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2011 Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
Jennifer Trant  Archives & Museum Informatics Welcome and Introduction Best of the Web Awards
Representing the Panel Douglas Hegley The Metropolitan Museum of Art Francesca Merlino Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Best of the Web Awards
Panel Chair  Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics  Panel Matthew Andress, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, USA Steven Beasley, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, USA Peter Gorgels, Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands Kajsa Hartig, ABM-centrum, Sweden Douglas Hegley, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA Dina Helal, Whitney Museum of American Art, USA Brad Larson, Brad Larson Media, Inc., USA Marjo Mäenpää, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland Francesca Merlino, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, USA Maurizio Ortolani, National Arts Center, Canada Jon Pratty, Arts Council England, UK Conxa Roda, Barcelona City Council, Spain Corey Timpson, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Canada Best of the Web Awards
We are here to celebrate Community Aspirations Online excellence Congratulate the winners, but also take a moment to  pat yourself on the back  Best of the Web Awards
We are here to celebrate Community Aspirations   Online excellence Congratulate the winners, but also take a moment to pat yourself on the back  You contribute to the delivery of online content that is: Educational  Imaginative Creative Helpful Engaging Inspiring Best of the Web Awards
Best of the Web: Process Sites are suggested by the community in an open call Nominated sites are assigned to members of the panel All sites explored in-depth, tested, reviewed/rated Disagreements are enthusiastically expressed and debated Every site is evaluated in the context of the other sites nominated Finalists rise to the top, then are re-evaluated to decide winners Together, the panel selects winners in each category and overall Best of the Web Awards
We  all  win (well, sort of) It is an honor to be nominated - all such sites deserve recognition Not every site can win (obviously) Competition drives innovation and exciting new designs Awards provide recognition Be inspired! Best of the Web Awards
And the winners are …  Best of the Web Awards
Category:  Audio / Visual / Podcast Best of the Web Awards Expanded Category
Characteristics include: -  use narrative, linear, audio, or video to share museum content - content is original, appropriate, perhaps evocative effective use of sound, video, images And the winner is … Audio / Visual / Podcast Best of the Web Awards
Audio / Visual / Podcast:  WINNER Winner: Museum Victoria Access All Podcast Institution: Museum Victoria Designer: In-house http://museumvictoria.com.au/accessallareas/podcastadventures/ Best of the Web Awards
Audio / Visual / Podcast:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ I am happy anytime a museum can make the connection between people and the objects held within their walls. ”
“ …  conversations with staff are warm and enthusiastic  -- we meet "the shrimp woman", and hear her ask her cubicle mate to make duck sounds …” “ Makes me want to hang out at the museum with these people!”
Audio / Visual / Podcast:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ They might consider updating the interface a bit, adding more images and multimedia to continue engaging the audience.”
Audio / Visual / Podcast:  WINNER Museum Victoria Audio / Visual / Podcast:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards Congratulations
Category:  Education Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: - teach a specific audience on a particular subject - present material in an effective and relevant manner - for schools, teachers, and students of any age support lifelong learning activities easily-identified target audience and clear pedagogical strategy  First, we have an honorable mention … Education Best of the Web Awards Education Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Honorable Mention: History of Vaccines Institution: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Designers: Night Kitchen Interactive http://www.historyofvaccines.org/ Best of the Web Awards Education: Honorable Mention  Best of the Web Awards
“ The design of the site is simple yet refined. Bonus points for having a social cause and helping people.”
“ Useful and detailed information, presented visually in an effective, step-by-step manner”
“ The game interface had a bit of a heavy-handed way to indicate ‘Wrong!’ … ‘Try Again’ might be a bit better” “ Nice timeline highlighting major milestones and events”
Best of the Web Awards Education: Honorable Mention  College of Physicians of Philadelphia Congratulations
Education: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Education Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Winner: ACMI Generator Institution: Australian Center for the Moving Image Designers: Monkii  http://generator.acmi.net.au/ Best of the Web Awards Education:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Everything people of all ages need to know about making their own videos. Provides informative videos featuring professionals in the field, and in the medium that students are working with - instructive on multiple levels.”
