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Entertainment Quiz
By Nikhil Kumar Gupta
1. Whose words and about
what? "It's just Go, Go, Go, Go.
Shocking moment to shocking
moment. Epic moment to epic
moment. It's mental; it's epic"
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Emilia Clark,
about Game of
Thrones S06
2. What?->
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Original Cast List of Pulp Fiction
3. X’s terrifying goblin face isn't the ONLY weirdly
horrifying thing about his body - his mondo dong is so
unbelievably massive, he had to use a stand-in dick
for nude scenes in Y. Here's the exchange, per The L
Interviewer: Hold on - you had a stand-in dick? You
had to have a stand in dick for X?
Lars von Trier: Yes, yes, we had to have, because X's
own was too big.
Interviewer: Too big to fit in the screen?
Lars von Trier: No, too big because everybody got
very confused when they saw it.
Id X and Y (obviously)
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Willem Dafoe, Antichrist
4. The film is a part of a series of Guinea Pig films that were created in the
mid-80s, and they contain very little narrative and are more intended to
shock and nauseate the viewer (the third film in the series features a man
who finds a boil-laden mermaid in the sewers and uses the blood and pus
from her wounds to paint her portrait… so there’s that). X watched the
Flowers of Flesh and Blood film, and immediately thought he watched the
real dismemberment of a real woman by a real psychotic samurai. (When
you’re “banging seven-gram rocks,” a lot can seem very real.)
X contacted the authorities promptly, handing over the videotaped violence,
hoping that the samurai monster wouldn’t murder him in his sleep. The San
Francisco Chronicle reported on the story and the resolution of this horrifying
chapter in X’s life.
Id X
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
X=Charlie Sheen
The last name of the first Blue Ranger on Mighty
Morphin Power Rangers (1993) was named after him.
He did various work as part of the crew (voice-overs,
etc.), so the Blue Ranger's full name became Billy Y.
5. XY, Father, with Robin Dearden,
of daughter Taylor Dearden.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Bryan Cranston
6. The duo were allegedly approached about playing
Lance and Jody, a drug dealer and his girlfriend who
make a brief but memorable appearance in Pulp
Fiction. According to X, Y turned down the offer , saying
it was “too close to home”, and the parts eventually
went to Eric Stoltz and Patricia Arquette.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love
7. “When I was younger, definitely, I let it get to me. As an
adolescent, I was bitter and angry and I definitely put up these
walls. But the older you get, you realize you just have to have a
sense of humor. You just know that it's not your problem. It's
Trade mark: Often plays highly intelligent and moralistic but
flawed characters
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Peter Dinklage
8. His script for this scene read “Travis
looks into the mirror”, but he went on
and improvised it into the most iconic
movie monologues in Hollywood
history. Who and Which film (no part
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Robert De Niro, Taxi Driver
9. How do we better know Ella Marija
Lani Yelich-O'Connor as?
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
10. ID
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Tabu in Hum Naujawan (first on screen
11. Which movie?
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
11. ID the Movie
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Moneyball (2011)
12. Identify
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Lana/Larry Wachowski
13. Whose words?
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Stanley Kubrick
14. Identify this author
I first published the novella ____in 1962, which
ought to be far enough in the past for it to be
erased from the world’s literary memory. It refuses
to be erased, however, and for this the film version
of the book made by Stanley Kubrick may be held
chiefly responsible. I should myself be glad to
disown it for various reasons, but this is not
permitted. I receive mail from students who try to
write theses about it or requests from Japanese
dramaturges to turn it into a sort of Noh play. It
seems likely to survive, while other works of mine
that I value more bite the dust
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Anthony Burgess; A Clockwork Orange
15. Alphabet Soup
X had originally composed the music for the song as an instrumental motif which he
used in several scenes during Titanic; the main theme of the song being inspired by
the song Flying Dutchman by Jethro Tull. He then wanted to prepare a full vocal
version of it, for use in the end credits of the film. Director Y did not want such a
song, but Z went ahead anyway and wrote the lyrics. When A originally heard the
song, she did not want to record it. X showed the piano sketch to B, who was
working with him on electronic textures and synthesizers for the film score. B, who
had, himself, worked with A for several years on many of her major hits to
date,programmed and arranged an extensive demo to take to A.
