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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
November 2004
Essential Fish Habitat Source Document:
Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus,
Life History and Habitat Characteristics
Second Edition
167. Assessment and Characterization of Salt Marshes in the Arthur Kill (New York and New Jersey) Replanted after a Severe
Oil Spill. By David B. Packer, ed. December 2001. x + 228 p., 54 figs., 58 tables, 6 app. NTIS Access. No. PB2004-106067.
168. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments – 2001. By Gordon T. Waring, Janeen M. Quintal, and
Steven L. Swartz, eds., Phillip J. Clapham, Timothy V.N. Cole, Carol P. Fairfield, Aleta Hohn, Debra L. Palka, Marjorie C. Rossman, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, and Cynthia Yeung, contribs. December 2001. vii + 310 p., 43 figs., 54 tables, 2 app. NTIS Access. No. PB2002-
169. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments – 2002. By Gordon T. Waring, Janeen M. Quintal, and
Carol P. Fairfield, eds., Phillip J. Clapham, Timothy V.N. Cole, Lance P. Garrison, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Aleta A. Hohn,
Blair G. Maise, Wayne E. McFee, Debra L. Palka, Patricia E. Rosel, Marjorie C. Rossman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Frederick W. Wenzel,
and Cynthia Yeung, contribs. September 2002. vii + 318 p., 42 figs., 56 tables, 4 app. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104167.
170. Interaction of Shelf Water with Warm-Core Rings, Focusing on the Kinematics and Statistics of Shelf Water Entrained
within Streamers. By Ronald J. Schlitz. March 2003. v + 35 p., 26 figs., 3 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2005-100158.
171. Length-Weight Relationships for 74 Fish Species Collected during NEFSC Research Vessel Bottom Trawl Surveys. By
Susan E. Wigley, Holly M. McBride, and Nancy J. McHugh. March 2003. vi + 26 p., 1 fig., 3 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-106486.
172. Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine Based on Data Collected as
Part of the MARMAP Ships of Opportunity Program, 1978-2001. By Jack W. Jossi and Robert L. Benway. March 2003. vi + 92
p., 74 figs., 5 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2004-100835.
173. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Barndoor Skate, Dipturus laevis, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By
David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 23 p., 14 figs., 1 table. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104257.
174. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Clearnose Skate, Raja eglanteria, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.
By David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 50 p., 25 figs., 2 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-
175. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Little Skate, Leucoraja erinacea, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By
David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 66 p., 27 figs., 2 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104259.
176. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Rosette Skate, Leucoraja garmani virginica, Life History and Habitat
Characteristics. By David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 17 p., 11 figs., 1 table. NTIS Access.
No. PB2003-104258.
177. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Smooth Skate, Malacoraja senta, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By
David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 26 p., 15 figs., 1 table. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104256.
178. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Thorny Skate, Amblyraja radiata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By
David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 39 p., 18 figs., 2 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104255.
179. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Winter Skate, Leucoraja ocellata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.
By David B. Packer, Christine A. Zetlin, and Joseph J. Vitaliano. March 2003. v + 57 p., 25 figs., 2 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-
180. Variability in Blood Chemistry of Yellowtail Flounder, Limanda ferruginea, with Regard to Sex, Season, and Geographic
Location. By Renee Mercaldo-Allen, Margaret A. Dawson, Catherine A. Kuropat, and Diane Kapareiko. September 2003. vi + 20 p., 1
fig., 10 tables. NTIS Access. No. PB2004-107074.
181. In press.
182. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments – 2003. By Gordon T. Waring, Richard M. Pace, Janeen
M. Quintal, Carol P. Fairfield, and Katherine Maze-Foley, eds., Nicole Cabana, Phillip J. Clapham, Timothy V.N. Cole, Gregory L. Fulling,
Lance P. Garrison, Aleta A. Hohn, Blair G. Maise, Wayne E. McFee, Keith D. Mullin, Debra L. Palka, Patricia E. Rosel, Marjorie C. Rossman,
Frederick W. Wenzel, and Amy L. Whitingham, contribs. May 2004. vii + 287 p., 47 figs., 58 tables, 4 app., index. NTIS Access. No.
Recent Issues in This Series:
Donald L. Evans, Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (ret.), Administrator
National Marine Fisheries Service
William T. Hogarth, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
November 2004
This series represents a secondary level of scientific publishing. All issues employ
thorough internal scientific review; some issues employ external scientific review.
Reviews are -- by design -- transparent collegial reviews, not anonymous peer
reviews. All issues may be cited in formal scientific communications.
Lisa C. Hendrickson and Elizabeth M. Holmes
National Marine Fisheries Serv., 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543
Essential Fish Habitat Source Document:
Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus,
Life History and Habitat Characteristics
Second Edition
Editorial Notes on "Essential Fish Habitat Source Documents"
Issued in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE Series
Editorial Production
theNEFSC'sEditorialOfficefortechnicalandcopyediting,typecomposition,andpagelayout. Otherthanthefourcovers
and all credit for such production rightfully belongs to, the staff of the Ecosystems Processes Division.
Internet Availability and Information Updating
Each original issue of an "Essential Fish Habitat Source Document" is published both as a paper copy and as a Web
posting. The Web posting, which is in "PDF" format, is available at: http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/nefsc/habitat/efh.
Each issue is updated at least every five years. The updated edition will be published as a Web posting only; the
Species Names
The NMFS Northeast Region's policy on the use of species names in all technical communications is generally to
followtheAmericanFisheriesSociety's listsofscientificandcommonnamesforfishes( i.e., Robinsetal.1991aa
mollusks( i.e., Turgeonetal.1998c
),anddecapodcrustaceans( i.e., Williamsetal.1989d
),and tofollowtheSocietyfor
MarineMammalogy'sguidanceonscientificandcommonnamesformarinemammals( i.e.,Rice1998e
). Exceptionstothis
names of species (e.g., Cooper and Chapleau 1998f
aRobins, C.R. (chair); Bailey, R.M.; Bond, C.E.; Brooker, J.R.; Lachner, E.A.; Lea, R.N.; Scott, W.B. 1991a. Common and scientific names
of fishes from the United States and Canada. 5th ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 20; 183 p.
bRobins, C.R. (chair); Bailey, R.M.; Bond, C.E.; Brooker, J.R.; Lachner, E.A.; Lea, R.N.; Scott, W.B. 1991b. World fishes important to
North Americans. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 21; 243 p.
cTurgeon, D.D. (chair); Quinn, J.F., Jr.; Bogan, A.E.; Coan, E.V.; Hochberg, F.G.; Lyons, W.G.; Mikkelsen, P.M.; Neves, R.J.; Roper, C.F.E.;
Rosenberg, G.; Roth, B.; Scheltema, A.; Thompson, F.G.; Vecchione, M.; Williams, J.D. 1998. Common and scientific names of aquatic
invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2nd ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 26; 526 p.
dWilliams, A.B. (chair); Abele, L.G.; Felder, D.L.; Hobbs, H.H., Jr.; Manning, R.B.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Pérez Farfante, I. 1989. Common
and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: decapod crustaceans. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 17;
77 p.
Rice, D.W. 1998. Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Soc. Mar. Mammal. Spec. Publ. 4; 231 p.
fCooper, J.A.; Chapleau, F. 1998. Monophyly and interrelationships of the family Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectiformes), with a revised
classification. Fish. Bull. (Washington, DC) 96:686-726.
gMcEachran, J.D.; Dunn, K.A. 1998. Phylogenetic analysis of skates, a morphologically conservative clade of elasmobranchs
(Chondrichthyes: Rajidae). Copeia 1998(2):271-290.
Page iii
One of the greatest long-term threats to the viability of
commercial and recreational fisheries is the continuing
loss of marine, estuarine, and other aquatic habitats.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (October 11, 1996)
The long-term viability of living marine resources
depends on protection of their habitat.
NMFS Strategic Plan for Fisheries Research
(February 1998)
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (MSFCMA), which was reauthorized
and amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act (1996),
requires the eight regional fishery management councils
to describe and identify essential fish habitat (EFH) in
their respective regions, to specify actions to conserve
and enhance that EFH, and to minimize the adverse
effects of fishing on EFH. Congress defined EFH as
“those waters and substrate necessary to fish for
spawning, breeding, feeding or growth to maturity.”
The MSFCMA requires NOAA Fisheries to assist the
regional fishery management councils in the
implementation of EFH in their respective fishery
management plans.
NOAA Fisheries has taken a broad view of habitat
as the area used by fish throughout their life cycle. Fish
use habitat for spawning, feeding, nursery, migration,
and shelter, but most habitats provide only a subset of
these functions. Fish may change habitats with changes
in life history stage, seasonal and geographic
distributions, abundance, and interactions with other
species. The type of habitat, as well as its attributes and
functions, are important for sustaining the production of
managed species.
The Northeast Fisheries Science Center compiled
the available information on the distribution,
abundance, and habitat requirements for each of the
species managed by the New England and Mid-Atlantic
Fishery Management Councils. That information is
presented in a series EFH species reports (plus one
consolidated methods report). The EFH species reports
are a survey of the important literature as well as
original analyses of fishery-independent data sets from
NOAA Fisheries and several coastal states. The species
reports are also the source for the current EFH
designations by the New England and Mid-Atlantic
Fishery Management Councils, and understandably
have begun to be referred to as the “EFH source
NOAA Fisheries provided guidance to the regional
fishery management councils for identifying and
describing EFH of their managed species. Consistent
with this guidance, the species reports present
information on current and historic stock sizes,
geographic range, and the period and location of major
life history stages. The habitats of managed species are
described by the physical, chemical, and biological
components of the ecosystem where the species occur.
Information on the habitat requirements is provided for
each life history stage, and it includes, where available,
habitat and environmental variables that control or limit
distribution, abundance, growth, reproduction,
mortality, and productivity.
The initial series of EFH species source documents
were published in 1999 in the NOAA Technical
Memorandum NMFS-NE series. Updating and review
of the EFH components of the councils’ Fishery
Management Plans is required at least every 5 years by
the NOAA Fisheries Guidelines for meeting the
Sustainable Fisheries Act/EFH Final Rule. The second
editions of these species source documents were written
to provide the updated information needed to meet
these requirements. The second editions provide new
information on life history, geographic distribution, and
habitat requirements via recent literature, research, and
fishery surveys, and incorporate updated and revised
maps and graphs. This second edition of the northern
shortfin squid EFH source document is based on the
original by Luca M. Cargnelli, Sara J. Griesbach, and
Christine A. Zetlin, with a foreword by Jeffrey N. Cross
(Cargnelli et al. 1999).
Identifying and describing EFH are the first steps
in the process of protecting, conserving, and enhancing
essential habitats of the managed species. Ultimately,
NOAA Fisheries, the regional fishery management
councils, fishing participants, Federal and state
agencies, and other organizations will have to cooperate
to achieve the habitat goals established by the
Page iv
Page v
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
LIFE HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION......................................................................................................................................... 3
HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................................................. 4
RESEARCH NEEDS................................................................................................................................................................... 6
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
REFERENCES CITED................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Table 1. Summary of life history and habitat parameters for northern shortfin squid Illex illecebrosus........................12
Figure 1. The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus (from Goode 1884)....................................................................14
Figure 2. Hypothetical migration path of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus..................................................15
Figure 3. Spawning area of northern shortfin squid (encircled) during late May...............................................................16
Figure 4. Percent by weight (g) of the major prey items in the diet of northern shortfin squid........................................17
Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of northern shortfin squid from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras........................18
Figure 6. Seasonal distributions and abundances of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC
bottom trawl surveys..............................................................................................................................................19
Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters...............23
Figure 8. Seasonal distributions and abundances of recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom
trawl surveys...........................................................................................................................................................24
Figure 9. Distribution and abundance of recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters......................28
Figure 10. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to
bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity......................................................................................................29
Figure 11. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to
bottom water temperature and depth. ....................................................................................................................31
Figure 12. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to
bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity......................................................................................................33
Figure 13. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to
bottom water temperature and depth. ....................................................................................................................35
Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics
Page 1
The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus
(Figure 1), is a highly migratory species of the family
Ommastrephidae. Distributed across a broad
geographic area, I. illecebrosus is found in the
northwest Atlantic Ocean between the Sea of Labrador
and the Florida Straits (66ºN to 29º30'N; Roper et al.
1998). Throughout its range of commercial
exploitation, from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras,
North Carolina, the population is considered to
constitute a single stock (Dawe and Hendrickson 1998).
The southern stock component (inhabiting U.S. waters)
is managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
Council, in accordance with the Atlantic Mackerel,
Squid and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan
(MAFMC 1998), and the northern stock component
(inhabiting waters between Newfoundland and Nova
Scotia) is assessed and managed by the Northwest
Atlantic Fisheries Organization (Hendrickson et al.
2002). Both stock components are managed based on
an annual quota.
This Essential Fish Habitat Source Document
provides information on the life history and habitat
characteristics of northern shortfin squid. Data sources
and methodologies used to prepare this document are
described in Reid et al. (1999).
The life history characteristics of northern shortfin
squid have been reviewed by Black et al. (1987), Perez
(1994), and O’Dor and Dawe (1998). Most of the
supporting studies have been based on the northern
component of the stock. Like many squid species, I.
illecebrosus lives for less than one year, has a high
natural mortality rate, and exhibits a protracted
spawning season whereby overlapping “microcohorts”
enter the population throughout the year and exhibit
variable growth rates (Caddy 1991; Jackson 1994). The
life cycle is comprised of oceanic and neritic
components. During spring, squid migrate onto the
continental shelf between Newfoundland and Cape
Hatteras. During late autumn, squid migrate off the
continental shelf, presumably to a winter spawning site
(Black et al. 1987). The seasonal proportion of squid
residing beyond the continental shelf is unknown
because this habitat is not sampled during seasonal U.S.
and Canadian bottom trawl surveys. Little is known
about either the habitat of mature individuals
(particularly females) or the winter habitat of the
The life cycle (Figure 2) proposed by Black et al.
