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Software Requirements

 Library Management System

                                                               Prepared by Maryum Afzal
                                                                          Ammar Azeem
                                                                        Muhammad Bilal
                                                                          Maham Batool

                                                                   University of Education

                                                                         17th December 2012

Copyright © 2012 Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                                                                                   Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
    1.1       Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
    1.2       Document Conventions ............................................................................................................... 1
    1.3       Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................................................. 1
    1.4       Product Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1
    1.5       References ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................1
    2.1       Product Perspective ..................................................................................................................... 1
    2.2       Product Functions ........................................................................................................................ 2
External Interface Requirements .................................................................................................3
    2.3       User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 3
3. Functional/Behavioral requirement .......................................................................................4
    3.1       Actor Goal List ............................................................................................................................ 4
    3.2       Use case diagram ......................................................................................................................... 6
    3.3       Use-Case Description .................................................................................................................. 7
4. Nonfunctional Requirements ................................................................................................17
    4.1       Usability .................................................................................................................................... 17
    4.2       Reliability .................................................................................................................................. 17
    4.3       Performance............................................................................................................................... 17
    4.4       Supportability ............................................................................................................................ 17
    4.5       Implementation .......................................................................................................................... 18
    4.6       Legal .......................................................................................................................................... 19
5. Elaboration Phase ..................................................................................................................19
    5.1       Domain Model ........................................................................................................................... 19
    5.2       System Sequence Diagram ........................................................................................................ 20
    5.3       Operational Contracts ................................................................................................................ 26
6. Logical Architecture ..............................................................................................................27
    6.1       Description of Architecture of System ...................................................................................... 27
    6.2       User Interface ............................................................................................................................ 27
    6.3       Application Layer ...................................................................................................................... 28
    6.4       Data Link Layer ......................................................................................................................... 28
7. Design Phase ...........................................................................................................................29
    7.1       Sequence Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 29
    7.2       Collaboration Diagram .............................................................................................................. 33
    7.3       Design Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 33
Appendix A: Glossary .................................................................................................................34
Appendix B: Analysis Models .....................................................................................................34
Appendix C: To Be Determined List ..........................................................................................34

     Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                           Page iii

Revision History
Name                    Date           Reason For Changes                                       Version
Ammar Azeem             1st            To meet current requirement and in order to              Final
Maryum Afzal            December       create efficient system
Muhammad Bilal          2012
Maham Batool

    Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The old library management system was based on paper work and excel sheet. Current
requirement of a global village doesn’t support traditional work thus we have developed database
based LMS with web based interface.

1.2 Document Conventions
Standard rules of documentation and agile manifesto has been followed in order to standardize the
work. In order to create an efficient and effective library management system in the premises of
University of Education.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
These documents are intended for people relating to different walk of IT, such as developers,
project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and documentation writers and quality assurance
staff database developer.

1.4 Product Scope
The Library Management System will be a web based application design & develop for receipt and
issuance of books in the library along with the borrower’s details and history. The system will
generate the spine labels and manages the late fine and damages on lost books as well. Moreover
a number of important reports can be generated through this System.

1.5 References

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective
The old library management system was based on paper work and excel sheet. Current requiment
of a global village doesn’t support traditional work thus we have developed database based LMS
with web based interface.

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 2

2.2 Product Functions
           Members Listing and Searching
           Items Management (Books, Magazines, Articles, News, Thesis, Projects, DVDs, etc.)
           Circulation Management( Issue of Books, Return of Books and Re-Issue)
           Importing Members from Existing Database
           Labeling (Barcode Tag Generation)
           Book Reservation

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 3

External Interface Requirements

2.3 User Interfaces

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 4

3. Functional/Behavioral requirement

3.1 Actor Goal List

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 5

                     ACTOR                                                    GOAL
Student                                                Book reservation
                                                       Return book
                                                       Search books online
                                                       Change password
                                                       Read and Download E-Books
Librarian                                              Add member
                                                       Delete member
                                                       Add new book information
                                                       Delete old book records
                                                       Send e-mail reminders
                                                       Fine collection
                                                       Update student information
                                                       Issue book
                                                       Search student and faculty records
                                                       Update book status
                                                       Issued books Records
Database Administrator                                 Online registration
                                                       Issue online user ID and password
                                                       View all records
                                                       Search student and faculty records
                                                       Update Student Information Online
                                                       Delete Book
                                                       Update book status online
                                                       Issued books Records
                                                       Upload E-Books
Faculty Members                                        Book reservation
                                                       return book
                                                       online book reservation
                                                       search books online
                                                       add student notes

