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Basic Foundation
Team Effort International, LLC
-Bringing the World Closer Together
TEAM Empowerment
(To be given within 48 hours to the new associate)
Name: ………………………………..
Team effort International Opportunity
Company Name: Team Effort International, LLC
_______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________
1st Active Upline:
_______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________
2nd Active Upline:
_______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________
3rd Active Upline:
_______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________
Personal Profile
Name __________________________________
Address __________________________________
Mobile No. __________________________________
Email ID __________________________________
TEI ID no(s) __________________________________
Personal Website __________________________________
Date: _______________________ Sponsor: ______________________
IR Name: ____________________ ID #: _________________________
Tasks Target
1 TEI Business Plan
2 Review of
Commitment Form
3 God’s Photograph
4 Dream List
5 Dream Photographs
6 Goal Planning
7 Basic Business
8 TEI Income
Target Sheet
9 Contact List
10 Review Of
Business Kit
11 Review of TEI
12 Review of Back
13 Activate Global
14 Product Training
15 Personal Demo
Video Email
16 Scanned Copy of
Declaration Form
17 1st
Home Meeting
18 1st
Training Workshop
19 Register to Bangalore
TEI System.
Commitment Sheet
I want to announce my commitment to myself, my family & my sponsor to seriously pursue the “TEI”
opportunity with full intension of success. I am approaching “TEI” with a Business Mindset. I
recognize that my first year is a learning phase and that the TEI business is a 3 to 5 year Plan. I will
work on my business for one year with true seriousness and then evaluate accordingly.
I hereby commit that I shall:
 Review my whole business kit 2 times in first month
 Go through my back office & activate all the services.
 Connect with Team System
 Launch my business with a major explosion.
 Give at least 10 to 15 hrs per week to my Business
 Host or support at least one weekly Team Business Meeting
 Work checklist provided in the kit with proper action plan
 Attend all applicable training programs & events.
 Practice daily self development
 Will take responsibilities & ownership of sponsored people
 Value relationships, respect the people and maintain good character
 Pursue my business with highest degree of honesty & integrity
 Take responsibility of success & failure of my business
 Make business growth plan of next 3 to 5 years.
 Will not disclose any “Team Empowerment” system, culture, information to any other
person, who is not a member of our team.
 Will take this business of “Network Marketing” professionally
I will conduct my business by these core principles and will also follow ethics, policies and
procedures of team systems as well as “Team Effort International”.
IR ID _______________________ Date ____________________________
Name _______________________ Signature __________________________
***Please sign and handover a photocopy to your sponsor and one copy to immediate upline leader
so that they can help you as per your commitment to the business.***
A long while ago, a great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make decision
which ensured his success on the battlefield. He was about to send his armies against a powerful
enemy, whose men out-numbered his own. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to enemy’s
country, unloaded soldiers and equipment, and then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried
them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, “You see the boats going up in smoke. That
means we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win! We now have no choice - we win or we
perish” They won!!!!
Every Person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of
retreat. Only by doing so one can be assured of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning
desire to win, essential to success.
For your strong decision to start this business, and welcome to the world of success.
About this Industry
Knowingly or unknowingly the industry which you have joined is commonly known as Network
Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing/ Direct Marketing or Home Based Business. Today, your choice
of Network Marketing either as part time business or as a career has shown yourself to be a great
leader. This is a business of someone who has an open mind and wants total freedom from the rat
race. It is also a great business for those who take challenges in their life and it is not the right
business for those who want to run their life with comfort.
Network Marketing is one of the strongest growth industries in the world. It is a revolution for
common people. And also the real chance in the free enterprise system for the average person
without large capital to become financially free. Now that you have made the decision to join this
empowering profession, you’re in for a career of unlimited financial opportunity and the chance to
make meaningful difference in the life of the people you care the most about.
This training module is your first step and the
most important one in the process of achieving
Few facts of MLM :
 It is a 70 year old Industry
 It is more than US $ 200 billion Industry.
 It is the world’s No. 1 employer of people
 It spans across 130 countries
 Many fortune 500 companies participate in Network Marketing or construct a network
marketing to get in on the action e.g. Colgate Palmolive, AT & T, IBM, Toyota, Rolls Royce,
Reliance etc.
 The concept of Network Marketing is now being taught in many world famous Universities
(NUSS), especially in their MBA programs.
Benefits of Network Marketing :
1. Improves Psychology
2. Leadership
3. Enthusiasm
4. Communication skills
5. Mental Development
6. Practicality
7. Monetary ability
8. Full Family security
9. Time Freedom
10. Name, Fame and Recognition
11. Foreign/ Domestic Tours
12. Social Circle
13. Help Others
Some important tips for success in Network Marketing :
 Set your priority. Your income in this business depends upon priority you set.
 Learning is a continuous process. There is no capsule. This is the only place where you start
earning while you start learning.
 You can convince/ influence someone only if you have conviction. (Belief in the system)
 It is the business of duplication. Just duplicate/ copy your upline. Never use your own mind
in this business. Blindly follow your training upline.
 Do it naturally with your full potential.
 Take a commitment to do this business minimum 5 years to get maximum benefits of this
Industry. Be patient for your success.
 This is not an ‘I’ business; this is a ‘WE’ business. So always do it with the TEAM because
Together Everyone Achieves More.
 Always follow 3 C formula
a) Never Complain
b) Never Criticize
c) Never Cry
Why an Ordinary person should do Network Marketing?
As Robert Kyoski said “You cannot become rich working for others”, most people today never earn
an above average income because they only get paid when they are working. When they quit
working they quit getting paid. How would it be if you grow money tree? In other words how would
you like to develop a business that would create a continual stream of ongoing income that would
continue to flow to you whether you went to work or not? Since Network Marketing allows you to
build an organization of hundreds or even thousands of other people from whose sales efforts, you
can earn an income; your income will not be limited to you and your work alone.
Once you truly understand this principle it will be difficult for you to work for temporary income
and lifestyle.
This is the only industry which makes an ordinary person to an extra ordinary success with Financial
Freedom, Time Freedom, Peace of mind, Positive new friends…..etc. In other words it makes you
complete successful person. Network Marketing is nothing but a LIFE STYLE, Incredible, and
Unbelievable Lifestyle.
Basic Steps of Network Marketing :-
1. Reason to start this business (Goal setting)
2. Commitment
3. List Building
4. Take an Appointment (Invitation and Prospecting)
5. Show the Plan
6. Objection Handling (Follow Up)
GOAL (or WHY TEI) :-
Friends, this is the first step or stepping stone for your business. Always remember, if the foundation
is strong, things last longer and vice-versa.
What is your Reason of joining TEI?
What are you here for?
Is it your,
 Own brand new Car?
 Own Flat, Bungalow, Farmhouse, Pent-house?
 To give your Child better Education?
 Family Security?
 Name and Fame or your Own Identity?
 To develop your Personality and communication skills?
 Living up a Luxurious Life?
Or earning MONEY?… because all above reasons can be fulfilled with this. Am I right?
NOW , let me be more specific-
(Prioritized on how significant an impact does it have on your overall Life)
Ex. I see myself driving my own Grey Colour Santro on 18th
Dec. 2013
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
I see myself________________________________________________________________________
Write it down, written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants, can’t into cans ,
dreams into plans, and plans into reality .Do not just think about it – Ink it
We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we
all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.
- Louisa May Alcott
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the
strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
- Harriet Tubman
If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life; they would probably give you a
vague answer, such as, “I want to be successful, be happy, and make a good living” and that is it.
Those all are wishes and none of them are clear goals (Great minds have purposes, others have
Goals must be SMART
 S-specific.
