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New Media Literacies: an
inspiration for new
approaches to the classroom
Prof.ssa Ilaria Filograsso


Henry Jenkins
QuickTime™ e undecompressoresono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine.


A participatory culture is a
culture with relatively low
barriers to artistic expression
and civic engagement, strong
support for creating and sharing
one’s creations, and some type
of informal mentorship whereby
what is known by the most
experienced is passed along to


A participatory culture is also one
in which members believe their
contributions matter, and feel
some degree of social connection
with one another (at the least
they care what other people think
about what they have created).


Forms of participatory culture
• Affiliations = memberships, formal and informal, in
online communities centered around various forms of
media, such as Friendster, Facebook, message
boards, metagaming, game clans, or MySpace).
• Expressions = producing new creative forms, such as
digital sampling, skinning and modding, fan
videomaking, fan fiction writing, zines, mash-ups).
• Collaborative Problem-solving = working together in
teams, formal and informal, to complete tasks and
develop new knowledge (such as through Wikipedia,
alternative reality gaming, spoiling).
• Circulations = Shaping the flow of media (such as
podcasting, blogging).


Why We Should Teach Media Literacy: Three
Core Problems
• The Participation Gap - the unequal access to the
opportunities, experiences, skills, and knowledge that
will prepare youth for full participation in the world of
• The Transparency Problem - The challenges young
people face in learning to see clearly the ways that
media shape perceptions of the world.
• The Ethics Challenge - The breakdown of traditional
forms of professional training and socialization that
might prepare young people for their increasingly
public roles as media makers and community


Participatory culture shifts the focus
of literacy from one of individual
expression to community involvement.
The new literacies almost all involve
social skills developed through
collaboration and networking.These
skills build on the foundation of
traditional literacy, research skills,
technical skills, and critical analysis
skills taught in the classroom.


• Participatory culture is emerging
as the culture absorbs and
responds to the explosion of new
media technologies that make it
possible for average consumers
to archive, annotate, appropriate,
and recirculate media content in
powerful new ways.


Rethinking literacy
Literacy is no longer read as a set of
personal skills; rather, the new media
literacies are a set of social skills and
cultural competencies, vitally
connected to our increasingly public
lives online and to the social networks
through which we operate.
Developing literacy is about learning
how to read, think, critique, and create


The new skills include
• Play: the capacity to experiment with
one’s surroundings as a form of
• Performance: the ability to adopt
alternative identities for the purpose of
improvisation and discovery
• Simulation: the ability to interpret and
construct dynamic models of real-world
• Appropriation: the ability to
meaningfully sample and remix media


• Multitasking: the ability to scan one’s
environment and shift focus as needed
to salient details.
• Distributed Cognition: the ability to
interact meaningfully with tools that
expand mental capacities
• Collective Intelligence: the ability to
pool knowledge and compare notes
with others toward a common goal
• Judgment: the ability to evaluate the
reliability and credibility of different
information sources


• Transmedia Navigation: the ability to
follow the flow of stories and
information across multiple modalities
• Networking:the ability to search for,
synthesize, and disseminate
• Negotiation: the ability to travel across
diverse communities, discerning and
respecting multiple perspectives, and
grasping and following alternative


New media literacies include the
traditional literacy that evolved with
print culture as well as the newer
forms of literacy within mass and
digital media. Much writing about
twenty-first century literacies seems to
assume that communicating through
visual, digital, or audiovisualmedia will
displace reading and writing.We
fundamentally disagree. Before
students can engage with the new
participatory culture, they must be
able to read and write.


Participatory reading is a matter
not only of knowing how to
respond to a text creatively and
critically but also of knowing how
to create and circulate content.


What New Skills Matter? New Social
Skills and Cultural Competencies
• The social production of meaning is more than
individual interpretation multiplied; it represents a
qualitative difference in the ways we make sense of
cultural experience, and in that sense, it represents a
profound change in how we understand literacy. In
such a world, youth need skills for working within
social networks, for pooling knowledge within a
collective intelligence, for negotiating across cultural
differences that shape the governing assumptions in
different communities, and for reconciling conflicting
bits of data to form a coherent picture of the world
around them.