(1987) remains hypothetical because several aspects
remain unknown. These include the location of the
winter spawning site, migration patterns between
northern and southern stock components, the autumn
spawning migration route, and what fraction of the
stock inhabits waters beyond the continental shelf.
New life history information regarding population
structure, spawning location, lifespan, and age and size
at maturity are described herein. This new information
is based on data collected on the U.S. shelf during a
stratified, random bottom trawl survey of the population
(Hendrickson 2004).
Illex illecebrosus egg masses have never been
collected in the wild (O’Dor and Dawe 1998) but have
been described from laboratory spawning events. The
gelatinous egg balloons are 0.5 to 1.0 m in diameter and
contain between 10,000 and 100,000 eggs (Durward et
al. 1980). Females can produce multiple egg masses
(Durward et al. 1978). Mature eggs are ovoid, ranging
from 0.9 x 0.6 to 1.0 to 0.8 mm in size, and weigh
between 200 and 250 μg (Durward et al. 1980).
Laboratory studies indicate that hatching occurs in
16 days at 13°C, 12 days at 16°C, and 8 days at 21°C;
normal embryonic development requires water
temperatures of at least 12.5°C (O’Dor et al. 1982b).
Paralarvae may remain within the remnants of the egg
mass to utilize the nutrients as a food source (Durward
et al. 1980). In the laboratory, paralarvae hatch at
approximately 1.1 mm mantle length (ML) (Durward et
al. 1980), then enter a transitional stage at
approximately 5.0 mm ML, followed by a juvenile
stage at about 7.0 mm ML (Hatanaka 1986).
Based on the distribution of paralarvae, it is
hypothesized that the Gulf Stream serves as the primary
transport mechanism for egg masses and paralarvae
(O’Dor 1983; Rowell et al. 1985a). Paralarvae have
been collected during all seasons (Roper and Lu 1979),
from south of Cape Hatteras to as far north as the tail of
the Grand Bank (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al.
1985). Paralarvae are most abundant in February and
March, in the nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf
Stream/Slope Water convergence zone; above the
thermocline at temperatures greater than 13°C
(Hatanaka et al. 1985).
I. illecebrosus paralarvae hatched in the laboratory
were 1.10 to 1.25 mm ML (O’Dor et al. 1986). Illex sp.
hatchlings have only been collected in waters south of
Cape Hatteras (35.5ºN) and during February through
March (Dawe and Beck 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a).
However, species identification of Illex paralarvae is
problematic, particularly if caught south of New Jersey,
due to the difficulty in distinguishing between
paralarvae of I. illecebrosus and two sympatric Illex
species (Vecchione and Roper 1986).
Page 2
Onset of the juvenile stage at 8 to 10 mm ML is
indicated by a separation of the proboscis into a pair of
tentacles (Roper and Lu 1979). Juveniles collected in
surveys conducted in the Gulf Stream and continental
slope waters during February through May ranged in
size from 10 to 94 mm ML (O’Dor 1983). During late
spring, juveniles migrate onto the continental shelf
between Nova Scotia and Cape Hatteras (O’Dor 1983;
Black et al. 1987).
Juveniles caught on the continental shelf in late
May ranged in size from 34 to 68 mm ML. Gonadal
development began at about 64 mm ML in males and at
74 mm ML in females. Males attained 50% maturity at
a smaller size and older age than females, but these
differences were not statistically significant. Size- and
age-at-maturity increased with latitude and were
correlated with decreases in water temperature
(Hendrickson 2004). Mean size at maturity may also
vary inter-annually (Coelho and O’Dor 1993). In
inshore Newfoundland waters, the percentage of mature
males and male gonadosomatic indices were
significantly higher for squid hatched in May than
during March or April. Although females do not
become mature in inshore Newfoundland waters, those
hatched in May were more mature than those hatched in
March or April (Dawe and Beck 1997). Captive
females matured within 40 to 60 days (O’Dor et al.
In Nova Scotian and Newfoundland waters, males
mature at a faster rate than females and are believed to
emigrate during autumn from continental shelf fishing
areas before females (Black et al. 1987). Evidence for
this phenomenon is a seasonal decline in the percentage
of males collected on the Scotian Shelf during some
years (Amaratunga 1980a). However, a reduction in the
proportion of males, which tend to be small individuals,
can also result from cannibalism by larger females
(O’Dor and Dawe 1998). During late autumn, nearly-
mature squid migrate from all continental shelf fishing
areas (Hurley 1980; Black et al. 1987), presumably to
spawn. Most mature females have been collected from
the U.S. shelf (Hendrickson 2004), but four have also
been recorded from waters off the coast of
Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (Dawe and Drew
Age estimation, accomplished by counting daily
growth increments in the statoliths, has been validated
for I. illecebrosus (Dawe et al. 1985; Hurley et al.
1985). Increment counts of statoliths from mated
females caught in the Mid-Atlantic Bight indicate a
lifespan of about 115 to 215 days (Hendrickson 2004).
Squid inhabiting warmer waters of the Mid-Atlantic
Bight exhibit faster rates of growth and maturation, and
possibly a shorter lifespan, than squid from the northern
stock component (Hendrickson 2004). The species may
achieve a maximum size of 35 cm ML and 700 g, with
females achieving larger sizes than males (Hendrickson
1998; O’Dor and Dawe 1998).
The terms recruit and pre-recruit are used herein to
describe geographical distributions and habitat
characteristics for the exploited and unexploited
portions of the stock, respectively. Exploitation occurs
at a minimum mantle length of 10 cm ML, the
approximate length at which individuals migrate onto
the continental shelf (O’Dor 1983; Hendrickson et al.
1996). Pre-recruits and recruits are thus defined as
individuals ≤ 10 cm ML and ≥ 11 cm ML, respectively.
Mating and spawning have only been observed in
captivity. I. illecebrosus is a semelparous, terminal
spawner whereby spawning and death occur within
several days of mating (O’Dor 1983). Mature females
collected on the U.S. continental shelf had mated with
as many as four males (Hendrickson 2004).
Until recently, few mature females and only two
mated individuals have been recorded (Dawe and Drew
1981). However, back-calculations of hatch dates based
on statolith age analyses indicate that spawning occurs
during October through June (Dawe and Beck 1997;
Hendrickson 2004).
A winter spawning area, located off the east coast
of Florida in the vicinity of the Blake Plateau (Figure 2;
Black et al. 1987), has been inferred based on: the
presence of Illex sp. hatchlings along the north wall of
the Gulf Stream during January and February (Dawe
and Beck 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a; Vecchione and
Roper 1986; Coelho and O’Dor 1993); the offshore
migration of adults in late autumn (Black et al. 1987);
and the presence of minimum water temperatures
required for hatching (O’Dor et al. 1982b; Trites 1983;
Rowell and Trites 1985).
The only confirmed spawning area is located in the
Mid-Atlantic Bight, at depths of 113 to 377 m, where a
large number of mated females were collected between
39º10´N and 35º50´N during late May (Figure 3;
Hendrickson 2004). This spawning area overlaps
spatially with the fishing grounds of the directed fishery
(Hendrickson et al. 1996). Spawning may also occur
offshore in the Gulf Stream/Slope Water frontal zone,
where paralarvae have been collected (O’Dor and Balch
1985; Rowell et al. 1985a), or south of Cape Hatteras
during winter where Illex sp. hatchlings have been
collected (Dawe and Beck 1985). Previous reports of
mated females consist of three individuals that were
caught south of Georges Bank (Dawe and Drew 1981).
Page 3
Trophic relationships between I. illecebrosus and
other marine species are described by Dawe and
Brodziak (1998). Northern shortfin squid feed primarily
on fish and crustaceans, but cannibalism of small
individuals (most likely males) by larger females also
occurs, particularly during autumn (Squires 1957;
Froerman 1984; Maurer and Bowman 1985; Dawe
1988). An ontogenetic shift in diet from a
predominance of crustaceans to a predominance of fish
and squid is evident in squid from both stock
components (Maurer and Bowman 1985; Dawe 1988).
Fish prey consists of the early life history stages of
Atlantic cod, Arctic cod and redfish (Squires 1957,
Dawe et al. 1997), sand lance (Dawe et al. 1997),
mackerel and Atlantic herring (O’Dor et al. 1980a;
Dawe et al. 1997), and haddock and sculpin (Squires
1957). Illex also feed on adult capelin (Squires 1957;
O’Dor et al. 1980a; Dawe et al. 1997) and longfin
inshore squid, Loligo pealeii (Vinogradov 1984).
Illex exhibit diel vertical migrations (Roper and
Young 1975; Brodziak and Hendrickson 1999) and
both juveniles (Arkhipkin and Fedulov 1986) and adults
feed primarily at night in the upper layers of the water
column (Maurer and Bowman 1985). On the U.S. shelf
in the spring, I. illecebrosus primarily consume
euphausiids, whereas fish and squid were the dominant
prey in the summer and fall. I. illecebrosus 6-10 cm and
26-30 cm in size eat mostly squid, while 11-15 cm Illex
eat mostly crustaceans and fish, and individuals 16-20
cm eat mostly crustaceans (Maurer and Bowman 1985).
Illex gut content data collected during Northeast
Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) bottom trawl
surveys (Link and Almeida 2000) were combined
across seasons to compute the percent composition of
major prey categories (Figure 4). For both pre-recruits
(92%) and recruits (57%), a majority of the gut contents
consisted of well-digested prey. Pre-recruit prey types
that could be identified consisted of crustaceans (3%)
and fish (3%). The diet of recruits consisted of
cephalopods (30%), crustaceans (including euphausiids,
7%), and fish (6%).
Numerous species of pelagic and benthic fishes
prey on Illex, including bluefin tuna (Butler 1971),
silver hake and red hake (Vinogradov 1972). Other fish
predators include bluefish (Maurer 1975; Buckel 1997),
goosefish (Maurer 1975; Langton and Bowman 1977),
fourspot flounder (Langton and Bowman 1977),
Atlantic cod (Lilly and Osborne 1984), sea raven
(Maurer 1975), spiny dogfish (Templeman 1944;
Maurer 1975), and swordfish (Langton and Bowman
1977; Stillwell and Kohler 1985; Scott and Scott 1988).
Mammalian predators include pilot whales (Squires
1957; Wigley 1982) and the common dolphin (Major
1986). Seabird predators include shearwaters, gannets,
and fulmars (Brown et al. 1981). Northern shortfin
squid are known to exhibit a variety of defense
mechanisms that may reduce predation, such as
camouflage coloration (O’Dor 1983), schooling
behavior, jetting, and ink release (Major 1986).
Northern shortfin squid are highly migratory. An
individual tagged off Newfoundland was recaptured off
the coast of Maryland, more than 1,000 miles away
(Dawe et al. 1981b). A hypothetical, annual migration
route (Figure 2, from Black et al. 1987) has been
constructed based on seasonal squid distribution
patterns observed in bottom trawl surveys of the U.S.
and Canadian continental shelves, concentrations of
hatchlings in offshore waters south of Cape Hatteras
during winter (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al.
1985; Rowell et al. 1985a), and suggestions that the
neutrally-buoyant egg masses and paralarvae are
rapidly transported northeastward by the Gulf Stream
current (Trites 1983).
Seasonal distribution patterns in Illex abundance
suggest that annual migrations off the U.S. shelf in
autumn and onto the shelf in spring occur
simultaneously along the entire length of the shelf edge
rather than over the shelf in a gauntlet pattern
(Hendrickson 2004; also see Geographical Distribution
below). Tagging studies have demonstrated a
southeastward migration of individuals from
Newfoundland during autumn (Dawe et al. 1981b).
However, the migration patterns between northern and
southern stock components remain unknown and the
offshore fraction of the population is not well
understood because NEFSC surveys do not extend
beyond the edge of the continental shelf and few
stations are sampled in the deepest survey strata (185 to
366 m).
Illex illecebrosus utilizes oceanic and neritic
habitats and adults are believed to undergo long-
distance migrations between boreal, temperate and sub-
tropical waters. Data from U.S. and Canadian seasonal
bottom trawl surveys (1975 to 1994) indicate that
northern shortfin squid are distributed on the
continental shelf of the U.S. and Canada, between
Newfoundland and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
(Figure 5). The species is present in the Gulf of St.
Page 4
Lawrence, along the western edge of the Grand Bank,
and along the western shore of Newfoundland, but are
most abundant on the U.S. and Scotian Shelf.
Paralarvae and juveniles inhabit the Gulf Stream-slope
water interface, located off the continental shelf of the
U.S. and Canada, and juveniles also occur on the U.S.
continental shelf. Adults have primarily been collected
on the shelf due to sampling depth limitations of U.S.
and Canadian bottom trawl surveys.
The southernmost limit of the range of I.
illecebrosus is difficult to identify b
ecause of its co-
occurrence with I. coindetii and I. oxygonius.
Distinguishing between the three species is difficult
given the high degree of interspecific and intraspecific
variability in morphological characters (Roper and
Mangold 1998; Roper et al. 1998).
Egg masses have never been collected in nature
(O’Dor and Dawe 1998). Paralarvae have been
collected during all seasons (Roper and Lu 1979), but
predominately during January and February in the
nutrient-rich waters of the Slope Water-Gulf Stream
frontal zone, from south of Cape Hatteras to as far north
as the Grand Bank (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et
al. 1985). The Gulf Stream has been hypothesized as
the primary mechanism for the transport of egg
balloons and paralarvae toward the Grand Bank (Trites
1983) based on its northeastern trajectory and rapid
current (about 100 km/day).
NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [see Reid et al.