 M-measurable
 A-achievable
 R-realistic
 T-time-bound
Follow 3 V’s:
1. Visualize
2. Verbalize
3. Vitalize
Goals can be-
 Short term- up to 6 months
 Mid term- 6 months to 2 years
 Long term- 2 years to 5 years
Goal is something which tingles into your mind 24 hours a day. You think of it every moment.
Remember, when you were a child, just having one chocolate or owning a Barbie doll used to be
your dreams.
When we get older, our priorities changes. It do changes with age (e.g Dream of student may not
dream of a person doing job).
Lists all your goals, right now and be FOCUSSED.
An ancient Indian sage was teaching his disciples the art of archery. He put a wooden bird as the
target and asked his disciples to aim at the eye of the bird. The first disciple was asked to describe
what he saw. He said, “I see the trees, the branches, the sky, the bird and its eye.” The sage asked
this disciple to wait. Then he asked the second disciple the same question and he replied, “I only see
the eye of the bird. “The sage said, “Very good. Now shoot.” The arrow went straight and hit the
eye of the bird.
Unless we Focus, we cannot achieve our Goal.
GOAL= Dream + Planning + Action + Date
From ____________________________ To _______________________________________
Amount I want to Earn = $
Target 1st
Year 2nd
Year 3rd
Year 4th
Year 5th
Year Total
% 3% 7% 15% 30% 45% 100%
My First 6 Months Business Target
Convert Amount into Cycles = $ = Cycles
Convert into Total Team Sales = (Cycles) X 6 = (Total Sales)
6 Months Target
IR ID # __________ Immediate Active Upline
Name : _________________ Name : ______________________
Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________________
***Please set your income target and handover two copies to your immediate active upline ***
4 Weeks Target
1. What is THE LIST? Why is it the Biggest Asset in Our Business?
EX- Factory Process & Shopping List.
2. Remember Every Successful Networker was there in Someone’s List.
3. What you can think it, Ink it!
Exercise- List down 5 names
R2. List means – Details of People whom you Know not whom you think will be
R3. Types Of Market – Hot , Warm , Cold.
R4. Our List should have minimum 300 names.
(Increase by 10% every month )
R5. It must have 13 columns – Sl.No., Name, PhoneNo, Email address,
Age,Location, Occupation, Relation, Market, Category, STP, Follow Up &
R6. Start serial no. with 3000,2999,2998, 2997…. Up to 1.
(Human Physiology- Climbing down is easy )
R7. Categories of People –
A- Above your Financial Status
B- Below your Financial Status
C- At your Financial status
T- Trust Worthy
O- Open Minded
P- People’s People
R8. Use Memory Joggers-
F- Friends T- Teachers
R- Relatives H- Heroes in life
I- Institutions E- Enemies
E- Education O- Organization
N- Neighbors R- Recreational Relation
D- Doctors/ SE Y- Youngsters
S- Students
R9. Some more Memory Joggers-
Use these memory jogger to make your Contact List
• 1. who are dissatisfied with their job
• 2. who are unhappy with their income
• 3. who are concerned about the environment
• 4. who are money oriented or money motivated
• 5. who own their own business
• 6. who enjoys being around high energy people
• 7. who quit their job or is out of work
• 8. who needs extra money
• 9. Your friends
• 10. Your brothers and sisters
• 11. your parents
• 12. your cousins
• 13. your children
• 14. your aunts and uncles
• 15. your spouse's relatives
• 16. who you went to school with
• 17. who works with you
• 18. who is retired
• 19. who works part-time jobs
• 20. who you like the most
• 21. who was laid off
• 22. who bought a new home
• 23. who answers classified ads
• 24. who runs personal ads
• 25. who gave you a business card
• 26. who works at night
• 27. who delivers pizza to your home
• 28. who sells Avon or Mary-Kay
• 29. who sells Tupperware
• 30. who wants freedom
• 31. who likes team sports
• 32. who is a fund-raiser
• 33. who watches TV often
• 34. who works on cars
• 35. who likes political campaigns
• 36. who are social networkers
• 37. who is in the military
• 38. who your friends know
• 39. Your dentist
• 40. your doctor
• 41. who will help you
• 42. who works for the government
• 43. who is unemployed
• 44. who attends self-improvement seminars
• 45. who reads self-help books
• 46. who reads books on success
• 47. your children's friends parents
• 48. who was your boss
• 49. your parents friends
• 50. who you've met while on vacation
• 51. who waits on you at restaurants
• 52. who cuts your hair
• 53. who does your nails
• 54. who does your taxes
• 55. who works at your bank
• 56. who is on your holiday card list
• 57. who is in retail sales
• 58. who sells real estate
• 59. who are teachers
• 60. who services your car
• 61. who repairs your house
• 62. who manages your apartments
• 63. who has children in college
• 64. who likes to dance
• 65. who sold you your car
• 66. who you met at a party
• 67. who likes to buy things
• 68. who you've met on a plane
• 69. who does volunteer work
• 70. who you like the least
• 71. who has been in network marketing
• 72. who needs a new car
• 73. who wants to go on vacation
• 74. who works too hard
• 75. who was injured at work
• 76. who lives in your neighborhood
• 77. who is your boss
• 78. who delivers your mail
• 79. who calls you at home
• 80. who calls you at work
• 81. who delivers your paper
• 82. who handles your gardening
• 83. who watches your children
• 84. who attends your church
• 85. who you met on the street
• 86. who you meet through friends
• 87. who tailors your clothes
• 88. who sells cosmetics
• 89. who bags your groceries
• 90. who wants a promotion
• 91. who is overweight
• 92. who is health conscious
• 93. who recycles
• 94. who buys bottled water
• 95. who has allergies
• 96. who is wealthy
• 97. who has a lot of friends
• 98. who exercises regularly
• 99. who belongs to the chamber of commerce
• 100. who is your paper boy
• 101. who did your mortgage
• 102. who haven't you listed yet
R10. Start the business with Nearest & Dearest.
(Story of Gold Mine)
R11. A Must Watch Video- Art of Invitation and Prospecting by
Padman senathirajah
Types of Markets:
1. Hot Market (people very close to you, with whom you
regularly talk)
2. Warm market (people bit far from Hot leads)
3. Cold Market (people stranger to you, who come through newspaper ads, websites, sms,
orkut, facebook, pamphlets etc)
• Invitation is an Art ,Not a Science
• No one can Train you on How To Invite
• We Just follow 08 Rules and Enjoy Inviting
• It can be done only by People who believe in it 100%
Rules of Invitation
• R1- Invitation is Invitation ;no information!
• R2- Who Needs Who More? (Posture)
• R3- 4C ‘s of Invitation
a. Complement
b. Control
c. Commitment (For Time & Venue)
d. Create Curiosity (Be Busy & No Desperation*)
* Desperation comes when your list is too Small
• R4- Always talk with High level of –
a. Conviction (Believe)
b. Confidence (Knowledge-> Learning -> Training ->System)
c. Excitement (Reason/Dream) “Walk & Talk”
• R5- Be Age/Background Appropriate
• R6- Use Edification
a. Presenter
b. Plan/ Product
• R7- Invitation Always on Phone
a. KISS Do not KILL
b. Questions are the Answers
c. Ask Open Ended Questions
d. Invitation to be done before 24- 48 Hrs
of STP
e. Confirmation has to be done before 2-3
hrs of STP
f. Always Give 2 time Choices
g. Do not use msg/whatsapp etc. for
h. Be polite & humble but don’t loose
i. Invite your prospect out of His Comfort
j. Do not use words like- Business Plan,
Business Opportunity, Seminar, MLM,
Member, NW, Scheme , Join etc
• R8- For WARM use FORM
F- Family Chit Chat
O- Occupation (Hot Button)
R- Reason for Calling
M- Meeting Fixation
Some Samples of Invitation Pitches :-
1.) I am working with a project, which can provide to an Extra Income Opportunity.
2.) I am working for Personality Development Program.
