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Notre Dame College Essay
My entire life has revolved around Notre Dame. While my mother was pregnant with me, she
rode her bike along the lakes at Notre Dame. When I was four, I was a Notre Dame cheerleader
for Halloween. When I got my first camera, my first pictures were of me holding a Notre Dame
football and standing in front of the golden dome with my American girl doll. Every year, I visited
the campus since it was a rest stop on the way from Chicago to Buffalo and every year my desire to
become one of the fighting Irish grew. When the time arrived to start the college search process, I
saved Notre Dame for my last college visit. As the tour date approached, I grew anxious because it
had been my ideal school for so long and I feared that it wouldn't live up to my expectations.
Thankfully, Notre Dame exceeded my already high expectations. Everyone was welcoming, the
campus was magical, and it felt like the home that I had remembered visiting...show more content...
For the majority of those seconds, I have reflected upon my choices. However, there is one choice
that has greatly influenced my life– the choice to swim. At the age of three, my instructor dunked
me underwater after I refused to swim. The suffocating experience of not having control over my
own body traumatized me. I became so afraid of the water that I refused to swim for a year. Seven
years later, I decided to overcome my fear by joining the swim team and I have been swimming
ever since. Every time I get on the block to race, my anxiety comes back and I am paralyzed with
fear. I have to rely on the strength of my teammates get in the water and swim, not just for the
team, but for myself. Words cannot even describe how accomplished I feel when I touch the wall at
the end of a race. This determination to face my fears has carried through to other aspects of my
life; swimming has brought me great friends, a lifeguarding job, and valuable reflection
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A Visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral
The Notre Dame Cathedral is certainly one of the most beautiful locations in the world, as the city of
Paris as a whole and the building's surroundings contribute to making visitors acknowledge the
importance of this monument. Construction on the cathedral started in 1163 and was largely
finished by 1250, with most of its features emphasizing Gothic influences. The building's
architecture, the sculptures present in it, and the impressive stained glass all stand as reminders that
the French community invested most of its cultural values into the church at the time when it was
From the very first moment when entering the cathedral one is likely to be struck by the silence
dominating the massive interior. In spite of the somewhat annoying number of curious tourists
(others probably saw my curiosity just as annoying as the noise), the church manages to maintain its
quiet and peaceful nature. This is truly remarkable, taking into account that it is constantly filled
with tourists through visiting hours.
It is difficult to ignore the fact that the Notre Dame is one of most popular monuments in the world
and that many visitors prefer this particular building to the Eiffel Tower. Its popularity certainly
makes it difficult for one to feel the sacredness that it contains and that it was initially meant to put
across. The fact that so many visitors walk through its entrance every day diminishes its value
somewhat, especially considering that many of them fail to
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Notre Dame Case Study
When it appeared Charlie Strong would be packing his bags with a one–way plane ticket out of
Austin, he may have received a lifeline in a last attempt to save his job. It's no secret, that going
forward, Strong is coaching for his job. According to Horns Digest, sources close to the situation
state that if he finishes out 8–4, it's likely that he can retain his position as the head football coach. It
feels like it's been an eternity since Strong led the Texas Longhorns to an impressive victory over
Notre Dame in the season opener. At the time it seemed like a big deal, but Notre Dame may not
have been a good team despite the preseason hype. Since then, the Longhorns have lost two
consecutive games to California and Oklahoma State. With
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Notre Dame Admission Essay Sample
Two years ago, when I was faced with the difficult task of choosing a college, I turned to my family
for advice. My three oldest siblings, despite their natural bias as Notre Dame alumni, helped me
weigh my options thoughtfully and considerately. Talking to them individually about their alma
mater, however, I quickly noticed a common thread between their musings which ultimately
convinced me to follow in their footsteps: each passionately emphasized the unique opportunities
available to them at Notre Dame, opportunities which elevated the school's role beyond that of mere
instructional facilitation– Notre Dame is dedicated to the comprehensive formation of its students.
Now, as student myself at Our Lady's University, I understand what my siblings...show more
These interests have driven me to declare an Education, Schooling, and Society minor, to volunteer
as a tutor for local children in the Slice of Life program, to join the EduClub here on campus, and
to assist in research for National Study of Youth and Religion. Looking towards the future, I am
now hoping pursue a career in education policy. This is where the Washington Program could be
indispensably helpful. If I were accepted into the program, I would try for an internship at the
Department of Education, where I could gain real–world experience in education policy and work
among some of the most talented people in the field. Considering Donald Trump's ambitious goals
for the expansion of school–choice programs throughout the country, I would have the chance to
witness one of the most exciting and challenging times in American education from the epicenter of
policy–making itself. Although I have extensively researched available internship opportunities
within the Department, I do not have my eye on any single position. Fortunately, as an intern at the
Department of Education, I would have the chance to participate in weekly Q&A panels with
officials from different areas within the department, thus exposing me to all the different subsets of
education policy. Ultimately, the Washington Program would enable me to hone my interests even
further and develop a better understanding of what areas of education policy most engage
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Analysis Of The Notre Dame Cathedral
The Notre Dame Cathedral is the most visited tourist site in France, beating the Eiffel tower with 13
million visitors each year. Because it took over 300 years to build, there are many different styles of
the architecture shown throughout the building(notredamecathedralparis.com). This structure shows
the hardships of war and the enlightened thinking of the Renaissance. Built in 12th century France,
the Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the biggest French Catholic cathedrals in France and is still
functional as a regular Church(sacred–destinations.com). This gem of architecture is a true wonder
and represents the sacred and hopeful times of the middle ages and the renaissance. This
mountainous structure is seen from about every point of Paris and beyond. From the front, you can
see two towers jutting out of an ordinary street. The Cathedral also features large stained glass
windows, that are one of the most beautiful features of the structures. From the side, you can see the
long body of the Cathedral and the spire sticking out of the top. It is somewhat overwhelming being
within feet of the structure, because of the immense height and width of the church. Looking at the
back, one can clearly see the dome–like structures attaching to the organ room. From the outside, you
can clearly see the sculptures depicting the scenes from the Catholic religion. The cathedral is
gigantic, but it is easy to process all the sections because of the distinct styles of architecture. From
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Research Paper On Notre Dame In Paris
During the early gothic period, the bishop of Paris started a project to replace a basilica with a
new cathedral. His project evolved and transformed and after almost a century, the church was
finished in 1250. Notre Dame in Paris has been standing for almost nine centuries, and is a
monument to the times in which it was built. Part 1: Notre Dame extends skyward with its intricate
façade, rising out of the ground with its four buttresses and three portals, each as intricately
carved as the rest of the façade. The three portals are composed of beautiful trumeaus and jamb
figures that describe biblical figures and rise up to the lintel above the doors. Above the lintel, lies
the highly detailed tympanum and the surrounding pointed archivolts, each portal being contained
by two buttresses. Just above the three portals is a gallery with a...show more content...
