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By Emmanuel Fadullon, Principal Consultant,
Microsoft Services
This document is provided ―as-is‖. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other
Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.
Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or
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This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You
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Office 365 is a Software As A Service (SaaS) cloud services platform that providesaccess from anywhere to familiar
office applications: email, calendar, high definition video conferencing, enterprise social networking and most up-
to-date documents, across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets.
Project Online is the Project Portfolio Management component service in Office 365. It is procured as a standalone
service or added as part of an Office 365 Enterprise (E
) Service Plan.
This whitepaper provides comprehensive guidance for technical decision makers who are considering a Project
Portfolio Management Information System in the cloud with Office 365/Project Online rather than the traditional,
on-premisesversion of Project Server.
For details, see Office 365 E Service Plan - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise.aspx
Table of contents
1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................1
2 What is Project Online...................................................................................................................3
2.1 SharePoint Task Lists 3
2.2 Project Professional for Office 365 4
2.3 Project Web App 4
2.4 Project Online with Project Professional for Office 365 4
3 What’s New and Improved..........................................................................................................5
4 Online versus On-premises .........................................................................................................9
5 Differences between Online and On-premises.................................................................19
6 Business Intelligence ....................................................................................................................23
6.1 Open Data Access Protocol (OData) 23
6.2 Project Desktop Business Intelligence 24
7 Demand Management/Workflow...........................................................................................27
7.1 Declarative – SharePoint Designer 2013 27
7.2 Visual Studio WCF 27
7.3 Custom Workflow Creation Process 28
8 Line-of-Business Integration.....................................................................................................29
9 Extensibility ......................................................................................................................................31
9.1 CSOM and JSOM 32
9.2 Client Side Object Model (CSOM) 32
9.3 Apps for Office 35
9.4 Extensibility: Online versus On-premises 36
10 Setting up Project Online...........................................................................................................38
10.1 Click to Run: Installing Project Professional for Office 365 38
11 Migration...........................................................................................................................................40
11.1 What kinds of data can be migrated 40
11.2 Full Manual Migration 41
11.3 Partially Automated Migration 41
11.4 Third-Party Tools 43
12 Alternatives to Project Online...................................................................................................45
12.1 Windows Azure: Infrastructure-As-A-Service 46
12.2 Office 365: Software-As-A-Service 46
12.3 Partner Hosting Services 46
12.4 Hybrid 47
Appendix A: A Primer to Open Data Protocol (OData).......................................................49
Appendix B: Anatomy of an App for Office.............................................................................50
Possible Project scenarios 50
Anatomy 50
Development Tools 51
Appendix C: Class Libraries, Entities, CSOM, JSOM and PSI .............................................52
Appendix D: References...................................................................................................................54
Table of Tables......................................................................................................................................56
Table of Figures....................................................................................................................................57
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................58
1 Overview
Office 365 is a Software As A Service (SaaS) cloud services platform that provides anywhere access to familiar office
applications:email, calendar, high definition video conferencing, enterprise social networking and most up-to-date
documents, across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets.
Project Online is the Project Portfolio Management component service in Office 365. It is procured as a standalone service
or added as part of an Office 365 Enterprise (E
) Service Plan.
This whitepaper provides comprehensive guidance for technical decision makers who are considering a Project Portfolio
Management Information System in the cloud with Office 365/Project Online rather thanthe traditional, on-premises
version of Project Server.
The most compelling value proposition for Project Online over On-premise Project can be summarized as follows:
 Easy startup: Simple, predictable, low cost per user licensing basis (monthly subscription fee)
 99.9% guaranteed uptimes: Microsoft offers guaranteed, financially-backed uptimes. Office 365 is available 24
hours a day, 365 days a year. Office 365 employs robust disaster recovery capability, globally-redundant back-ups.
Office 365 provides phone support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
 Security: Extensive privacy features and industry-standard security certification including HIPAA. Filters help
protect users against spam and viruses.
 Zero server footprint: There are no upfront infrastructure costs
 No IT maintenance needed: You no longer have to commit IT resources to tasks such as updates, disaster
recovery, and maintenance. Also, preventive maintenance scripts are run on your databases to prevent problems
before they happen. All operational maintenance is handled through the Project Online service.
 Evergreen service: Latest, most stable application version for the most advanced and improved user experience
(i.e. service packs or cumulative updates/hotfixes applied)
 Multi-national: Available in 88 countries and regions, 32 languages
While the IT, availability, security and cost efficiencies are apparent, it is important to have a clear understanding of what
Project Online can and cannot support.Knowing these things, you will be fully armed with the information to determine
whether Project Online is a good fit for yourorganization.
Apart from core project data, particularly schedules and resources, there are other critical areas to consider, including
configuration, security, workspace, Business Intelligence reports and custom Line-of-Business integration.
Equally diverse are the various scenarios and strategies to consider. This document provides an overview of migration
requirements from previous Project Server versions, namely 2010, 2007, and 2003, including hosted 2010 implementations.
The platform cloud service known as Windows Azure is also described to distinguish what it offers vis-à-vis Project Online.
For details, see Office 365 E Service Plan - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise.aspx
Then there are the tools, utilities and techniques to consider, including vendor solutions such as FluentPro, which has an
extensive collection of migration tools.
Additional references to related whitepapers are also provided, particularly around migrating custom workflow and
custom Line of Business integration.
2 What is Project Online
Project Online is the Project and Portfolio Management service offered in Office 365 to host, track and manage enterprise
Project Online is the online version of Project Server 2013 and, as with previous versions, it is hosted on SharePoint Server
2013, which is used for collaboration—particularly project sites. Project Web App and Project Professional for Office 365
Project Online are the primary end-user interfaces to Project Online.
Project Online provides business-critical applications including the following Project Portfolio Management capabilities:
 Innovation Management
 Application Lifecycle Management
 New Product Development
 New Product Development
Depending on the scale and complexity of project and portfolio management required, Project and SharePoint Online can
be adapted accordingly.
Figure 1 - Project Online Scale and Complexity Graph
2.1 SharePoint Task Lists
The basic concept of scheduling begins with task lists. By providing the ability to synchronize SharePoint Task Lists in
Project Online, the organization can begin to grow from simple silos of individual or team tasks to more complex,
enterprise projects that depend on various divisions within an organization to be successful.
2.2 Project Professional for Office 365
Project Professional for Office 365 is the full scheduling tool for enterprise projects intended for use by project managers
and resource managers.
2.3 Project Web App
Project Web App is the browser-based
user interface for Project Online intended for viewing and collaboration with
project participants, including team members and business decision makers.
2.4 Project Online with Project Professional for Office 365
The combination of Project Professional for Office 365 with Project Online provides full, enterprise-level scheduling and
collaboration among all project participants —project managers, resource managers, PMO, and business decision makers.
The following table defines the Project Professional client compatibility with Project Server and Project Online.
Table 1 - Project Compatibility Matrix
Project Server 2007 Project Server 2010 Project Server 2013 / Project Online
Project Professional 2013
Project Pro for Office 365
Project Professional 2010 
Project Professional 2007  4
Requires at least Internet Explorer 7 or the latest versions for Safari and Firefox
Only in Backwards Compatibility Mode (required SP2)
3 What’s New and Improved
The following table provides a comprehensive overview of what’s new and improved in Project Online since the release of
Project Server 2010.
Table 2 - New and Improved Features and Functionality
Feature/Function New Improved Notes
User Interface
Simplified: reduced ribbon, add-line improvements
User Interaction
Carry-forward admin lines, grouping and sorting
Non-project time
tracking 
Filter categories by
department 
Control view defaults
Grouping and sorting, Always show admin categories
Timesheet managers
list 
Non-fixed approval routing
Close tasks for update
Log level manager
Eventing model
Feedback (OnUpdating, OnSubmitting)
Adjustment (OnReviewing, OnSubmitting)
Performance 
Data Retention 
Timesheet jobs out of
queue 
Work Management
Aggregate tasks centrally: view work and to-dos, newsfeed tasks
OOB task aggregation with SharePoint, Exchange and Project Server
No config options in Central Admin
Provider model implementation dependent to enable future
integration of additional systems
Feature/Function New Improved Notes
Web Tier
Reduced Page load time
WAN optimizations
Direct Business Objects database queries for non-queue jobs
Application Tier
Queue service optimization
Reduced DB requests
AD Synchronization Improvements
Database Tier
Optimized security validation
Data transfer improvements (i.e. using Table Value Parameters)
SQL best practices (i.e. daily maintenance jobs)
Homepage  72% improvement of page load times
Project Schedule
90% improvement of page load times
Resource Center
71% improvement of page load times
Timesheet  50% improvement of page load times
Multi-browser support
Full PWA support for:
Internet Explorer 10, 9, 8
FireFox 10
Safari 5
Google Chrome 17
Server-side scheduling
Implemented as a Windows service - Microsoft Project Server
Calculation Server 2013
On par with Project 2013 client scheduling engine
Feature/Function New Improved Notes
SharePoint and
Project app model
An app is typically a self-contained, interactive program that
performs a small number of related tasks
SharePoint applications no longer live in SharePoint. Within apps,
SharePoint 2013 decouples server-side code from the server,
enabling you to run server-side code from outside SharePoint, in the
Custom code executes in the client, cloud or on-premises
Apps are granted permissions to SharePoint via OAuth
Apps communicate with SharePoint via REST / CSOM
Acquire apps via centralized Marketplace
Apps are for End Users
Cloud & Web-Oriented
SharePoint Tasks List
Team site is in control, tasks are managed in SharePoint
Enterprise Project Type
This is when Project Server has full control of the Projects and Tasks
New “grow-up” mode
PPM Features 
Connected SharePoint
Site 
For details, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/office/apps/fp179930(v=office.15)#SPappoverview_where
Feature/Function New Improved Notes
Authentication and
Default is Claims authentication
Claims authentication cookie (―FedAuth‖ cookie) is tracked at the
Distributed Cache Service level
Classic authentication enabled via Windows PowerShell (not through
No need to re-authenticate at each WFE like in SharePoint 2010
SharePoint Permission
SharePoint Permissions Mode:
Permissions managed in SharePoint
Resources managed in Project Server
Project Server Permissions Mode:
Permissions and Resources managed in Project Server
Default for upgraded sites
4 Online versus On-premises
Project Online and on-premises Project features and functionality are based on Project Server 2013. There are differences
in what’s available online and on-premises. The following tables provides an overview of the differences between Project
Online and On-premises Project.
Table 3–Differences between Project Online and On-premises Project
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Ease of Setup
Get started in minutes. Setup new users in
No training needed. Use Office tools your team
99.9% Guaranteed
Uptime 
7x24, 365 days/year
43 minutes/month, 8 hours 46 minutes
downtime per year
Zero server footprint
No internal IT involved in backup/recovery,
maintenance, updates, disaster recovery
Evergreen service
Latest, most stable Service Packs and
Cumulative Updates
 88 countries and regions, 32 languages
Work anywhere on
any device
Get virtually anywhere-access on nearly any
device (Access from mobile devices requires
Wi-Fi capability or depends on carrier network
Work on your Office files online or offline
SharePoint Task Lists
 
Project Professional
for Office 365
 
Project Professional
Characteristics  
Project Pro 2013 Access
to Project Server 2013
 
Project Pro 2010 Access
to Project Server 2013
Project Pro 2007 SP2
Access to Project Server
Save as Project Pro  
For a list of countries and languages, see the FAQ at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/faqs.aspx#International_Availability
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Save as Project Pro
 
Save as Project Pro
 
Save as Excel 2010  
Save as Excel 2007  
Save as Excel 97-2003  
Save as PDF  
Save as XPS  
Save as Text  
Save as CSV  
Save as XML  
Project Web App  
Project Sites  
Manually Save 2003
.mpp from Project Pro
 
Manually Save 2007
.mpp from Project Pro
 
Manually Save 2010
.mpp from Project Pro
 
Partial Automation
through VBA custom
 
3rd Party
 
FluentPro   Project Server Configuration Migration
Metalogix Content
 
Project Site Migration
MetaVis Migrator
Online / Office 365
 
Project Site Migration
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Project Server 2003
Step 1
: Project Server 2003-to-2007 using
VME (i.e. PS2007 SP2 w/ Oct 2009 CU)
Step 2a
: Project Server 2007-to2010
Database-attach Upgrade
Step 2b
: Project Server 2007-to-2010 In-place
Step 3
: Project Server 2010-to-2013
Database-attach Upgrade
Project Server 2007
Step 1a
: Project Server 2007-to2010
Database-attach Upgrade
Step 1b
: Project Server 2007-to-2010 In-place
Step 2
: Project Server 2010-to-2013
Database-attach Upgrade
Project Server 2010
Step 1
: Project Server 2010-to-2013
Database-attach Upgrade
Bulk upload via CVS
 
Microsoft Online
Services Directory
ADFS)  
By using the Microsoft Online Services
Directory Synchronization tool, your
organization’s administrators can keep your
local Active Directory continuously
synchronized with Office 365. This allows you
to not only create synchronized versions of
each user
Manual resource
 
Tenant administration
Automation via VBA  
3rd Party
FluentPro   Resource Migration
Business Intelligence
 
For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee720443(v=office.14).aspx
For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff700208(v=office.14).aspx
For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee662104(office.14).aspx
For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg502590(v=office.15)
For details, see http://onlinehelp.microsoft.com/en-us/office365-enterprises/ff652543.aspx
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
SSRS Integration 
ODATA Access to RDB  
Direct Access to RDB 
OLAP Cubes 12
 
ODATA Access to OLAP  
T-SQL Access to OLAP 
Excel 2007 Access to
OLAP  
Excel 2010 Access to
 
PowerPivot Add-in
Excel 2013 Access to
 
Excel 2013 Services
Access to OLAP
 
3rd Party
 
FluentPro   FluentPro Project Dashboard 2013
Declarative –
SharePoint Designer
 
Visual Studio WCF  
Line of Business
Integration  
Custom Dev with
SharePoint BCS
 
TFS Integration
 TFS2012 integration with On-premise only
Dynamics Integration
 
Not yet available
SharePoint Online
(Dedicated) integration  
Project Server 2013 needs to be in the same
farm as SharePoint 2013
OnPrem SharePoint
integration  
Project Server 2013 needs to be in the same
farm as SharePoint 2013
Integration  
Calendar: Out-of-office
integration 
 
Planned Spring 2013
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
ODATA  
CSOM  
SharePoint Store (Apps
for Project)  
2A QuickStart
 
CS Milestone Trend
 
 
 
Publish All
Enterprise Projects  
Sensei Task Analyzer
 
SharkPro Project View
for Project Web App  
SharkPro SharePoint
Insite for Project  
TrackTimesheet Go
 
 
TPG Risk Chart
 
UMT Essentials Lite
 
Timesheet and Task
Status  
Simplified Single Entry
Mode (SEM)
 
 
 
