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Multi-stakeholder partnerships for
ICT4D: in whose interest?

Reflections for USAID, 27th March 2012

                                                Tim Unwin
                                     Chief Executive Officer
No-one ever enters a partnership without

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

         •     Context
         •     Origins of PPPs
         •     Why partnerships and ICT4D?
         •     A move to MSPs
         •     Key success factors
         •     Defining interests
         •     Will partnerships really deliver
               better development outcomes
               in ICT4D?

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

         •  Rural development, ICTs,
            learning, Critical Theory…
         •  Imfundo: Partnerships for
            IT in Education (Africa)
         •  World Economic Forum’s
            Partnerships for Education
            initiative with UNESCO
         •  Systematic review for DFID
            on impact of ICT4D
            partnerships (2011)
         •  GEI review (2012)
© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Origins of partnerships: Public and Private

         •  A new world order: economic growth and liberal
                  –  Following the overthrow of the Soviet Union
         •  UK Private Finance Initiative 1992
                  –  Investment by private sector in public infrastructure
                  –  Risk sharing by states with the private sector
         •  A European phenomenon
                  –  1990-2009 1340 PPPs
         •  Why should this not also work for ‘development’?
         •  MDG8 target (f) – ICTs and partnerships

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Early ICT development partnerships

         Most were indeed Public-Private
                  –  Imfundo’s origins
         •  Under-theorised
                  –  Many had little understanding of conceptual issues
         •  Little empirical experience
                  –  Most kept reinventing the wheel (and still do!)
         •  Private sector actively urging engagement with
         •  WSIS 2003 and 2005
                  –  First major UN summit with substantial private sector

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
These background factors have had lasting
            effects on ICT4D partnerships

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Why partnerships specifically in the field of

         •  Complexity of ICT4D initiatives
                  –  Need different skills sets
                           o  Technical
                           o  Development

         •  Most government officials lack
            understanding of technical aspects of
                  –  Thus require private sector capacity
         •  Private sector driver of globalisation
                  –  Business solution for sustainability
         •  Formalising role of WSIS

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Two extreme models: circular and linear

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Circular: sustainability of the

     IBLF and
     Ros Tennyson

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Linear: focus on development impact

   Forum’s GEI
   by Tom

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
The move towards multi-stakeholder
         partnerships (MSPs)
         •  Some attempts to ‘impose’ a one-size fits all
                  –  But growing recognition that this is not appropriate
         •  PPPs widely seen as
                  –  Failing to deliver in practice
                  –  Concerns over coalition of interests between the
                     private sector and the state (Martens, 2007)
         •  The role of civil society
                  –  Central to effective ICT4D implementation
         •  Increased attention to MSPs
                  –  And PPP now often used for contractual

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Martens’ (2007) eight risks of partnerships

         •  Influence of business in shaping political
         •  Risks to reputation – choosing the wrong
         •  Distorting competition
         •  Fragmentation of global governance
         •  Unstable financing
         •  Dubious complementarity
         •  Sensitivity – governance gaps remain
         •  Trends towards elite models of governance

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
DFID systematic review: success factors

         1.        Local context and local stakeholders involved
         2.        Clear intended development outcomes
         3.        Scalability and sustainability focus from start
         4.        Key importance of
                  –  Trust
                  –  Honesty
                  –  Openness
                  –  Mutual understanding
                  –  Respect
         5.  Supportive wider ICT environment

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
DFID systematic review: challenges with

         •  Remarkably few good evaluations
         •  Diversity of methodologies causes great
            difficulties in comparing evaluations
         •  Very few baseline studies
                  –  It is extremely difficult to say anything about impact
         •  Much “wish-fulfillment”
                  –  Very difficult to detect wider impact and unintended
         •  Success criteria vary for different partners
                  –  Re-emphasises concerns with “interests”

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Partnership challenges: evidence from the

         •  Ensuring long-term sustainability
         •  Underestimating difficulty in reaching
            common goals and activities
         •  Balancing the different interests of the
         •  Determining the levels of contribution
            from each partner
         •  Identifying the resources needed
         •  Co-operation between private sector
            and national bodies is needed
         •  Monitoring and evaluation often left to
            the end

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Reflections from the GEI

         •  The need for high-level leadership
         •  The role of a partnership broker
                  –  Trusted and neutral
                  –  Knowledgeable about development outcomes
         •  Must start with agreement on intended
            development outcomes
         •  Central role of government ministries
         •  Effective project management
         •  Adequate resourcing
         •  Consistent strategy and flexible delivery
         •  Effective internal and external communications