(1999) for details] have captured pre-recruits during all
seasons (Figure 6; note that winter and summer
distributions are presented as presence/absence data,
precluding a discussion of abundances). In winter, the
occurrence of pre-recruits is very low and distributed
along the shelf edge between Cape Hatteras and
Georges Bank. In the spring, pre-recruits are
concentrated in low densities along the shelf edge,
including the southern Scotian Shelf; the highest
densities are found off of Cape Hatteras. By summer,
pre-recruits have migrated onto the continental shelf
and are distributed throughout all depths, primarily in
the Mid-Atlantic Bight and along the coast of Maine. In
autumn, pre-recruits begin their return migration to
waters off the shelf. During fall, pre-recruits are present
at depths greater than 60 m, between Georges Bank and
Cape Hatteras, and are most abundant along the shelf
edge. Low densities are also present in the Gulf of
The autumn distribution and abundance of pre-
recruits around coastal Massachusetts, based on
Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys [see Reid
et al. (1999) for details], is shown in Figure 7. During
all of the spring surveys conducted between 1978 and
2003, only 16 individuals were collected at five stations
in Massachusetts coastal waters. During the fall
surveys, pre-recruits were present at very low densities
at 28 stations located primarily off Cape Ann and
northern Cape Cod Bay (at depths of 20 to 60 m); a few
higher concentrations were found east of Cape Cod and
near Nantucket Island.
Few (N=30) northern shortfin squid were caught
during seasonal surveys of Narragansett Bay between
1990 and 1996. Illex were captured only during the
summer and at three stations. Individuals ranged in size
from 4 to 11 cm ML.
NEFSC bottom trawl surveys indicate similar
seasonal distributions of recruits and pre-recruits. (See
Figure 8 for recruits; again note that winter and summer
distributions are presented as presence/absence data,
precluding a discussion of abundances). Recruit
abundance during spring and autumn appears to be
greater than that of pre-recruits, but this is partially due
to differences in catchability between the two size
groups. The occurrence of recruits on the U.S.
continental shelf is lowest during winter and
concentrated along the shelf edge (at depths around 366
m) between Georges Bank and Cape Hatteras. By
spring, recruits are still only present at low densities
and concentrated near the shelf edge, extending to south
of Cape Hatteras, where some of the highest densities
are found. Recruits occur both inshore and throughout
the continental shelf during the summer between the
Gulf of Maine and Cape Hatteras. During autumn,
recruits begin to migrate back offshore and south, as
indicated by their high concentrations at depths
between 60 and 366 m.
Recruit abundance was low in Massachusetts
coastal waters during 1978-2003, particularly during
the spring, when only a few recruits were collected at
four stations. During the fall, recruits were collected at
more stations and at higher densities. Abundance was
highest in the waters off Cape Ann and the northern
portion of Cape Cod Bay (Figure 9).
Habitat characteristics of northern shortfin squid
are summarized by life history stage in Table 1.
Page 5
Based on lab studies, egg balloons probably occur
at water temperatures between 12.5°C, the minimum
temperature required for successful embryonic
development (O’Dor et al. 1982b), and 26°C (Balch et
al. 1985). Egg masses are neutrally-buoyant and
probably occur in midwater near the pycnocline (O’Dor
and Balch 1985).
Illex sp. paralarvae have been collected at water
temperatures from 5 to 20°C (Vecchione 1979; O’Dor
1983; Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al. 1985;
Vecchione and Roper 1986), with maximum
abundance, in the Gulf Stream, at temperatures greater
than 16.5°C (Hatanaka et al. 1985) and salinities
ranging from 35 to 37 ppt (Vecchione 1979; O’Dor
1983; Dawe and Beck 1985; Vecchione and Roper
1986). Paralarvae exhibit diel vertical migrations and
are more abundant in the upper layer of the water at
night and in deeper water during the day (Hatanaka et
al. 1985).
During the spring, epipelagic juveniles migrate
from oceanic to neritic waters as they grow. Juveniles
have been collected from continental slope waters at
temperatures from 14.3 to 16.3°C (Fedulov and
Froerman 1980; Perez 1994), at temperatures above
16°C in the Gulf Stream (Perez 1994), and at
temperatures from 5 to 6°C on the Scotian Shelf in
spring (Perez 1994). During late May, juveniles (34 to
68 mm ML) were collected along the southeast flank of
Georges Bank, at depths of 140 to 260 m, where surface
and bottom temperatures were 10.6°C and 9.9°C,
respectively (Hendrickson 2004). Juveniles have been
collected at salinities of 34 to 37 ppt (Vecchione 1979;
Amaratunga et al. 1980b; Fedulov and Froerman 1980;
Rowell et al. 1985a). South of Cape Hatteras, squid 7
to 10 cm ML are most abundant during spring
(Whitaker 1980).
Distributions of pre-recruits relative to bottom
water temperature, depth, and salinity based on spring
and fall NEFSC bottom trawl surveys from the Gulf of
Maine to Cape Hatteras are shown in Figure 10. During
the spring surveys, pre-recruits occur in deep water and
are most abundant at depths ranging from 101 to 300 m,
bottom temperatures of 11 to 14ºC and at salinities of
35 to 36 ppt. During the fall surveys, pre-recruits occur
in greater abundance across a broader depth range, and
in a wider range of temperatures and salinities. During
autumn, juveniles are most abundant at bottom
temperatures of 10 to 13ºC and salinities of 32 to 35
The spring and autumn distributions of pre-recruits
in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom
water temperature and depth based on Massachusetts
inshore bottom trawl surveys are shown in Figure 11.
As observed in the NEFSC spring surveys, pre-recruits
are distributed offshore during spring; only 16
individuals were collected at five stations in
Massachusetts coastal waters (< 80 m deep), most at
temperatures of 11ºC and at a depth of 1
1 to 15 m.
During the fall, pre-recruits were present at very low
densities at only 28 stations and were most abundant at
depths of 31 to 55 m, and were found over at bottom
temperatures of 6 to 10ºC.
Adults have been captured at temperatures ranging
from -0.5 to 27.3°C (Whitaker 1980), salinities of 30 to
36.5 ppt (Palmer and O’Dor 1978), and at depths
ranging from the surface to 1000 m or more (Whitaker
1980), depending on the time of year (see Migrations
above). In summer, on the eastern U.S. continental
shelf, adults are most abundant at depths of 100 to 200
m (Bowman 1977; Grinkov and Rikhter 1981) and are
not generally found in waters shallower than 18 m. In
the fall and winter, adults migrate offshore, and have
been found at 100 to 945 m (Amaratunga et al. 1980a;
Felley and Vecchione 1995). However, there is little
information on the offshore component of the
population, which may be found at depths greater than
1000 m (O’Dor and Dawe 1998).
Distributions of recruits relative to bottom water
temperature, depth, and salinity based on NEFSC
spring and fall bottom trawl surveys are shown in
Figure 12. During the spring, recruits are found over a
temperature range of 4 to 20°C, but are most abundant
at 10 to 14°C. Recruits are found over a depth range of
11 to 500 m, but are most abundant at 121 to 400 m.
The majority of recruits occur at a salinity of 35 ppt in
the spring. In the autumn, recruits were found over a
bottom temperature range of 4 to about 21°C, and are
most abundant at 8 to 13°C. Recruit abundance
increased with depth between 31 and 140 m and
reached a secondary peak at 201 to 300 m. During
autumn, recruits occur over a salinity range from 31 to
36 ppt.
The spring and autumn distributions of recruits in
Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water
temperature and depth based on Massachusetts inshore
bottom trawl surveys are shown in Figure 13. The few
adults caught in the spring occurred at temperatures of
10 to 13°C and at depths of 11 to 15 m, 26 to 30 m, and
41 to 45 m. Recruits were caught at higher densities in
the fall and were found over a temperature range of 4 to
15°C, with most recruits found between 7 and 9°C.
Page 6
Recruits were caught over a depth range of 11 to 85 m,
with most found between 41 and 75 m.
Additional research is needed to better understand
the life cycle of this species. In particular, recruitment
patterns and the exchange of squid between the
northern and southern stock components remain
unknown, along with the migration routes from fishing
areas during autumn. U.S. research surveys do not
include waters deeper than 366 m, so it remains
unknown what fraction of the stock resides offshore and
whether spawning occurs there. In addition, the
location of the winter spawning area has not been
The authors thanks Jason Link for summarizing
data from the NEFSC food habits database and Jackie
Riley and Claire Steimle for library assistance. We are
also grateful to John McCarthy for preparing the
histogram graphs and to David Packer for his editorial
comments and organization of the document.
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Page 12
Table 1. Summary of life history and habitat parameters for northern shortfin squid Illex illecebrosus.
Life Stage Size and Growth Habitat Substrate Temperature Salinity
Eggs 1
Eggs protected in
gelatinous masses
ranging in diameter
from 30 - 100 cm. In
lab studies, females
produced 10,000 -
400,000 eggs.
Egg masses have not been collected
in the wild. It is hypothesized that
egg masses are transported
northeasterly in the Gulf Stream
current based on distribution of
paralarvae and temperatures required
for hatching.
Egg masses are
pelagic; do not attach
to substrate (based
on lab-induced
spawning events).
Egg incubation lasts 16
days at 13°C, 12 days at
16°C and 8 days at 21°C;
normal development
requires at least 13°C.
Egg masses have
greater density than
seawater; possibly
become neutrally -
buoyant in colder,
water (shown in lab
Paralarvae 2
1.0-1.1 mm
1.2-5.0 mm
5.1-6.9 mm
Size at hatch: 1.0-1.1
mm ML.
Paralarvae have non-
functional tentacles;
body not yet elongated.
Rhynchoteuthion (Type
) larval stage ends
when proboscis splits
into 2 tentacles. Mantle
length increases during
migration from Gulf
Stream to continental
shelf. Only find
hatchlings south of
Cape Hatteras.
Offshore, along continental shelf edge
from surface waters t o 360 m.
Hatching occurs at inshore boundary
of Gulf Stream, 9 to 16 days after
spawning. Paralarvae have been
found during winter and spring off
tail of Grand Bank. Abundant in late
February-March in Gulf Stream/slope
waters above the thermocline. The
convergence of Gulf Stream and slope
water creates an area of high
productivity that is beneficial to
young for feeding and growth.
Undergo diel vertical migrations;
greater abundance during the day at
50-100 m.
Found from
5-20°C; maximum
abundance at
temperatures > 16.5°C.
Found at salinities
ranging from 35-37
recruits 3
≤ 10.0 cm
Separation of proboscis
into tentacles indicates
onset of juvenile stage.
Larger juveniles found
from east to west,
indicating westward
movement on
continental shelf with
growth. Growth is
approximately 1.5
Winter: in Gulf Stream/slope water
Spring: begin migration onto U.S.
continental shelf (Georges Bank to
south of Cape Hatteras).
Summer: occur throughout U.S. shelf
(Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras).
Fall: migrate off U.S. shelf (Georges
Bank to south of Cape Hatteras).
Undergo diel vertical migrations;
greater abundance near the bottom
during the day.
Gulf Stream: > 16°C;
slope water: < 16°C;
surface: 14-21°C;
continental shelf: 5-6°C
in spring.
Pre-recruits on U.S. shelf
most abundant at bottom
temperatures > 10°C and
surface temperatures
Found at salinities
ranging from 34-37
Recruits 4
≥ 11 cm
Can reach size of 35 cm
Life span less than a
year; (215 days for
squid in U.S. shelf
waters). Males and
females grow about 1
mm/day. Females
generally larger than
Range from Labrador to south of
Cape Hatteras; most abundant at
depths of 100-150m.
Winter: low abundance along edge of
U.S. shelf; presumably in warmer
waters offshore and south of Cape
Spring: begin migration onto U.S.
shelf (Georges Bank to south of Cape
Hatteras) and Scotian Shelf.
Summer: occur throughout U.S. shelf
(Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras),
Scotian Shelf and inshore
Newfoundland waters.
Fall: migrate off continental shelf of
U.S. and Canada; presumably to
Increase in squid size with depth in
Over various
sediment types,
including sand-silt or
"Sambro sand"
(sediment between
banks and edges of
basins on Scotian
Shelf, as well as
along edge of
continental shelf,
100-300m). Avoid
areas inhabited by
Illex ≥ 11 cm found at
bottom temperatures
ranging from 3.5-15.0°C
(surface > 20°C), most
abundant at bottom
temperatures of 5-
10.0°C. Maturation may
be enhanced by high
temperatures but not
initiated by it.
Generally found at
30-36.5 ppt.
Durward etal. (1978); O’Dor and Durward (1979); Durward et al. (1980); O’Doret al. (1980b, 1982b, 1986); O’Dor (1983); O’Dor and Balch (1985); Rowell et al.
(1985a); Perez (1994).
Vecchione (1979); Amaratunga (1980a); Durward et al. (1980); O’Dor (1983); Trites (1983); Dawe and Beck (1985); Hatanakaet al. (1985); Rowell and Trites (1985);
Rowell et al. (1985a); Vecchione and Roper (1986); Young and Harman (1988); Mann and Lazier (1991); Perez (1994).
Squires (1957); Vecchione (1979); Amaratunga (1980a); Amaratunga et al. (1980b); Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Daweet al. (1981a); Coelho (1985); Rowell et al.
(1985a); Black et al. (1987); Nigmatullin (1987); Perez (1994); Dawe and Beck (1997); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999).
Frost and Thompson (1933); McLellan et al. (1953); Squires (1957, 1967); Templeman (1966); Mercer (1973a, b); Mercer and Paulmier (1974); Bowman (1977);Mesnil
(1977); O’Dor et al. (1977, 1980a); Amaratunga et al. (1978, 1980a); Lange (1978); Lux et al. (1978); Palmer and O’Dor (1978); Amaratunga and McQuinn 1979;
Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Hurley (1980); Whitaker (1980); Dawe and Drew (1981); Dawe et al. (1981b); Grinkov and Rikhter (1981); Lange and Johnson (1981);
Scott (1982); Wigley (1982); Amaratunga 1983; Waldron (1983); Roper et al. (1984); Coelho (1985); Dawe and Beck (1985, 1997); Rowell et al. (1985b); Vecchione et
al. (1989); Laptikhovsky and Nigmatullin (1993); Perez (1994); Felley and Vecchione (1995); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999); Hendrickson (2004).
Page 13
Table 1. Cont’d.
Life Stage Prey Predators Spawning Notes
Eggs 1
Spawning has bee induced in the
lab, but not observed in the wild.
Lab studies indicate that egg
masses are spawned pelagically.
Eggs that are presumably spawned in
Gulf Stream waters can hatch in
northern shelf waters > 12.5ºC
(transported by Gulf Stream at rate of
7 km/hr); can also hatch in warm Gulf
Stream waters.
