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nature publishing group                                                                                          ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS                       1

see related editorial on page x

                                                                                                                                                                  FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
Influence of Acupuncture Treatment on Cerebral
Activity in Functional Dyspepsia Patients and Its
Relationship With Efficacy
Fang Zeng, PhD1,7, Wei Qin, PhD2,7, Tingting Ma, PhD3,7, Jinbo Sun, PhD2, Yong Tang, PhD1, Kai Yuan, PhD2, Ying Li, PhD1,
Jixin Liu, PhD2, Xuguang Liu, PhD1, Wenzhong Song, MS4, Lei Lan, MD1, Mailan Liu, MD1, Shuguang Yu, MD1, Xin Gao, MS5,
Jie Tian, PhD2,6 and Fanrong Liang, MD1

OBJECTIVES:             Acupuncture is a commonly used therapy for treating functional dyspepsia (FD), although the mecha-
                        nism remains unclear. The objectives of this study were to investigate the differences in cerebral
                        glycometabolism changes evoked by acupuncture and sham acupuncture and to explore the possible
                        correlations between brain responses and clinical efficacy.

METHODS:                In all, 72 FD patients were randomly assigned to receive either acupuncture or sham acupuncture
                        treatment for 4 weeks. Ten patients in each group were randomly selected for fluorine-18 fluorodeoxy-
                        glucose positron emission tomography computed tomography scans to detect cerebral glycometabo-
                        lism changes. The Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) and Symptom Index of Dyspepsia (SID) were used
                        to evaluate the therapeutic effect.

RESULTS:                (i) The clinical data showed that after treatment the decrease in SID score in the acupuncture group
                        was significantly greater than that in the sham acupuncture group (P < 0.05). The increase in NDI
                        score between the two groups did not differ (P > 0.05), and only the improvement in NDI score in
                        the acupuncture group was clinically significant. (ii) The neuroimaging data indicated that after
                        treatment the acupuncture group showed extensive deactivation in cerebral activities compared with
                        the sham acupuncture group. In the acupuncture group, the deactivations of the brainstem, anterior
                        cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, thalamus, and hypothalamus were nearly all related to the decrease
                        in SID score and the increase in NDI score (P<0.05, corrected). In the sham acupuncture group, the
                        deactivations of the brainstem and thalamus tended to be associated with the increase in NDI score
                        (P<0.1, corrected).

CONCLUSIONS: Acupuncture and sham acupuncture have relatively different clinical efficacy and brain responses.
                        Acupuncture treatment more significantly improves the symptoms and quality of life of FD patients.
                        The more remarkable modulation on the homeostatic afferent network, including the insula, ACC,
                        and hypothalamus, might be the specific mechanism of acupuncture.
Am J Gastroenterol advance online publication, 29 May 2012; doi:10.1038/ajg.2012.53

INTRODUCTION                                                                          2006 Rome III criteria, FD includes two subgroups: postpran-
Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a major functional gastrointestinal                      dial distress syndrome and epigastric pain syndrome. The former
disorder characterized by symptoms originating from the gas-                          is marked by nonpainful symptoms including abdominal full-
troduodenal region in the absence of underlying organic disease                       ness and early satiety; the later is marked by epigastric pain and a
that would readily explain the symptoms (1). According to the                         burning sensation (2). FD has become an important public

 Acupunture and Tuina School/The 3rd Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan, China; 2Life Sciences Research Center,
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Shaanxi, China; 3The 1st Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Sichuan, China; 4PET-CT Center, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, Sichuan, China; 5Biology Department,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 6Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 7The first three authors
contributed equally to this work. Correspondence: Fanrong Liang, MD, Acupunture and Tuina School/The 3rd Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan 610075, China or J Tian, Life Sciences Research Center, School of Life Sciences and Technology,
Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China. E-mail: lfr@cdutcm.edu.cn or tian@ieee.org
Received 6 June 2011; accepted 13 February 2012

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology                                                            The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
2    Zeng et al.

                          health-care and social issue because of its high prevalence (3), unclear   Chinese Medicine from December 2008 to May 2010. Patients
                          pathology, unsatisfactory treatment options (4), large medical             were enrolled if they met the following criteria: (i) were right-
                          burden (5), and serious reduction in quality of life (QOL) (6).            handed and aged 20 to 30 years; (ii) matched the Rome III diagno-

                          Hence, both patients and practitioners desire effective alternative        sis criteria for FD; (iii) matched the Rome III diagnosis criteria for
                          therapies.                                                                 postprandial distress syndrome; (iv) were acupuncture-naïve; and
                             In China and some other Asian countries, acupuncture, a major           (v) signed an informed-consent form. Participants were screened
                          medical resource, has been used to treat gastrointestinal symptoms         out if they (i) were pregnant, might become pregnant, or were lac-
                          for several millennia. In Western countries, acupuncture is being          tating; (ii) suffered from or had a history of serious neurological,
                          increasingly accepted as an alternative treatment for functional           cardiovascular, respiratory, or renal illnesses; (iii) had a history of
                          gastrointestinal disorders (7,8). During the past decade, a consid-        head trauma with loss of consciousness; (iv) suffered from men-
                          erable number of clinical and experimental studies have indicated          tal disorders including major depressive disorder such as anxi-
                          that acupuncture is able to relieve gastric symptoms such as belch,        ety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or claustrophobic
                          abdominal distension, and stomachache and to alter gastrointesti-          syndrome; (v) were using aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
                          nal motility functions (9–12), as well as that acupuncture points on       tory drugs, steroids, phenothiazines, selective serotonin reuptake
                          the stomach meridian were the most effective sites for gastric dis-        inhibitors, medications affecting gastrointestinal motility, or cer-
                          orders (11,12). However, it is not fully understood how needling at        tain other drugs; (vi) were currently participating in other clini-
                          acupuncture points works and how real acupuncture differs from             cal trials; or (vii) had any contraindications to acupuncture (e.g.,
                          sham acupuncture.                                                          anticoagulation therapy).
                             Many studies have demonstrated that most of the clinical ben-              After a 2-week baseline period, the enrolled patients were ran-
                          efits of acupuncture are mediated by the central nervous system            domly assigned to either the acupuncture group or the sham
                          (13,14), but the specific effects of acupuncture on the human              acupuncture group using a computer-generated randomization
                          brain remain uncertain. With the development of neuroimaging               sequence. The sequence was concealed from the care providers
                          techniques, the use of positron emission tomography (PET) and              through the use of sealed, opaque, sequentially numbered enve-
                          functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore the central               lopes. Patients were blinded to group assignment.
                          mechanism of acupuncture has been an active area of research.                 This study was performed according to the principles of the
                          However, most current studies are centered on the healthy state or         Declaration of Helsinki (Edinburgh version, 2000). The study
                          organic diseases, and little work has been undertaken with regard          protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the 1st Teach-
                          to functional disorders, which is where the advantages of acupunc-         ing Hospital of the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese
                          ture treatment lie.                                                        Medicine.
                             In a previous study, we found that FD patients showed an
                          extensive increasing cerebral glycometabolism, especially in               Acupuncture interventions
                          the homeostatic afferent processing network, compared with                 Each group’s treatment consisted of 20 sessions of acupuncture
                          healthy subjects. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, and         treatment, with a duration of 30 min, each administered over
                          thalamus/hypothalamus might be the regions most closely related            a period of 4 weeks (five sessions per week). The acupuncture
                          to the severity of FD (15). We hypothesize that successful acupunc-        treatment was performed on four classic acupuncture points
                          ture therapy will reduce the increase in cerebral glycometabolism          for gastric disorders: ST34 (Liangqiu), ST36 (Zusanli), ST40
                          and regulate the activity of these key regions. Our previous work          (Fenglong), and ST42 (Chongyang). The sham acupuncture treat-
                          also suggested that affecting cerebral activity might be the mecha-        ment was performed on four non–acupuncture points (points
                          nism through which short-term manual acupuncture treatment                 1–4), which were selected in accordance with the findings of
                          relieves FD (16). However, the differences in efficacy and cerebral        previous studies (17–19) (Figure 1).
                          responses between acupuncture and sham acupuncture were not                   All acupuncture points and non–acupuncture points were punc-
                          addressed in our previous study. Hence, the present study aimed to         tured unilaterally and alternated between left side and right side.
                          (i) assess the efficacy of acupuncture treatment for FD by compar-         After the skin was cleaned with tincture iodine and alcohol, sterile
                          ing the differences in therapeutic effects between acupuncture and         acupuncture needles (0.25 mm in diameter, 25 or 40 mm long,
                          sham acupuncture and (ii) investigate the influence of acupunc-            Hwatuo, Suzhou, China) were inserted for 15–25 mm and gently
                          ture and sham acupuncture on cerebral glycometabolism and ana-             twisted, lifted, and thrusted in even amplitude, force and speed
                          lyze the possible correlations between clinical variables and brain        four to six times until a deqi response (soreness, numbness, disten-
                          responses in order to explore the potential central mechanism of           sion, and heaviness) was obtained. Then, auxiliary needles were
                          acupuncture treatment.                                                     inserted in the proximal limbs or trunk laterally to the acupunc-
                                                                                                     ture points and non–acupuncture points to a depth of 2 mm with-
                                                                                                     out stimulation. Each acupuncture needle and its auxiliary needle
                          METHODS                                                                    were connected to the electrical leads of the HAN Acupoint Nerve
                          Participants                                                               Stimulator (HANS, Model LH 200A TENS, Nanjing, China) for
                          FD patients were recruited from the outpatient department in the           30 min, with a stimulation frequency of 2/100 Hz and a stimulation
                          1st Teaching Hospital of the Chengdu University of Traditional             intensity varying from 0.1 to 1.0 mA.

                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                    VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia               3

                                                            3 cun

                                                                                                                                                                         FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
                                                                       ST36           8 cun
                                                           14 cun

                                                                                       8 cun
                                  2 cun

                                  Acupoints on the stomach meridian

                                                                                                              Point 4
                                 Point 1                                              Point 3

                                                           Point 2


Figure 1. Locations of acupuncture points and non–acupuncture points. The acupuncture points were located as follows: (i) ST34 (Liangqiu), 2 cun above
the laterosuperior border of the patella; (ii) ST36 (Zusanli), four fingers’ breadth below the lower margin of the patella and one finger’s breadth laterally
from the anterior crest of the tibia; (iii) ST40 (Fenglong), 8 cun superior and anterior to the external malleolus, one finger’s breadth from the anterior crest
of the tibia; and (iv) ST42 (Chongyang), in the depression between the second and the third metatarsal bones and the cuneiform. The non–acupuncture
points were located as follows: (i) point 1, on the anterior border of the deltoid muscle, at the junction of the deltoid and biceps muscles; (ii) point 2, at the
midpoint between the tip of the elbow and the apex of axillae; (iii) point 3, at the midpoint between the epicondylusmedialis of the humerus and ulnar side
of the transverse creases of the wrist; and (iv) point 4, on the lateral side of the tibia, 1–2 cm lateral to the ST36 (Zusanli).

