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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Forming Innovative Partnerships
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   to Enhance Future
                                   Mission–Enabling Capabilities
                                   presented at
                                   Project Management Challenge 2008
                                   February 26–27, 2008

                                                  Nona Minnifield Cheeks
                                                  Chief, Innovative Partnerships Program Office
                                                  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   • How to partner with other world-class
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Why seek infusion partnerships
                                         – How to form innovative partnerships
                                                  • Tapping into the unusual suspects
                                         – Case Study: Partnership with Carnegie Mellon
                                           University’s (CMU’s) Robotics Institute

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Innovative Partnerships Program
                                   • Facilitator
                                         – Bring parties together (inside and outside NASA)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Bridge communication gaps

                                   • Catalyst
                                         – Implement new things = Change agent
                                         – Create new partnerships
                                         – Demonstrate new approaches and methods

                                   • How do we approach an issue?
                                         – Identify ways to add value to Agency priorities and
                                         – Win-Win-Win
                                                  • NASA–partner–taxpayer/public good

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   IPP and Innovative Partnerships
                                   Our business practices include:
                                   • Evaluating NASA needs and technologies
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   • Finding partners/licensees
                                   • Negotiating partnership and other
                                   • Publicizing successes

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   What Is Infusion?
                                   • Technology incorporated into NASA
                                     systems (i.e., missions)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   • Technology used in “trade space” (where
                                     alternatives are examined)
                                         – Even if a tech is not adopted, the knowledge gained
                                           was beneficial for a better understanding of tech’s
                                           capabilities and applications

                                   • Technology applied to NASA
                                         – Improving technical performance, cost, or schedule
                                         – Could be hardware, software, or knowledge.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   An Innovative Path to Infusion
                                   • Match NASA needs with NASA technology
                                     resources (transfer across)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – IPP New Technology Report (NTR) database
                                         – SBIR/STTR programs
                                         – Cross-Center Software Release

                                   • Match NASA needs with external
                                     organizations’ technology (transfer in)
                                         – Other government agencies
                                         – Industry
                                         – academia

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Infusion Partnership Benefits
                                   • Leverage resources
                                   • Expand opportunities for informed
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                     decisions on technological solutions
                                   • Cost efficient R&D
                                   • Accelerates technology maturation
                                   • Increased return on R&D

                                        IPP’s Manner of Effecting Infusion

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Infusion Partnership Benefits
                                   • Example: Partnership with Lake Shore
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   “Open Innovation”
                                   • One of the best infusion practices at NASA
                                   • Based on Open Innovation: The New
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                     Imperative for Creating and Profiting from
                                         – Dr. Henry W. Chesbrough, UC–Berkeley
                                         – Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2003

                                   “Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and
                                   outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation,
                                   and expand the markets for external use of innovation,
                                   respectively. [This paradigm] assumes that firms can and
                                   should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and
                                   internal and external paths to market, as they look to
                                   advance their technology.”
                                                                      Henry Chesbrough, 2006
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Why Innovative Partners
                                   • Look to the unusual suspects
                                         – Those that might not immediately recognize that
                                           they have something to offer NASA and vice versa
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Why Innovative Partners
                                   • Example: NASA’s need for low-mass, low-
                                     volume power sources
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


                                         U.S.     partnerships   Electronic
                                    Military                      Industry

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Forming Innovative Partnerships

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center




                                                  Seek    Confirm     Secure   Succeed      Confirm

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                         Understanding 6S: A Case Study
                                         • Partnership between NASA and CMU’s
                                           Robotics Institute
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   Photo credit: Gregg Podnar, CMU      http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   1. Solicit Technology Needs
                                   • Interview key technologists and project
                                     leaders to understand the need
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         –   Project the need will impact
                                         –   Definition of need
                                         –   Importance to project
                                         –   Timeline to start/finish
                                         –   Potential partners
                                         –   Internal/External efforts
                                         –   Core capabilities/competencies
                                         –   Key intellectual property (IP)
                                         –   Impact of fulfilling need on market
                                         –   Impact of fulfilling need on other NASA projects

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   1. Solicit Needs: CMU Case Study
                                   • IPP Office conducting interviews with key
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Leading Goddard’s strategic technology efforts

                                   • Broad needs that the various divisions
                                         – Information systems
                                         – Electrical systems
                                         – Mechanical systems

                                   • Used questionnaire/guide to “harvest
                                         – Identify all areas where technologists wanted to
                                           augment capabilities

