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Nazi Germany Extended Essay
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Nazi Germany Extended Essay Nazi Germany Extended Essay
The Life and Work of John Calvin and Galileo Galilei Essay
John Calvin was born July 10th, 1509, in Noyon, Picardy. He was raised up in a staunch Roman
Catholic family. Early in his life, Calvin s father was employed by the local bishop as an
administrator at the town s cathedral. With this newly acquired job, John Calvin s father wanted
Calvin to be a priest. Due to the fact that his family had close ties with the bishop and his noble
family, Calvin s classmates in Noyon were aristocratic and culturally influential in his childhood. At
the age of fourteen, Calvin set off for Paris to study at the College de Marche. This helped him
prepare for university study. At the College de Marche, he studied seven subjects: grammar,
rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. Towards the
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A year later, Calvin ran away from Paris. Reason being, his friends wrote papers and gave lectures
opposing the Roman Catholic Church, which frightened Calvin. For the next three or so years, John
Calvin lived in several places outside of France. This included him using a dozen or so names;
changing it from place to place he traveled. He traveled alone, studying by himself, preaching,
and beginning work on the Institutes of the Christian Religion, which turned out to be an instant
best seller. By 1536, he had stopped work in the Roman Catholic Church, and made plans to
leave France for good. He planned on leaving France and heading over to Strasbourg. However, due
to the war between Francis I and Charles V, Calvin decided to make a detour to Geneva. Calvin was
a huge success in Geneva. Farel, a reformer, invited him to stay in Geneva. Farel also threatened
Calvin s life with God s anger if he chose not to stay. After deciding to stay in Geneva, thus began
a long relationship with the city. Due to theological conflicts, Calvin was asked to leave the city,
where he began as a lecturer and preacher. In 1538, he left the city of Geneva, and headed off for
Strasbourg. In 1541, Calvin, who was now working as a pastor to French refugees, was requested
to come back to Geneva by the Council of Geneva. So, in 1541, Calvin returned to Geneva. He
remained in Geneva until his death on May 27th, 1564. Those last several years were plentiful with
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Explain The Panama Canal Modernization
In this assignment I will first explain the Panama Canal modernization and then I will discuss
about the industry experts/forecasters prediction about its impact on east and west coast of U.S.
followed by the detailed analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction. Furthermore, based on
the analysis, I will present my opinion for rejecting or agreeing with the forecaster s prediction of
the panama canal s positive impact on intermodal traffic market share of east coast ports and west
coast ports, western railroad of U.S.
The Panama Canal expansion is one of the biggest developments in maritime trade in last few
decades. When the canal first opened in 1914, it reduced 8,500 miles and several weeks of transit ...
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ports to gulf or east coast U.S. ports as a result of Panama Canal expansion.
Most businesses in the area numbered as 5, currently rely on West Coast ports to receive goods
namely Los Angeles Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, and Vancouver. After the Panama Canal
expansion, shipping through the East Coast will be especially attractive to businesses that are more
price sensitive and less time sensitive.
Therefore, for companies in the 5th region, it will become cheaper to handle goods through East
Coast ports, although doing so will add a few weeks to the total transit time but a justification for
this potential switch will highly depend on a company s time preferences, price sensitivity, and
costs of working capital.
Thus, there is a prediction from forecasters that, that West Coast ports and western railroads would
see a significant drop in intermodal traffic market share. Eastern and Southern ports and railroads,
on the other hand, would see a corresponding increase.
Analysis to find out accuracy of the prediction:
So, after 18 months, is the prediction
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Were the American Colonists Justified in Waging War and...
Were the American colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain
The colonists were in every right, aspect and mind, not only justified but also it was about time that
they stood of and actually take action against the British. The choice of going to war with them,
was the only choice that they had. All diplimatical options that they had ceased to stand a chance
against the tyrant Britain. From the very beginning when the colonists felt upset against their
mother country and the way that they went about the law making, up until the beginning of the
war, they tried all diplimatical options that they had, by sending letters, you name it. When they
didn t work then they had no other means but to declare war.
It was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And by doing this, it might be a good idea in the king s eyes, but it s not the best idea in the
peoples. Which is whom you are ultimately trying to please. In the grand scheme of things that is
what the British were missing in their perfect colony, pleasing the people. (DCT 2)
The massacre that happened on March 5th changed a lot of opinions of the colonist s about how
they felt about the British. The way that the picture was made, in relation to the story was key in
winning the hearts of the Americans. The story told is depicting confusion on the officer s part,
and they randomly fired on the crowd, not in any particular area. The picture shows that the
British were organized, and aimed to kill. Since it is easier to get the story from a picture, the
picture was that the troops have a desire to kill the people, shown with the organization. This
picture portrays the British as murderers, all the more reason to unite and rise against and go to
war against. (DCT 3)
The King in his right mind has total control and power of the colonies and can do whatever he
deems necessary to control them. With that said, The king of that time, not thinking about the
peoples feelings went ahead and instead of making the people happy did whatever he could to
make the government better. Which in the long run was to make money. Well every time the king
mad a law to make up for another law that the people didn t like, it
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Okonkwo Patriarchy
Patriarchy in this society also seems to cause dehumanization. One instance is seen through
Ikemefuna who is given up to Umuofia as a sacrifice for killing one of the women of Umuofia.
Ikemefuna was given to Okonkwo without his agreement. However, he became close to Okonkwo
and his family and soon even became a role model to Nwoye. Okonkwobegan considering him his
son and Ikemefuna could hardly imagine that Okonkwo was not his real father (7.59). Nwoye
seems to be becoming more masculine and, Okonkwo was inwardly pleased at his son s
development and he knew it was due to Ikemefuna (7.52). Yet the rules of the tribe are that you
must listen to the elders and the spirit. This rule was probably made by the first great tribes and
now it
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Hiroshima By John Hersey
Hiroshima by John Hersey was written to give insight into the lives of survivors on that horrific day
during August in 1945. Hersey informed me of the happenings surrounding the dropping of the
atomic bomb. The book both shocked and informed me with its vivid details and accuracy.
Throughout my reading of Hiroshima, I found myself continuously shocked at the extreme detail
Hersey included. The book begins at exactly fifteen minutes past eight in the morning, on August
6, 1945 , (1) with great detailing of the six main character s lives. Some were had just sat down at
her place in the plant office...at that same moment [another] was settling down cross legged to
read...on the porch of his private hospital, overhanging once of the seven deltaic rivers which
divide Hiroshima. (1) Not only am I being told about these people s day, but I am also getting a
feel for the setting and the city itself. Hersey built a picture of the time before the bomb hit in my
mind, and I could not love it more. The first instance of extreme detail where I found myself
completely affected was when Mr. Tanimoto ran across about twenty men...in exactly the... Show
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The bomb caused Miss Sasaki to become a cripple; Mrs. Nakamura was destitute; Father
Kleinsorge was back in the hospital (87) and others lost property that was either a church or a
hospital. With that being the end result, I expected that many Japanese would hate Americans, but
a surprising number of the people of Hiroshima remained more or less indifferent about the ethics
of using the bomb. (89) When I read that, I was completely blown away. To have your entire city
and lives literally erased is devastating, yet a majority those victims were indifferent! I found it very
interesting that many just saw the bomb as something a part of the
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The Basic Three Functions Of Communication
OB Final Exam
1.Communications fulfils three main functions within an organization, name them and explain
their impact from an effective and ineffective perspective.
The basic three functions of communication in organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate.
The idea of informing within an organization is to provide data and information so that employees
can effectively complete their job. There are three ways through which information can travel:
Downward moving information: In this type, information moves from superiors to subordinates
and usually consists of directives or updates. For example, Executives of a company introduce a
new code of conduct to its managers and employees.
Upward moving information: Information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It also eliminates job uncertainty among workers when they are fully informed.
It creates gap between different process and departments in organization, decreases efficiency of
employees and increase redundancy since there is no proper understanding of role and
responsibilities. It also increases job uncertainty among workers when they are not informed about
the future and vision of the company.
Another essential function of communication would be the element of persuasion. It is the ability
to change the attitude or behaviour of employees, vendors, clients, etc. In general, persuasion is
used in an organizational environment effectively when the source of the information is trustworthy.
Effective communication leads to Effective persuasion in an organization. It creates anenvironment
where employees trust upper level executives decisions. For example, if a company decides to
merge with another company, employees will have confidence that merger will not affect them
negatively. Confidence on thetop management creates loyal employees, who work more effectively
towards achieving company s goals
Past experience of ineffective communication leads to lack of trust. For example, supposedly
theemployees had a past experience of company hiding its bad financial condition leading to
layoffs Employees will now be more insecure of their jobs leading to
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Isaac Lidsky s Speech
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gave Isaac Lidsky blindness, he
made a vision. In his speech, What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself? , Lidsky reveals his
main idea that we all can control our reality and it is ourselves who contest that control. Lidsky s
main idea along with its corresponding major and minor points, the aid of my annotations, and two
intriguing research topics came together to form my interpretation of his speech. Beginning with
objectively summarizing Lidsky s main idea and the supporting major and minor points that aid
the overall understanding of his speech. Lidsky s main idea is that we all can control our reality
and it is ourselves who contest that control. Lidsky leads up to his... Show more content on
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The first research topic idea would be his studies at Harvard. There are may or may not have been
courses that he took to help him realize that he is in control of his reality. Perhaps he learned in
detail the extent of our brain s processing capabilities from a course taken at Harvard. In addition,
he could have taken some psychology courses as well to understand better how emotions trigger
a response in our minds altering what we see. Researching about his studies at Harvard could
bring some insight on how he has developed his speech as well as his vision. The second research
topic would be on how Lidsky lives with his eyes wide open. He has only summarized how to go
about doing so, but if I knew more about how he came to this point in life, my understanding would
increase exponentially. There could be numerous details not mentioned in the twelve minute
speech Lidsky gives. Details about critical points during the process of facing his greatest fears,
doubts, and failures that it took for him to overcome. If Lidsky has a book on the journey he took
to get to the point of living with his eyes wide open, I would admittedly read it to understand his
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Antitrust Law And Economics Of Product Distribution
This Literature review explains if a franchise is high or low risk way of entering into a market. It
also explains whether a franchisee is suited for a certain franchise. Franchises can be seen all
over the world, with everyone being introduced to them, as consumers, from a young age
(Longenecker et al., 2011). Thomas and Seid (2000) agree with this and believes due to it,
people think they understand a lot more about a franchise than they actually do, creating myths
about the rate of success and the ease of entry. Antitrust Law and Economics of Product
Distribution (2006, p.5) defines a franchise in a 3 part way as, (1) a franchisee (a) offers, sells or
distributes a franchisor s goods or services, which are identified by ... Show more content on
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Many years later, franchising became more entrenched in the UK with the advent of the tied pub
system. Following the introduction of legislation making it very expensive to keep and maintain a
public house in the 18th century, licensees began to struggle to operate successfully. Recognising
that it was in their interests to have a secure and stable market for their products, brewers began to
offer publicans the opportunity of financial support in return for exclusivity over what was sold in
the pub. Thus a familiar system, that remains widely used in the licensed trade today, was born.
(Thebfa.org, 2015)
Types of Franchises
There are three types of franchises; these are business format franchises, product franchise and
manufacturing franchises (Referenceforbusiness.com, 2015).
Business Format Franchise
Business Format Franchises are the most common out of the three, this franchise gives the right for
entrepreneurs to use their name and product. The franchisee usually benefits from the assistance
given by the franchisor, but has to pay fees and royalties over the franchise contract. The most
noticeable example of this type of franchise is McDonalds, which is one of the most successful
companies in the world (Referenceforbusiness.com, 2015).
Product Franchise
In this kind of franchise the
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Teacher Tenure Essay
Wisniewski 1
Bill Wisniewski
ENG 1520
Dr. David James 6 August 2012
Teacher Tenure
Today, there seems to be a push to change the policy of teacher tenure. Roughly 2.3 million public
school teachers in the United States have tenure a perk reserved for the noblest of professions
(professors and judges also enjoy such rights). (Stephey) Tenure refers to a policy which gives
teachers a permanent contract that effectively ensuring them a guarantee of employment for life.
Stephey continues to state, Though tenure doesn t guarantee lifetime employment, it does make
firing teachers a difficult and costly process, one that involves the union, the school board, the
principal, the judicial system and thousands of dollars in legal fees. ... Show more content on
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When one is a teacher they know that they need to teach the material that is needed for students
succeed and excel during testing. Teachers should have no fear in being dismissed if they are
doing the job that they were hired for. In the other hand, if one is not doing their job teaching
then that is simply one owns fault when getting fired. There are many workers who work hard to
get what they deserve such as high pay and benefits. Then why do are there laws which protects
teacher s jobs only? In school districts across America there are stories as found in an article
from Meghan Mathis as she writes, New York faced intense scrutiny and criticism in 2009 when
it came to light it had been paying full salaries to nearly 700 tenured teachers who had been
accused of poor performance or wrongdoing. These teachers were paid not to teach, but rather to
sit in a guarded room from start to finish of each day. How is the government benefitting our
society by using tax payer s dollars to pay for teachers to idly sit in a room when these dollars could
be used to introduce new programs into the classroom or better yet a teacher willing to do the job?
Why are tax payer s dollars wasted by spending this money on terminating teachers? Writing in
Time, Stephey states that Some school districts have resorted to separation
Wisniewski 4
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Essay on Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882. He was the only child. His parents were
James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. He was raised very fortunate because his family had
a lot of money. Franklin, at age fourteen, attended Groton School. For his undergraduate degree he
attended Harvard University. At Harvard he was elected editor in chief of the college paper.
Franklin looked up to his distant cousin, Teddy Roosevelt. He wanted to be in office just like Teddy
was. He ran for his first office in 1910 for New York s state Senator. With in three years he was
chosen Assistant Secretary of the Navy, a highly respected position.
In August of 1921 Roosevelt was paralyzed in both legs due to a ... Show more content on
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He then passed the Emergency Banking Act, which gave federal assistance to banks. He also
created the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps, which paid young men to work on conservation
projects under the Army s supervision. He also created the AAA, Agricultural Adjustment act, too.
The AAA subsidized farmers for limiting acreage and taxed processors of products to pay for
subsidies, and many more.
Roosevelt s policies prevented the bottom from falling out of the American economy. He also did
his best to aid the Allies despite congress resistance. After the attack of Pearl Harbor, Franklin
knew how to handle things. He set up a front that met a very high goals of production levels. He
knew the only way the war could be won was by the country who had the most resources.
He also realized that peace after war would only be guaranteed by the great powers of the world so
he created the International Monetary Fund, the United States Nations, and he negotiated peace.
Although Roosevelt is often criticized by some of his decisions he made while in office, he
made many great changes to the American society. If I had to recommend this book to anyone I
would probably be honest and say don t waste your time unless you are in to biographies. To me
this was an extremely hard book to read just because it was so boring to me. On the other side I
did learn a lot of things that I wouldn t
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Microsoft Virtualization Terminology And Methodology
1: Microsoft virtualization 1.1: Hyper V 1.1.1: Introduction 1.1.2: Architecture 1.2: App V 1.3:
MED V 1: MICROSOFT VIRTUALIZATION Virtualization has rapidly grown from a technology.
It used for labs and development work to a core IT infrastructure technology. Virtualization has
always been a complex technology, for reducing this complexity Microsoft has founded a various
virtualization products with similar sounding yet nondescript names such as Hyper V, App V, and
MED V ,Microsoft User Environment Virtualization (UE V),Remote Desktop Services, and system
center Virtual MachineManager. Each one is designed to provide a solution to a different business
problem. To understand this virtualization we need to know about the Microsoft virtualization
terminology and methodology.
1.1: HYPER V
1.1.1: Introduction
Hyper v can create virtual machines on x86 64 systems. A host server running Hyper V could be
accessed remotely by multiple guest computers .And this guest computer could perform as if they
are using the host server directly. If the application is not available on the guest computer, users on
the guest computers could run applications in the host server remotely.
Hyper V is a hypervisor based virtualization solution, which means that the software layer
providing the virtualization support runs directly on the physical system hardware. This
configuration provides a high performance virtualization platform. A finalized version was released
on June 26, 2008.
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Steven Spielberg s Jurassic Park
How exciting would it be to travel back in time and live with the dinosaurs? That is exactly the
setting Steven Spielberg wanted to create in the movie version of the Michael Crichton novel,
Jurassic Park. Science fiction adventure films, such as Jurassic Park, are exciting for all age
groups. The audience is in awe of the characters, in this case realistic looking and acting
dinosaurs. After a shocking death takes place due to an animal attack in Isla Nublar, an island 120
miles from Cuba, scientific experts are needed to investigate further. Dr. Alan Grant and assistant
Ellie Sattler, also assisted by Dr. Ian Malcolm and Donald Gennaro, are invited by the peculiar
billionaire, John Hammond, to join him in his new unique biological attractions ... Show more
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The country of Costa Rica is a perfect setting with all of the diversity of species and seclusion
from other parts of the world to do experimental research with dinosaurs in secret. Isla Nublar,
the specific location leased by Hammond as a biological preserve to do research, adds to the
seclusion, as it is difficult to get to the island one hundred miles off the coast of Costa Rica and
difficult to leave. Ian Malcolm, the mathematician invited to visit the park to access risk, takes
one look around the island and says the problem with Isla Nublar is that it is an accident waiting
to happen, effectively foreshadowing the events to occur shortly after the group s arrival on the
island. Once the group drives the safari jeeps Hammond has provided through the gates of the
theme park, it is as if they are in another world. The gates are described as enormous, primitive
gates, torches blazing on either side. Again Malcolm foreshadows future events by looking up at
the immense gates and asking if King Kong is inside. The seclusion of the island and
confinement of the park builds the anticipation that an accident is imminent. This suspense is
important because when the dinosaurs run free, the experts and the children feel cut off from
the outside world and must find ways to save themselves. The time at which the park was built,
the 1990s, was not long after supercomputers became prevalent. The climate on the island also
added to the mysterious, clandestine atmosphere. For example, every time a tyrannosaurus rex
came to attack the group, it was raining. When the t Rex flipped the jeep over, it was so foggy it
was difficult to see. Appropriately, the secluded location of the theme park, Isla Nublar, means
clouded island as most of it is encased in a dense fog. It was also exciting to see the dangerous
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Diesel Fuel Prices Trucking Industry Essay
The recent surge in the cost of heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline in the United States has had
significant impact on many sectors of the U.S. economy, but most importantly it has had quite a
devastating affect on the trucking industry. This is important due to the fact that nearly 70% of
U.S. communities rely solely on trucking for their supplies ( ATA 23). If the government continues
it s trend of non intervention and refuses to place pressure on OPEC, the prices will continue to
soar well over the two dollar mark, and cause the trucking industryas a whole to shut down bringing
the U.S. economyto a grinding halt.
