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Arithmetic Instructions
1. ADD Destination,Source
• Thisinstructionisusedto add the contentsof source to the destination.
• The resultisstoredin the destination.
• The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby
any of the 24 addressingmodes.
• The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data.
• Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation.
• The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,ADDinstruction adds
a byte to byte or a wordto word.
• It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags.
2. ADC Destination,Source
• Thisinstructionisusedto add the contentsof source to the destinationandcarry flag.
• The resultisstoredin the destination.
• The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby
any of the 24 addressingmodes.
• The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation, butnotan immediate data.
• Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation.
• The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,ADDinstruction adds
a byte to byte or a wordto word.
• It addsthe twooperandswithCF.
• It effects AF,CF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags.
3. SUB Destination,Source
• Thisinstructionisusedto subtract the contentsof source from the destination.
• The resultisstoredin the destination.
• The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby
any of the 24 addressingmodes.
• The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data.
• Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation.
• The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,SUBinstruction
subtractsa byte frombyte or a word fromword.
• It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags.
• For subtraction,CFacts as borrow flag.
4. SBB Destination,Source
• Thisinstructionisusedto subtract the contentsof source withborrow from the
• The resultisstoredin the destination.
• The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby
any of the 24 addressingmodes.
• The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data.
• Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation.
• The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,SUBinstruction
subtractsa byte frombyte or a word fromword.
• It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags.
• For subtraction,CFacts as borrow flag.
5. INC Destination
• It incrementsthe byte orwordin destination byone.
• The destinationoperandcanbe a registerora memorylocationaddressedbyanyof the
24 addressingmodes.
• It affectsAF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags.
• CF isnot affected.
6. DEC Destination
• It decrementsthe byte orword indestination byone.
• The destinationoperandcanbe a register ora memorylocationaddressedbyanyof the
24 addressingmodes.
• It affectsAF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags.
• CF isnot affected.
7. DAA (Decimal Adjust Accumulator)
Syntax :-- DAA
• This instructionisusedtoconvertthe resultof the additionof twopackedBCD
numberstoa validBCDnumber.
• The resulthasto be onlyin AL.
• Afteradditionif the lowernibble isgreaterthan9 or AF =1, it will add06H to the lower
nibble inAL.
• Afterthisaddition,if the uppernibbleisgreaterthan9 or if CF = 1, DAA instruction
adds 60H to AL.
• DAA instructionaffectsAF,CF,PFandZF.OFisundefined.
– If lowernibble of AL> 9 or AF =1 thenAL = AL +06
– If highernibble of AL> 9 or CF =1 thenAL = AL +60
AL = 53H, CL = 29H
;AL  53 + 29
;AL  7CH
DAA ; AL 7C +06 (asC>9)
;AL 82
8. DAS (Decimal Adjust AfterSubtraction)
Syntax :-- DAS
• This instructionisusedtoconvertthe resultof the subtractionof twopackedBCD
numberstoa validBCDnumber.
• The subtractionhasto be onlyin AL.
• Aftersubtractionif the lowernibble isgreaterthan9or AF=1, it will subtract06H from
the lowernibble inAL.
• If the resultof the subtractionsetsthe carry flag or if the uppernibble isgreaterthan9,
DAS instructionsubtracts60H fromAL.
• DAS instructionaffectsAF,CF,PFandZF.OFis undefined.
– If lowernibble of AL> 9 or AF =1 thenAL = AL -06
– If highernibble of AL> 9 or CF =1 thenAL = AL -60
AL = 75, BH = 46
SUB AL,BH ; AL  (AL) - (BH)
;AL  75 - 46
;AL  2FH
; AF = 1
DAS ; AL 2F - 06 (as F>9)
;AL 29
9. MUL (Unsignedmultiplication)
Syntax :-- MUL source
• This instructionmultipliesan unsignedbyte fromsource withan unsignedbyte in AL
Unsignedword fromsource withanunsignedwordin AX register.
• The source can be a registerormemorylocationbutcannotbe an immediatedata.
• Whena byte is multipliedwithabyte inAL, the resultisstoredinAX.
• Whena wordis multipliedwithawordinAX,the MSW (Most SignificantWord) of the
resultisstoredinDX and the LSW (LeastSignificantWord) of the resultisstoredinAX.