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 6

3.2 Use case diagram

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 7

    3.3 Use-Case Description

      Use Case Selection                                              Description
Use Case Name                        Add Students Record
Level                                Sub-Function level
Primary Actor                        Student, Faculty Member
Stakeholders and Interest            Student: wants to register in the library.
                                     Faculty Member: wants to register in the library.
                                     Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
                                     modifications in the database.
                                     Librarian: responsible to keep the specific records for particular student and
                                     faculty member.
Pre-Condition                        Student and Faculty members have submitted their registration forms.
Post-Condition                       Record for a student/faculty member has been added.
Main Success Scenario                    1. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access the online
                                             library services.
                                         2. Student/Faculty member sign-up to get registered online.
                                         3. He/she provides correct information and a secret password.
                                         4. She/he got registered.
Alternative Flows                        1. Student/Faculty member visits the website to access the online
                                             library services.
                                         2. He/she tries to sign-up.
                                         3. She/he fails and receives an error.
                                         4. She/he will visit the librarian to report a complaint.
                                         5. Librarian will forward this complaint to the administrator.
Special Requirements                      The maximum response time for online registration is 1 minute.
                                          The System can support Urdu English and French language.
Technology and Data Variation        Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site.
Frequency of Occurrence              Could be nearly continuous
Open Issues                          If student/faculty member is not registered online he will have to wait for
                                     one day to process his/her complaint to the administrator.

          Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 8

Use Case Name             Edit Students Record
Scope                     Online Library Management System
Level                     User Goal
Primary Actor             Admin
Stakeholders and          Admin: wants to change membership record of the specific student.
Interests                 Student/faculty member: whose record will be manipulated.
Preconditions             The password entered is correct.
Triggers                  Admin selects Edit Student Record option from the Student Membership Record
Success Guarantee         The record of the student Membership is Changed in the Library Management
Main Success              1. Admin: Selects the menu to Change membership record of the Specific Student.
Scenario                  2. Admin: Enters the Name of the Categories and the correct data of that student
                          2-2c, 2-2d
                          3. Library Management System: Save the changes in the Membership record of
                          the Students and updates the previous record.
Alternative Flow     2-2a: if the Password is incorrect than a message is printed on the screen and admin
                     is returned to the Student Membership record menu.
                     2-2b: if the name of the categories not among the existing categories, a message is
                     printed on the screen and admin is returned to Student Membership record menu.
                     2-2c: The Registration must be in the form “year of joining of institution –
                     institution name – department name – registration number (that must not be greater
                     than 4 digits)”.
                     2-2d: The Date of the Birth and Joining date must be in the format of
                     “MM/DD/YYYY” if Month is greater than 12 or Days is greater than 31, a message
                     is printed on the screen and asks for reenter.
Special Requirements The system can support Urdu English and French language.
Technology           Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site.
Open Issues          Administrator must logout to avoid unauthorized access.

Use case Name             Search Students Record
Scope                     Library Management System

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                        Page 9

Level                     User Goal
Goal in Context           Present a form to the admin to allow him to search the record of the students.
Primary Actor             Admin
Stakeholders              Admin: Wants to Search membership record of the Required Students
Preconditions             None
Triggers                  Admin selects Search Student Record option from the Student Membership Record
Success Guarantee         Library Management Software Presents the record of the required student in tabular
Main Success              1. Admin: Selects the menu option to Search membership record of the Required
Scenario                  Students.
                          2. Library Management System: presents a form
                          3. Admin: Enters the name, Father’s Name,
                          Registration Number 2-4a,
                          4. Library Management System: Presents the record of the required student.
Alternative Flow    2-4a: The Registration must be in the form “year of joining of institution –
                    institution name – department name – registration number (that must not be greater
                    than 4 digits)”
Technology and Data Barcode search scheme will be followed if the student card is available.
Open Issues               Student cannot search his/her own record

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 10

      Use Case Selection                                             Description
Use Case Name                        View/Edit Book Detail
Level                                User-goal level
Primary Actor                        Librarian, Administrator
Stakeholders and Interest            Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
                                     modifications in the database.
                                     Librarian: responsible to keep the specific records for particular books.
Pre-Condition                        Books records are already found in the database.
Post-Condition                       Record for a particular book has been searched or modified.
Main Success Scenario                   1. Librarian/ administrator tries to login.
                                        2. Login successful.
                                        3. Librarian or the administrator tries to search record for a particular
                                             book. .
                                        4. Record is found.
                                        5. He/she wants to edit the record.
                                        6. The record has been edited.
Alternative Flows                       1. If login fails, the administrator should re-register that staff
                                        2. If book search is unsuccessful, then that book cannot be
                                             viewed or edited.
                                        3. If staff search is unsuccessful, then that staff member
                                             cannot be viewed or edited
Special Requirements                     The maximum response time is 1 minute.
                                         The System can support Urdu English and French language.
Technology and Data Variation        Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site.
Frequency of Occurrence              Could be nearly continuous
Open Issues                          If student/faculty member is not registered online he will have to wait for
                                     one day to process his/her complaint to the administrator.

          Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 11

    Use-Case Selection                                                  Description
Use Case Name                   Add Books Record
Scope                           Library Management System
Level                           User-Goal Level
Goal in Context                 Present a form to the administrator to allow him to add record of the Books.
Primary Actor                   Administrator
Stakeholders                    Administrator: Wants to add record of the different Books
Pre-Conditions                  The password entered is correct.
Post-Conditions                 The record of the Books is added to the Library Management Software and it
                                assigns a number to each book.
Main Success Scenario                1. Administrator selects the menu option to add record of the different Books.

                                         Administrator enters the name, Author’s Name and Edition or he/she can
                                         use barcode. 2-2a

                                     2. The Record of the books, updating of the previous record and assign a
                                        number to each book has been done.