3.) We are providing unique services, which are related to Internet Based Communication.
4.) We are working on time Compounding Management Business Module.
5.) We are working with a Social Security program.
6.) We are helping people to grow financially, mentally, socially, psychologically & spiritually.
7.) We are providing unique technology, which is going to create a big revolution in Indian Market.
8.) We are working on financial freedom & Time Freedom Project.
9.) Do you want to be RICH??, I am having a platform for you.
10.) DO you want to help other people in society??
11.) Do you want some Extra Pocket Money Every Month?
12.) Basically, I am representing US based Multi National Corporation. This Company is having its
presence in more than 40 countries today, and some of the top companies all across the World
are already our existing clients. We have some cutting-edge technology related to internet
communication and at present we are expanding our operations in the Indian market. Thus we
are looking for some good People to promote this technology with us. Now this promotion does
not mean it is marketing or selling, for that purpose we are already having system in place. But
if you join hands with us today, you have the Great Opportunity to EARN FROM 10000 to 2
LAKH RUPEES per day in coming future.
Pause………….(give him/her chance to speak)….
Now what to do, how to do, your all questions will be cleared as we are organizing our
Orientation Program tomorrow at 12.30 in the afternoon and 6.30 in the evening (always give a
time choice), so which time is suitable for you?
13.) Primary Motivating Factors (PMFs):
i. Financial Freedom
ii. Time Freedom
iii. Fun & Enjoyment
iv. Foreign Trip
v. Identity & Recognition
vi. Name & Fame
vii. Helping Others
viii. Extra Income
ix. Personality Development
x. Social Circle
xi. Leave a Legacy
Some questions might come during invitation: –
How much is the investment?
- If you like the complete project then there is a minimum investment of Rs. 20,000 and if you
would like to invest higher amount then we have other investment modules also ranging upto
a lakh.
What will be our role?
- There are various roles we are looking at so u can choose for yourself which one u fit into
after looking at the complete project.
Is it MLM/ Chain marketing/Member making scheme?
- What do u understand by MLM? /Do u have any experience in MLM before? If Yes then ask
about his experience
- We are not offering membership of any Club or something. It’s a fantastic project through
which you can make an excellent extra income.
Will this session happen again?
- Not sure when again we are holding this but if we are holding this again then do you want me
to inform you?
Invitation Through Video Mail (for Warm Market only, for Hot Market-there is no need, call them
straight and bring for presentation). Steps:-
1. Make your own video (don’t discuss business, just simple hi/hello- basic purpose is to show
the technology)
2. Call them (within 24 hours after sending the Video). Points to be discussed-
 hi. How did you find the video?
 Is it good?
 How about making some money out of it?
 See basically it’s a California based company, launching its operations in India, the
mission of the Company is to bring the world closer together. Earning Potential is
5000 $ per day
 Now what to do, how to do, your all questions will be cleared as we are organizing
our Orientation Program tomorrow at 12.30 in the afternoon and 6.30 in the evening
(always give Time Choice), so which time is suitable for you.
STP (Show the Plan):-
1. One to One (Extremely Powerful)
2. Home Meetings (Specially for
those who have restrictions)
3. Big shows or Group Meetings
 It should be short and sweet (50 to
55 minutes)
 Present with Belief and Conviction (Believe is more powerful then knowledge alone)
 Crowd involvement is always recommended while group presentations
 Content of STP - Company’s background and 3 P’s that is Product, Income Plan and
importance of Positioning.
 During group meetings, always sit with your guest (if have a chair left), and sit very attentive,
prepare notes, no matter how many times you have given or taken the presentation earlier,
that will show your seriousness.
 Dress up professionally in group meetings
 Always carry all your tools (file or laptop, pen, paper, your cheque copies etc) along, if going
for one on one presentation. One on one presentation, is the process, where you can share the
information to such people who are big tycoons, businessman’s etc. Try to do one on one at
your office, your home, at Coffee shops (Barista/ CCD’s), Hotels or Restaurants (whatever
venue you are choosing it should peaceful to some extent that your prospect able to listen
what you are explaining) etc but NOT at his office.
 Be there at the Venue, before scheduled time.
 Sit and talk to your prospect before presentation starts, do not leave him or her alone.
 First 5 to 8 presentations - take your leaders help. Start presenting yourself after on. It is most
important as it will give you sense of Ownership for your business.
 Sit with your prospect after presentation (which is called meeting after meeting or closing).
Handle his challenges. If you are having more number of guest then call your leaders for
back up.
 Always carry white board and marker in your car. You never no, where will you be showing
plan in next 4 hours.
 Maintain your posture
 Edification (Very Important) - When you bring your guests always introduce your upline
yourself. Edify him- He is Mr./Ms…………He/she is my role model. He is very successful
and knowledgeable person in this business. I have requested him/her to take out his
important time from his/her busy schedule, just for you.
 After the group presentation, always remember to meet your guest with your upline (its
called closing).
Objection Handling & Follow Up (Extremely Crucial)
 Within 24 to 48 hours of the plan- Strike when the iron is hot.
 Always walk the line between CONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE.
 Don’t get defensive with emotion, get defensive professionally.
 Answer question with question
 Initially first few Follow up’s, take your leader along
 Slap with a Kiss (Balancing approach)
 Always use FFF (Feel, Felt, Found- Oh fantastic Mr….I know how
you feel, that was how I felt, but this is what I found out)
 While handling objections, be Proud of what you do (You are not just representing yourself;
you are representing everyone out there who is doing TEI. Maintain your Posture. Do not
allow someone to mock what you do. you can walk away losing that prospect but hold on to
your pride)
 Don’t attack him but make him feel comfortable to accept your point
The main issues while doing follow up :
Did you have it 1999? Do you have it in 2009? Will you have it in 2019?
Emergency Medical Situation
Even I did not have it, then FFF
Money has to be arranged, either bzeg, Borrow or Steal. I am not saying you to Beg or Steal,
but You can Borrow. If you have goodwill in the market 12000/- can be arranged in few
minutes (and if you do not have goodwill, then I can’t help it)
On one side here is this Business where you can get Money Freedom, Time Freedom, Name
and Fame, Recognition, Foreign Trips, Personality Development, Chance to help
society….and on other side there is a small amount . Either TAKE all these things or SAVE
your amount. That’s your wish, Now tell me what do you want to do??
Don’t you care for your family?? For your kids, wife, or parents?? Do you want to give them
ordinary life?? Is arranging just a small amount bigger than their needs??
You need me more then I need you. I am giving option to improve the way you live.
Where all of your time goes??
Emergency example
This business works on Time Compounding Management or on the Power of Duplication.
After certain period of time, your Time will be compounded with other people Time.
See neither I nor You belong from Tata or Birla Family. Time has to be MANAGED if we
want something extra in our life
Amitabh Bachchan works for 15 hours at the age of 68. Don’t you have that hunger??
Don’t you care for your family?? For your kids, wife, or parents?? Do you want to give them
ordinary life?? Is managing 12 to 15 hours a week bigger than their needs??
You don’t even have Guarantee of your own life.
Explain Company’s Background (it is given in the beginning of Presentation)
Whom you will consult with??
What you will consult?? See I told you 100%, you must have understood 70% as it is human
mind, after reaching to your home, 40% will be left into your mind, you will tell it your
friend or parents or wife or husband- what will they get- Just 10%, then what will they say-
they will say BIG NO. See half information is dangerous then the full lie.
If you see any movie, can you demand its feedback from the person who has not seen that?
If your Watch is not working, do you got to Scooter mechanic to get it repaired?
If you feel ill, to whom you will go?? Doctor, right. I am the best Doctor for this business.
Consult with me if you have any questions or queries, I am sitting here for that only.
