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Online Paper Writing Service Online Paper Writing Service


Denis Diderot The Encyclopedie
Few people s work impact the society they lived in quite as much as Denis Diderot s did. Diderot, who
authored both of the given extracts as well as much of the encyclopedie was a French philosopher and
writer. He was born in France in 1713 in a provincial familty. He studied in a Jesuit school but
promptly lost his religious faith after studying in Paris. He went on to edit The Encyclopedie, which
was a translation and extension upon on the English Cyclopedia. Produced between 1751 and 1772,
the Encyclopedie was written with the purpose to collect the knowledge dispersed on the surface of
the Earth... so that the work of preceding centuries will not become useless to the centuries to come. In
essence it aimed to offer the reader a comprehensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It played a major role in causing the French people to express displeasures as well as going on to
shape revolutionary thought and legislation passed by revolutionary governments. The ideas of
Diderot helped revolutionaries lay the foundations of their attempt to remake society. Diderot s careful
criticism of Christianity throughout his work helped spread the ideas that the Church and its power
within the state required much needed reform. Later on during the French revolution, one of the major
factors behind the revolutionaries attack on the church is the criticism of its irrationality caused by the
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Family Systems Theory And Its Impact On The Practices Of...
This research paper evaluates the Bowen Family Systems Theory and its impact on the practices of
Marriage and Family Counseling. Dr. Murray Bowen is credited with being one of the founders of
family systems theory. This paper will discuss the eight concepts which Bowen deemed causes anxiety
within the family system. Also, the goals and practices which have been utilized by professionals
within the psychology field relation to the Bowen Family Systems Theory. Analysis provides that
anxiety is passed along through the family system by the triangle concept and when families are
dysfunctional there are several outcomes based upon the concepts developed by Dr. Bowen. The
therapeutic structure which is developed by Bowen allows clients to help themselves and lower levels
of anxiety over time.
Bowen Family System Theory
On June 26th 2015 the U.S Supreme court legalized gay marriage in all 50 states, and this was a
historic change in how marriage was defined in the US (Procon.org). Over the past couple of decades
the traditional definition of marriage and family have changed and includes various backgrounds,
sexual preferences, and blended family systems.We find that there are several definitions of family
such as the traditional family can include heterosexual couples, single parents, and families including
blood relative, adoptive families, foster relationships, grandparents raising grandchildren, and
stepfamilies (ceunit.com). Extended family can be
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Social Welfare Reform
Many of the conflicting interests between different parties in the U.S. are what shaped our social
welfare laws from the colonial period and after the civil war. When looking at the conflicts we faced
back then, it is evident that the greater outlook in society was based off of morals and the Christian
view our country was built on. These beliefs are still very prominent in our thinking as a society today
although there have been some changes in our social welfare, that go against the law of our creator .
One of the main conflicts that occurred after the civil war was specific to the growing population of
immigrants. The conflict arose when many of the new immigrants began to take jobs in the mines,
steel mills, textile factories, and other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
that established change in social welfare, was women entering public life after the civil war. During
the civil war women took jobs that were vacated by men, and felt this was proof of equality. They
were disappointed when the fourteenth amendment explicitly excluded women as voters (Stern Axinn,
2012, p.101). Women were further marginalized in society when the fifteenth amendment extended
suffrage to black men and excluded women. After the fifteenth amendment, the national African
women s suffrage association replaced the American equal rights association, and asserted that women
could increase the educated voting population and reduce the influence of the ignorant populace,
(Stern Axinn, 2012, p.101). The number of women that were a part of this association was small
mainly because it was frowned upon, society found it to be a call for political power and women who
demanded it were suspect. The government and society at this time still favored the Christian outlook
and stated that a woman s nature is to attend home duties and men to do outside work, not only does
the law of the creator say this but men s physical ability to do outside work also solidified this view
(Stern Axinn,2012, p.103). Women did begin to join other organizations which allowed them to find
outlets in the limiting world they lived in. These organizations included the women s auxiliaries of the
Patrons of Husbandry, the General Federation of Women s Clubs, and especially the National Women
s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) which became the most influential women s organization in
the country (Stern Axinn,2012, p.101 102). Women were able to have these organizations in the public
sphere because they were justified as something that could enrich motherhood. For example as
technological advances took place and there began to be a falling birth rate women began to attend
colleges, this was rationalized by the larger public as education for motherhood (Stern
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List Of Figures And Functions Requirements
List of Figures Figure Number Figure Figure 1 Number of recruiting studies and percentage Figure 2
Clinical Trials Figure 3 MediData Figure 4 Mongo DB Figure 5 Word Cloud Figure 6 Search results
Figure 7 Google Charts Figure 8 State of Art Figure 9 center watch website Figure 10 FDA website
Figure 11 National Library of Medicine Figure 12 Clinical Trials website Figure 13 Mediate website
Figure 14 PERT Chart Figure 15 Agile Software Development Figure 16 Architecture Design Figure
17 Use case Diagram Figure 18 Database Design Figure 19 Periodic update of database Figure 20
Connectivity Interface Diagram Figure 21 User interaction flow diagram Figure 22 UI Mockup Figure
23 Component diagram Figure 24 Test plan cycle Figure 25 Testing with ... Show more content on
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Millions of researches are being carried out across the world. Hence the scope is very limited for a
person/organization to follow all the studies going on. Even if you track a study, it becomes a real
problem to analyze data that is being updated continuously on that trial. Apart from this problem, there
are many other obstacles like inaccurate results in search of a particular medical problem and even if
you do find accurate results, it becomes hard to put all information at one place retrieved from various
sources. In order to overcome the above problems, we are developing a one stop clinical trials user
friendly application that addresses all the related problems. In addition, we plan on providing a
platform for business users to analyze the stocks of the companies that are conducting the clinical
trials. Business users can benefit by making use of these analyses to make right choice before
investing on a stock. When a company starts the research on any disease, its stock prices see a change
relative to this research. If the research seems useful and helpful for the society, it grabs the attention
of the investors thereby, increases the stock prices of that firm. This analysis is carried out in this
project. 1.2 Problem and motivation There are numerous clinical trials being conducted around the
world every day. In spite of the technological advances like Internet,
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The Economy Of The Us Auto Industry
The US Auto industry is facing the reality that new generations are not the same generations on which
they built their empires. As information and global awareness are more prevalent than ever before, the
consumer only wants to do what feels right to them, not what they have been told to want, and statistic
show that the things the new consumer is looking for above all, is the lower cost of owning a car,
followed fuel efficiency and how environmentally friendly it is.
After the boom of urban sprawled life with the baby boomers, that was maintained to a certain degree
by generation X, the car industry thrived, along with the housing prices, and sales, both industries,
housing and automobile, achieved their greatest heights together, and were similarly affected when the
Great Recession hit. Some have suggested that the automobile sector has experienced the same bubble
as the housing sector and that it will never return to boom conditions again (Boudette and Shirouzu
2008). As the car industry is in the process of recuperation, and as it climbs it is faced with the new
reality of a changing demographics of its consumers.
Generation Y is now the prime target for the auto industry, they are also the largest potential consumer
market, and the auto industry has to work on getting this new generation interested in their products.
To achieve this goal, it is important that the industry acknowledge that the consumer patterns are not
the same. A global consciousness has developed in
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Taken To Court Case Analysis
For a case to be taken to court, there are a lot of factors that have to be considered. When the case is
taken to court, the judge has found there to be enough evidence for the case to be taken to trial and
now it is up to the prosecutor and the defendant s attorney to prove their side of the story. The
prosecutor has to prove the defendant is guilty with all the evidence that he has to the jury and the
defendant s attorney has to poke holes in the prosecutor s points in order to prove that the prosecutor
does not have reliable information. The prosecutor, the defense attorney and the judge are the three
major players of the court and they have to decide if someone is innocent or guilty of a crime.
Before a case gets taken to trial, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Andrew Hessick IIII and Reshma M. Saujani (2002) explain how, Many attorneys consider the risk
associated with going to trial very high because it is well understood that defendants convicted at trial
usually receive more severe sentences than those who plead guilty (p. 211). During trial both sides
will represent why they believe the defendant is innocent or guilty based off of the evidence that each
side has to the jury and the judge. During this process, the judge sits back and listen because the judge
is like a referee according to Judge Walling. Judge Walling states that the judge makes sure the
lawyers are following the right protocols. Unless the judge is engaged in the court hearing, they are a
neutral party. Francesco Ferraro (2013) backs up what Judge Walling says by addressing that, Judges
must be the tutors of the citizens expectations, which, under a system of statute law, will focus on the
code. (p.140). The judges are only there to be an eye for the people and make sure that everything is
following the law in the court room. After each side debates on if the defendant is guilty or innocent,
the jury comes back and the verdict is given to the defendant.
There is a process in determining if someone is innocent or guilty of a crime and it works for the most
part. The police will help the attorney get the evidence that the attorney will need to prove that the
person that the police arrested was the person that committed the crime. The defense will back up their
client and make sure that if they are guilty that they get some fair treatment. While all of this is
happening, the judge will sit back and make sure that everything is following the law and intervene if
he or she has
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Definition Of American Freedom
In the last several decades, the definition of American freedom has changed, especially following the
ascent to power of different individuals from the two different political parties who have different
opinions regarding freedom. Conservatives have a limited definition of this concept. They center it to
the freedom from government interference and in markets. Accordingly, the government is a threat to
the entrepreneur (not the citizen) (Vedder, 2015). In this aspect, freedom entails limitation of
government capacity; and deregulation and privatization. Taking into account these different
perspectives about American freedom, it suffices to say that the health of freedom in the American
society has been waning.
Health of American Freedom Today
The concept of freedom was vital among the American founders when they were making their
decision regarding how the United States would be and how it would function. Spease (2016) in
discussing this issue borrows for the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. The first line
thereof states we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness (Spease, 2016; and Constitution Society, 2017). Therefore, in Spease s (2016)
opinion, freedom is based on the premise that each American has the right to liberty and life; and the
pursuit of their own happiness
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Sorrow Definition
Autumn C. Mathis
9 October, 2014
Does everyone feel sorrow? That is the initial question to a much larger problem, for it does seem as if
some people do not. In any given city you d be able to tell the difference from an emo , and a regular .
An emo not necessarily being a dark clad hater, they are just people who feel an emotion to the
extreme; someone unable to cope with this emotion in such a way as for it to be invisible to others.
Say that this feeling is sorrow. Are these people feeling more sorrow than other people do, or are they
worse at coping with the feeling? That is the greater problem.
On one hand, the people who let their darkest emotions show have issues coping with them, and let
them show on their face like art on a canvas. However, whether or not this coping arises from the
mental strength of character, from experience, or simply from honesty, is the issue that is presented to
me in my mind, and what I need to clarify on, in order to deal with it myself.
Maybe being emotional about a problem, in a way that others might recognize, makes the given
problem easier to cope with, because you in turn do not also have to cope with the problem that you
do not understand. If you carry with you an aura of dread and despair, will people not recognize these
emotions in you? You might not acknowledge so yourself, but part of the problem in concealing
sorrow arises from the fact that everyone else carries on the way they did before. Life goes
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Hey Jude Analysis
Is an imitation of an already existing artwork a separate artwork in itself? Some philosophers consider
would consider saying yes to this question such as Davies from the theory of multiple artworks while
others may say no such as Collingwood in his differentiation of a true artwork as contrasted with a
craft. There are many instances of artwork that are only imitations but the credit for its appreciation
are given to different people. For example, would a cover for Hey Jude by the Beatles in Youtube be
considered an instance of the musical work Hey Jude or would it be considered an entirely separate
artwork? The title of the song that is being sung remains Hey Jude but the appreciation of the
performance now belongs to the one who made ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, a man singing Yellow by Coldplay would be a co author of his own performance along
with Coldplay but only if they intended to imitate the song in its original form. Even without all the
instruments present, if the intent is there to imitate the song Yellow with the best of his abilities, then
they would be in a joint authorship. However, if the intent is for there to be a change to the original,
then the imitation artist would be comparable to a ready made artist such as Duchamp. Joint
authorship according to Livingston requires that the authors share the aim for contributing to the
making of a single... work and in this case, the aim of the imitation author would not be sharing the
same aim in contributing to that work as the original artist intended. In the case of Duchamp s
L.H.O.O.Q. , he did not intend for the work to be regarded in the same manner as Da Vinci s Mona
Lisa . In the same way that the Fountain does not give credit to the creator of the urinal itself in the
role of being an artwork as it is to be regarded in a different manner than of a normal urinal, Duchamp
s L.H.O.O.Q. only gives proper credit to the creator, Duchamp and not Da Vinci. This can be applied
to covers in Youtube and other mediums where the imitator
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The Gospel Of Mark Essays
Jesus Christ lived a very full, if short, life. He did and accomplished more in his thirty years than
many men do in twice that. The gospels each tell their versions of his life. Of the four, I found the
gospel of Mark to be the most interesting. I enjoy the style of writing in this gospel more than the
others. I feel it gives a better summary of the events in Christ s life. Whereas the other gospels tend to
get bogged down with parables or spend too much time on specific events, the gospel of Mark moves
along at a good pace and adequately gets the message across. A majority of Mark deals with Christ s
travels throughout the area around the Sea of Galilee and the various miracles he performed during
that time. Most of these involved ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is a beautifully written passage. Without coming out and saying, it, Christ makes it apparent that
it s not enough to merely worship; one must also go out and preach to the unsaved and try to help
them see the light. Another parable tells of the rich young man who asks Christ how he may attain the
kingdom of God. Christ asks if he as followed the Ten Commandments, and the young man says he
has. Then Christ tells him that he has to give all his possessions to the poor because he will have no
need of such things in Heaven. This saddens the young man because he has many possessions. After
the young man left, Christ told his disciples that it is difficult for the rich to get into Heaven because
they put too much faith into their riches. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than
for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, (Mark 10:25). This is a poignant message. Christ then
says that a man who gives up everything for his faith will be well rewarded in Heaven. This parable is
timeless. It speaks of the downfall greed can force upon you. In the end, no matter how much you
have, you can t take it with you. One of the most widely told stories of Jesus is written in Mark. Upon
visiting the Temple in Jerusalem, Christ finds it is overrun with merchants and moneychangers.
