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NUTRITION – is the study of food and health, it 
is the science that centers in foods, their 
nutrient and other chemical constituent, and 
the effects of food on body processes and 
NUTRIENTS- chemical substances that found 
in the food that are used by the body for 
growth and health. The six categories of 
nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, fats 
vitamins, mineral and water.
It is the basic needs of human. Human need 
enough food to live and the right assortments of food 
for optimal health. The need for food is combined with 
the condition of food security. 
FOOD SECURITY- People who experience food security, 
have access at all times to a sufficient supply of safe, 
nutritious food needed for an active and healthy life. 
FOOD INSECURITY- exist whenever the availability of 
safe, nutritious food, or the ability to acquire them in 
socially acceptable ways, is limited or uncertain. Food 
insecurity leads to poor health, increased risk for 
certain diseases, and in children lowered academic 
- Include the selections of fruits, vegetables, milk cheese, yogurt, meats, 
poultry, fish, eggs, and legumes. Whole grain, cereals. 
- to improve eating habits: eat slowly, prepare smaller portion; avoid seconds 
- to loose weight; increase physical activity, eat less fat and fewer fatty 
foods, eat less sugar, avoid too much alcohol. 
- choose lean meat, fish, poultry, dry bean as your protein sources. 
-moderate your use of eggs, and organ meats (such as liver) 
- limit your intake of butter, cream, margarine, coconut oil and food made 
from such products. 
-substitute starches for fat and sugar, select foods that are good sources of 
fiber and starch, such as whole-grain bread and cereals, fruits and 
- use less of all sugars such as brown ,white sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups 
- eat fewer foods containing these sugars. 
Six Categories of Nutrients
PROTEIN – are substance in 
food made up of amino acid. 
Amino acid are specific 
chemical substances from 
which proteins are made. It 
also builds and maintain the 
body. The texture of your hair 
and nails and the structure of 
your muscles, depend on 
protein. High quality proteins , 
animal foods such as milk 
eggs meat and fish. Low-quality 
protein, plant foods 
such as beans, peas, cereal 
comes from plant 
foods. They provide 
body with energy. 
Simple sugar are 
most basic type of 
Saturated fats 
are found 
primarily in 
animal product 
such as meat, 
butter, cheese. 
Unsaturated fats 
plant products 
such as vegetable 
oil, nut, seed.
are needed to promote 
growth and other body 
are chemical substances 
found in food that 
perform specific function 
in the body. Human 
require 13 vitamins in 
their diet.
are needed (1) 
formation of bones 
and teeth (2) for 
growth of body cells, 
especially blood 
cells. (3) for the 
components in 
various body fluids.
you can live without 
food for a week, but 
without water you would 
die within days. Water 
helps remove waste 
products through 
kidneys, it also cools the 
body as you perspire as it 
evaporate from the 
A “well-balanced” diet means one that contains 
all the key nutrient and enough calories for daily 
is a pyramid shape guide of healthy foods 
divided into section to show the recommended 
intake for each food group
My Plate symbol is designed to 
help people make smart food 
choices, the plate graphic w/ its 
different food group.
A poor or skipped breakfast can impair mental 
and physical performance. This is why breakfast is 
called the most important meal of the day. 
Fast food are low in calcium, iron and vitamins 
and fiber . They are high in calories, sugar salt and 
These diets are not harmful and can even benefit 
health. It reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease 
and obesity due to there lower fats and cholesterol 
content and higher fiber content.
The Human body has always been admired for it 
symmetry and beauty. But the image of the ideal 
physique has varied throughout history and culture. 
Good nutrition and a fitness program are the keys to 
a healthful, more attractive self-image.. 
- being overweight, over fat (obese) 
- the more obese a person, is the more common 
health problems related to obesity become. 
- it increases the risk of both heart disease and 
- it increases the risk of diabetes, kidney, gallbladder, 
joint diseases, and posture problem.
Simply stated, obesity result when the intake 
of calories exceeds caloric expenditure. 
- diet 
- physical activity 
- environmental exposures 
- genetic background
An eating disorder characterized by 
extreme weight loss, poor body image, and 
irrational fears of weight gain and obesity. 
Starves the body, muscle tissues waste 
away. The skin dries and yellow and the hair 
thins and falls out . Blood pressure drops. 
