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Nature Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of nature may initially seem like a straightforward task, given the
vastness and beauty of the subject. However, delving into the intricacies of nature requires a
nuanced approach that goes beyond mere admiration. The challenge lies in capturing the essence
of the natural world while addressing various aspects such as ecological balance, biodiversity,
and the interconnectedness of all living things.
One of the difficulties is finding a unique angle or perspective that sets your essay apart from the
multitude of existing nature-themed compositions. The danger is in succumbing to clichГ©s or
falling into the trap of generalizations. It demands a delicate balance between scientific precision
and poetic expression, blending factual information with a personal connection to the natural
Researching the topic is another hurdle. Nature is a vast subject with numerous branches –
from biology and ecology to philosophy and literature. One must sift through a plethora of
information to discern what is relevant and essential for the essay's coherence. Striking the right
balance between scientific accuracy and engaging prose requires a careful selection of sources
and an in-depth understanding of the chosen subtopics.
Moreover, crafting a compelling narrative that seamlessly weaves together observations, facts,
and emotions is no small feat. Conveying the profound beauty of nature through words is a
challenge that writers have grappled with for centuries. The struggle to articulate the sensory
experiences and translate the awe-inspiring visuals into a textual format can be both humbling
and frustrating.
Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure poses its own set of challenges. The essay must
progress logically, leading the reader through a journey that explores different facets of nature.
This requires thoughtful organization and transitions between ideas, preventing the essay from
becoming a disjointed collection of thoughts.
In conclusion, while the topic of nature may seem like a broad and accessible canvas, writing an
essay that does justice to its complexity and beauty demands careful consideration, thorough
research, and a delicate balance between various elements. It is a task that requires both scientific
precision and creative expression to capture the essence of the natural world in a way that
resonates with the reader.
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance, similar essays and more
can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide tailored support to
help you overcome the challenges of essay writing.
Nature Essay Nature Essay


Robert Van Gulik s Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee
Van Gulik, Robert. Celebrated cases of Judge Dee. Tokyo: Dover Publications INC,
1949. Robert Van Gulik was a Dutch diplomat stationed in various countries mostly
in Japan and China. He also attained a PhD for dissertation on the horse cult in
Northeast Asia even though he made a career in the Dutch diplomatic service he was
a very well educated man on Asian Culture. Van Gulik translated the 18th century
detective novel Dee Goong An into English under the title, Celebrated Cases of Judge
Dee. He is also the known author of, The Chinese Maze Murders, The Chinese Bell
Murders, and The Chinese Lake Murders. Judge Dee s main thesis is to represent a
perspective of the people and culture of China through an analysis of ancient
Chinese criminal justice. We should value Van Gulik s scholarship because he spent
a major part of his life immersed in Asian culture as a diplomat. His ability as a
linguist fit him well for his occupation and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which was typical punishment for most violent crimes at the time. Punishments like
this such as the death penalty are used today not as common as they were in ancient
China. On some occasion torture wasn t not only used to gain a confession but as a
method of punishment typically in most western countries such as the United States
and Europe you don t see forms of public humiliation, and torture for punishments of
These methods used in ancient China may be effective may as a deterrence to
crime however they aren t very humane and accurate which is why they are not
used in today s society in most parts of the world. Even though innocent people are
accused in today s society it is still much more of an accurate system of then that of
ancient china. Everyone is innocent until proven is much more human and effective it
also helps that forensics and technology have come a long way to help prove guilt or


Sister Helen Prejean Heroes
The definition of a hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, has special
achievements,abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or
ideal (dictionary.com). A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a
problem. A hero is able to help other in many ways. A person can become a hero by
saving someone who is in danger or influencing another or someone who gave up
his or her life so another could live . A hero is there to help others and give them
strength in life s difficulties. A hero does not always have to show courage they
can be afraid. There are many types of heros in the world. Heros come in all shapes
and sizes, some can be shy while others can be outgoing. Whatever hero people may
be, they all have one goal, and that goal is to help others. The first... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Why the World Needs Heroes
Sister Helen Prejean is a Roman Catholic nun that is member of the Congregation
of St. Joseph, as well as an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. Prejean is
not only a hero for the accused that have no voice, but many members of the
catholic church look up to her as an inspiration for serving her faith as well as
being a genuine well hearted person. Prejean is a hero because she doesn t seek
publicity in her acts. She truly wants to help people no matter of the severity of
their past actions. For many years, Prejean has devoted her life to serve her faith
that millions of people share. She sacirficed Marriage, money, children, and time to
help and comfort people in need like the ones on death row. The important thing is
that when you come to understand something you act on it, no matter how small
that act is. Eventually it will take you where you need to go (Sister Helen Prejean).
Pejean naturally brings out missing qualities in her supporters and by doing so, it
causes a ripple effect that causes more and more people to catch the contagious
kindness and pass it on generation to generation, race to race, and gender to


Bergen-Belsen Quote Analysis
Three quotes that are significant are If she could find four pebbles of almost
exactly the same size and shape, it meant that her family would remain whole.
Mama and Papa and she and Albert would survive Bergen Belsen. page 8, We knew
then that after six and a half years that this was the day of our liberation from the
Nazis. It was exactly two weeks since we had boarded the death train in Bergen
Belsen... page 83 and 84, and One of the most frightening ordeals at Bergen Belsen
was being taken once a month to the showers... Even though we had been told,
Marion said, that there were no gas chambers at Bergen Belsen, how could we ever
be sure?... page 66. These quotes show how Marion was trying to have hope in her
family surviving,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
page 66. This is a significant quote because it is an example of how the Holocaust
had such harsh ways to kill people that weren t considered a superior race . The Jews
at Bergen Belsen had heard of the gas chambers and how they looked like normal
showers so they began to get scared. They were told to take a shower once a month
and thinking about the chambers can make them anxious. All they were told was
that they were to get undressed and to take a shower but they didn t know what was
going to come out of the shower head. It was either water like they were being told,
or it could ve been Zyklon B, the poisonous gas used to kill hundreds of Jews. This
is important to know because many mass amounts of people were killed by the
place they were told to take a shower in. Having this happen at other concentration
camps scares Marion and her family because they don t truly know if Bergen Belsen
is one of the very few places that doesn t have gas


Challenges Facing Female Head Teacher s
Challenges facing female head teacher s phenomenological study in the Effia
Tanokrom Circuit of the Secondi Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region of Ghana
Women just as their male counterparts, have a right to actively participate in
leadership in any facets of the society. In fact, they are permeating every domain of
activities with assertiveness and proven competence, and making in roads into
hitherto male monopoly of executive management roles in organizations especially in
the developed countries. This study will seek to gain an insight into the leadership
styles adopted by female head teachers of basic school in the Effia Tanokrom Circuit
of the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region of Ghana. It will also
investigate the challenges they face in their line of duty, and how these challenges
could be surmounted to enhance their performance. The Ghana Education service and
other teacher association. Significance of the study will lie in its capacity to
contribute to the debate on female leadership, particularly in our country. It is hoped
that the results of the study when disseminated through publication, will inform
prospective female head teachers in basic schools about the challenges that they
should anticipate and the various strategies they can employ to surmount the
situation. It is hoped that this will encourage female head teachers who have similar
challenges to develop similar strategies to help them. It will also serve an additional


The And Its Effects On The Populations
Honeybees are important pollinator in the ecosystem, which provide pollination to
crop. Most of the crops are relied on the pollination of honeybee for reproduction.
However the colonies of the honeybees are affected by a syndrome, which causes
the population of honey bee decrease rapidly in winter. Honey bee undergoes a
serious pressure from Colony Collapse Disorder(CCD), which is a mysterious
problem. It causes a dead colony occurs with no adult bees or dead bee bodies can
with the queen, honey and immature bees still present in the colony. Honey can be
found in the hives, but the adult bees are losses from the colonies. The scientific
cause for CCD is still undetermined, but the predictive causes of the syndrome are
pathogens, parasites, management stressors, and environment stressors. It begins
from 2006 that the beekeepers reported losses of 30 90 percent of their bees. To
prevent the further lost of honeybee in the United States, ARS and the National
Institute of Food and Agriculture develop a Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan to
help solve the problem. The decreasing of honey bee population caused by Colony
Collapse Disorder has huge impacts on the agriculture in the United States.
Honey bee is an important pollinator in the ecosystem and plays an important role
in the agriculture. Pollination can increase the value of crops for up to 15 billion
dollars ( Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan. ). 1.3 million out of 2.4 million bee
colonies are


What makes Good Characters Good in Dracula by Bram
In the book Dracula by Bram Stoker, he portrays the good characters as people who
would wilfully go out of their way to help people without expecting anything in
return. Some examples of this would be Dr. Van Helsing and his friends and people
who try to help Lucy get back to normal. An example of why Van Helsing is so good
is that when Dr. Seward asked him to come help Lucy when she was sick, he
stopped whatever work he was doing and went to help Dr. Van Helsing was a vital
part in helping to stop Draculabecause he was an expert on Vampires. One of the
reasons that makes the good characters in this book good is that they are not helping
to stop Draculafor selfish reasons, they are doing it because they want to see the
Draculaget... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mina Murray is the fiancГ©e of Jonathan Harker. She is portrayed as a good
character in the book because she is shown as a really kind hearted and vivacious
school mistress that always seems and is innocent and helps in anyway that she is
able too. Mina is Lucy Westerna s best friend and she is a very intelligent and
resourceful young woman who eventually leads Dr. Van Helsing s men to Castle
Dracula. The book describes how Lucy Westerna is a nice young woman and her
best friend is Mina Murray. She is the first one to fall under Dracula s spell. She is
a good character because even though she got transformed into a Vampire she still
tried to do everything that she could to help the others stop Dracula while she was
not under Draculas spell, she was really cooperative with Dr. Van Helsing when he
tried to hypnotize her to find out where Dracula was and that was a very important
part in helping to stop Dracula because it was able to show them were Dracula was
and helps them find out what he is trying to do at the time and she was not truly evil
at heart like Dracula is. Eventually Lucy s body returns back to normal with the help
of Dr. Van Helsing and the others when they defeated Dracula. All of the characters
have something in common and that is they all want to see Dracula destroyed in the
end. Another good


Research Paper On Arthur Eddington
Arthur S. Eddington was an English astronomer, born on Dec. 28, 1882, at
Kendal, United Kingdom. His father Arthur Henry Eddington was a school
teacher, died when Eddington was just two years old. His family had to move to
Weston, where he was raised. From 1893 to 1898, Arthur Eddington had attended
Brynmelyn School, where Eddington quickly distinguished himself, mainly in
mathematics and English literature. As a child Eddington was very intelligent, and
by his own account had mastered the multiplication table before he could read. He
received his bachelor s degree in 1902 from Owens College, Manchester, and later
he immediately proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge. At Cambridge Eddington
placed first in the mathematical examination in his second year, for him it was an
unprecedented achievement. According to NY Times, In 1905 he took his bachelor
s degree from Cambridge University; in 1907 he became Smith s Prize winner and
was elected a fellow of Trinity College; and in 1909 he obtained his master s degree.
Aside from being an astronomer, he was also a physicist, and a mathematician.
Throughout his astronomy career, several of the theories that Eddington discovered
has affected astronomy greatly.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Where he began his first theoretical investigations, which would later become one of
Eddington s famous discovery. Eddington did a little observations during a solar
eclipse on an African island call PrГncipe, in 1919. Eddington confirmed Einstein s
predictions of a slight shift in starlight caused by the gravitational field of the Sun.
It was verification of the bending of light passing close to the Sun. Which was
predicted by Einstein s theory of relativity. It was regarded as a conclusive proof of
general relativity at that time, even if in survey the proof was actually far from


Police Law Enforcement Protection And Citizen s Civil...
In 1991, nearly 10% of all United States murders occurred in New York City (La
Vorgna, 2012). The United States civil liberties grant citizen s rights and freedoms as
determined by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every citizen has the right to walk
their streets without being racially targeted by police. They also have the right to
roam these streets without being mugged or killed. Both are civil liberties. Amidst
times of racial and ethnic animosity, this country faces a problem between law
enforcement protection and citizen s civil liberties. Stop and frisk is a policing
tactic where officers stop, question, and frisk a civilian based on reasonable
suspicion of criminal activity. Many argue the New York Police Department s
(NYPD) use of stop and frisk is an obvious violation of the Constitution and is
based on racial discrimination. The Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS) has heard many controversial cases dealing with this exact problem.
Cases such as Terry v. Ohio and Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin s partial ruling of
Floyd v. City of New York have greatly impacted both law enforcement tactics and
the meanings of certain civil liberties. An analysis of the United States judicial
history and the biased decisions of Judge Scheindlin shows the NYPD s use of stop
and frisk tactic is not only constitutionally reasonable, but a non discriminatory way
of reducing crime. During 1968, Terry v. Ohio established the legal precedence for
stop and frisk. The fourth


How Did Nicolaus Copernicus Influence The Renaissance
The world of astronomy is filled with famous names, such as Galileo and Newton.
However, one of the most significant astronomers during the Renaissance era was
Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus s first interest in astronomy blossomed into a life of
creating astronomical theories. These theories would not only shape the world of
science, but transform the Renaissance and history itself. Nicolaus Copernicuswas an
extremely significant figure in history because he was a scientist, he challenged the
RCC, he used Classical World ideas, and he modeled the spirit of the Renaissance.
Nicolaus Copernicus made many scientific advancements during the Renaissance. For
example, one of the new theories he created was heliocentric theory. Heliocentric
theory... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Copernicus s new heliocentric theory caused trouble with the church. The Church
believed in geocentrism, the theory that the Earth, Jerusalem specifically, was the
center of the universe. Copernicus s theory contradicted the Church s teachings,
which made him hesitant to publicize his ideas. Copernicus feared the punishments
he would receive from the Church and other Christians for his ideas. However, in
1530, he began to share his theory among other scholars. He received positive
feedback for his theory, and thirteen years later, he was convinced to publish his
ideas in a book called De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions on
the Heavenly Spheres). Many people rejected Copernicus s ideas; in fact, Martin
Luther once stated, This Fool wants to turn the whole Art of Astronomyupside down.
While his book did convince some people to accept heliocentric theory, the book
was not widely published, it was difficult to read, and the book was very expensive,
causing the book to gain little attention. Even with the lack of publicly, the Church
placed Copernicus s book on the list of forbidden books. Nonetheless, Copernicus s
choice to publish his theory, although it was not widely accepted, was extremely
significant, because without this choice, heliocentric theory may never had been
discovered or publicly shared with the


Book Of Acts
Synopsis: Acts Shannon Fouts BIBL 5023 Graduate Survey of the Bible Dr. Grant
Testut August 10, 2015 Introduction The book of Acts is a captivating, theological
narrative of the early church s development from the resurrection of Christ through
the first three decades of the Church as the gospel spread throughout the ancient
Mediterranean world until it reached Rome. Addressed to Theophilus, the same
patron as that of the Gospel of Luke, Acts is believed to have been written as a
sequel to the gospel. The book of Acts serves as a bridge between the life of Christ
presented in the gospels with the life of the early church as revealed through the
remaining New Testament writings. Luke records the very beginnings of the church
under the Apostles leadership, specifically with Peter as the head of the Church in its
earliest stage. He records the miracles wrought by the Apostles, the divine
occurrences surrounding the inclusion of the Gentiles into the... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
A.D. 180), the author of Acts was widely identified as Luke, a Syrian from
Antioch, a doctor by profession who had been a disciple of the Apostles and who
had been the companion of Paul until Paul s martyrdom. He was said to have
written the Gospel of Luke along with Acts, and to have died unmarried in Boeotia
in Greece a the age of eighty four. This traditional view would place the time of
writing within the seventies or eighties of the first century. Modern times have
brought many challenges to the traditional view by numerous biblical scholars. The
author cannot be proven decisively to have been one of Paul s companions who was
a physician and therefore must be Luke the physician. At the same time, the
traditional view has yet to be conclusively proven wrong and many would prefer to
believe the tradition of the Church than the hypotheses of individual


How Did The Gold Rush Affect Immigration
The Gold Rush had an enormous impact on immigration globally, as it brought
people from all over the people. People from countries such as China, Mexico,
France and other parts of Europe came to California in hopes of finding gold and
living a happy life. Not only did the presence of immigrants help the cities grow
physically, the immigrants who came from across the globe helped the cities grow
culturally and economically. These immigrants brought with them their own
language, culture, and beliefs. They helped make Californiavery rich and diverse in
culture. Particularly, it was the Chinese immigrants, who came in large numbers in
search for gold. These immigrants boosted by economy by working in factories and
eventually building the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to history.com, At the time, the population of the territory consisted of
6,500 Californians (people of Spanish or Mexican descent); 700 foreigners
(primarily Americans); and 150,000 Native Americans . As immigrants began
settling in, the population of California territory grew exponentially. As stated in
history.com, the non native language of the California territory was some 100,000
by the end of 1849. This was a hundred times was than the population in California
prior to the discovery of gold (1848). In 1845, the population in the city of San
Francisco was around 400, but by 1860, when the rush had decelerated, the
population was well over 56,000. The state s population by the end of 1860 was
380,000. The immigrants who traveled to California were very diverse, coming
from China, Mexico, Ireland, France, and even as far as Australia. France alone
drew 30,000 immigrants. China attracted 20,000 immigrants in the year 1852
alone, as many as 2,000 immigrants arrived in a single day. (Rice) Even though
there was a rich diversity in the ethnicity, there was a small diversity in gender as
nine out of every ten forty niners were male. Gold mining reached its highest point
by 1852 and by then, about 81 million dollar worth of gold was taken out of the


Conrad s Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of...
Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans
The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native
inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa s existence, but we do not want to see or
understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to
criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is
given momentary applause, but felicitations are short lived and quickly forgotten.
These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by
twentieth century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such
enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change
this view by illustrating ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately for Achebe, many people still think of Africaas a shadowy place
containing secret knowledge about the beginnings of mankind and how man would
exist if he were not civilized. However, he does not let that stop him from doing his
best in his novels to counter that supposition. Okonkwo is far from being a thing
monstrous or an inhabitant of prehistoric earth . . . that wore the aspect of an
unknown planet (Conrad 108). He is a complicated man living in a complicated
society. He has faults, strengths, and desires, and he would hardly worship a Kurtz if
one happened to show up in Umuofia one day. Yes, Okonkwo and his fellow Igbo
have some strange customs, but as Achebe points out in his essay, Yonkers, New
York, has its own share of strange customs and rituals that a stranger might find
primitive on the surface (2). This information would come as no shock to many
anthropologists, nor would it seem strange to others (except, perhaps, the residents of
Yonkers), but it is the attitude of Westerners that really bothers Achebe, not the lack
of information.
The African is corrupt through and through . . . equality won t alter facts, (Achebe,
NE 3). This is a prevalent sentiment among the white British in Nigeria in the 1950s.
They bring formal education, equal status among whites and blacks, improved
employment opportunities, Christianity,


Fashion Designer Job Essay
2.0 Background Information
2.1 Job description
As an overview, fashion designers create original clothing, accessories and footwear.
They sketch designs, select fabrics and patterns and provide instructions as to how
the want the end product to look like. A fashion designer is someone who is creative
and artistic.
2.2 Job duties
Fashion designers have many duties to do. Some major responsibilities are to: Create
/visualise an idea and producing a design by hand or using computer aided design
(CAD); Keep up to the latest trends Understand design from a technical perspective,
i.e. producing patterns, toiles and technical specifications for designs; Source,
selecting and buying fabrics, trims, fastenings and embellishments; Adapt ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is one of the most original homegrown fashion labels around. Its latest collection
Whenever I Fall At Your Feet, is inspired by Singapore s iconic landmarks. She is
very talented and judging by the label s well received presentation at Paris Fashion
Week 2012, she s going nowhere but up.
4.0 Advantages of being a Fashion Designer in Singapore Experience:
Fashion designers in Singapore get to experience a truly multicultural yet Asian
experience both on and off campus. Strategic location:
With an excellent business location, it is easy to expand your designs worldwide as
there are people from all over the world coming to Singapore. Innovative:
Being a fashion designer allows you to be more innovative as it encourages you to
push boundaries and tread new design ideas following the trend. Creative:
It allows you to be more creative as you design your own styles or outfits.
5.0 Disadvantages of being a Fashion Designer in Singapore Salary:
The amount paid to fashion designers in Singapore be it full timers or part timers is
insufficient and too little as compared to other countries.


