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Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2018) ISSN: 0975-0290
Network as a Service Model in Cloud
Authentication by HMAC Algorithm
Bommala Harikrishna
Ph.D Full Time Research Scholar, Research ID: M-7489-2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University Proddatur
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India- 516360
Email: haribommala@gmail.com
Dr. S. Kiran
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University Proddatur
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India- 516360
Email: rkirans125 @gmail.com
K. Mani Deep
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, AP, India- 522101
Email: manideep.karumanchi@gmail.com
Resource pooling on internet-based accessing on use as pay environmental technology and ruled in IT field is the
cloud. Present, in every organization has trusted the web, however, the information must flow but not hold the
data. Therefore, all customers have to use the cloud. While the cloud progressing info by securing-protocols. Third
party observing and certain circumstances directly stale in flow and kept of packets in the virtual private cloud.
Global security statistics in the year 2017, hacking sensitive information in cloud approximately maybe 75.35%,
and the world security analyzer said this calculation maybe reached to 100%. For this cause, this proposed
research work concentrates on Authentication-Message-Digest-Key with authentication in routing the Network as
a Service of packets in OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) implementing Cloud with GNS3 has tested them to
securing from attackers.
Keywords – Authentication, Attacks, Cloud, Cryptography, Protocols, Router, Security
Date of Submission: March 05, 2018 Date of Acceptance: March 23, 2018
In the year 2009, IT commercial organizations announced
that Cloud was the second place. The role in IT industries
has to sustain data centers and cloud profoundly
infrastructures for rendering like Digital Ocean, Amazon
Web Service, Yard, Wireshark, and Microsoft Azure.
Through internet to service utility computing to software
service by data centers to obtaining the internet to access
the application services. The Hardware as a Service
(HaaS) infers a virtual provider with respect to registering
assets like OSs, organizing, Infrastructure, virtualization
innovation, and [2] capacity administrations. Noblest IaaS
benefit provider by AWS. This association can be
overviewed as the fundamental system for another two
associations, for example, PaaS and SaaS. In Application
as a Service (SaaS), buyers or customers contract
programming encouraged by the expert organization. It
comes to pass web based on installment [6]. If providers
started using the virtual private cloud network (VPCN) for
communication [3]. IT infrastructures such as the spread
of wired/wireless broadcasting network moreover [6] the
variety of toolsets, high speed, and the scope of free
software and so on. The customer has faced with problems
of authentication in a cloud model of service in
Authentication as a Service [9].
Fig 1: Cloud Computing
There are bunches of components and devices are recently
connected yet, we are confronting numerous sorts of issues
in the web world. Into a neighborhood machine IPV4
arrange designed to get to the cloud and switch setup to
keep up the username and secret word for verification to
center around inquire about for validation for packets [10].
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
The analysis shows that to be able to offer secured
neighborhood communique then plaintext passwords and
keyed MD5 authentication is wished. Plaintext passwords
are prone to eavesdropping, at the [11] same time as keyed
MD5 authentication can successfully protect network
protocol exchanges.
Service model cloud for new users has accessed any
resource pooling fully depend on the authentication. In
Generally service provider mention the registration for
privacy info after, providers give customer ID for
identification, and method for authentication for customer
authentication finished for registration done. When service
utilizing in a client, that time asking the authentication and
ID of the client. In AaaS maintained by the strong
authentication in some possibility way of authentication
process has been hacked by the hacker, that reason AaaS
one part of PaaS maintain safe techniques like PSWD,
MFA(Multi-Factor-Authentication), CAPKI (Crypto-
Authentication-Public-Key-Infrastructure), SOO(Sign-On-
One), OTP (One-Time-Password) and SBMM (Scan-Bar-
2.1 weakness of Authentication as a Service in Cloud:
PSWD: PSWD nothing but a password, is a one of
Authentication as a Service. Now a days electronics device
has maintained the password for security. In some
situations is a complication and immediately hold the
renewal password for security reasons.
MFA: Multi-Factor-Authentication is a kind of
Authentication as a Service. MFA was clubbed with
different methods like password, iris, OTP, certificate and
CAPKI: Crypto-Authentication-Public-Key-
Infrastructure is among one of in an Authentications as a
Service. Based on the certificate to authenticate third
party, but don’t share the safe info. The client way of to
manage and inspect are not possible by the CAPKI.
