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N'Essayez Pas N'Essayez Pas
Pennsylvania Musical Arts
Central Pennsylvania, and specifically, the Harrisburg area, is full of many potentially bright minds
who unfortunately can t always find the right place with people who will nurture and encourage
them. Plagued with the common national problem of an overpopulation of students paired with an
understaffing of teachers, many of these minds go by without anyone to guide them in the right
direction. As a result, intelligence that could be used to better the world around us is directed
toward darker things such as crime and violence. Fortunately, there are groups in the area that are
making an effort to enrich misguided young people, groups such as the Harrisburg Symphony
Orchestra, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Pennsylvania Ballet, and... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition to partnering with schools in the area, they also have international partnerships in
countries such as Hungary, and China. Through these partnerships, PAM has spread their love of
music and dedication to helping children reach a higher level of education through their musical
talents. Since 2009, PAM has also been able to offer a high schooldiploma, making it so its
students could graduate, and consequently go onto some of the most renowned musical colleges
in the world. The Pennsylvania Academy of Music is a lot like the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts in that they both aspire to make readily available music and the arts to whoever
seeks them. They are also similar in that they educate on the subjects. However, they do differ in
that PAM offers a high school diploma, while PAFA s school is a secondary education school. Also,
because it is older, PAFA holds more prestige over PAM, and, organization wise is more developed
and has had more influence and made more of an impact than PAM because of its age and resources.
The last of the charities covered in this paper is Pennsylvania Ballet. Conceived in 1963, this
ballet company has been at the forefront of dance in America and is widely regarded as one of the
premier ballet companies in the nation. ( Charity
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Professional Wrestling Is Not A Escape For Me
Clara Hill
Mr. Bolte
English 12 CP
April 7, 2017
Professional Wrestling
Ever since I was five years old, professional wrestling has always been an escape for me. Growing
up, I didn t have the best childhood in the world, but every Monday and Friday I would turn on
Raw and Smackdown. As I became a teenager I discovered there were other wrestling promotions
such as; Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro Wrestling, and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Professional
wrestling still to this day is something that I cherish.
In the early 1940s, Jess McMahon began promoting wrestling shows in the northeastern part of the
United States. In 1982, Vincent McMahon took control of, at the time, Capitol Wrestling
Corporation. Vincent transformed a small wrestling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before the Attitude Era, everything was PG and suitable for all ages but around this time,
parents would hate for their children to watch Raw because of the heavy reliance on sex appeal,
alcohol, and cursing. During this time people like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn
Michaels, and Triple H were extremely popular thanks to their not taking crap and kicking some
butt. Even though this was a very controversial time, the fans loved it and it is still know today as
the best era in wrestling. The Attitude Era was such a success for WWE that their competition,
WCW and ECW, were put out of business in 2001. With the success of the promotion over the past
decade and a half, WWE still has remained the biggest professional wrestling promotion in the
Even though WWE may be the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, there are other
promotions world wide that has had essentially the same popularity that WWE has. Ring of Honor
has been an independent promotion since 2002, with Ring of Honor celebrating their fifteenth
anniversary in March. The promotion has had several huge names to come out of it, Daniel
Bryan, Low Ki, Adam Cole, The Young Bucks, CM Punk, Marty Scurll, AJ Styles, and
Christopher Daniels, just to name a few. Bryan Alvarez of the wrestling observer has stated that
Ring of Honor didn t try to reinvent the wheel, they just presented a good pro wrestling product
with good wrestlers and good
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Essay on President Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson was the first Southerner to be elected president after the Civil War. Born on
December 28, 1856 in Staunton, Va., he was the son of a Presbyterian minister who supported the
Confederates. Wilson assumed the presidency after a whirlwind career as a college professor,
university president and New Jersey governor. However, Wilsonleft the Oval Office just as
heartbroken as the Confederate soldiers that returned home when he was a boy.
Woodrow Wilson was born as Thomas Woodrow Wilson the son of JanetWoodrow and Joseph
Ruggles Wilson, a Presbyterian minister. Thomas began using the first name of Woodrow in 1881
to honor his mother s side of the family. Although Wilson would become a talented... Show more
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After graduating from Princeton, Wilson entered the University of Virginia to pursue a career in
law. However, he ultimately intended to serve the public and wondered about becoming a
politician. He continued writing and speaking while at Virginia, where he was labeled a man of
courage for publicly speaking against the Confederate cause before a crowd of Southerners. Wilson
finished his law studies at home and opened an office in Atlanta in 1882 with a fellow University
of Virginia alumnus. But the law bored Wilson, who decided in 1883 that he would become a writer
and teacher. Appropriately, Wilson signed up for graduate courses at Johns Hopkins University in
Columbia, S.C., a new school with a reputation for using modern teaching methods to instruct
At the behest of his family, Wilson went to Rome, Ga. before entering Johns Hopkins to settle a
family affair involving an estate. While there, Wilson attended a church where he noticed Ellen
Louise Axson, a minister s daughter. When he entered graduate school, the two were already
engaged. They were not married until June of 1885, shortly before Wilson was given a post at the
newly formed Bryn Mawr College, an all women s school. Wilson s published his first book,
Congressional Government, in 1886. He continued to write political texts at Bryn Mawr, where he
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How Does Poverty Affect Children
Poverty can affect children in many ways, including school, career, and life troubles. Children
who grow up in poor households are statically proven to be less successful. There is an obvious
connection between poor children also being poor adults. It is not necessarily the child s fault. As
much as people may wantto believe that you create your own future, people are often products of
their circumstances. If opportunity is not presented, there is nowhere to go.
Poverty stricken families have an obvious disadvantage. They have less access to the resources it
takes to succeed. They do not have access to extra help should their child need it or access to
learning tools. Poor children are more likely to drop out and score lower on standardized tests
which could be attributed to the environment they have grown up in. If a child is taught his whole
life that being poor is all be can amount to, he starts to believe it. Even if he is not told this,
children tend to view their parent(s) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If a person is not given opportunity to succeed, he never will. Growing up, poor children are
rarely treated as if they will amount to anything. They are treated like they do not deserve the
same opportunities more successful families do. If a child is never taught that he can accomplish
things, he never will. He will grow into an adult thinking unsuccessful is all he will ever be. This
notion doesn t make for a lot of motivation towards a career. Well endowed families also tend to
have more influence and connections paving an easier path for their children. These children find
it easy to make a way for themselves because the opportunity is readily presented to them; they
need only reach out and take it. The less fortunate do not have this same opportunity making for a
much more difficult path to success. These children have to work much harder for every milestone
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International Hospitality Industry Has Been Affected By...
Introduction In the past few years, international hospitality industry has been affected by
globalisation, revolution of information technology, fragmentation of customer demand, and the
emergence of economic integration of supplier in the networks. Globalisation means a process to
reduce the barriers between one country to another (Brotherthon, 2003). Hence, it is a critical issue
in the industry where the essence of the product is international and the encounter with the
customer is intercultural. The hospitality industryhas often been called as people business
(Downling et al., 2008). Therefore, Human Resource Management(HRM) plays a crucial role in the
industry as it understands the human aspects on the organisation. HRM deals with people in the
organisation how to manage their behaviour and activities in order to increase the organisation s
profit. It has the function in the organisation to focus on recruiting the management and providing
directions for the people in the organisations. Moreover, it deals with issues related to people, such
as performance management, hiring, wellness, benefit, safety, compensation, training, and
communication (Hayes Ninemeler, 2009). HRM is one of the phenomenon which has property to
change under globalisation effect. It is both and academic theory and business practice. From the
HRM perspective, an international hospitality industry is a caricature, where in reality derived from
the local management structures,
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Pedro Musquivel s Like Water For Chocolate
Like Water for Chocolate tells the story of a girl name Tita, the youngest in a family that lives in
Mexico. Tita, the protagonist, strives for love, freedom, and individuality. Tita s love, Pedro
Muzquiz, comes to the family s ranch to ask for Tita s hand in marriage. But, her mother Mama
Elena , the chief antagonist , doesn t let her fulfill her these goals because of their familytraditions.
T Each chapter is labeled a month and we see in each month that Tita struggle to purse true loveand
claim her independence. The lack of communication in the story has lead to stress, tension,
disagreements , and misunderstanding between the family members. The emotions of each
character contributed to effects of the De La Garza family s tradition, logic,rules, and willpower.
These factors were beneficial and also harmful to the family. The family tradition is that the
youngest child has to take care of the parents.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the book it has been both beneficial and harmful. Tita, the main character emotions has led to
many things making this story a rollercoaster. Her love for Pedro was beneficial and harmful. Her
emotions helped liberated her from her mother. Because of the family tradition, Tita could not
marry. Although of this heartbreaking news, it did not hold her back. She made sure that she
expressed her emotions. Sometimes it didn t have the outcome she wanted, it help liberate her. But,
before she had her freedom, she had to go through
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Why High School Basketball Players Should Go To College
What would you do? Spend at least one year in college and go to the NBA, or play overseas in
Europe and Asia, play with seasoned veterans, earn a paycheck then go to the NBA? In the year
2006, the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) agreed to a rule that
would only allow players that were at least one year removed from high schooland were at least 19
years of age. This rule caused much controversy among fans, players, and league executives. I
believe players should spend at least one year in collegebefore declaring for the NBA draft.
The first reason a high school basketball prospect should go to college instead of going overseas is
because, they would have to adjust to a totally new culture. ESPN s college basketball ... Show
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Playing well on a good college team in the tournament could increase your draft stock
tremendously. Rather than being a backup on a bad Euroleague team scoring 5 points per game.
Take Malachi Richardson for example. Malachi Richardson, a wing for the Syracuse Orange, his
team made the tournament, but most thought they would not make it very far. Richardson was
not considered a first rounder in the 2016 draft, but after many wins and Richardson leading
Syracuse to the Final Four his draft stock skyrocketed and was seen by some to be a potential
lottery pick in the draft (lottery is within the first 14 picks). He eventually ended up getting picked
at No.22 overall by the Charlotte Hornets. Bottom line is that, going to college can help because
then NBA scouts don t have to go to a different country.
And the third reason is, if you do not think realistically that you will be drafted, you still have your
scholarship and can stay all 4 years and study for a degree. If you are considered a high draft
prospect, then fail to live up to expectations, you can then stay more years in college. You can stay
more years and improve at basketball for next year s draft. Or you can do both, stay all four years
declare for the NBA draft, and get your college degree. This is the best reason to go to college
instead of going overseas, because college is a privilege. Not
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech To The Virginia Convention...
Patrick Henry, a representative of a frontier region in Virginia, in his Speech to the Virginia
Convention warns the representatives of the Virginia Convention that based on their previous feud,
the British have shown that they are not ones to be trusted. At the time of the speech, the British
had offered the colonist a deal to relieve taxes on the condition that they will fully support British
rule and will contribute to the maintenance of English troops. Within the speech, Henry reminds the
representative of Britain s past tyrannical behavior and remarks on the past treatment they received
prior to the time of the Convention. Along with an exasperated and satirical tone, Henry utilizes
rhetorical appeals to persuade the representatives of the VirginiaConvention to not accept Britain s
deal and to instead take up arms against them. Henry opens up his speech using ethical appeals,
establishing credibility and showing his values as a representative. Before going on to explain
his take on the situation, Henry first acknowledges the opinions of the representative, knowing
that his speech can lead to some extent of controversy. He states, I hope that it will not be
thought disrespectful to those gentlemen, if, as entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very
opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve (Henry). By first
acknowledging the opinions of the representatives, Henry establishes himself as a considerate
person, and shows that although he has strong opinions of the situations, he still will respect the
decisions and opinions of the representatives. The audience is then lead to fully look into his
idea as a viable option, as he shows strong moral character. Continuing on, Henry goes forth to
show his dedication for the country, explaining that, For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it
may cost, I am willing to know the worst and to provide for it. So by showing his willingness of
sacrificing his happiness for the sake of the country, Henry displays to the representative that his
priorities will always lie with America first; thus, this leads the representatives to fully entrust
Henry as he shows that he will always do what s best for the country as he cares
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American Relations And Chinese Studies
I am majoring in International Relations and Chinese studies. Language and cultures have
always had a profound impact in my life. I am from a very diverse neighborhood in Dallas,
Texas, where I was exposed to many different facets of Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern
cultures and traditions. One important facet was the language. The people I interacted with, the
students I went to school with, and the shows I watch on television, I was always surrounding by
different languages. I would hear Spanish at home because of my parents. I would hear Chinese
when I would visit some friends homes. I would hear Arabic when I went to school and talked
with some friends. I would even watch Japanese anime or listen to Korean pop music with friends.
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I know that going through this study group is not just about learning the language, it is about
understanding a foreign way of thinking. Perhaps I will catch myself using a Chinese saying or
learn a new habit. Thus, going abroad will make sure I will fulfill my goal to visit China to better
understand the language and its culture. After looking over the list of Colgate China approved
programs, I chose CIEE Shanghai: China in a Global Context because it fits into my academic
and personal interests. I want to study in Shanghai because the rapidly paced manufacturing
society and its diverse society intrigues me. Shanghai is the financial capital of China, and it is
also the home to more than 150,000 registered foreigners. While studying in Shanghai, not only
will I perfect my mandarin skills, I will be living in an international atmosphere where I will be
exposed to several cultures, gaining a broad and sophisticated world view and diversify my
thoughts and values. Furthermore, CIEE Shanghai: China in a Global Context has a wide variety of
English taught courses in international affairs, Chinese politics, economics, history, and society.
This will make a good fit in my academic interests as I will be fulfilling both my International
Relations and Chinese major requirements.