24 Hour Lockmith Company
24 Hour Locksmith, Los Angeles.
As our name implies, we are a 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles the country s most
popularly priced, low cost and budget friendly locksmith company service company
that is always ready to provide the best locksmith solutions at reasonable and lowered
prices. 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles has finest locksmith technicians available in
the industry ready to change your locks not only at moderate prices, but also at half
prices that are believed to be the most competitive in the locksmith industry.
At 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles, we are ready to carry out any locksmith
service you need us to provide. It doesn t matter where you require our service or
the time of the day when you find yourself locked out of your home or office, 24
Hour Locksmith Los Angeles our devoted locksmith technicians are at your service.
From Monday through Sunday and from morning to night, our clients are never far
away from receiving first class locksmith services.
We provide our clients with a comprehensive overview of the numerous services that
we offer. Our number one objective as a premier locksmith company in Los Angeles,
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our customer service at 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles is considered as the real
buy when it comes to quick, covetous and friendly responses to our clients
enquiries. Whenever you pick up the phone to call us at our office in Los Angeles,
you will hear the reassuring voice of one of our well trained customer care
representatives and not the digitized voice of an answering machine. Just as our
name implies at 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles , we are available 24 hours a day
and 7 days a week, in all seasons and in weather. For additional information on what
we offer the entire community of Los Angeles, send us an email or give us a call
right away so you can start enjoying our 24 hour Locksmith services right from our
customer care


The Impact Of Technology On Technology In Business
This business has developed on their products and services such as the first IPhone
which was launched in 2008 was IPhone 3 and then this business has developed on
this product and launched IPhone X in 2017. Another development on technology in
this business was their IOS as the first IOS was 7.1.1 and then it developed to the
latest IOS 11.3.5 and this supported this business into gaining and targeting new
customers and becoming market leader in the industry. Images on the right show this
business has used technology and taken advantage into succeeding in the market as it
had developed their software s on all of their products. https://www.bing.com/images
/search?view=apple+Ios+7 11 Furthermore, another service which this business has...
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The cause behind all this was a loophole in Irish tax law. Loophole is when there is
inadequacy in law and set of acts. Apple was permitted in Irish to avoid this law
without breaking the law.
Furthermore, in 2013 European commission rules that EU countries were not
allowed to offer tax deals without making the same terms accessible to others,
where Irish tax law and Apple were in a huge problem. Referring to Apple, they
generated billions of pounds overseas without paying any tax from 1990 to 2007.
This deal was unlawful European countries and it had influenced on Apple
negatively as the business and the CEO were not happy because the business was
accused of tax avoidance. Brussels were involved in this and the European
countries decided Apple had to pay taxes starting from 1991 to 2007 and were to pay
all of the European profits right up to 2015. EU s ruling had a major impact on
businesses like Apple as they ruled that Apple have to pay ВЈ13 billion in back after
the business funnelled capital through Ireland to avoid paying taxes on profit it
generated throughout Europe. This business had agreed to pay ВЈ13 billion in back to
Irish Finance Minister by 2018.
The graph on the left shows the tax rates across Europe. This clearly points out, how
Apple was affected negatively and they were ruled to pay ВЈ13 billion euros for taxes
on their profits and retail stores.
Image on the left,


What Is Willie Stark s Tragic Flaw
In the story all the kings men by Robert Penn Warren, Willie Stark is a Tragic hero,
this is because Willie Stark has a Tragic Flaw something all tragic heroes have. Thus
his Tragic Flaw is hubris.
One aspect of Willie Stark that contributes to his hubris is his high status, with his
high status more people know who he is and more people respect him and his
power, this is shown when in the story Willie Starkand his group arrive at a
drugstore and a woman working at the counter see s him, one of the girls ladling up
ice cream happened to see him and got a look on her face as though her garter belt
had busted in church (Robert Penn Warren5). This shows that Willie Stark is of such
high status that even someone as low in the social chain ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Hubris is excessive pride which is essentially arrogance however Willie is blind to
his arrogance as he often treats people like judge with very little respect, thus this
is shown when Willie is meeting with the judge and he takes a drink of the judges
without asking, Aw, have a drink the Boss said , and laughed on the red carpet
(Warren 44). This shows that Willie doesn t respect that this is the judges house,
thus he treats it like its his own. Later in the story as the judge and Willie
conversation becomes more intense Willie becomes even more rude and even
more disrespectful,so much so that the judge tells willie, Ill thank you sir, to get
out of that chair and get out of this house! (Warren 47). However instead of
listening to the judge and leaving, Willie says, Jack, he said, you were sure right.
The judge don t scare easy (Warren 47). Thus this shows that Willie doesn t take
the judge very seriously and decides to continue to make rude remarks even though
he wants the judges endorsement. However what makes Willies arrogance worse
is simply is his overall blindness to his own hubris, as he doesn t even realize how
rude he actually is being instead he just ignores it. A example of this would be
when in the beginning of his career when Willie is giving speeches he is
completely blind to the fact that they re really awful and his own self pride and
confidence make him think that they re way better than they actually are.
However everyone close to him realizes that they re awful including sally who tells
jack, You know, she said, jabbing out the butt savagely in the cup and looking at it
not me, you know, even if somebody told him. Even if he found out he was a
sucker, I believe he might keep right on (Warren 75). Thus proving Willies blindness
as even his friends know that his speeches are


Sherman Alexie s Junior
Sherman Alexie s choice in creating Junior, a character that is disadvantaged in
every way that is humanly possible. Sherman Alexie uses this character to support
the people that can relate to Junior in the story. In the book Junior speaks about his
life in poverty and his reservation. Many people can relate to Junior because they
may be in the same situation. Alexie does this to give support to those who can
relate to Junior. From the first few pages it is made clear that Junior is not very
wealthy. Junior may represent the typical outcasted, awkward kid with his own
problems ,Junior may describe himself as poor by saying Poverty = empty
refrigerator + empty stomach One would immediately think that Junior knows that he
is poor and being


The Economic Prosperity Of The United States Economy
The United States economy grew by an average of 4 percent per year between 1992
and 1999 (Pethokoukis, 2015).
The year 1991 began with the United States in a recession. Although short lived,
ending in March, it lasted nearly 9 months. Many factors played a role in this
recession, beginning with the stock market crashing in 1987. Another factor was the
savings and loan crisis in 1989, which according to Kimberly Amadeo was
considered the greatest bank collapse since the Great Depression. (Amadeo, n.p). The
Gulf War, which began in 1990, was another factor contributing to this recession
causing an increase in gas and oil prices.
The economic prosperity of the 1990s was mainly due to the internet and the huge
increase in technology industries.
Personal computers and the Internet came of age, bringing a revolution in the
efficiency of processing information and making workers more productive.
Manufacturing companies embraced more efficient production methods (Jackson,
President Bill Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in 1993, which
raised taxes and cut spending. Many credit this bill with helping set the stage for the
large budget surpluses of the late 1990s because the increased marginal tax rates
generated billions of dollars in revenue for the federal government.
From November 14 through November 19, 1995 and from December 16, 1995 to
January 6, 1996 the U.S. government was shut down as a result of a budgetary
impasse between Congress and


Who Am I Am Essay
PASSport Essay #1 The question who am I ? Can have a lot of individuals thinking
about themselves, including myself because one might not know where to start. It
is a very broad question, but having done the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment, I
realized more in depth what kind of person I really am based on my top 5 strengths.
Who I am as a learner, who I am in my career and who I am as a person of faith lead
me to answering the question above and understandingmore of myself within. First
off, who I am as a learner has changed over the past years. At times before, I wouldn t
take certain classes or assignments seriously and have learned my lessons when I
failed. I believehaving classmates at the time who weren t as focused as I wanted to
be, played a big role in my lack of understanding in classes. I understood later that if I
felt learningwas so important to me, I need to realize that it is my future and I
needed to focus on my own. Having learner in my top 5 strengths defines me very
well. Rath (2007) explains that, The process, more than the content or the result, is
especially exciting for you (p.133). I believe this defines me as a learner because I
enjoy having books in hand, opening up my notebook to write notes and learning
new ways to understand the class. Regardless if the content is something I have to
get in to or if I don t do well on tests, I enjoy the process of studying and learning
more even when I know I didn t do so well; that is what motivates me. I believe as
long as I keep this mindset and understand that this is my strength, I will continue
to grow and further my education as much as possible. Even though I have failed a
few of my last classes, I never let that stop me from continuing. Knowing that I
have failed makes me realize I know I can do better and I try my hardest not to let
it get me down. I will not get further if I don t keep trying and as a learner I am a
motivator to myself in my studies. When it comes to who I am in my career, a few
of my strengths shine through more than others. For example, I put everything I
have in to my work and into my career, and looking back at how I ve worked in the
past compared to now, I see my strengths restorative and developer.


Books Are Better Than Paper Books
Did a person know that each year, Approximately 30 million trees are used to make
books all over the United States (Pollak)? Americans have been exposed to books
every day since we were able to read. Interestingly, many people still prefer paper
books over the new modern way of reading called an E book. Many readers feel that
they can connect better to the paper version. Paper and E books depend on natural
resources, size, prices, and abilities. What would the reader buy: the modern E Book
or old school paper books? With many people today still enjoying paper books,
they don t realize the harm it causes the environment. When trees are cut down to
make paper, oxygen can no longer be made. This can have huge effects on us and
our world. One way to help reduce the number of trees being cut down is to recycle
or purchase recycled books only. A paper book takes up about 2/3 pounds of
recycled paper and two gallons of water. The environment is taking up 7.5 kilograms
of Co2 and using two kilowatt hours of fossil fuels (CustomMade).
Some may say that paper books hurt the environment because of destroying trees
but E books need electricity in order to work. So, which is worse? E book needs to be
charged to read, therefore a person cannot recycle since its technology based book.
When seeking deeper in how they kill the world, One E book uses 33 pounds of toxic
and conflict minerals with 79 gallons of water which is 35.84 kilograms. Also, is
using 65 pounds of Co2 with


Essay on Amy Tan s Mother Tongue
Amy Tan s Mother Tongue
In Mother Tongue, Amy Tan talks about how language influenced her life while
growing up. Through pathos she explains to her audience how her experiences with
her mother and the Chinese language she came to realize who she wanted to be and
how she wanted to write.
The author, Tan, has written the books The Joy Luck Club, and The Kitchen Gods
Wife. She is Asian American, her parents are originally from China, but moved to
Oakland, California. The audience in Tan s essay is people 20 35 years old who are
culturally diverse. Tan focuses on this audience in order reach out to those who are in
her past situation. In her house, there were two languages spoken: English and
Chinese. Tan knew how to speak... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She wants the audience to know right away that even though she is about to tell
you the story of a difficult childhood, she did reach her goal in the end. After
making this statement, Tan dives into her past and how she came to be where she
is today. Her mother is the next most important point of discussion. Her mother
influenced her writing style as well as her beliefs about her culture and heritage.
?Just last week, I was walking down the street with my mother, and I again found
myself conscious of the English I was using, the English I do use with her? (Tan,
2002, p. 36). The broken up English her mother uses is the next issue Tan focuses on.
??everything is limited, including people?s perceptions of the limited English
speaker? (Tan, 2002, p. 36). Lastly, she talksabout her education and the role it had
on her deciding what she wanted to do with her life. ?Fortunately, I happen to be
rebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions made about
me? (Tan, 2002, p. 39). By structuring the essay in order of importance, Tan reinforces
her message that you can be anything you desire even with a different culture than the
The main rhetoric appeal used by Tan is pathos, the appeal to emotion. Language
becomes an obstacle for Tan because her mother speaks limited English. Amy must be
an interpreter for her mother in instances where her mother cannot communicate
effectively. ?And sure enough, the following week there we were in


Jimmy Carter Leadership Style
James Earl (Jimmy) Carter was born on October 1, 1924 and was raised in rural
Georgia and was a peanut farmer who served two terms as Georgia s State Senator
from 1963 1967. In 1971 he was the Governor of Georgia. He was elected President
in 1976 and then served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 1981.
Carter was known for many, many things that were also known as his legends. 1982,
Carter found the Carter Center with the help of the First Lady, Rosalynn Carter. Its
mission is to peace and health worldwide. The Carter Center has been known for
advancing democracy, human rights and economic opportunity; preventing diseases;
improving mental health care; and teaching farmers to increase crop production. The
Carter Center has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the awards was receiving United Nations Human Rights Prize in 1998. He
was one of the five activists from around the world to receive this prize. Another
award that Carter has won was the Nobel Peace Prize. It s an extinguish award
given to an individual who has done the best work on our nation on creating a
strong military or peace. Carter won that prize in 2002, for his decades of untiring
effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy
and human rights, and to promote economic and social development . He even
won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation s highest civilian award. For
nearly twenty years after he left the office, he was given that award for not only
promoting freedom as the President but also after he left the office. President
Clinton has even noted that one of Carter s greatest accomplishments was one of
the many Carter has promoted peace and democracy around the world. One of the
proudest moments of my life was the day in 1993 when Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser
Arafat shook hands on the south lawn of the White House. That day was made
possible by the courage of the people of the Middle East and their leaders, but also
by another handshake twenty years before, and the persistence of President Carter
as he brokered the Camp David accords. I know it is a great source of pride for him
that twenty one years later not a word of that agreement has been


Crime And Punishment By Raskolnikov
Some of the basic theories that Karl Marx went by for the Marxist theory was that
throughout the novel, there are many instances where Raskolnikov, along with
other characters in the novel, suffer from poverty and in return take drastic
measures. For example, Sonya Marmelodav a good beautiful religious wife turns
to prostitution in order to help her family with economical issues. The Second
epoch Marx s had was capitalist stage of development his most ambitious work of
all as it says in the (Marxist Criticism packet paragraph 3) In a capitalist economy,
Marx explains, the two principle classes are the bourgeoisie, who own the modest of
production and the proletariat, who are forced to become contract laborer most
commonly used as slaves. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Showing how the feud between both classes will consume a lot of problems. In the
novel Raskolnikov commits the crime of killing two people throughout the story. For
different reasons many of which involving his pride. Raskolnikov gives a lot of
reasoning why he killed Alyona Ivanovna. The first person he killed for a
utilitarian reason as he proclaims. As Raskolnikov says The old woman was a
mistake perhaps but she s not the point! The old woman was merely a sickness...I
was in a hurry to step over...it wasn t a human being I killed, it was a principle! So I
killed the principle, but I didn t step over it, I stayed on this side....All I managed to
do was kill. And I didn t even manage that, as it turns out..(part 3 chapter 4) The
quote shows how Raskolnikov is trap in his own mindset of himself that he only
cares about himself and how supposedly is helping his society. He shows how he
needs to assure himself about the motivation towards killing Ivanovna. There are
many scenes from the book that relate to the base and superstructure of the Marxist
model of consciousness. It explains In the critical experience packet. Philosophers
from Plato to Hegel have insisted that the elements of human consciousness such as
our intellectual reasoning, our knowledge of right and wrong, and our ability to make
aesthetic judgements are inherent in our very humanity .( Pg.180) The reasoning for
Raskolnikov would of been coming from human conscious as that shapes your
relationship to society. He believed he was doing a right to himself and society and
that s why he committed both


