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Home Landscape Watering During                                      no. 7,240
                                           by J. Klett'

                                                    Landscaping that includes trees, shrubs, lawns, gardens, and flowers
                                           improves our quality of life. It enhances our homes and businesses, and helps the
Quick Facts.                               environment by cleaning the air, controlling erosion, and providing shelter to
                                                    Quality landscaping increases property values by 10 percent to 15
Follow watering programs                   percent. It is expensive to replace existing landscapes and new landscapes need
encouraged or mandated in your             water to become established. Therefore, proper maintenance of existing
community.                                 landscapes during drought is critical.
                                                    Besides adding economic value to your property, landscapes improve air
Landscaping increases property             and water quality. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air and turf helps
                                           reduce the heat island effect by transpiring moisture. Trees shade your home and
values by 10 percent to 15
                                           healthy turf helps reduce the cost of home cooling.
percent so proper maintenance
                                                    Most of Colorado is semiarid and periods of drought are common.
of existing landscapes during
                                           Growing landscape plants is difficult even in normal years, and especially during
drought is critical.                       drought years. If you're installing a new landscape or retrofitting an existing one,
                                           Xeriscape® principles help keep the landscape attractive and water efficient. The
Xeriscape® principles can help             following suggestions can help keep a landscape attractive and water efficient.
keep landscapes attractive and                      • Shrub and Mulch Beds. Enlarge beds under trees to drip lines and
water efficient.                                      beyond if possible. Use organic mulch such as bark or wood chips.
                                                      Mulched shrub beds can extend outward along the edge of the house to
Water your landscape according                        reduce the total amount of turf area.
to its needs and at night, not                      • Soil Amendments. Add organic matter to the soil before planting trees
during the heat of the day.                           and shrubs to help retain moisture, improve texture, and add essential
Trees should be given highest                       • Irrigation Systems. Make sure your irrigation system works properly
priority during drought.                              and consider redesigning it to become more efficient. Installing drip
                                                      irrigation to apply water directly to the soil wastes less water.
Soaker hose or drip irrigation is                  • Proper Plant Selection. If you're replacing existing landscape plants,
a more efficient way to deliver                       choose plants appropriate to the site. There are many attractive dryland
water near roots.                                     landscape plants that are low water users once established.
                                                   • Mulching. Use organic mulch such as woodchips, bark, dried leaves, or
                                                      evergreen needles to retain soil moisture. Mulched areas under trees,
                                                      shrubs or perennials can reduce water use by as much as 50 percent
                                                      compared to maintaining a bluegrass lawn on the same area. A 4-inch
                                                      layer of mulch helps regulate soil temperature. This ultimately results
                         University                   in less stress on plants between hot summer days and freezing winter
                       Extension                      nights. Mulch also results in less weed growth and easier weeding of
                                                      landscape beds.
             © Colorado State University
            Cooperative Extension. 5/03.
Water Wisely and Efficiently
        • Water your landscape according to its needs. Check the soil moisture
          before you water. One simple way to do this is to insert a 6-inch
          screwdriver into the soil. If it goes in easily, water is not needed.
        • Water at night, between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. (or as otherwise mandated
          by local restrictions), not during the heat of the day. Set sprinklers to
          water only the landscape and not sidewalks, driveways, or other paved
        • Skip watering on days following 1/2 inch or more of rain. On cloudy,
          cool days plants use less water.
        • Check your sprinklers to determine how much water they place in the
          landscape. Place shallow containers, such as tuna cans, in various spots
          under the sprinklers. Measure the water depth in the cans after a
          specified time period to determine how long you should water.

         During drought, trees should receive the highest priority since it takes
years to replace them.
         • Trees obtain water best when it is allowed to soak into the soil slowly
           to a depth of 12 inches. Methods for watering trees include: deep-root
           fork or needle, soaker hose, or soft spray wand. Apply water to many
           locations under the dripline and beyond if possible. If you use a deep-
           root fork or needle, insert no deeper than 8 inches into the soil.
         • Apply 10 gallons of water per inch of a tree's diameter (measured at
           knee height). For example, a 2-inch diameter tree needs 20 gallons of
         • During fall and winter (October thru March) water one to two times
           per month when no lawn watering is allowed. In spring and summer
           (April thru September) when no turf watering is allowed, water weekly
           to two times per month depending on the size of tree, weather,
           watering restrictions, temperature, and soil conditions. Visit
           www.watersaver.org for specific amounts and times.
         • Proper maintenance of trees can help them survive during drought.
           Don't fertilize trees that are stressed, since fertilizer salts may bum
           roots when there is not sufficient soil moisture present.

