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My Future Plans And Goals In
Life College And Assign
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My Future Plans And Goals In Life College And Assign My Future Plans And Goals In Life College And Assign
Monster Culture Cohen Summary
To start off, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen who wrote Monster Culture is Professor of English and Director of
the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute at the George Washington University in Washington,
DC. He is known for researching strange mysterious things that connect to an imaginative mind. He
finds interested in monsters, foreigners, queers, inhuman forces. In Jeffrey Cohen s essay Monster
Culture Cohen discusses and effectively covers important reasons on how monsters connect with the
cultures from which they rise from. I believe that Cohen s theories are valid and that monsters are a
good window into a certain culture. Importantly, Cohen s main argument is that monsters are central,
he chooses to solve in his paragraphs if monsters are even real after all. Also, his monster theory
launches a counter argument, he pushes his readers to either believe in the monster theory or not. The
reader would have to choose whether monsters exist and whether to believe or ignore Cohen s
argument. Cohen s ideas on monsters are also put together so that the readers can focus on whether or
not his claims or valid. For example, the author introduces his first claim by testing the reader s
judgments. Doing that brings out the anxiety that pervades not only his essay but also his audience s
minds. His first claim he is full of purpose he states, What I propose here is a sketch of a new modus
legend (3). By starting with a rather abrupt announcement, he lays out his objective
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Identities And Differences Between The New England And The...
This paper offers an inside look at how the New England and the mid Atlantic colonies lived, out of
the thirteen that settled, the different events that led to their upbringing, religious identities, and their
day to day lifestyles. Rather, if it was a small difference that the colonist who lived in the same region
were not living the same way their neighbor was, it may have also taken generations for the colonist to
get things up and running, but along the way they learn what is needed to make their new living
situation work. Introduction During the 17th and 18th century, many European countries were
exploring, and at some point end up in the North America, later known as the New World. They were
a total of 13 colonies each with their specific rules and traditions. Each different to the next, but most
were looking for something that couldn t be in their home country, so they came here to find it. Even
some of the land given as a gift and other sadly taken away from native people that were living here
first. Also, not everything was fun and games, slavery, crime, and corruption was happening in the
colonies. Sometimes, there weren t any ways of control everything that occurred, and there were also
unfair laws that would take part by the government. The struggles that the people that lived in the
colonist had to live through and experience are the reason why modern day America is the way it is.
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Feature Of Congress
One Important Feature of the U.S Congress Congress is a vital component of our government. It has a
great amount of authority over foreign affairs, a bicameral legislature which seeks to balance power,
as well as having power over economic matters under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution (The
Logic of American Politics, 219). The failures of the Articles of Confederation called for a stronger
government demanded by the people of America. The Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches
were created thus Congress was formed. These powers of Congress have much control under the
branches of government, being able to deal with affairs outside of the country as well as having the
Senate and House of Representatives. The structure of Congress ... Show more content on
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In the Federalists Papers written by Publius, their focus was opposing ratification and building
independence in America. They wanted to demoralize factions due to their tendency to be based on
interests different than the community. Within The Federalist, No.10, Madison states, A republic, by
which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place ...promises the cure for
which we are seeking ( Readings In American Politics, 55). Instead of factions, Madison suggests a
republic be formed which represents and solves the problems of the people. The features of Congress
to control the budget imposed on the American people does not align with the thoughts of Madison.
Congress, chosen to represent the people, were unable to provide cures for the mishaps occurring on
both April 2011 and October 2013. The job of Congress is to solve the problems of the people when it
comes to funding certain government operations and passing bills that will ultimately help the people,
and during these times Congress did not uphold to Madison s standards. Instead, Congress remained
deadlock and let the issues linger longer than they should ve which may not be federal behavior per
James Madison. According to Federalists Paper, No.51, Madison spoke of, the power surrendered by
the people is first divided between
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To What Extent Did Stalin Establish a Personal...
To what extent did Stalin establish a personal dictatorship in the years 1929 1939? Between 1929 and
1930 Stalin used various ways to establish a personal dictatorship. This allowed Stalin to establish a
personal dictatorship in these years. In order to do this Stalin instituted a party purge to silence the
opposition of Riutin and his supporters, the assassination of Kirov, executed delegated party
congresses, The trial of the twenty one and general Purges. A purge was the systematic elimination of
opponents by Stalin, The assassination of Kirov allowed Stalin to use it as an excuse to begin the
purges. In 1932, Kirov had helped to defeat Stalin on an important issue concerning Mikhail Riutin,
who had circulated a document that was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the following eighteen months, 34,000 soldiers were purged from the army. This silenced the
opposition of Riutin and his supporters. With this Stalin had no problems to establish a personal
dictatorship as his opponents would have been in fear to rise up or oppose against Stalin s ideas. The
Trail of the twenty one in 1938 was the trial of Bukharin, Rykov and their accomplices. The
defendants were accused of attempting to overthrow socialism and of the murder of Kirov, Bukharin
was personally charged with attempting to assassinate Lenin. Bukharin tried to prove his loyalty to
Stalin but failed on several occasions. Bukharin confessed to political responsibility for the crimes of
which he was accused, however Bukharin never confessed to trying to assassinate Lenin. All attempts
failed and Bukharin was sentenced to death. With the execution of Zinoviev, Kamenev and Bukharin,
Stalin had shown that there will be no mercy for those who opposed his power. With the elimination of
Bukharin and the right, Stalin had no opposition to prevent him from gaining power. The show trials
targeted the previous generation of the Communist Party. The Purges of 1937 wiped out younger
members of the party, and dealt with unreliable elements within the army. A general purge of the
Russian people kept the country in a state of fear and obedience. This enabled Stalin to establish a
personal dictatorship as he eliminated any future rivals and kept Russia in a
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Sensitive Periods During The Caterpillar Of The Prosthesis...
Sensitive periods is a term developed by the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries and later used by the
Italian educator Maria Montessori.
Montessori cites DeVries example of a Sensitive Period in the caterpillar of the Prosthesis butterfly.
The caterpillar must feed on very tender leaves, and yet the butterfly lays its eggs in the most hidden
fork of the branch, near the trunk of the tree. Who will show the little caterpillars hidden there, the
moment they leave the egg, that the tender leaves they need are to be found at the extreme tip of the
branch, in the light? Now the caterpillar is strongly sensible to light; light attracts it, summons it as by
an irresistible voice, fascinates it, and the caterpillar goes wriggling towards where the light is
brightest, till it reaches the tip of the branch, and thus finds itself, famished for food, among the
budding leaves that can give it nourishment. It is a strange fact that when the caterpillar has passed
through its first stage and is full grown, it can eat other food, and then loses its sensibility to light. This
has been proved in scientific laboratories where there are neither trees nor leaves but only the
caterpillar and the light.
According to Montessori sensitive periods, refers to several overlapping periods of development
where a child is sensitive to a particular stimuli or type of interaction. A child passes through special
times in his life when he easily incorporates a particular
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Evaluation Of My Seven Habits Profile
During the evaluation of my seven habits profile, my life balance speaks of maintaining things that are
important to you. I am in a wonderful relationship and work very hard to spend as much quality time
with my partner as I can. That being said, I still work at maintaining outside relationships with my
friends by spending time with them on the phone, or perhaps going out to dinner. When working, there
are when things can feel very overwhelming. What I strive to do is take one task at a time and go from
there, being proactive when life challenges come up. I work at seeing the glass as half empty, rather I
strive to see it as half full. We are asked to give special treatment to other doctors or their employees
whenever they enter or call the office, I on the other hand feel that each patient that walks through the
door should be treated in the same special way. By greeting each patient with a smile and a sweet
hello, and only I can control my action toward someone. In essence, we propose that a leader s
propensity for compassionate love will encourage a virtuous attitude in terms of humility, gratitude,
forgiveness and altruism . (Dierendonck) When I was younger one of my first career choices was to
work in human resources, but I seem to have gotten off the beaten path somewhere, working in
banking, then moving into the dental field as an assistant. Once I entered the dental field I did not
think I would every re enter to the corporate world again, as time has
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Speech On Empathy
Have you ever heard the saying that goes place yourself into the shoes of others ? Let s analyze and
take a deep look into the phrase. By placing ourselves into somebody s shoes we develop a feeling of
connection with them, better known as empathy. The question is, what is empathy? Empathy is the
ability to understand and share the feelings of others. People often confuse empathy with pity, but it is
actually aiming the understanding of people s feelings and perspectives. And by understanding them
we learn how to use them to guide our actions. I believe that in order to change our society, people
should be able to learn how to feel empathy or compassion for others. The Bible tells us in Romans
12:15 to Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.
I believe empathy is formed at home. When we are kids, our parents teach us the golden rule, which
is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As we grow older, we are taught that it´s
important to care about people s feelings. We grow up with the idea that we shouldn t only care about
ourselves, but always be concerned for others. In my opinion, everyone should desire ... Show more
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Even though it seems to be a difficult process, the results would be totally worth it. Step number one is
to cultivate curiosity about strangers. By doing this, we find other people more interesting than
ourselves, decreasing our level of selfishness. Step number two is to challenge prejudices. Our society
is marked with labels. These labels avoid us from appreciating individuality. Instead of looking for
things that divide us, we should be searching for what we have in common and in a way what unites
us. This way, we could get an easy way or path into equality, fairness and sensibility. Last but not
least, we should listen hard and open up . Listening is not enough, we need to open our hearts and
feelings to create an empathic
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How carbon dioxide can affect the rate of photosynthesis
Aim: To investigate how carbon dioxide can affect the rate of photosynthesis.
