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Discussion Overview The Softer Side of Business 1 The Number Cards 3 Putting Your  Plan Into Play 4 The Top  Ten Event Strategies 5 Time to Count Your Cards 6 The Principles  of Networking 2
My Personal Networking Plan Networking is a powerful form of marketing and self-promotion. Achieve a measurable increase in business volume Utilize written goals and specific  measurable outcomes A three-year  networking plan Realization: Goal: Method: Result:
Every Game Has  a Strategy Networking plan ensures new clients and  more business. Marketing results become more predictable and focused. Power shift from clients choosing you, to you choosing your clients. 1. 2. 3.
The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success The Laws of The Go-Giver   - Bob Burg and John David Mann- R eceptivity V alue C ompensation I nfluence A uthenticity 1 2 3 4
Give with No Thought of Return 1. Giving with  no thought of return  is the new strategy. 2. Flow theory is one of the most important philosophical underpinnings of networking. Concept  1
Establish Your Expertise – Set Up a Master Mind Group 1. President Andrew Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” 2. Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich Expertise #1 Expertise #1
Time to Play Your Hand Become a Popular Speaker 1. Practice and prepare. 2. Speak at national  conferences. 3. Offer services through  a formal proposal to local professional groups. Expertise #9
What Do You Want to be Known for: Wealth or Fame? Your reputation can be  defined as the appreciation,  trust, and respect others have for you.
Disney Knows This Humble does not mean unimportant or unconnected. The “cast members” who receive the most training are the   cleaning and  janitorial staff.  Disney knows they have more contact with the public than anyone else in the park.
Don’t Talk –  Ask Open Ended Questions Conversation Is  about Listening  and Responding How Who What When Where Why
Push-Pull Theory Understanding this theory makes you the sharpest  person in the room. It adds finesse to your networking skills. The focus is on attracting  people to you, not pushing. It works in every aspect  of life. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Are You Excited About What You Do? Why does Michael Dell of Dell Computers TM  keep working? He is proud of what he does and his enthusiasm keeps him going.
Switch Individual Activities to Group Activities 1. Make the most of your time. 2. Pick up extra  networking time. 3. Join a group.
Put a Networking  Plan into Action Use strategies to prepare a comprehensive networking plan before going to any new events. A plan maximizes your  return for the resources  and time expended. No Plan = No Results
Make the Other Person Feel Important 1. Introduce others with a complimentary phrase. 2. Give both parties  something to start   the conversation. 3. Show sincere interest  in their answers.
Step Five: Event Return Evaluation Keep Keep Keep Drop No Return
Contact Management Set-up a business card database to search by event. Review the details. Amaze people. 1. 2. 3.
Visit us at  www.speechesforcoaches.com  to review our suite of seminar speaker materials or contact us. Jon T. Newsome President – Presentation Partners, Inc. 770-614-4146 [email_address] —  THE METHODOLOGY —

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Networking Power Sample Slides

  • 2. Discussion Overview The Softer Side of Business 1 The Number Cards 3 Putting Your Plan Into Play 4 The Top Ten Event Strategies 5 Time to Count Your Cards 6 The Principles of Networking 2
  • 3. My Personal Networking Plan Networking is a powerful form of marketing and self-promotion. Achieve a measurable increase in business volume Utilize written goals and specific measurable outcomes A three-year networking plan Realization: Goal: Method: Result:
  • 4. Every Game Has a Strategy Networking plan ensures new clients and more business. Marketing results become more predictable and focused. Power shift from clients choosing you, to you choosing your clients. 1. 2. 3.
  • 5. REASONS TO IMPROVE YOUR NETWORKING SKILLS The Softer Side of Business Section 1
  • 6. The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success The Laws of The Go-Giver - Bob Burg and John David Mann- R eceptivity V alue C ompensation I nfluence A uthenticity 1 2 3 4
  • 7. Give with No Thought of Return 1. Giving with no thought of return is the new strategy. 2. Flow theory is one of the most important philosophical underpinnings of networking. Concept 1
  • 8. Establish Your Expertise – Set Up a Master Mind Group 1. President Andrew Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” 2. Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich Expertise #1 Expertise #1
  • 9. Time to Play Your Hand Become a Popular Speaker 1. Practice and prepare. 2. Speak at national conferences. 3. Offer services through a formal proposal to local professional groups. Expertise #9
  • 10. What Do You Want to be Known for: Wealth or Fame? Your reputation can be defined as the appreciation, trust, and respect others have for you.
  • 11. Disney Knows This Humble does not mean unimportant or unconnected. The “cast members” who receive the most training are the cleaning and janitorial staff. Disney knows they have more contact with the public than anyone else in the park.
  • 12. Don’t Talk – Ask Open Ended Questions Conversation Is about Listening and Responding How Who What When Where Why
  • 13. Push-Pull Theory Understanding this theory makes you the sharpest person in the room. It adds finesse to your networking skills. The focus is on attracting people to you, not pushing. It works in every aspect of life. 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 14. Are You Excited About What You Do? Why does Michael Dell of Dell Computers TM keep working? He is proud of what he does and his enthusiasm keeps him going.
  • 15. Switch Individual Activities to Group Activities 1. Make the most of your time. 2. Pick up extra networking time. 3. Join a group.
  • 16. Put a Networking Plan into Action Use strategies to prepare a comprehensive networking plan before going to any new events. A plan maximizes your return for the resources and time expended. No Plan = No Results
  • 18. Make the Other Person Feel Important 1. Introduce others with a complimentary phrase. 2. Give both parties something to start the conversation. 3. Show sincere interest in their answers.
  • 19. Step Five: Event Return Evaluation Keep Keep Keep Drop No Return
  • 20. Contact Management Set-up a business card database to search by event. Review the details. Amaze people. 1. 2. 3.
  • 21. Visit us at www.speechesforcoaches.com to review our suite of seminar speaker materials or contact us. Jon T. Newsome President – Presentation Partners, Inc. 770-614-4146 [email_address] — THE METHODOLOGY —