Prioritizing Watering Needs
        • Newly transplanted trees (top priority) and young trees (1- to 7-inch
          diameter) have a limited root system and need supplemental water even
          when not experiencing drought conditions. Generally it takes one full
          year per inch trunk diameter for trees to become established.
        •T r e e sgrowing in a restricted root zone, such as those in landscape
          strips between sidewalk and streets, also need higher priority.

Flower Gardens
        • Prepare the soil before planting. Add organic matter or compost 1 to
          2 inches deep and till in to a 12-inch depth. This aides in maximum
          water efficiency and growth.
          Mulch. Add 1 to 2 inches of organic mulch between flowers to reduce
          evaporation and control weeds.
        • Select plants and flowers by their specific water and sunlight
          needs. Gray-leaved annuals and perennials are often more drought
          tolerant. Spring bulbs are drought avoiders as they complete their life
          cycle prior to the onset of hot weather.
Newly Planted Flowers. Check and water flowers daily (if allowed by
                                                            water districts), if needed, for the first two weeks after planting.
                                                            Gradually reduce watering to twice weekly.
                                                            Method of Watering. Soaker hoses or drip irrigation is more efficient
                                                            since it delivers water near roots. Hand watering is another alternative
                                                            that maximizes delivery of water to soil and roots.

                                                Vegetable Gardens
                                                         An adequate supply of water during the growing season is directly
                                                related to produce quality and yields. Unlike bluegrass and some landscape
                                                plants, vegetables cannot go dormant when water supply is inadequate. For
                                                productive vegetable gardens that need less water, consider the following:
                                                         • Amend the garden with organic matter.
                                                         • Practice efficient irrigation—drip, trickle, or soaker hose is ideal.
                                                         • Check soil moisture between watering to avoid over-application.
                                                         • Know critical watering periods for your specific vegetable crops.
F o r more drought information        visit              • Mulch to minimize evaporation of water from soil surface. Grass
the following Web sites:
                                                           clippings make an excellent mulch in thin layers (less than 3 inches)
• www. ext.colostate.edu
                                                           for the vegetable garden.
• www.watersaver.org
• www.greenco.org
                                                Fruit Gardens
                                                        • Use mulch around grapes, raspberries, strawberries, and fruit trees.
                                                          Consider using a drip irrigation system. Drip is more efficient than
                                                          over-head spraying.
                                                        • Fruit trees—water as described for trees.

                                                Lawns—January to June Care
                                                          Fertilizing. March to June fertilization is recommended, using a
                                                          mixture of quick and slow release nitrogen.
                                                          Aerating. Highly recommended spring lawn care practice.
                                                        • Mowing. Set mowing height at 2 1/2 to 3 inches and mow at the same
                                                          height all season. Do not remove more than 3/4 inch of grass at any
                                                          single mowing. Recycle grass clippings into the lawn.
                                                        • Weed Control. Use pre-emergent herbicides for prevention of
                                                          crabgrass, foxtail, and other grassy weeds. Water in pre-emergent
                                                          herbicide with at least 1/2 inch of water as soon as possible after

                                                Watering the Lawn
                                                         Follow watering programs encouraged or mandated in your
                                                         Begin irrigating the lawn as soon as it is allowed in the spring.
                                                      • Refresh your understanding of your irrigation system and control
'J. Klett, Colorado State University
Cooperative Extension landscape
                                                        clock. Set clocks to water between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m.
horticulturalist and professor, department of            On watering day, apply 3/4 to 1 inch water, slowly enough that runoff
horticulture and landscape     architecture.            and puddles do not occur.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative                    Cycle through irrigation stations by applying smaller amounts and
Extension work. Acts of May 8 and June 30,              repeating cycles to allow water to soak in more thoroughly.
1914, in cooperation with the U.S.                    8
Department of Agriculture, Milan A. Rewerts,
                                                        Hand water small or isolated dry spots where sprinklers don't overlap.
Director of Cooperative Extension, Colorado             Wetting agents specifically designed for use on turf can temporarily
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.               reduce the occurrence of water repellent conditions in lawns.
Cooperative Extension programs are
                                                      For lawn recommendations during other times of the year (July thru
available to all without discrimination. Mo
endorsement of products mentioned Is            December), visit http://csuturf.colostate.edu.
intended nor is criticism implied of products
not mentioned.
Whether you're a newcomer to Colorado gardening or an old hand at it, you're
sure to find just what you need at The Cooperative Extension Resource Center.

Our publications deal with questions specific to Colorado gardening: plants
for mountain communities, Xeriscaping, fruit and vegetable varieties, insects
and weeds, soil and fertilizer.