Outcome measurement                                                                 graphy (CT) scans at the end of baseline and at the end of treat-
In the absence of well-validated, Rome III–based patient-reported                   ment. After an overnight fast of at least 12 h, patients went through
outcome measures for FD (20), we used the Symptom Index of                          the following sequential procedure on an empty stomach: (i)
Dyspepsia (SID) and the Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) for QOL                        measurements of blood pressure and blood glucose, (ii) a 20-min
to assess clinical efficacy. The SID is a commonly used Rome III–                   rest in a dark room, (iii) a tracer injection (18F-FDG, synthesized
based scale (21) that focuses on the chief symptoms of FD. Symp-                    with Mini Tracer accelerator 0.11 mci/kg dosage) at the back of
toms are graded on a 4-point Likert scale: asymptomatic (0 point),                  the right hand, (iv) a 40-min rest, and then (v) a PET-CT scan
mild (1 point), moderate (2 points), or severe (3 points) (22). In                  (Biograph Duo BGO scanner, Siemens, Germany). Patients were
this study, all patients were free of the symptoms of epigastric pain               instructed to remain relaxed throughout the study with their eyes
syndrome, so the scores on the two symptoms of postprandial                         blindfolded and ears plugged.
distress syndrome (postprandial distension and early satiety) are                      PET-CT images covered the whole brain and were parallel to
summed to evaluate the severity of dyspepsia. A higher SID score                    the AC–PC line. Image acquisition began after a 40-min uptake
mean more severe symptoms. NDI for QOL is a dyspepsia-spe-                          period (bed: 1; collection mode: 3D; slice thickness: 2 mm; slice
cific index (23) that includes 25 items and covers four domains:                    interval: 1.5 mm; matrix size: 256×256; total counts: 3×109). Upon
interference, know/control, eat/drink, and sleep/disturb. The NDI                   completion of data acquisition, the images were reconstructed
score ranges from 0 to 100. Its minimal clinically important dif-                   using ordered subset expectation maximization with 6 iterations
ference is 10 points. A higher NDI score indicates better QOL and                   and 16 subsets.
milder symptoms. The Chinese version of the NDI was found by
a previous study to be reliable and valid for measuring health-                     Statistical analysis
related QOL and disease severity in Chinese FD patients (24).                       Sample size. Because there was no reference to indicate the effect
                                                                                    size that could be expected from the use of acupuncture to treat
PET computed tomography scan                                                        postprandial distress syndrome (the relevant subtype of FD), we
In all, 10 patients in each group were randomly selected for                        did not estimate the sample size based on a power calculation.
  F-FDG (fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose) PET computed tomo-                         Instead, we enrolled 72 participants with a 20% withdrawal rate

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology                                                              The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
4    Zeng et al.

                          to provide 30 patients in each group in order to meet the require-     In this way, we could gain regions of interest for correlation anal-
                          ment of minimum sample size.                                           ysis. After voxels not belonging to the same anatomical region
                                                                                                 within the cluster were discarded, the activities of the survived

                          Clinical variables. The clinical variables were analyzed with          voxels were extracted and averaged. Pearson coefficients were cal-
                          SPSS 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) by two blinded evaluators. The           culated between the mean activity of the cluster and the increase
                          data analysis was based on an intention-to-treat population. We        in NDI score, the mean activity of the cluster, and the decrease in
                          omitted the cases with missing data, which reflected only the          SID score.
                          baseline measurement. Analysis of variance and the Kruskal–               Based on individual cerebral activity changes before and after
                          Wallis test were used for numerical variables. A χ2 test was used      real/sham acupuncture treatment, we performed a two-sample
                          for categorical variables. A two-sided test was applied for all        t-test to further detect between-group differences using the
                          available data. A P value < 0.05 was considered statistically sig-     following contrast: real acupuncture group (each FD patient: after
                          nificant.                                                              treatment minus at baseline) minus sham acupuncture group (each
                                                                                                 FD patient: after treatment minus at baseline).
                          PET-CT data. The PET-CT data were processed with the statisti-            For visualization, all results were transformed into the Talairach
                          cal parametric mapping technique (SPM5; http://www.fil.ion.ucl.        stereotactic space and overlaid on MRIcro (http://www.sph.s.c.
                          ac.uk/spm) and MATLAB (The Math Works, Sherborn, MA). The              edu/comd/rorden/mricro.html) for presentation.
                          data preprocessing entailed the following steps. (i) Individual PET
                          images were subjected to coregistration onto their corresponding
                          CT images to improve the accuracy of the spatial normalization.        RESULTS
                          (ii) The PET images from each subject were spatially normalized        From December 2008 to May 2010, 72 FD patients were randomly
                          to the standard SPM-PET template and resliced to 2-mm isotropic        assigned. In all, 64 patients (34 in the acupuncture group and
                          resolution. The first step of the normalization was to determine       30 in the sham acupuncture group) comprised the pre-proto-
                          the optimal 12-parameter affine transformation. The affine reg-        col population. Twenty patients (10 in each group) finished the
                          istration was followed by estimation of nonlinear deformations,        PET-CT scans.
                          whereby the deformations are defined by a linear combination
                          of three-dimensional discrete cosine transform basis functions.        The baseline characteristics
                          (iii) The resultant transformation was applied to the coregistered     Demographics, including age, sex, weight and height, and dis-
                          PET images so that all subjects matched the same spatial template.     ease status as indicated by, for example, duration of symptoms,
                          (iv) The normalized data set was spatially smoothed with a 6-mm        NDI score, and SID score, did not differ between the two groups
                          full width at half maximum Gaussian kernel.                            (P > 0.05) (Table 1).
                             To detect the cerebral activity changes in FD patients after
                          treatment, we compared the differences in the cerebral glycome-        The therapeutic effects
                          tabolism pattern between FD patients at baseline and after treat-      In the acupuncture group, the SID score for postprandial disten-
                          ment. Statistical parametric maps were constructed by computing        sion significantly decreased, from 1.912±0.571 to 0.880±0.640
                          a paired t-test, which was defined as FD patients after treatment      (P < 0.05); the SID score for early satiety significantly decreased,
                          minus FD patients at baseline. To explore the possible correlation     from 1.352±0.810 to 0.530±0.661 (P < 0.05); and the NDI score
                          between cerebral responses and clinical efficacy, we employed          significantly increased, from 77.812±10.121 to 90.028±8.910
                          correlation analysis to investigate the correlations of cerebral       (P < 0.05) after treatment (Table 2).
                          glycometabolism changes with the decrease in SID score (end               In the sham acupuncture group, the SID score for postpran-
                          of treatment minus baseline) and increase in NDI score (end of         dial distension significantly decreased, from 1.930±0.641 to
                          treatment minus baseline). The selection of regions of interest was    1.400±0.721 (P < 0.05), and the NDI score significantly increased,
                          based mainly on our previous study (15) and involved the within-       from 78.212±9.223 to 86.040±9.210 (P < 0.05) after treatment. The
                          group subtraction analysis. In our previous study (15), we found       decrease in SID score for early satiety was not significant (P > 0.05)
                          that the glycometabolism increase in the ACC, middle cingulate         (Table 2).
                          cortex, insula, thalamus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, prefrontal            The decrease in SID scores (end of treatment minus baseline) in
                          cortex, brainstem, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus was          the acupuncture group was significantly greater than that in the
                          significantly related to or tended to be associated with the symp-     sham acupuncture group (P<0.05). The increase in NDI score (end
                          tom severity of FD patients. In the present study, the within-group    of treatment minus baseline) between the two groups was not sig-
                          analysis showed that the activity of these regions changed to a dif-   nificant (P > 0.05). Only the increase in NDI score in the acupunc-
                          ferent degree after treatment. Hence, we chose these 10 regions for    ture group was clinically significant because it was greater than the
                          correlation analysis. For each patient, we chose the MNI coor-         minimal clinically important difference (Table 3).
                          dinates of the maximally abnormal voxel within an anatomical
                          area as the center to draw a sphere 8 mm in diameter (25). Within      Cerebral glycometabolism changes
                          this sphere, the voxels located in the white matter and ventricles     In the acupuncture group, a decrease in cerebral glycometa-
                          were removed to ensure the integrity of its structure and function.    bolism was observed after treatment in the bilateral brainstem,

                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia          5

 Table 1. Baseline characteristics

 Characteristic                                               Acupuncture group            Sham acupuncture group       Statistical value     P value

                                                                                                                                                                FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
 No. of patients (n)                                                   34                            30
 No. of women, n (%)                                            21 (61.765%)                    18 (60.000%)                 0.021             0.885
 Age (years), mean (95% CI)                                23.971 (22.903; 25.038)         23.833 (22.665; 25.002)          489.000            0.776
 Height (cm), mean (95% CI)                              164.441 (161.405; 167.477)       162.967 (160.758; 165.176)        489.500            0.782
 Weight (kg), mean (95% CI)                                54.000 (50.936; 57.064)         53.067 (50.140; 55.994)          477.000            0.656
 Course of disease (M), mean (95% CI)                      39.029 (27.937; 50.122)         40.967 (28.349; 53.585)          493.000            0.819
 NDI score, mean (95% CI)                                  77.812 (74.282; 81.343)         78.212 (74.770; 81.654)          503.000            0.925
 SID score: postprandial distension, mean (95% CI)           1.910 (1.710; 2.110)            1.930 (1.690; 2.170)           502.500            0.906
 SID score: early satiety, mean (95% CI)                     1.350 (1.070; 1.640)            1.100 (0.780; 1.420)           416.500            0.179

 CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of Dyspepsia.

                                                                                    parahippocampal gyrus (BA37), temporal pole (BA38), middle
 Table 2. Clinical outcome measurements in each group before
                                                                                    temporal gyrus (BA21) and inferior temporal gyrus (BA20), left
 and after treatment
                                                                                    middle occipital gyrus (BA39), and right rectal gyrus (BA11). An
                                       Acupuncture      Sham acupuncture            increase in cerebral glycometabolism was detected in the bilateral
 Items                                    group              group                  precuneus (BA7), right postcentral gyrus (BA3), and left parietal
 NDI scores                                                                         inferior lobe (BA7) (P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a
    Baseline,                             77.812              78.212                minimal cluster size of 50 voxels) (Table 4) (Figure 2).
    mean (95% CI)                    (74.282; 81.343)    (74.770; 81.654)              In the sham acupuncture group, a signal decrease was observed
    End of treatment,                     90.028              86.040                after treatment in the bilateral brainstem, thalamus, posterior cin-
    mean (95% CI)                    (86.920; 93.136)    (82.600; 89.480)           gulate cortex (BA23), left cerebellum, right middle cingulate cor-
    Statistical value                     203.000             254.500               tex (BA23), lingual gyrus (BA27), middle temporal gyrus (BA21),
                                                                                    middle occipital gyrus (BA18), and precuneus (BA30). A signal
    P value                                0.000               0.004
                                                                                    increase was detected in the bilateral caudate, left superior medial
 SID score: postprandial distension                                                 frontal gyrus (BA8), rectal gyrus (BA11), and precentral gyrus
    Baseline, mean                        1.910                1.930                (BA6) (P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster
    (95% CI)                          (1.710; 2.110)       (1.690; 2.170)
                                                                                    size of 50 voxels) (Table 4) (Figure 2).
    End of treatment,                     0.880                1.400                   Compared with that of the sham acupuncture group, the gly-
    mean (95% CI)                     (0.660; 1.110)       (1.130; 1.670)
                                                                                    cometabolism in the bilateral ACC, putamen, thalamus, mid-
    Statistical value                     149.500             261.000               dle frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus, left hippocampus
    P value                                0.000               0.002                and inferior temporal gyrus, right superior medial frontal gyrus,
 SID score: early satiety                                                           medial frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, cerebellum, and lingual
                                                                                    gyrus of acupuncture group was significantly reduced (P<0.001,
    Baseline, mean                        1.350                1.100
    (95% CI)                          (1.070; 1.640)       (0.780; 1.420)           uncorrected with a minimal cluster size of 20 voxels) (Table 5).
    End of treatment,                     0.530                0.930
    mean (95% CI)                     (0.300; 0.760)       (0.620; 1.240)           Correlation coefficients of brain responses and clinical
    Statistical value                     258.000             396.500
                                                                                    In the acupuncture group, (i) the increase in NDI score was sig-
    P value                                0.000               0.388                nificantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula
 CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of         (r = − 0.847), thalamus (r = − 0.867), brainstem (r = − 0.846), ACC
                                                                                    (r = − 0.841), and hypothalamus (r = − 0.759) (P<0.05, corrected)
                                                                                    (Figure 3a); (ii) the decrease in SID score was significantly related
                                                                                    to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula (r = 0.774), thala-
cerebellum, ACC (BA32, BA24), middle cingulate cortex (BA32),                       mus (r = 0.826), ACC (r = 0.783), and hypothalamus (r = 0.793)
posterior cingulate cortex (BA23), insula, thalamus, putamen,                       (P<0.05, corrected) (Figure 3c); and the decrease in SID score
caudate, hippocampus, hypothalamus, inferior frontal gyrus                          tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in
(BA47), superior medial frontal gyrus (BA32, BA10), orbital                         the brainstem (r = 0.720) (P<0.1, corrected). The phenomenon
gyrus (BA11), precentral gyrus (BA6), lingual gyrus (BA18),                         that the correlations of the deactivation in the same area with

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology                                                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
6    Zeng et al.