SOO: Sign-On-One is a kind of Authentication as a
Service. If authenticate any one application, then assertion
access through the other side.
MTM: Mobile Trusted Module is proposed by TCG
which Samsung, Nokia, Ericson etc., which based on SIM
with authentication for Smartphone.
2.2 Dangerous Attack for Authentication:
An inflow of data packet through the internet from source
to destination in that time the third party attacking the
packets during the network.
Active Attacks: In computing security, an active attack is
characterized by the attacker attempting to interrupt into
the gadget. At some stage in an energetic attack, the
intruder will introduce statistics into the device, in addition
to doubtlessly trade records in the gadget.
Dos Attacks: The attacks paintings via asking for such a
lot of resources from a server that the server cannot reply
to valid requests. As Dos assault that originates from a
single tool.
Distributed Attacks: Inside the beyond, recoveries had
been limited to the processing energy of only one
machine. It has to calculate the energy of the machine by
using DNA and around the globe to decrypt passwords.
Close in Attacks: One kind of close in assaults is social
engineering attacks wherein the attacker uses information
of the other persons and attempts to take advantage of
them with the aid of sending an e-mail or telephone and
tries to acquire confidential facts [18] about their bank
bills and so forth. In close-in-assaults, the attacker tries to
gain records from bodily entities or community
components by way of getting bodily near.
DDoS Attacks: Now and again protection specialists can
purpose command and manage laptop structures inner a
botnet, disrupting operations. But, figuring out command
and manipulate devices takes time. Even postulate those
are recognized then eliminated, partial botnets are
designed in imitation of slip off regarding a failed
command [19].
GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator), the remarkable
network simulation software permits you after be part of
then cooperate virtual network topologies after actual
networks [12]. This exquisite feature of GNS3 brings
CCNA, CCNP then CCIE labs [4] with absence hardware!
Individually, I was plenty severe then got here in imitation
of understand that opportunity inside GNS3. You may
even associate in [1] accordance with digital machines
past VMware then virtual container to this robust section
on software. To tell the Idle computer charge into GNS3
going for walks above the windows platform [5]. Linking
a virtual topology into GNS3 to actual devices is at all
exciting or sturdy then as makes enterprise network setup
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Fig 2: Cloud with GNS3
In cloud, internet network based on applications so,
networking is a configured with an IP address in IPV4 in
local system [16]. That IP address configure within Cloud.
In business market simulation routers have so many, but
GNS3 provide routers like 1720,1710,2660,3675 and 7200
and so on. But unique ideal number generally generates
for each every time in a router for every user [13]. On
GNS3 connection with cloud based upon IP address with
the port number and configure router. On each and every
router has a open by using putty software.
3.1 Message Digest Key Authentication Routing
In attacker’s security reason for using MD-5
Cryptography-Key-Algorithms.MD-5 algorithm partition
into the modules, each module block size of input 512 bits.
At the end of the last block of module join the 64 bits. The
genuine input date, length recording purpose used the 64
bits. If the last block is less than 512 bits, some extra bits
are 'padded' to the end. Each block contains sixteen words
of 32 bits each [11]. It is the representation as A0, A1,
A2, A3… A15.
The buffer is part of MD-5, creates 4 words and each
holds 32 bits long. The listed below
i. ONE: 01 23 45 67 (A)
ii. TWO: 89 ab CD ef (B)
iii. THREE: fe dc ba 98 (C)
iv. FOUR: 76 54 32 10 (D)
Trigonometry Sin function is calculate to enhancement on
future utilizing so maintain the MD-5 table T.
Tj = abs(sin(j + 1)) * 232.
We consider ‘T’ has 64 elements.
Element number j is indicated as Tj.
It’s used to logical operator , , 7, and, xor to the input
data. Each function takes 3 32-bits and gives the output
one 32-bit.
P(L,M,N) = (L and M) or (not(L) and N) (F)
Q(L,M,N) = (L and N) or (M and
not(N)) (G)
R(L,M,N) = L xor M xor N (H)
S(L,M,N) = M xor (L or not(N))(I)
MD-5 have four rounds, each participate 16 operations
below is one operation.
There are four rounds, each involves 16 basic operations
Fig 3: Message Digest Key Authentication Routing
Authentication algorithm for single operation.