From fruits and vegetables to nourish your body to flowers to nourish your
soul, we can help. Ask us for a catalog — it's free!

   Address:       The Cooperative Extension Resource Center
                  115 General Services Bldg.
                  Colorado State University
                  Fort Collins, CO 80523-4061
   Phone:         (970) 491-6198
   Toll-free:     (877) 692-9358
   Fax:           (970) 491-2961
   E-mail:        cercl@ur.colostate.edu
   Web:           www.cerc.colostate.edu

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Home Landscape Watering During Drought

  • 1. Home Landscape Watering During no. 7,240 Drought by J. Klett' Landscaping that includes trees, shrubs, lawns, gardens, and flowers improves our quality of life. It enhances our homes and businesses, and helps the Quick Facts. environment by cleaning the air, controlling erosion, and providing shelter to wildlife. Quality landscaping increases property values by 10 percent to 15 Follow watering programs percent. It is expensive to replace existing landscapes and new landscapes need encouraged or mandated in your water to become established. Therefore, proper maintenance of existing community. landscapes during drought is critical. Besides adding economic value to your property, landscapes improve air Landscaping increases property and water quality. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air and turf helps reduce the heat island effect by transpiring moisture. Trees shade your home and values by 10 percent to 15 healthy turf helps reduce the cost of home cooling. percent so proper maintenance Most of Colorado is semiarid and periods of drought are common. of existing landscapes during Growing landscape plants is difficult even in normal years, and especially during drought is critical. drought years. If you're installing a new landscape or retrofitting an existing one, Xeriscape® principles help keep the landscape attractive and water efficient. The Xeriscape® principles can help following suggestions can help keep a landscape attractive and water efficient. keep landscapes attractive and • Shrub and Mulch Beds. Enlarge beds under trees to drip lines and water efficient. beyond if possible. Use organic mulch such as bark or wood chips. Mulched shrub beds can extend outward along the edge of the house to Water your landscape according reduce the total amount of turf area. to its needs and at night, not • Soil Amendments. Add organic matter to the soil before planting trees during the heat of the day. and shrubs to help retain moisture, improve texture, and add essential nutrients. Trees should be given highest • Irrigation Systems. Make sure your irrigation system works properly priority during drought. and consider redesigning it to become more efficient. Installing drip irrigation to apply water directly to the soil wastes less water. Soaker hose or drip irrigation is • Proper Plant Selection. If you're replacing existing landscape plants, a more efficient way to deliver choose plants appropriate to the site. There are many attractive dryland water near roots. landscape plants that are low water users once established. • Mulching. Use organic mulch such as woodchips, bark, dried leaves, or evergreen needles to retain soil moisture. Mulched areas under trees, shrubs or perennials can reduce water use by as much as 50 percent compared to maintaining a bluegrass lawn on the same area. A 4-inch layer of mulch helps regulate soil temperature. This ultimately results University in less stress on plants between hot summer days and freezing winter Cooperative Extension nights. Mulch also results in less weed growth and easier weeding of landscape beds. © Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. 5/03. www.ext.colostate.edu
  • 2. Water Wisely and Efficiently • Water your landscape according to its needs. Check the soil moisture before you water. One simple way to do this is to insert a 6-inch screwdriver into the soil. If it goes in easily, water is not needed. • Water at night, between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. (or as otherwise mandated by local restrictions), not during the heat of the day. Set sprinklers to water only the landscape and not sidewalks, driveways, or other paved surfaces. • Skip watering on days following 1/2 inch or more of rain. On cloudy, cool days plants use less water. • Check your sprinklers to determine how much water they place in the landscape. Place shallow containers, such as tuna cans, in various spots under the sprinklers. Measure the water depth in the cans after a specified time period to determine how long you should water. Trees During drought, trees should receive the highest priority since it takes years to replace them. • Trees obtain water best when it is allowed to soak into the soil slowly to a depth of 12 inches. Methods for watering trees include: deep-root fork or needle, soaker hose, or soft spray wand. Apply water to many locations under the dripline and beyond if possible. If you use a deep- root fork or needle, insert no deeper than 8 inches into the soil. • Apply 10 gallons of water per inch of a tree's diameter (measured at knee height). For example, a 2-inch diameter tree needs 20 gallons of water. • During fall and winter (October thru March) water one to two times per month when no lawn watering is allowed. In spring and summer (April thru September) when no turf watering is allowed, water weekly to two times per month depending on the size of tree, weather, watering