Developer/Backend  
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Status Reports  
Data Privacy
No advertising
Office 365 does not build advertising products
out of customer data. We don’t scan your email
or documents for building analytics, data
mining, advertising, or improving the service.
No mingling
Office 365 always allows you to keep your
customer data separate from consumer
Data portability
Office 365 customer data belongs to the
customer. Customers can remove their data
whenever they choose to.
Know where the major data centers are located,
and how data storage location is determined
Detailed information on who can access your
Office 365 customer data
Choose to receive updates regarding data
center location changes, as well as security,
privacy and audit information
Industry Standards
Verification  
Certified for ISO 27001
Office 365 is the first major business
productivity public cloud service to have
implemented the rigorous set of physical,
logical, process and management controls
defined by ISO 27001
EU Model Clauses
In addition to EU Safe Harbor, Office 365 is the
first major business productivity public cloud
service provider to sign the standard
contractual clauses created by the European
Union (―EU Model Clauses‖) with all customers.
EU Model Clauses address international transfer
of data.
Associate Agreement
Office 365 is the first major business
productivity public cloud service provider to
sign requirements for the HIPAA-BAA with all
customers. HIPAA is a U.S. law that applies to
healthcare entities that governs the use,
disclosure and safeguarding of protected
health information (PHI), and imposes
requirements on covered entities to sign
business associate agreements with their
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
vendors that use and disclose PHI.
Federal Information
Security Management
Office 365 for Enterprise was granted the
Authority to Operate (ATO) under the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
by the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Office
365-ITAR was granted ATO by the United
States Department of Agriculture. Both Office
365 for Enterprise and O365-ITAR received
FISMA-Moderate level ATO
Data Processing
Microsoft offers a comprehensive standard
Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to all
customers. DPA addresses privacy, security and
handling of customer data. Our standard Data
Processing Agreement enables customers to
comply with their local regulations.
Work Management
 
 
Browser Internet Explorer 8
 
Internet Explorer 9  
Internet Explorer 10  
FireFox 10  
Mac Safari 5  
Google Chrome 17  
Server-side scheduling
engine  
Microsoft Project Server
Calculation Service
 
SharePoint and
Project App model
 
New Enterprise
Project Types  
SharePoint Tasks List  
Enterprise Project  
Authentication and
 
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Claims Authentication  
Classic Authentication  
Office 365 Security
 
> 15 years of
experience in providing
security for online data
Secure Development
The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is a
software development security assurance
process consisting of security practices
grouped by seven phases: training,
requirements, design, implementation,
verification, release, and response
5 Layers of Security
Moving productivity services to the cloud
requires a serious consideration of security and
privacy issues and technologies. Office 365 is
designed to deliver the enterprise-grade
security you require to move to the cloud with
confidence. Our data centers are designed,
built, and managed using a defense-in-depth
strategy at both the physical and logical layers,
and our services are engineered to be secure
using the Security Development Lifecycle.
Proactive Monitoring 
Operations Access
Application Security
SharePoint Permissions
 
SharePoint Permission Mode creates
SharePoint groups that directly correspond to
the default security groups found in Project
Permission Mode.
In SharePoint Permission Mode, you cannot
edit the default permissions assigned to any of
these SharePoint groups. Also, you cannot
create additional custom groups, categories,
Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) nodes, or
For details, see http://www.microsoft.com/security/sdl/default.aspx
For details, see http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26552
For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219510(v=office.15).aspx
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
edit the default permissions assigned to any of
these objects. If you need more management
of your user permissions in Project Server 2013,
you can change to Project Permission Mode.
For more information about the differences
between the two security modes available to
you in Project Server 2013
Unified security
management through
SharePoint Server
 
inheritance for PWA
and Workspaces
 
Direct authorization
against Active Directory
security groups
 
 
authorization by role-
based groups
 
Extensible and
 
Project Server
Permissions Mode 
 
authorization by role-
based groups
 
Extensible and
 
User delegation  
Ability to secure
work resources
 
Impersonation  
Security filtering
using the Resource
Breakdown Structure
 
Custom Security
 
Feature/Function Area Feature/Function
Excel PWA Import to Excel
 
PWA Import to Excel
PWA Import to Excel
Word PWA Import to Word
 
PWA Import to Word
PWA Import to Word
5 Differences between Online and On-premises
Figure 2 - On-premises Project Logical Architecture
Figure 3 - Project Online Logical Architecture Restrictions
From a database perspective, the most visible change to the data architecture from previous Project Server versions is that
Project Server 2013 combines four separate databases into a single database with different schemas.
 The default name of the Project database is ProjectService
 Draft, Published, and Archive table names have prefixes: draft., pub., and ver
 Direct access is not supported to draft, pub and ver
For Project Online specifically, the Reporting database is exposed for BI reporting via the new Open Data Protocol (OData)
Any existing reports that use direct T-SQL against the Reporting database must be recreated using OData protocol.
 Extensibility via SharePoint extensibility model
 No full-trust code
 Reporting is done via OData
not directly
accessible by
 No direct access to the SQL and OLAP databases
 Access using CSOM (PSI interfaces do not support OAuth)
 Full access to databases
 Full access to PSI and CSOM
In Project Server 2010
 Event handlers are written in full-trust code deployed on Project Server computer
 They run inside the Project Server Eventing System
In Project Server 2013 and Project Online you need to implement remote event receivers.
On-premises Project Server 2013can use both full-trust event handlers and remote event receivers.
Table 4 - Online and On-premises Differences
Tool/Feature Online On-premises Notes
Direct access to Reporting
 16
The relational Project Server Reporting
database is the core data source for
reporting. However, direct access is only
available in On-Premises Project Server
Use the new Open Data Protocol (OData)
for data mining.
Access to Reporting Data
via Odata  
OLAP Database  17
SQL Reporitng Services
(SQL Query)  18
Any existing reports that use direct T-SQL
against the Reporting database must be
recreated using OData protocol.
Excel 2010 with
PowerPivot Add-In  
Excel 2013  
Excel Services  
Team Foundcation Server
Line of Business Integration is feasible
using SharePoint Business Connectivity
Services with custom application
development depending on the scenario.
Via OData
Via OData
Via OData
Solution: Surface external data from AdventureWorks in SharePoint 2013 Preview and Office 2013 Preview (white paper)
Tool/Feature Online On-premises Notes
Dynamics Integration
 
Line of Business Integration is feasible
using SharePoint Business Connectivity
Services with custom application
development depending on the scenario.
Calendar out-of-office
 