Hypothesis: The rate of photosynthesis in the water plant hydrilla will change as the rate of carbon
dioxide changes.
Background information: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the process of autotrophs turning carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and
oxygen, using light energy from sunlight. Autotrophs are organisms that are able to produce nutrients
and organic compounds using inorganic materials. Examples of autotrophs are green plants, algae,
bacteria, etc. Organisms which are capable to photosynthesize are called photoautotroph. The
chloroplasts (plant cell that contains chlorophyll) in autotrophs trap light energy from the sun and use
it to combine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1 beaker
1 lamp
1 ruler
1 transparent plastic shield
1 glass funnel with plastic tubes to let the funnel sink to the bottom of the beaker which stabilizes the
1 test tube
1 stopwatch
1 spatula
1 jar of sodium hydrogen carbonate
1 balance
1 hydrilla (a type of water plant)
Set up:
Closer look at the beaker: Method/Procedure:
1. Set up: Measure the amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate (2, 4, 6, 8, 10g) to be mixed with water
in the beaker. This is the only independent variable in this experiment.
2. Set up: Measure and pour 650ml of water into a beaker and mix it with sodium hydrogen carbonate
using a stirring rod until all the sodium hydrogen carbonate has dissolved into the water.
3. Set up: Place the beaker in front of a lamp covered with a transparent plastic shield.
4. Recording data: Measure the distance between the lamp and the beaker. It should be 70cm at all
times because it is a control variable. This cannot be changed because light intensity affects the rate of
photosynthesis. If the plant is too close to the lamp, the results would be most affect by light intensity
instead of carbon dioxide and the results would not be accurate. 5. Set up: Choose a hydrilla and put it
into a funnel with plastic tubes and cut the end of the hydrilla s stem to let bubble came out of the
stem when conducting the experiment.Then take it out from the funnel s narrow opening. Place the
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Casa Valentina By Harvey Fierstein
Casa Valentina by Harvey Fierstein. The play certainly was not what I expected once I saw it live.
Before going to see it and writing this paper, I decided to do some research on both of the plays to see
if I could get a better understanding of them. As a result, I decided on Casa Valentina because it was
about a topic that I was unfamiliar with. The play is set in the early 1960s when men would go to the
Catskill Mountains and escape. But escape what? In this play, they would escape being men. Seeing
the photographic oddness of men being dressed in little neat dresses has always been a source of
comedy and a favorite in theatre. This play is no different. The play was also a huge success, being
nominated for multiple awards, including four Tony s and winning other awards. With this in mind, I
thought I was ready to view the play. What the playwright was trying to say about life is that everyone
is different. It raised universal questions of who am I? What is my identity? To what are the
differences in gender identity and sexual orientation? It truly posed some fascinating questions about
these identities. It even provoked the question of what ensues in matrimony when one of the partners
begins to represent both genders. What happens? Is one simply cut off? Is there room for them both? It
brings out the central conflict of illusion versus reality in my eyes. This is because these are grown
adult men, married with a spouse of the opposite sex. Yet in spite of all this,
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A Media Controlled Race Riot
A Media Controlled Race Riot
The very first thing millions of people do when they wake up is check their phones, and log into
whatever social media sites that they are a part of, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and
many more. On these sites, there are several ads or newspaper articles depicting different political
messages or views. These advertisements and news articles can easily influence our thoughts on
different aspects of life, such as religious view or racial identity. During the era of the race riot, the
people of this time had their own version of media: the newspaper. More often than not, the first thing
people did in the morning was read the newspaper. The image that comes to mind is businessmen
sitting on trains or families gathered together in the morning reading the newspaper. In 1908,
Springfield, Illinois experienced a race riot that was mainly controlled by the opinion they were
receiving from the material from the media that they read and viewed.
Material that was available to the people of Springfield were newspapers and occasionally plays. A
play that was taking place almost a year before a riot was seriously on the minds of Springfield
citizens was The Birth of a Nation. A major occurrence that happened almost every time this play was
to take place in a northern community was interracial violence in and around the theaters that offered
it (Roche pg. 25). It may have been a mistake, but Springfield s black newspaper the Forum claimed
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The Reality Of The Beholder From The Ancient Dialogues...
What is Reality? I plan on discussing each section of this essay; however, they do coincide with each
other in the topic. I will try to explain my reasoning on how they would question relates to one
another. First, what is the difference between appearance and reality? What is the reality of being in a
new place, instead of being in a society of other people around you? Does one person think they can
another s perception of their world? Does everything lead to good, and what is good in the eye of the
beholder from the ancient dialogues from Plato and Socrates? Lets starts from the beginning, by
distinguishing the difference between reality and appearances. Is it something that is done by everyone
on a daily basis? Whether it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another way of thinking of reality and appearance is the theory of idealism. Idealism is only things
that really exist are our minds and their ideas. An Irish Bishop named George Berkeley view of
idealism is ...though it were possible that solid, figured, moveable substances may exist without the
mind... yet how [could we] know this? Either we must know it by sense or by reason. (Rachels
Rachels, 2012, p. 128). Berkeley also goes to mention that our senses comes our knowledge of
sensations and ideas that come from the mind, and our reason is for us to believe in the existence of
physical objects that is a necessary connection between the physical world and our ideas. Another
approach is direct versus indirect realism, which deals with the perception of our reality or mental
state. Direct idealism deals with common sense and with the facts of things; however, indirect
idealism is the opposite of which it holds the idea of perception of something with our idea of an
object that we are aware of. Now, how is reflecting with Plato s story of the Allegory of the Cave, and
reality and appearance the same? In the story of the Allegory of the Cave, goes with the following
understanding of the Cave. The cave is a world where prisoners live chained to the ground, and the
captors cast shadows on the wall and these shadows construct reality for the prisoners. One of the
prisoners is freed by the
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How Does Stereotypes Affect Society
There are numerous influences across the world that can affect society. Any patterns that prompts
certain behaviors are typically expected by certain groups. An individual perspective of what is most
important in life must do with our view of the world. There are also different behaviors in which we
may show within our community that cause society to either accepted those behaviors, or have
negative impact on us more so that we realize. We also have our generation beliefs that have been
passed down to us that we believe is true. It is up to us as people to decide what we will allow to have
help us shape our view on society. We can t annoy the fact that there s are social problems in the
world. In a functional society, there are many social changes that can create social problems. Our
society functions off external and internal forces that can create these social changes. So far there hasn
t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We learn them through socializing with each other, and through the media. Stereotypes can have our
view on one another twisted because the individual may not be doing what we see to be truthful or
normal in our eyes. This can affect our daily life performances and can even cause poor health
choices. We as people should change the way we feel people should act, so that the viewpoint of
society will not be based on labels or opinions, but the character from within. As we look at what is
going on in the News today. According to WALB News there s are two high school students starting a
movement to help promote self esteem in their schools. These students see the separation that the
negative labels are causing, and want to create a positive outcome throughout their school. This
movement was created in Pelham, Ga by the high students .The mission of this movement is to get rid
of the stereotypes and bad judgment throughout the school and community .The students are seniors
Laura Watts and Lizzie Kelly who created The Embark Movement
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Dallas, Texas State Of Texas Essay
Briefly Dallas
Dallas is one of the largest and most developed cities in the state of Texas in the United States. Dallas
is the 4th largest city in the United States because of its downtown location, and is also the city with
the world s largest airport. Dallas, the largest city after Houston and San Antonio, is also one of the top
ten cities in the United States. The city is located in the middle of a desert and is literally revived.
Dallas, a Texas state, deserves more attention with its dynamic cityscape, recent history, and colorful
life with its cowboys, though many of Turk dig into the minds of the same name phenomenon TV
series. Dallas has a place for me if I receive a chance to make a trip to Texas. The first thing to notice
is the regular city of Dallas. As far as I am concerned as a Turkish that we ought to know these about
Dallas briefly.
When we call Dallas, the famous series, especially at middle aged people, is taken at the Southfork
Ranch in J.R, Sue Ellen, Bobby and Pamela Ranch. Southfork Ranch Farm is home to events such as
weddings, meetings and meals. It can also be visited like a museum.
Dallas is famous for its cowboys. The history of cowboys is quite interesting. The ancestors of
cowboys are not Americans, but Mexicans in North America. Even if we go back further, we see that
their ancestors are from Spain to North America.
