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My Favourite Fruit Mango Essay
In Hindi
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My Favourite Fruit Mango Essay In Hindi My Favourite Fruit Mango Essay In Hindi
Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Rayona and her mother Christine grew up in different worlds but they are very similar in many
ways. Christine faced various problems as a young child that are now being passed down to
Rayona and she is now seeing how they are being affected by them. The novel A Yellow Raft in
Blue Water walks us through Rayona s coming of age story and the three perspectives that it is
being told in, Rayona s, Christine s, and Ida s. Although Rayona and Christine are very different,
they both seem to be facing similar problems; they end up helping one another find their self identity
and both are finally able to appreciate and understand one another. Rayona is in a way lost and
can t seem to find her place in the world. She thinks about herself in the way that she thinks
others think of her. She is fifteen years old at the time and does not have a lot of sense of her
self. Rayona is half African American and Native American, which makes her think she s
different from others and makes her have a low self esteem. She struggles with her identity and
physical appearance. Another thing that makes it difficult for her to find her true self is that she
lacks information about her heritage. Her dream is to have a normal life, meaning to have a
functional happy family and to be able to fit in. Rayona feels like a real family is the opposite of
what she has. She goes through a series of events and learns a little about her self in each of them.
Rayona is
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On April 10, 2006, Wcs And Metropolitan Entered A Standard
On April 10, 2006, WCS and Metropolitan entered a standard form agreement to complete certain
portions of the construction of a 397 unit apartment complex located in Camp Springs, Maryland.
(E. 932, 947 1007). The agreement consisted of multiple contract documents including: AIA
Document A131 CMc 2003 and AGC Document 556, Standard Form Agreement Between Owner
and Construction Manager (E. 947 63); AIA Document A201 1997, General Conditions of the
Contract for Construction (E.964 1007) (the General Conditions ); and AIA Document A121 CMc
2003, Amendment 1 (collectively, the AIA Contract ) (E. 932). The AIA Contract named
Metropolitan as the owner and WCS as the construction manager. (E. 947). Sections 11.4.5 and
11.4.7 of the General... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
. . .
The policies shall provide such waivers of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise. A waiver of
subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity would
otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise, did not pay the insurance
premium directly or indirectly, and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in
the property damaged.
(E. 997 98). Additionally, the General Conditions provide:
В§ 11.4.3 Loss of use insurance. The Owner at the Owner s option may purchase and maintain
such insurance as will insure the Owner against loss of use of the Owner s property due to fire or
other hazards, however caused. The Owner waives all rights of action against the Contractor for
loss of use of the Owner s property, including consequential losses due to fire or other hazards
however caused.
(E. 997) (§§ 11.4.3, 11.4.5, and 11.4.7 of the AIA Contract are referred to collectively as the
Waivers ).
As is all too often the case, a payment dispute accompanied the conclusion of this substantial
construction project. In early 2007, Metropolitan refused to pay WCS several million dollars due
for the labor and materials furnished to the project. (E. 917). As such, WCS filed a complaint to
establish a mechanic s lien. (Id.). In consideration for WCS s release of
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Clinical Neuropsychologist Short Term Goals
Based on my self evaluation, my two short term goals are:
1.Self care: Personally, I feel that I have been told by different sources how important it is to
practice self care as a Ph.D. student. However, I feel that I am not following the advice properly.
I noticed that I reached high levels of stress during the year as a first year student. In addition,
now that I need to balance clients, courses, and research, I am worried that I will burn out easily.
For that reason, I am going to engage myself in one or two pleasurable activities a day for two
hours. Thus, I will go for a walk with my partner on weekdays (those days that I come home
earlier) and I will go on a hike with him during weekends. The days that I will spend the entire day
at the clinic, I will meet a friend for a coffee and we will go out to a coffee shop. In addition to
these activities, I will utilize the hot tub available in my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Become a Licensed Clinical Neuropsychologist: My career goal is to become a clinical
neuropsychologist. For that reason, I am enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology at
PAU. In addition, I will be applying for the Neuropsychology track at the end of this quarter.
Throughout this year and next year, I will be taking the courses related to the neuropsychology
track. Hopefully, in my second and third year I will be doing practicums at the Palo Alto VA and
the San Francisco Institute on Aging. Those practicums sites will provide me with assessment
hours as well as allowing me to be exposed to the populations I want to work with in the future.
Moreover, I will be doing my dissertation in a project related to the neuropsychology field. For
that reason, now in my second year, I will be having meetings with my advisor in order to narrow
my dissertation project. Additionally, I am planning to do my internship in a neuro site.
Afterwards, I am planning to do a post doc in the field. Eventually, I want to go back to Spain and
work as a Clinical Neuropsychologist
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Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay
In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making by voters,
consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the media, such as newspapers,
television, and radio, which collect information and make it available to the public. As Americans,
we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although
we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news
reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on Television,
read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and trivial stories get the most
news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce, entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI
cases are sold to the media and then regurgitated to us Americans which are left with
inconsequential information. The media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to
keep us from the truth and avoid social movements that can highly affect the one percent of the
USA. Mainstreammedia has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way a
social movementagainst public spheres and social movements created by the 99% with the sole
purpose of controlling the public power.
Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve their political
objectives by impelling a particular target group s opinion. Some groups reach out directly to
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Klu Klux Klan Essay
Klu Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan was a brutal, suppressive cult organization which fought to deny the basic civil
rights and human liberties granted to citizens of the U.S. by the Bill of Rights to African
Americans, immigrants, Roman Catholics, Jews, socialists, communists, and anyone else who
went against its beliefs or interfered in its work.
The Klan was first established in Pulaski, Tennessee in May 1866 by Nathan Forrest, just two years
after the end of the Civil War. Some white southerners, however, were still fighting the war and felt
they would be until their death. Forrest was the Klan s first Imperial Wizard , and the Klan quickly
spread to other southern states. At the time there were other white supremacy organizations ... Show
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This was a result of the Klan accomplishing its objective of white supremacy in the south. By 1870,
Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia, where Klan support and membership were highest, were
governed by completely white governments. With its objective achieved and the passing of the Ku
Klux Act in 1871, the Klan virtually disappeared, but only temporarily.
With the outbreak of World War I and the constant fear of a communist revolution, the Klan was
reestablished and brought back into power in 1915, this time targeting more than African
Americans. The Klan now fought against African Americans, foreigners, Jews, socialists, Roman
Catholics, and communists, with its main opponent being the NAACP. All hyphenated groups
whether they be Negro Americans, Jewish Americans, Catholic Americans, Italian Americans or
whatever must become American Americans, or leave the country! The Ku Klux Klan is an
American American organization. As the Army of the Klan we Klavaliers are dedicated to saving
America for Americans! 3
Under the leadership of Hiram Evans in 1922, the Klan quickly regained power and the organization
spread quickly. Klan officials controlled state governments in not only the south, but states in
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Symbols In The Worn Path
The path that Phoenix takes through the woods and city combined with Eudora Welty use of
symbolism, characterization, illusion and imagery creates the theme of unconditional love that
helps Phoenix persevere through the Worn Path . Old Phoenix Jackson is on a quest to obtain
medicine for her grandson that takes place in the deep south during christmas time. She starts her
journey on this bright frozen december day . The warm colors associated with christmas time
indicate happiness and life while the cold weather and season change represents the threatening
object on her path. Phoenix with her head tied in a red rag is the tiny speck that hold the
christmas spirit in a forest filled with big green pines and white snow. Phoenix shares her name
with the long lived mythical bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. The beginning of the...
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She continues on slowly in the dark pine shadow, moving little from side to side in her steps with
the balanced heaviness and lightness of a grandfather clock. Phoenix keeps trudging along the
frozen earth year after year in her infinite cycle. As Phoenix moves through the Worn Path she
encounters many obstacles each getting more fatal than the last. The natural setting puts these
obstacles in her way and could even be described as the antagonist in the story. She seems to
overcome everything that nature throws at her without a problem the; small animals, logs, hills,
and even thorns. Opposed to the man made objects that old Phoenix must battle against. If man,
racism, or society was not there she could maneuver the path just fine. When it starts to intrude the
forest starting with a barbed wire fence things get difficult. Barbed wire, very
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Themes Of Edgar Allan Poe
Another of Poe s strong emotions was anger, leading him to seek revenge. Seasonal changes just as
life changes, winter to spring to summer and back again. Tags Literature
Edgar Allan Poe s life experiences had a adult impact on the topics and themes of his writing.
One of the most common themes in Edgar Allen Poe s poems and clerestory relating to death are
The Black Cat, The Masque of the Red Death, Cast of Amontillado, Annabel Lee and The Raven
. Prophet! aforesaid I, thing of evil prophet still, if bird or devil! This in my opinion relates to
how he did not know many stuff. Montresor defect revenge and says, nemo me impune lacessit.
In other words, No one attack me without punishment. As they traverse along a hallway to the
keep, Montresor touch at his plot. Edgar was an unusual omi to say the least, but he wrote about
the most deadly scary things that are in the back of our minds when we walk into a dark room or
turn a corner in that erie basement many of us have, and in that way he stays with us. They are
some examples that empahsis this. An example of the influence of alcohol is The Black Cat.
Here, Poe writes about committing gruesome acts while he is intoxicated. Poe had a cottage in
Fordham New York; a nearby university was believed to be the source of the ringing bells. Like life
to death, it all ends up the same. Edgar Allan Poe lived a very heartbroken, dejected, short life get by
today s standards. One theme that Edgar wrote about often
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The And Throughput Of Wireless Sensor Network Using Actor...
1Diksha Garg
1Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran.
2Geetanjali Babbar
2Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran.
ABSTRACT: Wireless sensornetworks is a self configured network means any node can join it or
leave it at any time. it is a self healing and self organizing. Self healing networks allow nodes to
reconfigure their link associations and find other pathways around powered down nodes or failed
nodes. Self organizing allows a network automatically join new node without the need for manual
interference. In this paper, we are using actor nodes to solve energy hole problem so that we can
reduce energy consumption and can enhance throughput of network.
Keywords: WSN, AODV, Energy holes, routing, energy consumption I.INTRODUCTION
A wireless ad hoc network is the collection of mobile nodes, without any requirement of
centralized access point. Every node in the network, act as a router and packet forwarder. Now
days, the ad hoc networking is used for the commercial uses. There are the many applications of
the ad hoc networks, ad hoc network are using in the military and it is also using for the other
security operations. The secure routing is the biggest issue in the ad hoc routing applications. In ad
hoc networks it is very difficult to design the security due to its unique characteristics. The
characteristics of ad
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The Film Gangs Of New York
The film Gangs of New York, highlighted the facets of many different gangs; the most important
being the Natives and the Dead Rabbits. Both gangs vied for power over the region called the
Five Points during the Civil War time period. Within the film there were many different examples
of social stratification like class privilege, status, and power. The examples of stratification were
shown by both gangs and the individuals that the gangs were compromised of. The purpose of this
paper is to analyze these examples of social classand privilege, status, parties, and power, as
described by Max Weber, and how they exemplified in the film Gangs of New York. The
examples of stratification in the film similar to that of Weber s will show that the Gangs of New
York represent the strife and problems that come with a person s class, status, and party.
In Class, Status, Party, by Max Weber, Weber defines a class as any group of people that happen
to be facing the same class situations, or problems (Weber). Both of the two main gangs in the
film, the Natives, formally known as the Native Americans, and the Dead Rabbits, which is
compromised of the Irish Immigrants, were mostly a part of the same social class. There are
many different ways that classes in society can be stratified other than by just the basic three,
upper class, middle class, and the poor (Rothman). The characters in the Gangs of New York
mostly belong to the working poor or unemployed caste, because they have
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Benefits Of Lemon Fruit
Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United States. These
plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can only grow and grow at
temperatures 15 30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed in snowy countries with high
Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet can use lemon
as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same way as to make lemon juice.
Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced. Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet
program does have a very sour taste.
Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty lemon used as a
cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and
calcium. Lemon fruit also contains ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your health. Lemon
shown to increase human stamina. Anti bacterial and antioxidant also play an active role in the
body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm. Heat can be faster processing of
substances in the body. Here are the benefits of lemons:
1. Streamlining Digestive System
Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis.
Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as a blood purifier and
cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems like
nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the lemon does not fit in with the milk.
2. Boost Immunity
Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active role in immune
function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have antimicrobial function. Get into the
habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm water every morning.
3. Stabilizing High Blood
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Post World War II Size
On Monday, 24 February 2014, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced massive cuts to
the size of the armed services, slashing the army to its pre World War II size. (breithbart.com)
Hagel s plan called for a 25% reduction in manpower by 2019. Historically, these cuts equate to a
perceived failure of will power of the American government by its global enemies. Such cuts are
sure to decrease the readiness posture of fighting units across the military. First order effects from
cuts to funding equate to poorly maintained equipment, reduced personnel readiness, as well as
fewer opportunities for professional military educational type schools. Second order effects
include gaps in the NCO and officer corps due to lack of funds to send... Show more content on
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(breithbart.com) This unwillingness to fund defense led both Hitler and the Japanese to believe
they could make war on the United States with any repercussion.
After World War II, President Truman cited the end of the war to justify his defense cuts; however,
the Korean Warbegan, arguably, because of the large scale military cuts, which encouraged the
Soviets and Chinese Communists toward aggression on the Korean peninsula. As a result,
government officials increased the defense budget from $9.1 billion to just under $53.
Immediately following the Vietnam conflict, congress once again began defunding the military.
The end state of these specific cuts resulted in the United States pulling out of Saigon as
communism dominated the country. Additionally, the Soviets later invaded Afghanistan compelled
to do so possibly because of a perceived American distaste for foreign war. The election of Ronald
Reagan was instrumental in the recovery of this mistake as he implemented large increases in
military expenditures.
Task Force Smith Remembered
The Battle of Osan, also known as Task Force Smith, was the first American engagement of the
Korean War. On 25 June 1950, the North Korean People s Army dispatched an Army of 89,000
Soldiers into South Korea, devastating their entire force. (weaponsandwarfare.com) The North
Koreans took South Korean Soldiers, known as the Republic of Korea (ROK), by surprise as they
suffered immense casualties. During the first
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Benefits Of A Successful Business
In order to have a successful business, businesses need to find a way to keep employees motivated
to do their jobs and increase work satisfaction. This is undeniably crucial for a business to continue
to be profitable. Some solutions to this problem are incentives, having a good work environment,
and showing appreciation.