A Report On The Globalization of the Construction Industry
globalization on the construction industry in terms of related issues, which affect the
overall building market. The influence of globalization on the construction industry is
the transformation of local and regional markets into one global market. Impacting
local construction industry in providing open construction trade. The globalization
affects the characteristics and structure of international construction activity with
issues relating the challenges from the global climate. The aim for the international
construction industry is to provide the supply and demandof related goods and
services required to undertake the necessary projects.
The construction industry is a major contributor to the world wide. The long term
objectives of any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The trends that have relation to the construction industry include:
Globalization on the construction industry in terms of related issues , which affect
the overall building market. The influence of globalization on the construction
industry is the transformation of local and regional markets into one global market.
Impacting local construction industry in providing open construction trade. The
globalization affects the characteristics and structure of international construction
activity with issues relating the challenges from the global climate. The aim for the
international construction industry is to provide the supply and demand of related
goods and services required to undertake the necessary projects.
The construction industry is a major contributor to the world wide. The long term
objectives of any companies are survival and growth. By engaging in international
trade and marketing activities companies become less vulnerable to competitive
attacks as they are able to offset seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in their domestic
market and are able to diversify in their market portfolio, products or services as
well as competitive position. Such activities increase the size of a company s market
share, there by achieving survival and growth.
Markets are defined as economical places of transaction where price are formed
through the interaction of supply and


The Next Kind Of Integration By Emily Balzelson Analysis
Millions of children, teenagers, young adults, and adults attend school every Monday
through Friday in the United States with the intent to learn and further their
knowledge of core subjects. They learn math, science, English, history, and countless
other subjects throughout the week of school. In history they learn about how for a
long time in American history women were not allowed to go to schooland were
forbidden get a higher educationfor even longer. They also learn that for much of
American history schools were separated by race. In The Next Kind of Integration
by Emily Bazelon, the author talks about how in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled in a
close decision that the racial integration efforts of two school districts was
unconstitutional. In When Bright Girls Decide That Math is a Waste of Time by
Susan Jacoby, Jacoby talks about how gender stereotypes limit girls and young
women from being proficient in math and science throughout their life. Even though
integrating different races, socioeconomic statuses, and even genders can be
difficult, in the long run it leads to better educated students and a better experience
in school. Segregation is often an issue that people see as an issue that plagued
America many decades ago but that is not true at all. In The Next Kind of
Integration the author Emily Bazelon talks about a Supreme Court case that talks
about a decision to not allowed schools to be segregated. The first sentence of the
article says, In June of


Understanding The Experiential Learning Process
Reflection is the method of analysing an activity with a view of changing an
existing approach or adopting a new perspective on an experience (Nguyen et al
2014). Boyd and Fales (1983) state that this process is central to understanding the
experiential learning process . According to Trottier (2015) Open Source Intelligence
(OSINT) is the process of an organisation gathering and analysing information that is
available to anyone. Websites and applications dedicated to Social media is one of the
most popular in OSINT for information generation and wide spread dissemination;
security and intelligence agencies can capitalise on these opportunities to covertly
study, things such as terrorist group behaviour, cultural contexts and recruiting
platforms (Zeng et al, 2010). The British Army employs small investigative teams that
conduct an OSINT capability to deliver a similar effect. The British Army state that
learninglessons is important and that all members of the armed forces need to be
involved in order to transform the field army of the future (British Army, 2016). Its
overarching learning processes are a holistic organisational view at the macro level
with long term objectives; there is no evidence that prescripts how the smaller
capabilities, such as OSINT, should learn, adapt and progress in order to advance in
their specific contexts. This essay will look at how important active reflection is to
self develop and continually improve the OSINT capability in line with


Reflective Account On Account
I have assisted in yearend in all my previous roles. I was involved in preparing
financial statements in my previous role as Assistant Financial Accountant. I was
responsible to finalise figures for revenue and input them on profit and loss accounts.
I was also responsible for calculating provisions figures and input them on Balance
sheet. I was also required to review full financial statementsto check for any errors
and ensure additional notes coincide with figures in financial statements. I also
reviewed backing documents for journals and workings for assertions in financial
statements before presenting them to auditors for external audit. I was also involved in
stock valuation process to determine the final figure for inventory.
My current


The On The Health Care System
For my training project, I decided to train one of my co workers. I decided to ask
Danny if I could train him because he is young like me and I know that it has been
extremely beneficial to me, to be aware about the health care system. The
importance of understanding how we are insured and what our rights are, has never
been more prominent. With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act or
Obamacare, in 2010, there were many changes to our health care system. The
changes apply to everyone and I felt that it was my duty as a Public Healthstudent to
spread what I have learned to further engage my peers and allow them to take an
active role. I gave Danny a short survey before I trained him to understand what he
was interested in and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I used this to set the base for why there has been a big push back to have a universal
health care system. I also included that there was a big influence from the American
Medical Association and the Republican party. There was also mention of how ideas
of socialism and communism were very real for the United States and any idea that
stemmed from this was not accepted. I then took this opportunity to talk abou the
technological advances we have made and how that has contributed to the rise of
health care. I made a note that just because we have the best technology, we are not
showing the best health outcomes and are spending about $9,000 per person on
health care yearly. Second, I gave a detailed explanation of Medicaid and the
program s role in our health care system. This was something that my co worker
was interested because he probably qualifies for Medicare. I decided to start by
showing a video I found on YouTube that talked about Medicare and Medicaid. It
did a great job at explaining that Medicaid is a needs based program that is
determined by income. Medicaid covers the basic things that we need to keep
healthy like, hospital services, doctor visits, prescriptions and nursing home care. In
order to qualify, New Jersey is using data sources like the Social Security
Administration and the Department of Homeland Security and Labor. It covers
people with incomes up to 133% of the Federal Poverty Line. It also covers


Nocash Research Paper
Castelan2 Castelan1 Claudia Castelan GOVT2305 Professor Sharifan April 22, 217
NOCASH An interest group is organized for people that take pride in what they
believe in, and help build a society to not be afraid of contradicting or reaching out to
the government.
Such as like NOCASH an interest group that help the young students of America to
overcome obstacles such as paying for or some of their tuitions.
One of the many obstacles to overcome in not only this organization but any other
one is how can we up rise and make it bigger, working with other organizations or
companies. Another obstacle that we need to look for is how we can overcome the
formation of this group.
We need to incorporate both the public opinion and persuade the leaders ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the two was called The education trust a nonprofit organization. One of the
many works that they do in order to get recognized, was informative events to
influence advocates, parents and policy makers. Just like our NOCASH interest
group, their main focus is for kids living in poverty and kids of color.
However they used some strategies that I never thought about using in the NOCASH
group, one of them was the analyzing of local, state and national data to further our
knowledge and understand the causes and how to help students reach a higher
The second main organization was MDRC created in 1974 by the Ford
foundation. Just like NOCASH this group targets real world policies, makes
programs for low income people to benefit from. They work with other
organizations that have the same goal set as them. One of the strategies that I
would take from this group is having a website in where people can discuss about
what they feel that there is need to be a change. However; not only work with one
group of people but those who are low income, as well for kids who have had a
rough start and possibly not have that reliability like other


How Is Alex Ferguson My Autobiography
Alex Ferguson My Autobiography talks about the hardships Alex Ferguson had to
face starting from his childhood all the way to the end of his days as a manager. By
conducting an assessment of the book from a psychologist s perspective one realizes
how strong willed Ferguson is and how he has surmounted one challenge after
another in order to get to the position he is in today. Alex Fergusonwas born in
Glasgow, Scotland to parents of Scottish decent. As a boy Alex love playing
football and went on to play the role of striker for local club Queen s Park while
simultaneously running a bar. He made his name as a manager when he guided
Scottish side Aberdeen FC to European glory. It was then that he got the call to
manage Manchester United FC and accepted the job in 1986. He also is married to
a loving wife named Cathy and has three sons named Darren, Jason and Mark. This
book explains about not only Sir... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He explains that managers or coaches should learn to criticize, but balance out the
criticism with encouragement.
The above are methods employed by managers even today, now we will look at some
of the methods that were employed specifically by Sir Alex.
Every year, when a season was half way through, Sir Alex would convince the
media that Manchester United would do better in the second half of the season.
These words not only convinced the media but also convinced the players at the
club. It gave a huge boost in form to the squad an even at times made the opposition
play worse.
Perhaps the most famous of all his mind games was his Watch tapping technique. He
used this technique towards the end of every match Manchester United played. He
believed that it put the feeling of fear in the opposing team and hence there would
be a loss in form. It also improved the overall playing style of his squad. This
technique worked more often than


Alice Walker s Everyday Use Essay
Alice Walker s Everyday Use
In the story Everyday Use the narrator is telling a story about her life and two
daughters, who are named Dee and Maggie. The narrator is very strong willed,
honest, compassionate and very concerned with the lives of her two daughters. Her
daughter Dee is not content with her lifestyle and makes it hard on Maggie and the
narrator. The narrator is trying to provide for her family the best way she can. The
narrator is alone in raising the two daughters and later sends her daughter Dee to
college. The longer the story goes on the more the narrator shows how intelligent and
how much she loves her two daughters.
Mama who is the narrator is a woman who can do any chore that a man can, because
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mama is also very observant because when her daughter Dee comes and visits, Dee
tells Mama that she changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. This
makes Mama feel that her daughter is running from her heritage. So when Dee
asks for some quilts that have been in the family for years, Mama tells her, No,
they are for Maggie . This says to me that Mama is very quick to draw as far as the
actions of her daughter. She notices that Dee changed her name and abandoned her
heritage. Mama tells Dee that her name came from her grandmamma. Mama is very
understanding also, because she isn t mad at Dee for changing her name, and just
tells her that she can t have the quilts.
Mama was a very interesting to me in this story, because she is so manly in the
story. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man , she says in the story.
Mama is also aware that she is not the brightest woman, because she says that she
didn t go any further then the second grade. I love how honest she is with herself.
Like when she talks about never being able to hold a tune. Most people would lie
to their self and make it sound like they could sing if they wanted to. Mama is also
a dreamer, at times because she refers to things the way that they were. Like when
she refers to her education and the house that they use to have. They had a house
before but there was a fire. Mama also has some humor to her, Why don t


A very good morning I bid to the panel of honourable judges, dedicated teachers, my
fellow competitors last but not least beloved audience. Where there is unity there is
always victory. Well, we all know about the story Three Musketeers which is a classic
English novel written by Alexander Dumas. D Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis
are always united facing the challenges in their lives. When Cardinal Richelieu s
guards appear to arrest d Artagnan and the three musketeers, the four men win the
battle that follows even though they are outnumbered. The reason for their success
was that they were united according to their famous motto All for one and one for
all. This brings me to my topic today that is 1 MALAYSIAwhich portrays... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We Malaysians should support our government in implementing 1 Malaysia. As the
saying goes United we stand, divided we fall . Vision 2020 could be achieved in time
and Malaysia would become a developed country if we are united as


The Is A Japanese Word For Higher Gross Domestic
Countries have always competed economically. The government pushes for higher
Gross Domestic Product, hoping that they will become the richest country. During
economic crises, countries want to recover and have stability. All of this means
that employees must work longer and harder. However, there are more
consequences than countries realize. The more employees work, the more stressed
they become, lowering their well being. Large epidemics begin spreading
throughout nations. As countries demand higher GDP, their people begin to
suffering causing numerous deaths from overworking or suicide due to stress.
Karoshi is a Japanese word for the epidemic spreading throughout the world, where
people are worked to death. Instead of focusing on the population s well being,
countries are only concerned with the economy, pushing employees to work long
and stressful hours. The term, karoshi, first appeared in the early 1980s, when
Japan enter into their bubble economy. Karoshi is defined as the, condition of
being permanently unable to work or dead due to acutely ischemic heart disease
such as myocardial infraction, or acute heart failure caused by cerebral vascular
diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral
infraction, because inherent health problems such as hypertension and
arteriosclerosis are deteriorated by excessive work overload (Kanai). For a while, the
Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare in Japan did not focus on the issue because they


Mental Illness And Self Identity
This issue is relevant because mental illness and self identity are starting to become
a popular topic in our society. People are starting to realize that even though it may
be a difficult subject to speak and learn about, it is important and should be
addressed in our society. This issue is important because it helps people embrace
who they are and learn about the issues instead of hating on themselves for being
different and not knowing the real facts about the issue. If we do not learn how to
treat mental illnessand accept ourselves, we will never move forward in society and
learn how to help others and ourselves with these topics. By learning more about
these topics we can help our society grow, by discovering new ways to help people
with these problems. We could decrease major issues in our society like mass
shootings, and teen suicide. With this topic we can make our society more aware and
inclusive of those with these issues.
Currently, mental health is a major topic in our society with mass shootings and
major crises with our government because everyone says that the shooters were not in
a good mental state, which made them do these terrible things. Self identity is also a
current issue among many young people who do not know who they are and are
still figuring it out. Teens who are not yet proud of their individualism blend into
society and become a brick in the wall instead of an individual who values their
unique qualities and culture. Today, these ideas are


Medical Professionals And Facilities Use Technology And...
Introduction With the epic changes and alterations to our current healthcare
system, the Federal Government has made great strides in order to make
healthcare more effective and efficient. In order to do so healthcare reforms have
been enacted in order to have medical professionals and facilities use technology
and informatics. Technology in the medical field helps create databases and offer
medical professionals a higher level of patient care. Meaningful Use is part of a
2009 law called HITECH, which in turn is part of the American recovery and
Reinvestment act . HITECH stands for Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health. Meaningful use is also part of a 3 stage system, that helps
medical providers and facilities... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This paper will discuss the pros and cons of meaningful use as well as
recommendations for further guideline adjustments.
Meaningful Use and Implementation Criteria
Meaningful use is currently separated into a three stage system that the federal
government has enacted timelines on. Meaningful use is defined by characteristics
by which medical personnel and medical facilities gain the use of electronic health
record technology. The goal is to create an interoperable EHR system that improves
quality, safety, efficiency and reduce health disparities while engaging patient and
improving care coordination. The HITECH act also establishes the scope of
security and privacy protections under the HIPPA law. Under the rules, providers
must meet certain standards in stage one then moves on to meet the criteria in stages
two and three. The act stipulates that users must meet five out of ten criteria points
of which one must be a population /public health measure and thirteen required core
objectives (CDC, 2012). According to the CMS website, new rules and regulations
have been enacted as of 2014 that show the criteria for medical professionals versus
facilities. Through the use of the 27 billion dollars allocated to incentive this
program, medical professionals, meaningful users that can meet criteria will receive
money and assistance to initiate the HIT


Impact Of Globalization In Latin America
Globalization in Latin America: Luchando por la Justicia y la Libertad
La tierra mas hermosa. The most beautiful land. Latin America and the Caribbean
maintain the humble beauty of many indigenous regions. The rugged mountains
of Bolivia are scattered across graded lands. The Quechua people can be seen
wearing richly decorated ponchos as they plant seeds for forming. Weathered
volcanic lavas are stretched over the lands of Guatemala, and the heavily wooded
forest trees can also be seen in the eastern slopes of the Andes. The azure blue
oceans of Havana sparkle as the golden sun illuminates the sky. These humble lands
have always been here; streams of people have flowed through these lands for
centuries. It is only the globalizaciГіn that is relatively new, and along with that
comes the life one lives in these lands pobreza y viviendo en el infierno [poverty and
living in hell]. The impact of globalization in Latin America has caused a ripple in the
lives of many individuals living in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although
globalization is not a new concept, the process of globalization has drastically
expanded and involved into social, political, and economic changes that weakens the
sovereignty and power that helps create policies and reform government institutions.
Before and After Globalization
Before globalization, Latin America and the Caribbean was isolated from the world
and from itself. The indigenous people of Latin America lived in the most remote


Athletes and Steroid Use Essay
In recent history American culture has become more and more dominated by sports.
Out of all of these sports baseball is considered to be America s pastime. Over the
last couple years America s pastime has come under scrutiny about some of its
players using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. In an
interview with Sports Illustrated, Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig
said, ВЎВ§... hopefully we can figure out ways to solve this problem. It needs to be
solved. There is no one IВЎВ¦ve talked to who can say it is not a problem. Now the
question is, What can we do about it?ВЎВЁ (41). The commissioner is absolutely
correct in saying that the steroidsissue is a problem. Without a doubt the steroid issue
is bringing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I do agree that the players who are using anabolic steroids are cheaters. It is sad that
great accomplishments and records set by honest players are being smashed by
juiced up athletes. In his Sports Illustrated column Rick Reilly states, ВЎВ§I believe
Barry Bonds should go straight to the Hall of Fame, too, even though I know that
heВЎВ¦s a cheater and that the second half of his career was as phony as Cheez
WhizВЎВЁ (118). I also sympathize with players who are playing the game
honestly only to be outdone by dishonest players. The youth of America cannot be
shown that cheating is bad, but it is also okay and you can get away with it.
If these players arenВЎВ¦t going to be totally axed from the game, record books, and
hall of fame then we should let the world and future generations know that there is an
asterisk next to these accomplishments. ВЎВ§That asterisk would say: Records are in
question because of widespread use of anabolic steroidsВЎВЁ (Verducci 38). This
way we are punishing cheaters while not totally obliterating their accomplishments.
Players who have played the game honestly will see the accomplishments of
dishonest players marred by this historical asterisk. The youth of America will learn
from this that there is no honor in cheating. Let all the people today and of future
generations know that this era of inflated numbers and hall of famers is under
scrutiny of widespread anabolic steroid use. I