Paralarvae 2
1.0-1.1 mm
1.2-5.0 mm
5.1-6.9 mm
Hatchlings may spend early
life in remains of egg mass to
utilize the nutrients for food.
Yolk-sac not especially large;
food must be adequate to
sustain hatchling during this
stage of rapid growth and
increased metabolism.
Gulf Stream may be important mode
of transportation for paralarvae
throughout range in NW Atlantic;
initially flows northeastward along
shelf, off Cape Hatteras, then flows
easterly and creates eddies in which
young are transported westward into
slope waters.
recruits 3
≤ 10.0 cm
Primarily feed on crustaceans
(euphausiids) at night near
the surface; also consume
nematodes and fish.
Gulf Stream presumably transports
juveniles northward; hydrographic
variability in this system may explain
annual abundance differences.
Recruits 4
≥ 11 cm
Visual predators; feeding rate
reduced in highly turbid
waters. Feed primarily on
fish and are cannibalistic
(larger females cannibalize
smaller males, increased in
autumn). Fish prey includes
juvenile Atlantic cod,
mackerel, redfish, sand lance,
Atlantic herring, and adult
capelin. Seasonal/ontogenetic
diet shifts, during spring
(offshore): euphausiids;
during summer-fall (inshore):
fish and squid.
Many pelagic and
benthic fishes feed
heavily on Illex,
including bluefin tuna
and silver and red hakes.
Other fish predators
include shark and
dogfish species, fourspot
flounder, Atlantic cod,
swordfish, bluefish,
goosefish, and sea raven.
Mammalian predators
include common dolphin
and pilot whales. Avian
predators include
shearwaters, gannets,
and fulmars.
Spawning likely pelagic and
occurs during October-July.
Late May: mated females
indicate spawning area (113-377
m) in Mid-Atlantic Bight;
overlaps with fishing grounds.
Winter: presumably spawn
during December-March in the
Gulf Stream and/or south of
Cape Hatteras where Illex sp.
hatchlings were collected.
Lab studies indicate females
mate, spawn once (may release
multiple egg masses), then die
within a week. Mated females
collected in Mid-Atlantic Bight
indicate females may mate with
as many as four males.
Diel vertical migrations: more
abundant on bottom at dawn/dusk and
day than at night; feed primarily at
night before sunrise near surface or
mid-water. Migrate to bottom or
deeper waters during daytime. Change
color to camouflaged pattern when
resting on bottom to reduce risk of
predation by benthic species.
O’Dor et al. (1980b, 1982a, 1986); O’Dor (1983); Rowell et al. (1985a); Perez (1994).
Durward et al. (1980); Trites (1983); Rowell and Trites (1985); O’Doret al. (1986); Vecchione and Roper (1986); Csanady and Hamilton (1988); Mann and Lazier (1991);
Perez (1994).
Amaratunga et al. (1980b); Dawe et al. (1981a); Coelho (1985); Arkhipkin and Fedulov (1986).
Templeman (1944); Squires (1957, 1966, 1967); Vinogradov (1970, 1972, 1984); Butler (1971); Mercer and Paulmier (1974); Maurer (1975); Langton and Bowman
(1977); Bennett (1978); Durwardet al. (1978); Hirtle (1978); Ennis and Collins (1979);Froerman (1979); Vinogradov and Noskov (1979); Amaratunga (1980b, 1983);
Amaratunga et al. (1980a); Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Hurley (1980); Lange and Sissenwine (1980); O’Dor et al. (1980a, b); Brown et al. (1981); DeMont (1981);
Hirtle et al. (1981); Wigley (1982); O’Dor (1983); Lily and Osborne (1984); Dawe and Beck (1985, 1997); Maurer and Bowman (1985); Nicol and O’Dor (1985); O’Dor
and Balch (1985); Rowell et al. (1985a); Stillwell and Kohler (1985); Major (1986); Scott and Scott (1988); Vecchione et al.(1989); Laptikhovsky and Nigmatullin
(1993); Perez (1994); Dawe et al. (1997); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999); Hendrickson (2004).
Page 14
Figure 1. The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus (from Goode 1884).
Page 15
Figure 2. Hypothetical migration path of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus.
From Black et al. (1987).
Page 16
Figure 3. Spawning area of northern shortfin squid (encircled) during late May.
Based on the distribution of mated females (Hendrickson 2004).
Page 17
Diet Composition of Major Prey Items
Well Digested
Cephalopods Misc.
Euphausiids Misc. Fish
Well Digested
Cephalopods Misc.
Euphausiids Misc. Fish
Figure 4. Percent by weight (g) of the major prey items in the diet of northern shortfin squid.
From specimenscollected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys from 1973-2001 (all seasons). For details on NEFSC diet
analysis, see Link and Almeida (2000).
Page 18
Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of northern shortfin squid from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras.
Based on research trawl surveys conducted by Canada (DFO) and the United States (NMFS) from 1975-1994
Page 19
Figure 6. Seasonal distributions and abundances of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom
trawl surveys.
From NEFSC winter bottom trawl surveys (1981-2003, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as
presence/absence only.
Page 20
Figure 6. Cont’d.
From NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (1968-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre-recruits were not
found are not shown.
Page 21
Figure 6. Cont’d.
From NEFSC summer bottom trawl surveys (1969-1995, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as
presence/absence only.
Page 22
Figure 6. Cont’d.
From NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (1967-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre-recruits were not
found are not shown.
Page 23
Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters.
From fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre-
recruits were not found are not shown.
Page 24
Figure 8. Seasonal distributions and abundances of recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom
trawl surveys.
From NEFSC winter bottom trawl surveys (1981-2003, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as
presence/absence only.
Page 25
Figure 8. Cont’d.
From NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (1968-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits were not
found are not shown.
Page 26
Figure 8. Cont’d.
From NEFSC summer bottom trawl surveys (1969-1995, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as presence
absence only.
Page 27
Figure 8. Cont’d.
From NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (1967-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits were not found
are not shown.
Page 28
Figure 9. Distribution and abundance of recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters.
From fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits
were not found are not shown.
Page 29
NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey
Spring/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=10879
Occurrence N=340
Catch N=3659
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=12514
Occurrence N=382
Catch N=4816
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Salinity (PPT)
Trawls N=2270
Occurrence N=102
Catch N=1645
Figure 10. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to
bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity.
Based on NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1968-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-
2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls
in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total
number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
Page 30
NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey
Fall/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=11467
Occurrence N=818
Catch N=8405
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=13433
Occurrence N=1009
Catch N=10382
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Salinity (PPT)
Trawls N=2272
Occurrence N=198
Catch N=1224
Figure 10. Cont’d.
Based on NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1967-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-2003,
all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in
which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number
of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
Page 31
Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey
Spring/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=2407
Occurrence N=5
Catch N=16
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=2482
Occurrence N=5
Catch N=16
Figure 11. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to
bottom water temperature and depth.
Based on spring Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the
distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and
medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
Page 32
Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey
Fall/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=2244
Occurrence N=28
Catch N=64
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=2338
Occurrence N=28
Catch N=64
Figure 11. Cont’d.
Based on fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the
distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and
medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
Page 33
NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey
Spring/Recruits (>= 11 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=10879
Occurrence N=770
Catch N=9321
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=12514
Occurrence N=874
Catch N=10504
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Salinity (PPT)
Trawls N=2270
Occurrence N=120
Catch N=2119
Figure 12. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to
bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity.
Based on NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1968-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-
2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls
in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total
number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
Page 34
NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey
Fall/Recruits (>= 11 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=11467
Occurrence N=4617
Catch N=104051
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=13433
Occurrence N=5404
Catch N=134252
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Salinity (PPT)
Trawls N=2272
Occurrence N=776
Catch N=14760
Figure 12. Cont’d.
Based on NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1967-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-2003,
all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in
which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number
of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
Page 35
Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey
Spring/Recruits (>= 11 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=2407
Occurrence N=4
Catch N=6
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=2482
Occurrence N=4
Catch N=6
Figure 13. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom
water temperature and depth.
Based on spring Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the
distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and
medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
Page 36
Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey
Fall/Recruits (>= 11 cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Bottom Temperature (°C)
Trawls N=2244
Occurrence N=287
Catch N=2069
Bottom Depth (m)
Trawls N=2338
Occurrence N=294
Catch N=2085
Figure 13. Cont’d.
Based on fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the
distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and
medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
Publishing in NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE
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This series represents a secondary level of scientific
publishing in the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
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For spelling of scientific and common names of fishes, mol-
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use Special Publications No. 20 (fishes), 26 (mollusks), and 17
MD). For spelling of scientific and common names of marine
mammals, useSpecial Publication No. 4 of the Society for Marine
Mammalogy (Lawrence, KS). For spelling in general, use the most
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Send all materials and address all correspondence to: Jon A.
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166 Water St.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026
Publications and Reports
of the
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
The mission of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is "stewardship of living marine resources
for the benefit of the nation through their science-based conservation and management and promotion of the health
of their environment." As the research arm of the NMFS's Northeast Region, the Northeast Fisheries Science
Center (NEFSC) supports the NMFS mission by "conducting ecosystem-based research and assessments of living
marine resources, with a focus on the Northeast Shelf, to promote the recovery and long-term sustainability of these
resources and to generate social and economic opportunities and benefits from their use." Results of NEFSC
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However, to assist itself in providing data, information, and advice to its constituents, the NEFSC occasionally
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NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE -- This series is issued irregularly. The series typically includes: data reports of long-
term field or lab studies of important species or habitats; synthesis reports for important species or habitats; annual reports of overall
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important species or habitat topics; proceedings and collected papers of scientific meetings; and indexed and/or annotated bibliographies.
All issues receive internal scientific review and most issues receive technical and copy editing.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document -- Thisseriesisissuedirregularly. Theseriestypicallyincludes: datareports
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Resource Survey Report (formerly Fishermen's Report) -- This information report is a quick-turnaround report on the distribution
and relative abundance of selected living marine resources as derived from each of the NEFSC's periodic research vessel surveys of the
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OBTAINING A COPY: To obtain a copy of aNOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE or a Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Reference Document, or to subscribe to theResource Survey Report,eithercontacttheNEFSCEditorialOffice(166WaterSt.,Woods
Hole, MA 02543-1026; 508-495-2228) or consult the NEFSC webpage on "Reports and Publications" (http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/

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  • 3. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Donald L. Evans, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (ret.), Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service William T. Hogarth, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts November 2004 This series represents a secondary level of scientific publishing. All issues employ thorough internal scientific review; some issues employ external scientific review. Reviews are -- by design -- transparent collegial reviews, not anonymous peer reviews. All issues may be cited in formal scientific communications. NOAATechnicalMemorandumNMFS-NE-191 Lisa C. Hendrickson and Elizabeth M. Holmes National Marine Fisheries Serv., 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics Second Edition
  • 4. Editorial Notes on "Essential Fish Habitat Source Documents" Issued in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE Series Editorial Production For"EssentialFishHabitatSourceDocuments"issuedintheNOAATechnicalMemorandumNMFS-NEseries,staff oftheNortheastFisheriesScienceCenter's(NEFSC's)EcosystemsProcessesDivisionlargelyassumetheroleofstaffof theNEFSC'sEditorialOfficefortechnicalandcopyediting,typecomposition,andpagelayout. Otherthanthefourcovers (insideandoutside,frontandback)andfirsttwopreliminarypages,allpreprintingeditorialproductionisperformedby, and all credit for such production rightfully belongs to, the staff of the Ecosystems Processes Division. Internet Availability and Information Updating Each original issue of an "Essential Fish Habitat Source Document" is published both as a paper copy and as a Web posting. The Web posting, which is in "PDF" format, is available at: http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/nefsc/habitat/efh. Each issue is updated at least every five years. The updated edition will be published as a Web posting only; the replacededition(s)willbemaintainedinanonlinearchiveforreferencepurposes. Species Names The NMFS Northeast Region's policy on the use of species names in all technical communications is generally to followtheAmericanFisheriesSociety's listsofscientificandcommonnamesforfishes( i.e., Robinsetal.1991aa ,bb ), mollusks( i.e., Turgeonetal.1998c ),anddecapodcrustaceans( i.e., Williamsetal.1989d ),and tofollowtheSocietyfor MarineMammalogy'sguidanceonscientificandcommonnamesformarinemammals( i.e.,Rice1998e ). Exceptionstothis policyoccurwhentherearesubsequentcompellingrevisionsintheclassificationsofspecies,resultinginchangesinthe names of species (e.g., Cooper and Chapleau 1998f ;McEachranandDunn1998g ). aRobins, C.R. (chair); Bailey, R.M.; Bond, C.E.; Brooker, J.R.; Lachner, E.A.; Lea, R.N.; Scott, W.B. 1991a. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. 5th ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 20; 183 p. bRobins, C.R. (chair); Bailey, R.M.; Bond, C.E.; Brooker, J.R.; Lachner, E.A.; Lea, R.N.; Scott, W.B. 1991b. World fishes important to North Americans. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 21; 243 p. cTurgeon, D.D. (chair); Quinn, J.F., Jr.; Bogan, A.E.; Coan, E.V.; Hochberg, F.G.; Lyons, W.G.; Mikkelsen, P.M.; Neves, R.J.; Roper, C.F.E.; Rosenberg, G.; Roth, B.; Scheltema, A.; Thompson, F.G.; Vecchione, M.; Williams, J.D. 1998. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2nd ed. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 26; 526 p. dWilliams, A.B. (chair); Abele, L.G.; Felder, D.L.; Hobbs, H.H., Jr.; Manning, R.B.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Pérez Farfante, I. 1989. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: decapod crustaceans. Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 17; 77 p. e Rice, D.W. 1998. Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Soc. Mar. Mammal. Spec. Publ. 4; 231 p. fCooper, J.A.; Chapleau, F. 1998. Monophyly and interrelationships of the family Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectiformes), with a revised classification. Fish. Bull. (Washington, DC) 96:686-726. gMcEachran, J.D.; Dunn, K.A. 1998. Phylogenetic analysis of skates, a morphologically conservative clade of elasmobranchs (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae). Copeia 1998(2):271-290.