When employees perform poorly by not doing their job or not doing their job well, it reflects
negatively on the business. Customers who are not satisfied, may complain and may not return.
Customers can also discourage others from going to that particular establishment by telling their
friends about their terrible experience. The business then loses money from that customer and that
customers friends who now do business with the competition. That business may now have a bad
reputation that started from that one customer s negative experience (Deeb).
By keeping employees pleased and excited at their jobs, they tend to perform better than those
employees who are not please at their job. In an article written by John Waggoner, he wrote, If a
company treats its employees well, the business should prosper.... So in other words, the business
makes money if the employees are pleased. Employees who are given incentive tend to perform
better at their jobs than people who do not receive incentive. Google is an example of a company
that is highly successful and is known for having generous benefits for their employees to par take.
The stock at Google has climbed
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The Role Of Norma Rae And Peggy Bull And Norma Rae
Leaders have always been an essential part to any team. People learn from different leaders that
develop and change their leadership skills and style. There are leaders in our schools, church, and
workplaces. When we think of leadership, we tend to think of the workplace most. Norma Rae
and Peggy Sinclair are both leaders who face different types of adversity. They each receive help
from other leaders that shape their leadershipskills in different ways. Peggy and Norma each must
adapt their skills to meet the needs of their teams, and each do it in a way that is positively effective.
Norma Rae is a movie based on a real person. Norma Rae works at a plant with long hours, short
pay, and harsh, unsafe working conditions under poor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She was persistent, and persistence is a great way to achieve results in the manner needed or
wanted. Because of these qualities combined, she was a motivator. To see the change necessary,
others must see the need for the change and believe in the vision, and Norma motivated them to
see that vision of a better work environment. When the managers promoted Norma Rae to a
supervisor position, she noticed an immediate difference in the relationships she had with the
workers. The workers viewed her as if she was one of the managers who told everyone what and
when to do something. Her rapport with the workers dwindled quickly including her mother and
father who worked at the plant too. Norma quickly realized that the role the management team had
in the plant was not what she wanted to be a part of. She stepped out of the position because she
saw they weren t leaders; the management team were dictators. She wanted to be a part of the
team of plant workers. There was a since of team within the plant workers. Fortunately for Norma
Rae, Reuben was able to draw out and utilize her true leadership skills.
Reuben was a motivated leader. When plans do not immediately go the way one envisions, it is
easy to give up. Reuben was not one to give up. People in the town were against the idea of a
union, and they made that clear to Reuben. Reuben did not give up. He was determined to get
someone to believe in the need for a union. It is important that leaders can face adversity and keep
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The Effects Of Yellowstone Volcanic Complex On The World
Yellowstone volcano is one of the most explosive, active silicic volcanic fields in the world and is
classified as a super volcano . Its Late Quaternary history, in terms of ages, sizes and frequency of
eruptions, has been well documented (Farrell et al., 2014). Understanding its properties will help us
to better understand the hazards it poses, both now and in the future. As it is protected from
geothermal energy or mineral exploration and development, Yellowstone provides a unique
opportunity to research an undisturbed major volcanic system and the temporal and spatial changes
that occur naturally (Hurwitz Lowenstern, 2014).
This report discusses the history of Yellowstone volcanic complex over the past 2.1 million years,
eruptive style, compositions, associated hazards and the structure of the magma chamber. In
addition, we look at areas into which research is currently occurring or should in the future, and
discuss a strategy for monitoring and forecasting of future activity.
Over the past 2.1 million years, three large eruptions with widespread effects have occurred in
the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field (YPVF) (Hurwitz Lowenstern, 2014). The first of these was
2.059 В± 0.004 Ma (Lanphere et al., 2002), and produced the 2450 km3 Huckleberry Ridge Tuff.
The second was at 1.285 В± 0.004 Ma (Lanphere et al., 2002), producing the 280 km3 Mesa Falls
Tuff and the Henrys Fork caldera. The most recent of the three occurred 0.639 В± 0.002
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Patrick Henry Speech Analysis
When Patrick Henry gave his famous Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death speech he proved that
pens are indeed mightier than swords. That speech undoubtedly lead to the formation of the great
nation that we now live in today.
Patrick Henry was better at persuading his audience because he used a convincing combination
rhetorical questions and imagery. Patrick Henry s use of logical and emotional appeals to make
his audience believe in his cause. His purpose for speaking and his ambitious ideas also helped
make his speech stronger. Jonathan Edwards speech was good, but the fear that he instilled in his
audience crippled them instead of pushing them to action, like Henry s speech did.
Emotional Appeals
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? (Henry)
Henry is asking his audience if they would rather live a peaceful life of slavery or a life of freedom
on their own terms. This rhetorical question is impactful because Henry s audience is afraid of
slavery, they don t like the idea of being controlled by anyone. They know what the lives of their
own slaves are like and they fear being put in that position. This makes the audience want to heed
Henry s advice and go to war against Great Britain.
Logical Appeals
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope (Henry)
Henry is telling his audience that there is nothing wrong with looking on the bright side, but they
need to open their eyes
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Kids Must Do More Than Recite the Pledge of Allegiance Essay
Children in the United States go through many years of school reciting the Pledge of Allegiance,
but does it encourage loyalty in their nation or fear of it? The years that I spent in school reciting
the pledge did little to instill patriotism in me.
I do not even remember the words to it. Having a more hands on approach to community
involvement would be a better way to teach children pride for their country. Encourage children to
be concerned about their school, neighborhood, city and nation by letting them be a part of their
community. It is the job of not just schools, but also the parents to play a part in showing the next
generation what true devotion to their country is all about. True patriotism is the selfless giving of
oneself ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Reciting the pledge doesn t prove loyalty and refusal to recite it doesn t prove treason. We should
take it for granted that our children love their country and nurture those ideas rather than make
them recite an unnecessary, therefore meaningless pledge.
I wish that my parents and my school did more to show me what true patriotism was instead of just
teaching me to blindly recite the Pledge of Allegiance without asking why it was done, or what it
meant. I think that if they would have encouraged me to be a part of my community, I would
have more loyalty to my nation today. I would want the greater good for my country more so than
I do now. Community service is a fantastic technique to show children that there is more to their
world than their own backyard. Encourage them to get involved with or even plan community
events such as helping to paint over graffiti in their neighborhood, cleaning up trash after an event,
or help repair a run down playground. Children may complain about spending their Saturday
working rather than playing a video game or staring at a mind numbing television set all day, but
the lessons that they will learn and the way they feel after the event will be beyond compare.
Chances are, they will feel so strongly about their newly found pride in what they have
accomplished, they will continue to do bigger and better things to show pride in their community.
The next generation can make a vast change in the world with
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The Big Bang Model And The Steady State Model
The Universe
Joyce Claiborne
Professor Robert Leard
Earth Space Science GS 403
For many years there has been a mystery on how the universe began. There are questions about the
ending of the universe and how. Hypothesis called cosmological that try to find the answer were
constructed by astronomers. The Big Bang model and the Steady State model are the two that were
constructed. These two models claims to explain the beginning and the ending of the universe. The
Big Band claims that about 15 to 20 Billion years ago, the universe violently exploded in to being,
there was an event called the big bang and began expanding rapidly. The Steady State Model
claims the universe has always ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The story of the universe can be traced back to it very first instants, according to the Big Bang
theory of its origins. In the Big Bang model, the universe was once infinitely small, dense and
hot. The radiation and matter of that early stage rapidly expanded and cooled. It condensed into
galaxies several million years later. It was not an explosion of matter into space, but an expansion
of space itself, and in the beginning, it brought time and space into existence. It is observe today
by astronomers that the universe is still expanding. Universe, Martin Rees September 17, 2012,
Penguin Publisher. In 1929 Edwin Hubble was able to correlate the distance in the universe with
their velocities, a relation known as Hubble s Law. Big Bang theorists later used this information to
approximate the age of the Universe at about 15 billion years old, which is consistent with the other
measurements of the age of the universe. According to radio astronomers Arno Penzias and
Robert Wilson in 1964 they discovered a microwave signal buried I their data. They attempted to
filter out the signal, assuming that it was merely unwanted noise, however, they had inadvertently
discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background. The CBM had been predicted by a theory that a
few believed at the time call the Big Bang. This discovery was first evidence that the Universe
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Handwriting Writing Characteristics
Handwriting is a skill many people acquire at a young age. Handwriting is something that is
individual to a specific person based on individual characteristics. Special examiners who are trained
to examine documents and handwritings can compare samples and identify class characteristics,
individual characteristics, and use vision and technology to make a positive connection or
disconnection between a subject sample and the comparisonsample. The act of handwriting is
accomplished through practice and repetition. Most people learn to write by copying letter
formations from a copybook at a young age (Harrison, D., Burkes, T., Seiger, D). Class
characteristics would include everyone who learned how to write their letters with the traditional
lined paper and were taught letter formation and spacing. Someone who lives in America may have
learned how to write differently from someone who lives in a foreign country but it still holds the
basic concept of forming letters or symbols to make words. Once handwriting itself is mastered,
people tend to adopt individual characteristics that set their writingapart from others. The writing
becomes a pattern of subconscious, habitual formations that are repeated from one writing to the
next (Hilton 1982; Huber 1999). These writings separate a type or style from being just standard
copybook format to forming different strokes, patterns, skill level, and or identifying techniques of
writing. According to the FBI, no two writers share
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Internal Characteristics On Profitability Of Modarabas
The core objective of this article is to analyze the impact of internal characteristics (e.g. size,
leverage, liquidity, operating expenses, management fee and age) on profitability of listed
Modarabas in Pakistan. Pooled OLS method used to estimate the effects of internal characteristics
on profitability measured as profit margin, return on investment and earnings per certificate. Data
was taken from financial statement analysis (FSA) of financial firms compiled by SBP during
2011 2015. Results show that size of Modarabasis positively related to profit margin and return on
investment. The possible reasons for positive association between size and profitability are, first,
large Modarabashave high turnover compared to small Modarabas ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A. and Yousaf, M., Determinants of profit heterogeneity at firm level: Evidence from Pakistan ,
International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 24 No.1 (2014),pp.25 39
6 Petria, N.,Caprarub, B. and Ihnatov, I., Determinants of banks profitability: evidence from EU 27
banking systems , Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 20 (2015),pp.518 524
7 Д†urak, M.,Poposki, K. and Pepur, S., Profitability determinants of the Macedonian banking
sector in changing environment Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 44 (2012),pp.406 416
8 Dietrich, A. and Wanzenried, G., The determinants of commercial banking profitability in low
,middle , and high income countries The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 54
(2014),pp.337 354
9 Saona, P., Intra and extra bankdeterminants of Latin American banks profitability , International
Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 45 (2016),pp.197 214
10 Zuidberg,J., Exploring the determinants for airport profitability: Traffic characteristics, low cost
carriers, seasonality and cost efficiency , Transportation Research Part A, Vol.101(2017),pp.61 72
11 Sheikh, N. A. and Karim, S., Determinants of profitability of Islamic commercial banks:
Evidence from Pakistan , Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Vol. 17
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Binaural Beat Research Paper
Our binaural beat brainwave entrainment technology, along with Trans aural sound processing,
combined with encoded subliminal signaling, provides the user with access to an advanced
technique for inducing deep relaxation and to affecting behavioral modification. After
approximately five minutes, the resonant entrainment effect can induce vast areas of the brain to
resonate at the same frequency. The result is dominance in the brain wavepattern at the desired
frequency. Increased endorphin levels have been attributed to the use of binaural beat audio
technology; therein, permitting the control of selected brainwave frequency patterns.
What Are Binaural Beats?
When signals of two different frequencies are presented, one to each ear, the brain ... Show more
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The reason is physiological. Each ear is hardwired (so to speak) one to both hemisphere of the brain
(Rosenzweig, 1961) delivering waves of equal amplitude and frequency, one in each hemisphere.
So, there are two separate standing waves entraining portions of each hemisphere to the frequency
being presented. The binaural beats appear to contribute to the hemispheric synchronization
evidenced in meditative and hypnogogic states of consciousness. Brain function is also enhanced
through the increase of cross colossal communication between the left and right hemispheres of the
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The Four Ps Of Marketing
Question # 1: Four Ps of Marketing
a. List and explain the Four Ps of marketing (Short explanations in your own words.)
Price What a consumer is willing to give up to obtain your product. If a supplier sets a price higher
than what a consumer is willing to pay, then the consumer is unlikely to complete the transaction.
Product The good or service a supplier provides for a consumer.
Promotion How a company communicates their product or service to the public and specifically to
their desired customer. Without effective promotion and advertising, customers are unlikely to hear
about and understand what s being sold.
Place How and where a product is presented to a consumer. It involved the location and placement
of the product.
b. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Place relates to Major League Soccer in terms of location of each teams stadium. This is key in all
sports, teams must locate themselves in places where they will be able to attract fans to attend
their matches at high rates. Teams like Atlanta United F.C. and the Seattle Sounders have placed
themselves in prime locations to succeed. They both have done a great job with perfecting where
they play to help increase attendance to their games. While the MLS average attendance per match
is a mere 21,823, Seattle have averaged 42,892 and Atlanta have averaged 46,721 per match. These
two teams aren t even in first place in their conference, but they were able to place themselves in
locations that are effective for them to record these much higher averages of attendance.
c. Rank the four in order of importance to your product. Explain your rankings.
Promotion Promotion is going to be the most important aspect of our product since there is
currently not enough marketing of MLS. You can find an advertisement for the NFL on almost any
channel but you will rarely see a commercial or promotion for major league soccer.
Product The MLS has recently been lacking competition. There tends to be a handful of teams that
compete for the top spots and then the rest of the league, who battle for the bottom ranks. These top
teams garner the most attention and fan base while the other teams struggle to keep fans interested.
Place We ranked place as the third most important factor
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Being A Mortician Essay
Being a Mortician
The word mortician brings what images to mind? The career of a mortician is surprisingly different
than it is portraied in movies and books.
