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Matching the Project Manager’s
        Leadership Style to
              Project Type

       Dr Ralf Müller, Umeå School of Business
              Umeå University, Sweden
 Professor J Rodney Turner, Kemmy Business School
            University of Limerick, Ireland
Two pervading beliefs about Project
• The PM’s competence, including leadership
  style, is not a success factor on projects
  – it is all tools and techniques
  – “if you can move a mouse, you can manage a project”
  – the proverbial chimpanzee can manage a project with
    the right tools
• Any project manager can manage any
  – not domain specific
  – regardless of temperament
Does PM leadership
competence matter?

• The project success literature
  studiously ignores the project
  manager, and his or her
  competence or leadership
  style as a potential success
  factor on projects
• The competent application of
  tools and techniques is seen
  as a success factor, but not
  the project manager him- or
Research question

• Is the competence of the
  project manager, including
  personality and leadership
  style, a success factor on

• Are different competence
  profiles appropriate for
  different project types?
Matching Project Manager Leadership
       Style to Project Type

            Theories of leadership
     Our hypotheses and research model
                 Initial results
  Profiles of managers of successful projects
Confucius (500BC)

• De (virtues)
  – Jen (relationships)
  – Xiao (values)
  – Li (process)
  – Zhang rong (doctrine of
    the mean)
Aristotle (300BC)

• Pathos      Form relationships with your team
• Ethos       Sell them your values and vision
• Logos       Then and only then persuade them with the logic

• Adequate managers go straight in with the logos
• Effective leaders work through pathos>ethos>logos
Chester L Barnard (1938)

• Cognitive roles
  – delegate
  – but guide subordinates and
    limit choices

• Cathectic roles
  – motivation
  – goal setting
Theories of leadership

•   1930s-1940s   Trait school
•   1940s-1950s   Behavioral or style school
•   1960s-1970s   Contingency school
•   1980s-1990s   Visionary or charismatic school
•   2000s         Emotional intelligence school
•   2000s         Competence school
Theories of leadership and project
 • Trait school
    – Turner (1993), 7 traits
 • Behavioural or style school
    – Frame (1987), Turner (1993), 4 styles
 • Contingency school
    – Frame (1987), Turner (1993), styles and the life-cycle
 • Visionary or charismatic school
    – Keegan and den Hartog (2004)
 • Emotional intelligence school
    – Lee Kelley et al (2003)
 • Competence school
    – Crawford (2002)
Team member behaviour

• Theories of team member
   – Myers-Briggs
   – 16PF
   – Belbin
   – Margerison and McCann
• Only weakly correlated to
  leadership success (Dulewicz
  and Higgs, 2003)
• So we are discounting them
Emotional Intelligence School -
Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2002)
• All managers are reasonably intelligent
   – entry level of knowledge and skills

• So it is emotional dimensions that differentiate
  effective leaders from adequate managers
• The emotional intelligence of the CEO influences the
  shareholder value of the company (2,000 data points)
Emotional intelligence -
nineteen emotional competencies
• Personal competence
  – self-awareness - 3 competencies
  – self-management - 6 competencies
• Social competence
  – social awareness - 3 competencies
  – relationship management - 7 competencies

            Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2002)
Competence school

 • Encompasses all the other schools
 • Competence is
   –   knowledge
   –   skills
   –   personal characteristics, traits, behaviours
   –   that deliver superior results
 • Different competence profiles appropriate
   in different circumstances
 • Build up competence profile of
   transactional and transformational
Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) -
15 leadership competencies
• Emotional, EQ
  –   self-awareness
  –   emotional resilience
  –   motivation
  –   sensitivity
  –   influence
  –   intuitiveness
  –   conscientiousness
Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) -
15 leadership competencies
• Intellectual, IQ
   – critical analysis and
   – vision and imagination
   – strategic perspective
• Managerial, MQ
   –   engaging communication
   –   managing resources
   –   empowering
   –   developing
   –   achieving
Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) -
3 leadership styles

Style           Successful when:
Goal oriented   Relatively stable change
Involving       Significant change
Engaging        Transformational change
How far have we come in 2.500 years?