                           Table 3. Comparison of the therapeutic effects between acupuncture group and sham acupuncture group

                           Items                                                        Acupuncture group            Sham acupuncture group           Statistical value       P value

                           No. of patients                                                       34                              30
                           NDI score
                             End of treatment, mean (95% CI)                         90.028 (86.920; 93.136)         86.040 (82.600; 89.480)              368.000              0.056
                             End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI)                 12.216 (8.533; 15.898)           7.828(4.912; 10.743)               376.500              0.072
                           SID score: postprandial distension
                             End of treatment, mean (95% CI)                           0.880 (0.660; 1.110)            1.400 (1.130; 1.670)               321.000              0.003
                             End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI)               − 1.029 ( − 1.333; − 0.726)      − 0.533 ( − 0.768; − 0.299)          343.000              0.014
                           SID score: early satiety, mean (95% CI)
                             End of treatment, mean (95% CI)                           0.530 (0.300; 0.760)            0.930 (0.620; 1.240)               365.000              0.030
                             End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI)               − 0.824 ( − 1.102; − 0.546)       − 0.167 ( − 0.428; 0.094)           277.500              0.001

                           CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of Dyspepsia.

                          SID or with NDI were not even might be attributable to the                          (Table 2). Second, the alleviations in postprandial distension and
                          different numerical ranges in the SID and NDI scores.                               early satiety in acupuncture group were greater than those in the
                            In the sham acupuncture group, the increase in NDI score                          sham acupuncture group (P<0.05) (Table 3). Furthermore, only
                          tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in                        the improvement in QOL caused by acupuncture treatment was
                          the brainstem (r = − 0.720) and thalamus (r = − 0.724) (P<0.1,                      clinically valuable (Table 2). Therefore, the differences in clini-
                          corrected) (Figure 3a).                                                             cal efficacy between the two groups indicated that the efficacy of
                                                                                                              acupuncture treatment was not nonspecific and that acupuncture
                                                                                                              treatment was more effective than sham acupuncture treatment for
                          DISCUSSION                                                                          FD patients.
                          This is the first neuroimaging study that focuses on the poten-                        Our results were partly in line with those of a study by Park
                          tial central mechanism of real and sham acupuncture treatments                      et al. (28), who found that both acupuncture at classic points (real
                          for FD. It demonstrates the similarities and differences in clinical                acupuncture) and acupuncture at nondefined points (sham acu-
                          efficacy and brain responses between real and sham acupuncture                      puncture) decreased dyspepsia symptoms and improved the QOL
                          treatments.                                                                         of FD patients and that there were no significant differences between
                                                                                                              the real acupuncture group and sham acupuncture group. Some
                          Similarities and differences in clinical efficacy between real                       methodology issues, including the method of acupuncture stimu-
                          and sham acupuncture treatments                                                     lation (manual acupuncture vs. electro-acupuncture), the length of
                          In this study, clinical improvements were found in both groups                      time the needle was kept inserted, duration of treatment, and loca-
                          after treatment. Both treatments remarkably alleviated post-                        tion of non–acupuncture point, probably contribute to the differ-
                          prandial distension and improved the QOL (P<0.05) (Table 2);                        ences in results. Furthermore, the differences in treatment frequency
                          in addition, the improvement in QOL between the two groups                          might be a factor causing the efficacy difference (29). In our study,
                          did not differ (P > 0.05) (Table 3). These similarities might result                the electro-acupuncture treatment was performed five times per
                          from a placebo effect. In fact, placebo response rates are found to                 week on each patient for 4 weeks, consistent with the standard prac-
                          be high in functional gastrointestinal disorder (26). A recent sys-                 tice in China, whereas in the study by Parket al., the manual acu-
                          tematic review (27) demonstrated that in all trials of acupuncture                  puncture treatment was performed on patients three times per week
                          treatments for gastrointestinal diseases, the significant improve-                  for 2 weeks. Hence, the stimulating quantity in our study was greater
                          ments of QOL were independent of real or sham acupuncture.                          than that in the study by Park et al. However, the influence of treat-
                          The efficacy of acupuncture in improving QOL in irritable bowel                     ment frequency on clinical efficacy needs further investigation.
                          syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease may be explained by
                          nonspecific effects, whereas specific acupuncture effects may be                    Similarities and differences in cerebral responses to real and
                          shown by clinical scores.                                                           sham acupuncture treatments
                             However, based on the results, we found that acupuncture treat-                  The potential common mechanism of real acupuncture and
                          ment was significantly superior to sham acupuncture treatment,                      sham acupuncture treatments for FD. In the present study, both
                          especially in alleviating symptoms. First, sham treatment was                       acupuncture treatment and sham acupuncture treatment elicited
                          effective only for postprandial distension, whereas acupuncture                     cerebral glycometabolism changes to different degrees. The com-
                          treatment alleviated both postprandial distension and early satiety                 mon areas responding to acupuncture and sham acupuncture

                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                                 VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia      7

 Table 4. The cerebral glycometabolism changes in FD patients after real or sham acupuncture treatment (end of treatment minus baseline)

 Region                    Side                              Acupuncture group                                Sham acupuncture group

                                                                                                                                                         FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
                                                 Talairach            t value    BA     Sign          Talairach           t value      BA     Sign
                                         X            Y       Z                                 X       Y           Z

 Inferior frontal            L         − 34          25       2       − 9.33     BA47    ↓
                             R           38          25       2       − 6.32     BA47    ↓
 Superior medial             L         − 20          34       19      − 10.5     BA32    ↓     −4       39         33      18.01       BA8     ↑
 frontal gyrus
                             R           20          10       47      − 6.12     BA32    ↓
                             L         − 28          63       8       − 13.6     BA10    ↓
                             R           30          51       1       − 11.3     BA10    ↓
 Rectal gyrus                L                                                                 − 12     38        − 18      9.17       BA11    ↑
                             R             3         34       19      − 6.91     BA11    ↓
 Orbital gyrus               L         − 11          60       −7      − 10.08    BA11    ↓
                             R           16          54       −4      − 7.81     BA11    ↓
 Precentral gyrus            L         − 35          − 16     64      − 8.27     BA6     ↓     − 51     11         43      − 8.04      BA6     ↑
                             R           27          − 22     72      − 10.76    BA6     ↓
 Caudate                     L         − 16          −7       24      − 10.7      —      ↓     −9         3        20       7.13        —      ↑
                             R           17          19       2       − 9.85      —      ↓     18       10         19       8.25        —      ↑
 Brainstem                   L           −4          − 25    − 19     − 25.48     —      ↓     −2      − 16       − 14     − 9.40       —      ↓
                             R             4         − 21    − 15     − 17.1      —      ↓      5      − 25       − 17     − 7.36       —      ↓
 Cerebellum                  L         − 21          − 55    − 41     − 14.38     —      ↓     −4      − 72       − 43     − 8.04       —      ↓
                             R             8         − 54     −6      − 8.04      —      ↓     30      − 69       − 25    − 19.33       —      ↓
 ACC                         L           −7          41       22      − 15.97    BA32    ↓
                             R             4         49       26      − 8.04     BA32    ↓
                             R             7         25       19      − 18.16    BA24    ↓
 MCC                         L           −9          15       39      − 9.52     BA32    ↓
                             R           10          15       46      − 9.40     BA32    ↓      5      − 12        33      − 6.68      BA23    ↓
 PCC                         L           −5          − 50     23      − 11.88    BA23    ↓     −3      − 39        25     − 14.16      BA23    ↓
                             R             7         − 43     29      − 17.33    BA23    ↓      6      − 38        27      − 8.95      BA23    ↓
 Lingual gryrus              L           −7          − 60     1       − 10.05    BA18    ↓
                             R             8         − 60     3       − 8.77     BA18    ↓     15      − 42         3      − 9.17      BA27    ↓
 Insula                      L         − 35          18       1       − 17.05     —      ↓
                             R           36          − 25     24      − 22.09     —      ↓
 Putamen                     L         − 29          − 11     5       − 13.7      —      ↓
                             R           18           6       9       − 16.4      —      ↓
 Thalamus                    L         − 20          − 17    − 10     − 19.8      —      ↓     − 10     −6          1      − 7.36       —      ↓
                             R           21          − 17     9       − 17.1      —      ↓     17      − 30        12      − 7.11       —      ↓
 Hypothalamus                L           −8          −6       −3      − 7.66      —      ↓
                             R           11          −6       −9      − 6.17      —      ↓
 Hippocampus                 L         − 33          − 29     −9      − 12.13     —      ↓
                             R           35          − 18    − 16     − 7.36      —      ↓
 Parahippocampal             L         − 33          − 32     −5      − 11.21    BA37    ↓
                             R           24          − 33     −9      − 6.09     BA37    ↓

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology                                                     The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
8    Zeng et al.

                           Table 4. Continued

                           Region                   Side                                  Acupuncture group                                               Sham acupuncture group

                                                                         Talairach                 t value         BA         Sign               Talairach                t value      BA      Sign
                                                                    X         Y            Z                                               X          Y           Z

                           Temporal pole              L           − 44       15           − 30     − 7.59         BA38         ↓
                                                      R            47        21           − 23     10.53          BA38         ↓
                           Middle temporal            L           − 56      −2            − 25     − 7.59         BA21         ↓
                                                      R            58       −4            − 24     − 8.04         BA21         ↓           59         1        − 20      − 13.22     BA21       ↓
                           Inferior temporal          L           − 40     − 15           − 20     − 9.63         BA20         ↓
                                                      R            51      − 10           − 35     − 8.27         BA20         ↓
                           Middle occipital           L           − 35     − 65            26      − 24.58        BA39         ↓
                                                      R                                                                                    32    − 94            12       − 9.89     BA18       ↓
                           Postcentral gyrus          R            48      − 21            39      16.65          BA3          ↑
                           Precuneus                  L           − 11     − 64            34      16.88          BA7          ↑
                                                      R             9      − 69            45      15.97          BA7          ↑            5    − 45            18       − 8.04     BA 30      ↓
                           Parietal inferior          L           − 29     − 54            45      18.01          BA7          ↑

                           ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann area; FD, functional dyspepsia; L, left; MCC, middle cingulate cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; R, right.
                           Up or down arrow (↑/↓) indicates whether the structure showed a signal increase or decrease, respectively.
                           P < 0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels.

                                                             2                       7                       –7                      –32                  –6

                                                          Acupuncture group

                                                             12                      6                       –4                    –14                    –6

                                                          Sham acpuncture group

                                                                                         –35                      –6     +6                     +35

                          Figure 2. Cerebral glycometabolism changes in functional dyspepsia (FD) patients after treatment. Acupuncture and sham acupuncture elicited cerebral
                          glycometabolism changes to different degrees, but acupuncture evoked more pronounced changes in cerebral activity, especially in the homeostatic
                          afferent processing network. P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels.