Message Digest Hash function algorithm generates a hash
value to observing the OSPF routing packets and
authenticate a password. The packets are transmitted
within hash value attached to take a KEY-ID and non-
decreasing the linear number [7]. The Receiver should
know the same password of the sender, computes its own
hash value. Third-party modifies the message without
permission of the sender but, don’t worry about the
original message because of the hash value of should be
same sender and receiver [15]. Multiple passwords allow
the router so each password contains unique key-id. So all
passwords are collaborating or migrate easy and secure is
more. However, they do need to be the same between
neighbors. The Authentication type area, that's
configurable on a router per-interface foundation, [14]
identifies the authentication set of rules. MD5
authentication at the sending router.
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Fig 4: Message Digest Key Authentication Sending and
Receiver Router C3645.
In this research and analyzing work, by the outside
network to internal network request from connection to
destination system in flood attackers. Before starting the
implementation of Cloud with GNS3 authentication by
using the md5 cryptography algorithm, has required the
open source latest version GNS3 [8] with browser the
router and Loopback Network Adapter with IP address
assigning with virtual cloud configure with nodes in NIO
Ethernet. In ISO, Cisco C3745 dynamics GT96100-FE
router images are downloaded in GNS3 open source
website. In router configure with Ethernet, Fast Ethernet
and Serial. Each router has a unique idle number [4]. In
Gns3 with the cloud router has contains Telnet
port numbers 5000, 5001, 5003 and so on and inner
configure python 3.6.3 version.
Fig 5: Configure Cloud with Network as a Service.
After completion of configuration check the cloud is
connected or not, then open which router is connect the
cloud by using putty.
R1# ping repeat 20
Sending 5, 100-byte echo to time out to reach 2
! , ! ! ! , ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! , ! ! ! , !
The Success rate is 80 percent (16/20), round-trip
min/avg/max = 74/81/124 ms.
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Fig 6: Cloud connection by Putty with Router.
4.1 Steps for Router Configuration:
Step 1: open all routers using putty.
Step 2: enable router configuration.
Step 3: configuration terminal in router.
Step 4: By using Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Serial
and ATM any one configure the interface.
Step 5: set the IP address and subnet mask.
Step 6: save the all configuration.
Above steps configuration to all the routers, after ping
individual IP address. Calculate the individual min/ avg
Fig 7: Connecting all Routers with IP address Success
4.2 Proposed Algorithm Implementation for Ospf
Authentication-Key with Message Digest Algorithm
Algorithm: pre-requests are VPCS =VP{VP1,VP2,. ..
VPn}, Routers R := {series C3745 routers, r1, r2, r3 …rn}
and Cloud C:= {Cloud-1, Cloud-2….. Cloud-n}. below
steps from 1 to 13.
1. Routing = {OSPF}, O={Non-Securing and MD5
2. Set D = Routing x O where
3. Loop { for all d belongs to D} :
4. Loop { r m belongs to R, where i belongs to
5. Set up and config d on ri
6. Start server with IPx port,
7. Loop {for all VPCSj = VP, where j = 1,2,…n}
8. Establish connection to Cloud at IPx port.
9. Set up all R x Routing { r1,r2… rn with OSPF}
10. Set up D with Router
11. Loop { r m belongs to R, where i belongs to
{1,2,3,…m} and inner dm belongs to D is {OSPF
x O}
12. Loop do simulation.
13. Stop
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Commands to Establishment for Ospf Authentication
Message Digest Algorithm:
1. Enables the routers( the initial router has not
secure configure the authentication)
2. Configuration with terminal
3. Interface with Ethernet.
4. Configuration each router IP address with subnet
5. Set the router OSPF version.
6. Set the network with sub network mask.
7. Set and configure the OSPF with MD5 with key {
1 to 255} and OSPF password { max 16
8. Setting and configuration, authentication with
9. Verification show the IP OSPF neighbor.
10. Show the OSPF interface
11. Finally, debug the IP OSPF packets.
Below figure 8 shows that Router 4 is authenticated by
MD-5 Cryptography Algorithm. Its have youngest key id
is 1.
Fig 8: Message Digest Authentication enables in Router
Fig 9: Message Digest Authentication enables router R2.
