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Turn Your Readers into Participants
Engaging Your Community with NewsCloud
        The Media Consortium, Oakland 2011

                 Jeff Reifman
             Seattle, Washington
NewsCloud is…
• Free, open source, Facebook-connected
  software for building interactive communities
• Funded by the John S. and James L. Knight
• Use it to host a virtual town center
• Turn your readers into participants
• Enhance your storytelling with crowdsourcing
• Generate new page views and revenue
Participant Features
•   Share news links
•   Write blog posts
•   Talk in discussion forums
•   Organize links in resource directories
•   Ask and answer questions
•   Sell, lend, give away stuff in classifieds & lending library
•   Crowdsource ideas
•   Share photos and video in galleries
•   Share and browse event calendars
•   Play the predictions game
Platform Features
•   Themed with your brand
•   Fully configurable front page
•   Facebook Connect & Twitter Integration
•   Real time notifications
•   Your advertising engine
•   Your stats engine
•   Site maps for SEO
•   Sharable widgets
•   Foreign language support
•   Grant-funded development continues through April 2012
Problems with Facebook Pages

• Pages are generic, bland and limited to the
  functionality Facebook gives you
• Pages don’t build community
• Your audience will never think of your Facebook
  page as a great place to come back, nor a great
  place to start
• Pages drive discussions away from your website
• No way to monetize them
Newscloud Ignite Presentation
Newscloud Ignite Presentation
Newscloud Ignite Presentation
Newscloud Ignite Presentation
Newscloud Ignite Presentation
Success Tips

Promote it and link to it
Promote it and link to it
Promote it and link to it
Promote it and link to it
Other Success Tips
• Make the application a place for audience
• Dedicate staff to curate the community
• Train and connect everyone in your organization with
  the application
• Link news stories to the application’s interactive
• Build links into your site navigation
• Place widgets from the application on your website
You Can Use This
• Use our automated installer
  – Launch in less than 20 minutes
  – Costs as little as $45/mo.
• Or, hire a web consulting firm
  – Let them manage it for you
• Or, talk to NewsCloud
  – We provide a variety of managed services and
    hosting solutions
Contact Us
• Email
   – jeff@newscloud.com
   – Follow @newscloud
• Website
   – http://www.newscloud.com
• Blogs
   – http://blog.newscloud.com
   – http://opensource.newscloud.com
• Get the code
   – http://github.com/newscloud/n2
• Social Media Research
   – http://newscloud.com/research

More Related Content

Newscloud Ignite Presentation

  • 1. Turn Your Readers into Participants Engaging Your Community with NewsCloud The Media Consortium, Oakland 2011 Jeff Reifman Seattle, Washington jeff@newscloud.com @newscloud
  • 2. NewsCloud is… • Free, open source, Facebook-connected software for building interactive communities • Funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation • Use it to host a virtual town center • Turn your readers into participants • Enhance your storytelling with crowdsourcing • Generate new page views and revenue
  • 3. Participant Features • Share news links • Write blog posts • Talk in discussion forums • Organize links in resource directories • Ask and answer questions • Sell, lend, give away stuff in classifieds & lending library • Crowdsource ideas • Share photos and video in galleries • Share and browse event calendars • Play the predictions game
  • 4. Platform Features • Themed with your brand • Fully configurable front page • Facebook Connect & Twitter Integration • Real time notifications • Your advertising engine • Your stats engine • Site maps for SEO • Sharable widgets • Foreign language support • Grant-funded development continues through April 2012
  • 5. Problems with Facebook Pages • Pages are generic, bland and limited to the functionality Facebook gives you • Pages don’t build community • Your audience will never think of your Facebook page as a great place to come back, nor a great place to start • Pages drive discussions away from your website • No way to monetize them
  • 11. Success Tips Promote it and link to it Promote it and link to it Promote it and link to it Promote it and link to it
  • 12. Other Success Tips • Make the application a place for audience participation • Dedicate staff to curate the community • Train and connect everyone in your organization with the application • Link news stories to the application’s interactive features • Build links into your site navigation • Place widgets from the application on your website
  • 13. You Can Use This • Use our automated installer – Launch in less than 20 minutes – Costs as little as $45/mo. • Or, hire a web consulting firm – Let them manage it for you • Or, talk to NewsCloud – We provide a variety of managed services and hosting solutions
  • 14. Contact Us • Email – jeff@newscloud.com – Follow @newscloud • Website – http://www.newscloud.com • Blogs – http://blog.newscloud.com – http://opensource.newscloud.com • Get the code – http://github.com/newscloud/n2 • Social Media Research – http://newscloud.com/research

Editor's Notes

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