• If MS Byte or Word of the resultiszero,CF and OF bothwill be set.
• All otherflagsare modifieddependinguponthe result
– If source isbyte thenAX  AL * unsigned8bitsource
– If source iswordthenDX, AX  AX * unsigned16 bitsource
1. MUL BL ; MultiplyALby BL & the resultinAX
2. MUL CX ; MultiplyAXbyCX & the resultinDX,AX
3. MUL Byte PTR [SI] ; AX  AL * [SI]
10. IMUL (Signedmultiplication)
Syntax :-- IMUL source
• This instructionmultipliesa signedbyte fromsource witha signedbyte in ALregister
signedword fromsource withan signedwordin AX register.
• The source can be a register,general purpose,base orindex,ormemorylocation,but
cannot be an immediate data.
• Whena byte is multipliedwithabyte inAL, the resultisstoredinAX.
• Whena wordis multipliedwithawordinAX,the MSW (Most Significant Word) of the
resultisstoredinDX and the LSW (LeastSignificant Word) of the resultisstoredinAX.
• If the magnitude of the productdoesnotrequire all the bitsof the destination,the
unusedbits are filledwithcopiesof the signbit.
• If AH and DX containparts of the 16 & 32 bit results,CFandOF are set,If the unused
bitsare filledbythe signbit,OFandCF are cleared.
• If source isbyte thenAX  AL * signed8bit source
• If source iswordthenDX, AX  AX * signed16 bit source
1. IMUL BL ; MultiplyALby BL & the resultinAX
2. IMUL CX ; MultiplyAXbyCX & the resultinDX,AX
3. IMUL Byte PTR [SI] ; AX  AL * [SI]
11. DIV (UnsignedDivision)
Syntax :-- DIV source
• This instructiondividesanunsigned word(16Bits) in AX registerbyan unsigned byte
(8Bits) fromsource
an unsigned double word(32 bits) in DX & AX registerbyan unsigned word(16bits)
• The source can be a registerormemorylocationbutcannotbe an immediate data.
• Whena word inAX isdividedbyabyte,AL will containthe 8 bitquotientandAHwill
containan 8 bitremainder.
• Whena double wordinDX(MSW) & AX (LSW) isdividedbyaword,AX will containthe
16 bit quotientandDXwill containan16 bitremainder.
• If a byte isto be dividedbya byte,ALis loadedwithdividendandAHisfilledwithall 0’s.
• If a wordis to be dividedbyaword,Ax is loadedwithdividendandDXis filledwithall
• If an attemptismade to divide by0,or the quotientis toolarge (FFor FFFF),type 0
• No flagsare affected.
• If source isbyte then
• AL  AX/ unsigned8bit source ; (quotient)
• AH  AXMOD unsigned8bitsource ; (remainder)
• If source iswordthen
• AX DX:AX / unsigned16 bitsource ; (quotient)
• DX  DX:AXMOD unsigned16 bitsource ; (remainder)
1. DIV BL ; Divide wordinAXby byte in BL, Quotientisstoredin AL,
2. DIV CX ; Divide double wordinDX:AX bywordinCX,QuotientinAX,
3. DIV [BX] ; Divide wordinAXby byte in memorylocationpointerby BX.
12. CBW (ConvertSignedByte to Word)
Syntax :-- CBW
• This instructionconvertsasignedbyte toa signedword.
• Thisinstructioncopiesthe signof a byte inAL to all the bitsin AH.
• AH is thensaidto be the signextensionof AL.
• CBW operationisdone before performingdivisionof asignedbyte inthe ALby another
signedbyte withIDIV instruction.
Operation :--
• AH  filledwith8th
bitof AL i.e.,D7
Thisdoesnot affectanyflags.
Example :--
If AX = 009BH, (00000000 10011011
AfterCBW Instruction,
AX=FF9B (11111111 10011011)
13. CWD (ConvertSignedWordto Double Word)
Syntax :-- CWD
• This instructioncopies the signbitof aword inAXto all the bitsinDX.
• Thus the signof AXis saidto be extendedtoDX.
• CWD operationisdone before performingdivisionof asignedwordinthe AXby
anothersignedwordwithIDIV instruction.
Operation :--
• DX filledwith16th
bitof AXi.e.,D15
Thisdoesnot affectanyflags.