In Hitmaker: The Man and His Music by Tommy Mottola, he claims that A recorded
the song in one take, and that demo is what was released. Mottola states that since
so much money was on the line for Y's film that Y felt obligated to include a theme
song to promote the movie.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
X- James Horner
Y- James Cameron
Z- Will Jennings
A-Celine Dion
B- Simon Franglen
Song- “My Heart Will Go On”
16. What Have I blanked Out?
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Band Of Brothers
17. Which Movie Star famously said
this in an interview on NBC's Today
show with Matt Lauer, aggressively
defending his opposition to psychiatry
and anti-depressive drugs“You don't
know the history of psychiatry. I do.”
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Tom Cruise
18. For some reason though, the company behind that shot,
Image Engine, spent upwards of a year tweaking that scene to
get it just right. Now I'm no expert on making movies, but I'm
going to go out on a limb and suggest that if Image engine had
spent the budget and time that, that scene ended up consuming
on something else, like maybe the X kicking Y in the sack, the
audience would have appreciated it more than an artistic shot Z.
-Karl Smallwood, CollegeHumor
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
X- The Hulk
Y- Abomination
Z- free falling drop of blood
19. Though it plays a plot role in each of the Toy Story
movies, the X has really gotten around. X is apparently
an enduring global franchise, with appearances all over
the world in different places and time periods. The
chain is so ubiquitous that you can find a X in just about
every Pixar movie.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
Pizza Planet Truck
20.A had assumed control of B, an evil ninja organization that
had previously terrorized New York and the greater Marvel
Universe. Though he wasn't thrilled with the idea of leading a
band of murderers, it was either that or let them run amok in his
city. It was kind of a deal with the devil, which became all the
more literal when The Beast, a demon which B had spent
centuries worshipping, decided to take up residence in the body
of one <Real name of A>.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)
A- DareDevil (Matt Murdoch); B- The Hand
Thank You

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Nikhil Kumar Gupta (28-9-2015)

  • 2. 1. Whose words and about what? "It's just Go, Go, Go, Go. Shocking moment to shocking moment. Epic moment to epic moment. It's mental; it's epic"
  • 4. Emilia Clark, about Game of Thrones S06
  • 7. Original Cast List of Pulp Fiction
  • 8. 3. X’s terrifying goblin face isn't the ONLY weirdly horrifying thing about his body - his mondo dong is so unbelievably massive, he had to use a stand-in dick for nude scenes in Y. Here's the exchange, per The L Magazine: Interviewer: Hold on - you had a stand-in dick? You had to have a stand in dick for X? Lars von Trier: Yes, yes, we had to have, because X's own was too big. Interviewer: Too big to fit in the screen? Lars von Trier: No, too big because everybody got very confused when they saw it. Id X and Y (obviously)
  • 11. 4. The film is a part of a series of Guinea Pig films that were created in the mid-80s, and they contain very little narrative and are more intended to shock and nauseate the viewer (the third film in the series features a man who finds a boil-laden mermaid in the sewers and uses the blood and pus from her wounds to paint her portrait… so there’s that). X watched the Flowers of Flesh and Blood film, and immediately thought he watched the real dismemberment of a real woman by a real psychotic samurai. (When you’re “banging seven-gram rocks,” a lot can seem very real.) X contacted the authorities promptly, handing over the videotaped violence, hoping that the samurai monster wouldn’t murder him in his sleep. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the story and the resolution of this horrifying chapter in X’s life. Id X
  • 14. The last name of the first Blue Ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993) was named after him. He did various work as part of the crew (voice-overs, etc.), so the Blue Ranger's full name became Billy Y. 5. XY, Father, with Robin Dearden, of daughter Taylor Dearden.