These elements were contained by the exterior chapels defined by the buttresses. These chapels
would continue along the aisles until being interrupted by the crossing and the resulting transepts.
Continuing through the church, on the east side of the crossing lie the choir, lined by chapels as
well, continuing into the apse, which was surrounded by a double ambulatory and five radiating
chapels. Part 3: The original interior of Notre Dame starts with an arcade with pointed arches
derived from the wall shafts, and spans over the aisles, serving as a gallery as well. From the
spandrels above the arches of the arcade rises another arcade which also serves as a gallery,
formally known as the triforium. Continuing up from the triforium, rose windows with intricate
tracery and then lancet windows above them line the walls to form a clerestory. The walls and wall
shafts then develop into sexpartite rib vaults which form the ceiling of the cathedral. Part
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Notre Dame De Paris Research Paper
Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris was considered one of the supreme examples of French Gothic
architecture throughout the entire world. Notre Dame de Paris, or "Our Lady of Paris" was built in
the twelfth century during the reign of King Louis VII. This translation of Notre Dame, "Our Lady,"
was often used in the names of Catholic church buildings in Francophone countries. It was located in
the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France, on the eastern side of the ГЋle de la CitГ© in the middle
of the river Seine. Notre Dame was a focal point of Paris and through the centuries the city
developed in a circular pattern around this significant masterpiece. Notre Dame was the first
cathedral built of such a massive scale and became the model for other cathedrals in France such as:
...show more content...
The engineering advancements used in the building of Notre Dame Cathedral were a significant
part of the construction of the esteemed Gothic sanctuary. Historians of art described Gothic
engineering as architecture of the sky because of its steep arches, vertical towers, and soaring
walls. The sight of Notre Dame had been the religious center of the city and was considered
sacred ground. Dating back to the common era, it was believed that the sight was home to a pagan
temple and later replaced by a Christian basilica dedicated to St. Stephen. The construction of Notre
Dame was ordered by Bishop Maurice de Sully and the first foundation stone was laid in 1163.
Construction crews involved in the building of Notre Dame took over the center of the city.
Construction in its entirety continued over the course of two–hundred years and involved three
stages. The first stage of construction began at the eastern end of the church and was the completion
of the choir in 1182. It was within the choir that the altar stood and where mass was heard by the
canons. The
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Analysis Of Notre Dame Cathedral
Introduction Notre–Dame Cathedral on the Ile de la Cite in Paris is one of the most recognised
Gothic structures of medieval Europe. It is considered a fine example of new architectural strategies
of the twelfth century, as well as a symbol of socio–political power of the Catholic Church within
this period (Swaan, 1988). Therefore, the cathedral's design and construction highlight advances in
art and building strategies throughout the history of European culture. This essay is going to discuss
Notre–Dame and its architectural value, underpinned by cultural, social and religious realities of
medieval France. Firstly, the text will analyse conceptual issues related to the building's
development. Moreover, it will be explained how the...show more content...
The project would draw on architectural experimentation with proportions and form, redefining
connections between the sacred and the urban (Notre–Dame de Paris, 2017). Thus, Notre–Dame
Cathedral was imagined as a symbol of progress and architectural ingenuity, as well as a means of
political control by the Catholic Church. Constructing a Gothic masterpiece The construction of
Notre–Dame Cathedral started in 1163 and finished around 1250 (Bruzelius, 1987). At the time of
its completion, the cathedral was widely recognised as a symbol of High Gothic art, serving as a
model for other European projects. Adopting a cruciform shape and making use of Christian
religious themes within interior and exterior spaces, it also became a central place of worship within
the city (The Illustrated Magazine of Art, 1853). Notre–Dame presents an architectural interlocking
of the sacred, the profane and the aesthetic. On the one hand, the cathedral's choir and nave
exemplify the Gothic preoccupation with height and verticality; on the other hand, the western
façade displays figurative representations of medieval social and religious sensibilities (Bruzelius,
1987). Furthermore, by dispersing their weight unto piers and capitals, the structure's intersecting
pointed arches exemplify a technical solution for new structural possibilities and high ribbed
vaulting (The Illustrated Magazine of Art, 1853). Outer walls of the cathedral counteract the thrust
of these stone arches
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Informative Essay On Notre Dame
When one thinks Notre Dame, one often thinks of college football and visions of Knute Rockne,
The Four Horsemen, Joe Montana, and Paul Hornung. Silly as it may seem, there's more to Notre
Dame than just football, namely lacrosse. Lacrosse was a club sport at Notre Dame until 1981
when it was elevated in status to a varsity sport. The lacrosse team were members of the Midwest
Lacrosse Association until 1994, when it joined the new the Great Western Lacrosse League which
consisted of conference members, Ohio State, Air Force, Butler, Michigan State and Denver. Notre
Dame won its first lacrosse championship in 2008, defeating Ohio State, 9–2 in the first Great
Western lacrosse league championship game. Notre Dame lacrosse took its biggest leap
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Notre Dame Dbq Essay
Cell phones, social media and sleep; one look around at today's 21st century teenagers and anyone
would agree that this motto is what they seem to survive on. Living in the fast evolving and
technologically driven society makes it easy to be oblivious to life on the other side of the blinders.
The traditions, morals and values of our ancestors were the basic foundation, making the mansions
we have built up to today possible in the first place. While the baby boomer generation may argue
that today's youth could not possibly stick to the traditions set forth one hundred and seventy two
years ago, the University of Notre Dame students are the outliers that defy the stereotypical views of
our generation. The slogan, "God, Country, Notre Dame" still applies and reigns as a standard and
priority for...show more content...
Once joining the Irish family, undergraduates take part in many events to uphold the traditions set
forth by graduates from classes before. Bleacherreport.com highlighted a prime point, "there is
tradition in the structures and the people that make up this University. Father Sorin, Father Corby,
Knute Rockne, Father Hesburgh, Ara Parseghian, these are all people who have had a hand in
shaping the tradition of Notre Dame," (Doc. C). The customs established by these religious
leaders can still be seen today, especially when looking at the Fighting Irish football team. The
community and fanbase surrounding the sport is impeccable. Similar to the New York Yankees'
well known name in the Major League Baseball network, Notre Dame football is a household
name nationwide that people either tune in to either cheer on to victory or pray for to lose (Doc.