Menstruation ceases, and weight drops 
An eating 
disorder characterized 
by recurrent episode 
of rapid uncontrolled 
eating of large 
amounts of food in a 
short period of time. 
Episode of binge 
eating are often 
followed by purging.
- means “poor” nutrition and result from 
both inadequate and excessive availability of 
calories and nutrients in the body. 
- malnutrition early in life has long-term 
effects on mental and physical development. 
- underweight children are an indicator of 
malnutrition . 
- poverty, corrupt government, the HIV/AIDS 
epidemic, low rates of breastfeeding, unsafe water 
supply, discrimination against females all 
contribute to malnutrition.
- malnutrition caused by a lack of 
calories and protein 
- children with marasmus look 
like “skin and bones”, they don’t get 
enough calories and protein in their 
- malnutrition resulting from 
inadequate protein intake in children. 
- this children has the characteristic 
of “moon face”(edema), swollen belly, 
and patchy dermatitis. 
- they not look starved because of the 
massive swelling.
Because of food technology more than half of 
our diet now consist of processed foods. We hardly 
think of some of the foods we consume today as 
being processed. 
- most milk for instance is first pasteurized to 
destroy the bacteria in it. 
What are Food Additives? 
-additives are any substance that added to foods. 
- some additive creep into a foods indirectly when 
they are processed, packaged or stored. 
- additives also help maintain food freshness and 
-preservatives reduced food spoilage caused by 
bacteria or molds.
Some additives once thought safe were later 
found cause cancer to animals. The artificial color 
Red dye no.2 an cyclamate were withdrawn from 
foods for this reason. 
Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite are 
controversial preservatives today. They are added 
to hot dogs, bacon, ham, lunch meat, smoked 
fish. They give many processed meats their red 
color , they also prevent the growth of a bacteria 
that causes deadly form of food poisoning. 
Research has found that in lab animals nitrates 
and nitrites combine with other compounds in 
the body to form cancer-causing substances.

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  • 2. NUTRITION – is the study of food and health, it is the science that centers in foods, their nutrient and other chemical constituent, and the effects of food on body processes and health. NUTRIENTS- chemical substances that found in the food that are used by the body for growth and health. The six categories of nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, fats vitamins, mineral and water.
  • 3. FOOD It is the basic needs of human. Human need enough food to live and the right assortments of food for optimal health. The need for food is combined with the condition of food security. FOOD SECURITY- People who experience food security, have access at all times to a sufficient supply of safe, nutritious food needed for an active and healthy life. FOOD INSECURITY- exist whenever the availability of safe, nutritious food, or the ability to acquire them in socially acceptable ways, is limited or uncertain. Food insecurity leads to poor health, increased risk for certain diseases, and in children lowered academic achievements.
  • 4. GOOD NUTRITION DIETARY GUIDELINES 1. EATVARIETY OF FOODS. - Include the selections of fruits, vegetables, milk cheese, yogurt, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and legumes. Whole grain, cereals. 2. MAINTAIN IDEAL WEIGHT. - to improve eating habits: eat slowly, prepare smaller portion; avoid seconds - to loose weight; increase physical activity, eat less fat and fewer fatty foods, eat less sugar, avoid too much alcohol. 3. AVOID TOO MUCH FAT,SATURATED FAT AND CHOLESTEROL. - choose lean meat, fish, poultry, dry bean as your protein sources. -moderate your use of eggs, and organ meats (such as liver) - limit your intake of butter, cream, margarine, coconut oil and food made from such products. 4. EAT FOOD WITH ADEQUATE STARCH AND FIBERS. -substitute starches for fat and sugar, select foods that are good sources of fiber and starch, such as whole-grain bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables. 5. AVOID TOO MUCH SUGAR. - use less of all sugars such as brown ,white sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups - eat fewer foods containing these sugars. 6. AVOID TOO MUCH SODIUM 7. IF YOU DRINK ALCOHOL,DO SO IN MODERATION .
  • 5. Six Categories of Nutrients
  • 6. PROTEIN – are substance in food made up of amino acid. Amino acid are specific chemical substances from which proteins are made. It also builds and maintain the body. The texture of your hair and nails and the structure of your muscles, depend on protein. High quality proteins , animal foods such as milk eggs meat and fish. Low-quality protein, plant foods such as beans, peas, cereal grains.