Example :--
If DX = 0000H (00000000 00000000)
If AX = F0C7H, (11110000 11000111)
AfterCWD Instruction,
DX = FFFFH (11111111 11111111)
AX=F0C7 (11110000 11000111)
14. CMP (Compare)
Syntax :-- CMP destination,source
• Thisinstructioncomparesthe source operand,whichmaybe a register,immediate data
or memorylocationwithadestinationoperandwhichmaybe a registerormemory
• It subtractsthe source operandfromthe destinationbutdoesnotstore the result
• The flags(OF,CF, PF,AF,SF, ZF)are affecteddependingonthe resultof subtraction.
• Source and destinationbothcannotbe memorylocations.
• If destination>source thenCF = 0, ZF = 0, SF = 0
• If destination<source thenCF = 1, ZF = 0, SF = 1
• If destination=source thenCF = 0, ZF = 1, SF = 0
1. CMP AL,0FFH; ComparesAL withFFH
2. CMP AX,BX ; ComparesAXwithBX
3. CMP CX,COUNT ; ComparesCXwithmemory variable COUNT
15. NEG ( Negate )
Syntax :-- NEG destination
• This instructionreplacesthe numberinthe destinationwiththe 2’scomplementof that
• For obtainingthe 2’scomplement,itsubtractsthe contentsof destinationfromzero.
• The resultisstored back in the destinationwhichmaybe a registerora memory
• If OF =1, it indicatesthatthe operationcouldnotbe completedsuccessfully.
• NEG instructionaffectsall conditionalflags.
• Examples:--
1. NEG AL ; 2’s complementof ALbyte.
2. NEG BX ; 2’s complementof BXword.

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Notes arithmetic instructions

  • 1. Arithmetic Instructions 1. ADD Destination,Source • Thisinstructionisusedto add the contentsof source to the destination. • The resultisstoredin the destination. • The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby any of the 24 addressingmodes. • The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data. • Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation. • The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,ADDinstruction adds a byte to byte or a wordto word. • It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags. E.g.: ADD AL, 74H ADD DX,AX ADD AX,[BX] 2. ADC Destination,Source • Thisinstructionisusedto add the contentsof source to the destinationandcarry flag. • The resultisstoredin the destination. • The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby any of the 24 addressingmodes. • The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation, butnotan immediate data. • Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation. • The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,ADDinstruction adds a byte to byte or a wordto word. • It addsthe twooperandswithCF. • It effects AF,CF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags. E.g.: ADC AL,74H ADC DX,AX ADC AX,[BX] 3. SUB Destination,Source • Thisinstructionisusedto subtract the contentsof source from the destination. • The resultisstoredin the destination. • The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby any of the 24 addressingmodes. • The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data. • Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation. • The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,SUBinstruction subtractsa byte frombyte or a word fromword. • It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags. • For subtraction,CFacts as borrow flag. E.g.: SUB AL, 74H SUB DX, AX SUB AX, [BX] 4. SBB Destination,Source • Thisinstructionisusedto subtract the contentsof source withborrow from the destination. • The resultisstoredin the destination. • The source operandcanbe a immediate,aregisterora memorylocationaddressedby any of the 24 addressingmodes. • The destinationcanbe a registerora memorylocation,butnotan immediate data. • Both operandscannotbe immediate dataormemorylocation.