Solution: Surface external data from AdventureWorks in SharePoint 2013 Preview and Office 2013 Preview (white paper)
6 Business Intelligence
One of the major shifts in features and functionality with Project Online from traditional on-premises Project Server is in
the area of access, extract and presentation of data for the purpose of business intelligence analysis.
Given the security concerns and management practicability of an online service, direct access to the Project Server
Reporting database is not permissible in Project Online as it would normally be so in an on-premisesProject Server
In Project Online, Open Data Access Protocol (OData) is used to access the data. Excel and Excel Services are the standard
out-of-box end-user interface tool and service with which to display project data. New Project Professional 2013 business
intelligence reports are also provided.
6.1 Open Data Access Protocol (OData)
Figure 4 - Open Data Protocol (OData)
Open Data Protocol (OData) is the protocol used for accessing Business Intelligence data in Project Online or on-premises
Project Server.
 Web-Based Open-Standards Protocol for querying data http://www.odata.org
 HTTP-based over port 80 or port 443
 Can deliver data as Atom feed, JSON or as XML document
 Available initially with SharePoint 2010 for list data, expanded in 2013
is a WCF Data Service, also known as an OData (Open Data Protocol) service. The ProjectData service is
implemented with the OData V3 libraries.
The ProjectData service enables REST queries and a variety of OData client libraries to make both online and on-premises
queries of reporting data from a Project Web App instance. For example, you can directly use a REST query in web
browsers, or use JavaScript to build web apps and client apps for mobile devices, tablets, PCs, and Mac computers. Client
libraries are available for JavaScript, the Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight, Windows Phone 8, and other
Excerpt from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj163015.aspx
languages and environments. In Project Server 2013, the ProjectData service is optimized to create pivot tables, pivot
charts, and PowerView reports for business intelligence by using the Excel 2013 desktop client and Excel Services in
When Project Server 2013 or Project Online is in Project permission mode, you can explicitly grant or deny access to the
OData feed for specified Project Web App users. For example, on the Edit User page in Project Web App, expand the
Global Permissions section, and then in the General section, select the Access Project Server Reporting Service check box
in the Allow column.
OData maps CRUD operations to HTTP verbs
 Read operations mapped to HTTP GET
 Insert operations mapped to HTP POST
 Update operations mapped to HTTP PUT or HTTP MERGE
 Delete operations mapped to HTTP DELETE
For development, use the _api entities and not the ProjectData, which is Read Only. For example to select a Project:
 http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/Projects
6.2 Project Desktop Business Intelligence
Desktop-level Business Intelligence is available in Project Standard 2013, Project Professional 2013, or Project Professional
for Office365.
The following provides a composite of the new features and functionality provided in the out-of-box Project Desktop
Business Intelligence.
 Project Manager’s view, including Master Project consolidated reports
Figure 5 - Project Overview Report
 New Project Reports (includes Burndown reporting)
Figure 6 - Project Burndown Report
 No Programs or Portfolio Views in Desktop BI
 Introduces new Cumulative fields
 New ―Excel-like‖ out of the box report templates
 Charts, tables, shapes and images to compose the report
 Copy/paste reports and individual items into Office applications
 Good for viewing and printing
 Service Account running Project Server Events Service 2010 service should be a user in PWA and be a member of
Administrators Security Group
7 Demand Management/Workflow
Demand Management process is the guiding process for Project lifecycle – from initiation to selection to planning and to
managing. It typically follows the customer business process or methodology requirements, and consists of Phases,
Stages, Project Detail Pages (SharePoint page with Web Parts), Specific Custom Fields and Workflow.
The Project Online and Project Server 2013 workflow builds on SharePoint 2013 Workflow Infrastructure and includes
Project Server 2013 specific workflow actions.
 Workflow now treated as a service in SharePoint 2013
 Moved to Workflow Manager (formerly Windows Azure Workflow Server (WAWS))
No longer runs in the content farm
No longer runs on SharePoint WFE / App servers
Harnesses the latest workflow technology from Microsoft
 SharePoint deployment drives where workflow runs
On-Premises and Hosted – Workflow Manager
 Improves stability, scalability & transparency
For a step-by-step walkthrough of demand management and workflow development, please refer to the Project Server
2013 version of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Demand Management.
7.1 Declarative – SharePoint Designer 2013
Project Online and Project Server 2013 now supports declarative workflows and using Microsoft Visio 2013 and SharePoint
Designer 2013 with no code (customization).
Projects can originate from SharePoint items (a.k.a. Ideation).
 Introducing ―Stages‖
Mitigates SharePoint Designer’s lack of loop support
Provides functionality of ―state machine‖ workflows in Workflow Foundation 3.5
 Declarative workflows have loops
Loop # times / with condition / with expression
 Declarative workflows can call REST/SOAP services
7.2 Visual Studio WCF
Custom code extensibility is possible with Visual Studio:
Hicthhiker’s Guide by Steven Haden
 SharePoint/Project 2010 Workflows
 SharePoint 2013 Workflows
Table 5 - Workflow Creation Comparison: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio
SharePoint Designer Visual Studio
Reusability Create reusable WF Create WF templates
Include in SP App 
Custom code
Custom actions Consume, not create Yes, underlying activities
Visio integration 
Debugging 
7.3 Custom Workflow Creation Process
There are four general steps
to perform to create your workflow in Microsoft Project Server 2013 or O365 Project Online:
 Plan/Vision
 Workflow Configuration: Create objects in Project Server
 Workflow Orchestration: Create workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013
 Deploy the Workflow
Demand management processes in Project Server 2013
include workflows that help you manage project proposals and
portfolio analyses.
Project Server 2013 workflows use the SharePoint Server 2013 workflow platform, which is built on version 4 of Windows
Workflow Foundation (WF4). WF4-based workflows are declarative, which means that the workflow design tool saves
workflow stages, actions, conditions, and other elements to XAML code, which is interpreted at run-time. You can use
either SharePoint Designer 2013 or Visual Studio 2012 to create declarative workflows. A workflow requires the Workflow
Manager Client 1.0 execution engine, which can be on a local server for on-premises solutions or on a remote server for
Project Online solutions.
You can use SharePoint Designer 2013 to create relatively simple declarative workflows. For complex workflows, and
workflow templates that can be reused, you can use Visual Studio 2012 to develop and debug workflows for Project Web
Hicthhiker’s Guide by Steven Haden
See reference http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ee767703.aspx
For more information, see Creating Project Workflows using Visual Studio 2012.
Use a test installation of Project Server, not a production installation, to develop and test workflows. Workflows that are
developed for pre-release versions of Project Server 2013 must be tested for the release version, and may have to be
created again and redeployed.
8 Line-of-Business Integration
A hybrid SharePoint environment is composed of SharePoint Server, typically deployed on-premises, and Microsoft Office
365 - SharePoint Online. A hybrid environment may be configured to provide one of several levels of integration,
depending on the purpose of the integration.
Hybrid SharePoint environments may provide some or all of the following functionality:
 Federated search: Users in the cloud and in your on-premises domain environment will be able to obtain search
results that include content from both locations.
 Business Connectivity Services: Makes line-of-business data available, by using Business Connectivity Services,
to applications for SharePoint and external lists in SharePoint Online.
 Single sign-on (SSO): Users who are connected to either the corporate network or Office 365 only have to
authenticate once in a given session to access resources in both the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint
 Directory synchronization: User accounts in the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain
automatically synchronize to Office 365.
 One-way or two-way server-to-server trust: A trust relationship between the on-premises SharePoint farm and
SharePoint Online that enables secure connections and data flow.
The diagram above provides the flow from a Project Online request to a Line-of-Business External Data Source through
Business Connectivity Services. Each process flow step is described below:
1) An information worker logs on to their SharePoint Online tenancy and opens an app for SharePoint or external list
that needs data from an on-premises OData data source.
2) The external list creates a request for the data and sends it to Business Connectivity Services. BCS looks at the
connection settings object and the external content type to see how to connect to the data source and what
credentials to use.
3) Step 3
a) BCS retrieves the client SSL certificate from the Secure Store in SharePoint Online. This is used for SharePoint
Online authentication to the reverse proxy.
b) BCS retrieves an OAuth token from the Access Control Service. These are the user’s credentials used for user
authentication to the SharePoint 2013 on-premises farm. The Access Control Service is part of every SharePoint
Online subscription. It is a Security Token Service that manages security tokens for users of SharePoint Online.
4) BCS sends an HTTPs request to the published endpoint for the data source. The request includes the client certificate
from the Secure Store and the user’s OAuth security token as well as a request for the data.
5) The reverse proxy authenticates the request by using the client certificate and forwards it to the CSOM pipeline of the
on-premises SharePoint 2013 farm.
6) The CSOM pipeline consults the User Profile Service to look for a mapping between the user’s OAuth security token
from ACS and the user’s domain credentials from AD DS. If one exists, the user’s domain credentials are returned to
the request.
7) The user’s domain credentials are used to authenticate to the SharePoint on-premises site that receives Hybrid
requests and the request is passed to the SharePoint on-premises BCS service.
8) The SharePoint on-premises BCS retrieves the credentials that are used to authenticate to the external data source
from the SharePoint on-premises Secure Store Service.
9) The SharePoint on-premises BCS service passes the request for data along with the external data credentials to the
OData service head which then performs the desired operations on the external data and returns the results to the
SharePoint Online user.
9 Extensibility
Project Server 2013/SharePoint 2013 architecture is based on:
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
 Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 pages
 Client Side Object Model (CSOM) programming interfaces
 OData Open Data Protocol
 OAuth Security in App Model
Project Extensibility relies and inherits many platform extensibility investments from Office 2013, Office365, SharePoint
2013 and SharePoint Online.
 The same development tools and principles
 Apps for Office extensibility (based on Web Extensibility Framework)
 APIs (CSOM, JSOM, OData interfaces….)
Project 2013 builds on Project 2010 extensibility.
 All customization options and extensibility platforms from Project 2010 are still available in Project 2013
Extensive customization options
 New Project Reports (includes burndown reporting and built-in dashboards)
 Custom Fields
 Views
 Visual Reports
 Ribbon
Extensibility options
 New Apps for Office
 Object Model
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Component Object Model (COM) Add-ins
9.1 CSOM and JSOM
CSOM is a Client-Side Object Model API.
 New and main extensibility model for Project Server
Could be leveraged through the following:
 Microsoft .Net CSOM (language C# or VB#) (synchronous)
 Microsoft SilverLight CSOM (asynchronous)
 Windows Phone 7 CSOM (asynchronous)
 JavaScript object model (JSOM) using JavaScript language
JSOM is JavaScript Object Model
 Exposing the same objects as CSOM
 Deployed as custom application page, app parts, and ribbon extensions
 Calls to the server are asynchronous
Already available with SharePoint 2010
9.2 Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
Track using ODATA and customize using CSOM
Project CSOM is an extension of SharePoint CSOM
Project apps work exactly like SharePoint apps
Project Server 2013 Preview extensibility builds on the Project Server 2010
Customization / no code:
 Enterprise Custom Fields, Views (including Web Parts and Web Part Pages), Timesheets, (NEW OPTIONS) Security,
(NEW OPTIONS) Reporting/Business Intelligence (BI), (NEW OPTIONS) Project ―Demand Management‖
Extensibility / code:
 Web Services – Project Server Interface (PSI) & Event Handlers
 (NEW) Client Side Object Model (CSOM) & Remote Event Receivers
 (NEW OPTIONS) Project Workflow (based on SharePoint 2013 Workflow)
 (EXTENDED) Project sites (SharePoint Sites)
 Leverage other Advanced SharePoint Workloads (Excel Services, Visio Services, PerformancePoint,…)
 (NEW) In-product Marketplace
Table 6 - Extensibility Features
New Feature SharePoint 2013 Project 2013 Notes
New App model Full Full Apps can be published in the Marketplace
CSOM Full Full
Javascript Full Full Using CSOM
Windows Phone Full Full Using CSOM
Silverlight Full Full Using CSOM
Workflow Full Full Including SharePoint Designer
Server Object Model
Full Full - additional
Web Services
PSI web services interface
LINQ Full Partial Yes, for custom web parts and some others
Odata Full Full
Remote Event Receiver Full Full
Apps for Office Full Full
SharePoint Desinger 2013
Full Partial Project Workflows, Project sites, No PWA
Dedicated Reporting
Not included Full Including multi-dimensional OLAP database
Available using Odata when Online
Development platform
with Visual Studio 2010,
Visual Studio 2010 RC
Windows 7 and
Windows Server
2008 R2
Windows 7 and
Server 2008 R2
and higher
Windows 7 and higher for CSOM
 OData
Architecture Style
 REST (relies on XML and HTTP)
 WCF: runtime + set of APIs
Object Models and set of API
 OAuth
When to use CSOM?
 The CSOM can be used both for Project Server Online solutions and for on-premises solutions
 If you want/need OAuth CSOM is the only way for a programmatic access to Project Server Online
 Suggested for new developments and to develop Project apps for the Office and SharePoint Store
Scenarios to use CSOM
 Develop apps that extend Project Server
 Automate the creation or management of entities in Project Server
 Get data from the published tables of the Project database
 Validate statusing and timesheet data
 Integrate with accounting systems
 Automate updates from team members
 Evaluate Project Server data in remote event receivers
 Support declarative Project Server workflows
 App that requires to call another Project Server Service in its implementation (use of OAuth)
9.3 Apps for Office
Figure 7 - Apps for Office
Apps for Office are web pages loaded inside an Office Application:
 Embedded inline or as task pane within documents, emails or appointments.
 Works in both Office Applications and Office Web Applications
Allow Office applications to leverage Web technologies:
 HTML 5 and CSS for rendering user interface
 JavaScript and jQuery to add behavior
 Calls to REST APIs to retrieve and update data from across network
Web Extensibility Framework (WEF) allows:
 Web page content to render inside an Office Application
 Web page code to run within a set of constraints
 Web page code to interact with Office documents
 Web page code to interact with Exchange items
WEF is the development platform used to build Apps for Office:
 Apps for Office provide basis for a component architecture
 Apps for Office provide foundation for an Office Store and App Catalogs
 Apps for Office can be deployed in private networks
 "Agave" was a codename for Apps for Office in pre-release version
9.4 Extensibility: Online versus On-premises
To help you decide whether to use Project Server on-premises or Project Online, and what kinds of extensions you can
develop in either case, Table 2 compares the extensible features of an on-premises installation of Project Server 2013 with
Project Online. Table 2 does not include differences in deployment, administration, or usage. For more information about
Project Online and Project Server 2013, see Project 2013 for developers and Project Online Preview.
Table 7- Developing in Project Online versus On-premises
Feature Project Online Project Server on-premises
Programmability CSOM-based apps; consistent
programming model
.NET, Silverlight, Windows
Phone client libraries
JavaScript library for
custom pages, Web Parts,
and ribbon extensions
OData and REST protocols
Can use the PSI, but not
supported: no OAuth and no
service-to-service connections
No extensions of the CSOM API
No custom permissions
No impersonation
No full-trust code
CSOM-based apps; consistent
programming model
.NET, Silverlight, Windows Phone
client libraries
JavaScript library for custom
pages, Web Parts, and ribbon
OData and REST protocols
PSI-based apps; complex programming
model, can also create apps for
administration, portfolio analysis,
notifications, Project mode security,
queue system, and other areas
PSI extensions
Custom permissions with Project mode
security (deprecated)
Impersonation with the PSI (deprecated)
Full-trust code; install extensions in
SharePoint farm
SQL Azure
SQL Server (modification of
reporting tables and views in the
Project Server database is not
SQL Azure
SQL Server (modification of reporting
tables and views in the Project Server
database is not supported)
Reporting ProjectData service; OData and
REST protocols
ProjectData service; OData and REST
Feature Project Online Project Server on-premises
Reporting tables and views in the Project
Server database
OLAP database
Event handlers Remote event receivers, accessible
through WCF endpoints
Remote event receivers, accessible
through WCF endpoints
Full-trust event handlers, installed in
SharePoint farm
Workflows Declarative workflows, created
with SharePoint Designer 2013
Use only on a specific
Project Web App instance
Can import a workflow
design from Visio 2013
Can import and use custom
Declarative workflows, created
with Visual Studio 2012
Create an app that can
include workflows
Create a SharePoint
solution package (.wsp)
that can include workflows
Create workflow templates
for reuse
Create and use custom
Declarative workflows, created with
SharePoint Designer 2013
Use only on a specific Project Web
App instance
Can import a workflow design
from Visio 2013
Can import and use custom
Declarative workflows, created with
Visual Studio 2012
Create an app that can include
Create a SharePoint solution
package (.wsp) that can include
Create workflow templates for
Create and use custom actions
Can use legacy compiled workflows,
created with WF3.5 (recommend upgrade
to declarative WF4 workflow)
Distribution Office Store
Private app catalog on SharePoint
Office Store (for CSOM-based apps)
Private app catalog on SharePoint
Intranet file share
10Setting up Project Online
Setting up Project Online starts with signing up for Office 365.
 Sign up for Office 365
Sign up for a new Project Online Preview tenant here
Add users to Project Web App for Project Online
Create a user
Share PWA
SharePoint & Project Administration Center
Site Collections
Site Collection with Project Web App
 Get started with Project Web App
Create or import projects.
Use reports. Gain insight.
Share your site.
 Get started with Project Pro for Office 365
Click-to-run: streaming technology, quickly installs Project Pro for Office 365 over the Internet, internal networks,
local file systems or from offline media
No install necessary, instantly streamed using App-V
Always run the latest version of Microsoft Project
Login to have files and settings follow you
Runs side-by-side with existing Project applications
10.1 Click to Run: Installing Project Professional for Office 365
Click-to-Run is a Microsoft streaming and virtualization technology that you can use to install and update Project
Professional for Office 365 and other Office products. These streaming and virtualization capabilities are based on
technologies in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V). In Office 2010, Click-to-Run was available to consumer users
only. In Office 2013, Click-to-Run supports large enterprise deployments.
Table 8 - Click to Run
Installing by Click-to-Run Installing by Windows Installer (MSI)
Streaming technology Faster to download and install
Allows Office use before
installation completion
Install features on as-needed
Non-streaming installation
Office use only after installation
Isolated installation Allows side-by-side Office
Installing by Click-to-Run Installing by Windows Installer (MSI)
Always up-to-date27
Up-to-date from the start
Updated automatically over
Manually download Office Service
Packs and Cumulative Update
Locally installed  
Deploy on-premises by common
software management tools like SCCM  
Enforce Office Group Policy  
For more information about the Click-to-Run setup process, see Click-to-Run for Office 365 setup architecture overview.
Note that even though the Office product runs in a self-contained environment, the Office product can interact with the
other applications that are installed on the computer. Macros, in-document automation, and cross-Office product
interoperability will work. Click-to-Run is also designed to allow locally-installed add-ins and dependent applications to
work with it. However, there is the possibility that some add-ins or other integration points with Office might behave
differently or might not work when you are using Click-to-Run.
The earlier version of Office that is already installed on the computer must be one of the following versions of Office: Office 2010, Office 2007, or Office
2003. The versions of Office installed must be the same edition. For example, both Office installations are 32-bit edition.
You can view the update status of a Click-to-Run product in the Backstage view of the program
Migrating a Project Server instance into Project Online can be straightforward as in direct subscription or can require a
sequence of steps depending on the source instance.
Table 9 - Migration Scenarios
Scenario Project Server 2007 Project Server 2010 Project Online
On-premisesProject Server 2013 N/A N/A Migrate
Existing hosted 2010 customers N/A Migrate Migrate
Existing 2007 customers N/A Upgrade Migrate
Existing 2003 customers Upgrade Upgrade Migrate
Project Desktop only customers N/A N/A N/A
New customers N/A N/A Subscribe
Existing 2010 customers N/A N/A Migrate
11.1 What kinds of data can be migrated
The following data elements can be imported manually or semi-automatically through custom VBA or a third-party tool:
Table 10 - Data that can be migrated
Data Project Online On-
Projects  
Resources  
Custom Fields  
Organizer data  
Calendars  
Security Groups  
Security Categories  
Archive 
Quick Launch  
Views  
Task Configuration and Settings  
Timesheet Configuration and
 