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   2. Screen to Prioritize Needs
                                   • Down-select needs
                                         – Not all needs best solved through partnership
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   • Prioritization parameters
                                         –   Importance to NASA
                                         –   Urgency for NASA
                                         –   Broad applicability within NASA
                                         –   Clarity of need’s scope
                                         –   “Fit” with non-aerospace applications

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   2. Screen Needs: CMU Case Study
                                   • Consulted with Chief Technologist for top
                                     need areas
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – ID those needs harvested from technologists that
                                           were aligned with strategic focus

                                   • Prioritized against key criteria
                                         – See parameters on previous slide

                                   • Identified top need area
                                         – Robotic and other sensor webs
                                         – Couple a robotics partner with Goddard’s software
                                           development, sensors, and instrumentation
                                         – Result/Goal: To further a sensor web system for
                                           future lunar exploration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   3. Strategize
                                   • Key questions to identify best approach to
                                     address high-priority needs
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Does needed technology already exist?
                                         – Is it likely that a government partner can be found?
                                         – What types of contacts should we target? How to
                                           approach them?
                                         – What contacts can be leveraged?
                                         – What industry experts could accelerate progress?
                                         – What types of print/electronic materials should be
                                           used to communicate “need opportunity”?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   3. Strategize: CMU Case Study
                                   • Worked closely with Assistant Chief for
                                     Information Systems Technology
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Identify organizations that would complement
                                           Goddard’s strengths

                                   • Reviewed various information sources to
                                     identify potential partners
                                         –   Market studies
                                         –   Patent activity
                                         –   Publications
                                         –   Relevant industry meetings

                                   • Determined best approach for these
                                     potential partners

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   4: Seek Out Potential Partners
                                   • Marketing materials
                                         – Appropriate level of detail – not too much
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Use technical writers with marketing background
                                         – Use terminology understood/recognized by the
                                           potential partners (avoid “NASA speak”)
                                         – Have relevant technologists review for accuracy
                                           and clarity

                                   • Don’t forget what NASA has to offer
                                         – Include info about relevant NASA technology
                                         – Can be a catalyst/incentive to partnering with NASA

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   4. Seek Partners: CMU Case Study
                                   • Developed a “needs brochure” for national
                                     robotics conference
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Followed up with contacts made at meeting

                                   • Followed up on CMU suggestion
                                         – Leveraged industry and university contacts
                                         – Met with Assistant Provost (Robotics Institute intro)
                                         – Developed matrix of CMU research vs. GSFC
                                           interests (identify overlap)
                                         – Present GSFC partnering interests to CMU
                                                  • Helped GSFC researchers “sell” their message
                                                  • One-on-one meetings with faculty of greatest interest
                                                    to GSFC

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   5. Secure Win-Win Partnership
                                   • “Navigate” specifics of partnership
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   • Identify best agreement structure/vehicle
                                   • Negotiate mutually beneficial terms
                                         – Increased commitment to the partnership
                                         – Increased odds for successful infusion
                                                  • Goddard/NASA applications
                                                  • Other non-NASA applications

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   5. Secure: CMU Case Study
                                   • Reconnect with relevant faculty
                                         – Explore partnering opportunities
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Partnership feasibility given funding requirements

                                   • Identified match with CMU group
                                   • Identified potential funding opportunity
                                   • Helped NASA personnel and CMU group
                                     develop joint submission
                                         – Formulate collaboration
                                         – Kept progress from becoming “stalled” at obstacles

                                   • Funding won, put agreements in place
                                         – Software usage agreements to protect NASA IP

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   6. Succeed: Observe and Promote
                                   • Signed agreement is not the end
                                   • Observe/Monitor to watch for—and solve—
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                     obstacles before insurmountable
                                   • Promote to help build interest in the
                                     collaboration results
                                   • Manage IP issues as new technologies

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   6. Succeed: CMU Case Study
                                   • Contact all partners regularly
                                         – Monitor progress
                                         – Resolve any issues
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                   • Notify partners of relevant funding
                                         – Support project expansion and/or future
                                         – Larger benefit to both NASA and partner
                                   • Feature partnership in various
                                         – Generates additional interest in NASA/GSFC
                                         – Additional opportunities for infusion and/or spin-out
                                           for NASA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                            Results: A Successful Partnership
                                            • Development of a telesupervised adaptive
                                              sensor system for remote platforms
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                                  – Adaptive changes in goals, tasks, and movements
                                                  – ESTO project: Autonomous monitoring of toxic
                                                    algae blooms in Chesapeake Bay estuary
                                   Credit: Gregg Podnar, CMU