Colgate has stressed that the purpose of the university is to develop wise, thoughtful, critical
thinkers and perceptive leaders by challenging students
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Layout Of Rev Ads
In society it seems that everywhere we look we are surrounded by advertisements whether it is
television commercials, billboards or advertisements. Obviously, the main purpose of
advertisements is to get the consumer to purchase the product. Print advertisements are an
extremely effective way to reach a mass audience because the advertisements are in print, the use of
color, text and photography are all key factors in luring the consumers in to buying their product.
Advertisements cannot simply attempt to sell the product in question; they must make it appeal to
the consumer. It is important that advertisements not only attempt to make the product they are
trying to sell clear but also to actually make the advertisement mean something... Show more
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Although the colors really help, keywords also have a great toll in selling a product. By putting
REV UP THE VOLUME in big letter it draws your attention. It draws people in that want more
volume for their eyelashes. All caps draws your attention and makes you want to read every
word on the ad. By putting that if you use the product you will have denser more numerous
lashes in 30 days it make consumers want to buy this product and actually see if the product will
work. Last but not least is the layout of this ad. Layout really helps make an advertisement. By
making the model take up most of the page, your attention goes directly to her. Even without
knowing what the ad is about; if you just look at her you can automatically tell it is a mascara ad by
her eyelashes. By putting the words around the model you can read them and after every word you
read about it helping your eye lashes you can t help but look back at her eye lashes. The brush of
the mascara is out of the bottle so the consumer can see what the brush looks like and how it will
form their lashes.
The second ad is also found in the Lucky magazine, which means it also mostly targets young
teens and women. The mascara in this particular ad is made by Revlon which is a very popular
brand of make up. This company took a very smart approach by getting a celebrity model to
endorse this product which is a very
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Alastair-Personal Narrative
She was standing atop the ridge of one of the many cliffs in the distance. The woman, if you
could call her that, had blended into the darkness too well that the mountains weren t even able
to distinguish her. She was too faded away, even with all her outstanding and distinctive
features. It was never guessed that she would turn out this way, wrapped around the gloom of
her life. Her jet black hair was flaying right across the ashen colour of her face; her figure barely
seen as the ragged scraps of her black gown covered it wholly. The air was crispy, so bitter that
she had to wrap her tremendous wings around her just to keep from transforming into an ice block.
She was enclosed in so much dusk, and it wasn t only meant metaphorically. Her... Show more
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In the place that they live in, in Heaven, they were not allowed to fornicate with one another. It
was said to be a sin, a monstrosity because their maker was the only one who could create their
kind. They weren t like humans, who could do as they wish. They were not Angels and Andela and
Alistair were, as the humans had freedom in such places where Angels could not. Something had
gone amiss with these two. Angels loved and hated as well as humans, but not to the extent that
they sought out to one another. They were young even for Angels, so they didn t know the
principles as some others did. They fell in love, and they consummated with one another. They
knew that their creator knew what they did, that it was anticipated, and it was a surprise to them
that they hadn t been caught,
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China Saper Threat
Weak USA Cyber Policy vs China s Security Threat to the USA?
A cyber spy network based mainly in China hacked into classified documents from government and
private organizations. One of the biggest questions still remains unanswered. Should the U.S.
Congress conduct an in depth assessment of Chinese cyber spying and consider imposing tougher
penalties on companies that benefit from industrial espionage. In this paper I will review china s
cyber threat and possible USA solutions to protect against the threat.
Could Weak USA Cyber Policy be the cause of China s SecurityThreat?
U.S. corporations and cyber security specialists have reported an daily attack of computer network
intrusions originating from China. Of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
cyber policy has embraced this idea. The Plan declared that in order for it to succeed,
government and the private sector must work together in a partnership. However since the
regulation has been in place it has failed to provide the security necessary to protect U.S. critical
infrastructure from a cyber attack. Even Congress has been slow to act regarding almost all
aspects of cyber policy (Wolf, J. 12 July, 2012). One of the problems facing a comprehensive
cyber security bill is that computers have become so omnipresent in our daily lives that they
cross every sector of the economy. It is not surprising that application of the laws of war to cyber
attacks has recently been a popular topic in politics. Some have even analyzed whether a cyber
attack can constitute an armed attack, it can but, whether a cyber attack with a specified effect
constitutes a use of force. An example, if the U.S. could prove that Iran absolute sent a computer
virus that infected a Wall Street, would dropping a bomb on Iran be justify? A responsible nation
must always consider the possibilities of collateral damage in deciding whether an act of self
defense is justified, be it cyber or kinetic. While the United States must undoubtedly increase its
cyber defense capabilities, the nation cannot retreat behind a Line of firewalls. As in the fight
against terrorism, the United States must be vigilant and aggressive in the face of both cyber
attacks and
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Gender Bias For Infiltrate Professional Industries Essay
Allowing gender bias to infiltrate professional industries has many different effects, but one of the
most problematic would be pay disparity. The gender discrimination that exists in our society
today causes expansive wage gaps which favor men, and this is a problem that exists across all
levels of working fields. There is a healthy amount of new studies being published every year that
lay out the facts about what the genderwage gap looks like for the average American. One of the
easiest ways to keep this conversation going is to compare these to the example of gender bias and
discriminationthat happen on a large stage, such as in Hollywood or the sports world. With the
influence that these two monstrous industries have, the women who work within them are in
excellent positions to speak out and challenge this issue that is too often pushed to the side. It is
important to point out that being privileged does not exempt these ladies from the unfairness of
the pay disparities, and their situations mirror and parallel those of the average working class
American women as well. Gender discrimination and gender wage gaps are problems that need to
be magnified in order to be eliminated.
Most people are familiar with the saying that the American women make x amount of cents to a
man s dollar. As pay inequality has increasingly become more of a concern, this is a very popular
and simple way to get the facts across. It is better than the gap widening or being stagnant, but the
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Person In The Environment Model
In analyzing what can be the advantage of viewing other from a difference lenses. To begin using
the Person in the Environment model(PEI) can help the clinical staff begin to develop a theoretical
foundation to help the client. When working in collaboration with a client it can help in assisting
with barriers within the environment and occupation. The Personin the Environment model can help
assist clinical staff to assess and utilize clinical tools to help and empower the clients in the
treatment. By empowering clients, the advantage can be that clients can be more open to the
treatment process. During this time a more solid relationship between the clinical staff and client
can be established, which this is crucial to the treatment. By... Show more content on
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The Person in the Environment model demonstrates that it can help the client feel empowered to
look at the presenting problems from a difference lens. In this instance, instead of viewing it from
environment occupation, it can be viewed instead from person environment. By viewing it
differently the client can feel more self worth and will continue to be open to being open to the
treatment process. It can help the client committed to the changes and feel honor when they see the
successful changes. The client can feel hopeful as it is user friendly and modifications can be made
to meet the current needs. Another, strength is that it empowers the clinical staff and individual
participating in this model. Lastly, this model also follows the social work values of service, social
justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of the human relationship, integrity and
competence. In this instance, the clinical staff helps the client follow all social work values by
using the Person in the Environment
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ITU Frequency Designation
ITU Frequency Designation
The ITU radio bands are designations defined in the ITU Radio Regulations. Provision No. 2.1
states that the radio spectrum shall be subdivided into nine frequency bands, which shall be
designated by progressive whole numbers in accordance with the following table.
Table of ITU Radio Bands
Band NumberSymbolsFrequency RangeWavelength RangeTypical sources
1ELF3 to 30 Hz10,000 to 100,000 kmdeeply submerged submarine communication
2SLF 30 to 300 Hz1000 to 10,000 kmsubmarine communication, ac power grids
3ULF 300 to 3000 Hz100 to 1000 kmearthquakes, earth mode communication
4VLF 3 to 30 kHz10 to 100 kmnear surface submarine communication,
5LF 30 to 300 kHz1 to 10 kmAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons
6MF 300 to 3000 kHz100 to 1000 mAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons, amateur two way radio
7HF 3 to 30 MHz10 to 100 mSky wave long range radio communication: shortwave broadcasting,
military, maritime, diplomatic, amateur two way radio
8VHF 30 to 300 MHz1 to 10 mFM radio broadcast, television broadcast, PMR, DVB T, MRI
9UHF 300 to 3000 MHz10 to 100 cmPMR, television broadcast, microwave oven, GPS, mobile
phone communication (GSM, UMTS, 3G, HSDPA), cordless phones (DECT), WLAN (Wi Fi
802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth
3 to 30 GHz1 to 10 cmDBS satellite television broadcasting, WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 a/n), microwave
relays, Wi MAX, radars
30 to 300 GHz1 to 10 mmmicrowave relays, inter satellite links, Wi MAX, high
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Why Are Academic Learning Projects Becoming More Popular...
Topic for Investigation: Why are Academic Learning Projects becoming more popular at
Universities and what programs have contributed to impact students/nonprofits?
In 2012 in was reported in an academic journal written by Karin Braunsberger and Richard Flamm it
was stated that universities in the United States have been criticized for not contributing enough to
the social well being of communities within which they operate, and business schools have been
accused of failing to prepare students adequately for careers in business (Braunsberger Flamm).
This criticism against universities is what lead to the start of student involvement in the community
by doing academic service learning projects. One particular program has been introduced ... Show
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Programs like superior edge can be expected to be developed and adopted by many more
universities to come. Nonprofit organizations reap the benefits of programs like superior edge
through the experience and professional documents that they get from the students in the program.
Academic service learning projects have become one of the best ways for Universities to make
sure that their students are ready for the real world.
Topic for Investigation: How do academic service learning projects done by graduate students
differ or relate to undergraduate students in perspective on the impact made on nonprofits? As
programs such as superior edge have been developed and University requirements have been
changed to enforce the idea of student involvement the overall impact has been positive to both
nonprofit programs as well as to the student. Looking further into these projects, it is now when
the question of what exactly do these services provided by the students do for the organizations
associated with them. In this topic for investigation the question that will be examined is how do
academic service learning projects done by undergraduate students compare to projects done by
graduate students in perspective of overall impact on a nonprofit. The two areas of interest that will
be looked into when comparing the overall impact on nonprofit will be improvement of societal
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Cell Phones And Mobile Cars
Throughout human advancement our brain has developed new abilities, ingenuity, and intelligence,
all of which are crucial to precede in the next step of evolution. However all of those factors do not
help the vulnerable mind achieve one goal while driving which is avoiding distractions. The
conflict with driving that most experienced and inexperienced drivers have, is the confrontation
with inner and outer disturbances in their environment. Throughout the beginnings of the first
mobile cars, many diversions from the outside environment were the reasons for many accidents.
However, these diversions have changed throughout the involvement and advancement of
technology. The term mobile is now fused with transportation ad communication. Mobile phones
and mobile cars might have the same expression but do not mix well together. The development of
time absorbing apps and games has come a long way in its process of just being temporarily useful
programs. Each time these utilities enhance their abilities; the danger rises therefore being a
contributor to becoming an even greater temptation (Bernstein Bernstein 1). The device at hand
could be a weapon if not an accomplice of an accident. Interacting with any hand held gadget,
increases the risk of involving death to any individual, including one self s, life. Many consider the
fact that even having one inside the car, increases the chances of an incident happening due to lack
of situational awareness (Bernstein Bernstein
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Modern Characteristics Of Helen Of Troy
Helen of Troy Humans have always been fixated on looks. Girls want to be the prettiest, have the
best hair, the best body, and the best clothes. Boys want to have the most muscles, lift the most,
be the strongest, and get all the girls. In most of Greek mythology, Helen of Troy is portrayed as
this beauty that no one could match. She is what every girl wanted to be and who every guy
wants to be with, but she also caused a war. Today, when we think of Helen of Troy or Greek
mythology in general, people might think of Disney s Hercules or Rick Riordan s Percy
Jackson. To this day, Helen of Troy is seen as an unobtainable standard of beauty. She is used as
a standard of beauty to sell hair tools, makeup, and spa tools. She is also used as a standard of
beauty to young girls, and she is used as a standard of beauty that will never age. Young girls who
are using classic characters for a standard of beauty will see and hear about her in the modern
adaptations and they will see someone who as this unattainable beauty that they cannot reach. Over
the years, what Helen has symbolized has changed. At the beginning, she was a beautiful woman,
who everyone wanted, but the fight for her was lost in them fighting each other. Today she is slut...
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When her suitors assembled in her home to make a formal proposal for her hand there were so
many and from such powerful families that her reputed father, King Tyndareus, her mother s
husband, was afraid to select one among them, fearing that the others would unite against him. He
therefore exacted first a solemn oath from all that they would champion the cause of Helen s
husband, whoever he might be, if any wrong was done to him through his marriage. It was, after
all, to each man s advantage to take the oath, since each was hoping he would be the person to the
uttermost anyone who carried or tried to carry Helen away. (pg.
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The Media Controversy
The news has a responsibility to provide accurate information to the American people. However,
journalists are only human, and it is important to take note of any biases present in their writing.