Project Site Configuration  
Enterprise Resource Pool  
Custom Event Handlers  
EPTs  
PDPs  
Phases  
States  
Workflow  
Reports  
11.2 Full Manual Migration
The following table provides the Project versions that can be migrated manually.
Project Online does not offer the Database Attach upgrade method that is available to On-premisesProject Server 2013.
on Azure
on PaaS
Direct Open/Save
Project 2003     
Project 2007     
Project 2010     
Project 2013     
In-place Upgrade
DB Attach Migration    
11.3 Partially Automated Migration
Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
The Project object model can be used with VBA or with VSTO
. The Project object model includes seven new classes, 292
new members, and many new enumeration constants that support many new features in Project Standard 2013 and
Project Professional 2013, including:
 Create new reports that can have tables and charts with task and resource fields, can include Office Art features,
and can be both manually and programmatically modified.
 Manipulate the Task Path properties to dynamically show how predecessor tasks affect scheduling of a selected
task, and how the selected task affects scheduling of successor tasks.
 Monitor the Active Cache to show the status of saving, publishing, and checking in a project to Project Web App.
 Work with SharePoint tasks lists in four different ways, to help realize the goal of managing and visualizing all of
your work in one place.
The following illustrates a basic method for partially automating project file migration using VBA macros in Project
Professional client. The steps are summarized as follows:
Excerpt from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj651153(v=office.15).aspx
 From Project Center, export a project list into Excel.
 Open the Excel file in Project Professional while logged into the source Project Server.
 Create a VBA Export macro in Project Professional.
Figure 8 - VBA Export Macro
 Execute the VBA macro to export the projects from the source Project Server to a file folder.
You may encounter prompts for individual project update requirements to which you must respond manually in
order to continue macro execution.
 Open the Excel file in Project Professional 2013 while connected to Project Online.
 Create a VBA Import macro in Project Professional 2013.
Figure 9 - VBA Import Macro30
 Execute the VBA macro to import the projects from the file folder to the target Project Server.
You may encounter prompts for individual project update requirements to which you must respond manually in
order to continue macro execution.
 Publish the projects through Project Professional 2013.
Sample from http://azlav.umtblog.com/2012/12/11/exporting-mpp-files-with-vba/
Sample from http://azlav.umtblog.com/2012/12/12/importing-files-to-project-online-with-vba/
Consider a utility such as Sample from http://epmsource.com/2012/11/23/building-your-first-project-server-app-part-1-getting-
Sub ImportProjects()
Dim T As Task
Dim fName As String
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
fName = T.Name
Application.FileOpenEx Name:="C:Exports" & fName & ".mpp",
ReadOnly:=False, FormatID:="MSProject.MPP"
Application.FileSaveAs Name:="<>" & fName, FormatID:=""
Application.FileCloseEx pjSave, True, False
Next T
End Sub
Sub ExportProjects()
Dim T As Task
Dim fName As String
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
fName = T.Name
Application.FileOpenEx Name:="<>" & fName, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True
Application.FileSaveAs Name:="C:Exports" & fName,
Application.FileCloseEx pjDoNotSave, CheckIn:=True
Next T
End Sub
11.4 Third-Party Tools
FluentPro Cloud Migrator
Migrateprojects from Project Server 2010 to Project Online.
FluentPro Project Migrator for Project Server 2013 Online is small add-on for Project Professional 2013 that allows
migration of project schedules from Project Server 2010 to Project Server 2013 Online with project-level and task-level
custom field values. The product is delivered as part of Cloud Migrator Free and Pro editions.
Supported configuration elements:
 Custom fields and Lookup tables
 Views
 EPT and PDP
 Workflow Stages and Phases
 Tasks and Timesheet Settings
 Resources
 Time Reporting and Financial Periods
 Projects are supported with license of FluentPro Project Migrator (add-in for Project Professional 2013); license is
provided as part of the package
 Templates Migration
 Security Configuration Migration (Project Security Mode)
 Project Sites (Risks, Issues and Document Libraries)
 OLAP Settings
Metalogix Content Matrix
MetaVis offers several products and product suites such as MetaVis Migrator Online and MetaVis Office 365 Suite
particular for migrating from on-premisesSharePoint Server to SharePoint Online.
Metavis offers the following features:
 Migrate Content: Bulk migrate and copy entire lists, libraries, sites and site collection along with web parts, views,
permissions, versions and many more SharePoint objects.
 Copy Multiple Items: Copy multiple selected items between folders, lists, sites, farms or tenants while
simultaneously modifying or retaining an item's content type and metadata.
See http://fluentpro.com/productsprojectmigrator.html
For more details on Metalogix Content Matrix, see http://www.metalogix.com/Products/Content-Matrix.aspx
For MetaVis product comparison, see http://metavistech.com/features/26.25
 Upload From File Shares: Bulk upload files and folders from file shares into a SharePoint library while assigning
each a content type and metadata. Map values from folder names or file system properties to SharePoint fields.
 Retain Metadata: Keep an item's metadata intact during migration, including created and modified properties.
 Migrate from Other Environments: Move content from FAT/NTFS File Shares, Exchange Public Folders and Google
 Manage Permissions: Browse, add, edit and delete SharePoint groups, users, permissions and permission levels in
a visual hierarchical structure of site collections, sites, lists and individual items.
 Security Analysis: Perform real-time security analysis including Permissions given to users and inheritance reports.
 Backup: Create a backup of Office 365 SharePoint content storing it in local or cloud-based storage locations.
 Archive: Archive and copy Office 365 SharePoint content to a file system.
12Alternatives to Project Online
Figure 10 - Project Online Alternatives for Control
Figure 11 - On-premises, IaaS, PaaS and Online
Figure 12 - Cloud Clients and Cloud Services
12.1 Windows Azure: Infrastructure-As-A-Service
Windows Azure VM is a Microsoft offering of Infrastructure-as-as-Service.
12.2 Office 365: Software-As-A-Service
Office 365 is a Microsoft offering of Software-As-A-Service. Project Online is a service offered with Office 365.
12.3 Partner Hosting Services
Several Microsoft partners offer On-Demand Hosting Services for Project Server 2010.
Microsoft Project Server 2010 with a browser-based partner hosted offers the following advantages:
 Accelerate deployment and reduce IT infrastructure costs
 Pay as you go with monthly per user subscription pricing
 Single sign on and federation with Active Directory (AD)
 Standard infrastructure for dynamic, rapidly deployed solutions
 Enterprise class reliability and support
Project Hosts
Project Hosts provides on demand Microsoft® Enterprise Project Management (EPM), CRM, and Microsoft SharePoint®
Server services. Our hosted services allow your organization to rollout these applications faster, more reliably, and at a
lower cost than deploying them in-house. Our Microsoft EPM solution, CRM, and SharePoint Server SaaS options include
Online Tours, Trials, Interim Hosting, and Long-Term Hosting which can help you throughout the product evaluation and
deployment process.
EPM Solutions
Back in 2002, EPM Solutions was the first on-demand hosting service provider for Microsoft Project Server in the United
States. We pioneered the approach then, and today we are continuing to lead the way. The level of service and the options
we offer are unmatched in the industry. This is one of the reasons we have the most successful customers in the industry.
With a strong infrastructure, a proven methodology and a broad range of end-to-end services, EPM Solutions’ hosting
packages meet the needs of most companies, from a basic package to a complete enterprise turn-key solution that
directly address deployment concerns on top of the infrastructure concerns.
VirtualePM from RCM Technologies is an easy to use, on demand project, portfolio, and resource management tool built
directly from Microsoft Project Server 2010. Pricing is simple and straight forward, and the solution can be ready to use in
as little as three weeks.
BeMo - Project Intelligence is a certified Microsoft Partner that specializes exclusively in Project Server 2010 hosting
solutions. Offering highly dependable, ready in 30-minutes, access to the best on-demand, EPM Software as a service, our
goal is to enable companies of any size to be as effective as possible in managing their projects.
Nintex Workflow for Project Server(www.nintex.com)
12.4 Hybrid35
A hybrid SharePoint environment is composed of SharePoint Server, typically deployed on-premises, and Microsoft Office
365 - SharePoint Online. A hybrid environment may be configured to provide one of several levels of integration,
depending on the purpose of the integration.
Hybrid SharePoint environments may provide some or all of the following functionality:
An overview of the SharePoint 2013 Hybrid solution is here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj838715.aspx
 Federated search: Users in the cloud and in your on-premises domain environment will be able to obtain search
results that include content from both locations.
 Business Connectivity Services: Makes line-of-business data available, by using Business Connectivity Services,
to applications for SharePoint and external lists in SharePoint Online.
 Single sign-on (SSO): Users who are connected to either the corporate network or Office 365 only have to
authenticate once in a given session to access resources in both the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint
 Directory synchronization: User accounts in the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain
automatically synchronize to Office 365.
 One-way or two-way server-to-server trust: A trust relationship between the on-premises SharePoint farm and
SharePoint Online that enables secure connections and data flow.
The section Line-of-Business Integration above offers more detail on the processing flow for a Hybrid implementation.
Appendix A: A Primer to Open Data Protocol (OData)
Entity Data Model (EDM) http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/ProjectData/$metadata
Table 11 - OData Project Data Objects
Object URL
Project .../api/ProjectData/Project/
Tasks …/api/ProjectData/Tasks/
Issues …/api/ProjectData/Issues/
Risks …/api/ProjectData/Risks/
Assignments …/api/ProjectData/Assignments/
ResourceTimephasedDataSet …/api/ProjectData/ResourceTimephasedDataSet/
Resources …/api/ProjectData/Resources/
Figure 13 - Get specific fields only
Figure 14 - Limiting the data: filter or use select
Figure 15 - Get an entity collection by using an association
$filter=ProjectStartDate gt datetime'2012-01-01T00:00:00'&
Appendix B: Anatomy of an App for Office
Project desktop 2013 Preview specifics:
 Task Pane Experience
 Can Read Data from document, can’t write into the MPP file
 Does not support binding with MPP file or persistence of data in the MPP file
 Specific Project set of APIs
Access to Tasks, Resources, Views, and Project containers
E.g. getTask(), getTaskProperty(), getSelectedTask()
Events for task, resource, view selection changed
E.g. taskSelectionChanged()
Possible Project scenarios
Surfacing Project related data from SharePoint Server 2013 Preview and/or Project Server 2013 Preview in Office Desktop
 Team communication – calendars, discussions, including contextual Project documentation
 Contextual data insights and analysis
Including Line of Business Application data
 Resource management
 Portfolio Management
Each App for Office is based on an XML-based manifest:
 Manifest points to a Web page
 Manifest defines the type of the App for Office
 Manifest defines which Office applications it supports
 Manifest defines required capabilities
Development Tools
Text Editor:
 HTML webpage(s) and related JavaScript files(s), CSS files and REST queries
 XML manifest file
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 + Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012:
 ―App for Office 2013‖ templates
 Allows comfortable debugging experience
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 on the development computer and on the deployment computers
VBA object model additions:
 New classes: 7
 Class members new: 292
 New enumerations: 3
 New enumeration members: 229
 New classes are for
Shape (Office Art)
Appendix C: Class Libraries, Entities, CSOM, JSOM and PSI
Table 12 - Project Server Class Libraries
Language Library Name
Microsoft .Net client library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.dll assembly
Silverlight library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.Sliverlight.dll assembly
Windows Phone 7 library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.Phone.dll assembly
JavaScript library for web applications PS.js file or PS.debug.js file
Table 13 - Project Server Primary Entities
Base class Contains the common properties for entities
Creation information class Contains the properties used to create an entity
Draft class Includes the read/write properties for editing
Published class Includes the read only properties
Draft collection Includes the Add, GetById and the Remove
Published Collection Includes the GetById for reading or for checking out
Table 14 - CSOM and PSI Comparison
Feature CSOM PSI
Complexity for methods
and properties
Uses object name Uses GUID, changeXml parameters, datasets
Accessibility One WCF service: client.svc 22 public web services
Initialization ProjectContext Using WCF reference or proxy assemblies
Platform On Premises & Online On Premises (Online limitation no OAuth
Scheduling Engine Same as Project web app and Project
Use QueueUpdateProject2
Project Entities Restrictions exist - please refer to the
Project SDK for most up-to-date
Restrictions exist
Table 15 - CSOM and JSOM ProjectContext Properties
CSOM (.Net, Silberlight, Windows Phone) JSOM
CustomFields customFields
EnterpriseProjectTypes enterpeirseProjectTypes
EnterpriseResources enterpriseResources
EntityTypes entityTypes
EventHandlers eventHandlers
Events events
LookupTables lookupTables
Phases phases
Projects projects
Stages stages
WorkflowActivities workflowActivities
WorkflowDesigner workflowDesigner
Appendix D: References
Table 16 - References
Product http://www.microsoft.com/project
Blog http://blogs.office.com/project
TechNet http://technet.microsoft.com/projectserver
MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/project
Forums http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/project
Best Practices for Project
Server 2013
Link to Rob Bowers whitepaper
Hitchhiker’s Guide to
Demand Management for
Project Server 2012
Customization and
Link to Olivier Leymand’s whitepaper
Migration http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/deployment-support.aspx
Cloud Migration: Office 365 Capability and Technical Fit Assessment (Whitepaper )
Project Online Support http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/support.aspx
BI platform investments http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/sharepoint/fp142398
OData standard http://www.odata.org/
Project SDK http://msdn.Microsoft.com/project
Best practices for submitting
and reporting on actual work
(Project Server 2010)
Timesheet Improvements for
End Users in Project Web
Timesheet Improvements for
Administrators and
Developers in Project Web
Plan user access in Project
Server 2013 Preview
How to: Build and deploy
workflow custom actions
Sample: SharePoint 2013
workflow: Create a custom
Demand Management topics
and workflow creation in the
Project SDK
Demand Management, Now
with SharePoint Designer
Office Store OppoDrtunity http://blogs.office.com/b/office-next/archive/2012/08/06/introducing-apps-for-
Existing apps in the Office
Office Store Publishing
VBA changes object model
Table of Tables
Table 1 - Project Compatibility Matrix.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 2 - New and Improved Features and Functionality..................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 3 – Differences between Project Online and On-premises Project....................................................................................................... 9
Table 4 - Online and On-premises Differences.......................................................................................................................................................21
Table 5 - Workflow Creation Comparison: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio ................................................................................28
Table 6 - Extensibility Features......................................................................................................................................................................................33
Table 7- Developing in Project Online versus On-premises..............................................................................................................................36
Table 8 - Click to Run ........................................................................................................................................................................................................38
Table 9 - Migration Scenarios........................................................................................................................................................................................40
Table 10 - Data that can be migrated.........................................................................................................................................................................40
Table 11 - OData Project Data Objects ......................................................................................................................................................................49
Table 12 - Project Server Class Libraries....................................................................................................................................................................52
Table 13 - Project Server Primary Entities .................................................................................................................................................................52
Table 14 - CSOM and PSI Comparison.......................................................................................................................................................................52
Table 15 - CSOM and JSOM ProjectContext Properties......................................................................................................................................53
Table 16 - References........................................................................................................................................................................................................54
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - Project Online Scale and Complexity Graph ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2 - On-premises Project Logical Architecture............................................................................................................................................19
Figure 3 - Project Online Logical Architecture Restrictions................................................................................................................................20
Figure 4 - Open Data Protocol (OData) .....................................................................................................................................................................23
Figure 5 - Project Overview Report..............................................................................................................................................................................25
Figure 6 - Project Burndown Report............................................................................................................................................................................25
Figure 7 - Apps for Office ................................................................................................................................................................................................35
Figure 8 - VBA Export Macro..........................................................................................................................................................................................42
Figure 9 - VBA Import Macro.........................................................................................................................................................................................42
Figure 10 - Project Online Alternatives for Control...............................................................................................................................................45
Figure 11 - On-premise, IaaS, PaaS and Online......................................................................................................................................................45
Figure 12 - Cloud Clients and Cloud Services..........................................................................................................................................................46
Figure 13 - Get specific fields only...............................................................................................................................................................................49
Figure 14 - Limiting the data: filter or use select....................................................................................................................................................49
Figure 15 - Get an entity collection by using an association.............................................................................................................................49
Jean Francois Lesaux, Microsoft Regional Architect, for review, feedback and guidance throughout the development of this
My wife Marian and my children, Julian and Jessica, for their patience, their encouragement and the constant reminder
that life is also about the journey of discovery and the milestones of insight.