                          included the brainstem, thalamus, some regions in the prefrontal                             acupuncture group (P<0.1, corrected). The results suggested
                          cortex, somatosensory cortex, and visual-related cortex. Among                               that the improvement of QOL might be associated with the
                          these areas, the glycometabolism decrease in the brainstem                                   deactivations of the brainstem and thalamus in both groups.
                          and thalamus were significantly related to the increase in NDI                                 The brainstem is the pathway for all fiber tracts passing up and
                          score in the acupuncture group (P<0.05, corrected) and tended                                down from the peripheral nerves and spinal cord to the highest
                          to be associated with an increase in NDI score in the sham                                   parts of the brain, and it serves as a lower center in functions such

                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                                             VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia      9

 Table 5. Comparison of the cerebral glycometabolism changes in FD patients between the acupuncture group and the sham acupuncture
 group (acupuncture group minus sham acupuncture group)

                                                                                                                                                                  FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
 Region                                       Side                             Talairach                       t value          BA              Sign
                                                                 X                  Y                 Z

 Superior medial frontal gyrus                 R                11                53                 18        − 4.46          BA11               ↓
 Medial frontal gyrus                          R                 4                −7                 56        − 3.77           BA6               ↓
 Middle frontal gyrus                           L             − 30                15                 56        − 4.85           BA8               ↓
                                               R                31                43                −9         − 5.18          BA11               ↓
 Precentral gyrus                              R                40               − 25                55        − 5.46           BA4               ↓
 Cerebellum                                    R                 4               − 47                 2        − 3.82            —                ↓
 ACC                                            L              −8                 25                 30        − 4.07          BA32               ↓
                                               R                10                32                 15        − 4.11          BA24               ↓
 Lingual gyrus                                 R                 4               − 93               −2         − 3.82          BA17               ↓
 Thalamus                                       L               17               − 25                 3        − 3.69            —                ↓
                                               R                19               − 19                 2        − 4.01            —                ↓
 Putamen                                        L             − 28                −9                  4        − 3.28            —                ↓
                                               R                28                13                  3          3.51            —                ↓
 Hippocampus                                    L             − 33               − 34               −6         − 3.71            —                ↓
 Inferior temporal gyrus                       R                59               − 53               −7         − 3.90          BA37               ↓
 Middle temporal gyrus                          L             − 50               − 72                29        − 3.77          BA39               ↓
                                               R                57               − 51               −8         − 4.21          BA37               ↓

 ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann area; FD, functional dyspepsia; L, left; R, right.
 Up or down arrow (↑/↓) indicates whether the structure showed a signal increase or decrease, respectively.
 P < 0.001, uncorrected with a minimal cluster size of 20 voxels.

as visceral regulation, pain sensitivity control, and consciousness.                       In the current study, the similarities in both clinical improve-
A large volume of information about the physiological status of                         ments and cerebral responses between acupuncture and sham
the gut is directly transmitted to the brainstem to modulate gas-                       acupuncture were possibly due to placebo effect. Recent papers
tric function. The thalamus acts as the “gateway to the cortex.”                        have described the effect of placebo on neural processing, and
Its functions include relaying sensation, spatial sense, and motor                      certain findings are similar to those of our study. For example,
signals to the cerebral cortex, along with regulation of conscious-                     some researchers (31,32) found that both analgesia and pla-
ness, sleep, and alertness. Our previous study showed that cerebral                     cebo effect are accompanied by a reduction in the activation of
glycometabolism in the brainstem and thalamus of FD patients                            the brainstem and thalamus. However, the differences in both
was higher than that in healthy subjects (15) and that short-term                       clinical variables and neuroimaging data between the two groups
manual acupuncture treatment decreased cerebral glycometabo-                            indicated that the placebo effect did not fully explain the effect
lism in the brainstem and thalamus of FD patients (16). In the                          of acupuncture.
present study, acupuncture or sham acupuncture was performed
by inserting a thin needle into the skin and the underlying muscle                      The possible mechanism of acupuncture treatment for FD. In this
layer and was stimulated by electricity. This procedure stimulated                      study, acupuncture treatment elicited more extensive and remark-
the somatic afferent nerves of the skin and muscles. The somatic                        able cerebral glycometabolism decrease as compared with sham
sensory information from the body is projected to the various                           acupuncture. The deactivations in the insula, ACC, prefrontal
nuclei at the brainstem and thalamus. We predict that deacti-                           cortex, putamen, hypothalamus, hippocampus, parahippocam-
vations in the brainstem and thalamus might be the common                               pal gyrus, temporal pole, and other areas were found only in the
mechanism of acupuncture and sham acupuncture, manual acu-                              acupuncture group and not in the sham acupuncture group
puncture, and electro-acupuncture and might not be related to                           (Table 4) (Figure 2). Furthermore, the between-group analysis
acupuncture point/therapy specificity. For example, a study in                          indicated that the glycometabolism decreases in the thalamus,
healthy adults (30) demonstrated that acupuncture stimulation at                        ACC, hippocampus, middle frontal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus,
either real or sham acupuncture points led to functional magnetic                       and cerebellum elicited by acupuncture were more significant
resonance imaging signal reduction within the thalamus.                                 than those elicited by sham acupuncture (Table 5) (Figure 3b).

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology                                                              The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
10          Zeng et al.

                                   a                                                                              b                           × 1000                       c

                                                                                                                                                                                                 × 10000
                                                         × 10000
                                                                     0                                                                   0                                                                   0
                                   Insula (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                           Insula (post–pre)
                                                                                                                  Insula (post–pre)
                                                                   –0.3                                                                                                                                    –0.3
                                                                                              r = –0.85

                                                                   –0.6                                                                                                                                    –0.6
                                                                                                           Acu                          –5                                                                                                               Acu
                                                                   –0.9                                                                                                                                    –0.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         r = 0.77
                                                                   –1.2                                                                                                                                    –1.2

                                                                   –1.5                                                                 –10                                                                –1.5
                                                                          –5   0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35                                          Acu             Sham                                            –5   –4      –3   –2       –1      0
                                                                                   NDI (post–pre)                                                                                                                           SID (post–pre)
                                                                                                                                              × 1000
                                   Thalamus (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                           Thalamus (post–pre)
                                                                                                                  Thalamus (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 × 10000
                                                         × 10000

                                                                     0                                                                   0                                                                   0

                                                                                              r = –0.72*                                                                                                   –0.3
                                                                   –0.6                                                                                                                                    –0.6
                                                                                                                                        –5                                                                                               r = 0.83        Acu
                                                                   –0.9                                    Sham                                                                                            –0.9
                                                                                             r = –0.87
                                                                   –1.2                                                                                                                                    –1.2

                                                                   –1.5                                                                 –10            **                                                  –1.5
                                                                          –5   0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35                                           Acu            Sham                                            –5   –4      –3   –2       –1      0
                                                                                   NDI (post–pre)                                                                                                                           SID (post–pre)
                                                                                                                                              × 1000

                                                                                                                                                                                                 × 10000
                                                         × 10000

                                                                     0                                                                   0                                                                   0
                                   BS (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                           BS (post–pre)
                                                                                                                  BS (post–pre)

                                                                   –0.3                                                                                                                                    –0.3
                                                                                              r = –0.72*   Acu
                                                                   –0.6                                                                                                                                    –0.6
                                                                                             r = –0.85                                  –5                                                                                                               Acu
                                                                   –0.9                                                                                                                                    –0.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         r = 0.72*
                                                                   –1.2                                                                                                                                    –1.2

                                                                   –1.5                                                                 –10                                                                –1.5
                                                                          –5   0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35                                           Acu            Sham                                            –5   –4      –3   –2       –1      0
                                                                                   NDI (post–pre)                                                                                                                           SID (post–pre)
                                                                                                                                              × 1000
                                                                     0                                                                                                                           × 10000     0
                                                         × 10000

                                   ACC (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                           ACC (post–pre)
                                                                                                                  ACC (post–pre)

                                                                   –0.3                                                                                                                                    –0.3
                                                                                             r = –0.84
                                                                   –0.6                                    Acu                                                                                             –0.6
                                                                                                                                        –5                                                                                               r = 0.78        Acu
                                                                   –0.9                                                                                                                                    –0.9

                                                                   –1.2                                                                                **                                                  –1.2

                                                                   –1.5                                                                 –10                                                                –1.5
                                                                          –5   0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35                                           Acu            Sham                                            –5   –4      –3   –2       –1      0

                                                                                   NDI (post–pre)                                                                                                                           SID (post–pre)
                                                                                                                                              × 1000
                                                                     0                                                                                                                                       0
                                                                                                                                                                                                 × 10000

                                                         × 10000
                                   HYPO (post–pre)

                                                                                                                                                                           HYPO (post–pre)
                                                                                                                  HYPO (post–pre)

                                                                   –0.3                                                                                       0                                            –0.3
                                                                                              r = –0.76
                                                                   –0.6                                    Acu                                                                                             –0.6
                                                                                                                                        –5                                                                                               r = 0.79        Acu
                                                                   –0.9                                                                                                                                    –0.9
                                                                   –1.2                                                                                                                                    –1.2
                                                                   –1.5                                                                 –10                                                                –1.5
                                                                          –5   0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35                                           Acu            Sham                                            –5   –4      –3   –2       –1      0
                                                                                   NDI (post–pre)                                                                                                                           SID (post–pre)

                          Figure 3. The correlation coefficients of brain responses and clinical variables. (a) In the acupuncture group, the increase in Nepean Dyspepsia
                          Index (NDI) score was significantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula, thalamus, brainstem, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and
                          hypothalamus (P<0.05, corrected); in the sham acupuncture group, the increase in NDI score tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease
                          in the brainstem and thalamus (P<0.1, corrected). (b) Compared with the sham acupuncture group, the glycometabolism in the thalamus and ACC in
                          the acupuncture group significantly decreased (P<0.05). (c) In the acupuncture group, the decrease in Symptom Index of Dyspepsia (SID) score was
                          significantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula, thalamus, ACC, and hypothalamus (P<0.05, corrected); the decrease in SID score
                          tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in the brainstem (P<0.1, corrected). BS, brainstem; Hypo, hypothalamus; r, correlation
                          coefficient; *P<0.1, corrected; **P<0.05.

                          The majority of these deactivated regions in the acupuncture                                                                      fiber activation. Nonpainful and painful visceral and somatic
                          group belong to the homeostatic afferent processing network as                                                                    stimuli, as well as emotional stimuli, can activate this network
                          well as the corticolimbic network.                                                                                                (33). Our previous study (15) indicated that, as compared with
                            The homeostatic afferent processing network is a brain network                                                                  healthy subjects, FD patients showed higher glycometabolism
                          that is consistently activated in response to homeostatic afferent                                                                in the key regions of the homeostatic afferent processing network,

                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                                                                                                      VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia           11

including the ACC, insula, brainstem, and thalamus/hypothalamus,       treatment and sham acupuncture treatment. Modulation of the
and that the abnormal hyperactivities of these regions were sig-       activities of the brainstem and the thalamus might be the com-
nificantly related to the severity of FD symptoms. The results sug-    mon mechanism in real/sham acupuncture treatment. The more