Above figure 9 shows that Router 2 is authenticated by
MD-5 Cryptography Algorithm. In R2 router has Key id is
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Fig 10: Authenticate for IP address OSPF packets.
Above figure 10 shows the packet secure communication
from source IP( to destination IP(192168.0.2).
Here source router is Hari and destination router id
In Hari router received rid: aut : 2 keyid:1 seq
: 0x3C7ECC80 from FastEthernet0/0.
In Krishna router received rid: aut : 2 keyid:1
seq : 0x3C7EC77 from FastEthernet0/0.
Fig 11: Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer
dispersion without uthentication.
In above figure : 11 shows that, the designing
authentication as a service model packets transmitted by
using the OSPF routing protocol, packets reached the
destination without using the authentication algorithm in
R2 reference is by using Network Time
Protocol to analyzing the Clock offset, root delay, root
dispersion and peer dispersion of the time calculated.
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
Fig 12: Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer
dispersion with Authentication.
In above figure: 12 shows that, the designing
authentication as a service model packets transmitted by
using the OSPF routing protocol, packets reached the
destination by using authentication algorithm. In R2,
receive packet from to on
FastEthernet0/0 by using the Network Time Protocol to
analyzing the Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and
peer dispersion of the time calculated.
The below table: 1 mention values are calculated by using
NTP in OSPF routing in the Cloud.
dispersion Peer dispersion
without authentication 12.94 19.96 24.31 11.34
with authentication 8.844 15.69 15.98 7.11
Table 1: The result offset, root delay, root dispersion, peer
Graph 1: Graph for with authentication and without
The above graph shows that in without authentication, the
root delay, time offset, root dispersion and peer dispersion
is increasing. By using a proposed implementation
cryptography algorithm the root delay, and root delay, root
dispersion and peer dispersion ratio are reduced.
Security is the major aspect in the cloud computing. Every
minute new attacks are generated in the concerned field,
So, it requires the strongest security mechanism, to handle
the all types of attacks. So, this paper proposes the
strongest security mechanism to implement GNS3
simulator. GNS3 supports the authenticating the way of
packets transmitted in the network within the cloud by
using MD5 cryptographic algorithm along with Identity-
Key for verification. The information is routed by using
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290
the OSPF protocol the service model of the Network as a
Cloud. If choosing any path from the model, then MD5
had hid the packets and authenticated. The design model
using the components of Cisco C3745 routers with
interfacing serials, Fast-Ethernet with connecting putty
terminal. Testing time comparison of time delay, root
dispersion and peer dispersion, so gives best performance
analysis in MD-5. GNS-3 is a graphical community
simulator, which facilitates in, going for walks simulations
at the consumer-designed models.
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Network as a Service Model in Cloud Authentication by HMAC Algorithm

  • 1. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2018) ISSN: 0975-0290 3623 Network as a Service Model in Cloud Authentication by HMAC Algorithm Bommala Harikrishna Ph.D Full Time Research Scholar, Research ID: M-7489-2017 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University Proddatur Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India- 516360 Email: haribommala@gmail.com Dr. S. Kiran Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University Proddatur Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India- 516360 Email: rkirans125 @gmail.com K. Mani Deep Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, AP, India- 522101 Email: manideep.karumanchi@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource pooling on internet-based accessing on use as pay environmental technology and ruled in IT field is the cloud. Present, in every organization has trusted the web, however, the information must flow but not hold the data. Therefore, all customers have to use the cloud. While the cloud progressing info by securing-protocols. Third party observing and certain circumstances directly stale in flow and kept of packets in the virtual private cloud. Global security statistics in the year 2017, hacking sensitive information in cloud approximately maybe 75.35%, and the world security analyzer said this calculation maybe reached to 100%. For this cause, this proposed research work concentrates on Authentication-Message-Digest-Key with authentication in routing the Network as a Service of packets in OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) implementing Cloud with GNS3 has tested them to securing from attackers. Keywords – Authentication, Attacks, Cloud, Cryptography, Protocols, Router, Security --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Submission: March 05, 2018 Date of Acceptance: March 23, 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION In the year 2009, IT commercial organizations announced that Cloud was the second place. The role in IT industries has to sustain data centers and cloud profoundly infrastructures for rendering like Digital Ocean, Amazon Web Service, Yard, Wireshark, and Microsoft Azure. Through internet to service utility computing to software service by data centers to obtaining the internet to access the application services. The Hardware as a Service (HaaS) infers a virtual provider with respect to registering assets like OSs, organizing, Infrastructure, virtualization innovation, and [2] capacity administrations. Noblest IaaS benefit provider by AWS. This association can be overviewed as the fundamental system for another two associations, for example, PaaS and SaaS. In Application as a Service (SaaS), buyers or customers contract programming encouraged by the expert organization. It comes to pass web based on installment [6]. If providers started using the virtual private cloud network (VPCN) for communication [3]. IT infrastructures such as the spread of wired/wireless broadcasting network moreover [6] the variety of toolsets, high speed, and the scope of free software and so on. The customer has faced with problems of authentication in a cloud model of service in Authentication as a Service [9]. Fig 1: Cloud Computing There are bunches of components and devices are recently connected yet, we are confronting numerous sorts of issues in the web world. Into a neighborhood machine IPV4 arrange designed to get to the cloud and switch setup to keep up the username and secret word for verification to center around inquire about for validation for packets [10].