What is the reason that gasoline and fuel prices are so high? Most people believe it is because of
OPEC raising the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4). A clear example of this can be seen by The Chrysler Corporation s sales of Dodge Ram pickup
trucks. Once the 11th best selling vehicle, it is now the 4th best seller; above the more fuel
efficient Ford Taurus and Honda Accord (Phillips 22).
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and EIA (Energy Information Administration) both
play key roles in the types of fuel we can run in our cars and trucks and thus they indirectly play a
role in the overall price package that we consumers have to pay. When fuel arrives in the United
States about 95% of it is in its natural state; that is crude oil. It is then pumped or shipped to
refineries where certain qualities are achieved such as diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline, and heating
oil. The EPA s role is to regulate the amount of additives and other chemicals that are added to the
fuels, which give them certain cleansing and lubricating properties. An important and very
controversial additive in diesel fuel is sulphur.
All grades of diesel fuel, No.1 (kerosene), No.2 on road fuel, and No.3 off road fuel, have sulphur
in them to keep the engines burning clean and to allow the fuel to burn properly (diesel fuel is
almost non flammable in it s virgin state without additives). Sulphur however is a dangerous
pollutant and has very damaging affects on the ozone layer, thus it is the EPA s responsibility to
step in and decide on the
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Compare And Contrast The Concepts Of Nationalism And...
HIST 803 Week Three Reading Reflections Two thing stood out to me in this week s readings,
although they are closely intertwined: the concepts of Canadian nationalism and Canadian national
identity. These concepts changed greatly between the three Canadian Prime Ministers tenures, St.
Laurent, Diefenbaker, and Pearson, respectively and how these concepts have continued to change
up to the present day. I have noticed that the majority of this week s readings tend to overlook St.
Laurent s, and his government s, contributions to these two issues for while the longstanding
Liberal government essentially continued MacKenzie King s policies. However they had to do it
in a rapidly Canadaand a rapidly changing world. During St. Laurent s time in office the British
Commonwealth declined in spectacular fashion while the United Statesrise, as an economic,
political, and military superpower was equally spectacular. Canada itself was also changing. The
Second World War had created economic prosperity for the vast majority of Canada s provinces
and the premiers were keen to use their newfound economic independence from Ottawa to create
their own provincial identities and depending on the Premier these identities could be vastly
different and I would say that Maurice Duplessis Quebec... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
With Diefenbaker s decision to cancel the Avro Arrow, the Progressive Conservatives essentially
destroyed Canada s military aircraft industry in favour of purchasing American military equipment.
When it comes to government policies, and how it relates to Canadian nationalism, I equate the
height of Canadian nationalism with Pierre Trudeau s economic and political policies; with the
creation of Petro Canada and enforcing the National Energy Program, and then a decline in
nationalism with the rise of neoliberalism in the late
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Gender Bias In Televised Sports
For my assignment I chose the topic of Gender Bias in televised sports, I chose this topic
because I m interested in sport and I believe that many people aren t aware of how gender biased
sport is. The target audience of this topic is people both girls and boys who are teenagers. These
ages were my choice because they would be the most likely ones to be reading Magazine Articles
online. This topic would most likely be in a sport magazine or in a women of men s Mixed topic
magazine to get more attention.
The most effective devices used in my Informative article would be the use of colours and images.
These devices help capture the audiences attention and will attract them to read more into Gender
bias. In my Persuasive I used
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Catholic Church Experience
The Sacred Heart Cathedral is of the Roman Catholic religion. The Roman Catholic church was
created when the Eastern and Western churches divided in 1054, with the Roman Catholic church
coming from the Western church (Matlins). Coming from a Methodist background I found Roman
Catholicism interesting because out of all the various Christian denominations it appeared to be the
most different from the Protestant and Orthodox sectors of Christianity(Brodd). It is intriguing that
one religion can have various practices and ways of worship. After and during Mass I was able to
compare the Methodist religion and Roman Catholic religion to each other. Through formulating
questions and expectations, observation, listening, and taking in the surroundings... Show more
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Once the officiants had made their way out the congregation and I proceeded towards the doors
to leave. This was when I noticed that there was a Holy Water Fountain on the wall to the left of
the doors that opened to the outside. I observed several individuals deep their fingers into the
water to make a cross by touching their forehead, chest, and shoulders. Right outside of the
cathedral the officiants stood and greeted each individual as they left the service. I felt very
comfortable going up to the officiants and shaking their hands. Their presence and appearance was
very inviting for individuals whether you were a guest or not. Neither did the Priest nor bulletin
make a suggestion that there was a reception after the service. The majority of the congregation
immediately departed from their seats to the outside to interact with the officiants and other
individuals of the
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Analysis Of The Scarlet IbisAndThe Tunnel
Experience which destroys innocence, Also leads one back to it. From James Arthur baldwin The
Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst and The Tunnel By Doris Lessing both present two characters that
attempted to benefit themselves and as a result they experience a transformation from Innocence to
awareness. The narrator in The Scarlet Ibishas a brother that goes by the name of Doodle. Doodle
was not expected to live long and his dad even buys him a coffin because he was born very
sickly but miraculously overcomes his issues. The Narrator tries to kill his brother at a young age
because he knows doodle will never be normal and doesn t want him as a brother. As James Hurst
points out It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all
there was unbearable, so I began to make plans to kills him by smothering him with a pillow This
reveals his embarrassmentbecause he is so ashamed of his own brother he attempts to suffocate
him. By the age of 5 Doodle still did not know how walk the narrator shows by stating When
doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn t walk, so
i set out to teach him his brother was embarrassed and decided to teach him how to walk. Brother
teaches doodle how to walk on his 6th birthday. Brother would take doodle to Old Womens Swamp
a extremely beautiful place, and he would also show him the barn their that contained doodles
coffin. Doodle started school and one day during
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Analysis Of Fasting Feasting By Anita Desai
In the passage from Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai, Arun, a foreign exchange student from India,
much to his disdain, joins the mother and daughter of his host family, Melanie and Mrs. Patton, on
a day to the beach. The complicated and warped experience that Arun faces on the day trip is
characterized by the literary tools used by Anita Desai, such as diction, syntax, and rich descriptions.
From the opening paragraph of the passage, Arun s uneager disposition is shown, when he is
displayed trying to avoid of the day s plans. However, the extent of Arun s disapproval of the plans
is shown through words like despondent, to show the dispirited disposition of the boy, and wildly
when describing his formulation of excuses. Furthermore, the relationship between Arun and his
host family is presented in this introductory scene, and their eagerness of getting the boy out of the
house is shown through Desai s choice to describe Melanie s method of getting him involved as
staring challengingly. This emphasizes her determination to get the exchange student out of the
house by using a fairly aggressive term, creating the sense of a showdown for the reader.
Desai continues the description of the standoff with her use of syntax in the next paragraph. The
author avoids using quotation marks during dialogue, as shown when Mrs. Patton says, No, she
will not. Absolutely not. This creates a more intriguing section to read, but also creating a strong
sense of insistence. With the
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The Use of Rhetoric In Athenian Democracy Essay
Rhetoric was a major factor in the development and maintenance of the Athenian government and
was used by many in order to gain power and ascend in politics. The ascendance of the great
demagogues in Athens during the time of the Peloponnesian war was heavily influenced by their
rhetoric and ability to effectively guide the Athenian democracy. The democratic government was
composed of two groups: public speakers [...], those who made proposals and publicly argued for
or against political projects, and demos, those who as a group decided on the proposals (Yunis,
1991: 179). With this idea of democracy instilled in Athens, speakers were given an opportunity to
present themselves and their proposals in a manner that they anticipated to be the... Show more
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Pericles role as a demagogue is blatantly obvious in his speech, The Funeral Oration , found in
The Landmark Thucydides. In 431 BCE, he is chosen to stand in front of the Athenians in a time of
crisis and raise their spirits through an oration given to honour those who had fallen so far in the
Peloponnesian War. Times of tragedy and crisis can cause uproar among a society and Pericles
faces potential blame from The People. In the first paragraphs of his speech, he speaks of
Athenian ancestors and predecessors who had also stood before The People to give similar
speeches. He tells The People, since [their] ancestors have stamped this custom with their approval,
it has become [his] duty to obey the law (Thuc.2.35). He also adds:
I could have wished that the reputations of many brave men were not to be imperiled in the
mouth of a single individual, to stand or fall according as he spoke well or ill. For it is hard to
speak properly upon a subject where it is even difficult to convince your hearers that you are
speaking the truth. (Thuc.2.35)
Pericles lessens his superiority by admitting to human frailty and the possibility that he could fail
while giving the speech. These disclosures given to The People are used as a security measure for
Pericles; he tells them that he is obligated by law to give the speech and, by referring
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Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every day people make hundreds of choices. People do not realize how many choices they make
in one day. Those choices shape and conform people s lives whether they know it or not. Ralph
Waldo Emerson s essay Self Reliance shows how individuals should be self reliant in their own
lives, not being conformed by their community. Emerson acknowledges that self reliance is the
key to empowering one s self in a positive way. His essay Self Reliance , shows how distractions,
like one s personal community, can hinder one s self reliance; and conversely, how self confidence
can improve one s life. I believe individuals can achieve self reliance through their own choices,
including choosing who one surrounds himself or herself with to be without the community.
Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson is an ambiguous essay that portrays different concepts.
Emerson uses his own opinions as well as facts we see in everyday life to try and persuade his
readers to trust themselves and have self reliance. He includes many strong arguments and explains
himself thoroughly. This essay does not focus on earthly things; it focuses on how one views
themselves independently in the world. Emerson shows his readers that self reliance should be
embraced throughout yourself, others, and society.
In this essay Emerson proudly emphasizes how he believes that every person should have self
reliance. Emerson defines self reliance as reliance on one s self and not others; to not go along
with society but to follow their own trustworthiness and will. This means to believe in himself or
herself and not depend on others. It also means to take responsibility and to not imitate somebody
else. One of Emerson s quotes in this essay states, We imitate; and what is imitation but the
travelling of the mind? (17). He shows that societies members imitate each other. This should not be
reality. Every person can and should think for themselves. Emerson understands that the world is
chaotic and calls on individuals to make order of it. People should be united in society yet they
should each take part in their own way with their own thoughts.
Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has
found for
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the call of the wild Essay
The Call of the Wild, on the surface, is a story about Buck, a four year old dog that is part
Shepherd and part St. Bernard. More importantly, it is a naturalistic tale about the survival of the
fittest in nature. Throughout the novel, Buck proves that he is fit and can endure the law of the
club, the law of the fang, and the laws of nature.
Buck had been raised in California, on the ranch of Judge Miller. There he had the run of the
place and was loved and pampered by all. Unfortunately, one of the judge s workers had a
gambling problem and stole Buck to sell him for fifty dollars. Buck fights being tied, caged, and
beaten, but his efforts only frustrate him. He is put on a train and a boat, being shipped to Alaska
to be used as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the other dogs stay away from Buck because of his size and strength, but Spitz becomes
his constant enemy, from whom he learns an important lesson. Spitz fights with Curly, one of the
dogs that is friendly to Buck. Buck watches as all the other dogs attack and kill Curly once he is
down. Buck is determined he will never be put in the same position. He will fight to the death if
Spitz constantly picks on Buck, wanting to get in a fight with him; Buck, however, resists the
challenges from Spitz. Then one time he steals the resting place that Buck has created for himself.
Buck has had enough and attacks Spitz with a vengeance. Francois and Perrault have to separate
the two dogs. Although the fight is stopped, the animosity continues, and the two enemies are
always in a skirmish. Then one day when Spitz prematurely kills a rabbit that all the dogs have
been chasing, Buck attacks again. The battle is fierce, and Buck is losing. He then calls upon his
intelligence and imagination to defeat Spitz. Instead of going for his throat, Buck attacks Spitz s
front legs, breaking both of them. Once he is down, the other dogs come in for the kill.
Now that Spitz has been eliminated, Buck is determined to become the leader of the dog sled team.
When Francois and Perrault harness Sol leks at the front of the team instead of Buck, he refuses to
fall into his place. When the drivers try to catch him, Buck runs out of reach. The quot;game quot;
of tag continues for
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Marfan Syndrome
Marfan Syndrome Have you ever wondered about the diseases that you can get from your
parents? One of these major diseases that can change someone s life is called the Marfan
Syndrome. Marfan Syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue that is inherited from the parents.
The bones and circulatory system are usually the parts of the body that are longer and the ones that
are changed because of the disease.
There are many things that can cause a disease. Marfan syndrome is caused by a mutation in the
fibrillin 1 gene. The gene produces a protein that is essential for formatting the elastic fibers found
in connective tissue. About 75 percent of people with Marfan syndrome inherit the mutation from
one affected parent. A parent who has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Examples of organ systems that are affected by Marfan Syndrome would be the Skeletal system, the
muscular system, your heart and you blood vessels. It would affect your bone by making you very
tall, slender, and loose jointed. You re Arms, legs, fingers, and toes may be disproportionately
long in relation to the rest of the body because Marfan syndrome affects the long bones of the
skeleton. A person with Marfan syndrome usually has a long, narrow face, and the roof of the
mouth may be arched, causing the teeth to be crowded. It weakens and stretches your muscles and
begins to place weight on the vertebrae in the lower spine.
It would also start to wear away the bone surrounding the spinal cord. It would also make your
heart weaker and more vulnerable to damage and kill the person with the disease. It would then
affect your blood vessels by making the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of
the body, weak and it will stretch. Then because of this it will increase the risk that the artery will
erupt and if it does it will cause serious heart problems or sudden death.
Our Lives are very short and when you have a disease it makes your life even shorter. People with
Marfan Syndrome have to face this catastrophe everyday of their lives. Wondering when they will
die because of their disease. If I had a genetic disease, I would be very sad and not happy because I
would wonder when I would die. The people who don t
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To Kill A Mockingbird Songs
you can t judge a book by its cover Bo Diddley The part of this song that I chose fit the novel
really well in my opinion. I really saw a connection between this song and Tom Roberson. Oh
can t you see, Oh you misjudge me,I look like a farmer, But I m a lover, You can t judge a book
by looking at the cover From what I read in the book about Tom I really picked up that Tom was
a good man, he wasn t trying to hurt anyone but because of the time period there was a lot of
stigmas that were surrounding men of color in the south so it was easy for some of the people in
Maycomb county to side with Bob Ewell and go against Tom on the trail. This song also showed a
major theme presented in this novel, you can t just judge someone you have to walk around in their
skin for a little bit.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His song Don t Matter is all about a girl that he is in love with but everyone around him doesn t
want them together because society is against it. This reminds me of Dolphus Raymond, he was
in love with an african American woman and had children with her. Even though in Maycomb it
is looked down upon for having these types of relationships with a person of a different race this
does not stop Dolphus from loving her. (May i suggest the clean version if you are going to look up
the song as Akon is a known rapper that can get a tad racy at
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Why Is Donald Trump Controversial
The election of Donald Trump has been very controversial. People have very different views on
Trump being president. Some American s think positively of him and some people think
negatively of him. Despite what you think about Donald Trump, his presidency is going to impact
your life in some way. Donald Trump s policies are going to impact my life because of his
immigrationstance, his tax proposals, and his view on gun laws.
Donald Trump s immigration stance is going to negatively impact the lives of my friends. Trump
plans to build a border wall and deport all illegal aliens. This will impact some of my friends
because members of their family could get deported. It was stated that, the Republican has stood
by his call to build an impenetrable wall along the 2,000 plus mile US Mexico border (bbc.com.)
Donald Trump plans to deport 11 million illegal aliens from the United States. Critics call his plan,
unaffordable and unrealistic (bbc.com), but he refuses to drop his stance.
Donald Trump s tax proposals are going to positively impact the lives of my family. Trump plans to
reduce the number of tax brackets for working, middle class American citizens. Donald Trump s
plans include, reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting corporate taxes,
eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for ... Show more content on
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Trump thinks that citizens should have the right to carry a concealed weapon. I will not feel safe
with people carrying guns because the wrong person could get a hold of one and something bad
could happen. Donald Trump stated that he wants to, empower law abiding gun owners to defend
themselves (DonaldTrump.com.) If everyone is allowed to defend themselves with a lethal
weapon, America will no longer be a safe place. Donald Trump says that all good, honest citizens
should have the right to carry, however good, honest citizens aren t the only people that live in the
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Political Influences Of Alexander Pope
One of the most influential poets of the 17th and 18th centuries, Alexander Pope significantly
influenced classical poetry through his didactic and satirical works. Born in 1688, Pope began his
life already facing many challenges through different facets of his life. Because his family were
practicing Catholics, the Pope s were forced to move onto the outskirts of town, and Alexander
wasn t able to attend school any longer, which challenged him to teach himself. Rising to the
challenge, Pope taught himself different languages, and wrote his first poem, Ode on Solitude, at
the age of twelve (Masters in English). With his satiric style, Alexander Popewas able to write about
his own experiences with Pott s disease, as well as his well known translations of plays such as
Illiad and The Odyssey where he included some of his own ideas in their writing(notable
biographies). Alexander Pope shaped the writings of his time through the use of satire, drawing on
his own life and the situations around him for inspiration and support.