Graycloud By John Nola Analysis
Like Nola, Ruth Graycloud, was exploited and subjugated by her white husband,
John Tate. Ruth was Moses Graycloud s twin sister. Like Nola, Ruth was an Osage
woman who became a victim of one of the white men who married Native American
women to get access to Osage oil wealth. Despite marrying a Native American woman
, Tate had no respect to Native Americans. As Yanka Kroumova Krasteva contends,
Tate constantly takes pictures of the Indians, as if they were archaeological finds.
And this is the way he treats his Indian wife (55). Tate was a photographer; he used
to appear at all significant events in the Indian territory standing behind the three
legged stand that held his camera, his head covered with black cloth, his own good
eye seeing everything through glass lenses (Hogan, Mean Spirit 58). He used to
photograph Native Americans and send their pictures to magazines. Tate first used
Ruth as a model then as source of income . (Hogan, Mean Spirit 179). He
humiliated and abused her; he did not love her, disliked to be seen with her. They
seldom went anywhere together, but when they did, he never walked at her side
(Hogan, Mean Spirit 134). At the end of Mean Spirit Tate killed Ruth. As a result,
Moses shot him dead.
In fact, Hogan highlights the oppression inflicted upon women. Meanwhile, she
pinpoints the previously discussed ecofeminist principle that women s liberation is
inseparable from the struggle against the oppression and abuse of


The Waste Land And Recitatif Analysis
History and writing between the Civil War up to the present day has drastically
changed. Being in a Modern American Literature class, class readings are over the
changes in writings, the way dialect or speaking has modernized, and the author s
thoughts. Many would think coming into a Modern American Literature class would
be more modernized stories and poems. In our syllabus, The Waste Landlacks out of
showing direct thoughts, being reliable enough to understand and real modern
history. Which, is why I believe The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot should be switched out
with Recitatif by Toni Morrison. I will be comparing and contrasting The Waste Land
with Toni Morrison s Recitatif on setting, writing skills, and the authors themselves.
By comparing both stories, both authors, Morrison and Eliot made sure they
explained to us how emotionally available they were to both situations. The Waste
Land and Recitatif were both published at a time where humans were truly needing
the truth of reality. The Waste Land published after World War 1, in 1915, which
was a very unhappy time period for Europeans. The setting was set in London but
different areas, yet each speaker was set in a mental setting which made them realize
it was a waste land. It is one of the hardest stories that we have read this semester and
does not include any historical context, more of an emotional context from different
speakers. Thus, the point of the story. Eliot knows it is difficult to understand, he


Theism in a Postmodern World
Theism in a Postmodern World by Billy Bush Religious Worldviews RELS 402
Professor W. C. Calhoun June 22, 2009 Abstract In today s postmodern world,
ideals of being consumed with self and self appropriated ideas of truth leave God
forgotten and to them, God is dead. This same thought process see s no reason or
logic to bring God into the picture let alone into their lives. The pervasive
postmodern worldview today includes precepts such that self decides who we
become, as well as, is not necessary to have a God who should be in control of our
lives. It is difficult for a Christian to live out his theistic worldview in today s
postmodern world, but it can be done because of our beliefs in God. Like... Show
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(John 3:16, NIV). Many people ask If God is just, why is there evil? (Forte, 2003).
The answer to this is simple, evil exists because humans choose to disobey and fall
into sin. The disobedience of man is the original cause and current cause of evil in
this world, not God.Christian theism includes what happens to a person when they
die. For each person death is either the gate to life with God and His people or the
gate to eternal separation from the only thing that will ultimately fulfill human
aspirations (Sire, 2004). Inevitably, there are only two destination choices; either
we will go to heaven or hell. Hell was not only created by God for Satan and those
angels who chose to defy God s will but also for those who have chosen to reject
Christ s love and to follow Him.Christian theism defines how ethics relates to the
role of humans. Ethics is transcendent and is based on the character of God as good
[holy and loving] (Sire, 2004). Theism teaches the universe is moral and there is
an absolute standard by which we should all judge things. God is the standard and
all issues should be judged next to His standard.Christian Theism teaches us,
History is linear, a meaningful sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God
s purposes for humanity (Sire, 2004). History, as we know, began when God created
this world. History is not simply a story seen as possibly or potentially true,
depending upon from who


Till We Have Faces Essay
Many of the works of C.S. Lewis contain themes of Christianity and the relationship
between man and the spiritual world. Written in the mid 1950s and towards the
end of his life, Till We Have Faces is one of Lewis most intellectual works.
Considered as his most mature work of writing, it is a retelling of the classical
mythical story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, the older sister
of Psyche. It prompts the reader to relate with Orual as the victim of the gods,
then, when the veil is lifted and the faults of Orual are revealed, the reader is able to
better recognize the faults of his own and those of society. Till We Have Faces opens
the eyes of readers to what loveshould be, and to its effect upon the world.
For many, love is a constant search for happiness that never ends. The desire for
love is longed for and pursued by every human. Many constantly seek it in self
satisfaction, but are never fully satisfied with the love which they attain. The
biggest reason for this is the distortion of the love which is sought for. True love is
pure and selfless, the perfection of a person. It is truly something which must be
cultivated in order to recognize and attain it. Love is a gift so sacred that it is worth
living and dying for. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not ...
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Especially within a society such as ours, which distorts love into lust, the ability to
recognize and display the gift of love is essential. Selfish love, which is so inherent
to humanity, inhibits God from acting in our lives, blinding us from experiencing
His presence and eternal joy. It is so easy to look for pleasure and love in self
satisfaction. However, the path to lasting happiness is not found through instant
gratifications, but in the grueling practice of living a life full of


Causes And Disadvantages Of The Middle Ages
The middle ages were a time of great change and political upheaval. With the advent
of barbarians migrating from all across the continent to better their lives and to
receive the protection of the King or Emperor. Learning and preserving the past
became a priority for the first time ever as a country wide goal. With the help of
some truly great leaders like Charlemagnewe have the countries and historical
artifacts we know today. Barbarian migrations had major effects on Europe, during
the Middle Ages, starting with the decline of Rome, the Franks, and most importantly
by Charlemagne. The decline of the Roman empirewas caused by two things, one a
lack of capable leaders to rule and second of all an insurgence of those they
considered barbarians. A barbarian being anyone who wasn t Roman, but in this
case specifically the Huns who came from the East as well as the Goths who lived
around the empire in the outskirts and further. The decline of Rome did not happen
overnight it happened over the late fourth century and fifth century. Starting with the
Huns invasion of tribes in the far east causing them and others to flee. That led the
various Gothic tribes to cross the Danube River looking for protection from the Huns
that they hoped could be provided by the Romans. At this point in A.D 376 and later
on the groups of Huns were not just one large group but they were split up into
multiple groups with their own hierarchy and aims to accomplish, and for the right


Causes of Macbeths Downfall
Causes of Macbeths Downfall Essay
By Jordan Koorey
Shakespeare s Macbeth, based on a play written in 1605 explores the life journey of
Macbeth as he climbs the ladder of the social hierarchy. Determined to become King,
Macbeth will kill any and all that get in his way. Driven by ambition, Macbeth puts
his faith in the words and prophecies of three witches after a prediction that Macbeth
would gain the new title of Thane of Cawdor. Alongside with ambition, Lady
Macbeth, is a key instrument to Macbeths ambition to become king, continuously
pressuring him, when he fears he has gone too in his schemes for greatness. We can
definitely see a well regarded and loyal soldier of the Scottish army change to a
murderous tyrant. His downfall ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the lead up to the event of King Duncan s murder Lady Macbeth tricks Macbeth
into killing Duncan by using her cunning and complicated words. She makes
Macbeth think that he has to kill Duncan for his benefit. Lady Macbeth deceives
him into thinking that only he would gain more power, and it wouldn t benefit her.
Lady Macbeth counters Macbeths arguments by saying that he needs to muster up
all of his courage, and just follow here directions. Lady Macbeth plans the murder
strategies, and influences Macbeth to go along with her strategy. Macbeth doesn t
want to kill a good king for his own ambitions, but is persuaded to do it. From Lady
Macbeth persuading him to kill Duncan, the first evil act he commits, he is drawn
into believing the witches prophecies, and takes action to make them come true.
Through various quotes by Lady Macbeth, it is evident to say that with each other
by their sides, was a negative influence to the lead up of Macbeths downfall. Lady
Macbeth blames her husband for lacking the courage to do the deed, and because
Macbeth is a warrior above everything else, her comments manipulate him a good
deal. Indeed, manliness is an idea the play interrogates in various ways, such as
when Macbeth says I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none
(1.7.46 47). This is the belief that his wife use against him: When you durst do


Epidemiology of Homeless
Epidemiology of Homeless/Indigent People with Mental Illness
Vulnerable populations are defined in many ways. Variables of the definition are
dependent on the author, their current location and how they believe that they may
assist this population. Vulnerability as defined in a healthcare setting are those with a
greater than average risk of developing health problems by virtue of their
marginalized sociocultural status, their limited access to economic resources, or
personal characteristics such as age and gender (DeChesnay Anderson, 2008).
Vulnerable populations in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are the homeless and
indigent veterans with mental illness. Jacksonville, North Carolina, is a military town
with three military bases in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many reasons for homeless and mentally ill person to be in the
predicament that they are now facing. The incidents have been studied but the co
occurrence of homeless, mental illness, and substance abuse seem to have
longitudinal results. Therefore, concluding that there is no direct conclusion that
one is needed for the other to occur. Some reason for such include but are not
limited too, financial set backs, loss of family support, severity of preexisting
symptoms, prior stay in institutions such as, hospital or jails and traumatic events. In
this area increasing incidents can be contributed to the military presence. The area is
a very transient area because of the military and thriving economy. The majority of
the homeless individuals with mental illness in the area have had prior military
service. Discharges range from dishonorable to medical reasons. Medical being the
most frequent cause of discharge. Medical consisting of area from person unable to
adjust to the military, anger issues, traumatic events affecting reasoning such as
traumatic brain injuries or post traumatic stress disorder. These individuals are
usually at a disadvantage of finding care of have troubling accessing care. Males are
not the only individuals who are affect with homelessness. Woman also account for
about 5% of the homeless rate of 20 25% in the area. Woman also have served in


African American Music Research Paper
African American Music
July 3, 2014
Chapter 4
Black Dance Music of the 1949 1970
Civil Rights Songs were originated from the Black Church. Song that were borrowed
Civil Rights Song were called Freedom Songs that were used to support the
During the 1949 all music that was produced was called race records. Billboard
magazine introduced a new distinguished genre known as Rhythm Blues known
today as R B . R B was originally and African Americansound that evolved from
blues and jazz that involved heavy and insisted beats. This genre of music consisted
with lyrics that involved love and human relationships.
In the 1950 s R B began to define the sound of Rock n Roll which was about intense
social and racial pride. Such artist as Little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the 1960 she started her career at Columbia Records , later on she then signed
with Atlantic Records in 1967. Franklin gain the title The Queen of Soul , she gain
most of her success through songs such as Respect , You make me feel like a natural
Woman , I say a Little Prayer , Think , Chain of fools , Natural Woman , I never
loved a Man .
James Brown born in Barnwell, South Carolina, he was an American recording artist
and musician. He was call The Godfather of Soul , he first came to the lime light in
the late 1950 s as a member of The Flames. Ballads such as Please, Please, Please and
Try Me started brown s career as an energetic performer. Brown career peaked in the
1960 s with the album Live at the Apollo and hits such as Papa s Got a Brand New
Bag , I Got You , and It s a Man s World ,
Curtis Mayfield was an American R B, Soul singer and songwriter, guitarist and
record producer. He became famous during the Civil Rights Movement of the late
1950 s and 1960 s. Mayfield is considered to be a pioneer of funk and politically
conscious African American Music. His hits include song such as , Super Fly ,
Pusherman , Get down , Give me your Love , Freddies Dead , Keep On , Keepin On
, No Thing On Me , Here but Im


American Research And Development Of An Atomic Bomb
It was August, 1939. United States President Franklin Roosevelt read a letter sent to
him from prominent scientists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard. The purpose of this
letter was to inform the President that the Germans supposedly discovered the secrets
to developing nuclear weaponry and to urge the President to do the same. This letter
changed the course of human history, setting the stage for the development of
weapons that would alter warfare forever (Primary Sources: Letter from Einstein to
FDR). The Manhattan Projectwas the code name given to the American research and
development of an atomic bomb. The high stakes chess game of World War II was
in full swing, and every move each side played created a chain reaction throughout
the world, as did the news of the German s advancements. Even though the United
States would not officially enter the war until 1941 (Historical Film Footage: US
Enters World War II), the world believed the United States to be the only hope of a
German defeat. With the alarming news of the German s recent discoveries, the
Americans needed to quickly assert its dominance in the race to develop new wartime
technology. Roosevelt authorized the research of nuclear weapons in January of 1942
(Atomic Timeline). Immediately, government officials placed plans for classified
studies into motion at institutions across the country. As explained by the
Independence Hall Association, At first the research was based at only a few
universities Columbia


Essay on The Educational Benefits of Video Games
The Educational Benefits of Video Games The repetition of the statement claiming
that video games do not help children in their educational enterprises is unfair. There
have been numerous studies conducted providing evidence that children gain
structural knowledge while engaging in video game play (Pillay 2002). Certainly,
different styles of video games may produce different results. It is important for us
to understand the different benefits from the various styles of games. Because
students play a wide variety of games, they may have a repertoire of schemas with
different information (Pillay 2002). Visual Skills A majority of the studies conducted
discussed results regarding visual skills. The appreciation of visual... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
They compared them to student who played 10 hours of non action video game.
On all visual skills tests, action video gamers scored better than non action video
gamers (Chudler 2003). The experiments at the University of Rochester brought
forth very promising information for the support of video gaming. In the May 29
issue of Nature, people who play action video games process visual information
more quickly. They can track 30% more objects than non game players (Roach
2003). Boosting visual scores can improve dramatically after just 10 hours of
playing action games (Cohen 2003). Thinking and Learning Skills Video games can
be used as instructional tools as well. They have positive elements and add value;
they create a micro world of their own. The players act based on natural tendencies
towards learning. Therefore, learning occurs while playing (Rosas et al., 2003).
Simulation, adventure, and role playing games are another type of video game that
produces positive results in skill levels (Morgan 2003). Simulations games are widely
used in training various areas: 1. Colleges and institutions use them for educational
purposes. 2. Industries and businesses use computer simulations to train their
employees and executives. 3. Common in military in helping learn military strategy.
4. Almost all pilots do some flight


The Rate Of Teenage Pregnancy
Her name is Isabel . She got pregnant at 15 and brought forth a little girl at 16. One
night her and her boyfriend decided to engage in sexual relations. After that night
her life changed drastically . After 4 weeks she figured out she was pregnant.
Isabel conversed with a trusted auntie, and she took her to go get checked. She peed
in a container and those 2 lines came up. Isabel took a gander at her Aunt ,but she
didn t generally recognize what to say. She told Isabel that it would have been
alright. I am regularly frightened when I see an amazingly youthful young lady
encountering parenthood during a period when her fundamental concerns ought to be
far not exactly those of raising another person. The truth of the matter is that
consistently more teenage girls are having babies at an alarmingly, youthful age.
This issue brings up the issue of what should be possible to forestall and bring down
the rates of teenage pregnancy. Keeping in mind the end goal is to avert teenage
pregnancy. Youngsters need a complete comprehension of restraint, preventative
strategies, and outcomes .Young people who are pregnant can t typically bolster the
youngster all alone. Teenage Pregnancy is a developing issue all around the globe.
Despite the fact that the numbers have been brought down, it is still an issue in our
general public. At the point ,when teenagers become pregnant their associations with
their family, companions, and the father of the infant can change a considerable


Reflection Paper On Teacher 2
provided by ELI. On the 11 September 2013, the second observation took place in
Teacher 1 s class at 8:20 am (see appendix D1). Teacher 1 briefly introduces me to
the students as a teacher/researcher and tell me to sit anywhere I want. I choose an
empty chair among the students. I did this in every class I observed. The total
numbers of students present were 21 in total. The lesson started by an Islamic
greeting, and students were told to take their places and be quiet. The teacher gives
no introduction to the lesson, but rather jumps into a fill in the blanks activity for
writingpractice. Students are quiet and passive and only respond when asked upon.
The teacher gives no praise for correct answer, nor gives a chance for students who...
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Like the previous class, Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 follow the same controlled
composition type of teaching writing approach wherein grammar is taught. When
Teacher 2 calls upon students who do not raise their hands to answer, they seem
embarrassed, uncomfortable with having to answer, because they do not know how
to answer. This was an uncomfortable moment for me as an observer in the class
because I felt the students were shy and ashamed of not knowing the correct answer.
The teacher spoke in a loud voice too, which made the situation more uneasy for the
students. At that point of the observation, I thanked the teacher and left the class. For
the second observation in level 102, Teacher 4 had 26 students in her class. This class
was different to the other three classes in terms of the seating. Students were seated in
a U Shape. Again, the class is quiet, and the teacher instead asks the students what are
the different kinds of writing as an introduction to how to write according to the
medium of writing. She tackles this topic to draw their attention to the use of
abbreviations and capitalization. Students, like in the other classes, were reluctant to
participate. The teacher then gives the students 5 minutes to write 6 things they did
yesterday. Students start to take out papers and


Age Of The Fetus Essay
Introduction The first and foremost thing here in this case study is that the age of
the fetus is not clear at all as it is told that Jessica finds herself pregnant six months
before moving to their private quarters. Later it is told that four months later that
they went to the clinic. So there is a natural doubt when did Jessica and Marco go to
hospital for the tests? I proceed in this paper with an assumption that it is after four
months/seventeen weeks of her pregnancythat Jessica went to hospital.
The Theory / Theories The case is that of fetus abnormality where the fetus is seen
in the scan as deformed or specifically without arms and also a possibility of having
Down syndrome. It is true that the parents don t want such a child in ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rarely were the rights of the prospective mother, much less the prospective child,
taken into consideration. Although generally legal, the morality of abortion, birth
control and child abandonment (as a form of infanticide) was sometimes
discussed. Then, as now, these discussions often concerned the nature of man, the
existence of a soul, the beginning of life, and the beginning of human personhood.
If a fetus is a person, it is a person in very special circumstances it exists entirely
within the body of another much larger person and usually cannot be the object of
direct action by another person. The position Marco and her wife is not that clear
from the available case study. But the position of Aunt Maria is very clear. She
holds the view or the theory that of the pro life movement. Here the emphasize is
on the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born. She is very clear
about the status of the fetus as it is human life and that is to be protected by all
means. The fetus has the right to be germinated and to be born and grow in to its
maturity. Nobody has the right to terminate a life that God has created.