  • 5. Page iii PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION One of the greatest long-term threats to the viability of commercial and recreational fisheries is the continuing loss of marine, estuarine, and other aquatic habitats. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (October 11, 1996) The long-term viability of living marine resources depends on protection of their habitat. NMFS Strategic Plan for Fisheries Research (February 1998) The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA), which was reauthorized and amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act (1996), requires the eight regional fishery management councils to describe and identify essential fish habitat (EFH) in their respective regions, to specify actions to conserve and enhance that EFH, and to minimize the adverse effects of fishing on EFH. Congress defined EFH as “those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding or growth to maturity.” The MSFCMA requires NOAA Fisheries to assist the regional fishery management councils in the implementation of EFH in their respective fishery management plans. NOAA Fisheries has taken a broad view of habitat as the area used by fish throughout their life cycle. Fish use habitat for spawning, feeding, nursery, migration, and shelter, but most habitats provide only a subset of these functions. Fish may change habitats with changes in life history stage, seasonal and geographic distributions, abundance, and interactions with other species. The type of habitat, as well as its attributes and functions, are important for sustaining the production of managed species. The Northeast Fisheries Science Center compiled the available information on the distribution, abundance, and habitat requirements for each of the species managed by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils. That information is presented in a series EFH species reports (plus one consolidated methods report). The EFH species reports are a survey of the important literature as well as original analyses of fishery-independent data sets from NOAA Fisheries and several coastal states. The species reports are also the source for the current EFH designations by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, and understandably have begun to be referred to as the “EFH source documents.” NOAA Fisheries provided guidance to the regional fishery management councils for identifying and describing EFH of their managed species. Consistent with this guidance, the species reports present information on current and historic stock sizes, geographic range, and the period and location of major life history stages. The habitats of managed species are described by the physical, chemical, and biological components of the ecosystem where the species occur. Information on the habitat requirements is provided for each life history stage, and it includes, where available, habitat and environmental variables that control or limit distribution, abundance, growth, reproduction, mortality, and productivity. The initial series of EFH species source documents were published in 1999 in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE series. Updating and review of the EFH components of the councils’ Fishery Management Plans is required at least every 5 years by the NOAA Fisheries Guidelines for meeting the Sustainable Fisheries Act/EFH Final Rule. The second editions of these species source documents were written to provide the updated information needed to meet these requirements. The second editions provide new information on life history, geographic distribution, and habitat requirements via recent literature, research, and fishery surveys, and incorporate updated and revised maps and graphs. This second edition of the northern shortfin squid EFH source document is based on the original by Luca M. Cargnelli, Sara J. Griesbach, and Christine A. Zetlin, with a foreword by Jeffrey N. Cross (Cargnelli et al. 1999). Identifying and describing EFH are the first steps in the process of protecting, conserving, and enhancing essential habitats of the managed species. Ultimately, NOAA Fisheries, the regional fishery management councils, fishing participants, Federal and state agencies, and other organizations will have to cooperate to achieve the habitat goals established by the MSFCMA.
  • 7. Page v Contents INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 LIFE HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION......................................................................................................................................... 3 HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................................................. 4 RESEARCH NEEDS................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 REFERENCES CITED................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Tables Table 1. Summary of life history and habitat parameters for northern shortfin squid Illex illecebrosus........................12 Figures Figure 1. The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus (from Goode 1884)....................................................................14 Figure 2. Hypothetical migration path of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus..................................................15 Figure 3. Spawning area of northern shortfin squid (encircled) during late May...............................................................16 Figure 4. Percent by weight (g) of the major prey items in the diet of northern shortfin squid........................................17 Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of northern shortfin squid from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras........................18 Figure 6. Seasonal distributions and abundances of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys..............................................................................................................................................19 Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters...............23 Figure 8. Seasonal distributions and abundances of recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys...........................................................................................................................................................24 Figure 9. Distribution and abundance of recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters......................28 Figure 10. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity......................................................................................................29 Figure 11. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth. ....................................................................................................................31 Figure 12. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity......................................................................................................33 Figure 13. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth. ....................................................................................................................35
  • 9. Page 1 INTRODUCTION The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus (Figure 1), is a highly migratory species of the family Ommastrephidae. Distributed across a broad geographic area, I. illecebrosus is found in the northwest Atlantic Ocean between the Sea of Labrador and the Florida Straits (66ºN to 29º30'N; Roper et al. 1998). Throughout its range of commercial exploitation, from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the population is considered to constitute a single stock (Dawe and Hendrickson 1998). The southern stock component (inhabiting U.S. waters) is managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, in accordance with the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan (MAFMC 1998), and the northern stock component (inhabiting waters between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia) is assessed and managed by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (Hendrickson et al. 2002). Both stock components are managed based on an annual quota. This Essential Fish Habitat Source Document provides information on the life history and habitat characteristics of northern shortfin squid. Data sources and methodologies used to prepare this document are described in Reid et al. (1999). LIFE HISTORY The life history characteristics of northern shortfin squid have been reviewed by Black et al. (1987), Perez (1994), and O’Dor and Dawe (1998). Most of the supporting studies have been based on the northern component of the stock. Like many squid species, I. illecebrosus lives for less than one year, has a high natural mortality rate, and exhibits a protracted spawning season whereby overlapping “microcohorts” enter the population throughout the year and exhibit variable growth rates (Caddy 1991; Jackson 1994). The life cycle is comprised of oceanic and neritic components. During spring, squid migrate onto the continental shelf between Newfoundland and Cape Hatteras. During late autumn, squid migrate off the continental shelf, presumably to a winter spawning site (Black et al. 1987). The seasonal proportion of squid residing beyond the continental shelf is unknown because this habitat is not sampled during seasonal U.S. and Canadian bottom trawl surveys. Little is known about either the habitat of mature individuals (particularly females) or the winter habitat of the species. The life cycle (Figure 2) proposed by Black et al. (1987) remains hypothetical because several aspects remain unknown. These include the location of the winter spawning site, migration patterns between northern and southern stock components, the autumn spawning migration route, and what fraction of the stock inhabits waters beyond the continental shelf. New life history information regarding population structure, spawning location, lifespan, and age and size at maturity are described herein. This new information is based on data collected on the U.S. shelf during a stratified, random bottom trawl survey of the population (Hendrickson 2004). EGGS AND PARALARVAE Illex illecebrosus egg masses have never been collected in the wild (O’Dor and Dawe 1998) but have been described from laboratory spawning events. The gelatinous egg balloons are 0.5 to 1.0 m in diameter and contain between 10,000 and 100,000 eggs (Durward et al. 1980). Females can produce multiple egg masses (Durward et al. 1978). Mature eggs are ovoid, ranging from 0.9 x 0.6 to 1.0 to 0.8 mm in size, and weigh between 200 and 250 μg (Durward et al. 1980). Laboratory studies indicate that hatching occurs in 16 days at 13°C, 12 days at 16°C, and 8 days at 21°C; normal embryonic development requires water temperatures of at least 12.5°C (O’Dor et al. 1982b). Paralarvae may remain within the remnants of the egg mass to utilize the nutrients as a food source (Durward et al. 1980). In the laboratory, paralarvae hatch at approximately 1.1 mm mantle length (ML) (Durward et al. 1980), then enter a transitional stage at approximately 5.0 mm ML, followed by a juvenile stage at about 7.0 mm ML (Hatanaka 1986). Based on the distribution of paralarvae, it is hypothesized that the Gulf Stream serves as the primary transport mechanism for egg masses and paralarvae (O’Dor 1983; Rowell et al. 1985a). Paralarvae have been collected during all seasons (Roper and Lu 1979), from south of Cape Hatteras to as far north as the tail of the Grand Bank (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al. 1985). Paralarvae are most abundant in February and March, in the nutrient-rich waters of the Gulf Stream/Slope Water convergence zone; above the thermocline at temperatures greater than 13°C (Hatanaka et al. 1985). I. illecebrosus paralarvae hatched in the laboratory were 1.10 to 1.25 mm ML (O’Dor et al. 1986). Illex sp. hatchlings have only been collected in waters south of Cape Hatteras (35.5ºN) and during February through March (Dawe and Beck 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a). However, species identification of Illex paralarvae is problematic, particularly if caught south of New Jersey, due to the difficulty in distinguishing between paralarvae of I. illecebrosus and two sympatric Illex species (Vecchione and Roper 1986).
  • 10. Page 2 JUVENILES AND ADULTS Onset of the juvenile stage at 8 to 10 mm ML is indicated by a separation of the proboscis into a pair of tentacles (Roper and Lu 1979). Juveniles collected in surveys conducted in the Gulf Stream and continental slope waters during February through May ranged in size from 10 to 94 mm ML (O’Dor 1983). During late spring, juveniles migrate onto the continental shelf between Nova Scotia and Cape Hatteras (O’Dor 1983; Black et al. 1987). Juveniles caught on the continental shelf in late May ranged in size from 34 to 68 mm ML. Gonadal development began at about 64 mm ML in males and at 74 mm ML in females. Males attained 50% maturity at a smaller size and older age than females, but these differences were not statistically significant. Size- and age-at-maturity increased with latitude and were correlated with decreases in water temperature (Hendrickson 2004). Mean size at maturity may also vary inter-annually (Coelho and O’Dor 1993). In inshore Newfoundland waters, the percentage of mature males and male gonadosomatic indices were significantly higher for squid hatched in May than during March or April. Although females do not become mature in inshore Newfoundland waters, those hatched in May were more mature than those hatched in March or April (Dawe and Beck 1997). Captive females matured within 40 to 60 days (O’Dor et al. 1977). In Nova Scotian and Newfoundland waters, males mature at a faster rate than females and are believed to emigrate during autumn from continental shelf fishing areas before females (Black et al. 1987). Evidence for this phenomenon is a seasonal decline in the percentage of males collected on the Scotian Shelf during some years (Amaratunga 1980a). However, a reduction in the proportion of males, which tend to be small individuals, can also result from cannibalism by larger females (O’Dor and Dawe 1998). During late autumn, nearly- mature squid migrate from all continental shelf fishing areas (Hurley 1980; Black et al. 1987), presumably to spawn. Most mature females have been collected from the U.S. shelf (Hendrickson 2004), but four have also been recorded from waters off the coast of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (Dawe and Drew 1981). Age estimation, accomplished by counting daily growth increments in the statoliths, has been validated for I. illecebrosus (Dawe et al. 1985; Hurley et al. 1985). Increment counts of statoliths from mated females caught in the Mid-Atlantic Bight indicate a lifespan of about 115 to 215 days (Hendrickson 2004). Squid inhabiting warmer waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight exhibit faster rates of growth and maturation, and possibly a shorter lifespan, than squid from the northern stock component (Hendrickson 2004). The species may achieve a maximum size of 35 cm ML and 700 g, with females achieving larger sizes than males (Hendrickson 1998; O’Dor and Dawe 1998). The terms recruit and pre-recruit are used herein to describe geographical distributions and habitat characteristics for the exploited and unexploited portions of the stock, respectively. Exploitation occurs at a minimum mantle length of 10 cm ML, the approximate length at which individuals migrate onto the continental shelf (O’Dor 1983; Hendrickson et al. 1996). Pre-recruits and recruits are thus defined as individuals ≤ 10 cm ML and ≥ 11 cm ML, respectively. REPRODUCTION Mating and spawning have only been observed in captivity. I. illecebrosus is a semelparous, terminal spawner whereby spawning and death occur within several days of mating (O’Dor 1983). Mature females collected on the U.S. continental shelf had mated with as many as four males (Hendrickson 2004). Until recently, few mature females and only two mated individuals have been recorded (Dawe and Drew 1981). However, back-calculations of hatch dates based on statolith age analyses indicate that spawning occurs during October through June (Dawe and Beck 1997; Hendrickson 2004). A winter spawning area, located off the east coast of Florida in the vicinity of the Blake Plateau (Figure 2; Black et al. 1987), has been inferred based on: the presence of Illex sp. hatchlings along the north wall of the Gulf Stream during January and February (Dawe and Beck 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a; Vecchione and Roper 1986; Coelho and O’Dor 1993); the offshore migration of adults in late autumn (Black et al. 1987); and the presence of minimum water temperatures required for hatching (O’Dor et al. 1982b; Trites 1983; Rowell and Trites 1985). The only confirmed spawning area is located in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, at depths of 113 to 377 m, where a large number of mated females were collected between 39º10´N and 35º50´N during late May (Figure 3; Hendrickson 2004). This spawning area overlaps spatially with the fishing grounds of the directed fishery (Hendrickson et al. 1996). Spawning may also occur offshore in the Gulf Stream/Slope Water frontal zone, where paralarvae have been collected (O’Dor and Balch 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a), or south of Cape Hatteras during winter where Illex sp. hatchlings have been collected (Dawe and Beck 1985). Previous reports of mated females consist of three individuals that were caught south of Georges Bank (Dawe and Drew 1981).
