in deciding which possessions to move and which to
    dispose of.

Start learning more about your new community. Use the Internet and/or contact
    the local Chamber of Commerce for information.

Make the "big" decision: are you going to move yourself or hire a mover?

    If you decide to move yourself:

Get cost estimates from at least two truck rental companies and reserve a truck for
    the date(s) needed.

Locate a source of packing materials.
Identify which friends and family members will help with your move or decide if you're
    going to hire labor.

    If you decide to hire a mover:

Ask friends, family and neighbors for recommendations regarding movers they've

Understand your rights and responsibilities. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety
    Administration, an arm of the U.S. Department of Transportation, provides a website
    for this purpose. Spend some time reviewing the information available to you at

Decide what, if any, of the packing you want to do.
Obtain cost estimates from at least three moving companies. Be sure to disclose
    all items that are to be moved. Compare the estimates on the basis of cost and
    services provided.

Select the mover you will use and schedule your moving day and delivery day.
    Add your move contract and other information to your move file.

Moving Day                                                                                2
Four to Six Weeks Before Moving

Obtain medical records. Ask doctors/dentists for referrals in your new location.

Arrange for school records to be transferred to your children's new school district.

Contact your insurance agent concerning homeowners and automobile insurance at
    both your current and new locations. Check to see if your insurance covers your
    possessions during transit. If not, you may want to consider purchasing insurance for
    this purpose. If purchasing a home in your new location, review the impact this might
    have on your life insurance needs.

Obtain vet records for your pets and ask for referrals in your new location.

Begin using foods and household items that cannot be moved, such as frozen
    foods, flammables, cleaning fluids and aerosols.

If you're doing your own packing, begin packing items that you don't use often.

Schedule disconnection of utility services at your current home and connection
    at your new home. The general suggestion is to schedule disconnection for one day
    after your scheduled move day and to schedule connection one day prior to your arrival
    in your new location.

If you're making a long-distance move, make necessary travel plans and
    reservations. Don't forget to make travel arrangements for your pets (if by air, check
    on required health certificates). Be certain that ID tags are securely attached to your
    pet's collar prior to the move.

Consider subscribing to the local newspaper in your new hometown. Schedule
    the cancellation of newspapers at your current location.

Plan and hold a garage sale to dispose of unwanted items. Alternatively, donate
    them to a favorite charity. If you plan to deduct the value of donated items for income
    tax purposes, be certain to obtain the required documentation from the charity.

If you're planning to move any rugs or draperies, consider having them cleaned
    and leave them in the wrappings for the move.

If you're moving any major appliances, check to see if you'll need a service
    technician to prepare them for shipment. If so, make an appointment for the day
    before moving day.

Consider having antiques and other valuables appraised in order to verify

Gather important documents and plan to carry them with you. A document
    checklist appears on page 9.

Moving Day                                                                                  3
Two to Four Weeks Before Moving

Complete a change of address with the post office (change online at

Make a list of family, friends and businesses who need to be notified of your
    new address and of services that need to be discontinued. An address
    change/service change checklist appears on page 7.

Have your car serviced prior to the move.

Return any borrowed items to neighbors; return library books. Retrieve any items
    you've loaned to others or that are in storage.

Be certain to pick up all dry cleaning and any items out for repair.

Decide what you will do with any house plants, as movers will generally not
    transport them. You may want to give them to family/friends or include them in your
    garage sale.

Assemble a folder of information to leave for the new owner of your house.

Transfer prescriptions to a pharmacy in your new location. Be certain you have an
    adequate supply of prescription medications to last you through the move.

Have a "going-away" party for your kids and their friends. Do the same for
    yourself, but keep it simple.

If you're doing your own packing, continue packing items used on an infrequent

If you're moving yourself, arrange to have any needed hired labor available on
    moving day.

Moving Day                                                                                4
Within One Week of Moving

Transfer your bank and/or credit union accounts and clear out any safety
    deposit boxes. Make sure you have sufficient cash or traveler's checks to cover
    expenses while traveling to your new home.

Confirm all travel arrangements, including for your pets.

Confirm arrangements with the moving company.

Plan meals to help empty the refrigerator.

Drain oil and gas from all power equipment to be moved. Drain hoses.

Pack the clothing and personal items you will take with you to your new home.

Pack an "essentials" box…i mst a wi b n e e f s a y u n w h u e Ce r
                           te  h t l e e d d i t t o r e o s . lal
                                     l         r                      y
    mark this box or boxes as "last load."

Make arrangements to stay somewhere else the night before moving day.

If you're doing your own packing, complete the job.

                             One Day Before Moving

 Disconnect major appliances and prepare them for the move (this may require
    paying a service technician). Defrost your refrigerator and freezer.