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Results: Future Possibilities
                                   • Numerous applications for NASA’s mobile,
                                     stationary, and mixed-mode networks of
                                     sensors and actuators
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – Lunar, orbital, or planetary construction and
                                         – Lunar and planetary in-situ resource utilization
                                         – Prospecting, mining, transport, and construction

                                   • Non-NASA applications
                                         – Environmental and ecological uses
                                         – Homeland security
                                         – Military

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   For More Information
                                   • NASA Goddard Innovative Partnership
                                     Program Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

                                         – (301) 286-5810
                                         – techtransfer@gsfc.nasa.gov
                                         – http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov


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  • 1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Forming Innovative Partnerships NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to Enhance Future Mission–Enabling Capabilities presented at Project Management Challenge 2008 February 26–27, 2008 Nona Minnifield Cheeks Chief, Innovative Partnerships Program Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 1 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Overview • How to partner with other world-class organizations NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Why seek infusion partnerships – How to form innovative partnerships • Tapping into the unusual suspects – Case Study: Partnership with Carnegie Mellon University’s (CMU’s) Robotics Institute 2 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 3. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Innovative Partnerships Program • Facilitator – Bring parties together (inside and outside NASA) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Bridge communication gaps • Catalyst – Implement new things = Change agent – Create new partnerships – Demonstrate new approaches and methods • How do we approach an issue? – Identify ways to add value to Agency priorities and objectives – Win-Win-Win • NASA–partner–taxpayer/public good 3 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 4. National Aeronautics and Space Administration IPP and Innovative Partnerships Our business practices include: • Evaluating NASA needs and technologies NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Finding partners/licensees • Negotiating partnership and other agreements • Publicizing successes 4 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 5. National Aeronautics and Space Administration What Is Infusion? • Technology incorporated into NASA systems (i.e., missions) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Technology used in “trade space” (where alternatives are examined) – Even if a tech is not adopted, the knowledge gained was beneficial for a better understanding of tech’s capabilities and applications • Technology applied to NASA programs/projects – Improving technical performance, cost, or schedule – Could be hardware, software, or knowledge. 5 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 6. National Aeronautics and Space Administration An Innovative Path to Infusion • Match NASA needs with NASA technology resources (transfer across) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – IPP New Technology Report (NTR) database – SBIR/STTR programs – Cross-Center Software Release • Match NASA needs with external organizations’ technology (transfer in) – Other government agencies – Industry – academia 6 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Infusion Partnership Benefits • Leverage resources • Expand opportunities for informed NASA Goddard Space Flight Center decisions on technological solutions • Cost efficient R&D • Accelerates technology maturation • Increased return on R&D IPP’s Manner of Effecting Infusion 7 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 8. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Infusion Partnership Benefits • Example: Partnership with Lake Shore Cryotronics NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 8 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 9. National Aeronautics and Space Administration “Open Innovation” • One of the best infusion practices at NASA • Based on Open Innovation: The New NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology – Dr. Henry W. Chesbrough, UC–Berkeley – Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2003 “Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively. [This paradigm] assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.” Henry Chesbrough, 2006 9 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 10. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Why Innovative Partners • Look to the unusual suspects – Those that might not immediately recognize that they have something to offer NASA and vice versa NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 10 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 11. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Why Innovative Partners • Example: NASA’s need for low-mass, low- volume power sources NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Innovative U.S. partnerships Electronic Military Industry 11 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 12. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Forming Innovative Partnerships Solicit Confirm NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Screen Confirm Strategize Seek Confirm Secure Succeed Confirm 12 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 13. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Understanding 6S: A Case Study • Partnership between NASA and CMU’s Robotics Institute NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 13 Photo credit: Gregg Podnar, CMU http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 14. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1. Solicit Technology Needs • Interview key technologists and project leaders to understand the need NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Project the need will impact – Definition of need – Importance to project – Timeline to start/finish – Potential partners – Internal/External efforts – Core capabilities/competencies – Key intellectual property (IP) – Impact of fulfilling need on market – Impact of fulfilling need on other NASA projects 14 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 15. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1. Solicit Needs: CMU Case Study • IPP Office conducting interviews with key personnel NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Leading Goddard’s strategic technology efforts • Broad needs that the various divisions – Information systems – Electrical systems – Mechanical systems • Used questionnaire/guide to “harvest needs” – Identify all areas where technologists wanted to augment capabilities 15 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 16. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2. Screen to Prioritize Needs • Down-select needs – Not all needs best solved through partnership NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Prioritization parameters – Importance to NASA – Urgency for NASA – Broad applicability within NASA – Clarity of need’s scope – “Fit” with non-aerospace applications 16 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 17. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2. Screen Needs: CMU Case Study • Consulted with Chief Technologist for top need areas NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – ID those needs harvested from technologists that were aligned with strategic focus • Prioritized against key criteria – See parameters on previous slide • Identified top need area – Robotic and other sensor webs – Couple a robotics partner with Goddard’s software development, sensors, and instrumentation capabilities – Result/Goal: To further a sensor web system for future lunar exploration 17 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 18. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3. Strategize • Key questions to identify best approach to address high-priority needs NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Does needed technology already exist? – Is it likely that a government partner can be found? – What types of contacts should we target? How to approach them? – What contacts can be leveraged? – What industry experts could accelerate progress? – What types of print/electronic materials should be used to communicate “need opportunity”? 18 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 19. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3. Strategize: CMU Case Study • Worked closely with Assistant Chief for Information Systems Technology NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Identify organizations that would complement Goddard’s strengths • Reviewed various information sources to identify potential partners – Market studies – Patent activity – Publications – Relevant industry meetings • Determined best approach for these potential partners 19 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 20. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4: Seek Out Potential Partners • Marketing materials – Appropriate level of detail – not too much NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Use technical writers with marketing background – Use terminology understood/recognized by the potential partners (avoid “NASA speak”) – Have relevant technologists review for accuracy and clarity • Don’t forget what NASA has to offer – Include info about relevant NASA technology – Can be a catalyst/incentive to partnering with NASA 20 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 21. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4. Seek Partners: CMU Case Study • Developed a “needs brochure” for national robotics conference NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Followed up with contacts made at meeting • Followed up on CMU suggestion – Leveraged industry and university contacts – Met with Assistant Provost (Robotics Institute intro) – Developed matrix of CMU research vs. GSFC interests (identify overlap) – Present GSFC partnering interests to CMU • Helped GSFC researchers “sell” their message • One-on-one meetings with faculty of greatest interest to GSFC 21 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 22. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 5. Secure Win-Win Partnership • “Navigate” specifics of partnership agreement NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Identify best agreement structure/vehicle • Negotiate mutually beneficial terms – Increased commitment to the partnership – Increased odds for successful infusion • Goddard/NASA applications • Other non-NASA applications 22 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 23. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 5. Secure: CMU Case Study • Reconnect with relevant faculty – Explore partnering opportunities NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Partnership feasibility given funding requirements • Identified match with CMU group • Identified potential funding opportunity • Helped NASA personnel and CMU group develop joint submission – Formulate collaboration – Kept progress from becoming “stalled” at obstacles • Funding won, put agreements in place – Software usage agreements to protect NASA IP 23 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 24. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6. Succeed: Observe and Promote • Signed agreement is not the end • Observe/Monitor to watch for—and solve— NASA Goddard Space Flight Center obstacles before insurmountable • Promote to help build interest in the collaboration results • Manage IP issues as new technologies emerge 24 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 25. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6. Succeed: CMU Case Study • Contact all partners regularly – Monitor progress – Resolve any issues NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Notify partners of relevant funding opportunities – Support project expansion and/or future continuation – Larger benefit to both NASA and partner • Feature partnership in various publications – Generates additional interest in NASA/GSFC technology – Additional opportunities for infusion and/or spin-out for NASA 25 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 26. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Results: A Successful Partnership • Development of a telesupervised adaptive sensor system for remote platforms NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Adaptive changes in goals, tasks, and movements – ESTO project: Autonomous monitoring of toxic algae blooms in Chesapeake Bay estuary Credit: Gregg Podnar, CMU 26 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 27. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Results: Future Possibilities • Numerous applications for NASA’s mobile, stationary, and mixed-mode networks of sensors and actuators NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Lunar, orbital, or planetary construction and inspection – Lunar and planetary in-situ resource utilization – Prospecting, mining, transport, and construction • Non-NASA applications – Environmental and ecological uses – Homeland security – Military 27 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov
  • 28. National Aeronautics and Space Administration For More Information • NASA Goddard Innovative Partnership Program Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – (301) 286-5810 – techtransfer@gsfc.nasa.gov – http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov 28 http://ipp.gsfc.nasa.gov