With the discovery of oil and the construction of railways, Dallas has become a center of attraction
among people seeking jobs
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About India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BRIEF HISTORY About India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. Yamaha
made its initial foray into India in 1985. Subsequently, it entered into a 50:50 joint venture with the
Escorts Group in 1996. However, in August 2001, Yamaha acquired its remaining stake as well,
bringing the Indian operations under its complete control as a 100% subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Co.,
Ltd, Japan. India Yamaha Motor operates from its state of the art manufacturing units at Faridabad in
Haryana and Surajpur in Uttar Pradesh and produces motorcycles both for domestic and export
markets. With a strong workforce of 2000 employees, India Yamaha Motor is highly customer driven
and has a countrywide network of over 400 dealers. The company pioneered the ... Show more content
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It might not always be practical to deal with all customers queries within the space of a few hours, but
at least email or call them back and let them know you ve received their message and you ll contact
them about it as soon as possible. Even if you re not able to solve a problem right away, let the
customer know you re working on it. 3. Be Friendly and Approachable A fellow Site Pointer once told
me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This is very true. It s very important to be friendly,
courteous and to make your clients feel like you re their friend and you re there to help them out.
There will be times when you want to beat your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object it
happens to all of us. It s vital that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients wishes as best you
can, and at all times remain polite and courteous. 4. Have a Clearly Defined Customer Service Policy
This may not be too important when you re just starting out, but a clearly defined customer service
policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If a customer has a problem, what
should they do? If the first option doesn t work, then what? Should they contact different people for
billing and technical enquiries? If they re not satisfied with any aspect of your customer service, who
should they tell? There s nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person,
or not
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The Hobbit Movie Essay
During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me.
It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie
really give me a shock.
In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells
a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in
this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many
movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very
belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which
like peace, they do not like war. So they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger,
he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don t have brave. On
the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When
we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out
the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs
,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However,
while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach
me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become
different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we
are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire.
The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the
story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last
but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed
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Target Cost Management
Article Review: Target Cost Management
An article by Louise Ross puts target costing in effect with agricultural and the farming industry,
explaining how this system may already be partially in use. Louise Ross provides evidence of the
advantages and disadvantages of target costing within the food supply chain.
According to Ross, participants in the food supply chain were already using some form of target cost
management, but the system was not formalized into specific aspects. Ross (2008) refers to target
costing as not a specific management technique , but a more general idea of target cost management as
seen as a management philosophy and market driven approach . Ross s research has revealed evidence
that the contracts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are more possibilities of accident, like livestock becoming diseased, or a crop becoming
destroyed by weather. These are inherent risks that also need to be considered when farmers are
working on establishing a target cost for their product. Other obstacles that farmer s face is
agricultural policy, tariffs and subsidies where the commodity prices can be altered when having to
export or import their product (Ross, 2008).
In relation to target costing management, a simple equation can be used to evaluate whether it is a
system that can work for your product. The equation is as follows: anticipated price minus required
return equals target cost (Ross, 2008). Ross (2008) also comments on fluctuating prices being a
problem for farmers, thus causing anticipated prices to vary. Moreover, return on capital is something
that is not commonly used in the farming industry (Ross, 2008). Ross (2008) explains that typical
farming operating costs is accounted as a whole for the company and not for specific activities. Gross
margins in the farming industry, is also difficult in that expenses is considered a fixed cost. This
involves labor and machinery, which are usually not fixed expenses, and is where a more allocation
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The Fed And Monetary Policy
1. The Fed and Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to expand or contract the money supply
and influence interest rates.
After checking the current news on monetary policy, describe the Fed s current policy is it expanding
or contracting the money supply, and why? Do you think that this policy could increase or reduce
The Fed is expanding the money supply. The Fed have data that shows a positive increase in the labor
market, house hold spending, housing sector. The Fed is trying to increase price stability, strengthen
the labor market, and expand economic activity within the nation. Their policy in place is to reduce
2. Inflation Winners and Losers
We often hear of inflation
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Wind In The Willows Map Analysis
On page 30, we see the map that shows how limited the scope of her father s life was. The map is
drawn with an internal circular frame that simulates the effect of a magnifying class, as if pulling the
locations (which are likely truly separated by several miles) that much closer together. The text box
overlaying this image, resting inside the scope of the magnifying glass, informs the reader that this
impression of proximity is simultaneously misleading, and accurate. So far, we have only seen it as
misleading. However, if we compare the image produced by this map to the very next panel, we see an
image that zooms in even closer and demonstrates how reluctant his family is to stray from their small
town. The impression we are left with is that their home life is somewhat suffocating, especially as ...
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By doing so, Bechdel has linked her father to Mr. Toad, whom she calls a charming sociopath
(Bechdel 130). This link between Mr. Toad and Bruce Bechdel is significant in that Wind in the
Willows map that follows because of the connection it renders. New meaning is found in the map as
Alison draws parallels between the maps of both her home landscape and the setting of the children s
novels. The image of Mr. Toad, perhaps still with the thought of Bruce linked to him, speeding
towards the edge of the map in still life, also functions as a metaphor for her father s existence as he
too became disenchanted (147). Three people were killed in a car crash on a highway that summer, the
same highway her father would die on nine years later, and the impact of this event clearly has an
influenced the way Alison processed the information. Mr. Toad, the boy around her age who died, and
her father all become linked together in memory and association, as Alison processes their relationship
to her father s
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Archetypes In Cinderella
The Conflict of Good and Evil; An Analysis of Significant Archetypes in Cinderella The struggle
between good and evil is the primal conflict of the mind, but it is the choices we make that let us
overcome this conflict for the better. The age old tale of Cinderella utilizes this concept and illustrates
a brilliant story about a young woman struggling to achieve true love while simultaneously enduring
arbitrary abuse from her stepmother. Regarding this, the more recent film adaption of the story
directed by Kenneth Branagh extends the same plot into a more symbolic and archetypical piece.
Accordingly, the movie Cinderella, effectively applies several aspects of archetypes from Jung s
literary theory to demonstrate how good always triumphs over evil. The use of significant archetypes
such as the hero looking for true love, a supernatural intervention, and the devil figure, all contribute
to expanding on this theme. Primarily, the heroine looking for love is one of the most substantial
character archetypes that influence the development of the story s charming plot. Specifically, this
archetype applies to the main character; Cinderella, who is purely influenced by the love she has for
the Prince. Despite the barrage of unrelenting abuse from her stepmother, Ella strongly believes that
the prince will return her feelings, which motivates her to plough through her constraints with the aid
of her Fairy God Mother. Regarding this, the antagonist represents the evil in the way of the
protagonist; Cinderella, which is why when she is defeated, it further accentuates the idea of good
triumphing over evil. Overall, using the Hero as lover archetype, the theme of the story is enhanced
and portrayed effectively. Moreover, the supernatural intervention is a slightly less prevalent yet
noteworthy symbolic archetype that aids the closure of the plot. The Fairy God Mother falls under this
example due to her role in assisting the protagonist with her divine and magical powers; explicitly,
equipping Cinderella with a dress, a chariot, and her iconic glass shoes. The Godmother is a spiritual
being who only awakens after realizing Ella s extreme desperation, she promptly aids her with any
necessary gifts which allows her to
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The Pros And Cons Of The Republican And The Democratic Party
INTRODUCTION: The United States is surely understood for its two party political framework,
where Republicans continually contend with Democrats, attempting to advance their political beliefs,
and scanning the methods for keeping up their ceaseless political authority. In spite of the
conventional perspective that the Republican and the Democratic Party are totally distinctive, they can
discover concession to various political and social issues.
THESIS: Past the questionable issues of federalism, one sided military hostility, premature birth, and
same sex relational unions, both the Democratic and the Republican gatherings advance the
requirement for jail privatization and military spending plan increment, supplemented by the political
endeavoring to cut the taxation rate on the rich.
Body Paragraph 1: Neither the Republicans, nor the Democrats are readied to expand the taxation rate,
which the American populace as of now conveys. Despite what might be expected, both sides are
dedicated to a thought of performing a noteworthy tax reduction, which will encourage advance the
prosperity of the rich and will just disturb the social and money related condition of poor people. The
Republicans passed the Bankruptcy Bill favoring charge card organizations over Americans whose
financial plans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The War on Drugs is incorporated into the arrangement of political procurements which both sides
take after and perceive as the key parts of their effective political execution. Democrats and
Republicans consistently contradict to torments in jails, and backing the need to expand military
spending plans. Neither of the two gatherings has ever communicated the yearning to slice military
costs and to re guide the discharged monetary assets to bolster various social
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Beauty Is A Timeless Obsession
Beauty is a timeless obsession. In these days, physical beauty is paraded and idolised. The desire in
pursuing a beautiful face and the dream body figure can be seen as a needs in an individual s life that
must be fulfilled accordingly. The beauty obsession in human s life has already started back in 1400
BC, whereby it is believed that people especially women who lived during the ancient years were
exposed to beauty. All women from back then had some sort of regimen to maintain their beauty and
their beauty ritual maybe considered as ultra luxurious as the beauty products were invented from
natural ingredients such as milk, almond oils and honey to maintain their beauty. They were really
depending on ingredients which can be found in nature. As the beauty care has evolved over the years,
people is now served with dozens of brands with hundreds of variants of beauty products. ... Show
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This undeniable facts has been proofed based on a research by The Beauty Company from United
Kingdom in which they have concluded that the beauty industry has the ability to survive and less
affected during the global economic hardest time. In addition, according to a statistic provided by Asia
Pacific Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Overview 2010, RM 1.6 billion were spent by Malaysians
every year on beauty care products.