In 18th century England, poetry was mainly political and satirical. The main philosophical
question was whether the individual or society took precedence as the subject of verse.
(slideshare). This time period was led by Alexander Pope because of his early start into writing and
his continued works throughout his life. Pope and most poets/authors of the time wrote with reason
over feelings and were typically written in rhymes and heroic couplets.
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Kitten Angels Monologue
Kitten Angels I remember when two of my kittens died in my hands, one recently and one when
I was almost nine. I remember their names, Midnight is the one that died recently, Pudge is the
one that died when I was almost nine. They were born sickly when they were born. I miss them
so much, but I know they are angels now. They fly with everyone I lost whom are in heaven.
Half of the people don t go to heaven, but the ones that do have earned their wings. But all
animals go to heaven. I hope to join them one day. I cannot wait to see everyone again. But I m
not rushing my death. I want to live life to the fullest. I want to become a veterinarian to help and
save animals, even if I have to put the animals down, it ll stop the suffering and pain the... Show
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I remember having a kitten in a coma, she had no name, but she was a pretty black color with a
little bit of white on her chest. I remember having two cats that ran away, Simba and Icy, I don t
know how old icy was, but simba was two to three years old. I miss those two cats, I wonder how
simba is doing. I hope he s well, I understand if he died, his name should ve been Scar, that s what
my big sister, Amy said. I miss the cats that ran away. But it s okay, I understand the good lord calls
everyone home. Only if heaven wasn t so far away, I would go visit my family and the kittens I
lost. I d go see my ancestors and my family members on my momma s and my daddy s sides. I d
see my pap paw again. He died in 2006, right after hurricane Katrina, on the eighth of December,
fourteen days before my birthday. I really miss him. If only he were still alive. I hear my family
comes from royalty. I wonder if that s true, they say we are royalty from England. I don t know if
that s true. I loved my kittens
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Angelina Grimke Abolition
Because of her concern for white masters and resulting choices to abandon her famous slave
holding family to move to the North, to write an address to southern women, and to speak in front
of audiences of both men and women, Angelina Grimke adopted the abolitionist cause and often
challenged her role in society. Originally, Grimke was promoting abolition out of concern for
whites as she believed that slaverywas anti Christian; she was seen trying to discourage family
from having slaves out of concern for her salvation. However, that family would have been a
difficult one to persuade as they were the one of the most prominent slaveholding families in South
Carolina; there were rumors that each family member had their own slave who would help
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At T Business Analysis
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Question 1 В– Analyse the strategic position of AT T in 1994
1.2Strategic position of AT T in 1994
1.3Current situation analysis
1.3.1Internal environment (SWOT, TOWS)
1.3.2External environment (PEST)
1.3.3Competitive environment (Porters five forces, diamond, value chain, and BCG Matrix)
1.4Financial analysis
Question 2 В– Identify and evaluate the strategic options facing AT T in 1994
2.2 The architecture of strategy as applied to AT T
2.3Hierarchy of strategic intent
2.4Growth strategy
2.5Strategic partnering В– Joint ventures
2.6Strategic options
Question 3 В– Consequences for the global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For most of its history, Ma Bell (AT T) functioned as a legally sanctioned and regulated monopoly.
When AT T entered the global arena, the dynamics of classical competition changed and AT T had
to reshape and change their strategy to meet the new challenges of a global economy.
1.2Strategic position of AT T in 1994
After the divestiture of 1984 В– 1988, CEO Robert (Bob) E. Allen started to rationalise the
business. He broke up the giant functional organisation into 21 manageable business units to help
drive responsibilities and accountability. Up to 1994 Allen reorganised AT T s crown jewel to be
its core telecommuncations network and his strategy was to focus AT T s expansion only on the
areas which enhanced this core. Allen explained, Everything we are doing is designed to put more
traffic on our network, to enhance the value of our network.
With increasing competition, convergence of industries, deregulation and international trust laws,
Allen soon realised that this strategy had to change. The BU structure and strategy of 1989, did not
match the business needs for 1994 and the new millennium
A thorough analysis to reshape AT T s strategy was executed and this report contains its
1.3Current situation analysis
1.3.1Internal environment (SWOT, TOWS)
The SWOT analysis (Appendix 1) revealed internal positive and negative attributes of the
organisation, while the TOWS
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Lab Report Osmosis on Potatoe
Practical Work NВє2: Different methods to control osmosis
Aim: observe and test the process of osmosis through different kinds of methods: the weigh
(potato), the density (beetroot) and under the light microscope (onion).
Hypothesis: according to the encyclopedia definition osmosis is the diffusion of a liquid (most
often assumed to be water, but it can be any liquid solvent) through a partially permeable
membrane from a region of high solvent potential to a region of low solvent potential. Thus, this is
what will happen.
Teacher s instructions: в–Є We shouldn t forget to include the experimental error in the results
exposed in the recollection of data. в–Є How to prepare a dilute solution from a more concentrated
one: Vf . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1. Loss or gain of the potatoes mass and its water potential.
Within this experiment we could verify the passage of water from a region of high concentration
through a region of a lower concentration for when the potato was surrounded by a concentrated
environment (lower water potential) the potato lost mass, and when it was surrounded by a dilute
environment (higher water potential) it gained mass.
We could also estimate, with the graph, the concentration at which the potato neither loses nor
gains mass, that is when the water potential inside the potato is equal to the one outside. This
equilibrium occurs at 0,345M.(aprox.)
Materials: a raw beetroot, boiling tubes with stoppers x 14, boiling tube rack, distilled water,
sucrose solutions (0.0M, 0.1M, 0.15M, 0.2M, 0.25M, 0.3M, 0.5M), cork borer, scalpel, pipette
(В±0,1ml), Pasteur pipette, ruler (0.1mm) and marker for writing on glass.
Teacher s instructions:
в–Є After cutting the pieces of beetroot, wash them to remove the superficial pigment.
в–Є Place the pieces of beetroot on 7 test tubes.
в–Є Deposit a drop of solution where the beetroot was in the
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Comparison Between Remember And Stop All Of The Clocks
Each individual has a unique way of coping with death, and this is evident throughout Christina
Rossetti s, Remember and W. H. Auden s Stop all of the Clocks . In the first stanza of
Remember , Rossetti allows the reader to explore the narrator s thought about death. When she
writes ......Gone far away into the silent land;/ When you can no more hold me by the hand....
the narrator believes that death is final because that connection cannot ever be re established
regardless of how much one wants it. The silent land and gone away are metaphors for death,
and when the narrator says that no one will be able to hold me (her) by the hand , this
symbolises the one thing death takes, the physical presence of the person. Likewise, Auden s
Stop all of the Clocks , explores death with imperatives. Auden writes Stop all the clocks, cut off
the telephone,/ Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,/ Silence the pianos and with
muffled drum/Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Because the narrator wants life to
cease, because with the death of their loved one, there is no purpose in life and it simply cannot
(........) . Similarly, as Stop all of the Clocks develops the narrator metaphorically and
onomatopoeically highlights that everything in life must acknowledge the death and experience it
with him. Outward signs of cotton gloves and bows with doves is a metaphor for the person s
acknowledgement of death. The importance of the deceased love extends to every facet of the
narrator s life because they belonged in every moment that the narrator lived. In this moment of
grief, the narrator feels betrayed because they invested in a love which was not eternal.... Show
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Gwen Harwood, a fellow Australian, scrutinises loss through motherhood and how one sacrifices
and loses their identity in the poem In the
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The Importance Of Setting In Cress By Meyer
The setting in a book is so important it can make the plot more exciting or very long and dreary.
The setting can make or break the characters in the book. When the author does not explain the
setting every well it can make the reader confused as to what else is going on in the plot. In Cress
there are examples of an exciting setting,how the characters develop, and how the great detail of the
setting is explained.
In Cress, Meyer the author, shows the diversity of a setting can keep the reader on their toes.
Meyer tells the stories of old fairytales that we all know and makes them new. We follow Cinder
and Captain Thorn out of Bajine out to outer space to save Cress that is in a satellite and then to
the middle of the sahara desert. Her shoulder collided with Niels and she started to fall backward,
but then he was gripping her by the elbow and hauling her against him. (Meyer 328). In this Cress
has been captured and brought to the doctor that likes to test the Lunar to get a cure for the plague.
But Cress would have never gotten taken if Thorn had left her at the hotel then she would still be
safe. The reader never gets bored with the setting always moving to something new. Being the third
book in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
and conflict, but if the author does not have a great setting lay out then the reader will be confused
and not being able to get all they can from reading the book. Reading a book should be like an
adventure taking the reader to many places that they would dream about and it is the author s job to
give that to the reader. Making sure that the author does this they should be able to read what they
have written without any confusion about what is happening in the setting. The setting gives the
reader a hint about character development, keeping the reader s interest and giving a clear image of
the setting to the
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Adaptive Delta Causality Control With Prediction
Adaptive Delta Causality Control with Prediction in Networked Real Time Game Using Haptic
Media Haptic relating to the sense of touch, in particular relating to the perception and
manipulation of objects using the senses of touch and proprioception. MU The game is based on
a peer to peer (P2P) model. Each terminal refreshes a screen at 60 Hz and sends media units
(MUs), each of which includes information about the position, velocity, and time stamp, to the
other terminal. We have two types of MUs: One has the position information of the mallet, and the
other has that of the puck. Networked Air Hockey using Haptic media Improve interactivity of the
air hockey game through applying prediction logic to adaptive delta causality control. The value of
∆ is dynamically changed according to the network delay for MUs of the mallet, and is shared
among terminals Then, each terminal sends a changed value of ∆ to the other terminals. The
terminal selects the largest value from among the changed values as a new value of ∆. The
adaptive delta causality control scheme with prediction outputs each Media Unit by predicting the
future position later than the output time of the received MU by the prediction time Tpredict (
≥ 0) ms to keep the interactivity high. Measured through Quality of Experience assessment.
Conclusion In this paper, we proposed the adaptive ∆ causality control scheme with prediction
and investigated the effect of the proposed scheme by QoE assessment in a
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Early Stages Of Diabetes
When you have diabetes, your body has trouble turning glucose into energy. Instead of being
used by your body, the glucose builds up in your blood. These changes may be the first step
toward many problems that diabetes causes. Scientists can t predict who among people with
diabetes will develop complications, but complications are most likely to occur in someone who
has had diabetes for many years. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of kidney
failure. Early stages of kidney disease have no symptoms.
Checking your blood sugar level involves pricking your finger to get a small drop of blood that
you put on a test strip. You can read the results yourself or insert the strip into a machine called an
electronic glucose meter. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To achieve this level of control, lifestyle changes usually prescribed for people to manage diabetes
include diet modifications. Learners interact with practitioners and faculty who are expert in the
area of Diabetes Management.
Cinnamon is another very good natural remedy to use against Type 2 Diabetes. In tests,
Cinnamon has shown statistically significant evidence of helping control fasting blood glucose
levels, triglycerides and total cholesterol. A balanced diet low in fat, carbohydrates and
cholesterol is ideal for diabetes. High glycemic foods like potatoes, pasta and white bread which
are rich in carbohydrates, must be avoided, as they easily enter the bloodstream and get converted
to glucose very fast.
A diabetic meal delivery service can provide an easy and effective diabetes management
solution. Instead of learning how to buy and prepare meals for a diabetic lifestyle, diabetics can
have portioned prepared meals delivered to their home regularly. Home delivery of diabetic meals
is especially easy for caretakers who are responsible for the health of their aging parents. An
inventory of prepared diabetic meals helps people with diabetes overcome the temptation of
ordering out when they lack the time to cook their own diabetic
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Emergency Contraception Research Paper
Emergency contraception (EC), also known as postcoital contraception or the morning after pill, is
a drug taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. This drug uses hormones to prevent the
ovaries from releasing eggs, prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, or chemically alter the lining of
the uterus to prevent fertilized eggs from implanting. When taken within seventy two hours of
unprotected sex, EC is believed to be 90 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. Although EC
meets the legal and medical definition of a contraceptive (as opposed to an abortifacient, or a drug
that induces abortion), some opponents believe that it constitutes a form of abortion, as the pills
may potentially be taken after fertilization. Progestin only EC... Show more content on
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Conscience clauses are legal clauses that allow health care workers to refuse to provide certain
services to which they have a religious or moral objection. Most conscience clauses that apply to
pharmacists were originally created for use in situations where they have reason to believe that
patients might use medications to cause harm to themselves or others. Conscience clauses became a
significant issue during the 1960s, after the development of hormone contraceptives, also known as
birth control pills. Some pharmacists were reluctant to distribute birth control medication for
religious or moral reasons, leading several pharmaceutical companies and organizations to develop
guidelines specific to contraceptives. Shortly after the development of the birth control pill,
scientists began developing hormonal treatments that could be taken after unprotected sex to
prevent pregnancy. The first successful form of EC was called the Yuzpe regimen after its
developer, obstetrician A. Albert Yuzpe. In 1997, the FDA approved EC for prescription use in the
United States. Antiabortion groups protested this, arguing that they considered EC to be an
abortifacient, or a form of chemical
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Family And Family Life
50 years ago, a prominent stereotype in America portrayed the men as hardworking breadwinners
while on the opposite side of the spectrum the woman stayed home taking care of the house,
children, cooking and cleaning. In the current generation, a lot has changed, roles have slightly
switched and men and women both have the opportunity to work in the field they desire. These
changes have brought new values and brought forth many obstacles with balancing the family/work
life. Although the stereotype about the father being the one working and the motherstaying home
changed significantly over the years, when both parents are working and trying to keep their
family together there are many obstacles that come along. In today s society, many face the
complication of not being able to spend enough time with their children due to work, not being as
flexible in balancing the work life versus family life and having to face the situation of trying to
pick between choosing their child over a dream job.
To begin with, today it is very common that both parents go to work in order to support their
family, but sometimes either mom, dad, or both can be working too much and not realize that they
can be missing out on being a part of their child s life later regretting their pass decisions as their
children grow older. It is very common that some parents put more time into working rather than
spending time with their child and do not realize that it affects their family and their child due to
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Informative Speech On Wicca
In order for me to tell you how Wicca came to be I first have to tell you about witchcraft so lets
get started. Witchcraft was from way back when in the 15,000 B.C. when there where healers
who practice magic even in the bible it talks about witches and some believe that Jesus was a
witch because he could turn water into wine and heal the sick and so on but it went on to 700
B.C when the Celtic lived in England and the Romans used there way of life such as pagan
festivals and such, then on to 560 B.c where in the bible it states that there are witch s and they
shall not live, in 200 B.C. the Druids where first heard of, and in 300 A.D. When it was in pre
christian time when The roman Empire burned alive those that were thought to be witches who also
said... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the 1970 s the wiccan creed was born so that others could follow it. 1985 The District Court of
Virginia states that Wiccais a real religion and is protected by the First Amendment. There is a
reason for all of this and I will tell you the reason this all goes together with our knowing the
history you could not know how it all started Okay now that we have that out of the way lets get
going on the rest was started in the 20th century when it was hidden form the outside world they
were going off of what Margaret Murray stated in her books by this time though it was not Wicca it
was occult or witchcraft it was not called Wicca until 1950 s when Gerald Gardner said these
names in his book and called it that and said he was a witch it is said that Gardner rewrote rituals
and spells form the older ancient times form other witches and changed things to make it his
own although he did state that he used some not all were able to been read so he had to fix them
but he did write his own. Gerald thought that witchcraft would die out so that is why he wrote the
books he wanted it to live on. The terms Wicca and Wiccen we first hear these words when a man
by the name of Charles Cardell wrote an article about
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Essay on Allegory of Faith by Johannes Vermeer
Allegory of Faith by Johannes Vermeer
The painting, Allegory of Faith, located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, was created by the
Dutch Baroque painter Johannes Vermeer. This study of the painting will focus on the subject
matter, composition, and the symbolic meaning of the painting in relation to the Catholic faith, as
well as the controversy surrounding the success of the painting among modern critics. The
characteristic Baroque qualities of this painting will be illuminated through comparison with
examples of Dutch 17th century paintings, Vermeer s other works, and an analysis of his painting
technique and style.
The Allegory of Faith is considered to be one of Vermeer s least successful works by some art...