Being a mortician is a very rewarding job both personal as well as psychological to those with the
temperament, training and discipline required to do the job properly. In this paper I ll be reporting
the requirements to become a mortician, also called funeral director or undertaker, the duties the job
requires of you, and the outlook of this career in the future of the United
To become a funeral director in the United States today isn t an easy task. You need to be twenty
one, a high school graduate with some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A lot of the time the mourners will vent their pent up anger on the funeral director and will blame
you for their problems. Some of time you ll need to deal with religions new to you and that seem
strange, but you ll have to be understanding and willing to let the mourners carry out their forms of
burial and mourning. In other words, can you handle a career that requires constant sensitivity to
needs and wants of other people?
One of the duties of a mortician is to embalm the corpse for show. quot;If the body is not to be
buried within twenty four hours, most communities require that it be embalmed quot;(IRN 6). After
the body is brought to the funeral home, you would see first of all that the body and hair are
cleaned and washed for embalming. A small incision is made at the base of the neck or in the
groin to secure access to a major artery or vein. quot;The object in embalming is to pump our the
body fluids, or blood, and to replace it with special long lasting chemicals which will keep the
body from decaying for a long period of time and which will prevent it from further disease or
decay, if death has been caused by a specific infectious disease. quot;(Lamers 420). Tubes are then
inserted in the artery or vein. The tube in this artery is connected to a mechanical pump that injects
a preservative and disinfectant solution into the blood
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Analysis of Hobart Corp.
BACKGROUND: HOBART CORPORATION Hobart Corporation was headquartered in Troy,
Ohio and was preparing to embrace the Internet world and be a part of the Internet Revolution in
1996. Internet was privileged by the blending of technology and software and used in turn to
promote marketing and various transactions. It looked like the gateway to reduced cost and
increased revenue. Internet has created dilemma for Hobart: Hobart Corporation was not
completely sure if the establishment of internet would actually be profitable for them or not. There
were questions regarding relationship with the traditional channel and their reaction. What would
happened to the distributors and dealers and if really internet was suitable for their... Show more
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As the population increases everywhere around the world and people are getting accustomed to
home meal replacement product, demand is rising everywhere. Social and economic factors also
shape the demand, and gave rise to mergers and acquisitions, broader product line and increased
capital investment. Manufacturers, who can supply high quality product with wide range of
interdependent equipment pieces, have an advantage over competitors. Industry analysis shows
that in 1999, the total value of shipped food product machinery was $2.968 billion a 3% increase
from 1998. Strong economy, increased income, new construction and remodeling of food provider
level led to a forecast of food product shipment increase by 1% above U.S domestic economic
growth. Important aspects of the food equipment industry: Apart from the mergers and acquisitions
taking place, the industry outlook was drastically changing because of development in the areas of
food safety, material prices, general economic trend, skilled labor, technology and e commerce.
Number of consumers who were concerned about food safety was increasing. Material cost is an
important factor in every industry. Even in this industry, around 30% of the final cost is tied up in
steel, which causes fluctuation in the product price. This in turn determines the industry
profitability and growth. On one hand, the industry was facing shortage
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Examples Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth
In Shakespeare s play Macbeth, internal conflict is used to examine Macbeth s character. As
Macbeth struggles with his own sense of self and is urged by his vaulting ambition to be king,
Macbeth finds himself easily influenced by the witches and his wife, and in situations where he
cannot ponder on his past actions. Macbeth s inner confusion is used by Shakespeare to explore
the tragic consequences of Macbeth s vaulting ambition. Macbeth fights with his inner self about
the decisions he makes towards his ambitions. These decisions were often influenced by Lady
Macbeth and bring on hallucinations for Macbeth. His decisions were made to ensure his place on
the throne and that he needed to keep moving and go to great lengths if he was to maintain... Show
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My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man, this
alliteration is used by Macbeth as he considers killing King Duncan, and it lets the audience
know of Macbeth s fear towards the murder. Macbeth questions his sense of self and loyalty
while making his decision. Lady Macbeth does not agree with Macbeth s refusal to kill King
Duncan and influences his choice by questioning his manhood with the use of a rhetorical
question, Art thou afead to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire? This
gives the audience knowledge of Lady Macbeth s attitude towards the murder and gets the audience
thinking about why Macbeth chose not to kill the King. Once hearing this question from Lady
Macbeth, Macbeth rethinks his decision and ambition finally drives Macbeth into killing King
Duncan. The metaphor, to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o erleaps
itself and falls on the other, shows that Macbeth is driven by ambition and that he makes his
decisions to benefit his power. The inner conflict experienced by Macbeth when making the
decision to kill King Duncan changed his sense of self and his loyalty towards King
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Michael Jord The World Of Sports
Bryce Stannard
Ms. Barnett/Mrs. Mettler
English 1
8 February 2016
Michael Jordan: The G.O.A.T Michael Jordan once said Some people want it to happen, some
wish it would happen, others make it happen (Michael Jordan Quotes). His exciting and flashy
style of play reinvented the game (King). Jordan inspired people all over the world to be more
active,his amazing play made more people want to watch making basketball more popular and
even helped boost America s economy. If Jordan never played, the world of sports would be
completely different. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn New
York (Aldridge). Michael Jordanwas born an raised by James Jordan and Deloris Peoples
(Halberstam). They later moved North ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He Jordan showed that he could fix them when he was named an all star and received rookie of
the year. The next year in his second season jordan missed 64 games although when he returned
he scored 49 points in his first game and then in the second 63 in his second and broke the record
for most points in a playoff game ( Michael Jordan Biography Biography.com). Although Jordan
played great in the beginning of the playoffs later in the Eastern Conference Finals the Bulls
experienced a very tough loss to the Detroit Pistons (Isaacson). Although Jordan was not as
successful as hoped he was still awarded defensive player of the year and MVP ( Michael Jordan
Biography ). The Next year the Bulls blew it once more to Isiah Thomas and The Bad Boys In
the eastern conference finals as one of Jordan s most discouraging moments in his career. After
watching Chicago lose by 19 points to the Pistons in the seventh and deciding game of the 1990
NBA Eastern Conference finals a game in which Scottie Pippen`s migraine contributed to his 1
for 10 shooting day Bulls General Manager Jerry Krause could take it no longer. All 5 feet 7
inches of him burst into his team`s dressing room and all but took a door off its hinges (Isaacson).
This shows how disappointed the Bulls and Jordan where but Many believe that Jordan never
would have been as good without this moment in his career.
In 1991 the Bulls added another
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Auto Wreck By Karl Castro
Poetry Analysis Paper
The Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro is a grasping poem that digs into the universe of death and the
thought of voyeurism from the point of view of a spectator. Shapiro decorates the poem with
intriguing inconspicuous dialect and a lovely, although rather disheartening, depiction of death all
through the poem. While this is poetry, the creator still consolidates components of writing that
apply to both stories and poetry. As Shapiro weaves a word web, he utilizes a few prevailing
components which guarantee that the audience is understanding his point.Through symbolism,
personification and sound work, Shapiro imagines all parts of a vehicle s wreck from a voyeuristic
point of view, eventually evacuating the comfort of separation which produce a sweeping casualty.
Imagery utilizes the ability to create heart felt moments from the audience. Shapiro uses imagery
all through Auto Wreck which enlivens the revulsions of a vehicle s wreck before the eyes of
blameless onlookers. As we read ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This, the volta of the lyric, is set off by the vital utilization of inquiries and abbreviated line
length. Shapiro could be utilizing this line as a question of how demise picks its casualties and
the arbitrariness of an auto wreck. He experiences a few distinct sorts of death, including cancer,
suicide, and war, advocating how each picks its sufferer. Leaving vehicle wreck for definite
investigation. Shapiro presumes that car wrecks, in reality, are the one reason for death that is
arbitrary and assaults the guiltless. While the passings that originate from car wrecks are totally
irregular, an optional sort of death is encountered that very few individuals think about. The
exploitation of the on looking eyewitness quite often happens. By stripping the level of solace from
the spectator, he, similar toward the victim himself, develops until they are just as
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Miss Peregrine s Home For Particular Children
Self discovery is a common theme throughout literature. One example of it is in the movie Miss
Peregrine s Home for Particular Children. The film shows the theme through the main character
Jake. He visits an island to find the particulars. The particulars are people who have
extraordinary traits (ex. One of the characters Olive has hands that can catch things on fire).
Along the way, Jake learns that he is a particular and his journey of self discovery starts there. He
discovers that his trait is that he can see dangerous creatures called hollows. Later, Jake has to
figure out a plan to keep himself and the other particulars safe from the hollows. In the end, he
saves everyone and decides to live with particulars. This adventure shows self discovery since Jake
goes from being a simple, fearful boy to a courageous man who had his life on the line to save
people. In addition, the excerpt Frankenstein a Life Beyond )Book 1 of 3) The Resurrection Trinity
is also an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The movie s plot centers around an artificial man named Edward. He lived in isolation for the
majority of his life until a woman named Peggy brought him into the real world for the first
time. Then Edward had to get used to living in a suburban town. This film shows self discovery
due to him exploring his ability to cut things. He started from being a topiarist to almost opening
a hair salon. Edward also learns that he s very trusting and cares more about people s safety over
his own. The theme is also shown in an excerpt from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde. The excerpt is about a scientist who does a risky experiment on himself and goes through
a painful change and turns into an alter ego named Edward Hyde. The excerpt shows self
discovery since Dr, Jekyll went through a journey which leads into the start of his new life where
he felt younger, lighter, happier in body (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
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The Importance Of Respect Essay
The definition of respect is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by
their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What we respect is a clue to what we want in life.
Respect is really about what we admire in the world and in people. Respect is understanding and
acknowledging the rights of someone else to have their beliefs. Respect is something everyone
wants, not many have, and few want to give.
A person should not only respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people
should listen to what others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only
towards people you like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if
you want to be respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an
attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how
someone else treats me as a person. I ve always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given.
However, it means a lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various
competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough
to win the competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat
others how you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble
behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and
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Essay about Biology Milk Lab
Bonnie Bell Mrs. Legary Biology P.6 21, Sept. 2011 Milk Lab Final This investigation consists of
testing the reaction between milk, food coloring, and dishwashing soap. Different kinds of milk
were tested, depending on the amount of milk fat content. The investigation was based on 2
questions. Lab one s problem statement, using only milk fat and food coloring was: How does
food coloring react in different kinds of milk fat? The second lab s problem statement, using milk
fat, food coloring, and dishwashing soap was: What happens when detergent is added to different
milk fats and food coloring? The expectation is that the milk with higher fat content will have a
more dramatic reaction. If the milk has a higher fat content,... Show more content on
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| The first table shows the results between the milk and food coloring. In milk fat 1, the red food
coloring spread fast and wide. In milk fat 2, the red food coloring did the same as milk fat 1. In
milk fat 3, the red food coloring spread slowly in an oval shape. In milk fat 4, the red food coloring
didn t expand very big. In milk fat 1, the blue food coloring expanded slowly for a long time and
stayed dark blue. In milk fat 2, the blue food coloring spread fast for a long time and stayed in one
big glob. In milk fat 3, the blue food coloring looked like a spider web. It starts out light in color
and expanded slowly getting darker. In milk fat 4, the blue food coloring got gets lighter as it
expands. In milk fat 1, the yellow food coloring was more spread out. In milk fat 2, the yellow food
coloring stayed in a little circle. In milk fat 3, the yellow food coloring stayed in a little circle and
turned to an orangish yellow color. In milk fat 4, the yellow food coloring stayed in a small spot
and didn t spread. In milk fat 1, the green food coloring spread fast but not very big. In milk fat 2,
the green food coloring didn t spread very big. In milk fat 3, the green food coloring spread pretty
big. And in milk fat 4, the green food coloring spread quickly. Day 2 data
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Security Architecture Is Developed For Systems Providing...
X.805 security architecture is developed for systems providing end to end communications. It was
developed by ITU T SG 17 and was published in October 2003.
Issues which X.805 addresses are:
1.What type of protection is to be given against what kind of threats?
2.What are the various kinds of system gear and facility groupings that needs to be secured?
3.What are the different types of network exercises that needs to be secured?
X.805 architecture incorporates three security layers which are as follows:
Infrastructure Security Layer: These are fundamental building pieces of networks services and
applications. Example: routers, switches, servers etc.
Services Security Layer: These are services given to end clients. Example: Cellular, Wi Fi, QoS etc.
Applications Security Layer: These are network based applications used by end clients. Example: E
mail, E commerce etc.
Security planes speak about the types of activities that occur on a network. X.805 architecture has
three security planes, which are as follows:
End User Security Plane: This security plane represents the access and use of the network by the
customers for various purposes, like value added services, basic connectivity/transport etc.
Control/Signaling Security Plane: This security plane represents activities that enable efficient
functioning of the network.
Management Security Plane: This plane represents the management of network elements, services
and applications.
X.805 Security
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Chris Mccandless Narcissism
Chris McCandless traveled to Alaska in April of 1992 for isolation from society, and
unfortunately died in Fairbanks Bus 142 in August of 1992. His death is not what angers
readers, but his lack of preparation and arrogance about the wilderness is what proves his reckless
narcissism . His selfishness to not abide by his parent s wishes for college and a decent job, his
unpreparedness for wildernesssurvival, and his manipulation and lack of empathy for others is why
readers believe he is a reckless narcissist . However, many people see him as a noble idealist for
leaving society and all its amenities to live out his dream of in the wild.
The McCandless wanted one thing from their son, to go to college and succeed. McCandless did
not want to do this and adamantly refused to live by his parents wishes. Before he went to
college, he went on a cross country trip in his yellow Datsun and came back in time for school.
Throughout his time at Emory, McCandless hatred of his parents grew and he became more
radical in his ideas. His parents became worried, but McCandless did not acknowledge their help.
He continued to hate them despite their attempts to aid him. McCandless is similar to Holden
Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye. Although he did not rebel against his parents, he rebelled
against society s rules. McCandless rebelled from his parents rules. Although Krakauer portrays
McCandless as a person everybody admired and loved, but Wayne Westerberg commented that what
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Development Of Hate Crimes
and their extents. As a recently coined term, it was not widely known as to what exactly it entailed.
HSCA would give one the ability to see, in numbers, how often the crimes were occurring.