  • 2. • The source andthe destinationmustbe of the same data type i.e.,SUBinstruction subtractsa byte frombyte or a word fromword. • It affectsAF,CF,OF, PF,SF,ZF flags. • For subtraction,CFacts as borrow flag. E.g.: SBB AL, 74H SBB DX, AX SBB AX,[BX] 5. INC Destination • It incrementsthe byte orwordin destination byone. • The destinationoperandcanbe a registerora memorylocationaddressedbyanyof the 24 addressingmodes. • It affectsAF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags. • CF isnot affected. E.g.: INC AX INCBL 6. DEC Destination • It decrementsthe byte orword indestination byone. • The destinationoperandcanbe a register ora memorylocationaddressedbyanyof the 24 addressingmodes. • It affectsAF,OF,PF,SF, ZF flags. • CF isnot affected. E.g.: DEC AX DEC CL 7. DAA (Decimal Adjust Accumulator) Syntax :-- DAA • This instructionisusedtoconvertthe resultof the additionof twopackedBCD numberstoa validBCDnumber. • The resulthasto be onlyin AL. • Afteradditionif the lowernibble isgreaterthan9 or AF =1, it will add06H to the lower nibble inAL. • Afterthisaddition,if the uppernibbleisgreaterthan9 or if CF = 1, DAA instruction adds 60H to AL. • DAA instructionaffectsAF,CF,PFandZF.OFisundefined. OperationPerformed:-- – If lowernibble of AL> 9 or AF =1 thenAL = AL +06 – If highernibble of AL> 9 or CF =1 thenAL = AL +60 NumericExamples AL = 53H, CL = 29H ADD AL,CL ; AL  AL + CL ;AL  53 + 29 ;AL  7CH DAA ; AL 7C +06 (asC>9) ;AL 82 8. DAS (Decimal Adjust AfterSubtraction) Syntax :-- DAS • This instructionisusedtoconvertthe resultof the subtractionof twopackedBCD numberstoa validBCDnumber. • The subtractionhasto be onlyin AL.
  • 3. • Aftersubtractionif the lowernibble isgreaterthan9or AF=1, it will subtract06H from the lowernibble inAL. • If the resultof the subtractionsetsthe carry flag or if the uppernibble isgreaterthan9, DAS instructionsubtracts60H fromAL. • DAS instructionaffectsAF,CF,PFandZF.OFis undefined. OperationPerformed:-- – If lowernibble of AL> 9 or AF =1 thenAL = AL -06 – If highernibble of AL> 9 or CF =1 thenAL = AL -60 NumericExamples AL = 75, BH = 46 SUB AL,BH ; AL  (AL) - (BH) ;AL  75 - 46 ;AL  2FH ; AF = 1 DAS ; AL 2F - 06 (as F>9) ;AL 29 9. MUL (Unsignedmultiplication) Syntax :-- MUL source • This instructionmultipliesan unsignedbyte fromsource withan unsignedbyte in AL register or Unsignedword fromsource withanunsignedwordin AX register. • The source can be a registerormemorylocationbutcannotbe an immediatedata. • Whena byte is multipliedwithabyte inAL, the resultisstoredinAX. • Whena wordis multipliedwithawordinAX,the MSW (Most SignificantWord) of the resultisstoredinDX and the LSW (LeastSignificantWord) of the resultisstoredinAX. • If MS Byte or Word of the resultiszero,CF and OF bothwill be set. • All otherflagsare modifieddependinguponthe result OperationPerformed:-- – If source isbyte thenAX  AL * unsigned8bitsource – If source iswordthenDX, AX  AX * unsigned16 bitsource Examples:-- 1. MUL BL ; MultiplyALby BL & the resultinAX 2. MUL CX ; MultiplyAXbyCX & the resultinDX,AX 3. MUL Byte PTR [SI] ; AX  AL * [SI] 10. IMUL (Signedmultiplication) Syntax :-- IMUL source • This instructionmultipliesa signedbyte fromsource witha signedbyte in ALregister or signedword fromsource withan signedwordin AX register. • The source can be a register,general purpose,base orindex,ormemorylocation,but cannot be an immediate data. • Whena byte is multipliedwithabyte inAL, the resultisstoredinAX. • Whena wordis multipliedwithawordinAX,the MSW (Most Significant Word) of the resultisstoredinDX and the LSW (LeastSignificant Word) of the resultisstoredinAX. • If the magnitude of the productdoesnotrequire all the bitsof the destination,the unusedbits are filledwithcopiesof the signbit. • If AH and DX containparts of the 16 & 32 bit results,CFandOF are set,If the unused bitsare filledbythe signbit,OFandCF are cleared.