restrictions, temperature, and soil conditions. Visit www.watersaver.org for specific amounts and times. • Proper maintenance of trees can help them survive during drought. Don't fertilize trees that are stressed, since fertilizer salts may bum roots when there is not sufficient soil moisture present. Prioritizing Watering Needs • Newly transplanted trees (top priority) and young trees (1- to 7-inch diameter) have a limited root system and need supplemental water even when not experiencing drought conditions. Generally it takes one full year per inch trunk diameter for trees to become established. •T r e e sgrowing in a restricted root zone, such as those in landscape strips between sidewalk and streets, also need higher priority. Flower Gardens • Prepare the soil before planting. Add organic matter or compost 1 to 2 inches deep and till in to a 12-inch depth. This aides in maximum water efficiency and growth. 8 Mulch. Add 1 to 2 inches of organic mulch between flowers to reduce evaporation and control weeds. • Select plants and flowers by their specific water and sunlight needs. Gray-leaved annuals and perennials are often more drought tolerant. Spring bulbs are drought avoiders as they complete their life cycle prior to the onset of hot weather.
  • 3. Newly Planted Flowers. Check and water flowers daily (if allowed by water districts), if needed, for the first two weeks after planting. Gradually reduce watering to twice weekly. Method of Watering. Soaker hoses or drip irrigation is more efficient since it delivers water near roots. Hand watering is another alternative that maximizes delivery of water to soil and roots. Vegetable Gardens An adequate supply of water during the growing season is directly related to produce quality and yields. Unlike bluegrass and some landscape plants, vegetables cannot go dormant when water supply is inadequate. For productive vegetable gardens that need less water, consider the following: • Amend the garden with organic matter. • Practice efficient irrigation—drip, trickle, or soaker hose is ideal. • Check soil moisture between watering to avoid over-application. • Know critical watering periods for your specific vegetable crops. F o r more drought information visit • Mulch to minimize evaporation of water from soil surface. Grass the following Web sites: clippings make an excellent mulch in thin layers (less than 3 inches) • www. ext.colostate.edu for the vegetable garden. • www.watersaver.org • www.greenco.org Fruit Gardens • Use mulch around grapes, raspberries, strawberries, and fruit trees. Consider using a drip irrigation system. Drip is more efficient than over-head spraying. • Fruit trees—water as described for trees. Lawns—January to June Care 8 Fertilizing. March to June fertilization is recommended, using a mixture of quick and slow release nitrogen. 9 Aerating. Highly recommended spring lawn care practice. • Mowing. Set mowing height at 2 1/2 to 3 inches and mow at the same height all season. Do not remove more than 3/4 inch of grass at any single mowing. Recycle grass clippings into the lawn. • Weed Control. Use pre-emergent herbicides for prevention of crabgrass, foxtail, and other grassy weeds. Water in pre-emergent herbicide with at least 1/2 inch of water as soon as possible after application. Watering the Lawn 8 Follow watering programs encouraged or mandated in your community. 8 Begin irrigating the lawn as soon as it is allowed in the spring. • Refresh your understanding of your irrigation system and control 'J. Klett, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension landscape clock. Set clocks to water between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. 8 horticulturalist and professor, department of On watering day, apply 3/4 to 1 inch water, slowly enough that runoff horticulture and landscape architecture. and puddles do not occur. 8 Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Cycle through irrigation stations by applying smaller amounts and Extension work. Acts of May 8 and June 30, repeating cycles to allow water to soak in more thoroughly. 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. 8 Department of Agriculture, Milan A. Rewerts, Hand water small or isolated dry spots where sprinklers don't overlap. 8 Director of Cooperative Extension, Colorado Wetting agents specifically designed for use on turf can temporarily State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. reduce the occurrence of water repellent conditions in lawns. Cooperative Extension programs are For lawn recommendations during other times of the year (July thru available to all without discrimination. Mo endorsement of products mentioned Is December), visit http://csuturf.colostate.edu. intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.
  • 4. Whether you're a newcomer to Colorado gardening or an old hand at it, you're sure to find just what you need at The Cooperative Extension Resource Center. Our publications deal with questions specific to Colorado gardening: plants for mountain communities, Xeriscaping, fruit and vegetable varieties, insects and weeds, soil and fertilizer. From fruits and vegetables to nourish your body to flowers to nourish your soul, we can help. Ask us for a catalog — it's free! Address: The Cooperative Extension Resource Center 115 General Services Bldg. Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-4061 Phone: (970) 491-6198 Toll-free: (877) 692-9358 Fax: (970) 491-2961 E-mail: cercl@ur.colostate.edu Web: www.cerc.colostate.edu