Another impactful facet of the bill would be to support future development of hate crime
legislation. Legislation, moving forward, would need as much momentum as possible for future
implementation. But as public knowledge, those in support believed that reporting would aid in
such momentum. It would also aid in law enforcement s ability to address hate crimes. For one,
with the bill, they would have access to information that was never available before. This could help
in both predicting future crimes, as well as addressing them where they are most prominent. ...
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Although the bias was apparent through his speech, it was made provable through the young men s
actions in which he inclined. But this is where hate crime statues become tricky, and face most
opposition. Those against hate crime statutes argue just that, of one s rights being violated if a
penalty enhancement is enforced.
Those in opposition, however, would eventually be out reasoned; much thanks to this case in
particular. What the ruling brought to light was ideals and reason that are still in place today
surrounding hate crime laws. One, being the public display of the serious nature in which these
crimes present, and the repercussions that follow if committed. Just as the HCSA intended to bring
exposure to such acts, this case would send a similar message in that acts of this nature will not be
tolerated. If committed, they are subject to a greater penalty.
Which is the other strongpoint of this case. The ruling proved, through court of law, that an act s
penalty can be constitutionally enhanced. This case would be of great aid in paving the way for
hate crime statues, on a national level, to be implemented in the
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Globalization Is A Kind Of Phenomenon Of Human Social...
Nowadays, globalization is a kind of phenomenon of human social development process. It
enhances global connections and makes different culture spread from all over the world.
Globalization is also an exchange of world view, products, concepts and other cultural elements,
and it brings a process of international integration. As we know, there are more and more
worldwide brands appear in the world, such as Starbucks. Many eastern people begin to accept
coffee in their life even though Starbucks is a western brand, so globalizationmakes a connection
between every countries and influence each others. However, some people with traditional ideas
may think that globalization is a bad thing to protect national culture, and it can lead to cultural
conflict. I believe that globalization promotes a better development and transmits more advanced
knowledge by cooperation between every individual countries all over the world. The spread of
culture becomes important in the world because every country has their different kinds of culture,
and it lets people know more cultures from other countries. Globalization is a good way to promote
cultural communication and spread because it makes a connection between every country to learn
some new culture from each other. For example, in the article All Things Asian Are Becoming Us ,
the author Andrew Lam shows that many Asian cultures have been accepted
from many westerner such as movies and food, and it is becoming evident in western
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Reaction Paper On Inversion Therapy
The fact that hanging upside down or trying to remain inverted to some seems like a particular
kind of torture but to some is an active therapy for curing back pain. Well am sure the word
inversion table and inversion therapy is not a new thing to you but if it is let s take a quick brush
over it.
The inversion therapy is generally and simply known as the gadget used to carry out inversion
therapy. The inversion therapy uses merely the gravity and body weight to pull the spine bones a
bit apart, thereby creating more space and room for movement amidst the vertebrae, which then
reduces the pressure and pain which is as a result of pressure present on the nerves. There are
varieties of routines or exercises that can be carried out with the inversion table, but here we will be
discussing the most important ones.
Five Inversion Table Exercises for Back Pain
Below are well discussed five essential exercises for back pain
Intermittent Inversion
The intermittent inversion is one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With this, it s easier to cure tension build up surrounding the vertebrae. To perform the
decompression exercise, hold on to the top or head of the inversion table, and you can also place
your hands on your head if that makes you feel better. Take a deep breath to help the muscles relax
and enjoy the full stretch of the torso and back.
The decompression routine also follows three critical stages which include the light, moderate and
high stage. The light stage begins from 30 degrees inversion angle for about a minute to three
minutes, then you can also change to the next position which is 45 degrees with time same time
duration. The moderate stage starts from 30 degrees to 45 degrees with the time range of 3 to 5
minutes. As for the high stage, it starts from 60 and then to 90 degrees angle of inversion, with 5 to
10 minutes for each angle.
The Low Back
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Case Study Of Virgin Active
Three levels of strategy relevant to Virgin Active: 1. CORPORATE STRATEGY Corporate
mission: Virgin Active is currently in the business of Health and Fitness. Virgin Active s mission is
to bring positive change to people s lives, because life s more fun when you move (Virgin.com)
Corporate Goals Objectives: Making fitness a lifestyle choice. Providing the most innovative and up
to date; equipment and classes. Hiring trainers with the highest level of expertise. Getting the whole
family involved in fitness. Creating a worldwide focus on health and well being. Keeping up to date
with all the latest industry trends. Corporate Development Strategies: Include partnerships with; 1)
Medical Aid Schemes (Discovery Vitality, Momentum Multiply,
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Sales team working on a sound commission basis for obtaining new customers. Operations strategy
and plans: Analysis of the customers needs in order to provide a high quality service, cutting edge
equipment and expertise. Ensuring that the day to day functions of the business run smoothly (HR,
Finance, IT, Marketing etc.) This goes hand in hand with the HR Strategy ensuring that the correct
people are employed and continued training and development is done. Operations and strategy
must work together in order for the business to run successfully. Conclusion: Virgin Active have
effective and robust marketing strategies in place and have created a sense of trust and loyalty for
its consumers. They are arguably the leaders in the health and fitness industry and have created a
sound brand which is known world wide. Virgin Active continues to grow, develop and maintain
their objectives of being innovative and keeping up with industry trends as well as maintaining their
focus on customer satisfaction. Effective use of partnerships which are well aligned with the brand
and its
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Migrant Workers Research Paper
Committee: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)
Topic: Promoting the human rights of migrant workers
Country: Mexico
All persons, regardless of their nationality, race, legal or other status, are entitled to fundamental
human rights and basic labour protections, including migrant workers and their families. Therefore,
the human rights of migrant workers and their families include the universal, indivisible,
interconnected and interdependent human rights such as rights to receive equal wages, safe
working conditions: migrant s legal status freedom from forced labour protection against arbitrary
expulsion return home if the migrant wishes standard of living, families to reunification along with
other rights.
Fundamental demographic, economic, and educational changes have set Mexico on a new path,
significantly altering its migration related priorities and concerns regarding the United States and
Central America. Mexican migration is primarily a result of inadequate employment opportunities
and limited economic incentives in the country itself followed by kinship relations in destination
locations. Lack of opportunity for meaningful employment largely stems from stagnant growth in
Mexico, which has averaged 2.5% for the last three decades, far below the 5% to 6% growth rate
needed to create employment for new entrants into the labour force. As a result, many
entrepreneurial Mexicans seek ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The delegation Mexico also believes it is the necessary gateway of mixed migration flows, which
include thousands of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking, which
have the United States as their main destination and, to a lesser extent, Canada. Of all the countries
in the Americas, Mexico is doubtless the one that most clearly reflects the pluridimensional
character of international migration in a
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Colonization of Bangladesh
Colonization of Bangladesh Bangladesh, a developing country, is relatively unknown in the
globalized world and is often confused with its dominant neighbor, India. The country as we see
it now did not exist even 50 years ago. The purpose of this paper is to detail how the region was
colonized, how Bangladesh came to be and a brief overview of how it is doing now. As most
geographers know that there is an intense relationship between Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, for
good reason too. They were all part of the same colony once and hence when we talk about the
colonization of Bangladesh, we must mention details from those of India and Pakistan.
Colonization of India Imperial colonization has had long lasting effects throughout... Show more
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Extractive colonies on the other hand, were used by the colonizers solely for their resources and
thus the extraction of their resources and the lack of any advanced government institutions and
frameworks leads to them performing worse relative to settlement colonies, as defined in terms
of income per capita. Since Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were all part of colonial India, it is
logical to assume that these three countries will experience similar levels of development. I will
attempt to deduce this using GNI per capita, GDP per capita and the HDI Index. Figure 1 GNI
per Capita: Figure 2 GDP Per Capita: Figure 3 Human Development Index: It is clear from the
data above that India has outpaced both Pakistan and Bangladesh in recent times leading me to
believe that the proposed theory does not hold true for Bangladesh. This is probably because the
British set up different types of colonies in different regions, causing dissimilarities in growth.
Pakistan and Bangladesh has been virtually the same on the HDI index but Pakistan beats
Bangladesh in both GNI and GDP per capita. There are several major factors contributing to
Bangladesh s poor growth. Some of which are, but not restricted to, limited exports,
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Essay King Solomon
King Solomon one of the most influential kings in the entire bible Solomon was a wise king
and was gifted as well as punished for his transgressions on his people and God. This paper will
show how Solomon was thought to be one of the greatest kings of the bible, his contributions on
the lively hood of the Israelite people and how he was sent to bring the people into a new type of
living for the people of Israel. This paper will give a personal account on my reason for thinking
that Solomon is a great king of his time. Solomon was born the son of Bathsheba and thought to be
the illegitimate son of David. The people accepted this since Bathsheba was a prostitute, and
Solomon was to be the heir of the throne regardless of any parental... Show more content on
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This gift made Solomon loved by all people of his kingdom. Solomon used his wisdom to make a
decision about two women and a dead baby. This story in the bible shows how two prostitutes who
both have given birth to a child are arguing because one of the babies has died and the mother of
the dead baby wants to claim the living one. They come to see king Solomon for a judgement, he
tells the women that he would cut the baby in half so that both women would have a piece of
the child. Solomon did this so that he could see which women would have compassion for the
child, who ever showed such compassion would be the mother. The order was sent out to split the
child but one woman says not to cut the baby but to give it to the other women. With seeing this
sign of compassion towards the child Solomon doesn t cut the child but gives it to the women that
would have rather lost her child to another women than see him die. Solomon granted that woman
with the child. For the way that Solomon just knew who to give the child to had the people of
Israel in awe and they perceived that he received this wisdom from God. Solomon was an
intelligent man he knew he couldn t run the empire alone so he appointed three new members of
his cabinet and an officer for every one of the twelve tribes that Israel was split into. The tribes or
districts were created to make his job easier and the people of Israel much less quarrelsome with
each other. These twelve
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Effects Of Stigma On African Americans
Social stigma is defined as the censure of, or dissatisfaction with, a person due to a physical,
social, or psychological feature(s) that differentiates that individual from the cultural norm
(Goffman, 1963). Being accepted by others is considered an essential human need, being
ostracized or marginalized can be psychologically deleterious for the stigmatized individual
(Goffman, 1963). Dating back to our caveman days, stigma has a profound impact on people s
mental and physical health in a variety of populations, as well as their fight for survival in the wild
(e.g., the effect of racism on
African Americans: (Voelkl et al 1991). In addition to overt stigmas, such as those attached to an
individual s race and gender, there are also stigmas that are attached to less apparent, concealable
identities, such as those attached to an individual s sexual orientation, mental illness and so on
(Pachankis, 2007).
In a culture that exalts motherhood to the highest conceivable honor a woman can achieve there is a
group of people that are only recently talked about that are stigmatized they are women who do not
have children the childless or child free women.
In traditional societies, the childless woman was marked in some sense as having failed in
satisfying a fundamental female function bearing children. She may have been pitied or scorned or
even treated with consolation by fecund contemporaries but she remained nonetheless an outsider, a
woman who, for whatever reason,
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Causes Of Birth Defects
Causes of Birth Defects
Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that
need no treatment, to severe defects that may need surgery, need medication, or even cause
disabilities. Caused by environmental influences or inheritance, a birth defect is a biochemical or
physical abnormality present at birth. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout
the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a defect ( Gupta ). What mothers do while
pregnant can be a major factor that causes a birth defect. The most common causes of birth defects
include smoking, alcohol use, and recreational drug use while pregnant.
Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother
is smoking during her pregnancy the fetus is also experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On
average twenty percent of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths each
year in the United States ( Smoking During Pregnancy ). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for
thirty percent of babies born underweight, fourteen percent of premature labors, and ten percent of
all infant deaths ( Smoking During Pregnancy ). The placenta connects from the uterus to the
developing fetus, giving the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales
the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel into the mother s blood stream and through the
placenta into the fetus. While this
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The Musculoskeletal System
What is musculoskeletal system?
The musculoskeletal system, also known as the locomotor system, is the system which involves
around the body s structure and the movement of bones via the use of muscles in the body. This
system has many parts such as muscles, bone structure, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, joints and
other connective tissues involved in this system.
Structure of the bones
The bones are one of the most important structures in the musculoskeletal system as it supports
the body, provides the body a form and provides stability. There are 206 bones in the body which
protects the vital organs such as the heart, lungs and other vital organs as well as the skull which
protects the brain. Bones also allows the body to store minerals and within a bone there is bone
marrow located in the middle of the bone and this produces white blood cells (WBC), red blood
cells (RBC) and platelets. The types of bones are skull, spine, chest, arms, legs, hands, pelvis, and
Types of Joints ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are 3 types of bones in human body, the fibrous, cartilaginous and the synovial joint. The
fibrous joints are immovable such as the skull and are held together by ligaments. The cartilaginous
joint is partially movable such as the vertebrates in our spine and their connection with one and
another and can classified into 2 types of cartilaginous joints, synchondroses and sympheses.
Synchondroses joints are joints that are temporary joints that are found in children until the end of
puberty while sympheses joints are permanent joints such as the pubic symphesis. Synovial joints
are joints that a freely movable such as the 6 common known joints in our body, which
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Intentional Program Violation Paper
The Government of the District of Columbia Department of Human Services Office of Program,
Monitoring and Investigation (DHSOPRMI) located at 64 New York Avenue, N.E. 6th Floor,
Washington DC, 20002 has conducted an investigation of Brittani N. Mason s Supplemental
Nutritional Assistance (SNAP) benefit and determined that an Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
has been committed. The program violation has been identified as: SNAP Trafficking IPV
Narrative: On (Date allegation was received), DHSOPRMI received an allegation from the United
Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition (FNS) that Brittani N. Mason, who
resides at 138 S Street, N.W. in Washington DC committed an Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by illegally... Show more content on
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Based on the investigation findings FID determined that Ms. Mason committed IPV under
federal regulation 7C.F.R. 273.16(c) (1) and D.C. Section Code 4 218.05 (See Exhibit 102). As
a result, a SNAP Trafficking claim will be established in the amount of $825.18 for January 12,
2014, February 8, 2014, May 17, 2014, July 12, 2014, August 9, 2014, September 7, 2014,
October 6, 2014, and February 7, 2015. Please see the attached EBT transactions (see exhibit 107).