W.L. Bennett is one scholar who addressed this concern, arguing that journalism has four main
media biases: personalization, dramatization, fragmentation, and authoritydisorder bias(Bennett,
2012). While Bennett voices concerns of adverse consequences, scholars Ozen Bas and Maria
Elizabeth Grabe argue that biases like personalization can help people with lower educationlevels
retain information better (Bas Grabe, 2015). Referencing two news clips and an article, this essay
argues that media biases rampant across platforms have good intent to get... Show more content on
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The news clip is under one minute, and shows clips of the teacher high fiving his students before
entering the classroom, while the journalists are smiling at the story. While the story is about a
teacher from North Carolina, the fragmentation is present of the brevity of the content. One
possible explanation could be from Bennett s statement on fragmentation, which he argues is
normally the result of time constraints (Bennett, News Content: Four information biases that
matter, 2012). With that in mind, this clip was perhaps used to fill in time and provide a quick
human interest story, something to make viewers feel good as they start their day. This, however,
leaves a lot to be asked, such as what type of community exists in the school, what do parents think
about it, and if there were any direct incidences that inspired him to do
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Physics In Shauna Niequist s Cold Tangerines
One of my favorite messages is from the book Cold Tangerines, by Shauna Niequist, who writes
about how every time she eats a cold tangerine, she is filled with joy because she finds Jesus in
the simplest things in life. One of my cold tangerines is physics. The only thing I knew going into
my junior year of high schoolwas that I was required to take physics, and that it was really hard.
Naturally, the first day of school was nerve wracking for me. Walking into the physics
classroom, I remember seeing an abundance of posters hung up all over the room with weird
sayings, such as There s no crying in physics, or C is the actual speed limit, and most
importantly Fysics is phun! I didn t believe it, but, it ended up being true. Fysics is so much
phun. Words cannot describe how much I love it. I think physics is so awesome because it is, in
my words, the study of the world around us and how everything works. Everything in this world
points back to physics, such as the colors of the sky at sunset.... Show more content on
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I just thought it was God s way of telling us goodnight. After taking physics, I now know there is
much more atmosphere the three bands of light coming from the sun have to go through when the
sun rises and sets, and that since violet light (which the human eye picks up as blue because it is
closer to the middle of the solar spectrum) has the highest frequency, it virtually disappears, leaving
us with the pretty orange pinkish colors. Mind blown. Similar to how Shauna Niequist finds beauty
in eating a cold tangerine, I find beauty in
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The Importance Of Government Regulation On Individual Freedom
Milton Freidman and Rose Freidman were two economists who met in Chicago, were married in
1938, and continued their careers together as economists. The two of them firmly held the belief
that any government regulation was an infringement on individual freedom. Freidman and
Freidman s minor thesis is that the governmentin a free society should be entirely limited to the
following areas: enforcing law and order, preventing coercion of one individual by another,
enforcing legally binding contracts and rights of private property owners, and providing
resources for the defense and the monetary system. They construct their assertion of government
regulation being an infringement on individual rights by generously providing a multitude of
arguments in favor of their political view. They commence by first stating that economic
freedom, the freedom consumers possess to buy and sell whatever they so choose, is a
component of freedom properly understood, (p. 220) and therefore to alter it is to place a curb
on freedom. For example, if the government comes to a decision to pass a law placing a quota on
a manufactured good that consumers would have the aspiration to purchase but are incapable of
procuring enough money to purchase said product because its price has been altered to become
prohibitive, the freedom of the individual is henceforth imposed upon. Similarly, if the
government forces people to use the government provided postal service, then my freedom to set
up a competitive business in competition with the government service is curtailed. I only
partially agree with this political view. The government should actively attempt to interfere as
little as possible, but not to the extent Freidman and Freidman argue. Countries should have a
free market but also set price caps to forestall price gouging like during Hurricane Irma. In order
to protect the people, the people themselves have to sacrifice a certain amount of freedom. It is
up to the people to decide how much. For example, if we gave up every shred up freedom to the
government and the government protected us by never allowing us the privilege of exiting our
homes, a dramatic reduction in murders and robberies would take place, but we would not
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Practicing Safe Sex
Safe Sex Practicing safe sex means taking steps during and before sex to reduce your risk of:
Getting a sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Giving your partner an STD. Unwanted
pregnancy. HOW CAN I PRACTICE SAFE SEX? To practice safe sex: Limit your sexual
partners to only one partner who is having sex with only you. Avoid using alcohol and
recreational drugs before having sex. They can affect your judgment. Before having sex with a
new partner: Talk to your partner about past partners, past STDs, and drug use. You and your
partner should be screened for STDs and discuss the results with each other. Check your body
regularly for sores, blisters, rashes, or unusual discharge, and see your health
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How Can an Organization Use an Intranet to Achieve...
Organizations can effectively use the intranet to achieve knowledge sharing within it. According to
Robertson (2004), the intranet can provide a dynamic living environment necessary for knowledge
sharing. This aspect is also supported by Averweg (2011) who states that knowledge management
involves the contribution of knowledgein organizations especially in the sharing of knowledge in
informal infrastructure, essentially through communities of structure. Organizations can enable this
through the acquisition of necessary infrastructure for the same. Essentially, the intranet contains
technology tools that support knowledge sharing.
Robertson (2004) further emphasizes the significance of intranet in knowledge sharing by stating
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People can place ideas on platforms and these will progressively be modified or rejected but
overall knowledge sharing is encouraged (Mpindiwa 2010). Cultural change is critical in the
effectiveness of the intranet as a knowledge management tool and organizations can achieve this
through the involvement of its staff in design and implementation of the platform, which will
promote the culture and drive to use the intranet and hence lead to better knowledge acquisition
(Oyekan 2007).
The intranet should be designed and tailored to provide for knowledge management needs. Here
technology can essentially be used on a push and pull basis where the push aspect of the technology
provides for the dissemination of information to the employees and the pull aspect enables the
obtaining of information from the same employees. The organizations can basically enable these
functions by obtaining the relevant infrastructure; this infrastructure can then utilize a standard
Internet browser for the platform on which the organization can perform its functions (Averweg
Overall, I believe that the intranet function should typically enable communication and
collaboration and organizations can achieve this through sending and reception of faxes, creating
discussion rooms as well as chat rooms. This can also be supported by the use of
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Anne Frank Essay
Have you ever had a hard time in your life? The Holocaust was a very tough time for the Jews,
they were forced to either find a place to stay or they would get sent off to concentration camp,
which was leading to their last breath. Anne Frank and her family, had to stay in an annex to try
to stay away from the Nazi s because they were Jewish. They had to be really quiet during the day
or they would be heard from down below. However, there is one special girl that handled it very
well. Anne Frank once said, In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.
Throughout all the obstacles that Anne and her family have faced, she is always looking for the
good in people. After reading the diary, I have come to a decision. Anne s quote really said a lot
about her and others around her. I am agreeing with Anne s powerful quote. The others that were in
hiding with Anne really had to persevere and help each other out. When I read the diary I saw that
the most caring person was Miep. She always helped them when they needed something outside of
the annex, but I can still see how people think that people during those days were not very good at
heart. I think Mr Van Daan seemed a little rude and selfish about others.
My Side:
After I saw many acts of kindness, throughout the play, based off of Anne s diary, I was
persuaded to agree with her quote that everyone is good at heart. The character that stood out the
most to me was Miep. She showed me at the beginning of the book when they all moved into the
annex. On page 8, the dialogue goes on to say,
Narrator: (indicating the sink cupboard)
Miep: We put the stores of food you sent in here.
Narrator:( She crosses to the shelves.)
Miep: Your drugs are here soap, linen,here.
Mrs. Frank: Thank you, Miep.
Miep: I made up the beds the way Mr Frank and Mr Kraler said. Forgive me. I have to hurry. I ve
got to go to the other side of town to get some ration books for you.
During this scene, the Franks and the Van Daans had just moved into hiding and were trying to
settled in quickly. They knew that they were lacking on the materials that they needed. Mr Frank
thought about his workers that weren t Jewish, then he said Miep. Miep was
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Social Movement In Australia
Behind every successful social movement is a well executed and planned system and strategy. One
of the most common frameworks of social change is Saul Alinsky s Community Organising, which
is where another common framework known as Feminist Organising developed from. These
frameworks remain relevant today, and more specifically Feminist Organising in relation to a rape
culture on Australian university campuses.
To be able to fully compare and contrast the two frameworks, it is important to understand their
Saul Alinsky, the founder of Community Organising , began his long organising career in the late
1930 s in Chicago s Back of the Yards neighbourhood (Hancock, 2017). It was here that he took the
ideas of unions and spoke to leaders to expand the systems and strategies to help organise
disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods nationwide (Stall Stoecker, 1998). From here he generated
many community movements, published two books, produced multiple powerful organisations and
influenced an entire generation of organisers (Stall Stoecker, 1998). Feminist organising however,
is not associated with any particular person or social movement (Stall Stoecker, 1998). This ... Show
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A major element of feminist organising is that the issue is local and personal. This is very
applicable to our group. Each of the four female members of the group have experienced rape
culture to different extents, and the one male of the group can relate to this through his own
experience and relationships with the women in his life. It also applies to the hierarchy of our
group. We don t necessarily have an appointed leader and each of us brings different skills and
perspectives. We came up with the idea for this campaign through the same strategy behind
conscious raising groups. As a group we discussed issues that affected us and that we felt passionate
about to find common ground and
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The Tell-Tale Heart Insane
Edgar Allan Poe was a horror writer in the early 1840 s. His works were described as macabre
horror because of how disturbing and horrifying they were. Throughout The Tell Tale Heart the
anonymous narrator is trying to prove that he is not insane. I believe the narrator in Edgar Allan
Poe s short storyThe Tell Tale Heartis insane because he shows the madman s traits of being
delusional, and being quick tempered. In Edgar Allan Poes short story The Tell Tale Heart the
narrator has the madman trait of being quick tempered, easily made angry. He states I loved the
old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I
think it was his eye! and I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of
the eye forever. (Paragraph 2). The narrator almost goes psychotic over this eye. He had a
spontaneous impulse that he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the end of the story, the narrator is sitting down with some police officers in the man s house.
The police officers were called because the neighbors heard some strange noises in the night; the
police officers thought that everything was alright until the narrator started to hear an ear
splitting sound the sound of a heartbeat. Oh God! what could I do? I foamed I raved I swore! I
swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose
over all and continually increased. It grew louder louder louder! (Paragraph 9). The beating got
so loud in his ears until he became frantic. The narrator screamed Villains! I shrieked, dissemble
no more! I admit the deed! tear up the planks! here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!
(Paragraph 10). The narrator hears noises, is having hallucinations, and he can not distinguish
between real noises and what is in his head. He hears the old man s beating heart after he
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Job Consolidation Is A Great Idea For Suncoast Hotel
We at White Board Consulting believe that job consolidation is a great idea for SunCoast Hotel
(SCH) to help solve their current scheduling problems and help management transition during the
expansion. Further, this job consolidation approach can help prevent problems that might arise in
the future. Having a Guest Service Staff (GSS) position will allow these employees to be more
efficient in their day to day operations since they will be able to function within in each department
of the hotel. Idle time for employees will also be reduced because instead of just being confined to
only completing tasks one department, the GSS is will be able multitask in different department.
Managementwill also have a flexibility of moving employees from department to department
without having to use time and labor retain employees.
Having a Guest Service Staff might also be a beneficial position in the long run for the SunCoast
Hotel. Currently there is is a 35 percent average turnover rate for hotel employees; 10 percent is
through natural attrition. If employees are being used more efficiently and given a wide range of
task to complete, WB consulting believes that this turnover rate will decrease due to a positive
increase in affective commitment. Engaging the employees more and setting up a healthy
relationship with management, we believe, will have a very strong positive impact for job
satisfaction. Employees will see the big picture and see how their work directly effects that,
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Observation Of Nase Reid
On August 27, 2015 at approximately 2154 hrs, I observed a gray 2005 Acura TL bearing NJ
Reg# J61FHA was driving 69 mph on 55 mph zone on Route 1 north, made a passing on the right
lane and change lane again to the middle lane. When the traffic light turned red on intersection
between North Oaks Blvd and Route 1 north, I pull my patrol vehicle558 next to the vehicle as a
the vehicle was slowing for the traffic light and I observed interior light on with a driver who had
his hand upon his ear and moving his mouth which made me believed that the driverwas talking on
his cell phone while driving. I positioned my patrol vehicle 558 behind the Acura TL, activated my
overhead emergency lights and conducted motor vehicle stop.
I made a passenger side approach and was greeted by the driver who later identified as James T
Smith II and the passenger, Brandon Smith. I asked the driver for his license, registration, and
insurance. Smith II produced the vehicle s paperwork, and advising me that his license and his
wallets were left at home. The driver claimed that his name was Nase Reid with a date of birth of 4
/9/1991, an address of 257 2nd ave North Brunswick and that he has license in New Jersey and New
York. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I entered Nase Reid s information into my MDT resulting that the driver license photo and the
address which was provided by the driver did not match. Nase Reid s address was 579 2nd Ave in
North Brunswick. Two other officers asked where he lived and he answered with different
addresses when questions were asked. The driver could not provide any information on Nase Reid
other than the
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Arundhati Roy and Chi Li Slays the Serpent
The First Weekly Essay
This week the author I read about that caught my attention was Arundhati Roy and the story of
Chi Li Slays the Serpent also caught my eye. The two stories are alike because of their heroism
about the situations they faced in the stories that I read. They knew there would be a fight of a
lifetime and they were prepared to face any consequences that came with the territory. The
monster conquered you because you were too timid to put up a fight! How pitiful! That was one
of the quotes from the story that really grabbed my attention to how I feel about some of the
women that let certain things go on in their lives such as abuse, or being misled for a long period
of time. Well that was a short story and not enough to write about so in further reading I hope you
enjoy the reading.