 If you're doing your own packing, check throughout your house and verify that
    everything has been packed for the move. If you're moving yourself, dismantle
    beds and any other large furniture items, such as a dresser and mirror. Verify the
    availability of family/friends or hired labor for moving day.

 If the moving company is doing your packing, be available when the packers
    arrive. Be sure to point out to them any fragile items that need special care, as well as
    the boxes you will need first when the moving van arrives at your new home. If you
    want certain items packed together, group them together for the packers. Before the
    packers leave, check closets, cabinets, attic and basement to verify that everything has
    been packed.

Moving Day                                                                                  5
Moving Day

 If you're moving yourself, get busy…y uh v afld ya e d
                                        o a e ul a h a !

 If you've hired a moving company, be there when the movers arrive and plan to
    stay until they finish.

 Accompany the movers as they inventory your possessions and resolve any issues
    regarding the condition of any of your household goods.

 Point out the boxes you want loaded last (the ones you'll want unloaded first at
    your new location).

 Carefully review your inventory and bill of lading before signing. Keep these
    papers with you in a safe place.

 Make certain the moving van driver has directions to your new house, as well
    as a phone number where you can be reached.

 Before the moving van leaves, take another tour through your house, verifying that
    everything has been packed.

 Make a note of all utility meter readings.

 Hit the road for your new home!

                                       Delivery Day

Verify that all utilities have been turned on in your new house.

Be on hand at your new house to accept delivery and answer questions as to where
    boxes, furniture and appliances should be placed.

You may need to pay the driver before unloading begins. Payment may need to
    be in the form of cash, certified check or traveler's checks unless other arrangements
    have been made, so be prepared!

Check your possessions carefully as they are unloaded. Before signing any
    documents, note any missing or damaged items on the driver's copy of the inventory.
    You should then personally report any loss or damage to your moving company
    salesperson or move coordinator.

Keep all receipts and documentation of your move for income tax return purposes
    and for loss/damage claim purposes.

Moving Day                                                                                   6
Address Change/Service Change Checklist

Social Security Administration (www.ssa.gov)
Post Office (change online at www.usps.com)
Driver's License
Voter Registration
Vehicle Registration
IRS (use IRS Form 8822)
Department of Veterans Affairs (forms available online at www.va.gov)
Child Support Payments
Current Employers
Previous Employers (as needed for future benefits, such as pensions)
Business Associates
     Financial Institutions
Banks (checking/savings accounts, CDs, safety deposit box)
Lenders (auto, mortgage, student loan)
Credit Card Companies
Insurance Companies (life, health, auto, home, disability)
Investment/Brokerage Accounts
Water and Sewer
Telephone/Cell Phone
Cable or Satellite

Moving Day                                                                7
Address Change/Service Change Checklist (continued)

     Service Providers
Insurance Agent
Financial Advisor
Cleaning Service
Yard Care Service
Book/Music/Movie Clubs
Civic/Community Organizations
Professional Licensing/Certification Boards
Health, Social and Country Clubs
Property Titles
Your Schools
Children's Schools
     Family and Friends

Moving Day                                                   8
Document Checklist

                     Document                         Location
Birth Certificate
Marriage License
Pre- or Post-Nuptial Agreement
Living Will(s)/Power(s) of Attorney
Mortgage Papers
Automobile Titles/Papers
Income Tax Returns
Gift Tax Returns
Insurance Policies
Employee Benefit Documents
Military Records
Medical Records
Citizenship Papers
Current Bills
Funeral/Burial Documents
Other: _________________________

             Business Ownership:
Partnership/Incorporation Documents
Buy-Sell Agreement
Section 303 Stock Redemption Agreement
Business Valuation/Appraisal
Business Tax Returns
Other: _________________________

Moving Day                                                       9
Disclosure Information

© VSA, LP   All rights reserved. LG-07 Ed. 01-10

The information, general principles and conclusions presented in this report are subject to
local, state and federal laws and regulations, court cases and any revisions of same. While
every care has been taken in the preparation of this report, neither VSA, L.P. nor The
National Underwriter Company is engaged in providing legal, accounting, financial or other
professional services. This report should not be used as a substitute for the professional
advice of an attorney, accountant, or other qualified professional.

U.S. Treasury Circular 230 may require us to advise you that "any tax information provided
in this document is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer
for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax
information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or
matter(s) addressed and you should seek advice based on your particular circumstances
from an independent tax advisor."