Therefore; we will request an Administrative Disqualification Hearing for the purpose of proving
you intentionally violated a program rule as explained above. This hearing will determine whether
you or another person in your household should be disqualified from participation in the SNAP
Program. You or your representative may look at this evidence at the Office of Program Review,
Monitoring, and Investigation by calling the Investigator at the number below to arrange a
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Marketing Project Of Amazon Inc. Essay
Amazon Inc. is a commercial company of American origin that has its principal activities in cloud
computing and electronic commerce. The company has separate retail websites in many countries
including the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Japan, and Netherlands
among others. Amazon has a major competitor that is Walmart, but the company works hard to
suppress the latter so that it remains the most valuable retailer with stable market capitalization in
the United States (The Guardian, 2015). Operations at Amazon include both local and international
shipping that take place within its websites, and that is why it is ranked the fifth largest company
globally. This paper is a portfolio project of Amazon Company and its operations in three countries;
Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Part One
Amazon.com is my chosen company, and it operates in three countries including Germany, Japan
and the United Kingdom based in different continents. The three countries have 85% of the
company s sales and experts suggest that the company will continue expanding more stores and
production in the countries. The United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan are all members of the IMF,
World Bank, and WTO. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) functions as an international
organization that fosters global cooperation on monetary issues facilitate international trade among
countries and ensure that all its country members have some financial stability. IMF also
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Obama Immigration Reform
What are President Obama s plans for immigration reform? Will this immigration reform positively
OR negatively affect the U.S. economy? How? Current Issues
February 11, 2013
Currently, 11 million illegal immigrants inhabit the United States. This number will continue to
augment without proper regulation of these aliens. Ever since his first inauguration, it has been
President Barack Obama s mission to improve America s mediocre immigration system. Since
Obama s reelection for his second term, he has constantly stressed the fact that the new ideas for
immigration reform are on the top of his list. Not only will these new reclaims help both the legal
and illegal immigrants, and American citizens, but also they will benefit the ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Congress stresses that this pathway to citizenship is mainly focused on the 11 million
undocumented aliens in America, but it is equally vital to deal with future immigrants, as well, or
the country may find itself housing more illegals and not progressing to a better America (Fox
News, The Associated Press, foxnews.com).
Lastly, Obama s final aspiration is to break our old fashioned system and bring it to the 21st
century. The president s opinion about visa card laws was that they are outdated and make no
sense, (Fox News, The Associated Press, foxnews.com). He hopes to join family members with
those who have come to earn a living already and to avoid the prolonged wait of future
immigrants. Having to wait years before being able to send one s family to America is absurd to
the President and surely to a majority of others (CNN Political Unit, CNN.com).
These plans, ideas, and desires for a higher quality national immigration system will be assorted
into a bill. Witnesses largely appealed to congress disposition to pass the bill because not only will
this bill ameliorate the lives of immigrants and their families, but also the US economy (Fox News,
The Associated Press, foxnews.com).
Correspondingly, there is a plethora of reasons why a substantial immigration reform would
positively impact the US economy. To begin, immigrants
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Political Satire In Rob Sitch s Fat Chance
Analyse the way in which satire can provoke and engage its audiences. Through skillful
manipulation of language, irony and wit, satirical texts seek to highlight humanity s various vices
and shortcomings, and in so doing comment on prevailing social norms and attitudes. , Political
satire, in particular, seeks to elicit social awareness of the vices and foibles of political institutions,
and through commentary that ranges from mockery to condemnation, provides insight into the
internal machinations and moral and ideological ambiguity of politics. Rob Sitch s 2008
mockumentary The Hollowmenexposes the clandestine nature of Australian politics where
decisions are made based on nepotism and personal gain rather than for the greater good,... Show
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The premise of the episode is a snap policy decision made on talkback radio to fight obesity by
the nameless, faceless prime minister. Making a wry comment on Australian politics, Sitch
represents the PM s uninspiring private secretary Tony and the other political advisors as the
hollow men of Australian politics. This is unequivocally conveyed through the verisimilitude of
the time date [quote/example], and panning images of Canberra. In naming the PM s advisors
the central policy unit or CPU , Sitch mocks the bureaucratic jargon which seems to define the
policy making process. This is further developed through constant use of political jargon, where
the prime minister announces new policy with a series of meaningless phrases such as raft of
measures , speaking to all stakeholders , and provisional policy . , The superficial, short sighted
and self serving nature of political decisions humourously conveyed through the advisor Mel s
concern, should we announce it at a hospital or at parliament ? , before the policy is even named,
satirising the reactionary and appearance obsessed values of
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Impact of NAFTA on Mexico s manufacturing industry Effect on Productivity, Wages rates,
Incomes, and Investments in FDI
The effects of NAFTA on Mexico, U.S, and their economic situation have impacts on political
interests. There was main objective of Mexico in pursuing free trade area with the United States or
with other countries to stabilize the Mexican economy in sustainable way and promote economic
development by attracting huge foreign direct investment means of increasing exports, in house
manufacturing and creating jobs. NAFTA would improve investor confidence in Mexicohas
directly impact to increase export diversification, create job market increase wage rates, reduce
poverty, improve standard of living, quality and economic growth ... Show more content on
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The Mexican workers from manufacturing
Sector has been benefitted and improved access to working environment of U.S. The U.S
manufacturing workers and smaller U.S manufacturers have lost business due to NAFTA as well
as affected severely on poor Mexican
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  • 8. Themes Of Edgar Allan Poe Another of Poe s strong emotions was anger, leading him to seek revenge. Seasonal changes just as life changes, winter to spring to summer and back again. Tags Literature Edgar Allan Poe s life experiences had a adult impact on the topics and themes of his writing. One of the most common themes in Edgar Allen Poe s poems and clerestory relating to death are The Black Cat, The Masque of the Red Death, Cast of Amontillado, Annabel Lee and The Raven . Prophet! aforesaid I, thing of evil prophet still, if bird or devil! This in my opinion relates to how he did not know many stuff. Montresor defect revenge and says, nemo me impune lacessit. In other words, No one attack me without punishment. As they traverse along a hallway to the keep, Montresor touch at his plot. Edgar was an unusual omi to say the least, but he wrote about the most deadly scary things that are in the back of our minds when we walk into a dark room or turn a corner in that erie basement many of us have, and in that way he stays with us. They are some examples that empahsis this. An example of the influence of alcohol is The Black Cat. Here, Poe writes about committing gruesome acts while he is intoxicated. Poe had a cottage in Fordham New York; a nearby university was believed to be the source of the ringing bells. Like life to death, it all ends up the same. Edgar Allan Poe lived a very heartbroken, dejected, short life get by today s standards. One theme that Edgar wrote about often ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The And Throughput Of Wireless Sensor Network Using Actor... A NOVEL APPROACH TO ENHANCE THE LIFETIME AND THROUGHPUT OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK USING ACTOR NODES. 1Diksha Garg 1diksha.garg17@gmail.com 1Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran. 2Geetanjali Babbar 2cecm.cse.gbi@gmail.com 2Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran. ABSTRACT: Wireless sensornetworks is a self configured network means any node can join it or leave it at any time. it is a self healing and self organizing. Self healing networks allow nodes to reconfigure their link associations and find other pathways around powered down nodes or failed nodes. Self organizing allows a network automatically join new node without the need for manual interference. In this paper, we are using actor nodes to solve energy hole problem so that we can reduce energy consumption and can enhance throughput of network. Keywords: WSN, AODV, Energy holes, routing, energy consumption I.INTRODUCTION A wireless ad hoc network is the collection of mobile nodes, without any requirement of centralized access point. Every node in the network, act as a router and packet forwarder. Now days, the ad hoc networking is used for the commercial uses. There are the many applications of the ad hoc networks, ad hoc network are using in the military and it is also using for the other security operations. The secure routing is the biggest issue in the ad hoc routing applications. In ad hoc networks it is very difficult to design the security due to its unique characteristics. The characteristics of ad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Film Gangs Of New York The film Gangs of New York, highlighted the facets of many different gangs; the most important being the Natives and the Dead Rabbits. Both gangs vied for power over the region called the Five Points during the Civil War time period. Within the film there were many different examples of social stratification like class privilege, status, and power. The examples of stratification were shown by both gangs and the individuals that the gangs were compromised of. The purpose of this paper is to analyze these examples of social classand privilege, status, parties, and power, as described by Max Weber, and how they exemplified in the film Gangs of New York. The examples of stratification in the film similar to that of Weber s will show that the Gangs of New York represent the strife and problems that come with a person s class, status, and party. In Class, Status, Party, by Max Weber, Weber defines a class as any group of people that happen to be facing the same class situations, or problems (Weber). Both of the two main gangs in the film, the Natives, formally known as the Native Americans, and the Dead Rabbits, which is compromised of the Irish Immigrants, were mostly a part of the same social class. There are many different ways that classes in society can be stratified other than by just the basic three, upper class, middle class, and the poor (Rothman). The characters in the Gangs of New York mostly belong to the working poor or unemployed caste, because they have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Benefits Of Lemon Fruit Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United States. These plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can only grow and grow at temperatures 15 30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed in snowy countries with high intensity. Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet can use lemon as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same way as to make lemon juice. Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced. Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet program does have a very sour taste. Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty lemon used as a cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Lemon fruit also contains ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your health. Lemon shown to increase human stamina. Anti bacterial and antioxidant also play an active role in the body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm. Heat can be faster processing of substances in the body. Here are the benefits of lemons: 1. Streamlining Digestive System Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as a blood purifier and cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems like nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the lemon does not fit in with the milk. 2. Boost Immunity Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active role in immune function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have antimicrobial function. Get into the habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm water every morning. 3. Stabilizing High Blood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Post World War II Size On Monday, 24 February 2014, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced massive cuts to the size of the armed services, slashing the army to its pre World War II size. (breithbart.com) Hagel s plan called for a 25% reduction in manpower by 2019. Historically, these cuts equate to a perceived failure of will power of the American government by its global enemies. Such cuts are sure to decrease the readiness posture of fighting units across the military. First order effects from cuts to funding equate to poorly maintained equipment, reduced personnel readiness, as well as fewer opportunities for professional military educational type schools. Second order effects include gaps in the NCO and officer corps due to lack of funds to send... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (breithbart.com) This unwillingness to fund defense led both Hitler and the Japanese to believe they could make war on the United States with any repercussion. After World War II, President Truman cited the end of the war to justify his defense cuts; however, the Korean Warbegan, arguably, because of the large scale military cuts, which encouraged the Soviets and Chinese Communists toward aggression on the Korean peninsula. As a result, government officials increased the defense budget from $9.1 billion to just under $53. Immediately following the Vietnam conflict, congress once again began defunding the military. The end state of these specific cuts resulted in the United States pulling out of Saigon as communism dominated the country. Additionally, the Soviets later invaded Afghanistan compelled to do so possibly because of a perceived American distaste for foreign war. The election of Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the recovery of this mistake as he implemented large increases in military expenditures. Task Force Smith Remembered The Battle of Osan, also known as Task Force Smith, was the first American engagement of the Korean War. On 25 June 1950, the North Korean People s Army dispatched an Army of 89,000 Soldiers into South Korea, devastating their entire force. (weaponsandwarfare.com) The North Koreans took South Korean Soldiers, known as the Republic of Korea (ROK), by surprise as they suffered immense casualties. During the first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Benefits Of A Successful Business In order to have a successful business, businesses need to find a way to keep employees motivated to do their jobs and increase work satisfaction. This is undeniably crucial for a business to continue to be profitable. Some solutions to this problem are incentives, having a good work environment, and showing appreciation. When employees perform poorly by not doing their job or not doing their job well, it reflects negatively on the business. Customers who are not satisfied, may complain and may not return. Customers can also discourage others from going to that particular establishment by telling their friends about their terrible experience. The business then loses money from that customer and that customers friends who now do business with the competition. That business may now have a bad reputation that started from that one customer s negative experience (Deeb). By keeping employees pleased and excited at their jobs, they tend to perform better than those employees who are not please at their job. In an article written by John Waggoner, he wrote, If a company treats its employees well, the business should prosper.... So in other words, the business makes money if the employees are pleased. Employees who are given incentive tend to perform better at their jobs than people who do not receive incentive. Google is an example of a company that is highly successful and is known for having generous benefits for their employees to par take. The stock at Google has climbed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Role Of Norma Rae And Peggy Bull And Norma Rae Leaders have always been an essential part to any team. People learn from different leaders that develop and change their leadership skills and style. There are leaders in our schools, church, and workplaces. When we think of leadership, we tend to think of the workplace most. Norma Rae and Peggy Sinclair are both leaders who face different types of adversity. They each receive help from other leaders that shape their leadershipskills in different ways. Peggy and Norma each must adapt their skills to meet the needs of their teams, and each do it in a way that is positively effective. Norma Rae is a movie based on a real person. Norma Rae works at a plant with long hours, short pay, and harsh, unsafe working conditions under poor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was persistent, and persistence is a great way to achieve results in the manner needed or wanted. Because of these qualities combined, she was a motivator. To see the change necessary, others must see the need for the change and believe in the vision, and Norma motivated them to see that vision of a better work environment. When the managers promoted Norma Rae to a supervisor position, she noticed an immediate difference in the relationships she had with the workers. The workers viewed her as if she was one of the managers who told everyone what and when to do something. Her rapport with the workers dwindled quickly including her mother and father who worked at the plant too. Norma quickly realized that the role the management team had in the plant was not what she wanted to be a part of. She stepped out of the position because she saw they weren t leaders; the management team were dictators. She wanted to be a part of the team of plant workers. There was a since of team within the plant workers. Fortunately for Norma Rae, Reuben was able to draw out and utilize her true leadership skills. Reuben was a motivated leader. When plans do not immediately go the way one envisions, it is easy to give up. Reuben was not one to give up. People in the town were against the idea of a union, and they made that clear to Reuben. Reuben did not give up. He was determined to get someone to believe in the need for a union. It is important that leaders can face adversity and keep ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Effects Of Yellowstone Volcanic Complex On The World Introduction Yellowstone volcano is one of the most explosive, active silicic volcanic fields in the world and is classified as a super volcano . Its Late Quaternary history, in terms of ages, sizes and frequency of