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lt; lt;11
Arasse 84 gt; gt; Most other symbols in the Allegory have been taken from Cesare Ripa s
Iconologia. lt; lt;12
Bailey 180 gt; gt; The pose of the lady is interpreted as having faith in your heart and the world
under your feet. lt; lt;13
Bailey 180 gt; gt; Her foot resting on the globe may also be interpreted as the conquest of the Earth
by the faith. lt; lt;14
Martin Pops. Vermeer: Consciousness and the Chamber of Being. (Ann Harbor: UMI Research
Press, 1984) 74. gt; gt; In Allegory of Faith, Vermeer separates the world of culture from the world
of nature. lt; lt;15
Pops 74 gt; gt; The function of nature is to tempt and taint, as we see in the bitten apple and the
snake. lt; lt;16
Pops 74 gt; gt; Culture on the other hand represents purity and redemption through the globe and
the crucifix. lt; lt;17
Pops 74 gt; gt; Vermeer also suggests that culture is beyond nature as well as within and again
emphasizes purity through the landscape on the tapestry and the Crucifixion hanging on the wall. lt;
Pops 74 gt; gt; The roundness of being is displayed through the two globes of Heaven and the
Earth. lt; lt;19
Pops 74 gt; gt; By presenting Faith with one foot on the Earth and looking at the other, Vermeer
shows that the Catholic Faith is valid from Heaven to the Earth, despite the prevalence of
Protestantism in the Netherlands. lt; lt;20
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Biopsychosocial Interview Paper Sample
For this assignment, I chose to perform my interview on my roommate s boyfriend; Jose
Sandoval. I have been friends with him for about one year, the time that he has been dating my
roommate. I have to say that we get along very well, he often comes to hang out at our apartment
and we have shared some good times; the three of us together. To be honest, I thought I knew him
pretty well up to this point. Well, I was wrong. After completing the interview, I was able to learn
so many new things about his background, which I will happily share now for this assignment.
This paper will transcribe his life story with three major areas of focus. My first focus will revolve
around his life before moving to the United States. Secondly, I will describe his immigration
process and lastly, the paper will also touch on how his life progressed once living in the United
First and foremost, this section carries out a detailed interview on Jose s life before his arrival to
the United States of America. Where I discussed his family bond and focused on his growing up
environment and his biculturalism through playing Mexican and American games and the constant
migration and tourism that revolved around this city.
My interviewer made reference of having a strong bond among his family while growing up. His
family was composed by his father, mother and two older siblings; brother and sister, who always
treated him, like their own son. They spoke to each other in Spanish, did everything
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Hnluc Case Study
Fig. 1. Construction of infectious cDNA clones. (A) A full length infectious cDNA clone of the
PRRSV HuN4 strain was inserted into the pBeloBAC11 plasmid as described in Materials and
methods. (B) Two unique restriction sites (AsiS I and Swa I) were introduced into the HuN4
genome. (C) The secreted NanoLucв„ў (secNluc) genedriven by a synthetic transcription regulation
sequence 6 (TRS6) was cloned into the
HuN4 genome.
Fig. 2. Characteristics of the recombinant HuN4 secNluc virus. (A) Growth characteristics of HuN4
secNluc compared to the parental HuN4 strain. Viral titers in the supernatant were measured at the
time points indicated by TCID50 at 5 days post infection. The mean and standard deviation from 3
independent experiments are shown. (B) Time course analysis of the ... Show more content on
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The NAb titers of 20 serum samples were measured using a luminescence based neutralization test
and a CPE based neutralization test. The NAb titers were expressed as the reciprocal of the highest
dilution that resulted in 50% reduction of CPE or luciferase activity. Fig. 5. Modeling antiviral
compound screening using the HuN4 secNluc virus. (A)
Screening of antiviral siRNAs using HuN4 secNluc. siRNAs targeting the PRRSV
Nsp9, ORF5, and ORF7 genes were used as model antiviral compounds. A scrambled siRNA
(siScr) was used as the negative control. Marc 145 cells were transfected with the siRNAs at a final
concentration of 100nM and then infected with HuN4 secNluc.
The luciferase activity was measured at 48 h post infection. The mean and standard deviation from
three independent experiments are shown. (B) Dose dependent antiviral activity of the siORF7 216
siRNA. Marc 145 cells were transfected with siORF7 216 at the three final concentrations indicated
(50, 100, or 150nM) and then infected with HuN4 secNluc. The luciferase activity was determined
at 48 h post infection. The mean and standard deviation from three independent
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Essay On Gender Dysphoria
His parents named him Samantha, but he always preferred to be called Sam. At birth Sam was
identified as female, but he never felt that way. At the age of only five, Sam was diagnosed with
Gender Dysphoria: a persistent unease with having the physical characteristics of one s gender,
accompanied by a strong identification with the opposite gender. For example, a person who has
all of the physical traits of a male might feel strongly instead that he is a female. This person
would have a passionate desire to have a female body and to be accepted by others as a female.
On the other hand, someone with the physical characteristics of a female would feel her true
identity to be male. Transgenderism or Gender Dysphoria is in fact a medically recognized... Show
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Johanna Olson in the video Living a Transgender Childhood, in order to diagnose a child with
Gender Dysphoria, they must be persistent, consistent, and insistent. Olson names this concept
as the profiles of children that have very solid gender identities. As early as 2 years old, the signs
and symptoms of having Gender Dysphoria may begin to become more relevant. Dr. Olson
states that some of the signs and symptoms in children may include: constantly saying they are
the opposite sex, playing with toys that aren t typical for their gender, rejecting clothes and
games relating to their gender, believing they will grow up to be the opposite sex, and saying
they want to get rid of their genitals. As the children grow older in their teen years, the symptoms
can become far worse. Teenagers may become even more certain that their gender is not true to
their body, be disgusted with their genitals, and want their removal. At this time, teenagers at the
age of 16 may seek medical attention to help them transition to the opposite sex. Adults will
typically have the same symptoms as teens but moreso they will feel more depressed and isolated,
as well as dressing as the opposite gender. Left untreated, children and adults with Gender
Dysphoria may decide to take matters into their own hands and become
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Concert Analysis
Shelby Rosen
MUS 265
Spring 2012
Concert Report Two concerts I attended this semester were Steve Aoki and Datsik and The Brown
Bag Series. Although two completely different music styles, they were both fun to attend and
interesting to think about when considering their musical elements. Steve Aoki is an American
electro house musician, record producer and founder of Dim Mak Record. Datsik is a Dubstep DJ
and music producer from British Columbia, Canada. The Brown Bag Series was an instrumental
concert consisting of six people, one being Professor Golove, who played instruments such as the
cello, the double bass, and the piano. Steve Aoki and Datsik brought their tour Deadmeat to Buffalo
on February 28th. Their Deadmeat tour ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A lot of the notes are often shuffled notes which mainly comes from jazz influenced music, where
they would be referred to as swing. According to John Mello, a shuffle note is a practice in which
some notes with equal written time values are performed with unequal durations, usually as
alternating long and short. The tempo of dubstep is almost always in the range of 138 142 beats
per minute, with a clap or snare usually inserted every third beat in a bar. House music is an upbeat
and dance oriented style of music. This concert consisted of non stop dancing and everyone
going wild. One big characteristic of electro house music is that it features a drop in every song
or several times in a song. The music will be playing at a slow or medium speed and then all of
the sudden the beat drops into a powerful, unpredictable beat. These drops come off really well in
a live performance and usually make the crowed respond by dancing intensely. Electro house tracks
usually range from 5 to 6 minutes in length with a gradual build up beat which makes it easier to
synch the current song with the next song. The difference with electro house music and dubstep
compared to other music genres
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Rhetorical Analysis On Florence Kelley
A Suffragette s Call to Action Since the dawn of time, men have always been deemed the superior
race. Men were leader and kings. They were always more educated and held better paying jobs. In
the United States, the dominant group is white protestant males. Whenever, women or young
children, especially young girls, try to rise up, they have been shot done. The tides have been
changing, though, with more women standing up for equality and their constitutional rights. Where
would women be without outspoken women like Susan B. Anthony or Florence Kelley. Florence
Kelley, who was a United States Social worker and reformer, delivered a speech before the
conventions of the National American WomanSuffrage Association, that presents the argument
against unjust labor laws for women and children, using rhetorical devices that drives her message
home.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She questions If the mothers and the teachers in Georgia could vote, would the Georgia
Legislature have refused at every session for the last three years to stop the work in the mills of
children under twelve years of age? Would the New Jersey Legislature have passed the shameful
repeal bill enabling girls of fourteen years to work all night, if the mothers in New Jersey were
enfranchised? (Kelley). When Kelley questions the legislation of major states and brings up that
women still do not have the right to vote, it evokes anger from the audience. The audience begins
to recognize that they have no power or say for themselves. Kelley s use of rhetorical devices
evokes pathos because it makes the audience enraged that they still do not have basic rights that
men have and have no say in their government, which controls the labor laws they
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Ecocide In Aranyak-Of The Forest-An Ecocide
Aranyak Of the Forest An Ecocide: The term ecocide refers to extensive damage done to the
ecosystem of a territory due to human atrocities or to such an extent that the normal living of the
inhabitants is severely disturbed ( Ecosophy Wikipedia , 2017). Human nature is essentially
anthropocentric which assumes the primacy of man over other organisms in the environment. We
are committing ecocide by deforestation of a land, burning fossil fuel, emitting green house gases
from the industrial hubs, by exploiting natural ecocritical understanding of Aranyak Of the Forest
(1976) in the light of ecocide. Ecocriticism is best exhibited in Aranyak Of the Forest where the
protagonist Satyacharan, a city dweller gets hypnotized by nature. Initially urban lifestyle revolted
against the loneliness of the forest. He has been sent to the forest as an estate manager to clear up a
forest land of 30 thousand bighas. But as the novelprogresses he fell madly in love with nature.
The novel is told in the manner of a reverie which ever haunts his imagination. It is a good
example of an ecocide. The narrator writes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By my hands was destroyed an unfettered playground of nature. I know too, that for this act the
forest gods will never forgive me. I have heard that to confess a crime in one s own words lightens
somewhat the burden of the crime. Therefore, the story (Aranyak: Of the Forest 3).
The novel deals with the protagonist Satyacharan s development of his attitude to Nature. The
votary of urban life has transformed into a devoted lover of nature in her pristine beauty. The city
man Satyacharan was to draw up new tenants. His role was that of a colonizer to set up more human
habitation or industry in the forest. At first, he had hardly any care for the forest land and its so
called savage people. He
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Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet s Death
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare in the 14th century.
It is a beautiful tragedy about two star crossed lovers and their journey together despite their
feuding families protests. As a result of said feud, both Romeo and Juliet ended their lives, as a
result of thinking that the other was dead. If we take this kind of situation and put it into the
modern world, someone would be blamed for these tragic deaths. The only question is who.
Their parents are to blame the Montagues and the Capulets. Of course, to craft your opinion on
this topic, you must first understand the fictional background of the Montagues and the Capulets.
Although the play doesn t offer a backstory, readers can easily see how much tension there is
between the two families. They acknowledge it too, but most of the evidence for my conclusion
comes from characters other than the Capulet and Montague head of households. Verona, where
this play takes place, has a prince that notices all the conflict going on between the families. He
says, right after a fight scene from which Tybalt (a Capulet) and Mercutio (a Montague) emerge
dead, Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio. Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?
(3.1.175 176.) The prince is pretty much fed up with the fighting between the Montagues and the
Capulets. After this scene, readers of Romeo and Juliet can safely infer that the death of a
Montague and the death of a Capulet will not be the last. There did not
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Abigail Adams Summary
Abigail Adams Book worm, nerd, library enthusiast, educationally driven, and one of the most
renown female letter writers of our history. Believe it or not, these are but a few of the things
Abigail Adams was known for. We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that
correspond with them. Oh, and how Abigail superlatively lived up to this statement. As we truffle
through this journey of a real example of a revolutionary woman, we will be covering the expected
roles of a woman during the Colonial and Revolutionary era, how Abigail lived up to these
expected roles, how she defied them, and finally, we will delve even deeper into how the creation
of a new republic affected Abigail s beliefs on the roles of women.
On page four, of chapter one, it states that. In a society where marriage and motherhood were the
chief functions of every female. (Pg. 4.) Firstly, this statement gives us great insight on the one of
the many expected roles of any and every female during the Colonial and Revolutionary era.
Succeeding, Abigail further lived up to this specific role in marrying John Adams, who was the
second President of the United States. In doing so, they had five wonderful children, in which
Abigail stepped forward and humbly took care of while her husband was away. Abigail, had no
preceding issues with this role of a woman, if anything she encompassed its geniality. Secondly,
another one of the expected roles of a woman was, The traditional assumption that a
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Catching Fire Katniss Quotes
What if someone or something has so much control over you that they can make you kill someone
without even hesitating? In the book Catching fire the main character katniss has had to deal with
going into an arena to fight to the death twice and all through those experiences she s been getting
manipulated by the Capitol. The capital manipulates people s heads so much that they turn into
puppets forced to do inbearble things. Don t let anything control you or turn you into someone you
re not. Katniss and the other tributes let the Capitol controll them,and because of this they live in
fear every day. For one thing the Capitol has changed Katniss. Katniss wants to run away instead of
going through with the quarter quell because President... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Capital has just sent people to hurt Cinna,and Katniss watched them attack him. The
Capitol can decide how people feel only by doing something they know will affect them deeply.
That s just one of the ways the Capital affects the tributes . Another example is . In the erna there
are mutant birds called Jabber Jays that can mock the voices of the people the victors love.
Katniss is thinking. Where is she?What are they doing to her? Prim I cry out . Prim! only
another agonizing scream answers me . How did she get here?Why is she part of the games?
Prim! . (Collins 340). Katniss is horrified and running through the woods all because the capital
made mutant birds and decided to put them in the games. The Capitol did this because it wanted
Finnick and Katniss to get overly panic stricken for entertainment purposes and to remind the
people in the districts and the arena of what it can do to
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Big Push Theory And Unbalance Growth Theory
2.1 Theoretical framework
The theoretical basis of this study centers on:
пЃ¶Big push theory
пЃ¶Balance growth theory
пЃ¶Unbalance growth theory
2.1.1 The Big push theory
According to PaulRosensten Rodan (1943), Big push model is a theory that emphasizes that
underdeveloped countries required large amount of investments to embark on the path of economic
development from the present state of backwardness.
This theory is of the view that bit by bit investment programmed will not lead to the path of
economic development, rather through investing a specific amount can help in economic
The theory is also of the view that in order for a country to achieve economic development, there
must exist three indivisibilities in underdeveloped countries:
i.Indivisibilities in production function: In establishing so many ... Show more content on
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Social overhead comprises of those basic activities, without which primary, secondary, tertiary
productive activities cannot functions, this includes communication, investment in public health,
education, transportation and conventional public utilities such as electricity, water etc. this theory
suggest that investing so much in social overhead activities will bring about increase in private
investment in the form of direct productive activities (DPA). SOC investment indirectly subsidizes
agriculture by cheapening various inputs which they use or reducing costs. The SOC approach to
economic development is explained that by unbalancing the economy, investment in DPA will be
For the sake of this study, the unbalance growth theory of economic development will be adopted;
this is because the unbalance growth theories of economic development explained that unbalancing
the economy using a pre design strategy will lead to the path of economic
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The Chronicles Of Narnia Book Report
The Chronicles of Narnia Book Report
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie are all siblings sent to live in the care of the wise
Professor Kirke amid World War II. The children investigate the house on a stormy day and Lucy,
the most youthful, finds a colossal closet. Lucy ventures inside and winds up in a weird, blanketed
wood. Lucy experiences the Faun Tumnus, who is astonished to meet a human young lady. Tumnus
tells Lucy that she has entered Narnia, an alternate world. Tumnus welcomes Lucy to tea, and she
acknowledges. Lucy and Tumnus have a superb tea, however the faun begins sobbing
uncontrollably and admits that he is a hireling of the detestable White Witch. The Witch has
captivated Narnia so it is dependably winter and never Christmas. Tumnus clarifies that he has been
enrolled to catch people. Lucy entreats Tumnus to discharge her, and he concurs.
Lucy exits Narnia and enthusiastically enlightens her kin concerning her experience in the closet.
They don t trust her, be that as it may. Lucy s kin demand that Lucy was away for quite a long
time and not for a considerable length of time as she claims. At the point when the Pevensie
youngsters look in the back of the closet they see that it is a customary household item. Edmund
prods Lucy barbarously about her nonexistent nation until one day when he sees her vanishing into
the closet. Edmund takes after Lucy and ends up in Narnia too. He doesn t see Lucy, and rather
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Who Is Andrew Jackson A Good President
It is hard to argue that any president of the United States has made no mistakes; however, Andrew
Jackson left a long lasting impact on presidency campaigns and made it what it is today. In
reference to the Great President Model Lecture, Jackson falls under the category of being great for
multiple reasons; one is being that he had served more than one term, another that he accomplished
something of long term importance and significance. In the two terms he had served, he had
forever changed the way campaigns are held. Jackson had a very bias opinion and somewhat of a
short temper. Since he was president, he often times made rash decisions without having others
opinions and that upset many people. Andrew Jacksonwas a very independent man and thought he
could make many decisions on his own without the input from others. What one may consider...
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He was also known as a born leader in many different areas, including in the military and also in
politics. People always seemed to like him but that was probably for his contribution and his
involvement within the country. Andrew Jackson, known as the first modern president, forever
changed the way presidential campaigns are held today. Jackson was very involved in the
community and that drew residents into him and got him liked even more. He always reached
out to make sure what he was doing would satisfy others and be the best decision for everyone.
