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January 2010

Organizational Change Consulting Group
  g                g           g     p

    Capability Overview

                             OCC Group
Challenge                Solution
   Leaders of complex, multi-facetted organizations are
   faced with tough issues that require a broad base of
   support to move forward...questions that arise are:
       How do you allow all views to be heard                Culture      Process

       in a process that is fair and equitable?
            p                         q
               How do you bring together a diverse
               group of stakeholders to discover
                                                            Structure   Technology
               their common ground for action?

• Change and
  Planning          Solution OCC Group designs, facilitates, and
• Large Group
                    documents collaborative change and planning
  Facilitation      strategies for leaders of large, complex organizations
• Collaborative
                    that require diverse groups of stakeholders to find
• Strategic         common ground for a solution that all can support.
                                     df       l i     h   ll
                                                                 OCC Group
Collaborative Planning Principles
Get the Whole                         Build a Shared Context
System in the
 y                                    Before Acting

                                                   Shared            Action
                 Stakeholders                      Understanding

   Self-Manage                  •
                                    Focus on the Future
   the Work
                                    Common Ground

   -Timekeeper                                                     Future
     B iefe

                 Adult Learning
                                                              OCC Group
Collaborative Planning Process


 Stakeholders                                      Hope
                        Getting Aboard                    Action

                        Feels Like Riding a Roller Coaster

                                    (Multi-day Process)
                                             y        )

Source: Future Search
                                                                    OCC Group
Collaborative Planning Benefits

       Sustainability                Ownership

  Speed of               Trust In         Relationship
Implementation          Leadership         Building

                                            OCC Group
Conditions for Success

         Whole System Represented
         Outside Stakeholder Involvement
         Favorable Meeting Conditions
         Non-Directive Facilitation        The more the conditions
                                               are met, the more
         Self-Managed Small Groups
                  g             p           likelihood of success.

         All Information is Shared
         Planning Committee Involvement
         Deliberate Design and Highly Structured
         High Levels of Participation & Involvement
Source: Future Search
                                                      OCC Group
Example - Strategic Planning Model
Build strategies and commitment to achieve a shared
vision or goal.
                                                                      • Core Values
                                                                      • Guiding
                             Operational Environment
                               • Trends
                                                                      • Mission
                               • Threats
                               • Opportunities

                                                          Future State
      Current State
                          Goals, Objectives, Strategies    •Vision Field

                       Measures   Action         Budget

                                                                        OCC Group
Example - Strategic Planning Road Map
  Phase                          I                                 II                            III                         IV                        V
                      Assess                            Clarify Mission,                                                                    Approve Strategic
  Task                                                   Focus Areas                 Develop Draft                      Finalize
                     Customer                                                                                           Strategic                Plan &
                                                                &                    Strategic Plan                                          Implementation
                    Expectations                        Implementation                                                    Plan
                   •250 System-wide                      •Planning                      •Planning                     •Planning             •Board of Directors
  People            Stakeholders                          Committee                      Committee                     Committee            •Planning
                   •5 Meetings                           •Plus 5 System                 •75 System-wide                                      Committee
                                                          Stakeholders                   Stakeholders
                                                                                                  Conference               Half-Day
                                                                                                                            a    ay
                                                               Meeting                                                  Half-Day                Half-Day
                             Western                                                                                    Meeting                 Meeting
                                                                                                 Day     Day
  Process             Central                               Meeting
                                                                                                 One     Two

                   Eastern                              Meeting                      Committee

                • Current State                     •Mission Statement
                                                                               •Draft Strategic Plan                  •Final Draft of       •Approve Plan
                  Assessment                        •Key Focus Areas
  Results       • Input for mission,                •Values and Guiding
                                                                                (Goals, Objectives, &                  Strategic Plan       •Approve
                                                                                 Performance Measures)                                       Implementation
                  focus areas, values                Principles
                                                    •Recommendations for
                                                     Implementation Governance
                                                     I l         i G