Enraged, Jesus overturns the tables and calls the temple a den of thieves. This angered the priests and
scribes of the city,
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Mary Szybist s Incarnadine
In her Incarnadine, Mary Szybist uses the examples of the Annunciation to Mary and the visions of
Joan of Arc to explore the strong dipole of power between god and the women who choose to follow
him. A reoccuring theme that can be observed is the power that god exerts over women that are chosen
by him, and the resulting internal conflict faced or sacrifices made by these women, who lack the
power to oppose this control, but also freely choose to follow god. Szybist uses this common theme to
question the meaning of choice when there is a power imbalance.
Such a conflict can be seen in Szybist s poem Holy, in which a woman wants to be known by the holy
spirit and at the same time feels stifled by its presence within her. This is evidenced ... Show more
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The jewelry adorning Joan of Arc seems to be representative of her relationship with god, since the
use of the word immoveable to describe the crown implies an unwavering power, such as god s power.
Thus, the statement by the speaker that the leaves... go through what my fingers can t may mean that
the speaker cannot access the divine like Joan of Arc could. Furthermore, there seems to be an
emphasis in these descriptions on bareness and nature, as Joan of Arc is not wearing precious jewelry
and is crowned with leaves rather than an actual crown. The fact that Joan is not wearing jewelry, is
not armed at all in the same way as the speaker, raises the question of whether she had to put a more
feminine version of herself aside in order to be god s soldier. This idea is further supported when the
speaker says, If I could I d let your hair down / and make your ears disappear (29 30), which can be
seen as wanting to end Joan s prophetic powers (her ability to hear the voice of god) and return her to
her more feminine state. Thus, similar to mother Mary, the reader gets the sense that Joan of Arc is
sacrificing an aspect of herself in order to fulfill a role that she was chosen for by
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The Impact Of Telehealth On The Areas Of Patient Care
Telehealth Telehealth is an innovative approach to health care that is rapidly expanding in all areas of
patient care. It has been shown to be cost effective and is rapidly being integrated into everyday
practices from clinics, hospitals, court systems, school systems and even the local drug store.
According to McGonigle and Mastrian (2009), in 1955, the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute began using
closed circuit television to provide routine distance education and teleconsultation between itself and a
remote state mental hospital. In 1965, cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey performed open heart
surgery and transmitted the procedure live to a hospital in Genieva, allowing him to describe the
process and to answer questions. McGonigle and Mastrian also indicate NASA began using telehealth
in the 1960s and 70 s to monitor astronauts physical and mental health as well with much success.
Foreign use of telehealth.
The country of norway discovered using telehealth was highly beneficial because many parts of the
country are remote and access to care providers is limited Physicians did not want to leave the larger
cities therefore the use of telehealth for routine examinations and treatment became highly favored
within the country (McGonigle and Mastrian).
United States use of telehealth.
In the United States, a renewed interest occurred in telehealth in the 1990s according to McGonigle
and Mastrian because of escalating costs, the need for greater access for all
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Comparison Of Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus And Oedipus King
It is important to be afraid. This is a message the two greek plays Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus
and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles send to the citizens of Ancient Greece. The emotions of the gods in
both plays are unchangeable, regardless of how involved they are in the plot. This steeliness causes
fear of the gods and allows them to successfully lead. When displaying their power, the gods are able
to keep greek citizens in the hold of their leadership. They have trapped the people so they are unable
to survive without their guidance, but have also created fear and respect. If they don t fear the gods
and respect power the people s lives will descend into chaos. However, if they do have fear they are
unable to lead by themselves and become independent. The fear and respect the gods invoke in people
is the key to their leadership, and without it there can be no civility. In the play Prometheus Bound, the
gods are directly involved as characters and are portrayed as extremely stubborn. Prometheus, a titan
and god of foresight, is being punished for aiding the humans who Zeus would like to replace with a
new master race. As a relatively new leader of the gods, Zeus has the power to punish Prometheus in
anyway he wants even though Prometheus is a god himself. Zeus decides to bind Prometheus to a
rock, hence the name Prometheus Bound. There are many instances where Zeus is proven to be
stubborn and cold shouldered towards everyone, regardless of their standing. When talking to
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Biological Theories Of Crime Essay
Critically examine research into biological and psychological theories of crime.
It is apparent that still in today s society s it is exemplified that despite the guidelines of social norms,
boundaries and laws on how people act should accordingly, certain aspects of criminal deviant
behaviour continue to stay. Although some researcher s characteristic human aggression to human
nature as part of a natural innate instinct which they have no control other, that can make one prone to
deviant behaviour, while the others are more likely to commit crimes. While others tend to look at
other factors which all amount to crime and deviant behaviour. This essay aims to look at in depth at
how biological and physiological theories explain crime.
According to biological theories of crime, deviant behaviour is an innate thing. It assumes that some ...
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All the theories are based on the idea that biological markers foreordain deviant behaviour. The base
of all these theories is that genetic factors or any abnormalities that are inherited or acquired
throughout life, predispose individuals to the criminal behaviour. Initially it was claimed by Lombroso
s (1876) that people were prone to participate in deviant behaviour and that these specific people all
displayed physiognomic features or abnormalities. He suggested that all criminals shared common
facial features for example; asymmetry of one s face, the shape of their skulls, big ears eyes and lips
and a twisted nose (SimplyPyschology, 2016). Although Lombroso s theory was deemed relevant at
the time, it today appears to be slightly absurd, and his theory is evidentially extremely flawed. Firstly,
many convicted criminals have perfectly symmetrical faces, in the same way
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Pros And Cons Of Roman Emperors
Julia Rush
Ms. Hickey
Latin I
Top 10 Worst Roman Emperors in Rome
The Roman Empire was vast at its peak and its influence is still felt today in our forms of military,
government, and society in general. Ruled over for a time by emperors, the empire had periods of
greatness and periods of decline. This list looks at ten of the emperors who have left their mark on
history for being so dreadful. This paper will be about the top 10 worst emperors in roman history.
These people had the chance to be good but they have decided to be the worst emperor. was the
emperor of Rome from 81 to 66. He was the younger brother of titus and son of Vespasian, his two
predecessors on the throne, and the last member of the flavian dynasty. Born on october 24, 51
AD.Died on September 18, 96 AD.He was the most smartest out of his brother. His father was going
against a man named Vitellius in AD,69. Domitian was at the war but he was un touched so that might,
bring some killing activity in the mind of him. His brother attempted to gain more power with his
mother Vespasian. By joining Vitellius, Domitian was at his uncle s house.
Septimius: was Roman emporors from 193 to 211. Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman
Province of Africa. Born on April 11, 145 AD. Died on Fe Maximinus Thrax :The young ... Show
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This form of the god s name is a Latinized version of the Syrian Ilāh hag Gabal, which derives from
Ilāh and gabal , resulting in the God of the Mountain, the Emesene manifestation of the deity. The cult
of the deity spread to other parts of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century; a dedication has been found
as far away as Woerden, near the Roman limes. The god was later imported and assimilated with the
Roman sun god known as Sol Indiges in republican times and as Sol Invictus during the second and
third centuries CE. In Greek the sun god is Helios, hence Heliogabalus , a hybrid conjunction of
Helios and
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Suicide Intervention Plan For Suicide
Ashley Mazza Liberty University Suicide Intervention Plan I. Presenting Problems Joanne is currently
presenting as a suicide risk. She has a gun in her car, which means she has immediate access to a
deadly weapon (Suicide Risk Assessment Guide (SRAG)). She has also shown serious risk due to
stopping by the office unscheduled and providing a goodbye in a sense, that she is saying thank you
for your help and you are important to me ; this can indicate a plan of suicide as noted by Pope and
Vasquez (2016). II. Precipitating Events There are several factors that have or could have played a role
in her current situation. Although her divorce was 15 years ago, her lack of dating may be due to
failure to move on from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
III. Risk Factors There are several risk factors that put Joanne at High Risk for suicide. She states that
she did not want to stay and talk, but that she just wanted to go for a drive and has a gun in the car, so
she is at a high risk given the methods and accessibility to those methods (Jackson Cherry Erford,
2018). She has previous suicide attempts, while there is no time frame on when those prior attempts
took place, it places her in at a moderate risk at the very least (if 1 to 5 years ago) (Jackson Cherry
Erford, 2018). She does not report loneliness or hopelessness at this current moment, but given her
history of depression, past divorce and no significant other, admissions of guilt over an affair, having
no hobbies and getting all her satisfaction from work, it is likely that she has or current is experiencing
some level of loneliness, and her past attempts are potentially indicative of hopelessness; all these
factors put her at a minimum of a moderate risk, but further information would probably lead to a high
risk. The divorce, lack of relationship or mention of friendships does put the loneliness at a high risk
due to having limited support (Jackson Cherry Erford, 2018). There is no mention of substance abuse.
There is also no point that she states suicidal plans or ideation, but her behaviors show some ideation
present. Her risk factors for chance of intervention are dependent on
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Guns Germs And Steel Discussion Questions
1. Yali s question is Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New
Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own? In a broader sense, why did some things
progress in some areas, but not in others?
2. The first consideration Diamond discusses is that just because something happened and that it
would have happened anyway, it does not make the act good or just. The second consideration is that
the most powerful region, in this case, western Europe, should not be the only one talked about
because ideas and practices that are now or were at that time integrated into their culture were not
necessarily developed by them, but by other culture that imported their beliefs into European culture.
The third ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This led to a growth in population because now there was no restriction on how often you could have
children, just how many you can care for. This led to a greater population density which ultimately
started civilizations.
8. One factor that contributed to the transition from hunting gathering to farming was the decline in
the availability of wild foods to gather. A second factor was an increased availability of wild plants. A
third factor was the development of technologies that food production would later depend upon. A
fourth factor was the link between the rise in population density and the rise in food production. A
fifth factor was food producers could force hunter gatherers to leave or kill them off because of the
great numbers they had.
9. One advantage the Fertile Crescent had in food production was that it had a Mediterranean climate
that was mild and wet in the winter and hot and dry in the long summers. This allows plants to grow
quickly after the dry season when the rain comes back. A second advantage was many plants there
were already very abundant and very productive. A third advantage was that it had a lot of
hermaphrodite plants that would almost always pollinate themselves and occasionally cross pollinate
which allowed a little more variety. A fourth advantage was that the area had different levels of
elevation which allowed a variety of plants to grow in a small
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Beloit University Personal Statement
I have been largely influenced by my first geology advisor at ASMSA, Dr. Lindsey Waddell, who
strongly advocated for liberal arts education and a Keck experience. Because of her advocacy and
outspokenness, I decided to attend Beloit College in an effort to obtain the best geology education
possible, through both its curriculum and Keck membership. I hope to become a well rounded
geoscientist that is not entirely confined by their narrow interests, but one that studies the Earth as an
integrative system through an interdisciplinary lens. After my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend
graduate school and earn a Master s in Geology and a PhD in Oceanography or Marine Geology.
Alternatively, I will consider other opportunities such as GeoCorps or Peace Corps. I aim to work as a
researcher for Scripps/Woods Hole, but I am certainly willing to walk through other open doors should
they present themselves. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More importantly, is that it will allow me the opportunity to better refine my interests and to
appreciate the different paths of inquiry I can pursue. In particular, my first choice project, Unraveling
Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics with Dr. Suzanne O Connell and Dr. Joseph Ortiz, presents a unique
opportunity for paleoceanography research, which will help confirm whether my interests lie in
oceanography. Lastly, each geology major at Beloit College must successfully complete an
undergraduate thesis, and a Keck project provides an exceptional opportunity for this research. Dr.
Waddell spoke at great lengths of the revelatory capacity of her Keck experience ( Lawsonite
Pseudomorphs in the Schists of Syros, Greece ), and I hope to gain similarly invaluable experiences
through the Keck
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Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 Essay
Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568
At the time of the Northern Rebellion in 1568, the North of England was greatly aggrieved. When
Elizabeth had ascended to the throne she appointed loyal men to her throne, usually Protestants like
William Cecil at the expense of the Northern Earls. This subtraction of power of course angered the
Northern Earls, but was the Northern Rebellion just down to this? Religion played a huge part in the
daily lives of most people in the 16th century and with the majority of the North retaining Catholicism
whilst Elizabeth slowly introduced Protestantism, surely this would cause further conflict.
To an extent we can see evidence that the Northern rebellion was ... Show more content on
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At this stage the rebellion seemed very religious as the rebels showed their loyalty to Catholicism.
