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Melinda Marshall, MSN, RN Los Angeles City College Nursing 104
Potter, P. A. & Perry, A. G., (2009).  Fundamental of nursing  (7 th  ed.). St Louis: Mosby-Elsevier. Chapter 14, pp. 191-214. Ochs, G. (2009) Study Guide and Skills Performance Checklist of Fundamental of Nursing (7 th  ed.) St. Louis: Mosby-Elsevier  complete the learning assignment for older adults. PowerPoint Slides
Students will able to: Discuss demographic trends related to older adults in the United States. Identify common myths and stereotypes about older adults. List the types of community-based and institutional health care services available to older adults. Identify selected biological and psychological theories of aging.
Discuss common development tasks of older adults. Describe common physiological changes of aging. Differentiate among delirium, dementia, and depression. Describe selected health concerns of older adults. Identify nursing interventions related to the physiological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes of aging.
The nurse is presenting information on nutritional guidelines at a  senior community center. The nurse is going to discuss the  recommendations for nutritional intake for healthy individuals during  late adulthood. Which of the following foods should be eaten less? a. Fiber b. Protein c. Refined sugar d. Fruits and vegetables (vitamin A )
Physiological Cognitive Psychosocial Levels of functional ability Dependence vs. independence Strengths and abilities
A.  Geriatrics  The assessment of health and functional status B.  Gerontology The study of all aspects of the aging process and its consequences C.  Gerontological nursing Emphasizes nurturing, caring, and comforting, more than treatment of disease D. Gerontic nursing Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease
Myths and Stereotypes
Is ageism discrimination? What behaviors as a student RN would you employ when caring for older adults? What are some of things that affects the attitude of nurses toward older adults? pp. 193-194
Ill, disabled, and physically unattractive No interest in sex or interest in sexual activities is abnormal Forgetful, confused, rigid, bored and unfriendly Unable to learn and understand new information Mistaken ideas about living arrangements and finances.
Ageism is discrimination  Against people because of increasing age Unopposed ageism potential undermine the self-confidence of the older adult Limit their access to care Distort caregivers’ understanding of the uniqueness of older adults Laws ban discrimination based on age Large proportion of older adults affects the consumer economy Older adults influence public policy
Nurses need to assess their attitudes toward older adults Nurses need to recognize and address ageism by questioning prevailing negative attitudes and stereotypes and emphasizing what really happens during the aging process.
Which of the statements made by a nurse best reflects an understanding of the negative impact of ageism regarding patient care? a. “If I don’t value the older patient, I will never be able to provide  the care they are entitled too.” b. “Everyone regardless of age or position, always deserves  effective, appropriate nursing care.” c. “As society we lose so much valuable wisdom and knowledge  when we devalue our older members.” d. “If older patients do not feel valued, they are less likely to seek  health care they need and deserve .”
Biological theories Stochastic  Stochastic view aging as cellular damage over time Physical changes recognized as characteristics of the aging process Non-stochastic Genetically programmed physiological mechanisms within the body  control the aging process
Psychological theories Disengagement Oldest psychological theory Based on withdrawal from customary roles Self-focused activities Activity  Continuation of activities performed in middle-age  Continuity or development Personality remains the same Behavior becomes more predictable with age Personality and behavior developed during a lifetime
Adjusting to decreasing health and physical strength Adjusting to retirement and reduced or fixed income Adjusting to death of a spouse Accepting self as an aging person Maintaining satisfactory living arrangements Redefining relationships with adult children Finding ways to maintain quality of life
Linked to the concept of development tasks appropriate for stages in life Health is a common loss Loss of significant other Sense of usefulness Socialization Income Independent living Adjustments to changes due to aging depends on the individual Be sensitive Offer support
Normal changes without disease Body systems Age Changes in appearance Functioning
Physiological changes Appearance  Cosmetics Style of clothing Structural  changes Retirement Continue education Volunteer activities Change in residence Relocation
Functional changes Refuse to ask for assistance with tasks Places older adults at a safety risk Some will avoid activities that are for older adults Require realistic review of strength and limitations
Refining relationships Adult Children Role reversal Control of decision making Dependence Conflict, guilt, and loss Balance becomes a challenge for adult children Increase debates
Which of the following statements made by an older adult patient poses the  greatest  concern for the nurse conducting an assessment regarding the patient’s adjustment to the aging process? a.  “I use to enjoy dancing and jogging so much, but now I have  arthritis in my knees so that it is hard for me to even walk.” b. “I’ve given my grandchildren money for college so they can live a  better live than I had.” c. “Growing old certainly presents all sorts of challenges. I wish I knew  then what I know now.” d. “As I age I’ve found it harder to do the things I loved doing but I  guess it will all be over soon enough .”