Alternative Flows               2-2a: if the Password is incorrect than a message is printed on the screen and
                                Administrator is returned to the Books record menu.
Technology and Data             Administrator can use books barcodes to enter the records of books.
Open Issues                     If the site is down, records will be entered through system instead of web.

        Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 12

     Use Case Selection                                                   Description
Use Case Name                    Update Issued Books Record
Scope                            Library Management System
Level                            User Goal Level
Goal in Context                  Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the issued Book
Primary Actor                    Administrator
Stakeholders                     Administrator: enter and maintain the issued Books Record.
Pre-Conditions                   The books have been issued.
Main Success Scenario:                1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the issued Books record.

                                      2. LMS presents a Menu for maintaining issued Books Record. (2-2a, 2-2b)
                                         That contains the following Two options to choose from:

                                          a) Add issued Books Record
                                          b) Edit issued Books Record
Alternative Flows:               2-2a. To enter in the option Add issued books Record and Edit issued books
                                 Record, the system waits for the Password.
                                 2-2b. If the required book is not available in the library, a message is printed on
                                 the screen
Technology                       Online web access is supported.
Special Requirements                     In case of high latency the response time may exceed up to 1 minute.

                                         The System can support Urdu English and French language.

Open Issues                      If the site is down, records will be entered through computer system instead of

     Use-Case Selection                                                  Description

         Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 13

Use-Case Name                    View Students Record
Scope                            Library Management System
Level                            User Goal
Goal in Context                  Present the record of all students in tabular form.
Primary Actor                    Admin
Stakeholders                     Admin: Wants to view membership record of all Students that are member of the
Pre-Conditions                   None
Post-Condition                   Admin selects View Student Record option from the Student Membership Record
Success Guarantee                Library Management Software shows the table that contains the record of all
                                 students that are member of the library.
Main Success Scenario                1. Administrator selects the menu option to view membership record of all

                                      2. LMS presents membership record of all Students that are member of the
                                         library in the tabular form. 2-2a

Alternative Flows                2-2a. Records of the members could not be displayed, but an error.
Special Requirements                     The maximum response time is 1 minute.

                                         The System can support Urdu English and French language.

Technology and Data              Librarian may not be able to navigate on site.
Frequency of Occurrence          Could be nearly continuous
Open Issues                      If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system instead of web.

       Use-Case Selection                                                 Description

         Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 14

Use-Case Name                 Returned Books Record
Scope                         Library Management System
Level                         User Goal
Goal in Context               Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the returned
                              Book Record.
Primary Actor                 Admin
Stakeholders and              Admin: Wants to enter and maintain the returned Books Record.
Pre-Conditions                None
Post-Conditions               Admin selects returned Book Record option from the main menu and Library
                              Management System waits for user input
Main Success Scenario            1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the returned Books

                                   2. Library Management System: Presents a Menu for maintaining returned
                                      Books Record. That contains the following two options to choose from.2-

                                      a. Add returned Books Record
                                      b. Edit returned Books Record
                                   3. Library Management System waits for user input.

Alternative Flows             2-2a. To enter in the option Add returned books Record and Edit returned books
                              Record, the system waits for the Password.
Special Requirements                  The maximum response time is 1 minute.

                                      The System can support Urdu English and French language.

Technology and Data           Librarian member may not be able to navigate on site.
Open Issues                   If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system instead of web.

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 15

      Use Case Selection                                             Description
Use Case Name                        Reserve Book
Level                                User-goal level
Primary Actor                        Student, Faculty Member
Stakeholders and Interest            Student: wants to reserve a book online.
                                     Faculty Member: wants to reserve book
                                     Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
                                     modifications in the database.
                                     Librarian: responsible to keep the specific book reserved for particular
Pre-Condition                        Student and Faculty members are registered
Post-Condition                       Student/Faculty Member has reserved the book
Main Success Scenario                    5. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access the online
                                             library services.
                                         6. Student enters login information and sign in.
                                         7. Student search for specific book.
                                         8. Student found the book.
                                         9. Student clicked the reservation button.
                                         10. System asks for student ID.
                                         11. Student enters the system ID.
                                         12. Book has been reserved on the basis of unique library ID number.
                                         13. Student wills logout from the library management system.
Alternative Flows                        6. Student visits the website to access the online library services.
                                         7. Student Enter login information and sign in.
                                         8. Student searches for specific book.
                                         9. Student could not find the required book.
Special Requirements                      The maximum response time for online book search is 2 minutes.
                                          The System can support Urdu English and French language.
Technology and Data Variation        Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site.
Frequency of Occurrence              Could be nearly continuous
Open Issues                          Book will only be reserved for 24 hours. Student have to go to library
                                     within 24 hours to get the book, otherwise reservation will be cancelled.

          Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 16
      Use Case Selection                                           Description
Use Case Name                          Return Book
Level                                  User-goal level
Primary Actor                          Student, Faculty Member
Stakeholders and Interest              Student: wants to return a book in library
                                       Faculty Member: wants to return the book.
                                       Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and
                                       modifications in the database.
                                       Librarian: responsible to update the status of books.
Pre-Condition                          Book(s) have been issued to the student/faculty member
Post-Condition                         Student/faculty member has reserved the book
Main Success Scenario                       1. Student/Faculty member visits the library to return book(s).
                                            2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her library card and the book(s)
                                                to the librarian.
                                            3. Librarian checks if the book is returned on time. If yes, the book
                                                will be returned successfully.
                                            4. Librarian will update book information
                                            5. Administrator will update online book status.
Alternative Flows                           1. Student/Faculty member visits the library to return book(s).
                                            2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her library card and the book(s)
                                                to the librarian.
                                            3. Librarian checks if the book is not returned on time.
                                            4. Librarian generates fine slip.
                                            5. Student/Faculty member library card will be taken.
                                            6. She/he submits the fine to get the library card back.
Special Requirements                         Printed fine slips must be generated
Technology and Data Variation                Fine slip will be generated from the dot-matrix or ink-jet printers.
                                             Fine will be paid according to the laws of the institute/organization.
Frequency of Occurrence                Could be nearly continuous
Open Issues                            If the student/faculty member will not pay the fine in one week duration,
                                       the fine will be doubled every month. Student has to pay it with
                                       semester/session fee. In case of faculty member fine will be deducted from

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                         Page 17

4. Nonfunctional Requirements

4.1 Usability

         In educational institute that can make their library management system IT based and reliable.
        In general libraries of the city/country.
        In Small offices with little modifications.

4.2 Reliability

         Its cost is under the budget and it is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost
         subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement.
        Clearly identifying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and
         outputs expected from the system.
        System testing is properly done to avoid bugs and unexpected errors.
        Database is properly normalized.
        Risk Analysis is also done and security measures are taken to avoid unauthorized access.
        System Recovery will be fast because of proper backup systems.

4.3 Performance

        The response time in case of online search will be 1 minute (maximum).
        Proper backups system will not allow the online system to be down.
        Customized data will be used in this application.
        It is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition that it must
         satisfy the entire requirement. This system is exactly desirable because it is cost effective.

4.4 Supportability

This system supports extensibility. It is extendable in many ways like avoiding traversing multiple
links or methods and different sorting techniques, etc.
This system is reusable. We can update it to next version supporting latest mobile technology. As it is
reusable software thus it will reduce design, coding and testing cost even the amount of code also
simplifies understanding, which increases the likelihood that code is correct. We can use it in two
    1. Sharing of newly written code within a project
    2. Reuse of previously written code on new projects

        Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 18

All methods are easily understandable as other than the creator of the method can also understand the

Interfaces: Graphical interfaces will be provided on libraries desktop and online.
Student Graphical Interface
Student has a single interface only.
Administrator Graphical Interface
In 1st administrator interface administrator or librarian can insert the record of books there will be 6
          Books category
          Books name
          Books author name
          Books specific id
          Books edition
          Book code (optional)
In 2 administrator interface administrator can insert the record of student to which he/she allocate
the book, in this interface followings will be the fields.
             Session (student in rolled year)
             Department (biology, BSIT etc)
             Semester
             Shift (morning, afternoon, evening)
             Roll no
             Student Name
             Book id
Operations: It will support all the basic requirements of students, faculty members. For librarian and
Administrator management will be quick and simpler than many other library systems.
It will save the time of both librarian and students, if a student need a particular book he will go to
library and asked from the librarian about the availability of the book than librarians check the
availability of book on her/his personal computer and then tell the student about the book. But with
the help of this web application student can check the availability of the book from everywhere in
same network. Other education institute also can use this application.

4.5 Implementation
On front end the technology we are using is: Servlets, HTML, CSS and Java Script while the backend
technology includes My SQL Server.
The minimum server’s hardware requirements should meet the following standards:
OS: Windows
Processor: Pentium 4.0 GHz or higher
RAM: 1GB Mb or more
Hard Drive: 80 GB or more

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 19

4.6 Legal
 All the rules and regulations of the institute’s library will be followed like book reservation hours,
fine charges, how many days a member can keep the book? Etc.

5. Elaboration Phase

5.1 Domain Model

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Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 20

5.2 System Sequence Diagram

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Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 21

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 22

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 23

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 24

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 25

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 26

5.3 Operational Contracts

Contract co1: Register Online
Operation:              register (sign-up)
Cross reference:        use cases: online registration
Pre condition:          student visit the website
post Condition:          -student filled the form by providing required information
                         -she/he provide the correct information
                         -she/he got registered

Contract co2: Book Record
Operation:               Add book record (name, author, edition)
Cross reference:         uses cases: add book record
Pre condition:          none.
Post Condition:         -A book record instance B was created.
                       -B was associated with a database.
                       -Adding record was successful.

Contract co3: Reserve Book Online
Operation:               reservation (st_librabry_ID)
Cross reference:         uses cases: online book reservation
Pre condition:          Student visit the website
Post Condition:         -Student found the book.
                        -Student entered the system ID.
                        -Book status had been updated.

Contract co4: Add Member
Operation:            add member record()
Cross reference:      use cases: member record add
Pre condition:        Administrator enters login information.
Post Condition:       -A member record was created.
                      -It was associated waith database.
                      -Record successfully added.