C). In addition to the liveliness and extensiveness of their fanbase, the university's football program
has produced several National Football League star players and
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Notre Dame de Paris
Notre–Dame of Paris is one of the most prominent cathedrals in the land of Paris and portrays many
diversified Gothic characteristics. This research essay will explore the cathedral in detail while
emphasizing on the influence of Gothic architecture on the cathedral. Notre–Dame of Paris bears all
the structural features of a Gothic cathedral including the famous rose window. By far, the Gothic
style has influenced the entire design of Notre–Dame of Pairs. If there were other influences, it
would be too minor to be taken noticed of. The construction began in year 1163. Being a significant
building to the locals, she bore important responsibilities. Eugene Viollet–le–Duc played an
important role in the cathedral's restoration....show more content...
This majestic cathedral decorated the land of Paris, dominating both the history of architecture as
well as religion history. The cathedral still stands proudly after enduring an eventful history over
many centuries. Truly a fascinating historic building to behold, 'Our Lady of Paris', another term for
Notre–Dame of Paris, portrays many diversified characteristics which will help identify a structure
as Gothic. One may lay eyes upon this building and refer it to one of Gothic's grand structure. For
many, their first concept of Gothic architecture derives from some reference to this majestic
construction. In this research, I shall consider the following questions as an approach to appreciate
and comprehend Notre Dame de Paris's architectural aesthetic and value better:
1.What are the obvious influences of the Gothic style to the cathedral?
2.Has the Gothic style influenced the building completely or only part of it? If it was only partially
influenced, what may be the other influence that affected the design of the structure?
3.How and when the cathedral was build?
4.What is the importance of this cathedral and how did the local people accepted the cathedral? As a
brief introduction to Gothic, the label 'Gothic' was coined in Italy. It was during Renaissance, "as a
derogatory reference to the art and architecture of these earlier centuries" (Introduction:
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The Art Of Notre Dame De Paris
Paris is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. It is a city with a brilliant past as a
of the empire and as the world's commercial and financial center. Moreover, it is one of the cultural
centers of the world which always had a reputation for trend–setting. The proof of it is seen in famous
museums and art galleries, great libraries, various theaters, medieval churches, and even in the
of taste that Parisian shop can offer you. The magic of Paris lies in its people, its history and
You can find almost any variety of architecture here.
The architectural masterpiece that fascinated me the most in Paris was the famous French Cathedral:
Notre Dame de Paris. Built in the Gothic style,...show more content...
This was the center of the ancient Lutetium. Parisi Gauls were the first inhabitants of this land, in
the 2nd century B.C. In 52 B.C. this land was occupied by the Romans.
Notre Dame was a notable place where important events took place. In this Grand Cathedral, King
the Fair for the first time opened the Estates General of France in 1302.The wedding ceremony of
Henry IV and Marguerite de Valois was also held at Notre Dame in 1572.This is where Napoleon I,
emperor of France, was crowned by Pope Puis VII. These events are just a small part of Notre Dame's
historic journey.
The name Notre Dame means "our lady" which refers to the virgin Mary. Many churches and
in France are commonly referred as Notre Dame. Despite the fact that Notre Dame was not the most
typical example of Gothic architecture of France, it was neither the tallest, nor the biggest church in
country, yet Notre Dame de Paris still remains the symbol of Paris, an inseparable part of its history
culture and the epitome of the Gothic.
Victor Hugo named Notre Dame de Paris the "aged queen of French cathedrals". Indeed, almost
hundred years had passed since Maurice de Sully decided to construct the new Cathedral. The
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Notre Dame Admission Essay Sample
I have chosen Notre Dame as the place I wish to study at as I really believe that the values they
instill into each student as they complete their journey here are really valuable and can be
implemented later on throughout my life and my career. The amount of clinical practice hours the
Nursing students get really appealed to me as I learn best when I'm doing the task hands on. When
I first went to have a look around the campus I could see how excited and happy the Notre Dame
community and current students were about sharing their own experiences here and they made my
first experience incredibly enjoyable and memorable. They encouraged my decisions and fed my
passions which was nothing that I had ever experienced before at school.
The course I wish to study is Nursing because I have always had a fascination as a child watching
those in the health industry help those that were sick and at their most vulnerable become better
again. As a child my younger brother and I both spent our first months in the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit and my dream is to be able to work in women's health as well as working with infants and
children who are sick and in need of help like we were. I have never doubted if Nursing would be
the right career choice for...show more content...
I really enjoy Human Biology and English as these are my strongest subjects. I enjoy learning
how each system in the body works and relates to one another in order to make the body run
efficiently and I love being able to be write and create in English. I recently completed my
Certificate IV in Preparation for Nursing Education through Central Regional TAFE as well as
completing my year 12 school studies. This course has been really eye opening for me as it has
taught me many valuable skills and has given me knowledge that I could implement into University
studies and
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Persuasive Essay On Notre Dame
The thing I would want most to spend my money on in entertainment is a tradition like no other,
Notre Dame Football. Notre Dame football tickets are very hard to come by, and they're much more
expensive than your average college football game ticket price. A few years ago, front–row tickets
to the Notre Dame vs. USC. game were $50,000 a piece. I would be paying for more than just the
entertainment perspective. The tradition of Notre Dame football is unrivaled to any other school.
Notre dame has won 13 national championships, 7 heisman winners, and 91 consensus
All–Americans. Our stadium was built in 1930, and it currently holds 80,795 people. Brian Kelly is
our current head–coach and he is in a rebuilding process this season. Notre Dame's first
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The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Essay
The Hunchback of Notre–Dame
"Love is a universal language." This popular quote from many movies and literary works
describes the importance of love, and how there are no limits or barriers when dealing with love.
Many people cannot even help whether or not they fall in love. There are many types of love and
they need not be between members of opposite sexes. In
Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame,
Quasimodo's love for Esmerelda is not as strong as his different sense of love for the Archdeacon,
Claude Frollo.
Quasimodo loves each person in a different manner, but is truer to the Archdeacon.
The hunchback feels, among other things, a love described as Eros for the Mistress Esmerelda;
whereas, for
the...show more content...
Thus the Archdeacon was the only person with whom Quasimodo maintained communication
(p.65). The hunchback feels a sense of love based on comradery and years of relations. He deeply
admires Claude
Frollo's religious faith and charity: that is, the charity shown to Quasimodo when he was only a
young, abandoned boy.
The two men have a complex system of hand gestures and sign language which they use to
communicate with each other. This illustrates their mutual correspondence and understanding.