Older adults are care for in: Private homes Apartments Retirement communities Adult day care centers Assisted living facilities  Nursing centers Older adults need to help with decisions regarding which type of health care service is appropriate for them.
The interrelation between physical and psychological aspect of aging Effects of disease and disability on functional status Decreased efficiency of homeostatic mechanism Lack of standards for defining health/illness norms Altered presentation and response to specific disease
Initial nurse-patient encounter Quick and care head-to-toe assessment Reveal eye contract and facial expression appropriate to situation Facial wrinkles Gray hair Loss  of body mass in extremities Increase body mass in trunk area
Loss of skin elasticity Loss of moisture Epithelial layer thins  Spots and lesions on skin Changes in pigmentation
Loss of subcutaneous fat Missing teeth causes face to appear asymmetrical Vocal changes causes loss of power and range Visual acuity declines due to retinal damage, reduced pupil size, and loss of lens elasticity
Prebyopia  decline ability of eyes to accommodate close detailed work Reduced ability to see in darkness and to adapt to abrupt changes in light Ambient light is necessary for tasks such as reading Increased sensitivity to the effects of glare Changes in color vision Difficult to distinguish between blue and green Dark color appear the same
Auditory changes Ignore early signs of hearing loss Common auditory acuity is  prebycusis Prebycusis  affects the ability to hear high-pitched sounds
Reduced salivary secretion Taste buds atrophy Loss sensitivity Lesser ability to differentiate between salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes Reduced in sense of smell
Decrease contractile strength of the myocardium results in a decrease in cardiac output  Increased with anxiety Heart rate increase during exercising to compensate for decreased cardiac output Takes heart rate longer to return baseline
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure can be abnormal Hypertension is common in the older adults Hypertension  is not  normal to the aging process Weak peripheral pulses  Cooler lower extremities Changes in upper extremities pulses is less common
Increase fatty issue to trunk Decrease tone and elasticity Slower peristalsis Alternation in secretion Constipation Flatulence (gas) Diarrhea
Men Urinary retention Frequency Incontinence Prostate cancer  Urinary incontinence is abnormal for men and women Women  Stress incontinence Related to weak perineal and bladder muscles Urge incontinence
Smaller muscle fiber Decreased muscle strength  Decreased bone mass  Osteoporosis major health concern Bone demineralization
Decrease neurons Slower voluntary reflexes  Less ability to respond to multiple stimuli Alternations in quality and quantity in sleep
Functional Changes
Physical, psychological, cognitive, and social domains  Accepting and adjusting to changes Denial  Overemphasize  Overwhelming fear Functional status Refers to the older adults ability to safely perform his or hers ADL’s A sensitive indicator of health or illness Assess for sudden changes  Changes can or may be related to the onset of illness
Educate older adults to: Promote an understanding of aging  Effective coping in adjusting to lifestyle changes Promote the highest-level of function in all areas: Healthy, well-balanced diet Pace appropriate activities  Regular office visits to see the doctor Avoid alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco
Cognitive Changes
Is forgetfulness a myth? Abnormal changes with aging Symptoms of cognitive impairment included: Disorientation Loss of language skills Loss ability to calculate Poor judgment
Delirium Acute confusion r/t physiological causes: Electrolyte imbalances Cerebral anoxia Hypoglycemia Cerebrovascular infection, infarction, or hemorrhage Systemic infection such as urinary tract infection or pneumonia   Environmental causes: Sensory deprivation Unfamiliar surroundings
Dementia Cognitive function deteriorates Generalized impairment of intellectual functioning Interferes with social and occupational functioning Ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily activities declines Gradual, progressive, and irreversible cerebral dysfunction  Other causes include infection or trauma