  • 2. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3624 The analysis shows that to be able to offer secured neighborhood communique then plaintext passwords and keyed MD5 authentication is wished. Plaintext passwords are prone to eavesdropping, at the [11] same time as keyed MD5 authentication can successfully protect network protocol exchanges. II. AUTHENTICATION AS A SERVICE IN CLOUD FOR USER Service model cloud for new users has accessed any resource pooling fully depend on the authentication. In Generally service provider mention the registration for privacy info after, providers give customer ID for identification, and method for authentication for customer authentication finished for registration done. When service utilizing in a client, that time asking the authentication and ID of the client. In AaaS maintained by the strong authentication in some possibility way of authentication process has been hacked by the hacker, that reason AaaS one part of PaaS maintain safe techniques like PSWD, MFA(Multi-Factor-Authentication), CAPKI (Crypto- Authentication-Public-Key-Infrastructure), SOO(Sign-On- One), OTP (One-Time-Password) and SBMM (Scan-Bar- Code-Mobile-Method). 2.1 weakness of Authentication as a Service in Cloud: PSWD: PSWD nothing but a password, is a one of Authentication as a Service. Now a days electronics device has maintained the password for security. In some situations is a complication and immediately hold the renewal password for security reasons. MFA: Multi-Factor-Authentication is a kind of Authentication as a Service. MFA was clubbed with different methods like password, iris, OTP, certificate and biometrics. CAPKI: Crypto-Authentication-Public-Key- Infrastructure is among one of in an Authentications as a Service. Based on the certificate to authenticate third party, but don’t share the safe info. The client way of to manage and inspect are not possible by the CAPKI. SOO: Sign-On-One is a kind of Authentication as a Service. If authenticate any one application, then assertion access through the other side. MTM: Mobile Trusted Module is proposed by TCG which Samsung, Nokia, Ericson etc., which based on SIM with authentication for Smartphone. 2.2 Dangerous Attack for Authentication: An inflow of data packet through the internet from source to destination in that time the third party attacking the packets during the network. Active Attacks: In computing security, an active attack is characterized by the attacker attempting to interrupt into the gadget. At some stage in an energetic attack, the intruder will introduce statistics into the device, in addition to doubtlessly trade records in the gadget. Dos Attacks: The attacks paintings via asking for such a lot of resources from a server that the server cannot reply to valid requests. As Dos assault that originates from a single tool. Distributed Attacks: Inside the beyond, recoveries had been limited to the processing energy of only one machine. It has to calculate the energy of the machine by using DNA and around the globe to decrypt passwords. Close in Attacks: One kind of close in assaults is social engineering attacks wherein the attacker uses information of the other persons and attempts to take advantage of them with the aid of sending an e-mail or telephone and tries to acquire confidential facts [18] about their bank bills and so forth. In close-in-assaults, the attacker tries to gain records from bodily entities or community components by way of getting bodily near. DDoS Attacks: Now and again protection specialists can purpose command and manage laptop structures inner a botnet, disrupting operations. But, figuring out command and manipulate devices takes time. Even postulate those are recognized then eliminated, partial botnets are designed in imitation of slip off regarding a failed command [19]. III. ARCHITECTURE FOR CLOUD WITH GNS3 GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator), the remarkable network simulation software permits you after be part of then cooperate virtual network topologies after actual networks [12]. This exquisite feature of GNS3 brings CCNA, CCNP then CCIE labs [4] with absence hardware! Individually, I was plenty severe then got here in imitation of understand that opportunity inside GNS3. You may even associate in [1] accordance with digital machines past VMware then virtual container to this robust section on software. To tell the Idle computer charge into GNS3 going for walks above the windows platform [5]. Linking a virtual topology into GNS3 to actual devices is at all exciting or sturdy then as makes enterprise network setup nicely.