                                       Planning         Contributing
                                       Committee        Stakeholders                                   • Develop a Strategic Plan covering the period FY 20XX
-Charter Planning                                                                                        to FY 20XX that is based on a current-state
 Committee                                                                                               assessment and is aligned with key focus areas
-Select Planning Committee                                                -Assess C
                                                                           A      Currentt
                                          -Guide Process                   State                       • Develop recommendations for plan implementation
                                          -Select Stakeholders            -Develop Strategic             accountability and monitoring progress.
-Approve Plan
                                          -Finalize Strategic Plan         Plan
-Approve Implementation
                                          -Develop Implementation Plan
                                                                                                                                      OCC Group
Example - Change Management Model
Energize and align stakeholders to implement a change

                                                    5. Desired
                                                    5 D i d
                                                    Where do we
                                                    want to go?
                                6. Strategies
                                How do we
     1 Past                     get there?
               2. Present
      Where       State
     have we   Where are
      been?    we now?
                                3. Present Path
                            What are the consequences
                              of continuing on our
                                  present path?                  4. Current
                                                                 Is this what
                                                                   we want?

                                                                       OCC Group
Example - Change Management Road Map

     I. Prepare to      II. Develop a           III. Design the       IV. Organize to          V. Implement              VI. Celebrate
        Lead the           Vision of                 Change               Support               the Change               the New State
        Ch             Desired F t
                       D i d Future                  Process
                                                     P                Implementation
                                                                      I l      t ti                 Plan
                                                                                                    Pl                    and Improve

  a. Build the Case   a. Describe the        a. Identify Change       a. Align Structures,    a. Roll out the Master   a. Declare
  for Change          Desired Future State   Process Design           Systems, Policies and   Change Plan              Achievement of
                                             Criteria                 Resources to Support                             Desired Future State
  b Form a Guiding    b.
                      b Analyze Impacts of                            Implementation
                                                                         p e e tat o          b.
                                                                                              b Implement Master
                      Desired Future State   b. Design the Change                                                      b. Celebrate & Reward
  Coalition                                                           b. Develop Strategies   Change Plan
                                             Process to Achieve the                                                    the New State
                                             Desired Future State     for Supporting People
  d. Define Roles &   c. Communicate                                  to Enable the Change    c. Monitor and Adjust    c. Learn and
  Responsibilities    Desired Future State   c. Communicate the                               Implementation as        Continually Improve
                      & Impacts; Redefine    Change Process;          c. Develop and          Needed
                      as Needed              Redefine as Needed       Communicate the
                                                                      Master Change Plan

                 People – Stakeholders who are involved and in what way

                  Process – The method or approach for achieving results

                                 Product – The deliverable or results
                                                                                                             OCC Group
Example Projects
    Two-day, 100-person statewide summit to build consensus for legislative agenda
    and to outline strategic initiatives the next year.

    Forty-person collaborative action-planning meeting to develop recommendations for
    transformation of DoD F il Readiness Policy to meet current and future needs.
    t    f    ti    f D D Family R di        P li t       t      t df t        d

    Collaborative planning and decision-making process to develop an action plan to
    prepare Coalition Provisional Authority staff for transition of government to Iraq.

    Two-day, 300-person
    Two day 300 person collaborative planning session to develop consensus for
    strategies that will better serve children, youth, and families.

    Four-day planning meeting to align family program services with soldier and
    family needs in support of global re-stationing of defense forces.

    Design and facilitate a series of community-based planning meetings to develop
    strategies and action plans for improving the well-being of children and families.

    Develop recommendations for senior staff of a state-wide organization to maintain
    their passion, commitment, and enthusiasm for their work and for serving customers
          passion commitment                                                 customers.

    Provide consulting support to Maryland State Highway Administration in development
    of multi-level business plans and an organizational performance management system.

    Four day, 175 person
    Four-day, 175-person collaborative process to identify issues related to a worldwide
    organizational merger, developed strategies to resolve the issues, and to build
    commitment for the organizational vision and culture.