Instead of asking what effects,
positive or negative, the
emergence of digital technologies
has had on kids reading skills, we
ask: How can we draw on the
skills and mindsets young people
are developing in their use of
digital technologies in order to
enhance their engagement with
traditional texts?


Conceptual Shift
The key premise of this shift is that
reading is an umbrella term for a variety
of critical and creative practices. In a
traditional model of reading, the
emphasis is on reading to understand
authorial intent, and on writing to
demonstrate mastery. The participatory
model emphasizes that understanding
authorial intent requires a broader lens.


New Media Literacies


Traditional expectations of reading - Reading literature, at
least as understood for the last couple of centuries, has
traditionally involved certain expectations of a text:
・ It is linear. You start at the beginning and go to the end.
Books have a design that you can best appreciate by reading
in a given order.
・ It is continuous. Books have a unity and cumulative effect
that you would lose by jumping around.
・ It is complete. You must read it all to get the meaning.
・ It is deep. Your first reading gives you only surface
understanding. You must read and re-read, looking for
significant patterns of language and theme, before you can
say you understand the text.


A participatory model of reading
encourages students to identify
their own motives for engaging
with a text, and to use those
motives in collaboration with
others to build knowledge about
the work collectively.


Nothing motivates readers more
than the prospect of becoming
authors or performers of their
own new texts.


• Appropriation may be understood as a
process that involves both analysis and
commentary. Sampling intelligently from the
existing cultural reservoir requires a close
analysis of the existing structures and uses
of this material; remixing requires an
appreciation of emerging structures and
latent potential meanings. For beginning
creators, appropriation provides a
scaffolding, allowing them to focus on some
dimensions of cultural production and rely on
the existing materials to sustain others.


Appropriation enters education when learners are encouraged to
dissect, transform, sample, or remix existing cultural materials.
• The MIT Comparative Media Studies Program hosts a
workshop each year, asking students to work in teams to
think through what would be involved in transforming an
existing media property (a book, film, television series, or
comic book) into a video or computer game and then
preparing a “pitch” presentation for their game: beginning
with a pre-existing property allows students to get started
quickly and more or less on equal footing given that they
are able to build on a text they have in common as readers
rather than one created by an individual student author; the
process of identifying core proper- ties of the original work
teaches students important skills at narrative and formal
analysis while the development of an alternative version of
the story in another medium emphasize the creative
expansion of the original content.


Transmedia Navigation - the ability to deal with
the flow of stories and information across
multiple modalities
• In an era of convergence, consumers become hunters
and gatherers pulling together information from
multiple sources to form a new synthesis. Storytellers
exploit this potential for transmedia storytelling;
advertisers talk about branding as depending on
multiple touch points; networks seek to exploit their
intellectual properties across many different channels.
As they do so, we encounter the same information,
the same stories, the same characters and worlds
across multiple modes of representation.Transmedia
stories at the most basic level are stories told across
multiple media. At the present time, the most
significant stories tend to flow across multiple media


Transmedia storytelling represents a
process where integral elements of a
fiction get dispersed systematically
across multiple delivery channels for
the purpose of creating a unified and
coordinated entertainment experience.
Ideally, each medium makes its own
unique contribution to the unfolding of
the story.


• G. Kress (2003) stresses that modern literacy requires
the ability to express ideas across a broad range of
different systems of representation and signification
(including words, spoken or written; image, still and
moving; musical...3D models...). Each medium has its
own affordances, its own systems of representation,
its own strategies for producing and organizing
knowledge. Participants in the new media landscape
learn to navigate these different and sometimes
conflicting modes of representation and to make
meaningful choices about the best ways to express
their ideas in each context.


• In short, new media literacies involve the ability to
think across media, whether understood at the level of
simple recognition (identifying the same content as it
is translated across different modes of
representation), or at the level of narrative logic
(understanding the connections between story
communicated through different media), or at the level
of rhetoric (learning to express an idea within a single
medium or across the media spectrum).Transmedia
navigation involves both processing new types of
stories and arguments that are emerging within a
convergence culture and expressing ideas in ways
that exploit the opportunities and affordances
represented by the new media landscape. In other
words, it involves the ability to both read and write
across all available modes of expression.