The recent market needs has associated beauty with health and wellness as people nowadays are living
in a hectic life and therefore the combination of beauty and wellness products are seen as crucial in
rejuvenating their looks and body. The potentials of beauty and wellness industry in the market can be
seen through its continuous growth and evolution whereby it gives a lot of opportunities for those who
are interested to start up a business. Therefore, young Malaysians who are aspired in business should
venture in beauty and wellness
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Similarities Between Hidden Figures And Bend It Like Beckham
The movies Hidden Figures, and Bend it like Beckham, directed by Theodore Melfi and Gurinder
Chadha respectively, both explore the dangers that are inherent in a marginalised society. Each text
demonstrates that hope for change is needed in society as it can build the momentum for an individual
to strive. Through these texts, it is observed that people have no conscience about harming others until
they learn the truth about their circumstances. This is depicted by the way in which Jess coach Joe
behaves after learning about her cultural expectations in Bend it like Beckham. Similarly, this is
shown in Hidden Figures by Mr. Harrison. Both directors emphasise that the abuse of power leads to
corruption and this can be seen through the segregation between the black and white people in Hidden
Figures and the way in which cultural values overrule the lives of the Bhamra s in Bend it like
Beckham. Both characters highlight the importance of creating opportunities rather than seeking it,
this is shown when Mary Jackson goes to court for educational rights in Hidden Figures and in Bend it
like Beckham when Jess stands up to her father who appears to be patriotic about his culture. The
resolutions to both texts justify that determination comes from within and that though many factors
can outweigh a person s ability to triumph, consistency can lead to rewarding results. Through the use
of cinematic techniques we are able to further increase our understanding of perseverance
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Douglas Hofstadter s Le Ton Beau De Marot
While many forms of writing are absolutely difficult to translate, as shown by Douglas Hofstadter s
analysis of a French poem by Clément Marot in Le Ton Beau de Marot, song lyrics would arguably
require the most effort. In addition to the basic semantic translation required of any text in order to
preserve meaning, translated songs would need to maintain a similar rhythm in both a musical and a
more syntactic sense as the original in order to convey a similar tone. This task means that many songs
could be considered somewhat untranslatable, since in many cases, such prosody could not be
perfectly recaptured in a translation. One song that exemplifies this difficulty is Down and Out by the
band The Academy Is. The first half of the piece in particular builds a vague narrative, which is told
using rhyme schemes, the subversion of common English sayings, and rhythmic repetition of certain
phrases for emphasis. For example, the second verse contains the lyrics out of the house, she grabs the
keys, runs for the hills and doesn t leave a letter. That way the impact will be much better. First of all,
the somewhat simplistic rhyming of the words letter and better serves to illustrate the impact that the
narrator is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another element of this particular section is
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The Rights Of Women And Education
A sufficient education is something that Westerner s like myself, have taken for granted for a long
time. It s easy to, in all honesty, because we have been raised in a society in which education has been
held at the utmost importance. In the United States women are held at an equal level with men, we ve
fought for this sense of equality for several years and unfortunately, not all women across the world
have had that same success. Women from other countries do not have half of the rights that we do here
in the United States, and this is something that we seem to never really think about. Saudi Arabia is
just one of the many countries around the world in which the women do not have as many rights as
men do. Being a feminist at heart with a hunger for education, it piqued my interest to research the
rights of women and education in Saudi Arabia. If I m being honest, I had expected it to be much
worse than it is, yet it could be so much better at the same time. Saudi women should have every right
to educate themselves in any aspect they want, and though they have fought their way to gaining some
leverage, there are still necessary steps that need to be taken. Saudi Arabia is a country in Southeast
Asia with a population of approximately twenty seven million people. Of that twenty seven million
people, it is estimated that 30% of them are migrant workers. ( Saudi Arabia Demographics Profile
2014. ) The sex ratio of this country is about 1.21 men for every 1 woman, with the
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Rhetorical Analysis On Asylum Seekers
Clarification of Terms
Asylum seeker: Someone who is seeking international protection but whose claim for refugee status
has not yet been determined. Includes people who arrive per different methods of transportation, but
for the purposes of this analysis, will refer exclusive to asylum seekers arriving by boat to Australia.
See also: illegal maritime arrival ,
Refugee: Someone who has been recognised under the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of
Refugees to be a refugee. The Convention defines a refugee as any person who:
... owing to well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality
and is unable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Social construction theorists suggest that identity differences are categories constructed by social
rather than biological processes. Importantly, social categories are bounded by and are often
dichotomised in both the private and public psyche. Markus et al further argue that Australia s current
social and political responses to difference are situated within the broader context of colonial invasion,
Indigenous oppression and the White Australia Policy. In the political power play and linguistic
treatment of the emblematically powerless reveals not only core party values, but varying conceptions
of Australian identity. This is especially recognisable when political debate is considered in the
context of three distinct time periods and political situations, demonstrating a transient grasp of
elusive Australianness in a society defined not by what is desirable, but what is not, thereby degrading
ideals of multi cultural egalitarianism. Put simply, Australia s postcolonial desire to control its borders
and regulate the Hegelian Other underpins the politicisation of the boat people phenomenon. This
relates closely to Chomsky s assertion that intentionally inducing fear of a terrifying enemy is a
standard device used to whip the domestic population of any country into line behind contentious
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Five Best 15 Inch Subwoofer Picks Of 2017
Title: 5 Best 15 Inch Subwoofer picks of 2017
Description: Don t search from a list of 100 subwoofers. Here is everything that you need to know
about the best 15 inch subwoofer picks of 2017. Must check the third one out!
How many of you know what a subwoofer is? Well, it s an amplifier for your music experience. With
the correct combination, you can have an awesome audio experience in any place you want. While
there are many subwoofers to choose from and know about, we will be discussing the top 5 picks of
15 inches Subwoofer that are the best in its class.
You will know everything that you need to know in this article as a buyer. There are no hidden facts
and no sales techniques involved here. We want you to choose wisely ... Show more content on
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So, the brand itself guarantees a promise of great quality.
URL: https://www.amazon.com/Rockford Fosgate P3D4 15 15 Inch
Subwoofer/dp/B004UFHXUG/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics ie=UTF8 qid=1491324152 sr=1 1
keywords=Rockford+Fosgate+P3D4 15
Let s check out some other exciting features of this product:
It is built up of 2.5 Inch copper clad aluminum voice coil.
VAST Vertical Attached Surround for an upgraded Cone Area.
It has a flex fit basket design.
Thermal Anodized Aluminum Cone.
It is a dual 4 ohm subwoofer having 600 Watts RMS and 1200 Watts Peak Power.
3. VM Audio Encore 15 Inch
Number three on this list, the VM Audio Encore 15 Inch is a great device if you are looking for an
audio device with superior bass quality, this is it.
URL: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search alias%3Delectronics field
Check out the other exciting features that it packs:
4000 watts peak power; 2000 watts RMS power.
Dual voice coil, low frequency transducers.
Lateral high thrust mechanical suspension system.
Relentless high excursion wide surrounds.
Multi roll, linear flex damping control large spider.
4. Power Acoustik MOFO 154X
Power acoustic is a very popular subwoofer and a majority pick in the market. It is also recommended
by us as the fourth one in this top five list.
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Environmental Influences On Soccer
The people of the United States have been increasingly interested in soccer, both in terms of viewing
and playing respectively. This rapid growth is not just related to soccer though, people s background
and environmental influences have also played a large role. I wish to explore how these factors affect
attitudes towards activities such as soccer. There are many things that go into affecting the way that
Americans receive soccer. The idea that the game itself is a foreign game, that it wasn t created here
by Americans, is something that some people use to put it into a negative light. That is a polarizing
perspective, because for other people, they take a liking to the game because of the fact that it is
something different, and that if they themselves are from a different part of the world, this is
something that is more comfortable for them to take an interest in. It s almost as if the two of you have
something in common, and even something as subtle as that is why many people pique their interest in
the game. Some people who claim to be truly American are quick to judge things that are not deemed
American under their own definitions of what makes something American. Meanwhile, if you look at
America itself, the whole basis of it was that it was a magnificent melting pot of many different ...
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This is good for things such as soccer, where a refreshment in the interest was just what the sport
needed to become a big hit with the people. Further encouragement in this way of thinking, in addition
with the increasing support of the sport allow for new opportunities for both players and viewers.
Where people were more resistant in their thinking and view on things, people are more excited to
check out something new, or to try and hear a different viewpoint on a situation, and not shoot it down
as fast as
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DAY/TIME: W 7:30 4:30 DATE:
TITLE: Word Association Test
The formation of word association and perceptual defense aim to measure signs of emotional
complexes and to be able to identify the degree of threshold for each selected stimulus. The apparatus
needed were paper, pencil and ninety nine (99) stimulus words. For the procedure, the experiment has
1 phase: determination of association reaction time and the measurement of recognition thresholds.
