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Moving Toward Pedagogical
Change: Faculty, Teaching with
Technology and Leadership

                                        COHERE 2012 Calgary
               Dr. M. Cleveland-Innes
               Athabasca University
The argument
“All the teaching development and technology training possible
will not yield the teaching change required in the 21st century,
even for the most motivated, until the context changes, such
that teaching is a central focus, rewarded and supported in
ways that it has not in the past .” SSHRC proposal 2011

                                                                   COHERE 2012 Calgary
Pedagogical Development


                                     COHERE 2012 Calgary
     Learning theory +

                          X Factor

Pedagogical Development

1.   Plan for the creation of open communication and trust
2.   Plan for critical reflection and discourse
3.   Establish community and cohesion

                                                              COHERE 2012 Calgary
4.   Establish inquiry dynamics (purposeful inquiry)
5.   Sustain respect and responsibility
6.   Sustain inquiry that moves to resolution
7.   Ensure assessment is congruent with intended processes
     and outcomes

Characteristicseducation, and its role in society.
• understaning of the purpose of
  Education is fundamentally characterized by a quest for improving
  the human condition. It is to overcome social and economic
  challenges, resolve inequities, promote societal power and prowess
  and allow for individual development.
                                                      Schofield, 1999
• ….. the newly emerging society requires an education system that

                                                                          COHERE 2012 Calgary
  takes advantage of the democratization and contestation of
  knowledge and promotes technological and cross-cultural
                                                         Bloland, 2006

•   a network of interacting individuals and partnerships
•   flexibility, boundary openness
•   dispersed complexity, variability
•   concerted, collaborative action through relationships
•   central support                                                            5

                                           • Adapted from Bennett, 2002
Post-industrial Structures
In 2020, higher education will not be much different from the way it is today.
While people will be accessing more resources in classrooms through the use
of large screens, teleconferencing, and personal wireless smart devices, most
universities will mostly require in-person, on-campus attendance of students
most of the time at courses featuring a lot of traditional lectures. Most
universities’ assessment of learning and their requirements for graduation will
be about the same as they are now.

                                                                                     COHERE 2012 Calgary

By 2020, higher education will be quite different from the way it is today.
There will be mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning to
leverage expert resources. Significant numbers of learning activities will move
to individualized, just-in-time learning approaches. There will be a transition to
“hybrid” classes that combine online learning components with less-frequent
on-campus, in-person class meetings. Most universities’ assessment of
learning will take into account more individually-oriented outcomes and
capacities that are relevant to subject mastery. Requirements for graduation              6
will be significantly shifted to customized outcomes.
Leadership Strategy

                      COHERE 2012 Calgary
Leadership Strategy
……an entrepreneurial culture is emerging in
education, and that multiple leadership strategies
are required to embed this new culture and make
the resulting changes to organizational structures
and processes. This context is critical to our

                                                                                                                         COHERE 2012 Calgary
considerations of leadership in education, made
even more interesting by changing technology and
other societal changes.

     Latchem, C., & Hanna, D. E. (2001). Leadership in open and flexible learning. In C. Latchem & D. E. Hanna (Eds.),
Leadership for 21st century learning: Global perspectives from educational innovators (pp. 53-62). Oxon, UK: Routledge
Leadership Strategy
(The higher education leader) All those involved in education of
the 21st century will exhibit strong character, well-developed
personal skills and the ability to create and communicate vision
(Garrison & Vaughan 2008). In addition to these personal traits,
(this new leader) these people will be willing and able to 1.

                                                                     COHERE 2012 Calgary
manage change and innovation 2. listen to and assist
stakeholders, maintaining and enhancing relationships between
the institution and relevant partners, 3. embrace the realities of
network environments and 4. ensure transformation to a new
model of teaching and learning. (Cleveland-Innes & Sangra,

Leadership Strategy
To what extent is the transition to blended
and online learning in higher education,
where is does or could occur, following
leadership models for 21st century post-

                                              COHERE 2012 Calgary
industrial society?

Uncovering the dark spots
Some interesting references
Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Learning on Demand: Online
Education in the United States. Newburyport, MA: The Sloan

Atkinson, M.P. (2001). The scholarship of teaching and learning:

                                                                   Congress 2011 CSSHE
Reconceptualizing scholarship and transforming the academy.
Social Forces 79(4), 1217-1229

Blau, J.R. & Goodman, N., eds. (1995). Social roles & social
institutions. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

Cleveland-Innes, M. & Garrison, D. R. (2010). An introduction to
distance education: Understanding teaching and learning in a
new era. New York: Routledge.
Cleveland-Innes, M. & Garrison, D.R. (2009). The role of learner
in an online community of inquiry: Instructor support for first
time online learners. In N. Karacapilidis (Ed.), Solutions and
innovations in web-based technologies for augmented learning:
Improved platforms, tools and applications. p. 167-184. Hershey,
PA, USA: IGI Global.