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Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 27

Contract co5: Search Book online
Operation:              search book online()
Cross reference:        use cases: online book searchinng
Pre-condition:           Student/Faculty member visits the website.
Post Condition:         -Student had entered the name.
                        -Result had been displayed.
                        -Student found the required book.

6. Logical Architecture

6.1 Description of Architecture of System

In this following figure is elaborating the concept of 3 tier architecture for library management

6.2 User Interface

In this layer we will elaborate the interface for end user. Sample screens and form has been
displayed above

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 28

6.3 Application Layer

This layer contains interfaces, code, and the business logic. All the programming is done at this
layer. Classes, functions and formulas are written here.

6.4 Data Link Layer

This layer contains data that is to be created, maintained and accessed by the system. All the data
is kept and arranged in a separate database which can be placed on a remote machine. The data is
organized in clear and understandable manner to avoid any confusion.

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 29

7. Design Phase

7.1 Sequence Diagram

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 30

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 31

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 32

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 33

7.2 Collaboration Diagram

7.3 Design Class Diagram

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System                                       Page 34

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix B: Analysis Models

Appendix C: To Be Determined List

      Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.

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Online Library Mangement System

  • 1. Software Requirements Specification For Library Management System Prepared by Maryum Afzal Ammar Azeem Muhammad Bilal Maham Batool University of Education 17th December 2012 Copyright © 2012 Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 2. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page ii Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................................................. 1 1.4 Product Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.5 References ................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................1 2.1 Product Perspective ..................................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Product Functions ........................................................................................................................ 2 External Interface Requirements .................................................................................................3 2.3 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 3 3. Functional/Behavioral requirement .......................................................................................4 3.1 Actor Goal List ............................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Use case diagram ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Use-Case Description .................................................................................................................. 7 4. Nonfunctional Requirements ................................................................................................17 4.1 Usability .................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Reliability .................................................................................................................................. 17 4.3 Performance............................................................................................................................... 17 4.4 Supportability ............................................................................................................................ 17 4.5 Implementation .......................................................................................................................... 18 4.6 Legal .......................................................................................................................................... 19 5. Elaboration Phase ..................................................................................................................19 5.1 Domain Model ........................................................................................................................... 19 5.2 System Sequence Diagram ........................................................................................................ 20 5.3 Operational Contracts ................................................................................................................ 26 6. Logical Architecture ..............................................................................................................27 6.1 Description of Architecture of System ...................................................................................... 27 6.2 User Interface ............................................................................................................................ 27 6.3 Application Layer ...................................................................................................................... 28 6.4 Data Link Layer ......................................................................................................................... 28 7. Design Phase ...........................................................................................................................29 7.1 Sequence Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 29 7.2 Collaboration Diagram .............................................................................................................. 33 7.3 Design Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 33 Appendix A: Glossary .................................................................................................................34 Appendix B: Analysis Models .....................................................................................................34 Appendix C: To Be Determined List ..........................................................................................34 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 3. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page iii Revision History Name Date Reason For Changes Version Ammar Azeem 1st To meet current requirement and in order to Final Maryum Afzal December create efficient system Muhammad Bilal 2012 Maham Batool Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 4. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The old library management system was based on paper work and excel sheet. Current requirement of a global village doesn’t support traditional work thus we have developed database based LMS with web based interface. 1.2 Document Conventions Standard rules of documentation and agile manifesto has been followed in order to standardize the work. In order to create an efficient and effective library management system in the premises of University of Education. 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions These documents are intended for people relating to different walk of IT, such as developers, project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and documentation writers and quality assurance staff database developer. 1.4 Product Scope The Library Management System will be a web based application design & develop for receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the borrower’s details and history. The system will generate the spine labels and manages the late fine and damages on lost books as well. Moreover a number of important reports can be generated through this System. 1.5 References http://www.scribd.com/doc/24051771/UML-DIAGRAM-OF-LIBRARY-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM http://www.scribd.com/doc/44033260/UML-Diagrams-for-Library-Management-System http://www.scribd.com/doc/21960811/Library-Management-System 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective The old library management system was based on paper work and excel sheet. Current requiment of a global village doesn’t support traditional work thus we have developed database based LMS with web based interface. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 5. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 2 2.2 Product Functions  Members Listing and Searching  Items Management (Books, Magazines, Articles, News, Thesis, Projects, DVDs, etc.)  Circulation Management( Issue of Books, Return of Books and Re-Issue)  Importing Members from Existing Database  Labeling (Barcode Tag Generation)  Book Reservation Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 6. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 3 External Interface Requirements 2.3 User Interfaces Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 7. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 4 3. Functional/Behavioral requirement 3.1 Actor Goal List Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 8. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 5 ACTOR GOAL Student Book reservation Return book Search books online Change password Read and Download E-Books Librarian Add member Delete member Add new book information Delete old book records Send e-mail reminders Fine collection Update student information Issue book Search student and faculty records Update book status Issued books Records Database Administrator Online registration Issue online user ID and password View all records Search student and faculty records Maintenance Update Student Information Online Delete Book Update book status online Issued books Records Upload E-Books Faculty Members Book reservation return book online book reservation search books online add student notes Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 9. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 6 3.2 Use case diagram Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 10. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 7 3.3 Use-Case Description Use Case Selection Description Use Case Name Add Students Record Level Sub-Function level Primary Actor Student, Faculty Member Stakeholders and Interest Student: wants to register in the library. Faculty Member: wants to register in the library. Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and modifications in the database. Librarian: responsible to keep the specific records for particular student and faculty member. Pre-Condition Student and Faculty members have submitted their registration forms. Post-Condition Record for a student/faculty member has been added. Main Success Scenario 1. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access the online library services. 2. Student/Faculty member sign-up to get registered online. 3. He/she provides correct information and a secret password. 4. She/he got registered. Alternative Flows 1. Student/Faculty member visits the website to access the online library services. 2. He/she tries to sign-up. 3. She/he fails and receives an error. 4. She/he will visit the librarian to report a complaint. 5. Librarian will forward this complaint to the administrator. Special Requirements  The maximum response time for online registration is 1 minute.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Technology and Data Variation Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site. Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous Open Issues If student/faculty member is not registered online he will have to wait for one day to process his/her complaint to the administrator. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 11. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 8 Use Case Name Edit Students Record Scope Online Library Management System Level User Goal Primary Actor Admin Stakeholders and Admin: wants to change membership record of the specific student. Interests Student/faculty member: whose record will be manipulated. Preconditions The password entered is correct. Triggers Admin selects Edit Student Record option from the Student Membership Record menu. Success Guarantee The record of the student Membership is Changed in the Library Management Software. Main Success 1. Admin: Selects the menu to Change membership record of the Specific Student. Scenario 2. Admin: Enters the Name of the Categories and the correct data of that student 2-2c, 2-2d 3. Library Management System: Save the changes in the Membership record of the Students and updates the previous record. Alternative Flow 2-2a: if the Password is incorrect than a message is printed on the screen and admin is returned to the Student Membership record menu. 2-2b: if the name of the categories not among the existing categories, a message is printed on the screen and admin is returned to Student Membership record menu. 2-2c: The Registration must be in the form “year of joining of institution – institution name – department name – registration number (that must not be greater than 4 digits)”. 2-2d: The Date of the Birth and Joining date must be in the format of “MM/DD/YYYY” if Month is greater than 12 or Days is greater than 31, a message is printed on the screen and asks for reenter. Special Requirements The system can support Urdu English and French language. Technology Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site. Open Issues Administrator must logout to avoid unauthorized access. Use case Name Search Students Record Scope Library Management System Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 12. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 9 Level User Goal Goal in Context Present a form to the admin to allow him to search the record of the students. Primary Actor Admin Stakeholders Admin: Wants to Search membership record of the Required Students Preconditions None Triggers Admin selects Search Student Record option from the Student Membership Record menu. Success Guarantee Library Management Software Presents the record of the required student in tabular form. Main Success 1. Admin: Selects the menu option to Search membership record of the Required Scenario Students. 2. Library Management System: presents a form 3. Admin: Enters the name, Father’s Name, Registration Number 2-4a, 4. Library Management System: Presents the record of the required student. Alternative Flow 2-4a: The Registration must be in the form “year of joining of institution – institution name – department name – registration number (that must not be greater than 4 digits)” Technology and Data Barcode search scheme will be followed if the student card is available. Variation Open Issues Student cannot search his/her own record Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 13. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 10 Use Case Selection Description Use Case Name View/Edit Book Detail Level User-goal level Primary Actor Librarian, Administrator Stakeholders and Interest Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and modifications in the database. Librarian: responsible to keep the specific records for particular books. Pre-Condition Books records are already found in the database. Post-Condition Record for a particular book has been searched or modified. Main Success Scenario 1. Librarian/ administrator tries to login. 2. Login successful. 3. Librarian or the administrator tries to search record for a particular book. . 4. Record is found. 5. He/she wants to edit the record. 6. The record has been edited. Alternative Flows 1. If login fails, the administrator should re-register that staff 2. If book search is unsuccessful, then that book cannot be viewed or edited. 3. If staff search is unsuccessful, then that staff member cannot be viewed or edited Special Requirements  The maximum response time is 1 minute.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Technology and Data Variation Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site. Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous Open Issues If student/faculty member is not registered online he will have to wait for one day to process his/her complaint to the administrator. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 14. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 11 Use-Case Selection Description Use Case Name Add Books Record Scope Library Management System Level User-Goal Level Goal in Context Present a form to the administrator to allow him to add record of the Books. Primary Actor Administrator Stakeholders Administrator: Wants to add record of the different Books Pre-Conditions The password entered is correct. Post-Conditions The record of the Books is added to the Library Management Software and it assigns a number to each book. Main Success Scenario 1. Administrator selects the menu option to add record of the different Books. Administrator enters the name, Author’s Name and Edition or he/she can use barcode. 2-2a 2. The Record of the books, updating of the previous record and assign a number to each book has been done. Alternative Flows 2-2a: if the Password is incorrect than a message is printed on the screen and Administrator is returned to the Books record menu. Technology and Data Administrator can use books barcodes to enter the records of books. Variation Open Issues If the site is down, records will be entered through system instead of web. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 15. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 12 Use Case Selection Description Use Case Name Update Issued Books Record Scope Library Management System Level User Goal Level Goal in Context Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the issued Book Record. Primary Actor Administrator Stakeholders Administrator: enter and maintain the issued Books Record. Pre-Conditions The books have been issued. Post-Conditions Main Success Scenario: 1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the issued Books record. 2. LMS presents a Menu for maintaining issued Books Record. (2-2a, 2-2b) That contains the following Two options to choose from: a) Add issued Books Record b) Edit issued Books Record Alternative Flows: 2-2a. To enter in the option Add issued books Record and Edit issued books Record, the system waits for the Password. 2-2b. If the required book is not available in the library, a message is printed on the screen Technology Online web access is supported. Special Requirements  In case of high latency the response time may exceed up to 1 minute.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Open Issues If the site is down, records will be entered through computer system instead of web. Use-Case Selection Description Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 16. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 13 Use-Case Name View Students Record Scope Library Management System Level User Goal Goal in Context Present the record of all students in tabular form. Primary Actor Admin Stakeholders Admin: Wants to view membership record of all Students that are member of the library. Pre-Conditions None Post-Condition Admin selects View Student Record option from the Student Membership Record menu. Success Guarantee Library Management Software shows the table that contains the record of all students that are member of the library. Main Success Scenario 1. Administrator selects the menu option to view membership record of all Students. 2. LMS presents membership record of all Students that are member of the library in the tabular form. 2-2a Alternative Flows 2-2a. Records of the members could not be displayed, but an error. Special Requirements  The maximum response time is 1 minute.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Technology and Data Librarian may not be able to navigate on site. Variation Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous Open Issues If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system instead of web. Use-Case Selection Description Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 17. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 14 Use-Case Name Returned Books Record Scope Library Management System Level User Goal Goal in Context Present a menu from which one can access the various functions of the returned Book Record. Primary Actor Admin Stakeholders and Admin: Wants to enter and maintain the returned Books Record. Interests Pre-Conditions None Post-Conditions Admin selects returned Book Record option from the main menu and Library Management System waits for user input Main Success Scenario 1. Administrator selects the menu option to enter in the returned Books record. 2. Library Management System: Presents a Menu for maintaining returned Books Record. That contains the following two options to choose from.2- 2a a. Add returned Books Record b. Edit returned Books Record 3. Library Management System waits for user input. Alternative Flows 2-2a. To enter in the option Add returned books Record and Edit returned books Record, the system waits for the Password. Special Requirements  The maximum response time is 1 minute.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Technology and Data Librarian member may not be able to navigate on site. Variation Open Issues If the site is down, records can be viewed through computer system instead of web. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 18. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 15 Use Case Selection Description Use Case Name Reserve Book Level User-goal level Primary Actor Student, Faculty Member Stakeholders and Interest Student: wants to reserve a book online. Faculty Member: wants to reserve book Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and modifications in the database. Librarian: responsible to keep the specific book reserved for particular student. Pre-Condition Student and Faculty members are registered Post-Condition Student/Faculty Member has reserved the book Main Success Scenario 5. Student/Faculty Member visits the website to access the online library services. 6. Student enters login information and sign in. 7. Student search for specific book. 8. Student found the book. 9. Student clicked the reservation button. 10. System asks for student ID. 11. Student enters the system ID. 12. Book has been reserved on the basis of unique library ID number. 13. Student wills logout from the library management system. Alternative Flows 6. Student visits the website to access the online library services. 7. Student Enter login information and sign in. 8. Student searches for specific book. 9. Student could not find the required book. Special Requirements  The maximum response time for online book search is 2 minutes.  The System can support Urdu English and French language. Technology and Data Variation Student or faculty member may not be able to navigate on site. Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous Open Issues Book will only be reserved for 24 hours. Student have to go to library within 24 hours to get the book, otherwise reservation will be cancelled. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 19. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 16 Use Case Selection Description Use Case Name Return Book Level User-goal level Primary Actor Student, Faculty Member Stakeholders and Interest Student: wants to return a book in library Faculty Member: wants to return the book. Administrator: responsible for the management of online activities and modifications in the database. Librarian: responsible to update the status of books. Pre-Condition Book(s) have been issued to the student/faculty member Post-Condition Student/faculty member has reserved the book Main Success Scenario 1. Student/Faculty member visits the library to return book(s). 2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her library card and the book(s) to the librarian. 3. Librarian checks if the book is returned on time. If yes, the book will be returned successfully. 4. Librarian will update book information 5. Administrator will update online book status. Alternative Flows 1. Student/Faculty member visits the library to return book(s). 2. Student/Faculty member gives his/her library card and the book(s) to the librarian. 3. Librarian checks if the book is not returned on time. 4. Librarian generates fine slip. 5. Student/Faculty member library card will be taken. 6. She/he submits the fine to get the library card back. Special Requirements  Printed fine slips must be generated Technology and Data Variation  Fine slip will be generated from the dot-matrix or ink-jet printers.  