                                                                                                                                                   FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS
gested that successful treatment should modulate the functions of      remarkable modulation on the homeostatic afferent processing
this network.                                                          network, especially the insula, ACC, and hypothalamus, might be
   Interestingly, the current study indicated that acupuncture         the potential mechanism of acupuncture treatment for FD.
treatment markedly decreased glycometabolism in the insula,
thalamus, brainstem, ACC, and hypothalamus and that the gly-           ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cometabolism decrease in these five regions is nearly all positive-    We thank Xiaopin Tian, Haiyan Yin, Hui Zhen, Xiulan Qiao,
ly related to the decrease in SID score and negatively related to      Shengfeng Lu, Xuezhi Li, and Siyuan Zhou for help during clinical
the increase in NDI score. This means that the deactivations in        research and Zhaohui Liu, Hongjun Xie, Hao Liu, Huirong Zeng,
these regions were associated with the alleviation of symptoms         Xiaoyan Yang, and Zhen Zeng for technical assistance in PET-CT
and the improvement in QOL. However, in the sham acupunc-              recordings.
ture group, significant glycometabolism decreases in the insula,
ACC, and hypothalamus were not found, and the deactivations in         CONFLICT OF INTEREST
the thalamus and in the brainstem tended to be associated only         Guarantor of the article: Fanrong Liang, MD.
with improvement in QOL. The results suggested that, compared          Specific author contributions: Study protocol and design: Fanrong
with sham acupuncture treatment, acupuncture treatment might           Liang, Xuguang Liu, Yong Tang, Ying Li, Fang Zeng, Shuguang Yu,
not only affect the activity of the common pathway of somatic          and Jie Tian; acquisition of data: Fang Zeng, Tingting Ma,
and visceral sensation but also modulate the activity of the insula,   Wenzhong Song, Lei Lan, Mailan Liu, and Liu Xuguang; analysis and
ACC, and hypothalamus. The insula, ACC, and hypothalamus,              interpretation of data: Wei Qin, Kai Yuan, Jixin Liu, Jinbo Sun, and
considered the key regions of “gut–brain communication,” play          Xin Gao; drafting of the manuscript: Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Tingting
important roles in processing and modulating pain, emotion, and        Ma, and Kai Yuan; revision of the manuscript: Fanrong Liang, Yong
visceral sensation as well as in maintaining homeostasis (34,35).      Tang, Ying Li, Xin Gao, Jie Tian, Xuguang Liu, Shuguang Yu, Mailan
Activations in the insula, ACC, and thalamus/hypothalamus can          Liu, Lei Lan, Jixin Liu, and Jinbo Sun.
be found in nearly all reported studies of functional gastroin-        Financial support: This study was supported by grants from the
testinal disorders, regardless of study paradigm and analysis          State Key Program for Basic Research of China (2012CB518501)
method (36). In our study, the modulation of acupuncture on            and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81001504,
the insula and ACC might be related to regulation of the proc-         30970774, and 30930112).
ess of homeostatic emotion. “Homeostatic emotions” refers to           Potential competing interests: None.
motivations and feelings associated with changes in the body’s
physiological condition and with the autonomic responses and           Study Highlights
behaviors that restore an optimal balance (37). The insula has
long been regarded as limbic sensory cortex for its association         WHAT IS CURRENT KNOWLEDGE
with visceral sensation, whereas the ACC is regarded as lim-            3Acupuncture is being increasingly accepted as an alterna-
bic behavioral motor cortex for its association with autonomic               tive treatment for functional dyspepsia (FD) although the
and emotional control (35). Hence, we hypothesized that the                  mechanism remains unclear.
efficacy of acupuncture treatment for FD might result partly from       3Neuroimaging studies indicate that the cerebral activity of
regulating the functions of the homeostatic afferent process-                FD patients differs from that of healthy subjects. Abnormal
ing network and driving the homeostatic mechanism to restore                 cerebral activity plays an important role in the pathogenesis
                                                                             of FD.
balance. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,
the purpose of acupuncture treatment is to maintain the equilib-        WHAT IS NEW HERE
rium of the human body. This might be translated into the West-         3Modulation on the brainstem and thalamus might be the
                                                                             common mechanism in real/sham acupuncture treatment
ern medicine concept that acupuncture modulates the imbalance                for functional dyspepsia (FD).
of the homeostatic afferent processing network.
                                                                        3The more remarkable modulation on the homeostatic
                                                                             afferent processing network, including the insula, ACC,
                                                                             and hypothalamus, was the potential mechanism of
LIMITATIONS                                                                  acupuncture treatment for FD.
The main limitation of this study is that the PET scan was not          3The results provide support for the use of acupuncture in
performed on all FD patients for the radiation of 18F-FDG, so                treating FD in clinical practice.
the correlation analysis of clinical variables and the brain images
involved only the 20 patients (10 in each group) who finished the      REFERENCES
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                          The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY                                                                                  VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com