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
In whose interest?
         •  Private Sector
                  –  Markets and sales
                  –  Innovative ideas and labour
                  –  Influencing geopolitical agendas
         •  Governments
                  –  Financing and risk reduction
                  –  Getting re-elected
         •  Civil Society
                  –  Raising international profiles
                  –  Delivering on needs of supporters
         •  Bilateral donors and international agencies
                  –  Delivering on development agendas
© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
If development
            outcomes are
            achieved, does it
            matter if benefits
            are unevenly

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Resolving partnership interests

         •  Transparency throughout
                  –  Especially in interests
         •  Built around resource supply
            and demand framework
         •  Shared agreement on
            development objectives from
            the very beginning
         •  Clear allocation of financial
         •  Managing expectations

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation


© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Exemplification of benefits (supply) and
            needs (demand) framework

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Towards a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership

                                         Demand            Supply partners: each has a
         niche role

                                         Govern Local      Private   Bilateral   Civil      Internat-
 private   sector



© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
The types of partner

        Demand                                           Supply
        End                   Local Partners             Funding             Private Sector Civil Society Research                 International
        Beneficiaries                                    agencies                           Organisations Institutions             Organisations
        Local                 National and regional      Multilateral and    Companies         Community action   Universities;    Global
        communities;          governments; local         bilateral donors;   providing         groups; non-       consultancies;   organisations
        people        w ith   private sector; local      International       hardware,         governmental       knowledge        such       as
        disabilities;         civil     society          Financial           software,         organisations;     providers;       UNESCO; GeSCI;
        teachers; health      organisations; religious   Institutions;       networking,       voluntary          innovators       UN ICT Tas k
        workers; learners     groups                     Charitable          content,          organisations;                      Force
                                                         foundations         infrastructure,   international
                                                                             media             advocacy and
                                                                             organisations     relief agencies;
                                                                                               religious groups

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Contributions and benefits

         •  Partnership contributions
                  –  Human resources
                  –  Physical ICT resources
                  –  Social networks
                  –  Infrastructures
                  –  Financial contributions
         •  Partner benefits
                  –  Corporate identity
                  –  Networking opportunities
                  –  Economic returns
                  –  Research and development opportunities

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Human resource contributions

         Demand                                         Supply
         End           Local Partners                   Funding            Private               Civil Society Research                     International
         Beneficiaries                                  agencies           Sector                Organisations Institutions                 Organisations

         Partnership Contributions
         Human resources
         §   Knowledge       § Technical support      § Expertise in    §    Staff skilled   §   Expertise in    § Generic            §  Expertise in
               of relevant    § Indigenous                 ‘development         in                    delivery of        research              ICT      and
               demands            knowledges                ’ practice           technology            practical          skills                ‘development’
         §   Linguistic      § Cultural sensitivity   § Procurement     §    Media skills          activities     § Knowledge          § Expertise in
               skills         § Linguistic skills          expertise      §    Project         §   Local               of                    delivery of
         §   Cultural        § Labour                 § Advisory              manage-               knowledge          information           educational
               sensitivity    § Capacity building          capacity             ment skills           and networks       and                   initiatives
         §   Labour              skills                                   §   Network          §   Knowledge of        resources         § Lobbying
         §   Knowledge                                                          engineering           development    § Teaching               expertise
               of relevant                                                       skills                practices          and capacity
               health and                                                  §   Training         §   Project             building skills
               educational                                                       expertise             management     § Monitoring
               initiatives                                                 §   Research         §   Linguistic          and
                                                                                 and                   skills             evaluation
                                                                                 develop-        §   Advocacy            skills
                                                                                 ment skills           skills         § Staff
                                                                           §    Staff           §    Staff              secondment
                                                                                 secondment            secondment
                                                                           §   Technical

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Corporate Identity Benefits

        Demand                                           Supply
        End           Local Partners                     Funding              Private             Civil Society Research                 International
        Beneficiaries                                    agencies             Sector              Organisations Institutions             Organisations