  • 17. 6. The duo were allegedly approached about playing Lance and Jody, a drug dealer and his girlfriend who make a brief but memorable appearance in Pulp Fiction. According to X, Y turned down the offer , saying it was “too close to home”, and the parts eventually went to Eric Stoltz and Patricia Arquette.
  • 20. 7. “When I was younger, definitely, I let it get to me. As an adolescent, I was bitter and angry and I definitely put up these walls. But the older you get, you realize you just have to have a sense of humor. You just know that it's not your problem. It's theirs.” Trade mark: Often plays highly intelligent and moralistic but flawed characters Who?
  • 23. 8. His script for this scene read “Travis looks into the mirror”, but he went on and improvised it into the most iconic movie monologues in Hollywood history. Who and Which film (no part points)
  • 25. Robert De Niro, Taxi Driver
  • 26. 9. How do we better know Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor as?
  • 28. Lorde
  • 31. Tabu in Hum Naujawan (first on screen appearance)
  • 35. 11. ID the Movie
  • 44. 14. Identify this author I first published the novella ____in 1962, which ought to be far enough in the past for it to be erased from the world’s literary memory. It refuses to be erased, however, and for this the film version of the book made by Stanley Kubrick may be held chiefly responsible. I should myself be glad to disown it for various reasons, but this is not permitted. I receive mail from students who try to write theses about it or requests from Japanese dramaturges to turn it into a sort of Noh play. It seems likely to survive, while other works of mine that I value more bite the dust
  • 46. Anthony Burgess; A Clockwork Orange
  • 47. 15. Alphabet Soup X had originally composed the music for the song as an instrumental motif which he used in several scenes during Titanic; the main theme of the song being inspired by the song Flying Dutchman by Jethro Tull. He then wanted to prepare a full vocal version of it, for use in the end credits of the film. Director Y did not want such a song, but Z went ahead anyway and wrote the lyrics. When A originally heard the song, she did not want to record it. X showed the piano sketch to B, who was working with him on electronic textures and synthesizers for the film score. B, who had, himself, worked with A for several years on many of her major hits to date,programmed and arranged an extensive demo to take to A. In Hitmaker: The Man and His Music by Tommy Mottola, he claims that A recorded the song in one take, and that demo is what was released. Mottola states that since so much money was on the line for Y's film that Y felt obligated to include a theme song to promote the movie.
  • 49. X- James Horner Y- James Cameron Z- Will Jennings A-Celine Dion B- Simon Franglen Song- “My Heart Will Go On”
  • 50. 16. What Have I blanked Out?
  • 53. 17. Which Movie Star famously said this in an interview on NBC's Today show with Matt Lauer, aggressively defending his opposition to psychiatry and anti-depressive drugs“You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.”
  • 56. 18. For some reason though, the company behind that shot, Image Engine, spent upwards of a year tweaking that scene to get it just right. Now I'm no expert on making movies, but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that if Image engine had spent the budget and time that, that scene ended up consuming on something else, like maybe the X kicking Y in the sack, the audience would have appreciated it more than an artistic shot Z. -Karl Smallwood, CollegeHumor
  • 58. X- The Hulk Y- Abomination Z- free falling drop of blood
  • 59. 19. Though it plays a plot role in each of the Toy Story movies, the X has really gotten around. X is apparently an enduring global franchise, with appearances all over the world in different places and time periods. The chain is so ubiquitous that you can find a X in just about every Pixar movie.
  • 62. 20.A had assumed control of B, an evil ninja organization that had previously terrorized New York and the greater Marvel Universe. Though he wasn't thrilled with the idea of leading a band of murderers, it was either that or let them run amok in his city. It was kind of a deal with the devil, which became all the more literal when The Beast, a demon which B had spent centuries worshipping, decided to take up residence in the body of one <Real name of A>.
  • 64. A- DareDevil (Matt Murdoch); B- The Hand