Depression A mood disturbance  Characterized by feelings such as sadness and despair Not a normal part of the aging process A treatable medical illness Dementia and depression increases family’s distress level
Psychosocial Changes
Transitions  Role change Ages 55, 65, or 75 Major turning point in life Affects individuals other people Health status influences retirement
Choice Response  Occurs after retirement Impairments reduce social interactions  Rejection associated aging with unattractiveness Homeless, confused, incontinent, or institutionalized  Geographic distance
In reviewing changes in the older adult, the nurse recognizes that which of the following statements is related to cognitive functioning in the older client is true? a. Delirium is usually easily distinguished from irreversible dementia. b. Therapeutic drug intoxication is a common cause of senile  dementia. c.  Reversible systemic disorders are often the implicated as a cause  of delirium. d. Cognitive deterioration is an inevitable outcome of the human  aging process.
Sexuality involves love, warmth, sharing, and touching. Sexual activity usually decline Libido does not decrease
Touch Sexual expression Part of intimacy  Compliments traditional sexual methods Alternative to physical intercourse
Need to understand physical changes in sexual responses Provide privacy for any discussions Maintain a nonjudgmental attitude Use open-ended questions Closed-ended for specific activities and symptoms Assess medications use
Safety Single story homes or apartments Major impact on health Environment support or hinder physical or social functioning Furniture that promote ease into and out and provide back support
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Common causes of death: Heart disease Cancer Cerebrovascular diseases Frequent causes of death:  Lung disease Accidents related falls Diabetes mellitus Kidney and liver disease
Health promotion and maintenance Teaching sessions on such topics: Physical exercising Nutrition  Medication safety Home safety Breast and prostate exams Planning strategies to reduce risk and maintain chronic conditions Teach and counsel  Individualized approach  More effective for teaching health promotion activities
Heart disease leading cause of death Hypertension Coronary disease Linked to myocardial infarction, stroke and heart failure Coronary disease risk factors: Smoking Obesity Lack of exercise Stress  Hyperipidemia Diabetes mellitus
Affects on nutritional needs: Activity level Clinical condition Activity level impacts total caloric intake
Therapeutic diet calorie requirements: Restrict fat Sodium Simple sugars  Increase fiber  Foods high in calcium, iron, vitamin A or vitamin C Good nutrition includes appropriate caloric intake and limited intake fat, salt, refined sugars, and alcohol
Safety  Leading cause of death due to complications Patients over age 65 die from fall-related injuries Risk factors: Impaired vision Cardiovascular conditions such as postural hypotension or syncope Conditions affecting mobility such as arthritis Adverse medication reactions Poor lighting Slippery floor, stairs, and sidewalks
Two-third of older adults use prescription medication and non-prescription drugs  One-third of all written prescription drugs are for older adults Most commonly prescribed medications are: Analgesics, Diuretics Cardiovascular drugs Sedative-hypnotics  Nurse’s role with older adults on drug therapy is to ensure the greatest therapeutic benefit with the least harm
Assess their understanding about instructions for the medications Collaboratively work with the older adult to ensure safe and appropriate use of all medications Teach older adults the names of all their medications and desirable and undesirable benefits of medication Establish appropriate patterns for taking medication  Encourage older adults to question the physician or pharmacist about all prescribed drugs and over-the counter (OTC) drugs
General preventive measures for nurses to recommend to older adults include: Participation in screening activities Regular exercise Weight reduction Nutrition Regular dental visits Smoking cessation Immunizations
At least 90% of older adults over 65 die from influenza  Annual immunization are strongly recommended Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine  A second vaccine should be every five years Tetanus immunization, booster shot every 10 years
Psychological Health Concerns