Through these experiences and this upbringing, Quasimodo develops a Philial love for the
In the timeframe of this story, the late 1400's and early 1500's, the Catholic Church is a major factor
and authority in virtually all of a town's laws, transactions and business. This being the case, holding
the position as
Archdeacon, or head of the church, is a much coveted occupation. Quasimodo admires the
Archdeacon's powerful position. The hunchback himself enjoys authority as he possesses the
power of rule over people. This is visible when he is elected Pope of Fools: "Quasimodo let himself
be decked out in them with a kind of proud docility. He was then made to sit down on a brightly
colored litter. Twelve officers of the Brotherhood of Fools lifted it to their shoulders. A bitter
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Notre Dame Research Paper
The Notre Dame (meaning 'Our Lady,' the full name of the cathedral being 'Notre Dame de Paris,' or
'Our Lady of Paris') cathedral is located in Paris on the ГЋle de la CitГ©, one of the two remaining
natural islands in the river Seine. The Catholic cathedral was preceded by St. Stephen's, the
Merovingian cathedral that stood on the island prior to the construction of the Notre Dame, which
required that St. Stephen's be torn down. The Notre Dame was built when Maurice de Sully, the
bishop of Paris at the time, decided a larger sanctuary was necessary to accommodate the growing
population of Paris.
The cathedral was built in the Gothic architectural style, which was new at the time and not known
by the name of Gothic until much later. The foundation stone was laid in the presence of the king
by Pope Alexander III in 1163. The work was almost entirely directed by Maurice de Sully and his
successor, Odon de Sully....show more content...
However, embellishments were added and alterations were done over the next couple hundred years.
The flying buttresses were added in the 1300s for support of the building. In the Renaissance era,
the interior decoration was modernized. During the French Revolution, much of the cathedrals'
decorations and furnishings were destroyed because they either were symbols of the Old Regime, or
were mistaken for such symbols – as was the case when the statues of the kings of Judah were
beheaded and removed from the cathedral. This was done because the statues were mistaken for
statues of the kings of France. The cathedral was desecrated, and became a temple to the goddess
Reason, then the sanctuary was made into a
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School Profile : University Of Notre Dame Essay
School Profile: University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic college located in suburban Indiana. The historical
campus is an astounding 1,250 acres large. The university was founded in the 1840s by a local
priest. Today, many priests still serve as staff, teachers and leaders. Notre Dame is four–year
University that is continuously ranked among the top universities in the country and the world.
The university receives over $10 billion of endowment funding, so they are one of the top
research facilities in the country. The undergraduate program is organized into five colleges:
Science, Business, Architecture, Engineering and Arts and Letters. The latter college offers over
20 departments that award over 70 majors. The College of Science offers degrees in majors like
biology, chemistry, physics and math. The College of Engineering offers degrees in areas like
bimolecular and geological engineering. The College of Architecture is over 100 years old and
offers a five–year bachelor's degree that requires all students to study abroad for one year in Rome,
The University of Notre Dame actually maintains global campuses around the world for research,
conferences and study abroad programs. This includes the Rome Global Getaway, which is near the
Colosseum in Rome, which offers a rich array of academic programs. The London center in
Trafalgar Square offers programs in law, science and business administration. The newly renovated
Kylemore Abbey
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The Cathedral Of Notre Dame
The Cathedral of Notre–Dame in Reims, northeast of Paris near Champagne was the coronation
church of the kings of France and was an educational and cultural center. Also built of limestone,
the architecture of the Reims Cathedral features Gothic style. It symbolizes an Early Gothic,
Radiant Gothic and Flamboyant Gothic. The Reims Cathedral depicts a classic harmonic facade
containing four levels. Its interior is defined by its towering heights and narrow proportions, and
elaborate sculptural works. Because of the high quality of workmanship and materials used, Reims
Cathedral features some of the most beautiful gothic art in existence. Five different cathedrals have
been on the site on which Reims cathedral now sits since 401 CE. The current cathedral was built
in 1211, after the previous cathedral had burned down. The new building was almost entirely
finished by the end of the thirteenth century. 88 gargoyles were counted on the Reims Cathedral
and are mainly used to drain off rainwater and are exceptional pieces of work, but do show the
slight difference between Gothic and Romanesque styles. The stained glass windows are a beautiful
part of Reims despite being damaged or ruined several times in the 18th century; the cathedral still
has many 13th century stained glass windows, in the upper parts of the nave, choir and transept. On
the opposite side of the great western portal, the Great Rose Window, dating from the end of the 13th
century, represents "the Crowning
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Why Notre Dame Essay
There are so many reasons to participate in the Notre Dame Executive MBA Program, the high
recognition of Notre Dame, the networking and connections and the just the experience alone.
Those are probably some of the best reasons, there is another for me that makes this opportunity
even more desirable for me, and that is growing up in the shadow of Notre Dame and knowing
what it means to be a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. My father worked at the ACC, at
the rink and hockey program as far back as I could remember, up until his medical conditions
made him retire. I either walked home or drove from St Joseph's pass the campus every day. And
living nearby on a clear cool night I could hear the Band practice into the night. Even while in the
US Navy for over 24 years, the one highlight I would like forward to would be either the news
clippings about Notre Dame from my grandmother or being able to read article online when there
was internet available, so for me there is a very personal reason that I want to participate in the
program. I do desire to make those...show more content...
I have researched many programs and I come back to the same conclusion, Notre Dame. I have
many friends that have attend Notre Dame, and they were dedicated and worked hard, I want to
bring that same work spirit and dedication to the Notre Dame, to use the life experiences I have
had and to build and improve on them from every different aspect that I can. The tools that I will
gain from Notre Dame, will be a benefit for not only the professional side of my life but also for
the family. The decision to apply is a major decision made by my family and I, the time involved
in studying, and reviewing material along with the travel is a major undertaking for us, one that we
are ready for. Now is the time for that next step in my career and I want that step to start with the
University of Notre Dame Executive MBA
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Notre Dame Personal Statement
"Anyone can have a job, but not everybody can have a career." My sister instilled this notion in
my mind causing me to make my education a main priority. Those wise words encourage me to be
an excellent leader that may help this school keep its original mission of having educated the minds
of students in all ways possible. I am committed to maintaining the relationship between God,
friends, and family. Notre Dame provides various types of courses that establish a foundation for my
growth and bonds of both education and faith.
Being able to learn new things will always be important to me. Growing up curious, I had a strong
desire to be analytical and always ask why. That habit has not changed. I want to learn more, not
only about math or science, but about the Catholic faith. I would like to grow in an assortment of
ways; to be a person of God and to be more culturally diverse. Since Notre Dame has many options,
I can become the young lady I had always wanted to be when I was little. It would be an amazing
opportunity to attend such an exquisite school and surround myself with people who have the same
aspirations to thrive, flourish, and succeed....show more content...