The Northern rebels had tried to gain further religious support from the pope and also hoped for
Spanish support. They requested the pope excommunicated Elizabeth so anyone who was afraid to
join in the rebellion could do so with the knowledge that they would still go to heaven. However the
papal bull of excommunication came too late for the Northern Earls, only after the rebellion had been
quashed. Also there was the suggestion that Spanish support was on its way, however this statement
was found to be false. Phillip II didn t have any enthusiasm for putting Mary Stuart on the throne
largely due to her connections with France.
Although initially the Northern rebellion seemed to be down to religious disagreements, there is
evidence to suggest this is not the only reason the Northern Earls wanted Mary to take over Elizabeth
s position on the throne. During the Tudor period the Northern Earls powers had been significantly
reduced, this angered them immensely; two of the leading northern families, the Percy s and the
Neville s were slowly becoming powerless and even falling into poverty. With such successful
ancestors, the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland were not willing to let their
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Title Ix And The Law
Gender has always been a starting point for much of the judgement in our society whether we realize
it or not, and it s exactly the causes of one of the many controversies that there is today. Title IX, the
law passed to help overcome prejudice and grant girls the same opportunities as boys, is getting not
only the credit it deserves but much backlash to counter it. The main purpose of this law was
originally to give girls the opportunity to play the same sports as boys were able to, and thanks to the
law girls are now given these opportunities to play sports in addition to also give many transgender
students more rights within the schools than ever before. Even with all these steps forward in society,
there are still those who believe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most don t explicitly look into the complexity of a transgender person s life and all the questions or
problems one might face: Do I use the men s or the women s bathroom? Is it appropriate to use this
locker room? Those are only two of the many questions a transgender person might run into on a daily
basis because of how others would see the situation, how the people who may have a sneaking
suspicion that the woman they saw go into the ladies bathroom isn t actually female by their
definition, or how it could also seem strange to see that same person go into the mens bathroom.
These all lead to dysphoria in any person s situation in public places due to the fact that many choose
to taunt or mock the person; however, with the help of Title IX these questions could start to vanish
from the thoughts of many transgender students which Blad exemplifies with a quote in her article:
Title IX protects all students at recipient institutions from sex discrimination, including sexual
violence. Any student can experience sexual violence: from elementary to professional school
students; male and female students; straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students; part time
and full time students; students with and without disabilities; and students of different races and
national origins, it says. The guidance goes on to say that schools are obligated to respond
appropriately to complaints of
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Analyzing Aircraft in Alaska
Definition of terms
There are several terms that geeky airplane folks use when discussing the properties and merits of
airplanes. It is necessary to understand these terms when comparing airplanes. Some of the most
commonly used are gross weight, useful load, and payload. Gross weight is the maximum aircraft
weight when full with cargo and fuel. It can be dangerous to exceed gross weight because the airframe
might not be able to handle the extra weight. Useful load is how much weight can be put in the plane
including fuel. Payload is how much weight can be put in the plane after it is full of fuel.
Some common terms used in describing bush planes are stall speed, STOL, ground roll, take off
distance over 50 feet, and rate of climb. Stall speed is when the airplane stops producing enough lift to
fly, and the airplane stops flying. STOL is an acronym for Short Takeoff and Landing. Ground roll is
how many feet it takes for a plane to takeoff. Take off distance over 50 feet is how many feet it takes
for a plane to take off from being stopped to climb 50 feet in the air. Rate of climb is how many
vertical feet per minute, FPM, an airplane can climb.
Description of airplanes
The Piper Super Cub is one of the most popular aircraft in Alaska because it has STOL performance
and is a cheap plane to buy and fly. It is cheap enough for even private pilots to own. It can
accommodate only two people but
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The Phychosocial Theory Of Erikson s Psychosocial Development
Self Analysis
Every person is a unique individual. Each of us possesses characteristics and traits that may be
influenced either by genetic, environmental factors or both. These two factors are constantly argued in
the field of psychology. In my opinion as counselor, both perspectives have its respective strengths
and weaknesses. It is important to a counselor like me, to have deeper knowledge about the different
personality theories because it allows me to know myself more and understand the people around me
especially the counselees who trust my ability.
The Psychosocial Development Theory of Erik Erikson identifies eight stages that individual has to
pass through from infancy to late adulthood stages. I remember when my sister asked me to look after
my nephew who was at 5 months old. I was afraid to carry him the moment he cried because he
looked so fragile. However, I remember what Erikson said about this stage that it is important to
establish trust to the caregiver and provide the basic needs of the infant otherwise, the mistrust will be
developed. The moment I carried my nephew and hand him a toy, he stopped crying and started to
suck the toy. From the perspective of Jean Piaget, infants have neonatal schemas or innate ability even
before they have more experience about the world. From there I understand clearly that babies have
incredible reflexes which are untold to them and that make them wonderful. As I continually observe
my nephew who appears to
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Integrity In Despicable Me
How would you live a life with no family, but a whole lot of problems? Increased tension and stress
would eat up your mind. Being close with your family is one of the easiest way to overcome any
obstacle that may come your way. Living a life full of problems that seem problems can be described
by the life of Gru, a villain from the prevailing film, Despicable Me. His family is made up of
extremely unique people, including the adorable minions, Dr. Nefario, the crazy scientist, an
unmotivated mother and three adopted girls Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Gru bonded with each one of
his family members resulting in their family members feeling compassionate to help Gru out in any
situation. They were always Gru s back up in times of need. Having a ... Show more content on
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Going through a lot of struggles to put some progress on his moon mission, Gru is surprised by the
news of the bank manager, Mr. Perkins. Mr. Perkins provides Gru with the necessary money to put all
his experiments in action, and he is the source of the minions payment. Repeatedly being asked for
money by Gru, Mr. Perkins cuts off his relationship with Gru as he sees no progress. Gru has to break
the news to the minions, as he says, Now, I know there have been some rumors going around that the
bank is no longer funding us... In terms of money, we have no money. So how will we get to the
moon... We won t... Instead of looking for other job opportunities, the minions stay loyal to Gru s
mission and don t give up even though Gru has given up. Margo, Edith, and Agnes walk in while Gru
is talking and Agnes pulls him over to the side and shows Gru her piggy bank. Inside there is nothing
but three coins, which wouldn t do much. However, the three coins motivate the minions to donate
their personal belongings to Gru like watches, and sofas lying in their lair. The stack of items rapidly
increases as they now have enough money to fund their project. Just to think that this entire project
would ve gone to complete waste, but the minions and girls treated Gru like family, and helped solve
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Harley Davidson Swot Analysis
Harley Davidson Case Study
Company Summary:
Harley Davidson is one of two American producers of motorcycles, and the nation s #1 seller of the
cruiser style of motorcycles. The organization offers 35 different models of custom and touring bikes
through a worldwide network of more than 1,500 dealers. Harley models include the Sportster, the Fat
Boy, and the Electra Glider. The company also produces sport bike style motorcycles under the brand
name of Buell. Other than its motorcycles, Harley Davidson sells a certain type of life style and
attitude. Including, but not limited to, goods licensed with the company name, such as a line of
clothing and accessories. Retrieved June 12, 2007 from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, a 120/60 R17 front tire and 250/40 R18 rear tire, both wrapped around 3.75 inch wide six spoke
cast aluminum rims. Retrieved on 6 12 07 from, (http://www.allbusiness.com/retail trade/motor
vehicle parts dealers motor motorcycle/855796 1.html)
· Although the numbers of younger riders are on the rise, Harley must take notice of the marketing
styles that MTV utilizes.
· The youth of this country are constantly changing, and constant market research must be done to
keep up with what the next ideas of what is cool.
· Generally older males are the demographic that Harley Davidson aims for, but the research I found
indicates that women and young men are beginning to purchase more cruiser style motorcycles.
· Victory makes a great product, (I should know because I sell them) and they are on the rise to be the
top competition to Harley.
· Harley must get into the minds of the younger and more feminine crowds by surveys or incentives
that appeal to this new demographic.
Buss, D., (2004), Can Harley Ride the New Wave? Brandweek . 45. Retrieved June 12, 2007.
(Dec 21 2006), The Riders Have
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Psychology of Terrorist Group Recruitment Essay
Psychology of terrorist group recruitment
Terrorism is one of the greatest threats facing humanity in the modern society. There has been an
increase in the number of terrorist organizations and terror attacks that are conducted by groups in
pursuit of divergent ideologies (Burleigh, 2009). Since the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States,
terrorism has been recognized as a serious problem that calls for a global and coordinated response by
governments across the world. Many countries have invested heavily in intelligence gathering and
purchase of hardware and technology needed to detect and neutralize terrorist attacks. However, this
has not stopped the threat faced from terrorism and these attacks continue unabated ... Show more
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Some of these forms of recruitment will be briefly discussed below;
Public and proximate This is the first form of terrorist recruitment and in this case, recruitment is
performed face to face in a place that is visible to authorities and the general public (Reich, 1998). It
may be done in refugee camps, prisons and large scale wartime occurrences such as occupations and
others. The terrorist group recruiters usually target small groups or individuals who are prime
candidates for recruitment. This form of recruitment occurs regardless of opposition from the authority
due to fear of polarizing the attitudes of the audience, inadequate legislation, or political sensitivity
among others factors (Reich, 1998).
Public and mediated This is another form of terrorist group recruitment and it is usually broader and
resembles propaganda. In this recruitment method, mass media is utilized, such as televised
advertisements for groups that are within reach of the government and legislation (Reich, 1998). It
may also include media channels and websites whose domain names and passwords are in the public
domain. The terrorist groups that use this strategy usually target regional demographic or population
strata including young teenagers who usually gather at a particular place or members of a unique
religious congregation (Reich, 1998). This method of recruitment is usually indirect since physical
communication may not be sustainable or
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Personal Identity, Ethics, Relation, And Rationality
Student Name
University Affiliation
Course Code
Derik Parfit is a philosopher from Britain who concentrates on issues of personal identity, ethics,
relation and rationality. Parfit is of the argument that unless questions about identity are dealt with
then it is not possible to tackle specific crucial questions like memory, responsibility and matters as
survival. Personal identity is important as it helps in addressing certain vital questions. According to
Parfit, survival does not require maintaining or preserving of identity but it is a common relation that
needs pursuing apart from identity and the relation consider are those that deals with intentions and
memory. Parfit argues that survival is a matter of degree unlike identity. In his argument he aimed at
differentiating between identity and matters of survival. As for survival, whereby in his view it is
possible for a person to survive as two, the original person s relation to that of each of resulting people
is of great concern as it creates a sense in which a single person can survive as two. He assumes that if
one s brain is divided into two and planted into new bodies; both resulting persons will possess the
original person s character and memories of his life. On the other hand, as for identity it is a one one
(is all or nothing) relation but matters in survival need not be one one.
The most important feature that helps us treat survival as a matter of degree is the fact at admits for a
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Blitzkrieg Essay
The word Blitz itself is a shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightening war, it
means a heavy bombing attack from the air. It is often used to describe the German air raids on
London in 1940, but many other cities were also blitzed. It was widely believed that Britain would be
heavily bombed immediately after the war was declared and huge amounts of deaths and injuries were
expected with mass burials planned and 1,250,000 cardboard coffins were produced. However these
figures were completely inaccurate as they were based on when the Luftwaffe had bombed during the
Spanish Civil War, and during this time had virtually no opposition. During The Blitz London was ...
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He believed that this would dampen spirits and break morale to such an extent that the people would
force the government to come to terms with him. However the excuse Hitler used to justify the Blitz
was that he was bombing military targets. The Blitz also attempted to destroy industry, with London
docks being bombed often and the Luftwaffe also tried to hit railway lines, junctions, power stations
and gas holders, but the bombing was felt worst of all by the working class near city centres. The Blitz
also affected the life of children with many of them being uprooted and evacuated to the countryside,
some with their mothers, some without. Around 1,500,000 people were evacuated at the start of the
Blitz, which had a massive effect on people s lives and many lifestyles being completely turned
around. Children from the city were often very skinny and undernourished and when they were
evacuated often had much more food, and much healthier food to keep them strong. Some would go
home looking completely different to how they looked when they went. Those that stayed in the cities
were bothered by ARP wardens checking for air raid precautions, the wardens were often accused of
interfering. Along with household precautions there were also air raid shelters, but many people didn t
have them and went into tube stations during raids. The raids affected everybody s lives, as at
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Questions On The s Total Rows Of Numbers
Lascap s Fraction
Arshbir Aulakh
Math IA
000277 0
International Baccalaureate
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
In this investigation, I will consider these sets of numbers that are present in a symmetrical pattern. To
commence this task, we will have to consider the five rows of numbers shown below. 1 1
1 3/2 1
1 6/4 6/4 1
1 10/7 10/6 10/7 1
1 15/11 15/9 15/9 15/11 1
Figure 1: The given symmetrical pattern
These numbers are arranged in a Pascal s triangle, which is a triangular array of binomial coefficients
that was named after a French mathematician Blaise Pascal. Lascap s Fraction is spelt backwards for
Pascal s fraction and there should be a way to solve this. There is an interesting pattern in figure one
where in the 1st row, there are two numbers and in the 2nd row, 3 numbers in the 3rd row, and so
forth. So through this, we know that there is a new number introduced in every consecutive row. But
there is an easier way to represent this pattern and to solve for the Pascal s triangle is by using this
〖(x+y)〗^n=(n¦0) x^n y^0+(n¦1) x^n y^1+(n¦2) x^(n 2) y^2+⋯+(n¦(n 1)) x^1 y^(n 1)+(n¦n) x^0 y^n
If there happens to be a formula for Pascal s fraction, then there should be a formula for tis Lascap s
Fraction. The first thing we will need to investigate is to describe how to find the numerator of the
sixth row. This could be solved by adding the row number with the previous
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The Revenge Of Seven
The Revenge of Seven starts off right where The Fall of Five left off. The Mogadorians have just
destroyed the Garde s hideout in Chicago and Five has just accidently killed Eight. Seven, Six, and
Nine are all down in Florida trying to recuperate after they lost their friend, Eight. Four is with Sam,
Sarah, Malcolm, and an unlikely ally, Adam a Mogadorian. He has taken the powers from One after
she was killed so Adam can control some seismic activity, which he used to save John, and to fight
against his father. The group in Florida is going back to find Eight s body so another Mogadorian like
Adam can take his powers to use against them. Ella was taken by the Mogadorians and is now in one
of the ships orbiting Earth. Setrákus Ra, the Mogadorian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pittacus made her change in such a dramatic way that you couldn t misconstrue what he was going for.