Arundhati Roy was born in 1961, her mother a Christian woman a native of Kerala and her father
was Hindu from Bengal. Because of the divorce of her parents, Arundhati spent her early years in
Aymanam with her mom. The influence of her childhood years are revealed her writings
structurally and thematically. Arundhati s mother was a prominent social activist who founded an
independent school and taught Roy normally. Her mother s teaching gave her the ability to follow
her inner voice in her writings. She comment that When I write, I never re write a sentence because
for me my thoughts and my writing are one thing. It s like breathing I don t re breathe a
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The Issue Of A Great Amount Of Money $ 4 Million
I am a senior accountant working for Cape Tisbe International (CTI) and am writing this business
report concerning the issue of a great amount of money $4 million that has been paid to a PNG
government minister as Consulting Fees recently. In this report, I would like to identify the fact ,
the issues needed to be tackled, and then discuss the possible consequences derived from those
issues, subsequently I will offer some plausible solutions in tackling this issue in a long run
development. .
A year ago, CTI signed a contract for farm machinery, worth $25 million, with Papua New
Guinea(PNG). Recently, however, when I was conducting the annual internal audit, I have
discovered some issues associated with this signed contract. As soon as I found something wrong
with the contract s accounting records I communicated with George but his answer has not
addressed my confusion. Soon after that I had a chat with my boss Gareth because it was my
duty to identify and reveal any detailed information related to CTI s financial records. after the
conversation with both of them, I decided to dig it further. Now I discover that the actual sale
revenue of the contract was $21 million as around $4 million has been paid to a PNG government
minister as Consulting Fees .
I understand that the payment was paid to a certain person in order to secure the contract and
maximize the wealth of our company. According to the relevant regulations and rules provided by
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Essay on Milton Hershey
Milton Hershey was not the type of person that anyone would have viewed as a leader, or shrewd
businessman. Being born into a rather poor lower class family, he was not very well educated.
The one thing that we do know for sure though, is that leaders are not born, they are made. This is
exactly the case of Milton Hershey, and because of his undyingdetermination to succeed, he
became one of the greatest success stories of all time.
What factors or events made the person a leader?
For Milton Hershey, he was the type of person that not a lot of people expected a whole lot out of.
He was your typical small town boy, and although he had very little growing up, he learned to be
happy with what he was given. Although Milton Hershey, did grow... Show more content on
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It cost him $150 to get it up and running, and he ended up failing miserably in it. After this, he tried
starting another candy business in New York City. This as well failed. It wasn t until Milton started
dealing with caramel, that he really started seeing results back on his business that he was getting
from customers. The thing that really eneded up striking gold for him as we all know was the
chocolate industry. He took a big risk in getting into too, considering that he sold his fairly
profitable caramel candy store to pursue finding a way to distribute chocolate cheaper and easier to
lots of lower class people.
What was their leadership based on?
Milton Hershey s leadership style was based on never giving up, and his determination to
succeed at all costs. He also wasn t afraid to take his dreams seriously. He learned not to give up
from his father, who had failed in many things, but was always willing to try something new. This
is what ultimately led Milton to fail in business five different times before he finally succeeded in
the candy industry.
What specific acts impacted their people?
Milton Hershey affected the people that he worked with in a big way, in the sense that he wasn t
afraid, or too good to get down on their level and help them out. Although, this obviously became
more impossible as his business got bigger, he still did everything he could to help out his
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American Astronauts Mission To Space
Humans are delicate biological mechanisms capable of fantastic feats unlike those of any other
beings we coexist with on Earth. We alone have achieved leaving our lovely home planet and
venturing into space. I authored an accurate science fiction story about a crew of American
astronauts who, in a future year, are sent on a mission to a planet in a neighboring solar system. The
crew deals with space weather disrupting their flight, the physical challenges of moving through a
variety of gravity fields, rocket mechanics, and the challenges and differences of a new planetary
environment and atmosphere. The most emotionally difficult moment for the crew though in their
long journey is when a crew member passes away while in transit between destinations... Show
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Galactic cosmic rays are protons with the ability to penetrate other molecules and heavy nuclei
(3), while solar particle events are protons or ions with low to medium energy (3). Galactic
cosmic rays have had all of their electrons stripped, originate outside of the Milky Way from
events such as supernovas (6), and travel at close to the speed of light (7). Galactic cosmic rays,
specifically the nuclei of heavier elements, have the capability to strike almost any object, human
or metal spacecraft included, and break apart the atoms (7). The broken atoms then release
subatomic particles, which act as radiation (7). Solar particle events are caused from solar storms,
and are protons or ions with the ability to penetrate space suits, and occasionally even the physical
spacecrafts (12).
Just on the International Space Station, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or
NASA, reported astronauts received around ten times more radiation than the average human in the
same measured time span (1). Although this statistic proves the risk to their personal health that
astronauts have taken for the sake of science, a mission to another planet would require the
astronauts leave the safety of Earth s magnetic field (1), where the International Space Station
resides. These astronauts would have even less of a buffer to protect them
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Customer Empowerment Paper
Customer service associate empowerment is a key theme.
Providing tools to the customer to become educated in product use creates a better experience and
prevents major issues.
Hello and thank you for your request for customer service design principles with a focus on
reasonability. The short answer is allowing those on the front lines of the customerexperience to be
trained and have as much power to accommodate and help the customer as possible. Another key
area is to find ways to educate the customer. This allows them to get more out of the product and
also has the capacity to prevent major issues before they arise. Other important mentions include
employee ownership, transparency, technology, and over the top customer service... Show more
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After analyzing customer usage and frequent interactions, they developed an internal university for
educating their customers, so they get the most out of their products. User education provided a
better, useful experience, and many potential problems were bypassed as a result. This is mirrored
by StudioPress with their detailed tutorials.
Amazon is notable for use of cutting edge technology but also convenience. A combination of these
two involves the use of their new grocery stores, using technology to get rid of checkout lines,
where a customer simply takes the product they want, and walks out the door.
The Ritz Carlton likes to engender relationships between staff and customers, and allows their staff
enough space to enhance the customer experience. An example of this is when a chef at one of
their resorts had his own mother fly in a special product for some guests that were staying at the
hotel for an extended period.
Publix, as a privately held, employee owned company, gives their own people a stake in the
company. This direct connection to the financial results of the company provide direct incentive for
employees to provide excellent customer service.
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The Importance Of Indoor Air Pollution
Julia Henderson
H Environmental
Indoor air quality at Stanwich is important for the health and comfort of teachers and students.
Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce health concerns. There
are many things that cause air pollution in our building including paint, heating system, cleaning
sprays, furniture and other materials. These pollutants can cause allergies, scratchy eyes, skin
irritation and headaches.
An approach to reducing air pollutants inside building is the use of plants and soil microorganisms.
Outside air quality depends on plants and microorganisms. Living in buildings away from plants
even without being exposed to chemicals, still exposes us to human waste products that cause
indoor air pollution problems.
What Causes of Indoor Air Problems
The primary cause of poor indoor air quality are sources that release gases or particles into the air.
Poor ventilation can increase indoor pollution by not bringing in enough outdoor fresh air into the
class that reduce the emissions from indoor pollution. Also, indoor air pollution is not carried out of
the class area. High classroom temperature and humidity levels can also increase concentrations of
some pollutants.
Pollutant Sources
There are many sources of indoor air pollution. These can include:
Building materials and furnishings as diverse as:
Deteriorated asbestos containing insulation
Newly installed flooring, upholstery or carpet
Cabinetry or
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The Playing Days Of Lou Gehrig
The Playing Days of Lou Gehrig
Baseball is a poor man s sport, easy to play and addicting to watch. During the days of Lou
Gehrig, whenever there was a baseball game, people usually forgot their worries that day and
went to watch their heroes play. 1n 1917, the Americans declared war on Germany. Even in
America s ballparks, German immigrants sought to distance themselves from their native land
(Eig, 19). In a world of insecurity caused by the jeopardy of war and an ongoing economic
depression, Lou Gehrig signified a show of pride and confidence until Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis put an abrupt end to his playing days. When it comes to baseball, there have been a few
high caliber players who become American icons. Lou Gehrig became that icon of the era in which
he thrived. While he spent much of his career in the shadow of his mentor and teammate Babe Ruth,
Lou Gehrig would eventually emerge from Ruth s shadow and represent the values of the 1930
s. During Lou Gehrig s era baseball served as a distraction from the adversity of the world war
and the depression. In the 1920s, America ended World War I with a bodacious force not to be
ignored with. The Roaring Twenties, was an era when America accomplished immense economic
development. The stock market soared as the citizens of the United States hastily purchased goods
on credit. As a result of the admirable twentieth century, hours were lower and wages were higher.
The average person had more money to spend leaving
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Mulan And The Hayes Code
Humberto Gonzalez Professor Gittings Wheeler ARH2740 884671 Mulan and the Hayes Code
In 1998, Disney produced a groundbreaking movie that promoted girls to be themselves and be
who they are. The message this movie conveys is to always be yourself no matter what the
social norm promotes you to be. Despite this being a very heartwarming movie with a positive
message, back in the 1930 s it would have been considered heresy. The Hayes Code was enacted
during this time and enforced general rules onto films in order for them to stay morally
acceptable for the public. This Disney film breaks a few of those rules, most notably the first
and third general principles, which involve causing the audience to gain sympathy toward the
side of the crime/wrongdoing, causing the law to be ridiculed and indecent exposure during a
bathing scene; which as a result caused me to not agree with the Reasons Supporting the
Preamble of the Code section of the Hayes Code. The first two offenses this film involves
swaying the audience s opinion in favor of Mulan, who has to put up with demeaning actions
toward her and ultimately breaks the law. In the beginning of the film, she is getting prepared to
attend a ceremony that will determine if she is an appropriate bride for marriage, and also to
determine if she will bring honor to her family. During this scene, a lucky cricket throws a wrench
into the whole ceremony and ruins her chances of becoming a worthy bride, and she is told she
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An Evaluation Of Finite Duration
Satisfaction is an evaluation of finite duration, made by the customer on product performance of
the same, be it a good or service (Oliver, 1980). This review, according to the author, it tends to turn
into a positive attitude (or not) by the consumer. Tse and Wilton (1988), defined as consumer
response to the evaluation of the discrepancy between the previous and current performance
expectations of a product as perceived after consumption. Oliver (1980) and Selnes (1998) argue
that this is an essential variable to the continuity of a relationship and for future customer retention.
1.1.2.Perceived Quality
This construct is the judgment and perception of consumers about the excellence and global
superiority of a good or service, compared to other competitors. Unlike objective quality, which are
meant to standardize parameters and full functioning (that leads to consumer satisfaction),
perceived quality is an attitudinal element, linked to the perception of significance (Parasuraman et
al., 1988) . Fullerton (2005) indicates that relationships are built with perceived quality as the
foundation. This construct is even stronger when inserted in the service sector, where Kandampully
(1998), Hougaard and Bjerre (2003) point out the superiority of the companies where quality is
Trust is seen as the most important in building relationships, being essential for achieving retention
of consumers (Crosby et al., 1990; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Selnes, 1998;
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Essay about Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Milton’s Satan of...
Shakespeare s Macbeth and Milton s Satan of Paradise Lost bear many similarities to each other.
Both characters possess diabolical ambitions to overthrow the natural order of their circumstances
for the lust for power. Both committed atrocious acts that led to others downfalls Macbeth
committed multiple acts of murder, and Satan vowed to corrupt humankind and did so with deceit.
Both are portrayed as complex characters with, in some cases, conflicted feelings about their evil
doings. Aside from these similarities, there are significant differences as well. For one thing, the
incitation of both characters evil doings differ. Macbeth, it could be argued, is a victim of fate,
whereas Satan is portrayed in Paradise Lost as very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Satan s fall can be easily broken up into four steps: he came to think of himself too highly, putting
himself equal to God; he made a following for himself; he plotted a rebellion with his fellow rebel
angels; and he attempted to carry out the rebellion. His attempt to overthrow God and obtain
power was, however, futile and easily thwarted. Satan was severely demoted and he spent the
rest of the plot trying to pervert every good thing as if it would be to any avail to do so. He
attempted to exert his own powers over creation and tried to get a foothold so that he could gain
more power. His extreme arrogance led to his fall from grace. This is the same willfulness which
lies behind his rebellious claim in heaven that he is self begot ...What Satan the general refuses
to give up here...is...individual glory, which he pursues at all costs. (Loewenstein, 56 57).
Considering that Satan was an angel in the presence of God at the beginning, he had no excuse
such as ignorance to claim. Satan s rebellion began within himself with little else to prompt him.