During open house the atmosphere was very safe and welcoming, giving off the feeling of being
at home. Maintaining a family relationship is vital for me. Upholding this certain unity is crucial
for me, but the most important connection is with God. God has been with me during all of my
dark times. He was present during the devastating time of my life when my sister lost her battle to
cancer. He is my candle in times of need. I want these bonds to last forever and that is important for
me. Notre Dame will help me cultivate the recipe to make these commitments last just as
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Notre Dame Essays

  • 1. Notre Dame College Essay My entire life has revolved around Notre Dame. While my mother was pregnant with me, she rode her bike along the lakes at Notre Dame. When I was four, I was a Notre Dame cheerleader for Halloween. When I got my first camera, my first pictures were of me holding a Notre Dame football and standing in front of the golden dome with my American girl doll. Every year, I visited the campus since it was a rest stop on the way from Chicago to Buffalo and every year my desire to become one of the fighting Irish grew. When the time arrived to start the college search process, I saved Notre Dame for my last college visit. As the tour date approached, I grew anxious because it had been my ideal school for so long and I feared that it wouldn't live up to my expectations. Thankfully, Notre Dame exceeded my already high expectations. Everyone was welcoming, the campus was magical, and it felt like the home that I had remembered visiting...show more content... For the majority of those seconds, I have reflected upon my choices. However, there is one choice that has greatly influenced my life– the choice to swim. At the age of three, my instructor dunked me underwater after I refused to swim. The suffocating experience of not having control over my own body traumatized me. I became so afraid of the water that I refused to swim for a year. Seven years later, I decided to overcome my fear by joining the swim team and I have been swimming ever since. Every time I get on the block to race, my anxiety comes back and I am paralyzed with fear. I have to rely on the strength of my teammates get in the water and swim, not just for the team, but for myself. Words cannot even describe how accomplished I feel when I touch the wall at the end of a race. This determination to face my fears has carried through to other aspects of my life; swimming has brought me great friends, a lifeguarding job, and valuable reflection Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. A Visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral The Notre Dame Cathedral is certainly one of the most beautiful locations in the world, as the city of Paris as a whole and the building's surroundings contribute to making visitors acknowledge the importance of this monument. Construction on the cathedral started in 1163 and was largely finished by 1250, with most of its features emphasizing Gothic influences. The building's architecture, the sculptures present in it, and the impressive stained glass all stand as reminders that the French community invested most of its cultural values into the church at the time when it was constructed. From the very first moment when entering the cathedral one is likely to be struck by the silence dominating the massive interior. In spite of the somewhat annoying number of curious tourists (others probably saw my curiosity just as annoying as the noise), the church manages to maintain its quiet and peaceful nature. This is truly remarkable, taking into account that it is constantly filled with tourists through visiting hours. It is difficult to ignore the fact that the Notre Dame is one of most popular monuments in the world and that many visitors prefer this particular building to the Eiffel Tower. Its popularity certainly makes it difficult for one to feel the sacredness that it contains and that it was initially meant to put across. The fact that so many visitors walk through its entrance every day diminishes its value somewhat, especially considering that many of them fail to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Notre Dame Case Study When it appeared Charlie Strong would be packing his bags with a one–way plane ticket out of Austin, he may have received a lifeline in a last attempt to save his job. It's no secret, that going forward, Strong is coaching for his job. According to Horns Digest, sources close to the situation state that if he finishes out 8–4, it's likely that he can retain his position as the head football coach. It feels like it's been an eternity since Strong led the Texas Longhorns to an impressive victory over Notre Dame in the season opener. At the time it seemed like a big deal, but Notre Dame may not have been a good team despite the preseason hype. Since then, the Longhorns have lost two consecutive games to California and Oklahoma State. With Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Notre Dame Admission Essay Sample Two years ago, when I was faced with the difficult task of choosing a college, I turned to my family for advice. My three oldest siblings, despite their natural bias as Notre Dame alumni, helped me weigh my options thoughtfully and considerately. Talking to them individually about their alma mater, however, I quickly noticed a common thread between their musings which ultimately convinced me to follow in their footsteps: each passionately emphasized the unique opportunities available to them at Notre Dame, opportunities which elevated the school's role beyond that of mere instructional facilitation– Notre Dame is dedicated to the comprehensive formation of its students. Now, as student myself at Our Lady's University, I understand what my siblings...show more content... These interests have driven me to declare an Education, Schooling, and Society minor, to volunteer as a tutor for local children in the Slice of Life program, to join the EduClub here on campus, and to assist in research for National Study of Youth and Religion. Looking towards the future, I am now hoping pursue a career in education policy. This is where the Washington Program could be indispensably helpful. If I were accepted into the program, I would try for an internship at the Department of Education, where I could gain real–world experience in education policy and work among some of the most talented people in the field. Considering Donald Trump's ambitious goals for the expansion of school–choice programs throughout the country, I would have the chance to witness one of the most exciting and challenging times in American education from the epicenter of policy–making itself. Although I have extensively researched available internship opportunities within the Department, I do not have my eye on any single position. Fortunately, as an intern at the Department of Education, I would have the chance to participate in weekly Q&A panels with officials from different areas within the department, thus exposing me to all the different subsets of education policy. Ultimately, the Washington Program would enable me to hone my interests even further and develop a better understanding of what areas of education policy most engage Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Analysis Of The Notre Dame Cathedral The Notre Dame Cathedral is the most visited tourist site in France, beating the Eiffel tower with 13 million visitors each year. Because it took over 300 years to build, there are many different styles of the architecture shown throughout the building(notredamecathedralparis.com). This structure shows the hardships of war and the enlightened thinking of the Renaissance. Built in 12th century France, the Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the biggest French Catholic cathedrals in France and is still functional as a regular Church(sacred–destinations.com). This gem of architecture is a true wonder and represents the sacred and hopeful times of the middle ages and the renaissance. This mountainous structure is seen from about every point of Paris and beyond. From the front, you can see two towers jutting out of an ordinary street. The Cathedral also features large stained glass windows, that are one of the most beautiful features of the structures. From the side, you can see the long body of the Cathedral and the spire sticking out of the top. It is somewhat overwhelming being within feet of the structure, because of the immense height and width of the church. Looking at the back, one can clearly see the dome–like structures attaching to the organ room. From the outside, you can clearly see the sculptures depicting the scenes from the Catholic religion. The cathedral is gigantic, but it is easy to process all the sections because of the distinct styles of architecture. From an Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Research