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  • 1. nature publishing group ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 see related editorial on page x FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Influence of Acupuncture Treatment on Cerebral Activity in Functional Dyspepsia Patients and Its Relationship With Efficacy Fang Zeng, PhD1,7, Wei Qin, PhD2,7, Tingting Ma, PhD3,7, Jinbo Sun, PhD2, Yong Tang, PhD1, Kai Yuan, PhD2, Ying Li, PhD1, Jixin Liu, PhD2, Xuguang Liu, PhD1, Wenzhong Song, MS4, Lei Lan, MD1, Mailan Liu, MD1, Shuguang Yu, MD1, Xin Gao, MS5, Jie Tian, PhD2,6 and Fanrong Liang, MD1 OBJECTIVES: Acupuncture is a commonly used therapy for treating functional dyspepsia (FD), although the mecha- nism remains unclear. The objectives of this study were to investigate the differences in cerebral glycometabolism changes evoked by acupuncture and sham acupuncture and to explore the possible correlations between brain responses and clinical efficacy. METHODS: In all, 72 FD patients were randomly assigned to receive either acupuncture or sham acupuncture treatment for 4 weeks. Ten patients in each group were randomly selected for fluorine-18 fluorodeoxy- glucose positron emission tomography computed tomography scans to detect cerebral glycometabo- lism changes. The Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) and Symptom Index of Dyspepsia (SID) were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect. RESULTS: (i) The clinical data showed that after treatment the decrease in SID score in the acupuncture group was significantly greater than that in the sham acupuncture group (P < 0.05). The increase in NDI score between the two groups did not differ (P > 0.05), and only the improvement in NDI score in the acupuncture group was clinically significant. (ii) The neuroimaging data indicated that after treatment the acupuncture group showed extensive deactivation in cerebral activities compared with the sham acupuncture group. In the acupuncture group, the deactivations of the brainstem, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, thalamus, and hypothalamus were nearly all related to the decrease in SID score and the increase in NDI score (P<0.05, corrected). In the sham acupuncture group, the deactivations of the brainstem and thalamus tended to be associated with the increase in NDI score (P<0.1, corrected). CONCLUSIONS: Acupuncture and sham acupuncture have relatively different clinical efficacy and brain responses. Acupuncture treatment more significantly improves the symptoms and quality of life of FD patients. The more remarkable modulation on the homeostatic afferent network, including the insula, ACC, and hypothalamus, might be the specific mechanism of acupuncture. Am J Gastroenterol advance online publication, 29 May 2012; doi:10.1038/ajg.2012.53 INTRODUCTION 2006 Rome III criteria, FD includes two subgroups: postpran- Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a major functional gastrointestinal dial distress syndrome and epigastric pain syndrome. The former disorder characterized by symptoms originating from the gas- is marked by nonpainful symptoms including abdominal full- troduodenal region in the absence of underlying organic disease ness and early satiety; the later is marked by epigastric pain and a that would readily explain the symptoms (1). According to the burning sensation (2). FD has become an important public 1 Acupunture and Tuina School/The 3rd Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan, China; 2Life Sciences Research Center, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Shaanxi, China; 3The 1st Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan, China; 4PET-CT Center, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, Sichuan, China; 5Biology Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 6Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 7The first three authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence: Fanrong Liang, MD, Acupunture and Tuina School/The 3rd Teaching Hospital, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan 610075, China or J Tian, Life Sciences Research Center, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China. E-mail: lfr@cdutcm.edu.cn or tian@ieee.org Received 6 June 2011; accepted 13 February 2012 © 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
  • 2. 2 Zeng et al. health-care and social issue because of its high prevalence (3), unclear Chinese Medicine from December 2008 to May 2010. Patients pathology, unsatisfactory treatment options (4), large medical were enrolled if they met the following criteria: (i) were right- burden (5), and serious reduction in quality of life (QOL) (6). handed and aged 20 to 30 years; (ii) matched the Rome III diagno- FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Hence, both patients and practitioners desire effective alternative sis criteria for FD; (iii) matched the Rome III diagnosis criteria for therapies. postprandial distress syndrome; (iv) were acupuncture-naïve; and In China and some other Asian countries, acupuncture, a major (v) signed an informed-consent form. Participants were screened medical resource, has been used to treat gastrointestinal symptoms out if they (i) were pregnant, might become pregnant, or were lac- for several millennia. In Western countries, acupuncture is being tating; (ii) suffered from or had a history of serious neurological, increasingly accepted as an alternative treatment for functional cardiovascular, respiratory, or renal illnesses; (iii) had a history of gastrointestinal disorders (7,8). During the past decade, a consid- head trauma with loss of consciousness; (iv) suffered from men- erable number of clinical and experimental studies have indicated tal disorders including major depressive disorder such as anxi- that acupuncture is able to relieve gastric symptoms such as belch, ety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or claustrophobic abdominal distension, and stomachache and to alter gastrointesti- syndrome; (v) were using aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- nal motility functions (9–12), as well as that acupuncture points on tory drugs, steroids, phenothiazines, selective serotonin reuptake the stomach meridian were the most effective sites for gastric dis- inhibitors, medications affecting gastrointestinal motility, or cer- orders (11,12). However, it is not fully understood how needling at tain other drugs; (vi) were currently participating in other clini- acupuncture points works and how real acupuncture differs from cal trials; or (vii) had any contraindications to acupuncture (e.g., sham acupuncture. anticoagulation therapy). Many studies have demonstrated that most of the clinical ben- After a 2-week baseline period, the enrolled patients were ran- efits of acupuncture are mediated by the central nervous system domly assigned to either the acupuncture group or the sham (13,14), but the specific effects of acupuncture on the human acupuncture group using a computer-generated randomization brain remain uncertain. With the development of neuroimaging sequence. The sequence was concealed from the care providers techniques, the use of positron emission tomography (PET) and through the use of sealed, opaque, sequentially numbered enve- functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore the central lopes. Patients were blinded to group assignment. mechanism of acupuncture has been an active area of research. This study was performed according to the principles of the However, most current studies are centered on the healthy state or Declaration of Helsinki (Edinburgh version, 2000). The study organic diseases, and little work has been undertaken with regard protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the 1st Teach- to functional disorders, which is where the advantages of acupunc- ing Hospital of the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese ture treatment lie. Medicine. In a previous study, we found that FD patients showed an extensive increasing cerebral glycometabolism, especially in Acupuncture interventions the homeostatic afferent processing network, compared with Each group’s treatment consisted of 20 sessions of acupuncture healthy subjects. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, and treatment, with a duration of 30 min, each administered over thalamus/hypothalamus might be the regions most closely related a period of 4 weeks (five sessions per week). The acupuncture to the severity of FD (15). We hypothesize that successful acupunc- treatment was performed on four classic acupuncture points ture therapy will reduce the increase in cerebral glycometabolism for gastric disorders: ST34 (Liangqiu), ST36 (Zusanli), ST40 and regulate the activity of these key regions. Our previous work (Fenglong), and ST42 (Chongyang). The sham acupuncture treat- also suggested that affecting cerebral activity might be the mecha- ment was performed on four non–acupuncture points (points nism through which short-term manual acupuncture treatment 1–4), which were selected in accordance with the findings of relieves FD (16). However, the differences in efficacy and cerebral previous studies (17–19) (Figure 1). responses between acupuncture and sham acupuncture were not All acupuncture points and non–acupuncture points were punc- addressed in our previous study. Hence, the present study aimed to tured unilaterally and alternated between left side and right side. (i) assess the efficacy of acupuncture treatment for FD by compar- After the skin was cleaned with tincture iodine and alcohol, sterile ing the differences in therapeutic effects between acupuncture and acupuncture needles (0.25 mm in diameter, 25 or 40 mm long, sham acupuncture and (ii) investigate the influence of acupunc- Hwatuo, Suzhou, China) were inserted for 15–25 mm and gently ture and sham acupuncture on cerebral glycometabolism and ana- twisted, lifted, and thrusted in even amplitude, force and speed lyze the possible correlations between clinical variables and brain four to six times until a deqi response (soreness, numbness, disten- responses in order to explore the potential central mechanism of sion, and heaviness) was obtained. Then, auxiliary needles were acupuncture treatment. inserted in the proximal limbs or trunk laterally to the acupunc- ture points and non–acupuncture points to a depth of 2 mm with- out stimulation. Each acupuncture needle and its auxiliary needle METHODS were connected to the electrical leads of the HAN Acupoint Nerve Participants Stimulator (HANS, Model LH 200A TENS, Nanjing, China) for FD patients were recruited from the outpatient department in the 30 min, with a stimulation frequency of 2/100 Hz and a stimulation 1st Teaching Hospital of the Chengdu University of Traditional intensity varying from 0.1 to 1.0 mA. The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
  • 3. Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia 3 3 cun FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS ST36 8 cun ST42 ST40 14 cun 8 cun ST34 2 cun Acupoints on the stomach meridian Point 4 Point 1 Point 3 Point 2 Non-acupoints Figure 1. Locations of acupuncture points and non–acupuncture points. The acupuncture points were located as follows: (i) ST34 (Liangqiu), 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella; (ii) ST36 (Zusanli), four fingers’ breadth below the lower margin of the patella and one finger’s breadth laterally from the anterior crest of the tibia; (iii) ST40 (Fenglong), 8 cun superior and anterior to the external malleolus, one finger’s breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia; and (iv) ST42 (Chongyang), in the depression between the second and the third metatarsal bones and the cuneiform. The non–acupuncture points were located as follows: (i) point 1, on the anterior border of the deltoid muscle, at the junction of the deltoid and biceps muscles; (ii) point 2, at the midpoint between the tip of the elbow and the apex of axillae; (iii) point 3, at the midpoint between the epicondylusmedialis of the humerus and ulnar side of the transverse creases of the wrist; and (iv) point 4, on the lateral side of the tibia, 1–2 cm lateral to the ST36 (Zusanli). Outcome measurement graphy (CT) scans at the end of baseline and at the end of treat- In the absence of well-validated, Rome III–based patient-reported ment. After an overnight fast of at least 12 h, patients went through outcome measures for FD (20), we used the Symptom Index of the following sequential procedure on an empty stomach: (i) Dyspepsia (SID) and the Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) for QOL measurements of blood pressure and blood glucose, (ii) a 20-min to assess clinical efficacy. The SID is a commonly used Rome III– rest in a dark room, (iii) a tracer injection (18F-FDG, synthesized based scale (21) that focuses on the chief symptoms of FD. Symp- with Mini Tracer accelerator 0.11 mci/kg dosage) at the back of toms are graded on a 4-point Likert scale: asymptomatic (0 point), the right hand, (iv) a 40-min rest, and then (v) a PET-CT scan mild (1 point), moderate (2 points), or severe (3 points) (22). In (Biograph Duo BGO scanner, Siemens, Germany). Patients were this study, all patients were free of the symptoms of epigastric pain instructed to remain relaxed throughout the study with their eyes syndrome, so the scores on the two symptoms of postprandial blindfolded and ears plugged. distress syndrome (postprandial distension and early satiety) are PET-CT images covered the whole brain and were parallel to summed to evaluate the severity of dyspepsia. A higher SID score the AC–PC line. Image acquisition began after a 40-min uptake mean more severe symptoms. NDI for QOL is a dyspepsia-spe- period (bed: 1; collection mode: 3D; slice thickness: 2 mm; slice cific index (23) that includes 25 items and covers four domains: interval: 1.5 mm; matrix size: 256×256; total counts: 3×109). Upon interference, know/control, eat/drink, and sleep/disturb. The NDI completion of data acquisition, the images were reconstructed score ranges from 0 to 100. Its minimal clinically important dif- using ordered subset expectation maximization with 6 iterations ference is 10 points. A higher NDI score indicates better QOL and and 16 subsets. milder symptoms. The Chinese version of the NDI was found by a previous study to be reliable and valid for measuring health- Statistical analysis related QOL and disease severity in Chinese FD patients (24). Sample size. Because there was no reference to indicate the effect size that could be expected from the use of acupuncture to treat PET computed tomography scan postprandial distress syndrome (the relevant subtype of FD), we In all, 10 patients in each group were randomly selected for did not estimate the sample size based on a power calculation. 18 F-FDG (fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose) PET computed tomo- Instead, we enrolled 72 participants with a 20% withdrawal rate © 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