Cleveland-Innes, M., Sangra-Morer, A., & Garrison, R. (October,

                                                                    Congress 2011 CSSHE
2008). The art of teaching in an online community of inquiry: The
online teacher as bricoleur. Paper presented at 5th European
Distance Education Network Research Workshop, Paris, France.

Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2009). Frequency and types of
instructor-interactions in online instruction. Journal of
Interactive Online Learning 8(1). Retrieved September 28, 2010
from www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/PDF/8.1.2.pdf                        13
Fairweather, J. S. (2002). The mythologies of faculty
productivity: Implications for institutional policy and decision
making. The Journal of Higher Education 73(1). Retrieved
September 23, 2010 from

Gudea, S.R. (2008). Expectations and demands in online

                                                                     Congress 2011 CSSHE
teaching: Practical experiences. USA: IGI Publishing.

Kanwar, M. & Swenson, D. (2000). Canadian Sociology. Iowa:
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Kendall, D., Murray, J., & Linden, R. Sociology in our times. (2nd
ed.). Ontario: Canadian Cataloguing in Publication
Maxwell, J.A. (2005). Qualitative research design. An interactive
approach, 2nd edition. New York: Sage Publications.

Rhoades, G. (2006). The higher education we choose: A question
of balance. The Review of Higher Education 29(3), 381-404.
Retrieved August 25, 2010, from Project MUSE database.

Rhoades, G. & Maitland, C. (2004). Bargaining Workload and
Workforce on the High Tech Campus. The NEA 2004 Almanac of

                                                                    Congress 2011 CSSHE
Higher Education (pp.75-81). Retrieved from

Tomei, L. (2004). The impact of online teaching on faculty load:
Computing the ideal class size for online courses. International
Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning 1(1).
Retrieved from
Yick, A., Patrick, P., & Costin, A. (2005). Navigating distance and
traditional higher education: Online faculty experiences. The
International Review Of Research In Open And Distance
Learning, 6(2). Retrieved from

                                                                      Congress 2011 CSSHE
I would like to acknowledge the support of the Academic Research
  Committee at Athabasca University in the form of a Mission Critical
  Research Grant and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
  Council for their support of this research.

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Moving toward pedagogical change faculty, teaching with technology and leadership