Paper On Notre Dame In Paris During the early gothic period, the bishop of Paris started a project to replace a basilica with a new cathedral. His project evolved and transformed and after almost a century, the church was finished in 1250. Notre Dame in Paris has been standing for almost nine centuries, and is a monument to the times in which it was built. Part 1: Notre Dame extends skyward with its intricate faГ§ade, rising out of the ground with its four buttresses and three portals, each as intricately carved as the rest of the faГ§ade. The three portals are composed of beautiful trumeaus and jamb figures that describe biblical figures and rise up to the lintel above the doors. Above the lintel, lies the highly detailed tympanum and the surrounding pointed archivolts, each portal being contained by two buttresses. Just above the three portals is a gallery with a...show more content... These elements were contained by the exterior chapels defined by the buttresses. These chapels would continue along the aisles until being interrupted by the crossing and the resulting transepts. Continuing through the church, on the east side of the crossing lie the choir, lined by chapels as well, continuing into the apse, which was surrounded by a double ambulatory and five radiating chapels. Part 3: The original interior of Notre Dame starts with an arcade with pointed arches derived from the wall shafts, and spans over the aisles, serving as a gallery as well. From the spandrels above the arches of the arcade rises another arcade which also serves as a gallery, formally known as the triforium. Continuing up from the triforium, rose windows with intricate tracery and then lancet windows above them line the walls to form a clerestory. The walls and wall shafts then develop into sexpartite rib vaults which form the ceiling of the cathedral. Part Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Notre Dame De Paris Research Paper Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris was considered one of the supreme examples of French Gothic architecture throughout the entire world. Notre Dame de Paris, or "Our Lady of Paris" was built in the twelfth century during the reign of King Louis VII. This translation of Notre Dame, "Our Lady," was often used in the names of Catholic church buildings in Francophone countries. It was located in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France, on the eastern side of the ГЋle de la CitГ© in the middle of the river Seine. Notre Dame was a focal point of Paris and through the centuries the city developed in a circular pattern around this significant masterpiece. Notre Dame was the first cathedral built of such a massive scale and became the model for other cathedrals in France such as: ...show more content... The engineering advancements used in the building of Notre Dame Cathedral were a significant part of the construction of the esteemed Gothic sanctuary. Historians of art described Gothic engineering as architecture of the sky because of its steep arches, vertical towers, and soaring walls. The sight of Notre Dame had been the religious center of the city and was considered sacred ground. Dating back to the common era, it was believed that the sight was home to a pagan temple and later replaced by a Christian basilica dedicated to St. Stephen. The construction of Notre Dame was ordered by Bishop Maurice de Sully and the first foundation stone was laid in 1163. Construction crews involved in the building of Notre Dame took over the center of the city. Construction in its entirety continued over the course of two–hundred years and involved three stages. The first stage of construction began at the eastern end of the church and was the completion of the choir in 1182. It was within the choir that the altar stood and where mass was heard by the canons. The Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Analysis Of Notre Dame Cathedral Introduction Notre–Dame Cathedral on the Ile de la Cite in Paris is one of the most recognised Gothic structures of medieval Europe. It is considered a fine example of new architectural strategies of the twelfth century, as well as a symbol of socio–political power of the Catholic Church within this period (Swaan, 1988). Therefore, the cathedral's design and construction highlight advances in art and building strategies throughout the history of European culture. This essay is going to discuss Notre–Dame and its architectural value, underpinned by cultural, social and religious realities of medieval France. Firstly, the text will analyse conceptual issues related to the building's development. Moreover, it will be explained how the...show more content... The project would draw on architectural experimentation with proportions and form, redefining connections between the sacred and the urban (Notre–Dame de Paris, 2017). Thus, Notre–Dame Cathedral was imagined as a symbol of progress and architectural ingenuity, as well as a means of political control by the Catholic Church. Constructing a Gothic masterpiece The construction of Notre–Dame Cathedral started in 1163 and finished around 1250 (Bruzelius, 1987). At the time of its completion, the cathedral was widely recognised as a symbol of High Gothic art, serving as a model for other European projects. Adopting a cruciform shape and making use of Christian religious themes within interior and exterior spaces, it also became a central place of worship within the city (The Illustrated Magazine of Art, 1853). Notre–Dame presents an architectural interlocking of the sacred, the profane and the aesthetic. On the one hand, the cathedral's choir and nave exemplify the Gothic preoccupation with height and verticality; on the other hand, the western faГ§ade displays figurative representations of medieval social and religious sensibilities (Bruzelius, 1987). Furthermore, by dispersing their weight unto piers and capitals, the structure's intersecting pointed arches exemplify a technical solution for new structural possibilities and high ribbed vaulting (The Illustrated Magazine of Art, 1853). Outer walls of the cathedral counteract the thrust of these stone arches Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Informative Essay On Notre Dame When one thinks Notre Dame, one often thinks of college football and visions of Knute Rockne, The Four Horsemen, Joe Montana, and Paul Hornung. Silly as it may seem, there's more to Notre Dame than just football, namely lacrosse. Lacrosse was a club sport at Notre Dame until 1981 when it was elevated in status to a varsity sport. The lacrosse team were members of the Midwest Lacrosse Association until 1994, when it joined the new the Great Western Lacrosse League which consisted of conference members, Ohio State, Air Force, Butler, Michigan State and Denver. Notre Dame won its first lacrosse championship in 2008, defeating Ohio State, 9–2 in the first Great Western lacrosse league championship game. Notre Dame lacrosse took its biggest leap Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Notre Dame Dbq Essay Cell phones, social media and sleep; one look around at today's 21st century teenagers and anyone would agree that this motto is what they seem to survive on. Living in the fast evolving and technologically driven society makes it easy to be oblivious to life on the other side of the blinders. The traditions, morals and values of our ancestors were the basic foundation, making the mansions we have built up to today possible in the first place. While the baby boomer generation may argue that today's youth could not possibly stick to the traditions set forth one hundred and seventy two years ago, the University of Notre Dame students are the outliers that defy the stereotypical views of our generation. The slogan, "God, Country, Notre Dame" still applies and reigns as a standard and priority for...show more content... Once joining the Irish family, undergraduates take part in many events to uphold the traditions set forth by graduates from classes before. Bleacherreport.com highlighted a prime point, "there is tradition in the structures and the people that make up this University. Father Sorin, Father Corby, Knute Rockne, Father Hesburgh, Ara Parseghian, these are all people who have had a hand in shaping the tradition of Notre Dame," (Doc. C). The customs established by these religious leaders can still be seen today, especially when looking at the Fighting Irish football team. The community and fanbase surrounding the sport is impeccable. Similar to the New York Yankees' well known name in the Major League Baseball network, Notre Dame football is a household name nationwide that people either tune in to either cheer on to victory or pray for to lose (Doc. C). In addition to the liveliness and extensiveness of their fanbase, the university's football program has produced several National Football League star players and Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. Notre