Seven is now the type of girl that if you say one thing wrong or out of place she will give you a death
stare telling you not to ever make that mistake ever again. This all changed when out of a rash mistake
Five stabbed Eight trying to get to Nine. When Eight was killed Seven felt like a part of her was
ripped away never to return. Which led to the change in Seven that even allowed her to rip Five s eye
out with an icicle. In this moment of loss Seven has seemed to have gained the new legacy of
controlling the temp to lower it enough to freeze or even to control the ice and water itself. It was
never clearly explained what she can all do with this new found power, but one thing is clear, she is no
longer the girl who will sit back and watch the fight unfold. This is never more prevenient then when
Seven confronts a man at a local bar who is hitting on her: Marina roughly snatches his wrist. I can
hear the moisture on his arm crackle as it flash freezes, and a second later the guy is crying out as
Marina twists his arm behind his back (Lore 71). I see this behavior extremely reasonable given the
circumstances that she was put through and is now enduring. She lost the boy of her dreams and
somebody is now hitting on her. I also can relate her in this way because of how she feels after these
terrible events hit her all at once. Mainly it is when I get into an argument with my parents. I keep on
thinking that they are treating me unfairly just because I am there son and I convince myself that it is
there fault or that they refuse to see my side of the story. Either way immediately after I get in the
mood that as soon as the littlest things start to irritate me I over react to it (it usually
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Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles Essay
Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles
In A Scandal in Bohemia, by Arthur Conan Doyle, society places women at an inferior level pushing
them to the background therefore never allowing us, the reader, to know them, except for Irene Adler
who shows the gender shift of the time period by becoming the main character in Sherlock Holmes
investigation and the story. A Scandal in Bohemia speaks about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes
and his adventure in retrieving a damaging photograph for a king from his ex mistress. In the society
Watson describes, the role of women is of little to no importance except for emphasis that focused on
the Kings mistress Irene Adler.
In this society, women were the nurtures and the protectors of the children ... Show more content on
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Rather than surrendering to the trickery of Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler outsmarts him using his own
tricks and makes her escape right under his nose. The narrowly defined roles of women were evident
for the only means to discuss women in this story is through their relations with men. No woman, not
even Irene Adler, has her own story. After all in the end, even Irene Adler runs away with a man. Out
of the five female characters mentioned or referred to in this story, only one is given a name and a
personality. This lack of female representation shows how dominant males were in the society of the
story and in the society of the real world.
Irene Adler exemplified the massive shifts in gender roles that were occurring during this time in
many ways other than becoming the main character in the story along with being feared of having too
much power by the men. Throughout the story there were many hidden examples of how Irene Adler
was the main character of how the roles of gender were changing drastically in the period of this story.
Adler is the character of changing gender roles which is revealed through a division of female
physiology and male psychology. The king remarks that she had the face of the most beautiful women
and the mind of the most resolute men . She also freely crosses gender barriers by wearing men s
clothing, confessing that male costume is nothing new to me. I often take advantage of the freedom
which it gives. Adler s active
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Hyps In Beasts Of The Southern Wild
In the movie, Beasts of the Southern Wild is about a little black girl named Hushpuppy that lives in
poverty. Hushpuppy lives with her dad in a shack along with everyone in her community also in
poverty. She goes to a makeshift school and learns the basics of what we do. In Beasts of the Southern
Wild aurochs show the importance of human emotions, and demonstrates what will happen in the
movie. In the beginning of the movie, we see that Hushpuppy goes to a makeshift school. Hushpuppy
learns about aurochs by her teacher, which are extinct beasts frozen in ice caps at the South Pole.
From this part of the movie we see close angle shots of the beasts. We find out that aurochs come from
the North Pole to Hushpuppy s home of the bathtub. In
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Woman At Zero
Peter Kropotkin once said, America is just the country that how all the written guarantees in the world
for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression of the worst kind. Freedom does not
completely protect one from oppression of any kind. Nevertheless, freedom seems to come with
persecution of some sort. The choices we make identify the treatment we receive. In diverse parts of
the globe, we meet numerous types of freedom. Nevertheless, they are alike for this liberty as a whole
is not provided, rather only a part. The choices one makes from the freedom provided come with a
variety of divergent outcomes. Consequences of these preferences are attached to our freedom. The
freedom one holds makes the individual question: Are we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regardless, liberty does not only apply to individuals, but to a country as a whole as well. American
exceptionalism can be defined as America emerging high above any other country. Millions of people
travel to America in hopes to achieve the American Dream . The country has become so well known
for its freedom; it has created the term American exceptionalism. However, many people debate that
America does not possess that established freedom. America does not allow for everyone to exercise
their rights freely. Rather, Americans treat others contrarily on account of their sex, religion, race, and
ethnicity. Today, someone may mention Muslims and immediately a single term comes to mind
terrorist. Then again, it is not the only expression that stereotypes people. Many label Latinos as
rapists, African Americans as robbers, and Americans as drug addicts. One can no longer look at
someone else without judging them by the color of their skin. Unfortunately, people s religion and sex
have now become the identity of a person as well, and the way people differentiate others continue
pulling apart the population. America has demonstrated, that for them, this penalty is worth their
reputation. They use the people who are discriminated for obtaining the country s riches (such as the
reliance on immigrants to complete cheap labor jobs), and even though it is a difficult price to pay,
America has decided to move forward in
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College Essay About Fishing
Sport fishing offers some of the most thrilling and exciting water sport adventures. If you want to gain
the maximum out of a sport trip, what you need to do is hire an expert fishing charter. These charters
give you an excellent opportunity to enjoy your activity in the most exciting of sport waters and with
the right kind of guide, you can be sure of catching the best fish.
What interesting about these professional charters is that they guide and take you across to some
excellent water areas, where the best fishes gather, and making way for a grand catch opportunity.
Most charters guarantee that you get a catch or no money, so there is going to be no disappointment
when you think you didn t get what you want. They also offer the chance to catch a variety of fish
such as halibut, Red Snapper, Salmon, Ling Cod, Rock fish and much more. All equipments and gears
necessary for your favorite activity are also available with the charter. ... Show more content on
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You can come across animals like Grizzly Bears, Black bears, Seals, Humpback Whales and much
more when taking such charters. Some of the well known charters offer top quality water sport
adventures on abundantly fish teemed waters, and you can be sure of a great catch no matter what type
of fish species you are looking for, which could be something awesome like a giant white sturgeon, or
a salmon, or a halibut and so on.
Top fishing charters carry with them high quality tools that can make the job of catching interesting
and something that s really great. Expert sport guides who come along on such tours can offer
guidance on all types of fishing such as spin casting, drift fishing, fly fishing and much more. There
are charters available that specialize in particular types of activity, giving you a chance to learn more
of what you really want to
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We Should Teach The Holocaust Essay
Why we should teach the Holocaust
The Holocaust is an event that happened because of other s silence and the Nazis who put Jewish
people in concentration camps and killed them as well as killing Jehovah s Witnesses, Roma Gypsies,
people against the Nazis, priests and pastors, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled and
many others. Though many of modern times wish to reserve teaching the Holocaust to high schoolers
and students in college since they are older, but we should teach the Holocaust to middle schoolers
because it allows them to understand why the event happened, they are mature enough to handle the
subject and they can also grasp the concepts of discrimination as well as understand more about the
complex issues of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How it could affect children s points of view on Germany can only happen if as stated by James Smith
who is chairman of the Holocaust Center The study of the Holocaust leaves children ill disposed to
present day Germany only if it is badly taught. . There are also those who think that teaching the
Holocaust is difficult for students of any kind to understand and get across. But there have been ideas
on how to teach it to students which is talked about by Professor Zehavit Gross in an article by The
Jerusalem Post where she said this it was found that Holocaust education is more effective within the
framework of civic education than within the framework of history education. and also this According
to my perception, Holocaust education has to be accompanied with intensive teaching of anti racism
education. .
We should teach the Holocaust to middle schoolers because of their maturity on understanding
discrimination, understanding why the Holocaust happened and can also grasp the complex issues of
the Holocaust and how it affects the present which happened because of other s silence and the Nazis
who put Jewish people in concentration camps and killed them as well as killing Jehovah s Witnesses,
Roma Gypsies, people against the Nazis, priests and pastors, homosexuals, the mentally and
physically disabled and many
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Witness by Peter Weir Notes
Introduction: * Engage in a detailed analysis of a text * Understanding of how the ideas, forms and
language of a text interact within the text and may affect those responding to it. * Students will need
an understanding of film techniques and of the police drama genre.
Important aspects to know: * Visual techniquesenhance understanding of characters * Editing
techniquescreate suspense, establish characters, create atmosphere, position viewers to respond in a
particular way * Narrative structureplot points and conventions of story telling * Mise en scene
elementsconvey directors purpose * Themestolerance; good and evil; isolation; nature of love;
conflict; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
then I have done a bad job
* Diegeticsound within the actual scene e.g. the image of waves and you hear waves crashing on the
sand. * Non diegeticmusic used to create moods or affects such as background music.
* Witness is an American film made in 1985 by Australian filmmaker Peter Weir. * Filmed entirely on
location in Lancaster county and Philadelphia, Witness popularized Pennsylvania as a tourist location,
many people wanting to view first hand, the Amish culture. * The film gives the audience a chance to
compare two different levels of American society, the culture and the world of the modern city and the
culture and world of the Amish. * In writing about Witness, Marie Saeli states that the film hoes that
the two cultures meet, but never merge. It is this contrast of the two worlds, conveyed to the audience
mainly in visual terms that is one of the most important and memorable aspects for the spectator. *
Amish Is established as peaceful and idyllic.
* Set in 1984, Lancaster, Philadelphia * Amish members Rachel and Samuel Lapp are visiting the city
after the death of her husband. * Samuel goes to the bathroom by himself and witnesses the murder of
a policeman. * As he is a witness, he is needed to stay with the police in the city to help the
investigation, forcing the conservative family out of their
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Research Paper On Skyzone
It was a cold friday night when Matt Drasher and a few friends walk in the doors of Skyzone, an
indoor theme park known for having a trampoline park, trampoline dodgeball and trampoline
basketball. Matt wanted to celebrate his 14th birthday with a party. Maybe he wanted to try and see if
skyzone was an place to keep going to, or never go back. Matt and his friends started off by jumping
around in the main trampoline area, and they were doing flips off the walls of the trampoline like there
was no tomorrow. After the boys were tired of just jumping around, they walked over to the basketball
net area. The basketball net area has 3 nets, each net has a different height: one net that is 15 feet, one
that is 9 feet, and one that is 6 feet. Matt
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Anna Quindlen The Name Is Mine Analysis
Summary and respond to The Name is Mine
In the article The Name Is Mine (1998),Anna Quindlen tells the reason why she doesn t change her
name after getting married. She claims that she doesn t change her last name because this name
belongs to her and she is not part of her husband, not because of rational reasons. Initially, she thought
she made a good personal choice, but she didn t consider group relationships. For example, when her
child ask her why her name is different with her family, Quindlen feels that she is not part of her
family. She also realized that those women who changed their name are also independent because they
made their own choice. Now Quindlen feels that she is able to understand the negative consequence of
her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is a normal phenomenon that people will be affected by various reasons when they decide to make a
choice. Unfortunately, this situation looks like more common in females, especially in young females.
For example, some girls that graduated from high school want to choose math or physics as their
college major while their parent force them choose education or art as their major, even as their job in
future. At least half of girls would follow their parents decisions because it is generally. One mother
would follow her child s demanding; one wife would agree her husband s points; one daughter would
listen to parents. However, an individual should make decisions for herself even it is a simple thing
such as her name, what she will eat today or what her job is. Like Quindlen said that women did their
choices about themselves as individuals and they do what they want to do is good decisions.