He also used his power to veto bills that he considered were not necessary or harmful to the
states. During Jackson s two terms as president, he vetoed twelve bills, which no president has
been able to get close to that. He was a strong willed man and if his requests were not met, he
would take further action. For example, if one if his cabinet member were not able to complete or
take on a task per his request, they were to be
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Essay about Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography Nature vs. Nurture
(Eating Disorders in Sports)
Nanci, H. (n.d). Athletes hunger to win fuels eating disorders. USA Today. Retrieved October 4,
2012, from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4 amp;hid=108 amp;sid=31311eaf b919
4f19 89a3 14bb34d54865%40sessionmgr114
amp;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=rch amp;AN=J0E127639281306
Kimiko Hirai Soldati, a 2004 Olympic diver, remembers exactly when her bulimia started. A
college coach in Pennsylvania wanted her to come talk about the importance of healthy eating to
his team of female cross country runners because they were competing with each other at dinner to
see who could eat the least. At least one third of female athletes have some type of ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Avil, now 22, said: I had just finished 11th at my first junior world championship and I had only
been doing the sport for about eight months when someone else s coach said to me If you want
to be faster, you need to be watching your weight, Hollie . Donovan Pyle, a sports psychologist,
says the focus on body fat among athletes lends itself to eating disorders. She added: There needs
to be a greater awareness of the impact that body related feedback can have on young athletes and
young girls in particular. I think we need to look at female athletes as role models rather than
Drew Halfnight; Mercury, s. (n.d). EATING DISORDERS AMONG ATHLETES LOCAL
HARD. Guelph Mercury (ON). Retrieved on October 4, 2012, from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost
/detail?vid=8 amp;hid=108 amp;sid=31311eaf b919 4f19 89a3 14bb34d54865%40sessionmgr114
amp;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=rch amp;AN=Q4K233229958511
Although disordered eating has historically been considered a female concern, it is on the rise
among males. Estimates of disordered eating behaviors in athletes are growing, and are as high as
62% among female athletes and 33% among male athletes. Some athletes may also have eating
disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, related to clinical mental conditions.
Characteristics of a possible eating
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  • 2. The Life and Work of John Calvin and Galileo Galilei Essay John Calvin was born July 10th, 1509, in Noyon, Picardy. He was raised up in a staunch Roman Catholic family. Early in his life, Calvin s father was employed by the local bishop as an administrator at the town s cathedral. With this newly acquired job, John Calvin s father wanted Calvin to be a priest. Due to the fact that his family had close ties with the bishop and his noble family, Calvin s classmates in Noyon were aristocratic and culturally influential in his childhood. At the age of fourteen, Calvin set off for Paris to study at the College de Marche. This helped him prepare for university study. At the College de Marche, he studied seven subjects: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. Towards the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A year later, Calvin ran away from Paris. Reason being, his friends wrote papers and gave lectures opposing the Roman Catholic Church, which frightened Calvin. For the next three or so years, John Calvin lived in several places outside of France. This included him using a dozen or so names; changing it from place to place he traveled. He traveled alone, studying by himself, preaching, and beginning work on the Institutes of the Christian Religion, which turned out to be an instant best seller. By 1536, he had stopped work in the Roman Catholic Church, and made plans to leave France for good. He planned on leaving France and heading over to Strasbourg. However, due to the war between Francis I and Charles V, Calvin decided to make a detour to Geneva. Calvin was a huge success in Geneva. Farel, a reformer, invited him to stay in Geneva. Farel also threatened Calvin s life with God s anger if he chose not to stay. After deciding to stay in Geneva, thus began a long relationship with the city. Due to theological conflicts, Calvin was asked to leave the city, where he began as a lecturer and preacher. In 1538, he left the city of Geneva, and headed off for Strasbourg. In 1541, Calvin, who was now working as a pastor to French refugees, was requested to come back to Geneva by the Council of Geneva. So, in 1541, Calvin returned to Geneva. He remained in Geneva until his death on May 27th, 1564. Those last several years were plentiful with lecturing, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Explain The Panama Canal Modernization Introduction: In this assignment I will first explain the Panama Canal modernization and then I will discuss about the industry experts/forecasters prediction about its impact on east and west coast of U.S. followed by the detailed analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction. Furthermore, based on the analysis, I will present my opinion for rejecting or agreeing with the forecaster s prediction of the panama canal s positive impact on intermodal traffic market share of east coast ports and west coast ports, western railroad of U.S. Overview: The Panama Canal expansion is one of the biggest developments in maritime trade in last few decades. When the canal first opened in 1914, it reduced 8,500 miles and several weeks of transit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ports to gulf or east coast U.S. ports as a result of Panama Canal expansion. Most businesses in the area numbered as 5, currently rely on West Coast ports to receive goods namely Los Angeles Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, and Vancouver. After the Panama Canal expansion, shipping through the East Coast will be especially attractive to businesses that are more price sensitive and less time sensitive. Therefore, for companies in the 5th region, it will become cheaper to handle goods through East Coast ports, although doing so will add a few weeks to the total transit time but a justification for this potential switch will highly depend on a company s time preferences, price sensitivity, and costs of working capital. Thus, there is a prediction from forecasters that, that West Coast ports and western railroads would see a significant drop in intermodal traffic market share. Eastern and Southern ports and railroads, on the other hand, would see a corresponding increase. Analysis to find out accuracy of the prediction: So, after 18 months, is the prediction ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Were the American Colonists Justified in Waging War and... Were the American colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain The colonists were in every right, aspect and mind, not only justified but also it was about time that they stood of and actually take action against the British. The choice of going to war with them, was the only choice that they had. All diplimatical options that they had ceased to stand a chance against the tyrant Britain. From the very beginning when the colonists felt upset against their mother country and the way that they went about the law making, up until the beginning of the war, they tried all diplimatical options that they had, by sending letters, you name it. When they didn t work then they had no other means but to declare war. It was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And by doing this, it might be a good idea in the king s eyes, but it s not the best idea in the peoples. Which is whom you are ultimately trying to please. In the grand scheme of things that is what the British were missing in their perfect colony, pleasing the people. (DCT 2) The massacre that happened on March 5th changed a lot of opinions of the colonist s about how they felt about the British. The way that the picture was made, in relation to the story was key in winning the hearts of the Americans. The story told is depicting confusion on the officer s part, and they randomly fired on the crowd, not in any particular area. The picture shows that the British were organized, and aimed to kill. Since it is easier to get the story from a picture, the picture was that the troops have a desire to kill the people, shown with the organization. This picture portrays the British as murderers, all the more reason to unite and rise against and go to war against. (DCT 3) The King in his right mind has total control and power of the colonies and can do whatever he deems necessary to control them. With that said, The king of that time, not thinking about the peoples feelings went ahead and instead of making the people happy did whatever he could to make the government better. Which in the long run was to make money. Well every time the king mad a law to make up for another law that the people didn t like, it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Okonkwo Patriarchy Patriarchy in this society also seems to cause dehumanization. One instance is seen through Ikemefuna who is given up to Umuofia as a sacrifice for killing one of the women of Umuofia. Ikemefuna was given to Okonkwo without his agreement. However, he became close to Okonkwo and his family and soon even became a role model to Nwoye. Okonkwobegan considering him his son and Ikemefuna could hardly imagine that Okonkwo was not his real father (7.59). Nwoye seems to be becoming more masculine and, Okonkwo was inwardly pleased at his son s development and he knew it was due to Ikemefuna (7.52). Yet the rules of the tribe are that you must listen to the elders and the spirit. This rule was probably made by the first great tribes and now it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Hiroshima By John Hersey Hiroshima by John Hersey was written to give insight into the lives of survivors on that horrific day during August in 1945. Hersey informed me of the happenings surrounding the dropping of the atomic bomb. The book both shocked and informed me with its vivid details and accuracy. Throughout my reading of Hiroshima, I found myself continuously shocked at the extreme detail Hersey included. The book begins at exactly fifteen minutes past eight in the morning, on August 6, 1945 , (1) with great detailing of the six main character s lives. Some were had just sat down at her place in the plant office...at that same moment [another] was settling down cross legged to read...on the porch of his private hospital, overhanging once of the seven deltaic rivers which divide Hiroshima. (1) Not only am I being told about these people s day, but I am also getting a feel for the setting and the city itself. Hersey built a picture of the time before the bomb hit in my mind, and I could not love it more. The first instance of extreme detail where I found myself completely affected was when Mr. Tanimoto ran across about twenty men...in exactly the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bomb caused Miss Sasaki to become a cripple; Mrs. Nakamura was destitute; Father Kleinsorge was back in the hospital (87) and others lost property that was either a church or a hospital. With that being the end result, I expected that many Japanese would hate Americans, but a surprising number of the people of Hiroshima remained more or less indifferent about the ethics of using the bomb. (89) When I read that, I was completely blown away. To have your entire city and lives literally erased is devastating, yet a majority those victims were indifferent! I found it very interesting that many just saw the bomb as something a part of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Basic Three Functions Of Communication OB Final Exam 1.Communications fulfils three main functions within an organization, name them and explain their impact from an effective and ineffective perspective. The basic three functions of communication in organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate. Inform The idea of informing within an organization is to provide data and information so that employees can effectively complete their job. There are three ways through which information can travel: Downward moving information: In this type, information moves from superiors to subordinates and usually consists of directives or updates. For example, Executives of a company introduce a new code of conduct to its managers and employees. Upward moving information: Information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also eliminates job uncertainty among workers when they are fully informed. Ineffective: It creates gap between different process and departments in organization, decreases efficiency of employees and increase redundancy since there is no proper understanding of role and responsibilities. It also increases job uncertainty among workers when they are not informed about the future and vision of the company. Persuasion Another essential function of communication would be the element of persuasion. It is the ability to change the attitude or behaviour of employees, vendors, clients, etc. In general, persuasion is used in an organizational environment effectively when the source of the information is trustworthy. Effective: Effective communication leads to Effective persuasion in an organization. It creates anenvironment where employees trust upper level executives decisions. For example, if a company decides to merge with another company, employees will have confidence that merger will not affect them negatively. Confidence on thetop management creates loyal employees, who work more effectively towards achieving company s goals Ineffective: Past experience of ineffective communication leads to lack of trust. For example, supposedly theemployees had a past experience of company hiding its bad financial condition leading to layoffs Employees will now be more insecure of their jobs leading to
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  • 9. Isaac Lidsky s Speech When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gave Isaac Lidsky blindness, he made a vision. In his speech, What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself? , Lidsky reveals his main idea that we all can control our reality and it is ourselves who contest that control. Lidsky s main idea along with its corresponding major and minor points, the aid of my annotations, and two intriguing research topics came together to form my interpretation of his speech. Beginning with objectively summarizing Lidsky s main idea and the supporting major and minor points that aid the overall understanding of his speech. Lidsky s main idea is that we all can control our reality and it is ourselves who contest that control. Lidsky leads up to his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first research topic idea would be his studies at Harvard. There are may or may not have been courses that he took to help him realize that he is in control of his reality. Perhaps he learned in detail the extent of our brain s processing capabilities from a course taken at Harvard. In addition, he could have taken some psychology courses as well to understand better how emotions trigger a response in our minds altering what we see. Researching about his studies at Harvard could bring some insight on how he has developed his speech as well as his vision. The second research topic would be on how Lidsky lives with his eyes wide open. He has only summarized how to go about doing so, but if I knew more about how he came to this point in life, my understanding would increase exponentially. There could be numerous details not mentioned in the twelve minute speech Lidsky gives. Details about critical points during the process of facing his greatest fears, doubts, and failures that it took for him to overcome. If Lidsky has a book on the journey he took to get to the point of living with his eyes wide open, I would admittedly read it to understand his concepts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Antitrust Law And Economics Of Product Distribution Introduction This Literature review explains if a franchise is high or low risk way of entering into a market. It also explains whether a franchisee is suited for a certain franchise. Franchises can be seen all over the world, with everyone being introduced to them, as consumers, from a young age (Longenecker et al., 2011). Thomas and Seid (2000) agree with this and believes due to it, people think they understand a lot more about a franchise than they actually do, creating myths about the rate of success and the ease of entry. Antitrust Law and Economics of Product Distribution (2006, p.5) defines a franchise in a 3 part way as, (1) a franchisee (a) offers, sells or distributes a franchisor s goods or services, which are identified by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many years later, franchising became more entrenched in the UK with the advent of the tied pub system. Following the introduction of legislation making it very expensive to keep and maintain a public house in the 18th century, licensees began to struggle to operate successfully. Recognising that it was in their interests to have a secure and stable market for their products, brewers began to offer publicans the opportunity of financial support in return for exclusivity over what was sold in the pub. Thus a familiar system, that remains widely used in the licensed trade today, was born. (Thebfa.org, 2015) Types of Franchises There are three types of franchises; these are business format franchises, product franchise and manufacturing franchises (Referenceforbusiness.com, 2015). Business Format Franchise Business Format Franchises are the most common out of the three, this franchise gives the right for entrepreneurs to use their name and product. The franchisee usually benefits from the assistance given by the franchisor, but has to pay fees and royalties over the franchise contract. The most noticeable example of this type of franchise is McDonalds, which is one of the most successful companies in the world (Referenceforbusiness.com, 2015). Product Franchise In this kind of franchise the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Teacher Tenure Essay Wisniewski 1 Bill Wisniewski ENG 1520 Dr. David James 6 August 2012 Teacher Tenure Today, there seems to be a push to change the policy of teacher tenure. Roughly 2.3 million public school teachers in the United States have tenure a perk reserved for the noblest of professions (professors and judges also enjoy such rights). (Stephey) Tenure refers to a policy which gives teachers a permanent contract that effectively ensuring them a guarantee of employment for life. Stephey continues to state, Though tenure doesn t guarantee lifetime employment, it does make firing teachers a difficult and costly process, one that involves the union, the school board, the principal, the judicial system and thousands of dollars in legal fees. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When one is a teacher they know that they need to teach the material that is needed for students succeed and excel during testing. Teachers should have no fear in being dismissed if they are doing the job that they were hired for. In the other hand, if one is not doing their job teaching then that is simply one owns fault when getting fired. There are many workers who work hard to get what they deserve such as high pay and benefits. Then why do are there laws which protects teacher s jobs only? In school districts across America there are stories as found in an article from Meghan Mathis as she writes, New York faced intense scrutiny and criticism in 2009 when it came to light it had been paying full salaries to nearly 700 tenured teachers who had been accused of poor performance or wrongdoing. These teachers were paid not to teach, but rather to sit in a guarded room from start to finish of each day. How is the government benefitting our society by using tax payer s dollars to pay for teachers to idly sit in a room when these dollars could be used to introduce new programs into the classroom or better yet a teacher willing to do the job? Why are tax payer s dollars wasted by spending this money on terminating teachers? Writing in Time, Stephey states that Some school districts have resorted to separation Wisniewski 4 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay on Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882. He was the only child. His parents were James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. He was raised very fortunate because his family had a lot of money. Franklin, at age fourteen, attended Groton School. For his undergraduate degree he attended Harvard University. At Harvard he was elected editor in chief of the college paper. Franklin looked up to his distant cousin, Teddy Roosevelt. He wanted to be in office just like Teddy was. He ran for his first office in 1910 for New York s state Senator. With in three years he was chosen Assistant Secretary of the Navy, a highly respected position. In August of 1921 Roosevelt was paralyzed in both legs due to a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He then passed the Emergency Banking Act, which gave federal assistance to banks. He also created the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps, which paid young men to work on conservation projects under the Army s supervision. He also created the AAA, Agricultural Adjustment act, too. The AAA subsidized farmers for limiting acreage and taxed processors of products to pay for subsidies, and many more. Roosevelt s policies prevented the bottom from falling out of the American economy. He also did his best to aid the Allies despite congress resistance. After the attack of Pearl Harbor, Franklin knew how to handle things. He set up a front that met a very high goals of production levels. He knew the only way the war could be won was by the country who had the most resources. He also realized that peace after war would only be guaranteed by the great powers of the world so he created the International Monetary Fund, the United States Nations, and he negotiated peace. Although Roosevelt is often criticized by some of his decisions he made while in office, he made many great changes to the American society. If I had to recommend this book to anyone I would probably be honest and say don t waste your time unless you are in to biographies. To me this was an extremely hard book to read just because it was so boring to me. On the other side I did learn a lot of things that I wouldn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Microsoft Virtualization Terminology And Methodology 1: Microsoft virtualization 1.1: Hyper V 1.1.1: Introduction 1.1.2: Architecture 1.2: App V 1.3: MED V 1: MICROSOFT VIRTUALIZATION Virtualization has rapidly grown from a technology. It used for labs and development work to a core IT infrastructure technology. Virtualization has always been a complex technology, for reducing this complexity Microsoft has founded a various virtualization products with similar sounding yet nondescript names such as Hyper V, App V, and MED V ,Microsoft User Environment Virtualization (UE V),Remote Desktop Services, and system center Virtual MachineManager. Each one is designed to provide a solution to a different business problem. To understand this virtualization we need to know about the Microsoft virtualization terminology and methodology. 1.1: HYPER V 1.1.1: Introduction Hyper v can create virtual machines on x86 64 systems. A host server running Hyper V could be accessed remotely by multiple guest computers .And this guest computer could perform as if they are using the host server directly. If the application is not available on the guest computer, users on the guest computers could run applications in the host server remotely. Hyper V is a hypervisor based virtualization solution, which means that the software layer providing the virtualization support runs directly on the physical system hardware. This configuration provides a high performance virtualization platform. A finalized version was released on June 26, 2008. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Steven Spielberg s Jurassic Park How exciting would it be to travel back in time and live with the dinosaurs? That is exactly the setting Steven Spielberg wanted to create in the movie version of the Michael Crichton novel, Jurassic Park. Science fiction adventure films, such as Jurassic Park, are exciting for all age groups. The audience is in awe of the characters, in this case realistic looking and acting dinosaurs. After a shocking death takes place due to an animal attack in Isla Nublar, an island 120 miles from Cuba, scientific experts are needed to investigate further. Dr. Alan Grant and assistant Ellie Sattler, also assisted by Dr. Ian Malcolm and Donald Gennaro, are invited by the peculiar billionaire, John Hammond, to join him in his new unique biological attractions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The country of Costa Rica is a perfect setting with all of the diversity of species and seclusion from other parts of the world to do experimental research with dinosaurs in secret. Isla Nublar, the specific location leased by Hammond as a biological preserve to do research, adds to the seclusion, as it is difficult to get to the island one hundred miles off the coast of Costa Rica and difficult to leave. Ian Malcolm, the mathematician invited to visit the park to access risk, takes one look around the island and says the problem with Isla Nublar is that it is an accident waiting to happen, effectively foreshadowing the events to occur shortly after the group s arrival on the island. Once the group drives the safari jeeps Hammond has provided through the gates of the theme park, it is as if they are in another world. The gates are described as enormous, primitive gates, torches blazing on either side. Again Malcolm foreshadows future events by looking up at the immense gates and asking if King Kong is inside. The seclusion of the island and confinement of the park builds the anticipation that an accident is imminent. This suspense is important because when the dinosaurs run free, the experts and the children feel cut off from the outside world and must find ways to save themselves. The time at which the park was built, the 1990s, was not long after supercomputers became prevalent. The climate on the island also added to the mysterious, clandestine atmosphere. For example, every time a tyrannosaurus rex came to attack the group, it was raining. When the t Rex flipped the jeep over, it was so foggy it was difficult to see. Appropriately, the secluded location of the theme park, Isla Nublar, means clouded island as most of it is encased in a dense fog. It was also exciting to see the dangerous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Diesel Fuel Prices Trucking Industry Essay The recent surge in the cost of heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline in the United States has had significant impact on many sectors of the U.S. economy, but most importantly it has had quite a devastating affect on the trucking industry. This is important due to the fact that nearly 70% of U.S. communities rely solely on trucking for their supplies ( ATA 23). If the government continues it s trend of non intervention and refuses to place pressure on OPEC, the prices will continue to soar well over the two dollar mark, and cause the trucking industryas a whole to shut down bringing the U.S. economyto a grinding halt. What is the reason that gasoline and fuel prices are so high? Most people believe it is because of OPEC raising the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4). A clear example of this can be seen by The Chrysler Corporation s sales of Dodge Ram pickup trucks. Once the 11th best selling vehicle, it is now the 4th best seller; above the more fuel efficient Ford Taurus and Honda Accord (Phillips 22). The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and EIA (Energy Information Administration) both play key roles in the types of fuel we can run in our cars and trucks and thus they indirectly play a role in the overall price package that we consumers have to pay. When fuel arrives in the United States about 95% of it is in its natural state; that is crude oil. It is then pumped or shipped to refineries where certain qualities are achieved such as diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline, and heating oil. The EPA s role is to regulate the amount of additives and other chemicals that are added to the fuels, which give them certain cleansing and lubricating properties. An important and very controversial additive in diesel fuel is sulphur. All grades of diesel fuel, No.1 (kerosene), No.2 on road fuel, and No.3 off road fuel, have sulphur in them to keep the engines burning clean and to allow the fuel to burn properly (diesel fuel is almost non flammable in it s virgin state without additives). Sulphur however is a dangerous pollutant and has very damaging affects on the ozone layer, thus it is the EPA s responsibility to step in and decide on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Compare And Contrast The Concepts Of Nationalism And... HIST 803 Week Three Reading Reflections Two thing stood out to me in this week s readings, although they are closely intertwined: the concepts of Canadian nationalism and Canadian national identity. These concepts changed greatly between the three Canadian Prime Ministers tenures, St. Laurent, Diefenbaker, and Pearson, respectively and how these concepts have continued to change up to the present day. I have noticed that the majority of this week s readings tend to overlook St. Laurent s, and his government s, contributions to these two issues for while the longstanding Liberal government essentially continued MacKenzie King s policies. However they had to do it in a rapidly Canadaand a rapidly changing world. During St. Laurent s time in office the British Commonwealth declined in spectacular fashion while the United Statesrise, as an economic, political, and military superpower was equally spectacular. Canada itself was also changing. The Second World War had created economic prosperity for the vast majority of Canada s provinces and the premiers were keen to use their newfound economic independence from Ottawa to create their own provincial identities and depending on the Premier these identities could be vastly different and I would say that Maurice Duplessis Quebec... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With Diefenbaker s decision to cancel the Avro Arrow, the Progressive Conservatives essentially destroyed Canada s military aircraft industry in favour of purchasing American military equipment. When it comes to government policies, and how it relates to Canadian nationalism, I equate the height of Canadian nationalism with Pierre Trudeau s economic and political policies; with the creation of Petro Canada and enforcing the National Energy Program, and then a decline in nationalism with the rise of neoliberalism in the late ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Gender Bias In Televised Sports Justification For my assignment I chose the topic of Gender Bias in televised sports, I chose this topic because I m interested in sport and I believe that many people aren t aware of how gender biased sport is. The target audience of this topic is people both girls and boys who are teenagers. These ages were my choice because they would be the most likely ones to be reading Magazine Articles online. This topic would most likely be in a sport magazine or in a women of men s Mixed topic magazine to get more attention. The most effective devices used in my Informative article would be the use of colours and images. These devices help capture the audiences attention and will attract them to read more into Gender bias. In my Persuasive I used ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Catholic Church Experience The Sacred Heart Cathedral is of the Roman Catholic religion. The Roman Catholic church was created when the Eastern and Western churches divided in 1054, with the Roman Catholic church coming from the Western church (Matlins). Coming from a Methodist background I found Roman Catholicism interesting because out of all the various Christian denominations it appeared to be the most different from the Protestant and Orthodox sectors of Christianity(Brodd). It is intriguing that one religion can have various practices and ways of worship. After and during Mass I was able to compare the Methodist religion and Roman Catholic religion to each other. Through formulating questions and expectations, observation, listening, and taking in the surroundings... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once the officiants had made their way out the congregation and I proceeded towards the doors to leave. This was when I noticed that there was a Holy Water Fountain on the wall to the left of the doors that opened to the outside. I observed several individuals deep their fingers into the water to make a cross by touching their forehead, chest, and shoulders. Right outside of the cathedral the officiants stood and greeted each individual as they left the service. I felt very comfortable going up to the officiants and shaking their hands. Their presence and appearance was very inviting for individuals whether you were a guest or not. Neither did the Priest nor bulletin make a suggestion that there was a reception after the service. The majority of the congregation immediately departed from their seats to the outside to interact with the officiants and other individuals of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis Of The Scarlet IbisAndThe Tunnel Experience which destroys innocence, Also leads one back to it. From James Arthur baldwin The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst and The Tunnel By Doris Lessing both present two characters that attempted to benefit themselves and as a result they experience a transformation from Innocence to awareness. The narrator in The Scarlet Ibishas a brother that goes by the name of Doodle. Doodle was not expected to live long and his dad even buys him a coffin because he was born very sickly but miraculously overcomes his issues. The Narrator tries to kill his brother at a young age because he knows doodle will never be normal and doesn t want him as a brother. As James Hurst points out It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable, so I began to make plans to kills him by smothering him with a pillow This reveals his embarrassmentbecause he is so ashamed of his own brother he attempts to suffocate him. By the age of 5 Doodle still did not know how walk the narrator shows by stating When doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn t walk, so i set out to teach him his brother was embarrassed and decided to teach him how to walk. Brother teaches doodle how to walk on his 6th birthday. Brother would take doodle to Old Womens Swamp a extremely beautiful place, and he would also show him the barn their that contained doodles coffin. Doodle started school and one day during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Analysis Of Fasting Feasting By Anita Desai In the passage from Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai, Arun, a foreign exchange student from India, much to his disdain, joins the mother and daughter of his host family, Melanie and Mrs. Patton, on a day to the beach. The complicated and warped experience that Arun faces on the day trip is characterized by the literary tools used by Anita Desai, such as diction, syntax, and rich descriptions. From the opening paragraph of the passage, Arun s uneager disposition is shown, when he is displayed trying to avoid of the day s plans. However, the extent of Arun s disapproval of the plans is shown through words like despondent, to show the dispirited disposition of the boy, and wildly when describing his formulation of excuses. Furthermore, the relationship between Arun and his host family is presented in this introductory scene, and their eagerness of getting the boy out of the house is shown through Desai s choice to describe Melanie s method of getting him involved as staring challengingly. This emphasizes her determination to get the exchange student out of the house by using a fairly aggressive term, creating the sense of a showdown for the reader. Desai continues the description of the standoff with her use of syntax in the next paragraph. The author avoids using quotation marks during dialogue, as shown when Mrs. Patton says, No, she will not. Absolutely not. This creates a more intriguing section to read, but also creating a strong sense of insistence. With the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Use of Rhetoric In Athenian Democracy Essay Rhetoric was a major factor in the development and maintenance of the Athenian government and was used by many in order to gain power and ascend in politics. The ascendance of the great demagogues in Athens during the time of the Peloponnesian war was heavily influenced by their rhetoric and ability to effectively guide the Athenian democracy. The democratic government was composed of two groups: public speakers [...], those who made proposals and publicly argued for or against political projects, and demos, those who as a group decided on the proposals (Yunis, 1991: 179). With this idea of democracy instilled in Athens, speakers were given an opportunity to present themselves and their proposals in a manner that they anticipated to be the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pericles role as a demagogue is blatantly obvious in his speech, The Funeral Oration , found in The Landmark Thucydides. In 431 BCE, he is chosen to stand in front of the Athenians in a time of crisis and raise their spirits through an oration given to honour those who had fallen so far in the Peloponnesian War. Times of tragedy and crisis can cause uproar among a society and Pericles faces potential blame from The People. In the first paragraphs of his speech, he speaks of Athenian ancestors and predecessors who had also stood before The People to give similar speeches. He tells The People, since [their] ancestors have stamped this custom with their approval, it has become [his] duty to obey the law (Thuc.2.35). He also adds: I could have wished that the reputations of many brave men were not to be imperiled in the mouth of a single individual, to stand or fall according as he spoke well or ill. For it is hard to speak properly upon a subject where it is even difficult to convince your hearers that you are speaking the truth. (Thuc.2.35) Pericles lessens his superiority by admitting to human frailty and the possibility that he could fail while giving the speech. These disclosures given to The People are used as a security measure for Pericles; he tells them that he is obligated by law to give the speech and, by referring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson Every day people make hundreds of choices. People do not realize how many choices they make in one day. Those choices shape and conform people s lives whether they know it or not. Ralph Waldo Emerson s essay Self Reliance shows how individuals should be self reliant in their own lives, not being conformed by their community. Emerson acknowledges that self reliance is the key to empowering one s self in a positive way. His essay Self Reliance , shows how distractions, like one s personal community, can hinder one s self reliance; and conversely, how self confidence can improve one s life. I believe individuals can achieve self reliance through their own choices, including choosing who one surrounds himself or herself with to be without the community. Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson is an ambiguous essay that portrays different concepts. Emerson uses his own opinions as well as facts we see in everyday life to try and persuade his readers to trust themselves and have self reliance. He includes many strong arguments and explains himself thoroughly. This essay does not focus on earthly things; it focuses on how one views themselves independently in the world. Emerson shows his readers that self reliance should be embraced throughout yourself, others, and society. In this essay Emerson proudly emphasizes how he believes that every person should have self reliance. Emerson defines self reliance as reliance on one s self and not others; to not go along with society but to follow their own trustworthiness and will. This means to believe in himself or herself and not depend on others. It also means to take responsibility and to not imitate somebody else. One of Emerson s quotes in this essay states, We imitate; and what is imitation but the travelling of the mind? (17). He shows that societies members imitate each other. This should not be reality. Every person can and should think for themselves. Emerson understands that the world is chaotic and calls on individuals to make order of it. People should be united in society yet they should each take part in their own way with their own thoughts. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. the call of the wild Essay The Call of the Wild, on the surface, is a story about Buck, a four year old dog that is part Shepherd and part St. Bernard. More importantly, it is a naturalistic tale about the survival of the fittest in nature. Throughout the novel, Buck proves that he is fit and can endure the law of the club, the law of the fang, and the laws of nature. Buck had been raised in California, on the ranch of Judge Miller. There he had the run of the place and was loved and pampered by all. Unfortunately, one of the judge s workers had a gambling problem and stole Buck to sell him for fifty dollars. Buck fights being tied, caged, and beaten, but his efforts only frustrate him. He is put on a train and a boat, being shipped to Alaska to be used as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the other dogs stay away from Buck because of his size and strength, but Spitz becomes his constant enemy, from whom he learns an important lesson. Spitz fights with Curly, one of the dogs that is friendly to Buck. Buck watches as all the other dogs attack and kill Curly once he is down. Buck is determined he will never be put in the same position. He will fight to the death if necessary. Spitz constantly picks on Buck, wanting to get in a fight with him; Buck, however, resists the challenges from Spitz. Then one time he steals the resting place that Buck has created for himself. Buck has had enough and attacks Spitz with a vengeance. Francois and Perrault have to separate the two dogs. Although the fight is stopped, the animosity continues, and the two enemies are always in a skirmish. Then one day when Spitz prematurely kills a rabbit that all the dogs have been chasing, Buck attacks again. The battle is fierce, and Buck is losing. He then calls upon his intelligence and imagination to defeat Spitz. Instead of going for his throat, Buck attacks Spitz s front legs, breaking both of them. Once he is down, the other dogs come in for the kill. Now that Spitz has been eliminated, Buck is determined to become the leader of the dog sled team. When Francois and Perrault harness Sol leks at the front of the team instead of Buck, he refuses to fall into his place. When the drivers try to catch him, Buck runs out of reach. The quot;game quot; of tag continues for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Marfan Syndrome Marfan Syndrome Have you ever wondered about the diseases that you can get from your parents? One of these major diseases that can change someone s life is called the Marfan Syndrome. Marfan Syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue that is inherited from the parents. The bones and circulatory system are usually the parts of the body that are longer and the ones that are changed because of the disease. There are many things that can cause a disease. Marfan syndrome is caused by a mutation in the fibrillin 1 gene. The gene produces a protein that is essential for formatting the elastic fibers found in connective tissue. About 75 percent of people with Marfan syndrome inherit the mutation from one affected parent. A parent who has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Examples of organ systems that are affected by Marfan Syndrome would be the Skeletal system, the muscular system, your heart and you blood vessels. It would affect your bone by making you very tall, slender, and loose jointed. You re Arms, legs, fingers, and toes may be disproportionately long in relation to the rest of the body because Marfan syndrome affects the long bones of the skeleton. A person with Marfan syndrome usually has a long, narrow face, and the roof of the mouth may be arched, causing the teeth to be crowded. It weakens and stretches your muscles and begins to place weight on the vertebrae in the lower spine. It would also start to wear away the bone surrounding the spinal cord. It would also make your heart weaker and more vulnerable to damage and kill the person with the disease. It would then affect your blood vessels by making the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, weak and it will stretch. Then because of this it will increase the risk that the artery will erupt and if it does it will cause serious heart problems or sudden death. Our Lives are very short and when you have a disease it makes your life even shorter. People with Marfan Syndrome have to face this catastrophe everyday of their lives. Wondering when they will die because of their disease. If I had a genetic disease, I would be very sad and not happy because I would wonder when I would die. The people who don t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. To Kill A Mockingbird Songs you can t judge a book by its cover Bo Diddley The part of this song that I chose fit the novel really well in my opinion. I really saw a connection between this song and Tom Roberson. Oh can t you see, Oh you misjudge me,I look like a farmer, But I m a lover, You can t judge a book by looking at the cover From what I read in the book about Tom I really picked up that Tom was a good man, he wasn t trying to hurt anyone but because of the time period there was a lot of stigmas that were surrounding men of color in the south so it was easy for some of the people in Maycomb county to side with Bob Ewell and go against Tom on the trail. This song also showed a major theme presented in this novel, you can t just judge someone you have to walk around in their skin for a little bit.