Frederic Chopin Research Paper
Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes
and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.
Frederic Chopin said. Chopin is a pianist and a composer. He was born on March
1, 1810 in Zelazowa Wola, Poland. Chopin s mother was a piano teacher and his
father played the flute and violin. At age 6, he was ably playing and composing
tunes. He published his first composition at age 7, and at age 8 he began performing.
His family engaged professional musician Wojciech Zywny for lessons. Then his
parents enrolled him in the Warsaw Conservatory Music. Chopin studied for three
years under Polish composer, Josef Elsner. By 1818, Chopin was performing in
elegant salons and writing


A Rationale For Dick s Sporting Goods
Zina Collins
Finance 534
Dr. Kehiaian
August 23, 2015
This paper will provide a rationale for Dick s Sporting Goods and indicate the
significant factors driving my decision as a financial manager. It will determine
the profile of the investor for which the company may be a fit. A selection of at
least five financial (5) ratios will be utilized. The last three years of the company s
financial data will be analyzed. A determination of the company s financial health
will be assessed. A determination of the risk level from the investor s point of view
will be assessed. Key strategies will be suggested in order to minimize the perceived
risks. A recommendation will be given regarding the stock as an investment
Rationale for selecting Dick s Sporting Goods
Dick s Sporting Goods was originally opened in 1948 as a bait and tackle shop in
Binghamton, NY. Since then, the company has grown into a major, full line
sporting goods chain with over 500 stores. Part of the company s mission statement
is to be ....the #1 sports and fitness specialty omni channel retailer that serves and
inspires athletes... (Dick s, 2015). There is no doubt Dick s Sporting Goods has
succeeded in fulfilling the mission as the company has been publicly traded since
2002 with sales today in