Satan had the ambition to raise a rebel force, but army or no army, he surely would have thought
himself more powerful than he ought have. His pride also got in the way of him ever being
restored to his former position. As part of his task of exculpating God...Satan explains that even if
he could repent and get back to heaven by act of grace , it would do
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U.s. Federal Department Of Homeland Security
The idea of the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security evolved into the biggest
U.S. government reorganization in American history. Prior to the establishment of the Department,
Americans increasingly became concerned about terrorism on our soil. This concern was triggered
by the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 as well as the
discovery of a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 1994. Additionally, it became more apparent to the
Americans that terrorism has a growing global reach. The U.S. commissions looked at different
aspects of the U.S. national security, the Hart Rudman Commission, the Gilmore Commission as
well as the National Commission on Terrorism. The members of the Commission as well... Show
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President George W. Bush, appointed Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge as the first Director of the
Office of Homeland Security in the White House. The office duties are to oversee and coordinate a
comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any
future attacks. On November 2002, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act and the
Department of Homeland Security became a stand alone, Cabinet level department. The department
s vision is to coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts. The creation of the
department forms the most substantial reorganization of the federal government agencies since the
National Security Acts of 1947. Ultimately this placed military departments under a secretary of
defense and created the National Security Council (NSC) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The Department of Homeland Security incorporates 22 government agencies that holds 179,000
people into one organization. The organization consists of five directorates: Border and
Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology,
Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection and Management. In regard to border and
transportation security , DHS manages who and what enters into the United States to prevent the
entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism. Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), an agency of DHS is responsible for Emergency Preparedness and
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Essay on Management chapt 1
Chapter 1 Expanding abroad: Motivations, means, and mentalities True/False 1. The largest
MNEs are equivalent in their economic importance to less developed economies such as
Tanzania, Estonia or Sri Lanka. Answer: False (Sales of the largest MNEs exceed the GDPs of
less developed countries.) Difficulty: Easy Page: 4 and Table 1 1 on page 3 Topic: MNE scope
and influence 2. The process of internationalization followed by most firms is usually well thought
out in advance and typically builds on a combination of rational analysis, planning and
implementation. Answer: False (It is more likely a combination of rational analysis, opportunism,
and luck. In regards to opportunism, several studies have found that most firms... Show more
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Companies that either do not hold equity positions or hold minor equity positions in overseas
ventures without or with very low management involvement may be viewed as international
companies but would not be regarded as multinational enterprises.) Difficulty: Moderate Page: 2
Topic: MNE definition 12. Three prerequisites that must be satisfied before a national firm can
transform itself into a multinational firm include: a. scale based advantages, ownership specific
advantages and contractual capabilities. b. location specific advantages, ownership specific
advantages and organizational capabilities. c. scale based advantages, ownership specific
advantages and organizational capabilities. d. location specific advantages, knowledge advantages
and organizational capabilities. Answer: b (a, c, and d are incorrect because scale based advantages,
knowledge based advantages, and contractual capabilities are, by themselves, insufficient to justify
the internationalization of operations. With much less effort a company often can sell or license its
technology to foreign producers, franchise its brand name internationally, or sell its products abroad
through local distributors, without having to set up its own offshore operations.) Difficulty:
Moderate to hard Page: 7 8 Topic: Prerequisites for internationalization 13. Which of the
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H2ocl Molecules Lab Report
Occurring first in the synthesis process, an electrophilic chlorine atom forms a coordinate covalent
bond with the nitrogen atom s two unbonded election. This occurs as chlorine is a group seven
element and, therefore requires one electron to achieve the desired full valence electron shell.
However, in this circumstance the H2OCl moleculehas an overall positive charge allowing the
chlorine to accept both electron to form a full outer shell. Another possible cause for the nitrogen s
affiliation with the positive water molecule is its negative charge. With two unbonded electron the
nitrogen has a large negative charge creating strong intermolecular force of attraction between the
nitrogen and chlorine.
The formation of this bond then leaves the nitrogen positively charged. As the nitrogen atom is not
in its most stable state without a unbonded pair of electrons, the intramolecular forces surrounding
the nitrogen drive most of the changes to the imipramine molecule through the synthesis. ... Show
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As the water molecule moves closer to the nitrogen it s negative charge forces the electrons in
chlorine s bond closer to the chlorine molecule. During this process both the water and chlorine
atom are bonded with the nitrogen resulting in the formation of a temporary dipole. As nitrogen can
only have four bonds, the bonded chlorine atom with a lower electrostatic attraction to nitrogen
than water is forced to dissociate. Originally the nitrogen atoms unbonded pair of electrons are
removed from the imipramine molecule during this process as the electrons are held closer to the
chlorine atom due to its electronegativity of 3.16 slightly higher than nitrogen s value of 3.04
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Common People Research Paper
The common people helped to support the Inca economy. Communities were linked not only
through socials relations, but economic relations as well. Economic activities varied by
communities, with coastal societies having a more specialized and interdependent economy.
They were primarily farmers with some also have herds of animals such as llama or alpaca. The
households in the Andes communities depended on each other to trade necessary goods. Lands or
fields varied and were not suitable for all crops, exchange networks were created and linked people
in complementary ecozones. Kin groups would exchange labor in order to support the community
and the economy. This was particularly important if a person was away on military duty.
Commoners or
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No Prayer in the Public Schools Essay
Over the past three decades, the issue of the role of prayer in the public school system has become
increasingly controversial. The current debate juggles the opposing interpretations of the exact
intentions of America s Founders, who came from an other country, England, in pursuite of
expanded freedoms. The first colonists in the 17th century especially desired religious freedom,
because their former British government forced them all to learn and practice a centralized religion.
Consequently, A merica s first legislators made certain that their religiously pluralistic nation would
not be the victim of government intervention in religious matters. Therefore, religious freedom was
guaranteed in the First Amendment to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The dispute over school prayer has evolved from the government s uncertainty of the relationship
between itself and the church. As included in the Constitution, the national government intended
for the sanction of all religious affiliations, yet m any state governments did not support this
regulation. For instance, a number of public schools displayed favoritism and partiality toward
certain religions over others in the form of financial subsidy and religious accommodation.
Therefore, to ensure t hat the national and state governments could not interfere with religious
establishments, a more precise interpretation of the religious clauses of the First Amendment
became known as secularism, or complete separation of the church and the government.
The concept of secularism seems to parallel the idea incorporated in the Establishment Clause of the
First Amendment. Because all Americans citizens, including minorities and nonbelievers hold
equal inalienable rights to their religious beliefs, t he government must accommodate all of its
citizens. The First Amendment maintains that the government needs to remain neutral, can not
coerce, and can not prescribe a faith (Alley 254). Since
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Improvement Of K Means Clustering Algorithm
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India omkarchamp1000@gmil.com Mayur Sharma
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India mayur_sharma60@yahoo.com Mahesh Kopnar
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India mkopnar@gmail.com Abstract The set of objects having same characteristics are
organized in groups and clusters of these objects are formed known as Data Clustering.It is an
unsupervised learning technique for classification of data. K means algorithm is widely used and
famous algorithm for analysis of clusters.In this algorithm, n number of data points are divided into
k clusters based on some similarity measurement criterion. K Means Algorithm has fast speed and
thus is used commonly clustering algorithm. Vector quantization,cluster analysis,feature learning
are some of the application of K Means.However results generated using this algorithm are mainly
dependant on choosing initial cluster centroids.The main shortcome of this algorithm is to provide
appropriate number of clusters.Provision of number of clusters before applying the algorithm is
highly impractical and requires deep knowledge of clustering
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  • 9. Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech To The Virginia Convention... Patrick Henry, a representative of a frontier region in Virginia, in his Speech to the Virginia Convention warns the representatives of the Virginia Convention that based on their previous feud, the British have shown that they are not ones to be trusted. At the time of the speech, the British had offered the colonist a deal to relieve taxes on the condition that they will fully support British rule and will contribute to the maintenance of English troops. Within the speech, Henry reminds the representative of Britain s past tyrannical behavior and remarks on the past treatment they received prior to the time of the Convention. Along with an exasperated and satirical tone, Henry utilizes rhetorical appeals to persuade the representatives of the VirginiaConvention to not accept Britain s deal and to instead take up arms against them. Henry opens up his speech using ethical appeals, establishing credibility and showing his values as a representative. Before going on to explain his take on the situation, Henry first acknowledges the opinions of the representative, knowing that his speech can lead to some extent of controversy. He states, I hope that it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen, if, as entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve (Henry). By first acknowledging the opinions of the representatives, Henry establishes himself as a considerate person, and shows that although he has strong opinions of the situations, he still will respect the decisions and opinions of the representatives. The audience is then lead to fully look into his idea as a viable option, as he shows strong moral character. Continuing on, Henry goes forth to show his dedication for the country, explaining that, For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the worst and to provide for it. So by showing his willingness of sacrificing his happiness for the sake of the country, Henry displays to the representative that his priorities will always lie with America first; thus, this leads the representatives to fully entrust Henry as he shows that he will always do what s best for the country as he cares ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. American Relations And Chinese Studies I am majoring in International Relations and Chinese studies. Language and cultures have always had a profound impact in my life. I am from a very diverse neighborhood in Dallas, Texas, where I was exposed to many different facets of Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern cultures and traditions. One important facet was the language. The people I interacted with, the students I went to school with, and the shows I watch on television, I was always surrounding by different languages. I would hear Spanish at home because of my parents. I would hear Chinese when I would visit some friends homes. I would hear Arabic when I went to school and talked with some friends. I would even watch Japanese anime or listen to Korean pop music with friends. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I know that going through this study group is not just about learning the language, it is about understanding a foreign way of thinking. Perhaps I will catch myself using a Chinese saying or learn a new habit. Thus, going abroad will make sure I will fulfill my goal to visit China to better understand the language and its culture. After looking over the list of Colgate China approved programs, I chose CIEE Shanghai: China in a Global Context because it fits into my academic and personal interests. I want to study in Shanghai because the rapidly paced manufacturing society and its diverse society intrigues me. Shanghai is the financial capital of China, and it is also the home to more than 150,000 registered foreigners. While studying in Shanghai, not only will I perfect my mandarin skills, I will be living in an international atmosphere where I will be exposed to several cultures, gaining a broad and sophisticated world view and diversify my thoughts and values. Furthermore, CIEE Shanghai: China in a Global Context has a wide variety of English taught courses in international affairs, Chinese politics, economics, history, and society. This will make a good fit in my academic interests as I will be fulfilling both my International Relations and Chinese major requirements. Colgate has stressed that the purpose of the university is to develop wise, thoughtful, critical thinkers and perceptive leaders by challenging students ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Layout Of Rev Ads In society it seems that everywhere we look we are surrounded by advertisements whether it is television commercials, billboards or advertisements. Obviously, the main purpose of advertisements is to get the consumer to purchase the product. Print advertisements are an extremely effective way to reach a mass audience because the advertisements are in print, the use of color, text and photography are all key factors in luring the consumers in to buying their product. Advertisements cannot simply attempt to sell the product in question; they must make it appeal to the consumer. It is important that advertisements not only attempt to make the product they are trying to sell clear but also to actually make the advertisement mean something... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the colors really help, keywords also have a great toll in selling a product. By putting REV UP THE VOLUME in big letter it draws your attention. It draws people in that want more volume for their eyelashes. All caps draws your attention and makes you want to read every word on the ad. By putting that if you use the product you will have denser more numerous lashes in 30 days it make consumers want to buy this product and actually see if the product will work. Last but not least is the layout of this ad. Layout really helps make an advertisement. By making the model take up most of the page, your attention goes directly to her. Even without knowing what the ad is about; if you just look at her you can automatically tell it is a mascara ad by her eyelashes. By putting the words around the model you can read them and after every word you read about it helping your eye lashes you can t help but look back at her eye lashes. The brush of the mascara is out of the bottle so the consumer can see what the brush looks like and how it will form their lashes. The second ad is also found in the Lucky magazine, which means it also mostly targets young teens and women. The mascara in this particular ad is made by Revlon which is a very popular brand of make up. This company took a very smart approach by getting a celebrity model to endorse this product which is a very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Alastair-Personal Narrative She was standing atop the ridge of one of the many cliffs in the distance. The woman, if you could call her that, had blended into the darkness too well that the mountains weren t even able to distinguish her. She was too faded away, even with all her outstanding and distinctive features. It was never guessed that she would turn out this way, wrapped around the gloom of her life. Her jet black hair was flaying right across the ashen colour of her face; her figure barely seen as the ragged scraps of her black gown covered it wholly. The air was crispy, so bitter that she had to wrap her tremendous wings around her just to keep from transforming into an ice block. She was enclosed in so much dusk, and it wasn t only meant metaphorically. Her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the place that they live in, in Heaven, they were not allowed to fornicate with one another. It was said to be a sin, a monstrosity because their maker was the only one who could create their kind. They weren t like humans, who could do as they wish. They were not Angels and Andela and Alistair were, as the humans had freedom in such places where Angels could not. Something had gone amiss with these two. Angels loved and hated as well as humans, but not to the extent that they sought out to one another. They were young even for Angels, so they didn t know the principles as some others did. They fell in love, and they consummated with one another. They knew that their creator knew what they did, that it was anticipated, and it was a surprise to them that they hadn t been caught, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. China Saper Threat Weak USA Cyber Policy vs China s Security Threat to the USA? Abstract A cyber spy network based mainly in China hacked into classified documents from government and private organizations. One of the biggest questions still remains unanswered. Should the U.S. Congress conduct an in depth assessment of Chinese cyber spying and consider imposing tougher penalties on companies that benefit from industrial espionage. In this paper