Respectful Attentiveness Positive attitude Kindness Compassion Gentle touch
Restore sense of reality Improve level of awareness Promote socialization Elevate independent functioning Minimize confusion Disorientation Physical regression
Alternative communication with confused older adults Accept description of time, place an person Do not challenge or argue Does not involve reinforcing misperception  Reflect sensitivity to hidden meaning
Recall  Past experiences Enjoy sharing the past Recollection  Bring meaning and understanding to the present Resolve current conflicts Researching for positive resolutions Coping strategy Reflection Supports self-esteem Uncovers new meanings to past events
Use reminiscence to assess: Self-esteem Cognitive function Emotional stability Unresolved conflicts Future expectations Use in providing direct patient care Take time to ask questions Listening attentively  Conveys respect and compassion
Social acceptable image Chronic illness Physical dependence Non objectionable appearance
Grooming  Hygiene Combing hair Cleaning denture Shaving Changing clothes Be sensitive by controlling odors
Which statement made by an older adult, age 67 would reflects the  best  understanding of the nutritional guidelines for late adulthood? a.“I can prepare grilled chicken at least 10 different, delicious ways.” b.“When I entertain, I serve healthy foods like veggies and low-fat  drip.” c. “I know I need to eat nutritiously, I have certainly been doing  better.” d. “I take seriously the suggestions my health team give me on  healthy eating.”
In reviewing changes in the older adult, the nurse recognizes that which of the following statements related to cognitive functioning in the older patient is accurate? a. Delirium is usually easily distinguished from irreversible dementia. b. Therapeutic drug intoxication is a common cause of senile dementia. c. Reversible systemic disorders are often implicated as a cause of  delirium. d. Cognitive deterioration is an inevitable outcome of the human  aging process
The nurse is aware that the major of older adults: a. Live alone b. Live in institutional settings c. Are unable to care from themselves d. Are actively involved in their community
Which of the following nursing questions is best directed toward the assessment of a  normal  finding regarding physiological changes in an older-adult patient? a. “Have you had your cholesterol tested lately.” b. “Do you see yourself as becoming forgetful?” c. “Are you experiencing any loss of libido?” d. “Any difficulty driving at night.”
A group of RN students are preparing to present an educational  program to residences at an assisted-living facility with an age  population of 68 to 78. Which teaching strategies would be  appropriate for the learning needs of this age group? ( Select all that apply ) a. Speak in a slow, but well-articulated manner. b. Present a variety of ideas so as to have broad appeal c. Speak in a soft, low voice as to help the audience focus. d. Small groups allow for more speaker-listener interaction. e. End the program if there are signs of poor concentration or fatigue f.  Present the material in a fast-paced manner to keep hold of their attention.
Which statement made by an older adult would reflect that the  best   understanding  of the nutritional requirements of individuals at this developmental stage? a. “An apple a day is my motto; always has been.” b. “I eat everything, but just a little a bit of things like sweets.” c. “Fiber is more important than ever to my digestive system.” d. “I don’t need the fat so I’ve taken to drinking protein shakes.”

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Older adult

  • 1. Melinda Marshall, MSN, RN Los Angeles City College Nursing 104
  • 2. Potter, P. A. & Perry, A. G., (2009). Fundamental of nursing (7 th ed.). St Louis: Mosby-Elsevier. Chapter 14, pp. 191-214. Ochs, G. (2009) Study Guide and Skills Performance Checklist of Fundamental of Nursing (7 th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby-Elsevier complete the learning assignment for older adults. PowerPoint Slides
  • 3. Students will able to: Discuss demographic trends related to older adults in the United States. Identify common myths and stereotypes about older adults. List the types of community-based and institutional health care services available to older adults. Identify selected biological and psychological theories of aging.