“ Great concept & execution, very thorough. Fantastic resource for aspiring filmmakers to think about what makes a good film: the story.” Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ The functionality and concept overshadowed any shortcomings – maybe the interface could be slightly improved, but that’s a minor point.”
Education:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards Australian Center for the Moving Image Congratulations
Category:  Exhibition Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  present and interpret museum collections and themes - provide a rich and meaningful digital experience - complement physical exhibitions or provide digital experience - innovative, imaginative, can be “born digital” collections engage different categories of ‘visitors’ First, we have an honorable mention … Exhibition Best of the Web Awards
Honorable Mention: City of Horrors Institution: Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona  Designer: Ignasi Rifé http://www.cccb.org/laciutatdelshorrors/old.php?l=en Exhibition:  Honorable Mention Best of the Web Awards
Best of the Web Awards Exhibition:  Honorable Mention “ Initially a bit deceiving … what is here? But it is elegantly simple and to-the-point”
“ Really engages the community, and allows for differing opinions and tastes” “ My only criticism: once I got into it, I couldn’t stop!”
Best of the Web Awards Exhibition:  Honorable Mention Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona  Congratulations
Exhibition: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Exhibition Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Henri Cartier-Bresson,  The Modern Century Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designer: Second Story, Inc. http://moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2010/henricartierbresson/#/ Exhibition:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Exhibition:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Very, very elegant. The interface is intuitive, and never gets in the way of simply enjoying these compelling photographs”
Exhibition:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ At the core of the achievement here is the direct display of imagery; this may sound overly simple, but looking at images online is frustrating unless you can dive right into the pictures. This site makes that its number one feature, to great success.”
“…  on the maps, I wanted to view the photos from the specific locations, but this didn't seem to be an option … seems like that would not have been hard to add”
The Museum of  Modern Art  Congratulations Exhibition:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Category:  Innovative / Experimental Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: - creative, new, innovative uses of the web - demonstrate originality and potential for development apply new web concepts to museum goals experimental and creative uses of emerging technology And the winner is … Innovative / Experimental Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Innl.nl Institution: Dutch Museum of Natural History Designer: Caspar Glorius http://www.innl.nl/ Innovative / Experimental:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Innovative / Experimental:  WINNER “…  a good effort to combine related content, from both the public and the professionals – it has interesting potential ” Best of the Web Awards “…  the underlying semantic relationships making pathways through the site could end up making - as the site creators intend – a sort of meta-site that sits between other kinds of publications.”
Innovative / Experimental:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ It might be helpful for them to consider adding hierarchical information to the data, to help organize it. It lacks strong and consistent context.” “ The plans to build a museum have been derailed by the economy. This platform has potential, we hope to see more to come here.”
Innovative / Experimental:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards Dutch Museum of Natural History Congratulations
Category:  Long-lived Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: - long-term commitment to excellent online presence year-over-year, these sites deliver quality and serve communities continued growth in available resources sustained use and engagement by site visitors alignment with vision and strategy of the institution And the winner is … Long-Lived Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Exploratorium Institution: Exploratorium Designer: In-house http://www.exploratorium.edu/ Long-Lived:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Long-Lived:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ For years: consistently good content done thoughtfully”
Long-Lived:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Looks like they plan to add more and more video content, which will keep the site fresh and interesting. Great site for kids and adults, especially to share with each other” “ It’s a bit scroll-heavy when you are browsing the site, they might think about improving the organization of the content within the site design”
Exploratorium Congratulations Long-Lived:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Category:  Mobile New Category Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  sites or apps created to function best on a mobile device - accessible on multiple platforms - use of mobile interaction possibilities creative ways of presenting content ease of use for both experienced and novice users First, we have an honorable mention … Mobile Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Honorable Mention: Golden Gate Park Field Guide Institution: California Academy of Sciences Designers: Odopod http://moma.org/screentests Best of the Web Awards Mobile: Honorable Mention  Best of the Web Awards
“ Nicely done mobile app, with user-submitted information integrated into the interface.”
