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Moving into social media
Communication Executives Programme

      Joakim Lind, Ångström Lab, Uppsala 2009-05-08
A Sweden-based strategic PR and
                                           communications agency that helps
                                           companies and organisations reach
Background                                 out with their messages.

»   Established in 2000
»   International profile
»   International network of partners       Services

»   Offices in Stockholm and Malmö          »   Analysis and strategy
                                            »   Traditional and social media
Focus                                       »   Workshops and seminars

» Corporate and consumer PR                 »   Media training and coaching

» Main focus:                               »   Copy (blogs, cases, opinion, press)

  » ICT/Tech                                »   Press material and media rooms

  » Clean tech                              »   Crisis management

  » Environment
  » Place branding
  » Analysis

Social media is information content created by
people using highly accessible and scalable
publishing technologies. At its most basic sense,
social media is a shift in how people discover, read
and share news, information and content.

Moving into Social Media
Web 1.0 vs 2.0 - The Visual Difference


Social networks/

                    The Company


                    Microblogs    Monitoring
Is your website needed?

What do you do?

The new media landscape

• Newspaper sales

• Radio and TV
  consumption going

• Internet usage

• Media consumption
  being individualised
  and differentiated
                            http://mindpark.se/, IRM
Internet usage is increasing
                                                Traditional media –
                                                   new channels

http://mindpark.se/, World Internet Institute
YouTube up 72% in one year

http://mindpark.se/, comScore Video Metrix
Open Source

• Apache
• Linux
• Firefox
• World wide web
Blog explosion

Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Death of the blog
“The old internet”

Thanks to Joakim Jardenberg             http://www.unc.edu/depts/jomc/academics/dri/idog.jpg
Transparency and authenticity
Your ‘friends’ are your
     best capital

Social media success
 is built on dialogue
    and generosity
Social media characteristics

• Realness/authenticity
• Generosity/reciprocity
• Openness/transparency
• Listening
• Dialogue
Micro blogs
Bombay attacks
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Different strategies,
   different tones
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Technological innovations

Governmental information
Moving into Social Media
• Conferences/

• Support
• Press meetings
• Competitions
• Dialogue
• Archiving
• Easy to integrate on
  your web

• Viral push
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Micro blog search
Media monitoring
- Where are we being
                             Traditional media          forums
mentioned, and how?
- Who is writing about us?
- The media image
- Where do we want to initiate
a dialogue?
- How can we comment?
- Should we comment?

organisations                                    INPUT
Comment on news and other blogs
Social media in
press activities
Moving into Social Media
Customer support

How are you and your
company described on
Moving into Social Media
Moving into Social Media
Creative Commons licence

 •   Be generous with material and the possibilities to use it

 •   Can be used in press, blogs/websites and print
Follow up

•   Most things can be evaluated

•   Ranking on search engines

•   What are the most read articles,
    and most commented stories

•   Most clicked images

•   Awareness related to inquiries/

•   Brand analysis

•   Etc...
Strategy for social media
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)

3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be
   included in your communication plan)
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)

3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be
   included in your communication plan)

4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press)
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)

3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be
   included in your communication plan)

4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press)

5. Division of responsibilities
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)

3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be
   included in your communication plan)

4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press)

5. Division of responsibilities

6. Make sure that web pages can be indexed by search
   engines and web spiders
Strategy for social media
1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social
   media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by
   limiting search terms and sending the results to the
   relevant contacts)

2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where?
   By whom?)

3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be
   included in your communication plan)

4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press)

5. Division of responsibilities

6. Make sure that web pages can be indexed by search
   engines and web spiders

7. Introduce a function to distribute material on your website
Strategy for social media
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.

11. Build personal networks on social web platforms
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.

11. Build personal networks on social web platforms

12. Reciprocity
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.

11. Build personal networks on social web platforms

12. Reciprocity

13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.

11. Build personal networks on social web platforms

12. Reciprocity

13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage

14. Integrate social media in everyday work routines
Strategy for social media

8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a
   large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)

9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement
   and authenticity)

10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s
    questions. Head, heart, gut.

11. Build personal networks on social web platforms

12. Reciprocity

13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage

14. Integrate social media in everyday work routines

15. Evaluate regularly
The best way to learn is to start yourself.

                       It’s fun!