  • 7. CARBOHYDRATES comes from plant foods. They provide body with energy. Simple sugar are most basic type of carbohydrates.
  • 8. FATS Saturated fats are found primarily in animal product such as meat, butter, cheese. Unsaturated fats plant products such as vegetable oil, nut, seed.
  • 9. VITAMINS are needed to promote growth and other body activities. are chemical substances found in food that perform specific function in the body. Human require 13 vitamins in their diet.
  • 10. MINERALS are needed (1) formation of bones and teeth (2) for growth of body cells, especially blood cells. (3) for the essential components in various body fluids.
  • 11. WATER you can live without food for a week, but without water you would die within days. Water helps remove waste products through kidneys, it also cools the body as you perspire as it evaporate from the lungs.
  • 12. NUTRITIONALLY BALANCE DIET A “well-balanced” diet means one that contains all the key nutrient and enough calories for daily activities. A FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID is a pyramid shape guide of healthy foods divided into section to show the recommended intake for each food group
  • 14. My Plate symbol is designed to help people make smart food choices, the plate graphic w/ its different food group.
  • 15. IS BREAKFAST IMPORTANT? A poor or skipped breakfast can impair mental and physical performance. This is why breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. WHAT ABOUT FAST FOOD AND SNACKS? Fast food are low in calcium, iron and vitamins and fiber . They are high in calories, sugar salt and fat. IS A VEGETARIAN DIET HEALTHFUL? These diets are not harmful and can even benefit health. It reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and obesity due to there lower fats and cholesterol content and higher fiber content.
  • 16. WEIGHT CONTROL The Human body has always been admired for it symmetry and beauty. But the image of the ideal physique has varied throughout history and culture. Good nutrition and a fitness program are the keys to a healthful, more attractive self-image.. OBESITY - being overweight, over fat (obese) - the more obese a person, is the more common health problems related to obesity become. - it increases the risk of both heart disease and stroke. - it increases the risk of diabetes, kidney, gallbladder, joint diseases, and posture problem.
  • 17. WHAT CAUSES OBESITY? Simply stated, obesity result when the intake of calories exceeds caloric expenditure. - diet - physical activity - environmental exposures - genetic background
  • 18. Anorexia An eating disorder characterized by extreme weight loss, poor body image, and irrational fears of weight gain and obesity. Starves the body, muscle tissues waste away. The skin dries and yellow and the hair thins and falls out . Blood pressure drops. Menstruation ceases, and weight drops drastically.
  • 20. BULIMIA An eating disorder characterized by recurrent episode of rapid uncontrolled eating of large amounts of food in a short period of time. Episode of binge eating are often followed by purging.
  • 21. MALNUTRITION - means “poor” nutrition and result from both inadequate and excessive availability of calories and nutrients in the body. - malnutrition early in life has long-term effects on mental and physical development. - underweight children are an indicator of malnutrition . - poverty, corrupt government, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, low rates of breastfeeding, unsafe water supply, discrimination against females all contribute to malnutrition.
  • 22. Marasmus - malnutrition caused by a lack of calories and protein - children with marasmus look like “skin and bones”, they don’t get enough calories and protein in their diet.
  • 24. KWASHIORKOR - malnutrition resulting from inadequate protein intake in children. - this children has the characteristic of “moon face”(edema), swollen belly, and patchy dermatitis. - they not look starved because of the massive swelling.
  • 26. CONSUMER ISSUES IN NUTRITION Because of food technology more than half of our diet now consist of processed foods. We hardly think of some of the foods we consume today as being processed. - most milk for instance is first pasteurized to destroy the bacteria in it. What are Food Additives? -additives are any substance that added to foods. - some additive creep into a foods indirectly when they are processed, packaged or stored. - additives also help maintain food freshness and safety. -preservatives reduced food spoilage caused by bacteria or molds.
  • 28. Some additives once thought safe were later found cause cancer to animals. The artificial color Red dye no.2 an cyclamate were withdrawn from foods for this reason. Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite are controversial preservatives today. They are added to hot dogs, bacon, ham, lunch meat, smoked fish. They give many processed meats their red color , they also prevent the growth of a bacteria that causes deadly form of food poisoning. Research has found that in lab animals nitrates and nitrites combine with other compounds in the body to form cancer-causing substances.