  • 4. Discuss common development tasks of older adults. Describe common physiological changes of aging. Differentiate among delirium, dementia, and depression. Describe selected health concerns of older adults. Identify nursing interventions related to the physiological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes of aging.
  • 5.  
  • 6.  
  • 7. The nurse is presenting information on nutritional guidelines at a senior community center. The nurse is going to discuss the recommendations for nutritional intake for healthy individuals during late adulthood. Which of the following foods should be eaten less? a. Fiber b. Protein c. Refined sugar d. Fruits and vegetables (vitamin A )
  • 8. Physiological Cognitive Psychosocial Levels of functional ability Dependence vs. independence Strengths and abilities
  • 9. A. Geriatrics The assessment of health and functional status B. Gerontology The study of all aspects of the aging process and its consequences C. Gerontological nursing Emphasizes nurturing, caring, and comforting, more than treatment of disease D. Gerontic nursing Focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease
  • 11. Is ageism discrimination? What behaviors as a student RN would you employ when caring for older adults? What are some of things that affects the attitude of nurses toward older adults? pp. 193-194
  • 12. Ill, disabled, and physically unattractive No interest in sex or interest in sexual activities is abnormal Forgetful, confused, rigid, bored and unfriendly Unable to learn and understand new information Mistaken ideas about living arrangements and finances.
  • 13. Ageism is discrimination Against people because of increasing age Unopposed ageism potential undermine the self-confidence of the older adult Limit their access to care Distort caregivers’ understanding of the uniqueness of older adults Laws ban discrimination based on age Large proportion of older adults affects the consumer economy Older adults influence public policy
  • 14. Nurses need to assess their attitudes toward older adults Nurses need to recognize and address ageism by questioning prevailing negative attitudes and stereotypes and emphasizing what really happens during the aging process.
  • 15. Which of the statements made by a nurse best reflects an understanding of the negative impact of ageism regarding patient care? a. “If I don’t value the older patient, I will never be able to provide the care they are entitled too.” b. “Everyone regardless of age or position, always deserves effective, appropriate nursing care.” c. “As society we lose so much valuable wisdom and knowledge when we devalue our older members.” d. “If older patients do not feel valued, they are less likely to seek health care they need and deserve .”
  • 16.  
  • 17. Biological theories Stochastic Stochastic view aging as cellular damage over time Physical changes recognized as characteristics of the aging process Non-stochastic Genetically programmed physiological mechanisms within the body control the aging process
  • 18. Psychological theories Disengagement Oldest psychological theory Based on withdrawal from customary roles Self-focused activities Activity Continuation of activities performed in middle-age Continuity or development Personality remains the same Behavior becomes more predictable with age Personality and behavior developed during a lifetime
  • 19.  
  • 20. Adjusting to decreasing health and physical strength Adjusting to retirement and reduced or fixed income Adjusting to death of a spouse Accepting self as an aging person Maintaining satisfactory living arrangements Redefining relationships with adult children Finding ways to maintain quality of life
  • 21. Linked to the concept of development tasks appropriate for stages in life Health is a common loss Loss of significant other Sense of usefulness Socialization Income Independent living Adjustments to changes due to aging depends on the individual Be sensitive Offer support
  • 22. Normal changes without disease Body systems Age Changes in appearance Functioning
  • 23. Physiological changes Appearance Cosmetics Style of clothing Structural changes Retirement Continue education Volunteer activities Change in residence Relocation
  • 24. Functional changes Refuse to ask for assistance with tasks Places older adults at a safety risk Some will avoid activities that are for older adults Require realistic review of strength and limitations
  • 25. Refining relationships Adult Children Role reversal Control of decision making Dependence Conflict, guilt, and loss Balance becomes a challenge for adult children Increase debates
  • 26. Which of the following statements made by an older adult patient poses the greatest concern for the nurse conducting an assessment regarding the patient’s adjustment to the aging process? a. “I use to enjoy dancing and jogging so much, but now I have arthritis in my knees so that it is hard for me to even walk.” b. “I’ve given my grandchildren money for college so they can live a better live than I had.” c. “Growing old certainly presents all sorts of challenges. I wish I knew then what I know now.” d. “As I age I’ve found it harder to do the things I loved doing but I guess it will all be over soon enough .”