Dame de Paris Abstract Notre–Dame of Paris is one of the most prominent cathedrals in the land of Paris and portrays many diversified Gothic characteristics. This research essay will explore the cathedral in detail while emphasizing on the influence of Gothic architecture on the cathedral. Notre–Dame of Paris bears all the structural features of a Gothic cathedral including the famous rose window. By far, the Gothic style has influenced the entire design of Notre–Dame of Pairs. If there were other influences, it would be too minor to be taken noticed of. The construction began in year 1163. Being a significant building to the locals, she bore important responsibilities. Eugene Viollet–le–Duc played an important role in the cathedral's restoration....show more content... This majestic cathedral decorated the land of Paris, dominating both the history of architecture as well as religion history. The cathedral still stands proudly after enduring an eventful history over many centuries. Truly a fascinating historic building to behold, 'Our Lady of Paris', another term for Notre–Dame of Paris, portrays many diversified characteristics which will help identify a structure as Gothic. One may lay eyes upon this building and refer it to one of Gothic's grand structure. For many, their first concept of Gothic architecture derives from some reference to this majestic construction. In this research, I shall consider the following questions as an approach to appreciate and comprehend Notre Dame de Paris's architectural aesthetic and value better: 1.What are the obvious influences of the Gothic style to the cathedral? 2.Has the Gothic style influenced the building completely or only part of it? If it was only partially influenced, what may be the other influence that affected the design of the structure? 3.How and when the cathedral was build? 4.What is the importance of this cathedral and how did the local people accepted the cathedral? As a brief introduction to Gothic, the label 'Gothic' was coined in Italy. It was during Renaissance, "as a derogatory reference to the art and architecture of these earlier centuries" (Introduction: Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. The Art Of Notre Dame De Paris Paris is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. It is a city with a brilliant past as a center of the empire and as the world's commercial and financial center. Moreover, it is one of the cultural centers of the world which always had a reputation for trend–setting. The proof of it is seen in famous museums and art galleries, great libraries, various theaters, medieval churches, and even in the diversity of taste that Parisian shop can offer you. The magic of Paris lies in its people, its history and architecture. You can find almost any variety of architecture here. The architectural masterpiece that fascinated me the most in Paris was the famous French Cathedral: Notre Dame de Paris. Built in the Gothic style,...show more content... This was the center of the ancient Lutetium. Parisi Gauls were the first inhabitants of this land, in the 2nd century B.C. In 52 B.C. this land was occupied by the Romans. Notre Dame was a notable place where important events took place. In this Grand Cathedral, King Phillip the Fair for the first time opened the Estates General of France in 1302.The wedding ceremony of King Henry IV and Marguerite de Valois was also held at Notre Dame in 1572.This is where Napoleon I, the emperor of France, was crowned by Pope Puis VII. These events are just a small part of Notre Dame's historic journey. The name Notre Dame means "our lady" which refers to the virgin Mary. Many churches and cathedrals in France are commonly referred as Notre Dame. Despite the fact that Notre Dame was not the most
  • 13. typical example of Gothic architecture of France, it was neither the tallest, nor the biggest church in the country, yet Notre Dame de Paris still remains the symbol of Paris, an inseparable part of its history and culture and the epitome of the Gothic. Victor Hugo named Notre Dame de Paris the "aged queen of French cathedrals". Indeed, almost seven hundred years had passed since Maurice de Sully decided to construct the new Cathedral. The Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 14. Notre Dame Admission Essay Sample I have chosen Notre Dame as the place I wish to study at as I really believe that the values they instill into each student as they complete their journey here are really valuable and can be implemented later on throughout my life and my career. The amount of clinical practice hours the Nursing students get really appealed to me as I learn best when I'm doing the task hands on. When I first went to have a look around the campus I could see how excited and happy the Notre Dame community and current students were about sharing their own experiences here and they made my first experience incredibly enjoyable and memorable. They encouraged my decisions and fed my passions which was nothing that I had ever experienced before at school. The course I wish to study is Nursing because I have always had a fascination as a child watching those in the health industry help those that were sick and at their most vulnerable become better again. As a child my younger brother and I both spent our first months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and my dream is to be able to work in women's health as well as working with infants and children who are sick and in need of help like we were. I have never doubted if Nursing would be the right career choice for...show more content... I really enjoy Human Biology and English as these are my strongest subjects. I enjoy learning how each system in the body works and relates to one another in order to make the body run efficiently and I love being able to be write and create in English. I recently completed my Certificate IV in Preparation for Nursing Education through Central Regional TAFE as well as completing my year 12 school studies. This course has been really eye opening for me as it has taught me many valuable skills and has given me knowledge that I could implement into University studies and Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Notre Dame The thing I would want most to spend my money on in entertainment is a tradition like no other, Notre Dame Football. Notre Dame football tickets are very hard to come by, and they're much more expensive than your average college football game ticket price. A few years ago, front–row tickets to the Notre Dame vs. USC. game were $50,000 a piece. I would be paying for more than just the entertainment perspective. The tradition of Notre Dame football is unrivaled to any other school. Notre dame has won 13 national championships, 7 heisman winners, and 91 consensus All–Americans. Our stadium was built in 1930, and it currently holds 80,795 people. Brian Kelly is our current head–coach and he is in a rebuilding process this season. Notre Dame's first Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 16. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Essay The Hunchback of Notre–Dame "Love is a universal language." This popular quote from many movies and literary works describes the importance of love, and how there are no limits or barriers when dealing with love. Many people cannot even help whether or not they fall in love. There are many types of love and they need not be between members of opposite sexes. In Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo's love for Esmerelda is not as strong as his different sense of love for the Archdeacon, Claude Frollo. Quasimodo loves each person in a different manner, but is truer to the Archdeacon. The hunchback feels, among other things, a love described as Eros for the Mistress Esmerelda; whereas, for the...show more content... Thus the Archdeacon was the only person with whom Quasimodo maintained communication (p.65). The hunchback feels a sense of love based on comradery and years of relations. He deeply admires Claude Frollo's religious faith and charity: that is, the charity shown to Quasimodo when he was only a young, abandoned boy. The two men have a complex system of hand gestures and sign language which they use to communicate with each other. This illustrates their mutual correspondence and understanding. Through these experiences and this upbringing, Quasimodo develops a Philial love for the Archdeacon. In the timeframe of this story, the late 1400's and early 1500's, the Catholic Church is a major factor and authority in virtually all of a town's laws, transactions and business. This being the case, holding the position as Archdeacon, or head of the church, is a much coveted occupation. Quasimodo admires the Archdeacon's powerful position. The hunchback himself enjoys authority as he possesses the power of rule over people. This is visible when he is elected Pope of Fools: "Quasimodo let himself be