  • 11. Page 3 DIET Trophic relationships between I. illecebrosus and other marine species are described by Dawe and Brodziak (1998). Northern shortfin squid feed primarily on fish and crustaceans, but cannibalism of small individuals (most likely males) by larger females also occurs, particularly during autumn (Squires 1957; Froerman 1984; Maurer and Bowman 1985; Dawe 1988). An ontogenetic shift in diet from a predominance of crustaceans to a predominance of fish and squid is evident in squid from both stock components (Maurer and Bowman 1985; Dawe 1988). Fish prey consists of the early life history stages of Atlantic cod, Arctic cod and redfish (Squires 1957, Dawe et al. 1997), sand lance (Dawe et al. 1997), mackerel and Atlantic herring (O’Dor et al. 1980a; Dawe et al. 1997), and haddock and sculpin (Squires 1957). Illex also feed on adult capelin (Squires 1957; O’Dor et al. 1980a; Dawe et al. 1997) and longfin inshore squid, Loligo pealeii (Vinogradov 1984). Illex exhibit diel vertical migrations (Roper and Young 1975; Brodziak and Hendrickson 1999) and both juveniles (Arkhipkin and Fedulov 1986) and adults feed primarily at night in the upper layers of the water column (Maurer and Bowman 1985). On the U.S. shelf in the spring, I. illecebrosus primarily consume euphausiids, whereas fish and squid were the dominant prey in the summer and fall. I. illecebrosus 6-10 cm and 26-30 cm in size eat mostly squid, while 11-15 cm Illex eat mostly crustaceans and fish, and individuals 16-20 cm eat mostly crustaceans (Maurer and Bowman 1985). Illex gut content data collected during Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) bottom trawl surveys (Link and Almeida 2000) were combined across seasons to compute the percent composition of major prey categories (Figure 4). For both pre-recruits (92%) and recruits (57%), a majority of the gut contents consisted of well-digested prey. Pre-recruit prey types that could be identified consisted of crustaceans (3%) and fish (3%). The diet of recruits consisted of cephalopods (30%), crustaceans (including euphausiids, 7%), and fish (6%). PREDATION AND MORTALITY Numerous species of pelagic and benthic fishes prey on Illex, including bluefin tuna (Butler 1971), silver hake and red hake (Vinogradov 1972). Other fish predators include bluefish (Maurer 1975; Buckel 1997), goosefish (Maurer 1975; Langton and Bowman 1977), fourspot flounder (Langton and Bowman 1977), Atlantic cod (Lilly and Osborne 1984), sea raven (Maurer 1975), spiny dogfish (Templeman 1944; Maurer 1975), and swordfish (Langton and Bowman 1977; Stillwell and Kohler 1985; Scott and Scott 1988). Mammalian predators include pilot whales (Squires 1957; Wigley 1982) and the common dolphin (Major 1986). Seabird predators include shearwaters, gannets, and fulmars (Brown et al. 1981). Northern shortfin squid are known to exhibit a variety of defense mechanisms that may reduce predation, such as camouflage coloration (O’Dor 1983), schooling behavior, jetting, and ink release (Major 1986). MIGRATION Northern shortfin squid are highly migratory. An individual tagged off Newfoundland was recaptured off the coast of Maryland, more than 1,000 miles away (Dawe et al. 1981b). A hypothetical, annual migration route (Figure 2, from Black et al. 1987) has been constructed based on seasonal squid distribution patterns observed in bottom trawl surveys of the U.S. and Canadian continental shelves, concentrations of hatchlings in offshore waters south of Cape Hatteras during winter (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al. 1985; Rowell et al. 1985a), and suggestions that the neutrally-buoyant egg masses and paralarvae are rapidly transported northeastward by the Gulf Stream current (Trites 1983). Seasonal distribution patterns in Illex abundance suggest that annual migrations off the U.S. shelf in autumn and onto the shelf in spring occur simultaneously along the entire length of the shelf edge rather than over the shelf in a gauntlet pattern (Hendrickson 2004; also see Geographical Distribution below). Tagging studies have demonstrated a southeastward migration of individuals from Newfoundland during autumn (Dawe et al. 1981b). However, the migration patterns between northern and southern stock components remain unknown and the offshore fraction of the population is not well understood because NEFSC surveys do not extend beyond the edge of the continental shelf and few stations are sampled in the deepest survey strata (185 to 366 m). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Illex illecebrosus utilizes oceanic and neritic habitats and adults are believed to undergo long- distance migrations between boreal, temperate and sub- tropical waters. Data from U.S. and Canadian seasonal bottom trawl surveys (1975 to 1994) indicate that northern shortfin squid are distributed on the continental shelf of the U.S. and Canada, between Newfoundland and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (Figure 5). The species is present in the Gulf of St.
  • 12. Page 4 Lawrence, along the western edge of the Grand Bank, and along the western shore of Newfoundland, but are most abundant on the U.S. and Scotian Shelf. Paralarvae and juveniles inhabit the Gulf Stream-slope water interface, located off the continental shelf of the U.S. and Canada, and juveniles also occur on the U.S. continental shelf. Adults have primarily been collected on the shelf due to sampling depth limitations of U.S. and Canadian bottom trawl surveys. The southernmost limit of the range of I. illecebrosus is difficult to identify b ecause of its co- occurrence with I. coindetii and I. oxygonius. Distinguishing between the three species is difficult given the high degree of interspecific and intraspecific variability in morphological characters (Roper and Mangold 1998; Roper et al. 1998). EGGS AND PARALARVAE Egg masses have never been collected in nature (O’Dor and Dawe 1998). Paralarvae have been collected during all seasons (Roper and Lu 1979), but predominately during January and February in the nutrient-rich waters of the Slope Water-Gulf Stream frontal zone, from south of Cape Hatteras to as far north as the Grand Bank (Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al. 1985). The Gulf Stream has been hypothesized as the primary mechanism for the transport of egg balloons and paralarvae toward the Grand Bank (Trites 1983) based on its northeastern trajectory and rapid current (about 100 km/day). PRE-RECRUITS NEFSC bottom trawl surveys [see Reid et al. (1999) for details] have captured pre-recruits during all seasons (Figure 6; note that winter and summer distributions are presented as presence/absence data, precluding a discussion of abundances). In winter, the occurrence of pre-recruits is very low and distributed along the shelf edge between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank. In the spring, pre-recruits are concentrated in low densities along the shelf edge, including the southern Scotian Shelf; the highest densities are found off of Cape Hatteras. By summer, pre-recruits have migrated onto the continental shelf and are distributed throughout all depths, primarily in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and along the coast of Maine. In autumn, pre-recruits begin their return migration to waters off the shelf. During fall, pre-recruits are present at depths greater than 60 m, between Georges Bank and Cape Hatteras, and are most abundant along the shelf edge. Low densities are also present in the Gulf of Maine. The autumn distribution and abundance of pre- recruits around coastal Massachusetts, based on Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys [see Reid et al. (1999) for details], is shown in Figure 7. During all of the spring surveys conducted between 1978 and 2003, only 16 individuals were collected at five stations in Massachusetts coastal waters. During the fall surveys, pre-recruits were present at very low densities at 28 stations located primarily off Cape Ann and northern Cape Cod Bay (at depths of 20 to 60 m); a few higher concentrations were found east of Cape Cod and near Nantucket Island. Few (N=30) northern shortfin squid were caught during seasonal surveys of Narragansett Bay between 1990 and 1996. Illex were captured only during the summer and at three stations. Individuals ranged in size from 4 to 11 cm ML. ADULTS NEFSC bottom trawl surveys indicate similar seasonal distributions of recruits and pre-recruits. (See Figure 8 for recruits; again note that winter and summer distributions are presented as presence/absence data, precluding a discussion of abundances). Recruit abundance during spring and autumn appears to be greater than that of pre-recruits, but this is partially due to differences in catchability between the two size groups. The occurrence of recruits on the U.S. continental shelf is lowest during winter and concentrated along the shelf edge (at depths around 366 m) between Georges Bank and Cape Hatteras. By spring, recruits are still only present at low densities and concentrated near the shelf edge, extending to south of Cape Hatteras, where some of the highest densities are found. Recruits occur both inshore and throughout the continental shelf during the summer between the Gulf of Maine and Cape Hatteras. During autumn, recruits begin to migrate back offshore and south, as indicated by their high concentrations at depths between 60 and 366 m. Recruit abundance was low in Massachusetts coastal waters during 1978-2003, particularly during the spring, when only a few recruits were collected at four stations. During the fall, recruits were collected at more stations and at higher densities. Abundance was highest in the waters off Cape Ann and the northern portion of Cape Cod Bay (Figure 9). HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS Habitat characteristics of northern shortfin squid are summarized by life history stage in Table 1.
  • 13. Page 5 EGGS AND PARALARVAE Based on lab studies, egg balloons probably occur at water temperatures between 12.5°C, the minimum temperature required for successful embryonic development (O’Dor et al. 1982b), and 26°C (Balch et al. 1985). Egg masses are neutrally-buoyant and probably occur in midwater near the pycnocline (O’Dor and Balch 1985). Illex sp. paralarvae have been collected at water temperatures from 5 to 20°C (Vecchione 1979; O’Dor 1983; Dawe and Beck 1985; Hatanaka et al. 1985; Vecchione and Roper 1986), with maximum abundance, in the Gulf Stream, at temperatures greater than 16.5°C (Hatanaka et al. 1985) and salinities ranging from 35 to 37 ppt (Vecchione 1979; O’Dor 1983; Dawe and Beck 1985; Vecchione and Roper 1986). Paralarvae exhibit diel vertical migrations and are more abundant in the upper layer of the water at night and in deeper water during the day (Hatanaka et al. 1985). JUVENILES During the spring, epipelagic juveniles migrate from oceanic to neritic waters as they grow. Juveniles have been collected from continental slope waters at temperatures from 14.3 to 16.3°C (Fedulov and Froerman 1980; Perez 1994), at temperatures above 16°C in the Gulf Stream (Perez 1994), and at temperatures from 5 to 6°C on the Scotian Shelf in spring (Perez 1994). During late May, juveniles (34 to 68 mm ML) were collected along the southeast flank of Georges Bank, at depths of 140 to 260 m, where surface and bottom temperatures were 10.6°C and 9.9°C, respectively (Hendrickson 2004). Juveniles have been collected at salinities of 34 to 37 ppt (Vecchione 1979; Amaratunga et al. 1980b; Fedulov and Froerman 1980; Rowell et al. 1985a). South of Cape Hatteras, squid 7 to 10 cm ML are most abundant during spring (Whitaker 1980). Distributions of pre-recruits relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity based on spring and fall NEFSC bottom trawl surveys from the Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras are shown in Figure 10. During the spring surveys, pre-recruits occur in deep water and are most abundant at depths ranging from 101 to 300 m, bottom temperatures of 11 to 14ºC and at salinities of 35 to 36 ppt. During the fall surveys, pre-recruits occur in greater abundance across a broader depth range, and in a wider range of temperatures and salinities. During autumn, juveniles are most abundant at bottom temperatures of 10 to 13ºC and salinities of 32 to 35 ppt. The spring and autumn distributions of pre-recruits in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys are shown in Figure 11. As observed in the NEFSC spring surveys, pre-recruits are distributed offshore during spring; only 16 individuals were collected at five stations in Massachusetts coastal waters (< 80 m deep), most at temperatures of 11ºC and at a depth of 1 1 to 15 m. During the fall, pre-recruits were present at very low densities at only 28 stations and were most abundant at depths of 31 to 55 m, and were found over at bottom temperatures of 6 to 10ºC. ADULTS Adults have been captured at temperatures ranging from -0.5 to 27.3°C (Whitaker 1980), salinities of 30 to 36.5 ppt (Palmer and O’Dor 1978), and at depths ranging from the surface to 1000 m or more (Whitaker 1980), depending on the time of year (see Migrations above). In summer, on the eastern U.S. continental shelf, adults are most abundant at depths of 100 to 200 m (Bowman 1977; Grinkov and Rikhter 1981) and are not generally found in waters shallower than 18 m. In the fall and winter, adults migrate offshore, and have been found at 100 to 945 m (Amaratunga et al. 1980a; Felley and Vecchione 1995). However, there is little information on the offshore component of the population, which may be found at depths greater than 1000 m (O’Dor and Dawe 1998). Distributions of recruits relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity based on NEFSC spring and fall bottom trawl surveys are shown in Figure 12. During the spring, recruits are found over a temperature range of 4 to 20°C, but are most abundant at 10 to 14°C. Recruits are found over a depth range of 11 to 500 m, but are most abundant at 121 to 400 m. The majority of recruits occur at a salinity of 35 ppt in the spring. In the autumn, recruits were found over a bottom temperature range of 4 to about 21°C, and are most abundant at 8 to 13°C. Recruit abundance increased with depth between 31 and 140 m and reached a secondary peak at 201 to 300 m. During autumn, recruits occur over a salinity range from 31 to 36 ppt. The spring and autumn distributions of recruits in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth based on Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys are shown in Figure 13. The few adults caught in the spring occurred at temperatures of 10 to 13°C and at depths of 11 to 15 m, 26 to 30 m, and 41 to 45 m. Recruits were caught at higher densities in the fall and were found over a temperature range of 4 to 15°C, with most recruits found between 7 and 9°C.