eruptions, has been well documented (Farrell et al., 2014). Understanding its properties will help us to better understand the hazards it poses, both now and in the future. As it is protected from geothermal energy or mineral exploration and development, Yellowstone provides a unique opportunity to research an undisturbed major volcanic system and the temporal and spatial changes that occur naturally (Hurwitz Lowenstern, 2014). This report discusses the history of Yellowstone volcanic complex over the past 2.1 million years, eruptive style, compositions, associated hazards and the structure of the magma chamber. In addition, we look at areas into which research is currently occurring or should in the future, and discuss a strategy for monitoring and forecasting of future activity. History Over the past 2.1 million years, three large eruptions with widespread effects have occurred in the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field (YPVF) (Hurwitz Lowenstern, 2014). The first of these was 2.059 В± 0.004 Ma (Lanphere et al., 2002), and produced the 2450 km3 Huckleberry Ridge Tuff. The second was at 1.285 В± 0.004 Ma (Lanphere et al., 2002), producing the 280 km3 Mesa Falls Tuff and the Henrys Fork caldera. The most recent of the three occurred 0.639 В± 0.002 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Patrick Henry Speech Analysis Introduction When Patrick Henry gave his famous Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death speech he proved that pens are indeed mightier than swords. That speech undoubtedly lead to the formation of the great nation that we now live in today. Patrick Henry was better at persuading his audience because he used a convincing combination rhetorical questions and imagery. Patrick Henry s use of logical and emotional appeals to make his audience believe in his cause. His purpose for speaking and his ambitious ideas also helped make his speech stronger. Jonathan Edwards speech was good, but the fear that he instilled in his audience crippled them instead of pushing them to action, like Henry s speech did. Appeals Emotional Appeals Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? (Henry) Henry is asking his audience if they would rather live a peaceful life of slavery or a life of freedom on their own terms. This rhetorical question is impactful because Henry s audience is afraid of slavery, they don t like the idea of being controlled by anyone. They know what the lives of their own slaves are like and they fear being put in that position. This makes the audience want to heed Henry s advice and go to war against Great Britain. Logical Appeals Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope (Henry) Henry is telling his audience that there is nothing wrong with looking on the bright side, but they need to open their eyes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Kids Must Do More Than Recite the Pledge of Allegiance Essay Children in the United States go through many years of school reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, but does it encourage loyalty in their nation or fear of it? The years that I spent in school reciting the pledge did little to instill patriotism in me. I do not even remember the words to it. Having a more hands on approach to community involvement would be a better way to teach children pride for their country. Encourage children to be concerned about their school, neighborhood, city and nation by letting them be a part of their community. It is the job of not just schools, but also the parents to play a part in showing the next generation what true devotion to their country is all about. True patriotism is the selfless giving of oneself ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Reciting the pledge doesn t prove loyalty and refusal to recite it doesn t prove treason. We should take it for granted that our children love their country and nurture those ideas rather than make them recite an unnecessary, therefore meaningless pledge. I wish that my parents and my school did more to show me what true patriotism was instead of just teaching me to blindly recite the Pledge of Allegiance without asking why it was done, or what it meant. I think that if they would have encouraged me to be a part of my community, I would have more loyalty to my nation today. I would want the greater good for my country more so than I do now. Community service is a fantastic technique to show children that there is more to their world than their own backyard. Encourage them to get involved with or even plan community events such as helping to paint over graffiti in their neighborhood, cleaning up trash after an event, or help repair a run down playground. Children may complain about spending their Saturday working rather than playing a video game or staring at a mind numbing television set all day, but the lessons that they will learn and the way they feel after the event will be beyond compare. Chances are, they will feel so strongly about their newly found pride in what they have accomplished, they will continue to do bigger and better things to show pride in their community. The next generation can make a vast change in the world with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Big Bang Model And The Steady State Model The Universe Joyce Claiborne Professor Robert Leard Earth Space Science GS 403 09/09/2014 Abstract For many years there has been a mystery on how the universe began. There are questions about the ending of the universe and how. Hypothesis called cosmological that try to find the answer were constructed by astronomers. The Big Bang model and the Steady State model are the two that were constructed. These two models claims to explain the beginning and the ending of the universe. The Big Band claims that about 15 to 20 Billion years ago, the universe violently exploded in to being, there was an event called the big bang and began expanding rapidly. The Steady State Model claims the universe has always ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The story of the universe can be traced back to it very first instants, according to the Big Bang theory of its origins. In the Big Bang model, the universe was once infinitely small, dense and hot. The radiation and matter of that early stage rapidly expanded and cooled. It condensed into galaxies several million years later. It was not an explosion of matter into space, but an expansion of space itself, and in the beginning, it brought time and space into existence. It is observe today by astronomers that the universe is still expanding. Universe, Martin Rees September 17, 2012, Penguin Publisher. In 1929 Edwin Hubble was able to correlate the distance in the universe with their velocities, a relation known as Hubble s Law. Big Bang theorists later used this information to approximate the age of the Universe at about 15 billion years old, which is consistent with the other measurements of the age of the universe. According to radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1964 they discovered a microwave signal buried I their data. They attempted to filter out the signal, assuming that it was merely unwanted noise, however, they had inadvertently discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background. The CBM had been predicted by a theory that a few believed at the time call the Big Bang. This discovery was first evidence that the Universe beginning. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Handwriting Writing Characteristics Handwriting is a skill many people acquire at a young age. Handwriting is something that is individual to a specific person based on individual characteristics. Special examiners who are trained to examine documents and handwritings can compare samples and identify class characteristics, individual characteristics, and use vision and technology to make a positive connection or disconnection between a subject sample and the comparisonsample. The act of handwriting is accomplished through practice and repetition. Most people learn to write by copying letter formations from a copybook at a young age (Harrison, D., Burkes, T., Seiger, D). Class characteristics would include everyone who learned how to write their letters with the traditional lined paper and were taught letter formation and spacing. Someone who lives in America may have learned how to write differently from someone who lives in a foreign country but it still holds the basic concept of forming letters or symbols to make words. Once handwriting itself is mastered, people tend to adopt individual characteristics that set their writingapart from others. The writing becomes a pattern of subconscious, habitual formations that are repeated from one writing to the next (Hilton 1982; Huber 1999). These writings separate a type or style from being just standard copybook format to forming different strokes, patterns, skill level, and or identifying techniques of writing. According to the FBI, no two writers share ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Internal Characteristics On Profitability Of Modarabas 6.Conclusion: The core objective of this article is to analyze the impact of internal characteristics (e.g. size, leverage, liquidity, operating expenses, management fee and age) on profitability of listed Modarabas in Pakistan. Pooled OLS method used to estimate the effects of internal characteristics on profitability measured as profit margin, return on investment and earnings per certificate. Data was taken from financial statement analysis (FSA) of financial firms compiled by SBP during 2011 2015. Results show that size of Modarabasis positively related to profit margin and return on investment. The possible reasons for positive association between size and profitability are, first, large Modarabashave high turnover compared to small Modarabas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A. and Yousaf, M., Determinants of profit heterogeneity at firm level: Evidence from Pakistan , International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 24 No.1 (2014),pp.25 39 6 Petria, N.,Caprarub, B. and Ihnatov, I., Determinants of banks profitability: evidence from EU 27 banking systems , Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 20 (2015),pp.518 524 7 Д†urak, M.,Poposki, K. and Pepur, S., Profitability determinants of the Macedonian banking sector in changing environment Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 44 (2012),pp.406 416 8 Dietrich, A. and Wanzenried, G., The determinants of commercial banking profitability in low ,middle , and high income countries The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 54 (2014),pp.337 354 9 Saona, P., Intra and extra bankdeterminants of Latin American banks profitability , International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 45 (2016),pp.197 214 10 Zuidberg,J., Exploring the determinants for airport profitability: Traffic characteristics, low cost carriers, seasonality and cost efficiency , Transportation Research Part A, Vol.101(2017),pp.61 72 11 Sheikh, N. A. and Karim, S., Determinants of profitability of Islamic commercial banks: Evidence from Pakistan , Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Vol. 17 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Binaural Beat Research Paper Our binaural beat brainwave entrainment technology, along with Trans aural sound processing, combined with encoded subliminal signaling, provides the user with access to an advanced technique for inducing deep relaxation and to affecting behavioral modification. After approximately five minutes, the resonant entrainment effect can induce vast areas of the brain to resonate at the same frequency. The result is dominance in the brain wavepattern at the desired frequency. Increased endorphin levels have been attributed to the use of binaural beat audio technology; therein, permitting the control of selected brainwave frequency patterns. What Are Binaural Beats? When signals of two different frequencies are presented, one to each ear, the brain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason is physiological. Each ear is hardwired (so to speak) one to both hemisphere of the brain (Rosenzweig, 1961) delivering waves of equal amplitude and frequency, one in each hemisphere. So, there are two separate standing waves entraining portions of each hemisphere to the frequency being presented. The binaural beats appear to contribute to the hemispheric synchronization evidenced in meditative and hypnogogic states of consciousness. Brain function is also enhanced through the increase of cross colossal communication between the left and right hemispheres of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Four Ps Of Marketing Question # 1: Four Ps of Marketing a. List and explain the Four Ps of marketing (Short explanations in your own words.) Price What a consumer is willing to give up to obtain your product. If a supplier sets a price higher than what a consumer is willing to pay, then the consumer is unlikely to complete the transaction. Product The good or service a supplier provides for a consumer. Promotion How a company communicates their product or service to the public and specifically to their desired customer. Without effective promotion and advertising, customers are unlikely to hear about and understand what s being sold. Place How and where a product is presented to a consumer. It involved the location and placement of the product. b. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Place relates to Major League Soccer in terms of location of each teams stadium. This is key in all sports, teams must locate themselves in places where they will be able to attract fans to attend their matches at high rates. Teams like Atlanta United F.C. and the Seattle Sounders have placed themselves in prime locations to succeed. They both have done a great job with perfecting where they play to help increase attendance to their games. While the MLS average attendance per match is a mere 21,823, Seattle have averaged 42,892 and Atlanta have averaged 46,721 per match. These two teams aren t even in first place in their conference, but they were able to place themselves in locations that are effective for them to record these much higher averages of attendance. c. Rank the four in order of importance to your product. Explain your rankings. Promotion Promotion is going to be the most important aspect of our product since there is currently not enough marketing of MLS. You can find an advertisement for the NFL on almost any channel but you will rarely see a commercial or promotion for major league soccer. Product The MLS has recently been lacking competition. There tends to be a handful of teams that compete for the top spots and then the rest of the league, who battle for the bottom ranks. These top teams garner the most attention and fan base while the other teams struggle to keep fans interested. Place We ranked place as the third most important factor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Being A Mortician Essay Being a Mortician The word mortician brings what images to mind? The career of a mortician is surprisingly different than it is portraied in movies and books. Being a mortician is a very rewarding job both personal as well as psychological to those with the temperament, training and discipline required to do the job properly. In this paper I ll be reporting the requirements to become a mortician, also called funeral director or undertaker, the duties the job requires of you, and the outlook of this career in the future of the United States. To become a funeral director in the United States today isn t an easy task. You need to be twenty one, a high school graduate with some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A lot of the time the mourners will vent their pent up anger on the funeral director and will blame you for their problems. Some of time you ll need to deal with religions new to you and that seem strange, but you ll have to be understanding and willing to let the mourners carry out their forms of burial and mourning. In other words, can you handle a career that requires constant sensitivity to needs and wants of other people? One of the duties of a mortician is to embalm the corpse for show. quot;If the body is not to be buried within twenty four hours, most communities require that it be embalmed quot;(IRN 6). After the body is brought to the funeral home, you would see first of all that the body and hair are cleaned and washed for embalming. A small incision is made at the base of the neck or in the groin to secure access to a major artery or vein. quot;The object in embalming is to pump our the body fluids, or blood, and to replace it with special long lasting chemicals which will keep the body from decaying for a long period of time and which will prevent it from further disease or decay, if death has been caused by a specific infectious disease. quot;(Lamers 420). Tubes are then inserted in the artery or vein. The tube in this artery is connected to a mechanical pump that injects a preservative and disinfectant solution into the blood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis of Hobart Corp. BACKGROUND: HOBART CORPORATION Hobart Corporation was headquartered in Troy, Ohio and was preparing to embrace the Internet world and be a part of the Internet Revolution in 1996. Internet was privileged by the blending of technology and software and used in turn to promote marketing and various transactions. It looked like the gateway to reduced cost and increased revenue. Internet has created dilemma for Hobart: Hobart Corporation was not completely sure if the establishment of internet would actually be profitable for them or not. There were questions regarding relationship with the traditional channel and their reaction. What would happened to the distributors and dealers and if really internet was suitable for their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the population increases everywhere around the world and people are getting accustomed to home meal replacement product, demand is rising everywhere. Social and economic factors also shape the demand, and gave rise to mergers and acquisitions, broader product line and increased capital investment. Manufacturers, who can supply high quality product with wide range of interdependent equipment pieces, have an advantage over competitors. Industry analysis shows that in 1999, the total value of shipped food product machinery was $2.968 billion a 3% increase from 1998. Strong economy, increased income, new construction and remodeling of food provider level led to a forecast of food product shipment increase by 1% above U.S domestic economic growth. Important aspects of the food equipment industry: Apart from the mergers and acquisitions taking place, the industry outlook was drastically changing because of development in the areas of food safety, material prices, general economic trend, skilled labor, technology and e commerce. Number of consumers who were concerned about food safety was increasing. Material cost is an important factor in every industry. Even in this industry, around 30% of the final cost is tied up in steel, which causes fluctuation in the product price. This in turn determines the industry profitability and growth. On one hand, the industry was facing shortage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Examples Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth In Shakespeare s play Macbeth, internal conflict is used to examine Macbeth s character. As Macbeth struggles with his own sense of self and is urged by his vaulting ambition to be king, Macbeth finds himself easily influenced by the witches and his wife, and in situations where he cannot ponder on his past actions. Macbeth s inner confusion is used by Shakespeare to explore the tragic consequences of Macbeth s vaulting ambition. Macbeth fights with his inner self about the decisions he makes towards his ambitions. These decisions were often influenced by Lady Macbeth and bring on hallucinations for Macbeth. His decisions were made to ensure his place on the throne and that he needed to keep moving and go to great lengths if he was to maintain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man, this alliteration is used by Macbeth as he considers killing King Duncan, and it lets the audience know of Macbeth s fear towards the murder. Macbeth questions his sense of self and loyalty while making his decision. Lady Macbeth does not agree with Macbeth s refusal to kill King Duncan and influences his choice by questioning his manhood with the use of a rhetorical question, Art thou afead to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire? This gives the audience knowledge of Lady Macbeth s attitude towards the murder and gets the audience thinking about why Macbeth chose not to kill the King. Once hearing this question from Lady Macbeth, Macbeth rethinks his decision and ambition finally drives Macbeth into killing King Duncan. The metaphor, to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o erleaps itself and falls on the other, shows that Macbeth is driven by ambition and that he makes his decisions to benefit his power. The inner conflict experienced by Macbeth when making the decision to kill King Duncan changed his sense of self and his loyalty towards King ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Michael Jord The World Of Sports Bryce Stannard Ms. Barnett/Mrs. Mettler English 1 8 February 2016 Michael Jordan: The G.O.A.T Michael Jordan once said Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen (Michael Jordan Quotes). His exciting and flashy style of play reinvented the game (King). Jordan inspired people all over the world to be more active,his amazing play made more people want to watch making basketball more popular and even helped boost America s economy. If Jordan never played, the world of sports would be completely different. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn New York (Aldridge). Michael Jordanwas born an raised by James Jordan and Deloris Peoples (Halberstam). They later moved North ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He Jordan showed that he could fix them when he was named an all star and received rookie of the year. The next year in his second season jordan missed 64 games although when he returned he scored 49 points in his first game and then in the second 63 in his second and broke the record for most points in a playoff game ( Michael Jordan Biography Biography.com). Although Jordan played great in the beginning of the playoffs later in the Eastern Conference Finals the Bulls experienced a very tough loss to the Detroit Pistons (Isaacson). Although Jordan was not as successful as hoped he was still awarded defensive player of the year and MVP ( Michael Jordan Biography ). The Next year the Bulls blew it once more to Isiah Thomas and The Bad Boys In the eastern conference finals as one of Jordan s most discouraging moments in his career. After watching Chicago lose by 19 points to the Pistons in the seventh and deciding game of the 1990 NBA Eastern Conference finals a game in which Scottie Pippen`s migraine contributed to his 1 for 10 shooting day Bulls General Manager Jerry Krause could take it no longer. All 5 feet 7 inches of him burst into his team`s dressing room and all but took a door off its hinges (Isaacson). This shows how disappointed the Bulls and Jordan where but Many believe that Jordan never would have been as good without this moment in his career. In 1991 the Bulls added another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Auto Wreck By Karl Castro Poetry Analysis Paper The Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro is a grasping poem that digs into the universe of death and the thought of voyeurism from the point of view of a spectator. Shapiro decorates the poem with intriguing inconspicuous dialect and a lovely, although rather disheartening, depiction of death all through the poem. While this is poetry, the creator still consolidates components of writing that apply to both stories and poetry. As Shapiro weaves a word web, he utilizes a few prevailing components which guarantee that the audience is understanding his point.Through symbolism, personification and sound work, Shapiro imagines all parts of a vehicle s wreck from a voyeuristic point of view, eventually evacuating the comfort of separation which produce a sweeping casualty. Imagery utilizes the ability to create heart felt moments from the audience. Shapiro uses imagery all through Auto Wreck which enlivens the revulsions of a vehicle s wreck before the eyes of blameless onlookers. As we read ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This, the volta of the lyric, is set off by the vital utilization of inquiries and abbreviated line length. Shapiro could be utilizing this line as a question of how demise picks its casualties and the arbitrariness of an auto wreck. He experiences a few distinct sorts of death, including cancer, suicide, and war, advocating how each picks its sufferer. Leaving vehicle wreck for definite investigation. Shapiro presumes that car wrecks, in reality, are the one reason for death that is arbitrary and assaults the guiltless. While the passings that originate from car wrecks are totally irregular, an optional sort of death is encountered that very few individuals think about. The exploitation of the on looking eyewitness quite often happens. By stripping the level of solace from the spectator, he, similar toward the victim himself, develops until they are just as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Miss Peregrine s Home For Particular Children Self discovery is a common theme throughout literature. One example of it is in the movie Miss Peregrine s Home for Particular Children. The film shows the theme through the main character Jake. He visits an island to find the particulars. The particulars are people who have extraordinary traits (ex. One of the characters Olive has hands that can catch things on fire). Along the way, Jake learns that he is a particular and his journey of self discovery starts there. He discovers that his trait is that he can see dangerous creatures called hollows. Later, Jake has to figure out a plan to keep himself and the other particulars safe from the hollows. In the end, he saves everyone and decides to live with particulars. This adventure shows self discovery since Jake goes from being a simple, fearful boy to a courageous man who had his life on the line to save people. In addition, the excerpt Frankenstein a Life Beyond )Book 1 of 3) The Resurrection Trinity is also an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The movie s plot centers around an artificial man named Edward. He lived in isolation for the majority of his life until a woman named Peggy brought him into the real world for the first time. Then Edward had to get used to living in a suburban town. This film shows self discovery due to him exploring his ability to cut things. He started from being a topiarist to almost opening a hair salon. Edward also learns that he s very trusting and cares more about people s safety over his own. The theme is also shown in an excerpt from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The excerpt is about a scientist who does a risky experiment on himself and goes through a painful change and turns into an alter ego named Edward Hyde. The excerpt shows self discovery since Dr, Jekyll went through a journey which leads into the start of his new life where he felt younger, lighter, happier in body (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Importance Of Respect Essay Respect The definition of respect is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What we respect is a clue to what we want in life. Respect is really about what we admire in the world and in people. Respect is understanding and acknowledging the rights of someone else to have their beliefs. Respect is something everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. A person should not only respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people should listen to what others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if you want to be respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how someone else treats me as a person. I ve always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given. However, it means a lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat others how you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay about Biology Milk Lab Bonnie Bell Mrs. Legary Biology P.6 21, Sept. 2011 Milk Lab Final This investigation consists of testing the reaction between milk, food coloring, and dishwashing soap. Different kinds of milk were tested, depending on the amount of milk fat content. The investigation was based on 2 questions. Lab one s problem statement, using only milk fat and food coloring was: How does food coloring react in different kinds of milk fat? The second lab s problem statement, using milk fat, food coloring, and dishwashing soap was: What happens when detergent is added to different milk fats and food coloring? The expectation is that the milk with higher fat content will have a more dramatic reaction. If the milk has a higher fat content,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | The first table shows the results between the milk and food coloring. In milk fat 1, the red food coloring spread fast and wide. In milk fat 2, the red food coloring did the same as milk fat 1. In milk fat 3, the red food coloring spread slowly in an oval shape. In milk fat 4, the red food coloring didn t expand very big. In milk fat 1, the blue food coloring expanded slowly for a long time and stayed dark blue. In milk fat 2, the blue food coloring spread fast for a long time and stayed in one big glob. In milk fat 3, the blue food coloring looked like a spider web. It starts out light in color and expanded slowly getting darker. In milk fat 4, the blue food coloring got gets lighter as it expands. In milk fat 1, the yellow food coloring was more spread out. In milk fat 2, the yellow food coloring stayed in a little circle. In milk fat 3, the yellow food coloring stayed in a little circle and turned to an orangish yellow color. In milk fat 4, the yellow food coloring stayed in a small spot and didn t spread. In milk fat 1, the green food coloring spread fast but not very big. In milk fat 2, the green food coloring didn t spread very big. In milk fat 3, the green food coloring spread pretty big. And in milk fat 4, the green food coloring spread quickly. Day 2 data ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Security Architecture Is Developed For Systems Providing... X.805 security architecture is developed for systems providing end to end communications. It was developed by ITU T SG 17 and was published in October 2003. Issues which X.805 addresses are: 1.What type of protection is to be given against what kind of threats? 2.What are the various kinds of system gear and facility groupings that needs to be secured? 3.What are the different types of network exercises that needs to be secured? X.805 architecture incorporates three security layers which are as follows: Infrastructure Security Layer: These are fundamental building pieces of networks services and applications. Example: routers, switches, servers etc. Services Security Layer: These are services given to end clients. Example: Cellular, Wi Fi, QoS etc. Applications Security Layer: These are network based applications used by end clients. Example: E mail, E commerce etc. Security planes speak about the types of activities that occur on a network. X.805 architecture has three security planes, which are as follows: End User Security Plane: This security plane represents the access and use of the network by the customers for various purposes, like value added services, basic connectivity/transport etc. Control/Signaling Security Plane: This security plane represents activities that enable efficient functioning of the network. Management Security Plane: This plane represents the management of network elements, services and applications. X.805 Security ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Chris Mccandless Narcissism Chris McCandless traveled to Alaska in April of 1992 for isolation from society, and unfortunately died in Fairbanks Bus 142 in August of 1992. His death is not what angers readers, but his lack of preparation and arrogance about the wilderness is what proves his reckless narcissism . His selfishness to not abide by his parent s wishes for college and a decent job, his unpreparedness for wildernesssurvival, and his manipulation and lack of empathy for others is why readers believe he is a reckless narcissist . However, many people see him as a noble idealist for leaving society and all its amenities to live out his dream of in the wild. The McCandless wanted one thing from their son, to go to college and succeed. McCandless did not want to do this and adamantly refused to live by his parents wishes. Before he went to college, he went on a cross country trip in his yellow Datsun and came back in time for school. Throughout his time at Emory, McCandless hatred of his parents grew and he became more radical in his ideas. His parents became worried, but McCandless did not acknowledge their help. He continued to hate them despite their attempts to aid him. McCandless is similar to Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye. Although he did not rebel against his parents, he rebelled against society s rules. McCandless rebelled from his parents rules. Although Krakauer portrays McCandless as a person everybody admired and loved, but Wayne Westerberg commented that what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Development Of Hate Crimes and their extents. As a recently coined term, it was not widely known as to what exactly it entailed. HSCA would give one the ability to see, in numbers, how often the crimes were occurring. Another impactful facet of the bill would be to support future development of hate crime legislation. Legislation, moving forward, would need as much momentum as possible for future implementation. But as public knowledge, those in support believed that reporting would aid in such momentum. It would also aid in law enforcement s ability to address hate crimes. For one, with the bill, they would have access to information that was never available before. This could help in both predicting future crimes, as well as addressing them where they are most prominent. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the bias was apparent through his speech, it was made provable through the young men s actions in which he inclined. But this is where hate crime statues become tricky, and face most opposition. Those against hate crime statutes argue just that, of one s rights being violated if a penalty enhancement is enforced. Those in opposition, however, would eventually be out reasoned; much thanks to this case in particular. What the ruling brought to light was ideals and reason that are still in place today surrounding hate crime laws. One, being the public display of the serious nature in which these crimes present, and the repercussions that follow if committed. Just as the HCSA intended to bring exposure to such acts, this case would send a similar message in that acts of this nature will not be tolerated. If committed, they are subject to a greater penalty. Which is the other strongpoint of this case. The ruling proved, through court of law, that an act s penalty can be constitutionally enhanced. This case would be of great aid in paving the way for hate crime statues, on a national level, to be implemented in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Globalization Is A Kind Of Phenomenon Of Human Social... Nowadays, globalization is a kind of phenomenon of human social development process. It enhances global connections and makes different culture spread from all over the world. Globalization is also an exchange of world view, products, concepts and other cultural elements, and it brings a process of international integration. As we know, there are more and more worldwide brands appear in the world, such as Starbucks. Many eastern people begin to accept coffee in their life even though Starbucks is a western brand, so globalizationmakes a connection between every countries and influence each others. However, some people with traditional ideas may think that globalization is a bad thing to protect national culture, and it can lead to cultural conflict. I believe that globalization promotes a better development and transmits more advanced knowledge by cooperation between every individual countries all over the world. The spread of culture becomes important in the world because every country has their different kinds of culture, and it lets people know more cultures from other countries. Globalization is a good way to promote cultural communication and spread because it makes a connection between every country to learn some new culture from each other. For example, in the article All Things Asian Are Becoming Us , the author Andrew Lam shows that many Asian cultures have been accepted from many westerner such as movies and food, and it is becoming evident in western ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Reaction Paper On Inversion Therapy The fact that hanging upside down or trying to remain inverted to some seems like a particular kind of torture but to some is an active therapy for curing back pain. Well am sure the word inversion table and inversion therapy is not a new thing to you but if it is let s take a quick brush over it. The inversion therapy is generally and simply known as the gadget used to carry out inversion therapy. The inversion therapy uses merely the gravity and body weight to pull the spine bones a bit apart, thereby creating more space and room for movement amidst the vertebrae, which then reduces the pressure and pain which is as a result of pressure present on the nerves. There are varieties of routines or exercises that can be carried out with the inversion table, but here we will be discussing the most important ones. Five Inversion Table Exercises for Back Pain Below are well discussed five essential exercises for back pain Intermittent Inversion The intermittent inversion is one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this, it s easier to cure tension build up surrounding the vertebrae. To perform the decompression exercise, hold on to the top or head of the inversion table, and you can also place your hands on your head if that makes you feel better. Take a deep breath to help the muscles relax and enjoy the full stretch of the torso and back. The decompression routine also follows three critical stages which include the light, moderate and high stage. The light stage begins from 30 degrees inversion angle for about a minute to three minutes, then you can also change to the next position which is 45 degrees with time same time duration. The moderate stage starts from 30 degrees to 45 degrees with the time range of 3 to 5 minutes. As for the high stage, it starts from 60 and then to 90 degrees angle of inversion, with 5 to 10 minutes for each angle. The Low Back ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Case Study Of Virgin Active Three levels of strategy relevant to Virgin Active: 1. CORPORATE STRATEGY Corporate mission: Virgin Active is currently in the business of Health and Fitness. Virgin Active s mission is to bring positive change to people s lives, because life s more fun when you move (Virgin.com) Corporate Goals Objectives: Making fitness a lifestyle choice. Providing the most innovative and up to date; equipment and classes. Hiring trainers with the highest level of expertise. Getting the whole family involved in fitness. Creating a worldwide focus on health and well being. Keeping up to date with all the latest industry trends. Corporate Development Strategies: Include partnerships with; 1) Medical Aid Schemes (Discovery Vitality, Momentum Multiply, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sales team working on a sound commission basis for obtaining new customers. Operations strategy and plans: Analysis of the customers needs in order to provide a high quality service, cutting edge equipment and expertise. Ensuring that the day to day functions of the business run smoothly (HR, Finance, IT, Marketing etc.) This goes hand in hand with the HR Strategy ensuring that the correct people are employed and continued training and development is done. Operations and strategy must work together in order for the business to run successfully. Conclusion: Virgin Active have effective and