                          Joakim Lind
                mobile: +46 (0)70 928 69 73
                twitter: www.twitter.com/jold
      linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joakimlind

More Related Content

Moving into Social Media

  • 1. Moving into social media Communication Executives Programme http://www.flickr.com/photos/gustavog/9708628/ Joakim Lind, Ångström Lab, Uppsala 2009-05-08
  • 2. A Sweden-based strategic PR and communications agency that helps companies and organisations reach Background out with their messages. » Established in 2000 » International profile » International network of partners Services » Offices in Stockholm and Malmö » Analysis and strategy » Traditional and social media Focus » Workshops and seminars » Corporate and consumer PR » Media training and coaching » Main focus: » Copy (blogs, cases, opinion, press) » ICT/Tech » Press material and media rooms » Clean tech » Crisis management » Environment » Place branding » Analysis www.cloudberry.se
  • 4. Social media is information content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media
  • 6. Web 1.0 vs 2.0 - The Visual Difference http://www.sizlopedia.com/2007/08/18/web-10-vs-web-20-the-visual-difference/
  • 7. Blogs Video/moving images Social networks/ platforms The Company Wikis Photos Microblogs Monitoring www.cloudberry.se
  • 8. Is your website needed? http://www.modernista.com/7/index.php
  • 9. What do you do? http://www.flickr.com/photos/briansolis/2735401175/
  • 11. The new media landscape • Newspaper sales decreasing • Radio and TV consumption going down • Internet usage increasing • Media consumption being individualised and differentiated http://mindpark.se/, IRM
  • 12. Internet usage is increasing Traditional media – new channels http://mindpark.se/, World Internet Institute
  • 13. YouTube up 72% in one year http://mindpark.se/, comScore Video Metrix
  • 14. Open Source • Apache • Linux • MySQL • Firefox • World wide web
  • 18. Death of the blog
  • 19. “The old internet” Thanks to Joakim Jardenberg http://www.unc.edu/depts/jomc/academics/dri/idog.jpg
  • 21. Dialogue Your ‘friends’ are your best capital Social media success is built on dialogue and generosity
  • 22. Social media characteristics • Realness/authenticity • Generosity/reciprocity • Openness/transparency • Listening • Dialogue
  • 27. Different strategies, different tones
  • 33. Video
  • 39. Webcasts • Conferences/ seminars • Support • Press meetings • Competitions • Dialogue • Archiving • Easy to integrate on your web • Viral push
  • 44. Media monitoring Blogs/development - Where are we being Traditional media forums mentioned, and how? - Who is writing about us? - The media image - Where do we want to initiate a dialogue? - How can we comment? - Should we comment? Companies/ organisations INPUT
  • 45. Comment on news and other blogs
  • 46. Social media in press activities
  • 49. Wikipedia How are you and your company described on Wikipedia?
  • 53. Creative Commons licence www.creativecommons.com • Be generous with material and the possibilities to use it • Can be used in press, blogs/websites and print
  • 54. Follow up • Most things can be evaluated online • Ranking on search engines • What are the most read articles, and most commented stories • Most clicked images • Awareness related to inquiries/ sales • Brand analysis • Etc...
  • 56. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts)
  • 57. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?)
  • 58. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?) 3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be included in your communication plan)
  • 59. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?) 3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be included in your communication plan) 4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press)
  • 60. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?) 3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be included in your communication plan) 4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press) 5. Division of responsibilities
  • 61. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?) 3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be included in your communication plan) 4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press) 5. Division of responsibilities 6. Make sure that web pages can be indexed by search engines and web spiders
  • 62. Strategy for social media 1. Monitor and listen to blogs, microblogs and other social media platforms (make sure that the reporting is quick by limiting search terms and sending the results to the relevant contacts) 2. Conduct an analysis (What is written about us, and where? By whom?) 3. Strategy on how you are to work with social media (to be included in your communication plan) 4. Design and introduce a policy for social media (and press) 5. Division of responsibilities 6. Make sure that web pages can be indexed by search engines and web spiders 7. Introduce a function to distribute material on your website (share/RSS)
  • 64. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest)
  • 65. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity)
  • 66. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut.
  • 67. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut. 11. Build personal networks on social web platforms
  • 68. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut. 11. Build personal networks on social web platforms 12. Reciprocity
  • 69. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut. 11. Build personal networks on social web platforms 12. Reciprocity 13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage
  • 70. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut. 11. Build personal networks on social web platforms 12. Reciprocity 13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage 14. Integrate social media in everyday work routines
  • 71. Strategy for social media 8. Educate your organisation (social media success is to a large part built on individuals’ engagement and interest) 9. Not everyone has to take part! (the need for engagement and authenticity) 10. Be active in your dialogue. Reply to other people’s questions. Head, heart, gut. 11. Build personal networks on social web platforms 12. Reciprocity 13. Start on a scale that you are able to handle and can manage 14. Integrate social media in everyday work routines 15. Evaluate regularly
  • 72. The best way to learn is to start yourself. It’s fun! http://www.flickr.com/photos/leecullivan/392574779/in/photostream/ Joakim Lind joakim.lind@cloudberry.se mobile: +46 (0)70 928 69 73 twitter: www.twitter.com/jold linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joakimlind 57