  • 14. Page 6 Recruits were caught over a depth range of 11 to 85 m, with most found between 41 and 75 m. RESEARCH NEEDS Additional research is needed to better understand the life cycle of this species. In particular, recruitment patterns and the exchange of squid between the northern and southern stock components remain unknown, along with the migration routes from fishing areas during autumn. U.S. research surveys do not include waters deeper than 366 m, so it remains unknown what fraction of the stock resides offshore and whether spawning occurs there. In addition, the location of the winter spawning area has not been confirmed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thanks Jason Link for summarizing data from the NEFSC food habits database and Jackie Riley and Claire Steimle for library assistance. We are also grateful to John McCarthy for preparing the histogram graphs and to David Packer for his editorial comments and organization of the document. REFERENCES CITED Amaratunga, T. 1980a. Growth and maturation patterns of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. No. 80/II/39. 17 p. Amaratunga, T. 1980b. Preliminary estimates of predation by the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. No. 80/II/31. 13 p. Amaratunga, T.M. 1983. The role of cephalopods in the marine ecosystem. In: Caddy, J.F., editor. Advances in assessment of world cephalopod resources. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 231. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. p. 379-415. Amaratunga, T. and I.H. McQuinn. 1979. Abundance estimation of Illex illecebrosus during the joint Canada-Japan selectivity research program on the Scotian Shelf in 1978. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. (ICNAF) Res. Doc. 79/II/36. 12 p. Amaratunga, T., M. Roberge, and L. Wood. 1978. An outline of the fishery and biology of the short- finned squid, Illex illecebrosus, in eastern Canada. In: Balch, N., Amaratunga, T., O’Dor, R.K., editors. Proceedings of a workshop on the squid, Illex illecebrosus. Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 1978; and a bibliography on the genus Illex. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. no. 833. Fisheries and Marine Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia. p. 2.1-2.5. Amaratunga, T., M. Roberge, J. Young, and Y. Uozumi. 1980a. Summary of joint Canada/Japan research program on short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus), 23 October to 29 November 1979: emigration and biology. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. 80/II/40. 20 p. Amaratunga, T., T. Rowell, and M. Roberge. 1980b. Summary of joint Canada/U.S.S.R. research program on short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus), 16 February to 4 June, 1979: Spawning stock and larval survey. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. No. 80/II/38. 36 p. Arkhipkin, A.I. and P.P. Fedulov. 1986. Diel movements of juvenile Illex illecebrosus and other cephalopods in the shelf water-slope water frontal zone off the Scotian Shelf in spring. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 7: 15-24. Balch, N., R.K. O’Dor, and P. Helm. 1985. Laboratory rearing of rhynchoteuthions of the ommastrephid squid Illex illecebrosus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). In: Mangold, K.M., Boletzky S.V., editors. Biology and distribution of early juvenile cephalopods. (Biologie et distribution de cephalopodes juveniles precoces.) Vie Milieu 35. p. 243-246. Bennett, B.A. 1978. Underwater observations of the squid Illex illecebrosus in the Newfoundland inshore waters. In: Balch, N., Amaratunga, T., O’Dor, R.K., editors. Proceedings of a workshop on the squid, Illex illecebrosus. Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 1978; and a bibliography on the genus Illex. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. No. 833. Fisheries and Marine Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia. p. 12.1-12.9. Black, G.A.P., T.W. Rowell, and E.G. Dawe. 1987. Atlas of the biology and distribution of the squids Illex illecebrosus and Loligo pealei in the northwest A tlantic. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 100. 62 p. Bowman, M.J. 1977. Hydrographic properties. Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Program, MESA New York Bight Project. N.Y. Sea Grant Institute, Albany, NY. 78 p. Brodziak, J.K.T. and L.C. Hendrickson. 1999. An analysis of environmental effects on survey catches of squids Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus in the northwest Atlantic. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 97: 9-24.
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Rhynchoteuthion larvae of ommastrephid squids of the western North Atlantic, with the first description of larvae and juveniles of Illex illecebrosus. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 91 (4): 1039-1059. Roper, C.F.E., C.C. Lu, and M. Vecchione. 1998. Systematics and distribution of Illex species; a revision (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae). Smithson. Contrib. Zool. No. 586. 599 p. Roper, C.F.E. and K. Mangold. 1998. Systematic and distributional relationships of Illex coindetii to the genus Illex (Cephalopoda; Ommastrephidae). In: Rodhouse, P.G., Dawe, E.G., O’Dor, R.K., editors. Squid recruitment dynamics: the genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species, and influences on variability. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 376. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. p. 13-26. Roper, C.F.E., M.J. Sweeney, and C.E. Nauen. 1984. FAO species catalogue Vol. 3. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish. Synop. No. 125 Vol. 3. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Roper, C.F.E. and R.E. Young. 1975. Vertical distribution of pelagic cephalopods. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. No. 209. 51 p. Rowell, T.W. and R.W. Trites. 1985. Distribution of larval and juvenile Illex (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) in the Blake Plateau region (northwest Atlantic). Vie Milieu 35: 139-147. Rowell, T.W., R.W. Trites, and E.G. Dawe. 1985a. Distribution of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) larvae and juveniles in relation to the Gulf Stream frontal zone between Florida and Cape Hatteras. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Stud. 9: 77-92. Rowell, T.W., J.H. Young, J.C. Poulard, and J.P. Robin. 1985b. Changes in distribution and biological characteristics of Illex illecebrosus on the Scotian Shelf, 1980-83. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Stud. 9: 11-26. Scott, J.S. 1982. Selection of bottom type by groundfishes of the Scotian Shelf. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39: 943-947. Scott, W.B. and M.G. Scott. 1988. Atlantic fishes of Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 219. 731 p. Squires, H.J. 1957. Squid, Illex illecebrosus, in the Newfoundland fishing area. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 14: 693-728. Squires, H.J. 1966. Feeding habits of the squid Illex illecebrosus. Nature (London) 211: 1321. Squires, H.J. 1967. Growth and hypothetical age of the Newfoundland bait squid, Illex illecebrosus illecebrosus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: 1209- 1217. Stillwell, C.E. and N.E. Kohler. 1985. Food and feeding ecology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the western North Atlantic with estimates of daily ration. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 22: 239-247. Templeman, W. 1944. The life history of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and the vitamin A values of dogfish liver oil. Newfoundland Dep. Nat. Resourc. Bull. Fish. No. 15. 102 p. Templeman, W. 1966. Marine resources of Newfound- land. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull. 154. 170 p. Trites, R.W. 1983. Physical oceanographic features and processes relevant to Illex illecebrosus spawning in the western North Atlantic and subsequent larval distribution. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Stud. 6: 39-55. Vecchione, M. 1979. Larval development of Illex Steenstrup, 1880, in the northwestern Atlantic, with comments on Illex larval distribution. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 91(4): 1060-1075. Vecchione, M. and C.F.E. Roper. 1986. Occurrence of larval Illex illecebrosus and other young cephalopods in the Slope Water/Gulf Stream interface. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 99(4): 703-708. Vecchione, M., C.F.E. Roper, and M.J. Sweeney. 1989. Marine flora and fauna of the eastern United States. Mollusca: Cephalopoda. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 73. 23 p. Vinogradov, V.I. 1970. Distribution of some commercial fish species on the USA shelf in the winter. Ryb. Khoz. No. 12: 10-11. Vinogradov, V.I. 1972. Studies of the food habits of silver and red hake in the northwest Atlantic area, 1965-67. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. (ICNAF) Res. Bull. No. 9: 41-50. Vinogradov, V.I. 1984. On feeding of two squid species in the northwest Atlantic. Northwest Atl. Fish. Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. 84/117. 12 p.
  • 19. Page 11 Vinogradov, V.I. and A.S. Noskov. 1979. Feeding of short-finned squid, Illex illecebrosus, and long- finned squid, Loligo pealei, off Nova Scotia and New England, 1974-1975. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. (ICNAF) Sel. Pap. No. 5: 31-36. Waldron, D.E. 1983. Factors influencing Scotian Shelf finfish and squid interactions with special reference to silver hake. Northwest Atl. Fish Organ. (NAFO) Sci. Counc. Res. Doc. 83/IX/92. 28 p. Whitaker, J.D. 1980. Squid catches resulting from trawl surveys off the southeastern United States, M.S. thesis, College of Charleston, SC. 164 p. Wigley, R.L. 1982. Short-finned squid, Illex illecebrosus. In: Grosslein, M.D., Azarovitz, T.R., editors. Fish distribution. MESA New York Bight Atlas Monograph 15. N.Y. Sea Grant Institute, Albany, NY. p. 135-138. Young, R.E. and R.F. Harman. 1988. “Larva”, “paralarva” and “subadult” in cephalopod terminology. Malacologia 29 (1): 201-207.
  • 20. Page 12 Table 1. Summary of life history and habitat parameters for northern shortfin squid Illex illecebrosus. Life Stage Size and Growth Habitat Substrate Temperature Salinity Eggs 1 Eggs protected in gelatinous masses ranging in diameter from 30 - 100 cm. In lab studies, females produced 10,000 - 400,000 eggs. Egg masses have not been collected in the wild. It is hypothesized that egg masses are transported northeasterly in the Gulf Stream current based on distribution of paralarvae and temperatures required for hatching. Egg masses are pelagic; do not attach to substrate (based on lab-induced spawning events). Egg incubation lasts 16 days at 13°C, 12 days at 16°C and 8 days at 21°C; normal development requires at least 13°C. Egg masses have greater density than seawater; possibly become neutrally - buoyant in colder, higher-density water (shown in lab studies). Paralarvae 2 Hatchling: 1.0-1.1 mm Paralarvae: 1.2-5.0 mm Transitional: 5.1-6.9 mm Size at hatch: 1.0-1.1 mm ML. Paralarvae have non- functional tentacles; body not yet elongated. Rhynchoteuthion (Type C1 ) larval stage ends when proboscis splits into 2 tentacles. Mantle length increases during migration from Gulf Stream to continental shelf. Only find hatchlings south of Cape Hatteras. Offshore, along continental shelf edge from surface waters t o 360 m. Hatching occurs at inshore boundary of Gulf Stream, 9 to 16 days after spawning. Paralarvae have been found during winter and spring off tail of Grand Bank. Abundant in late February-March in Gulf Stream/slope waters above the thermocline. The convergence of Gulf Stream and slope water creates an area of high productivity that is beneficial to young for feeding and growth. Undergo diel vertical migrations; greater abundance during the day at 50-100 m. Found from 5-20°C; maximum abundance at temperatures > 16.5°C. Found at salinities ranging from 35-37 ppt. Pre- recruits 3 ≤ 10.0 cm Separation of proboscis into tentacles indicates onset of juvenile stage. Larger juveniles found from east to west, indicating westward movement on continental shelf with growth. Growth is approximately 1.5 mm/day. Winter: in Gulf Stream/slope water interface. Spring: begin migration onto U.S. continental shelf (Georges Bank to south of Cape Hatteras). Summer: occur throughout U.S. shelf (Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras). Fall: migrate off U.S. shelf (Georges Bank to south of Cape Hatteras). Undergo diel vertical migrations; greater abundance near the bottom during the day. Gulf Stream: > 16°C; slope water: < 16°C; surface: 14-21°C; continental shelf: 5-6°C in spring. Pre-recruits on U.S. shelf most abundant at bottom temperatures > 10°C and surface temperatures 14.6-20.5°C. Found at salinities ranging from 34-37 ppt. Recruits 4 ≥ 11 cm Can reach size of 35 cm ML. Life span less than a year; (215 days for squid in U.S. shelf waters). Males and females grow about 1 mm/day. Females generally larger than males. Range from Labrador to south of Cape Hatteras; most abundant at depths of 100-150m. Winter: low abundance along edge of U.S. shelf; presumably in warmer waters offshore and south of Cape Hatteras. Spring: begin migration onto U.S. shelf (Georges Bank to south of Cape Hatteras) and Scotian Shelf. Summer: occur throughout U.S. shelf (Gulf of Maine to Cape Hatteras), Scotian Shelf and inshore Newfoundland waters. Fall: migrate off continental shelf of U.S. and Canada; presumably to spawn. Increase in squid size with depth in autumn. Over various sediment types, including sand-silt or "Sambro sand" (sediment between banks and edges of basins on Scotian Shelf, as well as along edge of continental shelf, 100-300m). Avoid areas inhabited by anemones. Illex ≥ 11 cm found at bottom temperatures ranging from 3.5-15.0°C (surface > 20°C), most abundant at bottom temperatures of 5- 10.0°C. Maturation may be enhanced by high temperatures but not initiated by it. Generally found at 30-36.5 ppt. 1 Durward etal. (1978); O’Dor and Durward (1979); Durward et al. (1980); O’Doret al. (1980b, 1982b, 1986); O’Dor (1983); O’Dor and Balch (1985); Rowell et al. (1985a); Perez (1994). 2 Vecchione (1979); Amaratunga (1980a); Durward et al. (1980); O’Dor (1983); Trites (1983); Dawe and Beck (1985); Hatanakaet al. (1985); Rowell and Trites (1985); Rowell et al. (1985a); Vecchione and Roper (1986); Young and Harman (1988); Mann and Lazier (1991); Perez (1994). 3 Squires (1957); Vecchione (1979); Amaratunga (1980a); Amaratunga et al. (1980b); Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Daweet al. (1981a); Coelho (1985); Rowell et al. (1985a); Black et al. (1987); Nigmatullin (1987); Perez (1994); Dawe and Beck (1997); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999). 4 Frost and Thompson (1933); McLellan et al. (1953); Squires (1957, 1967); Templeman (1966); Mercer (1973a, b); Mercer and Paulmier (1974); Bowman (1977);Mesnil (1977); O’Dor et al. (1977, 1980a); Amaratunga et al. (1978, 1980a); Lange (1978); Lux et al. (1978); Palmer and O’Dor (1978); Amaratunga and McQuinn 1979; Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Hurley (1980); Whitaker (1980); Dawe and Drew (1981); Dawe et al. (1981b); Grinkov and Rikhter (1981); Lange and Johnson (1981); Scott (1982); Wigley (1982); Amaratunga 1983; Waldron (1983); Roper et al. (1984); Coelho (1985); Dawe and Beck (1985, 1997); Rowell et al. (1985b); Vecchione et al. (1989); Laptikhovsky and Nigmatullin (1993); Perez (1994); Felley and Vecchione (1995); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999); Hendrickson (2004).