Moving Day                                                                              10

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Moving day

  • 1. Life Guide Moving Day In a list of life's hassles, moving has to rank near the top of that list! This guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive checklist of decisions to make and tasks to perform in anticipation of a move, hopefully making life on the move easier for you. Table of Contents Page Provided by: Six to Eight Weeks Before Moving 2 Bill Hurlbut Four to Six Weeks Before Moving 3 Hurlbut Insurance Services Two to Four Weeks Before Moving 4 1933 Schumac Ln. Within One Week of Moving 5 Bedford, TX 76022 One Day Before Moving 5 Office: (817) 803-4498 Moving Day 6 bill@hurlbutinsurance.com Delivery Day 6 Address Change/Service Change Checklist 7-8 Document Checklist 9 Disclosure Information 10 LG-07 Moving Day
  • 2. Six to Eight Weeks Before Moving Create a moving file where you will keep all records, receipts and information regarding your move. I y u r mo i gb c u eo ac a g i y u j b lc to o b c u ey u f o ’e vn e a s f h n e n o r o o a in r e a s o started a new job, you may be able to deduct your moving expenses if your move is closely related to the start of work. Make sure you understand what, if any, of your moving expenses will be deductible on your next income tax return and keep the appropriate records. Visit the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for more information. Begin creating an inventory of your household goods. Begin disposing of items you don't plan to move to your new location, designating them for donation, a yard sale or as junk to be thrown away. Create a floor plan of your new home to be used for furniture and appliance placement. This may also help you in deciding which possessions to move and which to dispose of. Start learning more about your new community. Use the Internet and/or contact the local Chamber of Commerce for information. Make the "big" decision: are you going to move yourself or hire a mover? If you decide to move yourself: Get cost estimates from at least two truck rental companies and reserve a truck for the date(s) needed. Locate a source of packing materials. Identify which friends and family members will help with your move or decide if you're going to hire labor. If you decide to hire a mover: Ask friends, family and neighbors for recommendations regarding movers they've used. Understand your rights and responsibilities. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, an arm of the U.S. Department of Transportation, provides a website for this purpose. Spend some time reviewing the information available to you at www.protectyourmove.gov. Decide what, if any, of the packing you want to do. Obtain cost estimates from at least three moving companies. Be sure to disclose all items that are to be moved. Compare the estimates on the basis of cost and services provided. Select the mover you will use and schedule your moving day and delivery day. Add your move contract and other information to your move file. Moving Day 2
  • 3. Four to Six Weeks Before Moving Obtain medical records. Ask doctors/dentists for referrals in your new location. Arrange for school records to be transferred to your children's new school district. Contact your insurance agent concerning homeowners and automobile insurance at both your current and new locations. Check to see if your insurance covers your possessions during transit. If not, you may want to consider purchasing insurance for this purpose. If purchasing a home in your new location, review the impact this might have on your life insurance needs. Obtain vet records for your pets and ask for referrals in your new location. Begin using foods and household items that cannot be moved, such as frozen foods, flammables, cleaning fluids and aerosols. If you're doing your own packing, begin packing items that you don't use often. Schedule disconnection of utility services at your current home and connection at your new home. The general suggestion is to schedule disconnection for one day after your scheduled move day and to schedule connection one day prior to your arrival in your new location. If you're making a long-distance move, make necessary travel plans and reservations. Don't forget to make travel arrangements for your pets (if by air, check on required health certificates). Be certain that ID tags are securely attached to your pet's collar prior to the move. Consider subscribing to the local newspaper in your new hometown. Schedule the cancellation of newspapers at your current location. Plan and hold a garage sale to dispose of unwanted items. Alternatively, donate them to a favorite charity. If you plan to deduct the value of donated items for income tax purposes, be certain to obtain the required documentation from the charity. If you're planning to move any rugs or draperies, consider having them cleaned and leave them in the wrappings for the move. If you're moving any major appliances, check to see if you'll need a service technician to prepare them for shipment. If so, make an appointment for the day before moving day. Consider having antiques and other valuables appraised in order to verify value. Gather important documents and plan to carry them with you. A document checklist appears on page 9. Moving Day 3
  • 4. Two to Four Weeks Before Moving Complete a change of address with the post office (change online at www.usps.com). Make a list of family, friends and businesses who need to be notified of your new address and of services that need to be discontinued. An address change/service change checklist appears on page 7. Have your car serviced prior to the move. Return any borrowed items to neighbors; return library books. Retrieve any items you've loaned to others or that are in storage. Be certain to pick up all dry cleaning and any items out for repair. Decide what you will do with any house plants, as movers will generally not transport them. You may want to give them to family/friends or include them in your garage sale. Assemble a folder of information to leave for the new owner of your house. Transfer prescriptions to a pharmacy in your new location. Be certain you have an adequate supply of prescription medications to last you through the move. Have a "going-away" party for your kids and their friends. Do the same for yourself, but keep it simple. If you're doing your own packing, continue packing items used on an infrequent basis. If you're moving yourself, arrange to have any needed hired labor available on moving day. Moving Day 4