        Benefits of Partnership
        Corporate Identity
        §   Opportunity     § Raised                   § Opportunity       § Delivery on      § Delivery on     § Increased        §   Opportunity
             for                 international profile       to deliver on        Corporate           core mission       international        to deliver o n
             enhanced            for       local             core mission         Social and          to reduce          visibility           core mission
             visibility of       businesses and              to reduce            Environment         poverty        § For some,             to reduce
             poverty             organisations               poverty              al                  through ICT        opportunity          poverty
             agendas                                     § Through               Responsibili        activities         to deliver on   §   Through local
                                                             local                ty targets                              commitment          partnerships
                                                             partnerships     § Raising                                  to                  helping to
                                                             helping to           brand                                   Knowledge           ensure
                                                             ensure               identity                                for All             relevance
                                                             relevance            international                                               and
                                                             and                  ly                                                          sustainability
                                                             sustainability   § Visible
                                                                                  to          a

© Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

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Multistakeholder Partnerships in ICT4D

  • 1. Multi-stakeholder partnerships for ICT4D: in whose interest? Reflections for USAID, 27th March 2012 Tim Unwin Chief Executive Officer CTO
  • 2. No-one ever enters a partnership without interests! © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 3. Outline •  Context •  Origins of PPPs •  Why partnerships and ICT4D? •  A move to MSPs •  Key success factors •  Defining interests •  Will partnerships really deliver better development outcomes in ICT4D? © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 4. Context •  Rural development, ICTs, learning, Critical Theory… •  Imfundo: Partnerships for IT in Education (Africa) •  World Economic Forum’s Partnerships for Education initiative with UNESCO •  Systematic review for DFID on impact of ICT4D partnerships (2011) •  GEI review (2012) © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 5. Origins of partnerships: Public and Private •  A new world order: economic growth and liberal democracy –  Following the overthrow of the Soviet Union •  UK Private Finance Initiative 1992 –  Investment by private sector in public infrastructure –  Risk sharing by states with the private sector •  A European phenomenon –  1990-2009 1340 PPPs •  Why should this not also work for ‘development’? •  MDG8 target (f) – ICTs and partnerships © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 6. Early ICT development partnerships Most were indeed Public-Private –  Imfundo’s origins •  Under-theorised –  Many had little understanding of conceptual issues •  Little empirical experience –  Most kept reinventing the wheel (and still do!) •  Private sector actively urging engagement with governments •  WSIS 2003 and 2005 –  First major UN summit with substantial private sector engagement © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 7. These background factors have had lasting effects on ICT4D partnerships © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 8. Why partnerships specifically in the field of ICT4D? •  Complexity of ICT4D initiatives –  Need different skills sets o  Technical o  Development •  Most government officials lack understanding of technical aspects of ICT4D –  Thus require private sector capacity •  Private sector driver of globalisation –  Business solution for sustainability •  Formalising role of WSIS © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 9. Two extreme models: circular and linear © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 10. Circular: sustainability of the partnership IBLF and Ros Tennyson © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 11. Linear: focus on development impact World Economic Forum’s GEI by Tom Cassidy © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 12. The move towards multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) •  Some attempts to ‘impose’ a one-size fits all model –  But growing recognition that this is not appropriate •  PPPs widely seen as –  Failing to deliver in practice –  Concerns over coalition of interests between the private sector and the state (Martens, 2007) •  The role of civil society –  Central to effective ICT4D implementation •  Increased attention to MSPs –  And PPP now often used for contractual arrangements © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 13. Martens’ (2007) eight risks of partnerships •  Influence of business in shaping political discourse •  Risks to reputation – choosing the wrong partner •  Distorting competition •  Fragmentation of global governance •  Unstable financing •  Dubious complementarity •  Sensitivity – governance gaps remain •  Trends towards elite models of governance © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 14. DFID systematic review: success factors 1.  Local context and local stakeholders involved 2.  Clear intended development outcomes 3.  Scalability and sustainability focus from start 4.  Key importance of –  Trust –  Honesty –  Openness –  Mutual understanding –  Respect 5.  