5. OTHER MLM’S:- Fear of MLM Success
Don’t criticize any Company. But on the same time, prove your point, why TEI is Best, with
LOGIC- Explain Company’s Background, its Product, its Plan (explained in 3 P’s) and its
Training and Support System.
If he is using mobile, tell him to check your mobile phone where you cancan get 100
references. Get him remembered when there was function at his home like any marriage,
pooja, birthday etc. Ask him where these people come from. You can share this information
to any of your known people.
Ask him, what if they work efficiently? If you want to work then why not they. If any of your
downline does not work and if you are serious about this project, you can sponsor any of your
friends and work with him.
Leaders are not born, they are made. Confidence comes with your knowledge. To get
confidence, we organize Business development Trainings on weekly basis where you can
knowledge about this company and its services and slowly gradually you get confident. There
is no tablet for confidence, it is gradual process and it will take little time.
If you have joined any MLM, it shows that have dream. If you could not be successful in one
company, it does not mean you would not be successful in any other company. We don’t stop
driving, if anytime we are caused accident. Right? Whatever mistakes you may have done in
your previous company, you can improve it and if you learn through our learning program
you can fulfill your dreams from TEI.
I agree with you but as far as TEI is concerned, during the last 6-7 years no other company
has come up such kind of services. Can you explain what can the reason be? It means some
strong point is there with TEI. We all know when mobile came, many competitors also came
within 3 years like Idea, Hutch to compete Airtel. We are currently enjoy MONOPOLY. Till
this monopoly, can we make money? Now even in the absence of competition, we have not
only increased services, but also brought improvement in the existing services.
Why we buy Bislery when water is free. Feature Based!!!. Can you feel the difference when
you go to public telephone booth for making a call and when you make a call from your own
mobile. Same is the case here. These sites are not only public sites, but also endanger our
privacy. Ours is a totally private system and we can design it as per our needs. Above all, if
there are two same kind of services but one service offers me added advantage of earning
Rs.2 lac per day, which should I use?
Then don’t you think this is the right platform for you? We need to talk to people as we deal
in people. When we talk to people more and more, we find some change in our personality.
Example of Mamta was a reticent girl before TEI, but now she can speak before masses.
In such cases, before showing the plan we should keep in mind to invite a students with their
parents. We can ask the students how you have got bike, laptop, college tour. Your parents
kept on fulfilling your demands. Why not this time? He can talk to parents that this is a
multiple pack of personality development, communication skills, upgradation of computer
for video communication. He should not talk about business at all. But he must attract parents
by features of the services so that parents may also think of having it.
A housewife should be suggested to attend the STP with husband. Anyway, in such case
invite her husband also for STP. Or fix up a follow up at her place and interact with her
husband by showing him the opportunity. Also try to find out whether the lady depends on
her husband for only money or her husband is against her any kind of independent
profession. Finally awake the lady to tell her husband that she would like to contribute to the
family and this can be the best way.
OK, thinking deeply about some decision is a very good habit. By the way what have you
thought about the POSITIONING??????? You know some actions have to be taken well
within time. If you are thinking about some challenge in this project, I can assist you to
overcome that.
How can you make profit before opening of a business? You cannot invite a client to your
shop by standing in front of your it with closed shutter…..Tell Story of that person who went
to find out his two persons. And when he got his two persons, they also went to find out there
two persons.
Can you repeat me what is the business plan? If you analyze the plan, it is a binary plan.
Money is paid into ratio of 6:3. These 6 or 3 may be brought by any one. So only number of
sales are counted and there is no role of chain. If you are working, it hardly matters whether
chain is broken. In any industry a small percentage is the performer class.
It is an emerging industry. As soon as the services become popular, many companies will
enter the market. But currently it is time to make the people aware and make money.
However currently also different companies are providing some of the services in piece meal
Reliance Web World, Cisco, Webex. They provide the services at very high cost and focus
on corporate clients. Any company needs a very big infrastructure. Ultimately there will be
good competition but it hardly matters to Airtel, Maruti, DLF as they are getting first mover
advantage as we in TEI.
Can you tell me how people come to know about the new products and services? Of course
by Advertisement. They make huge expenditure on Advertisement. But TEI has not used the
source of costly advertisement system. Instead they have use real method of advertisement
i.e. Word of Mouth Publicity. You know now where is population with ‘we two our two’. So
people are becoming aware about this also.
‘Saari bechne ke liye kya saari pahnana jsaroori he?’ Offer this product/service who need it.
However currently you don’t need it as it is currently a life style as mobile was a life style 13
years back. But now as you cannot live without mobile, you will start using it as a habit. If
we want to make money, we need not necessarily use it. Mrs Sharwari did not use it earlier
still she make lot of money.
Excellent!!!!!! But would you like to help others? Many people are not able to earn bread
even. Many people are fed up of their jobs. Many businessmen want to change their business.
Many unemployed people are searching for some opportunity. You can be the instrumental to
that. If while helping others if you get money from TEI, you can donate it. Many good
organizations keep on looking for donations for social, national, medical cause.
If despite follow up no result, how to proceed
Send Regular Selected Emails
Relieve him of fear of being asked to join
Keep him informed about your achievements
Invite him to your recognition programs as a personal invitation.
Why TEI or (4 P’s)
1. Product:-
 No Logistics involved, Web-based services, hence no Transportation cost or Delivery
 Its product is used by US Army, Microsoft etc
 Unique + Need based
 Communication tool (like mobile phone was 10 years before)
 More then 1 Billion Internet Users, and growing daily
 60 Billions E-mails are sent everyday
2. Plan:-
 Dual Core Binary plan
 No Sales flush outs
 No Targets
 Highest Pay-out- Capping/Ceiling- 5 LAKH Rs. Per day
 Weekly Pay outs
 Up to 80 Lakh Rs. Cash rewards, Mercedes Benz etc
 Sustainable in Long run
3. Pricing:- Competitive pricing, as compared to other Service providers.Positioning (to be
explained while closing or during follow up for urgency of payment):- Draw the diagram and
explain him/her that you may get benefit for our efforts, if you delay your positioning you
can lose one or more prospects.
Knowledge Bank
This Industry is New to You, for to Survive In this Industry, you require to Know More About it In Detail,
For that these can be following Material or Tools which will Help You .
S.No. Books Writer
1 Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki
2 Business School Robert Kiyosaki
3 Cash Flow Quadrant Robert Kiyosaki
4 Copycat Marketing Bruke Hedges
5 Who Stole My American Dream Bruke Hedges
6 Parable of Pipeline Bruke Hedges
7 Questions are the Answers Allen Pease
8 Your First Year in Network Marketing Mark Yarnell
9 Magic of Thinking Big David J.Schwartz
10 Skill with People and Art of Dealing with People
Les Giblin
11 Go for No! Yes is the Destination!
Richard Fenten
12 Secret of Millionaire Mind
T. Harvekar
Power of Subconscious mind
Joseph Murphy
Eric Worre
“Invasion of armies can be resisted,
But not an idea whose time has come”
TEI business is the need of
“Thank you and wish you a great success ahead”
God Bless you.

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MVT Velocity Basic Training Booklet

  • 1. Basic Foundation For Your SUCCESS Team Effort International, LLC -Bringing the World Closer Together TEAM Empowerment (To be given within 48 hours to the new associate) Name: ……………………………….. Mobile:………………………………..