I will review china s cyber threat and possible USA solutions to protect against the threat. Could Weak USA Cyber Policy be the cause of China s SecurityThreat? U.S. corporations and cyber security specialists have reported an daily attack of computer network intrusions originating from China. Of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... cyber policy has embraced this idea. The Plan declared that in order for it to succeed, government and the private sector must work together in a partnership. However since the regulation has been in place it has failed to provide the security necessary to protect U.S. critical infrastructure from a cyber attack. Even Congress has been slow to act regarding almost all aspects of cyber policy (Wolf, J. 12 July, 2012). One of the problems facing a comprehensive cyber security bill is that computers have become so omnipresent in our daily lives that they cross every sector of the economy. It is not surprising that application of the laws of war to cyber attacks has recently been a popular topic in politics. Some have even analyzed whether a cyber attack can constitute an armed attack, it can but, whether a cyber attack with a specified effect constitutes a use of force. An example, if the U.S. could prove that Iran absolute sent a computer virus that infected a Wall Street, would dropping a bomb on Iran be justify? A responsible nation must always consider the possibilities of collateral damage in deciding whether an act of self defense is justified, be it cyber or kinetic. While the United States must undoubtedly increase its cyber defense capabilities, the nation cannot retreat behind a Line of firewalls. As in the fight against terrorism, the United States must be vigilant and aggressive in the face of both cyber attacks and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Gender Bias For Infiltrate Professional Industries Essay Allowing gender bias to infiltrate professional industries has many different effects, but one of the most problematic would be pay disparity. The gender discrimination that exists in our society today causes expansive wage gaps which favor men, and this is a problem that exists across all levels of working fields. There is a healthy amount of new studies being published every year that lay out the facts about what the genderwage gap looks like for the average American. One of the easiest ways to keep this conversation going is to compare these to the example of gender bias and discriminationthat happen on a large stage, such as in Hollywood or the sports world. With the influence that these two monstrous industries have, the women who work within them are in excellent positions to speak out and challenge this issue that is too often pushed to the side. It is important to point out that being privileged does not exempt these ladies from the unfairness of the pay disparities, and their situations mirror and parallel those of the average working class American women as well. Gender discrimination and gender wage gaps are problems that need to be magnified in order to be eliminated. Most people are familiar with the saying that the American women make x amount of cents to a man s dollar. As pay inequality has increasingly become more of a concern, this is a very popular and simple way to get the facts across. It is better than the gap widening or being stagnant, but the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Person In The Environment Model In analyzing what can be the advantage of viewing other from a difference lenses. To begin using the Person in the Environment model(PEI) can help the clinical staff begin to develop a theoretical foundation to help the client. When working in collaboration with a client it can help in assisting with barriers within the environment and occupation. The Personin the Environment model can help assist clinical staff to assess and utilize clinical tools to help and empower the clients in the treatment. By empowering clients, the advantage can be that clients can be more open to the treatment process. During this time a more solid relationship between the clinical staff and client can be established, which this is crucial to the treatment. By... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Person in the Environment model demonstrates that it can help the client feel empowered to look at the presenting problems from a difference lens. In this instance, instead of viewing it from environment occupation, it can be viewed instead from person environment. By viewing it differently the client can feel more self worth and will continue to be open to being open to the treatment process. It can help the client committed to the changes and feel honor when they see the successful changes. The client can feel hopeful as it is user friendly and modifications can be made to meet the current needs. Another, strength is that it empowers the clinical staff and individual participating in this model. Lastly, this model also follows the social work values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of the human relationship, integrity and competence. In this instance, the clinical staff helps the client follow all social work values by using the Person in the Environment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. ITU Frequency Designation ITU Frequency Designation The ITU radio bands are designations defined in the ITU Radio Regulations. Provision No. 2.1 states that the radio spectrum shall be subdivided into nine frequency bands, which shall be designated by progressive whole numbers in accordance with the following table. Table of ITU Radio Bands Band NumberSymbolsFrequency RangeWavelength RangeTypical sources 1ELF3 to 30 Hz10,000 to 100,000 kmdeeply submerged submarine communication 2SLF 30 to 300 Hz1000 to 10,000 kmsubmarine communication, ac power grids 3ULF 300 to 3000 Hz100 to 1000 kmearthquakes, earth mode communication 4VLF 3 to 30 kHz10 to 100 kmnear surface submarine communication, 5LF 30 to 300 kHz1 to 10 kmAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons 6MF 300 to 3000 kHz100 to 1000 mAM broadcasting, aircraft beacons, amateur two way radio 7HF 3 to 30 MHz10 to 100 mSky wave long range radio communication: shortwave broadcasting, military, maritime, diplomatic, amateur two way radio 8VHF 30 to 300 MHz1 to 10 mFM radio broadcast, television broadcast, PMR, DVB T, MRI 9UHF 300 to 3000 MHz10 to 100 cmPMR, television broadcast, microwave oven, GPS, mobile phone communication (GSM, UMTS, 3G, HSDPA), cordless phones (DECT), WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth 10SHF 3 to 30 GHz1 to 10 cmDBS satellite television broadcasting, WLAN (Wi Fi 802.11 a/n), microwave relays, Wi MAX, radars 11EHF 30 to 300 GHz1 to 10 mmmicrowave relays, inter satellite links, Wi MAX, high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Why Are Academic Learning Projects Becoming More Popular... Topic for Investigation: Why are Academic Learning Projects becoming more popular at Universities and what programs have contributed to impact students/nonprofits? In 2012 in was reported in an academic journal written by Karin Braunsberger and Richard Flamm it was stated that universities in the United States have been criticized for not contributing enough to the social well being of communities within which they operate, and business schools have been accused of failing to prepare students adequately for careers in business (Braunsberger Flamm). This criticism against universities is what lead to the start of student involvement in the community by doing academic service learning projects. One particular program has been introduced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Programs like superior edge can be expected to be developed and adopted by many more universities to come. Nonprofit organizations reap the benefits of programs like superior edge through the experience and professional documents that they get from the students in the program. Academic service learning projects have become one of the best ways for Universities to make sure that their students are ready for the real world. Topic for Investigation: How do academic service learning projects done by graduate students differ or relate to undergraduate students in perspective on the impact made on nonprofits? As programs such as superior edge have been developed and University requirements have been changed to enforce the idea of student involvement the overall impact has been positive to both nonprofit programs as well as to the student. Looking further into these projects, it is now when the question of what exactly do these services provided by the students do for the organizations associated with them. In this topic for investigation the question that will be examined is how do academic service learning projects done by undergraduate students compare to projects done by graduate students in perspective of overall impact on a nonprofit. The two areas of interest that will be looked into when comparing the overall impact on nonprofit will be improvement of societal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cell Phones And Mobile Cars Throughout human advancement our brain has developed new abilities, ingenuity, and intelligence, all of which are crucial to precede in the next step of evolution. However all of those factors do not help the vulnerable mind achieve one goal while driving which is avoiding distractions. The conflict with driving that most experienced and inexperienced drivers have, is the confrontation with inner and outer disturbances in their environment. Throughout the beginnings of the first mobile cars, many diversions from the outside environment were the reasons for many accidents. However, these diversions have changed throughout the involvement and advancement of technology. The term mobile is now fused with transportation ad communication. Mobile phones and mobile cars might have the same expression but do not mix well together. The development of time absorbing apps and games has come a long way in its process of just being temporarily useful programs. Each time these utilities enhance their abilities; the danger rises therefore being a contributor to becoming an even greater temptation (Bernstein Bernstein 1). The device at hand could be a weapon if not an accomplice of an accident. Interacting with any hand held gadget, increases the risk of involving death to any individual, including one self s, life. Many consider the fact that even having one inside the car, increases the chances of an incident happening due to lack of situational awareness (Bernstein Bernstein ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Modern Characteristics Of Helen Of Troy Helen of Troy Humans have always been fixated on looks. Girls want to be the prettiest, have the best hair, the best body, and the best clothes. Boys want to have the most muscles, lift the most, be the strongest, and get all the girls. In most of Greek mythology, Helen of Troy is portrayed as this beauty that no one could match. She is what every girl wanted to be and who every guy wants to be with, but she also caused a war. Today, when we think of Helen of Troy or Greek mythology in general, people might think of Disney s Hercules or Rick Riordan s Percy Jackson. To this day, Helen of Troy is seen as an unobtainable standard of beauty. She is used as a standard of beauty to sell hair tools, makeup, and spa tools. She is also used as a standard of beauty to young girls, and she is used as a standard of beauty that will never age. Young girls who are using classic characters for a standard of beauty will see and hear about her in the modern adaptations and they will see someone who as this unattainable beauty that they cannot reach. Over the years, what Helen has symbolized has changed. At the beginning, she was a beautiful woman, who everyone wanted, but the fight for her was lost in them fighting each other. Today she is slut... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When her suitors assembled in her home to make a formal proposal for her hand there were so many and from such powerful families that her reputed father, King Tyndareus, her mother s husband, was afraid to select one among them, fearing that the others would unite against him. He therefore exacted first a solemn oath from all that they would champion the cause of Helen s husband, whoever he might be, if any wrong was done to him through his marriage. It was, after all, to each man s advantage to take the oath, since each was hoping he would be the person to the uttermost anyone who carried or tried to carry Helen away. (pg. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Media Controversy The news has a responsibility to provide accurate information to the American people. However, journalists are only human, and it is important to take note of any biases present in their writing. W.L. Bennett is one scholar who addressed this concern, arguing that journalism has four main media biases: personalization, dramatization, fragmentation, and authoritydisorder bias(Bennett, 2012). While Bennett voices concerns of adverse consequences, scholars Ozen Bas and Maria Elizabeth Grabe argue that biases like personalization can help people with lower educationlevels retain information better (Bas Grabe, 2015). Referencing two news clips and an article, this essay argues that media biases rampant across platforms have good intent to get... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The news clip is under one minute, and shows clips of the teacher high fiving his students before entering the classroom, while the journalists are smiling at the story. While the story is about a teacher from North Carolina, the fragmentation is present of the brevity of the content. One possible explanation could be from Bennett s statement on fragmentation, which he argues is normally the result of time constraints (Bennett, News Content: Four information biases that matter, 2012). With that in mind, this clip was perhaps used to fill in time and provide a quick human interest story, something to make viewers feel good as they start their day. This, however, leaves a lot to be asked, such as what type of community exists in the school, what do parents think about it, and if there were any direct incidences that inspired him to do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Physics In Shauna Niequist s Cold Tangerines One of my favorite messages is from the book Cold Tangerines, by Shauna Niequist, who writes about how every time she eats a cold tangerine, she is filled with joy because she finds Jesus in the simplest things in life. One of my cold tangerines is physics. The only thing I knew going into my junior year of high schoolwas that I was required to take physics, and that it was really hard. Naturally, the first day of school was nerve wracking for me. Walking into the physics classroom, I remember seeing an abundance of posters hung up all over the room with weird sayings, such as There s no crying in physics, or C is the actual speed limit, and most importantly Fysics is phun! I didn t believe it, but, it ended up being true. Fysics is so much phun. Words cannot describe how much I love it. I think physics is so awesome because it is, in my words, the study of the world around us and how everything works. Everything in this world points back to physics, such as the colors of the sky at sunset.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I just thought it was God s way of telling us goodnight. After taking physics, I now know there is much more atmosphere the three bands of light coming from the sun have to go through when the sun rises and sets, and that since violet light (which the human eye picks up as blue because it is closer to the middle of the solar spectrum) has the highest frequency, it virtually disappears, leaving us with the pretty orange pinkish colors. Mind blown. Similar to how Shauna Niequist finds beauty in eating a cold tangerine, I find beauty in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Importance Of Government Regulation On Individual Freedom Milton Freidman and Rose Freidman were two economists who met in Chicago, were married in 1938, and continued their careers together as economists. The two of them firmly held the belief that any government regulation was an infringement on individual freedom. Freidman and Freidman s minor thesis is that the governmentin a free society should be entirely limited to the following areas: enforcing law and order, preventing coercion of one individual by another, enforcing legally binding contracts and rights of private property owners, and providing resources for the defense and the monetary system. They construct their assertion of government regulation being an infringement on individual rights by generously providing a multitude of arguments in favor of their political view. They commence by first stating that economic freedom, the freedom consumers possess to buy and sell whatever they so choose, is a component of freedom properly understood, (p. 220) and therefore to alter it is to place a curb on freedom. For example, if the government comes to a decision to pass a law placing a quota on a manufactured good that consumers would have the aspiration to purchase but are incapable of procuring enough money to purchase said product because its price has been altered to become prohibitive, the freedom of the individual is henceforth imposed upon. Similarly, if the government forces people to use the government provided postal service, then my freedom to set up a competitive business in competition with the government service is curtailed. I only partially agree with this political view. The government should actively attempt to interfere as little as possible, but not to the extent Freidman and Freidman argue. Countries should have a free market but also set price caps to forestall price gouging like during Hurricane Irma. In order to protect the people, the people themselves have to sacrifice a certain amount of freedom. It is up to the people to decide how much. For example, if we gave up every shred up freedom to the government and the government protected us by never allowing us the privilege of exiting our homes, a dramatic reduction in murders and robberies would take place, but we would not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Practicing Safe Sex Safe Sex Practicing safe sex means taking steps during and before sex to reduce your risk of: Getting a sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Giving your partner an STD. Unwanted pregnancy. HOW CAN I PRACTICE SAFE SEX? To practice safe sex: Limit your sexual partners to only one partner who is having sex with only you. Avoid using alcohol and recreational drugs before having sex. They can affect your judgment. Before having sex with a new partner: Talk to your partner about past partners, past STDs, and drug use. You and your partner should be screened for STDs and discuss the results with each other. Check your body regularly for sores, blisters, rashes, or unusual discharge, and see your health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. How Can an Organization Use an Intranet to Achieve... Organizations can effectively use the intranet to achieve knowledge sharing within it. According to Robertson (2004), the intranet can provide a dynamic living environment necessary for knowledge sharing. This aspect is also supported by Averweg (2011) who states that knowledge management involves the contribution of knowledgein organizations especially in the sharing of knowledge in informal infrastructure, essentially through communities of structure. Organizations can enable this through the acquisition of necessary infrastructure for the same. Essentially, the intranet contains technology tools that support knowledge sharing. Robertson (2004) further emphasizes the significance of intranet in knowledge sharing by stating how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People can place ideas on platforms and these will progressively be modified or rejected but overall knowledge sharing is encouraged (Mpindiwa 2010). Cultural change is critical in the effectiveness of the intranet as a knowledge management tool and organizations can achieve this through the involvement of its staff in design and implementation of the platform, which will promote the culture and drive to use the intranet and hence lead to better knowledge acquisition (Oyekan 2007). The intranet should be designed and tailored to provide for knowledge management needs. Here technology can essentially be used on a push and pull basis where the push aspect of the technology provides for the dissemination of information to the employees and the pull aspect enables the obtaining of information from the same employees. The organizations can basically enable these functions by obtaining the relevant infrastructure; this infrastructure can then utilize a standard Internet browser for the platform on which the organization can perform its functions (Averweg 2008). Overall, I believe that the intranet function should typically enable communication and collaboration and organizations can achieve this through sending and reception of faxes, creating discussion rooms as well as chat rooms. This can also be supported by the use of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Anne Frank Essay Introduction: Have you ever had a hard time in your life? The Holocaust was a very tough time for the Jews, they were forced to either find a place to stay or they would get sent off to concentration camp, which was leading to their last breath. Anne Frank and her family, had to stay in an annex to try to stay away from the Nazi s because they were Jewish. They had to be really quiet during the day or they would be heard from down below. However, there is one special girl that handled it very well. Anne Frank once said, In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart. Throughout all the obstacles that Anne and her family have faced, she is always looking for the good in people. After reading the diary, I have come to a decision. Anne s quote really said a lot about her and others around her. I am agreeing with Anne s powerful quote. The others that were in hiding with Anne really had to persevere and help each other out. When I read the diary I saw that the most caring person was Miep. She always helped them when they needed something outside of the annex, but I can still see how people think that people during those days were not very good at heart. I think Mr Van Daan seemed a little rude and selfish about others. My Side: After I saw many acts of kindness, throughout the play, based off of Anne s diary, I was persuaded to agree with her quote that everyone is good at heart. The character that stood out the most to me was Miep. She showed me at the beginning of the book when they all moved into the annex. On page 8, the dialogue goes on to say, Narrator: (indicating the sink cupboard) Miep: We put the stores of food you sent in here. Narrator:( She crosses to the shelves.) Miep: Your drugs are here soap, linen,here. Mrs. Frank: Thank you, Miep. Miep: I made up the beds the way Mr Frank and Mr Kraler said. Forgive me. I have to hurry. I ve got to go to the other side of town to get some ration books for you. During this scene, the Franks and the Van Daans had just moved into hiding and were trying to settled in quickly. They knew that they were lacking on the materials that they needed. Mr Frank thought about his workers that weren t Jewish, then he said Miep. Miep was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Social Movement In Australia Behind every successful social movement is a well executed and planned system and strategy. One of the most common frameworks of social change is Saul Alinsky s Community Organising, which is where another common framework known as Feminist Organising developed from. These frameworks remain relevant today, and more specifically Feminist Organising in relation to a rape culture on Australian university campuses. To be able to fully compare and contrast the two frameworks, it is important to understand their backgrounds. Saul Alinsky, the founder of Community Organising , began his long organising career in the late 1930 s in Chicago s Back of the Yards neighbourhood (Hancock, 2017). It was here that he took the ideas of unions and spoke to leaders to expand the systems and strategies to help organise disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods nationwide (Stall Stoecker, 1998). From here he generated many community movements, published two books, produced multiple powerful organisations and influenced an entire generation of organisers (Stall Stoecker, 1998). Feminist organising however, is not associated with any particular person or social movement (Stall Stoecker, 1998). This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A major element of feminist organising is that the issue is local and personal. This is very applicable to our group. Each of the four female members of the group have experienced rape culture to different extents, and the one male of the group can relate to this through his own experience and relationships with the women in his life. It also applies to the hierarchy of our group. We don t necessarily have an appointed leader and each of us brings different skills and perspectives. We came up with the idea for this campaign through the same strategy behind conscious raising groups. As a group we discussed issues that affected us and that we felt passionate about to find common ground and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Tell-Tale Heart Insane Edgar Allan Poe was a horror writer in the early 1840 s. His works were described as macabre horror because of how disturbing and horrifying they were. Throughout The Tell Tale Heart the anonymous narrator is trying to prove that he is not insane. I believe the narrator in Edgar Allan Poe s short storyThe Tell Tale Heartis insane because he shows the madman s traits of being delusional, and being quick tempered. In Edgar Allan Poes short story The Tell Tale Heart the narrator has the madman trait of being quick tempered, easily made angry. He states I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! and I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever. (Paragraph 2). The narrator almost goes psychotic over this eye. He had a spontaneous impulse that he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the end of the story, the narrator is sitting down with some police officers in the man s house. The police officers were called because the neighbors heard some strange noises in the night; the police officers thought that everything was alright until the narrator started to hear an ear splitting sound the sound of a heartbeat. Oh God! what could I do? I foamed I raved I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder louder louder! (Paragraph 9). The beating got so loud in his ears until he became frantic. The narrator screamed Villains! I shrieked, dissemble no more! I admit the deed! tear up the planks! here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart! (Paragraph 10). The narrator hears noises, is having hallucinations, and he can not distinguish between real noises and what is in his head. He hears the old man s beating heart after he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Job Consolidation Is A Great Idea For Suncoast Hotel We at White Board Consulting believe that job consolidation is a great idea for SunCoast Hotel (SCH) to help solve their current scheduling problems and help management transition during the expansion. Further, this job consolidation approach can help prevent problems that might arise in the future. Having a Guest Service Staff (GSS) position will allow these employees to be more efficient in their day to day operations since they will be able to function within in each department of the hotel. Idle time for employees will also be reduced because instead of just being confined to only completing tasks one department, the GSS is will be able multitask in different department. Managementwill also have a flexibility of moving employees from department to department without having to use time and labor retain employees. Having a Guest Service Staff might also be a beneficial position in the long run for the SunCoast Hotel. Currently there is is a 35 percent average turnover rate for hotel employees; 10 percent is through natural attrition. If employees are being used more efficiently and given a wide range of task to complete, WB consulting believes that this turnover rate will decrease due to a positive increase in affective commitment. Engaging the employees more and setting up a healthy relationship with management, we believe, will have a very strong positive impact for job satisfaction. Employees will see the big picture and see how their work directly effects that, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Observation Of Nase Reid On August 27, 2015 at approximately 2154 hrs, I observed a gray 2005 Acura TL bearing NJ Reg# J61FHA was driving 69 mph on 55 mph zone on Route 1 north, made a passing on the right lane and change lane again to the middle lane. When the traffic light turned red on intersection between North Oaks Blvd and Route 1 north, I pull my patrol vehicle558 next to the vehicle as a the vehicle was slowing for the traffic light and I observed interior light on with a driver who had his hand upon his ear and moving his mouth which made me believed that the driverwas talking on his cell phone while driving. I positioned my patrol vehicle 558 behind the Acura TL, activated my overhead emergency lights and conducted motor vehicle stop. I made a passenger side approach and was greeted by the driver who later identified as James T Smith II and the passenger, Brandon Smith. I asked the driver for his license, registration, and insurance. Smith II produced the vehicle s paperwork, and advising me that his license and his wallets were left at home. The driver claimed that his name was Nase Reid with a date of birth of 4 /9/1991, an address of 257 2nd ave North Brunswick and that he has license in New Jersey and New York. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I entered Nase Reid s information into my MDT resulting that the driver license photo and the address which was provided by the driver did not match. Nase Reid s address was 579 2nd Ave in North Brunswick. Two other officers asked where he lived and he answered with different addresses when questions were asked. The driver could not provide any information on Nase Reid other than the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Arundhati Roy and Chi Li Slays the Serpent The First Weekly Essay This week the author I read about that caught my attention was Arundhati Roy and the story of Chi Li Slays the Serpent also caught my eye. The two stories are alike because of their heroism about the situations they faced in the stories that I read. They knew there would be a fight of a lifetime and they were prepared to face any consequences that came with the territory. The monster conquered you because you were too timid to put up a fight! How pitiful! That was one of the quotes from the story that really grabbed my attention to how I feel about some of the women that let certain things go on in their lives such as abuse, or being misled for a long period of time. Well that was a short story and not enough to write about so in further reading I hope you enjoy the reading. Arundhati Roy was born in 1961, her mother a Christian woman a native of Kerala and her father was Hindu from Bengal. Because of the divorce of her parents, Arundhati spent her early years in Aymanam with her mom. The influence of her childhood years are revealed her writings structurally and thematically. Arundhati s mother was a prominent social activist who founded an independent school and taught Roy normally. Her mother s teaching gave her the ability to follow her inner voice in her writings. She comment that When I write, I never re write a sentence because for me my thoughts and my writing are one thing. It s like breathing I don t re breathe a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Issue Of A Great Amount Of Money $ 4 Million Introduction I am a senior accountant working for Cape Tisbe International (CTI) and am writing this business report concerning the issue of a great amount of money $4 million that has been paid to a PNG government minister as Consulting Fees recently. In this report, I would like to identify the fact , the issues needed to be tackled, and then discuss the possible consequences derived from those issues, subsequently I will offer some plausible solutions in tackling this issue in a long run development. . Facts A year ago, CTI signed a contract for farm machinery, worth $25 million, with Papua New Guinea(PNG). Recently, however, when I was conducting the annual internal audit, I have discovered some issues associated with this signed contract. As soon as I found something wrong with the contract s accounting records I communicated with George but his answer has not addressed my confusion. Soon after that I had a chat with my boss Gareth because it was my duty to identify and reveal any detailed information related to CTI s financial records. after the conversation with both of them, I decided to dig it further. Now I discover that the actual sale revenue of the contract was $21 million as around $4 million has been paid to a PNG government minister as Consulting Fees . I understand that the payment was paid to a certain person in order to secure the contract and maximize the wealth of our company. According to the relevant regulations and rules provided by both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay on Milton Hershey Milton Hershey was not the type of person that anyone would have viewed as a leader, or shrewd businessman. Being born into a rather poor lower class family, he was not very well educated. The one thing that we do know for sure though, is that leaders are not born, they are made. This is exactly the case of Milton Hershey, and because of his undyingdetermination to succeed, he became one of the greatest success stories of all time. What factors or events made the person a leader? For Milton Hershey, he was the type of person that not a lot of people expected a whole lot out of. He was your typical small town boy, and although he had very little growing up, he learned to be happy with what he was given. Although Milton Hershey, did grow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It cost him $150 to get it up and running, and he ended up failing miserably in it. After this, he tried starting another candy business in New York City. This as well failed. It wasn t until Milton started dealing with caramel, that he really started seeing results back on his business that he was getting from customers. The thing that really eneded up striking gold for him as we all know was the chocolate industry. He took a big risk in getting into too, considering that he sold his fairly profitable caramel candy store to pursue finding a way to distribute chocolate cheaper and easier to lots of lower class people. What was their leadership based on? Milton Hershey s leadership style was based on never giving up, and his determination to succeed at all costs. He also wasn t afraid to take his dreams seriously. He learned not to give up from his father, who had failed in many things, but was always willing to try something new. This is what ultimately led Milton to fail in business five different times before he finally succeeded in the candy industry. What specific acts impacted their people? Milton Hershey affected the people that he worked with in a big way, in the sense that he wasn t afraid, or too good to get down on their level and help them out. Although, this obviously became more impossible as his business got bigger, he still did everything he could to help out his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. American Astronauts Mission To Space Humans are delicate biological mechanisms capable of fantastic feats unlike those of any other beings we coexist with on Earth. We alone have achieved leaving our lovely home planet and venturing into space. I authored an accurate science fiction story about a crew of American astronauts who, in a future year, are sent on a mission to a planet in a neighboring solar system. The crew deals with space weather disrupting their flight, the physical challenges of moving through a variety of gravity fields, rocket mechanics, and the challenges and differences of a new planetary environment and atmosphere. The most emotionally difficult moment for the crew though in their long journey is when a crew member passes away while in transit between destinations... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Galactic cosmic rays are protons with the ability to penetrate other molecules and heavy nuclei (3), while solar particle events are protons or ions with low to medium energy (3). Galactic cosmic rays have had all of their electrons stripped, originate outside of the Milky Way from events such as supernovas (6), and travel at close to the speed of light (7). Galactic cosmic rays, specifically the nuclei of heavier elements, have the capability to strike almost any object, human or metal spacecraft included, and break apart the atoms (7). The broken atoms then release subatomic particles, which act as radiation (7). Solar particle events are caused from solar storms, and are protons or ions with the ability to penetrate space suits, and occasionally even the physical spacecrafts (12). Just on the International Space Station, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, reported astronauts received around ten times more radiation than the average human in the same measured time span (1). Although this statistic proves the risk to their personal health that astronauts have taken for the sake of science, a mission to another planet would require the astronauts leave the safety of Earth s magnetic field (1), where the International Space Station resides. These astronauts would have even less of a buffer to protect them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Customer Empowerment Paper Customer service associate empowerment is a key theme. Providing tools to the customer to become educated in product use creates a better experience and prevents major issues. Overview Hello and thank you for your request for customer service design principles with a focus on reasonability. The short answer is allowing those on the front lines of the customerexperience to be trained and have as much power to accommodate and help the customer as possible. Another key area is to find ways to educate the customer. This allows them to get more out of the product and also has the capacity to prevent major issues before they arise. Other important mentions include employee ownership, transparency, technology, and over the top customer service... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After analyzing customer usage and frequent interactions, they developed an internal university for educating their customers, so they get the most out of their products. User education provided a better, useful experience, and many potential problems were bypassed as a result. This is mirrored by StudioPress with their detailed tutorials. AMAZON Amazon is notable for use of cutting edge technology but also convenience. A combination of these two involves the use of their new grocery stores, using technology to get rid of checkout lines, where a customer simply takes the product they want, and walks out the door. RITZ CARLTON The Ritz Carlton likes to engender relationships between staff and customers, and allows their staff enough space to enhance the customer experience. An example of this is when a chef at one of their resorts had his own mother fly in a special product for some guests that were staying at the hotel for an extended period. PUBLIX Publix, as a privately held, employee owned company, gives their own people a stake in the company. This direct connection to the financial results of the company provide direct incentive for employees to provide excellent customer service. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Importance Of Indoor Air Pollution Julia Henderson H Environmental 11/10/17 Project Indoor air quality at Stanwich is important for the health and comfort of teachers and students. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce health concerns. There are many things that cause air pollution in our building including paint, heating system, cleaning sprays, furniture and other materials. These pollutants can cause allergies, scratchy eyes, skin irritation and headaches. An approach to reducing air pollutants inside building is the use of plants and soil microorganisms. Outside air quality depends on plants and microorganisms. Living in buildings away from plants even without being exposed to chemicals, still exposes us to human waste products that cause indoor air pollution problems. What Causes of Indoor Air Problems The primary cause of poor indoor air quality are sources that release gases or particles into the air. Poor ventilation can increase indoor pollution by not bringing in enough outdoor fresh air into the class that reduce the emissions from indoor pollution. Also, indoor air pollution is not carried out of the class area. High classroom temperature and humidity levels can also increase concentrations of some pollutants. Pollutant Sources There are many sources of indoor air pollution. These can include: Building materials and furnishings as diverse as: Deteriorated asbestos containing insulation Newly installed flooring, upholstery or carpet Cabinetry or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Playing Days Of Lou Gehrig The Playing Days of Lou Gehrig Baseball is a poor man s sport, easy to play and addicting to watch. During the days of Lou Gehrig, whenever there was a baseball game, people usually forgot their worries that day and went to watch their heroes play. 1n 1917, the Americans declared war on Germany. Even in America s ballparks, German immigrants sought to distance themselves from their native land (Eig, 19). In a world of insecurity caused by the jeopardy of war and an ongoing economic depression, Lou Gehrig signified a show of pride and confidence until Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis put an abrupt end to his playing days. When it comes to baseball, there have been a few high caliber players who become American icons. Lou Gehrig became that icon of the era in which he thrived. While he spent much of his career in the shadow of his mentor and teammate Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig would eventually emerge from Ruth s shadow and represent the values of the 1930 s. During Lou Gehrig s era baseball served as a distraction from the adversity of the world war and the depression. In the 1920s, America ended World War I with a bodacious force not to be ignored with. The Roaring Twenties, was an era when America accomplished immense economic development. The stock market soared as the citizens of the United States hastily purchased goods on credit. As a result of the admirable twentieth century, hours were lower and wages were higher. The average person had more money to spend leaving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Mulan And The Hayes Code Humberto Gonzalez Professor Gittings Wheeler ARH2740 884671 Mulan and the Hayes Code In 1998, Disney produced a groundbreaking movie that promoted girls to be themselves and be who they are. The message this movie conveys is to always be yourself no matter what the social norm promotes you to be. Despite this being a very heartwarming movie with a positive message, back in the 1930 s it would have been considered heresy. The Hayes Code was enacted during this time and enforced general rules onto films in order for them to stay morally acceptable for the public. This Disney film breaks a few of those rules, most notably the first and third general principles, which involve causing the audience to gain sympathy toward the side of the crime/wrongdoing, causing the law to be ridiculed and indecent exposure during a bathing scene; which as a result caused me to not agree with the Reasons Supporting the Preamble of the Code section of the Hayes Code. The first two offenses this film involves swaying the audience s opinion in favor of Mulan, who has to put up with demeaning actions toward her and ultimately breaks the law. In the beginning of the film, she is getting prepared to attend a ceremony that will determine if she is an appropriate bride for marriage, and also to determine if she will bring honor to her family. During this scene, a lucky cricket throws a wrench into the whole ceremony and ruins her chances of becoming a worthy bride, and she is told she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. An Evaluation Of Finite Duration Satisfaction is an evaluation of finite duration, made by the customer on product performance of the same, be it a good or service (Oliver, 1980). This review, according to the author, it tends to turn into a positive attitude (or not) by the consumer. Tse and Wilton (1988), defined as consumer response to the evaluation of the discrepancy between the previous and current performance expectations of a product as perceived after consumption. Oliver (1980) and Selnes (1998) argue that this is an essential variable to the continuity of a relationship and for future customer retention. 1.1.2.Perceived Quality This construct is the judgment and perception of consumers about the excellence and global superiority of a good or service, compared to other competitors. Unlike objective quality, which are meant to standardize parameters and full functioning (that leads to consumer satisfaction), perceived quality is an attitudinal element, linked to the perception of significance (Parasuraman et al., 1988) . Fullerton (2005) indicates that relationships are built with perceived quality as the foundation. This construct is even stronger when inserted in the service sector, where Kandampully (1998), Hougaard and Bjerre (2003) point out the superiority of the companies where quality is superior. 1.1.3.Trust Trust is seen as the most important in building relationships, being essential for achieving retention of consumers (Crosby et al., 1990; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Selnes, 1998; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay about Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Milton’s Satan of... Shakespeare s Macbeth and Milton s Satan of Paradise Lost bear many similarities to each other. Both characters possess diabolical ambitions to overthrow the natural order of their circumstances for the lust for power. Both committed atrocious acts that led to others downfalls Macbeth committed multiple acts of murder, and Satan vowed to corrupt humankind and did so with deceit. Both are portrayed as complex characters with, in some cases, conflicted feelings about their evil doings. Aside from these similarities, there are significant differences as well. For one thing, the incitation of both characters evil doings differ. Macbeth, it could be argued, is a victim of fate, whereas Satan is portrayed in Paradise Lost as very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Satan s fall can be easily broken up into four steps: he came to think of himself too highly, putting himself equal to God; he made a following for himself; he plotted a rebellion with his fellow rebel angels; and he attempted to carry out the rebellion. His attempt to overthrow God and obtain power was, however, futile and easily thwarted. Satan was severely demoted and he spent the rest of the plot trying to pervert every good thing as if it would be to any avail to do so. He attempted to exert his own powers over creation and tried to get a foothold so that he could gain more power. His extreme arrogance led to his fall from grace. This is the same willfulness which lies behind his rebellious claim in heaven that he is self begot ...What Satan the general refuses to give up here...is...individual glory, which he pursues at all costs. (Loewenstein, 56 57). Considering that Satan was an angel in the presence of God at the beginning, he had no excuse such as ignorance to claim. Satan s rebellion began within himself with little else to prompt him. Satan had the ambition to raise a rebel force, but army or no army, he surely would have thought himself more powerful than he ought have. His pride also got in the way of him ever being restored to his former position. As part of his task of exculpating God...Satan explains that even if he could repent and get back to heaven by act of grace , it would do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. U.s. Federal Department Of Homeland Security The idea of the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security evolved into the biggest U.S. government reorganization in American history. Prior to the establishment of the Department, Americans increasingly became concerned about terrorism on our soil. This concern was triggered by the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 as well as the discovery of a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 1994. Additionally, it became more apparent to the Americans that terrorism has a growing global reach. The U.S. commissions looked at different aspects of the U.S. national security, the Hart Rudman Commission, the Gilmore Commission as well as the National Commission on Terrorism. The members of the Commission as well... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... President George W. Bush, appointed Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge as the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security in the White House. The office duties are to oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks. On November 2002, Congress passed the Homeland Security Act and the Department of Homeland Security became a stand alone, Cabinet level department. The department s vision is to coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts. The creation of the department forms the most substantial reorganization of the federal government agencies since the National Security Acts of 1947. Ultimately this placed military departments under a secretary of defense and created the National Security Council (NSC) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Department of Homeland Security incorporates 22 government agencies that holds 179,000 people into one organization. The organization consists of five directorates: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology, Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection and Management. In regard to border and transportation security , DHS manages who and what enters into the United States to prevent the entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an agency of DHS is responsible for Emergency Preparedness and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Essay on Management chapt 1 Chapter 1 Expanding abroad: Motivations, means, and mentalities True/False 1. The largest MNEs are equivalent in their economic importance to less developed economies such as Tanzania, Estonia or Sri Lanka. Answer: False (Sales of the largest MNEs exceed the GDPs of less developed countries.) Difficulty: Easy Page: 4 and Table 1 1 on page 3 Topic: MNE scope and influence 2. The process of internationalization followed by most firms is usually well thought out in advance and typically builds on a combination of rational analysis, planning and implementation. Answer: False (It is more likely a combination of rational analysis, opportunism, and luck. In regards to opportunism, several studies have found that most firms... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Companies that either do not hold equity positions or hold minor equity positions in overseas ventures without or with very low management involvement may be viewed as international companies but would not be regarded as multinational enterprises.) Difficulty: Moderate Page: 2 Topic: MNE definition 12. Three prerequisites that must be satisfied before a national firm can transform itself into a multinational firm include: a. scale based advantages, ownership specific advantages and contractual capabilities. b. location specific advantages, ownership specific advantages and organizational capabilities. c. scale based advantages, ownership specific advantages and organizational capabilities. d. location specific advantages, knowledge advantages and organizational capabilities. Answer: b (a, c, and d are incorrect because scale based advantages, knowledge based advantages, and contractual capabilities are, by themselves, insufficient to justify the internationalization of operations. With much less effort a company often can sell or license its technology to foreign producers, franchise its brand name internationally, or sell its products abroad through local distributors, without having to set up its own offshore operations.) Difficulty: Moderate to hard Page: 7 8 Topic: Prerequisites for internationalization 13. Which of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. H2ocl Molecules Lab Report Occurring first in the synthesis process, an electrophilic chlorine atom forms a coordinate covalent bond with the nitrogen atom s two unbonded election. This occurs as chlorine is a group seven element and, therefore requires one electron to achieve the desired full valence electron shell. However, in this circumstance the H2OCl moleculehas an overall positive charge allowing the chlorine to accept both electron to form a full outer shell. Another possible cause for the nitrogen s affiliation with the positive water molecule is its negative charge. With two unbonded electron the nitrogen has a large negative charge creating strong intermolecular force of attraction between the nitrogen and chlorine. The formation of this bond then leaves the nitrogen positively charged. As the nitrogen atom is not in its most stable state without a unbonded pair of electrons, the intramolecular forces surrounding the nitrogen drive most of the changes to the imipramine molecule through the synthesis. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the water molecule moves closer to the nitrogen it s negative charge forces the electrons in chlorine s bond closer to the chlorine molecule. During this process both the water and chlorine atom are bonded with the nitrogen resulting in the formation of a temporary dipole. As nitrogen can only have four bonds, the bonded chlorine atom with a lower electrostatic attraction to nitrogen than water is forced to dissociate. Originally the nitrogen atoms unbonded pair of electrons are removed from the imipramine molecule during this process as the electrons are held closer to the chlorine atom due to its electronegativity of 3.16 slightly higher than nitrogen s value of 3.04 (LibreTexts, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Common People Research Paper The common people helped to support the Inca economy. Communities were linked not only through socials relations, but economic relations as well. Economic activities varied by communities, with coastal societies having a more specialized and interdependent economy. They were primarily farmers with some also have herds of animals such as llama or alpaca. The households in the Andes communities depended on each other to trade necessary goods. Lands or fields varied and were not suitable for all crops, exchange networks were created and linked people in complementary ecozones. Kin groups would exchange labor in order to support the community and the economy. This was particularly important if a person was away on military duty. Commoners or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. No Prayer in the Public Schools Essay Over the past three decades, the issue of the role of prayer in the public school system has become increasingly controversial. The current debate juggles the opposing interpretations of the exact intentions of America s Founders, who came from an other country, England, in pursuite of expanded freedoms. The first colonists in the 17th century especially desired religious freedom, because their former British government forced them all to learn and practice a centralized religion. Consequently, A merica s first legislators made certain that their religiously pluralistic nation would not be the victim of government intervention in religious matters. Therefore, religious freedom was guaranteed in the First Amendment to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dispute over school prayer has evolved from the government s uncertainty of the relationship between itself and the church. As included in the Constitution, the national government intended for the sanction of all religious affiliations, yet m any state governments did not support this regulation. For instance, a number of public schools displayed favoritism and partiality toward certain religions over others in the form of financial subsidy and religious accommodation. Therefore, to ensure t hat the national and state governments could not interfere with religious establishments, a more precise interpretation of the religious clauses of the First Amendment became known as secularism, or complete separation of the church and the government. The concept of secularism seems to parallel the idea incorporated in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Because all Americans citizens, including minorities and nonbelievers hold equal inalienable rights to their religious beliefs, t he government must accommodate all of its citizens. The First Amendment maintains that the government needs to remain neutral, can not coerce, and can not prescribe a faith (Alley 254). Since ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Improvement Of K Means Clustering Algorithm IMPROVEMENT IN K MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR DATA CLUSTERING Omkar Acharya Department of Computer Engineering Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, India omkarchamp1000@gmil.com Mayur Sharma Department of Computer Engineering Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, India mayur_sharma60@yahoo.com Mahesh Kopnar Department of Computer Engineering Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, India mkopnar@gmail.com Abstract The set of objects having same characteristics are organized in groups and clusters of these objects are formed known as Data Clustering.It is an unsupervised learning technique for classification of data. K means algorithm is widely used and famous algorithm for analysis of clusters.In this algorithm, n number of data points are divided into k clusters based on some similarity measurement criterion. K Means Algorithm has fast speed and thus is used commonly clustering algorithm. Vector quantization,cluster analysis,feature learning are some of the application of K Means.However results generated using this algorithm are mainly dependant on choosing initial cluster centroids.The main shortcome of this algorithm is to provide appropriate number of clusters.Provision of number of clusters before applying the algorithm is highly impractical and requires deep knowledge of clustering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...