  • 4. 4 Zeng et al. to provide 30 patients in each group in order to meet the require- In this way, we could gain regions of interest for correlation anal- ment of minimum sample size. ysis. After voxels not belonging to the same anatomical region within the cluster were discarded, the activities of the survived FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Clinical variables. The clinical variables were analyzed with voxels were extracted and averaged. Pearson coefficients were cal- SPSS 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) by two blinded evaluators. The culated between the mean activity of the cluster and the increase data analysis was based on an intention-to-treat population. We in NDI score, the mean activity of the cluster, and the decrease in omitted the cases with missing data, which reflected only the SID score. baseline measurement. Analysis of variance and the Kruskal– Based on individual cerebral activity changes before and after Wallis test were used for numerical variables. A χ2 test was used real/sham acupuncture treatment, we performed a two-sample for categorical variables. A two-sided test was applied for all t-test to further detect between-group differences using the available data. A P value < 0.05 was considered statistically sig- following contrast: real acupuncture group (each FD patient: after nificant. treatment minus at baseline) minus sham acupuncture group (each FD patient: after treatment minus at baseline). PET-CT data. The PET-CT data were processed with the statisti- For visualization, all results were transformed into the Talairach cal parametric mapping technique (SPM5; http://www.fil.ion.ucl. stereotactic space and overlaid on MRIcro (http://www.sph.s.c. ac.uk/spm) and MATLAB (The Math Works, Sherborn, MA). The edu/comd/rorden/mricro.html) for presentation. data preprocessing entailed the following steps. (i) Individual PET images were subjected to coregistration onto their corresponding CT images to improve the accuracy of the spatial normalization. RESULTS (ii) The PET images from each subject were spatially normalized From December 2008 to May 2010, 72 FD patients were randomly to the standard SPM-PET template and resliced to 2-mm isotropic assigned. In all, 64 patients (34 in the acupuncture group and resolution. The first step of the normalization was to determine 30 in the sham acupuncture group) comprised the pre-proto- the optimal 12-parameter affine transformation. The affine reg- col population. Twenty patients (10 in each group) finished the istration was followed by estimation of nonlinear deformations, PET-CT scans. whereby the deformations are defined by a linear combination of three-dimensional discrete cosine transform basis functions. The baseline characteristics (iii) The resultant transformation was applied to the coregistered Demographics, including age, sex, weight and height, and dis- PET images so that all subjects matched the same spatial template. ease status as indicated by, for example, duration of symptoms, (iv) The normalized data set was spatially smoothed with a 6-mm NDI score, and SID score, did not differ between the two groups full width at half maximum Gaussian kernel. (P > 0.05) (Table 1). To detect the cerebral activity changes in FD patients after treatment, we compared the differences in the cerebral glycome- The therapeutic effects tabolism pattern between FD patients at baseline and after treat- In the acupuncture group, the SID score for postprandial disten- ment. Statistical parametric maps were constructed by computing sion significantly decreased, from 1.912±0.571 to 0.880±0.640 a paired t-test, which was defined as FD patients after treatment (P < 0.05); the SID score for early satiety significantly decreased, minus FD patients at baseline. To explore the possible correlation from 1.352±0.810 to 0.530±0.661 (P < 0.05); and the NDI score between cerebral responses and clinical efficacy, we employed significantly increased, from 77.812±10.121 to 90.028±8.910 correlation analysis to investigate the correlations of cerebral (P < 0.05) after treatment (Table 2). glycometabolism changes with the decrease in SID score (end In the sham acupuncture group, the SID score for postpran- of treatment minus baseline) and increase in NDI score (end of dial distension significantly decreased, from 1.930±0.641 to treatment minus baseline). The selection of regions of interest was 1.400±0.721 (P < 0.05), and the NDI score significantly increased, based mainly on our previous study (15) and involved the within- from 78.212±9.223 to 86.040±9.210 (P < 0.05) after treatment. The group subtraction analysis. In our previous study (15), we found decrease in SID score for early satiety was not significant (P > 0.05) that the glycometabolism increase in the ACC, middle cingulate (Table 2). cortex, insula, thalamus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, prefrontal The decrease in SID scores (end of treatment minus baseline) in cortex, brainstem, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus was the acupuncture group was significantly greater than that in the significantly related to or tended to be associated with the symp- sham acupuncture group (P<0.05). The increase in NDI score (end tom severity of FD patients. In the present study, the within-group of treatment minus baseline) between the two groups was not sig- analysis showed that the activity of these regions changed to a dif- nificant (P > 0.05). Only the increase in NDI score in the acupunc- ferent degree after treatment. Hence, we chose these 10 regions for ture group was clinically significant because it was greater than the correlation analysis. For each patient, we chose the MNI coor- minimal clinically important difference (Table 3). dinates of the maximally abnormal voxel within an anatomical area as the center to draw a sphere 8 mm in diameter (25). Within Cerebral glycometabolism changes this sphere, the voxels located in the white matter and ventricles In the acupuncture group, a decrease in cerebral glycometa- were removed to ensure the integrity of its structure and function. bolism was observed after treatment in the bilateral brainstem, The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
  • 5. Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia 5 Table 1. Baseline characteristics Characteristic Acupuncture group Sham acupuncture group Statistical value P value FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS No. of patients (n) 34 30 No. of women, n (%) 21 (61.765%) 18 (60.000%) 0.021 0.885 Age (years), mean (95% CI) 23.971 (22.903; 25.038) 23.833 (22.665; 25.002) 489.000 0.776 Height (cm), mean (95% CI) 164.441 (161.405; 167.477) 162.967 (160.758; 165.176) 489.500 0.782 Weight (kg), mean (95% CI) 54.000 (50.936; 57.064) 53.067 (50.140; 55.994) 477.000 0.656 Course of disease (M), mean (95% CI) 39.029 (27.937; 50.122) 40.967 (28.349; 53.585) 493.000 0.819 NDI score, mean (95% CI) 77.812 (74.282; 81.343) 78.212 (74.770; 81.654) 503.000 0.925 SID score: postprandial distension, mean (95% CI) 1.910 (1.710; 2.110) 1.930 (1.690; 2.170) 502.500 0.906 SID score: early satiety, mean (95% CI) 1.350 (1.070; 1.640) 1.100 (0.780; 1.420) 416.500 0.179 CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of Dyspepsia. parahippocampal gyrus (BA37), temporal pole (BA38), middle Table 2. Clinical outcome measurements in each group before temporal gyrus (BA21) and inferior temporal gyrus (BA20), left and after treatment middle occipital gyrus (BA39), and right rectal gyrus (BA11). An Acupuncture Sham acupuncture increase in cerebral glycometabolism was detected in the bilateral Items group group precuneus (BA7), right postcentral gyrus (BA3), and left parietal NDI scores inferior lobe (BA7) (P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a Baseline, 77.812 78.212 minimal cluster size of 50 voxels) (Table 4) (Figure 2). mean (95% CI) (74.282; 81.343) (74.770; 81.654) In the sham acupuncture group, a signal decrease was observed End of treatment, 90.028 86.040 after treatment in the bilateral brainstem, thalamus, posterior cin- mean (95% CI) (86.920; 93.136) (82.600; 89.480) gulate cortex (BA23), left cerebellum, right middle cingulate cor- Statistical value 203.000 254.500 tex (BA23), lingual gyrus (BA27), middle temporal gyrus (BA21), middle occipital gyrus (BA18), and precuneus (BA30). A signal P value 0.000 0.004 increase was detected in the bilateral caudate, left superior medial SID score: postprandial distension frontal gyrus (BA8), rectal gyrus (BA11), and precentral gyrus Baseline, mean 1.910 1.930 (BA6) (P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster (95% CI) (1.710; 2.110) (1.690; 2.170) size of 50 voxels) (Table 4) (Figure 2). End of treatment, 0.880 1.400 Compared with that of the sham acupuncture group, the gly- mean (95% CI) (0.660; 1.110) (1.130; 1.670) cometabolism in the bilateral ACC, putamen, thalamus, mid- Statistical value 149.500 261.000 dle frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus, left hippocampus P value 0.000 0.002 and inferior temporal gyrus, right superior medial frontal gyrus, SID score: early satiety medial frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, cerebellum, and lingual gyrus of acupuncture group was significantly reduced (P<0.001, Baseline, mean 1.350 1.100 (95% CI) (1.070; 1.640) (0.780; 1.420) uncorrected with a minimal cluster size of 20 voxels) (Table 5). End of treatment, 0.530 0.930 mean (95% CI) (0.300; 0.760) (0.620; 1.240) Correlation coefficients of brain responses and clinical variables Statistical value 258.000 396.500 In the acupuncture group, (i) the increase in NDI score was sig- P value 0.000 0.388 nificantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of (r = − 0.847), thalamus (r = − 0.867), brainstem (r = − 0.846), ACC Dyspepsia. (r = − 0.841), and hypothalamus (r = − 0.759) (P<0.05, corrected) (Figure 3a); (ii) the decrease in SID score was significantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula (r = 0.774), thala- cerebellum, ACC (BA32, BA24), middle cingulate cortex (BA32), mus (r = 0.826), ACC (r = 0.783), and hypothalamus (r = 0.793) posterior cingulate cortex (BA23), insula, thalamus, putamen, (P<0.05, corrected) (Figure 3c); and the decrease in SID score caudate, hippocampus, hypothalamus, inferior frontal gyrus tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in (BA47), superior medial frontal gyrus (BA32, BA10), orbital the brainstem (r = 0.720) (P<0.1, corrected). The phenomenon gyrus (BA11), precentral gyrus (BA6), lingual gyrus (BA18), that the correlations of the deactivation in the same area with © 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
  • 6. 6 Zeng et al. Table 3. Comparison of the therapeutic effects between acupuncture group and sham acupuncture group Items Acupuncture group Sham acupuncture group Statistical value P value FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS No. of patients 34 30 NDI score End of treatment, mean (95% CI) 90.028 (86.920; 93.136) 86.040 (82.600; 89.480) 368.000 0.056 End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI) 12.216 (8.533; 15.898) 7.828(4.912; 10.743) 376.500 0.072 SID score: postprandial distension End of treatment, mean (95% CI) 0.880 (0.660; 1.110) 1.400 (1.130; 1.670) 321.000 0.003 End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI) − 1.029 ( − 1.333; − 0.726) − 0.533 ( − 0.768; − 0.299) 343.000 0.014 SID score: early satiety, mean (95% CI) End of treatment, mean (95% CI) 0.530 (0.300; 0.760) 0.930 (0.620; 1.240) 365.000 0.030 End of treatment—baseline, mean (95% CI) − 0.824 ( − 1.102; − 0.546) − 0.167 ( − 0.428; 0.094) 277.500 0.001 CI, confidence interval; NDI, Nepean Dyspepsia Index; SID, Symptom Index of Dyspepsia. SID or with NDI were not even might be attributable to the (Table 2). Second, the alleviations in postprandial distension and different numerical ranges in the SID and NDI scores. early satiety in acupuncture group were greater than those in the In the sham acupuncture group, the increase in NDI score sham acupuncture group (P<0.05) (Table 3). Furthermore, only tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in the improvement in QOL caused by acupuncture treatment was the brainstem (r = − 0.720) and thalamus (r = − 0.724) (P<0.1, clinically valuable (Table 2). Therefore, the differences in clini- corrected) (Figure 3a). cal efficacy between the two groups indicated that the efficacy of acupuncture treatment was not nonspecific and that acupuncture treatment was more effective than sham acupuncture treatment for DISCUSSION FD patients. This is the first neuroimaging study that focuses on the poten- Our results were partly in line with those of a study by Park tial central mechanism of real and sham acupuncture treatments et al. (28), who found that both acupuncture at classic points (real for FD. It demonstrates the similarities and differences in clinical acupuncture) and acupuncture at nondefined points (sham acu- efficacy and brain responses between real and sham acupuncture puncture) decreased dyspepsia symptoms and improved the QOL treatments. of FD patients and that there were no significant differences between the real acupuncture group and sham acupuncture group. Some Similarities and differences in clinical efficacy between real methodology issues, including the method of acupuncture stimu- and sham acupuncture treatments lation (manual acupuncture vs. electro-acupuncture), the length of In this study, clinical improvements were found in both groups time the needle was kept inserted, duration of treatment, and loca- after treatment. Both treatments remarkably alleviated post- tion of non–acupuncture point, probably contribute to the differ- prandial distension and improved the QOL (P<0.05) (Table 2); ences in results. Furthermore, the differences in treatment frequency in addition, the improvement in QOL between the two groups might be a factor causing the efficacy difference (29). In our study, did not differ (P > 0.05) (Table 3). These similarities might result the electro-acupuncture treatment was performed five times per from a placebo effect. In fact, placebo response rates are found to week on each patient for 4 weeks, consistent with the standard prac- be high in functional gastrointestinal disorder (26). A recent sys- tice in China, whereas in the study by Parket al., the manual acu- tematic review (27) demonstrated that in all trials of acupuncture puncture treatment was performed on patients three times per week treatments for gastrointestinal diseases, the significant improve- for 2 weeks. Hence, the stimulating quantity in our study was greater ments of QOL were independent of real or sham acupuncture. than that in the study by Park et al. However, the influence of treat- The efficacy of acupuncture in improving QOL in irritable bowel ment frequency on clinical efficacy needs further investigation. syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease may be explained by nonspecific effects, whereas specific acupuncture effects may be Similarities and differences in cerebral responses to real and shown by clinical scores. sham acupuncture treatments However, based on the results, we found that acupuncture treat- The potential common mechanism of real acupuncture and ment was significantly superior to sham acupuncture treatment, sham acupuncture treatments for FD. In the present study, both especially in alleviating symptoms. First, sham treatment was acupuncture treatment and sham acupuncture treatment elicited effective only for postprandial distension, whereas acupuncture cerebral glycometabolism changes to different degrees. The com- treatment alleviated both postprandial distension and early satiety mon areas responding to acupuncture and sham acupuncture The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
  • 7. Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia 7 Table 4. The cerebral glycometabolism changes in FD patients after real or sham acupuncture treatment (end of treatment minus baseline) Region Side Acupuncture group Sham acupuncture group FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Talairach t value BA Sign Talairach t value BA Sign X Y Z X Y Z Inferior frontal L − 34 25 2 − 9.33 BA47 ↓ gyrus R 38 25 2 − 6.32 BA47 ↓ Superior medial L − 20 34 19 − 10.5 BA32 ↓ −4 39 33 18.01 BA8 ↑ frontal gyrus R 20 10 47 − 6.12 BA32 ↓ L − 28 63 8 − 13.6 BA10 ↓ R 30 51 1 − 11.3 BA10 ↓ Rectal gyrus L − 12 38 − 18 9.17 BA11 ↑ R 3 34 19 − 6.91 BA11 ↓ Orbital gyrus L − 11 60 −7 − 10.08 BA11 ↓ R 16 54 −4 − 7.81 BA11 ↓ Precentral gyrus L − 35 − 16 64 − 8.27 BA6 ↓ − 51 11 43 − 8.04 BA6 ↑ R 27 − 22 72 − 10.76 BA6 ↓ Caudate L − 16 −7 24 − 10.7 — ↓ −9 3 20 7.13 — ↑ R 17 19 2 − 9.85 — ↓ 18 10 19 8.25 — ↑ Brainstem L −4 − 25 − 19 − 25.48 — ↓ −2 − 16 − 14 − 9.40 — ↓ R 4 − 21 − 15 − 17.1 — ↓ 5 − 25 − 17 − 7.36 — ↓ Cerebellum L − 21 − 55 − 41 − 14.38 — ↓ −4 − 72 − 43 − 8.04 — ↓ R 8 − 54 −6 − 8.04 — ↓ 30 − 69 − 25 − 19.33 — ↓ ACC L −7 41 22 − 15.97 BA32 ↓ R 4 49 26 − 8.04 BA32 ↓ R 7 25 19 − 18.16 BA24 ↓ MCC L −9 15 39 − 9.52 BA32 ↓ R 10 15 46 − 9.40 BA32 ↓ 5 − 12 33 − 6.68 BA23 ↓ PCC L −5 − 50 23 − 11.88 BA23 ↓ −3 − 39 25 − 14.16 BA23 ↓ R 7 − 43 29 − 17.33 BA23 ↓ 6 − 38 27 − 8.95 BA23 ↓ Lingual gryrus L −7 − 60 1 − 10.05 BA18 ↓ R 8 − 60 3 − 8.77 BA18 ↓ 15 − 42 3 − 9.17 BA27 ↓ Insula L − 35 18 1 − 17.05 — ↓ R 36 − 25 24 − 22.09 — ↓ Putamen L − 29 − 11 5 − 13.7 — ↓ R 18 6 9 − 16.4 — ↓ Thalamus L − 20 − 17 − 10 − 19.8 — ↓ − 10 −6 1 − 7.36 — ↓ R 21 − 17 9 − 17.1 — ↓ 17 − 30 12 − 7.11 — ↓ Hypothalamus L −8 −6 −3 − 7.66 — ↓ R 11 −6 −9 − 6.17 — ↓ Hippocampus L − 33 − 29 −9 − 12.13 — ↓ R 35 − 18 − 16 − 7.36 — ↓ Parahippocampal L − 33 − 32 −5 − 11.21 BA37 ↓ R 24 − 33 −9 − 6.09 BA37 ↓ © 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