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His song Don t Matter is all about a girl that he is in love with but everyone around him doesn t want them together because society is against it. This reminds me of Dolphus Raymond, he was in love with an african American woman and had children with her. Even though in Maycomb it is looked down upon for having these types of relationships with a person of a different race this does not stop Dolphus from loving her. (May i suggest the clean version if you are going to look up the song as Akon is a known rapper that can get a tad racy at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Why Is Donald Trump Controversial The election of Donald Trump has been very controversial. People have very different views on Trump being president. Some American s think positively of him and some people think negatively of him. Despite what you think about Donald Trump, his presidency is going to impact your life in some way. Donald Trump s policies are going to impact my life because of his immigrationstance, his tax proposals, and his view on gun laws. Donald Trump s immigration stance is going to negatively impact the lives of my friends. Trump plans to build a border wall and deport all illegal aliens. This will impact some of my friends because members of their family could get deported. It was stated that, the Republican has stood by his call to build an impenetrable wall along the 2,000 plus mile US Mexico border (bbc.com.) Donald Trump plans to deport 11 million illegal aliens from the United States. Critics call his plan, unaffordable and unrealistic (bbc.com), but he refuses to drop his stance. Donald Trump s tax proposals are going to positively impact the lives of my family. Trump plans to reduce the number of tax brackets for working, middle class American citizens. Donald Trump s plans include, reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Trump thinks that citizens should have the right to carry a concealed weapon. I will not feel safe with people carrying guns because the wrong person could get a hold of one and something bad could happen. Donald Trump stated that he wants to, empower law abiding gun owners to defend themselves (DonaldTrump.com.) If everyone is allowed to defend themselves with a lethal weapon, America will no longer be a safe place. Donald Trump says that all good, honest citizens should have the right to carry, however good, honest citizens aren t the only people that live in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Political Influences Of Alexander Pope One of the most influential poets of the 17th and 18th centuries, Alexander Pope significantly influenced classical poetry through his didactic and satirical works. Born in 1688, Pope began his life already facing many challenges through different facets of his life. Because his family were practicing Catholics, the Pope s were forced to move onto the outskirts of town, and Alexander wasn t able to attend school any longer, which challenged him to teach himself. Rising to the challenge, Pope taught himself different languages, and wrote his first poem, Ode on Solitude, at the age of twelve (Masters in English). With his satiric style, Alexander Popewas able to write about his own experiences with Pott s disease, as well as his well known translations of plays such as Illiad and The Odyssey where he included some of his own ideas in their writing(notable biographies). Alexander Pope shaped the writings of his time through the use of satire, drawing on his own life and the situations around him for inspiration and support. In 18th century England, poetry was mainly political and satirical. The main philosophical question was whether the individual or society took precedence as the subject of verse. (slideshare). This time period was led by Alexander Pope because of his early start into writing and his continued works throughout his life. Pope and most poets/authors of the time wrote with reason over feelings and were typically written in rhymes and heroic couplets. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Kitten Angels Monologue Kitten Angels I remember when two of my kittens died in my hands, one recently and one when I was almost nine. I remember their names, Midnight is the one that died recently, Pudge is the one that died when I was almost nine. They were born sickly when they were born. I miss them so much, but I know they are angels now. They fly with everyone I lost whom are in heaven. Half of the people don t go to heaven, but the ones that do have earned their wings. But all animals go to heaven. I hope to join them one day. I cannot wait to see everyone again. But I m not rushing my death. I want to live life to the fullest. I want to become a veterinarian to help and save animals, even if I have to put the animals down, it ll stop the suffering and pain the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I remember having a kitten in a coma, she had no name, but she was a pretty black color with a little bit of white on her chest. I remember having two cats that ran away, Simba and Icy, I don t know how old icy was, but simba was two to three years old. I miss those two cats, I wonder how simba is doing. I hope he s well, I understand if he died, his name should ve been Scar, that s what my big sister, Amy said. I miss the cats that ran away. But it s okay, I understand the good lord calls everyone home. Only if heaven wasn t so far away, I would go visit my family and the kittens I lost. I d go see my ancestors and my family members on my momma s and my daddy s sides. I d see my pap paw again. He died in 2006, right after hurricane Katrina, on the eighth of December, fourteen days before my birthday. I really miss him. If only he were still alive. I hear my family comes from royalty. I wonder if that s true, they say we are royalty from England. I don t know if that s true. I loved my kittens ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Angelina Grimke Abolition Because of her concern for white masters and resulting choices to abandon her famous slave holding family to move to the North, to write an address to southern women, and to speak in front of audiences of both men and women, Angelina Grimke adopted the abolitionist cause and often challenged her role in society. Originally, Grimke was promoting abolition out of concern for whites as she believed that slaverywas anti Christian; she was seen trying to discourage family from having slaves out of concern for her salvation. However, that family would have been a difficult one to persuade as they were the one of the most prominent slaveholding families in South Carolina; there were rumors that each family member had their own slave who would help ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. At T Business Analysis Table of Contents Executive Summary Question 1 В– Analyse the strategic position of AT T in 1994 1.1Introduction 1.2Strategic position of AT T in 1994 1.3Current situation analysis 1.3.1Internal environment (SWOT, TOWS) 1.3.2External environment (PEST) 1.3.3Competitive environment (Porters five forces, diamond, value chain, and BCG Matrix) 1.4Financial analysis 1.5Conclusion Question 2 В– Identify and evaluate the strategic options facing AT T in 1994 2.1Introduction 2.2 The architecture of strategy as applied to AT T 2.3Hierarchy of strategic intent 2.4Growth strategy 2.5Strategic partnering В– Joint ventures 2.6Strategic options 2.7Conclusion Question 3 В– Consequences for the global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For most of its history, Ma Bell (AT T) functioned as a legally sanctioned and regulated monopoly. When AT T entered the global arena, the dynamics of classical competition changed and AT T had to reshape and change their strategy to meet the new challenges of a global economy. 1.2Strategic position of AT T in 1994 After the divestiture of 1984 В– 1988, CEO Robert (Bob) E. Allen started to rationalise the business. He broke up the giant functional organisation into 21 manageable business units to help drive responsibilities and accountability. Up to 1994 Allen reorganised AT T s crown jewel to be its core telecommuncations network and his strategy was to focus AT T s expansion only on the areas which enhanced this core. Allen explained, Everything we are doing is designed to put more traffic on our network, to enhance the value of our network. With increasing competition, convergence of industries, deregulation and international trust laws, Allen soon realised that this strategy had to change. The BU structure and strategy of 1989, did not match the business needs for 1994 and the new millennium . A thorough analysis to reshape AT T s strategy was executed and this report contains its
  • 31. recommendations 1.3Current situation analysis 1.3.1Internal environment (SWOT, TOWS) The SWOT analysis (Appendix 1) revealed internal positive and negative attributes of the organisation, while the TOWS ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Lab Report Osmosis on Potatoe Practical Work NВє2: Different methods to control osmosis Aim: observe and test the process of osmosis through different kinds of methods: the weigh (potato), the density (beetroot) and under the light microscope (onion). Hypothesis: according to the encyclopedia definition osmosis is the diffusion of a liquid (most often assumed to be water, but it can be any liquid solvent) through a partially permeable membrane from a region of high solvent potential to a region of low solvent potential. Thus, this is what will happen. Teacher s instructions: в–Є We shouldn t forget to include the experimental error in the results exposed in the recollection of data. в–Є How to prepare a dilute solution from a more concentrated one: Vf . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1. Loss or gain of the potatoes mass and its water potential. [pic] Conclusion: Within this experiment we could verify the passage of water from a region of high concentration through a region of a lower concentration for when the potato was surrounded by a concentrated environment (lower water potential) the potato lost mass, and when it was surrounded by a dilute environment (higher water potential) it gained mass. We could also estimate, with the graph, the concentration at which the potato neither loses nor gains mass, that is when the water potential inside the potato is equal to the one outside. This equilibrium occurs at 0,345M.(aprox.) вќ– BEETROOT: Materials: a raw beetroot, boiling tubes with stoppers x 14, boiling tube rack, distilled water, sucrose solutions (0.0M, 0.1M, 0.15M, 0.2M, 0.25M, 0.3M, 0.5M), cork borer, scalpel, pipette (В±0,1ml), Pasteur pipette, ruler (0.1mm) and marker for writing on glass. Teacher s instructions: в–Є After cutting the pieces of beetroot, wash them to remove the superficial pigment. в–Є Place the pieces of beetroot on 7 test tubes. в–Є Deposit a drop of solution where the beetroot was in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Comparison Between Remember And Stop All Of The Clocks Each individual has a unique way of coping with death, and this is evident throughout Christina Rossetti s, Remember and W. H. Auden s Stop all of the Clocks . In the first stanza of Remember , Rossetti allows the reader to explore the narrator s thought about death. When she writes ......Gone far away into the silent land;/ When you can no more hold me by the hand.... the narrator believes that death is final because that connection cannot ever be re established regardless of how much one wants it. The silent land and gone away are metaphors for death, and when the narrator says that no one will be able to hold me (her) by the hand , this symbolises the one thing death takes, the physical presence of the person. Likewise, Auden s Stop all of the Clocks , explores death with imperatives. Auden writes Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,/ Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,/ Silence the pianos and with muffled drum/Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Because the narrator wants life to cease, because with the death of their loved one, there is no purpose in life and it simply cannot (........) . Similarly, as Stop all of the Clocks develops the narrator metaphorically and onomatopoeically highlights that everything in life must acknowledge the death and experience it with him. Outward signs of cotton gloves and bows with doves is a metaphor for the person s acknowledgement of death. The importance of the deceased love extends to every facet of the narrator s life because they belonged in every moment that the narrator lived. In this moment of grief, the narrator feels betrayed because they invested in a love which was not eternal.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gwen Harwood, a fellow Australian, scrutinises loss through motherhood and how one sacrifices and loses their identity in the poem In the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Importance Of Setting In Cress By Meyer The setting in a book is so important it can make the plot more exciting or very long and dreary. The setting can make or break the characters in the book. When the author does not explain the setting every well it can make the reader confused as to what else is going on in the plot. In Cress there are examples of an exciting setting,how the characters develop, and how the great detail of the setting is explained. In Cress, Meyer the author, shows the diversity of a setting can keep the reader on their toes. Meyer tells the stories of old fairytales that we all know and makes them new. We follow Cinder and Captain Thorn out of Bajine out to outer space to save Cress that is in a satellite and then to the middle of the sahara desert. Her shoulder collided with Niels and she started to fall backward, but then he was gripping her by the elbow and hauling her against him. (Meyer 328). In this Cress has been captured and brought to the doctor that likes to test the Lunar to get a cure for the plague. But Cress would have never gotten taken if Thorn had left her at the hotel then she would still be safe. The reader never gets bored with the setting always moving to something new. Being the third book in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... and conflict, but if the author does not have a great setting lay out then the reader will be confused and not being able to get all they can from reading the book. Reading a book should be like an adventure taking the reader to many places that they would dream about and it is the author s job to give that to the reader. Making sure that the author does this they should be able to read what they have written without any confusion about what is happening in the setting. The setting gives the reader a hint about character development, keeping the reader s interest and giving a clear image of the setting to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Adaptive Delta Causality Control With Prediction Adaptive Delta Causality Control with Prediction in Networked Real Time Game Using Haptic Media Haptic relating to the sense of touch, in particular relating to the perception and manipulation of objects using the senses of touch and proprioception. MU The game is based on a peer to peer (P2P) model. Each terminal refreshes a screen at 60 Hz and sends media units (MUs), each of which includes information about the position, velocity, and time stamp, to the other terminal. We have two types of MUs: One has the position information of the mallet, and the other has that of the puck. Networked Air Hockey using Haptic media Improve interactivity of the air hockey game through applying prediction logic to adaptive delta causality control. The value of ∆ is dynamically changed according to the network delay for MUs of the mallet, and is shared among terminals Then, each terminal sends a changed value of ∆ to the other terminals. The terminal selects the largest value from among the changed values as a new value of ∆. The adaptive delta causality control scheme with prediction outputs each Media Unit by predicting the future position later than the output time of the received MU by the prediction time Tpredict ( ≥ 0) ms to keep the interactivity high. Measured through Quality of Experience assessment. Conclusion In this paper, we proposed the adaptive ∆ causality control scheme with prediction and investigated the effect of the proposed scheme by QoE assessment in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Early Stages Of Diabetes When you have diabetes, your body has trouble turning glucose into energy. Instead of being used by your body, the glucose builds up in your blood. These changes may be the first step toward many problems that diabetes causes. Scientists can t predict who among people with diabetes will develop complications, but complications are most likely to occur in someone who has had diabetes for many years. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of kidney failure. Early stages of kidney disease have no symptoms. Checking your blood sugar level involves pricking your finger to get a small drop of blood that you put on a test strip. You can read the results yourself or insert the strip into a machine called an electronic glucose meter. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To achieve this level of control, lifestyle changes usually prescribed for people to manage diabetes include diet modifications. Learners interact with practitioners and faculty who are expert in the area of Diabetes Management. Cinnamon is another very good natural remedy to use against Type 2 Diabetes. In tests, Cinnamon has shown statistically significant evidence of helping control fasting blood glucose levels, triglycerides and total cholesterol. A balanced diet low in fat, carbohydrates and cholesterol is ideal for diabetes. High glycemic foods like potatoes, pasta and white bread which are rich in carbohydrates, must be avoided, as they easily enter the bloodstream and get converted to glucose very fast. A diabetic meal delivery service can provide an easy and effective diabetes management solution. Instead of learning how to buy and prepare meals for a diabetic lifestyle, diabetics can have portioned prepared meals delivered to their home regularly. Home delivery of diabetic meals is especially easy for caretakers who are responsible for the health of their aging parents. An inventory of prepared diabetic meals helps people with diabetes overcome the temptation of ordering out when they lack the time to cook their own diabetic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Emergency Contraception Research Paper Emergency contraception (EC), also known as postcoital contraception or the morning after pill, is a drug taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. This drug uses hormones to prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs, prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, or chemically alter the lining of the uterus to prevent fertilized eggs from implanting. When taken within seventy two hours of unprotected sex, EC is believed to be 90 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. Although EC meets the legal and medical definition of a contraceptive (as opposed to an abortifacient, or a drug that induces abortion), some opponents believe that it constitutes a form of abortion, as the pills may potentially be taken after fertilization. Progestin only EC... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conscience clauses are legal clauses that allow health care workers to refuse to provide certain services to which they have a religious or moral objection. Most conscience clauses that apply to pharmacists were originally created for use in situations where they have reason to believe that patients might use medications to cause harm to themselves or others. Conscience clauses became a significant issue during the 1960s, after the development of hormone contraceptives, also known as birth control pills. Some pharmacists were reluctant to distribute birth control medication for religious or moral reasons, leading several pharmaceutical companies and organizations to develop guidelines specific to contraceptives. Shortly after the development of the birth control pill, scientists began developing hormonal treatments that could be taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The first successful form of EC was called the Yuzpe regimen after its developer, obstetrician A. Albert Yuzpe. In 1997, the FDA approved EC for prescription use in the United States. Antiabortion groups protested this, arguing that they considered EC to be an abortifacient, or a form of chemical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Family And Family Life 50 years ago, a prominent stereotype in America portrayed the men as hardworking breadwinners while on the opposite side of the spectrum the woman stayed home taking care of the house, children, cooking and cleaning. In the current generation, a lot has changed, roles have slightly switched and men and women both have the opportunity to work in the field they desire. These changes have brought new values and brought forth many obstacles with balancing the family/work life. Although the stereotype about the father being the one working and the motherstaying home changed significantly over the years, when both parents are working and trying to keep their family together there are many obstacles that come along. In today s society, many face the complication of not being able to spend enough time with their children due to work, not being as flexible in balancing the work life versus family life and having to face the situation of trying to pick between choosing their child over a dream job. To begin with, today it is very common that both parents go to work in order to support their family, but sometimes either mom, dad, or both can be working too much and not realize that they can be missing out on being a part of their child s life later regretting their pass decisions as their children grow older. It is very common that some parents put more time into working rather than spending time with their child and do not realize that it affects their family and their child due to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Informative Speech On Wicca In order for me to tell you how Wicca came to be I first have to tell you about witchcraft so lets get started. Witchcraft was from way back when in the 15,000 B.C. when there where healers who practice magic even in the bible it talks about witches and some believe that Jesus was a witch because he could turn water into wine and heal the sick and so on but it went on to 700 B.C when the Celtic lived in England and the Romans used there way of life such as pagan festivals and such, then on to 560 B.c where in the bible it states that there are witch s and they shall not live, in 200 B.C. the Druids where first heard of, and in 300 A.D. When it was in pre christian time when The roman Empire burned alive those that were thought to be witches who also said... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1970 s the wiccan creed was born so that others could follow it. 1985 The District Court of Virginia states that Wiccais a real religion and is protected by the First Amendment. There is a reason for all of this and I will tell you the reason this all goes together with our knowing the history you could not know how it all started Okay now that we have that out of the way lets get going on the rest was started in the 20th century when it was hidden form the outside world they were going off of what Margaret Murray stated in her books by this time though it was not Wicca it was occult or witchcraft it was not called Wicca until 1950 s when Gerald Gardner said these names in his book and called it that and said he was a witch it is said that Gardner rewrote rituals and spells form the older ancient times form other witches and changed things to make it his own although he did state that he used some not all were able to been read so he had to fix them but he did write his own. Gerald thought that witchcraft would die out so that is why he wrote the books he wanted it to live on. The terms Wicca and Wiccen we first hear these words when a man by the name of Charles Cardell wrote an article about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Essay on Allegory of Faith by Johannes Vermeer Allegory of Faith by Johannes Vermeer The painting, Allegory of Faith, located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, was created by the Dutch Baroque painter Johannes Vermeer. This study of the painting will focus on the subject matter, composition, and the symbolic meaning of the painting in relation to the Catholic faith, as well as the controversy surrounding the success of the painting among modern critics. The characteristic Baroque qualities of this painting will be illuminated through comparison with examples of Dutch 17th century paintings, Vermeer s other works, and an analysis of his painting technique and style. The Allegory of Faith is considered to be one of Vermeer s least successful works by some art... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... lt; lt;11 Arasse 84 gt; gt; Most other symbols in the Allegory have been taken from Cesare Ripa s Iconologia. lt; lt;12 Bailey 180 gt; gt; The pose of the lady is interpreted as having faith in your heart and the world under your feet. lt; lt;13 Bailey 180 gt; gt; Her foot resting on the globe may also be interpreted as the conquest of the Earth by the faith. lt; lt;14 Martin Pops. Vermeer: Consciousness and the Chamber of Being. (Ann Harbor: UMI Research Press, 1984) 74. gt; gt; In Allegory of Faith, Vermeer separates the world of culture from the world of nature. lt; lt;15 Pops 74 gt; gt; The function of nature is to tempt and taint, as we see in the bitten apple and the snake. lt; lt;16 Pops 74 gt; gt; Culture on the other hand represents purity and redemption through the globe and the crucifix. lt; lt;17 Pops 74 gt; gt; Vermeer also suggests that culture is beyond nature as well as within and again emphasizes purity through the landscape on the tapestry and the Crucifixion hanging on the wall. lt; lt;18 Pops 74 gt; gt; The roundness of being is displayed through the two globes of Heaven and the Earth. lt; lt;19 Pops 74 gt; gt; By presenting Faith with one foot on the Earth and looking at the other, Vermeer shows that the Catholic Faith is valid from Heaven to the Earth, despite the prevalence of Protestantism in the Netherlands. lt; lt;20 Pops ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Biopsychosocial Interview Paper Sample For this assignment, I chose to perform my interview on my roommate s boyfriend; Jose Sandoval. I have been friends with him for about one year, the time that he has been dating my roommate. I have to say that we get along very well, he often comes to hang out at our apartment and we have shared some good times; the three of us together. To be honest, I thought I knew him pretty well up to this point. Well, I was wrong. After completing the interview, I was able to learn so many new things about his background, which I will happily share now for this assignment. This paper will transcribe his life story with three major areas of focus. My first focus will revolve around his life before moving to the United States. Secondly, I will describe his immigration process and lastly, the paper will also touch on how his life progressed once living in the United States. First and foremost, this section carries out a detailed interview on Jose s life before his arrival to the United States of America. Where I discussed his family bond and focused on his growing up environment and his biculturalism through playing Mexican and American games and the constant migration and tourism that revolved around this city. My interviewer made reference of having a strong bond among his family while growing up. His family was composed by his father, mother and two older siblings; brother and sister, who always treated him, like their own son. They spoke to each other in Spanish, did everything ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Hnluc Case Study Fig. 1. Construction of infectious cDNA clones. (A) A full length infectious cDNA clone of the PRRSV HuN4 strain was inserted into the pBeloBAC11 plasmid as described in Materials and methods. (B) Two unique restriction sites (AsiS I and Swa I) were introduced into the HuN4 genome. (C) The secreted NanoLucв„ў (secNluc) genedriven by a synthetic transcription regulation sequence 6 (TRS6) was cloned into the HuN4 genome. Fig. 2. Characteristics of the recombinant HuN4 secNluc virus. (A) Growth characteristics of HuN4 secNluc compared to the parental HuN4 strain. Viral titers in the supernatant were measured at the time points indicated by TCID50 at 5 days post infection. The mean and standard deviation from 3 independent experiments are shown. (B) Time course analysis of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The NAb titers of 20 serum samples were measured using a luminescence based neutralization test and a CPE based neutralization test. The NAb titers were expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution that resulted in 50% reduction of CPE or luciferase activity. Fig. 5. Modeling antiviral compound screening using the HuN4 secNluc virus. (A) Screening of antiviral siRNAs using HuN4 secNluc. siRNAs targeting the PRRSV Nsp9, ORF5, and ORF7 genes were used as model antiviral compounds. A scrambled siRNA (siScr) was used as the negative control. Marc 145 cells were transfected with the siRNAs at a final concentration of 100nM and then infected with HuN4 secNluc. The luciferase activity was measured at 48 h post infection. The mean and standard deviation from three independent experiments are shown. (B) Dose dependent antiviral activity of the siORF7 216 siRNA. Marc 145 cells were transfected with siORF7 216 at the three final concentrations indicated (50, 100, or 150nM) and then infected with HuN4 secNluc. The luciferase activity was determined at 48 h post infection. The mean and standard deviation from three independent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Essay On Gender Dysphoria His parents named him Samantha, but he always preferred to be called Sam. At birth Sam was identified as female, but he never felt that way. At the age of only five, Sam was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria: a persistent unease with having the physical characteristics of one s gender, accompanied by a strong identification with the opposite gender. For example, a person who has all of the physical traits of a male might feel strongly instead that he is a female. This person would have a passionate desire to have a female body and to be accepted by others as a female. On the other hand, someone with the physical characteristics of a female would feel her true identity to be male. Transgenderism or Gender Dysphoria is in fact a medically recognized... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Johanna Olson in the video Living a Transgender Childhood, in order to diagnose a child with Gender Dysphoria, they must be persistent, consistent, and insistent. Olson names this concept as the profiles of children that have very solid gender identities. As early as 2 years old, the signs and symptoms of having Gender Dysphoria may begin to become more relevant. Dr. Olson states that some of the signs and symptoms in children may include: constantly saying they are the opposite sex, playing with toys that aren t typical for their gender, rejecting clothes and games relating to their gender, believing they will grow up to be the opposite sex, and saying they want to get rid of their genitals. As the children grow older in their teen years, the symptoms can become far worse. Teenagers may become even more certain that their gender is not true to their body, be disgusted with their genitals, and want their removal. At this time, teenagers at the age of 16 may seek medical attention to help them transition to the opposite sex. Adults will typically have the same symptoms as teens but moreso they will feel more depressed and isolated, as well as dressing as the opposite gender. Left untreated, children and adults with Gender Dysphoria may decide to take matters into their own hands and become ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Concert Analysis Shelby Rosen MUS 265 Spring 2012 Concert Report Two concerts I attended this semester were Steve Aoki and Datsik and The Brown Bag Series. Although two completely different music styles, they were both fun to attend and interesting to think about when considering their musical elements. Steve Aoki is an American electro house musician, record producer and founder of Dim Mak Record. Datsik is a Dubstep DJ and music producer from British Columbia, Canada. The Brown Bag Series was an instrumental concert consisting of six people, one being Professor Golove, who played instruments such as the cello, the double bass, and the piano. Steve Aoki and Datsik brought their tour Deadmeat to Buffalo on February 28th. Their Deadmeat tour ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A lot of the notes are often shuffled notes which mainly comes from jazz influenced music, where they would be referred to as swing. According to John Mello, a shuffle note is a practice in which some notes with equal written time values are performed with unequal durations, usually as alternating long and short. The tempo of dubstep is almost always in the range of 138 142 beats per minute, with a clap or snare usually inserted every third beat in a bar. House music is an upbeat and dance oriented style of music. This concert consisted of non stop dancing and everyone going wild. One big characteristic of electro house music is that it features a drop in every song or several times in a song. The music will be playing at a slow or medium speed and then all of the sudden the beat drops into a powerful, unpredictable beat. These drops come off really well in a live performance and usually make the crowed respond by dancing intensely. Electro house tracks usually range from 5 to 6 minutes in length with a gradual build up beat which makes it easier to synch the current song with the next song. The difference with electro house music and dubstep compared to other music genres ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Rhetorical Analysis On Florence Kelley A Suffragette s Call to Action Since the dawn of time, men have always been deemed the superior race. Men were leader and kings. They were always more educated and held better paying jobs. In the United States, the dominant group is white protestant males. Whenever, women or young children, especially young girls, try to rise up, they have been shot done. The tides have been changing, though, with more women standing up for equality and their constitutional rights. Where would women be without outspoken women like Susan B. Anthony or Florence Kelley. Florence Kelley, who was a United States Social worker and reformer, delivered a speech before the conventions of the National American WomanSuffrage Association, that presents the argument against unjust labor laws for women and children, using rhetorical devices that drives her message home.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She questions If the mothers and the teachers in Georgia could vote, would the Georgia Legislature have refused at every session for the last three years to stop the work in the mills of children under twelve years of age? Would the New Jersey Legislature have passed the shameful repeal bill enabling girls of fourteen years to work all night, if the mothers in New Jersey were enfranchised? (Kelley). When Kelley questions the legislation of major states and brings up that women still do not have the right to vote, it evokes anger from the audience. The audience begins to recognize that they have no power or say for themselves. Kelley s use of rhetorical devices evokes pathos because it makes the audience enraged that they still do not have basic rights that men have and have no say in their government, which controls the labor laws they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Ecocide In Aranyak-Of The Forest-An Ecocide Aranyak Of the Forest An Ecocide: The term ecocide refers to extensive damage done to the ecosystem of a territory due to human atrocities or to such an extent that the normal living of the inhabitants is severely disturbed ( Ecosophy Wikipedia , 2017). Human nature is essentially anthropocentric which assumes the primacy of man over other organisms in the environment. We are committing ecocide by deforestation of a land, burning fossil fuel, emitting green house gases from the industrial hubs, by exploiting natural ecocritical understanding of Aranyak Of the Forest (1976) in the light of ecocide. Ecocriticism is best exhibited in Aranyak Of the Forest where the protagonist Satyacharan, a city dweller gets hypnotized by nature. Initially urban lifestyle revolted against the loneliness of the forest. He has been sent to the forest as an estate manager to clear up a forest land of 30 thousand bighas. But as the novelprogresses he fell madly in love with nature. The novel is told in the manner of a reverie which ever haunts his imagination. It is a good example of an ecocide. The narrator writes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By my hands was destroyed an unfettered playground of nature. I know too, that for this act the forest gods will never forgive me. I have heard that to confess a crime in one s own words lightens somewhat the burden of the crime. Therefore, the story (Aranyak: Of the Forest 3). The novel deals with the protagonist Satyacharan s development of his attitude to Nature. The votary of urban life has transformed into a devoted lover of nature in her pristine beauty. The city man Satyacharan was to draw up new tenants. His role was that of a colonizer to set up more human habitation or industry in the forest. At first, he had hardly any care for the forest land and its so called savage people. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet s Death Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare in the 14th century. It is a beautiful tragedy about two star crossed lovers and their journey together despite their feuding families protests. As a result of said feud, both Romeo and Juliet ended their lives, as a result of thinking that the other was dead. If we take this kind of situation and put it into the modern world, someone would be blamed for these tragic deaths. The only question is who. Their parents are to blame the Montagues and the Capulets. Of course, to craft your opinion on this topic, you must first understand the fictional background of the Montagues and the Capulets. Although the play doesn t offer a backstory, readers can easily see how much tension there is between the two families. They acknowledge it too, but most of the evidence for my conclusion comes from characters other than the Capulet and Montague head of households. Verona, where this play takes place, has a prince that notices all the conflict going on between the families. He says, right after a fight scene from which Tybalt (a Capulet) and Mercutio (a Montague) emerge dead, Romeo slew him; he slew Mercutio. Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe? (3.1.175 176.) The prince is pretty much fed up with the fighting between the Montagues and the Capulets. After this scene, readers of Romeo and Juliet can safely infer that the death of a Montague and the death of a Capulet will not be the last. There did not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Abigail Adams Summary Abigail Adams Book worm, nerd, library enthusiast, educationally driven, and one of the most renown female letter writers of our history. Believe it or not, these are but a few of the things Abigail Adams was known for. We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them. Oh, and how Abigail superlatively lived up to this statement. As we truffle through this journey of a real example of a revolutionary woman, we will be covering the expected roles of a woman during the Colonial and Revolutionary era, how Abigail lived up to these expected roles, how she defied them, and finally, we will delve even deeper into how the creation of a new republic affected Abigail s beliefs on the roles of women. On page four, of chapter one, it states that. In a society where marriage and motherhood were the chief functions of every female. (Pg. 4.) Firstly, this statement gives us great insight on the one of the many expected roles of any and every female during the Colonial and Revolutionary era. Succeeding, Abigail further lived up to this specific role in marrying John Adams, who was the second President of the United States. In doing so, they had five wonderful children, in which Abigail stepped forward and humbly took care of while her husband was away. Abigail, had no preceding issues with this role of a woman, if anything she encompassed its geniality. Secondly, another one of the expected roles of a woman was, The traditional assumption that a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Catching Fire Katniss Quotes What if someone or something has so much control over you that they can make you kill someone without even hesitating? In the book Catching fire the main character katniss has had to deal with going into an arena to fight to the death twice and all through those experiences she s been getting manipulated by the Capitol. The capital manipulates people s heads so much that they turn into puppets forced to do inbearble things. Don t let anything control you or turn you into someone you re not. Katniss and the other tributes let the Capitol controll them,and because of this they live in fear every day. For one thing the Capitol has changed Katniss. Katniss wants to run away instead of going through with the quarter quell because President... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Capital has just sent people to hurt Cinna,and Katniss watched them attack him. The Capitol can decide how people feel only by doing something they know will affect them deeply. That s just one of the ways the Capital affects the tributes . Another example is . In the erna there are mutant birds called Jabber Jays that can mock the voices of the people the victors love. Katniss is thinking. Where is she?What are they doing to her? Prim I cry out . Prim! only another agonizing scream answers me . How did she get here?Why is she part of the games? Prim! . (Collins 340). Katniss is horrified and running through the woods all because the capital made mutant birds and decided to put them in the games. The Capitol did this because it wanted Finnick and Katniss to get overly panic stricken for entertainment purposes and to remind the people in the districts and the arena of what it can do to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Big Push Theory And Unbalance Growth Theory CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical framework The theoretical basis of this study centers on: пЃ¶Big push theory пЃ¶Balance growth theory пЃ¶Unbalance growth theory 2.1.1 The Big push theory According to PaulRosensten Rodan (1943), Big push model is a theory that emphasizes that underdeveloped countries required large amount of investments to embark on the path of economic development from the present state of backwardness. This theory is of the view that bit by bit investment programmed will not lead to the path of economic development, rather through investing a specific amount can help in economic development. The theory is also of the view that in order for a country to achieve economic development, there must exist three indivisibilities in underdeveloped countries: i.Indivisibilities in production function: In establishing so many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Social overhead comprises of those basic activities, without which primary, secondary, tertiary productive activities cannot functions, this includes communication, investment in public health, education, transportation and conventional public utilities such as electricity, water etc. this theory suggest that investing so much in social overhead activities will bring about increase in private investment in the form of direct productive activities (DPA). SOC investment indirectly subsidizes agriculture by cheapening various inputs which they use or reducing costs. The SOC approach to economic development is explained that by unbalancing the economy, investment in DPA will be stimulated. For the sake of this study, the unbalance growth theory of economic development will be adopted; this is because the unbalance growth theories of economic development explained that unbalancing the economy using a pre design strategy will lead to the path of economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Chronicles Of Narnia Book Report The Chronicles of Narnia Book Report Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie are all siblings sent to live in the care of the wise Professor Kirke amid World War II. The children investigate the house on a stormy day and Lucy, the most youthful, finds a colossal closet. Lucy ventures inside and winds up in a weird, blanketed wood. Lucy experiences the Faun Tumnus, who is astonished to meet a human young lady. Tumnus tells Lucy that she has entered Narnia, an alternate world. Tumnus welcomes Lucy to tea, and she acknowledges. Lucy and Tumnus have a superb tea, however the faun begins sobbing uncontrollably and admits that he is a hireling of the detestable White Witch. The Witch has captivated Narnia so it is dependably winter and never Christmas. Tumnus clarifies that he has been enrolled to catch people. Lucy entreats Tumnus to discharge her, and he concurs. Lucy exits Narnia and enthusiastically enlightens her kin concerning her experience in the closet. They don t trust her, be that as it may. Lucy s kin demand that Lucy was away for quite a long time and not for a considerable length of time as she claims. At the point when the Pevensie youngsters look in the back of the closet they see that it is a customary household item. Edmund prods Lucy barbarously about her nonexistent nation until one day when he sees her vanishing into the closet. Edmund takes after Lucy and ends up in Narnia too. He doesn t see Lucy, and rather ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Who Is Andrew Jackson A Good President It is hard to argue that any president of the United States has made no mistakes; however, Andrew Jackson left a long lasting impact on presidency campaigns and made it what it is today. In reference to the Great President Model Lecture, Jackson falls under the category of being great for multiple reasons; one is being that he had served more than one term, another that he accomplished something of long term importance and significance. In the two terms he had served, he had forever changed the way campaigns are held. Jackson had a very bias opinion and somewhat of a short temper. Since he was president, he often times made rash decisions without having others opinions and that upset many people. Andrew Jacksonwas a very independent man and thought he could make many decisions on his own without the input from others. What one may consider... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was also known as a born leader in many different areas, including in the military and also in politics. People always seemed to like him but that was probably for his contribution and his involvement within the country. Andrew Jackson, known as the first modern president, forever changed the way presidential campaigns are held today. Jackson was very involved in the community and that drew residents into him and got him liked even more. He always reached out to make sure what he was doing would satisfy others and be the best decision for everyone. He also used his power to veto bills that he considered were not necessary or harmful to the states. During Jackson s two terms as president, he vetoed twelve bills, which no president has been able to get close to that. He was a strong willed man and if his requests were not met, he would take further action. For example, if one if his cabinet member were not able to complete or take on a task per his request, they were to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Essay about Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Nature vs. Nurture (Eating Disorders in Sports) Nanci, H. (n.d). Athletes hunger to win fuels eating disorders. USA Today. Retrieved October 4, 2012, from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4 amp;hid=108 amp;sid=31311eaf b919 4f19 89a3 14bb34d54865%40sessionmgr114 amp;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=rch amp;AN=J0E127639281306 Kimiko Hirai Soldati, a 2004 Olympic diver, remembers exactly when her bulimia started. A college coach in Pennsylvania wanted her to come talk about the importance of healthy eating to his team of female cross country runners because they were competing with each other at dinner to see who could eat the least. At least one third of female athletes have some type of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Avil, now 22, said: I had just finished 11th at my first junior world championship and I had only been doing the sport for about eight months when someone else s coach said to me If you want to be faster, you need to be watching your weight, Hollie . Donovan Pyle, a sports psychologist, says the focus on body fat among athletes lends itself to eating disorders. She added: There needs to be a greater awareness of the impact that body related feedback can have on young athletes and young girls in particular. I think we need to look at female athletes as role models rather than celebrities. Drew Halfnight; Mercury, s. (n.d). EATING DISORDERS AMONG ATHLETES LOCAL SPORT MEDICINE DOCTOR DESCRIBES THOSE WHO EAT TOO LITTLE OR TRAIN TOO HARD. Guelph Mercury (ON). Retrieved on October 4, 2012, from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost /detail?vid=8 amp;hid=108 amp;sid=31311eaf b919 4f19 89a3 14bb34d54865%40sessionmgr114 amp;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=rch amp;AN=Q4K233229958511 Although disordered eating has historically been considered a female concern, it is on the rise among males. Estimates of disordered eating behaviors in athletes are growing, and are as high as 62% among female athletes and 33% among male athletes. Some athletes may also have eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, related to clinical mental conditions. Characteristics of a possible eating ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...