  • 2. Team effort International Opportunity Company Name: Team Effort International, LLC Websites: www.mvtvelocity.com www.mvtvelocityindia.biz www.teameffortnetwork.com www.teameffortnetwork.biz www.velocity24x7.com Sponsor: _______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________ 1st Active Upline: _______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________ 2nd Active Upline: _______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________ 3rd Active Upline: _______________________Phone_______________ Email____________________________ Personal Profile Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ Mobile No. __________________________________ Email ID __________________________________ TEI ID no(s) __________________________________ Personal Website __________________________________
  • 3. Checklist Date: _______________________ Sponsor: ______________________ IR Name: ____________________ ID #: _________________________ Sr. No. Tasks Target Date Competion Y/N Remarks 1 TEI Business Plan 2 Review of Commitment Form 3 God’s Photograph 4 Dream List 5 Dream Photographs 6 Goal Planning 7 Basic Business Training 8 TEI Income Target Sheet 9 Contact List 10 Review Of Business Kit 11 Review of TEI Websites 12 Review of Back Office/Policies 13 Activate Global Support 14 Product Training 15 Personal Demo Video Email 16 Scanned Copy of Declaration Form 17 1st Home Meeting 18 1st Training Workshop 19 Register to Bangalore TEI System.
  • 4. Commitment Sheet I want to announce my commitment to myself, my family & my sponsor to seriously pursue the “TEI” opportunity with full intension of success. I am approaching “TEI” with a Business Mindset. I recognize that my first year is a learning phase and that the TEI business is a 3 to 5 year Plan. I will work on my business for one year with true seriousness and then evaluate accordingly. I hereby commit that I shall:  Review my whole business kit 2 times in first month  Go through my back office & activate all the services.  Connect with Team System  Launch my business with a major explosion.  Give at least 10 to 15 hrs per week to my Business  Host or support at least one weekly Team Business Meeting  Work checklist provided in the kit with proper action plan  Attend all applicable training programs & events.  Practice daily self development  Will take responsibilities & ownership of sponsored people  Value relationships, respect the people and maintain good character  Pursue my business with highest degree of honesty & integrity  Take responsibility of success & failure of my business  Make business growth plan of next 3 to 5 years.  Will not disclose any “Team Empowerment” system, culture, information to any other person, who is not a member of our team.  Will take this business of “Network Marketing” professionally I will conduct my business by these core principles and will also follow ethics, policies and procedures of team systems as well as “Team Effort International”. IR ID _______________________ Date ____________________________ Name _______________________ Signature __________________________
  • 5. ***Please sign and handover a photocopy to your sponsor and one copy to immediate upline leader so that they can help you as per your commitment to the business.*** A long while ago, a great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make decision which ensured his success on the battlefield. He was about to send his armies against a powerful enemy, whose men out-numbered his own. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment, and then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, “You see the boats going up in smoke. That means we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win! We now have no choice - we win or we perish” They won!!!! Every Person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by doing so one can be assured of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win, essential to success. Congratulation……… For your strong decision to start this business, and welcome to the world of success. About this Industry Knowingly or unknowingly the industry which you have joined is commonly known as Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing/ Direct Marketing or Home Based Business. Today, your choice of Network Marketing either as part time business or as a career has shown yourself to be a great leader. This is a business of someone who has an open mind and wants total freedom from the rat race. It is also a great business for those who take challenges in their life and it is not the right business for those who want to run their life with comfort. Network Marketing is one of the strongest growth industries in the world. It is a revolution for common people. And also the real chance in the free enterprise system for the average person without large capital to become financially free. Now that you have made the decision to join this empowering profession, you’re in for a career of unlimited financial opportunity and the chance to make meaningful difference in the life of the people you care the most about. This training module is your first step and the most important one in the process of achieving freedom. Few facts of MLM :  It is a 70 year old Industry  It is more than US $ 200 billion Industry.  It is the world’s No. 1 employer of people  It spans across 130 countries  Many fortune 500 companies participate in Network Marketing or construct a network marketing to get in on the action e.g. Colgate Palmolive, AT & T, IBM, Toyota, Rolls Royce, Reliance etc.  The concept of Network Marketing is now being taught in many world famous Universities (NUSS), especially in their MBA programs.
  • 6. Benefits of Network Marketing : 1. Improves Psychology 2. Leadership 3. Enthusiasm 4. Communication skills 5. Mental Development 6. Practicality 7. Monetary ability 8. Full Family security 9. Time Freedom 10. Name, Fame and Recognition 11. Foreign/ Domestic Tours 12. Social Circle 13. Help Others Some important tips for success in Network Marketing :  Set your priority. Your income in this business depends upon priority you set.  Learning is a continuous process. There is no capsule. This is the only place where you start earning while you start learning.  You can convince/ influence someone only if you have conviction. (Belief in the system)  It is the business of duplication. Just duplicate/ copy your upline. Never use your own mind in this business. Blindly follow your training upline.  Do it naturally with your full potential.  Take a commitment to do this business minimum 5 years to get maximum benefits of this Industry. Be patient for your success.  This is not an ‘I’ business; this is a ‘WE’ business. So always do it with the TEAM because Together Everyone Achieves More.  Always follow 3 C formula a) Never Complain b) Never Criticize c) Never Cry
  • 7. Why an Ordinary person should do Network Marketing? As Robert Kyoski said “You cannot become rich working for others”, most people today never earn an above average income because they only get paid when they are working. When they quit working they quit getting paid. How would it be if you grow money tree? In other words how would you like to develop a business that would create a continual stream of ongoing income that would continue to flow to you whether you went to work or not? Since Network Marketing allows you to build an organization of hundreds or even thousands of other people from whose sales efforts, you can earn an income; your income will not be limited to you and your work alone. Once you truly understand this principle it will be difficult for you to work for temporary income and lifestyle. This is the only industry which makes an ordinary person to an extra ordinary success with Financial Freedom, Time Freedom, Peace of mind, Positive new friends…..etc. In other words it makes you complete successful person. Network Marketing is nothing but a LIFE STYLE, Incredible, and Unbelievable Lifestyle. Basic Steps of Network Marketing :- 1. Reason to start this business (Goal setting) 2. Commitment 3. List Building 4. Take an Appointment (Invitation and Prospecting) 5. Show the Plan 6. Objection Handling (Follow Up) GOAL (or WHY TEI) :- Friends, this is the first step or stepping stone for your business. Always remember, if the foundation is strong, things last longer and vice-versa. What is your Reason of joining TEI? What are you here for? OK, let me be simple, WHAT IS YOUR DREAM, THAT YOU WISH TO FULFILL THROUGH THIS BUSINESS?? Is it your,  Own brand new Car?  Own Flat, Bungalow, Farmhouse, Pent-house?  To give your Child better Education?  Family Security?  Name and Fame or your Own Identity?  To develop your Personality and communication skills?  Living up a Luxurious Life? Or earning MONEY?… because all above reasons can be fulfilled with this. Am I right? NOW , let me be more specific- HOW MUCH MONEY and IN HOW MUCH TIME- from TEI?