  • 8. 8 Zeng et al. Table 4. Continued Region Side Acupuncture group Sham acupuncture group FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Talairach t value BA Sign Talairach t value BA Sign X Y Z X Y Z Temporal pole L − 44 15 − 30 − 7.59 BA38 ↓ R 47 21 − 23 10.53 BA38 ↓ Middle temporal L − 56 −2 − 25 − 7.59 BA21 ↓ gryrus R 58 −4 − 24 − 8.04 BA21 ↓ 59 1 − 20 − 13.22 BA21 ↓ Inferior temporal L − 40 − 15 − 20 − 9.63 BA20 ↓ gryrus R 51 − 10 − 35 − 8.27 BA20 ↓ Middle occipital L − 35 − 65 26 − 24.58 BA39 ↓ gryrus R 32 − 94 12 − 9.89 BA18 ↓ Postcentral gyrus R 48 − 21 39 16.65 BA3 ↑ Precuneus L − 11 − 64 34 16.88 BA7 ↑ R 9 − 69 45 15.97 BA7 ↑ 5 − 45 18 − 8.04 BA 30 ↓ Parietal inferior L − 29 − 54 45 18.01 BA7 ↑ lobe ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann area; FD, functional dyspepsia; L, left; MCC, middle cingulate cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; R, right. Up or down arrow (↑/↓) indicates whether the structure showed a signal increase or decrease, respectively. P < 0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels. 2 7 –7 –32 –6 Acupuncture group 12 6 –4 –14 –6 Sham acpuncture group –35 –6 +6 +35 Figure 2. Cerebral glycometabolism changes in functional dyspepsia (FD) patients after treatment. Acupuncture and sham acupuncture elicited cerebral glycometabolism changes to different degrees, but acupuncture evoked more pronounced changes in cerebral activity, especially in the homeostatic afferent processing network. P<0.05, family-wise error corrected with a minimal cluster size of 50 voxels. included the brainstem, thalamus, some regions in the prefrontal acupuncture group (P<0.1, corrected). The results suggested cortex, somatosensory cortex, and visual-related cortex. Among that the improvement of QOL might be associated with the these areas, the glycometabolism decrease in the brainstem deactivations of the brainstem and thalamus in both groups. and thalamus were significantly related to the increase in NDI The brainstem is the pathway for all fiber tracts passing up and score in the acupuncture group (P<0.05, corrected) and tended down from the peripheral nerves and spinal cord to the highest to be associated with an increase in NDI score in the sham parts of the brain, and it serves as a lower center in functions such The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
  • 9. Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia 9 Table 5. Comparison of the cerebral glycometabolism changes in FD patients between the acupuncture group and the sham acupuncture group (acupuncture group minus sham acupuncture group) FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS Region Side Talairach t value BA Sign X Y Z Superior medial frontal gyrus R 11 53 18 − 4.46 BA11 ↓ Medial frontal gyrus R 4 −7 56 − 3.77 BA6 ↓ Middle frontal gyrus L − 30 15 56 − 4.85 BA8 ↓ R 31 43 −9 − 5.18 BA11 ↓ Precentral gyrus R 40 − 25 55 − 5.46 BA4 ↓ Cerebellum R 4 − 47 2 − 3.82 — ↓ ACC L −8 25 30 − 4.07 BA32 ↓ R 10 32 15 − 4.11 BA24 ↓ Lingual gyrus R 4 − 93 −2 − 3.82 BA17 ↓ Thalamus L 17 − 25 3 − 3.69 — ↓ R 19 − 19 2 − 4.01 — ↓ Putamen L − 28 −9 4 − 3.28 — ↓ R 28 13 3 3.51 — ↓ Hippocampus L − 33 − 34 −6 − 3.71 — ↓ Inferior temporal gyrus R 59 − 53 −7 − 3.90 BA37 ↓ Middle temporal gyrus L − 50 − 72 29 − 3.77 BA39 ↓ R 57 − 51 −8 − 4.21 BA37 ↓ ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann area; FD, functional dyspepsia; L, left; R, right. Up or down arrow (↑/↓) indicates whether the structure showed a signal increase or decrease, respectively. P < 0.001, uncorrected with a minimal cluster size of 20 voxels. as visceral regulation, pain sensitivity control, and consciousness. In the current study, the similarities in both clinical improve- A large volume of information about the physiological status of ments and cerebral responses between acupuncture and sham the gut is directly transmitted to the brainstem to modulate gas- acupuncture were possibly due to placebo effect. Recent papers tric function. The thalamus acts as the “gateway to the cortex.” have described the effect of placebo on neural processing, and Its functions include relaying sensation, spatial sense, and motor certain findings are similar to those of our study. For example, signals to the cerebral cortex, along with regulation of conscious- some researchers (31,32) found that both analgesia and pla- ness, sleep, and alertness. Our previous study showed that cerebral cebo effect are accompanied by a reduction in the activation of glycometabolism in the brainstem and thalamus of FD patients the brainstem and thalamus. However, the differences in both was higher than that in healthy subjects (15) and that short-term clinical variables and neuroimaging data between the two groups manual acupuncture treatment decreased cerebral glycometabo- indicated that the placebo effect did not fully explain the effect lism in the brainstem and thalamus of FD patients (16). In the of acupuncture. present study, acupuncture or sham acupuncture was performed by inserting a thin needle into the skin and the underlying muscle The possible mechanism of acupuncture treatment for FD. In this layer and was stimulated by electricity. This procedure stimulated study, acupuncture treatment elicited more extensive and remark- the somatic afferent nerves of the skin and muscles. The somatic able cerebral glycometabolism decrease as compared with sham sensory information from the body is projected to the various acupuncture. The deactivations in the insula, ACC, prefrontal nuclei at the brainstem and thalamus. We predict that deacti- cortex, putamen, hypothalamus, hippocampus, parahippocam- vations in the brainstem and thalamus might be the common pal gyrus, temporal pole, and other areas were found only in the mechanism of acupuncture and sham acupuncture, manual acu- acupuncture group and not in the sham acupuncture group puncture, and electro-acupuncture and might not be related to (Table 4) (Figure 2). Furthermore, the between-group analysis acupuncture point/therapy specificity. For example, a study in indicated that the glycometabolism decreases in the thalamus, healthy adults (30) demonstrated that acupuncture stimulation at ACC, hippocampus, middle frontal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, either real or sham acupuncture points led to functional magnetic and cerebellum elicited by acupuncture were more significant resonance imaging signal reduction within the thalamus. than those elicited by sham acupuncture (Table 5) (Figure 3b). © 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY
  • 10. 10 Zeng et al. a b × 1000 c × 10000 × 10000 0 0 0 Insula (post–pre) Insula (post–pre) Insula (post–pre) –0.3 –0.3 r = –0.85 FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS –0.6 –0.6 Acu –5 Acu –0.9 –0.9 r = 0.77 –1.2 –1.2 –1.5 –10 –1.5 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Acu Sham –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 NDI (post–pre) SID (post–pre) × 1000 Thalamus (post–pre) Thalamus (post–pre) Thalamus (post–pre) × 10000 × 10000 0 0 0 –0.3 r = –0.72* –0.3 Acu –0.6 –0.6 –5 r = 0.83 Acu –0.9 Sham –0.9 r = –0.87 –1.2 –1.2 –1.5 –10 ** –1.5 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Acu Sham –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 NDI (post–pre) SID (post–pre) × 1000 × 10000 × 10000 0 0 0 BS (post–pre) BS (post–pre) BS (post–pre) –0.3 –0.3 r = –0.72* Acu –0.6 –0.6 r = –0.85 –5 Acu –0.9 –0.9 r = 0.72* Sham –1.2 –1.2 –1.5 –10 –1.5 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Acu Sham –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 NDI (post–pre) SID (post–pre) × 1000 0 × 10000 0 × 10000 0 ACC (post–pre) ACC (post–pre) ACC (post–pre) –0.3 –0.3 r = –0.84 –0.6 Acu –0.6 –5 r = 0.78 Acu –0.9 –0.9 –1.2 ** –1.2 –1.5 –10 –1.5 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Acu Sham –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 NDI (post–pre) SID (post–pre) × 1000 0 0 × 10000 0 × 10000 HYPO (post–pre) HYPO (post–pre) HYPO (post–pre) –0.3 0 –0.3 r = –0.76 –0.6 Acu –0.6 –5 r = 0.79 Acu –0.9 –0.9 –5 –1.2 –1.2 –1.5 –10 –1.5 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Acu Sham –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 –10 NDI (post–pre) SID (post–pre) Figure 3. The correlation coefficients of brain responses and clinical variables. (a) In the acupuncture group, the increase in Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) score was significantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula, thalamus, brainstem, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and hypothalamus (P<0.05, corrected); in the sham acupuncture group, the increase in NDI score tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in the brainstem and thalamus (P<0.1, corrected). (b) Compared with the sham acupuncture group, the glycometabolism in the thalamus and ACC in the acupuncture group significantly decreased (P<0.05). (c) In the acupuncture group, the decrease in Symptom Index of Dyspepsia (SID) score was significantly related to the glycometabolism decrease in the insula, thalamus, ACC, and hypothalamus (P<0.05, corrected); the decrease in SID score tended to be associated with the glycometabolism decrease in the brainstem (P<0.1, corrected). BS, brainstem; Hypo, hypothalamus; r, correlation coefficient; *P<0.1, corrected; **P<0.05. The majority of these deactivated regions in the acupuncture fiber activation. Nonpainful and painful visceral and somatic group belong to the homeostatic afferent processing network as stimuli, as well as emotional stimuli, can activate this network well as the corticolimbic network. (33). Our previous study (15) indicated that, as compared with The homeostatic afferent processing network is a brain network healthy subjects, FD patients showed higher glycometabolism that is consistently activated in response to homeostatic afferent in the key regions of the homeostatic afferent processing network, The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 104 | XXX 2012 www.amjgastro.com
  • 11. Brain Responses to Acupuncture in Functional Dyspepsia 11 including the ACC, insula, brainstem, and thalamus/hypothalamus, treatment and sham acupuncture treatment. Modulation of the and that the abnormal hyperactivities of these regions were sig- activities of the brainstem and the thalamus might be the com- nificantly related to the severity of FD symptoms. The results sug- mon mechanism in real/sham acupuncture treatment. The more FUNCTIONAL GI DISORDERS gested that successful treatment should modulate the functions of remarkable modulation on the homeostatic afferent processing this network. network, especially the insula, ACC, and hypothalamus, might be Interestingly, the current study indicated that acupuncture the potential mechanism of acupuncture treatment for FD. treatment markedly decreased glycometabolism in the insula, thalamus, brainstem, ACC, and hypothalamus and that the gly- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cometabolism decrease in these five regions is nearly all positive- We thank Xiaopin Tian, Haiyan Yin, Hui Zhen, Xiulan Qiao, ly related to the decrease in SID score and negatively related to Shengfeng Lu, Xuezhi Li, and Siyuan Zhou for help during clinical the increase in NDI score. This means that the deactivations in research and Zhaohui Liu, Hongjun Xie, Hao Liu, Huirong Zeng, these regions were associated with the alleviation of symptoms Xiaoyan Yang, and Zhen Zeng for technical assistance in PET-CT and the improvement in QOL. However, in the sham acupunc- recordings. ture group, significant glycometabolism decreases in the insula, ACC, and hypothalamus were not found, and the deactivations in CONFLICT OF INTEREST the thalamus and in the brainstem tended to be associated only Guarantor of the article: Fanrong Liang, MD. with improvement in QOL. The results suggested that, compared Specific author contributions: Study protocol and design: Fanrong with sham acupuncture treatment, acupuncture treatment might Liang, Xuguang Liu, Yong Tang, Ying Li, Fang Zeng, Shuguang Yu, not only affect the activity of the common pathway of somatic and Jie Tian; acquisition of data: Fang Zeng, Tingting Ma, and visceral sensation but also modulate the activity of the insula, Wenzhong Song, Lei Lan, Mailan Liu, and Liu Xuguang; analysis and ACC, and hypothalamus. The insula, ACC, and hypothalamus, interpretation of data: Wei Qin, Kai Yuan, Jixin Liu, Jinbo Sun, and considered the key regions of “gut–brain communication,” play Xin Gao; drafting of the manuscript: Fang Zeng, Wei Qin, Tingting important roles in processing and modulating pain, emotion, and Ma, and Kai Yuan; revision of the manuscript: Fanrong Liang, Yong visceral sensation as well as in maintaining homeostasis (34,35). Tang, Ying Li, Xin Gao, Jie Tian, Xuguang Liu, Shuguang Yu, Mailan Activations in the insula, ACC, and thalamus/hypothalamus can Liu, Lei Lan, Jixin Liu, and Jinbo Sun. be found in nearly all reported studies of functional gastroin- Financial support: This study was supported by grants from the testinal disorders, regardless of study paradigm and analysis State Key Program for Basic Research of China (2012CB518501) method (36). In our study, the modulation of acupuncture on and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81001504, the insula and ACC might be related to regulation of the proc- 30970774, and 30930112). ess of homeostatic emotion. “Homeostatic emotions” refers to Potential competing interests: None. motivations and feelings associated with changes in the body’s physiological condition and with the autonomic responses and Study Highlights behaviors that restore an optimal balance (37). The insula has long been regarded as limbic sensory cortex for its association WHAT IS CURRENT KNOWLEDGE with visceral sensation, whereas the ACC is regarded as lim- 3Acupuncture is being increasingly accepted as an alterna- bic behavioral motor cortex for its association with autonomic tive treatment for functional dyspepsia (FD) although the and emotional control (35). Hence, we hypothesized that the mechanism remains unclear. efficacy of acupuncture treatment for FD might result partly from 3Neuroimaging studies indicate that the cerebral activity of regulating the functions of the homeostatic afferent process- FD patients differs from that of healthy subjects. Abnormal ing network and driving the homeostatic mechanism to restore cerebral activity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of FD. balance. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the purpose of acupuncture treatment is to maintain the equilib- WHAT IS NEW HERE rium of the human body. This might be translated into the West- 3Modulation on the brainstem and thalamus might be the common mechanism in real/sham acupuncture treatment ern medicine concept that acupuncture modulates the imbalance for functional dyspepsia (FD). of the homeostatic afferent processing network. 3The more remarkable modulation on the homeostatic afferent processing network, including the insula, ACC, and hypothalamus, was the potential mechanism of LIMITATIONS acupuncture treatment for FD. The main limitation of this study is that the PET scan was not 3The results provide support for the use of acupuncture in performed on all FD patients for the radiation of 18F-FDG, so treating FD in clinical practice. the correlation analysis of clinical variables and the brain images involved only the 20 patients (10 in each group) who finished the REFERENCES PET scans. 1. Geeraerts B, Tack J. Functional dyspepsia: past, present, and future. J Gastroenterol 2008;43:251–5. 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