“ I love the fact that you can add your sightings. It's a great way to engage visitors in the park, and to let them adapt the experience to their own wishes.”
“ The information architecture is somewhat inefficient, they could improve the experience of the user in terms of orientation within the interface.”
Best of the Web Awards Mobile: Honorable Mention  California Academy  of Sciences Congratulations
Mobile: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Mobile Best of the Web Awards
Winner : AB EX NY iPad app Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designer: Deep Focus http://www.moma.org/explore/mobile/abexnyapp Mobile:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
“  Apps like these bring a new dimension to exhibits. The interface is beautifully designed.”
Mobile:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “…  innovative and beautifully executed with fantastic integration of mapping and video.”
Mobile:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ This is why I bought my iPad!” “ Specific to the iPad … not sure if that’s a criticism per se, because it renders beautifully, but it does lock the content away just a bit”
The Museum of Modern Art Congratulations Mobile:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Category:  Museum Professional Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  serve museum professionals and their requirements - administration, exhibitions, education, PR, registration, collections management, development - contribute to institution, or to museum profession as a whole provide software, guidelines, templates and packages for museum professionals And the winner is … Museum Professional Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Wiki Institution: Smithsonian Institution Designer: In-house http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/ Museum Professional:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
“ This is not a site that looks very rewarding visually, but once you delve into its complex workings, you're looking into schematic diagrams and sketches of the way some of the best minds in museums work..”
“ Simple, functional, led by workshops and the museum team itself. Wonderfully transparent process.” “ How does all of this relate to what is actually happening at the Institute? It would be great to see how this gets put into action”
Smithsonian Institution Congratulations Museum Professional:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Category:  Research / Online Collection Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  support research on museum collections provide resources for researchers from any discipline content is accurate, deep, consistent, current provide extensive links and references to other related resources and sites creative use of APIs, mashups, integrations of multiple sources And the winner is … Research / Online Collection Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Portable Antiquities Scheme Institution: The British Museum Designer: Daniel Pett http://finds.org.uk/ Research / Online Collection:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Research / Online Collection:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ From what I have seen on the site, and from what I have seen from the community of users all over the UK, it is a living, breathing, successful research site. ”
Research / Online Collection:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ It represents much of what we like the web to be: informative, interactive, participatory, deep, rich, and able to satisfy both the general audience and the niche specialists” “ The site has depth on every level, apart, perhaps, from design”
The British Museum Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Research / Online Collection:  WINNER
Category:  Social Media Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  Use social media to engage & involve communities Coordinated strategy that evolves based on user needs Maintain voice and identity across platforms Robust online participation  First, we have an honorable mention … Social Media Best of the Web Awards
Education:  WINNER Honorable Mention: Andy Warhol, Motion Pictures Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designers: Stamen http://moma.org/screentests Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention  Best of the Web Awards
Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention  “ There are almost 430 screen tests uploaded … I am impressed … that people actually take time to stage the set, it's not just about sitting in front of the webcam.”
Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention  “ At first this site is very intriguing. What is this? What are these people doing in the videos?” “ Some kind of interaction with the museum would be nice, for example: asking questions about Warhol or his work.”
Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention  The Museum of Modern Art Congratulations
Social Media: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Social Media Best of the Web Awards
Winner: One-to-one with the Artist: Ai Weiwei Institution: Tate Designer: Cogapp http://aiweiwei.tate.org.uk/ Social Media:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Social Media:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “…  brings the use of social media one step further. The audience becomes an integral part of the dissemination of the art work.” “ Overall an excellent site. They promise and they deliver.”
Social Media:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ This is a remarkable site growing out of an extraordinary exhibit. The interface is very nicely crafted, pleasing and intuitive.” “ Allows visitors to find and explore videos in multiple ways.”