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Office 365 Project Online - Comprehensive Guide

  • 1. © 2013 MICROSOFT CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO PROJECT ONLINE By Emmanuel Fadullon, Principal Consultant, Microsoft Services This document is provided ―as-is‖. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. This document is confidential and proprietary to Microsoft. It is disclosed and can be used only pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement.
  • 2. © 2012 MICROSOFT CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL. DISTRIBUTION ONLY TO PARTNERS UNDER NONDISCLOSURE. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 2 A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO PROJECT ONLINE Office 365 is a Software As A Service (SaaS) cloud services platform that providesaccess from anywhere to familiar office applications: email, calendar, high definition video conferencing, enterprise social networking and most up- to-date documents, across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets. Project Online is the Project Portfolio Management component service in Office 365. It is procured as a standalone service or added as part of an Office 365 Enterprise (E 1 ) Service Plan. This whitepaper provides comprehensive guidance for technical decision makers who are considering a Project Portfolio Management Information System in the cloud with Office 365/Project Online rather than the traditional, on-premisesversion of Project Server. 1 For details, see Office 365 E Service Plan - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise.aspx
  • 3. Table of contents 1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................1 2 What is Project Online...................................................................................................................3 2.1 SharePoint Task Lists 3 2.2 Project Professional for Office 365 4 2.3 Project Web App 4 2.4 Project Online with Project Professional for Office 365 4 3 What’s New and Improved..........................................................................................................5 4 Online versus On-premises .........................................................................................................9 5 Differences between Online and On-premises.................................................................19 6 Business Intelligence ....................................................................................................................23 6.1 Open Data Access Protocol (OData) 23 6.2 Project Desktop Business Intelligence 24 7 Demand Management/Workflow...........................................................................................27 7.1 Declarative – SharePoint Designer 2013 27 7.2 Visual Studio WCF 27 7.3 Custom Workflow Creation Process 28 8 Line-of-Business Integration.....................................................................................................29 9 Extensibility ......................................................................................................................................31 9.1 CSOM and JSOM 32 9.2 Client Side Object Model (CSOM) 32 9.3 Apps for Office 35 9.4 Extensibility: Online versus On-premises 36 10 Setting up Project Online...........................................................................................................38 10.1 Click to Run: Installing Project Professional for Office 365 38
  • 4. © 2012 MICROSOFT CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL. DISTRIBUTION ONLY TO PARTNERS UNDER NONDISCLOSURE. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 4 11 Migration...........................................................................................................................................40 11.1 What kinds of data can be migrated 40 11.2 Full Manual Migration 41 11.3 Partially Automated Migration 41 11.4 Third-Party Tools 43 12 Alternatives to Project Online...................................................................................................45 12.1 Windows Azure: Infrastructure-As-A-Service 46 12.2 Office 365: Software-As-A-Service 46 12.3 Partner Hosting Services 46 12.4 Hybrid 47 Appendix A: A Primer to Open Data Protocol (OData).......................................................49 Appendix B: Anatomy of an App for Office.............................................................................50 Possible Project scenarios 50 Anatomy 50 Development Tools 51 Appendix C: Class Libraries, Entities, CSOM, JSOM and PSI .............................................52 Appendix D: References...................................................................................................................54 Table of Tables......................................................................................................................................56 Table of Figures....................................................................................................................................57 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................58
  • 5. 1 1 Overview Office 365 is a Software As A Service (SaaS) cloud services platform that provides anywhere access to familiar office applications:email, calendar, high definition video conferencing, enterprise social networking and most up-to-date documents, across your devices – from PCs to smartphones to tablets. Project Online is the Project Portfolio Management component service in Office 365. It is procured as a standalone service or added as part of an Office 365 Enterprise (E 2 ) Service Plan. This whitepaper provides comprehensive guidance for technical decision makers who are considering a Project Portfolio Management Information System in the cloud with Office 365/Project Online rather thanthe traditional, on-premises version of Project Server. The most compelling value proposition for Project Online over On-premise Project can be summarized as follows:  Easy startup: Simple, predictable, low cost per user licensing basis (monthly subscription fee)  99.9% guaranteed uptimes: Microsoft offers guaranteed, financially-backed uptimes. Office 365 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Office 365 employs robust disaster recovery capability, globally-redundant back-ups. Office 365 provides phone support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Security: Extensive privacy features and industry-standard security certification including HIPAA. Filters help protect users against spam and viruses.  Zero server footprint: There are no upfront infrastructure costs  No IT maintenance needed: You no longer have to commit IT resources to tasks such as updates, disaster recovery, and maintenance. Also, preventive maintenance scripts are run on your databases to prevent problems before they happen. All operational maintenance is handled through the Project Online service.  Evergreen service: Latest, most stable application version for the most advanced and improved user experience (i.e. service packs or cumulative updates/hotfixes applied)  Multi-national: Available in 88 countries and regions, 32 languages While the IT, availability, security and cost efficiencies are apparent, it is important to have a clear understanding of what Project Online can and cannot support.Knowing these things, you will be fully armed with the information to determine whether Project Online is a good fit for yourorganization. Apart from core project data, particularly schedules and resources, there are other critical areas to consider, including configuration, security, workspace, Business Intelligence reports and custom Line-of-Business integration. Equally diverse are the various scenarios and strategies to consider. This document provides an overview of migration requirements from previous Project Server versions, namely 2010, 2007, and 2003, including hosted 2010 implementations. The platform cloud service known as Windows Azure is also described to distinguish what it offers vis-à-vis Project Online. 2 For details, see Office 365 E Service Plan - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise.aspx
  • 6. 2 Then there are the tools, utilities and techniques to consider, including vendor solutions such as FluentPro, which has an extensive collection of migration tools. Additional references to related whitepapers are also provided, particularly around migrating custom workflow and custom Line of Business integration.
  • 7. 3 2 What is Project Online Project Online is the Project and Portfolio Management service offered in Office 365 to host, track and manage enterprise projects. Project Online is the online version of Project Server 2013 and, as with previous versions, it is hosted on SharePoint Server 2013, which is used for collaboration—particularly project sites. Project Web App and Project Professional for Office 365 Project Online are the primary end-user interfaces to Project Online. Project Online provides business-critical applications including the following Project Portfolio Management capabilities:  Innovation Management  Application Lifecycle Management  New Product Development  New Product Development Depending on the scale and complexity of project and portfolio management required, Project and SharePoint Online can be adapted accordingly. Figure 1 - Project Online Scale and Complexity Graph 2.1 SharePoint Task Lists The basic concept of scheduling begins with task lists. By providing the ability to synchronize SharePoint Task Lists in Project Online, the organization can begin to grow from simple silos of individual or team tasks to more complex, enterprise projects that depend on various divisions within an organization to be successful.
  • 8. 4 2.2 Project Professional for Office 365 Project Professional for Office 365 is the full scheduling tool for enterprise projects intended for use by project managers and resource managers. 2.3 Project Web App Project Web App is the browser-based 3 user interface for Project Online intended for viewing and collaboration with project participants, including team members and business decision makers. 2.4 Project Online with Project Professional for Office 365 The combination of Project Professional for Office 365 with Project Online provides full, enterprise-level scheduling and collaboration among all project participants —project managers, resource managers, PMO, and business decision makers. The following table defines the Project Professional client compatibility with Project Server and Project Online. Table 1 - Project Compatibility Matrix Project Server 2007 Project Server 2010 Project Server 2013 / Project Online Project Professional 2013 Project Pro for Office 365  Project Professional 2010  Project Professional 2007  4  3 Requires at least Internet Explorer 7 or the latest versions for Safari and Firefox 4 Only in Backwards Compatibility Mode (required SP2)
  • 9. 5 3 What’s New and Improved The following table provides a comprehensive overview of what’s new and improved in Project Online since the release of Project Server 2010. Table 2 - New and Improved Features and Functionality Feature/Function New Improved Notes User Interface  Simplified: reduced ribbon, add-line improvements User Interaction  Carry-forward admin lines, grouping and sorting Non-project time tracking  Filter categories by department  Control view defaults  Grouping and sorting, Always show admin categories Timesheet managers list  Non-fixed approval routing Close tasks for update  Log level manager  Eventing model  Feedback (OnUpdating, OnSubmitting) Adjustment (OnReviewing, OnSubmitting) Performance  Data Retention  Timesheet jobs out of queue  Work Management Service  Aggregate tasks centrally: view work and to-dos, newsfeed tasks caching OOB task aggregation with SharePoint, Exchange and Project Server No config options in Central Admin Provider model implementation dependent to enable future integration of additional systems
  • 10. 6 Feature/Function New Improved Notes Web Tier  Reduced Page load time WAN optimizations Direct Business Objects database queries for non-queue jobs Application Tier  Queue service optimization Reduced DB requests AD Synchronization Improvements Database Tier  Optimized security validation Data transfer improvements (i.e. using Table Value Parameters) SQL best practices (i.e. daily maintenance jobs) Homepage  72% improvement of page load times Project Schedule  90% improvement of page load times Resource Center  71% improvement of page load times Timesheet  50% improvement of page load times Multi-browser support  Full PWA support for: Internet Explorer 10, 9, 8 FireFox 10 Safari 5 Google Chrome 17 Server-side scheduling engine  Implemented as a Windows service - Microsoft Project Server Calculation Server 2013 On par with Project 2013 client scheduling engine
  • 11. 7 Feature/Function New Improved Notes SharePoint and Project app model  An app is typically a self-contained, interactive program that performs a small number of related tasks SharePoint applications no longer live in SharePoint. Within apps, SharePoint 2013 decouples server-side code from the server, enabling you to run server-side code from outside SharePoint, in the cloud 5 Custom code executes in the client, cloud or on-premises Apps are granted permissions to SharePoint via OAuth Apps communicate with SharePoint via REST / CSOM Acquire apps via centralized Marketplace Apps are for End Users Cloud & Web-Oriented SharePoint Tasks List Project  Team site is in control, tasks are managed in SharePoint Enterprise Project Type This is when Project Server has full control of the Projects and Tasks New “grow-up” mode  Activate/Deactivate PPM Features  Connected SharePoint Site  5 For details, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/office/apps/fp179930(v=office.15)#SPappoverview_where
  • 12. 8 Feature/Function New Improved Notes Authentication and Authorization  Default is Claims authentication Claims authentication cookie (―FedAuth‖ cookie) is tracked at the Distributed Cache Service level Classic authentication enabled via Windows PowerShell (not through UI) No need to re-authenticate at each WFE like in SharePoint 2010 SharePoint Permission Mode  SharePoint Permissions Mode: Permissions managed in SharePoint Resources managed in Project Server Project Server Permissions Mode: Permissions and Resources managed in Project Server Default for upgraded sites
  • 13. 9 4 Online versus On-premises Project Online and on-premises Project features and functionality are based on Project Server 2013. There are differences in what’s available online and on-premises. The following tables provides an overview of the differences between Project Online and On-premises Project. Table 3–Differences between Project Online and On-premises Project Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes Ease of Setup  Get started in minutes. Setup new users in seconds. No training needed. Use Office tools your team knows. 99.9% Guaranteed Uptime  7x24, 365 days/year 43 minutes/month, 8 hours 46 minutes downtime per year Zero server footprint  No internal IT involved in backup/recovery, maintenance, updates, disaster recovery Evergreen service  Latest, most stable Service Packs and Cumulative Updates Multi-national 6  88 countries and regions, 32 languages Work anywhere on any device  Get virtually anywhere-access on nearly any device (Access from mobile devices requires Wi-Fi capability or depends on carrier network availability) Work on your Office files online or offline SharePoint Task Lists Sync   Project Professional for Office 365   Project Professional Characteristics   Project Pro 2013 Access to Project Server 2013   Project Pro 2010 Access to Project Server 2013 Project Pro 2007 SP2 Access to Project Server 2013 Save as Project Pro   6 For a list of countries and languages, see the FAQ at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/faqs.aspx#International_Availability
  • 14. 10 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes 2010 Save as Project Pro 2007   Save as Project Pro 2000-2003   Save as Excel 2010   Save as Excel 2007   Save as Excel 97-2003   Save as PDF   Save as XPS   Save as Text   Save as CSV   Save as XML   Project Web App   Project Sites   Migration Manually Save 2003 .mpp from Project Pro 2013   Manually Save 2007 .mpp from Project Pro 2013   Manually Save 2010 .mpp from Project Pro 2013   Partial Automation through VBA custom dev   3rd Party   FluentPro   Project Server Configuration Migration Metalogix Content Matrix   Project Site Migration MetaVis Migrator Online / Office 365 Suite   Project Site Migration
  • 15. 11 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes Project Server 2003  Step 1 7 : Project Server 2003-to-2007 using VME (i.e. PS2007 SP2 w/ Oct 2009 CU) Step 2a 8 : Project Server 2007-to2010 Database-attach Upgrade or Step 2b 9 : Project Server 2007-to-2010 In-place Upgrade Step 3 10 : Project Server 2010-to-2013 Database-attach Upgrade Project Server 2007  Step 1a 8 : Project Server 2007-to2010 Database-attach Upgrade or Step 1b 9 : Project Server 2007-to-2010 In-place Upgrade Step 2 10 : Project Server 2010-to-2013 Database-attach Upgrade Project Server 2010  Step 1 10 : Project Server 2010-to-2013 Database-attach Upgrade Resource Definition/Synchroniz ation  Bulk upload via CVS   http://onlinehelp.microsoft.com/en- us/office365-enterprises/ff637601.aspx Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization 11 (with ADFS)   By using the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization tool, your organization’s administrators can keep your local Active Directory continuously synchronized with Office 365. This allows you to not only create synchronized versions of each user Manual resource definition   Tenant administration Automation via VBA   3rd Party  FluentPro   Resource Migration Business Intelligence   7 For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee720443(v=office.14).aspx 8 For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff700208(v=office.14).aspx 9 For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee662104(office.14).aspx 10 For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg502590(v=office.15) 11 For details, see http://onlinehelp.microsoft.com/en-us/office365-enterprises/ff652543.aspx
  • 16. 12 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes SSRS Integration  ODATA Access to RDB   Direct Access to RDB  OLAP Cubes 12   ODATA Access to OLAP   T-SQL Access to OLAP  Excel 2007 Access to OLAP   Excel 2010 Access to OLAP   PowerPivot Add-in Excel 2013 Access to OLAP   Excel 2013 Services Access to OLAP   3rd Party   FluentPro   FluentPro Project Dashboard 2013 Demand Management/Workflo w Declarative – SharePoint Designer 2013   Visual Studio WCF   Line of Business Integration   Custom Dev with SharePoint BCS   TFS Integration   TFS2012 integration with On-premise only Dynamics Integration   Not yet available SharePoint Online (Dedicated) integration   Project Server 2013 needs to be in the same farm as SharePoint 2013 OnPrem SharePoint integration   Project Server 2013 needs to be in the same farm as SharePoint 2013 Outlook/Exchange Integration   Calendar: Out-of-office integration   Extensibility   12 Planned Spring 2013