robust marketing strategies in place and have created a sense of trust and loyalty for its consumers. They are arguably the leaders in the health and fitness industry and have created a sound brand which is known world wide. Virgin Active continues to grow, develop and maintain their objectives of being innovative and keeping up with industry trends as well as maintaining their focus on customer satisfaction. Effective use of partnerships which are well aligned with the brand and its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Migrant Workers Research Paper Committee: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) Topic: Promoting the human rights of migrant workers Country: Mexico All persons, regardless of their nationality, race, legal or other status, are entitled to fundamental human rights and basic labour protections, including migrant workers and their families. Therefore, the human rights of migrant workers and their families include the universal, indivisible, interconnected and interdependent human rights such as rights to receive equal wages, safe working conditions: migrant s legal status freedom from forced labour protection against arbitrary expulsion return home if the migrant wishes standard of living, families to reunification along with other rights. Fundamental demographic, economic, and educational changes have set Mexico on a new path, significantly altering its migration related priorities and concerns regarding the United States and Central America. Mexican migration is primarily a result of inadequate employment opportunities and limited economic incentives in the country itself followed by kinship relations in destination locations. Lack of opportunity for meaningful employment largely stems from stagnant growth in Mexico, which has averaged 2.5% for the last three decades, far below the 5% to 6% growth rate needed to create employment for new entrants into the labour force. As a result, many entrepreneurial Mexicans seek ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The delegation Mexico also believes it is the necessary gateway of mixed migration flows, which include thousands of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking, which have the United States as their main destination and, to a lesser extent, Canada. Of all the countries in the Americas, Mexico is doubtless the one that most clearly reflects the pluridimensional character of international migration in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Colonization of Bangladesh Colonization of Bangladesh Bangladesh, a developing country, is relatively unknown in the globalized world and is often confused with its dominant neighbor, India. The country as we see it now did not exist even 50 years ago. The purpose of this paper is to detail how the region was colonized, how Bangladesh came to be and a brief overview of how it is doing now. As most geographers know that there is an intense relationship between Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, for good reason too. They were all part of the same colony once and hence when we talk about the colonization of Bangladesh, we must mention details from those of India and Pakistan. Colonization of India Imperial colonization has had long lasting effects throughout... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Extractive colonies on the other hand, were used by the colonizers solely for their resources and thus the extraction of their resources and the lack of any advanced government institutions and frameworks leads to them performing worse relative to settlement colonies, as defined in terms of income per capita. Since Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were all part of colonial India, it is logical to assume that these three countries will experience similar levels of development. I will attempt to deduce this using GNI per capita, GDP per capita and the HDI Index. Figure 1 GNI per Capita: Figure 2 GDP Per Capita: Figure 3 Human Development Index: It is clear from the data above that India has outpaced both Pakistan and Bangladesh in recent times leading me to believe that the proposed theory does not hold true for Bangladesh. This is probably because the British set up different types of colonies in different regions, causing dissimilarities in growth. Pakistan and Bangladesh has been virtually the same on the HDI index but Pakistan beats Bangladesh in both GNI and GDP per capita. There are several major factors contributing to Bangladesh s poor growth. Some of which are, but not restricted to, limited exports, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay King Solomon King Solomon one of the most influential kings in the entire bible Solomon was a wise king and was gifted as well as punished for his transgressions on his people and God. This paper will show how Solomon was thought to be one of the greatest kings of the bible, his contributions on the lively hood of the Israelite people and how he was sent to bring the people into a new type of living for the people of Israel. This paper will give a personal account on my reason for thinking that Solomon is a great king of his time. Solomon was born the son of Bathsheba and thought to be the illegitimate son of David. The people accepted this since Bathsheba was a prostitute, and Solomon was to be the heir of the throne regardless of any parental... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This gift made Solomon loved by all people of his kingdom. Solomon used his wisdom to make a decision about two women and a dead baby. This story in the bible shows how two prostitutes who both have given birth to a child are arguing because one of the babies has died and the mother of the dead baby wants to claim the living one. They come to see king Solomon for a judgement, he tells the women that he would cut the baby in half so that both women would have a piece of the child. Solomon did this so that he could see which women would have compassion for the child, who ever showed such compassion would be the mother. The order was sent out to split the child but one woman says not to cut the baby but to give it to the other women. With seeing this sign of compassion towards the child Solomon doesn t cut the child but gives it to the women that would have rather lost her child to another women than see him die. Solomon granted that woman with the child. For the way that Solomon just knew who to give the child to had the people of Israel in awe and they perceived that he received this wisdom from God. Solomon was an intelligent man he knew he couldn t run the empire alone so he appointed three new members of his cabinet and an officer for every one of the twelve tribes that Israel was split into. The tribes or districts were created to make his job easier and the people of Israel much less quarrelsome with each other. These twelve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Effects Of Stigma On African Americans Social stigma is defined as the censure of, or dissatisfaction with, a person due to a physical, social, or psychological feature(s) that differentiates that individual from the cultural norm (Goffman, 1963). Being accepted by others is considered an essential human need, being ostracized or marginalized can be psychologically deleterious for the stigmatized individual (Goffman, 1963). Dating back to our caveman days, stigma has a profound impact on people s mental and physical health in a variety of populations, as well as their fight for survival in the wild (e.g., the effect of racism on African Americans: (Voelkl et al 1991). In addition to overt stigmas, such as those attached to an individual s race and gender, there are also stigmas that are attached to less apparent, concealable identities, such as those attached to an individual s sexual orientation, mental illness and so on (Pachankis, 2007). In a culture that exalts motherhood to the highest conceivable honor a woman can achieve there is a group of people that are only recently talked about that are stigmatized they are women who do not have children the childless or child free women. In traditional societies, the childless woman was marked in some sense as having failed in satisfying a fundamental female function bearing children. She may have been pitied or scorned or even treated with consolation by fecund contemporaries but she remained nonetheless an outsider, a woman who, for whatever reason, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Causes Of Birth Defects Causes of Birth Defects Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that need no treatment, to severe defects that may need surgery, need medication, or even cause disabilities. Caused by environmental influences or inheritance, a birth defect is a biochemical or physical abnormality present at birth. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a defect ( Gupta ). What mothers do while pregnant can be a major factor that causes a birth defect. The most common causes of birth defects include smoking, alcohol use, and recreational drug use while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother is smoking during her pregnancy the fetus is also experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On average twenty percent of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths each year in the United States ( Smoking During Pregnancy ). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for thirty percent of babies born underweight, fourteen percent of premature labors, and ten percent of all infant deaths ( Smoking During Pregnancy ). The placenta connects from the uterus to the developing fetus, giving the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel into the mother s blood stream and through the placenta into the fetus. While this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Musculoskeletal System What is musculoskeletal system? The musculoskeletal system, also known as the locomotor system, is the system which involves around the body s structure and the movement of bones via the use of muscles in the body. This system has many parts such as muscles, bone structure, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, joints and other connective tissues involved in this system. Structure of the bones The bones are one of the most important structures in the musculoskeletal system as it supports the body, provides the body a form and provides stability. There are 206 bones in the body which protects the vital organs such as the heart, lungs and other vital organs as well as the skull which protects the brain. Bones also allows the body to store minerals and within a bone there is bone marrow located in the middle of the bone and this produces white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC) and platelets. The types of bones are skull, spine, chest, arms, legs, hands, pelvis, and feet. Types of Joints ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are 3 types of bones in human body, the fibrous, cartilaginous and the synovial joint. The fibrous joints are immovable such as the skull and are held together by ligaments. The cartilaginous joint is partially movable such as the vertebrates in our spine and their connection with one and another and can classified into 2 types of cartilaginous joints, synchondroses and sympheses. Synchondroses joints are joints that are temporary joints that are found in children until the end of puberty while sympheses joints are permanent joints such as the pubic symphesis. Synovial joints are joints that a freely movable such as the 6 common known joints in our body, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Intentional Program Violation Paper The Government of the District of Columbia Department of Human Services Office of Program, Monitoring and Investigation (DHSOPRMI) located at 64 New York Avenue, N.E. 6th Floor, Washington DC, 20002 has conducted an investigation of Brittani N. Mason s Supplemental Nutritional Assistance (SNAP) benefit and determined that an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) has been committed. The program violation has been identified as: SNAP Trafficking IPV Narrative: On (Date allegation was received), DHSOPRMI received an allegation from the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition (FNS) that Brittani N. Mason, who resides at 138 S Street, N.W. in Washington DC committed an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by illegally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on the investigation findings FID determined that Ms. Mason committed IPV under federal regulation 7C.F.R. 273.16(c) (1) and D.C. Section Code 4 218.05 (See Exhibit 102). As a result, a SNAP Trafficking claim will be established in the amount of $825.18 for January 12, 2014, February 8, 2014, May 17, 2014, July 12, 2014, August 9, 2014, September 7, 2014, October 6, 2014, and February 7, 2015. Please see the attached EBT transactions (see exhibit 107). Therefore; we will request an Administrative Disqualification Hearing for the purpose of proving you intentionally violated a program rule as explained above. This hearing will determine whether you or another person in your household should be disqualified from participation in the SNAP Program. You or your representative may look at this evidence at the Office of Program Review, Monitoring, and Investigation by calling the Investigator at the number below to arrange a convenient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Marketing Project Of Amazon Inc. Essay Introduction Amazon Inc. is a commercial company of American origin that has its principal activities in cloud computing and electronic commerce. The company has separate retail websites in many countries including the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Japan, and Netherlands among others. Amazon has a major competitor that is Walmart, but the company works hard to suppress the latter so that it remains the most valuable retailer with stable market capitalization in the United States (The Guardian, 2015). Operations at Amazon include both local and international shipping that take place within its websites, and that is why it is ranked the fifth largest company globally. This paper is a portfolio project of Amazon Company and its operations in three countries; Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Part One Amazon.com is my chosen company, and it operates in three countries including Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom based in different continents. The three countries have 85% of the company s sales and experts suggest that the company will continue expanding more stores and production in the countries. The United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan are all members of the IMF, World Bank, and WTO. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) functions as an international organization that fosters global cooperation on monetary issues facilitate international trade among countries and ensure that all its country members have some financial stability. IMF also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Obama Immigration Reform What are President Obama s plans for immigration reform? Will this immigration reform positively OR negatively affect the U.S. economy? How? Current Issues February 11, 2013 Currently, 11 million illegal immigrants inhabit the United States. This number will continue to augment without proper regulation of these aliens. Ever since his first inauguration, it has been President Barack Obama s mission to improve America s mediocre immigration system. Since Obama s reelection for his second term, he has constantly stressed the fact that the new ideas for immigration reform are on the top of his list. Not only will these new reclaims help both the legal and illegal immigrants, and American citizens, but also they will benefit the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Congress stresses that this pathway to citizenship is mainly focused on the 11 million undocumented aliens in America, but it is equally vital to deal with future immigrants, as well, or the country may find itself housing more illegals and not progressing to a better America (Fox News, The Associated Press, foxnews.com). Lastly, Obama s final aspiration is to break our old fashioned system and bring it to the 21st century. The president s opinion about visa card laws was that they are outdated and make no sense, (Fox News, The Associated Press, foxnews.com). He hopes to join family members with those who have come to earn a living already and to avoid the prolonged wait of future immigrants. Having to wait years before being able to send one s family to America is absurd to the President and surely to a majority of others (CNN Political Unit, CNN.com). These plans, ideas, and desires for a higher quality national immigration system will be assorted into a bill. Witnesses largely appealed to congress disposition to pass the bill because not only will this bill ameliorate the lives of immigrants and their families, but also the US economy (Fox News, The Associated Press, foxnews.com). Correspondingly, there is a plethora of reasons why a substantial immigration reform would positively impact the US economy. To begin, immigrants ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Political Satire In Rob Sitch s Fat Chance Analyse the way in which satire can provoke and engage its audiences. Through skillful manipulation of language, irony and wit, satirical texts seek to highlight humanity s various vices and shortcomings, and in so doing comment on prevailing social norms and attitudes. , Political satire, in particular, seeks to elicit social awareness of the vices and foibles of political institutions, and through commentary that ranges from mockery to condemnation, provides insight into the internal machinations and moral and ideological ambiguity of politics. Rob Sitch s 2008 mockumentary The Hollowmenexposes the clandestine nature of Australian politics where decisions are made based on nepotism and personal gain rather than for the greater good,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The premise of the episode is a snap policy decision made on talkback radio to fight obesity by the nameless, faceless prime minister. Making a wry comment on Australian politics, Sitch represents the PM s uninspiring private secretary Tony and the other political advisors as the hollow men of Australian politics. This is unequivocally conveyed through the verisimilitude of the time date [quote/example], and panning images of Canberra. In naming the PM s advisors the central policy unit or CPU , Sitch mocks the bureaucratic jargon which seems to define the policy making process. This is further developed through constant use of political jargon, where the prime minister announces new policy with a series of meaningless phrases such as raft of measures , speaking to all stakeholders , and provisional policy . , The superficial, short sighted and self serving nature of political decisions humourously conveyed through the advisor Mel s concern, should we announce it at a hospital or at parliament ? , before the policy is even named, satirising the reactionary and appearance obsessed values of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. NAFTA Impact of NAFTA on Mexico s manufacturing industry Effect on Productivity, Wages rates, Incomes, and Investments in FDI The effects of NAFTA on Mexico, U.S, and their economic situation have impacts on political interests. There was main objective of Mexico in pursuing free trade area with the United States or with other countries to stabilize the Mexican economy in sustainable way and promote economic development by attracting huge foreign direct investment means of increasing exports, in house manufacturing and creating jobs. NAFTA would improve investor confidence in Mexicohas directly impact to increase export diversification, create job market increase wage rates, reduce poverty, improve standard of living, quality and economic growth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Mexican workers from manufacturing Sector has been benefitted and improved access to working environment of U.S. The U.S manufacturing workers and smaller U.S manufacturers have lost business due to NAFTA as well as affected severely on poor Mexican ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...