  • 8. MY MOST SIGNIFICANT TOP 20 GOALS /DREAMS (Prioritized on how significant an impact does it have on your overall Life) Ex. I see myself driving my own Grey Colour Santro on 18th Dec. 2013 I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ I see myself________________________________________________________________________ Write it down, written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants, can’t into cans , dreams into plans, and plans into reality .Do not just think about it – Ink it
  • 9. PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing. - Louisa May Alcott
  • 10. PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE PASTE YOUR DREAM HERE Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. - Harriet Tubman
  • 11. If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life; they would probably give you a vague answer, such as, “I want to be successful, be happy, and make a good living” and that is it. Those all are wishes and none of them are clear goals (Great minds have purposes, others have wishes). Goals must be SMART  S-specific.  M-measurable  A-achievable  R-realistic  T-time-bound Follow 3 V’s: 1. Visualize 2. Verbalize 3. Vitalize Goals can be-  Short term- up to 6 months  Mid term- 6 months to 2 years  Long term- 2 years to 5 years Goal is something which tingles into your mind 24 hours a day. You think of it every moment. Remember, when you were a child, just having one chocolate or owning a Barbie doll used to be your dreams. When we get older, our priorities changes. It do changes with age (e.g Dream of student may not dream of a person doing job). Lists all your goals, right now and be FOCUSSED. An ancient Indian sage was teaching his disciples the art of archery. He put a wooden bird as the target and asked his disciples to aim at the eye of the bird. The first disciple was asked to describe what he saw. He said, “I see the trees, the branches, the sky, the bird and its eye.” The sage asked this disciple to wait. Then he asked the second disciple the same question and he replied, “I only see the eye of the bird. “The sage said, “Very good. Now shoot.” The arrow went straight and hit the eye of the bird. Unless we Focus, we cannot achieve our Goal. GOAL= Dream + Planning + Action + Date
  • 12. My 5 YEAR INCOME TARGET TIME PERIOD From ____________________________ To _______________________________________ Amount I want to Earn = $ Target 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Total % 3% 7% 15% 30% 45% 100% Amount Sales Leaders My First 6 Months Business Target Convert Amount into Cycles = $ = Cycles $150 Convert into Total Team Sales = (Cycles) X 6 = (Total Sales) 6 Months Target 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 4th Month 5th Month 6th Month Total IR ID # __________ Immediate Active Upline Name : _________________ Name : ______________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________________ ***Please set your income target and handover two copies to your immediate active upline *** 4 Weeks Target 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week Total TEI INCOME TARGET SHEET
  • 13. LIST BUILDING: NEVER PREJUDGE ANYONE. 1. What is THE LIST? Why is it the Biggest Asset in Our Business? EX- Factory Process & Shopping List. 2. Remember Every Successful Networker was there in Someone’s List. 3. What you can think it, Ink it! R1. NEVER PREJUDGE ANYONE Exercise- List down 5 names R2. List means – Details of People whom you Know not whom you think will be interested R3. Types Of Market – Hot , Warm , Cold. R4. Our List should have minimum 300 names. (Increase by 10% every month ) R5. It must have 13 columns – Sl.No., Name, PhoneNo, Email address, Age,Location, Occupation, Relation, Market, Category, STP, Follow Up & Remarks R6. Start serial no. with 3000,2999,2998, 2997…. Up to 1. (Human Physiology- Climbing down is easy ) R7. Categories of People – A- Above your Financial Status B- Below your Financial Status C- At your Financial status T- Trust Worthy O- Open Minded P- People’s People R8. Use Memory Joggers- FRIENDS THEORY F- Friends T- Teachers R- Relatives H- Heroes in life I- Institutions E- Enemies E- Education O- Organization N- Neighbors R- Recreational Relation D- Doctors/ SE Y- Youngsters S- Students
  • 14. R9. Some more Memory Joggers- Use these memory jogger to make your Contact List • 1. who are dissatisfied with their job • 2. who are unhappy with their income • 3. who are concerned about the environment • 4. who are money oriented or money motivated • 5. who own their own business • 6. who enjoys being around high energy people • 7. who quit their job or is out of work • 8. who needs extra money • 9. Your friends • 10. Your brothers and sisters • 11. your parents • 12. your cousins • 13. your children • 14. your aunts and uncles • 15. your spouse's relatives • 16. who you went to school with • 17. who works with you • 18. who is retired • 19. who works part-time jobs • 20. who you like the most • 21. who was laid off • 22. who bought a new home • 23. who answers classified ads • 24. who runs personal ads • 25. who gave you a business card • 26. who works at night • 27. who delivers pizza to your home • 28. who sells Avon or Mary-Kay • 29. who sells Tupperware • 30. who wants freedom • 31. who likes team sports • 32. who is a fund-raiser • 33. who watches TV often • 34. who works on cars • 35. who likes political campaigns • 36. who are social networkers • 37. who is in the military • 38. who your friends know • 39. Your dentist • 40. your doctor • 41. who will help you • 42. who works for the government • 43. who is unemployed • 44. who attends self-improvement seminars • 45. who reads self-help books • 46. who reads books on success • 47. your children's friends parents • 48. who was your boss • 49. your parents friends • 50. who you've met while on vacation • 51. who waits on you at restaurants • 52. who cuts your hair • 53. who does your nails • 54. who does your taxes • 55. who works at your bank
  • 15. • 56. who is on your holiday card list • 57. who is in retail sales • 58. who sells real estate • 59. who are teachers • 60. who services your car • 61. who repairs your house • 62. who manages your apartments • 63. who has children in college • 64. who likes to dance • 65. who sold you your car • 66. who you met at a party • 67. who likes to buy things • 68. who you've met on a plane • 69. who does volunteer work • 70. who you like the least • 71. who has been in network marketing • 72. who needs a new car • 73. who wants to go on vacation • 74. who works too hard • 75. who was injured at work • 76. who lives in your neighborhood • 77. who is your boss • 78. who delivers your mail • 79. who calls you at home • 80. who calls you at work • 81. who delivers your paper • 82. who handles your gardening • 83. who watches your children • 84. who attends your church • 85. who you met on the street • 86. who you meet through friends • 87. who tailors your clothes • 88. who sells cosmetics • 89. who bags your groceries • 90. who wants a promotion • 91. who is overweight • 92. who is health conscious • 93. who recycles • 94. who buys bottled water • 95. who has allergies • 96. who is wealthy • 97. who has a lot of friends • 98. who exercises regularly • 99. who belongs to the chamber of commerce • 100. who is your paper boy • 101. who did your mortgage • 102. who haven't you listed yet R10. Start the business with Nearest & Dearest. (Story of Gold Mine) R11. A Must Watch Video- Art of Invitation and Prospecting by Padman senathirajah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC7VFQSKbeM
  • 16. INVITATION:- Types of Markets: 1. Hot Market (people very close to you, with whom you regularly talk) 2. Warm market (people bit far from Hot leads) 3. Cold Market (people stranger to you, who come through newspaper ads, websites, sms, orkut, facebook, pamphlets etc) KEY NOTES • Invitation is an Art ,Not a Science • No one can Train you on How To Invite • We Just follow 08 Rules and Enjoy Inviting • It can be done only by People who believe in it 100% Rules of Invitation • R1- Invitation is Invitation ;no information! • R2- Who Needs Who More? (Posture) • R3- 4C ‘s of Invitation a. Complement b. Control c. Commitment (For Time & Venue) d. Create Curiosity (Be Busy & No Desperation*) * Desperation comes when your list is too Small • R4- Always talk with High level of – a. Conviction (Believe) b. Confidence (Knowledge-> Learning -> Training ->System) c. Excitement (Reason/Dream) “Walk & Talk” • R5- Be Age/Background Appropriate • R6- Use Edification a. Presenter b. Plan/ Product • R7- Invitation Always on Phone a. KISS Do not KILL b. Questions are the Answers c. Ask Open Ended Questions d. Invitation to be done before 24- 48 Hrs of STP e. Confirmation has to be done before 2-3 hrs of STP f. Always Give 2 time Choices g. Do not use msg/whatsapp etc. for inviting h. Be polite & humble but don’t loose posture. i. Invite your prospect out of His Comfort Zone.