                                                                        OCC Group
Organizational Change Consulting Group

                             2341-N Forest Drive, Suite 80
                              Annapolis, Maryland 21401
                                    O: 410.266.9228
                                     F: 410 266 8883
                             E: harry.christiansen@verizon.net

Organizational Change Consulting Group is an Annapolis-based consulting firm specializing
   in the design and facilitation of collaborative solutions for organizational change. The
     principle, Harry Christiansen, is a trained management consultant with 22 years of
 progressively successful change management and organization development experience.
He uses a systems approach in delivery of client-focused services characterized by whole-
       system involvement and l d hi commitment f a sustained change effort.
           t    i   l       t d leadership          it    t for     t i d h         ff t

                                                                                    OCC Group

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OCC Group Capability Presentation Linkedin 2010

  • 1. January 2010 Organizational Change Consulting Group g g g p Capability Overview OCC Group
  • 2. Challenge Solution Leaders of complex, multi-facetted organizations are faced with tough issues that require a broad base of support to move forward...questions that arise are: How do you allow all views to be heard Culture Process in a process that is fair and equitable? p q How do you bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to discover Structure Technology their common ground for action? g • Change and Planning Solution OCC Group designs, facilitates, and Strategy • Large Group documents collaborative change and planning Facilitation strategies for leaders of large, complex organizations • Collaborative Solutions that require diverse groups of stakeholders to find • Strategic common ground for a solution that all can support. df l i h ll Alignment OCC Group
  • 3. Collaborative Planning Principles Get the Whole Build a Shared Context System in the y Before Acting g Room Aligned Shared Action Divergent Stakeholders Understanding Perspectives Self-Manage • Focus on the Future the Work • • • Common Ground -Leader Desired -Timekeeper Future -Recorder/ Briefer B iefe Adult Learning OCC Group
  • 4. Collaborative Planning Process Stakeholders Stakeholders Hope Shared Getting Aboard Action Direction Despair Stakeholders Feels Like Riding a Roller Coaster Stakeholders ( (Multi-day Process) y ) Source: Future Search OCC Group
  • 5. Collaborative Planning Benefits Sustainability Ownership Speed of Trust In Relationship Implementation Leadership Building OCC Group
  • 6. Conditions for Success Whole System Represented Outside Stakeholder Involvement Favorable Meeting Conditions Non-Directive Facilitation The more the conditions are met, the more Self-Managed Small Groups g p likelihood of success. All Information is Shared Planning Committee Involvement Deliberate Design and Highly Structured High Levels of Participation & Involvement Source: Future Search OCC Group
  • 7. Example - Strategic Planning Model Build strategies and commitment to achieve a shared vision or goal. g Foundation • Core Values • Guiding Operational Environment Principles • Trends • Mission • Threats • Opportunities Future State Current State Goals, Objectives, Strategies •Vision Field •Strengths •Relationships •Challenges •Reputation •Image Image Performance Measures Action Budget g Plans OCC Group
  • 8. Example - Strategic Planning Road Map Phase I II III IV V Assess Clarify Mission, Approve Strategic Task Focus Areas Develop Draft Finalize Customer Strategic Plan & & Strategic Plan Implementation Expectations Implementation Plan Governance Governance •250 System-wide •Planning •Planning •Planning •Board of Directors People Stakeholders Committee Committee Committee •Planning •5 Meetings •Plus 5 System •75 System-wide Committee Stakeholders Stakeholders Northern Conference Half-Day a ay Meeting Southern Full-Day Meeting Half-Day Half-Day Western Meeting Meeting Day Day Half-Day Process Central Meeting Half-Day One Two Eastern Meeting Committee Plans Workshop Details • Current State •Mission Statement •Draft Strategic Plan •Final Draft of •Approve Plan Assessment •Key Focus Areas Results • Input for mission, •Values and Guiding (Goals, Objectives, & Strategic Plan •Approve Performance Measures) Implementation focus areas, values Principles Governance •Recommendations for Implementation Governance I l i G Outcomes Planning Contributing BoD Committee Stakeholders • Develop a Strategic Plan covering the period FY 20XX -Charter Planning to FY 20XX that is based on a current-state Committee assessment and is aligned with key focus areas areas. -Select Planning Committee -Assess C A Currentt Members -Guide Process State • Develop recommendations for plan implementation -Select Stakeholders -Develop Strategic accountability and monitoring progress. -Approve Plan -Finalize Strategic Plan Plan -Approve Implementation -Develop Implementation Plan Governance OCC Group