“ …  on the curatorial side, videos from visitors seemed a bit lackluster.  With over 19,000 entries, there must be some extraordinary ones, but the mechanisms don't seem to allow those to surface …”
Tate Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Social Media:  WINNER
Category:  Small Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: - created in-house or with volunteer effort - mounted by small institutions (5 for fewer professional staff)  created with very limited budgets (sometimes no budget) And the winner is … Small Best of the Web Awards
Winner: Archaeology Scene Investigations (ASI: Louth) Institution: County Museum, Dundalk Designer: MOR Solutions http://www.asi-louth.ie/ Small:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Small:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “…  a clean, engaging site -- it's a nice framework for viewing the content”
Small:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Nice tie-in with Google Maps to locate all digs ”
Small:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Very enjoyable exhibition website with masses of information, great timeline. I stayed on the site for ages going through all the sections and watching the videos” “ Perhaps they could better identify audiences for the site - the content has an educational feel not always right for adults”
County Museum, Dundalk Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Small:  WINNER
Category:  People’s Choice Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: -  each registrant at  http://conference.archimuse.com  may cast one vote And with the most votes, the winner is … People’s Choice Best of the Web Awards
People’s Choice:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards Winner: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Wiki Institution: Smithsonian Institution Designer: In-house http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/
People’s Choice:  WINNER Best of the Web Awards
Smithsonian Institute Congratulations Best of the Web Awards People’s Choice:  WINNER
Category:  Best Overall Best of the Web Awards
Characteristics include: - together, the Panel chooses the "Best of the Web" - recognizing the outstanding nature of a site and its contribution - considerations: quality of content, ease of use, accessibility, stability sites are  not  nominated for Best Overall,  the choice is made by the Panel from among the sites nominated in all categories And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Best Overall
Best of the Web Awards Best Overall:  WINNER Winner: ACMI Generator Institution: Australian Center for the Moving Image Designers: Monkii  http://generator.acmi.net.au/
“ This site teaches, with terrific effectiveness, what anyone needs to know about self-publication and representation via visual images. Impressive! Outstanding!”
Australian Center for the Moving Image Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Best Overall:  WINNER
What’s Next? Corey Timpson, Canadian Museum for Human Rights Best of the Web Awards
Being a judge
Being a judge is all about the glamour
Affords us the opportunity to see a great amount of work
Affords us the opportunity to see a great amount of work From one year to the next = trends
This year we had a solid field of nominations
This year we had a solid field of nominations Next year, we want to see more
Constraints vs Opportunity
Constraints vs Opportunity Creativity, Innovation
No idea is too small
No idea is too small Gems
Challenge Submit your ideas Submit the ideas of others
Be bold
One idea inspires more Be bold
Congratulations To all nominees, finalists, and award winners! To all: keep creating, keep innovating, and  submit more great sites  next year! Best of the Web Awards

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MW2011 Best of the Web Awards

  • 1. 2011 Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
  • 2. Jennifer Trant Archives & Museum Informatics Welcome and Introduction Best of the Web Awards
  • 3. Representing the Panel Douglas Hegley The Metropolitan Museum of Art Francesca Merlino Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Best of the Web Awards
  • 4. Panel Chair Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics Panel Matthew Andress, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, USA Steven Beasley, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, USA Peter Gorgels, Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands Kajsa Hartig, ABM-centrum, Sweden Douglas Hegley, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA Dina Helal, Whitney Museum of American Art, USA Brad Larson, Brad Larson Media, Inc., USA Marjo Mäenpää, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland Francesca Merlino, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, USA Maurizio Ortolani, National Arts Center, Canada Jon Pratty, Arts Council England, UK Conxa Roda, Barcelona City Council, Spain Corey Timpson, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Canada Best of the Web Awards