                    People   Vision   Process

Confucius 500BC     Jen      Xiao      Li

Aristotle   300BC   Pathos   Ethos     Logos

Dulewicz    2003    EQ       IQ        MQ
& Higgs
A company cannot be managed by a

  • The CEOs leadership style impacts the
    performance of the company
     – the CEO does more than move a mouse
  • Different leadership styles are required for
    different types of company in different
     – board of Channel Tunnel changed as they moved from
       construction to operation
  • Why, oh why, oh why do we think it is any
    different for the temporary organization that is a
Matching Project Manager Leadership
       Style to Project Type

              Theories of leadership
   Our hypotheses and research model
                  Initial results
  Profiles of managers of successful projects
Early Hypotheses

• H1: The project manager’s competence, which
  includes leadership style, is positively correlated to
  project success
   – Dulewicz and Higgs 15 factor model for leadership
   – 10 success factors
• H2: Different combinations of project management
  competencies are correlated with success on different
  project types
   – 19 types model
Hypotheses for this study

• H0: There are no differences in project manager
  leadership competencies in successful projects of
  different type.
• HA: There are differences in project manager
  leadership competencies in successful projects of
  different type.
Our research model
       Independent     Moderating         Dependent
         Variables      Variables         Variables


                        Project Type
                       Strategic Impact
                       Life-cycle Stage
Our model - 15 leadership competencies

 • Intellectual, IQ              • Emotional, EQ
    – critical analysis and        –   self-awareness
      judgement                    –   emotional resilience
    – vision and imagination       –   motivation
    – strategic perspective        –   sensitivity
 • Managerial, MQ                  –   influence
                                   –   intuitiveness
    –   engaging communication
                                   –   conscientiousness
    –   managing resources
    –   empowering
    –   developing
    –   achieving
Our model - success criteria
- web-based questionnaire
•   Meeting performance targets
•   Meeting user requirements
•   Meeting project purpose
•   Client satisfaction with results
•   Reoccurring business with the client
•   User satisfaction with the results
•   Supplier satisfaction
•   Project team satisfaction
•   Other stakeholders satisfaction
•   The respondent’s own defined criteria
Our model - 19 types of projects

 Attribute          Project Types
 Application area   Engineering, ICT, Business
 Complexity         Low, Medium, High
 Life-cycle stage   Feasibility, Design, Execution, Close-out
 Strategic import   Mandatory, Repositioning, Renewal
 Culture            Home, hosting, expatriate

 Type of contract   Fixed price, remeasurement, alliance
Study 1: Fourteen interviews

Countries       Industries
• Austria       • Project management consulting
• Australia     • Design and construction
• Germany       • Research
• Netherlands   • Telecommunications
• Sweden        • Manufacturing
• UK
Choosing project managers
- General conclusions
• Competence always important
  – technical knowledge
  – management skill and experience

• Leadership style more important on complex projects
• Task focus versus people focus
  – technical skills important on technical projects
  – relationship skills important on change projects

• Some competencies are an entry ticket to being a
  member of the project management pool
Choosing project managers
- Personality or leadership style
  • Ability to deal or communicate with stakeholders,
    political sensitivity (8 times)
  • Contract type (4 times)
     – fixed price
     – remeasurement or alliance – sensitive, trustworthy, calm

  • Able to deal with client (4 times)
  • Able to deal with complexity, ambiguity and
    expected issues, duration (7 times)
Choosing project managers
- Personality or leadership style

  • Cultural sensitivity, geography, language (4 times)
  • Location and nature of work within the company
    (2 times)
  • Type of assignment (2 times)
    – consultancy versus project management
    – technical versus change project
  • Duration and budget, project size (3 times)
  • Able to balance work and home life (2 times)
Interview ratings -
15 leadership competencies
• Emotional                  2.4
  –   self-awareness               2.4
  –   emotional resilience         2.4
  –   motivation                   2.7
  –   sensitivity                  2.4
  –   influence                    2.4
  –   intuitiveness                2.0
  –   conscientiousness            2.5
Interview ratings -
15 leadership competencies
• Intellectual                      2.1
   – critical analysis, judgement         2.5
   – vision and imagination               2.0
   – strategic perspective                1.9
• Managerial                        2.4
   –   engaging communication             2.6
   –   managing resources                 2.6
   –   empowering                         2.4
   –   developing                         2.0
   –   achieving                          2.7
Study 2: Web based questionnaire

• Two parts
• Project success
  – rate ten success criteria
  – claimed performance of last
    project against ten criteria
  – nature of last project

• Leadership style
  – demographic data
  – psychometric test

   • 950 to Part 1
   • 414 to Part 2
   • 400 useable
   • 70% males
   • 50% US
Initial analysis