Fine will be paid according to the laws of the institute/organization. Frequency of Occurrence Could be nearly continuous Open Issues If the student/faculty member will not pay the fine in one week duration, the fine will be doubled every month. Student has to pay it with semester/session fee. In case of faculty member fine will be deducted from pay. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 20. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 17 4. Nonfunctional Requirements 4.1 Usability  In educational institute that can make their library management system IT based and reliable.  In general libraries of the city/country.  In Small offices with little modifications. 4.2 Reliability  Its cost is under the budget and it is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement.  Clearly identifying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from the system.  System testing is properly done to avoid bugs and unexpected errors.  Database is properly normalized.  Risk Analysis is also done and security measures are taken to avoid unauthorized access.  System Recovery will be fast because of proper backup systems. 4.3 Performance  The response time in case of online search will be 1 minute (maximum).  Proper backups system will not allow the online system to be down.  Customized data will be used in this application.  It is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement. This system is exactly desirable because it is cost effective. 4.4 Supportability This system supports extensibility. It is extendable in many ways like avoiding traversing multiple links or methods and different sorting techniques, etc. This system is reusable. We can update it to next version supporting latest mobile technology. As it is reusable software thus it will reduce design, coding and testing cost even the amount of code also simplifies understanding, which increases the likelihood that code is correct. We can use it in two ways: 1. Sharing of newly written code within a project 2. Reuse of previously written code on new projects Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 21. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 18 All methods are easily understandable as other than the creator of the method can also understand the code. Interfaces: Graphical interfaces will be provided on libraries desktop and online. Student Graphical Interface Student has a single interface only. Administrator Graphical Interface In 1st administrator interface administrator or librarian can insert the record of books there will be 6 fields  Books category  Books name  Books author name  Books specific id  Books edition  Book code (optional) nd In 2 administrator interface administrator can insert the record of student to which he/she allocate the book, in this interface followings will be the fields.  Session (student in rolled year)  Department (biology, BSIT etc)  Semester  Shift (morning, afternoon, evening)  Roll no  Student Name  Book id Operations: It will support all the basic requirements of students, faculty members. For librarian and Administrator management will be quick and simpler than many other library systems. It will save the time of both librarian and students, if a student need a particular book he will go to library and asked from the librarian about the availability of the book than librarians check the availability of book on her/his personal computer and then tell the student about the book. But with the help of this web application student can check the availability of the book from everywhere in same network. Other education institute also can use this application. 4.5 Implementation On front end the technology we are using is: Servlets, HTML, CSS and Java Script while the backend technology includes My SQL Server. The minimum server’s hardware requirements should meet the following standards: OS: Windows Processor: Pentium 4.0 GHz or higher RAM: 1GB Mb or more Hard Drive: 80 GB or more Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 22. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 19 4.6 Legal All the rules and regulations of the institute’s library will be followed like book reservation hours, fine charges, how many days a member can keep the book? Etc. 5. Elaboration Phase 5.1 Domain Model Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 23. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 20 5.2 System Sequence Diagram Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 24. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 21 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 25. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 22 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 26. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 23 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 27. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 24 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 28. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 25 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 29. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 26 5.3 Operational Contracts Contract co1: Register Online Operation: register (sign-up) Cross reference: use cases: online registration Pre condition: student visit the website post Condition: -student filled the form by providing required information -she/he provide the correct information -she/he got registered Contract co2: Book Record Operation: Add book record (name, author, edition) Cross reference: uses cases: add book record Pre condition: none. Post Condition: -A book record instance B was created. -B was associated with a database. -Adding record was successful. Contract co3: Reserve Book Online Operation: reservation (st_librabry_ID) Cross reference: uses cases: online book reservation Pre condition: Student visit the website Post Condition: -Student found the book. -Student entered the system ID. -Book status had been updated. Contract co4: Add Member Operation: add member record() Cross reference: use cases: member record add Pre condition: Administrator enters login information. Post Condition: -A member record was created. -It was associated waith database. -Record successfully added. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 30. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 27 Contract co5: Search Book online Operation: search book online() Cross reference: use cases: online book searchinng Pre-condition: Student/Faculty member visits the website. Post Condition: -Student had entered the name. -Result had been displayed. -Student found the required book. 6. Logical Architecture 6.1 Description of Architecture of System In this following figure is elaborating the concept of 3 tier architecture for library management system 6.2 User Interface In this layer we will elaborate the interface for end user. Sample screens and form has been displayed above Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 31. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 28 6.3 Application Layer This layer contains interfaces, code, and the business logic. All the programming is done at this layer. Classes, functions and formulas are written here. 6.4 Data Link Layer This layer contains data that is to be created, maintained and accessed by the system. All the data is kept and arranged in a separate database which can be placed on a remote machine. The data is organized in clear and understandable manner to avoid any confusion. Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 32. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 29 7. Design Phase 7.1 Sequence Diagram Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 33. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 30 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 34. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 31 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 35. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 32 Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 36. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 33 7.2 Collaboration Diagram 7.3 Design Class Diagram Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
  • 37. Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page 34 Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B: Analysis Models Appendix C: To Be Determined List Copyright © 2012 by Maryum Afzal. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.