  • 3. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3625 Fig 2: Cloud with GNS3 In cloud, internet network based on applications so, networking is a configured with an IP address in IPV4 in local system [16]. That IP address configure within Cloud. In business market simulation routers have so many, but GNS3 provide routers like 1720,1710,2660,3675 and 7200 and so on. But unique ideal number generally generates for each every time in a router for every user [13]. On GNS3 connection with cloud based upon IP address with the port number and configure router. On each and every router has a open by using putty software. 3.1 Message Digest Key Authentication Routing Authentication: In attacker’s security reason for using MD-5 Cryptography-Key-Algorithms.MD-5 algorithm partition into the modules, each module block size of input 512 bits. At the end of the last block of module join the 64 bits. The genuine input date, length recording purpose used the 64 bits. If the last block is less than 512 bits, some extra bits are 'padded' to the end. Each block contains sixteen words of 32 bits each [11]. It is the representation as A0, A1, A2, A3… A15. The buffer is part of MD-5, creates 4 words and each holds 32 bits long. The listed below i. ONE: 01 23 45 67 (A) ii. TWO: 89 ab CD ef (B) iii. THREE: fe dc ba 98 (C) iv. FOUR: 76 54 32 10 (D) Trigonometry Sin function is calculate to enhancement on future utilizing so maintain the MD-5 table T. Tj = abs(sin(j + 1)) * 232. We consider ‘T’ has 64 elements. Element number j is indicated as Tj. AUXILIARY OF MESSAGE DIGEST KEY AUTHENTICATION ROUTING AUTHENTICATION: It’s used to logical operator , , 7, and, xor to the input data. Each function takes 3 32-bits and gives the output one 32-bit. P(L,M,N) = (L and M) or (not(L) and N) (F) Q(L,M,N) = (L and N) or (M and not(N)) (G) R(L,M,N) = L xor M xor N (H) S(L,M,N) = M xor (L or not(N))(I) MD-5 have four rounds, each participate 16 operations below is one operation. There are four rounds, each involves 16 basic operations Fig 3: Message Digest Key Authentication Routing Authentication algorithm for single operation. Message Digest Hash function algorithm generates a hash value to observing the OSPF routing packets and authenticate a password. The packets are transmitted within hash value attached to take a KEY-ID and non- decreasing the linear number [7]. The Receiver should know the same password of the sender, computes its own hash value. Third-party modifies the message without permission of the sender but, don’t worry about the original message because of the hash value of should be same sender and receiver [15]. Multiple passwords allow the router so each password contains unique key-id. So all passwords are collaborating or migrate easy and secure is more. However, they do need to be the same between neighbors. The Authentication type area, that's configurable on a router per-interface foundation, [14] identifies the authentication set of rules. MD5 authentication at the sending router.
  • 4. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3626 Fig 4: Message Digest Key Authentication Sending and Receiver Router C3645. IV. GNS3 WITH CLOUD IMPLEMENTATION BY PROPOSED ALGORITHM AND EXPERIMENT In this research and analyzing work, by the outside network to internal network request from connection to destination system in flood attackers. Before starting the implementation of Cloud with GNS3 authentication by using the md5 cryptography algorithm, has required the open source latest version GNS3 [8] with browser the router and Loopback Network Adapter with IP address assigning with virtual cloud configure with nodes in NIO Ethernet. In ISO, Cisco C3745 dynamics GT96100-FE router images are downloaded in GNS3 open source website. In router configure with Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Serial. Each router has a unique idle number [4]. In Gns3 with the cloud router has contains Telnet port numbers 5000, 5001, 5003 and so on and inner configure python 3.6.3 version. Fig 5: Configure Cloud with Network as a Service. After completion of configuration check the cloud is connected or not, then open which router is connect the cloud by using putty. R1# ping repeat 20 Sending 5, 100-byte echo to time out to reach 2 seconds. ! , ! ! ! , ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! , ! ! ! , ! The Success rate is 80 percent (16/20), round-trip min/avg/max = 74/81/124 ms.