  • 27.  
  • 28. Older adults are care for in: Private homes Apartments Retirement communities Adult day care centers Assisted living facilities Nursing centers Older adults need to help with decisions regarding which type of health care service is appropriate for them.
  • 29. The interrelation between physical and psychological aspect of aging Effects of disease and disability on functional status Decreased efficiency of homeostatic mechanism Lack of standards for defining health/illness norms Altered presentation and response to specific disease
  • 30.  
  • 31. Initial nurse-patient encounter Quick and care head-to-toe assessment Reveal eye contract and facial expression appropriate to situation Facial wrinkles Gray hair Loss of body mass in extremities Increase body mass in trunk area
  • 32. Loss of skin elasticity Loss of moisture Epithelial layer thins Spots and lesions on skin Changes in pigmentation
  • 33. Loss of subcutaneous fat Missing teeth causes face to appear asymmetrical Vocal changes causes loss of power and range Visual acuity declines due to retinal damage, reduced pupil size, and loss of lens elasticity
  • 34. Prebyopia decline ability of eyes to accommodate close detailed work Reduced ability to see in darkness and to adapt to abrupt changes in light Ambient light is necessary for tasks such as reading Increased sensitivity to the effects of glare Changes in color vision Difficult to distinguish between blue and green Dark color appear the same
  • 35. Auditory changes Ignore early signs of hearing loss Common auditory acuity is prebycusis Prebycusis affects the ability to hear high-pitched sounds
  • 36. Reduced salivary secretion Taste buds atrophy Loss sensitivity Lesser ability to differentiate between salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes Reduced in sense of smell
  • 37. Decrease contractile strength of the myocardium results in a decrease in cardiac output Increased with anxiety Heart rate increase during exercising to compensate for decreased cardiac output Takes heart rate longer to return baseline
  • 38. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure can be abnormal Hypertension is common in the older adults Hypertension is not normal to the aging process Weak peripheral pulses Cooler lower extremities Changes in upper extremities pulses is less common
  • 39. Increase fatty issue to trunk Decrease tone and elasticity Slower peristalsis Alternation in secretion Constipation Flatulence (gas) Diarrhea
  • 40. Men Urinary retention Frequency Incontinence Prostate cancer Urinary incontinence is abnormal for men and women Women Stress incontinence Related to weak perineal and bladder muscles Urge incontinence
  • 41. Smaller muscle fiber Decreased muscle strength Decreased bone mass Osteoporosis major health concern Bone demineralization
  • 42. Decrease neurons Slower voluntary reflexes Less ability to respond to multiple stimuli Alternations in quality and quantity in sleep
  • 44. Physical, psychological, cognitive, and social domains Accepting and adjusting to changes Denial Overemphasize Overwhelming fear Functional status Refers to the older adults ability to safely perform his or hers ADL’s A sensitive indicator of health or illness Assess for sudden changes Changes can or may be related to the onset of illness
  • 45. Educate older adults to: Promote an understanding of aging Effective coping in adjusting to lifestyle changes Promote the highest-level of function in all areas: Healthy, well-balanced diet Pace appropriate activities Regular office visits to see the doctor Avoid alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco
  • 47. Is forgetfulness a myth? Abnormal changes with aging Symptoms of cognitive impairment included: Disorientation Loss of language skills Loss ability to calculate Poor judgment
  • 48. Delirium Acute confusion r/t physiological causes: Electrolyte imbalances Cerebral anoxia Hypoglycemia Cerebrovascular infection, infarction, or hemorrhage Systemic infection such as urinary tract infection or pneumonia Environmental causes: Sensory deprivation Unfamiliar surroundings
  • 49. Dementia Cognitive function deteriorates Generalized impairment of intellectual functioning Interferes with social and occupational functioning Ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily activities declines Gradual, progressive, and irreversible cerebral dysfunction Other causes include infection or trauma