• Students learn about multimodality and
transmedia navigation when they take
time to focus on how stories change as
they move across different contexts of
production and reception, as they give
consideration to the affordances and
conventions of different media, and as
they learn to create using a range of
different media tools


Students in literature classes are
asked to take a familiar fairy tale,
myth, or legend and identify how this
story has been retold across different
media, different historical periods, and
different national contexts. Students
search for recurring elements as well
as signs of the changes that occur as
the story are retold in a new context.


We have to focus on
new ways of thinking about reading for school -
- that they will be encouraged to use the reading
styles they use outside of school for this. One really
important way to be engaged in required reading is
to figure out what motivates you to read for fun or
outside of class, and to try to find a way to use that
to motivate your reading for school. This doesn’t
mean the traditional aspects of reading disappear
they’re still valuable and useful to help drive our
understanding - but they can be used in
combination with other, different ways of engaging
with a book.


• Flows of reading is an online digital
book complementary to Reading in a
partecipatory culture (2013). Flows of
reading models a new type of reader -
one who reads across different media,
with reading undestood as an activity
of sharing, deconstructing, and making


A community of readers in the classroom offerse a supportive
environment through which individual students might develop their
own expertise and share what they discover about the group and
themselves whith the group as a whole
• Mapping our identities as readers
• Expanding the learning ecology
• Mobilizing student expertise
• Stump the expert
• Reading across media
• Supporting creative responces
• Bringing popular culture to school


Four paths
1. Motives for reading urges
readers to reflect on their own
personal motives for approaching
a text and to allow themselves to
be moved by the flow of of others’
interpretations and media


2. Appropriation and Remixing
invites readers to apply creative
techniques of sampling or
combining media that build upon
the original texts and move the
flow in the direction of new


3. Negotiating Cultural Spaces
suggests readers examine the
social context of unfamiliar texts
by reflecting on the flow of
different perspectives and
behaviors whithin subcultures


4. Continuities and silences guides
readers to exlplore the
associations and absences whitin
texts in order to understand the
flow of meanings converge and
get left behind for others to


• H. Jenkins, Confronting the
Challenges of Partecipatory Culture,
MacArthur Foundation, MIT PRESS,
• H. Jenkins, Wyn Kelley, Reading in a
partecipatory culture, Teachers
College Press, 2013
• G. Kress, Literacy in the new media
age, Routledge, 2003