Ninety nine carefully chosen words were presented one at a time. The experiment concludes that there
were different signs of emotional complexes and different degree of threshold for ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The observes reacted with GSR s of significantly greater magnitude during the pre recognition
presentation of the critical words than they did before recognizing the neutral words. In addition, the
observes displayed significantly higher thresholds recognition for the critical than for the neutral
words. Hypotheses made before recognition of the charged words were of such a nature as to indicate
resistance to recognizing these words. The findings are interpreted as representing conditioned
avoidance of verbal symbols having unpleasant meanings to the observer. The stimulus word serves as
cue to deeply imbedded anxiety which is revealed in automatic reactivity as measured by the GSR.
Avoidance of further anxiety is contemporaneously aroused in the form of perceptual defense again. (
http://faculty.unsfsu.edu/tvancantfort/syllabi/gresearch/readings/A_McGinnies.pdf ) A tachistoscopic
presentation to subject of one list was followed two weeks later by a presentation of second list. It was
found that six of twelve subjects showed higher and two subjects lower threshold to emotional words
on both occasions. Correlation between two test in terms of individual performance was highly
significant ( Singer, 1956) Words associated with either avoidance habits or disruptive states,
unfamiliar words, moderately familiar words connected
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The Code Of Life And The Human Genome
As was said in the beginning of the video, the ultimate achievement that one can make scientifically is
to look at our own human genome, or instruction book if you will, and try to figure out what it is
telling us, what it reads. This began happening in the late 1990s, to 2000s, when people began diving
deeper into what DNA really tells us. In a sense, we have found the key to unlock, or crack, the code
of life, and this is also the key to diagnosing and curing genetically transmitted diseases. This key is
what the Human Genome Project searched to find, and what Cracking the Code of Life is all about. A
single message, which we call DNA, has been passed down from the very first microscopic organism
all the way to us today. It travels in a continuous thread that flows through all living things, and is the
secret of all life. This message within all of us is made up of four nitrogen bases, Guanine (G),
Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Adenine (A), which are connected in a double helix, which looks like
a twisted ladder. These bases come in pairs, as G connects with C, and A with T, and the order of these
base pairs is what creates the variance we see in every organism today. There are approximately 3
billion base pairs in the human genome, but only about 30,000 are actually our genes. However, one
wrong letter out of 3 billion can cause extreme various in humans To put this into perspective, every
human body is 99.9% identical in its genetic code. That means that .01% of
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Brief Overview Of Decision Theory
Decision Theory
A Brief Introduction
1994 08 19 Minor revisions 2005 08 23 Sven Ove Hansson Department of Philosophy and the History
of Technology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm
Preface ..........................................................................................................4 1. What is decision
theory? ..........................................................................5 1.1 Theoretical questions about decisions
.........................................5 1.2 A truly interdisciplinary subject...................................................6 1.3
Normative and descriptive theories..............................................6 1.4 Outline of the following ... Show
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The demarcation of decisions.................................................................68 10.1 Unfinished list of
alternatives ....................................................68 10.2 Indeterminate decision horizons
................................................69 11. Decision
instability.................................................................................73 11.1 Conditionalized
EU....................................................................73 11.2 Newcomb s paradox
...................................................................74 11.3
Instability....................................................................................76 12. Social decision
theory.............................................................................79 12.1 The basic insight
........................................................................79 12.2 Arrow s theorem
.........................................................................81 References
This text is a non technical overview of modern decision theory. It is intended for university students
with no previous acquaintance with the subject, and was primarily written for the participants of a
course on risk analysis at Uppsala University in 1994. Some of the chapters
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  • 7. Evaluation Of My Seven Habits Profile During the evaluation of my seven habits profile, my life balance speaks of maintaining things that are important to you. I am in a wonderful relationship and work very hard to spend as much quality time with my partner as I can. That being said, I still work at maintaining outside relationships with my friends by spending time with them on the phone, or perhaps going out to dinner. When working, there are when things can feel very overwhelming. What I strive to do is take one task at a time and go from there, being proactive when life challenges come up. I work at seeing the glass as half empty, rather I strive to see it as half full. We are asked to give special treatment to other doctors or their employees whenever they enter or call the office, I on the other hand feel that each patient that walks through the door should be treated in the same special way. By greeting each patient with a smile and a sweet hello, and only I can control my action toward someone. In essence, we propose that a leader s propensity for compassionate love will encourage a virtuous attitude in terms of humility, gratitude, forgiveness and altruism . (Dierendonck) When I was younger one of my first career choices was to work in human resources, but I seem to have gotten off the beaten path somewhere, working in banking, then moving into the dental field as an assistant. Once I entered the dental field I did not think I would every re enter to the corporate world again, as time has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Speech On Empathy Have you ever heard the saying that goes place yourself into the shoes of others ? Let s analyze and take a deep look into the phrase. By placing ourselves into somebody s shoes we develop a feeling of connection with them, better known as empathy. The question is, what is empathy? Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. People often confuse empathy with pity, but it is actually aiming the understanding of people s feelings and perspectives. And by understanding them we learn how to use them to guide our actions. I believe that in order to change our society, people should be able to learn how to feel empathy or compassion for others. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:15 to Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. I believe empathy is formed at home. When we are kids, our parents teach us the golden rule, which is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As we grow older, we are taught that it´s important to care about people s feelings. We grow up with the idea that we shouldn t only care about ourselves, but always be concerned for others. In my opinion, everyone should desire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though it seems to be a difficult process, the results would be totally worth it. Step number one is to cultivate curiosity about strangers. By doing this, we find other people more interesting than ourselves, decreasing our level of selfishness. Step number two is to challenge prejudices. Our society is marked with labels. These labels avoid us from appreciating individuality. Instead of looking for things that divide us, we should be searching for what we have in common and in a way what unites us. This way, we could get an easy way or path into equality, fairness and sensibility. Last but not least, we should listen hard and open up . Listening is not enough, we need to open our hearts and feelings to create an empathic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. How carbon dioxide can affect the rate of photosynthesis Aim: To investigate how carbon dioxide can affect the rate of photosynthesis. Hypothesis: The rate of photosynthesis in the water plant hydrilla will change as the rate of carbon dioxide changes. Background information: Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process of autotrophs turning carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen, using light energy from sunlight. Autotrophs are organisms that are able to produce nutrients and organic compounds using inorganic materials. Examples of autotrophs are green plants, algae, bacteria, etc. Organisms which are capable to photosynthesize are called photoautotroph. The chloroplasts (plant cell that contains chlorophyll) in autotrophs trap light energy from the sun and use it to combine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apparatus: 1 beaker 1 lamp 1 ruler 1 transparent plastic shield 1 glass funnel with plastic tubes to let the funnel sink to the bottom of the beaker which stabilizes the funnel 1 test tube 1 stopwatch 1 spatula 1 jar of sodium hydrogen carbonate 1 balance 1 hydrilla (a type of water plant) Set up: Closer look at the beaker: Method/Procedure: 1. Set up: Measure the amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate (2, 4, 6, 8, 10g) to be mixed with water in the beaker. This is the only independent variable in this experiment. 2. Set up: Measure and pour 650ml of water into a beaker and mix it with sodium hydrogen carbonate using a stirring rod until all the sodium hydrogen carbonate has dissolved into the water. 3. Set up: Place the beaker in front of a lamp covered with a transparent plastic shield. 4. Recording data: Measure the distance between the lamp and the beaker. It should be 70cm at all times because it is a control variable. This cannot be changed because light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis. If the plant is too close to the lamp, the results would be most affect by light intensity instead of carbon dioxide and the results would not be accurate. 5. Set up: Choose a hydrilla and put it into a funnel with plastic tubes and cut the end of the hydrilla s stem to let bubble came out of the stem when conducting the experiment.Then take it out from the funnel s narrow opening. Place the