decked out in them with a kind of proud docility. He was then made to sit down on a brightly colored litter. Twelve officers of the Brotherhood of Fools lifted it to their shoulders. A bitter Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 17. Notre Dame Research Paper The Notre Dame (meaning 'Our Lady,' the full name of the cathedral being 'Notre Dame de Paris,' or 'Our Lady of Paris') cathedral is located in Paris on the ГЋle de la CitГ©, one of the two remaining natural islands in the river Seine. The Catholic cathedral was preceded by St. Stephen's, the Merovingian cathedral that stood on the island prior to the construction of the Notre Dame, which required that St. Stephen's be torn down. The Notre Dame was built when Maurice de Sully, the bishop of Paris at the time, decided a larger sanctuary was necessary to accommodate the growing population of Paris. The cathedral was built in the Gothic architectural style, which was new at the time and not known by the name of Gothic until much later. The foundation stone was laid in the presence of the king by Pope Alexander III in 1163. The work was almost entirely directed by Maurice de Sully and his successor, Odon de Sully....show more content... However, embellishments were added and alterations were done over the next couple hundred years. The flying buttresses were added in the 1300s for support of the building. In the Renaissance era, the interior decoration was modernized. During the French Revolution, much of the cathedrals' decorations and furnishings were destroyed because they either were symbols of the Old Regime, or were mistaken for such symbols – as was the case when the statues of the kings of Judah were beheaded and removed from the cathedral. This was done because the statues were mistaken for statues of the kings of France. The cathedral was desecrated, and became a temple to the goddess Reason, then the sanctuary was made into a Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 18. School Profile : University Of Notre Dame Essay School Profile: University of Notre Dame The University of Notre Dame is a Catholic college located in suburban Indiana. The historical campus is an astounding 1,250 acres large. The university was founded in the 1840s by a local priest. Today, many priests still serve as staff, teachers and leaders. Notre Dame is four–year University that is continuously ranked among the top universities in the country and the world. The university receives over $10 billion of endowment funding, so they are one of the top research facilities in the country. The undergraduate program is organized into five colleges: Science, Business, Architecture, Engineering and Arts and Letters. The latter college offers over 20 departments that award over 70 majors. The College of Science offers degrees in majors like biology, chemistry, physics and math. The College of Engineering offers degrees in areas like bimolecular and geological engineering. The College of Architecture is over 100 years old and offers a five–year bachelor's degree that requires all students to study abroad for one year in Rome, Italy. The University of Notre Dame actually maintains global campuses around the world for research, conferences and study abroad programs. This includes the Rome Global Getaway, which is near the Colosseum in Rome, which offers a rich array of academic programs. The London center in Trafalgar Square offers programs in law, science and business administration. The newly renovated Kylemore Abbey Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 19. The Cathedral Of Notre Dame The Cathedral of Notre–Dame in Reims, northeast of Paris near Champagne was the coronation church of the kings of France and was an educational and cultural center. Also built of limestone, the architecture of the Reims Cathedral features Gothic style. It symbolizes an Early Gothic, Radiant Gothic and Flamboyant Gothic. The Reims Cathedral depicts a classic harmonic facade containing four levels. Its interior is defined by its towering heights and narrow proportions, and elaborate sculptural works. Because of the high quality of workmanship and materials used, Reims Cathedral features some of the most beautiful gothic art in existence. Five different cathedrals have been on the site on which Reims cathedral now sits since 401 CE. The current cathedral was built in 1211, after the previous cathedral had burned down. The new building was almost entirely finished by the end of the thirteenth century. 88 gargoyles were counted on the Reims Cathedral and are mainly used to drain off rainwater and are exceptional pieces of work, but do show the slight difference between Gothic and Romanesque styles. The stained glass windows are a beautiful part of Reims despite being damaged or ruined several times in the 18th century; the cathedral still has many 13th century stained glass windows, in the upper parts of the nave, choir and transept. On the opposite side of the great western portal, the Great Rose Window, dating from the end of the 13th century, represents "the Crowning Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 20. Why Notre Dame Essay There are so many reasons to participate in the Notre Dame Executive MBA Program, the high recognition of Notre Dame, the networking and connections and the just the experience alone. Those are probably some of the best reasons, there is another for me that makes this opportunity even more desirable for me, and that is growing up in the shadow of Notre Dame and knowing what it means to be a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. My father worked at the ACC, at the rink and hockey program as far back as I could remember, up until his medical conditions made him retire. I either walked home or drove from St Joseph's pass the campus every day. And living nearby on a clear cool night I could hear the Band practice into the night. Even while in the US Navy for over 24 years, the one highlight I would like forward to would be either the news clippings about Notre Dame from my grandmother or being able to read article online when there was internet available, so for me there is a very personal reason that I want to participate in the program. I do desire to make those...show more content... I have researched many programs and I come back to the same conclusion, Notre Dame. I have many friends that have attend Notre Dame, and they were dedicated and worked hard, I want to bring that same work spirit and dedication to the Notre Dame, to use the life experiences I have had and to build and improve on them from every different aspect that I can. The tools that I will gain from Notre Dame, will be a benefit for not only the professional side of my life but also for the family. The decision to apply is a major decision made by my family and I, the time involved in studying, and reviewing material along with the travel is a major undertaking for us, one that we are ready for. Now is the time for that next step in my career and I want that step to start with the University of Notre Dame Executive MBA Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 21. Notre Dame Personal Statement "Anyone can have a job, but not everybody can have a career." My sister instilled this notion in my mind causing me to make my education a main priority. Those wise words encourage me to be an excellent leader that may help this school keep its original mission of having educated the minds of students in all ways possible. I am committed to maintaining the relationship between God, friends, and family. Notre Dame provides various types of courses that establish a foundation for my growth and bonds of both education and faith. Being able to learn new things will always be important to me. Growing up curious, I had a strong desire to be analytical and always ask why. That habit has not changed. I want to learn more, not only about math or science, but about the Catholic faith. I would like to grow in an assortment of ways; to be a person of God and to be more culturally diverse. Since Notre Dame has many options, I can become the young lady I had always wanted to be when I was little. It would be an amazing opportunity to attend such an exquisite school and surround myself with people who have the same aspirations to thrive, flourish, and succeed....show more content... During open house the atmosphere was very safe and welcoming, giving off the feeling of being at home. Maintaining a family relationship is vital for me. Upholding this certain unity is crucial for me, but the most important connection is with God. God has been with me during all of my dark times. He was present during the devastating time of my life when my sister lost her battle to cancer. He is my candle in times of need. I want these bonds to last forever and that is important for me. Notre Dame will help me cultivate the recipe to make these commitments last just as Get more content on HelpWriting.net