  • 17. j. Do not use words like- Business Plan, Business Opportunity, Seminar, MLM, Member, NW, Scheme , Join etc • R8- For WARM use FORM F- Family Chit Chat O- Occupation (Hot Button) R- Reason for Calling M- Meeting Fixation Some Samples of Invitation Pitches :- 1.) I am working with a project, which can provide to an Extra Income Opportunity. 2.) I am working for Personality Development Program. 3.) We are providing unique services, which are related to Internet Based Communication. 4.) We are working on time Compounding Management Business Module. 5.) We are working with a Social Security program. 6.) We are helping people to grow financially, mentally, socially, psychologically & spiritually. 7.) We are providing unique technology, which is going to create a big revolution in Indian Market. 8.) We are working on financial freedom & Time Freedom Project. 9.) Do you want to be RICH??, I am having a platform for you. 10.) DO you want to help other people in society?? 11.) Do you want some Extra Pocket Money Every Month? 12.) Basically, I am representing US based Multi National Corporation. This Company is having its presence in more than 40 countries today, and some of the top companies all across the World are already our existing clients. We have some cutting-edge technology related to internet communication and at present we are expanding our operations in the Indian market. Thus we are looking for some good People to promote this technology with us. Now this promotion does not mean it is marketing or selling, for that purpose we are already having system in place. But if you join hands with us today, you have the Great Opportunity to EARN FROM 10000 to 2 LAKH RUPEES per day in coming future. Pause………….(give him/her chance to speak)…. Now what to do, how to do, your all questions will be cleared as we are organizing our Orientation Program tomorrow at 12.30 in the afternoon and 6.30 in the evening (always give a time choice), so which time is suitable for you? 13.) Primary Motivating Factors (PMFs): i. Financial Freedom ii. Time Freedom iii. Fun & Enjoyment iv. Foreign Trip v. Identity & Recognition vi. Name & Fame vii. Helping Others viii. Extra Income ix. Personality Development x. Social Circle xi. Leave a Legacy
  • 18. Some questions might come during invitation: – How much is the investment? - If you like the complete project then there is a minimum investment of Rs. 20,000 and if you would like to invest higher amount then we have other investment modules also ranging upto a lakh. What will be our role? - There are various roles we are looking at so u can choose for yourself which one u fit into after looking at the complete project. Is it MLM/ Chain marketing/Member making scheme? - What do u understand by MLM? /Do u have any experience in MLM before? If Yes then ask about his experience - We are not offering membership of any Club or something. It’s a fantastic project through which you can make an excellent extra income. Will this session happen again? - Not sure when again we are holding this but if we are holding this again then do you want me to inform you? Invitation Through Video Mail (for Warm Market only, for Hot Market-there is no need, call them straight and bring for presentation). Steps:- 1. Make your own video (don’t discuss business, just simple hi/hello- basic purpose is to show the technology) 2. Call them (within 24 hours after sending the Video). Points to be discussed-  hi. How did you find the video?  Is it good?  How about making some money out of it?  See basically it’s a California based company, launching its operations in India, the mission of the Company is to bring the world closer together. Earning Potential is 5000 $ per day  Now what to do, how to do, your all questions will be cleared as we are organizing our Orientation Program tomorrow at 12.30 in the afternoon and 6.30 in the evening (always give Time Choice), so which time is suitable for you.
  • 19. STP (Show the Plan):- Types- 1. One to One (Extremely Powerful) 2. Home Meetings (Specially for those who have restrictions) 3. Big shows or Group Meetings Requirements:-  It should be short and sweet (50 to 55 minutes)  Present with Belief and Conviction (Believe is more powerful then knowledge alone)  Crowd involvement is always recommended while group presentations  Content of STP - Company’s background and 3 P’s that is Product, Income Plan and importance of Positioning.  During group meetings, always sit with your guest (if have a chair left), and sit very attentive, prepare notes, no matter how many times you have given or taken the presentation earlier, that will show your seriousness.  Dress up professionally in group meetings  Always carry all your tools (file or laptop, pen, paper, your cheque copies etc) along, if going for one on one presentation. One on one presentation, is the process, where you can share the information to such people who are big tycoons, businessman’s etc. Try to do one on one at your office, your home, at Coffee shops (Barista/ CCD’s), Hotels or Restaurants (whatever venue you are choosing it should peaceful to some extent that your prospect able to listen what you are explaining) etc but NOT at his office.  Be there at the Venue, before scheduled time.  Sit and talk to your prospect before presentation starts, do not leave him or her alone.  First 5 to 8 presentations - take your leaders help. Start presenting yourself after on. It is most important as it will give you sense of Ownership for your business.  Sit with your prospect after presentation (which is called meeting after meeting or closing). Handle his challenges. If you are having more number of guest then call your leaders for back up.  Always carry white board and marker in your car. You never no, where will you be showing plan in next 4 hours.  Maintain your posture  Edification (Very Important) - When you bring your guests always introduce your upline yourself. Edify him- He is Mr./Ms…………He/she is my role model. He is very successful and knowledgeable person in this business. I have requested him/her to take out his important time from his/her busy schedule, just for you.  After the group presentation, always remember to meet your guest with your upline (its called closing).
  • 20. Objection Handling & Follow Up (Extremely Crucial)  Within 24 to 48 hours of the plan- Strike when the iron is hot.  Always walk the line between CONFIDENCE and ARROGANCE.  Don’t get defensive with emotion, get defensive professionally.  Answer question with question  Initially first few Follow up’s, take your leader along  Slap with a Kiss (Balancing approach)  Always use FFF (Feel, Felt, Found- Oh fantastic Mr….I know how you feel, that was how I felt, but this is what I found out)  While handling objections, be Proud of what you do (You are not just representing yourself; you are representing everyone out there who is doing TEI. Maintain your Posture. Do not allow someone to mock what you do. you can walk away losing that prospect but hold on to your pride)  Don’t attack him but make him feel comfortable to accept your point The main issues while doing follow up : 1. I HAVE NO MONEY:- Did you have it 1999? Do you have it in 2009? Will you have it in 2019? Emergency Medical Situation Even I did not have it, then FFF Money has to be arranged, either bzeg, Borrow or Steal. I am not saying you to Beg or Steal, but You can Borrow. If you have goodwill in the market 12000/- can be arranged in few minutes (and if you do not have goodwill, then I can’t help it) On one side here is this Business where you can get Money Freedom, Time Freedom, Name and Fame, Recognition, Foreign Trips, Personality Development, Chance to help society….and on other side there is a small amount . Either TAKE all these things or SAVE your amount. That’s your wish, Now tell me what do you want to do?? Don’t you care for your family?? For your kids, wife, or parents?? Do you want to give them ordinary life?? Is arranging just a small amount bigger than their needs?? You need me more then I need you. I am giving option to improve the way you live. 2. I HAVE NO TIME Where all of your time goes?? Emergency example This business works on Time Compounding Management or on the Power of Duplication. After certain period of time, your Time will be compounded with other people Time. See neither I nor You belong from Tata or Birla Family. Time has to be MANAGED if we want something extra in our life Amitabh Bachchan works for 15 hours at the age of 68. Don’t you have that hunger?? Don’t you care for your family?? For your kids, wife, or parents?? Do you want to give them ordinary life?? Is managing 12 to 15 hours a week bigger than their needs?? 3. WHAT IS THE GUARANTEE OF THE COMPANY:- You don’t even have Guarantee of your own life. Explain Company’s Background (it is given in the beginning of Presentation)
  • 21. 4. I WILL CONSULT:- Whom you will consult with?? What you will consult?? See I told you 100%, you must have understood 70% as it is human mind, after reaching to your home, 40% will be left into your mind, you will tell it your friend or parents or wife or husband- what will they get- Just 10%, then what will they say- they will say BIG NO. See half information is dangerous then the full lie. If you see any movie, can you demand its feedback from the person who has not seen that? If your Watch is not working, do you got to Scooter mechanic to get it repaired? If you feel ill, to whom you will go?? Doctor, right. I am the best Doctor for this business. Consult with me if you have any questions or queries, I am sitting here for that only. 5. OTHER MLM’S:- Fear of MLM Success Don’t criticize any Company. But on the same time, prove your point, why TEI is Best, with a LOGIC. LOGIC- Explain Company’s Background, its Product, its Plan (explained in 3 P’s) and its Training and Support System. 6. I DON’T KNOW MORE PEOPLE:- No Contacts If he is using mobile, tell him to check your mobile phone where you cancan get 100 references. Get him remembered when there was function at his home like any marriage, pooja, birthday etc. Ask him where these people come from. You can share this information to any of your known people. 7. WHAT IF DOWN LINERS DON’T WORK:- Ask him, what if they work efficiently? If you want to work then why not they. If any of your downline does not work and if you are serious about this project, you can sponsor any of your friends and work with him. 8. I HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN ME:- Leaders are not born, they are made. Confidence comes with your knowledge. To get confidence, we organize Business development Trainings on weekly basis where you can knowledge about this company and its services and slowly gradually you get confident. There is no tablet for confidence, it is gradual process and it will take little time. 9. I TRIED OTHER MLM, BUT IT DOES NOT WORK:- If you have joined any MLM, it shows that have dream. If you could not be successful in one company, it does not mean you would not be successful in any other company. We don’t stop driving, if anytime we are caused accident. Right? Whatever mistakes you may have done in your previous company, you can improve it and if you learn through our learning program you can fulfill your dreams from TEI. 10. I DOUBT WHETHER THE CORPORATE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL AS TECHNOLOGIES KEEP ON CHANGING AND COMPETITION IS OPEN I agree with you but as far as TEI is concerned, during the last 6-7 years no other company has come up such kind of services. Can you explain what can the reason be? It means some strong point is there with TEI. We all know when mobile came, many competitors also came within 3 years like Idea, Hutch to compete Airtel. We are currently enjoy MONOPOLY. Till this monopoly, can we make money? Now even in the absence of competition, we have not only increased services, but also brought improvement in the existing services.