  • 17. 13 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes ODATA   CSOM   SharePoint Store (Apps for Project)   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps- for-project-FX103441147.aspx 2A QuickStart   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/2a- quickstart-WA103044072.aspx CS Milestone Trend Analysis   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/cs- milestone-trend-analysis-WA102963787.aspx Mavenlink   http://office.microsoft.com/en- us/store/mavenlink- WA103795941.aspx?redir=0 MindMapper   http://office.microsoft.com/en- us/store/mindmapper- WA103953725.aspx?redir=0 Publish All Enterprise Projects   http://office.microsoft.com/en- us/store/publish-all-enterprise-projects- WA103982215.aspx Sensei Task Analyzer   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/sensei- task-analyzertm-WA103755437.aspx?redir=0 SharkPro Project View for Project Web App   http://office.microsoft.com/en- us/store/sharkpro-project-view-for-project- web-app-WA103045491.aspx SharkPro SharePoint Insite for Project   http://office.microsoft.com/en- us/store/sharkpro-sharepoint-insitetm-for- project-WA103524900.aspx?redir=0 SOLVIN TrackTimesheet Go   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/solvin- tracktimesheet-go-WA103044075.aspx TPG MTA Chart   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/tpg- mta-chart-WA102996391.aspx TPG Risk Chart   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/tpg- risk-chart-WA103809908.aspx UMT Essentials Lite   http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/store/umt- essentials-lite-WA103795933.aspx Timesheet and Task Status   Simplified Single Entry Mode (SEM)   End-User Improvements   PM/Administrator Improvements   Developer/Backend  
  • 18. 14 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes Improvements Status Reports   Data Privacy  http://trustoffice365.com/ No advertising   Office 365 does not build advertising products out of customer data. We don’t scan your email or documents for building analytics, data mining, advertising, or improving the service. No mingling   Office 365 always allows you to keep your customer data separate from consumer services. Data portability   Office 365 customer data belongs to the customer. Customers can remove their data whenever they choose to. Transparency   Know where the major data centers are located, and how data storage location is determined Detailed information on who can access your Office 365 customer data Choose to receive updates regarding data center location changes, as well as security, privacy and audit information Industry Standards Verification   Certified for ISO 27001   Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service to have implemented the rigorous set of physical, logical, process and management controls defined by ISO 27001 EU Model Clauses   In addition to EU Safe Harbor, Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service provider to sign the standard contractual clauses created by the European Union (―EU Model Clauses‖) with all customers. EU Model Clauses address international transfer of data. HIPAA-Business Associate Agreement (HIPAA-BAA)   Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service provider to sign requirements for the HIPAA-BAA with all customers. HIPAA is a U.S. law that applies to healthcare entities that governs the use, disclosure and safeguarding of protected health information (PHI), and imposes requirements on covered entities to sign business associate agreements with their
  • 19. 15 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes vendors that use and disclose PHI. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)   Office 365 for Enterprise was granted the Authority to Operate (ATO) under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) by the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Office 365-ITAR was granted ATO by the United States Department of Agriculture. Both Office 365 for Enterprise and O365-ITAR received FISMA-Moderate level ATO Data Processing Agreement   Microsoft offers a comprehensive standard Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to all customers. DPA addresses privacy, security and handling of customer data. Our standard Data Processing Agreement enables customers to comply with their local regulations. Work Management Service   Performance Improvements   Browser Internet Explorer 8   http://technet.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ff603505 Internet Explorer 9   Internet Explorer 10   FireFox 10   Mac Safari 5   Google Chrome 17   Server-side scheduling engine   Microsoft Project Server Calculation Service 2013   SharePoint and Project App model   New Enterprise Project Types   SharePoint Tasks List   Enterprise Project   Authentication and  
  • 20. 16 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes Authorization Claims Authentication   Classic Authentication   Office 365 Security   http://www.microsoft.com/en- us/download/details.aspx?id=26647 > 15 years of experience in providing security for online data   Secure Development Lifecycle 13   The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is a software development security assurance process consisting of security practices grouped by seven phases: training, requirements, design, implementation, verification, release, and response 5 Layers of Security 14   Moving productivity services to the cloud requires a serious consideration of security and privacy issues and technologies. Office 365 is designed to deliver the enterprise-grade security you require to move to the cloud with confidence. Our data centers are designed, built, and managed using a defense-in-depth strategy at both the physical and logical layers, and our services are engineered to be secure using the Security Development Lifecycle. Proactive Monitoring   Operations Access Restriction   Application Security  http://technet.microsoft.com/en- us/library/fp161361.aspx SharePoint Permissions Mode 15   SharePoint Permission Mode creates SharePoint groups that directly correspond to the default security groups found in Project Permission Mode. In SharePoint Permission Mode, you cannot edit the default permissions assigned to any of these SharePoint groups. Also, you cannot create additional custom groups, categories, Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) nodes, or 13 For details, see http://www.microsoft.com/security/sdl/default.aspx 14 For details, see http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26552 15 For details, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219510(v=office.15).aspx
  • 21. 17 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes edit the default permissions assigned to any of these objects. If you need more management of your user permissions in Project Server 2013, you can change to Project Permission Mode. For more information about the differences between the two security modes available to you in Project Server 2013 Unified security management through SharePoint Server   Permissions inheritance for PWA and Workspaces   Direct authorization against Active Directory security groups   Claims-based authorization   Manage authorization by role- based groups   Extensible and customizable   Project Server Permissions Mode  http://technet.microsoft.com/en- us/library/cc197354.aspx Claims-based authorization   Manage authorization by role- based groups   Extensible and customizable   User delegation   Ability to secure work resources   Impersonation   Security filtering using the Resource Breakdown Structure   Custom Security Categories  
  • 22. 18 Feature/Function Area Feature/Function Details Project Online On- premise sProject Notes Excel PWA Import to Excel 2013   PWA Import to Excel 2010 PWA Import to Excel 2007 Word PWA Import to Word 2013   PWA Import to Word 2010 PWA Import to Word 2007
  • 23. 19 5 Differences between Online and On-premises Figure 2 - On-premises Project Logical Architecture
  • 24. 20 Figure 3 - Project Online Logical Architecture Restrictions From a database perspective, the most visible change to the data architecture from previous Project Server versions is that Project Server 2013 combines four separate databases into a single database with different schemas.  The default name of the Project database is ProjectService  Draft, Published, and Archive table names have prefixes: draft., pub., and ver  Direct access is not supported to draft, pub and ver For Project Online specifically, the Reporting database is exposed for BI reporting via the new Open Data Protocol (OData) feeds. Any existing reports that use direct T-SQL against the Reporting database must be recreated using OData protocol. Online  Extensibility via SharePoint extensibility model  No full-trust code  Reporting is done via OData  not directly accessible by code
  • 25. 21  No direct access to the SQL and OLAP databases  Access using CSOM (PSI interfaces do not support OAuth) On-Premises  Full access to databases  Full access to PSI and CSOM In Project Server 2010  Event handlers are written in full-trust code deployed on Project Server computer  They run inside the Project Server Eventing System In Project Server 2013 and Project Online you need to implement remote event receivers. On-premises Project Server 2013can use both full-trust event handlers and remote event receivers. Table 4 - Online and On-premises Differences Tool/Feature Online On-premises Notes Direct access to Reporting Database  16  The relational Project Server Reporting database is the core data source for reporting. However, direct access is only available in On-Premises Project Server 2013. Use the new Open Data Protocol (OData) for data mining. Access to Reporting Data via Odata   OLAP Database  17  SQL Reporitng Services (SQL Query)  18  Any existing reports that use direct T-SQL against the Reporting database must be recreated using OData protocol. Excel 2010 with PowerPivot Add-In   Excel 2013   Excel Services   Team Foundcation Server Integration   Line of Business Integration is feasible 19 using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services with custom application development depending on the scenario. 16 Via OData 17 Via OData 18 Via OData 19 Solution: Surface external data from AdventureWorks in SharePoint 2013 Preview and Office 2013 Preview (white paper)
  • 26. 22 Tool/Feature Online On-premises Notes Dynamics Integration   Line of Business Integration is feasible 20 using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services with custom application development depending on the scenario. Calendar out-of-office Integration   20 Solution: Surface external data from AdventureWorks in SharePoint 2013 Preview and Office 2013 Preview (white paper)
  • 27. 23 6 Business Intelligence One of the major shifts in features and functionality with Project Online from traditional on-premises Project Server is in the area of access, extract and presentation of data for the purpose of business intelligence analysis. Given the security concerns and management practicability of an online service, direct access to the Project Server Reporting database is not permissible in Project Online as it would normally be so in an on-premisesProject Server deployment. In Project Online, Open Data Access Protocol (OData) is used to access the data. Excel and Excel Services are the standard out-of-box end-user interface tool and service with which to display project data. New Project Professional 2013 business intelligence reports are also provided. 6.1 Open Data Access Protocol (OData) Figure 4 - Open Data Protocol (OData) Open Data Protocol (OData) is the protocol used for accessing Business Intelligence data in Project Online or on-premises Project Server.  Web-Based Open-Standards Protocol for querying data http://www.odata.org  HTTP-based over port 80 or port 443  Can deliver data as Atom feed, JSON or as XML document  Available initially with SharePoint 2010 for list data, expanded in 2013 ProjectData 21 is a WCF Data Service, also known as an OData (Open Data Protocol) service. The ProjectData service is implemented with the OData V3 libraries. The ProjectData service enables REST queries and a variety of OData client libraries to make both online and on-premises queries of reporting data from a Project Web App instance. For example, you can directly use a REST query in web browsers, or use JavaScript to build web apps and client apps for mobile devices, tablets, PCs, and Mac computers. Client libraries are available for JavaScript, the Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight, Windows Phone 8, and other 21 Excerpt from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj163015.aspx
  • 28. 24 languages and environments. In Project Server 2013, the ProjectData service is optimized to create pivot tables, pivot charts, and PowerView reports for business intelligence by using the Excel 2013 desktop client and Excel Services in SharePoint. When Project Server 2013 or Project Online is in Project permission mode, you can explicitly grant or deny access to the OData feed for specified Project Web App users. For example, on the Edit User page in Project Web App, expand the Global Permissions section, and then in the General section, select the Access Project Server Reporting Service check box in the Allow column. OData maps CRUD operations to HTTP verbs  Read operations mapped to HTTP GET  Insert operations mapped to HTP POST  Update operations mapped to HTTP PUT or HTTP MERGE  Delete operations mapped to HTTP DELETE For development, use the _api entities and not the ProjectData, which is Read Only. For example to select a Project:  http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/Projects 6.2 Project Desktop Business Intelligence Desktop-level Business Intelligence is available in Project Standard 2013, Project Professional 2013, or Project Professional for Office365. The following provides a composite of the new features and functionality provided in the out-of-box Project Desktop Business Intelligence.  Project Manager’s view, including Master Project consolidated reports
  • 29. 25 Figure 5 - Project Overview Report  New Project Reports (includes Burndown reporting) Figure 6 - Project Burndown Report  No Programs or Portfolio Views in Desktop BI  Introduces new Cumulative fields
  • 30. 26  New ―Excel-like‖ out of the box report templates  Charts, tables, shapes and images to compose the report  Copy/paste reports and individual items into Office applications  Good for viewing and printing  Service Account running Project Server Events Service 2010 service should be a user in PWA and be a member of Administrators Security Group
  • 31. 27 7 Demand Management/Workflow Demand Management process is the guiding process for Project lifecycle – from initiation to selection to planning and to managing. It typically follows the customer business process or methodology requirements, and consists of Phases, Stages, Project Detail Pages (SharePoint page with Web Parts), Specific Custom Fields and Workflow. The Project Online and Project Server 2013 workflow builds on SharePoint 2013 Workflow Infrastructure and includes Project Server 2013 specific workflow actions.  Workflow now treated as a service in SharePoint 2013  Moved to Workflow Manager (formerly Windows Azure Workflow Server (WAWS)) No longer runs in the content farm No longer runs on SharePoint WFE / App servers Harnesses the latest workflow technology from Microsoft  SharePoint deployment drives where workflow runs On-Premises and Hosted – Workflow Manager  Improves stability, scalability & transparency For a step-by-step walkthrough of demand management and workflow development, please refer to the Project Server 2013 version of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Demand Management. 22 7.1 Declarative – SharePoint Designer 2013 Project Online and Project Server 2013 now supports declarative workflows and using Microsoft Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013 with no code (customization). Projects can originate from SharePoint items (a.k.a. Ideation).  Introducing ―Stages‖ Mitigates SharePoint Designer’s lack of loop support Provides functionality of ―state machine‖ workflows in Workflow Foundation 3.5  Declarative workflows have loops Loop # times / with condition / with expression  Declarative workflows can call REST/SOAP services 7.2 Visual Studio WCF Custom code extensibility is possible with Visual Studio: 22 Hicthhiker’s Guide by Steven Haden https://msft.spoppe.com/teams/WM/wma/PM/spc/Shared%20Documents/New%20IP/Project2013_DemandManagementGuideV Next.docx?Web=1
  • 32. 28  SharePoint/Project 2010 Workflows  SharePoint 2013 Workflows Table 5 - Workflow Creation Comparison: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio SharePoint Designer Visual Studio Reusability Create reusable WF Create WF templates Include in SP App  Custom code Custom actions Consume, not create Yes, underlying activities Visio integration  Debugging  7.3 Custom Workflow Creation Process There are four general steps 23 to perform to create your workflow in Microsoft Project Server 2013 or O365 Project Online:  Plan/Vision  Workflow Configuration: Create objects in Project Server  Workflow Orchestration: Create workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013  Deploy the Workflow Demand management processes in Project Server 2013 24 include workflows that help you manage project proposals and portfolio analyses. Project Server 2013 workflows use the SharePoint Server 2013 workflow platform, which is built on version 4 of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4). WF4-based workflows are declarative, which means that the workflow design tool saves workflow stages, actions, conditions, and other elements to XAML code, which is interpreted at run-time. You can use either SharePoint Designer 2013 or Visual Studio 2012 to create declarative workflows. A workflow requires the Workflow Manager Client 1.0 execution engine, which can be on a local server for on-premises solutions or on a remote server for Project Online solutions. You can use SharePoint Designer 2013 to create relatively simple declarative workflows. For complex workflows, and workflow templates that can be reused, you can use Visual Studio 2012 to develop and debug workflows for Project Web App 25 . 23 Hicthhiker’s Guide by Steven Haden https://msft.spoppe.com/teams/WM/wma/PM/spc/Shared%20Documents/New%20IP/Project2013_DemandManagementGuideV Next.docx?Web=1 24 See reference http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ee767703.aspx 25 For more information, see Creating Project Workflows using Visual Studio 2012. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/project_programmability/archive/2012/11/07/creating-project-workflows-using-visual-studio-2012.aspx
  • 33. 29 Use a test installation of Project Server, not a production installation, to develop and test workflows. Workflows that are developed for pre-release versions of Project Server 2013 must be tested for the release version, and may have to be created again and redeployed. 8 Line-of-Business Integration A hybrid SharePoint environment is composed of SharePoint Server, typically deployed on-premises, and Microsoft Office 365 - SharePoint Online. A hybrid environment may be configured to provide one of several levels of integration, depending on the purpose of the integration. Hybrid SharePoint environments may provide some or all of the following functionality:  Federated search: Users in the cloud and in your on-premises domain environment will be able to obtain search results that include content from both locations.  Business Connectivity Services: Makes line-of-business data available, by using Business Connectivity Services, to applications for SharePoint and external lists in SharePoint Online.  Single sign-on (SSO): Users who are connected to either the corporate network or Office 365 only have to authenticate once in a given session to access resources in both the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint Online.  Directory synchronization: User accounts in the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain automatically synchronize to Office 365.  One-way or two-way server-to-server trust: A trust relationship between the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint Online that enables secure connections and data flow.