  • 5. We are here to celebrate Community Aspirations Online excellence Congratulate the winners, but also take a moment to pat yourself on the back Best of the Web Awards
  • 6. We are here to celebrate Community Aspirations Online excellence Congratulate the winners, but also take a moment to pat yourself on the back You contribute to the delivery of online content that is: Educational Imaginative Creative Helpful Engaging Inspiring Best of the Web Awards
  • 7. Best of the Web: Process Sites are suggested by the community in an open call Nominated sites are assigned to members of the panel All sites explored in-depth, tested, reviewed/rated Disagreements are enthusiastically expressed and debated Every site is evaluated in the context of the other sites nominated Finalists rise to the top, then are re-evaluated to decide winners Together, the panel selects winners in each category and overall Best of the Web Awards
  • 8. We all win (well, sort of) It is an honor to be nominated - all such sites deserve recognition Not every site can win (obviously) Competition drives innovation and exciting new designs Awards provide recognition Be inspired! Best of the Web Awards
  • 9. And the winners are … Best of the Web Awards
  • 10. Category: Audio / Visual / Podcast Best of the Web Awards Expanded Category
  • 11. Characteristics include: - use narrative, linear, audio, or video to share museum content - content is original, appropriate, perhaps evocative effective use of sound, video, images And the winner is … Audio / Visual / Podcast Best of the Web Awards
  • 12. Audio / Visual / Podcast: WINNER Winner: Museum Victoria Access All Podcast Institution: Museum Victoria Designer: In-house http://museumvictoria.com.au/accessallareas/podcastadventures/ Best of the Web Awards
  • 13. Audio / Visual / Podcast: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ I am happy anytime a museum can make the connection between people and the objects held within their walls. ”
  • 14. “ … conversations with staff are warm and enthusiastic  -- we meet "the shrimp woman", and hear her ask her cubicle mate to make duck sounds …” “ Makes me want to hang out at the museum with these people!”
  • 15. Audio / Visual / Podcast: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ They might consider updating the interface a bit, adding more images and multimedia to continue engaging the audience.”
  • 16. Audio / Visual / Podcast: WINNER Museum Victoria Audio / Visual / Podcast: WINNER Best of the Web Awards Congratulations
  • 17. Category: Education Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
  • 18. Characteristics include: - teach a specific audience on a particular subject - present material in an effective and relevant manner - for schools, teachers, and students of any age support lifelong learning activities easily-identified target audience and clear pedagogical strategy First, we have an honorable mention … Education Best of the Web Awards Education Best of the Web Awards
  • 19. Education: WINNER Honorable Mention: History of Vaccines Institution: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Designers: Night Kitchen Interactive http://www.historyofvaccines.org/ Best of the Web Awards Education: Honorable Mention Best of the Web Awards
  • 20. “ The design of the site is simple yet refined. Bonus points for having a social cause and helping people.”
  • 21. “ Useful and detailed information, presented visually in an effective, step-by-step manner”
  • 22. “ The game interface had a bit of a heavy-handed way to indicate ‘Wrong!’ … ‘Try Again’ might be a bit better” “ Nice timeline highlighting major milestones and events”
  • 23. Best of the Web Awards Education: Honorable Mention College of Physicians of Philadelphia Congratulations
  • 24. Education: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Education Best of the Web Awards
  • 25. Education: WINNER Winner: ACMI Generator Institution: Australian Center for the Moving Image Designers: Monkii http://generator.acmi.net.au/ Best of the Web Awards Education: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 26. Education: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Everything people of all ages need to know about making their own videos. Provides informative videos featuring professionals in the field, and in the medium that students are working with - instructive on multiple levels.”
  • 27. “ Great concept & execution, very thorough. Fantastic resource for aspiring filmmakers to think about what makes a good film: the story.” Best of the Web Awards
  • 28. Education: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ The functionality and concept overshadowed any shortcomings – maybe the interface could be slightly improved, but that’s a minor point.”