  • 5. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3627 Fig 6: Cloud connection by Putty with Router. 4.1 Steps for Router Configuration: Step 1: open all routers using putty. Step 2: enable router configuration. Step 3: configuration terminal in router. Step 4: By using Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Serial and ATM any one configure the interface. Step 5: set the IP address and subnet mask. Step 6: save the all configuration. Above steps configuration to all the routers, after ping individual IP address. Calculate the individual min/ avg /max. Fig 7: Connecting all Routers with IP address Success Rate. 4.2 Proposed Algorithm Implementation for Ospf Authentication-Key with Message Digest Algorithm Cloud: Algorithm: pre-requests are VPCS =VP{VP1,VP2,. .. VPn}, Routers R := {series C3745 routers, r1, r2, r3 …rn} and Cloud C:= {Cloud-1, Cloud-2….. Cloud-n}. below steps from 1 to 13. 1. Routing = {OSPF}, O={Non-Securing and MD5 Securing}. 2. Set D = Routing x O where 3. Loop { for all d belongs to D} : 4. Loop { r m belongs to R, where i belongs to {1,2,3,…m} 5. Set up and config d on ri 6. Start server with IPx port, 7. Loop {for all VPCSj = VP, where j = 1,2,…n} 8. Establish connection to Cloud at IPx port. 9. Set up all R x Routing { r1,r2… rn with OSPF} 10. Set up D with Router 11. Loop { r m belongs to R, where i belongs to {1,2,3,…m} and inner dm belongs to D is {OSPF x O} 12. Loop do simulation. 13. Stop
  • 6. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3628 Commands to Establishment for Ospf Authentication Message Digest Algorithm: 1. Enables the routers( the initial router has not secure configure the authentication) 2. Configuration with terminal 3. Interface with Ethernet. 4. Configuration each router IP address with subnet mask. 5. Set the router OSPF version. 6. Set the network with sub network mask. 7. Set and configure the OSPF with MD5 with key { 1 to 255} and OSPF password { max 16 characters} 8. Setting and configuration, authentication with MD5. 9. Verification show the IP OSPF neighbor. 10. Show the OSPF interface 11. Finally, debug the IP OSPF packets. Below figure 8 shows that Router 4 is authenticated by MD-5 Cryptography Algorithm. Its have youngest key id is 1. Fig 8: Message Digest Authentication enables in Router 4: Fig 9: Message Digest Authentication enables router R2. Above figure 9 shows that Router 2 is authenticated by MD-5 Cryptography Algorithm. In R2 router has Key id is 3.
  • 7. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3629 Fig 10: Authenticate for IP address OSPF packets. Above figure 10 shows the packet secure communication from source IP( to destination IP(192168.0.2). Here source router is Hari and destination router id Krishna. In Hari router received rid: aut : 2 keyid:1 seq : 0x3C7ECC80 from FastEthernet0/0. In Krishna router received rid: aut : 2 keyid:1 seq : 0x3C7EC77 from FastEthernet0/0. Fig 11: Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion without uthentication. In above figure : 11 shows that, the designing authentication as a service model packets transmitted by using the OSPF routing protocol, packets reached the destination without using the authentication algorithm in R2 reference is by using Network Time Protocol to analyzing the Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion of the time calculated.