  • 22. 11. WE CAN DO IT FROM YOU TUBE/SKYPE/YAHOO TALK/GOOGLE TALK FREE OF COST Why we buy Bislery when water is free. Feature Based!!!. Can you feel the difference when you go to public telephone booth for making a call and when you make a call from your own mobile. Same is the case here. These sites are not only public sites, but also endanger our privacy. Ours is a totally private system and we can design it as per our needs. Above all, if there are two same kind of services but one service offers me added advantage of earning Rs.2 lac per day, which should I use? 12. I AM OF RESERVED NATURE AND CANNOT TALK TO PEOPLE COMFORTABLY Then don’t you think this is the right platform for you? We need to talk to people as we deal in people. When we talk to people more and more, we find some change in our personality. Example of Mamta was a reticent girl before TEI, but now she can speak before masses. 13. I AM CONVINCED BUT MY PARENTS HAVE NOT ALLOWED ME In such cases, before showing the plan we should keep in mind to invite a students with their parents. We can ask the students how you have got bike, laptop, college tour. Your parents kept on fulfilling your demands. Why not this time? He can talk to parents that this is a multiple pack of personality development, communication skills, upgradation of computer for video communication. He should not talk about business at all. But he must attract parents by features of the services so that parents may also think of having it. 14. I AM CONVINCED BUT MY HUSBAND HAS NOT ALLOWED A housewife should be suggested to attend the STP with husband. Anyway, in such case invite her husband also for STP. Or fix up a follow up at her place and interact with her husband by showing him the opportunity. Also try to find out whether the lady depends on her husband for only money or her husband is against her any kind of independent profession. Finally awake the lady to tell her husband that she would like to contribute to the family and this can be the best way. 15. I AM STILL THINKING ABOUT IT OK, thinking deeply about some decision is a very good habit. By the way what have you thought about the POSITIONING??????? You know some actions have to be taken well within time. If you are thinking about some challenge in this project, I can assist you to overcome that. 16. I AM TALKING TO SOME OF MY VERY GOOD CONTACTS TO START WITH ME (Fitting/Fixing) How can you make profit before opening of a business? You cannot invite a client to your shop by standing in front of your it with closed shutter…..Tell Story of that person who went to find out his two persons. And when he got his two persons, they also went to find out there two persons. 17. HOW MONEY WILL COME IF CHAIN BREAKS? Can you repeat me what is the business plan? If you analyze the plan, it is a binary plan. Money is paid into ratio of 6:3. These 6 or 3 may be brought by any one. So only number of sales are counted and there is no role of chain. If you are working, it hardly matters whether chain is broken. In any industry a small percentage is the performer class.
  • 23. 18. WHY OTHER COMPANIES HAVE NOT ENTERED IF IT IS VERY USEFUL TECHNOLOGY It is an emerging industry. As soon as the services become popular, many companies will enter the market. But currently it is time to make the people aware and make money. However currently also different companies are providing some of the services in piece meal Reliance Web World, Cisco, Webex. They provide the services at very high cost and focus on corporate clients. Any company needs a very big infrastructure. Ultimately there will be good competition but it hardly matters to Airtel, Maruti, DLF as they are getting first mover advantage as we in TEI. 19. IF IT IS SUCH A WONDERFUL TECHNOLOGY/SERVICES WHY PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT Can you tell me how people come to know about the new products and services? Of course by Advertisement. They make huge expenditure on Advertisement. But TEI has not used the source of costly advertisement system. Instead they have use real method of advertisement i.e. Word of Mouth Publicity. You know now where is population with ‘we two our two’. So people are becoming aware about this also. 20. THIS PRODUCT IS OF NO USE FOR ME ‘Saari bechne ke liye kya saari pahnana jsaroori he?’ Offer this product/service who need it. However currently you don’t need it as it is currently a life style as mobile was a life style 13 years back. But now as you cannot live without mobile, you will start using it as a habit. If we want to make money, we need not necessarily use it. Mrs Sharwari did not use it earlier still she make lot of money. 21. I DON’T NEED MONEY. I HAVE ENOUGH WEALTH FOR US. Excellent!!!!!! But would you like to help others? Many people are not able to earn bread even. Many people are fed up of their jobs. Many businessmen want to change their business. Many unemployed people are searching for some opportunity. You can be the instrumental to that. If while helping others if you get money from TEI, you can donate it. Many good organizations keep on looking for donations for social, national, medical cause. If despite follow up no result, how to proceed Send Regular Selected Emails Relieve him of fear of being asked to join Keep him informed about your achievements Invite him to your recognition programs as a personal invitation.
  • 24. Why TEI or (4 P’s) 1. Product:-  No Logistics involved, Web-based services, hence no Transportation cost or Delivery probs.  Its product is used by US Army, Microsoft etc  Unique + Need based  Communication tool (like mobile phone was 10 years before)  More then 1 Billion Internet Users, and growing daily  60 Billions E-mails are sent everyday 2. Plan:-  Dual Core Binary plan  No Sales flush outs  No Targets  Highest Pay-out- Capping/Ceiling- 5 LAKH Rs. Per day  Weekly Pay outs  Up to 80 Lakh Rs. Cash rewards, Mercedes Benz etc  Sustainable in Long run 3. Pricing:- Competitive pricing, as compared to other Service providers.Positioning (to be explained while closing or during follow up for urgency of payment):- Draw the diagram and explain him/her that you may get benefit for our efforts, if you delay your positioning you can lose one or more prospects. Knowledge Bank
  • 25. This Industry is New to You, for to Survive In this Industry, you require to Know More About it In Detail, For that these can be following Material or Tools which will Help You . S.No. Books Writer 1 Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki 2 Business School Robert Kiyosaki 3 Cash Flow Quadrant Robert Kiyosaki 4 Copycat Marketing Bruke Hedges 5 Who Stole My American Dream Bruke Hedges 6 Parable of Pipeline Bruke Hedges 7 Questions are the Answers Allen Pease 8 Your First Year in Network Marketing Mark Yarnell 9 Magic of Thinking Big David J.Schwartz 10 Skill with People and Art of Dealing with People Les Giblin 11 Go for No! Yes is the Destination! Richard Fenten 12 Secret of Millionaire Mind T. Harvekar 13 14 Power of Subconscious mind Go PRO Joseph Murphy Eric Worre “Invasion of armies can be resisted, But not an idea whose time has come” And TEI business is the need of “Today” “Thank you and wish you a great success ahead” God Bless you. -----------------------------------------------------