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Design & UsabilityPrinciplesMobile. Design. Create. Namics.C. Medvesek 10-2010
EnhanceInteractivity“The best iPadapplicationsgivepeople innovative ways to interactwithcontentwhiletheyperform a clearlydefined, finite task. Resistthetemptation to fillthe large screenwithfeaturesthatarenotdirectlyrelated to themaintask.” iPad Human Interface Guidelines p.1910-2010Mobile. Create. Basics.
Mobile. Create. Basics. Workshop. DE.29.10.2010
Stayconsistent“Themoreusers’ expectationsprove right, themorethey will feel in control of thesystem and themorethey will like it.” Ten UsabilityHeuristicsby Jakob NielsenMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
SimplicityispowerfulSimplicityfuelsmanyelements of good design, includingease of use, speed, visualappeal, and accessibility. Butsimplicitystartswiththedesign of a product‘s fundamental functions. GoogleyuserexperienceMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
Usability & Design Principles
Makeitself-explanatoryGood designmakes a productunderstandable. Itclarifiestheproduct’sstructure. Better still, itcanmaketheproducttalk. At best, itisself-explanatory.Dieter Rams: ten principlesfor good design.Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
Usability & Design Principles
Payattention to patternsUsers spend themajority of their time on interfacesotherthanyourown. Thereis no need to reinventthewheel. Thoseinterfacesmaysolvesome of thesameproblemsthatusersperceivewithintheoneyouarecreating. Byusingfamiliar UI patterns, you will helpyourusersfeel at home.Think Vitamin – 10 User Interface GuidelinesMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
«Users shouldnothave to wonderwhether different words, situations, oractionsmeanthesamething. Followplatformconventions.»Jacob Nielsencopyright
Delight People“Delight People withStunning Graphics – One way to increasetheperceivedvalue of yourapplicationis to replicatethelook of high- qualityorpreciousmaterials. For example, iftheeffect of wood, leather, or metal isappropriate in yourapplication, takethe time to makesurethe material looksrealistic and valuable.” iPad Human Interface Guidelines p.24Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
“A graphically rich look at a wide variety of trips.”
- New York Times
Books oder Lonley Planet
“Wonderful. Grab it now.” 
- Gizmodo
Provide Feedback“Thesystemshouldalwayskeepusersinformedaboutwhatisgoing on, throughappropriatefeedbackwithinreasonable time.” Ten UsabilityHeuristicsby Jakob NielsenMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
AllowmistakesYour UI shouldallowfor and tolerateusererror. Design waysforusers to undoactions, and beforgivingwithvariedinputs. Think Vitamin – 10 User Interface GuidelinesMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
Every detail countsGood designisthorough, down to the last detail. Nothingmustbearbitraryorleft to chance. Care and accuracy in thedesignprocessshowrespecttowardstheconsumer.Dieter Rams: ten principlesfor good design.Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
Usability & Design Principles
Design. Usability. Prinzipien.iPad User Experience Guidelines (Apple)http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?99510 User Interface Design Fundamentals (Think Vitamin)http://thinkvitamin.com/design/10-user-interface-design-fundamentals/10 Heuristicsfor User Interface Design (Jakob Nielsen)http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/heuristic_list.htmlTheGoogley User Experience Principles (Google)http://www.google.com/corporate/ux.htmlTen Principles of Good Design (Dieter Rams)http://www.vitsoe.com/en/re/about/dieterrams/gooddesignDesign PrinciplesGlossaryhttp://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/design-principles/Quellen10-2010Mobile. Create. Basics.
claus.medvesek@namics.com© NamicsMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010

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Usability & Design Principles

  • 1. Design & UsabilityPrinciplesMobile. Design. Create. Namics.C. Medvesek 10-2010
  • 2. EnhanceInteractivity“The best iPadapplicationsgivepeople innovative ways to interactwithcontentwhiletheyperform a clearlydefined, finite task. Resistthetemptation to fillthe large screenwithfeaturesthatarenotdirectlyrelated to themaintask.” iPad Human Interface Guidelines p.1910-2010Mobile. Create. Basics.
  • 3. Mobile. Create. Basics. Workshop. DE.29.10.2010
  • 4. Stayconsistent“Themoreusers’ expectationsprove right, themorethey will feel in control of thesystem and themorethey will like it.” Ten UsabilityHeuristicsby Jakob NielsenMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 6. SimplicityispowerfulSimplicityfuelsmanyelements of good design, includingease of use, speed, visualappeal, and accessibility. Butsimplicitystartswiththedesign of a product‘s fundamental functions. GoogleyuserexperienceMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 9. Makeitself-explanatoryGood designmakes a productunderstandable. Itclarifiestheproduct’sstructure. Better still, itcanmaketheproducttalk. At best, itisself-explanatory.Dieter Rams: ten principlesfor good design.Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 12. Payattention to patternsUsers spend themajority of their time on interfacesotherthanyourown. Thereis no need to reinventthewheel. Thoseinterfacesmaysolvesome of thesameproblemsthatusersperceivewithintheoneyouarecreating. Byusingfamiliar UI patterns, you will helpyourusersfeel at home.Think Vitamin – 10 User Interface GuidelinesMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 14. «Users shouldnothave to wonderwhether different words, situations, oractionsmeanthesamething. Followplatformconventions.»Jacob Nielsencopyright
  • 15. Delight People“Delight People withStunning Graphics – One way to increasetheperceivedvalue of yourapplicationis to replicatethelook of high- qualityorpreciousmaterials. For example, iftheeffect of wood, leather, or metal isappropriate in yourapplication, takethe time to makesurethe material looksrealistic and valuable.” iPad Human Interface Guidelines p.24Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 16. “A graphically rich look at a wide variety of trips.”
- New York Times
  • 18. “Wonderful. Grab it now.” 
- Gizmodo
  • 19. Provide Feedback“Thesystemshouldalwayskeepusersinformedaboutwhatisgoing on, throughappropriatefeedbackwithinreasonable time.” Ten UsabilityHeuristicsby Jakob NielsenMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 21. AllowmistakesYour UI shouldallowfor and tolerateusererror. Design waysforusers to undoactions, and beforgivingwithvariedinputs. Think Vitamin – 10 User Interface GuidelinesMobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 23. Every detail countsGood designisthorough, down to the last detail. Nothingmustbearbitraryorleft to chance. Care and accuracy in thedesignprocessshowrespecttowardstheconsumer.Dieter Rams: ten principlesfor good design.Mobile. Create. Basics.10-2010
  • 25. Design. Usability. Prinzipien.iPad User Experience Guidelines (Apple)http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?99510 User Interface Design Fundamentals (Think Vitamin)http://thinkvitamin.com/design/10-user-interface-design-fundamentals/10 Heuristicsfor User Interface Design (Jakob Nielsen)http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/heuristic_list.htmlTheGoogley User Experience Principles (Google)http://www.google.com/corporate/ux.htmlTen Principles of Good Design (Dieter Rams)http://www.vitsoe.com/en/re/about/dieterrams/gooddesignDesign PrinciplesGlossaryhttp://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/design-principles/Quellen10-2010Mobile. Create. Basics.

Editor's Notes

  1. UI ofAmpliTubeiPad App