  • 34. 30 The diagram above provides the flow from a Project Online request to a Line-of-Business External Data Source through Business Connectivity Services. Each process flow step is described below: 1) An information worker logs on to their SharePoint Online tenancy and opens an app for SharePoint or external list that needs data from an on-premises OData data source. 2) The external list creates a request for the data and sends it to Business Connectivity Services. BCS looks at the connection settings object and the external content type to see how to connect to the data source and what credentials to use. 3) Step 3
  • 35. 31 a) BCS retrieves the client SSL certificate from the Secure Store in SharePoint Online. This is used for SharePoint Online authentication to the reverse proxy. b) BCS retrieves an OAuth token from the Access Control Service. These are the user’s credentials used for user authentication to the SharePoint 2013 on-premises farm. The Access Control Service is part of every SharePoint Online subscription. It is a Security Token Service that manages security tokens for users of SharePoint Online. 4) BCS sends an HTTPs request to the published endpoint for the data source. The request includes the client certificate from the Secure Store and the user’s OAuth security token as well as a request for the data. 5) The reverse proxy authenticates the request by using the client certificate and forwards it to the CSOM pipeline of the on-premises SharePoint 2013 farm. 6) The CSOM pipeline consults the User Profile Service to look for a mapping between the user’s OAuth security token from ACS and the user’s domain credentials from AD DS. If one exists, the user’s domain credentials are returned to the request. 7) The user’s domain credentials are used to authenticate to the SharePoint on-premises site that receives Hybrid requests and the request is passed to the SharePoint on-premises BCS service. 8) The SharePoint on-premises BCS retrieves the credentials that are used to authenticate to the external data source from the SharePoint on-premises Secure Store Service. 9) The SharePoint on-premises BCS service passes the request for data along with the external data credentials to the OData service head which then performs the desired operations on the external data and returns the results to the SharePoint Online user. 9 Extensibility Project Server 2013/SharePoint 2013 architecture is based on:  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0  Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 pages  Client Side Object Model (CSOM) programming interfaces  OData Open Data Protocol  OAuth Security in App Model Project Extensibility relies and inherits many platform extensibility investments from Office 2013, Office365, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online.  The same development tools and principles  Apps for Office extensibility (based on Web Extensibility Framework)  APIs (CSOM, JSOM, OData interfaces….) Project 2013 builds on Project 2010 extensibility.  All customization options and extensibility platforms from Project 2010 are still available in Project 2013 Extensive customization options
  • 36. 32  New Project Reports (includes burndown reporting and built-in dashboards)  Custom Fields  Views  Visual Reports  Ribbon Extensibility options  New Apps for Office  Object Model Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Component Object Model (COM) Add-ins 9.1 CSOM and JSOM CSOM is a Client-Side Object Model API.  New and main extensibility model for Project Server Could be leveraged through the following:  Microsoft .Net CSOM (language C# or VB#) (synchronous)  Microsoft SilverLight CSOM (asynchronous)  Windows Phone 7 CSOM (asynchronous)  JavaScript object model (JSOM) using JavaScript language JSOM is JavaScript Object Model  Exposing the same objects as CSOM  Deployed as custom application page, app parts, and ribbon extensions  Calls to the server are asynchronous Already available with SharePoint 2010 9.2 Client Side Object Model (CSOM) Track using ODATA and customize using CSOM Project CSOM is an extension of SharePoint CSOM Project apps work exactly like SharePoint apps Project Server 2013 Preview extensibility builds on the Project Server 2010 Customization / no code:
  • 37. 33  Enterprise Custom Fields, Views (including Web Parts and Web Part Pages), Timesheets, (NEW OPTIONS) Security, (NEW OPTIONS) Reporting/Business Intelligence (BI), (NEW OPTIONS) Project ―Demand Management‖ Extensibility / code:  Web Services – Project Server Interface (PSI) & Event Handlers  (NEW) Client Side Object Model (CSOM) & Remote Event Receivers  (NEW OPTIONS) Project Workflow (based on SharePoint 2013 Workflow)  (EXTENDED) Project sites (SharePoint Sites)  Leverage other Advanced SharePoint Workloads (Excel Services, Visio Services, PerformancePoint,…)  (NEW) In-product Marketplace Table 6 - Extensibility Features New Feature SharePoint 2013 Project 2013 Notes New App model Full Full Apps can be published in the Marketplace CSOM Full Full Javascript Full Full Using CSOM Windows Phone Full Full Using CSOM Silverlight Full Full Using CSOM Workflow Full Full Including SharePoint Designer Server Object Model (WCF) Full Full - additional Web Services PSI web services interface LINQ Full Partial Yes, for custom web parts and some others Odata Full Full Remote Event Receiver Full Full Apps for Office Full Full SharePoint Desinger 2013 Preview Full Partial Project Workflows, Project sites, No PWA Theming Dedicated Reporting Database Not included Full Including multi-dimensional OLAP database Available using Odata when Online Development platform with Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2010 RC Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 and higher Windows 7 and higher for CSOM development Languages  XML
  • 38. 34  JSON Protocols  HTTP  SOAP  OData Architecture Style  REST (relies on XML and HTTP)  WCF: runtime + set of APIs Object Models and set of API  CSOM  JSOM Standards  OAuth When to use CSOM?  The CSOM can be used both for Project Server Online solutions and for on-premises solutions  If you want/need OAuth CSOM is the only way for a programmatic access to Project Server Online  Suggested for new developments and to develop Project apps for the Office and SharePoint Store Scenarios to use CSOM  Develop apps that extend Project Server  Automate the creation or management of entities in Project Server  Get data from the published tables of the Project database  Validate statusing and timesheet data  Integrate with accounting systems  Automate updates from team members  Evaluate Project Server data in remote event receivers  Support declarative Project Server workflows  App that requires to call another Project Server Service in its implementation (use of OAuth)
  • 39. 35 9.3 Apps for Office Figure 7 - Apps for Office Apps for Office are web pages loaded inside an Office Application:  Embedded inline or as task pane within documents, emails or appointments.  Works in both Office Applications and Office Web Applications Allow Office applications to leverage Web technologies:  HTML 5 and CSS for rendering user interface  JavaScript and jQuery to add behavior  Calls to REST APIs to retrieve and update data from across network Web Extensibility Framework (WEF) allows:  Web page content to render inside an Office Application  Web page code to run within a set of constraints  Web page code to interact with Office documents  Web page code to interact with Exchange items WEF is the development platform used to build Apps for Office:  Apps for Office provide basis for a component architecture  Apps for Office provide foundation for an Office Store and App Catalogs  Apps for Office can be deployed in private networks  "Agave" was a codename for Apps for Office in pre-release version
  • 40. 36 9.4 Extensibility: Online versus On-premises To help you decide whether to use Project Server on-premises or Project Online, and what kinds of extensions you can develop in either case, Table 2 compares the extensible features of an on-premises installation of Project Server 2013 with Project Online. Table 2 does not include differences in deployment, administration, or usage. For more information about Project Online and Project Server 2013, see Project 2013 for developers and Project Online Preview. Table 7- Developing in Project Online versus On-premises Feature Project Online Project Server on-premises Programmability CSOM-based apps; consistent programming model .NET, Silverlight, Windows Phone client libraries JavaScript library for custom pages, Web Parts, and ribbon extensions OData and REST protocols Can use the PSI, but not supported: no OAuth and no service-to-service connections No extensions of the CSOM API No custom permissions No impersonation No full-trust code CSOM-based apps; consistent programming model .NET, Silverlight, Windows Phone client libraries JavaScript library for custom pages, Web Parts, and ribbon extensions OData and REST protocols PSI-based apps; complex programming model, can also create apps for administration, portfolio analysis, notifications, Project mode security, queue system, and other areas PSI extensions Custom permissions with Project mode security (deprecated) Impersonation with the PSI (deprecated) Full-trust code; install extensions in SharePoint farm Custom databases SQL Azure SQL Server (modification of reporting tables and views in the Project Server database is not supported) SQL Azure SQL Server (modification of reporting tables and views in the Project Server database is not supported) Reporting ProjectData service; OData and REST protocols ProjectData service; OData and REST protocols
  • 41. 37 Feature Project Online Project Server on-premises Reporting tables and views in the Project Server database OLAP database Event handlers Remote event receivers, accessible through WCF endpoints Remote event receivers, accessible through WCF endpoints Full-trust event handlers, installed in SharePoint farm Workflows Declarative workflows, created with SharePoint Designer 2013 Use only on a specific Project Web App instance Can import a workflow design from Visio 2013 Can import and use custom actions Declarative workflows, created with Visual Studio 2012 Create an app that can include workflows Create a SharePoint solution package (.wsp) that can include workflows Create workflow templates for reuse Create and use custom actions Declarative workflows, created with SharePoint Designer 2013 Use only on a specific Project Web App instance Can import a workflow design from Visio 2013 Can import and use custom actions Declarative workflows, created with Visual Studio 2012 Create an app that can include workflows Create a SharePoint solution package (.wsp) that can include workflows Create workflow templates for reuse Create and use custom actions Can use legacy compiled workflows, created with WF3.5 (recommend upgrade to declarative WF4 workflow) Distribution Office Store Private app catalog on SharePoint Office Store (for CSOM-based apps) Private app catalog on SharePoint Intranet file share
  • 42. 38 10Setting up Project Online Setting up Project Online starts with signing up for Office 365.  Sign up for Office 365 Sign up for a new Project Online Preview tenant here Add users to Project Web App for Project Online Create a user Share PWA SharePoint & Project Administration Center Site Collections Site Collection with Project Web App  Get started with Project Web App Create or import projects. Use reports. Gain insight. Share your site.  Get started with Project Pro for Office 365 Click-to-run: streaming technology, quickly installs Project Pro for Office 365 over the Internet, internal networks, local file systems or from offline media No install necessary, instantly streamed using App-V Always run the latest version of Microsoft Project Login to have files and settings follow you Runs side-by-side with existing Project applications 10.1 Click to Run: Installing Project Professional for Office 365 Click-to-Run is a Microsoft streaming and virtualization technology that you can use to install and update Project Professional for Office 365 and other Office products. These streaming and virtualization capabilities are based on technologies in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V). In Office 2010, Click-to-Run was available to consumer users only. In Office 2013, Click-to-Run supports large enterprise deployments. Table 8 - Click to Run Installing by Click-to-Run Installing by Windows Installer (MSI) Streaming technology Faster to download and install Allows Office use before installation completion Install features on as-needed basis Non-streaming installation Office use only after installation Isolated installation Allows side-by-side Office
  • 43. 39 Installing by Click-to-Run Installing by Windows Installer (MSI) versions26 Always up-to-date27 Up-to-date from the start Updated automatically over time Manually download Office Service Packs and Cumulative Update Locally installed   Deploy on-premises by common software management tools like SCCM   Enforce Office Group Policy   For more information about the Click-to-Run setup process, see Click-to-Run for Office 365 setup architecture overview. Note that even though the Office product runs in a self-contained environment, the Office product can interact with the other applications that are installed on the computer. Macros, in-document automation, and cross-Office product interoperability will work. Click-to-Run is also designed to allow locally-installed add-ins and dependent applications to work with it. However, there is the possibility that some add-ins or other integration points with Office might behave differently or might not work when you are using Click-to-Run. 26 The earlier version of Office that is already installed on the computer must be one of the following versions of Office: Office 2010, Office 2007, or Office 2003. The versions of Office installed must be the same edition. For example, both Office installations are 32-bit edition. 27 You can view the update status of a Click-to-Run product in the Backstage view of the program
  • 44. 40 11Migration Migrating a Project Server instance into Project Online can be straightforward as in direct subscription or can require a sequence of steps depending on the source instance. Table 9 - Migration Scenarios Scenario Project Server 2007 Project Server 2010 Project Online On-premisesProject Server 2013 N/A N/A Migrate Existing hosted 2010 customers N/A Migrate Migrate Existing 2007 customers N/A Upgrade Migrate Existing 2003 customers Upgrade Upgrade Migrate Project Desktop only customers N/A N/A N/A New customers N/A N/A Subscribe Existing 2010 customers N/A N/A Migrate 11.1 What kinds of data can be migrated The following data elements can be imported manually or semi-automatically through custom VBA or a third-party tool: Table 10 - Data that can be migrated Data Project Online On- premisesProject Projects   Resources   Custom Fields   Organizer data   Calendars   Security Groups   Security Categories   Archive  OLAP  Quick Launch   Views   Task Configuration and Settings   Timesheet Configuration and Settings   Project Site Configuration   Enterprise Resource Pool   Custom Event Handlers   EPTs   PDPs  
  • 45. 41 Phases   States   Workflow   Reports   11.2 Full Manual Migration The following table provides the Project versions that can be migrated manually. Project Online does not offer the Database Attach upgrade method that is available to On-premisesProject Server 2013. Project Online (Saas) On- premises Project Project on Azure (Iaas) Hosted Project (Partner) Project on PaaS Direct Open/Save Project 2003      Project 2007      Project 2010      Project 2013      In-place Upgrade DB Attach Migration     11.3 Partially Automated Migration Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) The Project object model can be used with VBA or with VSTO 28 . The Project object model includes seven new classes, 292 new members, and many new enumeration constants that support many new features in Project Standard 2013 and Project Professional 2013, including:  Create new reports that can have tables and charts with task and resource fields, can include Office Art features, and can be both manually and programmatically modified.  Manipulate the Task Path properties to dynamically show how predecessor tasks affect scheduling of a selected task, and how the selected task affects scheduling of successor tasks.  Monitor the Active Cache to show the status of saving, publishing, and checking in a project to Project Web App.  Work with SharePoint tasks lists in four different ways, to help realize the goal of managing and visualizing all of your work in one place. The following illustrates a basic method for partially automating project file migration using VBA macros in Project Professional client. The steps are summarized as follows: 28 Excerpt from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj651153(v=office.15).aspx
  • 46. 42  From Project Center, export a project list into Excel.  Open the Excel file in Project Professional while logged into the source Project Server.  Create a VBA Export macro in Project Professional. Figure 8 - VBA Export Macro  Execute the VBA macro to export the projects from the source Project Server to a file folder. You may encounter prompts for individual project update requirements to which you must respond manually in order to continue macro execution. 29  Open the Excel file in Project Professional 2013 while connected to Project Online.  Create a VBA Import macro in Project Professional 2013. Figure 9 - VBA Import Macro30  Execute the VBA macro to import the projects from the file folder to the target Project Server. You may encounter prompts for individual project update requirements to which you must respond manually in order to continue macro execution.  Publish the projects through Project Professional 2013. 31 29 Sample from http://azlav.umtblog.com/2012/12/11/exporting-mpp-files-with-vba/ 30 Sample from http://azlav.umtblog.com/2012/12/12/importing-files-to-project-online-with-vba/ 31 Consider a utility such as Sample from http://epmsource.com/2012/11/23/building-your-first-project-server-app-part-1-getting- started-setting-up-a-development-environment/ Sub ImportProjects() Dim T As Task Dim fName As String For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks fName = T.Name Application.FileOpenEx Name:="C:Exports" & fName & ".mpp", ReadOnly:=False, FormatID:="MSProject.MPP" Application.FileSaveAs Name:="<>" & fName, FormatID:="" Application.FileCloseEx pjSave, True, False Next T End Sub Sub ExportProjects() Dim T As Task Dim fName As String For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks fName = T.Name Application.FileOpenEx Name:="<>" & fName, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True Application.FileSaveAs Name:="C:Exports" & fName, FormatID:="MSProject.XML" Application.FileCloseEx pjDoNotSave, CheckIn:=True Next T End Sub
  • 47. 43 11.4 Third-Party Tools FluentPro Cloud Migrator 32 Migrateprojects from Project Server 2010 to Project Online. FluentPro Project Migrator for Project Server 2013 Online is small add-on for Project Professional 2013 that allows migration of project schedules from Project Server 2010 to Project Server 2013 Online with project-level and task-level custom field values. The product is delivered as part of Cloud Migrator Free and Pro editions. Supported configuration elements:  Custom fields and Lookup tables  Views  EPT and PDP  Workflow Stages and Phases  Tasks and Timesheet Settings  Resources  Time Reporting and Financial Periods  Projects are supported with license of FluentPro Project Migrator (add-in for Project Professional 2013); license is provided as part of the package  Templates Migration  Security Configuration Migration (Project Security Mode)  Project Sites (Risks, Issues and Document Libraries)  OLAP Settings Metalogix Content Matrix 33 MetaVis offers several products and product suites such as MetaVis Migrator Online and MetaVis Office 365 Suite 34 in particular for migrating from on-premisesSharePoint Server to SharePoint Online. Metavis offers the following features:  Migrate Content: Bulk migrate and copy entire lists, libraries, sites and site collection along with web parts, views, permissions, versions and many more SharePoint objects.  Copy Multiple Items: Copy multiple selected items between folders, lists, sites, farms or tenants while simultaneously modifying or retaining an item's content type and metadata. 32 See http://fluentpro.com/productsprojectmigrator.html 33 For more details on Metalogix Content Matrix, see http://www.metalogix.com/Products/Content-Matrix.aspx 34 For MetaVis product comparison, see http://metavistech.com/features/26.25
