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November Newsletter
                      Mrs. Spivey’s American Government Class
                                  What we’re Learning!
      who the Founding Fathers were
      where/when the Constitutional Convention was held
      the plans that led to the Constitution
      the Preamble, the Articles & the Bill of Rights
      how/when the Constitution was ratified

                                                                     Mrs. Spivey’s November Notes
                                                         We have had a wonderful time studying this unit on
                                                         how our American government was formed in 1787.
                                                         We watched a short video on the Constitutional
                                                         Convention and each student selected a Founding
                                                         Father to study and write a short biography on. We
  Outside Independence Hall
                                                         then took a virtual tour of Independence Hall in
     when the Constitutional                             Philadelphia! It was inspiring to actually see the
Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs.                           place where our Founding Fathers formed our
 Powel of Philadelphia asked                             nation’s government. The students also worked
                                                         together as a group and staged their own
     Benjamin Franklin, “Well
                                                         Constitutional Convention! This exercise allowed
 Doctor, what have we got, a                             them to take part in a mock formation of our
republic or a monarchy?” With                            government. It gave the students a feel for being
     no hesitation whatsoever,                           part of such a monumental historical event. Go to
      Franklin responded, “A
                                                         our school website at www.agreatschool.edu and
                                                         click on Mrs. Spivey’s American Government class to
 republic, if you can keep it.”
                                                         view a video of your child’s hard work! Please feel
                                                         free to leave feedback on your thoughts. Thanks!

                                                                               Don’t Forget!
                                                                       The spring trip to Washington,
                        If men were angels, no
                                                                       D.C. will be here before we know
                        government would be necessary.
                                                                       it. Please support the upcoming
                        If angels were to govern men,
                                                                       fundraising event - A car wash &
                        neither external nor internal                  bake sale on Saturday November
                        controls on government would                   17th! Hope to see you there!
                        be necessary.

                        James Madison – Father of the
                        U.S. Constitution & later 4th
                        President of the United States

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Newsletter project

  • 1. November Newsletter Mrs. Spivey’s American Government Class What we’re Learning!  who the Founding Fathers were  where/when the Constitutional Convention was held  the plans that led to the Constitution  the Preamble, the Articles & the Bill of Rights  how/when the Constitution was ratified Mrs. Spivey’s November Notes We have had a wonderful time studying this unit on how our American government was formed in 1787. We watched a short video on the Constitutional Convention and each student selected a Founding Father to study and write a short biography on. We Outside Independence Hall then took a virtual tour of Independence Hall in when the Constitutional Philadelphia! It was inspiring to actually see the Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. place where our Founding Fathers formed our Powel of Philadelphia asked nation’s government. The students also worked together as a group and staged their own Benjamin Franklin, “Well Constitutional Convention! This exercise allowed Doctor, what have we got, a them to take part in a mock formation of our republic or a monarchy?” With government. It gave the students a feel for being no hesitation whatsoever, part of such a monumental historical event. Go to Franklin responded, “A our school website at www.agreatschool.edu and click on Mrs. Spivey’s American Government class to republic, if you can keep it.” view a video of your child’s hard work! Please feel free to leave feedback on your thoughts. Thanks! Don’t Forget! The spring trip to Washington, If men were angels, no D.C. will be here before we know government would be necessary. it. Please support the upcoming If angels were to govern men, fundraising event - A car wash & neither external nor internal bake sale on Saturday November controls on government would 17th! Hope to see you there! be necessary. James Madison – Father of the U.S. Constitution & later 4th President of the United States