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New Media Literacies

  • 1. New Media Literacies: an inspiration for new approaches to the classroom practices Prof.ssa Ilaria Filograsso 25/10/2016
  • 2. Henry Jenkins www.newmedialiteracies.org QuickTime™ e undecompressoresono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine.
  • 3. A participatory culture is a culture with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement, strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations, and some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices
  • 4. A participatory culture is also one in which members believe their contributions matter, and feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created).
  • 5. Forms of participatory culture include: • Affiliations = memberships, formal and informal, in online communities centered around various forms of media, such as Friendster, Facebook, message boards, metagaming, game clans, or MySpace). • Expressions = producing new creative forms, such as digital sampling, skinning and modding, fan videomaking, fan fiction writing, zines, mash-ups). • Collaborative Problem-solving = working together in teams, formal and informal, to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (such as through Wikipedia, alternative reality gaming, spoiling). • Circulations = Shaping the flow of media (such as podcasting, blogging).
  • 6. Why We Should Teach Media Literacy: Three Core Problems • The Participation Gap - the unequal access to the opportunities, experiences, skills, and knowledge that will prepare youth for full participation in the world of tomorrow. • The Transparency Problem - The challenges young people face in learning to see clearly the ways that media shape perceptions of the world. • The Ethics Challenge - The breakdown of traditional forms of professional training and socialization that might prepare young people for their increasingly public roles as media makers and community participants.
  • 7. Participatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement. The new literacies almost all involve social skills developed through collaboration and networking.These skills build on the foundation of traditional literacy, research skills, technical skills, and critical analysis skills taught in the classroom.
  • 8. • Participatory culture is emerging as the culture absorbs and responds to the explosion of new media technologies that make it possible for average consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate, and recirculate media content in powerful new ways.
  • 9. Rethinking literacy Literacy is no longer read as a set of personal skills; rather, the new media literacies are a set of social skills and cultural competencies, vitally connected to our increasingly public lives online and to the social networks through which we operate. Developing literacy is about learning how to read, think, critique, and create together
  • 10. The new skills include • Play: the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving • Performance: the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery • Simulation: the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes • Appropriation: the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content
  • 11. • Multitasking: the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details. • Distributed Cognition: the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities • Collective Intelligence: the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal • Judgment: the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources
  • 12. • Transmedia Navigation: the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities • Networking:the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information • Negotiation: the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms.
  • 13. New media literacies include the traditional literacy that evolved with print culture as well as the newer forms of literacy within mass and digital media. Much writing about twenty-first century literacies seems to assume that communicating through visual, digital, or audiovisualmedia will displace reading and writing.We fundamentally disagree. Before students can engage with the new participatory culture, they must be able to read and write.
  • 14. Participatory reading is a matter not only of knowing how to respond to a text creatively and critically but also of knowing how to create and circulate content.
  • 15. What New Skills Matter? New Social Skills and Cultural Competencies • The social production of meaning is more than individual interpretation multiplied; it represents a qualitative difference in the ways we make sense of cultural experience, and in that sense, it represents a profound change in how we understand literacy. In such a world, youth need skills for working within social networks, for pooling knowledge within a collective intelligence, for negotiating across cultural differences that shape the governing assumptions in different communities, and for reconciling conflicting bits of data to form a coherent picture of the world around them.
  • 16. Instead of asking what effects, positive or negative, the emergence of digital technologies has had on kids reading skills, we ask: How can we draw on the skills and mindsets young people are developing in their use of digital technologies in order to enhance their engagement with traditional texts?
  • 17. Conceptual Shift The key premise of this shift is that reading is an umbrella term for a variety of critical and creative practices. In a traditional model of reading, the emphasis is on reading to understand authorial intent, and on writing to demonstrate mastery. The participatory model emphasizes that understanding authorial intent requires a broader lens.
  • 19. Traditional expectations of reading - Reading literature, at least as understood for the last couple of centuries, has traditionally involved certain expectations of a text: ・ It is linear. You start at the beginning and go to the end. Books have a design that you can best appreciate by reading in a given order. ・ It is continuous. Books have a unity and cumulative effect that you would lose by jumping around. ・ It is complete. You must read it all to get the meaning. ・ It is deep. Your first reading gives you only surface understanding. You must read and re-read, looking for significant patterns of language and theme, before you can say you understand the text.
  • 20. A participatory model of reading encourages students to identify their own motives for engaging with a text, and to use those motives in collaboration with others to build knowledge about the work collectively.
  • 21. Nothing motivates readers more than the prospect of becoming authors or performers of their own new texts.