  • 21. Page 13 Table 1. Cont’d. Life Stage Prey Predators Spawning Notes Eggs 1 Spawning has bee induced in the lab, but not observed in the wild. Lab studies indicate that egg masses are spawned pelagically. Eggs that are presumably spawned in Gulf Stream waters can hatch in northern shelf waters > 12.5ºC (transported by Gulf Stream at rate of 7 km/hr); can also hatch in warm Gulf Stream waters. Paralarvae 2 Hatchling: 1.0-1.1 mm Paralarvae: 1.2-5.0 mm Transitional: 5.1-6.9 mm Hatchlings may spend early life in remains of egg mass to utilize the nutrients for food. Yolk-sac not especially large; food must be adequate to sustain hatchling during this stage of rapid growth and increased metabolism. Gulf Stream may be important mode of transportation for paralarvae throughout range in NW Atlantic; initially flows northeastward along shelf, off Cape Hatteras, then flows easterly and creates eddies in which young are transported westward into slope waters. Pre- recruits 3 ≤ 10.0 cm Primarily feed on crustaceans (euphausiids) at night near the surface; also consume nematodes and fish. Gulf Stream presumably transports juveniles northward; hydrographic variability in this system may explain annual abundance differences. Recruits 4 ≥ 11 cm Visual predators; feeding rate reduced in highly turbid waters. Feed primarily on fish and are cannibalistic (larger females cannibalize smaller males, increased in autumn). Fish prey includes juvenile Atlantic cod, mackerel, redfish, sand lance, Atlantic herring, and adult capelin. Seasonal/ontogenetic diet shifts, during spring (offshore): euphausiids; during summer-fall (inshore): fish and squid. Many pelagic and benthic fishes feed heavily on Illex, including bluefin tuna and silver and red hakes. Other fish predators include shark and dogfish species, fourspot flounder, Atlantic cod, swordfish, bluefish, goosefish, and sea raven. Mammalian predators include common dolphin and pilot whales. Avian predators include shearwaters, gannets, and fulmars. Spawning likely pelagic and occurs during October-July. Late May: mated females indicate spawning area (113-377 m) in Mid-Atlantic Bight; overlaps with fishing grounds. Winter: presumably spawn during December-March in the Gulf Stream and/or south of Cape Hatteras where Illex sp. hatchlings were collected. Lab studies indicate females mate, spawn once (may release multiple egg masses), then die within a week. Mated females collected in Mid-Atlantic Bight indicate females may mate with as many as four males. Diel vertical migrations: more abundant on bottom at dawn/dusk and day than at night; feed primarily at night before sunrise near surface or mid-water. Migrate to bottom or deeper waters during daytime. Change color to camouflaged pattern when resting on bottom to reduce risk of predation by benthic species. 1 O’Dor et al. (1980b, 1982a, 1986); O’Dor (1983); Rowell et al. (1985a); Perez (1994). 2 Durward et al. (1980); Trites (1983); Rowell and Trites (1985); O’Doret al. (1986); Vecchione and Roper (1986); Csanady and Hamilton (1988); Mann and Lazier (1991); Perez (1994). 3 Amaratunga et al. (1980b); Dawe et al. (1981a); Coelho (1985); Arkhipkin and Fedulov (1986). 4 Templeman (1944); Squires (1957, 1966, 1967); Vinogradov (1970, 1972, 1984); Butler (1971); Mercer and Paulmier (1974); Maurer (1975); Langton and Bowman (1977); Bennett (1978); Durwardet al. (1978); Hirtle (1978); Ennis and Collins (1979);Froerman (1979); Vinogradov and Noskov (1979); Amaratunga (1980b, 1983); Amaratunga et al. (1980a); Fedulov and Froerman (1980); Hurley (1980); Lange and Sissenwine (1980); O’Dor et al. (1980a, b); Brown et al. (1981); DeMont (1981); Hirtle et al. (1981); Wigley (1982); O’Dor (1983); Lily and Osborne (1984); Dawe and Beck (1985, 1997); Maurer and Bowman (1985); Nicol and O’Dor (1985); O’Dor and Balch (1985); Rowell et al. (1985a); Stillwell and Kohler (1985); Major (1986); Scott and Scott (1988); Vecchione et al.(1989); Laptikhovsky and Nigmatullin (1993); Perez (1994); Dawe et al. (1997); Brodziak and Hendrickson (1999); Hendrickson (2004).
  • 22. Page 14 Figure 1. The northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus (from Goode 1884).
  • 23. Page 15 Figure 2. Hypothetical migration path of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus. From Black et al. (1987).
  • 24. Page 16 Figure 3. Spawning area of northern shortfin squid (encircled) during late May. Based on the distribution of mated females (Hendrickson 2004).
  • 25. Page 17 Diet Composition of Major Prey Items Pre-recruits 0 20 40 60 80 100 Well Digested Prey Cephalopods Misc. Crustaceans Euphausiids Misc. Fish Percent Diet Composition (g) Recruits 0 15 30 45 60 Well Digested Prey Cephalopods Misc. Crustaceans Euphausiids Misc. Fish Percent Diet Composition (g) Figure 4. Percent by weight (g) of the major prey items in the diet of northern shortfin squid. From specimenscollected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys from 1973-2001 (all seasons). For details on NEFSC diet analysis, see Link and Almeida (2000).
  • 26. Page 18 Figure 5. Distribution and abundance of northern shortfin squid from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras. Based on research trawl surveys conducted by Canada (DFO) and the United States (NMFS) from 1975-1994 (http://www-orca.nos.noaa.gov/projects/ecnasap/ecnasap_table1.html).
  • 27. Page 19 Figure 6. Seasonal distributions and abundances of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys. From NEFSC winter bottom trawl surveys (1981-2003, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as presence/absence only.
  • 28. Page 20 Figure 6. Cont’d. From NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (1968-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre-recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 29. Page 21 Figure 6. Cont’d. From NEFSC summer bottom trawl surveys (1969-1995, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as presence/absence only.
  • 30. Page 22 Figure 6. Cont’d. From NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (1967-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre-recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 31. Page 23 Figure 7. Distribution and abundance of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters. From fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where pre- recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 32. Page 24 Figure 8. Seasonal distributions and abundances of recruit northern shortfin squid collected during NEFSC bottom trawl surveys. From NEFSC winter bottom trawl surveys (1981-2003, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as presence/absence only.
  • 33. Page 25 Figure 8. Cont’d. From NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (1968-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 34. Page 26 Figure 8. Cont’d. From NEFSC summer bottom trawl surveys (1969-1995, all years combined). Distributions are displayed as presence absence only.
  • 35. Page 27 Figure 8. Cont’d. From NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (1967-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 36. Page 28 Figure 9. Distribution and abundance of recruit northern shortfin squid in Massachusetts coastal waters. From fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Survey stations where recruits were not found are not shown.
  • 37. Page 29 NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Spring/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=10879 Occurrence N=340 Catch N=3659 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 >500 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=12514 Occurrence N=382 Catch N=4816 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Salinity (PPT) Percent Trawls N=2270 Occurrence N=102 Catch N=1645 Figure 10. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity. Based on NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1968-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991- 2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
  • 38. Page 30 NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Fall/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=11467 Occurrence N=818 Catch N=8405 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 >500 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=13433 Occurrence N=1009 Catch N=10382 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Salinity (PPT) Percent Trawls N=2272 Occurrence N=198 Catch N=1224 Figure 10. Cont’d. Based on NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1967-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
  • 39. Page 31 Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey Spring/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm) 0 20 40 60 80 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=2407 Occurrence N=5 Catch N=16 0 20 40 60 80 100 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=2482 Occurrence N=5 Catch N=16 Figure 11. Distributions of pre-recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth. Based on spring Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
  • 40. Page 32 Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey Fall/Pre-recruits (<= 10 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=2244 Occurrence N=28 Catch N=64 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=2338 Occurrence N=28 Catch N=64 Figure 11. Cont’d. Based on fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
  • 41. Page 33 NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Spring/Recruits (>= 11 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=10879 Occurrence N=770 Catch N=9321 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 >500 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=12514 Occurrence N=874 Catch N=10504 0 20 40 60 80 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Salinity (PPT) Percent Trawls N=2270 Occurrence N=120 Catch N=2119 Figure 12. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls from NEFSC bottom trawl surveys relative to bottom water temperature, depth, and salinity. Based on NEFSC spring bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1968-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991- 2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
  • 42. Page 34 NEFSC Bottom Trawl Survey Fall/Recruits (>= 11 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=11467 Occurrence N=4617 Catch N=104051 0 5 10 15 20 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 >500 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=13433 Occurrence N=5404 Catch N=134252 0 10 20 30 40 50 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Salinity (PPT) Percent Trawls N=2272 Occurrence N=776 Catch N=14760 Figure 12. Cont’d. Based on NEFSC fall bottom trawl surveys (temperature and depth: 1967-2003, all years combined; salinity: 1991-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught. Note that the bottom depth interval changes with increasing depth.
  • 43. Page 35 Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey Spring/Recruits (>= 11 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=2407 Occurrence N=4 Catch N=6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=2482 Occurrence N=4 Catch N=6 Figure 13. Distributions of recruit northern shortfin squid and trawls in Massachusetts coastal waters relative to bottom water temperature and depth. Based on spring Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
  • 44. Page 36 Massachusetts Inshore Bottom Trawl Survey Fall/Recruits (>= 11 cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Bottom Temperature (°C) Percent Trawls N=2244 Occurrence N=287 Catch N=2069 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Bottom Depth (m) Percent Trawls N=2338 Occurrence N=294 Catch N=2085 Figure 13. Cont’d. Based on fall Massachusetts inshore bottom trawl surveys (1978-2003, all years combined). Light bars show the distribution of all the trawls, dark bars show the distribution of all trawls in which northern shortfin squid occurred and medium bars show, within each interval, the percentage of the total number of northern shortfin squid caught.
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Manuscripts by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) authors will be published in this series upon approval by the NEFSC's Deputy Science & Research Director. Manu- scripts by non-NEFSC authors may be published in this series if: 1) the manuscript serves the NEFSC's mission; 2) the manuscript meets the Deputy Science & Research Director's approval; and 3) the author arranges for the printing and binding funds to be transferred to the NEFSC's Research Communica- tions Unit account from another federal account. For all manuscripts submitted by non-NEFSC authors and published in this series, the NEFSC will disavow all responsibility for the manuscripts' contents; authors must accept such responsibil- ity. The ethics of scientific research and scientific publishing are a serious matter. All manuscripts submitted to this series areexpectedtoadhere--ataminimum--totheethicalguidelines contained in Chapter 1 ("Ethical Conduct in Authorship and Publication") of the CBE Style Manual, fifth edition (Chicago, IL: Council of Biology Editors). Copies of the manual are available at virtually all scientific libraries. edition of the United States Government Printing Office Style Manual. That style manual is silent on many aspects of scientific manuscripts. NEFSC publication and report series rely more on the CBE Style Manual, fifth edition. For in-text citations, use the name-date system. A special effort should be made to ensure that the list of cited works contains all necessary bibliographic information. For abbreviating serial titles in such lists, use the guidance of the International Standards Organization; such guidance is easily accessed through the various Cambridge Scientific Abstracts’ serials source lists (see http:// www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/JAS.htm). Personalcom- munications must include date of contact and full name and mailing address of source. For spelling of scientific and common names of fishes, mol- lusks, and decapod crustaceans from the United States and Canada, use Special Publications No. 20 (fishes), 26 (mollusks), and 17 (decapodcrustaceans)oftheAmericanFisheriesSociety(Bethesda, MD). For spelling of scientific and common names of marine mammals, useSpecial Publication No. 4 of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (Lawrence, KS). For spelling in general, use the most recent edition ofWebster’sThirdNewInternationalDictionaryof the English Language Unabridged (Springfield, MA: G.&C. Merriam). Typing text, tables, and figure captions: Text, tables, and figure captions should be converted to WordPerfect. In general, keep text simple (e.g., don't switch fonts and type sizes, don't use hard returns within paragraphs, don't indent except to begin paragraphs). Also, don't use an automatic footnoting function; all notes should be indicated in the text by simple numerical super- scripts, and listed together in an "Endnotes" section prior to the "References Cited" section. Especially, don't use a graphics function for embedding tables and figures in text. Tables should be prepared with a table formatting function. Each figure should be supplied both on paper and on disk, unless there is no digital file of a given figure. Except under extraordinary circumstances, color will not be used in illustrations. Manuscript Preparation Organization: Manuscripts must have an abstract, table of contents, and -- if applicable -- lists of tables, figures, and acronyms. As much as possible, use traditional scientific manuscript organization for sections: "Introduction," "Study Area," "Methods & Materials," "Results," "Discussion" and/ or"Conclusions," "Acknowledgments,"and"ReferencesCited." Style: All NEFSC publication and report series are obligated to conform to the style contained in the most recent Northeast Fisheries Science Center Operations, Management & Information Services Staff Research Communications Branch Editorial Office Manuscript Submission Authors must submit one paper copy of the double-spaced manuscript, one disk copy, and original figures (if applicable). NEFSC authors must include a completely signed-off "NEFSC Manuscript/Abstract/Webpage Review Form." Non-NEFSC au- thors who are not federal employees will be required to sign a "Release of Copyright" form. Send all materials and address all correspondence to: Jon A. Gibson (Biological Sciences Editor), NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026.
  • 46. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA 166 Water St. Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026 Publications and Reports of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center The mission of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is "stewardship of living marine resources for the benefit of the nation through their science-based conservation and management and promotion of the health of their environment." As the research arm of the NMFS's Northeast Region, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) supports the NMFS mission by "conducting ecosystem-based research and assessments of living marine resources, with a focus on the Northeast Shelf, to promote the recovery and long-term sustainability of these resources and to generate social and economic opportunities and benefits from their use." Results of NEFSC research are largely reported in primary scientific media (e.g., anonymously-peer-reviewed scientific journals). However, to assist itself in providing data, information, and advice to its constituents, the NEFSC occasionally releases its results in its own media. Currently, there are three such media: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE -- This series is issued irregularly. The series typically includes: data reports of long- term field or lab studies of important species or habitats; synthesis reports for important species or habitats; annual reports of overall assessment or monitoring programs; manuals describing program-wide surveying or experimental techniques; literature surveys of important species or habitat topics; proceedings and collected papers of scientific meetings; and indexed and/or annotated bibliographies. All issues receive internal scientific review and most issues receive technical and copy editing. Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document -- Thisseriesisissuedirregularly. Theseriestypicallyincludes: datareports on field and lab studies; progress reports on experiments, monitoring, and assessments; background papers for, collected abstracts of, and/or summary reports of scientific meetings; and simple bibliographies. Issues receive internal scientific review, but no technical or copy editing. Resource Survey Report (formerly Fishermen's Report) -- This information report is a quick-turnaround report on the distribution and relative abundance of selected living marine resources as derived from each of the NEFSC's periodic research vessel surveys of the Northeast's continental shelf. There is no scientific review, nor any technical or copy editing, of this report. OBTAINING A COPY: To obtain a copy of aNOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE or a Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document, or to subscribe to theResource Survey Report,eithercontacttheNEFSCEditorialOffice(166WaterSt.,Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026; 508-495-2228) or consult the NEFSC webpage on "Reports and Publications" (http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/ nefsc/publications/). ANY USE OF TRADE OR BRAND NAMES IN ANY NEFSC PUBLICATION OR REPORT DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSE- MENT. MEDIA MAIL