  • 4. OperationPerformed:-- • If source isbyte thenAX  AL * signed8bit source • If source iswordthenDX, AX  AX * signed16 bit source Examples:-- 1. IMUL BL ; MultiplyALby BL & the resultinAX 2. IMUL CX ; MultiplyAXbyCX & the resultinDX,AX 3. IMUL Byte PTR [SI] ; AX  AL * [SI] • 11. DIV (UnsignedDivision) Syntax :-- DIV source • This instructiondividesanunsigned word(16Bits) in AX registerbyan unsigned byte (8Bits) fromsource or an unsigned double word(32 bits) in DX & AX registerbyan unsigned word(16bits) fromsource • The source can be a registerormemorylocationbutcannotbe an immediate data. • Whena word inAX isdividedbyabyte,AL will containthe 8 bitquotientandAHwill containan 8 bitremainder. • Whena double wordinDX(MSW) & AX (LSW) isdividedbyaword,AX will containthe 16 bit quotientandDXwill containan16 bitremainder. • If a byte isto be dividedbya byte,ALis loadedwithdividendandAHisfilledwithall 0’s. • If a wordis to be dividedbyaword,Ax is loadedwithdividendandDXis filledwithall 0’s. • If an attemptismade to divide by0,or the quotientis toolarge (FFor FFFF),type 0 interruptisgenerated. • No flagsare affected. OperationPerformed:-- • If source isbyte then • AL  AX/ unsigned8bit source ; (quotient) • AH  AXMOD unsigned8bitsource ; (remainder) • If source iswordthen • AX DX:AX / unsigned16 bitsource ; (quotient) • DX  DX:AXMOD unsigned16 bitsource ; (remainder) Examples:-- 1. DIV BL ; Divide wordinAXby byte in BL, Quotientisstoredin AL, remainderinAH. 2. DIV CX ; Divide double wordinDX:AX bywordinCX,QuotientinAX, RemainderinDX. 3. DIV [BX] ; Divide wordinAXby byte in memorylocationpointerby BX. 12. CBW (ConvertSignedByte to Word) Syntax :-- CBW • This instructionconvertsasignedbyte toa signedword. • Thisinstructioncopiesthe signof a byte inAL to all the bitsin AH. • AH is thensaidto be the signextensionof AL. • CBW operationisdone before performingdivisionof asignedbyte inthe ALby another signedbyte withIDIV instruction. Operation :-- • AH  filledwith8th bitof AL i.e.,D7 Thisdoesnot affectanyflags. Example :-- If AX = 009BH, (00000000 10011011 AfterCBW Instruction,
  • 5. AX=FF9B (11111111 10011011) 13. CWD (ConvertSignedWordto Double Word) Syntax :-- CWD • This instructioncopies the signbitof aword inAXto all the bitsinDX. • Thus the signof AXis saidto be extendedtoDX. • CWD operationisdone before performingdivisionof asignedwordinthe AXby anothersignedwordwithIDIV instruction. Operation :-- • DX filledwith16th bitof AXi.e.,D15 Thisdoesnot affectanyflags. Example :-- If DX = 0000H (00000000 00000000) If AX = F0C7H, (11110000 11000111) AfterCWD Instruction, DX = FFFFH (11111111 11111111) AX=F0C7 (11110000 11000111) 14. CMP (Compare) Syntax :-- CMP destination,source • Thisinstructioncomparesthe source operand,whichmaybe a register,immediate data or memorylocationwithadestinationoperandwhichmaybe a registerormemory location. • It subtractsthe source operandfromthe destinationbutdoesnotstore the result anywhere. • The flags(OF,CF, PF,AF,SF, ZF)are affecteddependingonthe resultof subtraction. • Source and destinationbothcannotbe memorylocations. OperationPerformed:-- • If destination>source thenCF = 0, ZF = 0, SF = 0 • If destination<source thenCF = 1, ZF = 0, SF = 1 • If destination=source thenCF = 0, ZF = 1, SF = 0 Examples:-- 1. CMP AL,0FFH; ComparesAL withFFH 2. CMP AX,BX ; ComparesAXwithBX 3. CMP CX,COUNT ; ComparesCXwithmemory variable COUNT 15. NEG ( Negate ) Syntax :-- NEG destination • This instructionreplacesthe numberinthe destinationwiththe 2’scomplementof that number. • For obtainingthe 2’scomplement,itsubtractsthe contentsof destinationfromzero. • The resultisstored back in the destinationwhichmaybe a registerora memory location • If OF =1, it indicatesthatthe operationcouldnotbe completedsuccessfully. • NEG instructionaffectsall conditionalflags. • Examples:-- 1. NEG AL ; 2’s complementof ALbyte. 2. NEG BX ; 2’s complementof BXword.