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  • 2. Robert Van Gulik s Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee Van Gulik, Robert. Celebrated cases of Judge Dee. Tokyo: Dover Publications INC, 1949. Robert Van Gulik was a Dutch diplomat stationed in various countries mostly in Japan and China. He also attained a PhD for dissertation on the horse cult in Northeast Asia even though he made a career in the Dutch diplomatic service he was a very well educated man on Asian Culture. Van Gulik translated the 18th century detective novel Dee Goong An into English under the title, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee. He is also the known author of, The Chinese Maze Murders, The Chinese Bell Murders, and The Chinese Lake Murders. Judge Dee s main thesis is to represent a perspective of the people and culture of China through an analysis of ancient Chinese criminal justice. We should value Van Gulik s scholarship because he spent a major part of his life immersed in Asian culture as a diplomat. His ability as a linguist fit him well for his occupation and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which was typical punishment for most violent crimes at the time. Punishments like this such as the death penalty are used today not as common as they were in ancient China. On some occasion torture wasn t not only used to gain a confession but as a method of punishment typically in most western countries such as the United States and Europe you don t see forms of public humiliation, and torture for punishments of crimes. These methods used in ancient China may be effective may as a deterrence to crime however they aren t very humane and accurate which is why they are not used in today s society in most parts of the world. Even though innocent people are accused in today s society it is still much more of an accurate system of then that of ancient china. Everyone is innocent until proven is much more human and effective it also helps that forensics and technology have come a long way to help prove guilt or
  • 3. Sister Helen Prejean Heroes The definition of a hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements,abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal (dictionary.com). A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is able to help other in many ways. A person can become a hero by saving someone who is in danger or influencing another or someone who gave up his or her life so another could live . A hero is there to help others and give them strength in life s difficulties. A hero does not always have to show courage they can be afraid. There are many types of heros in the world. Heros come in all shapes and sizes, some can be shy while others can be outgoing. Whatever hero people may be, they all have one goal, and that goal is to help others. The first... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why the World Needs Heroes Sister Helen Prejean is a Roman Catholic nun that is member of the Congregation of St. Joseph, as well as an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. Prejean is not only a hero for the accused that have no voice, but many members of the catholic church look up to her as an inspiration for serving her faith as well as being a genuine well hearted person. Prejean is a hero because she doesn t seek publicity in her acts. She truly wants to help people no matter of the severity of their past actions. For many years, Prejean has devoted her life to serve her faith that millions of people share. She sacirficed Marriage, money, children, and time to help and comfort people in need like the ones on death row. The important thing is that when you come to understand something you act on it, no matter how small that act is. Eventually it will take you where you need to go (Sister Helen Prejean). Pejean naturally brings out missing qualities in her supporters and by doing so, it causes a ripple effect that causes more and more people to catch the contagious kindness and pass it on generation to generation, race to race, and gender to
  • 4. Bergen-Belsen Quote Analysis Three quotes that are significant are If she could find four pebbles of almost exactly the same size and shape, it meant that her family would remain whole. Mama and Papa and she and Albert would survive Bergen Belsen. page 8, We knew then that after six and a half years that this was the day of our liberation from the Nazis. It was exactly two weeks since we had boarded the death train in Bergen Belsen... page 83 and 84, and One of the most frightening ordeals at Bergen Belsen was being taken once a month to the showers... Even though we had been told, Marion said, that there were no gas chambers at Bergen Belsen, how could we ever be sure?... page 66. These quotes show how Marion was trying to have hope in her family surviving,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... page 66. This is a significant quote because it is an example of how the Holocaust had such harsh ways to kill people that weren t considered a superior race . The Jews at Bergen Belsen had heard of the gas chambers and how they looked like normal showers so they began to get scared. They were told to take a shower once a month and thinking about the chambers can make them anxious. All they were told was that they were to get undressed and to take a shower but they didn t know what was going to come out of the shower head. It was either water like they were being told, or it could ve been Zyklon B, the poisonous gas used to kill hundreds of Jews. This is important to know because many mass amounts of people were killed by the place they were told to take a shower in. Having this happen at other concentration camps scares Marion and her family because they don t truly know if Bergen Belsen is one of the very few places that doesn t have gas
  • 5. Challenges Facing Female Head Teacher s Phenomenological... Challenges facing female head teacher s phenomenological study in the Effia Tanokrom Circuit of the Secondi Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region of Ghana Women just as their male counterparts, have a right to actively participate in leadership in any facets of the society. In fact, they are permeating every domain of activities with assertiveness and proven competence, and making in roads into hitherto male monopoly of executive management roles in organizations especially in the developed countries. This study will seek to gain an insight into the leadership styles adopted by female head teachers of basic school in the Effia Tanokrom Circuit of the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis in the Western Region of Ghana. It will also investigate the challenges they face in their line of duty, and how these challenges could be surmounted to enhance their performance. The Ghana Education service and other teacher association. Significance of the study will lie in its capacity to contribute to the debate on female leadership, particularly in our country. It is hoped that the results of the study when disseminated through publication, will inform prospective female head teachers in basic schools about the challenges that they should anticipate and the various strategies they can employ to surmount the situation. It is hoped that this will encourage female head teachers who have similar challenges to develop similar strategies to help them. It will also serve an additional
  • 6. The And Its Effects On The Populations Honeybees are important pollinator in the ecosystem, which provide pollination to crop. Most of the crops are relied on the pollination of honeybee for reproduction. However the colonies of the honeybees are affected by a syndrome, which causes the population of honey bee decrease rapidly in winter. Honey bee undergoes a serious pressure from Colony Collapse Disorder(CCD), which is a mysterious problem. It causes a dead colony occurs with no adult bees or dead bee bodies can with the queen, honey and immature bees still present in the colony. Honey can be found in the hives, but the adult bees are losses from the colonies. The scientific cause for CCD is still undetermined, but the predictive causes of the syndrome are pathogens, parasites, management stressors, and environment stressors. It begins from 2006 that the beekeepers reported losses of 30 90 percent of their bees. To prevent the further lost of honeybee in the United States, ARS and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture develop a Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan to help solve the problem. The decreasing of honey bee population caused by Colony Collapse Disorder has huge impacts on the agriculture in the United States. Honey bee is an important pollinator in the ecosystem and plays an important role in the agriculture. Pollination can increase the value of crops for up to 15 billion dollars ( Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan. ). 1.3 million out of 2.4 million bee colonies are
  • 7. What makes Good Characters Good in Dracula by Bram Stoker In the book Dracula by Bram Stoker, he portrays the good characters as people who would wilfully go out of their way to help people without expecting anything in return. Some examples of this would be Dr. Van Helsing and his friends and people who try to help Lucy get back to normal. An example of why Van Helsing is so good is that when Dr. Seward asked him to come help Lucy when she was sick, he stopped whatever work he was doing and went to help Dr. Van Helsing was a vital part in helping to stop Draculabecause he was an expert on Vampires. One of the reasons that makes the good characters in this book good is that they are not helping to stop Draculafor selfish reasons, they are doing it because they want to see the Draculaget... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mina Murray is the fiancГ©e of Jonathan Harker. She is portrayed as a good character in the book because she is shown as a really kind hearted and vivacious school mistress that always seems and is innocent and helps in anyway that she is able too. Mina is Lucy Westerna s best friend and she is a very intelligent and resourceful young woman who eventually leads Dr. Van Helsing s men to Castle Dracula. The book describes how Lucy Westerna is a nice young woman and her best friend is Mina Murray. She is the first one to fall under Dracula s spell. She is a good character because even though she got transformed into a Vampire she still tried to do everything that she could to help the others stop Dracula while she was not under Draculas spell, she was really cooperative with Dr. Van Helsing when he tried to hypnotize her to find out where Dracula was and that was a very important part in helping to stop Dracula because it was able to show them were Dracula was and helps them find out what he is trying to do at the time and she was not truly evil at heart like Dracula is. Eventually Lucy s body returns back to normal with the help of Dr. Van Helsing and the others when they defeated Dracula. All of the characters have something in common and that is they all want to see Dracula destroyed in the end. Another good
  • 8. Research Paper On Arthur Eddington Arthur S. Eddington was an English astronomer, born on Dec. 28, 1882, at Kendal, United Kingdom. His father Arthur Henry Eddington was a school teacher, died when Eddington was just two years old. His family had to move to Weston, where he was raised. From 1893 to 1898, Arthur Eddington had attended Brynmelyn School, where Eddington quickly distinguished himself, mainly in mathematics and English literature. As a child Eddington was very intelligent, and by his own account had mastered the multiplication table before he could read. He received his bachelor s degree in 1902 from Owens College, Manchester, and later he immediately proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge. At Cambridge Eddington placed first in the mathematical examination in his second year, for him it was an unprecedented achievement. According to NY Times, In 1905 he took his bachelor s degree from Cambridge University; in 1907 he became Smith s Prize winner and was elected a fellow of Trinity College; and in 1909 he obtained his master s degree. Aside from being an astronomer, he was also a physicist, and a mathematician. Throughout his astronomy career, several of the theories that Eddington discovered has affected astronomy greatly.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Where he began his first theoretical investigations, which would later become one of Eddington s famous discovery. Eddington did a little observations during a solar eclipse on an African island call PrГncipe, in 1919. Eddington confirmed Einstein s predictions of a slight shift in starlight caused by the gravitational field of the Sun. It was verification of the bending of light passing close to the Sun. Which was predicted by Einstein s theory of relativity. It was regarded as a conclusive proof of general relativity at that time, even if in survey the proof was actually far from
  • 9. Police Law Enforcement Protection And Citizen s Civil... In 1991, nearly 10% of all United States murders occurred in New York City (La Vorgna, 2012). The United States civil liberties grant citizen s rights and freedoms as determined by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every citizen has the right to walk their streets without being racially targeted by police. They also have the right to roam these streets without being mugged or killed. Both are civil liberties. Amidst times of racial and ethnic animosity, this country faces a problem between law enforcement protection and citizen s civil liberties. Stop and frisk is a policing tactic where officers stop, question, and frisk a civilian based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Many argue the New York Police Department s (NYPD) use of stop and frisk is an obvious violation of the Constitution and is based on racial discrimination. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has heard many controversial cases dealing with this exact problem. Cases such as Terry v. Ohio and Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin s partial ruling of Floyd v. City of New York have greatly impacted both law enforcement tactics and the meanings of certain civil liberties. An analysis of the United States judicial history and the biased decisions of Judge Scheindlin shows the NYPD s use of stop and frisk tactic is not only constitutionally reasonable, but a non discriminatory way of reducing crime. During 1968, Terry v. Ohio established the legal precedence for stop and frisk. The fourth
  • 10. How Did Nicolaus Copernicus Influence The Renaissance The world of astronomy is filled with famous names, such as Galileo and Newton. However, one of the most significant astronomers during the Renaissance era was Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus s first interest in astronomy blossomed into a life of creating astronomical theories. These theories would not only shape the world of science, but transform the Renaissance and history itself. Nicolaus Copernicuswas an extremely significant figure in history because he was a scientist, he challenged the RCC, he used Classical World ideas, and he modeled the spirit of the Renaissance. Nicolaus Copernicus made many scientific advancements during the Renaissance. For example, one of the new theories he created was heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Copernicus s new heliocentric theory caused trouble with the church. The Church believed in geocentrism, the theory that the Earth, Jerusalem specifically, was the center of the universe. Copernicus s theory contradicted the Church s teachings, which made him hesitant to publicize his ideas. Copernicus feared the punishments he would receive from the Church and other Christians for his ideas. However, in 1530, he began to share his theory among other scholars. He received positive feedback for his theory, and thirteen years later, he was convinced to publish his ideas in a book called De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions on the Heavenly Spheres). Many people rejected Copernicus s ideas; in fact, Martin Luther once stated, This Fool wants to turn the whole Art of Astronomyupside down. While his book did convince some people to accept heliocentric theory, the book was not widely published, it was difficult to read, and the book was very expensive, causing the book to gain little attention. Even with the lack of publicly, the Church placed Copernicus s book on the list of forbidden books. Nonetheless, Copernicus s choice to publish his theory, although it was not widely accepted, was extremely significant, because without this choice, heliocentric theory may never had been discovered or publicly shared with the
  • 11. Book Of Acts Synopsis: Acts Shannon Fouts BIBL 5023 Graduate Survey of the Bible Dr. Grant Testut August 10, 2015 Introduction The book of Acts is a captivating, theological narrative of the early church s development from the resurrection of Christ through the first three decades of the Church as the gospel spread throughout the ancient Mediterranean world until it reached Rome. Addressed to Theophilus, the same patron as that of the Gospel of Luke, Acts is believed to have been written as a sequel to the gospel. The book of Acts serves as a bridge between the life of Christ presented in the gospels with the life of the early church as revealed through the remaining New Testament writings. Luke records the very beginnings of the church under the Apostles leadership, specifically with Peter as the head of the Church in its earliest stage. He records the miracles wrought by the Apostles, the divine occurrences surrounding the inclusion of the Gentiles into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A.D. 180), the author of Acts was widely identified as Luke, a Syrian from Antioch, a doctor by profession who had been a disciple of the Apostles and who had been the companion of Paul until Paul s martyrdom. He was said to have written the Gospel of Luke along with Acts, and to have died unmarried in Boeotia in Greece a the age of eighty four. This traditional view would place the time of writing within the seventies or eighties of the first century. Modern times have brought many challenges to the traditional view by numerous biblical scholars. The author cannot be proven decisively to have been one of Paul s companions who was a physician and therefore must be Luke the physician. At the same time, the traditional view has yet to be conclusively proven wrong and many would prefer to believe the tradition of the Church than the hypotheses of individual
  • 12. How Did The Gold Rush Affect Immigration The Gold Rush had an enormous impact on immigration globally, as it brought people from all over the people. People from countries such as China, Mexico, France and other parts of Europe came to California in hopes of finding gold and living a happy life. Not only did the presence of immigrants help the cities grow physically, the immigrants who came from across the globe helped the cities grow culturally and economically. These immigrants brought with them their own language, culture, and beliefs. They helped make Californiavery rich and diverse in culture. Particularly, it was the Chinese immigrants, who came in large numbers in search for gold. These immigrants boosted by economy by working in factories and eventually building the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to history.com, At the time, the population of the territory consisted of 6,500 Californians (people of Spanish or Mexican descent); 700 foreigners (primarily Americans); and 150,000 Native Americans . As immigrants began settling in, the population of California territory grew exponentially. As stated in history.com, the non native language of the California territory was some 100,000 by the end of 1849. This was a hundred times was than the population in California prior to the discovery of gold (1848). In 1845, the population in the city of San Francisco was around 400, but by 1860, when the rush had decelerated, the population was well over 56,000. The state s population by the end of 1860 was 380,000. The immigrants who traveled to California were very diverse, coming from China, Mexico, Ireland, France, and even as far as Australia. France alone drew 30,000 immigrants. China attracted 20,000 immigrants in the year 1852 alone, as many as 2,000 immigrants arrived in a single day. (Rice) Even though there was a rich diversity in the ethnicity, there was a small diversity in gender as nine out of every ten forty niners were male. Gold mining reached its highest point by 1852 and by then, about 81 million dollar worth of gold was taken out of the
  • 13. Conrad s Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of... Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa s existence, but we do not want to see or understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is given momentary applause, but felicitations are short lived and quickly forgotten. These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by twentieth century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change this view by illustrating ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately for Achebe, many people still think of Africaas a shadowy place containing secret knowledge about the beginnings of mankind and how man would exist if he were not civilized. However, he does not let that stop him from doing his best in his novels to counter that supposition. Okonkwo is far from being a thing monstrous or an inhabitant of prehistoric earth . . . that wore the aspect of an unknown planet (Conrad 108). He is a complicated man living in a complicated society. He has faults, strengths, and desires, and he would hardly worship a Kurtz if one happened to show up in Umuofia one day. Yes, Okonkwo and his fellow Igbo have some strange customs, but as Achebe points out in his essay, Yonkers, New York, has its own share of strange customs and rituals that a stranger might find primitive on the surface (2). This information would come as no shock to many anthropologists, nor would it seem strange to others (except, perhaps, the residents of Yonkers), but it is the attitude of Westerners that really bothers Achebe, not the lack of information. The African is corrupt through and through . . . equality won t alter facts, (Achebe, NE 3). This is a prevalent sentiment among the white British in Nigeria in the 1950s. They bring formal education, equal status among whites and blacks, improved employment opportunities, Christianity,
  • 14. Fashion Designer Job Essay 2.0 Background Information 2.1 Job description As an overview, fashion designers create original clothing, accessories and footwear. They sketch designs, select fabrics and patterns and provide instructions as to how the want the end product to look like. A fashion designer is someone who is creative and artistic. 2.2 Job duties Fashion designers have many duties to do. Some major responsibilities are to: Create /visualise an idea and producing a design by hand or using computer aided design (CAD); Keep up to the latest trends Understand design from a technical perspective, i.e. producing patterns, toiles and technical specifications for designs; Source, selecting and buying fabrics, trims, fastenings and embellishments; Adapt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is one of the most original homegrown fashion labels around. Its latest collection Whenever I Fall At Your Feet, is inspired by Singapore s iconic landmarks. She is very talented and judging by the label s well received presentation at Paris Fashion Week 2012, she s going nowhere but up. 4.0 Advantages of being a Fashion Designer in Singapore Experience: Fashion designers in Singapore get to experience a truly multicultural yet Asian experience both on and off campus. Strategic location: With an excellent business location, it is easy to expand your designs worldwide as there are people from all over the world coming to Singapore. Innovative: Being a fashion designer allows you to be more innovative as it encourages you to push boundaries and tread new design ideas following the trend. Creative: It allows you to be more creative as you design your own styles or outfits. 5.0 Disadvantages of being a Fashion Designer in Singapore Salary: The amount paid to fashion designers in Singapore be it full timers or part timers is insufficient and too little as compared to other countries.
  • 15. 24 Hour Lockmith Company 24 Hour Locksmith, Los Angeles. As our name implies, we are a 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles the country s most popularly priced, low cost and budget friendly locksmith company service company that is always ready to provide the best locksmith solutions at reasonable and lowered prices. 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles has finest locksmith technicians available in the industry ready to change your locks not only at moderate prices, but also at half prices that are believed to be the most competitive in the locksmith industry. At 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles, we are ready to carry out any locksmith service you need us to provide. It doesn t matter where you require our service or the time of the day when you find yourself locked out of your home or office, 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles our devoted locksmith technicians are at your service. From Monday through Sunday and from morning to night, our clients are never far away from receiving first class locksmith services. We provide our clients with a comprehensive overview of the numerous services that we offer. Our number one objective as a premier locksmith company in Los Angeles, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our customer service at 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles is considered as the real buy when it comes to quick, covetous and friendly responses to our clients enquiries. Whenever you pick up the phone to call us at our office in Los Angeles, you will hear the reassuring voice of one of our well trained customer care representatives and not the digitized voice of an answering machine. Just as our name implies at 24 Hour Locksmith Los Angeles , we are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, in all seasons and in weather. For additional information on what we offer the entire community of Los Angeles, send us an email or give us a call right away so you can start enjoying our 24 hour Locksmith services right from our customer care
  • 16. The Impact Of Technology On Technology In Business This business has developed on their products and services such as the first IPhone which was launched in 2008 was IPhone 3 and then this business has developed on this product and launched IPhone X in 2017. Another development on technology in this business was their IOS as the first IOS was 7.1.1 and then it developed to the latest IOS 11.3.5 and this supported this business into gaining and targeting new customers and becoming market leader in the industry. Images on the right show this business has used technology and taken advantage into succeeding in the market as it had developed their software s on all of their products. https://www.bing.com/images /search?view=apple+Ios+7 11 Furthermore, another service which this business has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cause behind all this was a loophole in Irish tax law. Loophole is when there is inadequacy in law and set of acts. Apple was permitted in Irish to avoid this law without breaking the law. Furthermore, in 2013 European commission rules that EU countries were not allowed to offer tax deals without making the same terms accessible to others, where Irish tax law and Apple were in a huge problem. Referring to Apple, they generated billions of pounds overseas without paying any tax from 1990 to 2007. This deal was unlawful European countries and it had influenced on Apple negatively as the business and the CEO were not happy because the business was accused of tax avoidance. Brussels were involved in this and the European countries decided Apple had to pay taxes starting from 1991 to 2007 and were to pay all of the European profits right up to 2015. EU s ruling had a major impact on businesses like Apple as they ruled that Apple have to pay ВЈ13 billion in back after the business funnelled capital through Ireland to avoid paying taxes on profit it generated throughout Europe. This business had agreed to pay ВЈ13 billion in back to Irish Finance Minister by 2018. The graph on the left shows the tax rates across Europe. This clearly points out, how Apple was affected negatively and they were ruled to pay ВЈ13 billion euros for taxes on their profits and retail stores. Image on the left,
  • 17. What Is Willie Stark s Tragic Flaw In the story all the kings men by Robert Penn Warren, Willie Stark is a Tragic hero, this is because Willie Stark has a Tragic Flaw something all tragic heroes have. Thus his Tragic Flaw is hubris. One aspect of Willie Stark that contributes to his hubris is his high status, with his high status more people know who he is and more people respect him and his power, this is shown when in the story Willie Starkand his group arrive at a drugstore and a woman working at the counter see s him, one of the girls ladling up ice cream happened to see him and got a look on her face as though her garter belt had busted in church (Robert Penn Warren5). This shows that Willie Stark is of such high status that even someone as low in the social chain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hubris is excessive pride which is essentially arrogance however Willie is blind to his arrogance as he often treats people like judge with very little respect, thus this is shown when Willie is meeting with the judge and he takes a drink of the judges without asking, Aw, have a drink the Boss said , and laughed on the red carpet (Warren 44). This shows that Willie doesn t respect that this is the judges house, thus he treats it like its his own. Later in the story as the judge and Willie conversation becomes more intense Willie becomes even more rude and even more disrespectful,so much so that the judge tells willie, Ill thank you sir, to get out of that chair and get out of this house! (Warren 47). However instead of listening to the judge and leaving, Willie says, Jack, he said, you were sure right. The judge don t scare easy (Warren 47). Thus this shows that Willie doesn t take the judge very seriously and decides to continue to make rude remarks even though he wants the judges endorsement. However what makes Willies arrogance worse is simply is his overall blindness to his own hubris, as he doesn t even realize how rude he actually is being instead he just ignores it. A example of this would be when in the beginning of his career when Willie is giving speeches he is completely blind to the fact that they re really awful and his own self pride and confidence make him think that they re way better than they actually are. However everyone close to him realizes that they re awful including sally who tells jack, You know, she said, jabbing out the butt savagely in the cup and looking at it not me, you know, even if somebody told him. Even if he found out he was a sucker, I believe he might keep right on (Warren 75). Thus proving Willies blindness as even his friends know that his speeches are