  • 22. Appropriation • Appropriation may be understood as a process that involves both analysis and commentary. Sampling intelligently from the existing cultural reservoir requires a close analysis of the existing structures and uses of this material; remixing requires an appreciation of emerging structures and latent potential meanings. For beginning creators, appropriation provides a scaffolding, allowing them to focus on some dimensions of cultural production and rely on the existing materials to sustain others.
  • 23. Appropriation enters education when learners are encouraged to dissect, transform, sample, or remix existing cultural materials. • The MIT Comparative Media Studies Program hosts a workshop each year, asking students to work in teams to think through what would be involved in transforming an existing media property (a book, film, television series, or comic book) into a video or computer game and then preparing a “pitch” presentation for their game: beginning with a pre-existing property allows students to get started quickly and more or less on equal footing given that they are able to build on a text they have in common as readers rather than one created by an individual student author; the process of identifying core proper- ties of the original work teaches students important skills at narrative and formal analysis while the development of an alternative version of the story in another medium emphasize the creative expansion of the original content.
  • 24. Transmedia Navigation - the ability to deal with the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities • In an era of convergence, consumers become hunters and gatherers pulling together information from multiple sources to form a new synthesis. Storytellers exploit this potential for transmedia storytelling; advertisers talk about branding as depending on multiple touch points; networks seek to exploit their intellectual properties across many different channels. As they do so, we encounter the same information, the same stories, the same characters and worlds across multiple modes of representation.Transmedia stories at the most basic level are stories told across multiple media. At the present time, the most significant stories tend to flow across multiple media platforms.
  • 25. Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.
  • 26. Multimodality • G. Kress (2003) stresses that modern literacy requires the ability to express ideas across a broad range of different systems of representation and signification (including words, spoken or written; image, still and moving; musical...3D models...). Each medium has its own affordances, its own systems of representation, its own strategies for producing and organizing knowledge. Participants in the new media landscape learn to navigate these different and sometimes conflicting modes of representation and to make meaningful choices about the best ways to express their ideas in each context.
  • 27. • In short, new media literacies involve the ability to think across media, whether understood at the level of simple recognition (identifying the same content as it is translated across different modes of representation), or at the level of narrative logic (understanding the connections between story communicated through different media), or at the level of rhetoric (learning to express an idea within a single medium or across the media spectrum).Transmedia navigation involves both processing new types of stories and arguments that are emerging within a convergence culture and expressing ideas in ways that exploit the opportunities and affordances represented by the new media landscape. In other words, it involves the ability to both read and write across all available modes of expression.
  • 28. • Students learn about multimodality and transmedia navigation when they take time to focus on how stories change as they move across different contexts of production and reception, as they give consideration to the affordances and conventions of different media, and as they learn to create using a range of different media tools
  • 29. Students in literature classes are asked to take a familiar fairy tale, myth, or legend and identify how this story has been retold across different media, different historical periods, and different national contexts. Students search for recurring elements as well as signs of the changes that occur as the story are retold in a new context.
  • 30. We have to focus on new ways of thinking about reading for school - - that they will be encouraged to use the reading styles they use outside of school for this. One really important way to be engaged in required reading is to figure out what motivates you to read for fun or outside of class, and to try to find a way to use that to motivate your reading for school. This doesn’t mean the traditional aspects of reading disappear they’re still valuable and useful to help drive our understanding - but they can be used in combination with other, different ways of engaging with a book.
  • 31. • Flows of reading is an online digital book complementary to Reading in a partecipatory culture (2013). Flows of reading models a new type of reader - one who reads across different media, with reading undestood as an activity of sharing, deconstructing, and making meaning http://scalar.usc.edu/anvc/flowsofreadin g/index
  • 32. A community of readers in the classroom offerse a supportive environment through which individual students might develop their own expertise and share what they discover about the group and themselves whith the group as a whole • Mapping our identities as readers • Expanding the learning ecology • Mobilizing student expertise • Stump the expert • Reading across media • Supporting creative responces • Bringing popular culture to school
  • 33. Four paths 1. Motives for reading urges readers to reflect on their own personal motives for approaching a text and to allow themselves to be moved by the flow of of others’ interpretations and media creations
  • 34. 2. Appropriation and Remixing invites readers to apply creative techniques of sampling or combining media that build upon the original texts and move the flow in the direction of new meaning
  • 35. 3. Negotiating Cultural Spaces suggests readers examine the social context of unfamiliar texts by reflecting on the flow of different perspectives and behaviors whithin subcultures
  • 36. 4. Continuities and silences guides readers to exlplore the associations and absences whitin texts in order to understand the flow of meanings converge and get left behind for others to discover
  • 37. References • H. Jenkins, Confronting the Challenges of Partecipatory Culture, MacArthur Foundation, MIT PRESS, 2009 • H. Jenkins, Wyn Kelley, Reading in a partecipatory culture, Teachers College Press, 2013 • G. Kress, Literacy in the new media age, Routledge, 2003