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. Networking — The Softer Side of Business 2. Principles of Networking Establishing Mutually Beneficially Business Relationships Reciprocity — Giving, Not Taking The Flow Of Money and People through Your Life Confidence Expertise Mentoring Others 3. Techniques Your Reputation Ask Questions Push-Pull Theory 4. Individual Strategies Are You Proactive Or Reactive? Networking As Marketing The 30 Second Elevator Speech Selecting High Return Events Tracking New Contacts Be at the Top Of Your Game 5. Event Skills Top 10 Best Practices For Networking Events Behaviors to Avoid 6. Time to Count Your Cards — Tracking Your Success
  2. WORK BOOK EXERCISE – What is my goal for Networking and why? I realized early in the process that networking is a powerful form of marketing and self-promotion. I wanted to achieve a measurable increase in my business volume. I used written goals and specific measurable outcomes based on what I wanted to accomplish. I determined the exact steps needed to take to make this happen. The result was a three year networking plan.
  3. Making successful contacts is not a matter of chance. With a written networking plan:
  4. The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success, Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann The Law of Value Your True worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. The Law of Compensation Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. The Law of Influence Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first. The Law of Authenticity The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself. The Law of Receptivity The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving
  5. Networking is not about taking, It’s about giving….eliminated this title-replaced with title from following slide-eliminated redundant following slide.
  6. WORK BOOK EXERCISE – Who should be in your Master Mind Group? Write in at least five people who can help you with your future success. US President Andrew Jackson had the Kitchen Cabinet , a group of trustworthy friends he could trust to give him new ideas and honest feedback. Napoleon Hill proposed the Master Mind Group in his book, Think and Grow Rich. It’s a hand-picked group of like-minded, extremely competent people who get together regularly, bounce around ideas, discuss their goals and ideas, and talk about what they are doing. They receive positive or corrective feedback from the other members.
  7. Become a Popular Speaker at Conferences and Meetings Practice and prepare your lecture and PowerPoint ® presentation. Offer your services through a formal proposal to local professional groups. The next step is to speak at national conferences. Prepare the proposal to the committee way before the deadline, get feedback and revise the proposal to suit their specific needs.
  8. Networking can be defined the sum total of our experiences with other people in business and life. (which sounds suspiciously like “fame”).
  9. Humble does not mean unimportant or unconnected. At Disney theme parks, the “cast members” (employees) who receive the most training are the cleaning and janitorial staff — more than management, the characters and the ride operators. Disney knows they have more contact with the public than anyone else in the park.
  10. Questioning Exercise: Let me demonstrate The British author Rudyard Kipling said there are only 6 questions in this world: Script: I’ve asked John Doe (person from the audience selected ahead of time) to assist me. Role play: Greg uses the 6 questions to keep a conversation going. Put a sign on the wall behind Greg’s head so the audience member can see them and use them to ask questions.
  11. Understanding how to use the Push–Pull Theory makes you the sharpest person in the room. Push—Pull is about finesse and savvy networking skills. Push–Pull Theory is focused on attracting people to you, not pushing. It works everywhere; in every aspect of your life.
  12. Michael Dell keeps working even though he could have retired years ago. Why? Because it is a heck of a lot of fun to run a billion dollar company. He’s proud of what he does and it shows. His enthusiasm keeps him going.
  13. WORK BOOK EXERCISE – What activities should you focus on that would be group activities – make a list in your work book. You only have a certain amount of time so one way to make the most of it is to make things on your calendar do double duty. Pick up extra networking time by switching all your individual activities to group ones. Don’t run alone. Join a running group.
  14. #3 Show sincere interest in their answers—then ask another question. Interest and flattery are not the same thing. Sample “ Alex, this is Thomas. He’s regarded by most people in our field as the best person to consult on tech stocks.”
  15. Evaluate your return on networking events. If you have no return from an event its time to drop that event.
  16. After you have your business card database, set it up to search by event. Review the personal details and names of people you met last time before you go to the same event again. People will be amazed that you took the time to remember the things that they said
  17. Impart knowledge and awareness. Assess skills and capabilities. Apply the tools, techniques and strategies to address new information and skills. Measure and monitor success to ensure a positive outcome.