  • 18. Sherman Alexie s Junior Sherman Alexie s choice in creating Junior, a character that is disadvantaged in every way that is humanly possible. Sherman Alexie uses this character to support the people that can relate to Junior in the story. In the book Junior speaks about his life in poverty and his reservation. Many people can relate to Junior because they may be in the same situation. Alexie does this to give support to those who can relate to Junior. From the first few pages it is made clear that Junior is not very wealthy. Junior may represent the typical outcasted, awkward kid with his own problems ,Junior may describe himself as poor by saying Poverty = empty refrigerator + empty stomach One would immediately think that Junior knows that he is poor and being
  • 19. The Economic Prosperity Of The United States Economy The United States economy grew by an average of 4 percent per year between 1992 and 1999 (Pethokoukis, 2015). The year 1991 began with the United States in a recession. Although short lived, ending in March, it lasted nearly 9 months. Many factors played a role in this recession, beginning with the stock market crashing in 1987. Another factor was the savings and loan crisis in 1989, which according to Kimberly Amadeo was considered the greatest bank collapse since the Great Depression. (Amadeo, n.p). The Gulf War, which began in 1990, was another factor contributing to this recession causing an increase in gas and oil prices. The economic prosperity of the 1990s was mainly due to the internet and the huge increase in technology industries. Personal computers and the Internet came of age, bringing a revolution in the efficiency of processing information and making workers more productive. Manufacturing companies embraced more efficient production methods (Jackson, 2007). President Bill Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in 1993, which raised taxes and cut spending. Many credit this bill with helping set the stage for the large budget surpluses of the late 1990s because the increased marginal tax rates generated billions of dollars in revenue for the federal government. From November 14 through November 19, 1995 and from December 16, 1995 to January 6, 1996 the U.S. government was shut down as a result of a budgetary impasse between Congress and
  • 20. Who Am I Am Essay PASSport Essay #1 The question who am I ? Can have a lot of individuals thinking about themselves, including myself because one might not know where to start. It is a very broad question, but having done the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment, I realized more in depth what kind of person I really am based on my top 5 strengths. Who I am as a learner, who I am in my career and who I am as a person of faith lead me to answering the question above and understandingmore of myself within. First off, who I am as a learner has changed over the past years. At times before, I wouldn t take certain classes or assignments seriously and have learned my lessons when I failed. I believehaving classmates at the time who weren t as focused as I wanted to be, played a big role in my lack of understanding in classes. I understood later that if I felt learningwas so important to me, I need to realize that it is my future and I needed to focus on my own. Having learner in my top 5 strengths defines me very well. Rath (2007) explains that, The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you (p.133). I believe this defines me as a learner because I enjoy having books in hand, opening up my notebook to write notes and learning new ways to understand the class. Regardless if the content is something I have to get in to or if I don t do well on tests, I enjoy the process of studying and learning more even when I know I didn t do so well; that is what motivates me. I believe as long as I keep this mindset and understand that this is my strength, I will continue to grow and further my education as much as possible. Even though I have failed a few of my last classes, I never let that stop me from continuing. Knowing that I have failed makes me realize I know I can do better and I try my hardest not to let it get me down. I will not get further if I don t keep trying and as a learner I am a motivator to myself in my studies. When it comes to who I am in my career, a few of my strengths shine through more than others. For example, I put everything I have in to my work and into my career, and looking back at how I ve worked in the past compared to now, I see my strengths restorative and developer.
  • 21. Books Are Better Than Paper Books Did a person know that each year, Approximately 30 million trees are used to make books all over the United States (Pollak)? Americans have been exposed to books every day since we were able to read. Interestingly, many people still prefer paper books over the new modern way of reading called an E book. Many readers feel that they can connect better to the paper version. Paper and E books depend on natural resources, size, prices, and abilities. What would the reader buy: the modern E Book or old school paper books? With many people today still enjoying paper books, they don t realize the harm it causes the environment. When trees are cut down to make paper, oxygen can no longer be made. This can have huge effects on us and our world. One way to help reduce the number of trees being cut down is to recycle or purchase recycled books only. A paper book takes up about 2/3 pounds of recycled paper and two gallons of water. The environment is taking up 7.5 kilograms of Co2 and using two kilowatt hours of fossil fuels (CustomMade). Some may say that paper books hurt the environment because of destroying trees but E books need electricity in order to work. So, which is worse? E book needs to be charged to read, therefore a person cannot recycle since its technology based book. When seeking deeper in how they kill the world, One E book uses 33 pounds of toxic and conflict minerals with 79 gallons of water which is 35.84 kilograms. Also, is using 65 pounds of Co2 with
  • 22. Essay on Amy Tan s Mother Tongue Amy Tan s Mother Tongue In Mother Tongue, Amy Tan talks about how language influenced her life while growing up. Through pathos she explains to her audience how her experiences with her mother and the Chinese language she came to realize who she wanted to be and how she wanted to write. The author, Tan, has written the books The Joy Luck Club, and The Kitchen Gods Wife. She is Asian American, her parents are originally from China, but moved to Oakland, California. The audience in Tan s essay is people 20 35 years old who are culturally diverse. Tan focuses on this audience in order reach out to those who are in her past situation. In her house, there were two languages spoken: English and Chinese. Tan knew how to speak... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She wants the audience to know right away that even though she is about to tell you the story of a difficult childhood, she did reach her goal in the end. After making this statement, Tan dives into her past and how she came to be where she is today. Her mother is the next most important point of discussion. Her mother influenced her writing style as well as her beliefs about her culture and heritage. ?Just last week, I was walking down the street with my mother, and I again found myself conscious of the English I was using, the English I do use with her? (Tan, 2002, p. 36). The broken up English her mother uses is the next issue Tan focuses on. ??everything is limited, including people?s perceptions of the limited English speaker? (Tan, 2002, p. 36). Lastly, she talksabout her education and the role it had on her deciding what she wanted to do with her life. ?Fortunately, I happen to be rebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions made about me? (Tan, 2002, p. 39). By structuring the essay in order of importance, Tan reinforces her message that you can be anything you desire even with a different culture than the norm. The main rhetoric appeal used by Tan is pathos, the appeal to emotion. Language becomes an obstacle for Tan because her mother speaks limited English. Amy must be an interpreter for her mother in instances where her mother cannot communicate effectively. ?And sure enough, the following week there we were in
  • 23. Jimmy Carter Leadership Style James Earl (Jimmy) Carter was born on October 1, 1924 and was raised in rural Georgia and was a peanut farmer who served two terms as Georgia s State Senator from 1963 1967. In 1971 he was the Governor of Georgia. He was elected President in 1976 and then served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 1981. Carter was known for many, many things that were also known as his legends. 1982, Carter found the Carter Center with the help of the First Lady, Rosalynn Carter. Its mission is to peace and health worldwide. The Carter Center has been known for advancing democracy, human rights and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; improving mental health care; and teaching farmers to increase crop production. The Carter Center has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the awards was receiving United Nations Human Rights Prize in 1998. He was one of the five activists from around the world to receive this prize. Another award that Carter has won was the Nobel Peace Prize. It s an extinguish award given to an individual who has done the best work on our nation on creating a strong military or peace. Carter won that prize in 2002, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development . He even won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation s highest civilian award. For nearly twenty years after he left the office, he was given that award for not only promoting freedom as the President but also after he left the office. President Clinton has even noted that one of Carter s greatest accomplishments was one of the many Carter has promoted peace and democracy around the world. One of the proudest moments of my life was the day in 1993 when Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands on the south lawn of the White House. That day was made possible by the courage of the people of the Middle East and their leaders, but also by another handshake twenty years before, and the persistence of President Carter as he brokered the Camp David accords. I know it is a great source of pride for him that twenty one years later not a word of that agreement has been
  • 24. Crime And Punishment By Raskolnikov Some of the basic theories that Karl Marx went by for the Marxist theory was that throughout the novel, there are many instances where Raskolnikov, along with other characters in the novel, suffer from poverty and in return take drastic measures. For example, Sonya Marmelodav a good beautiful religious wife turns to prostitution in order to help her family with economical issues. The Second epoch Marx s had was capitalist stage of development his most ambitious work of all as it says in the (Marxist Criticism packet paragraph 3) In a capitalist economy, Marx explains, the two principle classes are the bourgeoisie, who own the modest of production and the proletariat, who are forced to become contract laborer most commonly used as slaves. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Showing how the feud between both classes will consume a lot of problems. In the novel Raskolnikov commits the crime of killing two people throughout the story. For different reasons many of which involving his pride. Raskolnikov gives a lot of reasoning why he killed Alyona Ivanovna. The first person he killed for a utilitarian reason as he proclaims. As Raskolnikov says The old woman was a mistake perhaps but she s not the point! The old woman was merely a sickness...I was in a hurry to step over...it wasn t a human being I killed, it was a principle! So I killed the principle, but I didn t step over it, I stayed on this side....All I managed to do was kill. And I didn t even manage that, as it turns out..(part 3 chapter 4) The quote shows how Raskolnikov is trap in his own mindset of himself that he only cares about himself and how supposedly is helping his society. He shows how he needs to assure himself about the motivation towards killing Ivanovna. There are many scenes from the book that relate to the base and superstructure of the Marxist model of consciousness. It explains In the critical experience packet. Philosophers from Plato to Hegel have insisted that the elements of human consciousness such as our intellectual reasoning, our knowledge of right and wrong, and our ability to make aesthetic judgements are inherent in our very humanity .( Pg.180) The reasoning for Raskolnikov would of been coming from human conscious as that shapes your relationship to society. He believed he was doing a right to himself and society and that s why he committed both
  • 25. A Report On The Globalization of the Construction Industry globalization on the construction industry in terms of related issues, which affect the overall building market. The influence of globalization on the construction industry is the transformation of local and regional markets into one global market. Impacting local construction industry in providing open construction trade. The globalization affects the characteristics and structure of international construction activity with issues relating the challenges from the global climate. The aim for the international construction industry is to provide the supply and demandof related goods and services required to undertake the necessary projects. The construction industry is a major contributor to the world wide. The long term objectives of any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The trends that have relation to the construction industry include: Globalization Globalization on the construction industry in terms of related issues , which affect the overall building market. The influence of globalization on the construction industry is the transformation of local and regional markets into one global market. Impacting local construction industry in providing open construction trade. The globalization affects the characteristics and structure of international construction activity with issues relating the challenges from the global climate. The aim for the international construction industry is to provide the supply and demand of related goods and services required to undertake the necessary projects. The construction industry is a major contributor to the world wide. The long term objectives of any companies are survival and growth. By engaging in international trade and marketing activities companies become less vulnerable to competitive attacks as they are able to offset seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in their domestic market and are able to diversify in their market portfolio, products or services as well as competitive position. Such activities increase the size of a company s market share, there by achieving survival and growth. Markets are defined as economical places of transaction where price are formed through the interaction of supply and
  • 26. The Next Kind Of Integration By Emily Balzelson Analysis Millions of children, teenagers, young adults, and adults attend school every Monday through Friday in the United States with the intent to learn and further their knowledge of core subjects. They learn math, science, English, history, and countless other subjects throughout the week of school. In history they learn about how for a long time in American history women were not allowed to go to schooland were forbidden get a higher educationfor even longer. They also learn that for much of American history schools were separated by race. In The Next Kind of Integration by Emily Bazelon, the author talks about how in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled in a close decision that the racial integration efforts of two school districts was unconstitutional. In When Bright Girls Decide That Math is a Waste of Time by Susan Jacoby, Jacoby talks about how gender stereotypes limit girls and young women from being proficient in math and science throughout their life. Even though integrating different races, socioeconomic statuses, and even genders can be difficult, in the long run it leads to better educated students and a better experience in school. Segregation is often an issue that people see as an issue that plagued America many decades ago but that is not true at all. In The Next Kind of Integration the author Emily Bazelon talks about a Supreme Court case that talks about a decision to not allowed schools to be segregated. The first sentence of the article says, In June of
  • 27. Understanding The Experiential Learning Process Reflection is the method of analysing an activity with a view of changing an existing approach or adopting a new perspective on an experience (Nguyen et al 2014). Boyd and Fales (1983) state that this process is central to understanding the experiential learning process . According to Trottier (2015) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the process of an organisation gathering and analysing information that is available to anyone. Websites and applications dedicated to Social media is one of the most popular in OSINT for information generation and wide spread dissemination; security and intelligence agencies can capitalise on these opportunities to covertly study, things such as terrorist group behaviour, cultural contexts and recruiting platforms (Zeng et al, 2010). The British Army employs small investigative teams that conduct an OSINT capability to deliver a similar effect. The British Army state that learninglessons is important and that all members of the armed forces need to be involved in order to transform the field army of the future (British Army, 2016). Its overarching learning processes are a holistic organisational view at the macro level with long term objectives; there is no evidence that prescripts how the smaller capabilities, such as OSINT, should learn, adapt and progress in order to advance in their specific contexts. This essay will look at how important active reflection is to self develop and continually improve the OSINT capability in line with
  • 28. Reflective Account On Account I have assisted in yearend in all my previous roles. I was involved in preparing financial statements in my previous role as Assistant Financial Accountant. I was responsible to finalise figures for revenue and input them on profit and loss accounts. I was also responsible for calculating provisions figures and input them on Balance sheet. I was also required to review full financial statementsto check for any errors and ensure additional notes coincide with figures in financial statements. I also reviewed backing documents for journals and workings for assertions in financial statements before presenting them to auditors for external audit. I was also involved in stock valuation process to determine the final figure for inventory. My current
  • 29. The On The Health Care System For my training project, I decided to train one of my co workers. I decided to ask Danny if I could train him because he is young like me and I know that it has been extremely beneficial to me, to be aware about the health care system. The importance of understanding how we are insured and what our rights are, has never been more prominent. With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, in 2010, there were many changes to our health care system. The changes apply to everyone and I felt that it was my duty as a Public Healthstudent to spread what I have learned to further engage my peers and allow them to take an active role. I gave Danny a short survey before I trained him to understand what he was interested in and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I used this to set the base for why there has been a big push back to have a universal health care system. I also included that there was a big influence from the American Medical Association and the Republican party. There was also mention of how ideas of socialism and communism were very real for the United States and any idea that stemmed from this was not accepted. I then took this opportunity to talk abou the technological advances we have made and how that has contributed to the rise of health care. I made a note that just because we have the best technology, we are not showing the best health outcomes and are spending about $9,000 per person on health care yearly. Second, I gave a detailed explanation of Medicaid and the program s role in our health care system. This was something that my co worker was interested because he probably qualifies for Medicare. I decided to start by showing a video I found on YouTube that talked about Medicare and Medicaid. It did a great job at explaining that Medicaid is a needs based program that is determined by income. Medicaid covers the basic things that we need to keep healthy like, hospital services, doctor visits, prescriptions and nursing home care. In order to qualify, New Jersey is using data sources like the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security and Labor. It covers people with incomes up to 133% of the Federal Poverty Line. It also covers
  • 30. Nocash Research Paper Castelan2 Castelan1 Claudia Castelan GOVT2305 Professor Sharifan April 22, 217 NOCASH An interest group is organized for people that take pride in what they believe in, and help build a society to not be afraid of contradicting or reaching out to the government. Such as like NOCASH an interest group that help the young students of America to overcome obstacles such as paying for or some of their tuitions. One of the many obstacles to overcome in not only this organization but any other one is how can we up rise and make it bigger, working with other organizations or companies. Another obstacle that we need to look for is how we can overcome the formation of this group. We need to incorporate both the public opinion and persuade the leaders ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the two was called The education trust a nonprofit organization. One of the many works that they do in order to get recognized, was informative events to influence advocates, parents and policy makers. Just like our NOCASH interest group, their main focus is for kids living in poverty and kids of color. However they used some strategies that I never thought about using in the NOCASH group, one of them was the analyzing of local, state and national data to further our knowledge and understand the causes and how to help students reach a higher education. The second main organization was MDRC created in 1974 by the Ford foundation. Just like NOCASH this group targets real world policies, makes programs for low income people to benefit from. They work with other organizations that have the same goal set as them. One of the strategies that I would take from this group is having a website in where people can discuss about what they feel that there is need to be a change. However; not only work with one group of people but those who are low income, as well for kids who have had a rough start and possibly not have that reliability like other
  • 31. How Is Alex Ferguson My Autobiography Alex Ferguson My Autobiography talks about the hardships Alex Ferguson had to face starting from his childhood all the way to the end of his days as a manager. By conducting an assessment of the book from a psychologist s perspective one realizes how strong willed Ferguson is and how he has surmounted one challenge after another in order to get to the position he is in today. Alex Fergusonwas born in Glasgow, Scotland to parents of Scottish decent. As a boy Alex love playing football and went on to play the role of striker for local club Queen s Park while simultaneously running a bar. He made his name as a manager when he guided Scottish side Aberdeen FC to European glory. It was then that he got the call to manage Manchester United FC and accepted the job in 1986. He also is married to a loving wife named Cathy and has three sons named Darren, Jason and Mark. This book explains about not only Sir... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He explains that managers or coaches should learn to criticize, but balance out the criticism with encouragement. The above are methods employed by managers even today, now we will look at some of the methods that were employed specifically by Sir Alex. Every year, when a season was half way through, Sir Alex would convince the media that Manchester United would do better in the second half of the season. These words not only convinced the media but also convinced the players at the club. It gave a huge boost in form to the squad an even at times made the opposition play worse. Perhaps the most famous of all his mind games was his Watch tapping technique. He used this technique towards the end of every match Manchester United played. He believed that it put the feeling of fear in the opposing team and hence there would be a loss in form. It also improved the overall playing style of his squad. This technique worked more often than
  • 32. Alice Walker s Everyday Use Essay Alice Walker s Everyday Use In the story Everyday Use the narrator is telling a story about her life and two daughters, who are named Dee and Maggie. The narrator is very strong willed, honest, compassionate and very concerned with the lives of her two daughters. Her daughter Dee is not content with her lifestyle and makes it hard on Maggie and the narrator. The narrator is trying to provide for her family the best way she can. The narrator is alone in raising the two daughters and later sends her daughter Dee to college. The longer the story goes on the more the narrator shows how intelligent and how much she loves her two daughters. Mama who is the narrator is a woman who can do any chore that a man can, because of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mama is also very observant because when her daughter Dee comes and visits, Dee tells Mama that she changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. This makes Mama feel that her daughter is running from her heritage. So when Dee asks for some quilts that have been in the family for years, Mama tells her, No, they are for Maggie . This says to me that Mama is very quick to draw as far as the actions of her daughter. She notices that Dee changed her name and abandoned her heritage. Mama tells Dee that her name came from her grandmamma. Mama is very understanding also, because she isn t mad at Dee for changing her name, and just tells her that she can t have the quilts. Mama was a very interesting to me in this story, because she is so manly in the story. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man , she says in the story. Mama is also aware that she is not the brightest woman, because she says that she didn t go any further then the second grade. I love how honest she is with herself. Like when she talks about never being able to hold a tune. Most people would lie to their self and make it sound like they could sing if they wanted to. Mama is also a dreamer, at times because she refers to things the way that they were. Like when she refers to her education and the house that they use to have. They had a house before but there was a fire. Mama also has some humor to her, Why don t
  • 33. Unity A very good morning I bid to the panel of honourable judges, dedicated teachers, my fellow competitors last but not least beloved audience. Where there is unity there is always victory. Well, we all know about the story Three Musketeers which is a classic English novel written by Alexander Dumas. D Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis are always united facing the challenges in their lives. When Cardinal Richelieu s guards appear to arrest d Artagnan and the three musketeers, the four men win the battle that follows even though they are outnumbered. The reason for their success was that they were united according to their famous motto All for one and one for all. This brings me to my topic today that is 1 MALAYSIAwhich portrays... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We Malaysians should support our government in implementing 1 Malaysia. As the saying goes United we stand, divided we fall . Vision 2020 could be achieved in time and Malaysia would become a developed country if we are united as
  • 34. The Is A Japanese Word For Higher Gross Domestic Product... Countries have always competed economically. The government pushes for higher Gross Domestic Product, hoping that they will become the richest country. During economic crises, countries want to recover and have stability. All of this means that employees must work longer and harder. However, there are more consequences than countries realize. The more employees work, the more stressed they become, lowering their well being. Large epidemics begin spreading throughout nations. As countries demand higher GDP, their people begin to suffering causing numerous deaths from overworking or suicide due to stress. Karoshi is a Japanese word for the epidemic spreading throughout the world, where people are worked to death. Instead of focusing on the population s well being, countries are only concerned with the economy, pushing employees to work long and stressful hours. The term, karoshi, first appeared in the early 1980s, when Japan enter into their bubble economy. Karoshi is defined as the, condition of being permanently unable to work or dead due to acutely ischemic heart disease such as myocardial infraction, or acute heart failure caused by cerebral vascular diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral infraction, because inherent health problems such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis are deteriorated by excessive work overload (Kanai). For a while, the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare in Japan did not focus on the issue because they
  • 35. Mental Illness And Self Identity This issue is relevant because mental illness and self identity are starting to become a popular topic in our society. People are starting to realize that even though it may be a difficult subject to speak and learn about, it is important and should be addressed in our society. This issue is important because it helps people embrace who they are and learn about the issues instead of hating on themselves for being different and not knowing the real facts about the issue. If we do not learn how to treat mental illnessand accept ourselves, we will never move forward in society and learn how to help others and ourselves with these topics. By learning more about these topics we can help our society grow, by discovering new ways to help people with these problems. We could decrease major issues in our society like mass shootings, and teen suicide. With this topic we can make our society more aware and inclusive of those with these issues. Currently, mental health is a major topic in our society with mass shootings and major crises with our government because everyone says that the shooters were not in a good mental state, which made them do these terrible things. Self identity is also a current issue among many young people who do not know who they are and are still figuring it out. Teens who are not yet proud of their individualism blend into society and become a brick in the wall instead of an individual who values their unique qualities and culture. Today, these ideas are