  • 29. Education: WINNER Best of the Web Awards Australian Center for the Moving Image Congratulations
  • 30. Category: Exhibition Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
  • 31. Characteristics include: - present and interpret museum collections and themes - provide a rich and meaningful digital experience - complement physical exhibitions or provide digital experience - innovative, imaginative, can be “born digital” collections engage different categories of ‘visitors’ First, we have an honorable mention … Exhibition Best of the Web Awards
  • 32. Honorable Mention: City of Horrors Institution: Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona Designer: Ignasi Rifé http://www.cccb.org/laciutatdelshorrors/old.php?l=en Exhibition: Honorable Mention Best of the Web Awards
  • 33. Best of the Web Awards Exhibition: Honorable Mention “ Initially a bit deceiving … what is here? But it is elegantly simple and to-the-point”
  • 34. “ Really engages the community, and allows for differing opinions and tastes” “ My only criticism: once I got into it, I couldn’t stop!”
  • 35. Best of the Web Awards Exhibition: Honorable Mention Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona Congratulations
  • 36. Exhibition: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Exhibition Best of the Web Awards
  • 37. Winner: Henri Cartier-Bresson, The Modern Century Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designer: Second Story, Inc. http://moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2010/henricartierbresson/#/ Exhibition: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 38. Exhibition: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Very, very elegant. The interface is intuitive, and never gets in the way of simply enjoying these compelling photographs”
  • 39. Exhibition: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ At the core of the achievement here is the direct display of imagery; this may sound overly simple, but looking at images online is frustrating unless you can dive right into the pictures. This site makes that its number one feature, to great success.”
  • 40. “… on the maps, I wanted to view the photos from the specific locations, but this didn't seem to be an option … seems like that would not have been hard to add”
  • 41. The Museum of Modern Art Congratulations Exhibition: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 42. Category: Innovative / Experimental Best of the Web Awards
  • 43. Characteristics include: - creative, new, innovative uses of the web - demonstrate originality and potential for development apply new web concepts to museum goals experimental and creative uses of emerging technology And the winner is … Innovative / Experimental Best of the Web Awards
  • 44. Winner: Innl.nl Institution: Dutch Museum of Natural History Designer: Caspar Glorius http://www.innl.nl/ Innovative / Experimental: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 45. Innovative / Experimental: WINNER “… a good effort to combine related content, from both the public and the professionals – it has interesting potential ” Best of the Web Awards “… the underlying semantic relationships making pathways through the site could end up making - as the site creators intend – a sort of meta-site that sits between other kinds of publications.”
  • 46. Innovative / Experimental: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ It might be helpful for them to consider adding hierarchical information to the data, to help organize it. It lacks strong and consistent context.” “ The plans to build a museum have been derailed by the economy. This platform has potential, we hope to see more to come here.”
  • 47. Innovative / Experimental: WINNER Best of the Web Awards Dutch Museum of Natural History Congratulations
  • 48. Category: Long-lived Best of the Web Awards
  • 49. Characteristics include: - long-term commitment to excellent online presence year-over-year, these sites deliver quality and serve communities continued growth in available resources sustained use and engagement by site visitors alignment with vision and strategy of the institution And the winner is … Long-Lived Best of the Web Awards
  • 50. Winner: Exploratorium Institution: Exploratorium Designer: In-house http://www.exploratorium.edu/ Long-Lived: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 51. Long-Lived: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ For years: consistently good content done thoughtfully”
  • 52. Long-Lived: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Looks like they plan to add more and more video content, which will keep the site fresh and interesting. Great site for kids and adults, especially to share with each other” “ It’s a bit scroll-heavy when you are browsing the site, they might think about improving the organization of the content within the site design”
  • 53. Exploratorium Congratulations Long-Lived: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 54. Category: Mobile New Category Best of the Web Awards
  • 55. Characteristics include: - sites or apps created to function best on a mobile device - accessible on multiple platforms - use of mobile interaction possibilities creative ways of presenting content ease of use for both experienced and novice users First, we have an honorable mention … Mobile Best of the Web Awards
  • 56. Education: WINNER Honorable Mention: Golden Gate Park Field Guide Institution: California Academy of Sciences Designers: Odopod http://moma.org/screentests Best of the Web Awards Mobile: Honorable Mention Best of the Web Awards
  • 57. “ Nicely done mobile app, with user-submitted information integrated into the interface.”