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  • 11. Casa Valentina By Harvey Fierstein Casa Valentina by Harvey Fierstein. The play certainly was not what I expected once I saw it live. Before going to see it and writing this paper, I decided to do some research on both of the plays to see if I could get a better understanding of them. As a result, I decided on Casa Valentina because it was about a topic that I was unfamiliar with. The play is set in the early 1960s when men would go to the Catskill Mountains and escape. But escape what? In this play, they would escape being men. Seeing the photographic oddness of men being dressed in little neat dresses has always been a source of comedy and a favorite in theatre. This play is no different. The play was also a huge success, being nominated for multiple awards, including four Tony s and winning other awards. With this in mind, I thought I was ready to view the play. What the playwright was trying to say about life is that everyone is different. It raised universal questions of who am I? What is my identity? To what are the differences in gender identity and sexual orientation? It truly posed some fascinating questions about these identities. It even provoked the question of what ensues in matrimony when one of the partners begins to represent both genders. What happens? Is one simply cut off? Is there room for them both? It brings out the central conflict of illusion versus reality in my eyes. This is because these are grown adult men, married with a spouse of the opposite sex. Yet in spite of all this, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. A Media Controlled Race Riot A Media Controlled Race Riot The very first thing millions of people do when they wake up is check their phones, and log into whatever social media sites that they are a part of, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and many more. On these sites, there are several ads or newspaper articles depicting different political messages or views. These advertisements and news articles can easily influence our thoughts on different aspects of life, such as religious view or racial identity. During the era of the race riot, the people of this time had their own version of media: the newspaper. More often than not, the first thing people did in the morning was read the newspaper. The image that comes to mind is businessmen sitting on trains or families gathered together in the morning reading the newspaper. In 1908, Springfield, Illinois experienced a race riot that was mainly controlled by the opinion they were receiving from the material from the media that they read and viewed. Material that was available to the people of Springfield were newspapers and occasionally plays. A play that was taking place almost a year before a riot was seriously on the minds of Springfield citizens was The Birth of a Nation. A major occurrence that happened almost every time this play was to take place in a northern community was interracial violence in and around the theaters that offered it (Roche pg. 25). It may have been a mistake, but Springfield s black newspaper the Forum claimed that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Reality Of The Beholder From The Ancient Dialogues... What is Reality? I plan on discussing each section of this essay; however, they do coincide with each other in the topic. I will try to explain my reasoning on how they would question relates to one another. First, what is the difference between appearance and reality? What is the reality of being in a new place, instead of being in a society of other people around you? Does one person think they can another s perception of their world? Does everything lead to good, and what is good in the eye of the beholder from the ancient dialogues from Plato and Socrates? Lets starts from the beginning, by distinguishing the difference between reality and appearances. Is it something that is done by everyone on a daily basis? Whether it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another way of thinking of reality and appearance is the theory of idealism. Idealism is only things that really exist are our minds and their ideas. An Irish Bishop named George Berkeley view of idealism is ...though it were possible that solid, figured, moveable substances may exist without the mind... yet how [could we] know this? Either we must know it by sense or by reason. (Rachels Rachels, 2012, p. 128). Berkeley also goes to mention that our senses comes our knowledge of sensations and ideas that come from the mind, and our reason is for us to believe in the existence of physical objects that is a necessary connection between the physical world and our ideas. Another approach is direct versus indirect realism, which deals with the perception of our reality or mental state. Direct idealism deals with common sense and with the facts of things; however, indirect idealism is the opposite of which it holds the idea of perception of something with our idea of an object that we are aware of. Now, how is reflecting with Plato s story of the Allegory of the Cave, and reality and appearance the same? In the story of the Allegory of the Cave, goes with the following understanding of the Cave. The cave is a world where prisoners live chained to the ground, and the captors cast shadows on the wall and these shadows construct reality for the prisoners. One of the prisoners is freed by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. How Does Stereotypes Affect Society There are numerous influences across the world that can affect society. Any patterns that prompts certain behaviors are typically expected by certain groups. An individual perspective of what is most important in life must do with our view of the world. There are also different behaviors in which we may show within our community that cause society to either accepted those behaviors, or have negative impact on us more so that we realize. We also have our generation beliefs that have been passed down to us that we believe is true. It is up to us as people to decide what we will allow to have help us shape our view on society. We can t annoy the fact that there s are social problems in the world. In a functional society, there are many social changes that can create social problems. Our society functions off external and internal forces that can create these social changes. So far there hasn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We learn them through socializing with each other, and through the media. Stereotypes can have our view on one another twisted because the individual may not be doing what we see to be truthful or normal in our eyes. This can affect our daily life performances and can even cause poor health choices. We as people should change the way we feel people should act, so that the viewpoint of society will not be based on labels or opinions, but the character from within. As we look at what is going on in the News today. According to WALB News there s are two high school students starting a movement to help promote self esteem in their schools. These students see the separation that the negative labels are causing, and want to create a positive outcome throughout their school. This movement was created in Pelham, Ga by the high students .The mission of this movement is to get rid of the stereotypes and bad judgment throughout the school and community .The students are seniors Laura Watts and Lizzie Kelly who created The Embark Movement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Dallas, Texas State Of Texas Essay Briefly Dallas Dallas is one of the largest and most developed cities in the state of Texas in the United States. Dallas is the 4th largest city in the United States because of its downtown location, and is also the city with the world s largest airport. Dallas, the largest city after Houston and San Antonio, is also one of the top ten cities in the United States. The city is located in the middle of a desert and is literally revived. Dallas, a Texas state, deserves more attention with its dynamic cityscape, recent history, and colorful life with its cowboys, though many of Turk dig into the minds of the same name phenomenon TV series. Dallas has a place for me if I receive a chance to make a trip to Texas. The first thing to notice is the regular city of Dallas. As far as I am concerned as a Turkish that we ought to know these about Dallas briefly. When we call Dallas, the famous series, especially at middle aged people, is taken at the Southfork Ranch in J.R, Sue Ellen, Bobby and Pamela Ranch. Southfork Ranch Farm is home to events such as weddings, meetings and meals. It can also be visited like a museum. Dallas is famous for its cowboys. The history of cowboys is quite interesting. The ancestors of cowboys are not Americans, but Mexicans in North America. Even if we go back further, we see that their ancestors are from Spain to North America. With the discovery of oil and the construction of railways, Dallas has become a center of attraction among people seeking jobs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. About India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BRIEF HISTORY About India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. Yamaha made its initial foray into India in 1985. Subsequently, it entered into a 50:50 joint venture with the Escorts Group in 1996. However, in August 2001, Yamaha acquired its remaining stake as well, bringing the Indian operations under its complete control as a 100% subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd, Japan. India Yamaha Motor operates from its state of the art manufacturing units at Faridabad in Haryana and Surajpur in Uttar Pradesh and produces motorcycles both for domestic and export markets. With a strong workforce of 2000 employees, India Yamaha Motor is highly customer driven and has a countrywide network of over 400 dealers. The company pioneered the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It might not always be practical to deal with all customers queries within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know you ve received their message and you ll contact them about it as soon as possible. Even if you re not able to solve a problem right away, let the customer know you re working on it. 3. Be Friendly and Approachable A fellow Site Pointer once told me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This is very true. It s very important to be friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel like you re their friend and you re there to help them out. There will be times when you want to beat your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object it happens to all of us. It s vital that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients wishes as best you can, and at all times remain polite and courteous. 4. Have a Clearly Defined Customer Service Policy This may not be too important when you re just starting out, but a clearly defined customer service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If a customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option doesn t work, then what? Should they contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If they re not satisfied with any aspect of your customer service, who should they tell? There s nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person, or not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Hobbit Movie Essay During the winter vacation, I watched a movie, which is quiet impressed me. It is called The Hobbit. It tells an exciting story.It also teach me something when I watch it.The movie really give me a shock. In my opinion. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen. Its world background is very palatial. It tells a story that happen in a land , which is named Middle Earth. For example, there are different races in this world,such as human,dwarf, eidolon , Orcs and dragon. Human is a normal character in many movies, they are usually in weak position but they are goodness and hard working. Dwarf is a very belligerent race, they govern the world and their king like golden in crazy. Eidolon is a race, which like peace, they do not like war. So they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just like Bilbo, he is shorter and weaker ,maybe he is little timid,but when his companion in danger, he always can throw himself into breach. This is brave. Timid do not present you don t have brave. On the contrary, when your friends are in danger ,you help them without any delay,you are brave. When we are facing dangerous, maybe one person power is small,but if we are united and together work out the dangerous,the power is stronger. Any difficulty can not stop our forward steps. So, like dwarfs ,when one of them was fund by orcs, he was in weak position and then he was grasped.However, while his companion came to save him, they unite together and beat the orcs. This movie also teach me that we shouf not be consumed by desire. Thorin was consumed by desire,so he gradually become different from before, he did not trust anyone anymore.At the end,he came to his sense.So when we are facing the temptation of desire, we should firm our own will and resist the desire. The Hobbit is the best movie I have seen, I am shocked by its palatial world background. With the story begin, I see some excited plots, its ups and downs of plots make everyone feel surprised. Last but not least ,we can learn something from the movie, such as ,brave,united and do not be consumed by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Target Cost Management Article Review: Target Cost Management An article by Louise Ross puts target costing in effect with agricultural and the farming industry, explaining how this system may already be partially in use. Louise Ross provides evidence of the advantages and disadvantages of target costing within the food supply chain. According to Ross, participants in the food supply chain were already using some form of target cost management, but the system was not formalized into specific aspects. Ross (2008) refers to target costing as not a specific management technique , but a more general idea of target cost management as seen as a management philosophy and market driven approach . Ross s research has revealed evidence that the contracts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are more possibilities of accident, like livestock becoming diseased, or a crop becoming destroyed by weather. These are inherent risks that also need to be considered when farmers are working on establishing a target cost for their product. Other obstacles that farmer s face is agricultural policy, tariffs and subsidies where the commodity prices can be altered when having to export or import their product (Ross, 2008). In relation to target costing management, a simple equation can be used to evaluate whether it is a system that can work for your product. The equation is as follows: anticipated price minus required return equals target cost (Ross, 2008). Ross (2008) also comments on fluctuating prices being a problem for farmers, thus causing anticipated prices to vary. Moreover, return on capital is something that is not commonly used in the farming industry (Ross, 2008). Ross (2008) explains that typical farming operating costs is accounted as a whole for the company and not for specific activities. Gross margins in the farming industry, is also difficult in that expenses is considered a fixed cost. This involves labor and machinery, which are usually not fixed expenses, and is where a more allocation based ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Fed And Monetary Policy 1. The Fed and Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to expand or contract the money supply and influence interest rates. After checking the current news on monetary policy, describe the Fed s current policy is it expanding or contracting the money supply, and why? Do you think that this policy could increase or reduce inflation? The Fed is expanding the money supply. The Fed have data that shows a positive increase in the labor market, house hold spending, housing sector. The Fed is trying to increase price stability, strengthen the labor market, and expand economic activity within the nation. Their policy in place is to reduce inflation. 2. Inflation Winners and Losers We often hear of inflation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Wind In The Willows Map Analysis On page 30, we see the map that shows how limited the scope of her father s life was. The map is drawn with an internal circular frame that simulates the effect of a magnifying class, as if pulling the locations (which are likely truly separated by several miles) that much closer together. The text box overlaying this image, resting inside the scope of the magnifying glass, informs the reader that this impression of proximity is simultaneously misleading, and accurate. So far, we have only seen it as misleading. However, if we compare the image produced by this map to the very next panel, we see an image that zooms in even closer and demonstrates how reluctant his family is to stray from their small town. The impression we are left with is that their home life is somewhat suffocating, especially as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By doing so, Bechdel has linked her father to Mr. Toad, whom she calls a charming sociopath (Bechdel 130). This link between Mr. Toad and Bruce Bechdel is significant in that Wind in the Willows map that follows because of the connection it renders. New meaning is found in the map as Alison draws parallels between the maps of both her home landscape and the setting of the children s novels. The image of Mr. Toad, perhaps still with the thought of Bruce linked to him, speeding towards the edge of the map in still life, also functions as a metaphor for her father s existence as he too became disenchanted (147). Three people were killed in a car crash on a highway that summer, the same highway her father would die on nine years later, and the impact of this event clearly has an influenced the way Alison processed the information. Mr. Toad, the boy around her age who died, and her father all become linked together in memory and association, as Alison processes their relationship to her father s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Archetypes In Cinderella The Conflict of Good and Evil; An Analysis of Significant Archetypes in Cinderella The struggle between good and evil is the primal conflict of the mind, but it is the choices we make that let us overcome this conflict for the better. The age old tale of Cinderella utilizes this concept and illustrates a brilliant story about a young woman struggling to achieve true love while simultaneously enduring arbitrary abuse from her stepmother. Regarding this, the more recent film adaption of the story directed by Kenneth Branagh extends the same plot into a more symbolic and archetypical piece. Accordingly, the movie Cinderella, effectively applies several aspects of archetypes from Jung s literary theory to demonstrate how good always triumphs over evil. The use of significant archetypes such as the hero looking for true love, a supernatural intervention, and the devil figure, all contribute to expanding on this theme. Primarily, the heroine looking for love is one of the most substantial character archetypes that influence the development of the story s charming plot. Specifically, this archetype applies to the main character; Cinderella, who is purely influenced by the love she has for the Prince. Despite the barrage of unrelenting abuse from her stepmother, Ella strongly believes that the prince will return her feelings, which motivates her to plough through her constraints with the aid of her Fairy God Mother. Regarding this, the antagonist represents the evil in the way of the protagonist; Cinderella, which is why when she is defeated, it further accentuates the idea of good triumphing over evil. Overall, using the Hero as lover archetype, the theme of the story is enhanced and portrayed effectively. Moreover, the supernatural intervention is a slightly less prevalent yet noteworthy symbolic archetype that aids the closure of the plot. The Fairy God Mother falls under this example due to her role in assisting the protagonist with her divine and magical powers; explicitly, equipping Cinderella with a dress, a chariot, and her iconic glass shoes. The Godmother is a spiritual being who only awakens after realizing Ella s extreme desperation, she promptly aids her with any necessary gifts which allows her to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Pros And Cons Of The Republican And The Democratic Party INTRODUCTION: The United States is surely understood for its two party political framework, where Republicans continually contend with Democrats, attempting to advance their political beliefs, and scanning the methods for keeping up their ceaseless political authority. In spite of the conventional perspective that the Republican and the Democratic Party are totally distinctive, they can discover concession to various political and social issues. THESIS: Past the questionable issues of federalism, one sided military hostility, premature birth, and same sex relational unions, both the Democratic and the Republican gatherings advance the requirement for jail privatization and military spending plan increment, supplemented by the political endeavoring to cut the taxation rate on the rich. BODY PARAGRAPH Body Paragraph 1: Neither the Republicans, nor the Democrats are readied to expand the taxation rate, which the American populace as of now conveys. Despite what might be expected, both sides are dedicated to a thought of performing a noteworthy tax reduction, which will encourage advance the prosperity of the rich and will just disturb the social and money related condition of poor people. The Republicans passed the Bankruptcy Bill favoring charge card organizations over Americans whose financial plans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The War on Drugs is incorporated into the arrangement of political procurements which both sides take after and perceive as the key parts of their effective political execution. Democrats and Republicans consistently contradict to torments in jails, and backing the need to expand military spending plans. Neither of the two gatherings has ever communicated the yearning to slice military costs and to re guide the discharged monetary assets to bolster various social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Beauty Is A Timeless Obsession Beauty is a timeless obsession. In these days, physical beauty is paraded and idolised. The desire in pursuing a beautiful face and the dream body figure can be seen as a needs in an individual s life that must be fulfilled accordingly. The beauty obsession in human s life has already started back in 1400 BC, whereby it is believed that people especially women who lived during the ancient years were exposed to beauty. All women from back then had some sort of regimen to maintain their beauty and their beauty ritual maybe considered as ultra luxurious as the beauty products were invented from natural ingredients such as milk, almond oils and honey to maintain their beauty. They were really depending on ingredients which can be found in nature. As the beauty care has evolved over the years, people is now served with dozens of brands with hundreds of variants of beauty products. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This undeniable facts has been proofed based on a research by The Beauty Company from United Kingdom in which they have concluded that the beauty industry has the ability to survive and less affected during the global economic hardest time. In addition, according to a statistic provided by Asia Pacific Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Overview 2010, RM 1.6 billion were spent by Malaysians every year on beauty care products. The recent market needs has associated beauty with health and wellness as people nowadays are living in a hectic life and therefore the combination of beauty and wellness products are seen as crucial in rejuvenating their looks and body. The potentials of beauty and wellness industry in the market can be seen through its continuous growth and evolution whereby it gives a lot of opportunities for those who are interested to start up a business. Therefore, young Malaysians who are aspired in business should venture in beauty and wellness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Similarities Between Hidden Figures And Bend It Like Beckham The movies Hidden Figures, and Bend it like Beckham, directed by Theodore Melfi and Gurinder Chadha respectively, both explore the dangers that are inherent in a marginalised society. Each text demonstrates that hope for change is needed in society as it can build the momentum for an individual to strive. Through these texts, it is observed that people have no conscience about harming others until they learn the truth about their circumstances. This is depicted by the way in which Jess coach Joe behaves after learning about her cultural expectations in Bend it like Beckham. Similarly, this is shown in Hidden Figures by Mr. Harrison. Both directors emphasise that the abuse of power leads to corruption and this can be seen through the segregation between the black and white people in Hidden Figures and the way in which cultural values overrule the lives of the Bhamra s in Bend it like Beckham. Both characters highlight the importance of creating opportunities rather than seeking it, this is shown when Mary Jackson goes to court for educational rights in Hidden Figures and in Bend it like Beckham when Jess stands up to her father who appears to be patriotic about his culture. The resolutions to both texts justify that determination comes from within and that though many factors can outweigh a person s ability to triumph, consistency can lead to rewarding results. Through the use of cinematic techniques we are able to further increase our understanding of perseverance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Douglas Hofstadter s Le Ton Beau De Marot While many forms of writing are absolutely difficult to translate, as shown by Douglas Hofstadter s analysis of a French poem by Clément Marot in Le Ton Beau de Marot, song lyrics would arguably require the most effort. In addition to the basic semantic translation required of any text in order to preserve meaning, translated songs would need to maintain a similar rhythm in both a musical and a more syntactic sense as the original in order to convey a similar tone. This task means that many songs could be considered somewhat untranslatable, since in many cases, such prosody could not be perfectly recaptured in a translation. One song that exemplifies this difficulty is Down and Out by the band The Academy Is. The first half of the piece in particular builds a vague narrative, which is told using rhyme schemes, the subversion of common English sayings, and rhythmic repetition of certain phrases for emphasis. For example, the second verse contains the lyrics out of the house, she grabs the keys, runs for the hills and doesn t leave a letter. That way the impact will be much better. First of all, the somewhat simplistic rhyming of the words letter and better serves to illustrate the impact that the narrator is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another element of this particular section is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Rights Of Women And Education A sufficient education is something that Westerner s like myself, have taken for granted for a long time. It s easy to, in all honesty, because we have been raised in a society in which education has been held at the utmost importance. In the United States women are held at an equal level with men, we ve fought for this sense of equality for several years and unfortunately, not all women across the world have had that same success. Women from other countries do not have half of the rights that we do here in the United States, and this is something that we seem to never really think about. Saudi Arabia is just one of the many countries around the world in which the women do not have as many rights as men do. Being a feminist at heart with a hunger for education, it piqued my interest to research the rights of women and education in Saudi Arabia. If I m being honest, I had expected it to be much worse than it is, yet it could be so much better at the same time. Saudi women should have every right to educate themselves in any aspect they want, and though they have fought their way to gaining some leverage, there are still necessary steps that need to be taken. Saudi Arabia is a country in Southeast Asia with a population of approximately twenty seven million people. Of that twenty seven million people, it is estimated that 30% of them are migrant workers. ( Saudi Arabia Demographics Profile 2014. ) The sex ratio of this country is about 1.21 men for every 1 woman, with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Rhetorical Analysis On Asylum Seekers Clarification of Terms Asylum seeker: Someone who is seeking international protection but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been determined. Includes people who arrive per different methods of transportation, but for the purposes of this analysis, will refer exclusive to asylum seekers arriving by boat to Australia. See also: illegal maritime arrival , Refugee: Someone who has been recognised under the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees to be a refugee. The Convention defines a refugee as any person who: ... owing to well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Social construction theorists suggest that identity differences are categories constructed by social rather than biological processes. Importantly, social categories are bounded by and are often dichotomised in both the private and public psyche. Markus et al further argue that Australia s current social and political responses to difference are situated within the broader context of colonial invasion, Indigenous oppression and the White Australia Policy. In the political power play and linguistic treatment of the emblematically powerless reveals not only core party values, but varying conceptions of Australian identity. This is especially recognisable when political debate is considered in the context of three distinct time periods and political situations, demonstrating a transient grasp of elusive Australianness in a society defined not by what is desirable, but what is not, thereby degrading ideals of multi cultural egalitarianism. Put simply, Australia s postcolonial desire to control its borders and regulate the Hegelian Other underpins the politicisation of the boat people phenomenon. This relates closely to Chomsky s assertion that intentionally inducing fear of a terrifying enemy is a standard device used to whip the domestic population of any country into line behind contentious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Five Best 15 Inch Subwoofer Picks Of 2017 Title: 5 Best 15 Inch Subwoofer picks of 2017 Description: Don t search from a list of 100 subwoofers. Here is everything that you need to know about the best 15 inch subwoofer picks of 2017. Must check the third one out! Introduction How many of you know what a subwoofer is? Well, it s an amplifier for your music experience. With the correct combination, you can have an awesome audio experience in any place you want. While there are many subwoofers to choose from and know about, we will be discussing the top 5 picks of 15 inches Subwoofer that are the best in its class. You will know everything that you need to know in this article as a buyer. There are no hidden facts and no sales techniques involved here. We want you to choose wisely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, the brand itself guarantees a promise of great quality. URL: https://www.amazon.com/Rockford Fosgate P3D4 15 15 Inch Subwoofer/dp/B004UFHXUG/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics ie=UTF8 qid=1491324152 sr=1 1 keywords=Rockford+Fosgate+P3D4 15 Let s check out some other exciting features of this product: It is built up of 2.5 Inch copper clad aluminum voice coil. VAST Vertical Attached Surround for an upgraded Cone Area. It has a flex fit basket design. Thermal Anodized Aluminum Cone. It is a dual 4 ohm subwoofer having 600 Watts RMS and 1200 Watts Peak Power. 3. VM Audio Encore 15 Inch Number three on this list, the VM Audio Encore 15 Inch is a great device if you are looking for an audio device with superior bass quality, this is it. URL: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search alias%3Delectronics field keywords=3.%09VM+Audio+Encore+15+Inch Check out the other exciting features that it packs: 4000 watts peak power; 2000 watts RMS power. Dual voice coil, low frequency transducers. Lateral high thrust mechanical suspension system. Relentless high excursion wide surrounds. Multi roll, linear flex damping control large spider. 4. Power Acoustik MOFO 154X Power acoustic is a very popular subwoofer and a majority pick in the market. It is also recommended by us as the fourth one in this top five list. URL:
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  • 30. Environmental Influences On Soccer The people of the United States have been increasingly interested in soccer, both in terms of viewing and playing respectively. This rapid growth is not just related to soccer though, people s background and environmental influences have also played a large role. I wish to explore how these factors affect attitudes towards activities such as soccer. There are many things that go into affecting the way that Americans receive soccer. The idea that the game itself is a foreign game, that it wasn t created here by Americans, is something that some people use to put it into a negative light. That is a polarizing perspective, because for other people, they take a liking to the game because of the fact that it is something different, and that if they themselves are from a different part of the world, this is something that is more comfortable for them to take an interest in. It s almost as if the two of you have something in common, and even something as subtle as that is why many people pique their interest in the game. Some people who claim to be truly American are quick to judge things that are not deemed American under their own definitions of what makes something American. Meanwhile, if you look at America itself, the whole basis of it was that it was a magnificent melting pot of many different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is good for things such as soccer, where a refreshment in the interest was just what the sport needed to become a big hit with the people. Further encouragement in this way of thinking, in addition with the increasing support of the sport allow for new opportunities for both players and viewers. Where people were more resistant in their thinking and view on things, people are more excited to check out something new, or to try and hear a different viewpoint on a situation, and not shoot it down as fast as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Experimentation02 WORD ASSOCIATION TEST Experiment No. 2 NAME: CRISELLE M. MACASPAC SCORE: DAY/TIME: W 7:30 4:30 DATE: TITLE: Word Association Test ABSTRACT: The formation of word association and perceptual defense aim to measure signs of emotional complexes and to be able to identify the degree of threshold for each selected stimulus. The apparatus needed were paper, pencil and ninety nine (99) stimulus words. For the procedure, the experiment has 1 phase: determination of association reaction time and the measurement of recognition thresholds. Ninety nine carefully chosen words were presented one at a time. The experiment concludes that there were different signs of emotional complexes and different degree of threshold for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The observes reacted with GSR s of significantly greater magnitude during the pre recognition presentation of the critical words than they did before recognizing the neutral words. In addition, the observes displayed significantly higher thresholds recognition for the critical than for the neutral words. Hypotheses made before recognition of the charged words were of such a nature as to indicate resistance to recognizing these words. The findings are interpreted as representing conditioned avoidance of verbal symbols having unpleasant meanings to the observer. The stimulus word serves as cue to deeply imbedded anxiety which is revealed in automatic reactivity as measured by the GSR. Avoidance of further anxiety is contemporaneously aroused in the form of perceptual defense again. ( http://faculty.unsfsu.edu/tvancantfort/syllabi/gresearch/readings/A_McGinnies.pdf ) A tachistoscopic presentation to subject of one list was followed two weeks later by a presentation of second list. It was found that six of twelve subjects showed higher and two subjects lower threshold to emotional words on both occasions. Correlation between two test in terms of individual performance was highly significant ( Singer, 1956) Words associated with either avoidance habits or disruptive states, unfamiliar words, moderately familiar words connected ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Code Of Life And The Human Genome As was said in the beginning of the video, the ultimate achievement that one can make scientifically is to look at our own human genome, or instruction book if you will, and try to figure out what it is telling us, what it reads. This began happening in the late 1990s, to 2000s, when people began diving deeper into what DNA really tells us. In a sense, we have found the key to unlock, or crack, the code of life, and this is also the key to diagnosing and curing genetically transmitted diseases. This key is what the Human Genome Project searched to find, and what Cracking the Code of Life is all about. A single message, which we call DNA, has been passed down from the very first microscopic organism all the way to us today. It travels in a continuous thread that flows through all living things, and is the secret of all life. This message within all of us is made up of four nitrogen bases, Guanine (G), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Adenine (A), which are connected in a double helix, which looks like a twisted ladder. These bases come in pairs, as G connects with C, and A with T, and the order of these base pairs is what creates the variance we see in every organism today. There are approximately 3 billion base pairs in the human genome, but only about 30,000 are actually our genes. However, one wrong letter out of 3 billion can cause extreme various in humans To put this into perspective, every human body is 99.9% identical in its genetic code. That means that .01% of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Brief Overview Of Decision Theory Decision Theory A Brief Introduction 1994 08 19 Minor revisions 2005 08 23 Sven Ove Hansson Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm 1 Contents Preface ..........................................................................................................4 1. What is decision theory? ..........................................................................5 1.1 Theoretical questions about decisions .........................................5 1.2 A truly interdisciplinary subject...................................................6 1.3 Normative and descriptive theories..............................................6 1.4 Outline of the following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The demarcation of decisions.................................................................68 10.1 Unfinished list of alternatives ....................................................68 10.2 Indeterminate decision horizons ................................................69 11. Decision instability.................................................................................73 11.1 Conditionalized EU....................................................................73 11.2 Newcomb s paradox ...................................................................74 11.3 Instability....................................................................................76 12. Social decision theory.............................................................................79 12.1 The basic insight ........................................................................79 12.2 Arrow s theorem .........................................................................81 References ....................................................................................................82 3 Preface This text is a non technical overview of modern decision theory. It is intended for university students with no previous acquaintance with the subject, and was primarily written for the participants of a course on risk analysis at Uppsala University in 1994. Some of the chapters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...