  • 1. Moving Toward Pedagogical Change: Faculty, Teaching with Technology and Leadership COHERE 2012 Calgary Dr. M. Cleveland-Innes Athabasca University 1
  • 2. The argument “All the teaching development and technology training possible will not yield the teaching change required in the 21st century, even for the most motivated, until the context changes, such that teaching is a central focus, rewarded and supported in ways that it has not in the past .” SSHRC proposal 2011 COHERE 2012 Calgary 2
  • 3. Pedagogical Development Embedded material COHERE 2012 Calgary Learning theory + Technology X Factor 3
  • 4. Pedagogical Development 1. Plan for the creation of open communication and trust 2. Plan for critical reflection and discourse 3. Establish community and cohesion COHERE 2012 Calgary 4. Establish inquiry dynamics (purposeful inquiry) 5. Sustain respect and responsibility 6. Sustain inquiry that moves to resolution 7. Ensure assessment is congruent with intended processes and outcomes 4
  • 5. Post-industrial Characteristicseducation, and its role in society. • understaning of the purpose of Education is fundamentally characterized by a quest for improving the human condition. It is to overcome social and economic challenges, resolve inequities, promote societal power and prowess and allow for individual development. Schofield, 1999 • ….. the newly emerging society requires an education system that COHERE 2012 Calgary takes advantage of the democratization and contestation of knowledge and promotes technological and cross-cultural citizenship. Bloland, 2006 • a network of interacting individuals and partnerships • flexibility, boundary openness • dispersed complexity, variability • concerted, collaborative action through relationships • central support 5 • Adapted from Bennett, 2002
  • 6. Post-industrial Structures In 2020, higher education will not be much different from the way it is today. While people will be accessing more resources in classrooms through the use of large screens, teleconferencing, and personal wireless smart devices, most universities will mostly require in-person, on-campus attendance of students most of the time at courses featuring a lot of traditional lectures. Most universities’ assessment of learning and their requirements for graduation will be about the same as they are now. COHERE 2012 Calgary OR By 2020, higher education will be quite different from the way it is today. There will be mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning to leverage expert resources. Significant numbers of learning activities will move to individualized, just-in-time learning approaches. There will be a transition to “hybrid” classes that combine online learning components with less-frequent on-campus, in-person class meetings. Most universities’ assessment of learning will take into account more individually-oriented outcomes and capacities that are relevant to subject mastery. Requirements for graduation 6 will be significantly shifted to customized outcomes.
  • 7. Leadership Strategy COHERE 2012 Calgary 7
  • 8. Leadership Strategy ……an entrepreneurial culture is emerging in education, and that multiple leadership strategies are required to embed this new culture and make the resulting changes to organizational structures and processes. This context is critical to our COHERE 2012 Calgary considerations of leadership in education, made even more interesting by changing technology and other societal changes. Latchem, C., & Hanna, D. E. (2001). Leadership in open and flexible learning. In C. Latchem & D. E. Hanna (Eds.), Leadership for 21st century learning: Global perspectives from educational innovators (pp. 53-62). Oxon, UK: Routledge 8
  • 9. Leadership Strategy (The higher education leader) All those involved in education of the 21st century will exhibit strong character, well-developed personal skills and the ability to create and communicate vision (Garrison & Vaughan 2008). In addition to these personal traits, (this new leader) these people will be willing and able to 1. COHERE 2012 Calgary manage change and innovation 2. listen to and assist stakeholders, maintaining and enhancing relationships between the institution and relevant partners, 3. embrace the realities of network environments and 4. ensure transformation to a new model of teaching and learning. (Cleveland-Innes & Sangra, 2011). 9
  • 10. Leadership Strategy To what extent is the transition to blended and online learning in higher education, where is does or could occur, following leadership models for 21st century post- COHERE 2012 Calgary industrial society? 10
  • 12. Some interesting references Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Learning on Demand: Online Education in the United States. Newburyport, MA: The Sloan Consortium. Atkinson, M.P. (2001). The scholarship of teaching and learning: Congress 2011 CSSHE Reconceptualizing scholarship and transforming the academy. Social Forces 79(4), 1217-1229 Blau, J.R. & Goodman, N., eds. (1995). Social roles & social institutions. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. Cleveland-Innes, M. & Garrison, D. R. (2010). An introduction to 12 distance education: Understanding teaching and learning in a new era. New York: Routledge.
  • 13. Cleveland-Innes, M. & Garrison, D.R. (2009). The role of learner in an online community of inquiry: Instructor support for first time online learners. In N. Karacapilidis (Ed.), Solutions and innovations in web-based technologies for augmented learning: Improved platforms, tools and applications. p. 167-184. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. Cleveland-Innes, M., Sangra-Morer, A., & Garrison, R. (October, Congress 2011 CSSHE 2008). The art of teaching in an online community of inquiry: The online teacher as bricoleur. Paper presented at 5th European Distance Education Network Research Workshop, Paris, France. Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2009). Frequency and types of instructor-interactions in online instruction. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 8(1). Retrieved September 28, 2010 from www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/PDF/8.1.2.pdf 13
  • 14. Fairweather, J. S. (2002). The mythologies of faculty productivity: Implications for institutional policy and decision making. The Journal of Higher Education 73(1). Retrieved September 23, 2010 from B1%5D.pdf Gudea, S.R. (2008). Expectations and demands in online Congress 2011 CSSHE teaching: Practical experiences. USA: IGI Publishing. Kanwar, M. & Swenson, D. (2000). Canadian Sociology. Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Kendall, D., Murray, J., & Linden, R. Sociology in our times. (2nd ed.). Ontario: Canadian Cataloguing in Publication 14
  • 15. Maxwell, J.A. (2005). Qualitative research design. An interactive approach, 2nd edition. New York: Sage Publications. Rhoades, G. (2006). The higher education we choose: A question of balance. The Review of Higher Education 29(3), 381-404. Retrieved August 25, 2010, from Project MUSE database. Rhoades, G. & Maitland, C. (2004). Bargaining Workload and Workforce on the High Tech Campus. The NEA 2004 Almanac of Congress 2011 CSSHE Higher Education (pp.75-81). Retrieved from http://www.nea.org/assets/img/PubAlmanac/ALM_04_06.pdf Tomei, L. (2004). The impact of online teaching on faculty load: Computing the ideal class size for online courses. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning 1(1). Retrieved from 15 http://www.itdl.org/journal/Jan_04/article04.htm
  • 16. Yick, A., Patrick, P., & Costin, A. (2005). Navigating distance and traditional higher education: Online faculty experiences. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 6(2). Retrieved from http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/235 Congress 2011 CSSHE 16
  • 17. THANK YOU I would like to acknowledge the support of the Academic Research Committee at Athabasca University in the form of a Mission Critical Research Grant and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for their support of this research.

Editor's Notes

  1. No systematic teaching training in post-secondary as there is K-12 Increasing complexity as tech changes, understanding of learning and cognition expands, cultures mix and interdisciplinary approaches become the norm
  2. According to Keller (2008), changes in values, finances, behaviour, technology and education “constitutes the most consequential set of changes in society since the late nineteenth century, when the nation went from a largely domestic, rural, agrarian mode of living to an industrial, international, and urban economy” (Preface xi).