  • 58. “ I love the fact that you can add your sightings. It's a great way to engage visitors in the park, and to let them adapt the experience to their own wishes.”
  • 59. “ The information architecture is somewhat inefficient, they could improve the experience of the user in terms of orientation within the interface.”
  • 60. Best of the Web Awards Mobile: Honorable Mention California Academy of Sciences Congratulations
  • 61. Mobile: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Mobile Best of the Web Awards
  • 62. Winner : AB EX NY iPad app Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designer: Deep Focus http://www.moma.org/explore/mobile/abexnyapp Mobile: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 63. “  Apps like these bring a new dimension to exhibits. The interface is beautifully designed.”
  • 64. Mobile: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “… innovative and beautifully executed with fantastic integration of mapping and video.”
  • 65. Mobile: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ This is why I bought my iPad!” “ Specific to the iPad … not sure if that’s a criticism per se, because it renders beautifully, but it does lock the content away just a bit”
  • 66. The Museum of Modern Art Congratulations Mobile: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 67. Category: Museum Professional Best of the Web Awards
  • 68. Characteristics include: - serve museum professionals and their requirements - administration, exhibitions, education, PR, registration, collections management, development - contribute to institution, or to museum profession as a whole provide software, guidelines, templates and packages for museum professionals And the winner is … Museum Professional Best of the Web Awards
  • 69. Winner: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Wiki Institution: Smithsonian Institution Designer: In-house http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/ Museum Professional: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 70. “ This is not a site that looks very rewarding visually, but once you delve into its complex workings, you're looking into schematic diagrams and sketches of the way some of the best minds in museums work..”
  • 71. “ Simple, functional, led by workshops and the museum team itself. Wonderfully transparent process.” “ How does all of this relate to what is actually happening at the Institute? It would be great to see how this gets put into action”
  • 72. Smithsonian Institution Congratulations Museum Professional: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 73. Category: Research / Online Collection Best of the Web Awards
  • 74. Characteristics include: - support research on museum collections provide resources for researchers from any discipline content is accurate, deep, consistent, current provide extensive links and references to other related resources and sites creative use of APIs, mashups, integrations of multiple sources And the winner is … Research / Online Collection Best of the Web Awards
  • 75. Winner: Portable Antiquities Scheme Institution: The British Museum Designer: Daniel Pett http://finds.org.uk/ Research / Online Collection: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 76. Research / Online Collection: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ From what I have seen on the site, and from what I have seen from the community of users all over the UK, it is a living, breathing, successful research site. ”
  • 77. Research / Online Collection: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ It represents much of what we like the web to be: informative, interactive, participatory, deep, rich, and able to satisfy both the general audience and the niche specialists” “ The site has depth on every level, apart, perhaps, from design”
  • 78. The British Museum Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Research / Online Collection: WINNER
  • 79. Category: Social Media Best of the Web Awards Best of the Web Awards
  • 80. Characteristics include: - Use social media to engage & involve communities Coordinated strategy that evolves based on user needs Maintain voice and identity across platforms Robust online participation First, we have an honorable mention … Social Media Best of the Web Awards
  • 81. Education: WINNER Honorable Mention: Andy Warhol, Motion Pictures Institution: The Museum of Modern Art Designers: Stamen http://moma.org/screentests Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention Best of the Web Awards
  • 82. Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention “ There are almost 430 screen tests uploaded … I am impressed … that people actually take time to stage the set, it's not just about sitting in front of the webcam.”
  • 83. Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention “ At first this site is very intriguing. What is this? What are these people doing in the videos?” “ Some kind of interaction with the museum would be nice, for example: asking questions about Warhol or his work.”