• Leadership dimensions correlated (positively
  and negatively) with project success on
  different types of project
• Profiles of project managers for different types
  of project
Leadership styles correlated with success

• All projects
  – EQ
  – conscientiousness, sensitivity, communication
  – strategic perspective
• Engineering projects
  – EQ
  – motivation, conscientiousness, sensitivity
  – vision
Leadership styles correlated with success

• IT projects
  – EQ
  – self-awareness, communication
  – vision
• Organizational change projects
  – EQ
  – motivation, communication
  – vision
Leadership styles correlated with success

• Medium complexity projects
  – EQ
  – emotional resilience, communication
  – vision
• High complexity projects
  – EQ
  – sensitivity
Leadership styles correlated with success

• Mandatory projects
  – MQ
  – developing
• Repositioning projects
  – EQ
  – motivation
• Renewal projects
  – EQ
  – self-awareness, communication
Leadership styles correlated with success

• Fixed price contracts
  – MQ
  – sensitivity, communication
• Remeasurement contracts
  – EQ, IQ
  – self-awareness, communication
  – empowering
Leadership styles correlated with success

• Life-cycle
  –   EQ – throughout
  –   conscientiousness, communication – throughout
  –   motivation, sensitivity – commissioning
  –   managing resources - design
  –   strategic perspective – design, execution,
Matching Project Manager Leadership
Style to Project Type

            Theories of leadership
      Our hypotheses and research model
                 Early results
Profiles of managers of successful projects
Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Eng, IT, Org)

                                    Critcal thinking
                                    Critcal thinking
                                    Critcal thinking
                  Conscientiousness                   Vision

                   Motivation               2
                                            2                   Strategic perspective
                                                               Strategic perspective
                                                               Strategic perspective

                Influence                   1
                                            1                      Managing resources
                                                                    Managing resources
                                                                   Managing resources

             Sensitivity                                            Communication

              Intuitiveness                                      Empowering

             Emotional resilence
             Emotional resilence
             Emotional resilence                           Developing
                         Self awareness
                         Self awareness
                          Self awareness           Achieving

                               Org. Change
                                        IT EngineeeringEngineeering
Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Importance)

                                        Critcal thinking
                                        Critcal thinking
                  Conscientiousness                        Vision

                   Motivation                 22                    Strategic perspective
                                                                     Strategic perspective

                 Influence                    11                        Managing resources
                                                                        Managing resources

              Sensitivity                                                Communication

              Intuitiveness                                           Empowering

             Emotional resilence
             Emotional resilence                              Developing
                             Self awareness
                             Self awareness         Achieving

                             Repositioning Mandatory
                                      Renewal Renewal     Mandatory
Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Complexity)

                                     Critcal thinking
                                     Critcal thinking
                   Conscientiousness                  Vision

                     Motivation               2
                                              2                Strategic perspective
                                                               Strategic perspective

                 Influence                    1
                                              1                    Managing resources
                                                                   Managing resources

               Sensitivity                                          Communication

                Intuitiveness                                    Empowering

               Emotional resilence
                         resilence                       Developing
                             Self awareness
                             Self awareness       Achieving

                  High complexity
                            Medium complexity complexitycomplexity complexity
                                     Medium        Low
                                      Low complexity         Low
Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Contracts)

                                      Critcal thinking
                                      Critcal thinking
                    Conscientiousness                  Vision

                      Motivation               2
                                               2                  Strategic perspective
                                                                  Strategic perspective

                  Influence                    1
                                               1                      Managing resources
                                                                      Managing resources

                Sensitivity                                            Communication

                 Intuitiveness                                      Empowering

                Emotional resilence
                Emotional resilence                          Developing
                              Self awareness
                              Self awareness          Achieving

                              Fixed price      Alliance Alliance Alliance
Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Life-cycle)

                                        Critcal thinking
                                        Critcal thinking
                                        Critcal thinking
                                        Critcal thinking
                      Conscientiousness      33          Vision
                      Conscientiousness                  Vision
                        Motivation             2
                                               2                  Strategic perspective
                                                                  Strategic perspective
                        Motivation             2
                                               2                  Strategic perspective

                    Influence                  1
                                               1                      Managing resources
                                                                      Managing resources
                     Influence                 1
                                               1                      Managing resources

                  Sensitivity                  0
                                               0                       Communication
                  Sensitivity                                          Communication

                    Intuitiveness                                   Empowering
                   Intuitiveness                                    Empowering