  • 50. Depression A mood disturbance Characterized by feelings such as sadness and despair Not a normal part of the aging process A treatable medical illness Dementia and depression increases family’s distress level
  • 52. Transitions Role change Ages 55, 65, or 75 Major turning point in life Affects individuals other people Health status influences retirement
  • 53. Choice Response Occurs after retirement Impairments reduce social interactions Rejection associated aging with unattractiveness Homeless, confused, incontinent, or institutionalized Geographic distance
  • 54. In reviewing changes in the older adult, the nurse recognizes that which of the following statements is related to cognitive functioning in the older client is true? a. Delirium is usually easily distinguished from irreversible dementia. b. Therapeutic drug intoxication is a common cause of senile dementia. c. Reversible systemic disorders are often the implicated as a cause of delirium. d. Cognitive deterioration is an inevitable outcome of the human aging process.
  • 55. Sexuality involves love, warmth, sharing, and touching. Sexual activity usually decline Libido does not decrease
  • 56. Touch Sexual expression Part of intimacy Compliments traditional sexual methods Alternative to physical intercourse
  • 57. Need to understand physical changes in sexual responses Provide privacy for any discussions Maintain a nonjudgmental attitude Use open-ended questions Closed-ended for specific activities and symptoms Assess medications use
  • 58. Safety Single story homes or apartments Major impact on health Environment support or hinder physical or social functioning Furniture that promote ease into and out and provide back support
  • 59. Health Promotion and Maintenance
  • 60. Common causes of death: Heart disease Cancer Cerebrovascular diseases Frequent causes of death: Lung disease Accidents related falls Diabetes mellitus Kidney and liver disease
  • 61. Health promotion and maintenance Teaching sessions on such topics: Physical exercising Nutrition Medication safety Home safety Breast and prostate exams Planning strategies to reduce risk and maintain chronic conditions Teach and counsel Individualized approach More effective for teaching health promotion activities
  • 62. Heart disease leading cause of death Hypertension Coronary disease Linked to myocardial infarction, stroke and heart failure Coronary disease risk factors: Smoking Obesity Lack of exercise Stress Hyperipidemia Diabetes mellitus
  • 63. Affects on nutritional needs: Activity level Clinical condition Activity level impacts total caloric intake
  • 64. Therapeutic diet calorie requirements: Restrict fat Sodium Simple sugars Increase fiber Foods high in calcium, iron, vitamin A or vitamin C Good nutrition includes appropriate caloric intake and limited intake fat, salt, refined sugars, and alcohol
  • 65. Safety Leading cause of death due to complications Patients over age 65 die from fall-related injuries Risk factors: Impaired vision Cardiovascular conditions such as postural hypotension or syncope Conditions affecting mobility such as arthritis Adverse medication reactions Poor lighting Slippery floor, stairs, and sidewalks
  • 66. Two-third of older adults use prescription medication and non-prescription drugs One-third of all written prescription drugs are for older adults Most commonly prescribed medications are: Analgesics, Diuretics Cardiovascular drugs Sedative-hypnotics Nurse’s role with older adults on drug therapy is to ensure the greatest therapeutic benefit with the least harm
  • 67. Assess their understanding about instructions for the medications Collaboratively work with the older adult to ensure safe and appropriate use of all medications Teach older adults the names of all their medications and desirable and undesirable benefits of medication Establish appropriate patterns for taking medication Encourage older adults to question the physician or pharmacist about all prescribed drugs and over-the counter (OTC) drugs
  • 68. General preventive measures for nurses to recommend to older adults include: Participation in screening activities Regular exercise Weight reduction Nutrition Regular dental visits Smoking cessation Immunizations