  • 36. Medical Professionals And Facilities Use Technology And... Introduction With the epic changes and alterations to our current healthcare system, the Federal Government has made great strides in order to make healthcare more effective and efficient. In order to do so healthcare reforms have been enacted in order to have medical professionals and facilities use technology and informatics. Technology in the medical field helps create databases and offer medical professionals a higher level of patient care. Meaningful Use is part of a 2009 law called HITECH, which in turn is part of the American recovery and Reinvestment act . HITECH stands for Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health. Meaningful use is also part of a 3 stage system, that helps medical providers and facilities... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This paper will discuss the pros and cons of meaningful use as well as recommendations for further guideline adjustments. Meaningful Use and Implementation Criteria Meaningful use is currently separated into a three stage system that the federal government has enacted timelines on. Meaningful use is defined by characteristics by which medical personnel and medical facilities gain the use of electronic health record technology. The goal is to create an interoperable EHR system that improves quality, safety, efficiency and reduce health disparities while engaging patient and improving care coordination. The HITECH act also establishes the scope of security and privacy protections under the HIPPA law. Under the rules, providers must meet certain standards in stage one then moves on to meet the criteria in stages two and three. The act stipulates that users must meet five out of ten criteria points of which one must be a population /public health measure and thirteen required core objectives (CDC, 2012). According to the CMS website, new rules and regulations have been enacted as of 2014 that show the criteria for medical professionals versus facilities. Through the use of the 27 billion dollars allocated to incentive this program, medical professionals, meaningful users that can meet criteria will receive money and assistance to initiate the HIT
  • 37. Impact Of Globalization In Latin America Globalization in Latin America: Luchando por la Justicia y la Libertad La tierra mas hermosa. The most beautiful land. Latin America and the Caribbean maintain the humble beauty of many indigenous regions. The rugged mountains of Bolivia are scattered across graded lands. The Quechua people can be seen wearing richly decorated ponchos as they plant seeds for forming. Weathered volcanic lavas are stretched over the lands of Guatemala, and the heavily wooded forest trees can also be seen in the eastern slopes of the Andes. The azure blue oceans of Havana sparkle as the golden sun illuminates the sky. These humble lands have always been here; streams of people have flowed through these lands for centuries. It is only the globalizaciГіn that is relatively new, and along with that comes the life one lives in these lands pobreza y viviendo en el infierno [poverty and living in hell]. The impact of globalization in Latin America has caused a ripple in the lives of many individuals living in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although globalization is not a new concept, the process of globalization has drastically expanded and involved into social, political, and economic changes that weakens the sovereignty and power that helps create policies and reform government institutions. Before and After Globalization Before globalization, Latin America and the Caribbean was isolated from the world and from itself. The indigenous people of Latin America lived in the most remote regions
  • 38. Athletes and Steroid Use Essay In recent history American culture has become more and more dominated by sports. Out of all of these sports baseball is considered to be America s pastime. Over the last couple years America s pastime has come under scrutiny about some of its players using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said, ВЎВ§... hopefully we can figure out ways to solve this problem. It needs to be solved. There is no one IВЎВ¦ve talked to who can say it is not a problem. Now the question is, What can we do about it?ВЎВЁ (41). The commissioner is absolutely correct in saying that the steroidsissue is a problem. Without a doubt the steroid issue is bringing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I do agree that the players who are using anabolic steroids are cheaters. It is sad that great accomplishments and records set by honest players are being smashed by juiced up athletes. In his Sports Illustrated column Rick Reilly states, ВЎВ§I believe Barry Bonds should go straight to the Hall of Fame, too, even though I know that heВЎВ¦s a cheater and that the second half of his career was as phony as Cheez WhizВЎВЁ (118). I also sympathize with players who are playing the game honestly only to be outdone by dishonest players. The youth of America cannot be shown that cheating is bad, but it is also okay and you can get away with it. If these players arenВЎВ¦t going to be totally axed from the game, record books, and hall of fame then we should let the world and future generations know that there is an asterisk next to these accomplishments. ВЎВ§That asterisk would say: Records are in question because of widespread use of anabolic steroidsВЎВЁ (Verducci 38). This way we are punishing cheaters while not totally obliterating their accomplishments. Players who have played the game honestly will see the accomplishments of dishonest players marred by this historical asterisk. The youth of America will learn from this that there is no honor in cheating. Let all the people today and of future generations know that this era of inflated numbers and hall of famers is under scrutiny of widespread anabolic steroid use. I
  • 39. Graycloud By John Nola Analysis Like Nola, Ruth Graycloud, was exploited and subjugated by her white husband, John Tate. Ruth was Moses Graycloud s twin sister. Like Nola, Ruth was an Osage woman who became a victim of one of the white men who married Native American women to get access to Osage oil wealth. Despite marrying a Native American woman , Tate had no respect to Native Americans. As Yanka Kroumova Krasteva contends, Tate constantly takes pictures of the Indians, as if they were archaeological finds. And this is the way he treats his Indian wife (55). Tate was a photographer; he used to appear at all significant events in the Indian territory standing behind the three legged stand that held his camera, his head covered with black cloth, his own good eye seeing everything through glass lenses (Hogan, Mean Spirit 58). He used to photograph Native Americans and send their pictures to magazines. Tate first used Ruth as a model then as source of income . (Hogan, Mean Spirit 179). He humiliated and abused her; he did not love her, disliked to be seen with her. They seldom went anywhere together, but when they did, he never walked at her side (Hogan, Mean Spirit 134). At the end of Mean Spirit Tate killed Ruth. As a result, Moses shot him dead. In fact, Hogan highlights the oppression inflicted upon women. Meanwhile, she pinpoints the previously discussed ecofeminist principle that women s liberation is inseparable from the struggle against the oppression and abuse of
  • 40. The Waste Land And Recitatif Analysis History and writing between the Civil War up to the present day has drastically changed. Being in a Modern American Literature class, class readings are over the changes in writings, the way dialect or speaking has modernized, and the author s thoughts. Many would think coming into a Modern American Literature class would be more modernized stories and poems. In our syllabus, The Waste Landlacks out of showing direct thoughts, being reliable enough to understand and real modern history. Which, is why I believe The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot should be switched out with Recitatif by Toni Morrison. I will be comparing and contrasting The Waste Land with Toni Morrison s Recitatif on setting, writing skills, and the authors themselves. By comparing both stories, both authors, Morrison and Eliot made sure they explained to us how emotionally available they were to both situations. The Waste Land and Recitatif were both published at a time where humans were truly needing the truth of reality. The Waste Land published after World War 1, in 1915, which was a very unhappy time period for Europeans. The setting was set in London but different areas, yet each speaker was set in a mental setting which made them realize it was a waste land. It is one of the hardest stories that we have read this semester and does not include any historical context, more of an emotional context from different speakers. Thus, the point of the story. Eliot knows it is difficult to understand, he realizes
  • 41. Theism in a Postmodern World Theism in a Postmodern World by Billy Bush Religious Worldviews RELS 402 Professor W. C. Calhoun June 22, 2009 Abstract In today s postmodern world, ideals of being consumed with self and self appropriated ideas of truth leave God forgotten and to them, God is dead. This same thought process see s no reason or logic to bring God into the picture let alone into their lives. The pervasive postmodern worldview today includes precepts such that self decides who we become, as well as, is not necessary to have a God who should be in control of our lives. It is difficult for a Christian to live out his theistic worldview in today s postmodern world, but it can be done because of our beliefs in God. Like... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (John 3:16, NIV). Many people ask If God is just, why is there evil? (Forte, 2003). The answer to this is simple, evil exists because humans choose to disobey and fall into sin. The disobedience of man is the original cause and current cause of evil in this world, not God.Christian theism includes what happens to a person when they die. For each person death is either the gate to life with God and His people or the gate to eternal separation from the only thing that will ultimately fulfill human aspirations (Sire, 2004). Inevitably, there are only two destination choices; either we will go to heaven or hell. Hell was not only created by God for Satan and those angels who chose to defy God s will but also for those who have chosen to reject Christ s love and to follow Him.Christian theism defines how ethics relates to the role of humans. Ethics is transcendent and is based on the character of God as good [holy and loving] (Sire, 2004). Theism teaches the universe is moral and there is an absolute standard by which we should all judge things. God is the standard and all issues should be judged next to His standard.Christian Theism teaches us, History is linear, a meaningful sequence of events leading to the fulfillment of God s purposes for humanity (Sire, 2004). History, as we know, began when God created this world. History is not simply a story seen as possibly or potentially true, depending upon from who
  • 42. Till We Have Faces Essay Many of the works of C.S. Lewis contain themes of Christianity and the relationship between man and the spiritual world. Written in the mid 1950s and towards the end of his life, Till We Have Faces is one of Lewis most intellectual works. Considered as his most mature work of writing, it is a retelling of the classical mythical story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, the older sister of Psyche. It prompts the reader to relate with Orual as the victim of the gods, then, when the veil is lifted and the faults of Orual are revealed, the reader is able to better recognize the faults of his own and those of society. Till We Have Faces opens the eyes of readers to what loveshould be, and to its effect upon the world. For many, love is a constant search for happiness that never ends. The desire for love is longed for and pursued by every human. Many constantly seek it in self satisfaction, but are never fully satisfied with the love which they attain. The biggest reason for this is the distortion of the love which is sought for. True love is pure and selfless, the perfection of a person. It is truly something which must be cultivated in order to recognize and attain it. Love is a gift so sacred that it is worth living and dying for. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Especially within a society such as ours, which distorts love into lust, the ability to recognize and display the gift of love is essential. Selfish love, which is so inherent to humanity, inhibits God from acting in our lives, blinding us from experiencing His presence and eternal joy. It is so easy to look for pleasure and love in self satisfaction. However, the path to lasting happiness is not found through instant gratifications, but in the grueling practice of living a life full of
  • 43. Causes And Disadvantages Of The Middle Ages The middle ages were a time of great change and political upheaval. With the advent of barbarians migrating from all across the continent to better their lives and to receive the protection of the King or Emperor. Learning and preserving the past became a priority for the first time ever as a country wide goal. With the help of some truly great leaders like Charlemagnewe have the countries and historical artifacts we know today. Barbarian migrations had major effects on Europe, during the Middle Ages, starting with the decline of Rome, the Franks, and most importantly by Charlemagne. The decline of the Roman empirewas caused by two things, one a lack of capable leaders to rule and second of all an insurgence of those they considered barbarians. A barbarian being anyone who wasn t Roman, but in this case specifically the Huns who came from the East as well as the Goths who lived around the empire in the outskirts and further. The decline of Rome did not happen overnight it happened over the late fourth century and fifth century. Starting with the Huns invasion of tribes in the far east causing them and others to flee. That led the various Gothic tribes to cross the Danube River looking for protection from the Huns that they hoped could be provided by the Romans. At this point in A.D 376 and later on the groups of Huns were not just one large group but they were split up into multiple groups with their own hierarchy and aims to accomplish, and for the right payment
  • 44. Causes of Macbeths Downfall Causes of Macbeths Downfall Essay By Jordan Koorey Shakespeare s Macbeth, based on a play written in 1605 explores the life journey of Macbeth as he climbs the ladder of the social hierarchy. Determined to become King, Macbeth will kill any and all that get in his way. Driven by ambition, Macbeth puts his faith in the words and prophecies of three witches after a prediction that Macbeth would gain the new title of Thane of Cawdor. Alongside with ambition, Lady Macbeth, is a key instrument to Macbeths ambition to become king, continuously pressuring him, when he fears he has gone too in his schemes for greatness. We can definitely see a well regarded and loyal soldier of the Scottish army change to a murderous tyrant. His downfall ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the lead up to the event of King Duncan s murder Lady Macbeth tricks Macbeth into killing Duncan by using her cunning and complicated words. She makes Macbeth think that he has to kill Duncan for his benefit. Lady Macbeth deceives him into thinking that only he would gain more power, and it wouldn t benefit her. Lady Macbeth counters Macbeths arguments by saying that he needs to muster up all of his courage, and just follow here directions. Lady Macbeth plans the murder strategies, and influences Macbeth to go along with her strategy. Macbeth doesn t want to kill a good king for his own ambitions, but is persuaded to do it. From Lady Macbeth persuading him to kill Duncan, the first evil act he commits, he is drawn into believing the witches prophecies, and takes action to make them come true. Through various quotes by Lady Macbeth, it is evident to say that with each other by their sides, was a negative influence to the lead up of Macbeths downfall. Lady Macbeth blames her husband for lacking the courage to do the deed, and because Macbeth is a warrior above everything else, her comments manipulate him a good deal. Indeed, manliness is an idea the play interrogates in various ways, such as when Macbeth says I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none (1.7.46 47). This is the belief that his wife use against him: When you durst do
  • 45. Epidemiology of Homeless Epidemiology of Homeless/Indigent People with Mental Illness Vulnerable populations are defined in many ways. Variables of the definition are dependent on the author, their current location and how they believe that they may assist this population. Vulnerability as defined in a healthcare setting are those with a greater than average risk of developing health problems by virtue of their marginalized sociocultural status, their limited access to economic resources, or personal characteristics such as age and gender (DeChesnay Anderson, 2008). Vulnerable populations in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are the homeless and indigent veterans with mental illness. Jacksonville, North Carolina, is a military town with three military bases in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many reasons for homeless and mentally ill person to be in the predicament that they are now facing. The incidents have been studied but the co occurrence of homeless, mental illness, and substance abuse seem to have longitudinal results. Therefore, concluding that there is no direct conclusion that one is needed for the other to occur. Some reason for such include but are not limited too, financial set backs, loss of family support, severity of preexisting symptoms, prior stay in institutions such as, hospital or jails and traumatic events. In this area increasing incidents can be contributed to the military presence. The area is a very transient area because of the military and thriving economy. The majority of the homeless individuals with mental illness in the area have had prior military service. Discharges range from dishonorable to medical reasons. Medical being the most frequent cause of discharge. Medical consisting of area from person unable to adjust to the military, anger issues, traumatic events affecting reasoning such as traumatic brain injuries or post traumatic stress disorder. These individuals are usually at a disadvantage of finding care of have troubling accessing care. Males are not the only individuals who are affect with homelessness. Woman also account for about 5% of the homeless rate of 20 25% in the area. Woman also have served in
  • 46. African American Music Research Paper African American Music July 3, 2014 Chapter 4 Black Dance Music of the 1949 1970 Civil Rights Songs were originated from the Black Church. Song that were borrowed Civil Rights Song were called Freedom Songs that were used to support the movement. During the 1949 all music that was produced was called race records. Billboard magazine introduced a new distinguished genre known as Rhythm Blues known today as R B . R B was originally and African Americansound that evolved from blues and jazz that involved heavy and insisted beats. This genre of music consisted with lyrics that involved love and human relationships. In the 1950 s R B began to define the sound of Rock n Roll which was about intense social and racial pride. Such artist as Little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1960 she started her career at Columbia Records , later on she then signed with Atlantic Records in 1967. Franklin gain the title The Queen of Soul , she gain most of her success through songs such as Respect , You make me feel like a natural Woman , I say a Little Prayer , Think , Chain of fools , Natural Woman , I never loved a Man . James Brown born in Barnwell, South Carolina, he was an American recording artist and musician. He was call The Godfather of Soul , he first came to the lime light in the late 1950 s as a member of The Flames. Ballads such as Please, Please, Please and Try Me started brown s career as an energetic performer. Brown career peaked in the 1960 s with the album Live at the Apollo and hits such as Papa s Got a Brand New Bag , I Got You , and It s a Man s World , Curtis Mayfield was an American R B, Soul singer and songwriter, guitarist and record producer. He became famous during the Civil Rights Movement of the late 1950 s and 1960 s. Mayfield is considered to be a pioneer of funk and politically conscious African American Music. His hits include song such as , Super Fly , Pusherman , Get down , Give me your Love , Freddies Dead , Keep On , Keepin On , No Thing On Me , Here but Im
  • 47. American Research And Development Of An Atomic Bomb It was August, 1939. United States President Franklin Roosevelt read a letter sent to him from prominent scientists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard. The purpose of this letter was to inform the President that the Germans supposedly discovered the secrets to developing nuclear weaponry and to urge the President to do the same. This letter changed the course of human history, setting the stage for the development of weapons that would alter warfare forever (Primary Sources: Letter from Einstein to FDR). The Manhattan Projectwas the code name given to the American research and development of an atomic bomb. The high stakes chess game of World War II was in full swing, and every move each side played created a chain reaction throughout the world, as did the news of the German s advancements. Even though the United States would not officially enter the war until 1941 (Historical Film Footage: US Enters World War II), the world believed the United States to be the only hope of a German defeat. With the alarming news of the German s recent discoveries, the Americans needed to quickly assert its dominance in the race to develop new wartime technology. Roosevelt authorized the research of nuclear weapons in January of 1942 (Atomic Timeline). Immediately, government officials placed plans for classified studies into motion at institutions across the country. As explained by the Independence Hall Association, At first the research was based at only a few universities Columbia
  • 48. Essay on The Educational Benefits of Video Games The Educational Benefits of Video Games The repetition of the statement claiming that video games do not help children in their educational enterprises is unfair. There have been numerous studies conducted providing evidence that children gain structural knowledge while engaging in video game play (Pillay 2002). Certainly, different styles of video games may produce different results. It is important for us to understand the different benefits from the various styles of games. Because students play a wide variety of games, they may have a repertoire of schemas with different information (Pillay 2002). Visual Skills A majority of the studies conducted discussed results regarding visual skills. The appreciation of visual... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They compared them to student who played 10 hours of non action video game. On all visual skills tests, action video gamers scored better than non action video gamers (Chudler 2003). The experiments at the University of Rochester brought forth very promising information for the support of video gaming. In the May 29 issue of Nature, people who play action video games process visual information more quickly. They can track 30% more objects than non game players (Roach 2003). Boosting visual scores can improve dramatically after just 10 hours of playing action games (Cohen 2003). Thinking and Learning Skills Video games can be used as instructional tools as well. They have positive elements and add value; they create a micro world of their own. The players act based on natural tendencies towards learning. Therefore, learning occurs while playing (Rosas et al., 2003). Simulation, adventure, and role playing games are another type of video game that produces positive results in skill levels (Morgan 2003). Simulations games are widely used in training various areas: 1. Colleges and institutions use them for educational purposes. 2. Industries and businesses use computer simulations to train their employees and executives. 3. Common in military in helping learn military strategy. 4. Almost all pilots do some flight
  • 49. The Rate Of Teenage Pregnancy Her name is Isabel . She got pregnant at 15 and brought forth a little girl at 16. One night her and her boyfriend decided to engage in sexual relations. After that night her life changed drastically . After 4 weeks she figured out she was pregnant. Isabel conversed with a trusted auntie, and she took her to go get checked. She peed in a container and those 2 lines came up. Isabel took a gander at her Aunt ,but she didn t generally recognize what to say. She told Isabel that it would have been alright. I am regularly frightened when I see an amazingly youthful young lady encountering parenthood during a period when her fundamental concerns ought to be far not exactly those of raising another person. The truth of the matter is that consistently more teenage girls are having babies at an alarmingly, youthful age. This issue brings up the issue of what should be possible to forestall and bring down the rates of teenage pregnancy. Keeping in mind the end goal is to avert teenage pregnancy. Youngsters need a complete comprehension of restraint, preventative strategies, and outcomes .Young people who are pregnant can t typically bolster the youngster all alone. Teenage Pregnancy is a developing issue all around the globe. Despite the fact that the numbers have been brought down, it is still an issue in our general public. At the point ,when teenagers become pregnant their associations with their family, companions, and the father of the infant can change a considerable
  • 50. Reflection Paper On Teacher 2 provided by ELI. On the 11 September 2013, the second observation took place in Teacher 1 s class at 8:20 am (see appendix D1). Teacher 1 briefly introduces me to the students as a teacher/researcher and tell me to sit anywhere I want. I choose an empty chair among the students. I did this in every class I observed. The total numbers of students present were 21 in total. The lesson started by an Islamic greeting, and students were told to take their places and be quiet. The teacher gives no introduction to the lesson, but rather jumps into a fill in the blanks activity for writingpractice. Students are quiet and passive and only respond when asked upon. The teacher gives no praise for correct answer, nor gives a chance for students who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like the previous class, Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 follow the same controlled composition type of teaching writing approach wherein grammar is taught. When Teacher 2 calls upon students who do not raise their hands to answer, they seem embarrassed, uncomfortable with having to answer, because they do not know how to answer. This was an uncomfortable moment for me as an observer in the class because I felt the students were shy and ashamed of not knowing the correct answer. The teacher spoke in a loud voice too, which made the situation more uneasy for the students. At that point of the observation, I thanked the teacher and left the class. For the second observation in level 102, Teacher 4 had 26 students in her class. This class was different to the other three classes in terms of the seating. Students were seated in a U Shape. Again, the class is quiet, and the teacher instead asks the students what are the different kinds of writing as an introduction to how to write according to the medium of writing. She tackles this topic to draw their attention to the use of abbreviations and capitalization. Students, like in the other classes, were reluctant to participate. The teacher then gives the students 5 minutes to write 6 things they did yesterday. Students start to take out papers and
  • 51. Age Of The Fetus Essay Introduction The first and foremost thing here in this case study is that the age of the fetus is not clear at all as it is told that Jessica finds herself pregnant six months before moving to their private quarters. Later it is told that four months later that they went to the clinic. So there is a natural doubt when did Jessica and Marco go to hospital for the tests? I proceed in this paper with an assumption that it is after four months/seventeen weeks of her pregnancythat Jessica went to hospital. The Theory / Theories The case is that of fetus abnormality where the fetus is seen in the scan as deformed or specifically without arms and also a possibility of having Down syndrome. It is true that the parents don t want such a child in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rarely were the rights of the prospective mother, much less the prospective child, taken into consideration. Although generally legal, the morality of abortion, birth control and child abandonment (as a form of infanticide) was sometimes discussed. Then, as now, these discussions often concerned the nature of man, the existence of a soul, the beginning of life, and the beginning of human personhood. If a fetus is a person, it is a person in very special circumstances it exists entirely within the body of another much larger person and usually cannot be the object of direct action by another person. The position Marco and her wife is not that clear from the available case study. But the position of Aunt Maria is very clear. She holds the view or the theory that of the pro life movement. Here the emphasize is on the right of the embryo or fetus to gestate to term and be born. She is very clear about the status of the fetus as it is human life and that is to be protected by all means. The fetus has the right to be germinated and to be born and grow in to its maturity. Nobody has the right to terminate a life that God has created.
  • 52. Frederic Chopin Research Paper Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art. Frederic Chopin said. Chopin is a pianist and a composer. He was born on March 1, 1810 in Zelazowa Wola, Poland. Chopin s mother was a piano teacher and his father played the flute and violin. At age 6, he was ably playing and composing tunes. He published his first composition at age 7, and at age 8 he began performing. His family engaged professional musician Wojciech Zywny for lessons. Then his parents enrolled him in the Warsaw Conservatory Music. Chopin studied for three years under Polish composer, Josef Elsner. By 1818, Chopin was performing in elegant salons and writing
  • 53. A Rationale For Dick s Sporting Goods Running head: DICK S SPORTING GOODS 1 DICK S SPORTING GOODS Zina Collins Finance 534 Dr. Kehiaian August 23, 2015 DICK S SPORTING GOODS2 DICK S SPORTING GOODS Introduction This paper will provide a rationale for Dick s Sporting Goods and indicate the significant factors driving my decision as a financial manager. It will determine the profile of the investor for which the company may be a fit. A selection of at least five financial (5) ratios will be utilized. The last three years of the company s financial data will be analyzed. A determination of the company s financial health will be assessed. A determination of the risk level from the investor s point of view will be assessed. Key strategies will be suggested in order to minimize the perceived risks. A recommendation will be given regarding the stock as an investment opportunity. Rationale for selecting Dick s Sporting Goods Dick s Sporting Goods was originally opened in 1948 as a bait and tackle shop in Binghamton, NY. Since then, the company has grown into a major, full line sporting goods chain with over 500 stores. Part of the company s mission statement is to be ....the #1 sports and fitness specialty omni channel retailer that serves and inspires athletes... (Dick s, 2015). There is no doubt Dick s Sporting Goods has succeeded in fulfilling the mission as the company has been publicly traded since 2002 with sales today in