                 Emotional resilence
                 Emotional resilence
                 Emotional resilence                          Developing
                 Emotional resilence
                             Self awareness
                             Self awareness
                              Self awareness          Achieving
                              Self awareness          Achieving

                          Cl, Com De,         De, Ex, Cl De, Ex, Cl, Ex,
                                               De, Ex,
             Fea, De, Ex, Fea, De, Ex, ClEx, De, ComCl Cl, ComEx, ClDe, Com Cl
                                       Fea, Cl, Ex,         De,                  De, Ex, Cl
Recommendations: a five step process

• Recognize types of projects
• Assess leadership styles of Project
• Develop profiles in accordance
  with project needs
• Differentiate different types of
  projects in the organization
• Value your project managers
Further analysis

• Rating of success criteria by:
   – type of project
   – gender
   – geography
• Claimed performance of projects against those
  success criteria by
   – type of project
   – gender
   – geography
That’s All Folks


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Muller ralf

  • 1. Matching the Project Manager’s Leadership Style to Project Type Dr Ralf Müller, Umeå School of Business Umeå University, Sweden Professor J Rodney Turner, Kemmy Business School University of Limerick, Ireland
  • 2. Two pervading beliefs about Project Management • The PM’s competence, including leadership style, is not a success factor on projects – it is all tools and techniques – “if you can move a mouse, you can manage a project” – the proverbial chimpanzee can manage a project with the right tools • Any project manager can manage any project – not domain specific – regardless of temperament
  • 3. Does PM leadership competence matter? • The project success literature studiously ignores the project manager, and his or her competence or leadership style as a potential success factor on projects • The competent application of tools and techniques is seen as a success factor, but not the project manager him- or herself
  • 4. Research question • Is the competence of the project manager, including personality and leadership style, a success factor on projects? • Are different competence profiles appropriate for different project types?
  • 5. Matching Project Manager Leadership Style to Project Type Theories of leadership Our hypotheses and research model Initial results Profiles of managers of successful projects
  • 6. Confucius (500BC) • De (virtues) – Jen (relationships) – Xiao (values) – Li (process) – Zhang rong (doctrine of the mean)
  • 7. Aristotle (300BC) • Pathos Form relationships with your team • Ethos Sell them your values and vision • Logos Then and only then persuade them with the logic • Adequate managers go straight in with the logos • Effective leaders work through pathos>ethos>logos
  • 8. Chester L Barnard (1938) • Cognitive roles (transactional) – delegate – but guide subordinates and limit choices • Cathectic roles (transformational) – motivation – goal setting
  • 9. Theories of leadership • 1930s-1940s Trait school • 1940s-1950s Behavioral or style school • 1960s-1970s Contingency school • 1980s-1990s Visionary or charismatic school • 2000s Emotional intelligence school • 2000s Competence school
  • 10. Theories of leadership and project management • Trait school – Turner (1993), 7 traits • Behavioural or style school – Frame (1987), Turner (1993), 4 styles • Contingency school – Frame (1987), Turner (1993), styles and the life-cycle • Visionary or charismatic school – Keegan and den Hartog (2004) • Emotional intelligence school – Lee Kelley et al (2003) • Competence school – Crawford (2002)
  • 11. Team member behaviour • Theories of team member behaviour – Myers-Briggs – 16PF – Belbin – Margerison and McCann • Only weakly correlated to leadership success (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2003) • So we are discounting them
  • 12. Emotional Intelligence School - Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2002) • All managers are reasonably intelligent – entry level of knowledge and skills • So it is emotional dimensions that differentiate effective leaders from adequate managers • The emotional intelligence of the CEO influences the shareholder value of the company (2,000 data points)
  • 13. Emotional intelligence - nineteen emotional competencies • Personal competence – self-awareness - 3 competencies – self-management - 6 competencies • Social competence – social awareness - 3 competencies – relationship management - 7 competencies Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2002)
  • 14. Competence school • Encompasses all the other schools • Competence is – knowledge – skills – personal characteristics, traits, behaviours – that deliver superior results • Different competence profiles appropriate in different circumstances • Build up competence profile of transactional and transformational leadership
  • 15. Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) - 15 leadership competencies • Emotional, EQ – self-awareness – emotional resilience – motivation – sensitivity – influence – intuitiveness – conscientiousness
  • 16. Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) - 15 leadership competencies • Intellectual, IQ – critical analysis and judgement – vision and imagination – strategic perspective • Managerial, MQ – engaging communication – managing resources – empowering – developing – achieving