  • 8. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3630 Fig 12: Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion with Authentication. In above figure: 12 shows that, the designing authentication as a service model packets transmitted by using the OSPF routing protocol, packets reached the destination by using authentication algorithm. In R2, receive packet from to on FastEthernet0/0 by using the Network Time Protocol to analyzing the Clock offset, root delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion of the time calculated. The below table: 1 mention values are calculated by using NTP in OSPF routing in the Cloud. Time Clock offset Root delay Root dispersion Peer dispersion without authentication 12.94 19.96 24.31 11.34 with authentication 8.844 15.69 15.98 7.11 Table 1: The result offset, root delay, root dispersion, peer dispersion Graph 1: Graph for with authentication and without authentication The above graph shows that in without authentication, the root delay, time offset, root dispersion and peer dispersion is increasing. By using a proposed implementation cryptography algorithm the root delay, and root delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion ratio are reduced. V. CONCLUSION Security is the major aspect in the cloud computing. Every minute new attacks are generated in the concerned field, So, it requires the strongest security mechanism, to handle the all types of attacks. So, this paper proposes the strongest security mechanism to implement GNS3 simulator. GNS3 supports the authenticating the way of packets transmitted in the network within the cloud by using MD5 cryptographic algorithm along with Identity- Key for verification. The information is routed by using
  • 9. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 09 Issue: 06 Pages: 3623-3631 (2017) ISSN: 0975-0290 3631 the OSPF protocol the service model of the Network as a Cloud. If choosing any path from the model, then MD5 had hid the packets and authenticated. The design model using the components of Cisco C3745 routers with interfacing serials, Fast-Ethernet with connecting putty terminal. Testing time comparison of time delay, root dispersion and peer dispersion, so gives best performance analysis in MD-5. GNS-3 is a graphical community simulator, which facilitates in, going for walks simulations at the consumer-designed models. REFERENCES [1] X. Wang and S. Zhang, Research about optimization of campus network security system, Procedia Eng., vol. 15, pp. 1802–1806, 2011. [2] B.Harikrishna, S.Kiran, G.Murali and R.Pradeep Kumar Reddy, Security Issues In Service Model Of Cloud Computing Environment, Procedia Computer Science 87 ( 2016 ) 246 251, Science Direct. [3] Cataldo Basile, Antonio Lioy, Analysis of Application Layer Filtering Policies With Application to HTTP, IEEE/ ACM Transactions on Networking, 1063-6692, 2013 IEEE. [4] Free CCNA Tutorials. Study CCNA For Free!. Study- ccna.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 21 Mar. 2017. [5] Cite A Website - Cite This For Me. Networkstraining.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 21 Mar. 2017. [6] B.Harikrishna, N.Anusha, K.Manideep, Madhusudhanarao, Ch, Quarantine Stabilizing Multi- Keyword Rated Discover with Unfamiliar ID Transferover Encrypted Cloud Warning IJERCSE Vol 2, Issue 2, February 2015. [7] Zili Shao, Chun Xue, Qingfeng Zhuge, Meikang Qiu, Bin Xiao, Edwin H.-M Sha, ―Security Protection and Checking for Embedded System Integration against Buffer Overflow attacks via Hardware/Software‖, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 55, NO. 4, April 2006. [8] Source: https://docs.gns3.com/. B. Harikrishna, Efficient Resource Allocation using Fair Scheduling in Cloud Based Systems, RITS ICA EM 2012. [9] Chandra Wijaya 2011 IEEE 355-360. [10] B. Harikrishna, S. Kiran, R. Pradeep Kumar Reddy, Protection on sensitive information in cloud Cryptography algorithms, IEEE digital Library 10.1109/CESYS.2016.7889894. [11] Source: Computer weekly.com [12] Jason C. Neumann The book of GNS3 Device Nodes, Live Switches, and the Internet 2015. [13] Khalid Abu Al-Saud, Hatim Tahir, Moutaz Saleh and Mohammed Saleh 2010 IAJIT 380- 387. [14] Check point FireWall-1, version 3.0 White paper June 1997 http://www.checkpoint.com/products/ whitepapers/wp30.pdf [15] Wallace, Kevin. CCNP Routing And Switching ROUTE 300-101 Official Cert Guide. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Pearson Education, 2015. [16] Hon Sun Chiu, Kwan L. Yeung, and King-Shan Lui- J-CAR: An Efficient Joint Channel Assignment and Routing Protocol for IEEE 802.11-Based Multi- Channel Multi-Interface Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 1706 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 8 (4) , APRIL 2009. [17] Anja Feldmann, Jennifer Rexford, and Ramon Caceres, ”Efficient Policies for Carrying Web Traffic Over Flow- Switched Networks” , IEEE/ ACM transactions on networking, vol. 6, no. 6, December 1998. [18] Q.Zhao, Y. Mou, and S.H.. Qin, “The design of Security authentication system based on campus Network, “ Proc. – Int. Conf. Electr. Control Eng. ICECE 2010, pp. 3070-3073, 2010.