  • 69. At least 90% of older adults over 65 die from influenza Annual immunization are strongly recommended Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine A second vaccine should be every five years Tetanus immunization, booster shot every 10 years
  • 71. Respectful Attentiveness Positive attitude Kindness Compassion Gentle touch
  • 72. Restore sense of reality Improve level of awareness Promote socialization Elevate independent functioning Minimize confusion Disorientation Physical regression
  • 73. Alternative communication with confused older adults Accept description of time, place an person Do not challenge or argue Does not involve reinforcing misperception Reflect sensitivity to hidden meaning
  • 74. Recall Past experiences Enjoy sharing the past Recollection Bring meaning and understanding to the present Resolve current conflicts Researching for positive resolutions Coping strategy Reflection Supports self-esteem Uncovers new meanings to past events
  • 75. Use reminiscence to assess: Self-esteem Cognitive function Emotional stability Unresolved conflicts Future expectations Use in providing direct patient care Take time to ask questions Listening attentively Conveys respect and compassion
  • 76. Social acceptable image Chronic illness Physical dependence Non objectionable appearance
  • 77. Grooming Hygiene Combing hair Cleaning denture Shaving Changing clothes Be sensitive by controlling odors
  • 79. Which statement made by an older adult, age 67 would reflects the best understanding of the nutritional guidelines for late adulthood? a.“I can prepare grilled chicken at least 10 different, delicious ways.” b.“When I entertain, I serve healthy foods like veggies and low-fat drip.” c. “I know I need to eat nutritiously, I have certainly been doing better.” d. “I take seriously the suggestions my health team give me on healthy eating.”
  • 80. In reviewing changes in the older adult, the nurse recognizes that which of the following statements related to cognitive functioning in the older patient is accurate? a. Delirium is usually easily distinguished from irreversible dementia. b. Therapeutic drug intoxication is a common cause of senile dementia. c. Reversible systemic disorders are often implicated as a cause of delirium. d. Cognitive deterioration is an inevitable outcome of the human aging process
  • 81. The nurse is aware that the major of older adults: a. Live alone b. Live in institutional settings c. Are unable to care from themselves d. Are actively involved in their community
  • 82. Which of the following nursing questions is best directed toward the assessment of a normal finding regarding physiological changes in an older-adult patient? a. “Have you had your cholesterol tested lately.” b. “Do you see yourself as becoming forgetful?” c. “Are you experiencing any loss of libido?” d. “Any difficulty driving at night.”
  • 83. A group of RN students are preparing to present an educational program to residences at an assisted-living facility with an age population of 68 to 78. Which teaching strategies would be appropriate for the learning needs of this age group? ( Select all that apply ) a. Speak in a slow, but well-articulated manner. b. Present a variety of ideas so as to have broad appeal c. Speak in a soft, low voice as to help the audience focus. d. Small groups allow for more speaker-listener interaction. e. End the program if there are signs of poor concentration or fatigue f. Present the material in a fast-paced manner to keep hold of their attention.
  • 84. Which statement made by an older adult would reflect that the best understanding of the nutritional requirements of individuals at this developmental stage? a. “An apple a day is my motto; always has been.” b. “I eat everything, but just a little a bit of things like sweets.” c. “Fiber is more important than ever to my digestive system.” d. “I don’t need the fat so I’ve taken to drinking protein shakes.”
  • 85.  

Editor's Notes

  1. Answer: “A”
  2. Answer: D; depression/suicide should be the greatest concern to the nurse.
  3. P. 196
  4. p.207
  5. They want to remain independent and prevent disability.
  6. Answer: B
  7. Answer: d
  8. Answers: a, d, & e
  9. Answer: B