  • 9. Example - Change Management Model Energize and align stakeholders to implement a change effort. 5. Desired 5 D i d Future Where do we want to go? 6. Strategies How do we 1. 1 Past get there? 2. Present Where State have we Where are been? we now? 3. Present Path What are the consequences of continuing on our present path? 4. Current Future Is this what we want? OCC Group
  • 10. Example - Change Management Road Map Wake-Up Call I. Prepare to II. Develop a III. Design the IV. Organize to V. Implement VI. Celebrate Lead the Vision of Change Support the Change the New State Change Ch Desired F t D i d Future Process P Implementation I l t ti Plan Pl and Improve dI a. Build the Case a. Describe the a. Identify Change a. Align Structures, a. Roll out the Master a. Declare for Change Desired Future State Process Design Systems, Policies and Change Plan Achievement of Criteria Resources to Support Desired Future State b. b Form a Guiding b. b Analyze Impacts of Implementation p e e tat o b. b Implement Master Desired Future State b. Design the Change b. Celebrate & Reward Coalition b. Develop Strategies Change Plan Process to Achieve the the New State Desired Future State for Supporting People d. Define Roles & c. Communicate to Enable the Change c. Monitor and Adjust c. Learn and Responsibilities Desired Future State c. Communicate the Implementation as Continually Improve & Impacts; Redefine Change Process; c. Develop and Needed as Needed Redefine as Needed Communicate the Master Change Plan People – Stakeholders who are involved and in what way Process – The method or approach for achieving results Product – The deliverable or results Timeline OCC Group
  • 11. Example Projects Two-day, 100-person statewide summit to build consensus for legislative agenda and to outline strategic initiatives the next year. Forty-person collaborative action-planning meeting to develop recommendations for transformation of DoD F il Readiness Policy to meet current and future needs. t f ti f D D Family R di P li t t t df t d Collaborative planning and decision-making process to develop an action plan to prepare Coalition Provisional Authority staff for transition of government to Iraq. Two-day, 300-person Two day 300 person collaborative planning session to develop consensus for strategies that will better serve children, youth, and families. Four-day planning meeting to align family program services with soldier and family needs in support of global re-stationing of defense forces. Design and facilitate a series of community-based planning meetings to develop strategies and action plans for improving the well-being of children and families. Develop recommendations for senior staff of a state-wide organization to maintain their passion, commitment, and enthusiasm for their work and for serving customers passion commitment customers. Provide consulting support to Maryland State Highway Administration in development of multi-level business plans and an organizational performance management system. Four day, 175 person Four-day, 175-person collaborative process to identify issues related to a worldwide organizational merger, developed strategies to resolve the issues, and to build commitment for the organizational vision and culture. OCC Group
  • 12. Organizational Change Consulting Group 2341-N Forest Drive, Suite 80 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 O: 410.266.9228 F: 410 266 8883 410.266.8883 E: harry.christiansen@verizon.net Organizational Change Consulting Group is an Annapolis-based consulting firm specializing in the design and facilitation of collaborative solutions for organizational change. The principle, Harry Christiansen, is a trained management consultant with 22 years of progressively successful change management and organization development experience. He uses a systems approach in delivery of client-focused services characterized by whole- system involvement and l d hi commitment f a sustained change effort. t i l t d leadership it t for t i d h ff t OCC Group