(2016).This means that regardless of whether the decision looks good or bad, they make decision for
themselves, which would be a good decision. To summarize, don t let others choose your life and
choose something for you, to make decision for
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Allusions In A Midsummer s Night Dream
Iyanna Penigo
Ms. Chirat
Period 4
May 13, 2017 In the works of Midsummer s Night Dream, Venus and Adonis, and, Shakespeare uses
themes, motifs, allusions, and imagery to suggest his audience reread and deeply analyze confusing
passages several times to fully understand his masterpieces. In the play, A Midsummer s Night Dream
begins with Theseus, Duke of Athens, preparing for his marriage to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons,
with a four day festival. Egeus, a citizen of Athens, goes to see Theseus with a complaint against his
daughter: although Egeus has promised Hermia in marriage to Demetrius, who loves her, Lysander has
won Hermia s heart and refuses to obey her father and marry Demetrius. Theseus speaks to Hermia,
warning her to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shakespeare portrays the lovers as overly serious, as each is sincerely busy with his or her own
feelings: Helena is fixed about her looks; Hermia becomes self conscious about her height; Demetrius
is plotting on how to keep Hermia from marrying other men, and Lysander believes he is the main
character/superhero of this great story. (Shakespeare Act II Scene iii) The breezy world of the fairies
and the nonsensical predicaments in which the lovers find themselves is Shakespeare s way of making
light out of their grave concerns. Next, in Venus and Adonis, the world where there is no man as
greatly put together as Adonis. Venus, a goddess of love, sees Adonis and is filed with love for him.
Believing that Adonis is her one and only she has her mind set on coming down to earth and making
Adonis her s. Venus finally got to meet Adonis while he was on a morning hunt in the fields. Once she
catches his attention and encouraging him to dismount his horse and talk her, Adonis reveals that he
has no interest to talk to any woman, but she eventually forces him to do as she pleases. The more she
talks, the more she desires that he would look at her with kind eyes, but the more Adonis wishes to
leave and continue in with his hunting. Eventually broken free from Venus s arms he gets on his horse
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Essay On Colonoscopy
The American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines recommend colonoscopy,as the preferred
cancer screening test for patients 50 years and older(Rex 2017). The technique of Endoscopic Mucosal
Resection (EMR) was developed for removingsessile or flat lesions confined to the superficial layers
(mucosa and submucosa) of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including the colon, esophagus, stomach,
and duodenum. EMR with submucosal injection helps facilitate complete resection of polyps (Hwang
2015; Fyock 2010; Steele 2013), which is critical, as incomplete resections may contribute to the
development of colon cancer in patients despite being on a colonoscopy screening/surveillance
pathway (i.e. interval cancers). (von Renteln 2017; Bujanda 2010; ... Show more content on
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(Hwang 2015). This is typically controlled by snare tip soft coagulation (STSC), a technique involving
protruding the snare tip 2 3 mm beyond the catheter, followed by application of coagulating current
while lightly touching the tip directly onto the bleeding point. Vigorous irrigation with the foot pump
clears the resection field of blood and helps localize the bleeding vessel. In the minority of cases
where STSC does not achieve hemostasis, coagulating forceps or through the scope (TTS) clips may
be used, both of which have been associated with a low rate of re bleeding and complications. (Ma
Delayed post polypectomy bleeding (DPPB) is rare after cold snare polypectomy and is usually
related to thermal injury following hot snare polypectomy, occurring in 1 2% of patients with sessile
polyps 20mm in size. The risk of DPPB is directly related to polyp size (risk increases by 9% to 13%
for every 1 mm in polyp diameter), right colon lesions, pedunculated morphology, and polyp
pathology. For pedunculated polyps, the increased risk of DPPB is associated with a stalk exceeding 5
mm, polyp head 20 mm in size, location in right colon, and the presence of malignancy. Most DPPB
cases can be managed endoscopically., In many cases bleeding resolves spontaneously. Options for
endoscopic hemostasis in the event of active bleeding include forceps coagulation or endoclips. The
method selected is based on lesion location, endoscopist
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The Purpose Of Political Analysis
1.1 Introduction Political analysis is an interesting course in political science which makes it very
exciting and rewarding when thought and understood very well. Understanding this course won t take
much from you because when you and i get around this module you would find it absolutely
interesting. Basically, the understanding you would get here implies a simple process of initiation
which will improve your political conversation and also deepen your analytical skill and engagement.
Some of you may consider this course to be rather rigorous and difficult in comparison to some of
your other courses. Nevertheless, I will attempt to make it very interesting through the use of case
studies and stories about previous political events. Having said that, this course requires highly
focused, disciplined, and very hard work. 1.2 Learning Outcomes To gain good understanding of:
Political Analysis Purpose of Political Analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, tackling political violence during election could be an agenda. Problem solving analysis:
a robust analysis must suggest solutions to identified problem. For instance, a political analyst could
suggest possible solution to the problem of political violence during elections. Influencing analysis:
the purpose of this type of analysis is to influence the leadership or government to act or behave in a
particular manner. For instance, in the case of political violence, the analyst would want to influence
the authority to act decisively by getting the perpetrators and their sponsors arrested and prosecuted to
act as deterrent to others. ITQ 1. What is the main purpose of political analysis? A. To fraternize with
the people B. To make the community
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  • 7. Taken To Court Case Analysis For a case to be taken to court, there are a lot of factors that have to be considered. When the case is taken to court, the judge has found there to be enough evidence for the case to be taken to trial and now it is up to the prosecutor and the defendant s attorney to prove their side of the story. The prosecutor has to prove the defendant is guilty with all the evidence that he has to the jury and the defendant s attorney has to poke holes in the prosecutor s points in order to prove that the prosecutor does not have reliable information. The prosecutor, the defense attorney and the judge are the three major players of the court and they have to decide if someone is innocent or guilty of a crime. Before a case gets taken to trial, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Andrew Hessick IIII and Reshma M. Saujani (2002) explain how, Many attorneys consider the risk associated with going to trial very high because it is well understood that defendants convicted at trial usually receive more severe sentences than those who plead guilty (p. 211). During trial both sides will represent why they believe the defendant is innocent or guilty based off of the evidence that each side has to the jury and the judge. During this process, the judge sits back and listen because the judge is like a referee according to Judge Walling. Judge Walling states that the judge makes sure the lawyers are following the right protocols. Unless the judge is engaged in the court hearing, they are a neutral party. Francesco Ferraro (2013) backs up what Judge Walling says by addressing that, Judges must be the tutors of the citizens expectations, which, under a system of statute law, will focus on the code. (p.140). The judges are only there to be an eye for the people and make sure that everything is following the law in the court room. After each side debates on if the defendant is guilty or innocent, the jury comes back and the verdict is given to the defendant. There is a process in determining if someone is innocent or guilty of a crime and it works for the most part. The police will help the attorney get the evidence that the attorney will need to prove that the person that the police arrested was the person that committed the crime. The defense will back up their client and make sure that if they are guilty that they get some fair treatment. While all of this is happening, the judge will sit back and make sure that everything is following the law and intervene if he or she has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Definition Of American Freedom In the last several decades, the definition of American freedom has changed, especially following the ascent to power of different individuals from the two different political parties who have different opinions regarding freedom. Conservatives have a limited definition of this concept. They center it to the freedom from government interference and in markets. Accordingly, the government is a threat to the entrepreneur (not the citizen) (Vedder, 2015). In this aspect, freedom entails limitation of government capacity; and deregulation and privatization. Taking into account these different perspectives about American freedom, it suffices to say that the health of freedom in the American society has been waning. Health of American Freedom Today The concept of freedom was vital among the American founders when they were making their decision regarding how the United States would be and how it would function. Spease (2016) in discussing this issue borrows for the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. The first line thereof states we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (Spease, 2016; and Constitution Society, 2017). Therefore, in Spease s (2016) opinion, freedom is based on the premise that each American has the right to liberty and life; and the pursuit of their own happiness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Sorrow Definition Autumn C. Mathis Terrene Comp. 9 October, 2014 Sorrow Does everyone feel sorrow? That is the initial question to a much larger problem, for it does seem as if some people do not. In any given city you d be able to tell the difference from an emo , and a regular . An emo not necessarily being a dark clad hater, they are just people who feel an emotion to the extreme; someone unable to cope with this emotion in such a way as for it to be invisible to others. Say that this feeling is sorrow. Are these people feeling more sorrow than other people do, or are they worse at coping with the feeling? That is the greater problem. On one hand, the people who let their darkest emotions show have issues coping with them, and let them show on their face like art on a canvas. However, whether or not this coping arises from the mental strength of character, from experience, or simply from honesty, is the issue that is presented to me in my mind, and what I need to clarify on, in order to deal with it myself. Maybe being emotional about a problem, in a way that others might recognize, makes the given problem easier to cope with, because you in turn do not also have to cope with the problem that you do not understand. If you carry with you an aura of dread and despair, will people not recognize these emotions in you? You might not acknowledge so yourself, but part of the problem in concealing sorrow arises from the fact that everyone else carries on the way they did before. Life goes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Hey Jude Analysis Is an imitation of an already existing artwork a separate artwork in itself? Some philosophers consider would consider saying yes to this question such as Davies from the theory of multiple artworks while others may say no such as Collingwood in his differentiation of a true artwork as contrasted with a craft. There are many instances of artwork that are only imitations but the credit for its appreciation are given to different people. For example, would a cover for Hey Jude by the Beatles in Youtube be considered an instance of the musical work Hey Jude or would it be considered an entirely separate artwork? The title of the song that is being sung remains Hey Jude but the appreciation of the performance now belongs to the one who made ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, a man singing Yellow by Coldplay would be a co author of his own performance along with Coldplay but only if they intended to imitate the song in its original form. Even without all the instruments present, if the intent is there to imitate the song Yellow with the best of his abilities, then they would be in a joint authorship. However, if the intent is for there to be a change to the original, then the imitation artist would be comparable to a ready made artist such as Duchamp. Joint authorship according to Livingston requires that the authors share the aim for contributing to the making of a single... work and in this case, the aim of the imitation author would not be sharing the same aim in contributing to that work as the original artist intended. In the case of Duchamp s L.H.O.O.Q. , he did not intend for the work to be regarded in the same manner as Da Vinci s Mona Lisa . In the same way that the Fountain does not give credit to the creator of the urinal itself in the role of being an artwork as it is to be regarded in a different manner than of a normal urinal, Duchamp s L.H.O.O.Q. only gives proper credit to the creator, Duchamp and not Da Vinci. This can be applied to covers in Youtube and other mediums where the imitator ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Gospel Of Mark Essays Jesus Christ lived a very full, if short, life. He did and accomplished more in his thirty years than many men do in twice that. The gospels each tell their versions of his life. Of the four, I found the gospel of Mark to be the most interesting. I enjoy the style of writing in this gospel more than the others. I feel it gives a better summary of the events in Christ s life. Whereas the other gospels tend to get bogged down with parables or spend too much time on specific events, the gospel of Mark moves along at a good pace and adequately gets the message across. A majority of Mark deals with Christ s travels throughout the area around the Sea of Galilee and the various miracles he performed during that time. Most of these involved ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a beautifully written passage. Without coming out and saying, it, Christ makes it apparent that it s not enough to merely worship; one must also go out and preach to the unsaved and try to help them see the light. Another parable tells of the rich young man who asks Christ how he may attain the kingdom of God. Christ asks if he as followed the Ten Commandments, and the young man says he has. Then Christ tells him that he has to give all his possessions to the poor because he will have no need of such things in Heaven. This saddens the young man because he has many possessions. After the young man left, Christ told his disciples that it is difficult for the rich to get into Heaven because they put too much faith into their riches. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, (Mark 10:25). This is a poignant message. Christ then says that a man who gives up everything for his faith will be well rewarded in Heaven. This parable is timeless. It speaks of the downfall greed can force upon you. In the end, no matter how much you have, you can t take it with you. One of the most widely told stories of Jesus is written in Mark. Upon visiting the Temple in Jerusalem, Christ finds it is overrun with merchants and moneychangers. Enraged, Jesus overturns the tables and calls the temple a den of thieves. This angered the priests and scribes of the city, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Mary Szybist s Incarnadine In her Incarnadine, Mary Szybist uses the examples of the Annunciation to Mary and the visions of Joan of Arc to explore the strong dipole of power between god and the women who choose to follow him. A reoccuring theme that can be observed is the power that god exerts over women that are chosen by him, and the resulting internal conflict faced or sacrifices made by these women, who lack the power to oppose this control, but also freely choose to follow god. Szybist uses this common theme to question the meaning of choice when there is a power imbalance. Such a conflict can be seen in Szybist s poem Holy, in which a woman wants to be known by the holy spirit and at the same time feels stifled by its presence within her. This is evidenced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The jewelry adorning Joan of Arc seems to be representative of her relationship with god, since the use of the word immoveable to describe the crown implies an unwavering power, such as god s power. Thus, the statement by the speaker that the leaves... go through what my fingers can t may mean that the speaker cannot access the divine like Joan of Arc could. Furthermore, there seems to be an emphasis in these descriptions on bareness and nature, as Joan of Arc is not wearing precious jewelry and is crowned with leaves rather than an actual crown. The fact that Joan is not wearing jewelry, is not armed at all in the same way as the speaker, raises the question of whether she had to put a more feminine version of herself aside in order to be god s soldier. This idea is further supported when the speaker says, If I could I d let your hair down / and make your ears disappear (29 30), which can be seen as wanting to end Joan s prophetic powers (her ability to hear the voice of god) and return her to her more feminine state. Thus, similar to mother Mary, the reader gets the sense that Joan of Arc is sacrificing an aspect of herself in order to fulfill a role that she was chosen for by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Impact Of Telehealth On The Areas Of Patient Care Telehealth Telehealth is an innovative approach to health care that is rapidly expanding in all areas of patient