  • 17. Dulewicz and Higgs (Henley) - 3 leadership styles Style Successful when: Goal oriented Relatively stable change Involving Significant change Engaging Transformational change
  • 18. How far have we come in 2.500 years? People Vision Process Confucius 500BC Jen Xiao Li Aristotle 300BC Pathos Ethos Logos Dulewicz 2003 EQ IQ MQ & Higgs
  • 19. A company cannot be managed by a chimpanzee • The CEOs leadership style impacts the performance of the company – the CEO does more than move a mouse • Different leadership styles are required for different types of company in different circumstances – board of Channel Tunnel changed as they moved from construction to operation • Why, oh why, oh why do we think it is any different for the temporary organization that is a project???!!!
  • 20. Matching Project Manager Leadership Style to Project Type Theories of leadership Our hypotheses and research model Initial results Profiles of managers of successful projects
  • 21. Early Hypotheses • H1: The project manager’s competence, which includes leadership style, is positively correlated to project success – Dulewicz and Higgs 15 factor model for leadership – 10 success factors • H2: Different combinations of project management competencies are correlated with success on different project types – 19 types model
  • 22. Hypotheses for this study • H0: There are no differences in project manager leadership competencies in successful projects of different type. • HA: There are differences in project manager leadership competencies in successful projects of different type.
  • 23. Our research model Independent Moderating Dependent Variables Variables Variables Project Leader Success Competencies Sponsor 3IQ User 5MQ Supplier 7EQ Project Project Type Application Strategic Impact Life-cycle Stage Complexity Culture
  • 24. Our model - 15 leadership competencies • Intellectual, IQ • Emotional, EQ – critical analysis and – self-awareness judgement – emotional resilience – vision and imagination – motivation – strategic perspective – sensitivity • Managerial, MQ – influence – intuitiveness – engaging communication – conscientiousness – managing resources – empowering – developing – achieving
  • 25. Our model - success criteria - web-based questionnaire • Meeting performance targets • Meeting user requirements • Meeting project purpose • Client satisfaction with results • Reoccurring business with the client • User satisfaction with the results • Supplier satisfaction • Project team satisfaction • Other stakeholders satisfaction • The respondent’s own defined criteria
  • 26. Our model - 19 types of projects Attribute Project Types Application area Engineering, ICT, Business Complexity Low, Medium, High Life-cycle stage Feasibility, Design, Execution, Close-out Strategic import Mandatory, Repositioning, Renewal Culture Home, hosting, expatriate Type of contract Fixed price, remeasurement, alliance
  • 27. Study 1: Fourteen interviews Countries Industries • Austria • Project management consulting • Australia • Design and construction • Germany • Research • Netherlands • Telecommunications • Sweden • Manufacturing • UK • USA
  • 28. Choosing project managers - General conclusions • Competence always important – technical knowledge – management skill and experience • Leadership style more important on complex projects • Task focus versus people focus – technical skills important on technical projects – relationship skills important on change projects • Some competencies are an entry ticket to being a member of the project management pool
  • 29. Choosing project managers - Personality or leadership style • Ability to deal or communicate with stakeholders, political sensitivity (8 times) • Contract type (4 times) – fixed price – remeasurement or alliance – sensitive, trustworthy, calm • Able to deal with client (4 times) • Able to deal with complexity, ambiguity and expected issues, duration (7 times)
  • 30. Choosing project managers - Personality or leadership style • Cultural sensitivity, geography, language (4 times) • Location and nature of work within the company (2 times) • Type of assignment (2 times) – consultancy versus project management – technical versus change project • Duration and budget, project size (3 times) • Able to balance work and home life (2 times)
  • 31. Interview ratings - 15 leadership competencies • Emotional 2.4 – self-awareness 2.4 – emotional resilience 2.4 – motivation 2.7 – sensitivity 2.4 – influence 2.4 – intuitiveness 2.0 – conscientiousness 2.5
  • 32. Interview ratings - 15 leadership competencies • Intellectual 2.1 – critical analysis, judgement 2.5 – vision and imagination 2.0 – strategic perspective 1.9 • Managerial 2.4 – engaging communication 2.6 – managing resources 2.6 – empowering 2.4 – developing 2.0 – achieving 2.7
  • 33. Study 2: Web based questionnaire • Two parts • Project success – rate ten success criteria – claimed performance of last project against ten criteria – nature of last project • Leadership style – demographic data – psychometric test
  • 34. Responses • 950 to Part 1 • 414 to Part 2 • 400 useable • 70% males • 50% US
  • 35. Initial analysis • Leadership dimensions correlated (positively and negatively) with project success on different types of project • Profiles of project managers for different types of project