  • 5. Within One Week of Moving Transfer your bank and/or credit union accounts and clear out any safety deposit boxes. Make sure you have sufficient cash or traveler's checks to cover expenses while traveling to your new home. Confirm all travel arrangements, including for your pets. Confirm arrangements with the moving company. Plan meals to help empty the refrigerator. Drain oil and gas from all power equipment to be moved. Drain hoses. Pack the clothing and personal items you will take with you to your new home. Pack an "essentials" box…i mst a wi b n e e f s a y u n w h u e Ce r te h t l e e d d i t t o r e o s . lal l r y mark this box or boxes as "last load." Make arrangements to stay somewhere else the night before moving day. If you're doing your own packing, complete the job. One Day Before Moving  Disconnect major appliances and prepare them for the move (this may require paying a service technician). Defrost your refrigerator and freezer.  If you're doing your own packing, check throughout your house and verify that everything has been packed for the move. If you're moving yourself, dismantle beds and any other large furniture items, such as a dresser and mirror. Verify the availability of family/friends or hired labor for moving day.  If the moving company is doing your packing, be available when the packers arrive. Be sure to point out to them any fragile items that need special care, as well as the boxes you will need first when the moving van arrives at your new home. If you want certain items packed together, group them together for the packers. Before the packers leave, check closets, cabinets, attic and basement to verify that everything has been packed. Moving Day 5
  • 6. Moving Day  If you're moving yourself, get busy…y uh v afld ya e d o a e ul a h a !  If you've hired a moving company, be there when the movers arrive and plan to stay until they finish.  Accompany the movers as they inventory your possessions and resolve any issues regarding the condition of any of your household goods.  Point out the boxes you want loaded last (the ones you'll want unloaded first at your new location).  Carefully review your inventory and bill of lading before signing. Keep these papers with you in a safe place.  Make certain the moving van driver has directions to your new house, as well as a phone number where you can be reached.  Before the moving van leaves, take another tour through your house, verifying that everything has been packed.  Make a note of all utility meter readings.  Hit the road for your new home! Delivery Day Verify that all utilities have been turned on in your new house. Be on hand at your new house to accept delivery and answer questions as to where boxes, furniture and appliances should be placed. You may need to pay the driver before unloading begins. Payment may need to be in the form of cash, certified check or traveler's checks unless other arrangements have been made, so be prepared! Check your possessions carefully as they are unloaded. Before signing any documents, note any missing or damaged items on the driver's copy of the inventory. You should then personally report any loss or damage to your moving company salesperson or move coordinator. Keep all receipts and documentation of your move for income tax return purposes and for loss/damage claim purposes. Moving Day 6
  • 7. Address Change/Service Change Checklist Government Social Security Administration (www.ssa.gov) Post Office (change online at www.usps.com) Driver's License Voter Registration Vehicle Registration Passport IRS (use IRS Form 8822) Department of Veterans Affairs (forms available online at www.va.gov) Child Support Payments Employment Current Employers Previous Employers (as needed for future benefits, such as pensions) Business Associates Financial Institutions Banks (checking/savings accounts, CDs, safety deposit box) Lenders (auto, mortgage, student loan) Credit Card Companies Insurance Companies (life, health, auto, home, disability) Investment/Brokerage Accounts Utilities/Services Water and Sewer Electric Gas Telephone/Cell Phone Garbage Cable or Satellite Internet Moving Day 7
  • 8. Address Change/Service Change Checklist (continued) Service Providers Attorney Accountant Insurance Agent Financial Advisor Doctor Dentist Veterinarian Daycare/Babysitters Cleaning Service Yard Care Service Subscriptions/Memberships Magazines Newspapers Book/Music/Movie Clubs Churches Civic/Community Organizations Professional Licensing/Certification Boards Health, Social and Country Clubs Legal Wills Trusts Property Titles Education Your Schools Children's Schools Family and Friends    Moving Day 8
  • 9. Document Checklist Document Location Personal: Birth Certificate Marriage License Pre- or Post-Nuptial Agreement Will Trust(s) Living Will(s)/Power(s) of Attorney Mortgage Papers Automobile Titles/Papers Income Tax Returns Gift Tax Returns Insurance Policies Employee Benefit Documents Passport Military Records Medical Records Citizenship Papers Warranties Current Bills Funeral/Burial Documents Other: _________________________ Business Ownership: Partnership/Incorporation Documents Buy-Sell Agreement Section 303 Stock Redemption Agreement Business Valuation/Appraisal Business Tax Returns Other: _________________________ Moving Day 9
  • 10. Disclosure Information © VSA, LP All rights reserved. LG-07 Ed. 01-10 The information, general principles and conclusions presented in this report are subject to local, state and federal laws and regulations, court cases and any revisions of same. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this report, neither VSA, L.P. nor The National Underwriter Company is engaged in providing legal, accounting, financial or other professional services. This report should not be used as a substitute for the professional advice of an attorney, accountant, or other qualified professional. U.S. Treasury Circular 230 may require us to advise you that "any tax information provided in this document is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed and you should seek advice based on your particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor." Moving Day 10