care. It has been shown to be cost effective and is rapidly being integrated into everyday practices from clinics, hospitals, court systems, school systems and even the local drug store. History According to McGonigle and Mastrian (2009), in 1955, the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute began using closed circuit television to provide routine distance education and teleconsultation between itself and a remote state mental hospital. In 1965, cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey performed open heart surgery and transmitted the procedure live to a hospital in Genieva, allowing him to describe the process and to answer questions. McGonigle and Mastrian also indicate NASA began using telehealth in the 1960s and 70 s to monitor astronauts physical and mental health as well with much success. Foreign use of telehealth. The country of norway discovered using telehealth was highly beneficial because many parts of the country are remote and access to care providers is limited Physicians did not want to leave the larger cities therefore the use of telehealth for routine examinations and treatment became highly favored within the country (McGonigle and Mastrian). United States use of telehealth. In the United States, a renewed interest occurred in telehealth in the 1990s according to McGonigle and Mastrian because of escalating costs, the need for greater access for all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Comparison Of Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus And Oedipus King It is important to be afraid. This is a message the two greek plays Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles send to the citizens of Ancient Greece. The emotions of the gods in both plays are unchangeable, regardless of how involved they are in the plot. This steeliness causes fear of the gods and allows them to successfully lead. When displaying their power, the gods are able to keep greek citizens in the hold of their leadership. They have trapped the people so they are unable to survive without their guidance, but have also created fear and respect. If they don t fear the gods and respect power the people s lives will descend into chaos. However, if they do have fear they are unable to lead by themselves and become independent. The fear and respect the gods invoke in people is the key to their leadership, and without it there can be no civility. In the play Prometheus Bound, the gods are directly involved as characters and are portrayed as extremely stubborn. Prometheus, a titan and god of foresight, is being punished for aiding the humans who Zeus would like to replace with a new master race. As a relatively new leader of the gods, Zeus has the power to punish Prometheus in anyway he wants even though Prometheus is a god himself. Zeus decides to bind Prometheus to a rock, hence the name Prometheus Bound. There are many instances where Zeus is proven to be stubborn and cold shouldered towards everyone, regardless of their standing. When talking to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Biological Theories Of Crime Essay Critically examine research into biological and psychological theories of crime. It is apparent that still in today s society s it is exemplified that despite the guidelines of social norms, boundaries and laws on how people act should accordingly, certain aspects of criminal deviant behaviour continue to stay. Although some researcher s characteristic human aggression to human nature as part of a natural innate instinct which they have no control other, that can make one prone to deviant behaviour, while the others are more likely to commit crimes. While others tend to look at other factors which all amount to crime and deviant behaviour. This essay aims to look at in depth at how biological and physiological theories explain crime. According to biological theories of crime, deviant behaviour is an innate thing. It assumes that some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All the theories are based on the idea that biological markers foreordain deviant behaviour. The base of all these theories is that genetic factors or any abnormalities that are inherited or acquired throughout life, predispose individuals to the criminal behaviour. Initially it was claimed by Lombroso s (1876) that people were prone to participate in deviant behaviour and that these specific people all displayed physiognomic features or abnormalities. He suggested that all criminals shared common facial features for example; asymmetry of one s face, the shape of their skulls, big ears eyes and lips and a twisted nose (SimplyPyschology, 2016). Although Lombroso s theory was deemed relevant at the time, it today appears to be slightly absurd, and his theory is evidentially extremely flawed. Firstly, many convicted criminals have perfectly symmetrical faces, in the same way ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Pros And Cons Of Roman Emperors Julia Rush Ms. Hickey Latin I 04/26/2017 Top 10 Worst Roman Emperors in Rome The Roman Empire was vast at its peak and its influence is still felt today in our forms of military, government, and society in general. Ruled over for a time by emperors, the empire had periods of greatness and periods of decline. This list looks at ten of the emperors who have left their mark on history for being so dreadful. This paper will be about the top 10 worst emperors in roman history. These people had the chance to be good but they have decided to be the worst emperor. was the emperor of Rome from 81 to 66. He was the younger brother of titus and son of Vespasian, his two predecessors on the throne, and the last member of the flavian dynasty. Born on october 24, 51 AD.Died on September 18, 96 AD.He was the most smartest out of his brother. His father was going against a man named Vitellius in AD,69. Domitian was at the war but he was un touched so that might, bring some killing activity in the mind of him. His brother attempted to gain more power with his mother Vespasian. By joining Vitellius, Domitian was at his uncle s house. Septimius: was Roman emporors from 193 to 211. Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman Province of Africa. Born on April 11, 145 AD. Died on Fe Maximinus Thrax :The young ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This form of the god s name is a Latinized version of the Syrian Ilāh hag Gabal, which derives from Ilāh and gabal , resulting in the God of the Mountain, the Emesene manifestation of the deity. The cult of the deity spread to other parts of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century; a dedication has been found as far away as Woerden, near the Roman limes. The god was later imported and assimilated with the Roman sun god known as Sol Indiges in republican times and as Sol Invictus during the second and third centuries CE. In Greek the sun god is Helios, hence Heliogabalus , a hybrid conjunction of Helios and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Suicide Intervention Plan For Suicide Ashley Mazza Liberty University Suicide Intervention Plan I. Presenting Problems Joanne is currently presenting as a suicide risk. She has a gun in her car, which means she has immediate access to a deadly weapon (Suicide Risk Assessment Guide (SRAG)). She has also shown serious risk due to stopping by the office unscheduled and providing a goodbye in a sense, that she is saying thank you for your help and you are important to me ; this can indicate a plan of suicide as noted by Pope and Vasquez (2016). II. Precipitating Events There are several factors that have or could have played a role in her current situation. Although her divorce was 15 years ago, her lack of dating may be due to failure to move on from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... III. Risk Factors There are several risk factors that put Joanne at High Risk for suicide. She states that she did not want to stay and talk, but that she just wanted to go for a drive and has a gun in the car, so she is at a high risk given the methods and accessibility to those methods (Jackson Cherry Erford, 2018). She has previous suicide attempts, while there is no time frame on when those prior attempts took place, it places her in at a moderate risk at the very least (if 1 to 5 years ago) (Jackson Cherry Erford, 2018). She does not report loneliness or hopelessness at this current moment, but given her history of depression, past divorce and no significant other, admissions of guilt over an affair, having no hobbies and getting all her satisfaction from work, it is likely that she has or current is experiencing some level of loneliness, and her past attempts are potentially indicative of hopelessness; all these factors put her at a minimum of a moderate risk, but further information would probably lead to a high risk. The divorce, lack of relationship or mention of friendships does put the loneliness at a high risk due to having limited support (Jackson Cherry Erford, 2018). There is no mention of substance abuse. There is also no point that she states suicidal plans or ideation, but her behaviors show some ideation present. Her risk factors for chance of intervention are dependent on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Guns Germs And Steel Discussion Questions 1. Yali s question is Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own? In a broader sense, why did some things progress in some areas, but not in others? 2. The first consideration Diamond discusses is that just because something happened and that it would have happened anyway, it does not make the act good or just. The second consideration is that the most powerful region, in this case, western Europe, should not be the only one talked about because ideas and practices that are now or were at that time integrated into their culture were not necessarily developed by them, but by other culture that imported their beliefs into European culture. The third ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This led to a growth in population because now there was no restriction on how often you could have children, just how many you can care for. This led to a greater population density which ultimately started civilizations. 8. One factor that contributed to the transition from hunting gathering to farming was the decline in the availability of wild foods to gather. A second factor was an increased availability of wild plants. A third factor was the development of technologies that food production would later depend upon. A fourth factor was the link between the rise in population density and the rise in food production. A fifth factor was food producers could force hunter gatherers to leave or kill them off because of the great numbers they had. 9. One advantage the Fertile Crescent had in food production was that it had a Mediterranean climate that was mild and wet in the winter and hot and dry in the long summers. This allows plants to grow quickly after the dry season when the rain comes back. A second advantage was many plants there were already very abundant and very productive. A third advantage was that it had a lot of hermaphrodite plants that would almost always pollinate themselves and occasionally cross pollinate which allowed a little more variety. A fourth advantage was that the area had different levels of elevation which allowed a variety of plants to grow in a small ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Beloit University Personal Statement I have been largely influenced by my first geology advisor at ASMSA, Dr. Lindsey Waddell, who strongly advocated for liberal arts education and a Keck experience. Because of her advocacy and outspokenness, I decided to attend Beloit College in an effort to obtain the best geology education possible, through both its curriculum and Keck membership. I hope to become a well rounded geoscientist that is not entirely confined by their narrow interests, but one that studies the Earth as an integrative system through an interdisciplinary lens. After my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend graduate school and earn a Master s in Geology and a PhD in Oceanography or Marine Geology. Alternatively, I will consider other opportunities such as GeoCorps or Peace Corps. I aim to work as a researcher for Scripps/Woods Hole, but I am certainly willing to walk through other open doors should they present themselves. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More importantly, is that it will allow me the opportunity to better refine my interests and to appreciate the different paths of inquiry I can pursue. In particular, my first choice project, Unraveling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics with Dr. Suzanne O Connell and Dr. Joseph Ortiz, presents a unique opportunity for paleoceanography research, which will help confirm whether my interests lie in oceanography. Lastly, each geology major at Beloit College must successfully complete an undergraduate thesis, and a Keck project provides an exceptional opportunity for this research. Dr. Waddell spoke at great lengths of the revelatory capacity of her Keck experience ( Lawsonite Pseudomorphs in the Schists of Syros, Greece ), and I hope to gain similarly invaluable experiences through the Keck ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 Essay Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 At the time of the Northern Rebellion in 1568, the North of England was greatly aggrieved. When Elizabeth had ascended to the throne she appointed loyal men to her throne, usually Protestants like William Cecil at the expense of the Northern Earls. This subtraction of power of course angered the Northern Earls, but was the Northern Rebellion just down to this? Religion played a huge part in the daily lives of most people in the 16th century and with the majority of the North retaining Catholicism whilst Elizabeth slowly introduced Protestantism, surely this would cause further conflict. To an extent we can see evidence that the Northern rebellion was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this stage the rebellion seemed very religious as the rebels showed their loyalty to Catholicism. The Northern rebels had tried to gain further religious support from the pope and also hoped for Spanish support. They requested the pope excommunicated Elizabeth so anyone who was afraid to join in the rebellion could do so with the knowledge that they would still go to heaven. However the papal bull of excommunication came too late for the Northern Earls, only after the rebellion had been quashed. Also there was the suggestion that Spanish support was on its way, however this statement was found to be false. Phillip II didn t have any enthusiasm for putting Mary Stuart on the throne largely due to her connections with France. Although initially the Northern rebellion seemed to be down to religious disagreements, there is evidence to suggest this is not the only reason the Northern Earls wanted Mary to take over Elizabeth s position on the throne. During the Tudor period the Northern Earls powers had been significantly reduced, this angered them immensely; two of the leading northern families, the Percy s and the Neville s were slowly becoming powerless and even falling into poverty. With such successful ancestors, the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland were not willing to let their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Title Ix And The Law Gender has always been a starting point for much of the judgement in our society whether we realize it or not, and it s exactly the causes of one of the many controversies that there is today. Title IX, the law passed to help overcome prejudice and grant girls the same opportunities as boys, is getting not only the credit it deserves but much backlash to counter it. The main purpose of this law was originally to give girls the opportunity to play the same sports as boys were able to, and thanks to the law girls are now given these opportunities to play sports in addition to also give many transgender students more rights within the schools than ever before. Even with all these steps forward in society, there are still those who believe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most don t explicitly look into the complexity of a transgender person s life and all the questions or problems one might face: Do I use the men s or the women s bathroom? Is it appropriate to use this locker room? Those are only two of the many questions a transgender person might run into on a daily basis because of how others would see the situation, how the people who may have a sneaking suspicion that the woman they saw go into the ladies bathroom isn t actually female by their definition, or how it could also seem strange to see that same person go into the mens bathroom. These all lead to dysphoria in any person s situation in public places due to the fact that many choose to taunt or mock the person; however, with the help of Title IX these questions could start to vanish from the thoughts of many transgender students which Blad exemplifies with a quote in her article: Title IX protects all students at recipient institutions from sex discrimination, including sexual violence. Any student can experience sexual violence: from elementary to professional school students; male and female students; straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students; part time and full time students; students with and without disabilities; and students of different races and national origins, it says. The guidance goes on to say that schools are obligated to respond appropriately to complaints of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Analyzing Aircraft in Alaska Definition of terms There are several terms that geeky airplane folks use when discussing the properties and merits of airplanes. It is necessary to understand these terms when comparing airplanes. Some of the most commonly used are gross weight, useful load, and payload. Gross weight is the maximum aircraft weight when full with cargo and fuel. It can be dangerous to exceed gross weight because the airframe might not be able to handle the extra weight. Useful load is how much weight can be put in the plane including fuel. Payload is how much weight can be put in the plane after it is full of fuel. Some common terms used in describing bush planes are stall speed, STOL, ground roll, take off distance over 50 feet, and rate of climb. Stall speed is when the airplane stops producing enough lift to fly, and the airplane stops flying. STOL is an acronym for Short Takeoff and Landing. Ground roll is how many feet it takes for a plane to takeoff. Take off