  • 84. Best of the Web Awards Social Media: Honorable Mention The Museum of Modern Art Congratulations
  • 85. Social Media: And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Social Media Best of the Web Awards
  • 86. Winner: One-to-one with the Artist: Ai Weiwei Institution: Tate Designer: Cogapp http://aiweiwei.tate.org.uk/ Social Media: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 87. Social Media: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “… brings the use of social media one step further. The audience becomes an integral part of the dissemination of the art work.” “ Overall an excellent site. They promise and they deliver.”
  • 88. Social Media: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ This is a remarkable site growing out of an extraordinary exhibit. The interface is very nicely crafted, pleasing and intuitive.” “ Allows visitors to find and explore videos in multiple ways.”
  • 89. “ … on the curatorial side, videos from visitors seemed a bit lackluster.  With over 19,000 entries, there must be some extraordinary ones, but the mechanisms don't seem to allow those to surface …”
  • 90. Tate Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Social Media: WINNER
  • 91. Category: Small Best of the Web Awards
  • 92. Characteristics include: - created in-house or with volunteer effort - mounted by small institutions (5 for fewer professional staff) created with very limited budgets (sometimes no budget) And the winner is … Small Best of the Web Awards
  • 93. Winner: Archaeology Scene Investigations (ASI: Louth) Institution: County Museum, Dundalk Designer: MOR Solutions http://www.asi-louth.ie/ Small: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 94. Small: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “… a clean, engaging site -- it's a nice framework for viewing the content”
  • 95. Small: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Nice tie-in with Google Maps to locate all digs ”
  • 96. Small: WINNER Best of the Web Awards “ Very enjoyable exhibition website with masses of information, great timeline. I stayed on the site for ages going through all the sections and watching the videos” “ Perhaps they could better identify audiences for the site - the content has an educational feel not always right for adults”
  • 97. County Museum, Dundalk Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Small: WINNER
  • 98. Category: People’s Choice Best of the Web Awards
  • 99. Characteristics include: - each registrant at http://conference.archimuse.com may cast one vote And with the most votes, the winner is … People’s Choice Best of the Web Awards
  • 100. People’s Choice: WINNER Best of the Web Awards Winner: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Wiki Institution: Smithsonian Institution Designer: In-house http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/
  • 101. People’s Choice: WINNER Best of the Web Awards
  • 102. Smithsonian Institute Congratulations Best of the Web Awards People’s Choice: WINNER
  • 103. Category: Best Overall Best of the Web Awards
  • 104. Characteristics include: - together, the Panel chooses the "Best of the Web" - recognizing the outstanding nature of a site and its contribution - considerations: quality of content, ease of use, accessibility, stability sites are not nominated for Best Overall, the choice is made by the Panel from among the sites nominated in all categories And the winner is … Best of the Web Awards Best Overall
  • 105. Best of the Web Awards Best Overall: WINNER Winner: ACMI Generator Institution: Australian Center for the Moving Image Designers: Monkii http://generator.acmi.net.au/
  • 106. “ This site teaches, with terrific effectiveness, what anyone needs to know about self-publication and representation via visual images. Impressive! Outstanding!”
  • 107. Australian Center for the Moving Image Congratulations Best of the Web Awards Best Overall: WINNER
  • 108. What’s Next? Corey Timpson, Canadian Museum for Human Rights Best of the Web Awards
  • 110. Being a judge is all about the glamour
  • 111. Affords us the opportunity to see a great amount of work
  • 112. Affords us the opportunity to see a great amount of work From one year to the next = trends
  • 113. This year we had a solid field of nominations
  • 114. This year we had a solid field of nominations Next year, we want to see more
  • 117. Constraints vs Opportunity Creativity, Innovation
  • 118. No idea is too small
  • 119. No idea is too small Gems
  • 121. Challenge Submit your ideas Submit the ideas of others
  • 123. One idea inspires more Be bold
  • 124. Congratulations To all nominees, finalists, and award winners! To all: keep creating, keep innovating, and submit more great sites next year! Best of the Web Awards