  • 48. 44  Upload From File Shares: Bulk upload files and folders from file shares into a SharePoint library while assigning each a content type and metadata. Map values from folder names or file system properties to SharePoint fields.  Retain Metadata: Keep an item's metadata intact during migration, including created and modified properties.  Migrate from Other Environments: Move content from FAT/NTFS File Shares, Exchange Public Folders and Google Docs.  Manage Permissions: Browse, add, edit and delete SharePoint groups, users, permissions and permission levels in a visual hierarchical structure of site collections, sites, lists and individual items.  Security Analysis: Perform real-time security analysis including Permissions given to users and inheritance reports.  Backup: Create a backup of Office 365 SharePoint content storing it in local or cloud-based storage locations.  Archive: Archive and copy Office 365 SharePoint content to a file system.
  • 49. 45 12Alternatives to Project Online Figure 10 - Project Online Alternatives for Control Figure 11 - On-premises, IaaS, PaaS and Online
  • 50. 46 Figure 12 - Cloud Clients and Cloud Services 12.1 Windows Azure: Infrastructure-As-A-Service Windows Azure VM is a Microsoft offering of Infrastructure-as-as-Service. 12.2 Office 365: Software-As-A-Service Office 365 is a Microsoft offering of Software-As-A-Service. Project Online is a service offered with Office 365. 12.3 Partner Hosting Services Several Microsoft partners offer On-Demand Hosting Services for Project Server 2010. Microsoft Project Server 2010 with a browser-based partner hosted offers the following advantages:  Accelerate deployment and reduce IT infrastructure costs  Pay as you go with monthly per user subscription pricing  Single sign on and federation with Active Directory (AD)  Standard infrastructure for dynamic, rapidly deployed solutions  Enterprise class reliability and support
  • 51. 47 Project Hosts Project Hosts provides on demand Microsoft® Enterprise Project Management (EPM), CRM, and Microsoft SharePoint® Server services. Our hosted services allow your organization to rollout these applications faster, more reliably, and at a lower cost than deploying them in-house. Our Microsoft EPM solution, CRM, and SharePoint Server SaaS options include Online Tours, Trials, Interim Hosting, and Long-Term Hosting which can help you throughout the product evaluation and deployment process. EPM Solutions Back in 2002, EPM Solutions was the first on-demand hosting service provider for Microsoft Project Server in the United States. We pioneered the approach then, and today we are continuing to lead the way. The level of service and the options we offer are unmatched in the industry. This is one of the reasons we have the most successful customers in the industry. With a strong infrastructure, a proven methodology and a broad range of end-to-end services, EPM Solutions’ hosting packages meet the needs of most companies, from a basic package to a complete enterprise turn-key solution that directly address deployment concerns on top of the infrastructure concerns. virtualePM VirtualePM from RCM Technologies is an easy to use, on demand project, portfolio, and resource management tool built directly from Microsoft Project Server 2010. Pricing is simple and straight forward, and the solution can be ready to use in as little as three weeks. BeMo BeMo - Project Intelligence is a certified Microsoft Partner that specializes exclusively in Project Server 2010 hosting solutions. Offering highly dependable, ready in 30-minutes, access to the best on-demand, EPM Software as a service, our goal is to enable companies of any size to be as effective as possible in managing their projects. Nintex Nintex Workflow for Project Server(www.nintex.com) 12.4 Hybrid35 A hybrid SharePoint environment is composed of SharePoint Server, typically deployed on-premises, and Microsoft Office 365 - SharePoint Online. A hybrid environment may be configured to provide one of several levels of integration, depending on the purpose of the integration. Hybrid SharePoint environments may provide some or all of the following functionality: 35 An overview of the SharePoint 2013 Hybrid solution is here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj838715.aspx
  • 52. 48  Federated search: Users in the cloud and in your on-premises domain environment will be able to obtain search results that include content from both locations.  Business Connectivity Services: Makes line-of-business data available, by using Business Connectivity Services, to applications for SharePoint and external lists in SharePoint Online.  Single sign-on (SSO): Users who are connected to either the corporate network or Office 365 only have to authenticate once in a given session to access resources in both the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint Online.  Directory synchronization: User accounts in the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain automatically synchronize to Office 365.  One-way or two-way server-to-server trust: A trust relationship between the on-premises SharePoint farm and SharePoint Online that enables secure connections and data flow. The section Line-of-Business Integration above offers more detail on the processing flow for a Hybrid implementation.
  • 53. 49 Appendix A: A Primer to Open Data Protocol (OData) Entity Data Model (EDM) http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/ProjectData/$metadata Table 11 - OData Project Data Objects Object URL Project .../api/ProjectData/Project/ Tasks …/api/ProjectData/Tasks/ Issues …/api/ProjectData/Issues/ Risks …/api/ProjectData/Risks/ Assignments …/api/ProjectData/Assignments/ ResourceTimephasedDataSet …/api/ProjectData/ResourceTimephasedDataSet/ Resources …/api/ProjectData/Resources/ Figure 13 - Get specific fields only Figure 14 - Limiting the data: filter or use select Figure 15 - Get an entity collection by using an association http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/ProjectData/Projects(guid'263fc8d7-427c-e111-92fc- 00155d3ba208')/Assignments http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/ProjectData/Projects? $filter=ProjectStartDate gt datetime'2012-01-01T00:00:00'& $orderby=ProjectName& $select=ProjectName,ProjectStartDate,ProjectFinishDate,ProjectCost,EnterpriseProjectTypeName http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_api/ProjectData/Resources?$select=ResourceName,ResourceNTAccount
  • 54. 50 Appendix B: Anatomy of an App for Office Project desktop 2013 Preview specifics:  Task Pane Experience  Can Read Data from document, can’t write into the MPP file  Does not support binding with MPP file or persistence of data in the MPP file  Specific Project set of APIs Access to Tasks, Resources, Views, and Project containers E.g. getTask(), getTaskProperty(), getSelectedTask() Events for task, resource, view selection changed E.g. taskSelectionChanged() Possible Project scenarios Surfacing Project related data from SharePoint Server 2013 Preview and/or Project Server 2013 Preview in Office Desktop Applications:  Team communication – calendars, discussions, including contextual Project documentation  Contextual data insights and analysis Including Line of Business Application data  Resource management  Portfolio Management Anatomy Each App for Office is based on an XML-based manifest:  Manifest points to a Web page
  • 55. 51  Manifest defines the type of the App for Office  Manifest defines which Office applications it supports  Manifest defines required capabilities Development Tools Text Editor:  HTML webpage(s) and related JavaScript files(s), CSS files and REST queries  XML manifest file Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 + Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012:  ―App for Office 2013‖ templates  Allows comfortable debugging experience  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 on the development computer and on the deployment computers VBA object model additions:  New classes: 7  Class members new: 292  New enumerations: 3  New enumeration members: 229  New classes are for Chart Report Shape (Office Art)
  • 56. 52 Appendix C: Class Libraries, Entities, CSOM, JSOM and PSI Table 12 - Project Server Class Libraries Language Library Name Microsoft .Net client library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.dll assembly Silverlight library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.Sliverlight.dll assembly Windows Phone 7 library Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.Phone.dll assembly JavaScript library for web applications PS.js file or PS.debug.js file Table 13 - Project Server Primary Entities Base class Contains the common properties for entities Creation information class Contains the properties used to create an entity Draft class Includes the read/write properties for editing Published class Includes the read only properties Draft collection Includes the Add, GetById and the Remove Published Collection Includes the GetById for reading or for checking out Table 14 - CSOM and PSI Comparison Feature CSOM PSI Complexity for methods and properties Uses object name Uses GUID, changeXml parameters, datasets Accessibility One WCF service: client.svc 22 public web services Initialization ProjectContext Using WCF reference or proxy assemblies Platform On Premises & Online On Premises (Online limitation no OAuth support) Scheduling Engine Same as Project web app and Project Professional Use QueueUpdateProject2 Project Entities Restrictions exist - please refer to the Project SDK for most up-to-date information Restrictions exist
  • 57. 53 Table 15 - CSOM and JSOM ProjectContext Properties CSOM (.Net, Silberlight, Windows Phone) JSOM CustomFields customFields EnterpriseProjectTypes enterpeirseProjectTypes EnterpriseResources enterpriseResources EntityTypes entityTypes EventHandlers eventHandlers Events events LookupTables lookupTables Phases phases Projects projects Stages stages WorkflowActivities workflowActivities WorkflowDesigner workflowDesigner
  • 58. 54 Appendix D: References Table 16 - References Product http://www.microsoft.com/project Blog http://blogs.office.com/project http://blogs.office.com/b/project/ TechNet http://technet.microsoft.com/projectserver http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/projectserver/fp123546 MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/project http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/aa905469 Forums http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/project Best Practices for Project Server 2013 Link to Rob Bowers whitepaper Hitchhiker’s Guide to Demand Management for Project Server 2012 https://msft.spoppe.com/teams/WM/wma/PM/spc/Shared%20Documents/New%2 0IP/Project2013_DemandManagementGuideVNext.docx?Web=1 Customization and Extensibility Link to Olivier Leymand’s whitepaper Migration http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/deployment-support.aspx Cloud Migration: Office 365 Capability and Technical Fit Assessment (Whitepaper ) Project Online Support http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/support.aspx BI platform investments http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/sharepoint/fp142398 OData standard http://www.odata.org/ Project SDK http://msdn.Microsoft.com/project Best practices for submitting and reporting on actual work (Project Server 2010) http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh694531.aspx Timesheet Improvements for End Users in Project Web App http://blogs.office.com/b/project/archive/2012/10/25/timesheet-improvements- for-end-users-in-project-web-app-2013.aspx Timesheet Improvements for Administrators and Developers in Project Web App http://blogs.office.com/b/project/archive/2012/10/29/timesheet-improvements- for-administrators-and-developers-in-project-web-app.aspx Plan user access in Project Server 2013 Preview http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fp161361(v=office.15) How to: Build and deploy workflow custom actions http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj163911(v=office.15) Sample: SharePoint 2013 workflow: Create a custom action http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/SharePoint-2013-workflow-41e5c0f9 Demand Management topics and workflow creation in the Project SDK http://msdn.Microsoft.com/project
  • 59. 55 Demand Management, Now with SharePoint Designer http://blogs.office.com/project/archive/2012/09/18/demand-management- sharepoint-designer-project-server.aspx Office Store OppoDrtunity http://blogs.office.com/b/office-next/archive/2012/08/06/introducing-apps-for- the-new-office-and-sharepoint-and-the-office-store.aspx Existing apps in the Office Store http://office.microsoft.com/store/ Office Store Publishing Process http://msdn.Microsoft.com/sharepoint VBA changes object model additions http://blogs.msdn.com/officedevdocs/archive/2012/09/12/what-s-new-for- developers-in-the-new-project-desktop-besides-task-pane-apps.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/project_programmability/
  • 60. 56 Table of Tables Table 1 - Project Compatibility Matrix.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Table 2 - New and Improved Features and Functionality..................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 3 – Differences between Project Online and On-premises Project....................................................................................................... 9 Table 4 - Online and On-premises Differences.......................................................................................................................................................21 Table 5 - Workflow Creation Comparison: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio ................................................................................28 Table 6 - Extensibility Features......................................................................................................................................................................................33 Table 7- Developing in Project Online versus On-premises..............................................................................................................................36 Table 8 - Click to Run ........................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Table 9 - Migration Scenarios........................................................................................................................................................................................40 Table 10 - Data that can be migrated.........................................................................................................................................................................40 Table 11 - OData Project Data Objects ......................................................................................................................................................................49 Table 12 - Project Server Class Libraries....................................................................................................................................................................52 Table 13 - Project Server Primary Entities .................................................................................................................................................................52 Table 14 - CSOM and PSI Comparison.......................................................................................................................................................................52 Table 15 - CSOM and JSOM ProjectContext Properties......................................................................................................................................53 Table 16 - References........................................................................................................................................................................................................54
  • 61. 57 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Project Online Scale and Complexity Graph ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2 - On-premises Project Logical Architecture............................................................................................................................................19 Figure 3 - Project Online Logical Architecture Restrictions................................................................................................................................20 Figure 4 - Open Data Protocol (OData) .....................................................................................................................................................................23 Figure 5 - Project Overview Report..............................................................................................................................................................................25 Figure 6 - Project Burndown Report............................................................................................................................................................................25 Figure 7 - Apps for Office ................................................................................................................................................................................................35 Figure 8 - VBA Export Macro..........................................................................................................................................................................................42 Figure 9 - VBA Import Macro.........................................................................................................................................................................................42 Figure 10 - Project Online Alternatives for Control...............................................................................................................................................45 Figure 11 - On-premise, IaaS, PaaS and Online......................................................................................................................................................45 Figure 12 - Cloud Clients and Cloud Services..........................................................................................................................................................46 Figure 13 - Get specific fields only...............................................................................................................................................................................49 Figure 14 - Limiting the data: filter or use select....................................................................................................................................................49 Figure 15 - Get an entity collection by using an association.............................................................................................................................49
  • 62. 58 Acknowledgements Jean Francois Lesaux, Microsoft Regional Architect, for review, feedback and guidance throughout the development of this paper. My wife Marian and my children, Julian and Jessica, for their patience, their encouragement and the constant reminder that life is also about the journey of discovery and the milestones of insight.