distance over 50 feet is how many feet it takes for a plane to take off from being stopped to climb 50 feet in the air. Rate of climb is how many vertical feet per minute, FPM, an airplane can climb. Description of airplanes The Piper Super Cub is one of the most popular aircraft in Alaska because it has STOL performance and is a cheap plane to buy and fly. It is cheap enough for even private pilots to own. It can accommodate only two people but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Phychosocial Theory Of Erikson s Psychosocial Development Self Analysis Every person is a unique individual. Each of us possesses characteristics and traits that may be influenced either by genetic, environmental factors or both. These two factors are constantly argued in the field of psychology. In my opinion as counselor, both perspectives have its respective strengths and weaknesses. It is important to a counselor like me, to have deeper knowledge about the different personality theories because it allows me to know myself more and understand the people around me especially the counselees who trust my ability. The Psychosocial Development Theory of Erik Erikson identifies eight stages that individual has to pass through from infancy to late adulthood stages. I remember when my sister asked me to look after my nephew who was at 5 months old. I was afraid to carry him the moment he cried because he looked so fragile. However, I remember what Erikson said about this stage that it is important to establish trust to the caregiver and provide the basic needs of the infant otherwise, the mistrust will be developed. The moment I carried my nephew and hand him a toy, he stopped crying and started to suck the toy. From the perspective of Jean Piaget, infants have neonatal schemas or innate ability even before they have more experience about the world. From there I understand clearly that babies have incredible reflexes which are untold to them and that make them wonderful. As I continually observe my nephew who appears to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Integrity In Despicable Me How would you live a life with no family, but a whole lot of problems? Increased tension and stress would eat up your mind. Being close with your family is one of the easiest way to overcome any obstacle that may come your way. Living a life full of problems that seem problems can be described by the life of Gru, a villain from the prevailing film, Despicable Me. His family is made up of extremely unique people, including the adorable minions, Dr. Nefario, the crazy scientist, an unmotivated mother and three adopted girls Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Gru bonded with each one of his family members resulting in their family members feeling compassionate to help Gru out in any situation. They were always Gru s back up in times of need. Having a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Going through a lot of struggles to put some progress on his moon mission, Gru is surprised by the news of the bank manager, Mr. Perkins. Mr. Perkins provides Gru with the necessary money to put all his experiments in action, and he is the source of the minions payment. Repeatedly being asked for money by Gru, Mr. Perkins cuts off his relationship with Gru as he sees no progress. Gru has to break the news to the minions, as he says, Now, I know there have been some rumors going around that the bank is no longer funding us... In terms of money, we have no money. So how will we get to the moon... We won t... Instead of looking for other job opportunities, the minions stay loyal to Gru s mission and don t give up even though Gru has given up. Margo, Edith, and Agnes walk in while Gru is talking and Agnes pulls him over to the side and shows Gru her piggy bank. Inside there is nothing but three coins, which wouldn t do much. However, the three coins motivate the minions to donate their personal belongings to Gru like watches, and sofas lying in their lair. The stack of items rapidly increases as they now have enough money to fund their project. Just to think that this entire project would ve gone to complete waste, but the minions and girls treated Gru like family, and helped solve his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Harley Davidson Swot Analysis Harley Davidson Case Study Company Summary: Harley Davidson is one of two American producers of motorcycles, and the nation s #1 seller of the cruiser style of motorcycles. The organization offers 35 different models of custom and touring bikes through a worldwide network of more than 1,500 dealers. Harley models include the Sportster, the Fat Boy, and the Electra Glider. The company also produces sport bike style motorcycles under the brand name of Buell. Other than its motorcycles, Harley Davidson sells a certain type of life style and attitude. Including, but not limited to, goods licensed with the company name, such as a line of clothing and accessories. Retrieved June 12, 2007 from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, a 120/60 R17 front tire and 250/40 R18 rear tire, both wrapped around 3.75 inch wide six spoke cast aluminum rims. Retrieved on 6 12 07 from, (http://www.allbusiness.com/retail trade/motor vehicle parts dealers motor motorcycle/855796 1.html) Recommendations: · Although the numbers of younger riders are on the rise, Harley must take notice of the marketing styles that MTV utilizes. · The youth of this country are constantly changing, and constant market research must be done to keep up with what the next ideas of what is cool. · Generally older males are the demographic that Harley Davidson aims for, but the research I found indicates that women and young men are beginning to purchase more cruiser style motorcycles. · Victory makes a great product, (I should know because I sell them) and they are on the rise to be the top competition to Harley. · Harley must get into the minds of the younger and more feminine crowds by surveys or incentives that appeal to this new demographic. References Buss, D., (2004), Can Harley Ride the New Wave? Brandweek . 45. Retrieved June 12, 2007. (Dec 21 2006), The Riders Have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Psychology of Terrorist Group Recruitment Essay Psychology of terrorist group recruitment Introduction Terrorism is one of the greatest threats facing humanity in the modern society. There has been an increase in the number of terrorist organizations and terror attacks that are conducted by groups in pursuit of divergent ideologies (Burleigh, 2009). Since the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States, terrorism has been recognized as a serious problem that calls for a global and coordinated response by governments across the world. Many countries have invested heavily in intelligence gathering and purchase of hardware and technology needed to detect and neutralize terrorist attacks. However, this has not stopped the threat faced from terrorism and these attacks continue unabated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of these forms of recruitment will be briefly discussed below; Public and proximate This is the first form of terrorist recruitment and in this case, recruitment is performed face to face in a place that is visible to authorities and the general public (Reich, 1998). It may be done in refugee camps, prisons and large scale wartime occurrences such as occupations and others. The terrorist group recruiters usually target small groups or individuals who are prime candidates for recruitment. This form of recruitment occurs regardless of opposition from the authority due to fear of polarizing the attitudes of the audience, inadequate legislation, or political sensitivity among others factors (Reich, 1998). Public and mediated This is another form of terrorist group recruitment and it is usually broader and resembles propaganda. In this recruitment method, mass media is utilized, such as televised advertisements for groups that are within reach of the government and legislation (Reich, 1998). It may also include media channels and websites whose domain names and passwords are in the public domain. The terrorist groups that use this strategy usually target regional demographic or population strata including young teenagers who usually gather at a particular place or members of a unique religious congregation (Reich, 1998). This method of recruitment is usually indirect since physical communication may not be sustainable or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Personal Identity, Ethics, Relation, And Rationality Parfit Student Name University Affiliation Course Code Derik Parfit is a philosopher from Britain who concentrates on issues of personal identity, ethics, relation and rationality. Parfit is of the argument that unless questions about identity are dealt with then it is not possible to tackle specific crucial questions like memory, responsibility and matters as survival. Personal identity is important as it helps in addressing certain vital questions. According to Parfit, survival does not require maintaining or preserving of identity but it is a common relation that needs pursuing apart from identity and the relation consider are those that deals with intentions and memory. Parfit argues that survival is a matter of degree unlike identity. In his argument he aimed at differentiating between identity and matters of survival. As for survival, whereby in his view it is possible for a person to survive as two, the original person s relation to that of each of resulting people is of great concern as it creates a sense in which a single person can survive as two. He assumes that if one s brain is divided into two and planted into new bodies; both resulting persons will possess the original person s character and memories of his life. On the other hand, as for identity it is a one one (is all or nothing) relation but matters in survival need not be one one. The most important feature that helps us treat survival as a matter of degree is the fact at admits for a sense ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Blitzkrieg Essay Blitzkrieg The word Blitz itself is a shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightening war, it means a heavy bombing attack from the air. It is often used to describe the German air raids on London in 1940, but many other cities were also blitzed. It was widely believed that Britain would be heavily bombed immediately after the war was declared and huge amounts of deaths and injuries were expected with mass burials planned and 1,250,000 cardboard coffins were produced. However these figures were completely inaccurate as they were based on when the Luftwaffe had bombed during the Spanish Civil War, and during this time had virtually no opposition. During The Blitz London was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He believed that this would dampen spirits and break morale to such an extent that the people would force the government to come to terms with him. However the excuse Hitler used to justify the Blitz was that he was bombing military targets. The Blitz also attempted to destroy industry, with London docks being bombed often and the Luftwaffe also tried to hit railway lines, junctions, power stations and gas holders, but the bombing was felt worst of all by the working class near city centres. The Blitz also affected the life of children with many of them being uprooted and evacuated to the countryside, some with their mothers, some without. Around 1,500,000 people were evacuated at the start of the Blitz, which had a massive effect on people s lives and many lifestyles being completely turned around. Children from the city were often very skinny and undernourished and when they were evacuated often had much more food, and much healthier food to keep them strong. Some would go home looking completely different to how they looked when they went. Those that stayed in the cities were bothered by ARP wardens checking for air raid precautions, the wardens were often accused of interfering. Along with household precautions there were also air raid shelters, but many people didn t have them and went into tube stations during raids. The raids affected everybody s lives, as at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Questions On The s Total Rows Of Numbers Lascap s Fraction Arshbir Aulakh Math IA 000277 0 International Baccalaureate Sir Winston Churchill Secondary Introduction In this investigation, I will consider these sets of numbers that are present in a symmetrical pattern. To commence this task, we will have to consider the five rows of numbers shown below. 1 1 1 3/2 1 1 6/4 6/4 1 1 10/7 10/6 10/7 1 1 15/11 15/9 15/9 15/11 1 Figure 1: The given symmetrical pattern These numbers are arranged in a Pascal s triangle, which is a triangular array of binomial coefficients that was named after a French mathematician Blaise Pascal. Lascap s Fraction is spelt backwards for Pascal s fraction and there should be a way to solve this. There is an interesting pattern in figure one where in the 1st row, there are two numbers and in the 2nd row, 3 numbers in the 3rd row, and so forth. So through this, we know that there is a new number introduced in every consecutive row. But there is an easier way to represent this pattern and to solve for the Pascal s triangle is by using this formula. 〖(x+y)〗^n=(n¦0) x^n y^0+(n¦1) x^n y^1+(n¦2) x^(n 2) y^2+⋯+(n¦(n 1)) x^1 y^(n 1)+(n¦n) x^0 y^n If there happens to be a formula for Pascal s fraction, then there should be a formula for tis Lascap s Fraction. The first thing we will need to investigate is to describe how to find the numerator of the sixth row. This could be solved by adding the row number with the previous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Revenge Of Seven The Revenge of Seven starts off right where The Fall of Five left off. The Mogadorians have just destroyed the Garde s hideout in Chicago and Five has just accidently killed Eight. Seven, Six, and Nine are all down in Florida trying to recuperate after they lost their friend, Eight. Four is with Sam, Sarah, Malcolm, and an unlikely ally, Adam a Mogadorian. He has taken the powers from One after she was killed so Adam can control some seismic activity, which he used to save John, and to fight against his father. The group in Florida is going back to find Eight s body so another Mogadorian like Adam can take his powers to use against them. Ella was taken by the Mogadorians and is now in one of the ships orbiting Earth. Setrákus Ra, the Mogadorian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pittacus made her change in such a dramatic way that you couldn t misconstrue what he was going for. Seven is now the type of girl that if you say one thing wrong or out of place she will give you a death stare telling you not to ever make that mistake ever again. This all changed when out of a rash mistake Five stabbed Eight trying to get to Nine. When Eight was killed Seven felt like a part of her was ripped away never to return. Which led to the change in Seven that even allowed her to rip Five s eye out with an icicle. In this moment of loss Seven has seemed to have gained the new legacy of controlling the temp to lower it enough to freeze or even to control the ice and water itself. It was never clearly explained what she can all do with this new found power, but one thing is clear, she is no longer the girl who will sit back and watch the fight unfold. This is never more prevenient then when Seven confronts a man at a local bar who is hitting on her: Marina roughly snatches his wrist. I can hear the moisture on his arm crackle as it flash freezes, and a second later the guy is crying out as Marina twists his arm behind his back (Lore 71). I see this behavior extremely reasonable given the circumstances that she was put through and is now enduring. She lost the boy of her dreams and somebody is now hitting on her. I also can relate her in this way because of how she feels after these terrible events hit her all at once. Mainly it is when I get into an argument with my parents. I keep on thinking that they are treating me unfairly just because I am there son and I convince myself that it is there fault or that they refuse to see my side of the story. Either way immediately after I get in the mood that as soon as the littlest things start to irritate me I over react to it (it usually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles Essay Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles In A Scandal in Bohemia, by Arthur Conan Doyle, society places women at an inferior level pushing them to the background therefore never allowing us, the reader, to know them, except for Irene Adler who shows the gender shift of the time period by becoming the main character in Sherlock Holmes investigation and the story. A Scandal in Bohemia speaks about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his adventure in retrieving a damaging photograph for a king from his ex mistress. In the society Watson describes, the role of women is of little to no importance except for emphasis that focused on the Kings mistress Irene Adler. In this society, women were the nurtures and the protectors of the children ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rather than surrendering to the trickery of Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler outsmarts him using his own tricks and makes her escape right under his nose. The narrowly defined roles of women were evident for the only means to discuss women in this story is through their relations with men. No woman, not even Irene Adler, has her own story. After all in the end, even Irene Adler runs away with a man. Out of the five female characters mentioned or referred to in this story, only one is given a name and a personality. This lack of female representation shows how dominant males were in the society of the story and in the society of the real world. Irene Adler exemplified the massive shifts in gender roles that were occurring during this time in many ways other than becoming the main character in the story along with being feared of having too much power by the men. Throughout the story there were many hidden examples of how Irene Adler was the main character of how the roles of gender were changing drastically in the period of this story. Adler is the character of changing gender roles which is revealed through a division of female physiology and male psychology. The king remarks that she had the face of the most beautiful women and the mind of the most resolute men . She also freely crosses gender barriers by wearing men s clothing, confessing that male costume is nothing new to me. I often take advantage of the freedom which it gives. Adler s active ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Hyps In Beasts Of The Southern Wild In the movie, Beasts of the Southern Wild is about a little black girl named Hushpuppy that lives in poverty. Hushpuppy lives with her dad in a shack along with everyone in her community also in poverty. She goes to a makeshift school and learns the basics of what we do. In Beasts of the Southern Wild aurochs show the importance of human emotions, and demonstrates what will happen in the movie. In the beginning of the movie, we see that Hushpuppy goes to a makeshift school. Hushpuppy learns about aurochs by her teacher, which are extinct beasts frozen in ice caps at the South Pole. From this part of the movie we see close angle shots of the beasts. We find out that aurochs come from the North Pole to Hushpuppy s home of the bathtub. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Woman At Zero Peter Kropotkin once said, America is just the country that how all the written guarantees in the world for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression of the worst kind. Freedom does not completely protect one from oppression of any kind. Nevertheless, freedom seems to come with persecution of some sort. The choices we make identify the treatment we receive. In diverse parts of the globe, we meet numerous types of freedom. Nevertheless, they are alike for this liberty as a whole is not provided, rather only a part. The choices one makes from the freedom provided come with a variety of divergent outcomes. Consequences of these preferences are attached to our freedom. The freedom one holds makes the individual question: Are we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regardless, liberty does not only apply to individuals, but to a country as a whole as well. American exceptionalism can be defined as America emerging high above any other country. Millions of people travel to America in hopes to achieve the American Dream . The country has become so well known for its freedom; it has created the term American exceptionalism. However, many people debate that America does not possess that established freedom. America does not allow for everyone to exercise their rights freely. Rather, Americans treat others contrarily on account of their sex, religion, race, and ethnicity. Today, someone may mention Muslims and immediately a single term comes to mind terrorist. Then again, it is not the only expression that stereotypes people. Many label Latinos as rapists, African Americans as robbers, and Americans as drug addicts. One can no longer look at someone else without judging them by the color of their skin. Unfortunately, people s religion and sex have now become the identity of a person as well, and the way people differentiate others continue pulling apart the population. America has demonstrated, that for them, this penalty is worth their reputation. They use the people who are discriminated for obtaining the country s riches (such as the reliance on immigrants to complete cheap labor jobs), and even though it is a difficult price to pay, America has decided to move forward in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. College Essay About Fishing Sport fishing offers some of the most thrilling and exciting water sport adventures. If you want to gain the maximum out of a sport trip, what you need to do is hire an expert fishing charter. These charters give you an excellent opportunity to enjoy your activity in the most exciting of sport waters and with the right kind of guide, you can be sure of catching the best fish. What interesting about these professional charters is that they guide and take you across to some excellent water areas, where the best fishes gather, and making way for a grand catch opportunity. Most charters guarantee that you get a catch or no money, so there is going to be no disappointment when you think you didn t get what you want. They also offer the chance to catch a variety of fish such as halibut, Red Snapper, Salmon, Ling Cod, Rock fish and much more. All equipments and gears necessary for your favorite activity are also available with the charter. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can come across animals like Grizzly Bears, Black bears, Seals, Humpback Whales and much more when taking such charters. Some of the well known charters offer top quality water sport adventures on abundantly fish teemed waters, and you can be sure of a great catch no matter what type of fish species you are looking for, which could be something awesome like a giant white sturgeon, or a salmon, or a halibut and so on. Top fishing charters carry with them high quality tools that can make the job of catching interesting and something that s really great. Expert sport guides who come along on such tours can offer guidance on all types of fishing such as spin casting, drift fishing, fly fishing and much more. There are charters available that specialize in particular types of activity, giving you a chance to learn more of what you really want to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. We Should Teach The Holocaust Essay Why we should teach the Holocaust The Holocaust is an event that happened because of other s silence and the Nazis who put Jewish people in concentration camps and killed them as well as killing Jehovah s Witnesses, Roma Gypsies, people against the Nazis, priests and pastors, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled and many others. Though many of modern times wish to reserve teaching the Holocaust to high schoolers and students in college since they are older, but we should teach the Holocaust to middle schoolers because it allows them to understand why the event happened, they are mature enough to handle the subject and they can also grasp the concepts of discrimination as well as understand more about the complex issues of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How it could affect children s points of view on Germany can only happen if as stated by James Smith who is chairman of the Holocaust Center The study of the Holocaust leaves children ill disposed to present day Germany only if it is badly taught. . There are also those who think that teaching the Holocaust is difficult for students of any kind to understand and get across. But there have been ideas on how to teach it to students which is talked about by Professor Zehavit Gross in an article by The Jerusalem Post where she said this it was found that Holocaust education is more effective within the framework of civic education than within the framework of history education. and also this According to my perception, Holocaust education has to be accompanied with intensive teaching of anti racism education. . We should teach the Holocaust to middle schoolers because of their maturity on understanding discrimination, understanding why the Holocaust happened and can also grasp the complex issues of the Holocaust and how it affects the present which happened because of other s silence and the Nazis who put Jewish people in concentration camps and killed them as well as killing Jehovah s Witnesses, Roma Gypsies, people against the Nazis, priests and pastors, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled and many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Witness by Peter Weir Notes NOTES ON MODULE B, WITNESS BY PETER WEIR, 1985 Introduction: * Engage in a detailed analysis of a text * Understanding of how the ideas, forms and language of a text interact within the text and may affect those responding to it. * Students will need an understanding of film techniques and of the police drama genre. Important aspects to know: * Visual techniquesenhance understanding of characters * Editing techniquescreate suspense, establish characters, create atmosphere, position viewers to respond in a particular way * Narrative structureplot points and conventions of story telling * Mise en scene elementsconvey directors purpose * Themestolerance; good and evil; isolation; nature of love; conflict; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... then I have done a bad job Sound: * Diegeticsound within the actual scene e.g. the image of waves and you hear waves crashing on the sand. * Non diegeticmusic used to create moods or affects such as background music. Setting: * Witness is an American film made in 1985 by Australian filmmaker Peter Weir. * Filmed entirely on location in Lancaster county and Philadelphia, Witness popularized Pennsylvania as a tourist location, many people wanting to view first hand, the Amish culture. * The film gives the audience a chance to compare two different levels of American society, the culture and the world of the modern city and the culture and world of the Amish. * In writing about Witness, Marie Saeli states that the film hoes that the two cultures meet, but never merge. It is this contrast of the two worlds, conveyed to the audience mainly in visual terms that is one of the most important and memorable aspects for the spectator. * Amish Is established as peaceful and idyllic. Plot: * Set in 1984, Lancaster, Philadelphia * Amish members Rachel and Samuel Lapp are visiting the city after the death of her husband. * Samuel goes to the bathroom by himself and witnesses the murder of a policeman. * As he is a witness, he is needed to stay with the police in the city to help the investigation, forcing the conservative family out of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Research Paper On Skyzone It was a cold friday night when Matt Drasher and a few friends walk in the doors of Skyzone, an indoor theme park known for having a trampoline park, trampoline dodgeball and trampoline basketball. Matt wanted to celebrate his 14th birthday with a party. Maybe he wanted to try and see if skyzone was an place to keep going to, or never go back. Matt and his friends started off by jumping around in the main trampoline area, and they were doing flips off the walls of the trampoline like there was no tomorrow. After the boys were tired of just jumping around, they walked over to the basketball net area. The basketball net area has 3 nets, each net has a different height: one net that is 15 feet, one that is 9 feet, and one that is 6 feet. Matt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Anna Quindlen The Name Is Mine Analysis Summary and respond to The Name is Mine In the article The Name Is Mine (1998),Anna Quindlen tells the reason why she doesn t change her name after getting married. She claims that she doesn t change her last name because this name belongs to her and she is not part of her husband, not because of rational reasons. Initially, she thought she made a good personal choice, but she didn t consider group relationships. For example, when her child ask her why her name is different with her family, Quindlen feels that she is not part of her family. She also realized that those women who changed their name are also independent because they made their own choice. Now Quindlen feels that she is able to understand the negative consequence of her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a normal phenomenon that people will be affected by various reasons when they decide to make a choice. Unfortunately, this situation looks like more common in females, especially in young females. For example, some girls that graduated from high school want to choose math or physics as their college major while their parent force them choose education or art as their major, even as their job in future. At least half of girls would follow their parents decisions because it is generally. One mother would follow her child s demanding; one wife would agree her husband s points; one daughter would listen to parents. However, an individual should make decisions for herself even it is a simple thing such as her name, what she will eat today or what her job is. Like Quindlen said that women did their choices about themselves as individuals and they do what they want to do is good decisions. (2016).This means that regardless of whether the decision looks good or bad, they make decision for themselves, which would be a good decision. To summarize, don t let others choose your life and choose something for you, to make decision for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Allusions In A Midsummer s Night Dream Iyanna Penigo Ms. Chirat Period 4 May 13, 2017 In the works of Midsummer s Night Dream, Venus and Adonis, and, Shakespeare uses themes, motifs, allusions, and imagery to suggest his audience reread and deeply analyze confusing passages several times to fully understand his masterpieces. In the play, A Midsummer s Night Dream begins with Theseus, Duke of Athens, preparing for his marriage to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, with a four day festival. Egeus, a citizen of Athens, goes to see Theseus with a complaint against his daughter: although Egeus has promised Hermia in marriage to Demetrius, who loves her, Lysander has won Hermia s heart and refuses to obey her father and marry Demetrius. Theseus speaks to Hermia, warning her to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shakespeare portrays the lovers as overly serious, as each is sincerely busy with his or her own feelings: Helena is fixed about her looks; Hermia becomes self conscious about her height; Demetrius is plotting on how to keep Hermia from marrying other men, and Lysander believes he is the main character/superhero of this great story. (Shakespeare Act II Scene iii) The breezy world of the fairies and the nonsensical predicaments in which the lovers find themselves is Shakespeare s way of making light out of their grave concerns. Next, in Venus and Adonis, the world where there is no man as greatly put together as Adonis. Venus, a goddess of love, sees Adonis and is filed with love for him. Believing that Adonis is her one and only she has her mind set on coming down to earth and making Adonis her s. Venus finally got to meet Adonis while he was on a morning hunt in the fields. Once she catches his attention and encouraging him to dismount his horse and talk her, Adonis reveals that he has no interest to talk to any woman, but she eventually forces him to do as she pleases. The more she talks, the more she desires that he would look at her with kind eyes, but the more Adonis wishes to leave and continue in with his hunting. Eventually broken free from Venus s arms he gets on his horse ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Essay On Colonoscopy The American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines recommend colonoscopy,as the preferred cancer screening test for patients 50 years and older(Rex 2017). The technique of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) was developed for removingsessile or flat lesions confined to the superficial layers (mucosa and submucosa) of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including the colon, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. EMR with submucosal injection helps facilitate complete resection of polyps (Hwang 2015; Fyock 2010; Steele 2013), which is critical, as incomplete resections may contribute to the development of colon cancer in patients despite being on a colonoscopy screening/surveillance pathway (i.e. interval cancers). (von Renteln 2017; Bujanda 2010; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Hwang 2015). This is typically controlled by snare tip soft coagulation (STSC), a technique involving protruding the snare tip 2 3 mm beyond the catheter, followed by application of coagulating current while lightly touching the tip directly onto the bleeding point. Vigorous irrigation with the foot pump clears the resection field of blood and helps localize the bleeding vessel. In the minority of cases where STSC does not achieve hemostasis, coagulating forceps or through the scope (TTS) clips may be used, both of which have been associated with a low rate of re bleeding and complications. (Ma 2016) Delayed post polypectomy bleeding (DPPB) is rare after cold snare polypectomy and is usually related to thermal injury following hot snare polypectomy, occurring in 1 2% of patients with sessile polyps 20mm in size. The risk of DPPB is directly related to polyp size (risk increases by 9% to 13% for every 1 mm in polyp diameter), right colon lesions, pedunculated morphology, and polyp pathology. For pedunculated polyps, the increased risk of DPPB is associated with a stalk exceeding 5 mm, polyp head 20 mm in size, location in right colon, and the presence of malignancy. Most DPPB cases can be managed endoscopically., In many cases bleeding resolves spontaneously. Options for endoscopic hemostasis in the event of active bleeding include forceps coagulation or endoclips. The method selected is based on lesion location, endoscopist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Purpose Of Political Analysis 1.1 Introduction Political analysis is an interesting course in political science which makes it very exciting and rewarding when thought and understood very well. Understanding this course won t take much from you because when you and i get around this module you would find it absolutely interesting. Basically, the understanding you would get here implies a simple process of initiation which will improve your political conversation and also deepen your analytical skill and engagement. Some of you may consider this course to be rather rigorous and difficult in comparison to some of your other courses. Nevertheless, I will attempt to make it very interesting through the use of case studies and stories about previous political events. Having said that, this course requires highly focused, disciplined, and very hard work. 1.2 Learning Outcomes To gain good understanding of: Political Analysis Purpose of Political Analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, tackling political violence during election could be an agenda. Problem solving analysis: a robust analysis must suggest solutions to identified problem. For instance, a political analyst could suggest possible solution to the problem of political violence during elections. Influencing analysis: the purpose of this type of analysis is to influence the leadership or government to act or behave in a particular manner. For instance, in the case of political violence, the analyst would want to influence the authority to act decisively by getting the perpetrators and their sponsors arrested and prosecuted to act as deterrent to others. ITQ 1. What is the main purpose of political analysis? A. To fraternize with the people B. To make the community ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...