Supportive wider ICT environment © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 15. DFID systematic review: challenges with process •  Remarkably few good evaluations •  Diversity of methodologies causes great difficulties in comparing evaluations •  Very few baseline studies –  It is extremely difficult to say anything about impact •  Much “wish-fulfillment” –  Very difficult to detect wider impact and unintended consequences •  Success criteria vary for different partners –  Re-emphasises concerns with “interests” © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 16. Partnership challenges: evidence from the GEI •  Ensuring long-term sustainability •  Underestimating difficulty in reaching common goals and activities •  Balancing the different interests of the stakeholders •  Determining the levels of contribution from each partner •  Identifying the resources needed •  Co-operation between private sector and national bodies is needed •  Monitoring and evaluation often left to the end © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 17. Reflections from the GEI •  The need for high-level leadership •  The role of a partnership broker –  Trusted and neutral –  Knowledgeable about development outcomes •  Must start with agreement on intended development outcomes •  Central role of government ministries •  Effective project management •  Adequate resourcing •  Consistent strategy and flexible delivery •  Effective internal and external communications © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 18. In whose interest? •  Private Sector –  Markets and sales –  Innovative ideas and labour –  Influencing geopolitical agendas •  Governments –  Financing and risk reduction –  Getting re-elected •  Civil Society –  Raising international profiles –  Delivering on needs of supporters •  Bilateral donors and international agencies –  Delivering on development agendas © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 19. If development outcomes are achieved, does it matter if benefits are unevenly distributed? © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 20. Resolving partnership interests •  Transparency throughout –  Especially in interests •  Built around resource supply and demand framework •  Shared agreement on development objectives from the very beginning •  Clear allocation of financial resources •  Managing expectations © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 21. Discussion http://turkmenistan.usembassy.gov/usaid20110719b.html © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 22. Exemplification of benefits (supply) and needs (demand) framework © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 23. Towards a Multi-Stakeholder Partnership model Demand Supply partners: each has a partners niche role Govern Local Private Bilateral Civil Internat- -ments private sector donors Society ional sector agencies Contributions Expectations © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 24. The types of partner Demand Supply End Local Partners Funding Private Sector Civil Society Research International Beneficiaries agencies Organisations Institutions Organisations Local National and regional Multilateral and Companies Community action Universities; Global communities; governments; local bilateral donors; providing groups; non- consultancies; organisations people w ith private sector; local International hardware, governmental knowledge such as disabilities; civil society Financial software, organisations; providers; UNESCO; GeSCI; teachers; health organisations; religious Institutions; networking, voluntary innovators UN ICT Tas k workers; learners groups Charitable content, organisations; Force foundations infrastructure, international media advocacy and organisations relief agencies; religious groups © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 25. Contributions and benefits •  Partnership contributions –  Human resources –  Physical ICT resources –  Social networks –  Infrastructures –  Financial contributions •  Partner benefits –  Corporate identity –  Networking opportunities –  Economic returns –  Research and development opportunities © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 26. Human resource contributions Demand Supply End Local Partners Funding Private Civil Society Research International Beneficiaries agencies Sector Organisations Institutions Organisations Partnership Contributions Human resources § Knowledge § Technical support § Expertise in § Staff skilled § Expertise in § Generic § Expertise in of relevant § Indigenous ‘development in delivery of research ICT and demands knowledges ’ practice technology practical skills ‘development’ § Linguistic § Cultural sensitivity § Procurement § Media skills activities § Knowledge § Expertise in skills § Linguistic skills expertise § Project § Local of delivery of § Cultural § Labour § Advisory manage- knowledge information educational sensitivity § Capacity building capacity ment skills and networks and initiatives § Labour skills § Network § Knowledge of resources § Lobbying § Knowledge engineering development § Teaching expertise of relevant skills practices and capacity health and § Training § Project building skills educational expertise management § Monitoring initiatives § Research § Linguistic and and skills evaluation develop- § Advocacy skills ment skills skills § Staff § Staff § Staff secondment secondment secondment § Technical support © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
  • 27. Corporate Identity Benefits Demand Supply End Local Partners Funding Private Civil Society Research International Beneficiaries agencies Sector Organisations Institutions Organisations Benefits of Partnership Corporate Identity § Opportunity § Raised § Opportunity § Delivery on § Delivery on § Increased § Opportunity for international profile to deliver on Corporate core mission international to deliver o n enhanced for local core mission Social and to reduce visibility core mission visibility of businesses and to reduce Environment poverty § For some, to reduce poverty organisations poverty al through ICT opportunity poverty agendas § Through Responsibili activities to deliver on § Through local local ty targets commitment partnerships partnerships § Raising to helping to helping to brand Knowledge ensure ensure identity for All relevance relevance international and and ly sustainability sustainability § Visible contribution to a country’s economy © Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation