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My tryst
Source Code Review
Anant Shrivastava
Information Security
$ Name : Anant Shrivastava
$ Work : Information Security Consultant
$ Work on : Web, Mobile, Linux
$ Project Leader :
* Android Tamer
* Codevigilant
$ Past life :
* System and server Administrator
* Developer (wp-filemanager >1L downloads)
• My journey so far in world of bug finding via
code review.
• And Yes I bluffed its not just about code
review its also about associated
automation and simple yet relevant
techniques we used to identify all of that.
• Simplest form : idea is to showcase what
and how I have done stuff and how others
can also do it.
What not to expect
• Tools Release
• Highly Sophisticated Code
• Artificial Intelligence
• Discussion about SAST (Static
Application Security Testing)
• No commercials Source code review
tools were harmed during the
Lets Read
With enough eyes all bugs are shallow
- Linus Torvalds
Let me re-write it
With enough expert eyes all bugs are
• Remember Last slide. Become “Expert
• Wanted to Learn and Experiment new
1yr back (2013) : Security Researcher
mainly Blackbox penetration tester and
tool’s author.
Why not Bug Bounties
• Invested time on Latest fad : Bugbounties
• Realized : mostly its about alert(‘XSS’)
and X-FRAME-OPTIONS or httpOnly for
most of them.
• Very few actually do something good.
• Surface area is pretty small and its
blackbox most of the time.
• Personal opinion and people may have
different opinion and its perfectly fine.
Bug Bounty efforts
What Next
• Lets try Code review
• But I don’t know code review
• So lets learn code review
• And off it goes into the ice box called
pending things to learn.
Parallel efforts
• I am not the only person thinking this, met
another fellow researcher “Prajal Kulkarni” who
was also planning on something similar and was
looking for collaboration
• We touched bases during #nullblr meet and off
we-started with the project.
My tryst with sourcecode review
What is codevigilant
• A community collaboration effort to
make opensource software’s secure.
• Finding bugs and responsibly
disclosing them to respective author
and preferable getting software
• Responsible disclosure on website
after sufficient interval
Target A EcoSystem
• We Picked WordPress Ecosystem which
– WordPress Plugins (current focus)
– WordPress Themes (current Focus)
– WordPress Core (future check)
• Pick an ecosystem which you think is near
and dear to you and the language which
you can easily understand.
Lets Roll
• This is where things started to act funny.
• We started with
– Lets download top 10 and analyze one
by one.
– Ended up getting frustrated in couple of
– Mind you we were just two pentesters
fiddling around with source code.
Whitebox was not exactly our forte.
Lets Re-Roll
• Lets automate and improvise
– Download all plugins and Themes
– Focus on vulnerability type and not on
individual plugin
• Seems like a good plan : so lets roll
Lets count
Automate Please
• Quick WordPress information
extractor and downloader.
• Simple python script with grep / cut
friendly output.
My tryst with sourcecode review
Lazy Me
• Lets start with some easy stuff
• How about looking at direct /
unauthorized Access
Any tool available
• Inspathx works just fine but I never
got it to work for me.
• So wrote a simple python script.
Tool release
• Well I Lied let me release some tools
for you
• Error_finder release
• Massive amount of Full Path Disclosure
• Few direct access issues
Full Path Disclosure
• WordPress stand of FPD is clear so no
point reporting it.
WordPress Ecosystem
• Lets step back and understand
ecosystem a bit more
– WordPress is a CMS
– Various User Roles
• Super Administrator
• Administrator
• Editor
• Author
• Contributor
• Subscriber
WordPress ecosystem
• Various plugin bind to various roles
• Issues without authentication are
prime concern.
• Issues affecting subscriber and
contributor hot 2nd.
• Editor and Admins have unescaped
HTML access
What Next
• With this understanding in place we
wanted to focus on unauthenticated
issues first.
• Lets start with A3-Cross Site
• We thought its as simple as getting a
<script>alert(‘XSS’)</script> back
• Alas that should have been the case.
• How to find it via Source code review.
– Echo $_GET[‘input’];
• Grep “echo $_GET” should work
Did we missed something
• How could we not miss obvious stuff
• Attempt 2
– Either build a lexical parser tokenize
whole source code or play intelligent
– Extract all GET/POST/REQUEST
parameters and access url with those
parameters in place.
A3 XSS cont’ed
• We did found massive amount on
entries and then realized we have
again screwed up.
• If Content type is text/html XSS
• But if content type is
– Json
– Xml
– Javascript
• XSS failed
Automated more
• Wrote another set of scripts which
gives proper response types also.
A9 - Known Vulnerable components
• We also focused on this issues
category and identified multiple
issues here also.
• Mainly those were concerned with
outdated SWF binaries used or old
library files used.
• Error messages extracted via
inspathx code yielded to multiple
other issues like Directory traversal
End Result
• Although this was like a rookie
attempts to finding I don’t know what
I am finding but we ended up with
250 plus issues in various WordPress
• We Decided to call this Phase 1
Phase 1 Statistics
Phase 2
• So What’s next
• Authenticated issues
– SQL Injection
– Stored/Reflected Cross Site scripting in
Admin console
– And more
Phase 2 Hurdles
• We realized that authenticated flaws
are prioritized based on user access.
• We need to map all 30K Plugins with
each type of access.
– Script in progress to do exactly that.
Team Expansion
• Started with me and Prajal we are
now 4 people strong team
– Anant Shrivastava
– Prajal Kulkarni
– Chaitu
– Madhu Akula
What Next
• We are seeking for more volunteers
to come forward and help us make
opensource softwares a more secure
What’s in this for audience
• Simple list of vulnerable functions in PHP you can
look for in your own codebases
File Tainted
Database tainted
File Inclusion
Command Execution
shell_ exec()
SQL Injection
User Controls
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
What’s in this for audience
• Appeal to use codevigilant plateform
• You find flaws
– Either join our team and do continuous
• You get an author’s page at codevigilant
• If you get any bounty for the bug you keep it.
– Send details as one off cases of finding
• We will do co-ordination with third party
• We will try to get it patched or remove it from internet
if not patched.
• We will publish advisory on website with yours and
co-ordinator’s name in advisory.
What’s in this for audience
• If you want a open source product
tested contact us and we will see
what we can do about it.
• If you want quick test’s you can think
about donating to the project.
Simple Checklist
• Look for Obvious flaws in unauthenticated Code
– Reflected XSS
– SQL Injection
– Direct access / information disclosure
– Directory Traversal
• Understand Application Architecture
– Language specific checks
– List of language specific vulnerable functions
– List of User Roles with impact of confidentiality
• Attack Authenticated section
– Stored XSS
– SQL Injection
– Direct URL access
• http://www.codevigilant.com
• https://github.com/Codevigilant
• https://facebook.com/Codevigilant
• https://twitter.com/Codevigilant
Why not automated
• They are either good at black or
• We wanted to confirm from both
• They have a workflow which should
be followed.
Open Source automation
• Tested rats and couple of other tools
only rips worked marginally good.
• But rips workflow demanded we
enter url in webview everytime and
web view keeps getting hanged from
time to time.
Commercial scanners
• No motivation to use them (we will
be processing result not learning
from it)
• No money to spend on them
• We did got one generous offer and
tried one product
Commercial scanner
• I don’t play name shame game
hence no names here.
• Commercial product was cloud
hosted app where we need to upload
code for review.
• Software missed simple XSS and SQLi
but so did open source tools also.
Why scanners missed
• WordPress or Other CMS have there
own functions to handle stuff
• Example
– Mysql query
– WordPress query
• These scanners don’t know about it
and failes to detect it.
Why scanners missed
• Or it could have been a simple case
of misconfiguration at our end.
• But after sharing results with Tool
Dev they kind of vanished and didn’t
responded back.

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My tryst with sourcecode review

  • 1. My tryst with Source Code Review Anant Shrivastava Information Security Consultant
  • 2. $whoami $ Name : Anant Shrivastava $ Work : Information Security Consultant $ Work on : Web, Mobile, Linux $ Project Leader : * Android Tamer * Codevigilant $ Past life : * System and server Administrator * Developer (wp-filemanager >1L downloads)
  • 3. Agenda • My journey so far in world of bug finding via code review. • And Yes I bluffed its not just about code review its also about associated automation and simple yet relevant techniques we used to identify all of that. • Simplest form : idea is to showcase what and how I have done stuff and how others can also do it.
  • 4. What not to expect • Tools Release • Highly Sophisticated Code • Artificial Intelligence • Discussion about SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
  • 5. Disclaimer • No commercials Source code review tools were harmed during the exercise.
  • 6. Lets Read With enough eyes all bugs are shallow - Linus Torvalds Let me re-write it With enough expert eyes all bugs are shallow
  • 7. WHY • Remember Last slide. Become “Expert Eye” • Wanted to Learn and Experiment new stuff. 1yr back (2013) : Security Researcher mainly Blackbox penetration tester and tool’s author.
  • 8. Why not Bug Bounties • Invested time on Latest fad : Bugbounties • Realized : mostly its about alert(‘XSS’) and X-FRAME-OPTIONS or httpOnly for most of them. • Very few actually do something good. • Surface area is pretty small and its blackbox most of the time. • Personal opinion and people may have different opinion and its perfectly fine.
  • 10. What Next • Lets try Code review • But I don’t know code review • So lets learn code review • And off it goes into the ice box called pending things to learn.
  • 11. Parallel efforts • I am not the only person thinking this, met another fellow researcher “Prajal Kulkarni” who was also planning on something similar and was looking for collaboration • We touched bases during #nullblr meet and off we-started with the project.
  • 13. What is codevigilant • A community collaboration effort to make opensource software’s secure. • Finding bugs and responsibly disclosing them to respective author and preferable getting software updated. • Responsible disclosure on website after sufficient interval
  • 14. Target A EcoSystem • We Picked WordPress Ecosystem which meant – WordPress Plugins (current focus) – WordPress Themes (current Focus) – WordPress Core (future check) • Pick an ecosystem which you think is near and dear to you and the language which you can easily understand.
  • 15. Lets Roll • This is where things started to act funny. • We started with – Lets download top 10 and analyze one by one. – Ended up getting frustrated in couple of days – Mind you we were just two pentesters fiddling around with source code. Whitebox was not exactly our forte.
  • 16. Lets Re-Roll • Lets automate and improvise – Download all plugins and Themes – Focus on vulnerability type and not on individual plugin • Seems like a good plan : so lets roll
  • 18. Automate Please • Quick WordPress information extractor and downloader. • Simple python script with grep / cut friendly output.
  • 20. Lazy Me • Lets start with some easy stuff • How about looking at direct / unauthorized Access
  • 21. Any tool available • Inspathx works just fine but I never got it to work for me. • So wrote a simple python script.
  • 22. Tool release • Well I Lied let me release some tools for you • Error_finder release https://github.com/Codevigilant/error_finder
  • 23. Output • Massive amount of Full Path Disclosure • Few direct access issues
  • 24. Full Path Disclosure • WordPress stand of FPD is clear so no point reporting it.
  • 25. WordPress Ecosystem • Lets step back and understand ecosystem a bit more – WordPress is a CMS – Various User Roles • Super Administrator • Administrator • Editor • Author • Contributor • Subscriber
  • 26. WordPress ecosystem • Various plugin bind to various roles • Issues without authentication are prime concern. • Issues affecting subscriber and contributor hot 2nd. • Editor and Admins have unescaped HTML access
  • 27. What Next • With this understanding in place we wanted to focus on unauthenticated issues first. • Lets start with A3-Cross Site Scripting
  • 28. XSS • We thought its as simple as getting a <script>alert(‘XSS’)</script> back • Alas that should have been the case. • How to find it via Source code review. – Echo $_GET[‘input’]; • Grep “echo $_GET” should work
  • 29. Did we missed something • How could we not miss obvious stuff • Attempt 2 – Either build a lexical parser tokenize whole source code or play intelligent – Extract all GET/POST/REQUEST parameters and access url with those parameters in place.
  • 30. A3 XSS cont’ed • We did found massive amount on entries and then realized we have again screwed up. • If Content type is text/html XSS works • But if content type is – Json – Xml – Javascript • XSS failed
  • 31. Automated more • Wrote another set of scripts which gives proper response types also.
  • 32. A9 - Known Vulnerable components • We also focused on this issues category and identified multiple issues here also. • Mainly those were concerned with outdated SWF binaries used or old library files used.
  • 33. By-Product • Error messages extracted via inspathx code yielded to multiple other issues like Directory traversal
  • 34. End Result • Although this was like a rookie attempts to finding I don’t know what I am finding but we ended up with 250 plus issues in various WordPress plugins • We Decided to call this Phase 1
  • 36. Phase 2 • So What’s next • Authenticated issues – SQL Injection – Stored/Reflected Cross Site scripting in Admin console – CSRF – And more
  • 37. Phase 2 Hurdles • We realized that authenticated flaws are prioritized based on user access. • We need to map all 30K Plugins with each type of access. – Script in progress to do exactly that.
  • 38. Team Expansion • Started with me and Prajal we are now 4 people strong team – Anant Shrivastava – Prajal Kulkarni – Chaitu – Madhu Akula
  • 39. What Next • We are seeking for more volunteers to come forward and help us make opensource softwares a more secure plateform.
  • 40. What’s in this for audience • Simple list of vulnerable functions in PHP you can look for in your own codebases File Tainted file() fopen() popen() file_get_contents() fread() fscanf() Database tainted mysql_fetch_array() mysql_fetch_assoc() mysql_fetch_field() mysql_fetch_object() mysql_fetch_row() File Inclusion include() require() require_once() include_once() Command Execution exec() shell_ exec() system() proc_open() SQL Injection mysql_query() pg_query() User Controls $GLOBALS $_SERVER $_GET $_POST $_FILES $_COOKIE $_SESSION $_REQUEST $_ENV Cross Site Scripting (XSS) echo() print() printf()
  • 41. What’s in this for audience • Appeal to use codevigilant plateform • You find flaws – Either join our team and do continuous contribution • You get an author’s page at codevigilant • If you get any bounty for the bug you keep it. – Send details as one off cases of finding • We will do co-ordination with third party • We will try to get it patched or remove it from internet if not patched. • We will publish advisory on website with yours and co-ordinator’s name in advisory.
  • 42. What’s in this for audience • If you want a open source product tested contact us and we will see what we can do about it. • If you want quick test’s you can think about donating to the project.
  • 43. Simple Checklist • Look for Obvious flaws in unauthenticated Code – Reflected XSS – SQL Injection – Direct access / information disclosure – Directory Traversal • Understand Application Architecture – Language specific checks – List of language specific vulnerable functions – List of User Roles with impact of confidentiality • Attack Authenticated section – Stored XSS – CSRF – XSPA – SQL Injection – Direct URL access
  • 44. CodeVigilant • http://www.codevigilant.com • https://github.com/Codevigilant • https://facebook.com/Codevigilant • https://twitter.com/Codevigilant
  • 46. Why not automated scanners • They are either good at black or whitebox. • We wanted to confirm from both sides. • They have a workflow which should be followed.
  • 47. Open Source automation Tools • Tested rats and couple of other tools only rips worked marginally good. • But rips workflow demanded we enter url in webview everytime and web view keeps getting hanged from time to time.
  • 48. Commercial scanners • No motivation to use them (we will be processing result not learning from it) • No money to spend on them • We did got one generous offer and tried one product
  • 49. Commercial scanner • I don’t play name shame game hence no names here. • Commercial product was cloud hosted app where we need to upload code for review. • Software missed simple XSS and SQLi but so did open source tools also.
  • 50. Why scanners missed • WordPress or Other CMS have there own functions to handle stuff • Example – Mysql query – WordPress query • These scanners don’t know about it and failes to detect it.
  • 51. Why scanners missed • Or it could have been a simple case of misconfiguration at our end. • But after sharing results with Tool Dev they kind of vanished and didn’t responded back.