  • 36. Leadership styles correlated with success • All projects – EQ – conscientiousness, sensitivity, communication – strategic perspective • Engineering projects – EQ – motivation, conscientiousness, sensitivity – vision
  • 37. Leadership styles correlated with success • IT projects – EQ – self-awareness, communication – vision • Organizational change projects – EQ – motivation, communication – vision
  • 38. Leadership styles correlated with success • Medium complexity projects – EQ – emotional resilience, communication – vision • High complexity projects – EQ – sensitivity
  • 39. Leadership styles correlated with success • Mandatory projects – MQ – developing • Repositioning projects – EQ – motivation • Renewal projects – EQ – self-awareness, communication
  • 40. Leadership styles correlated with success • Fixed price contracts – MQ – sensitivity, communication • Remeasurement contracts – EQ, IQ – self-awareness, communication – empowering
  • 41. Leadership styles correlated with success • Life-cycle – EQ – throughout – conscientiousness, communication – throughout – motivation, sensitivity – commissioning – managing resources - design – strategic perspective – design, execution, commissioning
  • 42. Matching Project Manager Leadership Style to Project Type Theories of leadership Our hypotheses and research model Early results Profiles of managers of successful projects
  • 43. Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Eng, IT, Org) Critcal thinking Critcal thinking Critcal thinking 3 33 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Vision Vision Vision Motivation Motivation Motivation 2 2 Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Influence Influence Influence 1 1 Managing resources Managing resources Managing resources 0 0 Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Communication Communication Communication Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Empowering Empowering Empowering Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Developing Developing Developing Self awareness Self awareness Self awareness Achieving Achieving Achieving Org. Change IT EngineeeringEngineeering IT Engineeering
  • 44. Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Importance) Critcal thinking Critcal thinking 33 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Vision Vision Motivation Motivation 22 Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Influence Influence 11 Managing resources Managing resources 00 Sensitivity Sensitivity Communication Communication Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Empowering Empowering Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Developing Developing Self awareness Self awareness Achieving Achieving Repositioning Mandatory Renewal Renewal Mandatory Mandatory
  • 45. Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Complexity) Critcal thinking Critcal thinking 3 3 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Vision Vision Motivation Motivation 2 2 Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Influence 1 1 Managing resources Managing resources 0 0 Sensitivity Communication Communication Intuitiveness Empowering Empowering Emotional resilence resilence Developing Developing Self awareness Self awareness Achieving Achieving High complexity Medium complexity complexitycomplexity complexity Medium Low Low complexity Low
  • 46. Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Contracts) Critcal thinking Critcal thinking 3 3 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Vision Vision Motivation Motivation 2 2 Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Influence Influence 1 1 Managing resources Managing resources 0 0 Sensitivity Sensitivity Communication Communication Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Empowering Empowering Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Developing Developing Self awareness Self awareness Achieving Fixed price Alliance Alliance Alliance Remeasurement Remeasurement
  • 47. Leadership profiles of high performing managers, (Life-cycle) Critcal thinking Critcal thinking Critcal thinking Critcal thinking 3 3 Conscientiousness Conscientiousness 33 Vision Vision Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Vision Vision Motivation Motivation 2 2 Strategic perspective Strategic perspective Motivation Motivation 2 2 Strategic perspective Influence Influence 1 1 Managing resources Managing resources Influence Influence 1 1 Managing resources 0 0 Sensitivity 0 0 Communication Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Communication Communication Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Intuitiveness Empowering Empowering Intuitiveness Empowering Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Emotional resilence Developing Developing Developing Emotional resilence Self awareness Self awareness Self awareness Achieving Achieving Achieving Self awareness Achieving Cl, Com De, De, Ex, Cl De, Ex, Cl, Ex, De, Ex, Fea, De, Ex, Fea, De, Ex, ClEx, De, ComCl Cl, ComEx, ClDe, Com Cl Fea, Cl, Ex, De, De, Ex, Cl
  • 48. Recommendations: a five step process • Recognize types of projects • Assess leadership styles of Project Managers • Develop profiles in accordance with project needs • Differentiate different types of projects in the organization • Value your project managers
  • 49. Further analysis • Rating of success criteria by: – type of project – gender – geography • Claimed performance of projects against those success criteria by – type of project – gender – geography